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A72509 A perambulation of Kent conteining the description, hystorie, and customes of that shyre. Collected and written (for the most part) in the yeare. 1570. by William Lambard of Lincolnes Inne Gent. and nowe increased by the addition of some things which the authour him selfe hath obserued since that time. Lambarde, William, 1536-1601. 1576 (1576) STC 15175.5; ESTC S124785 236,811 471

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of this gallant brought to shame and confusion his Pecockes feathers pulled his black féete bewraied his fraude vnfoulded his might abated and him selfe in the ende suffered to sayle ouer with sorowe and ignominie Besides this Pryorie of S. Martines which was valued at a hundreth fourscore and eight poundes by yeare there was lately in Douer also an Hospitall rated at fiftie nyne poundes An other house of the same sorte called Domus Dei or Maison Dieu reputed worth one hundreth and twentie pounds And long since a house of Templers as they call it the which together with al other of the same kind throughout the Realme was suppressed in the reigne of King Edwarde the seconde The foundation of any of these I haue not hitherto founde out and therefore can not deliuer therof any certaintie at all Onely as touching this Temple I dare affirme that it was erected after the time of Conquest for as muche as I am sure that the order it selfe was inuented after that Godfrey of Bolein had wonne Ierusalem whiche was after the cōming in of the Conquerour To these also may be added for neighbourhoode sake if you will the Monasterie of S. Radegundes on the hyll two myles off valued at fourescore and eightéene pounds by yeare And here hauing perused the Towne Castle and religious buildings I woulde make an ende of Douer saue that Mathewe Parise putteth me in mynde of one thing not vnworthy rehearsall that was done in this Temple I meane the sealing of that submission whiche King Iohn made to Pandulphe the Popes Legate wherin he yealded his Realme tributarie and him selfe an obedienciarie and vassall to the Bishop of Rome And bycause this was almost the last acte of the whole Tragedie and can not well be vnderstoode without some recourse to the former parts and beginning and for that some men of late time haue taken great holde of this matter to aduaunce the Popes authoritie withall I will shortly after my manner recount the thing as it was done and leaue the iudgement to the indifferent Reader After the death of Hubert the Archebishop of Canterbury the Monkes of Christes Church agréed among them selues to chose for their Bishop Reginald the Subpryor of their house King Iohn hauing no notice of this election wherein no doubt he receiued greate wrong since they ought to haue of him their Conge deslier recommended vnto them Iohn Graye the Bishop of Norwiche a man that for his wisedome and learning he fauoured muche Some part of the Monkes taking soudaine offence at Reginalde for that he had disclosed a secrete out of their house and being glad to satisfie the Kings desire elected this Graye for their Bishop also Hereof grewe a great suite at Rome betwéen the more part of the Monkes on the one side and the Suffraganes of Canterbury and the lesse number of the Monkes on the other side The Pope vpon the hearing of the cause at the first ratifieth the election of Iohn Graye Howbeit afterwarde he refuseth bothe the electes and preferreth Stephan Langton whom the Monkes bycause the matter was not before litigious enough elected also Nowe King Iohn hearing that not only the election of Graye contrarie to the Popes owne former determination was made frustrate but that there was also thruste into his place a man familiarly entertained by the Frenche King his great enemie disliked much of the choice forbad Stephan the elect to enter the Realme The Pope againe who as Mathewe Parise writeth sought chiefly in this his choice Virum strenuum a stoute man that is in plaine speache a man that could exact of the Clergie kéep in awe the Laitie and encounter the King and Nobilitie séeing his champion thus reiected beginneth to startle for anger first therefore he moueth the King by minacing letters to admitte Stephan not so preuailing he enterditeth him his whole Realme And finally bothe prouoketh al Potentates to make open warre vpon him and also promiseth to the King of Fraunce full and frée remission of all his sinnes and the kingdome of England it self to inuade him this done he solliciteth to rebellion the Bishops nobilitie and cōmōs of the Realme loosing thē by the plenitude of his Apos to like power from al duetie of allegiaunce toward their Prince By this meanes diuine seruice ceassed the King of Fraunce armed the Bishops conspired the nobilitie made defection and the common people wauered vncertaine to what part to incline To be short King Iohn was so pressed with suspition feare of domesticall forreigne enemies on al sides that notwithstāding he was of great and noble courage and séemed to haue forces sufficient for resistance also if he might haue trusted his souldiers yet he was in the end compelled to set his seale to a Chartre of submissiō wherby he acknowleged himselfe to holde the Crowne of England of the Popes Mitre promised to pay yerely for the same and for Ireland 1000. Markes to the holy father his successours for euer this Chartre because it was afterward with great insultation and triumph closed in Golde was then commonly called Aurea Bulla the Bull of Golde Thus omitting the residue of this storie no lesse tragical and troublesome then that which I haue alreadie recited I report me to all indifferent men what cause Paulus Iouius or any other popishe parasite hathe by colour of this Bull to claime for the Pope superioritie Dominion ouer the King of this Realme since Iohn without the assent of the estates I meane his nobilitie and commons could not in such a gifte either binde his successours or charge the kingdome And for plaine declaration that his submission proceaded not with their consent I read in a treatise of one Simon de Boraston a Frier Preacher in the time of King Edward the third the which he wrote concerning the Kings right to the Crowne of Ireland that in the reigne of Henrie the third whiche next of all succeaded King Iohn there were sent from the King the nobilitie and the commons of England these Noble men Hughe Bigod Iohn Fitz Geffray William Cantlowe Phillip Basset and a Lawier named William Powicke to the generall Counsel then assembled at Lions in Fraunce of purpose and with commission to require that the saide Bull sealed by King Iohn might be cancelled for as muche as it passed not by the assent of the Counsel of the Realme and the same Authour writeth that the Pope for that tyme did put them of by colour of more waightie affaires whiche the Counsel had then in hand I know that it may wel be thought néedlesse to labour further in confuting a litle so weightles for it is true that Aristotle saith Stultum est absurdas opiniones accuratius refellere It is but a follie to labour ouer curiously in refelling of absurdities And therefore I will here conclude the treatise of Douer and procéede particularly to the rest of the places that lye on
