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A87589 Anti-Merlinus: or a confutation of Mr. William Lillies predictions for this year 1648. comprised in two bookes : one of which he cals Merlinus Anglicus, or An ephimeris : the other his Prognostication of the occurences in England, clearely proveing his predictions in both bookes to be groundlesse, absolutely void of art, full of contradictions, treason, falsehood, and such a ridiculous piece of foolery, as an artist would blush to owne, especially pretending (as he doth) to ground his predictions upon cacodemologie, or conference with devils, and lapsed angels, as well as on astrologie, an art lawfull and laudable. As also the authors own opinion, not only concerning what we may expect from the present treaty, and the principall occurences of the remaining part of this present year, but also his positive judgement touching the event and finall determination of this Civill War, succinctly set downe, together with his reasons in art therefore. / By H. Johnsen student in astrologie. Johnsen, H. 1648 (1648) Wing J768; Thomason E1171_3; ESTC R208821 32,417 70

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ought for my part it sticks with me and I le assure M. Lilly that I verily expect the accomplishment thereof The Sun in this scheme is the Kings significator saith M. Lilly who is locally in the ninth which is the twelfth from the tenth Ergo saith he the King is Captived True He is so but woe be to them that did it pray Sir what thinke you of those that side with them who have laid violent hands upon the Lords Anointed I le answer for you for this once he is a Rebell and the worst of Traytors The motions of Saturne and Mars are swift indeed as M. Lilly observeth rightly for they greatly exceed their meane motions yet am I not of his opinion that the actions signified by the Conjunction of these two Planets shall be carried on and prosecuted with so great speed as he affirmeth with great fury and violence they will for Saturne is the flowest of all the Planets he is 30 years going about the Zodiack therefore his effects wil not quicklycease and yet much the sooner for his quick motion Doubtlesse the Conjunction of these two malevolent Planets with oculus tauri in the eighth house and in Gemini where Mars made his square at the Parliaments first sitting will signifie singular actions and of very high concernement especially to London and the Parliament at Westminster In Anno 1635. and 1636. Saturne transiting Sagitarius London smarted with the Plague how much more will he and Mars afflict her now they being conjoyn'd in Gemini in the eight house neere the Buls eye O London let me tell thee plainly and seriously and truly that if thou makest not an early peace I meane a suddaine attonement with thy angry God and thy abused Soveraigne his Anointed and Vicegerent here against whom thou wert with the first nay the very first that Rebell'd and led'st divers Countries by thy example to drinke deepe of the poysonous cup of Rebellion Schisme Heresie c. thou shalt soon match Jerusalem in accursednesse thou shalt see nothing but frowning wrath in the clouds but Lightning and Thunder in the mouth of the foure winds the heavens shall be an artillery house of haile-stones No Planet shall revolve any thing but vastation Earthquakes shall dissolve thy joynts and all thy glorious buildings shall but crush their owners with their fals affording them unasked tombes and sepulchres The damps of the earth shall breed nothing but plagues the clouds shall drop downe leannesse on thy fields the Sword Famine and Pestilence those dreadfull messengers of Gods vengeance shall fall upon thee till thou art quite consumed Oh London London remember remember the man who for a time went night and day crying about thy streets Woe Woe Woe I speake a thing well knowne to thousands yet inhabiting within thy Wals who then saw him and heard him too yet neither they nor any man else that ever I could hear of yet could though some of them much desired it ever learne what who or whence he was Beleeve it the day of thy visitation is almost come and will shortly present it selfe to thy amazed eyes in a dreadfull crimson hiew unlesse with Nineveh thy sister City thou doest suddainly wash away those crimson spots of innocent blood which thou hast spilt with thy penitent teares Here two schemes or figures of heaven should have been placed the first of the Suns entrance into Libra the other of the Eclipse of the Moone the first hapneth the 12. of September the Eclipse the 29. of November Hercle restat regnum aliud piis Coelo sub amplo bestia cum cadot Dandum potostatisque sumoe Jus pede sub dominante Christi Stratis Tyrannum verticibus These Verses M. Lilly placed under the scheme of the Suns ingresse into Aries but I have transfferred them hither and much more properly they are left by him un-Englished I shall therefore paraphrase them thus When Charls shall Reigne againe as sure he shall And th' Westminsterian Hydra reele and fall That beast compos'd of all religions Sects Schismes Heresies which long this land have vext Lost happinesse will doubtlesse then appear To righteous men the beast then falling where Such tyranny and oppression shall give way To Christ's Vicegerent Charls his nobler sway And milder regiment Oh may oh may That joyfull day with speed it selfe present To crowne our hopes even drown'd in discontent The daies at hand harke harke methinkes