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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69104 A necessary doctrine and erudition for any Christen man set furthe by the kynges maiestye of Englande &c.; Institution of a Christen man. Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547.; Church of England. 1543 (1543) STC 5168.7; ESTC S110763 117,759 234

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Trinitie and that he dyd begette him of his owne substance by eternall generation that is to say by generation that neuer had begynning And where this article conteineth that god the father is Almighty it is as moch to say as that he may do all thynges that he wil. in heauen and in earthe and nothyng is to hym impossible and that his godly power and myghte excelleth infinitely and incomparably all other powers in heauen earth and hell so that all other powers whiche be in heauen earthe or hell be nothynge as of theym selues but haue all their might force and strength of hym and be all subiecte vnto his power and can not resyst or lette the same And althoughe god be omnipotent and of infinite power yet he is not author or worker of any synne for whan soeuer any synne is done by any creature the same is wrought by the malice of the deuyll or free wyll of man only by the sufferance and permission of god not and by the working power of god in styryng vp furtheryng or assisting the malice of the euyll thought or deede This article conteineth further that god the father Almighty dyd at the begynnynge create fourme and make of nought heauen and earthe and all thynges visible and invisible and that he dyd gyue vnto them all theyr power and myghte and so he doth from tyme to tyme continually preserue gouerne susteyne and mainteine the hole worlde and all creatures therin by his onely goodnesse and high prouidence in so moche that without his continuall workynge nothinge shulde be able any while to continue And for the more euydent and playne vnderstandyng of the firste parte of this article whyche is I beleue in god it is to be noted that we muste not onely beleue stedfastly that god is and that he is true in all his wordes and promyses and that he is omnipotente and creatour of heauen and earthe and so forthe but we muste also with this our beleue loue god and cleaue onely vnto hym and that with al our harte and power and so continue and dwelle styll in hym by loue It sygnifieth also that we must obey vnto his wyll as well in al our inwarde thoughtes and affections as also in al our outwarde actes and dedes and that we must abhorre all vyce and not wishe or desyre of god any euyll or vngodly thing It sygnyfyeth also that we must constantly betake and commytte our selues and all ours holy vnto god and fyxe all our hole hope trust and confidence in hym and quyete our selues in hym beleuynge perfectly and assuredly that he wyll in dede shewe no lesse goodnesse loue mercy grace and fauour vnto vs than he promyseth by his word to do with vs vsing our selues as afore is sayde This maner of beleue we ought to haue in no creatour of god be it neuer so excellente but in god only therfore in this crede the said maner of speaking kyng I beleue in is vsed onely in the thre articles whiche concerne the thre persons in trinitie that is the Father the sonne and the holy goste The seconde article ¶ And in Iesu Christ his onely sonne our lorde FOr the vnderstandinge of this second article it is to be knowen that IESVS CHRIST is the only begotten sonne of almighty god the father and that he was begotten of his godly nature substance eternally and that he is very god the same substance with god the father and the holy gost vnto whom he is equall in all thinges of the godhead And although we christen men may be called the children of god by adoption and grace yet onely our sauiour Iesus Christe is god the fathers sonne by nature We must knowe also and beleue that IESVS CHRIST was eternally preordeined and appointed by the decree of the hole Trinitie to be our lorde and to redeme and brynge vs from vnder the dominion of the deuyl sinne vnto his kyngdome lordshyp and gouernance and therfore is worthely called IESVS that is to say sauior and CHRIST that is to saye anointed king priest and LORDE that is to saye redemer and gouernour for he hath done and fulfilled for all mankinde the very office bothe of a priest and of a kynge and lorde Of a priest for asmoch as he hath made sacrifice and oblation on the crosse in that he there willingly suffered his naturall body to be slayne and his bloudde to be shed for remission of synne and so was bothe the prieste and the sacrifice it selfe And of a kinge and lorde in that he hath like a moste mighty conquerour ouercome and vtterly oppressed his ennemyes and hath spoyled theym of the possession of mankinde whyche they wanne before by fraude and deceyte by lyinge and blasphemynge and hath brought vp now into his possession and dominion to reigne ouer vs in mercy lyke a most louing lord and gouernour And therfore in