of the number of 329 16 peucata Leucata 341 7 burgHEr burHEs 342 10 the word which the which worde 344 17 reiected eiected 358 27 caelcE aelcE 361 23 other uche other suche 362 15 Hi ƿHrto Hi þErto   18 ƿE Hit þE Hit 366 25 three estales three estates 370 1 vaginacae vagniacae   3 ƿyrHam ƿyrtHam 391 32 in feodo in feoda 392 10 in feodo in feoda 396   in the mar that call call that 399 11 shall entree shall enter   12 condtion condition   33 exemplfied exemplified 400 29 and in case not and not in case   30 is iustified is iustised 406 25 seiset seisei 407 24 may waine her may waiue her Saxones ANGLIAE HEPTARCHIA ¶ The exposition of this Map of the English Heptarchie or seauen Kingdomes TO the ende that it may be vnderstoode what is ment by the tearmes of Eastsaxons Westsaxons Mercia Northumberland and such other of which there is common mention in the Treatise folowing I haue thought good to prefixe a chard of the seauen sundry Kingdomes into the whiche this Realme was sometime diuided But yet for the better and more plaine explication of the matter it shall bee good first to know that all these Nations following haue had to doe within this our Countrie The Brittons the Romanes the Scottes and Pictes the Saxons the Danes and the Normanes The Bryttons after the Samothees and Albionees whiche be of no great fame in our history were the most auncient Inhabitantes of this land and possessed it in peace vntil Iulius Caesar the Romane Emperour inuaded them for so muche may a man gather of Horace his wordes where he sayeth Intactus aut Brytannus Sacra vt descenderet catenatus via c. These therefore weare by Iulius Caesar subdued to the Romane Empyre and their country made a tributarie Prouince in whiche case it continued many yeares togeather vntyll at the length they being greiuously vexed with the Pictes and Scottes their neighbours on the North and being vtterly voide of all hope of aide to bee had from the Romanes their patrons who also at the same time weare sore afflicted with the inuasion of the Hunnes and Vandales like barbarous nations they weare enforced to séeke for further helpe And therefore sent into Germanie from whence they receaued hyred Souldiours of the Nations called Saxons Iutes and Angles vnder the conduicte of Hengist and Horsa two naturall brethren and both verie valiant Captaines These Sctos as them selues do write weare a people of Scythia that came first into Spaine then into Ireland and from thence to the North part of Britaine our Iland where they yet inhabit They were called Scots or Scyttes of Scyttan which is to shoote The Pictes also came from the same place after them and occupied the parts where VVestmorland and Galoway now be And they were called Pictes either for that they vsed to paynte their bodies to the ende to séeme the more terrible or els of the word● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth a Champion by reason of their great courage and hardinesse The Saxons Iutes Angles weare the Germains that came ouer as we haue saide in aide of the Britons of which the first sorte inhabited Saxonie the seconde were of Gotland and therfore called Gutes or Gottes The thirde weare of Angria or Anglia a country adioyning to Saxonie of which the Duke of Saxonie is Lorde till this day and beareth the name therof in his stile or title of honour and of these last we all be called Angli English men These Germaines for a season serued against the Scots and Picts But afterwarde entised by the pleasure of this countrey and the fraude of the enemies they ioyned handes with them and all at once set vpon the Britons that brought them in and so driuing them into Fraunce Wales and Cornwall possessed their dwelling places and diuided the countrye amongst themselues Howbeit they also wāted not their plague For after that they had long warred one vpon another for the enlarging of their particular kingdomes and had at the last so beaten the one the other that the whole was by the Westsaxons reduced into one entier Monarchie sodainly the Danes a people of Norway Denmarke came vpon them and after much mischiefe done in the ende tooke the crowne quite and cleane from them But they were expulsed after thirtie yeares trouble and the Englishe and Saxon Nation restoared to the royall dignitie which yet they enioyed not many yeares after For straight vpon the death of Edward the Confessor William of Normandy whose people at the first came from Norway also and were therfore called Normans demaunded the Crowne and wan it of Harold in the Fielde whose posteritie holdeth it tyll this day Thus muche of the Nations that haue had interest in this Realme Now to our purpose that is to the diuision of the same into the sundrye kingdomes vnder the Saxons And although by reason of the continuall contention that was amongst them for enlarging their bounds there can no certaine limits of their kingdomes be appointed yet wee wil go as neare the trouth as wee can and folow the best approued authours that haue written thereof The first Kingdome therefore was called the Kingdome of the Westsaxons bicause it was in the West parte of the Realme and it comprehended the whole Shires of Southampton Berk Wilton Dorset and Somerset besides some partes of Surrey Gloucester and Deuonshyre As for the residue of Deuonshyre and whole Cornwall the Britons reteyned it whose language is not there as yet forgotten The seconde was the Southsaxon Kingdome so termed bicause it lay South and conteined whole Sussex and the remaine of Surrey The thirde was the Kentish Kingdome and had for the most part the same boundes that the Shyre of Kent yet hath although at some tyme and by the prowes of some King it was extended muche further The Kingdome of Estsex or of the Estsaxons was the fourth which was named of the situation also and included the whole Shires of Estsex and Midlesex with some portion of Hartfordshyre The fifte was of the East Angles or East Englishmen consisting of the I le of Elye and the Shyres of Norfolke Suffolke and Cambridge The Kingdome of Mercia or Mearclande had the sixt place which was so called of the Saxon woords Mearc signifiyng a bounde limit or marke as wee yet speake and that bicause it lay in the midst of this our Iland as vpon the whiche al the residue of the Kingdomes did bounde and weare bordered In this Kingdome weare wholy these Shyres Lincolne Northampton Rutlande Huntingdon Bedford Buckingham Oxford Chester Derby Notingham Stafforde And partly Hereford Hartford Warwick Shropshire and Gloucestershire Northumberlande so called because it laye North from the Riuer Humber was the seauenth Kingdome and it enuironned Yorkshire Durham Northumberlande Cumberlande and Westmerlande wholy and so muche of Lancashire besides as was not in Mercia This
Kingdome was for a season diuided into twayne that is to say Deira and Bernicia but for as muche as neyther that diuision endured long nor the actes of their Kings were greatly famous I wyll not staye vpon them But to the end it may appeare by what lawes and customes these Kingdomes weare guided for of them also wee must make mention in this historie I will procéede to set foorth the rest of the vse of this chard of the English Heptarchie As eche Countrie therefore hath his propre lawes customes and manners of lyfe so no man ought to doubt but that these peoples being aggregated of so many sundrye Nations had their seuerall rules orders and institutes Howbeit amongst the rest those be moste famous whiche our auncient writers call the Dane law West-Saxon law and Merchen law The first of whiche was brought in by the Danes The second was vsed amongst the west Saxons and the last was exercised in the kingdome of Mercia and yet not so exercised amongst them selues alone but that they spred ouer some partes of the rest of the lande also being eyther embraced for their equitie aboue the rest or cōmaunded by suche the Kings as preuailed aboue others To the Westsaxons law therfore al suche were subiect as inhabited the Kingdomes of Kent Sussex or Westsex The Eastsaxons Estangles and they of the kingdome of Northūberland al whiche were muche mingled with the Danes lyued vnder the Danes lawe