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A41204 The famous and delectable history of Don Bellianis of Greece, or, The honour of chivalry containing his valiant exploits strange and dangerous adventures, with his admirable love to the Princesses Florisbella, daughter to the Souldan of Babilond / now newly writ[t]en by Francis Kirkman.; Belianís de Grecia. English Fernández, Jerónimo.; Kirkman, Francis, 1632-ca. 1680. 1671 (1671) Wing F779; ESTC R16345 257,809 344

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the Giants head that he was astonished at the blow and in the mean time seized on the Battle-ax The Giant soon came from his astonishment and now believing his Enemy to be quite weaponless advanced towards him but to his cost for he not doubting any such matter came so near that the Knight of Cupid hitting the Giant a blow with the mighty Battle-ax cut off one of his arms at which he roared like a baited Bull and the Knight again following his blows in two more laid him flat upon the earth and so coming to him and possessing himself of the Giant 's Sword he therewith smote off his head The Knight of Cupid having now to the joy and admiration of the whole Company killed his Enemy the Giant and cut off his head with his own Sword put it on the Swords point and presented it to the Countess saying Now Madam behold the effects of your Prayers and Tears have given me the Victory over your Enemy and if this be not enough let me know what is further to be done The Countess coming down from the Scaffold threw her self at the Knight's féet with many fears embracing him but he taking her up went to the King and the Iudges who told him The Conditions of the Combat should be performed whereupon the false Damsel was seized on and a pile of Faggots being in readiness she was carried thither to be burnt She séeing that the end of her life was at hand and being accompanied by some Religious Persons they so far wrought with her that she confessed That the Accusation she had made of the Countess was false and that she was hired thereto by the Countesses Brother in Law The King and the Iudges hearing of this commanded her to be burnt immediately as a punishment for her offence and withal banished the Countesses Brother in Law so that if after twenty days he should ever be séen in England he should be hanged And now justice being done on all sides the Quéen took the virtuous Countess and her Children into her company and the King desired the valiant Knight of Cupid to go with him the which he did and stayed there with him several days being all that time highly and honourably feasted and entertained by the King and all the Court. But some few days being passed and he hearing no news of what he searched for the Princess Magdalena in order to his resolutions he passed thorow the principallest places in England till he came to Westchester where méeting with his Ship he soon after embarqued leaving the fame of the Knight of Cupid spread abroad in all that Country Being now embarqued with his trusty Squire and Dwarf he sailed cross those Seas and landed near the Port of Dublin then called Ballicleagh or the Town of Hurdles it being as most of all that Country is built upon Hurdles laid upon a Bog The whole Country of Ireland was at that time governed by one Monarch who kept his chief residence at Dublin but it was divided into four small Kingdoms or Provinces called Lemster Munster Ulster and Conaught and over these there were several Kings Earls or Governors The principal King himself whose name was Owen Roe Oneale governed the Province of Lemster particularly the Governor of Munster who was his Brother and Father to Peter of Ireland was named Mac Guire the King or Governor of Ulster was named Owen O Coneele and the King or Governor of Conaught was named Owen Mac O Brian These were the several Governments and these were the several Governors of this Kingdom whose Monarchy was as antient as any in the World for it was first formed into a Monarchy by King Gaelus Son to Pharaoh King of Aegypt in the time of the Patriarch Abraham which was two thousand years before the Incarnation of our blessed Lord and Savior and it continues in the same way of Government to this day never admitting of any but a Kingly Government CHAP. VII How the Knight of Cupid being arrived in Ireland was set upon by four Knights whom he vanquished and afterwards more of their Companions but at length he being overpowered by the Multitude and refusing to yield to the King was well nigh slain How he submitted to the King who told him of Wars in his Kingdom about Honna Princess of Ulster who was beloved by the Prince of Conaught but could not be suffered to Marry him by reason of the Gyant Flusteron who would compel her to be Married to him against her will How the King with the Knight of Cupid went to the Wars and after many bloody Battels and the Destruction of many Cities the War was ended by the sole valour of the Knight of Cupid who in a single Combat slew the Giant Flusteron THe valiant Knight of Cupid had no sooner set footing on the Irish shore but he commanded his Horse to be disimbarqued and he mounting his lusty Courser armed at all points and attended on by his dear Squire Florello and his trusty Dwarf who were also mounted he advanced towards the City of Dublin but long had he not travelled but he was met by four Knights armed at all points who commanded him to stand he did so and asked their business They replied He must go with them to the King their Master and take such an Oath as he would impose on him or else leave his Horse and Arms behind him He hearing their terms and not being used to be compelled to any thing so unreasonable answered That he should not with his good will take any Oath much less leave his Arms. They told him That this he must do or else they would compel him and thereupon one of them drew near to seize on his Bridle but he who was so forward paid for his holdness for he gave him such a blow on the head with the great end of his Lance that he beat him breathless under his Horses féet His Companions séeing this went all thrée to seize on him but he turned his Horse to avoid them and thereby they passing on he had the leisurs to put his Lance in his Rest ready to receive them They séeing him thus provided for them all thrée ran against him and although all thrée did hit him together yet they moved him no more then if he had béen a Tower but they fared not so well for he encountred one with his Lance so that he was thrown over his Horses crupper and he seized on another in his arms as he passed by and drawing him out of his saddle threw him on violently against the ground and the third who at that time escaped was worser treated for at the next encounter he threw him to the ground and his Horse upon him and thus these four Knights being dismounted he passed on But they in short time recovering their Horses and mounting again pursued him but at some distance so that he was near the City Walls before they overtook him and then they rode up