I hear The bugle horne of watchfull Chanticleere To usher't in and summon all those brave Heroick Loyall soules who shall and have Been true t' their King and Soveraigne with joy To welcome re-establisht Charls those quoy Disloyall Traytors who thus long have kept Thrir Soveraigne their slave and so have heap't Vengeance on their owne heads to houle lament And curse the day they were a Parliament Harke how the very ghosts of those who dy'd Rebels to Charls and him so oft bely'd Harke how they skrike they howle they weepe they groane Harke how they now lament bewaile and moane Harke how they Lilly junior Merlin curse For 's lying Oracles the very nurse Of their Rebellion harke how they lowre And even expresse their horrour to this houre But harke how th' nobler ghosts of those who dy'd By deeds of armes on King and Countries side Rejoyce with lyricke songs harke how they sing And singing weepe because their Royall King Being re-inthron'd his happy Government Enjoy they cunnot now must rest content Joyfull at 's re-establishment indeed But very pensive that through want of heed And their ill fates the date of their short lives So soon expir'd and this singing drives Them eke to weeepe who would not wish to be Againe but for his future service see Their piety and seeing wonder Rash fate so soone should cut their threads asunder Harke how a quire of Angels in a ring Doe round about them blessed musick sing Harvest begins the 12 of September 28 min past two a clock in the afternoone at which time Capricorne ascends Capricorne is the house of Saturne whom I find in the fixth house oppos'd by the Moone in the twelfth both being the Parliaments significators looke to it Parliament this is a nipping scheame will assuredly squeeze those spunges which have suckt up His Majesties and the Kingdomes rights and revenues especially fith the Moone is with the Dragons taile in Sagitarius the opposite signe to Gemini Looke to thy selfe London Saturne is in Gemini in the sixth house in perfect opposition to the Moone the Kings significators are now indifferent well posited infinitely stronger then his adversaries and in better houses me thinkes this should make M. Lilly to shrug his shoulders and the Parliament to gaspe both for breath and life I confesse this is but a sicknesse yet though very grieveous and not curable by any other Physick then by the Personall Treaty which they will scarce take long enough to doe them good if they will not I must tell
therefore it were madnesse in them to cast away their dearest lives and their estates to boote in the Kings quarrell sith all is but lost labour Thus have many a thousand in this Kingdome been hobgoblin'd into Rebellion against their lawfull Soveraigne If this will not prevaile he hath yet another baite for the devouter sort of men he saith that the Parliament and Army are Gods I nstruments Ergo. saith he and they believe it to excellent logick yea and very good divinity too you ought to adhere to the Parliament and not affront them as of late A speciall concluding argument indeed but good M. Lilly is not the Divell too Gods Instrument makes not God sometimes use of him as we do of a Hang-man to execute his pleasure must we therefore adhere to the Devill no certainly I cannot sufficiently wonder at the madnesse of men in suffering themselves to be so long deluded by meere false shoods and forgeries even such as are to be discerned by every eye if they wink not on purpose but this was alwayes the fashion of the world to believe falsehood easily hardly to believe the truth Tunc etiam fatis aperit Cassandra futuris Ora dei jussa non unquam credita Teucris But that the Kingdome may be no longer deluded by such a cheating sycophant I am resolved to enter the Lists against this demigorgon this helsent fury our junior Merlin not doubting but to confute his sophistry by reason his Astrologie by Astrologie his Cacodemology by the word of God and by that time I have throughly uncased him I doubt not but he will appear to all the World more ridiculous then the Apes of India that mockt the Macedonian Army I desire not to derogate any thing from M. Lillies abilitie in the art of Astrology I am verily perswaded that he is a good proficient therein and understands rightly a great part thereof but he that wilfully and purposely shuts his eyes that he may not see deserves to be lasht with many stripes I protest ingenuously I never had any intentions of shewing my self in Print upon this subject till I saw M. Lillies Ephemeris for this year which was not till June and then I was in a manner compelled to this taske for either I must write a confutation or some body else or else the Kingdome must be still deluded gull'd and cheated with forgeries and lies and Astrologie an art which I extreamly love be condemn'd therefore Before I had fully perfected my confutation of his Ephemeris he puts forth his judgement upon the parelii and the conjunction of Saturne and Mars which as soone as I had perused I found it so full of Contradictions Treason Falsehood and such a ridiculous piece of foppery as the eye of man nor that greater of the world scarce ever yet beheld which made me conclude that Master Lilly had now even sold himself to work wickednesse which put me on to write a Confutation of both his said Bookes with all the speed I could In the doing of which it cannot be expected but that he vaunting so much as he doth of his own abilities as to call those who