They of Mercia had their owne law but not throwout for after some mens opinions the East and Northeparts of it liued after the law of the Danes also Al these lawes King William the Conquerour collected togeather and after a discréet view had by aduice of his counsel allowed some altered others and quite abrogated a great many in place of whiche he established the lawes of Normandie his owne countrey ¶ The description and hystorie of the Shyre of Kent HAuing thus before hand exhibited in generalitie the names scituation and compasse of the Realme the number of the sondrye Nations inhabiting within the same the seuerall lawes languages rites and maners of the peoples the conuersion of the countrie to christianitie the diuisions and lymites of the Kingdomes the beginnings and alterations of Bishoprickes and such other things incident to the whole Order now requireth that I shew in perticular the boundes of eche Shyre and Countie the seuerall Regiments Bishops Sées Lasts Hundrethes Fraunchises Liberties Cities Markets Borroughs Castles Religious houses and Scooles The Portes Hauens Riuers Waters and Bridges And finally the Hilles and dales Parkes and forests whatsoeuer the singularities within euery of the same And bicause not only the Romanes and Saxons that weare conquerours of this Realme but also the Disciples of the Apostle Philip and the messengers of Pope Gregory that were conuerters of the people arriued firste in Kent and for that the same by commoditie of the Riuer of Thamise the chief key of this Iland first openeth it selfe and to the end also that such guests strangers as shal vouchesafe to visite this our Britaine may at their first entry fynde such courtesie and intertainment as frō hencefoorth they ceasse either with Horace to cal vs Hospitibus feros or with others Feroces in Aduenas I wyll be their Zenagogus or guide and first shew them our countrie of Kent the inhabitantes whereof Caesar himselfe in his Commentaries confesseth to be of al others the most full of humanitie and gentlenesse Kent therefore lying in the Southeast Region of this Realme hath on the North the Riuer of Thamise on the East the Sea on the South the Sea and Sussex and on the West Sussex and Survey It extendeth in length from VVicombe in the frontiers of Surrey to Dele at the Sea side fyfty miles And reacheth in bredth from Sandhirst neare Robertsbridge in the edge of Sussex to the Northeast pointe of the I le of Greane almost thirty miles so hath in circuit 150. miles or therabout It is called by Caesar and other auncient writers Cancium and Cancia in latine which name as I make coniecture was framed out of Cainc a woorde that in the language of the Britaines whom Caesar at his arriuall founde inhabiting there signifyeth bowghes or woods and was imposed by reason that this Countrie both at that time and also longe after was in manner wholy ouergrowne with woode as it shall hereafter in fyt place more plainly appeare The Aire in Kent by reason that the Countrye is on sundry partes bordered wyth water is somewhat thicke for which cause as also for that it is scituate nearest to the Sunne risinge and furthest from the Northe pole of any part of the realme it is temperate not so colde by a great deale as Northumberlande and yet in maner as warme as Cornwall The Soile is for the most parte bountifull consisting indifferently of arable pasture meadow and woodland howbeit of these wood occupieth the greatest portion euen till this day except it bee towardes the East which coast is more champaigne then the residue It hathe Corne and Graine common with other Shyres of the Realme as Wheat Rye Barly Oats in good plenty saue onely that in the Wealdish or woody places where of late daies they vsed muche Pomage or Cider for want of Barley now that lacke is more cōmōly supplyed with Oates Neither wanteth Kent such sorts of pulce as the rest of the Realme yeeldeth namely beanes peason tares whiche some reteining the sound of the latine woord Vicia call vetches and which Polydor supposed not to be founde in Ingland The pasture and meadowe is not onely sufficient in proportion to the quantitie of the country it selfe for bréeding but is comparable in fertilitie also to any other that is neare it in so muche that it gayneth by féeding In fertile and fruitfull woodes and trées this country is most floryshing also whether you respecte the maste of oke Béeche Chesten for cattail or the fruit of aples Peares Cherries Ploumes for men for besides great store of oke and béeche it hathe whole woodes that beare Chestnutt a mast if I may so call it and not rather a fruite whereof euen delicate persons disdaine not to féede not commonly séene in other countries But as for Ortchards of Aples and Gardeins of Cheries and those of the most delicious and exquisite kindes that can be no part of the Realme that I know hath them either in such quantitie and number or with such arte and industrie set and planted So that the Kentish man most truely of al other may say with him in Virgil Sunt nobis mitia poma Castaneae molles c. Touching domesticall cattel as horses mares oxen kine and shéepe Kent differeth not muche from others onely this it challengeth as singular that it bringeth forth the largest of stature in eche kinde of them The like wherof also Polydore in his historie
ƿaes Haile Hlaford cynyng wessail Lord King that is to say be merie Lord King wyth which her daliance the King was so delighted that he not onely vouchesafed to pledge her but desired also to perfourm it in the right manner of her owne countrey And therefore he answered as he was taught vnto her againe drinc Haeile drinke merely Which when she had done himselfe tooke the cuppe and pledged her so hartely that from thenceforth he could neuer be in rest vntil he had obtained her to wife litle weighing eyther howe déeply he had endaungered his conscience in matching him selfe with a heathen wooman or how greatly he had hazarded his Crowne by ioyning handes with so mightie a forein Nation At the time of this mariage Hengist labouring by all meanes to bring in his owne Countrie men begged of the King the territories of Kent Essex Midlesex and Suffolke then knowen by other names pretending in woord that he would in consideration thereof kéep out Aurel. Ambrose a competitor of the crowne whose arriual King Vortiger much feared But meaning in déede to make thereby a key to let into the Realme multitudes of Germanes for furtherance of his ambitious desire and purpose which thing in processe of time he brought to passe not onely creating himselfe and his posteritie Kings of a large quarter but also thereby shewing the way and entrie howe others of his nation might follow and doe the like And thus Kent being once againe as I saide reduced into a Kingdome continued in that estate by the space of thrée hundreth thrée score and eight yeares or thereabouts in the handes of fiftéene successours as the moste credible authours do reporte Some others adde Edbert and Alric and so make seuentéene in all whose names doe followe 1. Hengist the first Germane 2. Oesc 3. Occa. 4. Hermenric or Ermenric 5. Ethelbert the first christened 6. Eadbald 7. Erconbert the first that commaunded the obseruation of Lent in this shire 8. Egbert 9. Lothar 10. Eadric After his death Nidred and Wibbard vsurped by the space of seuen yeares and therfore are not registred in the Catalogue of the lawfull Kings 11. Wightred he built Sainct Martines at Douer 12. Edbert added by some 13. Ethelbert 14. Alric added also by some 15. Eadbert Pren or Edelbert Pren. 16. Cuthred 17. Baldred Now although it might here séeme conuenient before I passed any further to disclose suche memorable things as haue chaunced