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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14466 A notable collection of diuers and so[n]dry places of the sacred scriptures which make to the declaratyon of the Lordes prayer, comenly called the Pater noster. Gathered by the famous clerke Master Peter viret, Frenchman. And translated oute of Frenche into Inglysh, by Anthony Scoloker. The .viii. daye of Iune. Anno. 1548.; Bible. English. Selections. Viret, Pierre, 1511-1571.; Scoloker, Anthony, fl. 1548. 1548 (1548) STC 24781; ESTC S119202 12,472 40

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tayne on the iuste and vniuste Math .v. e. Iesus Christ sayd Father forgiue thē for they wote not what they doo Luke / xxiij c. Saint Stephen sayde / Laye not thys synne to theyr charge Acte .vij. g. And leade vs not into temptatyon Of two kindes of temptaciōs wherof the fyrst followynge / is Approbacion of fayth My brethern / coūte it exceding ioy whē ye fall into diuers temptacions / for asmoche as ye knowe / howe that the tryeng of your fayth bringeth pacience Iacob .i. a. Roma .v. a. Happy is the man that indureth in tēptacion / for whē he is tryed / he shal receiue the croune of lyfe / which the lord hath promised to thē that love him Iames .i. b. My sonne / dispise not the chastening of the lorde / neyther faynt when thou art rebuked of hī For whome the lord loueth / hī he chasteneth / and yet he delyteth in hī euen as a father in his owne sonne Pro iij. b. The ouē proveth the potters vessell / so doth temptaciō of trouble trye rightuous men Eccle .xxvij. b. Examen me o lord and proue me / trye out my reynes and my hart Psal .xxv. a. My grace is sufficient for the. For strength is made perfect thorow weakenes .ij. Cor .xij. a. God is faithfull which shall not suffre you to be tempted aboue youre strengthe but shall in the middest of the temptacion make away to come out / that ye may bear it .i. Cor .x. b. The lorde knoweth how to deliuer the Godly out of tēptacion .ij. Pet .ij. b. As for you / ye are they that haue biddē with me in temptacions Luk .xxij. b. Of the other temptacion which we require to avoyde Watch and praye / that ye fall not into tēptacyon the spiryt is willyng but the flesh is weake Math .xxvi. d. Marc .xiiij. d Let no man saye / when he is tempted / that he is tempted of God For God temteth not vnto euell Neyther tempteth he any man / but euery mā is tempted drawē away and entised of his owne concupiscēce Then when luste hath conceaued / she bringeth forth sinne / and sinne when it is finisshed bringeth forth death Iacob .i. b They that will be rich / fall into the tētacion and snare and into many folysh / noisome lustes .i. Timo .vi. b. Consyder thyne owne selfe / that thou also be not tempted Galla .vi. a. But delyuer vs from the Euell Be sober / ād watch / for your aduersary the deuell walketh aboue as a roaring lyō seking whome he may deuoure Whome resyst stedefast in the faith / and knowe / that your Bretheren in the woorld / haue euen the same afflictions .i. Ptri .v. b. Psalm Liiij d. Sathan hath desired after you / that he myght sifte you euen as wheate but I haue prayed for the / that thy fayth fayle not And when thou arte conuerted / strength thy brethern Luke .xxij. c. I sent that I might haue knowledge of your Faith / least haplye the tempter had tempted you / least oure labour had bene in vaine .i. Tess .iij. a We knowe that who soeuer is borne of God / sinneth not but he that is begottē of God / he kepeth hī selfe / and the wicked toucheth him not .i. Iohn .v. c. For all that is borne of God ouercōmeth the world / evē our faith .i. Iohn .v. a. For thyne is the kyngdome ād the power / ād the glory for euer Amen O lord God of Israel our father / praysed be thou now and euermore O Lorde thine is the might / power / glory / victorye and the prayse For all that which is in heauen and aerth / is thyne O lord thyne is the kyngdome / thou art Prince of all thinges Thyne are the rychesses / treasures / honour and dominion ouer all And in thy handes is the vertue / might / power excellencye Empyre and rule vppon and aboue all thinges Wherfore nowe oure God / we giue laud praise and glory to thy most noble name .i. Chroni .xxix. c. Read the whole Psalm cxliiij O the depenes of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God How in comprehensible are his iudgementes / and his waies vnsearcheable