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A12317 The history of Great Britanie from the first peopling of this island to this present raigne of or [sic] happy and peacefull monarke K: Iames, by Will: Slatyer. Slatyer, William, 1587-1647. 1621 (1621) STC 22634; ESTC S117415 259,478 280

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Danes whom Ethelwolf vanquisht in Surrey Burthred made King by Ethelwolf married Ethelswide the Kings daughter but at last hee fled frō the Danes to Rome about Alfreds time Eldred made King by Alfred espoused the noble Lady Elslede who also after her husbands death gouerned the Mercians with great honour defended them right nobly against the Danes her brother King being much holpen by her martiall aide and politike counsels after whose death K. Edward tooke the land of Mercians wholly the Crowne Northumbers Osfride and Ella rebell against Ethelred and are slaine by the Danes about the beginning of Alfreds reigne Egbert made King by the Danes expelled by the Northumbers Ricsiga King vnder the Danes R. 3. yeares Egbert a second vnder the Danes R. 7. y. Guthred or Gormo a Dane but God-sonne to King Alfred regned 11. Sythrik his son reigned next and espoused Edyth daughter to King Edward sister to Adelstane but Aulafe and Godfride their sonnes for mouing some sedition against Adelstane were expelled and fled Aulafe into Ireland God fridus into Scotland where they raysed some powers but were notwithstanding at seuerall times vanquished by Adelstane and Eldred After that one Edrike did clayme the Kingdome of Northumberland but was ouercome by Eldred about An. 950. since when Northumberland hath onely remayned an Earledome or Dukedome PALAE ALBION Ode octaua Inscripta SVENO ARGVMENTVM Oda velut varijs Anglos octaua procellis Iactatos canit huc Danica turba ruit Duraque Suenc l●cèt pensa imperet omne retrorsum Cessit at Angligenis Imper●ale decus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Prooemio Odae inserta hypothesis BRitannos Latij cum Italis modò Sax● Brytannos Sedibus è patrijs finibus expulit ambos Saxones è solio simul omnia turbine versant Daci disijciunt Nostris ita saepè minutis Ludit in humanis diuina potentia rebus Sicque vices Fortuna fouet Naturaque cursu Omnia perpetuo varians sicque explicat annum Ver fugit aestates aestatum terga lacessit Pomifer Autumnus Nymbis cessurus vndis Vtque canit Samius sic nos sic omnia verti Nunc has nunc alias videas florescere genteis Celsaolim veteres nunc Troia humil●sque ruinas Et pro diuitijs tumulos estendit auorum Clara fuit Sparte quondam viguêre Mycenae Cecropis Pr●ami necnon Carthaginis arces Vile solum Sparta est clarae cecidere Mycenae Celsaque Carthago Thebae celeberrimae Argos Laomedonteae quid nunc nisi nomina Troiae Quid Pandionijs restant nisi nomina Athenis Tam variat Fortuna vices tot mille figuris Vt quod erat non est neque erit quod perstet in orbe Imperiale decus saeclo isto pessim● Hirene Transferre ad Gallos velles insana Monarcha 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Dacorum siue Danorum Daciae domen origo SAxones Egberto florent regnante cruento Mox ipsi praedae Daco miseraeque rapinae Vnde igitur Dani veniunt quibus incola terris Olim Dacus erat qui tot modo coedibus Anglo Saxones affecit pandens ab origine primâ Musa rogata refer Fuit olim Dacia propter Ripam Istri Gothique Getaeque ad littora Ponti Contiguas Dacis sedes habuêre sed intus Daci Danubicis iuxta adsedêre fluentis Contiguas quoque nunc Boreali in cardine mundi Quaesiuêre sibi sedes nam Gotthia fineis Dacorum attingit quâ tendit Cymbrica Nesos Illi multoties Romano à milite victi Trajani ac iussu Caracallae postea bellis Romani Imperij fineis regnante Philippo Turbârunt miserè Europamque Asiamque remiscent Donec ab Aurelio victi validisque fugati Aut propè deleti irruentùm à gente feroci Hunnorum Eoas dominante Valente per oras Exin cessêre atque vbi iam sedêre potiti Sede ex quâ Marius Cymbros deleuerat inter Arctoos mundi populos numerantur Eorum Dacia Pannonijs vicina Valachia nuper Dicta tulit Danos dudum Dragulasque sibjipsis Infestos parilique odio flagrànte vocatus Turca iugum imposuit collis Danosque trucidat Instinctu Dragulûm Sic turpè vtrisque subactis Possidet arua ferox hostis celeberrima donec Rettulit Hunniades à Turcis capta trophaea Extitit ac patriae vindex Lunasque repressit Sicque vetus perhibent produxit Dacia Dacos Iam Danos Dragulasque hodiernaque Dania dudum A sibi cognatis Danis aut sede potitis Antiqua Istriacâ nomen traxisse putatur Crebraque cos inter commercia vtrosque fuisse Dacosque Danos olim Edgaris acta docerent Eque sinu quamuis quidam autumat hosce Codano Danos iam dictos siue haec seu verior illa Summi vtriusque authoris erit sententia Dacos Siue vocare lubet Danos de nomine quippe Sollicitè minùs Orator monet esse seueros Cum dere constet suo enim diplomate Regem Dacûm s● profitetur ouans Rex Daniae ab illis Littoribus certum est venisse vbi Scandia in Arcton Brachia protendit tum limina nostra rapinis Infestasse diu sunt Oceanoque propinqui Dani Baltiacique sedentes margine Ponti Eoumque per Oceanum sua littora contrâ Hostibus infestis breuis hinc traiectus ad Anglos Hic fons hoc flemma haec Dacûm celebratur origo Iamque Deà vnde fores digressa reuertere tempus Et mecum Albionis placidam lege littoris oram 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Egberti dominatus Dynastiae finis PRimum quem canimus Egberto Principe primo Gaudet nata recèns roseas induta Corollas Anglia pace choros celebrans laurumque triumphos Saxonum ab aduentu quadringentesimus annus Est propè coeptus agi Egberto iam Rege salutisque Octingentesimus tricesimus Ogdoos idem Postquam Merciacis Wallisque Monarcha subactis Eurique Zephyri Anglo-Saxones atque Meatas Septem Regna suis adiunxerat exteraque arma Finibus è totis repulit cum stamina vitae Ruperunt Parcae florentia Sceptrarelinquit Filio Ethelwolfo hic Romam proficiscitur vrbis Visendi studio votis Monachoque solutus Quo priùs indutus fuerat Regalia iura Sceptra capit soliumque sibi Diademata Patris 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Egberti filij Ethelwolphi Regnum gesta DVctâque Osburgâ formosâ coniuge Gnatos Bis duo suscepit totidem ordine postea Reges Huic Diuus Swithinus Adelstanusque celebres Consiliarij erant Egbertus anteà Gnato Cantia rura Duci dedit Adelstano vti fama est Dotibus egregij naturae instructus artis Iusticiaque suos multâ pace fouebat Cum subitò Oceani emergens quasi fluctibus ingens Dacorum numerus turbantes omnia Regni Fineis inuadunt quos Damnoniaeque Ceorlus Vicit Adelstanusque per aequora tota fugauit At priùs villas multùm populantur agros Et Thamesim ingressi Londinum Mercica rura Cum duce Merciaco dicto modò Rege Fridulph● A Dacis
French and Scots so weilds T'ons Crowne next Crownes third Castles yeilds But Shores faire wife widdow Gray So woo'd so wed and Bona gay Left being the loue-embassage there Made French King fume and Warwicke sweare Both vow reuenge so Edwards Impe The Dolphin wooes weds th' Austrian Nymphe Which Edward tooke so ill that tyde For very griefe 't was thought hee dy'de Fiue Girles and two sonnes left behind Thrise seuen yeeres King at Windsore shrin'd His sonnes fift Edward few-moneths King With 's brother Duke did Gloster bring T'vntimely end in Londons Tower Vnknowne where tombed to this hower This their sire fearing cursed plot Though Glosters guile the crowne that got Made Clarence dye a maulmesey death And by this means must needes bequeath To murdrous tyrant Crook-backs hand Guiding both of his sonnes and land Which opportunity gaue to act By Gods and men s'abhor'd a fact That furies fiends and specters fell Fore's death gaues conscience taste of hell CANZ. XXII Henry the seuenth concludeth this Ode with the conclusion of the schisme by the vnion of the long deuided Roses and howses of Yorke and Lancaster SEuenth Henry now whose mother is Margret her sire Iohn Thomas his Iohn-a-Gaunt's by Kath'rine Swinfords race Bewfort's whom Som'rsets titles grace Owen Teuthors and Queene Kath'rines sonne Edmond his sire too that in one Th' Earle Richmond's wore and Som'rsets stile Liuing in France his friends the while Buckingham Morton and mother deere With both Elizabeths wisht him here T'one th'eldst of Edwards forlorne Impes Queene mother and daughter royall Nymphes Th' earle though with few French Britton bands At Milford hau'n in Wales he lands At Bosworth field with warlike crew Then three-yeeres Tyrant Richard slew Whose carcasse torne to th'horse-taile doom'd Leyster scarce daign'd to see it toomb'd So Henry and Elizabeth Ioyntly wore Englands royall wreath And Yorke and Lancaster in these Were wed thrise happy lasting peace That bloudy schisme betwixt the Roses And Kingdomes too in vnion closes Which so begunne so heauens King frames Planted then full compleate in Iames. The end of the ninth Ode A briefe Type of the tenth Booke or Ode of PALAE-ALBION called IACOBVS The tenth Ode contayneth 1. The succession of the Kings of England from Henry the 7. in vvhose issue vvere vnited the Kingdomes of England and Scotland viz. Henry the 7. reigned 23. yeares Henry 8. his sonne reigned 37. yeares Edward 6. his son reigned 6. yeares Q. Mary his sister reigned 5. yeares Q. Elizabeth her sister R. 44. years Iames the sonne of Mary Q. of Scots daughter of Iames 5. K. of Scotland son of Iames the 4. and Margaret eldest daughter of Hen. 7. now reigneth Diu. V. R. 2. The descent of the Kings of Scotland from Ferguse 2. in the Romās time or before and so down consequently to this present age with the originall of the Scottish Name Nation according to the iudgmēt of the most approued authors that haue written of the same 3. The beginning and descent of both Irish and Scottish Nations more amply set downe with the Originall of the now Irish and their seuerall Conquests by the English made of latter times whereby the Kings of England came first to bee Lords and since Kings of Ireland as they are at this present day 4. The descent of the Kingdom Crowne of France to the king of England whereby are touched the descent of the Merouingians kings of Frāce from Pharamond the Carlouingians from Carolus Martellus Pepin The Capevingians or Hugonetts so termed for diuers respects and partly in the worst sence by the Guise being the modern K. of France from Hugh Capet of whose Line Isabella the Heire was wife to Edward the second King of England in whose right Edward the third claymed Henry the sixt wore the French Diadem PALAE ALBION Ode decima Inscripta IACOBVS ARGVMENTVM Vltima iam Myrto dignum vel fronde Mineruae Innuba cui circum tempora laurus eat Oda virum recinens velut Anglica sceptra trophaeis Iungit Hyberna Scotis Lilia Franca Rosis 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Primâ fronte libri institutum Authoris votum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 EXtremum hunc Aracyntha mihi concede laborem Magna tui velata comas Dea candida ramis Dijs data dona fero Theodorae nomina stirpis Omnia pacis habent Scoto-Anglis Cambro-Brytannis Septimus Henricus Theodori Regia coniux Elizabetha parens Anglorum postea Regum Carminibus nostris celebrandi mascula virtus Heroicae sobolis veniunt nisi Diua faueres Viribus huic impar tanto succumbo labori Ergo feres mea amabò paterna per aethera tecum Carmina quae si non lauro at decorabis Oliuâ Quando Brytanniacis Astraea pijssima in oris Et preciosa magis pax omnibus aequore Conchis Inque dies aliae inueniantur vnio Gemmae Littoribus nostris Credo sic voluere Parcas Scilicet Heinricus ambas coniunxit in vnum Et niueam rubeamque Rosas duo regna Iacobus Anglorum Scotiae Binae inter-vtrisque fuêre Foederibus nuptura parens innuptaque proles Henrici octaui ceu filia mater Elizae Nupta Rosas vinxit vincloque innupta iugali Regna piae pacis pia filia mater vtraeque Aeterna laude dignae aeternumque beatae Hinc Astraea meis hinc vnio fulserat Anglis Et vigeat magis atque magis stirps inclyta donec Cumeae redeant precor aurea saecla Sybillae Atque vtinam ac toto quondam pax reddita mundo Schismataque extirpata forent velut Arius Hydrae Pax nostris vtique simul effluat omnibus oris Constantina fides Iterumque trophaea Britannis Debeat Arctois iustis Deus annue votis Vestrae opus est opis Aonides sacra turma fanete 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Henrici septimi coniugium proles gesta omnia meritò celebratissima CEu cecidit toruus fatali Marte Tyrannus Septimus Henricus foelicissima coniux Maxima quae natu est Edouardi filia quarti Haec niuei rubei satus ille propagine floris Nympha Eboracensis Lancastri stemmatis Heros Bellis regna animos odijs populosque leuârunt Gnati queis duo tot proles pulcherrima Gnatae Hispanae Arthurus Katharinae sponsus olli Succedens titulis Thalamisque Henricus opimis Marguerita Scoto Gallo sponsata Maria Hispano priùs at Brandonia postèa coniux Derbia Stanleyum Comitemque Deuonia cernit Courtneyum citò Bedfordi Pembrochia nomen Rege creante Ducis simul induit ipse coronam Mortonusque olim fidus velut alter Achates Cantuariae antistes Eliensis Episcopus audit Tempore quo tellus fit ●berica libera Mauris Qui cecidit seris modò Plantaginêta sub annis Varuici Comitem Clarensi ex stirpe Georgi A primis perhibent sublimi in Caesaris arce Detentum simul ac simulat Lambertus Hybernis Londini lanio