during the reignes of al these forenamed Kings yet for asmuche as my purpose specially is to write a Topographie or description of places and no Chronographie or storie of times although I must now and then vse bothe since the one can not fully be perfourmed without enterlacing the other and for that also I shal haue iust occasion hereafter in the particulars of this Shyre to disclose many of the same I will at this present and that by way of digression only make report of one or two occurrents that happened vnder Ethelbert Eadric two Kings of this countrey This Ethelbert besides that he mightely enlarged the boundes of his owne Kingdome extending the same euen to the riuer of Humber was also the first King amongst the Saxons inhabiting this land that promoted the kingdome of Christ as to whome it pleased almighty God to break the bread of his holy woord and gospel through the ministerie and preaching of Augustine the Moncke that was sent from Rome by Pope Gregorie surnamed the great amongst the Saxons I saide least any man should thinke that eyther the faith of Christe was not heare at all or not so purely preached before the comming of that Augustine For it is past all doubt by the stoaries of all Countries and by the testimonie of Beda him selfe being a Saxon that the Britons embraced the religion of Christ within this Iland many hundreth yeares before Gregories time whether in purer sorte then he sent it hither or no let them iudge that knowe that he was called worthely Pater Caeremoniarum and that may yet sée in Beda and others what trūpery crept into the church of God in his time and by his permission Eadric the other King succéeded in Kent after Lotharius who because he rather reigned by luste then ruled by lawe incurred the hatred of his people and was inuaded by Ceadwalla King of Westsex and Mull his brother whiche entring the countrie and finding no resistance herryed it from the one end to the other not thus contented Ceadwalla in reuenge of his brother Muls death whome the countrie people had cruelly slaine in a house that he had taken for his succour entred this countrie the second time and sleying the people spoiled it without all pitie And yet not satisfied with all this he suffered the quarrell to discend to Ina his successour who ceased not to vnquiet the people of this Shyre till they agréed to pay him 30000. Markes in golde for his desired amendes These be the matters that I had to note in the reignes of these two Kings as for the rest I passe them ouer to their fit titles as things rather perteining to some peculiar places then incident to the body of the whole Shire and will now prosecute the residue In the time of this Baldred that standeth last in the table of the Kings Kent was vnited by King Egbert who last of all chaunged the name of the people and called them Englishmen vnto the Westsaxon Kingdome which in the ende became Ladie and maistres of al the rest of the kingdomes also and it was from thenceforth wholy gouerned after the Westsaxon law as in the Mappe of the tripartite lawes of this Realme hathe appeared vntil suche time as King Alfred first diuided the whole Realme into particular Shires vpon this occasion following The Danes bothe in his time and before had flocked by sea to the coastes of this land in great numbers some times wasting and spoiling with sword and fire wheresoeuer they might arriue and sometymes taking with them greate booties to their Ships without doing any further harme which thing continuing for many yeares togeather caused the husbandmen to abandon their tillage and gaue occasion and hardinesse to euill disposed persons to fall to the like pillage and robberie The whiche the better to cloke their mischief withall feigned them selues to bee Danishe Pirates and would some time come on land in one part and some time in an other driuing great spoyles as the Danes had done to theire shippes before theim The good king Alfred therefore that had merueilously traueiled in repulsing the barbarous Danes espying this outrage and thinking it no lesse the parte of a politique Prince to roote out the noisome subiect then to hold out the forein enemie by aduice of his counsail and by the example of Moses which followed the counsaile of Ietro his father in law diuided the whole Realme into certein parts or Sections being two and thirtie in number as
the first yeares of King Henrie the seconds Reigne the Clergie of the Realme had committed aboue a hundreth seuerall murthers vpon his subiectes as it was infourmed him for remedie of whiche outrage the King by assent of his Nobilitie and Bishops of whiche number Thomas Becket himself was one tooke order at Claredowne that if any Clerke from thencefoorth committed felonie or treason he should first be degraded and afterward deliuered to the Lay power there to receaue as to his offence belonged Not long after it chaunced one Philip Broic a Chanon of Bedford to be apprehended for murther and to be brought before the temporal iustice where he not only shewed no remorse of the wicked fact but also in hope of Ecclesiasticall exemption gaue very euill language to the Iudge the Iudge complained therof to the King the Chanon belike made meanes to the Archebishop For the King no sooner endeuoured to put his Lawe in execution but the Archebishop bothe forgetfull of h●s duetie to God and his Prince and vnmindefull of his owne oth set him selfe against it affirming plainly that he neither could ne would suffer it Hereupon the Prince waxed wrothe and by litle and litle his indignation so kindeled by matter that the obstinacie of the Bishop daily ministred that in the end it was to hote for Becket to abide it Then speedeth he himself to Rome and poureth into the Holy Fathers bosome complaint of moste grieuous oppression extended against the Clergie The Popes Holynesse sory to discourage so good a Souldiour as the Bishop was and withal lothe to loose so mightie a friend as King Henrie was by letters and Legates praieth commaundethe persuadethe and threatneth reconciliation and attonement whiche after great a doe by the meanes of the Frenche King and other his instruments was in a sort brought to passe Then Thomas Becket retourneth with the Kings fauour into the Realme from whence he had six yeares before departed without licence and therefore without or rather against Lawe and immediately séeketh to reuenge himself vpon suche the Bishops as had in his absence assisted the king Whiche when the King being then in Normandie vnderstoode it chaunced him in greate griefe of minde to caste out some woordes that gaue occasion and hardines to Reginald Bere William Tracy Hughe Moruill Richard Bryton foure of his Gentlemen to addresse themselues for his reuenge These foure therefore passed the Seas came to Canterbury found out the Bishop followed him into his Church● and vpon the Staires of the same did him very cruelty and dispitefully to deathe This shortly is the chiefe substance and circumstance of all this Tragedie drawne out of our owne Countriemen and Thomas his fauourers howsoeuer otherwise Erasmus led by some sinister information hathe reported it as shall hereafter appeare in Otford Wherein as I can not on the one side allowe this murther executed not by any publique Minister of Iustice but by a priuate and iniurious arme So on the other side I report me to al indifferent Godly Readers whether suche a lyfe deserued not suche a death and whether these Popishe Parasites that haue painted foorth his prayses make not themselues thereby parteners of all his pride and wilfull rebellion I might here rest long vpon diuerse other thinges concerning the King and this Archebishop namely how that he suffered the King