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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A88360 An alarum to vvarre: proclamed by our royall Soveraigne, and his loyall Parliament. To subiugate the savage cruelties, and inhumane massacres acted by the nocent papists; and to vindicate the barbarous blood-shed, and impious insolencies suffered by the innocent protestants of Ireland. To which is annexed an encouragement to all his Maiesties true-hearted, and valiantly disposed subiects, here is England, who are already, or shall be hereafter engaged in this present expedition against those Romish rebells, and all that are confederate with that malignant party, there in Ireland. By J.L. Acad: Cant: in art: mag J. L. 1642 (1642) Wing L25; Thomason E142_6; ESTC R212740 3,964 8

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AN ALARVM TO VVARRE PROCLAMED By our Royall SOVERAIGNE AND His Loyall PARLIAMENT To Subiugate the Savage cruelties and inhumane Massacres Acted by the Nocent Papists AND To vindicate the barbarous blood-shed and impious insolencies suffered by the Innocent Protestants of IRELAND To which is annexed An Encouragement to all his Maiesties true-hearted and valiantly disposed subiects here in England who are already or shall be hereafter engaged in this present Expedition against those Romish Rebells and all that are confederate with that malignant Party there in Ireland By J. L. Acad Cant in art mag LONDON Printed by H. I. 1642. AN Alarum to Warre THough the countenance of Warre be horrid and formidable to all Nations in regard of the inevitable ruine and certaine destruction which it carries along with it for nulla salus bello there 's no safety but all vastation and desolation in the time of Warre yet when the matchlesse tyranny of Popish Rebells shall exalt it selfe over the liberties consciences and lives of our deare brethren in Ireland who professe the Protestant Religion when their horrible outrages have been there committed are still perpetrated and continued to the stupifying even of Amazement it selfe to the hazard of that Kingdome and perill of this in such a case the aspect of Warre is both amiable and acceptable De nobis narratur The case is our owne Those nefarious miscreants have not only unlawfully surprized many Townes and Cities in that Island but their cursed rage hath been so implacably bent against the poore Protestants their selves being violently transported beyond all bounds of nature and humanity that they have most unmercifully and unchristianly fired divers places which they have invaded and savagely sacrificed the inhabitants to their mischievous malice and insatiate insolency Never were Tartars Turkes and Mahumetans so bloodily minded as these villaines have been Those Monsters of nature for men I will ●ot terme them have not onely sacked and pillaged wheresoever they have come but they have taken delight to torture the Protestants without any bowells of compassion They have ravished and deflowred chaste women and virgins throwne small children into R●●ers with Pitchforkes they stripped 1500 stark-naked driving them like Dogges towards Dublin drowned and killed many of them by the way cutting off Pious Protestant Ministers and their wives in pieces I tremble to speake it they have searcht Womens privities for money and in a most horrid and stupendious manner they have ript up their wombes great with childe and slaine with the sword both them and their infants Quis talia fando Temperet a lachrymis The Cruell enemie whose very mercies have been cruelties hath powred out their blood in every street and there hath been no friend to helpe them but in much mercy of late it hath pleas'd the Almighty to consider their distresse Hee will not suffer the rod of the wicked alwayes to lie upon the back of the righteous Vengeance though slow is sure And God will be ávenged for the blood of his Saints their blood being in conspectu Domini in the sight of the Lord as precious as their death Sinne has a crying voice and the effusion of innocent blood is of all other sinnes peccatum clamans It cryes alowd from the bortome of the earth to the top of heaven As the sinnes of Sodome were great and the cry of them came up before the Almighty So the Sanguinean sinne of cursed Caine cryed unto heaven to the God of Heaven for vengeanc In like manner the blood of those poore Protestants so undeservedly and lamentably spilt hath made such a clamour in the All-hearing eares of the Almightie that hee hath been graciously pleased in pitty and compassion of their manifold miseries and most grievous massacres by a coelestiall voice to speake to the heart of his deare Anointed our dread Soveraigne and to his heavenly-minded Parliament to commiserate their deplorable calamities and forthwith releive them with a powerfull heaven-prospering Army Hereupon the voice of Warre is proclaimed a statute for it by the King and the high and Honourable Assembly of Parliament hath been enacted the Commission to his Maiesties Officers to presse both land and Sea-men hath issued forth The Lord of Hosts goe along with our hosts guide and direct them in all their wayes prosper their cause grant them a propitious successe and glorious victory over his and their blood-thirsty enemies And I pray God send more auxiliary Forces to them who are already there arrived that in so iust a quarrell they may be the better co●solated and animated that the Rebells may with more facility be quelled and conquered and that the Kingdome of Ireland may be the sooner reduced to their due subiection and awfull obedience to the Crowne of England and to the lawe and ordinances made by his Maiestie and his States of both Kindomes There was never any King that had more iust and weighty cause to warre against a people at any time then his Maiestie hath against the Rebells at this time And as the cause is urgent so the expedition of it is as important There was never a more requisite necessitie of a speedy supply then at this present For the Rebellion there is so generall that it is not the force of a small Army from hence that can suppres them Though there are no spiders in the Kingdom of Ireland as many have averred maintained yet the Romish Spider hath spun so fowl a web in that faire Island that it hath need of a great beesome to sweep it out again And for the better confirmation hereof It is not only publikely rumor'd but credibly reported that neighboring Princes have taken up Arms the one of Spaine the other of France both of them at this present very potent at Sea and it is generally supposed that they are intended for Ireland to assist these Assassinates against the Protestants Thus the Hydra of the Romish Faction doth dayly multiply their Army doth encrease yet God be thanked some of their Men and Ammunition have been of late intercepted and prevented and I pray God in this particular continue his goodnesse still unto us Their Forces are very strong their Assistants and adherents for the present being potent their insolencies are grown to the utmost height of impious impudence impudent impietie They are resolved no more to be subiect to the Crowne of England and the Lawes Statutes of the Kingdome but their unreasonable demand is to have such a Vice-Roy or Gubernator as may be well accepted of by them and no other Thus as they have cast out of their hearts Christian compassion to the K. subiects so they have cast off from their necks the yoke of due subiection to the King himselfe Rebels they have proclaim'd themselves to the whole world and that in summo gradu in the highest degree of as high a nature as ever Histories have recorded or age of man can cōmemorate Never did the wildfire