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A17946 The historie of Cambria, now called Wales: a part of the most famous yland of Brytaine, written in the Brytish language aboue two hundreth yeares past: translated into English by H. Lhoyd Gentleman: corrected, augmented, and continued out of records and best approoued authors, by Dauid Powel Doctor in diuinitie Caradoc, of Llancarvan, d. 1147?; Powell, David, 1552?-1598.; Llwyd, Humphrey, 1527-1568.; Price, John, Sir, 1502?-1555. 1584 (1584) STC 4606; ESTC S121940 250,742 447

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whole land by colour of iustice yet he brought the land in such awe of him that a child might haue caried gold openlie through all England without danger of theeues for all such oftenders lost their hands and if anie man forced anie woman he should lose his stones This William left England to William Rufus his sonne and Normandie to his eldest sonne Robert and his treasure he gaue to Henrie his third sonne The same yeare all the sons of Blethyn ap Convyn sometimes king of VVales gathered their strength together against Rees ap Tewdor who not being able to meete with them fled to Ireland and there he purchased himselfe great freends and got an armie of Irishmen and Scots to whom he promised great towards when he should obtaine his kingdome and so landed in Southwales with these strangers Which when his freends hard of they drew to him the other came in all hast thinking to fight with him before his power should increase and at Lhechryd they gaue him battell where they were discomfited and two of the brethren slaine to wit Madoc and Riryd and the other fled and forsooke the countrie As soone as Rees was in quiet possession of his kingdome he sent home his strangers with great rewards About this time the shrine of S. Dauid was stolne out of the church and when all the iewels and treasures were taken away the shrine was left where it might be found againe The Normanes rebelled against the king in diuers places at one time for Odo Bishop of Bayon chiefe gouernour of England began the rebellion in Kent and burned the kings townes so did Roger lord Mortimer at Peuenest Bishop Galfride destroied Bath and Berklay Roger did his indeuour in Northfolke and Southfolke Hugh in Leycester and Northamptonshires and the Bishop of Durham was not behind in his quarter Likewise the Earles of Hereford and Shrewesburie with the Welshmen burned all VVorcestershire and Glocestershire to the gates of VVorcester Then the king gathered his strength together and promising the people their ancient liberties proceeded towards his enimies and first wanne the castell of Tynbridge and after besieged Odo and Roger Mortimer in the castell of Peuenest vj. weekes at which time his brother Robert came with an armie from Normandie and would haue landed but he was driuen backe by such as kept the sea coastes Then Odo yeelded Peuenest to the king promised to depart the land so did Afterwards the king wan the castell of Rochester and lead his armie to Durham tooke it and banished all his enimies the land In the yeare 1088 there was a terrible earthquake through all the land the yeare folowing died Sulien the godliest wisest man and the greatest clerke in all VVales being 80. yeares old About this time certeine strangers which were rouers vpon the seas landed at S. Dauids and robbed it and burned the towne At which time also Cadiuor the sonne of Calhoyn lord of Dyuet died whose sonnes Lhewelyn and Eneon mooued Gruffyth the sonne of Meredyth to make warre against their lord prince Rees ap Theodor and so ioining all their strength togither came against him to Lhandydoch where Rees was who gaue them battell and putting them to flight pursued them so sore that he tooke Gruffyth ap Meredyth and put him to death But Eneon sonne to Cadiuor ap Colhoyn fled to Iestyn lord of Morgannwc who likewise rebelled against Rees ap Theodor and promised vpon condition to haue Iestyns daughter in mariage and certaine other couenants then agreed vpon betweene them to bring to their succours an armie of Normanes for he had serued in England before and was well knowen acquainted with all the English nobilitie which things being thus concluded they were fully minded to be reuenged vpon Rees And so Eneon went to England wrought such means that he procured Robert Fitzhamon with twelue other knights to gather a great armie of Frenchmen or Normanes to come to their aid who shortlie after landed in Glamorganshire where Iestyn ap Gurgant lord of the land receiued them with much honor and ioining his power to theirs burned spoiled prince Rees his land destroied his people Which thing being declared to Rees grieued him sore wherevpon he suddenlie gathered his power and met them not far from Brechnock where after a terrible fight he was slaine with whome fell and decaied the kingdome of Southwales This Rees had by his wife the daughter of Rywalhon ap Convyn a sonne called Gruffyth who at his fathers death was but a verie child and one Grono that was in the kings prison These Normanes after they had receiued their promised salarie and great rewards of Iestyn returned to their ships When Eneon burthened Iestyn with the promise of his daughter in mariage Iestyn laughed him to scorne and told him that he would bestow his daughter otherwise wherevpon Eneon full of anger and despite folowed the Normanes And when he came to the shoare they were all a shipboard then he shouted to them and made a signe with his cloake to call them backe and they turned againe to know his meaning Then he went to the chiefest of them and shewed of his abuse at Iestyns hands declaring withall how easie it was for them to winne that faire and pleasant countrie from Iestyn whome for his treason to Rees none other prince of Wales would succour wherevnto they were easilie persuaded and so vngratefullie turned all their power against him for whose defense they had come thither and at whose hands they had beene well intertained and recompensed with rich gifts and great rewards And first they spoiled him of his countrie who mistrusted them not and tooke all the fertile and valey ground to themselues and left the barren and rough mountaines to Eneon for his part The names of those twelue knights that came and accompanied Robert Fitzhamon were these Londres or London as the Brytish booke nameth him Stradlyng S. Iohn Turberuile Grenuile Humffreuile S. Quintine Soore Sully Berkeroll Syward and Fleming These men and their heires haue enioied that countrie to this daie who were the first strangers that euer inhabited Wales since the time of Camber The historie of the winning of Glamorgan in maner agréeing with this author is particularlie set in writing by some skilfull and studious Gentleman of that countrie wherein he continueth not onelie the vse and possession of the same Lordship in the heires of those noble men which wan it but also sheweth their progenie and issues euen to our time The copie whereof being deliuered vnto me by the right worshipfull Mistres Blanch Parry one of the Gentlewomen of the Quéenes Maiesties priuie chamber a singular well willer and furtherer of the weale publike of that countrie I thought good héere to insert as followeth The winning of the Lordship of Glamorgan or Morgannwc out of the VVelshmens hands and first of the description of the same