Saxons or English or English Saxons saith Ranzouius f Saxo is said to be the sonne of N●g●o who was brother of Vandalus of whom according to some the Vandals were named g Sac's sons is Saxons x. valuing c. s. They were also anciently written Sal●ones with ss Verstegan will not allow of this but wil haue them called Seaxen or Seaxes of their skeynes they vsed to w●are as we call Lances Carabines Pikes Muskets the bearers of those weapons so these for distinction sake named of their Seaxen as the Verse goeth Quippe breuis gladius apud illos Saxa vocatur Vnde ●uum nomen Saxo traxisse putatur And the like of this hee vrgeth of the Galliglasses in Ireland h As it may bee seene in Eustathius Commentaries vpon Dionysius de Situ or descripcione Orbis i Hauing beene neighbour Nations many of their words as Feadar Madar Breadar Doctear Star Baud for father c. and the very Idiom like or the same which may argue their originall from thence Vortiger Anno Christo 447. reigned first 7. yeares afterwards 12. yeares or mo●t * The Saxons to the number of 9000. came in certayne long Vessels they called Keeles with their Leaders two brothers Hengist Horse nobly descended whose ensigne as was an vsuall and honorable deuice of antiquity alluded to their names Hengst signifying a stond horse Horse as the word importeth their Banner being a white or siluer Horse in a field Gules Armes which the noblest Families of Saxons and other thence descended haue borne h As being not Romanized for it was Agricola's policy to haue had the Brittons brought vp after the Latines fashion so to haue them more tractable and leaue their rudenesse i Who reported this their guise that they dyed themselues with w●ad of a wan and blew●sh colour to make themselues seeme more terrible in battaile the hair they ware being long but shauen all sauing the head and vpper lip then taking their name of Britts or Brittons of their owne word Brit from their painting since Picti of the Latines as on like occasions Longa-bardi of their long beards Gallia togata and Braccata with the peoples of their habit there wearing Togae and Braccae tooke their name k The Saxons had onely the I le of Thanet first giuen them where they first landed and whither Vortimer afterwards chased them out of the rest of the Land till he and the Barons were slaine then Hengist bad all Kent assigned him Geffrey of Monmouth saith Vortiger first gaue him ground to build a Castle so much as could be composed in a thong of a Bulls skin which is Thong-Castle by Sittingbourne in Kent Hengist began his reigne 8. yeares after his first arriuall about Anno 456 he reigned 34. yeares * By her meanes the Saxons chiefly got the great fauour and sure footing in the Laud as wel as by their fauour in repul●●ng the Picts and other enemies a Was●●il or 〈…〉 wa●s heall hlaford Gyning 〈◊〉 in Saxon ●e of health Lord King to which the King directed by his Interpretour answered Drinke-heall or Drinke health whence the like words of health and especially wassaile may well be supposed to take originall b The King for her sake diuor●●st himselfe from his lawfull wife by whom hee had three sonnes for which cause most of the Brittons forsooke him c Vortimer at which accidents and by the counsell of the good Archbishop Vodinus of London Vortiger lamenting his ill acts and life Hengist perceiuing it sl●e the said Vodinus the 13. and last Archbishop of that See and defaced and spoyled all the Churches and religiou● houses in Kent Vortimer son to Vortiger by his former wife began An. 454. was poysoned by Rowen his step-mother hauing reigned 6. yeares * The second battell was fought at Crocan-ford or Craford in Kent the third at Weppeds Fleet a fourth at Colmore e Horsus Hengists brother Cattigern Vortimers whose tombes are shewed Horsus at Horsteed within two miles of A●glesthorpe or AElsford in Kent where some say the battell was fought and the inhabitants affirme Horsus was there slaine And at the same AElsford is also shewed a monument which the people call corruptly Citt's Cattihons very likely to be● Cattigernes f The hanging stones on Salisbury Playnes neare Amsbury or Ambresbury where the chiefest Brytons being inuited to a feast or parley being a watchword giuen by the Saxons Nimen eot Seaxen which is take your Sexes with short skeynes ●id vnder their clothes 300. or more of the Brytons Nobiliti● were slaine and that monument there erected by Merlins arte in remembrance of the same f Of Vortigers flying into Wales building has Castle the lo●g let of the same his Prophet Me●line and the Fayery Geffrey of Monmouth and others speake many and miraculous things Aurelius sonne of Constantine A. 466. reigned 32. yeares Hengist A. 456 reign 34. yeares Osca succeeded his father Hengist A. 490. reign 24. yeares Otto his sonne A. 514. R. 22. y. t So saith Marianus Scotus he dyed honorably hauing reigned 34. yeares though Peter de Icham sa●th Eldol Duke of Gloste● by the counsell of Eldad Bishop there smote off his head at Conesborow Irmenrik ●is sonne A. 536. reigned 25. Vther Pendragon brother of Aurelius A. 498. R. 18. y. Arthur Vthers sonne A. 516 reigned 26. Constantine Cadors sonne A. 542. R. 3. y. u That were also brought out of Africke thither and placed on Mount Kyllare Conan Arthurs nephew A. 545. R. 33. Vortiporus Conans sonne A. 578. reign 4. x King of Ireland Malgo reign 5. Caretic ●eig 3. Cadwan R. 22. Cadwallo 48. y Cadwalladar Cadwallader reigned 3. yeares * All these seuen Kingdomes by three of the Nations of the strongest in Germany The Iuits or Vites Saxons and Angles of the Vites came the Kentish part of the West-Saxons and I le of Wight of whom it tooke name of the Saxons of old Saxonia came the East and rest of South and West Saxons of the Angles came the East-Angles Mercians and Northumbers The Heptarchy or seuen Kingdomes began 456. THE HEPTARCHY z The Kingdome of Kent with the bounds and race of Kings Kingdome of Kent began A. 456. ended A. 827. endured 371. yeares Kingdome of Mercia began A. 586. ended in A. 875. vna● Al●red a The Kingdome of Mercia race of Kings with the bounds thereof and Nations how styled in Caesars time Kingdome of Northumbers began A. 547. ended A. 940. vnder Adelstane and Edmond in Sithriks sonnes b Northumbers their King race and bounds of their Kingdome Kingdome of East Saxons began A. 527. ended about A. 800. in Suthred Kingdome of East-Angles began A. 492. ended A. 885. in Edmond slaine by the Dane Hinguar vnder Alfred c East-Saxons kingdome and Kings d East-Angles Kingdome of South Saxons began A. 478. ended A. ●13 in Alwine vnder Ina. e South Saxons kingdome and race of Kings who were first Kings of Saxons here sauing the Ken●●sh the first ouerthrowne by the West
Otho and Irmenrike reign'd in Kent their land I thinke no lesse though gather'd hence Aurelius was a worthy Prince And by strong powerfull hand maintain'd The Brittish scepters which he gain'd With swords point hewing tokens fresh Of honours on the Saxons flesh Whom poyson'd thirty yeeres King succeeds Vther much-fam'd for Merlines deeds That t' Amesbury from Dubline translates That trophey of the Welshmens fates Those hanging stones the Gyants bower Saxons slaine and King Guilla-moure Him poyson'd twenty yeeres King succeeds Arthur most fam'd for martiall deeds Next Constantine Duke Cadors sonne Conan Vortiporus and Malgwn Catherik Cadwane Cadwallo and His sonne last King of Brittons land CANZ. VI. The seuen Saxon Kingdomes their arise and extent ANd now the Saxons euerywhere Their Kingdomes plant first Kentish were Fair'st Merke-lands and Northumbers beene East-Angles were not so much seene Essex lesse Sussex small or none All yeeld last to West-Saxons one Kent with the I le of Wight repaires To Kents throne her Kings Hengists heires To Merk-land longen Hereford Chester Wor'ster Gloster Warwike Salop Leyster Northampton Lincolne Derby Notingham Huntingdon Hertford Bedford Buckingham Oxford Rutland and Stafford bee The Thames and Seuerne Trent and Dee Within her march These Cattechlauni Cornauij and wit Corytani Caesars Dobuni beene their Prince Crida first King and his sonnes since Beene in Northumbers circuite nam'd Lancashire for faite women fam'd Yorke Durham erst a Kingdome Cumberland West-morland and our now Northumberland E'ne almost to Scot'sh Frith and once Ida's dominions since his sonnes East-Saxons perhaps Trinobantes Of Tre-nuidh call'd or Troy-Nouant Vffa and his ore Essex were Middle-sex and part of Hertford-sheere East-Angles Kings and kingly stile Cambrige admires and Elye I le Norfolke and Suffolke Vffa there Tytila and his sonnes Princes were South-Saxons Sussex Surrey shew Though the next first Kings yet but few Great Ella's sonnes whom first the West Saxons deuou●'d since all the rest West-Saxons Kingdome though not great Deuon Dorset flowry Sommers-seat Corn-wall with mines stor'd Hampshire full Berks and Wilt-shire with corne and wooll From Ella's sonne call'd Cerdijc came Their Kings Gewisse his Grand-sires name CANZ. VII The Saxons glorying in their Ancestors and Gods ANd now great Heliconian Dames Our Saxon Kings trophee's and fames From gods descended all-arow Ioue Woden Geta Tuisco show Seater with Sunne and Moone from whom Th' old Saxon weeke-dayes names did come And what Seth's martiall brood did here Reigning since many hundred yeare Prime Kingdome once as Primates See Kent was and my first song shall bee CANZ. VIII The story of the first Saxon Kentish Kingdome continued till Arthurs birth WOdens and Geta's sonne the fourth From him was noble Hengists worth Who first wore Kentish Diadem Octa his sonne succeeds with him Pendragon waging warre they tell How at Mont-Badon Octa fell But the late Conquerour conquered proues Captiu'd by faire Igerna's loue The Cornish Duchesse Merlines art Helpt the King play his Louers part Like Ioue transform'd t' Amphytrio's shape To Goylen's he commits this rape And in the absent Gorlois place Did his deceiu'd faire Spouse embrace So Tyndagel whose towring pride Is plac't on flowry Seuernes side Great Arthur got whom in their Layes Welsh Harps and Poets loudly prayse