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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11240 A Christian exhortation taken out of the Holy Scriptures for the great comfort of euery faithfull person being in the agonie of death, before whome it must be ofte[n]times red and recited (if neede be) eue[n] to his last breath. Wherevnto is ioyned in the end a singular prayer for the partie greeuously afflicted by sicknesse dravving tovvard his death. Therewith is a briefe catechisme, which is not only to instructe the sicke, but also to refresh his memorie vvith the greate mysterie of our redemption. I. S., fl. 1579. 1579 (1579) STC 21500; ESTC S102189 21,015 74

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of his sonne our Lord only sauiour Iesus Christ And euen as the good old m●n Simeon of whom S. Luke maketh mention after that he had séene according to the promise made vnto him Iesus Christ whome hee had wayted for and desired of long time blessing and praysing God did say Lorde thou lettest goe nowe thy seruante in peace according to thy word for so much as mine eyes hane séene thy saluation the whiche thou hast prepared before the face of all people a lighte for the lightening of the Gētiles the glory of thy people Israell Euen so we after that wée haue knowen the sonne of God oure mediator and Aduocate after that we haue séene him with the eyes of our saith with the good old Simeon yea he whiche is the Christ and anoynted of the Lorde let vs gyue thankes with ioy and gladnesse to the great liuing God and let vs sing very Christian songs prayses and himites in the holye company of the faithful and let vs depart from thys life willingly with a glad hearte at what time soeuer it shall please this good heauenly father yea and being in good healthe lette vs desire with S. Paule to be separated from this body to be leste in peace with Simeon to the ende that we maye lastly come to that only and eternal ioy of Angels and of men whych is Iesus Christ after whom the faithfull doe languishe with a burning zeale to enioy his so amiable company with all the Saincts God the author of euery good thing and blessing the father the sonne and the holy Ghost make vs partakers of this holye grace vnto whome bée prayse euerlastingly So be it Hebr. 13. Remember those which are afflicted as being your selfe of the same bodye and subiecte to endure as much The end of the Catechismes ¶ Heere followe certayne consolatorie sentences concerning the loue of God towards man and of the benefits of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christe bestowed vpon vs taken out of holy scripture for the comfort and confirmation of the afflicted in mind whome Sathan by all his cunnings would drawe into desperation and he that would escape comforte of thys small collection must haue the Bible by hym and turne to the sentences heerein vvritten and not onely reade the sentences heere cyted but also that vvhich goeth next before it and that also vvhich follovveth next after is * ⁎ * FIrst God is the God of loue and peace 2. Cor. 11. God deliuereth vs frō ouil Esa. 3. a. 63. ye know the he appeared the he might take away our sins in him is no sinne Ioh. 3. b but God setteth out his loue toward vs séeing that while we were yet sinners Christ dyed for vs Ro. 5. b. for those which he hathe predestinate to be made like to the image of his son to the end he should be the first born amongst very many brethrē Ro. 8. f. and that which I liue now in the flesh I liue in the faith of the son of God who hath loued giuen himselfe for me Gala. 2. d and walke in loue euē as Christe bath loued vs hathe giuen hymselfe for vs to be an offering and a sacrifice of a sméet smelling sauoure to God Ephe. 5. a. Grace and Peace be vnto you frō hym that is that was and that is to come from the seauen spirites which are before his throne frō Iesus Christ which is a faithfull witnesse the first