this article we call hym Our lorde And although this worde Dominus diuers tymes is translated in to our englysshe tongue the lorde and the place and circumstance of scripture oftentimes requireth the same yet amonge vs christen men in our common speche when we speake of Christe and call hym Lord it is mooste mete and conuenient that we call hym Our lorde to signifie and admonishe vs that we be his peculiar people redemed by hym and deliuered from the dominion and the captiuitie of the deuyll and be made his owne propre and obedient seruauntes after which sorte the heathen people bycause of their infidelitie be neither his seruauntes ne partakers of his benefites and therfore can not say and call him as Christen men do Our lord The thirde article whiche was conceyued by the holy gost borne of the virgin Mary FOr declaratyon of this artycle ye shall vnderstande that whan the tyme was come in the whiche is was before ordeyned and appoynted by the decree of the hole Trinitie that mankynde shoulde be saued and redemed than the sonne of god the seconde person in Trinitie and verye god descended from heauen in to the world to take vpon him the very habite fourme and nature of man and in the same nature to suffer his glorious passion for the redemption and saluation of all mankinde And for farther declaration hereof it is to be consydered that before the commynge of Christe mankynde was so blynded and drowned in synne that the true knowlege of god was euery where in the world forgotten and his lawes broken not only by the gentiles in all other nations but also by the iewes the chosen people of god to whome god had by his seruaunt Moises giuen his lawes wher by they myght knowe howe to auoyde synne and pleased hym and where those lawes gyuen by god were often by them transgressed yet almighty god dyd from tyme to tyme sende to theym his prophetes inspired with his holy spirite bothe to admonyshe them of their synnes and to teache them how they shuld truely vnderstande and
the deuyll and from his power and tyranny so that he shuld not by his malyce and gyles intice vs and draw vs into synne wherby we myghte fynally be broughte vnto euerlastynge damnation From the whiche also we pray here to be delyuered ¶ The salutation of the angell to the blessed virgine Mary HAyle Mary full of grace / the lorde is with the blessed arte thou emonge women And blessed is the fruite of thy wombe FOr the better vnderstanding of this salutation of the angel made to the blessed virgine Mary ye shall fyrst consyder how it was decreed of the hole trinitie That after the falle of our firste father Adam by which mankinde was so long in the great indignation of god and exiled out of heauen the seconde person the euerlastynge sōnne of the father euerlastyng shulde take vppon him the nature of mā and so as he was perfect god shuld be perfect man to redeme mankynd from the power of the deuill Luc. i. and to reconcile the same again to his lord god And for this purpose as saint Luce in his gospel declareth in the .vi. moneth after saint Elizabeth was conceiued with saint Iohn the Baptist the aungell Gabriel was sent from god into a city of Galilee named Nazareth to a virgin which was despoused or ensured to a mā whose name was Ioseph of the house of Dauid and the virgines name was Mary And whan this angell came vnto this said virgin he said these wordes Hayle ful of grace the lord is with the blessed art thou emong women And whan the virgine hearing these wordes was troubled with theym and mused with her selfe what maner of salutation ti shuld be The angell sayd to her Feare not Mary be not abasshed for thou haste founde fauour in the syght of god Lo thou shalte conceyue in thy wombe and shalte bryng forthe a sonne and thou shalt call his name IESVS he shall be great and shall be called the sonne of the hyghest And the lorde god shall gyue vnto hym the seat of Dauid his father And he shall reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer And his kyngdome shal haue no ende Than sayd Mary to the aungelle Howe can this be done for I haue not knowlege of man And the aungelle answerynge saide vnto her The holy gost shall come from aboue in to the and the power of the hyghest shall ouershadowe the. And therfore that holy one that shal be borne of the shall be called the sonne of god And lo thy cousyn Elyzabeth hathe also conceyued a sonne in her olde age and this is the syxte moneth sythe she conceyued whiche was called the bareyn woman for there is nothyng vnpossible to god To this Mary answered Lo I am the handmayde of our lorde be it done vnto me as thou hast spoken And than forthwith vpon the departure of the angell Mary beyng newly conceyued with the most blessed childe IESVS went vp into the mountaynes with speede in to a citie of Iuda and came to the house of Zacharye and saluted Elyzabeth And as soone as Elyzabeth hearde the salutation of Mary the chylde sprange in her wombe and furthwith Elyzabeth was replenyshed with the holy goste and cried with a greate voyce and sayde Blessed