to holde his stirup twise in one day in Normandie but in Prato Proditorum as Mathewe Parise very pretely writeth it Howe the King came with bare and bléeding féete to Canterbury to purge himselfe of the murther Howe he bared his body to the Monkes of this house and receaued of euery Religious Person there foure or fiue stripes in whiche selfe yeare by the way their whole churche was consumed with fire and some other matters besides which make manifestly for the proofe of great presumption in the Clergie and of vile abiection of the Princes of those dayes But bicause that I am fearefull that I growe to long I will leaue Saint Thomas him selfe and after a fewe woordes more of this Churche step ouer to Saint Augustines After Thomas this Church found thrée especiall mainteiners of the building William Courtney which by his Testament bequeathed one thousand Markes towards the amendment of the bodie of the Church the walles and the Cloister Thomas Arundel which erected one of the Bell Towers gaue fiue Belles and Christened them after the Popish manner And Henrie Chicheley who both repaired the librarie with books and building and did great cost vpon one of the Bell Towers also Nowe to Saint Augustines Augustine hauing thus established a Sée for him selfe and his successours obteined further of King Ethelbert for the better furtherance of the seruice that he had in hand a Churche that then stoode betwéene the walles of the Citie and S. Martines wherein the King himselfe vsed before to make his prayers and offer sacrifice to his Idoles This Church he purged from Prophane abuse name as they say and dedicated it to the seruice of God and to the honour of Saint Pancrace Neither ceassed he thus but shortly after intreated the same King to build a Monasterie in the soyle adioyning whiche he also appointed to the honour of Saint Peter and Saint Paule and placed Monkes therein This Monasterie in memorie of his benefite lost the first name and was euer after called Saint Augustines Nowe whereas the true meaning bothe of the King and Augustine was that this Church for so much as bothe then and long after it was not their manner to burie their dead within the walles of any Citie a thing forbidden of olde by the law of the twelue tables should be from thencefoorth a common Sepulchre to all their successours as well in the Kingdome as in the Archebishopricke yet suche was the fauour of the Bishops folowing Augustine towards their own church that in the processe of time Saint Augustines was defrauded of the Sepultures bothe of the one the other For in Brightwaldes dayes the buriall of the Kings was taken from it and Cuthbert the Archebishop in his life begged of King Eadbert that for the aduauncement of Sainct Iohns a newe Churche that he had erected for that purpose and for the execution of iudgements by the Ordale and whiche was afterwarde fired with the flame of Christes Churche wherevnto it was neare adioyning the Bishops also might from thencefoorth be buryed there And for the more suretie to attaine that his desire he tooke order in his life by othe of all his Couent that they shoulde suffer his corps to lye thrée dayes in the grounde after his death before any Bell shoulde be rong or other open solemnitie vsed that might notifie his departure to the Monkes of S. Augustines Onely Ieanbright the fourtéenth Bishop whom other copies cal Lambright was conueyed to the grounde at Sainct Augustines by this occasion After the death of Bregwine the Archebishop this Ieanbright then being Abbat of
William Becley in the reigne of King Henrie the sixt But nowe lately to repaire the losse of that dissolution Maister Roger Manwoode a man borne in the Towne and aduaunced by vertue and good learning to the degrée of a Serieant at the Lawe hathe for the increase of Godlinesse and good letters erected and endowed a faire Free Schoole there from whence there is hope that the common wealth shall reape more profite after a fewe yeares then it receaued commoditie by the Carmelites since the time of their first foundation This only is that whiche I had to say either of the present or passed estate of this place whiche done I will procéede to the narration of suche other thinges as long since happened thereaboutes partly for the illustration of the antiquitie of the towne partly for the setting forth of the cōmoditie of the hauen but chiefly for the obseruation of the order whiche I haue beegonne whiche is to pretermitte nothing woorthie note that I finde in stoarie concerning the place that I take in hand But bycause that whiche I haue to say dependeth altogether or for the greater parte vpon the Hystorie of the Danes whiche many yeares together disquieted this land it shal bée fitte aswell for the better explication of the thinges presently in hand as also for the more easie vnderstanding of other matters that must hereafter followe to disclose so compendiously as I may the first beginning procéeding and ending of the Danishe affaires warres and troubles within this Realme Aboute the yeare after Christe seuen hundreth foure score and seuen thrée vessels of the Northe East Countrie men whose ancestors had before within the compasse of one hundrethe and fourtie yeares sacked Rome in Italie foure seuerall times and whose ofspring afterward wonne Normandie from the Frenche King shewed them selues vpon the westerne shoare of England being sent before hand as it is supposed to espie the cōmoditie of the hauens the aduauntage of arriual the wealthe and force of the inhabitants to the end to prepare the way for greater powers then were appoin to followe These had no sooner set some of their men on lande but the Reeue or officer or Beorhtricke or Brictricke then King of the West Saxons had knowledge therof who came vnto them and demaunding the cause of their arriual would haue carried them to the Kings presence but they in their resistance slewe him wherevpon the people of the Countrie adioyning addressed themselues to reuenge and assembling in great numbers beate them backe to their ships not without the losse of some of their company And this was the first attempt that euer the Danes for so our hystories cal by one general name the Danes Norwais Gottes Vandals others of that part made vpon England after whiche tyme what horrible inuasions miseries calamities and oppressions followed shall appeare anone Not long after this enterprise a fewe ships of them made the lyke assay in Scotland and within short space after that also some other of them entred Tynemouth Hauen in the North parte of England and taking some small booties retourned to their vessels Now by this experiment they had gained sufficient knowledge of that for whiche they first came therefore thinking it fit tyme to assay further they rigged vp a greater numbre of ships armed more store of chosen souldiers entred the Riuer of Thamise with fiue and thirtie sayle landed in despight of the people fired spoyled herried and preuailed so farre that Egbert who then had the Monarchie ouer all England was faine to come with all his power to the reliefe and rescue But suche was the will of God for the punishement of Idolatrie and superstition which then ouerwhelmed this Realme that the Danes in stead of being discomfited by the Kings repaire were merueilously encouraged by his misfortune For after that they had once gotten the better in the field against him they were so embouldened therby that notwithstanding he afterward and some other valiant Princes following by great prowesse abated their furie in parte yet adioyning themselues to the Britons that then were in great emnitie with the Saxons and swarming hither out of their owne Countrie in such flightes that the