borne of the dead and Prince of the Kings of the earth vnto him that loued vs and washed vs in his bloud frō oure sins Apoc. a. b. for the Lorde doeth chastice him that he loueth euen as the father doth the childe in whome he delighteth my sonne despise not the chastning of the Lord neither fainte when thou arte rebuked for whome the Lord loueth he chastneth and he scourgeth euery sonne that he receiueth If ye endure chastizemēt God offereth himselfe vnto you as vnto sons for what sonne is he c. Hebr. ● i. b. c. Prouer ● b. But Sion sayd the Lord hath forgotten me can a woman forgette hir childe and not haue cōpassion of the sonne of hir wombr though they should forget yet I will not forget thée Esay 49. d.e. I haue sound thée saith the Lord with an euerlasting loue therefore with merrie haue I drawen thée Iere. 31. a. b. What shall we then saye to these things if God be on our side who cā be againste vs who spared not hys owne sonne but gaue him for all to deathe howe shall he not with hym giue vs all things also Rom. 8. f. So we doe therefore loue him bycause he loued vs first Iohn 4. d. as my father knoweth me euen so knowe I my father and I lay downe my life for my Shéepe Ioh. 10. b. c. the false Prophete whiche woulde drawe vs from the loue and perfecte trust that we ought to haue in God ought not to be heard but slayne Deut. 13. a. b. c. Call vppon me in the daye of thy trouble and I will deliuer thée and thou shalt glorifie me Psalm 50. c. for O Lorde thou arte good and mercifull of greate kindnesse vnto all thē which call vpon thée Psal. 80. ● The Lorde is ful of compassion and mercie flowe to anger and of greate kindnesse he will not alwayes chide nor kéepe his anger for euer Ps. 103. a. The Lord is gratious merciful flowe to anger and of great mercie The Lord is good to al his mercies are ouer al his works Psalm 102. At what time soeuer a sinner doth repēt him of his sin from the bottome of hys hart I wil put all his wickednes out of my remēbraunce saith the Lorde Ezechiel 18. g. A sorrowfull spirite is a sacrifice vnto God dispise not O Lord humble and contrite harts Ps. 51. Séeke the Lord whilst hée may be soūd cal vpō him whilest he is néere let the wicked forsake his wayes the vnrighteous his own imaginations returne to the Lord he will haue mercie vpō him to our God for he is very ready to forgiue Esa. 55. b. c. Then shall ye crie vnto me and yée shall goe and pray vnto me and I will heare you and yée shall séeke me and find me bycause ye shal séeke me with all your hearte and I wyll bée founde of you sayth the Lorde and I will turne awaye youre captiuitie Ierem. 29. c. Grace be vnto you and peace from God the father and from oure Lorde Iesus Christ who gaue himselfe for our sinnes to deliuer vs from this presente wicked world according to the will of God dure Father to whome be glorie for euer So be it Galath i. a. Amend your liues for the kingdome of God is at hande Math. 4. c. I am not come to call the righteous but the sinners to repentance Math. 9. b. Come vnto me all ye that are loden and wéerie and I will ease you Math. ●● d. If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christe the righteous and he is the reconciliation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world 1. Iohn 2. a. * ⁎ * The Ende 2. Cor. 12.13.14 Hebr. 1.10 14. 2 Cor. 5. d. Rom. 8. 1. Cor. 15. g. Ephes 1.19 Ephes 2.1.13 Coloss 1.20 2.14.15 Iohn 3. Ba●●c 3. 2. Cor. 1. Eccles 41. Psal. 52.72 Psalme 68. Math. 7. Eccles 7. Luc. 12. Math. 24. 2. Pet. 3. 1. thess. 5. Psal. 2. Iohn 8. Math. 7. Esay 40. Rom. 7. Note Hebr. 11. Psalme 51. Psal. 142. Math. 3. Tit. 3. Ephes 2. Psal. 51. Rom. 8. Rom. 1. Math. 1. Philip. 2. Acts. 3. Math. 27. Esay 53. Apocal. 1. Hebr. 9. 1. Pet. 1. Rom. 6. Marke 16. 1. Cor. 15. Actes 1. Coloss 3. Hebr. 7. Math. 25. Psalme 61. Rom. 8. Math. 25. Ephes 1. Math. 4. 1. Cor. 11. An excellent gifte Rom. 5. 1. Cor. 15. Marke 16. Rom. 3. Math. 24. Esay 40. Genes 1. 