lesse by Gruffyth ap Conan prince of Northwales how that his men and the men of Grono ap Owen ap Edwyn Lord of Tegengl spoiled and burned the countrie of Cheshire adding to aggrauate the matter that Gruffyth did neither owe seruice nor paied anie tribute to the king wherefore the king swore that he would not leaue one liuing creature in Northwales and Powys land but destroie the land vtterlie put in new inhabitants Then parting his armie into three bands the leading of the first he committed to Gilbert Earle of Strigill wherein was the whole power of all the fourth part of England Cornwall against Southwales the leading of the second had Alexander king of Scotland Hugh Earle of Chester wherein the power of Scotland and the North was who went against Northwales and the king lead the third himselfe wherin was the strength of middle England Then Meredyth ap Blethyn hearing this came and yeelded himselfe to the king But Owen fearing to commit himselfe to them which were so greedie of his lands fled to Gruffyth ap Conan to Northwales whervpon the king turned all his strength that waie and came himselfe as far as Murcastelh and the king of Scots as far as Pennant Bachwy but the people fled to the mountaines and woods and caried all their victuals and cattell with them so that the king could not folow them and such of his men as entred the land were either slaine or galled in the straites Then the Scottish king did send to the prince to come and yeeld him to the king and promised him the kings peace but he was acquainted with such promises and would not Then the king because hee would not returne without owing of some thing sent to Owen to come to him and to forsake the prince who was not able to defend himselfe but was readie to make peace with the Scottish king and the Erle of Chester Yet for all this Owen would not trust the king vntill such time as his vncle Meredyth came from the king to him and counselled him not to forsake the king of Englands offer but to trust his promise and to make hast before the prince agreed with the king who offered him all his lands without tribute Then Owen hearing this came to the king who receiued him thankfullie and told him that because he had trusted the kings word and promise he would not onlie performe that but also exalt him aboue all his kinne and giue him his lands without tribute The Prince also hearing of this sent to the king to haue his peace which because the king could not come by him he obtained for a great summe of monie Some Brytish copies affirme that the submission both of Gruffyth ap Conan also of Owen ap Cadogan was procured by the subtile policie of Meredyth ap Blethyn and the Earle of Chester the one working with Gruffyth and bearing him in hand that Owen had submitted himselfe to the king made his peace with him before it was so in déede so that the prince somewhat yéelding to the Earles request if Owen had so done contrarie to his oth for they were sworne either to other the one not to agrée without the assent of the other séemed to incline to peace On the other side Meredyth going himselfe in person to his Nephew Owen affirmed for a truth that the Prince and the Earle of Chester were throughlie agréed concerning peace and that the Prince was on his iournie towards the king to make his submission and in the meane time all messengers betwéene Owen and the Prince were by the procurement of Meredyth intercepted wherevpon Owen willinglie yéelded himselfe to the King Then the king hauing finished his busines in Wales called Owen vnto him and told him that if he would go with him to Normandie and be faithfull vnto him he would performe all his promises with him Wherevpon Owen went with the king to Normandie where he was made knight had all promises performed at the kings hand at his returne from Normandie the yeare following At this time died Griffri bishop of Meneuia and the king made one Barnard a Norman bishop in his place contrarie to the minds of all the Clergie of Wales who were alwaies accustomed to choose their bishop At the same time there was a talke through Southwales of Gruffyth the sonne of Rees ap Theodor who for feare of the king had beene of a child brought vp in Ireland and had come ouer two yeares passed which time he had spent priuilie with his freends kinsfolks and affines as with Gerald steward of Penbrooke his brother in law and others But at the last he was accused to the king that he intended the kingdome of Southwales as his father had enioied it which was now in the kings hands and that all the countrie hoped of libertie through him therefore the king sent to take him But Gruffyth ap Rees hering this sent to Gruffyth ap Conan prince of Northwales desiring him of his aid and that he might remaine safelie within his countrie which he granted and receiued him ioiouslie for his fathers sake At this time also Howel the brother of this Gruffyth being committed to prison by Arnulph Earle of Penbrooke in the castell of Mountgomery where he remained prisoner a great while made an escape and being sore hurt and maimed fled to Gruffyth ap Conan where his brother was Which things when the king heard he sent gentle letters to the Prince desiring him to come and speake with him which Gruffyth ap Conan did whom the king receiued honorablie and gaue him rich gifts and pretious iewels after the vsage of the Normanes who make much of men for to serue their turne Then afterward he talked with him of Gruffyth ap Rees promising him mountaines of gold to send the said Gruffyth or his head vnto him the which thing the Prince being deceiued with the faire words of the king promised to doo and so returned home ioifullie But Gruffyth ap Rees and Howel his brother had counsell giuen them to withdraw themselues out of the waie awhile vntill they vnderstood what the Prince would doo for their freends suspected the kings message The Prince assoone as euer he came to his palace at Arberffraw inquired for Gruffyth ap Rees and learning where he was sent certaine horsemen for him to come to his court and as they came towards the house where he was he had warning of their comming and with much adoo escaped to the Church of Aberdaron and tooke Sanctuarie there Then the messengers returned againe and declared to the Prince how all things fell out and the Prince being sore offended commanded him to be pulled out by force but the Clergie of the whole countrie withstood that and defended the liberties of the Church That night some that pitied to see that yoong innocent to be sought as a lambe to the slaughter conueied him away out of Northwales to
to Brytaine Armorike where they remaine to this daie and gaue Lhoegria now England to the Saxons And albeit that Caduan Cadwalhon Cadwalader were sithence intituled Kings of all Brytaine yet they could neuer recouer againe the quiet possession of the whole Iland afterwards After the departure of Cadwalader out of the land the Brytaines were gouerned within the countrie of Wales or Cambria by those men whereof this historie following doth intreate which were commonlie called Kings of such prouinces and countries as they possessed vntill the time of Owen Gwyneth who being in the daies of King Stephen and Henrie the second was the first that named himselfe Prince of Wales and so the rest after him kept that title and stile and yet neuertheles they are sometimes called Princes before him and Kings after him as I haue obserued by diuers charters and old records which I haue séene in the Tower of London and else-where Howbeit this author calleth the chiefest of them Kings till the time of the said Owen and sithence Princes IVOR IVOR the sonne of Alan Wherevpon Kentwinus King of Westsex gathered a great number of Saxons and Angles together and came against the Brytaines which were readie to abide the battell and as the armies were both in sight they were not verie desirous to fight but fell to a composition and agreement that Iuor should take Ethelburga to wife which was cousen to Kentwyn and quietlie enioie all that he had during the reigne of Iuor This Iuor is he whom the English Chronicles do call Iue or Iew King of West Saxons that reigned after Cedwall and they saie that he was a Saxon for Kentwyn reigned but fiue yeares after Iuors comming to England and after him his nephew Cedwall who after he had reigned ouer the West Saxons two yeares went to Rome and left his kingdome to Iue his cousen This Iue or Iuor whome the Brytaines call the sonne of Alan and the Saxons the sonne of Kenred being King of the Saxons and Brytaines which inhabited the west partes of England after manie victories atchieued against the Kings of Kent Southsex and Mertia left his kingdome to Adelred or as some call him Adelerdus his cousen and tooke his iournie to Rome where he made a godly end about the yeare of our Lord 720. Of Cadwalader Cedwall and Iuor there be diuers opinions Some hold that Cadwalader and Cedwall are the selfesame man and that the Saxon writers call him Cedwall whome the Brytaines do name Cadwalader who as the Brytish Chronicles do affirme after his foresaid vision did resigne all his right title and interest in great Brytaine to the said Alan king of Brytaine Armorike and so despairing that either he or his should euer haue anie thing to doo there leauing his sonne Edwal Ywrch and his people to the ordering of his cousen Alan went to Rome But this opinion séemeth to varie from the assertion of Bernardus Guidonius But certainelie in mine opinion it is more probable that this Cedwall was Edwal the sonne of