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A69677 Brutum fulmen, or, The bull of Pope Pius V concerning the damnation, excommunication, and deposition of Q. Elizabeth as also the absolution of her subjects from their oath of allegiance, with a peremptory injunction, upon pain of an anathema, never to obey any of her laws or commands : with some observations and animadversions upon it / by Thomas Lord Bishop of Lincoln ; whereunto is annexed the bull of Pope Paul the Third, containing the damnation, excommunication, &c. of King Henry the Eighth. Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691.; Catholic Church. Pope (1566-1572 : Pius V). Regnans in excelsis. English & Latin.; Catholic Church. Pope (1534-1549 : Paul III). Ejus qui immobilis permanens. English & Latin. 1681 (1681) Wing B826; ESTC R12681 274,115 334

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Expence of Money the Pope and his Party designed and earnestly desired and indeavour'd to Execute 3. When all this would not do and the Pope and his Party plainly saw that they could not cut off the Queen by Pistol Poyson or private Assassinations horrendum majus machinantur scelus they design by Fire and Sword by open War utterly to destroy that good Queen and all her Heretical that is Loyal Subjects And to this end besides Plenary Indulgence and Pardon of all sins here and the Kingdom of Heaven hereafter Pius the Fifth promises and immediately gives two whole Kingdoms England and Ireland to Philip the Second King of Spain as is notoriously known and confess'd by their own Popish Writers His Successors Gregory the Thirteenth and Sixtus the Fifth renue and confirm the Excommunication of Elizabeth and the donation of her Kingdoms and accordingly not with Gods but with the Popes Approbation and Blessing in that memorable year 1588. the vainly supposed Invincible Armado was sent to destroy the damn'd Hereticks the Queen and her Loyal Subjects and take Possession of her Kingdoms which the Pope had given him The Pretences the Pope had to give those Kingdoms for they were but miserable Pretences void of all Reason and Justice were Two 1. King John's Donation and Resignation of his Crown to Pope Innocent the Third about the year 1213. when that King and the whole Nation groaned under many Miseries and Papal Oppressions Which Act of King John was invalid and absolutely Null he having no just Power to give away his Kingdom And even then declared to be Null not only by the English Barons and Nation but by the King of France and his Nobility as Matthew Paris tells us 2. Nor is it only Matthew Paris who says that the Kings of England and Ireland are since King John's time Tribuiaries to the Pope as they pretend but their Historians Canonists and the Popes themselves So Matthew Westminster Henry Knighton Cardinal Tuscus c. The Cardinal tells us That the Pope is the Supream Judge of All. That he can Depose the Emperor Kings Dukes and All who Acknowledge No Superior and that the Kings of England and Sicilie are Tributaries to the Church of Rome And he who denies this Papal Power is No Christian And for Ireland Pope John the Two and twentieth in a Bull to our King Edward the Second tells him That his Predecessor Adrian the Fourth Gave the Kingdom of Ireland to Henry the Second King of England upon certain Conditions which Conditions our King had not kept And this ridiculous Bull we have in Matthew Paris ad Ann. 1156. pag. 95. where he tells us That all the Islands in the World which are Christian belong to Peter and so to the Pope See Archbishop Vsher of the Religion profess'd by the Ancient Irish pag. 51. 92. 93. 94. c. And upon these and such like ridiculous Pretenses the Pope required Edward the Third to do him Homage for the Kingdoms of England and Ireland and the Arrears of One thousand Marks per Annum All the Popes pretences were in a full Popish Parliament declared vain and evidently null as appears by my Lord Cooke and the Record before mention'd Besides 't is certain that John was an Usurper and had only Possession of the Crown but no just Right and Title to it For Elinor Daughter to Jeffery his Elder Brother was living and was the true Heir of the Crown so that King John's Resignation of the Crown to the Pope was absolutely null it being impossible he should give a Just Title to another who had none himself His second Pretence was that the Queen being an Excommunicate and Deposed Heretick as he was pleased to miscall her her Kingdom was forfeited to him by the Canon of their great Lateran Council