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kingdom_n jesus_n life_n lord_n 3,171 5 3.4332 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19432 A very short and pithie catechisme verie profitable for all that will come prepared to the Supper of the Lord: VVith a forme of confessyon, prayer and thanks giuing, very necessary and comfortable for all christian families. Made by Bartimeus Andrewes, preacher of the word of God at great Yarmouth: published at the request of the vvorshipfull and godlie magistrates there. Andrewes, Bartimaeus. 1586 (1586) STC 586; ESTC S108527 21,533 78

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perswade his brethren to iustice and loue Act. 10. Remember how Cornelius and his houshold feared God Nowe then beloued as you loue the Lorde as you tender your owne soules and your charges as you beare naturall affection to your common safetie and happines I beseeche you in the bowels of Iesus Christ indeuour to these thinges both small and great that you may profite in the worke of your saluation so shall you be famous in the church of God common weale you shal glad the soules of vs that labor amongst you in the word you shal bring glory to God eternal happines to your selus in the day of Christ Iesus Let Gods boke be orderlie read with reuerēce daily in your families let prayer be exercised in your housholdes and vouchsafe to helpe them in this small Catechisme that they may be fitte for further instruction Giue dilligence to harken to the word of lyfe and to put in vre these fewe prayers in this little booke or other with humilitie reuerence a liuelie sence and feeling of your miserie faith thankfulnes hope and with vnfained desire of profiting in all dueties of fayth and loue towards God your brethren For I liue if you stande in the fayth and sith God hath vouchsafed the blessed tidinges of saluation vppon you in the ministrie of hys word embrace it with thankfulnes and studie for all christian peace and vnitie among your selues fearing God furthering his holye religion and all dueties of loue among men that so our Towne may flourishe and prosper in all thinges otherwise wee can hope of no blessing at the hand of God There is great cause why care should bee hadde heerein Your Towne bordering vppon the sea is in perrill to forraine inuasions and to be steyned with the corrupt manners of other Countries to drinke in iniquitie euen as water therefore the more care to be hadde ouer it Christ sawe such Townes bordering on the Seas to be in most daunger sundrie wayes and therefore frequēted them most vouchsafed his presence doctrine chiefliest amongst them This is my sute to your worshippes this is my sute to the whole company to the whole congregation yea to euery soule amongst you Phil 2 1 If ye euer receiued comfort in Christ if euer you had loue to the brethren if euer any felowship of the spirit if any compassion mercy that you fulfyll my ioy Euen in this to be of one minde in doctrine of one consent in a godly and christian life to apply all dueties of Gods worship to haue care of your families instructing teaching and calling vpon them to be catechised to reade heare the word bee your selues forward therein exercisyng prayer reading and hearing of the word in faith good conscience that so by christian exercises your faith and obedience may be increased your families reformed your Towne happily gouerned that others may take example by you God may be glorified all spirituall blessings may be heaped vpon you and continued to your posterity after you vnto many generations your selues may in the ende receiue the possession of euerlasting life with Christ Iesus in the kingdome of God to whose blessed tuition I commend you and yours praying the Lorde to multiplye all hys graces and mercies vppon you and the whole people to keepe you in safetie from the daunger of enemies to sanctify you in his trueth to blesse you in your gouernment the people in obeying and to make you perfitte in all good workes to doo his wyll working in you that which is pleasant in his sight thorough Iesus Christe To whome with the Father and the holy spirit be all prayse and honor for euer and euer Amen Your worships to vse in in the Lord hartely desirous of your good and saluation in Christ Iesus B. Andrewes An order of prayer or a preparation to the reading of the word in your families Let vs prepare and stirre vppe our mindes by prayer that we may reade the word of God with profite O Lord our God who in thy wisedome and mercy hast appointed thy holie worde as the wholesome nourishment of our soules that by reading hearing and musing thereon we might growe vppe vnto saluation Wee beseeche thee to pardon all our sinnes for Iesus Christe his sake take away the corruption of our nature purge and sanctify our harts that we may read thy word at all times with reuerent mindes so as we may daily be borne againe confyrmed in faith reformed in our manners furthered in knowledge and obedience strengthened against all temptations furnished with patience against all tryals and fynally be made fruitfull in al good workes resembling thy Image and growing vppe into full holines righteousnes in thy sight til we are perfited in the heauens with Christ Iesus our Lord. Amen Let vs harken with reuerence to the holie word of the Lord our God written in such or such a Chapiter and Booke c. A breefe and short Catechisme made for the vse of housholdes and to be learned of all those that vvill be admitted to the Lords Supper By B. A. Minister TO what ende did God make you Aunswere That I might serue him according to his worde Lu 1 74 Eph 4 24 by dooing his wil in righteousnes and true holines all my life Minister VVhere shall you learne what is thys wyll of God Answere In his word and Lawe Minister Rehearse that Law of God Aunswere God spake and said Exo. 20 I am the Lord thy God c. Aunswere VVhat cheefely doth thys lawe require of you Answere First that I shoulde acknowledge (a) Deut 6 4 one onely God serue him in all purenes (b) De. 6.5 et 10 12 Luk 10 27 Ma 22 37 with all my hart soule minde strength will and thoughts in all thinges according to his worde Secondlie that I shoulde walke in (c) Mat 22 39 Ro. 13 8 7 10 loue faithfulnes and trueth with all men dooing dueties of conscience in my calling and (d) Le. 19 8 louing my neighbour as my selfe Minister Are you able of your selfe to doo hys wyll and keepe this his Lawe Aunswer Nothing lesse Minister VVhy so Aunswere Because of my corrupt nature which (a) Ro. 5 18 with Adam is fallen from the state of innocencie (b) Ro 8 7 and so is not obedient to the law of GOD. Minister VVhat are you by nature then Aunswer The (a) Eph 2 3 childe of wrath and (b) Ro 6 20 a sinner Minister VVhat is sinne Answere Euerie (a) 1 Ioh. 3 4 breaking or (b) Neh 9 34 Heb 2 3 neglecting of anie commandement of God and (c) Neh 1 7 Gal 3.10 the not dooing of euerie duetie commanded is sin Minister VVhat is the rewarde of sinne Answere The (a) Gal. 3 10 curse of God (b) Ro. 6 23 death with (c) Mar 9 48 Mat 25 46 2 Thes 1 9 Eze 18 20 euerlasting woe