Cadwalader for the name Edoal which in the ancient Brytish copie is written Etoal may well agrée with that which Guidonius writeth and an easie matter it were especiallie in proper names for the C. capitall to créepe in which is almost all one with that character which the Lawyers do call a paraph and is vsed commonlie in all old text hands at the beginning of periods or sections Of this matter thus writeth Guidonius In suo pontificali Catalogo sub Sergio primo Per idem tempus Ethoal rex Brytonum cùm per decem annos multis regulis obuiasset plura mala illis irrogasset tandem ipsis in pacem deuenientibus super occidentales Saxones regnauit annis duobus Videns autem Brytanniam multis miserijs contritam regnum spreuit terrenum propter aeternum Romam veniens paucis diebus transactis migrauit ad Christum Et paulo post Hic ex toto illud regnum antiquissimum Brytonum corruit quod omnibus ferè regnis diuturnius fuit A tempore Heli Sacerdotis vsque ad hoc tempus per annos 1825. Rob. Caenalis lib. 2. per. 2. That is At the same time Ethoal King of the Brytaines when he had by the space of ten yeares warred with diuers Kings and often put them to the woorse at length growing to an agréement with them he reigned ouer the West Saxons two yeares and then perceiuing Brytaine to be ouerworne with miseries preferring the heauenlie kingdome before the earthlie came to Rome and within few daies died and in him ended wholie that ancient kingdome of the Brytaines which continued in a maner longer than anie other from Helie the priest to this time by the space of 1825. yeares Further it is not like that Iuor comming to the aid of Edwal his cousen would euer séeke the kingdome to himselfe and defeate the right heire but verie well it may be if this Iuor be that man whome the Saxon writers call Inas or Iue after these Brytaines had arriued in the south part of this realme and fought diuers times with the Saxon kings and continued in Cornewall Deuonshire and Somersetshire by the space of two yeares that they should afterwards méet Centwyn in the field and so fall to an agréement that Iuor taking Ethelburga the cousen of Centwyn to wife should enioie the kingdome of the West Saxons after Centwyn and that therevpon Edwal resigning his title and interest to Iuor departed to Rome and so died as Guidonius saith All this notwithstanding it séemeth by the report of other writers of verie good account that Inas or Iue king of the West Saxons whose lawes are extant in print set out by maister William Lamberd Esquier a woorthie searcher and preseruer of the antiquities of this land was not a Brytaine but a Saxon who had warre against the Brytaines diuers times and vanquished them Matth. West reporteth that Inas or Iue fought with Gerent King of the Brytaines I haue an ancient booke written as Iohn Leland thinketh by Iohn Castoreus or Beuer sometimes Monke of Westminster who liued in the time of Edward the third which reporteth the historie of Inas in this sort About the yeare of grace 689. Iuor and Henyr sonnes of the daughter of Cadwalader sometime King of Brytaine came ouer from Ireland and taking to their aid the two Kings of Wales destroied the prouince of Chester and sent messengers to the Saxon Kings commanding them to restore againe to the Brytaines the countrie of Lhoyger out of the which they had wrongfullie expelled their parents and ancesters adding that if they would not so doo within fiftéene daies they should not enioie it anie longer The which message Inas the noble King of Westsex signified vnto all the other Saxon Kings who soone met together in Mount Campeden to whom Sibertus King of Essex spake thus Deare frends and companions let vs
wey and consider not onlie what we are our selues but also what our enimies are which come against vs they are the verie Brytaines whose fathers and ancesters our fathers haue béereft of their inheritance and expelled out of their owne land and now they iustlie come against vs to claime that which our ancesters by violence haue taken from theirs Let vs therefore like other nations choose vnto vs a head to leade direct and gouerne vs whome as chiefe lord in time of peace and warre we as members may obeie and sticke to sith without a head there is no victorie to be looked for Haue not the Brytaines after two yeares of their dispersion set vpon the ancient Saxons a more valiant people than we are fiftéene times within seauen yeares Did they not spoile their kingdomes killed their people and left such as remained aliue sore wounded and maimed at their departure The rest of the Saxon kings agréed vnto his mind and with one assent chose that worthie Knight Inas King of Westsex to be their souereigne who hauing taken their homage aduanced his standard and marched forward against Iuor and Henyr and set vpon them so that they were faine to forsake their tents and flie into Wales Thus Inas hauing obteined the victorie with the other Saxon Kings sauing Sibertus who by reason of his age and impotencie had departed home before returned to South hampton where his cousen Adelard informed him that Iuor and Henyr had gathered and leauied a puissant armie afresh to set vpon the Saxons where vpon Inas foreslowed not the matter but went against them and laid séege to the Castell of Snowdon compelling the Brytaines to flie to their ships and while he was at Bangor with the other Saxon Kings and the nobles of Wales he kept the feast of S. Dauid and then dismissed the other Kings home to their countrie vntill they should be called for againe and departed himselfe with Adelard his cousen to Quéene Ethelburga being then at Manchester and continued there almost thrée moneths In the meane while Adelard minding to trauell about all Wales met thrée spies of whome being by him taken and examined he learned that Iuor and Henyr were returning againe with a huge armie of such strength and force as all the Saxon Kings were not able to resist Then went he and shewed Inas what he had heard wherefore Inas foorthwith certified the other Saxon Kings of the same commanding them without delaie to be readie at Chester with horse and armour to go against their enimies and to defend their countrie from violence Who accordinglie met at Chester and following the Kings standard gaue the Brytaines battell and put them to flight Howbeit the Brytaines eftsoones inuaded England and made seauen roades in two yeares destroieng townes and villages wheresoeuer they came and neuer returning without great and rich booties Inas after this victorie returned home and reigned ouer the West Saxons 36. yeares and then bequeathed his kingdome to his cousen Adelard Thus much out of Castoreus This Iuor made the fratrie of Glastenburie called in the Brytish toong Ynys Aualon Ioseph of Aremathia being sent by Philip the Apostle as Gildas reporteth came into this Iland in the daies of Aruiragus King of Brytaine about the yeare of Christ 53. and instructed the Brytaines in the doctrine of saluation in the Ile of Aualon where he builded a Church for the Christians which Church this Iuor if it be he that gouerned the West Saxons conuerted to an Abbey and endowed the same with large possessions which was the more famous because the bodies of the said Ioseph of Aremathia and king Arthur were there buried He gaue also great lands to the Church of Winchester In the second yeare of Iuors reigne Brythe a subiect to Egfride King of Northumberland did ouerrun and destroie a great part of the countrie of Ireland In the fourth yeare of his reigne there was a great earthquake in the Ile of Man and the yeare following it reigned bloud in Brytaine and in Ireland The milke likewise and the butter turned to the colour of bloud The second yeare after that the Moone appeared all bloudie After the departure of Iuor to Rome Adelard or Adelred tooke the rule of the Saxons And Rodericus or Roderi Molwynoc the sonne of Edwal Ywrch did take the rule of the Brytaines in the west part of England Roderike Molwynoc Roderike or Rodri the sonne of Edwal Ywrch The yeare 733. died Beda priest brought vp in the Abbey of Wyrnetham a great clearke that wrote manie works among which there is one intituled The Ecclesiasticall historie of the English nation dedicated vnto Cleolwolfe King of Northumberland This yeare Adelard King of Westsex and Ethelbald King of Mertia ioined their powers against the Brytaines and gaue them battell and after a long fight and great slaughter vpon either part obteined a bloudie