of the Knight of the Golden Image to take upon him the charge of General over all he did it though unwillingly and thereupon he mustred and divides his men into five Squadrons the first of 2000 he gave to Don Contumeliano and Fliorispiano the second to Duke Alfiron with the like number the third to the King of Armenia Tessifanty the fourth to Sabian of Trebanto and the fifth to the Dukes brother called Sallatel of the Valley he himself only Commanding all in general Prince Perianeos troop being very large were also divided into Squadrons and 40000 were particularly ordered to assault the City so that he being so well prouided of men and all manner of Military engines questioned not but to win the City at the first assault It was now the Spring time of the year when their two Armies lay in sight of each other and the various colours that the Souldans bore upon the points of their Spears made a glorious shew which together with the bright shining of their Armour was very pleasant to behold Don Bellaneo the Emperor being frequently used to these affairs arising early in the morning and ranging about the Field accompanied by Arsileo saw an avantage that he should have over his enemies the rising Sun then shining in their faces which well near blinded them he resolving to make use of this advantage commanded his forces presently to assault them they did so with good effect for they were upon them and they had done execution before they were séen by them and in short time that first Squadron consisting of 30000. men was overcome being either killed or wounded The Prince Perianeo accompanied by his friends Don Fermosel Crisalaneo and Gramalis séeing this disaster came to prevent the further procéeding of it and therefore bringing great forces furiously assaulted the victor and Don Bellaneo doubting he should be overpoured by the multitude of enemtes sent for Duke Alfiron to bring on the rest of their Forces the Battles being thus joyned the Prince of Persia séeing Sabian of Trebanto and supposing him by his Armour to be the Knight of the Golden Image whose Armour he had on assaulted him with mighty force so that Sabian although he defended himself very well yet he had miscarried had not the Emperor and other Princes his friends come to relievs him at the same time came the Souldan himself in person accompanied by twenty Gyants and they began a truel fight the Emperor séeing Parianeo much endanger his beloved friend Sabian fighting on foot overthrew the Persian from his Horse killing dismounting a Gyant mounted Sabian thereon the Prince of Persia foamed like a chased Boar resolving to be revenged and at the same time the Souldan and Duke Alfiron encountred and wounded each other on the heads and Caroliano and Boraldo being in the Battel very much assisted the Souldan that was much indangered And now they were thus engaged in the Field the City was also assaulted and notice being given thereof to the Emperor he caused much of his Forces to enter and relievs the Defendants and the night now approaching caused all the Emperors Knights to enter and the Souldan and his forces retire The two Princesses Persiana and Aurora was very joyful at the return of all the Princes although the Princess Aurora was very much concerned with the absence of Don Billianis but being ●old he went with the sage Bellona she was very well satisfied well knowing that in her company he was in little danger They without the City being thus repulsed were much troubled but having every day fresh supplyes of forces they often assaulted it but with different success for they sometimes lost yet commonly they gained upon the Besieged because they had not receaved any aid but now we will leave them all to prosecuts the adventures of Don Billianis CHAP. XIV How Don Billianis and the sage Bellona travelled into Egypt where the Emperor Brandezar was Enchanted and how Don Billianis slew him and ended the Enchantment and took from him a precious Ring and Armour which no Enchantment could have power off How the Princess Florisbella had been Enchanted and carried away by the same Friston had non Don Billianis and the sage Bellona arrived at that very instant THe Sage Bellona and he travelled so long that at length they arrived upon a high Mountain which she told him was after the Kings name called Nycaon that it was in the Kingdom of Egypt and that there was an adventure to be finished by him there the like to which he had never accomplished she further particularly told him that in times pust that Kingdom being Governed by a King named Nycaon he was in Contest and War with an Emperor of Babylon named Brandezar who so overpressed him that he forced him 〈◊〉 enclose himself in a City which he straitly Besieged he not being able to resist his enemy by force being very well skilled in Magick Art resolved to try his skill and leaving his City and Subjects he by art Magick seised on Brandezar and put him into such Enchantment as was very great torment to him and that he might be the more sensible of his pain he put a Ring on his finger to kéep him in senses and such vertue is in that Ring that he which wears it shall not be offended by Enchaatment Nycaon having done this returned to the City but being met by the way by his Brother who in his absence had usurped the Kingdom he slew him that he might still continue King and Nycaon being dead was buried at the foot of this Mountain Now said Bellona you have great néed of the Ring without which you will lose the Princess Florisbella who the sage Friston intends to get for the Prince Perianeo and nothing can hinder him but this Ring therefore it is absolutely necessary that you be Master of that and also of the Emperors Armour which is of the same vertue as the Ring and will be of excellent use to you The sage Bellona having given this instructions to Don Billianis left him who now procéeding on saw a fair Castle but no way to come at it but by a Cave which looked very dismally there he perceived a Piller and on it this inscription The little Wolf shall conduct the strongest Lyon to this strange Lodgings to make use of my skill He that will attempt this adventure must disarm himself and onely accompanied and assisted by his own valliant heart must excel the force of my Monstruous Guardians Don Billianis not much minding the sense of what he had read drawing his Sword approached the Cave to enter it but upon his first attempt it vanished He by that knowing that he must disarm himself did so and onely with sword in hand procéeded but he soon fell into a most dismal dark place where he was opposed by a monstrous Gyant two Centaures and as many Lyons here he began a mervaillous Combat and not being able
sorry that he could not at present obey her Commands but that he would in short time when he could be frée to dispose of himself return and attend her and desired that in the mean time she would accept of a Ring which he presented to her which was that of the Emperor Brandezars which he said cost him much Blood in purchasing it only for her sake as knowing that it would be of excellent use having the Vertue to preserve and kéep her from the power of all Enchantments and thereupon drawing off his Gaunlet he presented it to her but she being unwilling to receive any such presents from any Knight whatsoever did not at first accept it till she was desired by the Infanta Matarosa so to do and commanded by her Father and withal her own inclination prompting her thereto she took it of him and told him that she would receive it as a Pledge of his sudden return to receive satisfaction from her Father for the service he had done them She also desired him to acquaint her with the circumstances of the late Adventure but he referred that Relation to the Sage Bellona who having finished her Naration took her leave to depart but in this time the Princess Matarosa séeing the reserved silence of Don Bellianis was resolved to