Wherein 't is declared That such obstinate Persons as they call the Queen when they stood Excommunicate and would not give Satisfaction the Pope was to absolve their Subjects from their Oaths of Allegiance and give their Lands and Kingdoms to Catholicks who by that Canon were bound to Exterminate or Extirpate all Hereticks Upon the aforesaid Sandy Foundations the Popes successively since King John's time build their Right to the Crown of England and believe or at least say and would have others believe that the Imperial or Royal Power of England and Ireland is in them and our Kings only Beneficiarij Feudatarij as the Civil Law calls them Feudataries to the Pope of whom as their Supream Lord they hold their Kingdoms Whence it was that Pope Innocent the Third in his Letter to Philip King of France calls the King of England his Vassal And his Successor Pope Innocent the Fourth with a Prodigious Antichristian Pride and Impiety calls our King Henry the Third was then King His Vassal and which is more his Slave What says he Is not the King of England our Vassal Nay that I may say more our Slave These are his words and expressions of such prodigious Pride as is absolutely Inconsistent with that great and exemplary Humility which our blessed Saviour practis'd in his own Person and Commanded all even Peter and his Apostles to imitate But yet congruous enough and consistent with the Hypocrisie of him who would be call'd Servus Servorum Dei the Servant of all Gods Servants and yet as the Man of Sin mention'd by the Apostle Exalts himself above all that is called God and with Pope Innocent the Fourth in the place now cited calls Kings his Slaves and Vassals 'T is true we believe and know that the Pope indeed had no Power to performe those aforesaid Promises and so in making them was to all intelligent sober and pious Persons not only impious but ridiculous yet to those of his Popish Party who having strong delusion to believe a Lye were perswaded he had Power to make good his Promises that he was Christs Vicar Supream Head and Monarch of the Church that he had the Power of the Keys and so could shut and open keep out and let into Heaven whom he pleased that he could by this Power Depose Kings and was Infallible and never Err'd for these Erroneous and Impious Positions are approved and received at Rome I say such Promises made by such a Person were very great And to such deluded Persons who were perswaded of the truth and reality of them prevailing Incouragements to make them desperately indeavour to Assassinate and Murder Queen Elizabeth Forty or Fifty thousand Duckets promised was great and intic●ing Wages for doing such a Work and actually prevail'd with many to endeavour it But when what the Pope promised Philip King of Spain two whole Kingdoms here and the Kingdom of Heaven hereafter are promised for destroying the Hereticks the Queen and her Loyal Subjects this was such an offer as could not be refused by
shall be bound in Heaven we declare and denounce the said Friderick deprived of all his Honour and Dignity absolve his Subjects from all Oaths of Allegiance and Excommunicate all who shew him any favour or obey him as Emperor And to the same purpose their Trent Catechism tells us That the Pope has by Divine Right not by any Human Constitutions that Supream Degree of Dignity and Jurisdiction over the Vniversal Church as Peter's Successor sitting in his Chair and as Vicar of Christ. 5. But that which they press with most Noise and Confidence is That our blessed Saviour gave Peter the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven They seem to be in Love with these words Dabo Tibi Claves c. For in their Offices for only two of St. Peter's Festivals they are repeated almost Twenty times But how Impertinent this is to prove any Supremacy much less their Papal Monarchy will evidently appear in that this Power of the Keys which they would appropriate to the Pope was given to the rest of the Apostles as well as to Peter as is proved before nay to every Bishop and Priest in the World For 1. So their own Roman Breviary published by the Authority of Pope Pius the Fifth and afterwards revised by Clement the Eighth and Vrban the Eighth expresly says for having told us that our blessed Saviour gave the Keys to Peter it follows That this Power did pass to the other Apostles and Princes of the Church 2. Their Trent Catechism having spoke of the Power of the Keys afterwards tells us to whom our blessed Saviour gave and concredited that Power before he Ascended into Heaven And it