CANZ. IX Great Arthurs prowesse life and death OTho succeeded Octa than Irmenrijck and right now began Th'Heptarchy 'mongst Northumbers Ida South Saxons Ella Mercyans Crida West Saxons Cerdic Vffa's sonnes Won Essex and East Angles Crownes Brittons weake powers could now no good Against those Hydra's heads that bud Though Arthur rose with powerfull hand The Saxon foe-men to withstand And in twelue fierce-fought fields they say Did brauely beare the bell away His wife was faire Guin-hera fam'd For beautie By his prowesse tam'd Great Saxon Colgerne and the Scot With 's sister Ann's Spouse Pictish Lot Island and Ireland vtmost Thyle French Germans Scottish Orkes and I le Gothes Danes and Saxons Welshmen needs Will haue to rue his warlike deeds With whom at his returne from France The trecherous Mordred tryes warres chance At first in Kent and after slaine Where bloudy Riuers did distaine Cambula's fresh Fountaynes waters cleere In Corn-walls confines Arthur heere Had his deaths wound but after dy'de By Mellodunes low Lake-ish side Into whose troubled streames he throwes Accustom'd to warres deadly blowes His conqu'ring sword and 'mongst those Lakes His farewell of the world he takes In Somerset-shire and Aualon I le That of her Orchards weares that style Glastenbury now call'd doth enfold His liuelesse corps there laid in mold He that subdu'd by restlesse paines French Picts Scots Germans Saxons Danes Though clos'd vp in his marble tombe His dust her euerlasting home His fame yet liues and with fleet wings O're the worlds surface nimbly flings And that dumbe monument though doth blaze Such things to his immortall praise As rosie Garlands and fair'st flowers Beene fit'st to decke his dead-mans bowers CANZ. X The story pursued to the end of the Kingdome of Kent with the first plantation of Christian faith among the Saxons WIth Arthur Bryttons hopes decay And Saxons now beare all the sway Otho and Irmenricus had raign'd Forty yeeres and Ethelbert next gain'd His sires throne weds French Cherebert's Impe The Lady Bertha beauteous Nymph And gracious Queene for Saxons good Her meanes here heauenly Angels food Christs faith by Augustine had plantation Apostle of the English nation A monstrous Pagan though their sonne Edbald succeeds in 's fathers throne Whose sister to Northumbers King Edwine wed Christian faith did bring Ercombert his sonne next Ecbert his And then Lothaire To warre with this Mercian King Ethelred begonne But Edrike slew him Ecberts sonne Edrike his cousin too left his life Within two yeeres by ciuill strife West-Saxon Ceadwall now in 's ire Wasted Kents townes with sword and fire Till Guthred Ecberts other sonne Appeas'd his wrath and warres begonne This Guthred and his three sons then Ethelbert Edbert and Alrijc beene Kentish Kings and that Diadem wore An hundred yeeres in peace or more An other Edbert followes next Whom Merk-lands King vnthron'd and vext Cynewolfe that to his great'st disgrace Did set vp Cuthred King in 's place Next Alred last King leaues by fate T' Englands first Egbert Crowne and state So last Kentish all the rest Submitten to th' West-Saxons hest CANZ. XI The Mercian Kings their originall and order till Offa. ANd now sing Merk-lands Lords dear Dames First Cride then Guipha third place names Ceorlus Brittons fell foe next Brittons friend Penda that sore vext Northumbrian Edwine and his once First
Diadem That of deuotion visit's Rome And youths best good found there his tombe Next Celred and then Ethelwold Albertus and Vmbena hold East-Saxon scepters Suthred last West-Saxon Egbert quite displac't Their trophees doe with all else meete Thus at victorious Egberts feete CANZ. XVII The East-Angle Kings and their time of gouernement EAst-Angles Kings would next be told Vffa's sonne Titylla's first enrol'd His Redwald that on Edwines side Warres with Northumbrian Ethelfride His Carpwald and Sigebert whoot's ●aid Learned Cambrige first foundation laid But old and leauing kingly weeds For Monks cowle Edricus succeeds His cousin and Anna next doth raigne By Mercyan Penda all three slaine Brother though thus slaine and kinsmen were By th'wretch with him ioyn'd Edilhere Christs enemies fell by Oswyes hand Edilwald then Adulfe Alfwold and Beorn Edilred and last King slaine Ethelbert fall's by false Offa's traine East-Angles so with Mercyans lands Came to West-Saxon Egberts hands CANZ. XVIII The ancient South-Saxon Kings with their short dominion NOw Sussex next in order brings Her few indeede though next first Kings When Ella within thirty yeere Of Saxon Hengist reigned heere Who with his three sonnes Cymen Plettinger And Cissa that built Chichester Sore vext the Brytons after them Edilwalcus wore the Diadem Last Tyrants Berthune and Anthyne By Cedwal slaine Aldwine by Ine West-Saxon Kings thus swallowed them West-Saxons Kingdome my next theme CANZ. XIX The west-Saxon Kings and whole time of gouernement vnder the Heptarchy vntill Egberts time WEst-Saxon Monarkes Cerdic first From the west draue the Welshmen erst Kenrik his sonne his Ceauline And Cuthe and Ceaulines slaine Cutwine All Brittons foes but Cutha most By whom the Brittons three Kings lost Next Cuthwines Celrijc then whose wyles 'Gainst Edwine Ceolph's owne selfe spoiles Gutha's Ceola's sonne next Kingulfe springs Berinus conuert Christian King Kenwalcus then whom Penda chac't From thence for sisters sake disgrac't But by East-Angle Anna's meanes Wife Kingdome Crowne and all regaines Sexburga reignes her husband gone And Elewine next sate on his throne And Centwine both of Cutwines race This Brittons that Mercians disgrace Then Cedwall much enuy'd from long Exile return'd from Cutwine sprong That Edilwalcus erst o'rethrew Now Berthune and Anthunus slew Sussex Kings and with fatall feuds Bath'd flowry Kentish fields in bloud Till leauing more with losse then gaine Of spoyle his brother Mollo slaine Peter he by Sergius Pope of Rome Baptiz'd there found both fount and tombe His Cousen Ina King in 's place Rootes Aldwine out Sussex Kings race For Ceolreds Mercyans Crowne and Kent Makes the Kings pay him tributary rent With faire Saint Andrewes Church in * Wells Glastenburies Benedictine Cells Where Arymathean Ioseph lurkes Archorite of ●ld his pious workes Who payes to God his life and vowes At Rome at Berking his faire spouse Next Ethelard doth Oswald tame And Cuthred Earle Adelme o'recame With Mercians and the Kings of Wales Then Sigebert one sole yeere King fayles Foyl'd Kenulph fled from Offa fayne Cyneard o th' King bloud slew though slaine Whence Brytricus obtayn'd the Crowne Enuious at Egberts high renowne Whom more bloud-Royall did aduance Who fled to free suspect to France Till Brytrike was vnheard-of fact Slaine his false Spouses loathed act CANZ. XX. Egbert King of West-Saxons reducing the seuen Kingdomes to one and calling it England with the b●ginning of his Monarchy concludeth this Ode and the Heptarchye THen Egbert all with one consent Wisht thron'd crown'd King incontinent The Merks Welsh Cornish Kentish all Yeeld bow or downe before him fall East Saxon Suthred could not stand East Angles left Mercians command Submisse to him Bernulfe was slaine Ludicenus vanquisht Whitlafe ta'ne Northumbers doubtfull which perplext By Danes or ciuill warres more vext With Pallas peacefull Oliue spray Their Legates crown'd did Egbert pray To be their King and free them from Bloud-thirsty rapines rise at home Who their Liege they his Liege-menta'ne Englands plague since expulst the Dane Thus Mercyans Danes those by cold Tweede Trent Tyne and Humbers pleasant side Welsh East West-Saxons Angles now All Subiects beene or to him bow Braue state of things pitty that e're Danes spoiles they should or Normans feare At Winchester with Royall feasts He entertaynes his Lordly guests Nobles and Knights where with consent Of a then held full Parliament Egbert Crown'd Thron'd in greatest state Was of all England King create His Edict-Royall publisht then That England nam'd vs English-men So Egbert first brought into one Seuen Kingdomes rear'd one Regall Throne The end of the seuenth Ode A briefe type of the eight Booke or Ode of PALAE-ALBION called SWENO or SWANVS The eight Ode contayneth 1. The Originall of the Danes frō old Dacia by Danubius side whose off-spring in Scandia sere vexed the Realme of England first by Rouers then by the King Iuarus in Ethelreds time after by Hinguar and Hubba in Alfreds time and after till Sweno made a conquest though lost againe by the succeeding Kings 2. The story of the chiefe Kings of England viz. Egbert A. 830. who left his sonnes Ethelw●lf King A. 839. hee reigned 18. yeares Adelstane Duke of Kent Ethelbald his sonne reigned 3. Ethelbert his brother reign 5. Ethelred his brother reign 7. Alfred his brother R. 29. he had great war with the Danes made Oxford an Vniuersitie Edward Senior his son R. 24. y. Adelstane his son R. 15. yeares Edmond his brother R. 5. years Eldred his brother R. 9 yeares Edwine Edmonds sonne R. 4. y. Edgar his brother R. 16. y. A right worthy Prince especially in his latter yeares Edward his sonne surnamed the Martyr reigned three yeares Ethelred his brother he reigned in all 38. y. In his time Sweno got the conquest of this land and tribute and exiled him into Normandy Edmond his sonne surnamed Ironside after the Danes were againe expeld reigned 2. yeares Canute the son of Sweno reigned 20 yeares Harold his sonne R. 3. yeares Hard●Knute his brother R 2. y. Edward sonne of Ethelred surnamed Confessor R. 23. yeares a good Prince Harold the sonne of ●arle God●ine and Thyra as some say the after of Canute vsurpeth one eare and is dispossessed by William the Conquerour An. 1066. 3. Certayne fragments of the stories of the tributary and petty Kings of diuers Prouinces set vp and for the most part subiect to the former viz. Of East-Angles King Offa about the time of Ethelwolf King Edmond his adopted son martyred by the Pagan Danes K. Guthrum set vp by the Danes R. 12. King Edrike also set vp by the Danes and last King of the East-Angles reigned 14. sauing that some name Turkillus or Turketillus the Dane King of East-Angles about Adelstanes time Mercians Whitlafe R. 15. y. Fridulf R. 13. y. ouerthrown by the