venture a question with him and thereupon she said Sir Knight I believe the Sage Bellona is so great a Mistress over you that without her leave you dare not let your Tongue walk Therefore I intend to ask her to give you your spéech that we may understand somewhat more from you Ah dear Madam said he I hope you will excuse and pardon me and not attribute my silence to rudeness or neglect but to an other passion that at this time so overpowers my heart that the Organs of my spéech are wholly stopped thereby But Madam I hope ere long at my return to do you some service that may be some part of amends for my unhamsom departure at this time well replyed the Infanta so let it be then and make hast that I may understand what you mean And now the Sage Bellona being on her departure having finished her Salutations to the Emperor and the two Princess's he nimbly leapt on his Horse and bowing his Head to the Pomel of his Saddle in token of Reverence departed on his journey where we shall for some time leave him The Sudden departure of the Knight of the Basilisks had so distempered the Princess Florisbella that she hardly observed the motion of the Souldan and her Mother who were returning to the City for her eyes were so déeply engaged in looking after the Knight that she beheld no other object The Infanta Matarosa séeing this called on her and entered into discourse with her about him until they arrived at the Court but being arrived there she went to her Chamber and casting her self on her bed she began to complain of her hard fortune that had given her so much trouble for the sight of one whom she knew not and it may be was but a poor extravagant Knight and that the sage Bellona as she had done her one kindness in bringing one to relief and help her so she had done her a greater discourtesie in bringing him to captivate her liberty and disturb her mind she complained of the Gods that they had permitted her to be so overcome and then again thin●●●g that he might be himself one of them for by the actions she had séen him perform she could not judge him humane These were her complaints and her thoughts were so troubled that she could not express them The Infanta Matarosa observing her actions and suddain retirement and judging that she was love stricken had followed her and hearkened at her Chamber door to hear her complaints but they were so disordered that she could not understand them but in short time after the Princess Florisbella gave her a true account of the passions of her heart and she received some consolation from her who continually talked of and expected the return of the Knight of the Basilisks The Souldan did also expect him and much doubted that it was the Prince Perianeo of Persia because he refused to discover himself but some of his Nobility who had séen and observed them both alledged the contrary and that this became his Armour more compleatly this were their thoughts and maginations wherein we shall at present leave them We have already told you that Don Brianel was dispatched away for Antioch to take the best order he could in the affairs of the Princess Aurora and be made such expedition in his Iourney not being hindred by any considerable Adventure that in short time he arrived in that Kingdom and coming to a City called Mi●iana which was within twelve miles of Antioch he there took up his quarters at the house of one of the best Knights in the Countrey who although he was but poor in regard of the distractions of his Countrey yet he was a good Knight and Loyal to his Soveraign as you shall understand by the sequel Don Brianel having supped with his Host enquired what news that Countrey afforded and who was their King at this the Knight replyed that they had in few years had several but that their last true Soveraign Prince had béen named Pompeiano who was despised and slain by the Prince of Persia and the Kingd●m bestowed upon one Don Gallaneo who also was lately slain and since him another who was named Tramolcano and Brother to the King of P●●●gia had seized on the Kingdom as pretending to be nearest of Kin to the late Don Gallaneo he at that time Reigned and kéep us all in hard and cruel Bondage having imprisoned several of the Nobility but especially one Damartino who had béen sometimes Governour of our Countrey under our King But continued Don Brianel had your King Pompeiano any Children he had said the Host one Daughter named Aurora but we know n●t whither she be alive or dead but if she be alive and should come hither said the Prince would the Countrey receive her and restore her to her Kingdom That they would with all their hearts replyed the Knight but that they are at present so kept under by the Tyrant Tramolcano but if there were any person to appear in her behalf and to encourage the people much might be done on her behalf These were the discourses betwéen the Prince and the Knight who further added that the onely fittest person to serve her would be Governour Damartino if he were at liberty but that he was strickly guarded in a Castle near the City and that there was a Mine from the Castle to the City even to the Palace and that although the Guard of the Castle was but ten Knights and a Gyant yet they could quickly through that Mine go to the Palace and raise 30000. men in arms Don Brianel having heard all these particulars and knowing that the
to the Guard there crying out Stop the Traytor who hath outraged us The Guard which consisted of six Knights and above twenty Halberdiers at this cry put themselves in a posture to seize on him and one who was holder then the rest reaching out his arm to seize on his Bridle for his presumption had it cut off near the shoulder for the Knight of Cupid having already lost his Lance had now only his Sword with which he did such execution that although they pressed all forwards together yet he made them stand further off and those that came within the reach of his Sword were either killed or maimed 〈…〉 in short time all this Company were so routed that they 〈…〉 the City Gate for refuge and shutting it too kept him from 〈◊〉 He séeing this was forced to be content and wait there to consider what he had to do but he had not waited long ere the Gate was opened and a large power was ready to receive him 〈…〉 the middle of them was one who séemed to be their Chief 〈◊〉 who indeed was their King Owen Roe O Neale who hearing of the wonderful valour of this single Knight was himself come in person to sée him But he not taking notice of the great quantity of Men or the presence of the King made his way towards them who now having their King in their company laid lustily about them and he defended himself very couragiously but however being overpressed with the multitude that assaulted him on all sides he could not hinder his Horse from being slain He finding that his Horse was killed leaped from him and again put himself in a posture to withstand his Enemies and as his Horse had served him living so now he was serviceable to him being dead for he leaving him behind him hindred his Assailants from injuring him that way The King all this while séeing the mighty valour of the Knight of Cupid was agast but he had so great a power with him that he was sure to kill him if he pleased but being desirous to have him alive he cried out Sir Knight cease this fruitless exercise of your valour for in the end you must cerrainly be slain and surrender your self to me who on the word of a King promise that no harm shall be done