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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A93754 Sermon I. on Phil. IV. 11. Stafford, Richard, 1663-1703. 1698 (1698) Wing S5131C; ESTC R233366 22,642 26

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there The Lord hath given me that knowledge even from the times of my Youth and the days of my former Years that what I did Read in that Book I should apply unto my self And I remember particularly that above ten Years since when I was in my Chamber and still as it is written Search the Scriptures for in them ye think that ye have Eternal Life John 5. 39. Of which Salvation the Prophets have enquired and searched diligently searching what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ did signifie 1 Pet. 1. 10. 11. So it was That not upon the outward customary or cursory reading but upon the searching Marke that yea upon the searching Diligently of the Scriptures I found how that the whole Current and Stream of the Promises and good things of God were therein declared and made unto the Poor and Needy For the Needy shall not alway be forgotten the expectation of the Poor shall not perish for ever Psal 9. 18. For the Oppression of the Poor for the Sighing of the Needy now will I arise saith the Lord I will set him in Safety from him that puffeth at him Psal 12. 5. I know that the Lord will maintain the Cause of the Afflicted and the Right of the Poor Psal 140. 12. When the Poor and Needy seek Water and there is none I the Lord will hear them I the God of Jacob will not forsake them Isa 41. 17● Saith Jesus Christ The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the Gospel unto the Poor Luke 4. 18. Blessed be ye Poor for your is the Kingdom of God Luke 6. 20. Hath not God chosen the Poor of this World Rich in Faith and Heirs of the Kingdom which he hath Promised to them that Love him James 2 5. There are Innumerable other places of Scripture to the same purpose But Observe here the Limitation and Restriction for the divinely Inspired Apostle doth not here say the Lord hath chosen all the Poor of this World but only those who as the Words immediately following add are Rich in Faith and Heirs of the Kingdom which he hath Promised to them that Love him So that none of the good things afore or hereafter mentioned do belong to such Poor as are Ungodly Ignorant or Sinners Again in the same Scriptures of Truth there are many Evil things spoken against the Rich of the People But ye have despised the Poor Do not Rich Men oppress you and draw you before the Judgment Seat Doe they not Blaspheme that Worthy Name by the which ye are called James 2 6 7. Go to now ye Rich Men Weep and Howl for your Miseries that shall come upon you Your Riches are corrupted and your Garments are moth eaten Your Gold and Silver is Cankered and the Rust of them shall be a witness against you and shall eat your Flesh as it were Fire Ye have heaped Treasure together for the last Dayes ye have lived in pleasure on the Earth ye have Nourished your Hearts as in a Day of Slaughter James 5 1 2 5. Wo unto you that are Rich for you have received your Consolation Luke 6. 24. Wo unto them that joyn House to House that lay Field to Field Therefore Hell hath enlarged her self and opened her Mouth without measure And their Glory and their Multitude and their Pomp and he that rejoyceth shall descend into it Isa 5. 8 14. Now the Scripture saith nothing in vain for all of it even to every tittle must be fulfilled and that Wo which is therein Pronounced against them and hangs over their Head will at length fall down upon them in Punishment and Misery They are inclosed in their own fat with their Mouth they speak proudly Deliver my Soul saith David by the Spirit from the Wicked which is thy Sword from Men which are thy Hand O Lord from Men of the World which have their Portion in this Life and whose Belly thou fillest with thy hid Treasure They are full of Children and leave the rest of their Substance to their Babes Psal 17. 10 14. Then said Jesus unto his Disciples Verily I say unto you that a Rich Man shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven And again I say unto you It is easier for a Camel to go through the eye of a Needle then for a Rich Man to enter into the Kingdom of God Mat. 19 23 24. Therefore shall the Lord of Hosts send among his fat ones leanness Behold the Lord of Hosts shall lop the Bough with Terrour and the High ones of Stature shall be hewn down and the Haughty shall be Humbled Isa 10. 16 33. The Lord of Hosts hath Purposed it to Stain the Pride of all Glory and to bring into contempt all the Honourable of the Earth Isa 23. 9. How much she hath Glorifyed her self and lived deliciously so much Torment and Sorrow give her Rev. 18 7. The Lord God hath Sworn by himself saith the Lord God of Hosts I abhor the Excellency of Jacob and hate his Palaces Amos. 6 1. Here God whose thoughts are not your thoughts Isa 55 8. declares his abhorrence and hatred against them whom the World Loves and Respects Flatters and endeavours to please Surely Men of Low degree are Vanity and Men of High degree are a lie Psal 62 9. Observe here that Blunt expression and plain English if we may so say of the Holy Ghost Men of High degree are a lie Which seems to intimate forth that that opinion or Estimation which other People have of them or they of themselves as if there were some what in them which were more above or better then other Men is a meer lie and Falshood Yet now our Flesh speaking of those in Debt and Poverty is as the Flesh of our Brethren who were more Rich and Wealthy our Children as their Children Neh. 5 5. God hath made of one Blood all Nations of Men Acts. 17 26. Which includes High and Low Rich and Poor alike So it is in God's account now and as to the future Judgment he will make concerning them Will he esteem thy Riches no not thy Gold nor all the forces of Strength Job 36 19. That accepteth not the Persons of Princes nor regardeth the Rich more then the Poor for they are all the Work of his Hands Job 34 19. O that there were the same God-like mind in my kindred according to the Flesh for as to them and some others this following Scripture is Literally fulfilled in me Our So● exceedingly filled with the Scorning of those that are at Ease and with the contempt of the Proud Psal 123. 4. Indeed it is fit and Requisite that there should be some order and Distinction amongst Men and Women in the World but then on the other hand for any one whatever to have hi● Heart lifted up above his Brethren Deut. 17 20. Or to despise the Poor James 2 6. is a Sinful and Wrong extream The Lord seeth not