Whence Richard black-Prince son's made Prince French-King and Dolphin Bruse too since Tributaries and ransom'd ioyne hands So peace shone fresh on all three lands Clarence Duke Lyonell weds the faire Millaines Duke Galease his heire Hauing with her goodly lands his brother Iohn of Gaunt Lancastrian Duke and t'other Cambrige Earle Edmond wed two Nymphes Castile King Pedro's beauteous ●mpes Whence claim'd the Duke the Crowne but giues Only his daughter and receiues Of the new King a masse of gold From lucre of which drossy mold 'Gainst Cities wealth and Churches state His enuie first growes to such hate Might Wicklifes words worke Wicham's dole Or theirs hee 'd gladly blow the cole Scarce King or Prince for him long space Gain'd Wichams Church or Citizens grace This our third Edward's Windsores round Saint Georges feasts with honour crown'd And Garter his inuentions since So fam'd let th'orders of no Prince Contend or not compare with these Rhodes Pall's nor Colchos golden Fleece Seauen sonnes fiue daughters royall state Shew'd him thrice blest and fortunate At Richmond fifty yeeres King he dyes At Westminster there tombed lyes CANZ. XVII Richard the second stript of the crowne by Henry Bolingbrooke whence grew the schisme BOth's father Prince and Grand-sire King Richard succeeeds for many a thing Infam'd Sans heire die both his Queenes French Is'bell and proud Anne of Beme The Commons he vnheard-of broyles Wat-Tylers Scot'sh and Welsh turmoyles And Irish tam'd 'mong whose rude traines Saint Edwards armes the garland gaines Whom thence returning Herefords Duke Late banisht Henry of Bolingbrooke Captiu'd and soone vnking'd whence rose Those wofull flames 'twixt either Rose In which so many thousands bane Kings Dukes and noble Captaines slaine Poore King at Pomfret famish't dyes At Langley neere Saint Albons lyes CANZ. XVIII Henry the fourth his most vnquiet gouernement FOurth Henry after twise ten yeere Proclaim'd deposed Richard heires In Wales with Owen Glendowers dew Mort'mer his sonne in law o're threw Th' English too sore and oft rebell Scots at vnfortunate Halydon fell Where Dukes-son's tane of Albancy Many Lords and Kings son Iames by sea Which Scotsh nobilities youths choise flower Were long deteyn'd in Londons Tower Kings herse three sonnes three Dukes bewailes Two daughters and the Prince of Wales Twise seuen-yeeres King then Henry dyes At Canterbury entombed lyes CANZ. XIX Henry the fift his short but victorious reigne and conquest of France Fift Henry of Monmouth much infam'd In 's younger yeeres but now reclaym'd Stints many ciuill strifes at home With Wickliefs sect Old castles doome Then casting o're his eyes ' ●ow'rds France Soone th' English armes did there aduance In his great Grand-sires right whose posies French Lillyes ioyn'd with th' English Roses Though scoft 'gainst Frances proud'st towne walls Sent bullets backe for Tennis-balls And Agincourts first famous day Adorn'd his browes with victors Bay Where most part of the French Kings traine Of Nobles were or tane or slaine Braue men at armes who late plaid cards For English prisoners now their guards Trophees of Englands triumphs nor Henry so held his hand before France su'd for peace and humbly proffers Her child and crowne with fairest offers Regent proclaim'd for th' old Kings life He tooke France him heire he to wise The Princesse Katharine France her dower Whose royall marriage stately Low're Peeres nobles commons young and old As first to heare glad to behold At these all these seem'd to clap hands So peacefull Hymens ioyfull bands Only the Dolphin he abhorres This present peace whom th' English force From France expulst whiles Kath'rine Queene Crown'd was by Thames her sonne by Seyne Whom Windsore borne his father than Too true prophetique dying Swan Diuines to reigne long all to lose Himselfe short-liu'd all too-right whose Triumphant Carre late deckt with bayes Now herse-wise shaden Cypresse sprayes By his last will old Exeter tooke Care of the young King Glosters Duke Doth gouerne England Frances land Burgundy and Bedford Dukes command More Bethlem stately Richmond towers Sheene and religious Syons bowers And Garter as his founder doth Admire him who in 's flowers of youth At Paris faire of feuer dyes At Westminster entombed lyes CANZ. XX. King Henry the sixt his wonderfull misfortunes SIxt Henry eight moneths old made King Did by his noble Tutors bring The Dolphin downe till Bedford dyes Whom Richard Duke of Yorke supplies And Warwick what time Burgundy Gan to play false and French fast flye From th' English rule whiles English broyles Lost France and selfe hand-selfe-bloud soyles Be silent or bemone sweet Muse These times and these sad times abuse Well might the Dolphin conquest gaine When none oppos'd or few but faine To leaue vs left small glory crownes Such paines to take such yeelding townes For th' English hy'd home all diuided Parts-take with one or other sided The Dukes of Somerset and Yorke Did first begin this wofull worke Whose priuate quarrels bred too rathe A world of mischiefe publique scathe Whiles Richard Duke of Yorke who came From Irelands conquest with great fame Enui'd by Somerset ne're smothers His wayward tants not his Kings brothers For words first next for Crownes the game Riuers of bloud not quench't the flame Richard the world in hand doth beare The Realmes they how misgouern'd were Protector so by force proclaim'd So not content the Kingdome claim'd And this his right Anne his her mother Philip her sire being elder brother Lionell third Edward second sonne King came but from his next sonne Iohn Hence Somersets fall first Verlam yeelds Blore-heath's fam'd and Northampton fields And though Yorkes Dukes at Wakefield slaine His sonne fourth Edward London gaynes There crown'd whiles haplesse Henry flies Tow'rds Scotland noble Queene she hies T' her syre Angeous Duke Reyners child Naples Sicills Syons King so styl'd Whence fresh supplies wrought foes fresh harmes And Margret warlike Nymph at armes Yet once againe wins Henries crowne Who yet againe is soone put downe But after many a grieuous losse Barwick Yorke Barnet Mortmers crosse At Tewksbury last her selfe was tane And her young sonne Prince Edward slaine Henry the sixt poore King oppressed Good-man scarce e're one more distressed Tane in the north to London sent From Caesars to Ioues towers he went Vs'd so milde speech such often pray'r Lou'd peace liu'd vertuous heauenly care On contemplations spotlesse wings Rapting his thoughts to holyer things His heart so void of hate or strife On earth he led an Angels life Nigh fortie yeeres King first time but then Not forty weekes next though crown'd agen Long prisond poore exil'd last death-doom'd At Chertsey first then Windsore toomb'd CANZ. XXI Edward the fourth and his sonnes true spectacles of enuious fate FOurth Edward Earle of March the fourth Of March was crown'd whose martiall worth Sixt Henry
ingenij ingenuis quoque mentibus aptos Fortè equidem dices Releuaminis etia quaerens Talia sollicitus nulli vt mea carmina prosint At mihi nempè viden volat aetas hinc voco Musas Quas vereor venerorque volens sicque inuoco Diuas His vitae spatijs verni temporis aeuo Florenti stadio nec me formidine terrent Immanes rerum fluctus quibus astuat ingens Haec hominum domus ac mundi vaesana vorag● Non liuor leuis ira tumens iecur atraque bilis Torquebunt miserum sapiam modò sed neque sperem Deposuisse vel antè mea ista cadauera ponam Corpus humi moriens cineres atque ossa sepulchr● Cum nemo his vitijs sine nascitur optimus ille est Quem lacerant minimè retrahantùe trahantue sequentem Sum vacuus curis à turbine liber amoenum Rus geniale colo lustro lito laudo Camoenas Syluestreis quod aiunt agrestia numina Faunos Me Galathaea humilis precij redimita corymbris Poma Pyrosque manu pressique coagula lactis Rustica dona ferens te celsa superba Amaryllis Regia diues opum Nympha auro alboque orychalco Ceu gemmis Asiae rigens ac dentibus Indis Iam tenet eque tuis antris quasi pumice tectis Cantantem sublimè ferent ad sydera Cygni Iceler O coelique vias superato supernas Quin simulac nobis illam monstraueris artem Terrasque trastusque oleoque lacte fluenteis Vicinas ti●imet sedes velut ante verendus Cygneius cecinit vates meliora sequendo Qui magis ac tecum dicam vrbicè an aulicè viuam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This Poeme entituled PALAE-ALBION is digested into ten seuerall Bookes or ODES Whereof THe first Ayming principally at the story of Samothes and his Race first Kings of this Iland is called SAMOTHES The second Shewing the descent and comming in of Albion that so named the Iland and his defeat by Hercules is entituled ALBION The third Setting forth the Anarchy or Interregnum of the Giants that liued here many hundred yeares before Brute is thence named GIGANTES The fourth Relating Brutus his establishing a Kingdome and his Race successiuely Kings after him is therefore styled BRVTVS The fift After the surcease of Brutes issue in the direct line bringing in Mulmutius Dunwallo and his Race Kings here is thence called MV●MVTIV● The sixt Contayning Caesars conquest of the Land with the Romans time of gouernment is entituled CAESAR The seuenth Being the comming of Hengist and seuen Kingdomes of the Saxons is thence named HENGISTVS The eight Shewing the often rapines of the Danes with a seeming foundation of a kingdome by conquest a tribute imposed by Sweno thence called SWANVS The ninth The story of the Norman conquest and succession of Kings from William the Conqueror and so styled GVLIE●MVS The tenth The Vnion of the long-diuided and dissentious Realmes of England and Scotland vnder the flourishing and peacefull reigne of our now most excellent Prince and to his honour vowed IACOBVS Chronologia breuis ad sequentis Historiae seriem concinnata ad ordinem Regum tempora facili●ùs animo concipienda apprimè conducens necessaria Assyr Monarch Belus qui putatur Nimrod Ninus 1790. Semiramis Ninias Zamaeis Arius Arallus Xerxes Arma mithres Beluchus Balaeus Sethus Mamythus Aschalius Sphaerus Mamylus Sparethus Aschatades Amyntes Belochus Lamprides Sosares Lampraes Panyas Sosarmus Mythraeus Te●tamos Teutaeus Chalais Anabos Babyos Thyraeus Dercylus ●upacines Laosthenes Pyritiades Ophrateus Epacheres Acracames Tonos Conleros si●e Sardanapalus Quem Regno priuant Apud Assyries Belesus Phulus 2. Reg. 15. 29. Tiglath Pileset Reg. 15. 29. Salmanassar Apud Medos Arbaces A. 3077. Mandanes Sosarmus Artycas Biblia de Hebraeis Peleg natus est A M. 1750 post Dilu 100 Abram natus A. M. 1948. Isaac natus Sem moritur 2158. Iacob Esau nati 2108. Ioseph natur Aaron natus 2370 Moses natus 2374 Exitus ex Aegypto A. 2452. Ingressus Canaan diuisio terrae Iudices Debora 161● Gedeon 2652. Sampson Samuel Saul A. 2880. Dauid 2890. Salomon A. 2930. fundat Templsi A. 2932. Asa A. 2988. Achab. Athalia A. 3063. Sanhedrim sine Consistorium Iudaicum German Reg. Tuisco filius Nohae A.M. 1787. post Dilu 131. Mannus Ingaeuon Istaeuon vxor Frea Hermion Marsus ad quem Osyris cum Iside ex Aegypto in Germaniam venit arteis agriculturam docuit Gambriuius Sueuus Vandalus Teuto Alman Q. anne Hercules alius sit filij Noricus H●nnus Heluet. Boius Bo●us quo tempore duae legiones in Asiā missae Cymbrorū Amazonum quae Ephesū condebant Ingramus Adelherus Larrein Vlfing vocatur Vlysses Brenner quo tempore Amazones ad Troiam Hoctar Wolfeinus alias Wickinger Eius 3. filij Kells Gall Illyr Vnde Celtae Galli Illyrij Homerus circa An. 3030. Carthago condita circa an 3070. Obit Hesiodus sub initium Olympiadum circa A. 3170. Sicyonij R. in Pelo●onneso Agialaeus A.M. 1860. Europs Telchin Ayis Thelxion Aegyrus Thurimacus Leucippus Mesapu● c. Circa hoc tempus Athenis primū regnat Cecrops Cranaus Deucalionts Diluuium Amphictyon Ericthonius Pandion pater Prognes Philomelae Erictheus pater Orithyiae Cecrops secundus Pandion secundus Aegaeus Theseus Demophoon Oxyntes Aphidas vltimus ex stirpe Ericthei Deinceps Melanthus Codrus inde Archontes K. Tyri Abibelus Hyram Baleasar Abdestartus Astartuss Ascrimus Pheles Ithobilus siue Itho. Baal Achabi socer per filiam Iezebel Badezorus Matgenus Pygmalion a quo Dido fugit circa An. 3060. Esayas floret circa An. 3180. Argiui R. Inachus qui fortè Ia●an iam senex A.M. 2090. Phoroneus Apis qui Osiris Argus vnde Argiui Criasus Phorbas Triopas Phorbas Crotopus Sthenelas Gelanot quem e regno pellit Danaus Danaus Lynceus Abas Acrisius Sthenelas cum patre Perseo Euristheus Myce nis translato Regno Atreus Thyestes Plisthenes Agamemnon Aegyst●s Orestes Tisamenus Pēthilus Orestae filiji sed desijt Regnū oh reditum Heraclidarum qui deinde regnant Lacedaemone duae familiae Corynthi tertia circa An. 2850. Lycurgus 2. 3070. Olympiades circa annum 3170. Roma condita Olympiade septima Britanni Angl. R. Samothes vel Mesech vt ve 〈◊〉 le est venit ●n I●ropam cum Gomero Tuiscone vel Aschenaz circ A.M. 1787. post Diluuium 131. ante Christum 2158. Magus Sarron Druis Bardus Longus Bardus 2. siue potius interregnum ad Albionis Bergionis tempora Albion Bergion in Britanniam veniunt Alcides sorsitan cum matre in Galliam venit Interregnum aliud Danai Gnatae Gigantes Brutus in Brit. venit circa A.M. 8330. a Troiae exci dio 70. Loerinus Madanus Mempricius Ebrankus Brutus 2.