was To the Bishops and Presbyters So that Catechism publish'd according to the Decree of the Council of Trent by Pope Pius the Fifth And 3. Their Roman Pontifical gives the Authentick Form how they Ordain a Priest in which the Power of the Keys is given to every Priest in the very same words our blessed Saviour did give it to the Apostles Receive the Holy Ghost whose sins you remit they are remitted And whose sins you retain they are retained 4. Lastly The Trent Fathers are yet if that be possible more express For speaking of the Sacrament of Pennance and Absolution They declare all their Opinions to be false and erroneous who think that the Exercise of the Ministery and Power of the Keys belong to any save The Bishops and Presbyters and who think those words Whatsoever you shall bind on Earth c. And whose sins you remit shall be remitted c. to be spoken indifferently to all the Faithful and so think that any of the faithful may bind and loose remit and retain sins In which words the Council does I suppose Infallibly Declare at least in our Adversaries Opinion 1. That those two Texts which are cited in the Margent of the Council are to be understood of the Power of the Keys though in one of them that of John the Keys be not expresly named 2. That the Exercise of that Power of the Keys belongs To the Bishops and Presbyters but to none else neither to Lay-men nor any Inferior Orders By the Premisses I think it evident and confess'd by our Adversaries that every Apostle had the Power of the Keys as well as Peter and since they left the World every Bishop and Priest as well as the Pope Whence it further and manifestly follows That 't is impossible that the Bishop of Rome or any of his party should as they vainly indeavor prove his Supremacy from his Power of the Keys which is common and really possess'd by so many thousands beside himself For this is just as if Titius should brag that he is far richer then Sempronius because he has Five hundred pounds per Annum when Sempronius has an equal Estate and of the very same Value Or as if Sejus should say he had far greater Power then Cajus when the Power given them by the Emperor was equal and the same And yet such is the vanity and folly of their pretended Infallible Judges that in their Bulls and Papal Constitutions received into the Body of their Canon Law Dabo Tibi Claves this Power of the Keys is laid as a Sandy and Insignificant Foundation on which they build the vast and Insupportable Fabrick of their Supremacy I shall Instance only in two though I might in many more 1. In that famous Decretal of Innocent the Third before cited wherein he impiously and ridiculously indeavors to prove that the Papal Dignity is as much greater then the Imperial as the Sun is greater than the Moon And amongst other wild and ridiculous Arguments to prove his equally wild and extravagant Position he comes at last to this Dabo Tibi Claves to the Power of the Keys as the most known ground of his Supremacy 2. The second Instance is that of Pope Innocent the Fourth in his Impious Excommunication and Deposition of the Emperor Frederick who had been before Excommunicated by his Predecessor Gregory the Ninth in the Council of Lions It is Extant in the Canon Law and two things there prefix'd to that most Impious Decretal 1. That he depos'd Frederick in the Council for a perpetual memory of it And so it stands for a perpetual memory of his Antichristian Pride and Impiety 2. That the Pope can Depose the Emperor for lawful Causes And then in that Impious Decretal he grounds his Power to Depose the Emperor principally upon the Power of the Keys which he says was given to him in Peter when our blessed Saviour said Whatsoever thou shalt bind on Earth should be bound in Heaven c. so he and his Predecessors and Successors generally for this Six hundred years last past applies that Power of the Keys which is purely spiritual to carnal and temporal ends and impious purposes And here it seems to me Considerable and I believe will seem so to pious and dis-interessed Persons that in former Roman Breviaries as also in our Portiforium or Breviary of Sarum and in the Missals of Salisbury and Hereford we have this Prayer 1. Deus qui Beato Petro Apostolo tuo Collatis Clavibus Regni Coelestis Animas Ligandi atque Solvendi Pontisicium tradidisti Concede ut Intercessionis ejus Auxilio c. O God who by giving the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven to thy Apostle Peter hast concredited and delivered to him the Pontifical Power of binding and loosing mens Souls grant that by the help of his Intercession c. Where it is evident that in the sense and plain meaning of this Prayer and Scripture too the Power of the Keys is spiritual to bind mens souls if Impenitent and if Contrite and truly Penitent to loose them I say spiritual for edification and saving mens souls and not temporal for Deposing Kings and Emperors and absolving their Subjects from their Oaths of
