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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12343 The Christians sacrifice Seene, and allowed. Smith, Henry, 1550?-1591. 1589 (1589) STC 22658; ESTC S105912 14,365 45

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THE CHRIstians Sacrifice Scene and allowed LONDON Printed by Thomas Orwin for Thomas Man 1589. TO MY LATE AVDItors the congregatiō of Clement Danes al the good wil which I can shevve BEloued in Iesus Christ my first fruites I haue nothing but this myte to leaue with you which is the summe of al my sermons ye haue heard it already as th'apostle cals the Corinthians his epistle so ye should be my sermon that is my sermon should be printed in your hearts as this is printed in paper If ye haue not giuen your h●r●s yet to him which sent for them nowe thinke that god hath sent for them againe and heare me writing whom ye cannot heare speaking Take not custome for religion shun occasion aswel as sinne se●k the vse of euery thing desire not to haue your Kingdome here And so I leaue you all with Christ whom I haue preached to bring forth the fruit of that seede which is sowen beseeching you for al the loue that you haue of heuen that ye would not count any thing in this world worthy to keep your harts from God but think of the day when you shal giue account of euery lesson which ye haue heard and hee which hath called you in this prison wil glorifie you in his pallace where ye shall see him to whom yee haue geuen your hearts and enioy that blessing of blessings which makes all the worlde to worship him The father of our lord Iesus Christ which hath begunne to draw you to his Kingdom neuer leaue you vntil you come vnto it Amen Your late vnworthy seruant for the Lord Henry Smith THE CHRISTIANS SACRIFICE My sonne geue me thy heart TO binde all the Lessons togeather vvhich yee haue learned since I came this Setence did come to my mind My sonne geue me thy heart vvhich is the summe of all that ye haue heard and shews in vvhat chest you shoulde lay vp these treasures in your heart then geue that heart vnto God and hee vvil keep all safe A supplication is come as it were from God to man that man woulde sende God his hearte penned by Salomon vnder the name of Wisedome directed to her sons vvisdome entreateth her sons that they would giue her their harts this wisdome is god vve by adoptiō are his sons our hart is that which christ cals spirit trueth vvithout hypocrisie Geue me that heart saith God Hee vvhich geues any thing to another cōsiders before what he loues giues that which he thinks wil be accepted that he may be loued for his gift therfore Dauid as though he vvere at a stād sorrowed that hee could not doe inough for God break● forth to himself What shall I giue vnto the Lord for al that he hath giuen me The Lorde hearing as it vvere these sighes of his seruaunts which care study what they may doe to please him comes in their suspence like a friend vvhich desires nothing but good wil answers frō heauen My son giue me thy hart Vnder vvhich suite he taxeth them beside vvhich are suiters alvvaies to him and looke still to receiue like the Publicanes but neuer caste in their minds what they should giue threfore their tribute is set dovvne by equall measure vnder the kings seale euery man must homage his hart He vvhich alvvaies gaue novv craues and hee vvhich craued alvvaies novv geues Christ standes at the doore like a poore man asks not bread nor clothes nor lodging vvhich vve should geue to his mēbers but our heart that is euen the continent of all and gouerner of mans house vvhich sittes on the bench like the Iudge to geue the charge and teach the tongue to speake the hande to vvorke the foote to vvalke the eare to attend the eye to obserue the minde to chuse and the flesh to obey That vvee must present to GOD like a burnt sacrifice vvherein all is offered together a vvise tongue a diligente hande a vvarie foote a vvatchefull eye an attentiue eare an humble minde an obediente fleshe put all together and it is but the heart My sonne saith God geue me this heart Here thou arte the geuer God the petitioner thy heart the gifte vvhich he claymeth by the name of a sonne Shoulde GOD bee a suppliaunt vnto thee and mee but that our vnthankefulnesse condemnes vs that for all the thinges vvhich hee hath geuen vs we neuer considered as yet what wee should giue vnto him before hee asketh hee is faine to put in his petition like a suter and saie giue me thy heart Marke what God hath chosen for himselfe not that vvhich any other shall loose by like the demaundes of them vvhich care for none but themselues but that vvhich being geuen to God mooues vs to geue vnto euery man his due as Zacheus vvhen hee gaue his hearte to Christ parted his goods to the poore restored to al that which hee had got by vvrong Once God required offeringes and sacrifices vvhich men vvere vnvvilling to geue because it vvas a deer seruice of God but novv he saith that the hearte is more then all burnte offerings and sacrifices Iacob loued Ioseph more then al his bretheren so God loueth the heart more then all her follovves this myte God vvill haue for all his benefits vvhich vve may best affoorde him thy almes to the poor thy counsel to the simple thine inheritāce to thy childrē thy tribute to Caesar but thy hearte to God hee vvhich is a spirite requires the spirite and delightes to dvvel in the heartes of men Here God plantes himselfe as in a castle vvhich is alvvaies besieged vvith the vvorlde the flesh and the deuil If the enemie get a thought or a vvord or a vvorke yet he hath but rased the vvalles but if hee take the hart then the fortresse is lost From that time al our thoghts vvords and vvorks are captiue vnto him he bids them goe they goe doe and they doe it That man is like Esau vvhich had an inheritaunce vvhich had a hart but now he hath not possession of his ovvne therefore geue God thy heart that he may keep it not a peece of thy heart not a rovvme in thy heart but thy heart The heart deuided dieth God is not like the mother vvhich vvould haue the child deuided but like the naturall Mother vvhich said rather then it should be deuided Let her take all Let the deuill haue all if he vvhich gaue it be not vvorthie of it God hath no copesmate therefore he vvil haue no parting offtakes but all or none and therefore he vvhich askes here thy heart in the 6. of Deut. the 5. asks all thy hearte all thy soule all thy strength thrice hee requireth all least vvee shoulde keepe a thought behinde yet it is thy heart that is a vaine heart a barren heart a sinfull heart vntill thou geue it vnto GOD and then it is