victorie The yeare 735. Adelard King of Westsex died and Cudred reigned in his place And the yeare following died Edwyn King of the Pictes And in the yeare 746. there was a great battell fought at Hereford betwixt Cudred and Ethelbaldus where after a long fight Cudred had the victorie Also the next yeare ensuing he gaue the Brytaines and ouerthrow and died shortlie after The Brytaines seeing they could little preuaile against the Saxons ioined in league with Cuthred King of the West Saxons who then was out with Ethelbald King of Mertia wherevpon the said Ethelbald entred into Wales with a strong armie and the Brytaines met him and were there discomfited After that Cuthred and Ethelbald met in the field where Ethelbald was put to flight but anon after they two were made friends and ioined together their powers against the Brytaines and ouercame them After Cuthred in the yeare 749. was Sigebert created King who for his euill behauiour was expelled by his nobles out of his Kingdome and was miserablie slaine by a swineheard after whome Kenulph was made King of West Saxons the yeare 750. About the same time died Theodor the sonne of Belin a man of great estimation among the Brytaines Not long after there was a great battell fought betwixt the Brytaines and the Pictes at a place called Magedawc where Dalargan King of the Pictes was slaine Within a little after Roderi or Roderike Molwynoc was driuen by the Saxons to forsake the west countrie to come to seeke his own inheritance in Northwales where ruled at that time the children of Bletius or Bledericus prince of Cornewal Deuonshire who was one of them that gaue Adelred and Ethelbert the ouerthrow at Bangor vpon the riuer Dee who enioied the gouernance of Northwales euer sithence Caduan was chosen King of Brytaine vntill this time By this historie it should séeme that the Brytaines continued their gouernement in the west part of Lhoegria vntill this time But surelie the consent in a maner of all
diuers places manie houses burnt to the earth The same yeare died Gruffyth the sonne of Run and Griffri the sonne of Kyngen was slaine by the treason of Elice his brother Howel gaue his brother Conan another battell and slew a great number of his people wherevppon Conan leauied an armie in the yeare 817. chased his brother Howel out of the Ile of Môn or Anglesey compelling him to flie into Man And a little after died Conan chiefe King of the Brytaines or Welshmen leauing behind him a daughter called Esylht which was married to a noble man called Mervyn Vrych the sonne of Gwyriad or Vriet the son of Elidur so forth in the right line to Belinus the brother of Brennus King of the Brytaines and his mother was Nest the daughter of Cadelh King of Powys the sonne of Brochwel Yscithroc that fought with the Saxons at Bangor who was prince of Powys This Brochwel is called of the Latine writers Breciuallus and Brochmaelus of whom I find thus written in Historia diuae Monacellae Fuit olim in Powysia quidam princeps illustrissimus nomine Brochwel Yscithroc Consul Legecestriae qui in vrbe tunc temporis Pengwern Powys nunc verò Salopia dicta est habitabat cuius domicilium seu habitaculum ibi steterat vbi collegiū diui Ceddae nunc situm est That is There was sometimes in Powys a noble Prince named Brochwel Yscithroc Consul or Earle of Chester who dwelt in a towne then called Pengwerne Powys and now Salope whose dwelling house was in the verie same place where the College of Saint Chad now standeth This man with Caduan king of Brytaine Morgan king of Demetia and Bledericus king of Cornewal gaue an ouerthrow to Ethelfred king of Northumberland vpon the riuer of Dee Anno gratiae 617. of whome the ancestors of diuers in VVales liuing at this daie are knowne by ancient bookes and records to haue descended Mervyn Vrych and Esylht Mervyn Vrych Esylht the daughter of Conan THE first yeare of the reigne of Mervyn Vrych and Esylht his wife Egbert King of Westsex entred into VVales with a great armie and destroied the whole countrie vnto Snowden hilles and seised to his hands the countrie of Rhyvonioc in Denbighland About this time there was a sore battell fought in Anglesey called the battell of Lhanuaes In the yeare of Christ 819. Kenulph King of Mertia destroied West Wales and the summer following he ouerranne Powys land and did much hurt and soone after died and Kenelme reigned in his place About the same time also Howel King of Man died The yeare 825. Ceolwulph was made King of Mertia and reigned two yeares After whome Bernulph was created king who was ouerthrowne at Elledowne by Egbert king of the West Saxons who also brought to his subiection the countries of Kent and West Angles Not long after about the yeare 828. Bernulph was slaine by the East Angles After that there was a great battell fought at a place called Gauelford betwixt the Brytaines and the West Saxons of Deuonshire and manie thousands cruellie slaine vpon either side and the victorie vncertaine The yeare 829. Egbert ouerthrew Wyhtlafe King of Mertia and made him subiect to his Kingdome He also passed Humber and wan the land and so was the first Monarch of the Saxons and brought the seauen kingdomes into one and changed the name of Brytaine into England and called the people Englishmen and the language English for the people that came into this Ile from Germanie were Saxons Angles and Iuthes And of the Saxons came the people of Eastsex Southsex Middlesex and West Saxons Of the Angles came the East Angles middle Angles or Mertians and all on the North side of Humber And of the Iuthes came the inhabitants of Kent and the Ile of Wight And the seauen Kingdomes were these 1 The first Kent 2 The second Southsex containing Sussex and Southerie 3 The third East Angles containing Northfolke Southfolke and Cambridgeshire 4 The fourth Westsex containing Barkeshire Deuonshire Somersetshire and Cornewall 5 The fift Mertia containing Glocestershire Herefordshire Worcestershire Shropshire Staffordshire Chesshire Warwikeshire Leycestershire Darbishire Notinghamshire Lincolneshire Northamptonshire Oxfordshire Buckinghamshire Bedfordshire and halfe Hertfordshire 6 The sixt was East Saxon containing Essex Middlesex and the other halfe of Hertfordshire 7 The seauenth Kingdome was all the lands vpon the North side of Humber which was also diuided into two kingdomes Deyra and Bernicia Deyra was the land betwixt Humber and Tine Bernicia from Tine to the Scottish sea All these were brought vnder subiection by Egbert king of West Saxons and this realme called England the yeare after the comming of Brutus to this Ile 1968. after the comming of Hengist 383. and after the departure of Cadwalader 149. yeares Which name although it hath continued to this daie for the space of 755. yeares yet was it not verie luckie or fortunate to the Saxons inhabitours of this realme For euen vpon this change of their name and vnition of the kingdome followed the terrible and cruell inuasion of the Danes and after that the conquest of the Normanes of whome the Kings of this time haue descended But to returne to my matter againe The yeare 833. the Danes in great companies landed in diuers places of this realme and fought diuers battels with Egbert wherin sometimes they and sometimes he had the victorie Afterward in the yeare 836. they landed in West Wales and so passed through Wales to England with manie of the Brytaines which ioined with them against Egbert but they were all ouerthrowne by Egbert at Hengestdowne who died the yeare following This Egbert king of England wan the citie of Caer lhêon ar Dhowrdwy or Chester which was the chiefe citie of Venedotia out of the hands of the Brytaines in whose possession it remained vntill that time He caused also as some writers doo affirme the brasen image of Cadwalhon king of Brytaine to be throwne downe defaced commanding that no man vpon paine of death should set vp anie such againe forbidding this land to be called Brytain anie more but England and the people Englishmen He also made proclamation by the setting on of Redburga his wife who bearing malice towards the Brytaines could not abide any of that nation that no Brytaine should remaine within the confines of England commanding that al singular which were of the Brytish bloud should within sixe moneths auoide with their wiues and children out of his kingdome vpon paine of losing their heads After the death of Egbert his sonne Ethelwulph reigned in his place who gaue his daughter in mariage to Berthred his tributarie king of Mertia He had great warres and much adoo with the Danes which destroied with fire and sword the sea coast of England The yeare 841. died Idwalhon a noble man of Wales And two yeares after was the battell of Kettell betwixt Burchred king of Mertia and the