1. Tim. 2. Tit. 3. 1. Tim. 1. Actes 4. Apocal. 1. ☞ 1. Iohn 2. Math. 17. Rom. 1. Philip. 1. 1. Pet. 2. Rom. 3. Iohn 14. Math. 26. Psalme 30. Rom. 8. Esay 55. Math. 11. 1. Iohn 5. Rom. 3. Iohn 14. Math. 26. Psalme 30. Marke 16. Deut. 18. Psalme 2. Esay 53. Genes 3.3 Math. 9. Iohn 10. Luc. 22. Hebr. 1. Ionh 5. Esay 53. Apocal. 1. Rom. 7. Rom. 3. Iohn 14. Marke 26. Psalme 30. Iohn 10. Actes 4. Rom. 8. Rom. 10. Hebr. 11. Iohn 5. 1. Iohn 2. Psalme 22. Rom. 3. Iohn 14. Math. 26. Math. 26. Math. 18. Iohn 14. Iames. 5. 1. Cor. 11. Psalme 74. Math. 26. Psalm 102. Iohn 14. Hebr. 7. Math. 6. Rom. 11. Rom. 8. Iohn 1. Psalme 30. Psalme 71. Psalme 51. Iohh 14. Math. 6. Hebr. ●● Iohn 8. Eccles 18. Genes 1. Psalme 51. Ephes 2. Rom. 5. 2. Cor. 11. Psal. 31. Rom. 10. Genes 1. Psalme 26. Genes 1. 1. Iohn 1. Luc. 1. 1. Iohn 5. Genes 18. Iohn ●7 Rom. 5. Psalme 51. Luke 24. Psalme 21. Rom. 1● Math. 1. Luc. 12. Ephes 2. Psalme 51. Rom. 8. Rom. 5. Math. 26. Hebr. 7. Actes 3. Bray 53. Math. 26. Marke 16. 1. Cor. 15. Actes 1. Coloss ● 1. Iohn ● Rom. 8. Iohn 5. Rom. ● 1. Iohn 5. Ephes 5. Math. 4. 1. Cor. 11. 1. Cor. 10. Psalme 51. Luke 17. 1. Tim. 1. Actes 4. Apocal. 1. Math. 26. Math. 10. Marke 11. Math. 5. Math. 16. Luke 23. Hebr. 9. Genes 3. Esay 38. Esay 55. 〈…〉 Math. 6. Psalme 38. Esay 38. 1. Cor. 15. Apocal. 1. Note this blasphemie Luke 2.
death and in the meane time that it maye please him to make you to prosper from good to better and to giue me to perseuere in your seruice as your very humble and very obedient seruant for euer * ⁎ * A Christian exhortation the vvhyche must bee recited with a loude voyce before euery faithfull person being in the agonie of Death HE that is of GOD let him heare the word of GOD and let hym not only hear it but let him kéepe it and put it in execution for all thinges shall haue an ende and shall weare as a garmente but the worde of the Lorde GOD remayneth eternally Nowe séeing it is so that by one man sinne is come into the worlde and by sinne death and consequentlye all afflictions and aduersities depend of the same therefore iustly the life of man is nothing else but a continuall battell vpon the earth in suche sorte that the flesh sighteth against the spirite and the spirite against the Diuell the Worlde and the Flesh which are the enimies of our soules But following the counsell of the Apostle to obteyne victorie in that spirituall battayle you must constantly resist by Faith for the victorie which ouercommeth the world it is our faith the whiche is a true and stedfast knowledge of the loue of God towards vs according as by his Gospell he declareth himselfe to be oure father and sauioure by the meane of Iesus Christ Hauing then suche a stedfast Faith for your principal foundation acknowledge and confesse without fayning before the Maiestie of God that you are a poore and miserable sinner conceiued and borne in iniquitie and corruption prompte to all euill doing vnapte to anye good thing and that by youre vice you haue transgressed without ende and withoute ceassing the whole commaundementes of god In which thing doing you haue drawen by hys iust iudgemente ruine and destruction vpon you yet for all that you are displeased in your self that you haue offended him and do condemne your selfe and youre vices with true repentance desiring that the grace of God doe help your calamitie Praye then in such stedfast fayth if you can not with youre mouth pray wyth youre hearte that God our very louing and most mercifull father doe not enter at all into iudgement nor into accompt with you but that hée will haue pitie vpō you in the name of his sonne Iesus Christ our Lord and that it may please him to blotte out our vices and spottes by the merites of the death and passion of the same Iesus Christe in whose name presente you to him his holy Prayer the whiche he hath taught vs in saying with a pure hearte Our Father which art in Heauen thy name be