Saxons Kingdome of West Saxons began in Cerdic who arriued here A. 499. and subduin the others hath continued hitherto th●ugh interrupted somewhat by the Danes rapines Norman Conquest f The kingdome of West Saxons the bounds and race of Kings who lastly conquered all the other kingdomes of the land and reduced it to Monarchy g Of whom the people were called Gewisses * With the Saxons Thor or Thurstus is said to be Iupiter Tuisco Mars Woden who is farre ancienter then Hengists great Grand father Woden Mercury by some Mars Geta Apollo Frea Venus Seater Saturne who with the Sunne and Moone and others had their seuerall Idolls and peculiar worships from whom also the dayes of the Weeke were called Sondeag Moondeag Tuis-d Wondens-d Thursdeag Frea-d Scaterdeag as we now say Sunday Monday c. for the Germans and Saxons then worshipped the Planets aswell as their ancient founders for their gods Hengist first King of Kent A. 456. R. 34. y. The Kingdome of KENT g This was the chiefe of the seuen Kingdomes and to whom the rest were in a sort Feodaries for that Vortiger at the defeat vpon Salisbury plaine deliu red seis● of the whole to Hengist whence the Kings of Kent challenged Soueraig●tie of the whole Countri● from thence to Humber Octa A. 490. reign 24. yeares h Mont-Badon supposed to bee Bannar-downe by where tokens of battell bones and teeth of men are ploughed vp in great abundance Vther-Pendragon A. 498. reign 18. yeares i This Duke of Cornwall was after slaine by the King at Duuilioc k The place of Arthurs birth Otho alias O●ta A. 514. reign 22. yeares * The Heptarchy began The first Kingdome was Hengists in Kent A. 456. The last but greatest of Mercia beganne vnder Crida An. 586. About which time reigned Cadmane grandfather of Cadwalladar last King of Brittons it being then the very wane of the Brittish Monarchy Irmenrik sonne to Otho A. 536 reign 25. yeares Arthur surnamed the Great A. 516. R. 26. y. * Whereof the first was at the water of ●●leine or Gledy the second third fourth and fifth neare the ●●uer Douglasse in the Country of Lineux the s●xt at Riuer Bassus the seuenth at C●r-c●i● Cal●don or the wood Calydon the eight at Castle Gwineon●the ●the ninth at Carlee● the tenth by the Sea-side at a place called ●●achen-Rith or R●ther-wood the eleuenth on t●e hill Agned-Cathergonien the twelfth at Badon hill Bath Towne or Hill a Guinhe●● was Cousin to Cador Duke of Cornwall Go●●en or Gorlois sonne but daughter to the King of Biskay b Hauing ouercome the Saxons or abated their courage be in●●●tuted the order of the Round Table for his Knights honour which he kept at Carleen and Winchester and Camelot a place neare south Cadbury in Somersetshire There is a place hew●n out of the Rocke at Lansannan in Denbigh-shire which the inhabitants call Arthurs Round Table c Hauing quieted the Saxons they say hee made an expedition into Norway which ●ee conquered with the Regions adioyning so farre as Lapland and Russi● causing them to be baptized and obtayned of the Pop● to hau● them confirmed to the Crown● of this Realme calling Norway the Chamber of Brytaine 〈◊〉 ●●tring France ouercam● the Gouernour and in warre slue Lucius Hiberus who demanded tribute and sent his body to the Senate of Rome for tribute in which meane time his Kinsman Mordred to whom he betooke the rule of Brytaine combined with Ge●dic and the Saxons against him d The riuers below Glastenbury in Somersetshire where for the plenty of fruit Aualo● tooke name signifying Insula Pomorum e At his return from beyond seas the traytor Mordred gave him battell at Sandwich near Rich-borow where were slaine Angussel of Scotland Gawen Cador whence thewarre translated into Cornwall by their returning thither where Mordred was slaine and Arthur receiued his deaths wound neare the Riuer Alanne or Camblan thence conueyed into Somersetshire he dyed and was buried at Glastenbury f Saith William of Malmesbury a Prince worthy to haue had his acts recorded in true History rather then fables which haue made his story doubtfull being in his time the onely prop and pillar of his Country and decaying Nation by credible Historians report a very martiall Prince borne where he was slaine in Cornwall crowned at Carleen or Caer-Seguent an old decayed Towne in Hampshire called Cilicester by Dubricius Archbishop of Caer-Legionum tombed with his wife Guinhera at Glastenbury as his tombe digged vp in the reigne of Henry the second witnessed wherein were found their bones and this inscription Hic iacet sepultus Rex Arthurus in Insulâ Aualoniae the tresses of Guinhera's haire seemed whole and finely plotted of colour like to gold but being touched fell away to dust Ethelbert son to Ermenrik A. 562. R. 53. Bede saith 56. Augustine sent by Pope Gregory A. 596. since the Saxons first arriuall 147. in the yeare of Ethelberts R. 33. * Queene Berta brought with her a godly Bishop named Leta●dus by whose meanes the King was made tractable to the receiuing the Christian Faith when Pope Gregory A. 596. sent Augustine who was founder of S. Augustines and Archbishop of Canterbury with Melitus Iustus and Iohn and other zealous men to preach the Faith who were proudly withstood by the Monks of Bangor Brytaine on whom Gildas doth complaine Melitus made Bishop of London preached to the East Angles Iustus was Bishop of Rochester where Ethelbert built the Church of Saint Andrewes at he did Paules in London for Mellitus or Miletus Eadbald son to Ethelbert a notable Pagan and vicious King A. 616. R. 24. Ercombert a good Prince A. 641. R. 25. m About Ercomberts time Honorius Archbishop of Canterbury diuided his Prouince into Parishes as is recorded among the Antiquities of Christ-Church in Canterbury Ecbert Etcomberts son A. 666. R. 9. n The Lady Dompneua right heire to the Crowne from Eadbald about this time founded the Monastery of Minster in Thanet and was first Abbesse there her selfe Loathaire Ecberts brother A. 674. R. 13. o Ceadwalla's brother Mollo being slaine by the Kentish men he was furious against them till Guthred with great summes of money purchased peace this Guthred founded the Monastery of Saint Martin in Douer with him one King Sebherd did reign ioyntly in one part of the Kingdom Edrik sonne of Ecbert A. 688. R. 2. years After whose death the West Saxons many yeares sore vexed Kent Guthred a. 698 p In Edberts time strange Comets were s●ene the Pagans the while cruelly infesting France and Spaine R. 33. yeares Edbert A. 731. R. 23. yeares Ethelred A. 754. R. 11. years Alrije A. 765. R. 34. yeares Edbert alias Pren did vsurp and was pulled downe and Cuthred made King A. 799. R. 8. yeares Alred alias Baldred heire to A. 807. after 20. yeares expelled by West Saxon Egbert Crida A. 586. R. 10 yeares The Kingdome of MERCIA * This Kingdome was the greatest though latest 〈◊〉 of all
XV. Vortiger steppeth vp dispossessing the right heires and ●bteyneth the Crowne the Romane E●pire wayning and fully ended in Britaine VOrtiger for wisedome by report Gracious with all but most at Court Amidst these broyles so laid his traine The King by a Pict in 's Guard was slaine And himselfe crown'd both the right heires Kings brothers fled to France for feare And now alas this noble I le Albions that wert since Brytaines style Admir'd of all nor lou'd in vaine By Nereus beauteous Sea-Nymph traine In their soft armes waue-circled round By th' other powers with pleasures crown'd Now lay'd and left at lowest bay For Hunn's Picts and wilde Scots a pray Romes Lords nor Aetius eft-soones prou'd By piteous plaints t'aide Brittons mou'd Prime tropheys erst of Caesars glory And rar'st Lords once in Romans story Though 't seemes the wayning Empires state Through very eld leaues them and late Languishing plac't her reignes period here From Iulius nigh fiue hundred yeere Where then Rome left rose Saxon Kings Whose race and acts my Muse next sings The end of the sixt Ode A briefe type of the seuenth Ode of PALAE-ALBION Entitul● HENGISTVS the seauen● Ode contayneth 2. The Heptarchye ●eauen Kingdomes of the Saxons with their seue●●●eginnings extent encrease continuance ●●●●ding viz. 1. The original call●●g●n of the Saxons vnder Vortiger and the end of the B●ytons reigne vnder their 〈◊〉 Kings v●z Vortiger A. 417. R 20 v. V●●●mer his son dead in his fathers life time Aureli ' Ambrose son of Constantine late King R 32 yeares Vther Pendragon his brother r. 18. Arthur surnamed the Great Vthers sonne R. 26 years Constantine duke Cadors sonne reigned 3 years Conan Arthurs Nephew R. ●3 Vortiporus his son R. 4. Malg● R. 5. Car●●cus R. 3 yeares Cad●ar R. 22 yeares Cadw●●● R. 48 yeares Cadwallader his son last King of the Brytons R. only 3 years 1. The Kingdome of Kent Anno 456. vnder Hengist who reigned 24. yeares Octa his sonne R. 24. Otho his sonne R. 22. Ermenrike his sonne reigned 25. Ethelbert his sonne reigned 56. In his time Saint Augustine came into England conuerting the Saxons Eadbald his sonne a notable Pagan reigned 24 yeares Ercombert his sonne a good Prince reigned 20. Egbert his son reigned 9. Luthere Egberts brother reigned 11. yeares Edr●●g his Cousin 2. Guthred sonne of Egbert reigned three yeares His three sonnes 〈◊〉 R. 23. Eth●●●● 11. A●●● ●4 〈…〉 Cuthred R. 8 yeares Al●ed alias Balared expelled by Egbert King of west Saxons Anno 827. hee reade his sonne A●●●stane Duke thereof 2 The Kingdom of Mercia began A. 586. vnder Crida who reigned 9. yeares his sonne Wibba reigned 20 yeares Ceorlus his sonne reigned 10. Penda sonne of Wibba reigned 30. slame by Oswy K. of Northumbers Wolfere his sonne R. 17. Ethelred Wolferes sonne R. 29. Hee warred with Egfride of Northumberland and Lothaire of Kent Kenred sonne of Wolfer reigned 5. Celred Ed●reds sonne reigned 8. Hee warred with Ina. Ethelbald of the bloud of Eopa brother of Penda reigned 40. slaine by Bernred that R. 10. y. Offa a bloudy King reigned 39. Egfride his sonne reigned 4 moneths Cynewolf of Penda's line reigned 24 yeares Kenelme his sonne ●ame by his sister Quindred C●●wulf brother to K. Cynewolf reigned two yeares expelled by ●●nulf who was vanquished by Egbert and s●aine by the East-Angles afterwards Ludicenus reign 2. y. and Whitlafe 15 yeares made tributarie to Egbert about Anno 827. 3. The Kingdome of Northumbers began ●●der Ida A. 547. he reigned 12 yeares af●● his death his Kingdom was diuided into t●● petty Kingdomes or Prouinces In Bremcia Ada his son and his brothers reigned 30 yeares Deira Ella the sonne Histria a 〈◊〉 Duke R. 30 Ethelfride nephew to Ida expelleth Ed●● sonne of Ella heire of Deira and reigneth ●●uer both Prouinces 22 yeares Edwine afterwa●●● ouerthrew Ethelfride and reign ouer all 17 Eaufride sonne of Ethelfride R. 1. y. Osrijc sonne of Ethelfride R. 1. 〈◊〉 Oswald sonne of Ethelfride the Cadw●●● and was slaine by Penda King of M●● he reigned ouer both Prouinces 8 yeares Oswy brother of Oswald after Oswine slaine reigned ouer both the Prouinces which were neuer againe after 〈◊〉 ioyned as they had before been 28 year● Oswine son●● Osrijc slain● Oswy R. 8 Egfride sonne of Oswye reigned 15 yeares● Alfride his brother reigned 20 yeares Osred his sonne reigned 11 yeares slaine Kenred his Cousin who reigned 2 yeares Osrijc his other Cousin reigned 10 yeare●● Ceolf brother of Kenred reigned 8 yeare●● Egbert reigned 24. Osulfus reigned 1. murdered Edilwald reigned 11. slaine by the Vsu●●● Alred who reigned 10 yeares Edilbert sonne of Edilwald expelled 2. Dukes Ethelbald and Herebert but after 10 ye●●● reigne of A●● sonne Aswald slaine by one Siga and his bree●●● Osred that reigned 1 yeare expelled reigned againe many yeares c. But the Northumbers sore vexed by these 〈◊〉 other intestine wars of their Kings or Du●● and also by the Danes submit to Egbert Circa Anno 820. ● The Kingdome of the East Saxons A. 527. vnder Erchenwine who reigned 60 yeares ●●dda his sonne reigned 17. ●●●ert his sonne reigned 13. ●●●red his sonne ●●●red his brother ●●●bald his bro●her Paruus●nne ●nne of Sew●rd ●●●bert sonne of ●●igebald ●deline ●●gaire sonne of ●●igebert ' Paruus ●●lbius Associate of Sigaire ●●●gard and Sew●●●red sonnes of ●●elbius and 〈◊〉 sonne of Sigaire from Anno 617. ●●●ill Anno 717. R. all of them 100. years ●●●red sonne of Sige●●●t reigned 38 yeares 〈◊〉 then followed ●●●thelwald Albert ●●ena and Suthred ●anquished by Egbert ●●●f west Saxons hauing ●eigned there till the yeare 800 or after vt dicitur 5. The Kingdome of East Angles began An. 492. vnder Vffa of whom his Successours were called Vffings he reig 7 yeares Tytullus his sonne R. 20. Redwald his sonne R. 25. he aided Edwine of Northumberland against Ethelfride Eorpwald his sonne R. 12. Sigebert his brother who founded Cambridge and Edrike his cousin R. 60. y. Anna sonne of Ewide brother of Redwald R. 20 yeares All these three last Kings were slaine by Penda of Mercia Adilherus brother of Anna slaine by Oswy with Penda R. Edilwald his brother R. 9. Aldulf sonnes of Adilhere Reign 25. Eluold 12. Hisbern or 26. Beornas   Edilred a good Prince reigned 52 yeares Ethelbert his sonne about An. 790. a very godly Prince trecherously slain by Offa King of Mercia whose Lands taken by Offa with the Kingdome of Mercia came to the west Saxons Crowne Egberts hands about Anno 827. 6. The Kingdome of the South Saxons began A. 478 the first of all the other kingdoms next to the Kingdom of Kent in Hengists life-life-time vnder Ella who reigned 36. yeares Cissa his son who builded Chichester reigned 76. yeares After them Edilwalcus reigned 25 yeares Berthunus Anthynus were slaine by Cedwalla K. of west Saxons and Aldwyne by his Successor Ina so this Kingdome came first of all the rest into the west