number of the slaine was continually supplied with greate aduauntage they neuer ceassed to infeste the Realme by the space of thrée hundreth yeares and more during the reignes of fiftéene seuerall Kings till at the last they had made Etheldred flye ouer into Normandie leaue them his Kingdome During all whiche time howe mightely their forces increased vnder Hinguar Hubba Halfden Guthrum Aulaf and Hasten their Nauie being rysen from thrée ships to thrée hundrethe and fiftie at the least howe pitiously the East West Southe and Northe parts of the Realme were wasted the townes Cities religious houses and Monasteries of eache quarter being consumed with flames howe miserably the common people were afflictted men women and children on all sides going to wracke by their tempestuous furie howe marueilously the Kings were amased the arriualles of these their enemies being no lesse sudaine then violent howe barbarously the monuments of good learning were defaced the same suffering more by the immanitie of this one brutishe Nation then by all the warres and conquestes of the Pictes Scots Romanes and Saxons and finally how furiously fire and swoord famine and pestilence raged in euery place God and men Heauen and the elements conspiring as it were the fatall destruction of the Realme I may not here stand to prosecute particularly but leauing eache thing to fitte place I will procéede with King Etheldred and so to my purpose This man aboue all other was so distressed by their continual inuasions that since he wanted force to make his longer defence he thought it best to giue money for their continuall peace And therefore charging his people with importable tributes he first gaue them at fiue seuerall payes 113000. l. afterward promised thē 48000. yearely hoping that for asmuch as they seemed by the manner of their warre rather to séeke his coyne then his kingdome to rob then to rule at the least this way to haue satisfied their hunger but like as the stone called Syphinus the more it is moisted the harder it waxeth so no giftes could quenche the golden thirste of these gréedie raueners but the more was brought to appease them the more stonie and inexorable they shewed thēselues neuer ceassing euen against promises othes hostages to execute their accustomed crueltie Herevpon King Etheldred hauing nowe exhausted the whole treasure of his Realme and therefore more vnable then euer he was either by power or praier to help himself or to relieue his subiectes determined by a fine policie as he thought to deliuer bothe the one and the other For whiche purpose by the aduise of one Huna the generall of his armie he wrote letters to eache part of the Realme commaunding that vpon S. Brices day which is the morowe after Sainct
not to pursue ouer fiercely thine enemie that hath already tourned his back towardes thée least thou compell him to make vertue of that necessitie and he turning his face againe put thee in d unger to be ouercome thy selfe which before haddest in thine owne hande assuraunce to ouerthrowe him In which behalfe it was well sayde of one Hosti fugienti pons aureus faciendus If thine enemie will flye make him a bridge of Golde Neuerthelesse for as much as this aduice procéeded not from Eadric of any care that he had to preserue King Edmonds power out of perill but rather of feare least the whole army of Canutus should be ouerrunne and destroyed he is iustly taxed for this and other his treasons by our auncient historians who also make report of the worthy rewarde that in the ende he receiued for all his trecherie For this was hee as William Malmsb writeth though some others ascribe it to his sonne that afterwardes when these two Kings had by composition diuided the Realme betwene them most villanously murthered King Edmonde at Oxford and was therfore done to death by King Canutus who in that one act shewed singular argumēts both of rare iustice and of a right noble harte Of iustice for that he would not winke at the faulte of him by whose meanes hee obteyned the Monarchie of the whole Realme of great Nobilitie of minde in that he plainly declared himselfe to estéeme more of his owne honour then of another mans Crowne and Scepter to haue digested quietly that impatiencie of a partener in kingdome which great Alexander thought as intollerable as two sunnes in the world at once and which Romulus could in no wise brooke since he woulde not suffer one kingdome to content him and Remus whom one belly had conteyned before There was sometime at Eilefford a house of Carmelite Friers of the time of the foundation or name of the founder whereof I haue not yet learned any thing Mallinge in Saxon Mealing of Mealuing that is the Lowe place flourishing with meale or Corne for so it is euery where accōpted THis Towne the name whereof hauing his termination in ing betokeneth plainely that it is situate along the water euen as Yalding Berming Halling and others thereby was first giuen to Burhricus the Bishop of Rochester by King Edmund the Brother of Athelstane vnder the name of thrée Plough landes in Mealinges About one hundreth and fiftie yeares after whiche time Gundulphus a successour in that See as you haue read before hauing amplified the buildings and multiplied that number of the Monkes in his owne Citie raised an Abbay of women here also which being dedicate to the name of the Blessed Virgin during all his life he gouerned himself and lying at the point of death he commended to the charge of one Auice a chosen woman to whome notwithstanding he would not deliuer the Pastorall staffe before she had promised Canonicall Obedience fidelitie and subiection to the Sée of Rochester and protested by othe that there should neither Abbasse nor Nonne be from thenceforthe receaued into the house without the consent and priuitie of him and his successours Now whether this Rus propinquum and politique prouision were made of a blinde zeale that the man had to aduaunce superstition or of a vain glorie to increase authoritie in his succession or els of a foresight that the Monkes whiche were for the moste part called Monachi of Sole liuing by the same rule that Montes haue their name of remouing might haue a conuenient place to resort vnto and where they might Caute at the least quenche the heates kindled of their good cheare and idlenesse God knoweth and I wil not iudge But well I wote that this was a very common practise in Papistrie for as Saint Augustines had Sepulchres Saint Albans Sopewell Shene Sion the Knightes of the Rodes the Nonnes of Clerkenwel all adioyning or subiect to suche obedience so Sempringham and some other of that sort had both Male and Female within one house and wall togeather the world being in the meane while borne in hand that they were no men but Images as Phryne said sometime of Xenocrates This house was valued in the Recordes at two hundreth and eightéene pounds of yerely reuenewe Tunbridge called of Mat. Par. Th●●ebrugge corruptly for tonebrycge that is the Bridge ouer Tone but if it be truly written tunbrycge thē it signifieth the towne of Bridges as in deed it hath many ALthough I find no mention of Tunbridge in that copie of Domesdaye booke whiche I haue séene concerning the description of this Shyre yet read I in history that there was a castle at Tunbridge sone after the conqueste if not euen at the same time when that booke was compiled For omitting that which Hector Boetius writeth concerning a battell at Tunbridge wherin the Conquerour as he saith should preuaile against Harold bicause it is euidently false and vntrue vnlesse he mean it of the continuance of the chase after the fight euen to Tunbridge I haue read that at suche time as Odo ioyning with others of the Nobilitie