Lhandeilo vawr keeping himselfe in the wild and rough places then his enimies laid siege to the castell of Dyneuowr and at the first assault they wanne the first ward so that they of the garrison were faine to take the Koxe for their defense and defended the same manfullie but they without made engines to cast in great stones and began to vndermine the walles in such sort that the captaine fell to that composition that if he were not succoured by the next daie at noone he would deliuer vp the castell vpon condition that all his men might depart with their armour and weapons and so they did for they had no succours Afterward they brought the Cantref Mawr to their subiection Then Rees Vachan remooued his wife and children to his brother Maelgons countrie and leaft the castell of Lhauymdhyfry well fortified and manned After the departure of Foulke yoong Rees came with an armie of Welshmen and Normanes to Lhauymdhyfry but before they were encamped the captaine deliuered vp the castell the garrison departing with their liues And shortlie after Rees Vachan was taken at Caermarthyn and committed to the kings prison The Brytish booke of the Abbeie of Stratflur doth in this place set downe the earnest repentance of king Iohn of all the extremities that he had vsed against the churchmen and how that he called home againe such of them as were either expelled or voluntarilie went out of the realme and restored to them all such things as his officers had taken from them At what time also he made the kingdome of England tributarie to the church of Rome to be holden of the Pope yéelding and paieng vnto him the summe of a thousand markes yearelie for euer At this time prince Lhewelyn laid siege to the castell of Dyganwy and Ruthlan and wanne them both so that he leaft the king neither hold nor castell within his land In the yeare 1215. king Iohn with the Earles of Chester and Derbie tooke the crosse but the rebellion of his barons staid his iournie for they required of him certeine auncient lawes and customes to be kept which he denied to doo Therefore they were confederate with Lhewelyn prince of Wales that he should stirre vpon his part and they would vpon theirs then gathering an army they appointed Robert Fitzwater captaine and came to Bedford where William Beauchamp receiued them into the castell and from thence they went to London and were there ioifullie receiued Then the king leuied a power with William Marshall Earle of Penbrooke and laid siege to the castell of Rochester which was manfullie defended three moneths by William de Abbineto but at the last it was taken by force And at that time there were taken with the said William William de Lancaster VVilliam de Emmford Thomas de Moletun Quince Gyfford Odinel Bobi and Odinel de Albineto whom the king sent to the castell of Corff to be imprisoned sure At this time the Pope curssed all such as made warre against king Iohn There is a bull of excommunication among the Records kept in the towre against Lhewelyn prince of Wales and others for making warre against king Iohn being vnder the protection of the church of Rome Thus the Pope can blow hot and cold out of one mouth A litle before he released prince Lhewelyn the Barons and all the commons of the realme from their oth of obedience and subiection to king Iohn commanding them vpon paine of cursse to make warre against him and now hauing brought his purpose to passe he cursseth them for doing of that which he commanded So the Pope setteth at variance kings and princes at his pleasure to worke his owne commoditie and when the same is brought about he cursseth them with booke bell and candle if they without consideration of their own gréefs will not agrée againe when he will wheras fire being kindled is not easilie quenched hatred once stirred vp betwéene princes and growne by displeasures to open war wherin manie are slaine other taken the most spoiled and vndoone is not so soone put off with a Mandamus from Rome and shaking of hands at the Popes pleasure Neuerthelesse prince Lhewelyn leuied an armie and came to Shrewesburie which towne and castell were deliuered to him without any resistance and there he remained a while In the mean time Giles de Bruse bishop of Hereford and chiefe of this conspiracie sonne to William de Bruse sent his brother Reynold to Brechnock and all the people receiued him as their lord and so he got all his castels without gaine-saieng of anie man to wit Abergeuenny Penkelhy Castelh Gwyn or the White castell Grosmont the Ile of Cynuric But when the bishop came thither himselfe they deliuered him the castels of Aberhodny Hay Bnelht Blaynlhyfny and he to strengthen himselfe in that countrie promised castell Payn Clune with all Eluel to Walter Vachan the sonne of Eneon Clyd In the meane time of this yoong Rees sonne to Gruffyth ap Rees and Maelgon his vncle were made freends and went both to Dyuet where they recouered all the land to themselues sauing Cemais and ouerthrew the castell of Arberth Maynclochoc Then Maelgon and Owen brother to Rees went to Northwales to prince Lhewelyn and did to him homage and yoong Rees gathered a great power and came to Cydwely and brought it with all Carnwylheon to his subiection and rased the castell there and likewise the castell of Lhychwr Frō thence he lead his armie to the castell of Hugh de Myles at Talybont and hauing taken the same by force slew a great number of the garrison Then the daie after he tooke his iournie to Senghennyth where the garrison which laie there burnt the towne and departed Therfore Rees laieng siege to the castell of Ystymlhwynarth got the same the next daie folowing and burned it and the towne also and so he got all the castels of Gwyrland within three daies after and then returned home with victorie and triumph At this time Rees Vachan or Rees Gryc vncle to yoong Rees and sonne to the lord Rees was set at libertie by the king leauing his sonne and two other pledges for him This yeare also two Abbots were consecrated bishops Iorwerth of S. Dauids and Cadogan of Bangor Giles de Bruse bishop of Hereford by the Popes commandement went and made peace with the king and died in his returne homeward at Glocester whose inheritance descended to his brother Reginald who maried the daughter of prince Lhewelyn Shortlie after Lhewelyn prince of Northwales came with a great armie to Caermardhyn and laid siege to the castell which was yeelded vnto him the fifth daie after which he rased to the ground and so he did with the castels of Lhanstephan S. Cleare Talacharn From thence he went to Caerdigan and winning the new castell in Emlyn he subdued Cemaes and got the castell of Trefdraeth called in English Newport and rased the same to the ground Then the garrison
of Salope 155. he is slaine 156. Hugh Earle of Chester winneth Mehenyth 197. Hugh Lacy 151. I. IAgo ap Edwal 59.62 Iago ap Edwal 87. Iestyn ap Gurgant lord of Glamorgan 119. Ieuaf ap Edwal 59.60.70 Igmond commeth to Anglisey 41. Iohn king of England made Knight goeth to Ireland returneth againe 240. lost Normandie Aniow Mayne and Poytiers 258. goeth to Ireland 261. goeth to Wales 264. and againe 265. maketh his kingdome tributarie to the Pope 270. he destroieth the Marches of Wales 275. he dieth 276. Iohn le Fleming 125. his heires 136. Iohn de Cremona a Cardinal 186. Iohn Scot Earle of Chester 288.293 Iohn of Monmouth 290.310 Iohn Peckam Archbishop of Canturburie 338. Iohn Uoisye bishop of Excester 393. Iohn Sutton alias Dudley Earle of Warwike 397. Iohn Williams L. Williams of Thame 399. Ionaual the son of Meyric 67. Iorwerth Drwyndwn 227. Iorwerth ap Blethyn 157.158 condemned and cast into prison 160. set at libertie 167. slaine cruellie 170. Iorwerth ap Owen ap Caradoc lord of Caerlheon vpon Usc 230. wan Caerlheon again 234. obtained the kings fauour 236. Ioseph of Aremathia 12. Ithel K. of Gwent 29. Iuor the sonne of Alan 7. Iuor the sonne of Ednerth ap Cadogoan 154. K. KEntwine K. of Westsex 8. Kenulph K. of Wests 16. he destroieth Wales 25. L. LHanbadarn destroied by the Danes 71. Lhanvaes 293. Loegria Lhoeger 1. Lhechryd 117. Lhewelyn ap Sitsylht 83.84 Lhewelyn ap Iorwerth 245. taketh his