Word of God So a Learned Popish Author tells us That the Word of God is threefold 1. His written Word the Scriptures 2. His unwritten Word Traditions 3. His explained or declared Word when Scripture or Traditions are declared and explained by the Pope whether in or out of a Council And he says That this Last word of God the Popes Definitions and Explications is the most approved and most men do with greater pleasure acquiesce in it Though this be much yet not all For the Pope does not only pretend to and assume to himself an Universal Monarchy over all the Kingdoms of the World but such an Absolute Power to dispose of them that he can parte inconsultâ give away Kingdoms pro Arbitrio to whom he pleases A Memorable and for Papal Pride and Injustice a Prodigious Instance we have of this in Pope Alexander the Sixth who at one Clap gave to Ferdinand and Elizabeth King and Queen of Castile and their Heirs for ever All the West-Indies from Pole to Pole and all the Isles about them which lay One hundred Leagues Westward from Cape Verd and the Azores with all their Dominions Cities Castles Villages all the Rights and Jurisdictions belonging to them And this he says he gives of his own meer Liberality by Power deriv'd from Peter and as Vicar of Christ. Then he Excommunicates all of what degree soever Kings and Emperors by name who shall dare to trade into the West-Indies given to Ferdinand by him without the leave and licence of the said Ferdinand Here we see the Pope gives away almost half the World from the true Owners Causa incognita inaudita indicta the Persons and their Quality being utterly unknown to him If it be said They were Pagan Idolaters Grant that Yet 1. What they all were he neither did nor could know 2. If they really were such as probably they were yet dominium non fundatur in gratiâ a Pagan and Idolater may jure naturae have as just a Temporal Right to his Estate as a Christian. Caesar was a Pagan in our blessed Saviours time and yet he Commands them to give to Caesar the things which were Caesars Some things were Caesars in which he had a propriety and to which he had a right and his Subjects an Obligation to pay him tribute and other things due to him But I hope this will not be deny'd For if none but pious men and true Christians have any just Right to what they possess it will I fear go hard with his Holyness and he will have no Propriety in St. Peters Patrimony or any other thing he does possess And therefore if he Impartially consider it he may find some reason if not for Truths sake which with him is not always a prevailing Motive yet for his own to be in this of my opinion By the Premisses I hope it may and does appear That the Pope Exalts himself above all that is called God or worshipped and so really has the Characteristical Note and Mark of the Beast that Man of Sin and is indeed that great Antichrist described and foretold in Scripture 4. Nor am I singular in this Opinion many Excellent Persons both for Learning and Piety have said as much and some have given us a Catalogue of their Testimonies I shall say nothing of the Fathers many of which make Rome Babylon in the Revelation some of them I have Cited before and Schardius in the Place last Quoted has more Nor shall I say any thing of the poor persecuted Waldenses and Wiclisists or the Reformed Churches since Luther who both believ'd and constantly affirm'd and prov'd the Pope to be Antichrist especially the Church of England as appears both by her ablest Writers and her Authentick Homilies confirmed by the Kings Supream Authority in Convocations and Parliaments Omitting all these which yet were abundantly sufficient to shew that I am not singular in this Opinion I shall only of very many more give a few Evident Instances and Testimonies of those who lived and died in the Communion of the Church of Rome And here 1. The Emperor Frederick the Second in a Letter to the King of France complaining of the Prodigious Pride and Tyranny of the Pope and his Impious Practices to divide the Empire and ruin him he says That he Indeavour'd to build the Tower of Babylon against him And that we may know