For who hath known the mynd of the lord or who hath bene his councell gever Or who hath geuen him ought aforehand that he myght be recompensed againe For of him / and thorowe him / and in him are all thinges To him be praise for euer Rom .xi. d. To God only wise / our Sauiour / be glory magnificence / Empire and powr / now and euermore Amen Iudic .i. g. Rom .xi. d .ij. Tim .vi. d .i. Petr .v. d. Apo .v. d .vij. c. Thou art worthy o lord to receiue glory and honour / and power For thou hast created all thynges / and for thy wylles sake they are and were created Apo .iiij. b ¶ The somme of the Prayer Our Father whych arte in heauen Hallowed be thy name O Lord God our father in heauen / we thy myserable children vppon aerth / beseche the / that thou wylt mercyfully Looke on vs / and lende vs thy grace / that thy name may be sanctyfyed amonge vs / and in al the world / thorow the pure and sincere teachyng of thy word / and thorow aernest charite in our daily lyuing and conuersacyon Seclude thou gratyouslye all false doctrine euell lyuing / wherby thy worthy name / might be blasphemed and slaūdred Thy kyngdome Come O let thy kyngdom come and be graet All synfull / blynd people and suche as are holden captyue of the deuell in hys kyngdome / those brynge thou to the knowleadge of the true faith / in Iesus Chryst thy sōne Thy wyll be done in earth as it is in Heauen Strength vs Lorde wyth thy spirite / to do to suffer thy wyll both in lyfe and death in wel and woo / that our will may alway be broken / offred vp mortified Gyue vs thys Daye our Daylye Breade And geue vs our dayly bread Preserue vs from couetous desyre / and carefulnes of the belly that of the / we maye be assured to haue Aboundaunce of all good thynges And forgeue vs our trespaces / as we forgyue them that trespas against vs. Forgyue vs our trespace / as we forgiue them whych offend vs that our harte maye haue a sure and glad cōscience / and that we neuer feare nor be afrayde for any Sinne. And let vs not be led into temptacion Lead vs not into temptacion / but help vs thorow thy spirite / to subdue the flesh / to despise the world with his vanities / ād to ouercome the deuel wyth all his crafty assaultes But Delyuer vs from euell And fynally deliuer thou vs frō al euell both bodely and gostly / temporall ād aeternall Amen All they that aernestlye desyre thys / let thē saye Amen Beleuing wythout any doubte that it is heard in heauē / accordīge as Christ promised vs sayīg / whā ye pray beleue assuredly that ye shall haue it / ād it shall come to passe The somme of the prayer Seke ye fyrst the kingdome of God / al these things shal be ministred vnto you Luke .xiiij. d. Finis VERBVM DEI Proue the spyrites / whether they be of God Ihon the .iiij .i. Reg .viij. d. Mat .vij.
in heauen / and his kingdom ruleth over all Psal cij c. / Our God is in heauen / he doth what soeuer pleaseth him Psal cxv a. All the heauens are the lordes / and the earth hath he geuen vnto men Psalmes cxv d. Heauē is my seat aerth is my fotestole where shal now the house stād that ye wyl buylde vnto me wher shall be the place that I wil dwel in as for these thīgs / my hand hath made thē all / ād they are al created / sayth the lord / Esay lxvi a. Do not I fulfyl heauē aerth saith the lorde Ierem .xxiij. d. For heauen the heauē of all heauens may not cōprehēd hī Who am I thē that I shuld buyld hī an house i. Reg .viij. d .ii Chron .ij. b. But salomon buylt him an house / howbeit the hyghest of all dwelleth not in temples that are made with handes / as the Prophet sayth c. Act .vij. f. God which made the worlde / and all that therin is / for so moch as he is lord of heauen and earth / dwelleth not in Temples made of hands / neyther is he worshipped with mens handes / as though he had nede of any man / seyng he hym selfe geueth lyfe and breath vnto al men euery where hath made of one bloude all the generatyon of men to dwell vppon all the face of the Earth and hath assygned borders appoynted before / howe long and farre they shuld dwel / that they myght fele and find him And truly he is not farre from euery one of vs / for in him we lyue / move and haue our beyng / as certeyne of your owne poetes also haue sayd we are his generatyon c. Act .xvij. d. and e Halowed be thy name I wyll make the name of my holynes to be knowen among my people of Israell / and I will not let my holy name to be euell spoken of any