to you Our Knight hearing this replied I cannot believe any one in a Country where I have been so discourteously used and therefore I shall stand upon my own defence and I hope before I die yet to send a great number of your discourteous and villa nous Subjects to the other World and thereupon he still so laid about him that the dead he had killed lay on heaps about him The King now séeing the death of so many of his Subjects before his eyes and finding his mercy sleighted commanded a fresh party to fall on him and hew him to pieces Iust as the King gave this command the Squire Florello who had béen all this while wéeping at the sad condition of his Master made way up to them and throwing himself from his Horse fell on his knées before the King desiring him to stay the execution of his commands but for one minute while he s●●ke with his Lord. The King by his gestures to his People commanded them to stay And then Florello approaching his distressed Master fell on his knées before him Increating him for Heavens sake and for his dear Lady Florida's to yield to the King who be know would be merciful By this tune the fury of the Knight of Cupid was as●waged and considering that if 〈◊〉 should procéed in fight he must néeds miscarry it being impossible for one single Knight to oppose an whole Kingdom ●e therefore said to Florello For her sake you named I shall be ruled by you and thereupon he advanced towards the King and taking the point of his Sword in his hand he presented the shell of it to the King saying I who never yet submitted to any Person throughout the whole Universe do now commit my self into your hands and power advising you to make such use of it as that no other Knight-errant for my sake may have cause to complain of your breach of promise The King accepted his Sword and commanded he should he guarded to the Castle when he was come thither he demanded Why he had disobeyed his first commands of being brought before him he intending no more to him then to all others who arrived in his Coasts which was to impose a reasonable Oath The Knight of Cupid replied But it seemed to me to be unreasonable to be compelled to any thing I being willing of my self to do all reasonable things therefore Sir continued he if you please to let me know what the Oath is I am to take I shall then resolve you whether I think it reasonable and if so I shall willingly subscribe to it but if it be otherwise and that in point of honour I cannot do it I will die before I yield to it Although said the King the loss of so many of my Subjects by you slain calls to me for justice and vengeance against you yet I shall as a lover of justice to you a Stranger pardon that so as for the future you do not disobey me Know then said he that the Oath I would have you to take is this That you will not without my leave take up Arms for any other Prince in this Land and there is but justice in the case because it is owned by all that I am the Supreme Governor in this Kingdom I do not contradict what you say replied the Knight of Cupid but however I desire before I take an Oath to be further satisfied in the meaning and reason of it The King being very willing to-gain this Knight to his party told him that although the relation of the full cause was somewhat long yet he would relate it to him and thereupon began This Kingdom of which I am principal King and Governor is also governed by three other Princes under me whereof one is my Brother and the other two though allied to me yet are at this time somewhat disobedient for contrary to their Allegiance to me their Sovereign they have made War against one another to the disturbance of my whole Kingdom and although I have sent to them to desist yet they are so obstinate as to proceed and now I being intended according to my duty to force them to theirs and to that end intending to raise Forces to go against them have thought fit to take order That no strange Knights that come into my Dominions shall assist either of them and so prolong the War and to that end I impose this Oath I do believe Sir replied the Knight of Cupid that you have reason on your side but yet I am not fully satisfied of my taking any Oath un●il I know the cause why these two other Princes make War That you may so I am willing to
in the World and although many of our Kings Subjects have attempted to release him yet were they not able neither is it possible to be done unless the Knight that fights with the Guardians of the Tent he Master of a Sword which the Princess Meridiana holdeth in her hand and which she can give only to a Lady and that to such a one as excéeds her in Beauty and therewith these Knights that are her Guardians may he vanquished they released and the Adventure finished And now knowing that there are many fair Ladyes in your Court but more especially the Princess Florisbella your Daughter We are therefore hither come to desire your permission that the Ladyes may try the Adventure The Souldan and Princess's were highly pleased at this strange Adventure and promised that tryal should be made thereof only the Souldan said that his Knights should first make tryal of their Valour against the Guardians this was agréed upon and they made tryal accordingly the first that essayed it was Baltasano Prince of Numidia Couzin to the Emperor who was soon foil●d by the Enchanted Knights as were all others that attempted it And now the Ladyes séeing they must make tryal of their Beauties the Princess Florisbella went towards the Tent and with her the Infanta Mararosa her Couzin who had much discourse about it for said the Princess Matarosa I hope Couzin you will give me leave to trye the Adventure before yon for I have a very good opinion of my Beauty and although I will not presume to compare it with yours yet I know a Knight that would maintain my Beauty to be equal to any Ladyes living but now I think of it I must except yours because he wears your Picture portrayed in his Shield What presumptuous Knight is that replped the Princess Florisbella if he should come hither and he so bold to do it I may chance to make him lose his Head for his presumption I know not that said the Infanta Matarosa but I hear he is the most beautiful and valiant Knight in the whole Universe and that he going by the Name of the Knight of the Golden Image hath done many and incomparable Adventures in the Kingdom of Persia In this discourse these two P●erless Princess continued untill such time as they arrived at the Tent door and then by consent the Infanta was first to trye the Adventure she being led by a Knight entred the Tent and ascended two of the thrée steps that led to the Princess Meridiana so that every Body supposed she would finish the Adventure but they were all mistaken for she attempting to mount the third step was thrown down and found her self at the door of the Tent at this the Princess Florisbella laughed and was just ready to procéed in tryal of her Fortune when she saw a Knight enter the Field armed in a very rich gréen Armour adorned with Basilisks and in his Shield was her Picture drawn so naturally that it was known whose it was intended for and by him rode an old Lady that was masked who carried a naked Sword in her hand they went directly to the Tent which Friston séeing and not at present being able to know what was intended because our Knight which was Do● Bellianis was Armed in the Emperor Brandezars Armour which had power against Enchantments and the Sage Bellona had the Sword