Geue mee thy hearte thou vvouldest saye vnto him as Peter did vvhen Christe vvoulde vvashe his feet Lorde not my feete onely but my hands and my head not my heart onely but all my bodie and my thoughtes and my vvords and my vvoorkes and my goods and my life take all that thou haste geuen For vvhy should not vve geue him our heartes as vvell as our lippes vnlesse vvee meane to deceiue him vvith vvoordes for deedes If Abram gaue Lot leaue to choose vvhat parte hee did like shall not vvee geue God leaue to choose that vvhich hee loueth I hee did not loue thee hee vvou'de not require thy hearte for they vvhich loue require the heart Th● master requires labour the lande lorde requires seruice the captain requires fight but hee that require● the heart requires it for loue fo● the heart is loue Wee vvill geue him little if vvee vvil not geue him that vvhich hee askes for loue tovvardes our selues though hee say giue it yet indeede hee hath bought it and that dearely with the deerest bloud that euer was shedde Hee gaue thee his heart before hee desired thy heart but heart for heart a liuing heart for a hart which died thou doest not lose thy life as he did for thee but thou bestowest thy life to glorifie him thou doest not part from thy heart when thou giuest it but hee doth keepe it for thee least the serpent should steal it from thee as he stole paradice from Adam when it was in his own custodie he cā keep it better than vve and he wil keepe it if we commit it to him and lay it in a bed of peace and lap it vith ioy and none shal take it out of his handes Therefore if ye aske mee why you should giue your heartes to god I doo not answere like the Disciples which went for the asse and the colte The Lorde hath neede but wee haue neede For vnlesse wee geue our soules hovv can hee haue them And vnlesse hee haue them hovve can hee saue them Therefore vvee haue neede if euer the saying vvere true It is more blessed to geue than take more blessed are they vvhich geue their heartes to GOD than they vvhich take possession of the vvorld Abigail did not gaine so much by her gifte to Dauid as vve for our gifte to God for shee vvas married vnto Dauid but vve are married vnto Christ of vvhom the Church doth sing in the 5. of Canticles that no wel beloued is like her beloved what hart would not be loued of him though it doe not loue him Who can assoyle this riddle vve vvoulde haue Christ our bridegrome and yet we vvil not be his spouse I would haue him take my heart yet I wil not geue it Hovv should he keep it or saue it or glorifi it if I hide it away like the seruant that buried his talent in the earth So much as I keep from God so much I keepe from heauen and vvill not suffer him to glorifie it as I did vvishe one part to be saued and another damned He vvhich vvould haue his hart sanctified and comforted and enlightened and vvil not geue it to God is like a woman which would haue her dough leauened and layeth her dough in one placee the leauen in another vvhere one cannot touche the other then commeth the tempter and takes them asunder and seaseth vpon the heart because he findes her alone This is his seede time novv hee enters into it and filles it vvith his poyson till the temple of God be the sinke of sin and the hearr vvhich shoulde bee the seate of holinesse grace and vvisedome a heart of pride a hearte of enuie a hearte of luste more like a bellie than a hearte hovv many things lodge in the hart vvhen God is not there It is a vvorlde to think hovv the diuine soule vvhich descended from heauen to bring forth fruit is become afit soyle for euery vveed vvherby vve may see vvhat hearts vve haue before vvee geue them to GOD Therefore novv aske your heartes vvhose they are and hovv they are mooued vvith these vvordes hovve many here vvill geue to this collection vvhose heart is gone vp vnto him since I beeganne to speake Here one and there one runs vp the ladder like the angels that Iacob savve in his dreame and sing vvith Dauid My heart is prepared my heart is prepared and why not thou as vvell as hee Doeth not he sende for all alike vvilt thou be the thorne or the stone or the high vvay vvhere the seede doeth lose his fruite vvhy hadst thou rather be cōpelled then inuited since thou art called to a banquet Howe manie heartes moe might we draw to God if all that be heere woulde goe to him this day But thus it standes God hath sent vnto vs for our heartes and wee answere him as the husbandes of the vineyard when he sent for fruites or as Nabal aunswered Dauid when hee sent for foode who is Dauid or who is the Lord That I shoulde take my heart from pleasure and sinne and giue it vnto him Thus we demurre vpon the cause when we should giue whether we should giue or no and aske the fleshe and our lusts and our pleasures and if the deuill will not giue his assent thē we return to an excuse it is not mine to giue or if thou cāst get the diuels good will I vvill not stand or let sinne and pleasure haue it for a while and when they haue done with it thē God shal haue it Thus euery thing which should be throwen out hath a place in our heart and hee vvhich shoulde bee receiued in can haue no roome there though hee would open the dores of heauen if vvee would open the doores of our hearts that the king of glorie might come in What shal become of those hearers vvhen he which craues them novv shal iudge them hereafter Then they shal stande like Esau and see them blessed like Iacob which gaue their heartes and crie themselues as hee did to his father Isaac haste thou not reserued a blessing for vs What a heauie heart will it bee then vvhen it may not ioye any longer heere and the ioyes of heauen are shutte against it and he vvhich desired it vvil not haue it because it comes like the foolish virgines when the dores of mercie are shut Thus ye haue heard vvhat God requires for al that hee hath geuen you and hovv all your seruices are lost vntill you bring it What shal I vvish you novv before my departure I vvish you vvould geue al your heartes to God vvhile I speake that yee might haue a kingdome for them sende for your hearts vvhere they are vvandering one from the banke another from the Tauerne another from the Shoppe an other from the Theaters Call them home and geue them all vnto God and see how he vvil