King on his knees brought downe Fealty faine sweares to th' English crowne Siferth too and Howell Welsh Kings both Tane and restor'd tane the like oath Cornish rebells repell'd to th' Exe And from her riuer thence t' a next Exceter being towr'd by this Kings meanes Saw them confin'd at Tamaris streames Athelstane flourishing flourish't then Wolstane and Adeline holy men Yorkes Sees Primates and Canterberies This King builds diuers Monasteries And dying issue-lesse leaues the crowne Too 's brother Edmond who put downe Danes and Northumbers first and then His cousen new-risen with th' Irish-men But rapt alas too soone by fate Two tender Impes in pupills state Edwine and Edgar crowne and heire He left t' his brother Eldreds care CANZ. XI Of King Edmonds sonnes Edwine and Edgar brought vp vnder their vncle Eldred who nobly expelled the Danes EDmond thus dead his sonnes and throne All left to 's brothers charge alone Eldred then reign'd whose very name His foes did daunt whose noble same For iustice and Prince-worthy parts Rebels represt wonne good-mens heart His cousen Aulasse that th' Irish prai'd By 's father-inlaw Duke Ormus aide Inuades and after Erike claimes Northumbers scepters but both slaine Next Eldreds ten yeeres reigne not long Edwine as ill-dispos'd as young Succeeded famous for no facts Saue vicious stead of vertuous acts His Cousen on 's Coronation-day He rauish't Dunstan fled away And good men banish't from his Court Must leaue him needs but bad report Northumbers they and Merkland men Chose for their Prince young Edgar then Whos 's much admir'd and princely parts Had stolne their loues and all mens hearts His brother dyde for very griefe Whose fam's his infamy Edgar chiefe Of English Kings mought all of eld As well as latter times so held CANZ. XII Edwine being despised for his vice Edgar obtayneth the Crowne a most fortunate and victorious Prince Monarke ouer all Britaine FAire flower though last not least renown'd Of three Kents Primate Otho Crown'd Wer 't th' English Rose and thence call'd Etheling As countries vertues honours darling He call'd home Dunstan and o'requell'd Both Scots and Welshmen that rebell'd And Ludwall yeerely tribute pay'd Three hundred Woolues till they decay'd Eight Kings we reade row'd him on d ee And oft in gallant fleete at Sea In sommer-sommer-time he sayles Brittaine round T' was thought his peere till then not found Though wanton loues did much disgrace His royall person and his place For at one time deceiu'd by loue Or a wench worthy wanton Ioue 'Bout Andeuor his faire loue dwels Whose mother charm'd with golden spels By amorous Edgar faine t' haue found His gold that sau'd her daughter sound Laid in loues armes by darke deceiu'd Her waiting maide which when perceiu'd By morning-sunne this Lasse he frees And gaue deseru'd her golden fees CANZ. XIII King Edgar infamed for his wanton loues ANother time the Cornish Dukes Fam'd daughters faire enchanting lookes For loue and beauty made him send Earle Ethelwold a faithlesse friend To view who went and woo'd and wonne For himselfe not his Prince This done Returnes tells wanton Edgar then T' was course stuffe fit for common men Not Princes Chambers fame bely'd her Or rather he to say beside her Was none so faire But pleas'd his grace Her parents portion birth and place More fit for him and so with leaue To wed both Prince and selfe deceiues For fame againe boasting too much Her peerelesse parts as 't were none such Edgar mis-doubts deceiu'd to proue Too-farre to trust false friends in loue Faines there to hunt rides to behold Wish't welcom'd t' all saue Ethelwold Who then disclos'd t' his wondring bride Kings foule loue crost by his false deede And by what else vowes loue or duty Coniures her to conceale her beauty Or cancell it by mis-attire To blinde the Kings else blinde desire But deafe as dumbe and wanton as Light lyther aire more faine she was To seeme more faire right woman too Spreads all her Peacocks plumes to woo Fresh as the morne fond Nymph to gaine Light loue her spouse a-hunting's slaine Faire Wilfride bore too for 't hee 's taynted Edyth first Wilton Abbesse Sainted This youth displeas'd Saint Dunstan sore Though in ripe yeeres for vertues more Freed from ill tongues and enuies iawes He built great Abbeyes made good Lawes CANZ. XIIII His bastard sonne Ethelred obtayneth the crowne from Edward Martyr poysoned and Sweno King of Denmarke expelleth him but at Swenos death he regaineth the Crowne ELfiede his lawfull wise bare one Alfred bare Eldred his base sonne Cornwals Duke Orgar's Impe when hee Chang'd earth for heauen then Alfred shee False stepdame greets with poysoned potion The good King Edward whose deuotion With vs the name of Martyr merits So her base sonne the crowne inherits Ethelred whom Dunstan forc't not el's Crownes sacring execrates and tels Prophet-like strange and fearefull fate To this fount-foyling King and state This Kings vice sloth and Guinchild slaine Tow'rds England made Danes flocke amaine When trecherous Elfrike did betray The Kings ships to the Dane by sea So Eldred first sore prest by th' Dane Admits Dane-gelt submits to Swane Till Saint Brice wept and wet Nouembers For the Danes dounfall in huge numbers Massacred in one minutes while Ouer all England whether guile Or policie wer 't then of a foe Some doubt but warres fresh flaming thoe Made Ethelred to Duke Richard flie His father in law in Normandy And Swaine see Fortune Fame proclaimes First Dane-King heere from Trent to Thames But he dead th' Englishmen reuoke Weary of the Lordly Danish yoke Their exil'd Ethelred and Swaines Sonne Knute home for to fly was faine Againe despair'd of late and gone Ethelred set on regall Throne Ny forty yeeres wore the Diademme Two sonnes he had by Norman Emme One by Elgine next King in 's roome In Paules in London in his tombe CANZ. XV. Edmond Ironside and his childrens fortunes EDmond Elgina's sonne suceeeds Whose prowesse and praise-worthy deeds Did Cnutus brauely entertaine That came to claime these Realmes againe Bare downe both Danes and by strong might Edrike of Scattons trecherous slights When after many a well fought field 'Twixt the King this conclusion held Their two sole duell should decide This diffrence by faire Seuernes side Where lay their powers and Olwey I le Saw them fight hand to hand long while Till breathlesse pawsing peace brake forth The South tooke Edmond Knute the North But peace though plac't Edmond o're-tane By Traytor Edriks fraud was slaine Which mou'd all England to much ruth For him so rapt in prime of youth Then his two sonnes young Princes were By Knute conuey'd to Denmarke where He meant their deaths but that his brother Denmarks King loath'd so vile a murther And sends them to Pannonia where Edmond dy'de Edward
the Storie of Britaine 125 More of Caesars Acts. 131. 133. The Britaines subiect to Caesar and Tribute yeelded 135 Christ born in the dayes of Cimbeline 134 Cimbeline refuseth to pay Tribute to Caesar. 135 Claudius finished the Conquest of Britaine and regained the Tribute 137 Clito Edgar against Harold 221 Constantine the Great his glorious Acts. 147. The Reigne of his sonnes till Theodosius ibid. Constantine the Tyrant his Reigne 149 Cordilla her Reigne 101 Corinaeus his meeting with Brute 73. His killing of Gogmagog and inhabiting of Cornwall 89 Coylus and other Kings reignes till Hely 119. the flourishing of the Christians vnder his Reigne 143 Creation of the Creation of the World 3 Cromwell Lord Chancellor his Comet like-blazing 271 Cunedagius his enuie vnto Cordilla 101 D DAnaus his Storie and of his fiftie Daughters 63. Their banishment and arriuall in Albion 65. The Descent of the Gyants from them ibid. Danes the originall of them in England 197 Dissention ciuill Dissention after Gorbodugus Reigne 103 Druis his Reigne 17 Dudley Earle of Leicester made General into the Low Countries 279 E EAst-Angle Kings and their gouernment 178 East-Saxons their Kings and Kingdome 195 Ebrank his Victories and his sonnes 97 Edgar his Reigne 209. Hee obtayneth the Crowue 211. Hee is infamous for his wanton loues 213 Edmond Iron-side and his Childrens Fortunes 217 Edward senior his Warrelike Acts. 207 Edward Martyr poysoned 215 Edward Confessor his famous Reigne 219. His death 221 Edward the first his deciding the right of the Crowne of Scotland 245. His sonne first English Prince of Wales ibid. Edward the second his vnfortunate Reigne and wrongs done by Gaueston Mortimers and Spencers 247 Edward the third his Acts and Conquests of France 247 Edward the blacke Prince his noble Acts and death 251 Edward the fourth his Reigne and his sonnes 261 Edward the sixt his Reigne 277 Edwine his Reigne 209. Hee is vicious 211 Egbert his reducing the Kingdomes to one and calling it England 199. His flourishing Monarchie and Reigne 199 Elizabeth Queene her admired and famous Acts at the beginning of her Reigne 279. Her imprisonment before shee was Queene ibid. Her generall peace with Scots France and Spaine ibid. Elfleda her Warrelike Acts. 207 England who first gaue that name 7. Her feare at the Conquerors comming in 223 Estrild drowned by Guendoline 93 Ethelred his obtayning of the Crowne 215 Ethelwolphes his Acts and Reigne 199. His troubles with the Danes 201 Europa her seuerall Nations and commendations 9 F FErguse his Reigne till the Picts 285 Flouds their creation 5 France the ancient Gouernement thereof 303. How the Crownes right is now deuolued to the English ibid. G GErmanie conquered by Ebrank 97 Giants their creation 5. The Descent of the Giants in Albion 65 Gogmagog slaine by Corinaeus 89. He was the greatest of Giants ibid. Gorbodugus his Reigne 103 Greenshield a most worthy Prince his Reigne 103 Guendoline ouerthrowes Locrine drownes Estrilde and Sabrine 93. Guendoline her Reigne 95 Guffar King of Poytiers in France ouerthrowne by Brute 73 Guiderus in his Reigne did Aulus Plancius begin 137 Guitteline and his Queene very famous for their Lawes 119 H HArold-Hardiknute and his Reigne 91 Harold Godwines sonne his vsurpation 221 Henry Beauclarke his honourable Reigne 239 Henry the second his Reigne 241 Henry the third his Acts. 245 Henry the fourth his vnquiet Reigne 258 Henry the fift his Reigne and Conquest of France 255 Henry the sixt his wonderfull misfortunes 257 Henry the seuenth his ioyning the Houses of Yorke and Lancaster 263. His marriage off-spring and actions 269 Henry the eighth his famous Acts. 271. His Reigne in his latter time 275. His seuerall Marriages and last will concerning his Heires ibid. Heptarchie the beginning thereof 189 Hercules the son of Isis 49. His slaying of the Gyants his comming into Gaule and his meeting with Albion 51. His entertainment by Lycus and preparing to ouerthrow Albion 53. Hee kils Albion and his power 55. Hercules marryeth Galathea the Daughter of Lycus ibid. Historie defended 37. Diuers Histories repeated and reconciled 55 Humber ouerthrowne by Locrine 91 I IAmes the sixt of Scotland and first of England his succeeding Elizabeth 283. The Gouernment of Scotland in his minoritie 297 A Peroration to King Iames. 