of the same Vertue Friston therefore being by all means desirous to get the Princess Florisbella into his possession presently transforming himself into a Monstrous Griffin seised on her but not so suddenly but that the Knight of the Basilisks arrived and striking a blow cut his Feathers wounded him and made him to return to his own usual form bléeding apace but he was carried into his Tent by the Enchanted Knights Don Bellianis séeing the Princess Florisbella faint through fear desired her to take Courage and he would warrant her from all harm having said so he being instructed by the Sage Bellona what he had to do procéeded to enter the Tent but was opposed by the Enchanted Knights who all set upon him but he who had nere done any thing before his beloved Princess resolved to conquer in despight of all opposition and so he did forcing his way until he entered the Tent and striking the steps with a great stroak all vanished nothing remaining but the two dead Knights Great was the wo●der and amazement of all especially of the Souldan who séeing the Knight of the ●●●●●●ks was mounted on his Horse to be gone he went to speak to him CHAP. XV. Of the great thanks that the Souldan gave to Don Bellianis for preserving his Daughter Florisbella from the Enchanter and how Don Bellianis gave her the Ring which he took from the Emperor Brandezar which would preserve her from all Enchantment and how she was struck in love with Don Bellianis and of his departure How Don Brianel arrived at Antioch DOn Billianis being ready to depart was desired by the Souldan to stay but he replyed that he was not at his own dispose being wholly guided by the Antient Lady that accompanid him By this time the Sage Bellona was come to him and with her the two Princess Florisbella and Matarosa at whose approach he fell into a Swound but in that time he recovered In this time the Sage Bellona was known by the Souldan and received with great joy and many thanks he gave her for coming at such a time when as they had so great néedof her assistance I must confess said she I did know you would have occasion for the assistance of this Knight who hath greatly laboured to attend you and without whose ayd your Daughter would have béen in danger for I●le assure your Majesty he is such a one as is not equalled by sew and excelled by none I believe it said the Souldan by the Wonders we have séen him do and that we may give him some reparation for the danger he hat● u●dertaken on●our behalf I pray desire him to discover himself to us and remain with us for some time You must pardon him replyed Bellona for there is an obsolute necessity for his present departure In this time the two Princess Florisbella and Mattarosa were in conference with Don Bellianis and desi●ed him to put of his Helmet but answering them as he had done the Souldan that he might do no more then what the Sage Bellona would permit him they requested her to give him leave so to do But she replyed that they must excuse her and him both for that time in doing what they desired his life would be in great hazard but instead of granting that request she acquainted the Princess Florisbella that her Couzen Aurora was in good health and her two Damosels whom she had sent to attend and séek her and that she was in Persia whither they must go to her assistance And now Don Bellianis being about to depart told the Princess that he was infinitely
unto her the good success of his Embassie and how that by the assistance of those two Knights there present and of their brother Don Bellianis as also by the advice and help of Palineo and Damartino he had flain the Vsurping King Tramolcano and the Count Garino and reduced the Kingdom to her obedience and that there was nothing now wanting but her presence to make her subjects happy and that they were all ready to obey her in every thing and in the mean time till she could come thither they had sworn Oaths of Allegiance to Damartino according to her orders and command This news greatly contented the Princess and she returned many thanks to Don Brianel and his Companions after which they departed from her presence and went to the place where the Emperor his Son and Duke Alfiron wich the rest of the Commanders were in Counsel about what was necessary to be done as well for the defence of themselves as for the offending of their enemies and there it was concluded to send Don Clarineo to Persepolis to attend the landing of two hundred thousand men who were come from Greece with the Emperor and ●ave him orders that he should conduct these Forces directly to Persepolis to assault it that thereby the Souldan hearing thereof might be enforced to withdraw his Forces to aid that City and so they should be left frée This determination was immediately put in execution and Don Clarineo in company of fifty Knights presently departed and travelled so long that night that the next morning they arrived within two leagues of Persepolis and then they took another way and went somewhat about that they might travel undiscovered and so they did till they arrived at the Sea-side where they immediately embarqued themselves and ranging about the Sea for some time they at last discovered the Navy and approaching to them went aboard the Admiral and immediately causing the principal of the Captains and other Commanders to come aboa●d he declared the will of the Emperor to which they all promised ready obedience and thereupon they presently set sayl for Persepolis and they had not sayled six hours before they discovered the shore where they landed without any interruption and leaving a sufficient company to guard the Navy they immediately marched on to Persepo is where they arriving endeavored to enter but were strongly repulsed by the Souldans Forces and the place being very well fortified they were forced to retire and fortifie themselves in Trenches near the City till they had further orders from the Emperor The City of Persepolis being thus assaulted some of the Forces went immediately to the Souldans Camy before Bollera to certifie him thereof where hey arrived one morning early just as the Souldan and his Son wit all their Forces were going to assault the City but they were much astonished with this news and did greatly wonder from whence all those Forces should arrive however commanding the Messengers to silence they resolved to give the on-set to the City before they departed and thereupon went forwards with all their accoutrements of War Perianeo Knight of the Images being extraordinarily enraged immediately got a Ladder and mounted the wall where he soon either cut in pieces or tumbled down all such as were placed there to oppose him and was ready to have descended the wall and entred the City when the Emperor himself and several other valiant Knights in his company came and resisted him Many fierce and hardy blows were given and received on both sides for they had both an implacable hatred to each other and the Emperor knowing that if he could vanquish that enemy he should easily force the rest to retire laid mighty strokes on the Knight of the Images so that in the end he put him quite out of breath and inforced him to retire from the wall in despite of all the resistance he could possibly make all this while the rest of the Knights and Giants on both sides were not idle but did their uttermost endeavors the one to posses and the other to defend the wall which indeed was to well guarded by so many valiant and magnanimous Knights that