halowed Thy Kingdome come Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heauen Giue vs this day our dayly bread And pardon vs our offences as we pardon them whiche haue offended vs And leade vs not at all into temptation but deliuer vs from the euill For thine is thy Kyngdome the power and the glorie throughout all ages So be it B. S. N. Acknowledge with all youre hearte your vniustice be forse for your sinnes repent you continually and the Kingdome of God shal draw néere vnto you acknowledge that there is no iustice nor innocencie nor anye good workes of you or in you but as a child of wrath conceyued borne in the sinne of the old Adam you do deserue eternall death and damnation Yet for all that let not the same nor all the sinnes of the world if you should haue committed thē feare you at al for Iesus Christ the true and eternall sonne of God is made verye man conceyued by the holy Ghost borne of a holy Virgin To sanctify and to cleanse you he hath suffered vnder Ponce Pilate many afflictions iniuries and outrages making himselfe a seruante and captine to sette you into full libertie Iesus Christ was crucifyed vpon the woodde of the Crosse to delyuer you from the eternall cursse Iesus Christ dyed in sheding his precious blaud for youre redemption to deliuer you fully from deathe from Hell and from the power of Satan Iesus Christ was buried in the Sepulchre to burie all youre sinnes the which he hathe borne blotted out Iesus Christe is descended into the lower partes in suffering an extreame anguish to deliuer you from all paynes and griefes of death Iesus Christe arose agayne from the dead to make you to rise agayne in your proper body and glorious immortalitie Iesus Christ is gone vp into Heauen to make you to go vp after him Iesus Christ is set at the right hād of God his father almightie being youre aduocate and intercessor towardes him and the appointment of all your sinnes We a waite for him that he shall come to iudge the liuing and the dead to yeèlde to euery one according to his workes but to his faithfull ones whiche beléeue in him he will not impute at all their sinnes but hauing iustified them by his grace will make them to raigne for euer with him in hys heauenly throne B. S. N. Such is the great misterie of our redemption the whiche by the helpe of the grace of the holye Ghoste you oughte stedfastly to beléeue to baue bin wrought for youre saluation And doubt not at all but that by the merite of Iesus Christe the head of his Churche you are made a member incorporate to the same yéelding him thankes in great humilitie that he hathe giuen you the grace to haue liued in the communion and companye of his faithfull hauing nou●ished you with hyword with his bodye and with hys bloud acknowledging as well assured the great mercie of God by the remission of all youre sinnes the which he hath giuen you by Iesus Christ who will make you to rise againe at the latter daye to raigne with him in the life eternall the which he hath promised to all those whiche beléeue in him being baptised in his name Nowe B. S. N. séeing that you haue this Faith doubt not at all to receyue the promise of Faith for God is true he is not a lyar as man is rather Heauen and Earth shall passe but the worde of God remayneth for euer God is youre father and creator you are hys creature and the worke of his hands he hath not made you to destroy you for hée is the sauiour of all men and willeth not the deathe of a sinner but that he conuert and liue wherefore I declare vnto you in the name of God that of his great goodnesse and mercie he giueth you full pardon and remission of all your sinnes by the onely merite of his sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde in the sheding of his pretious bloud for he is the propitiation not only of all your sinnes but of all the sinnes of the whole world B. S. N. Iesus Christ sayeth with his owne mouth that all things are possible to him