303 Iane the Wife of Lord Guilford Dudley her down-fall 277 Idolatrie the originall thereof 21 Iohn King of England his Reigne 243 Ireland described 27. Glorious Atchieuements there 281. The originall of the Irish. 297. The Conquest of Ireland by the English 299 Isis the Goddesse buries Osiris 49. Her reuenge by the meanes of Hercules her sonne ibid. Iupiter or Ioue their diuersities 45 K KEntish Kingdome the Storie thereof 171 Kent the Liberties thereof how gained 233 L LEicester builded 101 Leil his Reigne 99 Leon-Gauere did build Cairleon 65 Leir the vnnaturalnesse of his three Daughters and his crosse Fortunes 101 Licus the King of Gaule 53 Locrine his Reigne and ouerthrowing of Humber 91. Locrine ouerthrowne by his Wife Guendoline 93 Lud-Rudibrasse his Reigne 99 Lud his building of London and the Gates 121 M MAcbeth his Reigne 289 Madan his Reigne 95 Magus his Reigne 17 Malcolme his Reigne 289. Some other Scottish Kings 291 Man his Creation and his fall 5 Marie Queene of England her Reigne Marriage to Spaine 277 Mary Queene of Scotland her Reigne and Marriage to the Lord Darnley 293 Martia the Wife of Guitteline famous for her Lawes 119 Memphis a Citie in Aegypt 43 Mempricius deuoured by Wolues 95 Mercia the first originall of their Kings and order 177. The end of the Kingdome of Mercia 179 Misfortune how incident to the greatest Nations 11. Misfortunes excused and the misfortunes of this I le ibid. Morgans enuie to Cordilla 101 Mulmutius his Reigne 103. His Noblenesse and the restoring of the Brittish Monarchie 111 N NOe his Historie shewed vnder the shaddow of Saturne 39 Northumberland the originall of their Kings and Kingdome 179 The subuersion thereof 183. Their incumbrance by the Danes and submission to the West-Saxons ibidem O OSiris Albions Grand-Father 43. Osiris slaine 49 Oxenford builded 97 P PIcts their originall 285 Poesie or Poetry defended by an Apologie 37 Polydore Virgil his subtilties and disgrace of the Brittish I le vnmasked and confuted 105 Poole Cardinall his flourishing vnder Queene Marie 279 R RIchard Cordelyon his most famous Reigne 243 Richard the second deposed by Bullingbrooke 253 Riuallo his Reigne 103 Rome Tribute paid vnto Rome 135. No Tribute paid to Rome ibid. S SAbrine drowned by Queene Guendoline 93 Samothes his Off-spring and Reigne and the giuing of the name Samothea 7. Samothes first Rule and Empire 15. Samothes Issue 17. The Storie of Samothes defended 75 Samotheans their irreligious and barbarous Acts and their ouerthrow 19. 21. The end of their Kingdome 23. Their punishment 25 Sarron his Reigne 17 Saxons their originall and Antiquitie 159. Their calling in and plantation vnder Vortiger 163. Warres betweene the Saxons
Osyris Synchronismus siue cōputatio annorum sequitur in hac scrie Supplementum Historia in isto latere a Principio creauit Deus c. Gen. 1. The works of the Creation the spring and originall of all things and so consequently of the Kingdomes of the Earth and therein the Kinreds Peoples and Nations Coelum Terra Opera primorum sex dierum b Vnder this truth of the Creation of Heauen and Earth the Poets would needs inuolue great mysteries and fictions of their owne concerning Vranus or Coelum and Terra called Vesta the most ancient of their Panym Gods being indeed in regard of their Pagan and Idolatrous worship truely Terrae filij Sol. Zonae Venti * Formauit Deus hominem de limo terrae inspirauit in faciem eius spiraculum vitae Genes 2. a Aurea aetas The golden Age vnder which terme the Poets seeme to set forth Paradise and the happy estate of Man in his creation and innocen●y as vnder the title of the Iron Age the fall of him at first with his degenerating more to these present times b Gygantes autem erant super terram in diebus illis Genes 6. So in these Gyants as in the story of the Floud the Poets seeme to allude to the history of the Bible hauing perhaps read the same as may be gathered by Orpheus in his Hymnes Vniuersale Diluvium Nohae erat A. M. 1656. c Whence the fabulous Greekes stealing and forging all Antiquities of others and vsurping all such things to the glorie of their Nation would shaddow this vniuersall Deluge vnder the colour of their Deucalions floud which was but an invndation of some though perhaps a great part of Thessaly Diluvium Ogygium circa An. 2250. apud Thebas sub Ogyge R. Deucalionis Diluvium à Poetis tantummodo celebratum in parte Thessaliae circa An. 2440. d Some haue beene of opinion that the breaking of Sicilia from Italy of England from France and the like were the effects of this furious Deluge though there want not reasons alleaged to the contrary which may be these and other like strange euents of that nature the accidents of later ages * Noahs building of the Arke h●s entrance into and comming forth of the same Gen. 7. seq a Quicuit Arca in montibus Armenijs vocatis Ararat Genes 8. Supposed a branch of the Mountayne Caucasus where Prometheus is fayned to be tyed in chaynes by Iupiter for stealing fire from heauen where indeed Noah sacrificed first whether deriued or hauing such holy fire stolen to prophane and Heath●n●sh Rites by Cham in all likelihood their founder therefore cursed and as afterwards perpetuo patris Anathemati subiectus A. M. 1750. quo tempore Peleg natus est circa 100. annos post Diluvium b Because of the wild beasts abounding anciently in Albion and diuers sea fish shels great bones found in the vpper skirts of Germanie and France Master Verstegan is of opinion that the Low Countries and those inferior parts of Germany haue beene recouered from the Sea since the floud there hauing beene an Isihmos between Albion Gallia and of later ages broken vp and the higher Seas towards Denmarke vnburdening themselues into the lower towards Spaine those Prouinces appeared the like inequalitie hauing beene noted by the Kings of Egypt of the Red Sea aboue the Mediterran and of late of Mardel zur aboue the Atlantike Ocean c Of this first plantation and peopling of the world and the Iles of the Gentiles Gen. 10. of the further diuisions and distributions of the Princos among the sonnes and posteritie of Noah Vide Ioseph de antiquit Berosum al. A. M. 1787. post Diluvium 131. d Mesech Mo●och or Samothes came as is said with Gomer and Fuisco or Aschenas founders of the Westerne Gaules and Germans about Anno 1787. what time twentie other Dukes of the sonnes of Noah are supposed sent who peopled Europe and these parts * The foure names that this Kingdome of Britaine successiuely tooke from her Lords and inhabitants at seuerall times viz. Samothea of Samothes or Mesech Albion of Neptunes Sonne Albion Britaine of Brute And lastly the chiefest part Engla-lond Anglia or England from Egbert and the Angles To which may fitly bee added with that addition the renouation of her ancient name or new naming now great Britaine Embleme of the ioyfull vnion of her long distracted Kingdomes in the raigne and person of her happy and peacefull Prince and Monarch King IAMES Samothes A. M. 1787. post Diluvium 131. Ante Christum 2158. Albion A. M. 2200. Brutus A. M. 2850. Egbert A. 4750. Gulielmus Conquestor A. M. 5020. A. Christi 1070. * All Naturalists affirming the more Southerne peoples to be subtill politique and ingenious neither can they if they would deny but that al our part of the North being but the temporate Zone affordeth peoples ingenious bold warlike and for outward lineaments of body strong goodly and beautifull that no Nation can deseruedly haue greater prayses then they ●aue at all times purchased and howeuer the Prouerb stupidus Thrax may intimate very farre North more dull of apprehension it hath beene euer seene that these haue beene in diuers gifts admirably excelling Iacobus Primus in magna Britaniâ A. M. 5550. A. Christi 1602. Vnder the name of British Iles or Insulae Britannicae was anciently comprehended both Britaine and Ireland and all the adiacent Iles of Orcades Haebudes and the rest f The Spaniard will not indure to bee accounted sprung from 〈◊〉 Moore or other stranger inhabitants of Spaine then the Goth which he much applaudeth affirming in his owne tongue Io soy del antigo Gotho g Wbence many great Warriours and Armies hurrying ouer and harrying in very furious sort Greece Italy Spaine and the Southerne Countries haue oftentimes come as Danes Cymbrians Gaules Goths Vandals Hunnes vnder the conduct of Totyla Alarik Attyla Brennus c. h Bardes were the auncient Gaulish and Brittish Poets as Druides their Priests and Philosophers who also were Magistrates Assyr Monarchia Belus A. M. 1750. Nium A. 1790. * The first Monarchy or Empire of the World was that of Assyria begun by Ninus and ended in Sardan ●palus or the Babylonians the second of the Medes Persians begun by Arbaces but flourishing to the greatest height vnder Cyrus the third of the Graecians begun by Alexander the fourth of the Romans begun in the nature indeed of an Empire by the Consuls and Magistracy but perfected and reduced from Aristocracy to Monarchy by Caesar who first of the Romans entred Britaine Medorum Arbaces A. 3076. Persarum Cyrus A. 3400. Graecorum Alexander A. 3620. Romanorum Caesar A. 3907. Carolus M. 4750 A. Christi 800. i Of Mithridates and anciently the Amazons and other ●●cythian Warriors did euer out of the North disturbe the Empires of the Medes Persians Greeks and Romans as of later yeares the Vandals Gothes Huns c. from almost the same coasts and