indéed the flower of all Chivalry was there present and therefore the Moat which incompassed the City was in a manner filled with the blood and dead bodies of the assaylants which the Souldan perceiving and knowing that his presence was required and endéed more necessary in another place he caused his Forces to recreat which he could hardly effect in regard of the desperateness of the Fight in all places at last he withdrew his Forces and finding that he had gained nothing but that this on●●e had cost him the loss of fifty thousand men he resolved to depart that might and retire to Persepolis Those in the City séeing their Enemiés withdrawn in good order returned to their several Quarters where they greatly rejoyced in their good fortune The Emperor and his Son with all the rest of those couragious Knights resolving the next day to issue out of the City and set upon their Enemies in the open field but when the next morning was come and they were read to put this their resolution in execution they found that all their enemies were departed having taken the benefit of the night for that purpose wherefore they went and disarmed themselves and then went again to counsel where they resolved to 〈◊〉 as followeth CHAP. III. How Don Bellaneo the Emperor and the rest of the Knights and Forces followed the Souldan to Persepolis and that which happened ethre THe Emperor Don Bellaneo and the rest of the Knights being entred into Council it was concluded that every one should provide himself to depart from that City and follow the Souldan they very well knowing that the Forces of the Emperor under the command of Don Clarineo being arrived at Persepolis and the Souldan being informed thereof was the cause of his so sudden departure wherefore Don Alfiron the Emperor Don Bellianis and the rest of the knights went immediately to put their Forces in readiness which when they had done they came to the Court to the Ladies to take their farewel of them The Princess Parsiana was much troubled and perplexed that she should so soon leave her husband the Duke and was greatly discontented that all this War was occasioned thorough her Marriage with the Duke whereby the lives of so many brave Knighes were put into continual jeopardy wherefore she besought the Duke her Husband Don Bellaneo and his son Don Bellianis to use their utmost endeavors to reconcile this difference betwéen her husband and het Father without the effusion of any more blood which they promised to endeavor The Princess Aurora was like wise much troubled that her affairs was thus hindred by these Wars but her discontent was the greater in that Don Brianel and she must p●rt wherefore she applyed her self to Don Bellianis and calling him Her Deliverer desired him to make
much joy and pleasure travelled this company especially the Ladyes the one being in company of her most beloved Lord and the other going to her loving Husband but the joy of Don Brianel was extraordinary for the favors he had received at the hands of the Princess and as a testimony of his joy he wore the Soarf which she had given him on his arm Thus travelled they with much content till at length they met with some of the Knights of the Emperors Army who were come on purpose to méet them and then some were sent back to signifie to the Emperor and the ●est of the Princes the approach of those Princesses which they no sooner understood but they went out to méet them Two leagues from the Camp they were met by the Emperor Don Bellianis the Duke Alsiron the Kings of Armenia and Tessisanty and all those other most renowned Princes and States who coming near them dismounted from their horses to salute them The Princesses séeing that descended from their Chariots and kindly received them Then two stately Palfreys were brought whereon the two Princesses were mounted and Don Bellianis took hold of the Reins of the Princess Aurora's Palfrey and the Emperor himself did the same for Persiana Don Bellianis during the remainder of their Journy asked the Princess Aurora whether she had received any content in the company of Don Brianel for saith he I sée by his countenance that he is very much pleased and he she weth very gloriously with the Favor that he hath tyed to his arm and therefore I desire to know what Mistriss he hath gotten since our departure To which discourse the Princess replyed Sir Knight the content that I have received in his company cannot chufe but be much in respect of the service that he hath already done me in helping to restore me to my kingdom and therefore in token of my gratitude I have given him that Scarf as a small token of my Favor to him In such like communication spent they their time till they arrived at the Camp where they alighted and were received with great Ioy signified by the sound of Drums and Trumpets and Clarions The Princesses Persiana and Aurora were conducted to a Tent for that purpose provided where they both lodged together the Duke Alfiron being contented not to lye with his beloved Princess till she should be given him by her Father which he hoped would be done the next morning Night being come every one repaired to their several lodgings and their took their ordinary repose onely Don Bellianis was much troubled that he was still kept there and hindred from visiting his Princess Elorisbella and besides he knew not how to go to her for his Father expected upon the conclusion of the Peace that he would return with him to Constantinople In these meditations he spent most part of the night and when morning came he arose and dispatched a messenger into the City to certifie the Souldan of his Daughters arrival and to know his pleasure what should be done To which the Souldan returned answer that he expected her and the Duke to come to his presence that day in company of what other Knights they pleased The Duke and Princess being certyfied hereof prepared themselves for that purpose and about noon only accompanied with the Princess Aurora Don Bellianis and Don Brianel they entred the City and came into the presence of the Souldan who was seated on a throne and his great Lords about him The Princess Persiana and the Duke humbled themselves on their knees and she humbly desired her Father to forgive her rashness for it was onely true love that caused her to do the same and promised him that if he would deign to pardon that great fault she would in all things continue his obedient Daughter during life and concluding her Spéech she shed many tears To which the Souldan replyed that her disobedience to his commands had occasioned the loss of the lives of many of his Subjects and that therefore she might expect the Gods to be continually angred with all her undertakings but as for his part séeing she had made so frée a confession of her fault he did fréely forgive her and then arising from his Throne he came down and took her by the hand and raised her from the ground and then caused the Duke Alfiron to arise to whom he gave her wishing the Gods to bless them Thus this being done to the content of all that were present the Souldan commanded the Tables to be coveted and desired the strangers to sit down to dinner promising in the afternoon to give them satisfaction in order to a general peace CHAP. VIII How the Wars were ended between the Souldan and the Emperor and a Peace concluded for ten years NO sooner was Dinner ended but the Souldan entring into his Council Chamber sent for Don Bellianis and Don Brianel and told them that since he