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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A44168 A sermon preached in the parish church of St. Magnus the Martyr, by London-Bridge, on Sunday February 11th, 1699/700 at the baptizing of some persons of riper years, brought up by Quakers and anabaptists, but now conform'd to the Church of England / by Richard Holland ... Holland, Richard, 1679-1706. 1700 (1700) Wing H2436A; ESTC R804 17,510 35

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Reign for ever And since it is plain that this Jesus this Son of David did not sit upon his Fathers Throne he must therefore mean some other Kingdom and Throne and he does express it to be such an one too as shall have no End Now he could not sit on this Eternal Throne he could not Reign in this his Everlasting Kingdom if after having once submitted to Death he had not come to Life again He therefore is risen from Death to Life on purpose to enter upon this his Government to sit upon this glorious Seat the Seat of the Eternal Father the Lord both of Heaven and Earth And all this David himself spoke of and what he said so long ago is now come to pass This same Jesus Dyed You Crucifyed him and he lay some time in the Grave but did not Putrefie there making good all the Prophecies of him For he rose again to take his Government to enter upon his Kingdom And we are Witnesses of all this we saw him have Eat Drank and Convers'd with him since his Resurrection and we are not we cannot be Deceiv'd in him we knew him well in Person and Voice and besides we saw and felt his wounded Hands and Side and many others also can testifie the same who saw and heard him as well as we And this very same Jesus whom ye slew and hanged on a Tree thus raised up by the Power of God we also saw ascend into Heaven And he having promised to send to us the Holy Ghost from thence has now performed that too which you cannot but own by this evidence which you now see and hear those several Languages we now speak which before we knew nothing at all of we never were bred up in By all this it is very plain That this same Jesus is advanced to His Kingdom is now Lord over all is the very Messias promised in the Prophets whom ye look for and who will most certainly one day take Vengeance of all his Enemies This surprizing Relation carrying with it such Demonstration and Evidence touch'd them to the quick who had consented to the thing and who had acted in the Crucifying of Him being fearful therefore now and apprehensive of their great danger and that they were soon to be brought under His Foot-stool they cry out for help they intreat the Apostles to relieve them they have no Patience but begg as for Life Men and Brethren what shall we do The Apostle is as quick has a Remedy at hand for them Repent and be Baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ There are some excellent Lessons in this Sacred History which before we proceed I shall but just mention The Apostle here charges the whole body of the Jews and especially all the City of Jerusalem with that barbarous Murder of their King Ye men of Israel says he both High and Low Great and Small 't is you that by wicked hands have Crucified and Slain the Holy One. He could not but know that the Soldiers mostly were the Executioners But the whole Nation being Guilty he charges all in general with it those who Consented to it as well as the Actors and those who with mighty Clamours cry'd out Crucify Him Crucify Him We have indeed a Record of one not to be forgotten a Good Man and a Just who did not consent to the counsel and deed of them St. Luke 23. 51. 't was Joseph of Arimathea who took worthy care of the Corps also whose Humanity therefore is Honourably noted But for the body of the Jews they were all Guilty as well as the poor Heathen Soldiers St. Peter then teaches us That in Preaching the Gospel of Christ the first thing must be to Convince Men of their Sins to charge them home with them and bring them to a general acknowledgment thereof For as no Physitian knows well what to do with that sick Patient who conceals or dissembles his Distemper so nor can Christ profit any who will not be brought to a true sence of their Sins For which reason Christ calls himself a Physitian and says That He came to Heal the Sick and again Not for the Just but to call Sinners to Repentance And the Office of the Holy Ghost He says is to Convince and to Accuse the World of Sin And in his last words to his Disciples when he commands them to Preach Repentance to Encourage them he immediately joyns thereto Remission of Sins St. Luke 24. 47. Nor does the Apostle seem to charge the Mobb only the common Rout of Crucifiers but their Captains too You say he who by wicked and unjust hands have slain c. Judas in the first place once the Disciple and Apostle of Christ but now their Leader and who deliver'd him to them so the High Priest and all the Colledges of Scribes and Pharisees who corrupted Judas and gave him Mony for his part in the Fact Pilate too who sat in the Emperours Seat and gave the unjust Sentence against Him to gratify the importunity of the People Herod also in whose power it was to let him go who instead thereof Mock'd Him and sent Him back to Pilate All these tho never so Great who were guilty as well as those common People who cryed out His Blood be upon us and on our Children the Apostle boldly charges notwithstanding their Grandeur and Authority Tho' by some it might have been esteem'd no less than Treason to charge the Government with Unrighteousness and Injustice in their Sentence yet he plainly does it without that wretched Fear and those fawning Hopes which too oft Tempts Men even in good things to Prevaricate And this is the Duty of every one who comes from God for a Minister is a publick Person an Ambassador and that from the Almighty and his Business is to tell his Masters Mind to deliver his Errands discover his Truths and Pleasure only and not to sew Pillows under the Peoples Arms not to bolster them up in any of their Errors And tho' thus to do is somewhat Irksome as the Prophet Jeremiah complains Wo is me that thou hast made me a Contentious Man and a Man that striveth with the whole Earth c. Jer. 15. 10. Tho' it appears uneasie and troublous to thwart the Inclinations of Men and discharge them of their own Humours yet we find it plainly intimated in their Commission so the aforesaid prophet Jer. c. 1. v. 28. For behold I have made thee a Defenced City and an Iron Pillar and Walls of Brass against the whole Land against the Kings against the Princes against the Priests and against all the People of the Land In the next place this Honestly and plain Dealing in the Apostle had very good effect upon those Jews they were Pricked at the Heart they were sensible how ill they had done they own'd their Evil Condition and looked out for help This is the beginning of true Reformation to be deeply impressed with their