more but the very heathen also shal knowe that I am the Lord the holy one of Israell Gzech .xxxix. b. At that tyme shall there be one Lorde onely / and his name shal be but one 1. Zacha .xiiij. b. I do not this for your sakes O house of Israell but for my holy names sake Ezech .xxxvi. d. Bring me my sonnes from farre / my doughters from the endes of the worlde Namelye all those that call on my name For them haue I created / fasshyoned and made for myne honoure Ezay .xliij. a. And the tyme shall come / that whosoeuer calleth on the name of the lorde / shal be saued Ioel .ij. f. O Lord our gouuernour / howe wonderful is the name in al the world Psa .viij. a From the rysing vp of the sōne / vnto the going down of the same / my name is great amōg the gētyles / yea in al places Mal .i. c The lord is hye aboue all heathē / his glory aboue the heauēs Who is lyke vnto the lorde our God / that hath his dwellinge so hygh / whych humbleth him selfe to beholde that is in heauen and aerth whyche taketh vp the symple oute of the dust and lyfteth the poore out of the myre The Lordes name is worthy to be praysed frō the risyng vp of the sonne vnto the goyng downe of the same Psalm cxij. a. Synge vnto the Lord and prayse hys Name / be telling of his Saluation from day to day Declare hys honoure amonge the heathen / and his wonders among all people Psalm .xcv. a. The name of the Lorde is a strong castell / the ryghtuous flieth vnto it / shall be saued Prouerb .xviij. b. Not vnto vs O Lorde not vnto vs but vnto thy name geue the praise / for thy louynge mercy and faithfulnes Psalme Cxv. a. Helpe vs O God our Sauyour for the glory of thy name O deliuer vs / and forgiue vs our sinnes for thy names sake Psalm lxxviij b. Leade my in thy way O lord that I walke in thy trueth O let my harte delyte in fearing thy name I thanke the / o Lord my God / and wyll prayse thy name for euer Psa lxxxv b. clxv a. Chro .xxix. c A frewyll offring will I geue the / and prayse thy law / o lord / because it is so cōfortable Psalm liij a. I will declare the name vnto my bretheren / in the middest of the cōgregacion wil I prayse the. Psal .xxi. c .xxiij. a. Ebr .ij. c. The Lord gaue and the Lord hath taken awaye Now blessed be the name of the Lord. Iob .i. d. Let vs therfore by hym offer alwayes vnto God the sacryfice of prayse that is to say the frute of those lyppes which cōfesse his name Ebre .xiij. c. Psal .xci. a. Thy Kingdom come Seke ye fyrst the kingdome of heauen and the ryghtuousnesse therof / so shall all these things be ministred vnto you Mat vi d. Luke .xij. d .iij Reg .iij. b. The kyngdom of God is not meate drinke but ryghtuousnesse / peace and ioye in the holy goost Roma .xiiij. c. The kingdome of God is not in wordes but in power .i. Corin .iiij. c. The kyngdom of God cōmeth not wyth outwarde apperaunce / neyther shall it be sayde Lo / here or there is it For beholde the Kyngdome of God is inward in you Luke .xvij. c. Except a man be borne a newe / he can not see the kingdom of God Ihon .iij. a. Except a mā be borne of water and of the spirite / he can not come into the kingdom of God Ihon .iij. a. Who soeuer receaueth not the kingdome of God / as a chyld / shall not entre ther in Luke .xviij. b. Fleshe and bloude can not inheret the Kingdom of God .i. Cor .xv. e. The kingdom of heauen suffreth violence / and the violent plucke it vnto them Math .xi. b. Which hath deliuered vs frō the powr of Darkenes / and translated vs into the Kyngdome of hys deare Sonne / in whome we haue Redemption thorrowe hys Bloud / namely / the forgeuenes of synnes Collos .i. b. Thē shal be the ende / whē he shall delyuer vp the Kingdome vnto God the father Whē he shall put down al rule superiore / powr For he must reigne til he haue all hys ennemies vnder fete The last ennemye that shall be destroyed / is death / i. Cor .xv. c. Similitudes of the kingdom of God Mathe .xxiij. a. e. Mar .iiij. a. b. Luke the viij a. b. Math .xiij. e. Mark iiij d. Luke .xiij. d e. Math .xiij. f. g .xviij / c .xx. .xxij. a Lu .xiiij. d. Mat .xxv. a. b. Luk .xix. b .xv. Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heauen What wylt thou that I shall do Act .ix. a Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth the / for thou art my God Let thy louyng spyryt leade me forth vnto the Lande of rightuousnes Psal cxlij b. This is the will of him which hath sēt me / that who soeuer seeth the sonne /