arte thou emonge women and blessed is the fruite of thy wombe And wherof cometh this that the mother of my lorde commeth to me For lo as soone as the voyce of thy salutation was in my eares the chylde in my wombe lept for ioy And blessed arte thou that dyddest beleeue for all thynges that haue ben spoken to the from our lorde shall be performed Secondly it is to be noted that the angel Gabriell which spake to the virgine was an high angel and an high messanger And truely it was conuenient that he shoulde be so for he came with the highest message that euer was sente whiche was the entreaty and leage of peace betweene god and man And therfore the fyrst word of his salutation that is to ssye Hayle or be ioyfull was very conuenient for the same For he came with the message of ioy and so sayde the other aungell whiche at the byrth of our sauiour appered to the shepherdes Luc. ii I shewe to you said he great ioye that shall be to all the people And surely consyderyng the effectes that ensued vpon his highe message all mankynde hadde great cause to ioy For man beinge in the indignation and displeasure of god was hereby reconciled Man beinge in the bondes of the deuyll was hereby delyuered Man beinge exiled and banyshed out of heauen was hereby restored thither againe These be suche matters of ioy and comforte to vs that there neuer was or shall be nor can be any lyke And not onely for this purpose he began with this high worde of comforte but also for he perceyued that the virgine being alone wolde be moche abashed and astonied at his maruailous and sodeine commyng vnto her And therfore he thought it expedient fyrst of all to vtter the worde of ioye and comfort whiche might put away all feare from the blessed virgine And he called her Full of grace by god endued so plentuously bycause she shulde conceyue and beare hym that was the very plenytude and fulnes of grace the lorde of grace by whom is all grace without whome is no grace And this is the syngular grace by which she is called not only the mother of man but also the mother of god Thirdly by these wordes The lord is with the is declared why the angell called her full of grace for surely our lorde is not with them that be not in grace nor tarieth with them that be voyd of grace and be in synne For there is a separation and dyuorce betwene the synfull soule and our lord as the wyse man saythe 〈…〉 Peruerse thoughtes make a separation and a diuorce from god Fourthly by these wordes Blessed arte thou emonge women was ment that there was neuer woman so blessed And truely she may wel be called so moste blessed emong all women for she had greate and high prerogatiues whiche none other woman euer had hathe or shall haue Is not this an high prerogatiue that of all women she was chosen to be mother to the sonne of god And what excellent honour was she put to whan not withstandinge the decree was made of his natiuitie by the hole trinitie yet the thyng was not done and accomplished without or before her consent was granted For the whiche so solemne a messanger was sent And also howe highe grace was this that after the defaute made through the perswasion of the firste woman our mother Eue by whom Adam was brought into disobedience this blessed virgin was electe to be the instrument of our reparation in that she was chosen to beare the sauiour redemer of the world And is not this a wonderfull prerogatiue to see a virgine to be a mother conceyue her chylde without synne we may worthily say
be neuer soo cleane winowed and purged from the chaffe yet if it be caste into the ground and sowen the newe whiche springeth of it is full of chaffe agayne vntyll it be also wynowed and clensed So lykewyse the chyldren of christen men be full of chaffe and corruptution of originall sinne vntyl that by baptisme they be washed clensed and purged from the same as their parentes were And where as we haue before shewed that originall synne is remitted and taken awaye by baptisme bothe in infantes and all other whiche hauyng the vse of reason duely receyue the same Yet further we thynke good to note a speciall vertue and efficacy of this sacramēt of baptisme Whiche is That all be it there remayne in vs that be christened a certaine infirmitie or inclination of synne called Concupiscence whyche by lustes and desyres moueth vs many tymes to synne and wickednes yet almighty god of his great mercye and goodnes hath giuen vs suche grace in this his holy sacramēt of baptisme that such carnall and fleshly lustes and desyres shal or can in no wise hurt vs if we do not consent vnto theym And by the same grace also conferred vnto vs in baptisme we be made more strong and able to resist and withstand the sayde concupiscences and carnall desyres than is any other man which neuer was christened Farthermore for as moche as in these dayes certain heresies haue risen sprong vp against the christenyng of infantes It is to be noted that as the holy doctours of the church do testifie the vniuersall consent of the churches in al places of all tymes