Masters Table to Eat and Drink of those his Holy Viands in the other Sacrament of the Eucharist and there Enjoy in that Feast of Souls the Lord of all Glory by which we are Fed and Nourished even to Eternal Life And thus you see how your Earthly does exhibit and represent to you the Glory of your Heavenly Imployment and that if you would be Masters enjoy Liberty even the glorious Liberty of the Sons of God you must first be Bound must be admitted into the Family regularly and fairly as he has Ordain'd you must be Baptized every one of you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and then proceed from one Degree of Grace unto another so you will obtain what St. Peter's Congregation here aim'd at viz. To be Everlastingly Saved For this reason it is that the Font stands at the lower-end but at our Enterance into the Church where having been received and admitted into the Congregation and afterwards Instructed in our several Duties till we are well prepared for the Nobler Mysteries of our Profession the higher Cordials of the Gospel we then come to be advanced to the Lords Table that Holy Christian Altar at the Upper-end of all the most Honourable Place in Gods House that Royal Seat and Throne of the Blessed Jesus Where Injoying him in those his appointed Elements in their Season during the Course of our Lives with Honest Faithful and Repenting Hearts we shall perceive the constant refreshings of a good Conscience and Joyous Heart and at last be Translated to the Everlasting Arms of our Blessed Saviour and Enjoy Him in the highest Heavens But the first of those Holy Sacraments is our Province now In Discoursing upon which we shall a little more particularly consider 1. The Nature 2. The Necessity of it 3. The Qualifications for it 4. The several Duties we are Engaged in by it 5. The extraordinary Benefits and Advantages of it 1. For the Nature of Baptism It was always a Custom amongst the Jews that when any Proselyte was Receiv'd Enter'd and Admitted into the Church they were wont to use several Washings thereby denoting their Leaving off Forsaking or Washing away all their former Pollutions their old Prophane and Heathen Practises Nay the Jewish Authors say that not only Proselytes and those newly Converted from Heathenism but also the Natural Jews themselves were mitiated by these three things Circumcision Baptism and Sacrifices As this was the custom amongst the Jews so it pleas'd the Lord of Life the Author and Finisher of our Faith to appoint That whosoever should at any time be receiv'd into His Family admitted into His House and Fellowship shall be receiv'd by this very same Ceremony and Element of Water and the Holy Ghost has order'd this Form of words I Baptize thee in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Baptism then is the Door by which we enter into the visible Church of Christ and it is administred to Beginners in Christianity who are Initiated by Water This is done by Dipping or Sprinkling for the word signifies both and our Church makes the Action Indifferent leaving it to Discretion and to be regulated by Charity Dipping was first in use in hot Countries and when the greatest part were well grown People But when the Gospel was spread into colder Climates as ours Sprinkling only was thought sufficient And so does the wisdom of our Church conclude That if a Spoonful of Wine in the other Sacrament be as significative of the whole Mass of Christ's Blood as a greater quantity then a few Drops of Water may be a representative of Washing as well as a River And this Sprinkling perhaps the Apostles themselves used even in those hot Countries since we Read of them calling sometimes for Water in Houses to Baptize new Converts Acts 10. 47. 'T is to be done in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Intimating That what the Minister does is not of himself or on his own head but in the Name and Power by the Command and Commission of the whole Trinity God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost And this Obliging the Person Baptized to own 1. The Glorious Trinity of Persons and consequently the whole Creed in the words of the Church Catechism to Believe in God the Father who made him and all the World 2. In God the Son who Redeem'd him and all Mankind That is who was pleased to undergo the Wrath of His Heavenly Father and all those Scourges due to our Sins that we might be free from Sin and Sorrow the power and danger of Death and Satan 3. In God the Holy Ghost who Sanctifies him and all the Elect People of God That is who Guides and Directs him and who Comforts and Refreshes him in the ways of Godliness As he thus owns and acknowledges the Holy Trinity so 2dly He yields himself an absolute Proselyte to the Faith of it excluding all other Gods or any other Authors and Patrons of Religion The● 3dly He devotes himself to follow the Rules and obey the Comands of this his new Master is always ready to be Govern'd and Guided by him and by all cheerful dispatch of Religious Duties demonstrates himself a very willing Disciple of this Blessed Trinity Now this Water and these Words is called the Form or the Outward part of Baptism And they have a great meaning in them which is called the Inward being a Death to Sin and a new Birth to Righteousness By Dying to Sin is only meant leaving it off washing away all Pollutions getting clear of them out of the Power and Dominion of them The Apostle also calls it A Quickening of us who were dead in Trespasses and Sins And St. John calls it Overcoming of the World For nothing makes a Man more a Slave than Sin nothing betrays Men more to Servitude then living in Sin nothing else but Sin can Domineer He then that overcomes it is a brave Commander is truly Master of himself and Enjoys the best Liberty And now very plain appears the meaning of a New Birth to Righteousness and being Born of God mention'd so frequently in Scripture which is only our Lords Enabling of us to Live Religiously and Act Honestly To have our Conversation here in Simplicity and Godly Sincerity and to keep our Consciences void of Offence both towards God and Man So we prove our selves Members of Christ and he will plentifully bestow upon us the Provisions of his Grace and Favour that is Mercy and Peace and Pardon of Sins here and Eternal Life Glory hereafter I come now to the Second thing To Consider the Necessity of Baptism The Word is here Be Baptized every one of you and this is if you have a mind to be Saved Besides which in St. John's Gospel c. 3. v. 5. Jesus himself says Except a Man be Born of Water and of the Spirit he cannot Enter into the Kingdom of