made defection from William Rufus to Robert his elder brother the King besieged at Tunbridge one Gilbert then kéeper of the Castle and compelled him to yéelde it Happely this Odo being the Kings Vncle and of great authoritie within the Shyre as we haue before shewed had erected this Castle giuen the charge to Gilbert but howsoeuer that were certaine it is that the Castle was long time holdē of the Archbishops of Canterbury and continued many yeares togeather in the possession of the Earles of Clare afterwards called of Gloucester For in the dayes of King Henrie the second Thomas the Archbishop required homage of Roger then Earle of Gloucester for his Castle of Tunbridge who knowing the King to be halfe angrie with the Archebishop and wholly on his owne side shaped him a short answere affirming stoutly that it was none of his but the Kings owne as a Lay Fée Falcasius a hyred Souldiour that was enterteined by King Iohn during the warres with his Nobilitie toke by force this Castle from the Earle of Gloucester and kept it for a season to the Kings behoofe King Henrie the third also after the death of Gilbert the Earle of Gloucester scised the Wardship of his Heire and committed the custody of this Castle to Hubert of Burghe But Richard the Archebishop surnamed the great being offended therat came to the King in great haste and made his claime by reason that the Earle Gilbert died in his homage the King gaue answer that the whole Earledome was holden of him that hee might lawfully committe the custodie of the Landes to whome soeuer it liked himselfe Hereat the Bishop waxed warme and tolde the King plainly that since he could not haue right within the Realme he would not spare to séeke it abrode forthwith hasted him to the holy Father at Rome where he
to haue lien in the hart of England both bycause it séemeth likely that the common place of méeting should be most fitly appointed in the midst of the Realme and for that it is manifest by the hystorie that it was in the domini of the King of Mercia whiche I feare not to call midle England But for as much as I once read a note made by one Talbot a Prebendarie of Norwiche and a diligent trauayler in the Englishe hystorie vpon the margine of an auncient written copie of William Malmsburies booke De Pontificibus in whiche he expounded Clouesho to be Cliffe at Hoo neare Rochester and for that I doe not finde the expresse name Cloueshoo in all the catalogue of that precinct whiche was sometime the kingdome of Mercia although there be diuers places therin that beare the name of Cliffe as wel as this I am contented to subscribe to Talbots opiniō but with this protestation that if at any time hereafter I finde a better I will be no longer bounde to followe him And thus haue I now visited the places of chief note that lye in the skirtes of the Diocese whervnto if I had added a fewe other that be within the body of the same I would no lesse gladly then I must necessarily finishe and close vp this winters trauayle Swanscombe called in Saxon Spegenscomb that is the camp of Sweyn the Dane that encamped at Grenehithe hard by AS the whole Shyre of Kent oweth to Swanscomb euerlasting name for the fruition of her auncient franchises obtained there So I for the more honourable memorie of the place can gladly afoord it roome both at the beginning and towarde the ende of my labour The matter for the whiche it is especially renowmed is already bewrayed in the discourse of the auncient estate of this Shyre wherevnto I will referre you And at this time make note of a thing or twaine besides and so passe ouer to the residue The Manor of Swanscombe is holden of Rochester Castle and oweth seruice towarde the defence of the same being as it were one of the principall Captaines to whome that charge was of auncient time committed and hauing subiect vnto it sundry Knightes fees as petie Captaines or inferiour souldiours bound to serue vnder her banner there The Churche at Swanscombe was muche haunted in times past for Sainct Hildeferthes helpe a Bishop by coniecture of his picture yet standing in the vpper windowe of the Southe I le although his name is not read in all the Catalogue of the Sarons to whom suche as were distracted ranne for restitution of their wits as thicke as men were wont to sayle to Anticyra for Hell●borus This cure was perfourmed by warmth close kéepeing and good diet meanes not onely not straunge or miraculous but méere naturall ordinarie and resonable And therefore as one the one side they might truely be thought mad men and altered in their wits that frequented this pylgrymage for any opinion of extraordinarie woorking So on the other side S. Hildeferth of all the Saintes that I knowe might best be spared séeing we haue the keper of Bethleem who ceaseth not euen tyll this day to woorke mightely in the same kinde of Myracle ¶ Mepham aunciently written MeapaHam SImon Mepham the Archebishop that performed the solemnities at the inauguration of King Edward the third had both his name natiuity of this towne although Polydore Virgil hath no mencion of the man at all in his hystorie or catalogue of Archebishops either not finding or forgetting that euer there was any suche It is probable also that the same Bishop built the church at Mepham for the vse of the poore which William Courtney one of his Successours repaired fowre score yeares after and annexed therunto fowre new houses for the same ende and purpose Besides these notes it hath chaunced mée to sée an antiquitie of Mepham whiche both for the profite and pleasure that I conceiued therof I think méete to insert thoughe happely some other man may say that I doe therein and in many others also nothinge els but Antiquiora Diphtera loqui Neuerthelesse to the ende that it may appeare what the auncient forme and phrase of a Testament was how the Husbande and the wife ioyned in making their Testamentes how landes were deuisable by testament in olde time by what wordes estates of inheritaunce were wont to be created how the Lordes consent was thought requisite to the testament of the tenaunt and how it was procured by a guift of Heriot which as Bracton sayeth was done at the first Magis de gratia quam de iure Furthermore that you may sée how this Towne of Mepham and sundry others came at the first to Christes church Saint Augustines and Rochester and finally that you may know as well what aduauncement to Gentrie was then in vse as also what weapons iewels and ornaments were at that time worne and occupied I wyll set before your eye the last will and testament of one Byrhtric and his wife which was a man of great wealth and possessions within this Shire and had his abideing at Mepham more then sixe hundreth yeares agoe Ðis This is is ByrHtrices Birtricks and and Aelfsƿyðe Elfswithes His his ƿifes wyues niHsta last cƿide þe Hi cƿaedon on MeapaHam on Heora maga testament declaration whiche they declared at Mepham in their kinsfolks geƿitnesse hearing witnesse ꝧ ƿaes ƿulfstan Vcca that was Wulstan Vcca and and ƿulfsie Wulfsie His his broðor brother and and sired Syred Aelfrides Elfrides suna sonne and and ƿulfsie Wulfsie se the blaca blacke and and ƿine wyne preost the priest and and Aelfgar Elsgar on of MeapaHam Mepham and and ƿulfeH Wulfey ordeges Ordeys suna sonne and and AelfeH Elfey His his broðor brother and and byrHtƿara Birtwar Aelfrices laf Elfrices widowe and and bryHtric Britric Hise maeg her cousine and Aelfstan bisceop Elfstane the Bishop Aerest His cyne Hlaford aenne First to his naturall Lord beaH on HundeaHtotigan one bracelet of foure score mancysen Markes of goldes golde and and ane one Handsecs hatchet dagger handknife of on as eal sƿa miclan muche and and feoƿer Horse and foure horses tƿa geraedede two of them trapped and and tƿa two sƿrd swordes gefetelsode trimmed and and tƿegen two Hafocas hawkes and and ealle all His his Heador Hundas houndes hedgehoundes And þaere And to the Lords wife Hlaefdian Ladie aenne one beaH bracelet on of þrittigan thirtie mancusan markes of goldes golde and and aenne one stedan horse stede palfrey to to forespraece intreate ꝧ se cƿyde standan moste that this testament stande maye And And for for His his saƿle soule and and His his yldrena elders auncestors into Sct. Andree to Sainct Androes Rochester tƿa two sulung plowland aet at denetune Dentun And Hio for Hire saƿle and Hyre yldrena And they bothe for their soules and their elders tƿa aet langafelda two at Longfield ploughlande And And þider in