vsyng frequēting the christening of infantes is a sufficient witnes profe that this custome of the church in baptising of infantes was vsed by Christis apostles them selues by them gyuē vnto the churche and in the same hath ben alwais continued euen vnto these dayes And this custome and perpetuall vsage of the churche euen from the beginning is agreable with the saying of saint Paul Christ loued his church Ephe. v. hath giuen hym selfe to the death for his churches sake to sanctify her make her holy in clēsing her by the foūtain of water in his word c. So that no mā is nor can be of this church but he which is clēsed by the sacrament of baptisme Lyke as the texe before alledged sheweth where Christe saith Ioan. iii. who so euer is not born againe of water and the holy gost shal not enter into the kyngdome of heauen Wherfore seing that out of the churche neyther infantes nor noo man elles can be saued they muste nedes be christened and clensed by baptisme and so incorporated into the churche And as the infancye of the chyldren of the Hebrues in the old testament did not let but that they were made participant of the grace and benefite giuen in circumcision Euen so in the newe testamēt the infancy of chyldren doth not let but that they may and ought to be baptised and so receyue the graces and vertues of the same In this parte also it is to be noted that children or men ones baptised ought neuer to be baptised agayne And all good christen men ought and muste repute and take all the Anabaptistes the Pelagians opinions whiche be contrary to the premisses euery other mans opinion agreable vnto the said Anabaptistes or the Pelagians in that behalfe for detestable heresies and vtterly to be condemned Moreouer for bycause as well this sacrament of baptisme as all other sacramentes instituted by Christe haue all theyr vertue efficacy and strength by the worde of god which by his holy spirite worketh al the graces vertues which be giuen by the sacramentes to all those that worthily receyue the same We must vnderstand knowe that although he which doth minister the sacrament be of a sinful euill conuersation yet the vertue and effect of the sacrament is therby nothing diminished or hurted neither in infantes nor yet in them whiche beinge indued with the vse of reason come thervnto truly contrite and penitent of al their sinnes done before beleuyng confessing all the articles of the Crede and hauyng a sure fayth and truste in the promises of god of remission of their synnes and purposing euer after to lyue a christen lyfe Finally this sacrament of baptisme may wel be called a couenant betwene god and vs wherby god testifieth that he for his sonne Christis sake iustifieth vs that is to say forgiueth vs our synnes and indueth vs with his holy spirite giueth vs suche gracis that therby we be made able to walke in the workes of iustyce ordeyned by god to be exercysed of vs in this present lyfe to the glory and prayse of god And so perseueryng to enioye the fruite of the lyfe euerlastyng And we agayne vpon our parte ought moste diligently to remembre and keepe the promyse that we in baptisme haue made to almighty god that is to beleue only in him onely to serue and obey hym to forsake all synne and the workes of Satan to mortifie our affections of the flesshe and to lyue after the spirite in a newe lyfe Of whiche promyse and couenant by vs made to god saint Paule putteth vs in remembrance sayeng Knowe ye not that all we Rom. vi whiche are baptised in Iesu Christe are baptised to dye with hym for we be buryed with hym by baptisme to dye that lykewyse as Christ was raysed vp from deathe by the glory of his father euen soo we shulde walke in a newe lyfe By the whiche wordes saint Paule giueth vs to vnderstande that all we whiche be baptised in Christe that is to saye whiche by baptisme are incorporated in to the mystycall body of Christe haue professed and bounde ourselfe in baptisme to dye from synne and vtterly to absteyne from the corruption of our olde synfull lyfe and to walke and procede in a newe lyfe of grace and the spirite into the whiche we are called by the worde of god and by faythe and due receyuyng of this holy sacramente are brought and sette into the same The sacrament of penance FOr the cleere vnderstanding of this sacramente it is to be consydered what penance is also what is the sacrament of penance Penance is an inward sorowe and griefe of the harte for the synnes by vs doone and committed and an hatrede and detestation of the same with an earnest desyre to be purged frome them and to recouer agayne the grace and fauour of god by suche meanes and remedies as god hath appoynted for the obteynyng therof with a stedfast purpose and mynde neuer to offende agayn For he that sayeth that he is sory for his offences commytted agaynst the hyghe maiestie of god and yet styll contynueth or intendeth to contynue in the same is no penytent person but a dissembler or rather a deryder of penance And thus is penaunce commonly taken in the scripture as welle in the