Ward they came unto the Iron Gate that le●deth unto the City which opened to them of his own accord Acts 12. 10. From that last I have thus several times concluded and reasoned within m● self that if such or such a thing which I have a desire or coveting after were indeed the mind or will of God that it should be done for me or had by me why then as Peter did follow the Angel so if I did use the common means and endeavours after it viz. such means as are true and prudent lawful and right and no others as after they had past the first and second ward the Iron Gate opened to them of his own accord So altho' there may be some mean difficulty and opposition which may be rubbed over and got through yet at length away would open of its own accord to Perfect and Consummate the same thing That we may actually and indeed obtain it or arrive at the place where we would be Whither or no I have guessed at or rather found out the very Truth as it stands in the Nature and Connexion of things the Lord knows But I protest by your rejoycing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord I Protest by my Trouble and Vexation of Spirit which I have sometimes about wordly and outward things this same is a mighty Word of Consolation and Contentment unto me in the several Expectations which I have framed and raised to my self and in the several Disappointments which I have met withal throughout this life centring still upon this Foundation and Point The Will of the Lord be done and let me willingly submit unto that same his will whatever it is or shall be These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have Peace in the World ye shall have Tribulation but be of Good Cheer I have ●vercome the World John 16. 33. Is not this very same thing felt and experienced at this Day For doth not all the Tribulation Trouble and Vexation arise from the World and from the things thereof It is so●● very deed with me as I think off and am busied in the things and concernments thereof but when again I lift up my heart above all the thoughts thereof then it becomes Calm and Peaceable Smooth and Clear as the upper Region of the Air which is above all Winds Storms Tempests or Clouds For the Knowledge of God and the great things of Eternity doth swallow up darken and obscure all the little things of this lower World as the Sun shining in its Brightness at Mid-day doth make so that we do not then perceive any Light of Moon or Stars albeit they are then equally fixed in the Firmament and give their faintlight all one as at night time There is no such help in the World towards Contentment as to have the Knowledge of God Especially to know and conceive of him as hath been just now explained The Apostle Paul doth intimate that some of the Christians dwelling at Corinth to whom he Writes Had not the Knowledge of God I speak this to your shame 1 Cor. 15. 34. As truly it is to the shame of all who Name or profess the Name of Christ to be found without it But it must be supposed yea It is most certain and evident that Paul himself had the Knowledge of God For otherwise as he could never have wrote so many true and excellent things concerning God And it was by this Knowledge of God even as he is the Creator Governour and Disposer of all things that he had thereby Learned in whatsoever State he was therewith to be content I know both how to be abased and I ●●ow how to abound c. By what hath been aforesaid this Lesson may be somewhat Learned in whatsoever State Thou O Man art in therewith to be Content And that ye may come to this Knowledge both to be abased and how to abound Be sure to take in the Knowledge of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ and then this Lesson is easily Learned as also the other Knowledge will be soon attained unto But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you So here it is in the first place know God and the Lord Jesus Christ as He or they are to be Known and then all the other will fall in of Course For then according to the Words of our Text Every where and in all things ye will be instrusted both to be full and to be hungry both to abound and to suffer need There is no need to use many more Words to shew and inculcate the same But as it is Written And this is Life Eternal that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent Even so this is the Sweetness and Comfort the Peace and Satisfaction the Quiet and Smoothness 〈…〉 ness of this present Temporal Life To know thee the only true God as He is Supreme Lord Governour and Disposer of all things and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent the Eternal Word whereby God is more seen and manifest unto our Souls Alas when we are amidst trouble Vexation and Restlessness of Spirit it is most commonly because we forget God and behave our selves falsly in his Covenant But did we know and see him with the Eyes of our Understanding being enlightened Were our Hearts pure and upright before him How sweetly and contentedly might we live under the Apprehension and Care and Protection of this Good God above All one yea and much more then Subjects under a Lawful and Excellent Prince Children under a Loving and Good a Just and Wise Father and as Servants under the best of Masters For God doth approve himself more so towards his Creatures then all those Relations whatever according to the Flesh At that day shall a Man look unto his Maker and his Eyes have Respect unto the Holy one of Israel Isa 17. 7. And so when the Invisible God is to us All in All when we see him in all our ways and in all our goings in all our Doings and Actions which are ordered by him As one doth well express it When we have wandred all our Ways Death comes and shuts up the Story of our Days Even so all our Ways Goings Doings and Actions that we Creatures are concerned in it is all but Whatever thy hand and thy Counsel determined before to be done This lays in the surest base and best Foundation for Patience and Contentment I do write the same things over again which to you it is safe That ye may come to the perfect knowledge and have the continued remembrance of this same Great Truth This Duty of Contentment springs up as a Natural Result and Consequence to what we all owe unto him viz. That we should obey God It is often inculcated and commanded in Scripture that we should obey the Voice of God or that man should obey God Yea it