vncle Dauid prisoner 250. calleth a parlement 257. marieth Ione the daughter of King Iohn 259. maketh peace with K. Iohn 265. released by the Pope of his oth of allegeance to the K. of England commanded to war against him 267. he winneth Ruthlan and Dyganwy 270. excommunicated by the Pope 271. he winneth Shrewesburie ibidem goeth with an armie to Southwales 273. also to Brechnocke 277. leadeth an armie to Penbrooke 279. cōmeth to the K. at Shrewesburie 281. destroieth all the marches to Southwales 287. entreth into England 288. commeth with an armie to Brechnocke ibid. taketh the towne of Salop againe 291. concludeth peace with K. Henrie the third 292. calleth all the Lords and Barons of Wales togither 297. he dieth 298. Lhewelyn ap Gruffyth chosen Prince of Wales 314. diuided the principalitie betwene him and his brother Owen ibidem entred the Earle of Chestersland 321. causeth the Earle to retire ibid. destroieth the Erldom of Chester 326. maketh peace with the K. 326. refuseth to come to K. Edwards coronation 328. excuseth himselfe to the Archbishops 329. maketh peace with K. Edward 334. he is maried 336. his answer to the Archbishop of Canturburie 340. his answer to the kings offer 366. he is slaine 374. Lhywarch ap Owen 69. Lhywarch ap Trahaern 164.169.171 Lhyyn destroied 65. Locusts destroie Ireland 42. Lumbards whence they came 39. M. MAdoc ap Riryd 164.166.172 Madoc ap Meredyth ap Blethyn 210. Madoc ap Owen Gwyneth 227. Madoc ap Gruffyth Maylor 255.293 Madoc coosen to Prince Lhewelyn 380. discomfiteth Edmund the kings brother and H. Lacie Earle of Lincolne ibid. taken and sent to prison 381. Maelgon Gwyneth 2. Maelgon ap Rées 242. escapeth out of prison 243. winneth the castel of Strat meyric ibid. his vnconstancie 266. dieth 286. Maelgon the son of Maelgon Magedawc 16. Manaw D 14.5 Marie princesse of walles 393. Mathraual D 6. 11.267 Mawd the empresse cōmeth to England 195. she dieth 240. Meneuia D 18. destroied 114. spoiled 154. the see made subiect to the see of Canturburie 160. spoiled 289. Merdhin or Merlin 4. Meredyth ap Owen 69.71 he dieth 73. Meredyth ap Owen ap Edwyn prince of Southwales 103. he is slaine 110. Meredyth ap Blethyn 157.158 taken by his brother Iorwerth and sent to the kings prison 159. he escapeth out of prison 162. Meredyth ap Gruffyth ap Rees lord of Caerdigan and Stratywy 204. Meriadoc 2. Merionyth D 9. Meruyn Urych 22.24 he is slaine 28. Meyric the son of Arthpoel 85. Miles Fitzwater Earle of Hereford 148. Moon D 6.7 destroied Monkes and Freers lately receiued in Wales 253. Mooren of cattell in Wales 69. Morgan of Glamorgan 380.382 Morganwc D 19. ¶ See Glamorgan Mont Paladour 5. Montgomerie 152.280 Murcasteth 173. N. NIcholas Heath bishop of worcester 397. Normans whence they came 39. Tithed and put to death 92. they destroie Dyuet 110. Northwales described D 6. descended thrée times to a woman D 13. O. OFfa K. of Mercia 18. his ditch 19 D 5. he draue the welshmen beyond the ditch ibid. Oswestrie castell built 201. the towne burnt 288. Owen ap Iorwerth traitorouslie slaine 232 Owen ap Meredyth lord of Cydewen 325. Owen Tuver 390.391 Owen the son of Howel Dha 58. Owen the sonne of Dyfnwal 71. Oliuer De S. Iohn 125. his heires 136. Owen ap Edwyn 155. he dieth 160. Owen ap Cadogan taketh awaie Geralds wife 163. flieth to Ireland 165. pardoned and called home againe 170. submitteth himself to K. H. 1.174 he goeth with the King to Normandie and is made knight 175. he is slaine 182. Owen Gwyneth 188.193 he burneth Caermardhyn 193. taketh the castell of Moulde 199. builded a castell at yal 201. wanne the castell of Basingwerke 223. maketh war vpon Owen Cyuelioc 224. wanne the castell of Ruthlan and all Tegengl ibid. he dieth 225. Owen ap Gruffyth 314.334 P. PAganus de Turberuile 125 his issue and heires 132. Parlement when it first began 182. Penant Bachwy 173. Penbrooke D 18. the castell built 154. the same castell built againe 163. Peter le Soore 125. his heires 135. Polydor Uirgil reprehended D 23. Poole taken by the Archbishop of Canturburie 248. the castell ouerthrowen 288. Powys D 11.35 the partition of it 211. Priests forbidden to marrie 162. Prophesies causes of much hurt 5. Pwlhgwitie 113. Q. Quo Warránto 336. R. RAdnor destroied 71. Rees ap Owen ap Edwyn 111. he obtaineth the rule of Southwales 112. he is slaine 113. Rees ap Theodor Prince of Southwales 113. he ioyneth with Gruffyth ap Conan 114. ouerthrew and put to flight the children of Blethyn ap Convyn 117. ouercōmeth his enimies at Lhandydoch 119. he is slaine ibid. Rees ap Gruffyth called the lord Rees 204. maketh peace with the King 208. laieth siege to Caermardhin 210. did his homage to the King 220. maketh warre vpon the Earle of Clare ibid. wanne the castell of Aberteiui and Cilgerran 223. came with a power to Powys 230. came to the K. at Penbrooke 231. commeth to the court 235. his feast 237. he wanne the castels of S. Clere Abercorran and Lhanstephan 242. likewise the castell of Dineuowr Lhanhayaden 243. taken prisoner by his sons 244. he taketh Caermarthin Ciun Radnor the castell of Payne in Eluel 247. he dieth 249. Rees ap Meredyth knight 378 Reginald de Sully 125. his heires 135. Reginald Graylord of Ruthyn 377. Richard de Granuile or greenféeld 125. his issue 131. Richard de Syward 125. his heires
tooke Roger his coosen and VValtheof whome he committed to prison and caused to be executed afterward but Radulph escaped and departed the realme Of the VVelshmen which were at this marriage VVilliam hanged some put out the eies of others and banished the rest After that in the yeare 1073. Blethyn ap Convyn king of VVales was traitorouslie and cowardlie murthered by Rees ap Owen ap Edwyn and the gentlemen of Ystrad Tywy after he had worthilie gouerned VVales 13. yeares This man was verie liberall and mercifull and loued iustice and equitie in all his reigne This Blethyn had by diuerse women manie children first Meredyth by Haer daughter to Gylhyn Lhywarch and Cadogan by another woman Madoc and Riryd by the third and Iorwerth by the fourth Trahaern ap Caradoc Trahaern the sonne of Caradoc AFter the death of Blethyn Trahaern ap Caradoc his coosen germane tooke vpon him the rule of Northwales Rees ap Owen with Rytherch ap Caradoc did iointlie rule Southwales Then Gruffyth sonne to Conan sonne to Iago or Iames right inheritour of Northwales came from Ireland with succor which his brethren Encumalhon king of Vltonia and Ranalht and Mathawn had deliuered him and he landed in the Ile of Môn or Anglesey and brought it to his subiection At this time Kynwric ap Rywalhon a noble man of Maelor or Bromefield was slaine in Northwales This yeare also Gronow and Lhewelyn the sons of Cadogan ap Blethyn did ioine their powers with Caradoc ap Gruffyth ap Rytherch against Rees ap Owen and Rytherch ap Caradoc to reuenge their grandfathers death and then fought at a place called Camdhwr where the sonnes of Cadogan obteined the victorie Shortlie after Gruffyth ap Conan passed ouer the water from Môn to the maine land and Trahaern ap Caradoc met with him at Bronyrerw where Gruffyth was put to flight and retired backe to the Ile In the yeare 1074. Rytherch ap Caradoc was slaine by treason of his coosen germane Meyrchaon ap Rees ap Rytherch and Rees ap Owen ruled Southwales alone Neuerthelesse the sonnes of Cadogan gathered their powers and came against him and fought with him the second time at Gwaynyttyd where he was put to flight but yet he gathered a new power kept the land still Then Trahaern ap Caradoc king of Northwales mooued his power against Rees who boldlie met him with all the power of Southwales at a place called Pwlhgwttic where after long fighting Rees was put to flight and after great slaughter of his men he fled from place to place fearing all things like a stag that had beene latelie chased which mistrusteth euerie noise but at the last he with his brother Howel fell into the hands of Caradoc ap Gruffyth who slue them both in reuenge of the death of the wise and noble prince Blethyn ap Convyn At this time Sulien Archbishop of S. Dauids did forsake his Bishopricke and Abraham was chosen Bishop in his place In the yeare 1077. Rees the soone of Theodor the sonne of Eneon the sonne of Owen the sonne of Howel Dha as right inheritour to the kingdome of Southwales claimed the same and the people receiued him with much ioie made him their prince The next yeare after Meneuia was all spoiled and destroied by strangers and Abraham