S. Iohn Champneys Iohn Baker Esquier Reignold Scot. Iohn Guldeford Thomas Kempe Edward Thwaites William Roper Anthonie Sandes Edwarde Isaac Perciuall Harte Edward Monyns William Whetnall Iohn Fogg Edmund Fetiplace Thomas Hardres William Waller Thomas Wilforde Thomas Moyle Thomas Harlakenden Geffrey Lee. Iames Hales Henrie Hussey Thomas Roydon ¶ The names of suche as be likewise prouided for E. 6. Ca. Syr Robert Southwell S. Iames Hales S. Walter Hendley S. George Harper S. Henrie Isley S. George Blage. Thomas Colepeper of Bedgebirie Iohn Colepeper of Ailesforde William Twisden Tho. Darrell of Scotney Robert Rudston Thomas Roberts Stephan Darrell Richard Couarte Christopher Blower Thomas Hendley Thomas Harman Thomas Louelace Thomas Colepeper The names of suche as be specified in the acte made for the like cause 5. Elizabeth Cap. Thomas Browne of Westbecheworthe in Surrey George Browne It were right woorthie the labour to learne the particulars and certeintie if it may be of all suche possessions as these men had at the times of these seuerall Statutes for that also wil be seruiceable in time to come Alexander Neuil Norwicus Sir Thomas Moore Knight in the hystorie of King Richard the thirde Mathewe Parker Archebishop of Canterbury in his Preface to the Booke de rebus gestis Aelfredi Regis The Brytaines The Scots pictes The Saxōs Iutes and Angles The Normans The seuen kingdomes Three sorts of Lawes in olde time The Lawes of our time These thinges be all handeled in the induction to the Topographical Dictionarie The author determined to haue written this treatise in latine Scituation of Kent Kent why so named The Aire The Soyle The Corne The Poulse The Pasture The woods fruits The Cattel Deere and Conyes No mynes The fishe The people Socage and Knightes seruice The Gentlemen The yeomē The Artificers The first in habitation of England The errour of those whiche say that the Brytons weare Indigenae That is to say Ryders and to Ride An. mundi 2219. An. ante Christum 1142. Kent the first inhabited part of England Foure Kings in Kent But one King in Kent The first wasseling cuppe The issue of an vngodly mariage The Kings of Kent Ethelbert the King of Kent Eadric the King of Kent First name of Englishmen Beginning of Shires Lathes Hundreds Tythings Bosholder Tithingman Kent keepeth her olde customes Gauelkyn Meeting 〈◊〉 Swanescombe The Lathe of S. Augustines The Lathe of Scray or Sherwinhope The Late of Aylesford The Lathe of Sutton at Hone. Geffray of Monmouth Polydore The order of this description Flamines turned into Bishops Londō spoiled of the Archebishopricke The increase of the Archebishopricke Conttentiō for the Primacie The Archebishoppes place in the generall counsell Wrastling for the primacie The end of the strife for the supremacie The ordre of this description of Kent No snakes in Tanet For Seax in their language signifieth a sword or axe or hatchet The occasion of the building of Minster Abbay For it was called Roma of Ruma a pappe or dugge S. Mildred● miracles Ippedsflete Stonor Earle Godwine and his sonnes The cause of Goodwyn Sandes The death of Earle Godwyne 1. Cursed bread The visions of Edward the confessour Epimenides did slepe 75 yeares 1. Loue Ly. or game for the whetstone Richeborow was sometime a Citie Sandwiche is not Rutupi The antiquitie of the Portes Whiche be the Fiue Portes ●●i●● w●re ●●led 〈◊〉 ●lde 〈◊〉 Contentiō betweene Yarmouth and the fiue Portes Winchelsey first builded The good seruice of the .5 ports Muris ligneis querendam salutem The priuiledges of the 5. Ports The names of the Wardeins of the Fiue Portes Reliques of great price The auncient estate of Sandwiche Sandwiche spoyled brent The schole at Sandwiche The whole hystorie of the Danishe doings in England The continuance of the Danes in England The Danes all slaine in one night Saint Martins drunkē feast Sweyn the Dane Hoctuesday Prouision of armour A Courtlie Sycophant A right popishe miracle King Henrie the 8. fortifieth his Realme Sandowne walmere The towne of Douer Godwine resisteth the King. Douer Castell Iuuenal in the ende of his 4. Satyre Odo the Earle of Kent Fynes the first Constable of Douer Castell and the beginning of Castlegard Estimatio● of Douer Castell Hubert of Brough a noble captaine Reparation of Douer Castell S. Martines in Douer Contentiō betweene the R●ligious persons for trifles Longchamp the lustie bishop of Ely. Religious houses in Douer The order of the Templers when it began The Pope and king Iohn fall our for Stephan Langton The Golden Bull. S. Eanswide and her miracles A popishe policie Folkestone spoiled The Hundred The Manor The Pontifical iusice of William Courtney the Archbishop Ostenhangar The Cause of the decay of Hauens in Kent Hyde miserably scourged The shortest passage betweene England Fraunce Thomas Becket graūteth a petition after his death Lord Wardein of the Portes Shipwey sometime a Hau●n towne The Hauē Limene the Towne Lymne The Riuer Limen now Rother Apledore The holy Maide of Kent Chap. 12. Butler the Coronatiō Pryorie at Bylsington Thomas Becket The Popes authoritie was abolished in England in the time of King Henrie the second Rumney Mar●he The three steppes of Kent The order of this description The Danes doe spoile Fraunce England at one time The course of the Ryuer Lymen nowe Rother The first Carmelites in England Kent why so called The Weald was sometime a wildernesse This Benerth is the seruice which the tenāt doth with his Carte Ploughe The boundes of the Weald Fermes why so termed Townes named of the Riuers The College The Palaic● The Schole The Riuer of Medway and wherof it tooke the name The Riuer Aile or Eile The name of Harlot whereof it beganne Odo the Earle of Kent The auncient manner of the triall of right The Cleargie haue in croched vpon the Prince in the punishment of adulterie Abbaies do beget one another The vngrations Rood of Grace S. Rūwald and his miracles For none might enter into the Temple of Ceres in Eleusis but such as were innocent The Natiuitie of S. Rumwald Kemsley Downe The Popish manner of preaching Popish purgatorie is deriued out of Poetrie Doncaster in the North Coūtrie The English shepe and wooll King Henry the eight fortfieth his Realme Monkes do contend with the King forceably The names of Townes framed out of the mouthes of Riuers The corruption of our English speach The Riuer called Wātsume The order of this description The decay of the olde Englishe tongue The Archebishops were well housed Prouision of armour● The names of Lathes and of Wapentakes The Priuileges of high waies The order of this description S. Gregories in Canterburi first builded Reliques King Iohn yealdeth to the Pope The Barons warre The Popes reuenue in England A Parleamēt without the Cleargie The traiterous behauiour of Robert of Winchelsey the Archebishop Polidore was the Popes creature King Edward the first claymeth supremacie ouer the Clergie The olde and newe manner of wrecke