was satisfied in his Daughters marriage which had been the greatest cause of these wars it should be at their own dispose whether they would have Peace or War To which Don Bellianis replyed that his coming thither was for no ●ther end but to assist the Princess Aurora in recovering the Kingdom of Antioch from the hands of Don Gallaneo who had wrongfully possessed himself of the same as it could not be unknown to the Souldan and that now Don Gallaneo being dead as also the King who had lately usurped the same and all her Subjcts being desirous to come under her obedience he humbly desired that his Highness would 〈◊〉 her that justice as to let her peaceably enjoy the same The Souldan having understood for merly of the affairs of that Kingdom and that it was now in the possession of her Deputies granted the request of Don Bellianis on condition that She and her Heirs would for the future pay the accustomed Tribute the which she on her part promised to perform The 〈◊〉 ●●ing that was propounded was Peace betwéen the Emperor and the Souldan which the Souldan consented to hold firmly for ten years And to conclude all promised a frée Pardon to the Kings of Armenia and ●essifanty who were his Tributaries Whereupon Don Bellianis and Don Brianel departed from the Souldan to carry this news to the Camp where the chief being assembled joyfully received the News and for that night made continual Bone-fires so that both in the City and Camp it was all night as light as day The next morning early a Messenger arrived in the Camp to give an Invitation to the Emperor and the rest of those great Lords to come into the City to dine with the Souldan which Invitation was accepted of and accordingly about Eleven of the Clock they all set forwards and so entred the City being attended with great Ceremonies and Pomp by many of the Souldans Knights As soon as they came near the Pallace the Souldan had notice thereof and came to receive them and although
blunt Swords according to the Agréement of the Tournament but extream great was the Cry Noise and Confusion of the Princesses and Ladies fearing lest they should have béen all destroied in this unfortunate Skirmish This raised the anger of our Grecian Prince to such a height that he was ready even to run amongst the throng unarmed as he was when suddenly he saw another Troop of above one hundred and fifty Knights enter the Field who soon testified to whom they did belong by the strokes which they gave for at eveey stroke blood followed their Swords so that he soon knew thein to be his Enemies which he séeing and being now so far come to himself as to consider the danger he caused all the Ladies to depart and he himself with all his Friends ran hastily to their several Chambers to arm themselves which they did in the best manner they could and returning to the Field they found that above five hundred of his Friends and Knights were either slain or wounded He soon made head against his Enemies and assaulted them with a great deal of rage and anger to the great help of his friends and to the loss and discouragement of his Enemies Many were on both sides slain by the hands of Don Bellianis and his Enemy the Knight of Envy who now met together and began a furious Fight to the great amazement of all the Beholders They were both greatly wounded and astonished at each others strength when in the midst of their fury there appeared over their heads a great Cloud which breaking there was séen heard great Thunder and Lightning which amazed all in the place and a great Darkness was over all the place for the space of a quarter of an hour at the end of which there appeared a small Castle in the place of the Combat and by it lay Don Bellianis along on the earth and many of his Friends There also appeared an ancient woman who taking a Bottle put it to the mouth of Don Bellianis and some of the Water that was in it passing into his Body he revived and arose and looking about him saw that which was hapned and saw the old Woman and knew her to be Bellona the Enchanteress who desired him to go about the Field and pull off the Helmets from the heads of those Knights that lay there that she might assist his Friends which he did accordingly and there they found his two Brothers Clarineo and Lucidamore Contumeliano and Peter of Ireland with many others much wounded to whom she gave some of her Water and they presently arose in very good estate and condition much wondring at that which had hapned Don Bellianis séeing this did suppose that all that had happened this day had béen bone by Enchantment and therefore he asked Bellona who and what these Enemies were and whether they were real men or onely Enchantment To which she replyed That in general they were men and valiant Knights as he and his Companions could well enough restifie that they were his Enemies and came to disturb the peace he was in and that they might not for the future be in a capacity to injure him further she had provided that Castle which she shewed him and thereinto she said it was necessary they should be put in order to which they all went about the Field and as many of the Knights their Enemies which were about fifty as they could finde yet alive were presently put into that Castle This being done Don Bellianis and his Brethren Friends and Knights in the Company of the sage Bellona set forwards towards the Pallace being met by the Souldan the Emperess and Princesses Being all seated the Sage Bellona spake to them thus Most Noble Souldan and Emperess and you other Kings Queens Princes and Princesses Knights and Ladies It is many years since I foreknew the misfortune that would this day happen unto you and many days and nights have I spent in considering of a way to prevent this mischief but I could not find a better expedient than what I have now executed You are all now in good health and the ill that was intended is now prevented so that you may assure your selves that you are out of all danger of any present harm What they are that thus disturbed you you need not care to know at this time for they are safe enough from doing you any further mischief wherefore proceed now in your Mirth since nothing whatsoever shall be able to disturb you She having spoken thus held her peace and the Souldan and the rest gave great thanks to Bellona for the Service she had done them Thus Reader we will make an end of this Part of this History leaving our Princes in great quiet and in the Third Part we shall tell you who were the Knight of Envy and his Companions and the cause of their coming at this time As also an end of the Wars betwéen the two Empires of Trebizond and Babylon and what became of the two Princes Perianeo and Gramalis of Thrace in the Pleasant Island and mamy other pleasant and delightful Adventures FINIS THE HONOUR OF CHIVALRY OR The Famous and Delectable HISTORY OF DON BELLIANIS of GREECE CONTINUING As well the valiant Exploits of that Magnanimous and Heroick Prince Son to the Emperor Don Bellanco of Greece as of his two valiant Brothers Don Clarineo of Spain and Don Lucidamore of Thessaly and several of their Princely Champions more particularly that valiant Prince Peter of Ireland Knight of the Keys Wherein is concluded the War between the Souldan of Babylon and the Emperor of Trebizond and several Marriages made between those Great and Royal Personages The Third Part. Now newly written by Fra. Kirkman London Printed by Ed. Okes for Fran. Kirkman and are to be sold at his Shop next door to the Sign of the Princes Arms in St. Paul's Church-yard M.DC.LXXII To the Reader THe encouragement I received by writing the Second Part of this History hath induced me to prosecute it with a Third Part wherein I will assure you I have out-done the Second both in language and contrivance of the Story And I have taken more then ordinary pains in describing the ancient Kingdom of Ireland and many principal Cities and Towns long since ruined If what I have written be but pleasing to you I may in short time pleasure you further by writing another History of this nature whereby you may still be pleasured by Your Friend Fra. Kirkman THE THIRD PART OF Don Bellianis of Greece OR The Honour of Chivalry Continuing the Valiant Exploits of that Heroick Prince Son unto the Emperor Don Bellaneo of Greece CHAP. I. Who the Knight of Envy and his Companions were and the cause of their coming A continuation of the Triumphs for two days longer at the end whereof is an Inchantment upon the Knight of Envy and a Prophesie who is to end the Adventure several Knights make trial but to their dammage