the Bishop died after whose death Sulien was compelled to take the Bishopricke againe In the yeare folowing Gruffyth the sonne of Conan did bring a great armie of Irishmen and Scots into Wales and ioined with Rees ap Theodor as two right heires of the whole countrie Gruffyth of Northwales and Rees of Southwales descending both linealie fró Roderike the great against whom came Trahaern ap Caradoc and Caradoc Gruffyth and Mailyr the sons of Rywalhon ap Gwyn his coosen germanes for Gwyn ap Blethyn was their grandfather who in those daies were the chiefe rulers of all Wales And after they had met at the mountains of Carno they fought a cruell battell and were the more eger bicause vpon that daies worke laie the liues honor of either partie But at the length the victorie fell to Gruffyth and Rees and Trahaern with his coosens were all slaine and the most part of their people then the kingdomes of Wales came vnder the rule of the right heires againe At this time also a noble man of Wales called Vrgeney ap Sitsylht was slaine by the sons of Rees Sais which is to saie Rees the Englishman for so they vsed to name all such as had serued in England could speake the English toong Gruffyth ap Conan Gruffyth the sonne of Conan This Thrustan comming from Rome brought with him a new kind of note for the ordinarie seruice of the church which he would haue had his moonks to vse in their dailie seruice but they not willing to change their old Mumpsimus for his new Sumpsimus as the priest said to the Bishop of his masse did stoutlie withstand their Abbot and thereof came this moonkish brall wherein these thrée moonks were slaine and eightéene more hurt About this time or not long after the sepulchre of Walwey king Arthurs sisters sonne was found vpon the sea shore in the countrie of Ros the bodie by estimation vpon viewing of the bones was thought to be xiiij foote in length Walwey in his life time was a right noble and valiant warriour of verie good reputation who ruled that countrie which to this daie of him is called Walwethay And this yeare Sulien forsooke his Bishoprike the second time and Wylfred was stalled in his place At this time also the towne of Caerdyff was built In the yeare 1087. William Bastard king of all Brytaine and Duke of Normandie died when he had left neuer a noble man of English bloud within England but had robbed spoiled and slaine or banished them all and giuen their lands to his owne men for God had brought in the Normanes to reuenge his anger vpon the Angles and Saxons which Normanes were counted the cruellest people in the world for euer when they had brought their enimies to subiection that they were not able to rebell against them they commonlie destroied one another and so euer exercised their crueltie vpon themselues as it appeared in England Normandie Apulia Calabria Sicilia Antiochia which countries they brought to their subiection It is noted also by Iohn Rous and Castoreus that no Englishman bare office of anie credit or countenance in the Conquerours daies and that it was counted a great reproch and shame for a noble man or gentleman to be called an Englishman or to ioine in affinitie by mariage with the English nation they hated them so sore whereby it appéereth that all the ancient noble men and gentlemen within this land are descended either from the Normans and French or from the Brytaines When William had obtained full possession of the realme he appointed ordeined such officers as spoiled the
Mountgomery to whom the Conqueror had giuen the Earldome of Arundell and Salopsburie or Shrewsburie entred into Powys land and wan the castell and towne of Baldwyn which he fortified and called it Mountgomery after his owne name Also this yeare William Rufus went to Normandie against his brother Robert and sent to England for 30000. footemen of whome when they came to the sea shore the king tooke ten shillings a peece and sent them home But shortlie after hee made a voiage into Northumberland against the Earle which rebelled and after he had taken Newcastell and Bamborough hee tooke the Earle at Tinmouth and returned homeward The same yeare Gruffyth ap Conan king of Northwales with Cadogan ap Blethyn who then ruled Southwales entred the land of Cardigan killed a great number of Normanes being not able anie longer to suffer their great pride and crueltie But after their returne the English captaines sent for more men to England and thought priuilie to make a roade to Northwales Which iournie was discouered to Cadogan who gathered his power and met with them in the wood or forrest of Yspys and set vpon them with great hew and crie and they defended themselues manfullie but in the end they were compelled to flee with great losse and Cadogan followed them hard and spoiled the countrie of Cardigan and Dyuet and destroied all the castels sauing two which were Penbrooke and Rydcors which he could not get and so returned to Powys with much ioy In this yeare 1093. the Normanes that inhabited the countrie of Glamorgan spoiled the countries of Kydwely and Ystrad Tywy and left them without anie inhabitors Then VVilliam Rufus being informed of the great slaughter of his subiects aswell in Chesshire Shropshire VVorcestershire and Herefordshire as within VVales which Gruffyth ap Conan and the sonnes of Blethyn ap Convyn had doone gathered his power together and entred VVales at Mountgomery which castell being latelie ouerthrowne by the VVelshmen he reedified againe but the VVelshmen kept so the straites of the mountaines with the woods and the riuers that the king did no good but lost his labour and his men therfore he returned backe to his great dishonor In the yeare 1094. died VVilliam the sonne of Baldwyn who at the kings commandement had built the castell of Rydcors after whose death the castell was forsaken by his men and the inhabitants of Gwyr Brechnock Gwent Gwentlhwc cast from their necks the burthen of the Normanes that had wonne their countries and held them in subiection and chased them out of their countries but they returned againe with great strength of Englishmen and Normanes Then the countrie men which abhorred their pride and cruell rule met with them at a place called Celly Tarvawc and fought with them manfullie so that they put them to flight with great slaughter and chased them backe againe out of the land Neuertheles the greedie Normanes would not giue ouer but doubling their strength returned againe to Brechnockshire making a vow to leaue no liuing thing within that countrie But it hapned otherwise for the people fled before them and staid at a straite and killed a great number of them About this time Roger Mountgomery Earle of Salop and Arundell William Fitzeustace Earle of Glocester Arnold de Harecourt and Neale le Vicount were slaine betwéene Cardyf and Brechnock by the Welshmen Also Walter Eureux Earle of Sarum and Hugh Earle Gourney were there hurt and died after in Normandie Therefore when the Normanes saw that they had all the losse they manned and victailed the castels which they had before time builded there and returned backe but in their returne Gruffyth and Ivor the sonnes of Ednerth ap Cadogan met them vpon the sudden at Aberlhech and falling vpon them slew the most part of them and the rest escaped to England But the Normane captaines defended the castels manfullie and kept them vntill they were driuen by force for safegard of their liues to forsake them then the ancient dwellers enioied their countries againe quietlie Moreouer certeine lords of Northwals namelie Vchthed the sonne of Edwyn ap Grono and Howel ap Grono with the children of Cadogan ap Blethyn of Powys land gathered a number of men passed through Cardiganshire to Dyuet which countrie the king a little before had giuen to Arnulph sonne to Roger Mountgomery who had builded there the castell of Penbrooke and appointed keeper and steward of the same one Gerald de Windsore and there burned spoiled and destroied all the countrie sauing the said castell of Penbrooke which they could not winne and so returned home with great bootie After the returne of these lords Gerald issued out of the castell and spoiled the lands of S. Dauids and tooke manie prisoners and returned to the castell The yeare following William Rufus returning from Normandie to England and hearing of the great slaughter of his men doone by the Welshmen gathered all his power with great pompe and pride entred Wales But the Brytaines fearing the great