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kingdom_n jesus_n life_n lord_n 3,171 5 3.4332 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B16427 The proude wyues pater noster that wolde go gaye, and vndyd her husbonde and went her waye 1560 (1560) STC 25938; ESTC S111760 9,103 24

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¶ The proude wyues Pater noster that wolde go gaye and vndyd her husbonde and went her waye ¶ Anno Domini M. D. L. X. ON hye feest dayes whan wyues go gaye To chyrche with grete deuocyon Theyr prayers deuoutly for to saye Theyr thynkynge is on thys lesson Or they go forth them selfe to trym Both heed and brest on foote and hande I swere to you by swete saynt sym Thē selfe they thynke angels well to vnderstāde Theyr beautous be hauyour cōtenaūce demure They thynke full pleasaunt for to beholde But for to go gay ye may be sure They muse full often and many folde And how they myght best to passe brynge Eche as gorgyous as other to go In theyr aparell gyrdell and rynge And other trym knackes many mo To chyrche they be come this is no lye Vnto theyr pewe there for to knele Reuerence doynge to the otherby with countenaūce meke and becometh thē wele Than syt they downe eche gossep other by Beholdynge theyr aparell of eyther syde yf the one be gaier than the other that doth espie Than she thynketh her felowe set all full of pryde Yet to her deuocyon she dothe her set And Pater noster she doth begyn But to gay gere her hert doth fret And thynketh how she may such gay gere wyn ▪ Sayenge to her selfe what fortune haue I That my felow so gorgyous is in her gere And I syte here so poorely her by But it shal be amended by god I swere ¶ Qui es in celis and that within shorte whyle Or elles my husbande full sore it shall repent For I can nought gete of him by fete nor wyle But all shall be myne now that I in hāde cā hent From him alway whatsoeuer betyde Tyll I be arayde as other women be I wolde not haue ought for no maner pryde But only bycause it is a good syght to se ¶ Sanctificetur nomen tuum Lorde halowed be thy name yf to such gere I may come Than shall I bere bothe porte and fame As other women in euery where Do alwaye where as they do wende Go feete and fresshe and trymme in theyr gere In the best maner as them doth to pretende ¶ Adueniat regnū tuū thy kingdom come to vs After this lyfe whan we hens shall wende But whyle we be here now swete Iesus As other woman haue suche grace in me sende That I may haue lorde my heed into wrap After the guyse kercheses that be fyne And theron to sette some lusty trymme cap with smockes wel wrought soude with sylkē twyne ¶ Fiat voluntas tua thy wyll fulfylled be Lorde god alway as thys tyme dothe requyre And as my gossep that sytteth here by me So let me be trymmed nought elles I desyre Therfore yf it may be in any wyse For thou hast power therof to do thy wyll To make me go gay after the best guyse For reason it is with ryght good shyll ¶ Sicut in celo et in terra in heuen as in erthe It is alway sene go we neuer so ferre That women aboue all the beaute bereth And without gay gere our beaute we marre Therfore good lorde let thys be a mended And gay gere to were that I may haue Or elles my lyfe wyll haue an ende For very pure thought nought can me saue ¶ Panem nostrum cotidianum Our dayly brede lorde wyll also do wel But of dyuers cornes I haue many a come At home in my barne for to sell But ther with lorde I dare not mell For feare of my husbande that kepeth me so hard A busshell therof I dare not sell For yf he wyste the game ware marde ¶ Da nobis hodye gyue vs thys daye And specially me my lorde that am heuy at hert Tyll I haue my wyll lorde a parte I saye Of my desyre lorde or elles I must lyue in smarte With that full maruayloussy can she syght And in a swone halfe gan she fall Her felowe beholdynge that wofull wyght And wondred full sore than here with all ¶ Et dimitte nobis debita nostra now Mercy good lorde and forgyuenes what is thys I was neuer thys a frayde I make god a vow Good lorde sayd she than what meaneth thys And her lyttell fynger than wronge she fast Her to reuyue and gaue her swete spyce So she vp sterte than at the laste Lyke a trym gossyp that fayne wolde be nyce ¶ Sicut et nos dimittimus debytoribus nostris As we do forgyue lorde so let vs be forgyuen And than to her she dyd saye without mys ye had a shrode fyt by swete saynt steuen Gossyp myn how is it wyth you nowe what is your grefe now I you pray yf I can ease you by god anowe I wyll be redy both nyght and daye ¶ Et ne nos in ducas in temptacionem Let vs fall into no temptacyon now with that the other reuyued then Ryght sore dysmayde ye me trow And to eche other they gan say Why be ye thus sad my gossep dere Tell me the cause now I you praye For yf it lay in me now I wil amende your chere ¶ Sed lybera nos a malo delyuer vs from all yll Raggis and iaggis this wyfe gan to reherse yf I may not go gay I shall my selfe spyll I pray you gossep dere vnderstād well this verse My husbonde is harde to me bothe day nyght And doth me not regarde but let me go euē thus Not as other do but as a wretched wyght But yet it shal be mēded I hope by swete Iesus ¶ Amen sayd the other I pray god it be so For ye haue good ynought this I do know well Of good marchaundise so mote I the As any is here in this countre to sell For his degre but he is a frayde That he sholde passe his state or loke on hawt Than behynde your backes it shulde be sayd yf he fore amys that it were all your fawt But cōpetenly take the thyrde peny of his gayne And bye therwith both kyrtell and gowne Than yet shall ye leaue hym alway twayne So do we most parte throughout the towe Or elles we shold neuer haue halfe our gayes That we haue ywys ye may be sure But properly thus we fynde the wayes with ringes and beedes to go full demure Rybandes of sylke that be full longe and large with tryangles trymly made poynt deuyse For some folke it were full grete charge Therfore all thynge by mesure by myn aduyse But as for you ye may be bolde To do som what more than other maye yet it wold make your husbondes herte full colde If he so harde be and wretched as ye saye That he may not se you go as other do And haue it so well as he hath in store I wolde haue my syne hoose and eke my trym sho with other knackes many a score yf I were as you be I fayth I swere Somwhat sholde be solde y● he shold not knowe ye haue