that rather then have him she would destroy her self and that withall she had as great a love for the Prince of Conaught Owen Mac O Brian whom she would with all her heart be married to The Knight of Cupid having heard her mind told her that he would endeavor that she should have her desire and therefore he went next to her Father Owen O Coneele Prince of Ulster of whom he likewise desired to know If he had any inclination to Peace The old Man replied he desired it above all things being weary of the War long time since and that he would have left it off if the Giant Flusteron would have permitted him The Knight of Cupid hearing this told him The occasion of the War as he understood was because he would compel his Daughter to marry with Flusteron against her own mind Truly replied the old Prince I had no inclination that she should be married to Owen Mac O Brian Prince of Conaught because we have been ancient Enemies and therefore was willing the other my Friend and Subject should have her and that hath occasioned this unhappy War but I now wish that it were otherwise and did not care if she were married to the Prince of Conaught or left to whom she her self should please so I knew how to rid my self of Flusteron who is grown now too potent for me and over-rules all my Councels As for that replied the Knight of Cupid if you please to give your Daughter free leave to marry I question not but I shall end the War without much more blood-shed and that you shall be well enough rid of Flusteron If it may be so I should be content replied the old Prince and so they parted And now the Knight of Cupid thought it expedient to go to the Giant Flusteron where when he came he told him that he had béen the whole cause of the War and that it would be well done of him to endeavor an end of it by permitting the Lady Honora to choose whom she would for a Husband Why whom should she choose but me replied the Giant fiercely who have best deserved her It may be so she will replied the Knight of Cupid and that it will be the best way to give her her own freedom I shall not trust the peevish Baggage said the Giant but I will have her alive or dead and as I have so I will always hazard my life to gain her I would that young Princely Puppet of Conaught would either fight with me for her or produce any body else that would do it and then it should be soon seen who best deserves her I must confess said the Knight of Cupid that for force and valour you may exceed him but there are other qualities that a Lady expects above that What should any Ladies expect replied the Giant but to marry where their Parents think fit and to obey those Husbands who can gain most from others and thereby enlarge their own Dominions This is your opinion replied the Knight of Cupid but I still advise you to let the Lady have her own choosing Yes if I were sure she will choose me replied he or else if she will renounce all her interest to her Father's Principality and he give me present possession of it That were unreasonable replied the Knight I rather believe that the Prince of Conaught will produce a Champion to fight in hers and his own behalf I should be glad to see him replied the Giant and that shall be the end of the War I will go ask him replied the Knight and so departed And now at last going to the Prince of Conaught he told him That he had been much too blame to ingage a Kingdom in a War out of pretence of assisting of a Lady Then I perceive Sir replied the Prince you have never been in love for if you had you would not value ten Kingdoms to a Ladies enjoyment Well but how do you think to gain her replied the Knight for I know that you must never have her unless the Giant Flusteron be first dead and that I think is somewhat difficult to be done Truly replied the Prince rather then lose her I would venture my own Person against that Monster But do you imagine said the Knight that you should vanquish him Truly I much doubt it replied the Prince but I then could but die and then all my sorrow would at once be at an end The Knight of Cupid hearing him thus resolute and pitying all Parties and being desirous to make an end of this War for the doing whereof there was but one way told the Prince that he would undertake the Combat on his behalf and therefore desired him to agrée to what he should direct and then he questioned not but he should suddainly put an end to the War to his own content The Prince knowing well enough the great valor of the Knight of Cupid as having heard of his fight at his first arrival in that Kingdom and withal having séen other testimonies of his valour during the War and believing that if he undertook the Combat he should be successful he therefore kindly thanked him for his generous offer telling him That if he would on his behalf enter the Combat against his Enemy and conquer him as he did not question he would freely give him his Principality only contenting himself with the in joyment of the fair Princess Honora The Knight of Cupid hearing the generous offer of the Prince replied That he desired no other requital but the honour of having done him that particular service and as he hoped a general good ●o the whole Kingdom that was now involved in a desperate War The matter being now agréed upon as to the main the Prince at the directions of the Knight of Cupid writ this Letter The Letter of Challenge from Owen Mac O Brian Prince of Conaught to Flusteron of the Mountains of Callingford in Ulster IT is not unknown to the whole Kingdom that the chief cause of these Wars hath been your pretensions and mine to the Princess Honora and you and I both know that but one of us can lawfully injoy her to Wife and I have often heard that you have several times sworn that none should have her so long as you were alive whereupon I have often thought that there is but one way to conclude upon Peace and that must be very difficult and dangerous for me however I being now resolved to spare all further effusion of blood as much as in me lies do make this further offer That I will within these two days expose either my own Body or some others as my Champion to fight with you body to body and which soever shall remain Victor shall have the Lady Honora as the Prize of his Conquest If therefore you accept of these terms I expect that you give sufficient Pledges for performing of the Conditions as I on my part am willing to do These