strength of the king put their hope onlie in the almightie Lord turning to him in fasting praier and repentance of their sinnes and he that neuer forsaketh the penitent and contrite hart heard their praiers so that the Normanes and Englishmen durst neuer enter the land but such as entred were all slaine and the king returned with small honor after he had built certaine castels in the marches The yeare following being 1096. Hugh de Mountgomerie Earle of Arundell and Salopsburie whom the Welshmen call Hugh Goch that is to saie Hugh the read headed and Hugh Vras that is Hugh the fat Earle of Chester and a great number of Nobles more did gather a huge armie and entred into Northwales being thereto mooued by certeine Lords of the countrie But Gruffyth ap Conan the Prince and Cadogan ap Blethyn tooke the hilles and mountaines for their defense bicause they were not able to meete with the Erles neither durst they well trust their owne men And so the Erles came ouer against the Ile of Môn or Anglesey where they did build a castell of Aberlhiennawc Then Gruffyth and Cadogan did go to Anglesey thinking to defend the Ile and sent for succour to Ireland but they receiued verie small Then the treason appeared for Owen ap Edwyn who was the Princes cheefe counseller and his father in lawe whose daughter Gruffyth had married hauing himselfe also married Everyth the daughter of Convyn aunt to Cadogan was the cheefe caller of those strangers into Wales who openlie went with all his power to them and did lead them to the Ile of Anglesey which thing when Gruffyth and Cadogan perceiued they sailed to Ireland mistrusting the treason of their owne people Then the Earles spoiled the Ile and slew all that they found there And at the verie same time Magnus the sonne of Haroald came with a great nauie of ships towards England minding
to laie faster hold vpon that kingdome than his father had doone and being driuen by chaunce to Anglesey would haue landed there but the Earles kept him from the land And there Magnus with an arrowe stroke Hugh Earle of Salop in the face that he died thereof and suddenlie either part forsooke the Ile and the Englishmen returned to England and left Owen ap Edwyn Prince in the land who had allured them thither In the yeare 1098. returned Gruffyth ap Conan and Cadogan ap Blethyn from Ireland and made peace with the Normanes and gaue them part of their inheritance for Gruffyth remained in Môn and Cadogan had Cardigan and a peece of Powys land About this time the men of Brechnock slew Lhewelyn the sonne of Cadogan Then Howel ap Ithel of Tegengel went to Ireland Also Rythmarch Archbishop of S. Dauids sonne to Sulien bishop died the godliest wisest greatest clerke that had beene in Wales manie yeares before sauing his father who had brought him vp and a great number of learned disciples King William Rufus after he had walled the citie of London and builded Westminster hall went to Normandie and after he had brought all the countrie to his subiection returned home and was slaine with an arrow by Walter Tyrell as he shot at a stagge in the new forrest Then Henrie his brother was crowned in his steede for Robert the elder brother was all this while in the holie land who shortlie returned and landed at Portsmouth against whom Henrie came with a great power but in the end they were agreed that Henrie should paie yearelie to Robert 3000. marks and the longer liuer should be the others heire This Henrie maried Mawd the daughter of Malcolme king of Scots by Margaret the daughter of Edward sonne to Edmund Ironside Also this yeare died Hugh Earle of Chester and Richard his sonne was made Earle in his place at this time also died Grono ap Cadogan and Gwyn ap Gruffyth In the yeare 1101. Robert de Belesmo sonne to Roger de Mountgomery Earle of Salope and Arnulph his brother Earle of Penbrooke did rebell against the king which when the king heard he sent for them to come to him but they made blind excuses and gathered their strength and fortified their castels and then gaue great gifts and made large promises to the sonnes of Blethyn ap Convyn Iorwerth Cadogan and Meredyth and intised them to ioine their powers to theirs Robert had fortified foure castels Arundell Tekinhill Shrewsburie and Brugge which castell was the cause of the warre for Robert had builded it without the kings leaue and Arnulph fortified his castell of Penbroke Then they entred the kings land burned spoiled it carieng awaie rich booties And Arnulph to haue more strength sent Gerald his steward to Murkart king of Ireland to desire his daughter in marriage which he obtained with promises of great succours which did incourage him the more against the king Then the king gathered a great armie and first beseeged the castell of Arundell and wan it and likewise he did with Tekinhill and afterward lead his power before Brugge which for the situation and depth of the diches being also well manned and victailed the king doubted the speedie winning thereof Wherefore he was counseled to send priuilie to Iorwerth ap Blethyn promising him great gifts if hee would forsake the Earle and serue him remembring what wrongs the Earles father Roger and his brother Hugh had doone to the Welshmen Also the king to make him more willing to sticke vnto him gaue him all such lands as the Earle his brother had in Wales without tribute or oth which was a peece of Powys Cardigan halfe Dyuer the other halfe had the sonne of Baldwyn with Stradtywy and Gwyr Iorwerth being glad of these offers receiued them willinglie and then cōming himselfe to the king he sent his power to the Earles land which doing their maisters cōmandement destroied spoiled all the countrie for the Earle had caused his people to conueie all their cattell and goods to Wales litle remembring the mischiefes that the Welshmen had receiued at his fathers and brothers hands But when these newes came to the Earle to Cadogan Meredyth Iorwerths brethren they were all dismaid despaired to be able to withstand the king for Iorwerth was the greatest man of power in Wales And at this time Arnulph was gone to Ireland for his wife and succour Also a litle before Magnus againe had landed in Môn receiued of Gruffyth ap Conan hewed downe asmuch timber wood as was needefull for him and so returning to the Ile of Man which he had woon he builded three castels there and sent to Ireland to haue the daughter of Murcart in mariage for his sonne which he obtained and made his sonne king of Man Then Earle Robert hearing this sent to him for helpe but receiued none therefore seeing no remedie he sent to the king desiring him that he might forsake the realme which thing the king granted and he sailed to Normandie And likewise the king sent word to his brother Arnulph that either he should folow his brother and depart the land or yeeld himselfe to the kings mercie and pleasure but he chose to depart the land and so he did After this when the king was returned home Iorwerth tooke his brother Meredyth and sent him to the kings prison for his brother Cadogan agreed with him to whome Iorwerth gaue Caerdhydh a peece of Powys Then Iorwerth himselfe went to the kings court to put the king in remembrance of his promise but the king when he saw all quiet forgate the seruice of Iorwerth and his owne promise and contrarie to the same tooke Dyuet from Iorwerth and gaue it to a knight called Saer and Stradtywy Cydewen and Gwyr he gaue to Howel ap Grono and so Iorwerth was sent home emptie At this time King Henrie gaue diuers castels and lordships in Wales to Normanes and Englishmen of whom there is mention oftentimes hereafter in this historie This yeare died Grono sonne of Rees ap Theodor in prison Also at this time Magnus the sonne of Heroald entred the countrie of Lenoux in Scotland after he had gotten a great prey returned to his shippes but the inhabitants pursued him so hard that they put his people to flight slew him and rescued their goods and cattell In the end of this yeare the king did send diuerse of his councell to Shrewesburie and willed Iorwerth ap Blethyn to come to meete them there to consult about the kings busines and affaires Now when he came thither all the consultation was against him whō contrarie to all right and equitie they condemned of treason bicause the king feared his strength and that he would reuenge the wrongs that he had receiued at the kings hands and so they committed him to prison Those Noble men that were sent by the King to