what and whom he meant by Babylon in another Epistle to the King and Nobility of France he Complains of the horrid Injuries and Injustice done him by the Pope and his Party he calls them the Elders of Babylon c. 2. A faithful Historian speaking of Pope Hildebrand or Gregory the Seaventh and his Prodigious Tyranny and Impiety tells us That in those times Most Men both Privately and Publickly curs'd Hildebrand call'd him Antichrist that under the Name and Title of Christ he did the work of Antichrist that he sat in Babylon in the Temple of God and as if he had been a God Exalted himself above all that is worshipped c. And much more to the same purpose abundantly Testify'd by the Historians of those times who were neither Lutherans nor by the Roman Church then reputed Hereticks And afterward speaking of the same Hildebrand we are told That he laid the Foundation of the Kingdom of Antichrist One hundred and seaventy years before that time when that was said under a colour and shew of Religion He begun the War with the Emperor which his Successors continued to that Day till the time of Friderick the Second and Pope Gregory the Ninth where we have many things more concerning the Prodigious Pride Impiety and Tyranny of the Pope to prove that he was Antichrist The same Historian also tells us That almost All Good Just and Honest Men did in their Writings publish to the World that the Empire of Antichrist begun about that time the time of Hildebrand he means because they Saw those things then come to pass which were foretold long before 3. But this is not all We have further Testimonies of this Truth 1. Robert Grosthead who both for Learning and Piety was Inferior to none in his Age He on his Death-bed having spoke of many horrid Enormities of Rome and loss of Souls by Papal Avarice he adds Is not such a one deservedly call'd Antichrist Is not a Destroyer of Souls the Pope he means an Enemy of God and Antichrist And after a long List of Papal Tyranny and Impieties he calls Rome Egypt so Saint John calls it Spiritually Sodom and Egypt and concludes that the Church will never be deliver'd from that Egyptian Servitude but by the Sword 2. Nor is this all we have great Councils of whole Nations in their Publick Edicts and Constitutions expresly declaring the Pope to be that Antichrist who Exalts himself above all that is called God We have a Publick Edict
Book which moved and incouraged him to that Impious Design I know that the Jesuites did then indeavour to free themselves from the Odium of that Impious Fact as if they had neither approved nor incouraged that Monstrous and Mahometan Assassination Sed quid verba audiam cum facta videam This was only a ridiculous indeavour Aethiopem Lavare to wash a Blackamore and do Impossibilities It is evident That their approved Doctrine and Principles in Mariana and many others was the Motive which induced Raviliac to Murder his Prince Which Doctrine has never been Condemned by any Publick Act of their Society nor by the Inquisitors in any Index Expurgatorius now for them to approve those Traiterous Principles and deny the Consequents of them is most irrationally to approve and grant the Premisses and yet deny the Conclusion 5. But this though bad enough is not all For it is not only the Jesuites and their Accomplices but the Pope too their Supream Judge thom they believe to be Infallible both in Matters of Faith and Fact who approved their Seditious and Traiterous Principles of Rebellion and Assassination of Princes Thuanus speaking of the Jesuites Practices to stir up the People to Rebellion in the time of Henry the Third of France he adds That these things were well known to the Pope who sent Breves and Bulls secretly to the Heads of those Rebels whereby they were incouraged to Rebel Afterwards when that Prodigious Villain Jaques Clement had Murder'd the said King Sixtus the Fifth then Pope did not only approve the Fact but in a premediated Oration publickly spoke in the Consistory blasphemously compares it in respect of its greatness and amiableness to our blessed Saviours Incarnation and Resurrection and then highly Commends the Murderer for his Virtue Courage and Zealous Love of God above Eleazar and Judith c. And to omit the rest pronounceth the Murder'd King Eternally Damn'd as having Committed the Sin against the Holy Ghost This the Historian though a Papist modestly and justly Censures as a Fact Extreamly Insolent and Vnworthy the Moderation of a Pastor especially the Supream Pastor of the Church Christs Vicar and St. Peter's Successor