the re●t the first King whereof Crida was the 〈◊〉 from Woden Wibba his son R. 20 yeares Ceorlus Wibba's sonne 10. Penda sonne of Wibba A. 626. reign 30. yeares q Anna King of East-Angles r Boto Sigebert that founded Cambridge turned Monke in his old age but drawne out into the field and his 〈…〉 and 〈◊〉 Anna all three successiuely Kings of East-Angles s Ad●●here brother to 〈◊〉 next King Peda sonne to Penda and Oswy A. 656. R. 3. or 4. yeares t Three yeares but gaue all the fourth parts from 〈◊〉 to Penda's sonne Peda with his 〈…〉 who 〈…〉 King who 〈…〉 Christianity which O●wy and Peda had begun but ●ee 〈◊〉 his two sonnes for frequenting the holy man Cedda's Cell whose bodies their mother Ernenelda buried at Stone in 〈…〉 a Church to bee built there shee afterwards became a Nunne at Ely vnder her mother Sex burga sometime Queene of west Saxons and heere penting that deed among other pious works in building Churches and Monasteries bestowed great cost on Medishamsted or Peterborow which Penda's sonnes daughters though hee were a Pagan did build from the foundation Wolfere Penda's sonne A. 660. R. 17. Edilred sonne to Penda A. 677. R. 30. Kenred Wolferes sonne A. 707. R. 5. and went to Rome u Edilred founded the ●●shoprike of Worcester turned Monke at Bardoney in Lincolnsture x Kenred went to Rome and was Monke in the Church of S. Peter he founded the Monastery of Euesham Celred sonne of Edilred A 711. R. 8. Ethelbald descended of Eopa brother of Penda A. 719 R. 41. y This King Ethelbald by the procurement of the Po●es Legate Boniface Archbishop of Mentz an English man borne with aduice of Cuthbert Archbishop of Canterbury made good Church lawes giuing Churches and Monasteries great priuiledges and exemptions from taxes and tributes bee also founded the Abbey of Crowland Bernred vsurped 10. yeares Offa nephew to Ethelbald A. 760. R. 39. his sonne not one yeare * He made a Dike called Offa-dike to bound his Kingdome against Wales extending from the South part neare Bristoll ouer the Mountaynes towards Flint and the North Sea to the mout● of 〈◊〉 see ●ounded the Monastery of Bath translated the 〈◊〉 See to Lichfield caused the 〈◊〉 of Saint Alban to bee laid in a 〈◊〉 at old Verulam which hee 〈…〉 adorned with gold and 〈◊〉 stones and raysing there a Princely Abbey hee gaue 〈◊〉 to it the Charter dated 〈◊〉 79● of his reigne 33. witnesse 〈◊〉 selfe Eg●●ide his sonne nine Kings 15. Bishops 10. Dukes c. The Chappell where the said Offa was buryed being demolished by the Riuer Ouse at Bedford his leaden tombe as it were some phantasticall thing a●peareth often to them that seeke it not but to them that seeke it saith Rouse it is inuisible y He was slaine at Sutton-wallis or Kenchester 〈◊〉 Offa's Palace was and buried on the Riuer Lugg's banke where Maurd●●e Church 〈◊〉 whence remoued to Hereford ouer him is builded the Church of the Bishops See dedicate to the same Ethelbert z At Crowland shee prophesied against 〈◊〉 mother who caused Ethelberts death and against her brother all which sell out according to her words of her brother Alcuine wrote that for his fathers bloudy deeds his reigne and dayes were the shorter East Angles Kingdome fell so to Offa and the Mercians A. 790. or 800. and with the Mercians Crowne to the West Saxons afterwards a Some say that on the day of the dedication of the Church of Winchelcombe which hee built hee released the said Edbe●t the founded the Church of Saint Ethelbert in Hereford b He is accounted the Martyr his body was found by a scroll cast on the Altar thus written in Saxon Kenelm King barne lye vnder thorne Heaued-bereaued that is Kenelm Kings child lyeth vnder a thorne bereft of the head or life Kenulf nephew in the fift degree to Penda A. 799. R. 23. c Fridulf Burthred and others being set vp by the West Saxons and Danes afterwards scarce worthy the name of Kings rather Dukes Ceolwol●e expelled by Bernulf A. 820 reigned 〈◊〉 Bernulf subdued by Egbert A. 824. R. 3. Ludicene expelled the East Angles A. 825. Whitlafe A. 826. reigned 13. yeares The Kingdome of NORTHVMBERS Octa Ebysse Saxons sent by Hengist into the North it seemes long time molested by the Picts Scots Brittons before they were fully possest of any Kingdome for 99. yeares space and after Hengists 〈◊〉 60 yeares being A. 547. that Ida began being the 10. from Woden 〈◊〉 reigned 2. yeares * Lot was father to Mordred allyed both yet enemies to great Arthur d The Kingdome of Brenicia extēde● from Edenborow ●rith to Tyne Deira from the said Tyne to 〈◊〉 but they were quite vnited againe in Oswy Ethelfrides sonne Idas sons 559. Ada reign 7. Glappa 5. Tidwald 1. Fridulf 7. Theodorik 7. in Brenicia whiles Ella son of Histria reig 30. in Deira Ethelrik R. 5. partly in both Prouinces e He was surnamed the 〈◊〉 Ethelfride son of Ethelrik A. 589. R. 27. ouer both Pr●uinces Ella's sonne Edwine being yong or expeld f 〈…〉 g 〈…〉 Edwine Ella's sonne A. 616. R. 17. ouer both Prouinces the sonnes of Ethelfride being ●led into Scotland Paulinus Bishop of Rochester went with queen Ethelburga A. 626. And Edwine and the Northumbers generally receiued the Faith A. 627 o●gni 11. h The king gaue Pauline the Bishops See at Yorke and began to build Saint Peters Church there which was finished by Oswald and Paulinus founded the great Church of Lincolne i He sent a desperate fellow named ●omer to murder Edwine and continually vexing all his neighbour Princes with warre was slaine in the quarrels he moued and Edwine was slaine by Cadwallo and Penda k Edfred and Off●ed Off●ed with his father Edwine 〈…〉 battell at Hatfield 〈◊〉 fell with them Eadbaldus King of the O●keyes Edfred 〈◊〉 afterwards Edwines reigne had beene so peacefull that a woman with a sucking child might haue trauelled free from violence ouer all his Dominions yet so triumphant that Banners displaid were borne before 〈◊〉 both in warre and peace Osrijc aud Eaufride A. 633. reigned a very small time l Who fled into Scotland to king Donald when Edwine got the Crowne they being the sonnes of Ethelfride from Ida descended and Acca sister to Edwine daughter to Ella the kings both of Brenicia and Deira Oswald sonne of Ethelfride A. 634. R. 8. y. * So vertuous godly a prince that after his death 〈◊〉 was Canoniz●d for a Saint m A holy learned man whom the King for propagation of the Gospell had sent for out of Scotland and giuen him Lindis●ern or holy Iland for his Bishops See Oswine reigned with Oswy about 8. yeares n At Maserfield or Oswalstre the Towne now so called of his name Oswye sonne of Ethelfride A. 642. reign 28. o At which time Oswy vowed great lands to 〈…〉 from Yorke p And by this meanes the M●rcians receiued the
Faith hee founded the Bishops See of Mercia at Lichfield and Dwina Bishop at Lindesferne was also Bishop of the same Egfride Oswyes sonne A. 670. R. 15. q Her name Mildred or Etheldred after twelue yeares she became Nunne at Ely where shee founded the Monastery whereof shee was Abbesse r At a place called Nectansmore hee was buried in Saint Columbes Iland Alfride base sonne of Osway A. 685. R. 20. s Where learning then flourisht more then in Brytaine it being the fashion to send the noblest youth thither as now to our Vniuersities Osred A. 705. reigned 10. Kenred Osrijc reign 13. Ceolf A. 728. reigned 8. years Egbert A. 736. reigned 20. t Ceolf or Ceolnulf became Monke in holy Iland in his time glazing painting and Masons were brought into the land by the Monke Bennet or Benedict venerable Bede dedicateth his Ecclesiastique history to this king Egbert also became Monke and his brother of the same name was Archbishop of Yorke which See hee greatly aduanced and founded the Library worthily furnished with all good Authors Osulfe reigned 1. yeare Edilwald or Mo. l A. 758. reigned 11. Alred reign 11. Ethelbert son of Mollo A. 780 reigned first 5. y. and after Alswald or Oswald 11. Osred 1. he reigned 4. all the others bare but the titles of Dukes rather then Kings * Or Mollo who slue Earle Oswine that rebelled and himselfe slaine by Alred that vsurping succeeded a Sonnes of Alred then Ethelbert againe after him Ardulf Al●wold Eandred Etheldred Readulf Osbright and Ella which last Kings were slaine by the Danes Hinguar and Hubba incited to that by the Lo. Beornas whose wife Osbert or Osbright had rauisht most of these latter Kings or Dukes acknowledging Egbert of west Saxons and his sonnes Lo. Paramount b Partly fallen by the Danes inuasion but more by ciuill warres last Kings of all were Ri●siga the Dane then Cuthred and Sythrik to whom Ad●lsane gaue his daughter in marriage but their sonnes were finally expeld by Edmond and the succeeding Kings about A. 950. Erchenwine A. 527. R. about 60. yeares Sledda sonne of Erchenwine A. 587. R. 17. Sebert sonne to Sledda A. 604. reigned 13. from An. 617. by the space of 100. y. reigned Serred Seberts 〈◊〉 with his brothers and their sonnes Sigebert son of Seward Sigebert sonne of Sigebald the brothers of Serred and Swideline Sigaire with Sebba or Selbius and his sons Sigard and Sewfred and Offa sonne of Sighere till A. 717. In Selbius time Erkenwald builded the Monastery of Croteley in Surrey for himselfe and Berking in Essex for his sister Edilburga Queene of West Saxons he was after Bishop of London about A. 700. Celred A. 718 reigned 30. Edilwald Albert Vmbena and Suthred reigned till A. 800. or after * Erchenwine the 8. from Woden sonne of Vffa his sonne Sledda married Ricula daughter of Ermenrik King of Kent and to their sonne Sebert first Christian King there came Miletus from Augustine and Ethelbert King of Kent who preached the Faith conuerted and baptized the King and his people who then builded a Church in honour of Saint Peter at Westminster then called Thorney where he his wife were buried The Kingdome of EAST-SAXONS c Serred and his brethren sons of Sebert enemies of Christianity were slaine by Kynegilfus King of West Saxons but the second Sigebert son of Sigebald brother of Serred called the holy man Cedda to him making him Bishop of East Saxons hee baptized Swideline Anna King of East Angles being his Godfather d Sebba or Selbius Monke at Saint Paules in London e He endued the Church of Saint Peter in Westm. with faire possessions and buildings and leauing his wife Geneswede Penda's daughter went to Rome with Kenred King of Mercia and Edwine Bishop of Worster and there liued in a Monks habit f Subdued by Egbert about the very time that he conquered Kent Vffa A. 492. reign 7. yeares Tytullus a. 499. R. 20. Redwald R. 25. Eorpenwald reigned 12. Sigebert sonne of Redwald A. 569. and his cousin Edrik R. 60. yeares slaine by Penda Anna sonne of Ewide brother of Redwald R. 20. yeares slaine by Penda Adelhere brother of Anna slaine with Penda A. 656. Edilwald brother to Anna reigned 9. yeares Sonnes of Adilhere Adalphe reigned 25. Eluold Hisbern Edilred Ethelbert sonne of Edilred A. 790. * Vffa the 8. from Woden The Kingdome of EAST-ANGLES g Whom he slue and repossest Edwine of the Kingdome h He also pla●ted Christian saith there by the h●lpe of Foelix a Burgundian sent by Honorius Archb●shop of Canter whom hee made B●shop of Dunwich an 〈◊〉 of Suffolke which 〈◊〉 was after diu●ded by one Bisi ●ishop t●ere into two viz Dunwich and Holmham i Sigebert found●r of Cambridge was fetch out of the ●onastery into the field against Penda where both hee and Egricus were sla●ne and so was Anna afterw●●ds k Both 〈◊〉 and Penda A. 656. neare the Riuer Iewet his wife was 〈◊〉 daughter to Hereticus and sister to Abbesse Hilda his daughter Etheldred founded Saint Peters Church in the I le of Ely A. 674. l King of Mercia in whose hands and his successors the chiefe Kingdome remayned till Egbert Ella with his 3. sonnes and three ships landed at a place called Cymenshore An. 470. in Hēg●sts life time his kingdome beg●n R. 36. yeares Cisia A. 514. reigned 76. Edilwalcus A. 590 R. 25. Aldwine slaine by Ine and Sussex vnited to the West Sax. crown about A. 713. The Kingdome of SOVTH-SAXONS * Ella the 8. from Woden wit● his sonnes put the Bryttons to flight first at Cymens-shore where hee landed then at Macroeds bourne after won A●dreds-ceaster and so began his Kingdome m Which is called Cissan-ceaster in the Saxon tongu● n He gaue 〈◊〉 to Wilfride Archbishop of Yorke who came to plant the Faith in Sussex where Wilfride set a Monastery for Episcopall S●e yet Sussex was since sometimes vnder Winchester and the See translated also to Chichester o Ceadwalla ouerthrew Edi●walke in his yonger yeares before he went into exile Berthune and Anthyne after when he came to be King of West Saxons Cerdic and his son Kenrik with 5 ships arriue at a place called Cerdic-shore A. 499. slue Natanl●od K. of Brittons and 5000. men and conquered the I le of Wight hee reign 17. yeares * Cerdic the 10. from Woden vanquished the Bryttons first at Cerdics-ford then at Cerdicks lege and at Withgar-birg in the I le of Wight which hee gaue to his Nephew Withgare who reigned there and was buried at the Withgar-birg or Withgares City The Kingdome of WEST-SAXONS p They vanquished the Brytons fiue times and tooke from them the Cities of Glocester Giren-Cester Bathan-Cester and diuers other ●ownes but at last Geaulines sonne and heire Cutwine was slaine by them and he expeld by his brother Cuthas son Ceoli and Cutwolf but his grand child Celrijc succeeded and after him Geolfe that vexed all the neighbour Princes which was slaine by