as they call him And then he tells us of Anti-Sixtus or the Answer to Pope Sixtus his Oration and says 1. That it had been more for the Credit of the Pope and the Holy Apostolick Sea that his Oration had been suppress'd then as it was by those of the League Published 2. That Anti-Sixtus or the Answer to it though it was something sharp and bitter yet the Popes Oration abundantly deserved it in which were Many Things Absurd and Impious This was the Judgment of that Faithful and Excellent Historian though a Papist concerning the Erroneous and Impious Principles of the Pope and Jesuites 6. Nor is this all For although only privately to approve and incourage Rebellion and Assassination of Kings and Princes be an Execrable Villany to be abhorr'd by all men especially Christians as being repugnant to that clear Light of Nature and Scripture to common Reason and Religion yet in Publick Writings to vindicate and justifie such Actions to perswade the World that they are not only morally good but meritorious This argues a higher degree of Impiety and Impudence We know by sad Experience that many Pagans and Christians have blasphem'd their Gods committed Adulteries Murders Perjuries c. yet we do not find that any Christians the Jesuites and their Accomplices excepted or any sober Pagan who acknowledg'd a God did ever justifie Blasphemy Adultery Murder or Perjury but when they were Apprehended Convict and brought to Execution they would confess the Crime pray for Pardon and desire others to pray for them But the Jesuites and those possess'd with their Principles though they be Convict and Legally Condemn'd for Rebellion and Assassination of Princes yet they neither do nor can repent believing such Actions not to be any Vices but Vertues and themselves if they suffer for them not Traytors or Murderers but Holy Martyrs That this is their approved and received Doctrine which they publickly defend and industriously in their Publick Writings indeavour to justifie is evident to the Western World and may appear by the Premisses Yet being a thing of such great concern omitting Mariana Emanuel Sa Sanctarellus and others before mentioned I shall only add Two or Three Eminent Testimonies in further confirmation of it First then Fran. Suarez Publick and Prime Professor of Divinity in the University of Conimbra in Portugal handling that Point how and in what Cases a Tyrant may by any private Person be Murder'd And having told us that a Tyrant was either 1. Tyrannus Titulo one who without any just Title usurp'd the Government to the ruine of the Common-weal 2. Tyrannus Administratione one who having a just Title ruled Tyrannically And he there tells us That all Christian Kings are such Tyrants who induce their Subjects to Heresie Apostasie or Schism So that all Protestant Princes we may be sure are such Tyrants though he there name only King James of happy Memory Having Premised this he gives the state of the Question Thus 1. He does in the General give us two Cases wherein it is Lawful for a Subject to kill his King 1. In defence of his own Life If a King invade Sempronius to kill him he may in defence of his own life take away the Kings 2. In defence of the Commonwealth This in the General But then 2. For a Tyrant in Title he absolutely declares it as a thing commonly received amongst them That such a Tyrant may be lawfully kill'd by Any Private Person who is a Member of that Commonwealth if there be no other Means to free it from such a Tyranny And least it should not be observ'd 't is set in the Margent That such a Tyrant may Lawfully be kill'd So that the Case is with him out of all doubt That any private man may kill a Tyrant in Title and the Pope is Judge who is such a Tyrant Whence it evidently follows That no Princes can have any Security as to the Preservation of their Kingdoms or Lives longer then they please the Pope For if he declare any of them Tyrants as many times with Execrable Pride and Impiety he has done Excommunicate and Depose them then by this Jesuitical and Papal Doctrine any Private Person any of their Subjects especially may Assassinate and Murder them 3. For those Princes who have a just Title to their Dominions and are as they call them Tyrants not in Title but in their Injustice and Impious Government He tells us 1. That all Protestant Princes being Hereticks are such Tyrants 2. That being Hereticks they are by their Heresie Ipso facto and presently deprived aliquo modo in some manner of all Right to their Dominions 3. That the Pope as their Superior to whom even