contradict him Manapian Astrologers the scorne of Art Changelings c. that when I finde him tripping I should bite him a little with my cynick tooth when I finde him feighning or failing if I lash him soundly with my Satyrs whip My Love to my Country my Allegiance to my Soveraign my Respect to Art and my just detestation of all such vaunting and Machivilian Traitors challenge of me and must receive from me no lesse no lower satisfaction I had no other sinister motives to induce me thereunto as hatred malice envie c. and so he unfeignedly protesteth who is Thine in his best endeavours H. I. ALthough the dire influence of that prodigious Comer in 16.18 so fatall to Germany Spaine Ireland England and most Kingdomes in Europe be now by the divine permission of Almighty God transmitted beyond our English Horizon to go visit some remoter clymates yet we have still saith Mr. Lilly the distempered effects of the parelij or 3 Suns visible in Lancashire Aprill the 3d. 1647 8 forcibly operating and not determined We are subject I am sure at present to the influence of the square of Saturn and Iupiter imminent the 29 or March last upon the 9 of March last the sun entred Aries Upon the 10th of June last the sun entred cancer Upon the 28 of June there hapned a conjunction of Saturne and Mars Upon the 12th of September the sun encred Libra Upon the 20 of November there hapneth an Eclipse of the Moone and upon the 11. of December the Sun enters Capricorne The 3. foremost and only those Mr. Lilly makes use of in his Ephimeris for this yeare but in his book called an astrologiall prediction of the occurrences of England he adds the Conjunction of Saturn and Mars from these as from his basis he extracts his Iudg. ment for this yeare he considers not at all the suns ingresse into Cancer Libra and Capricorne notwithstanding the ascendant of the Suns ingress into Aries be a moveable signe yea and the latter degrees thereof and therefore cannot possibly signifie the actions of above one quarter of a yeare as most and let him produce any good Author to the contrary I will yeeld him the bucklers without further dispute Nor yetdoth he consider the eclipse of the Moon I shall from the ail as for my basis and ground worke extract my Judgment of thi● y●●r And so Mr. Lily ought to have done had he desired to have enformed either himselfe or his Reader right Nay Mr. Lilly himselfe imputes this as a fault to M. Wharton upbraiding him that he fetcht his hotch-potch Oracles with which he so deluded the people meerly from the Coniunction of Saturn and Mars whereas every one ought he saith to consider the suns ingresse into the 4. Cardinall points with all the remarkable conjunctions and aspects of the year the most materiall whereof he himselfe omitteth and so becomes guilty of that himselfe which he so much taxeth in others I desire therefore it may be put to the vote whether he deservs not to be lasht with the self same whip which he prepared for them Binorum Paresio●um 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Feb. 28. 1647 48 There is hardly any one thing amrmed by any Author de parelijs which is not again contradicted by some other author it will be a matter therefore of great difficulty for me or any man else amongst so many different opinions to distinguish truth from falshood and consequently to give any certaine judgmement of these parelij or false Suns seen in Lancashire as Mr. Lilly reporteth I saw them not my selfe but doubtlesse such mock Suns do sometimes appeare though there are some that will hardly grant it yea do stoutly deny it whither they proceed from a natural cause or whether they be miraculous I will not dispute nor
what the matter is of which they are made but it is a very materiall quaere and worthy to be resolved whether they proceed from naturall causes or be miraculously framed by Angells as Mr. Lilly asserteth For if they proceed from naturall causes 't is then probable that they signifie nothing but weather if other wise then doubtles their signisication is great and of a much larger extent I will not contend with Mr. Lilly in this question because t is disputable It shall be my care not to justle with him till I be sure to foile him These parelij appeare most in Northren clymats commonly in the morning the Son being neare the horizon their motion is alwayes with the Sun and they ever keep the same distance from him their continuance is very short seldome a bove an houre and a quarter at most Many Authors do ●●isly deny these parelij to have any other signification then upon weather some contend stoutly that they have Amongst so many different and indeed contrary opinions it will be dub ous what to affirme but doubt lesse the best way will be to imitate nature in resolving such Riddles I will therefore cull out from Mr. Lillies collections such aphorismes as are likest to be true and then from them all extract a judgement 1. Parelij sunt monitores de insidij et consilije clandestinis quae ineuntur adversus eos qui in magno splendore dignitatis rerum potiuntur Thus in English parelij or mock Suns do admonish of treacheries and Clandestine counsells against men of great dignity had it said thus I should have lik't it better and questionlesse it had bin truer they are Monitors of treacherous plots and Clandestine counsells against some King or Prince by such as would dethrone him or make him away for without doubt a true Sun signifies a lawfull King a mock Sun an usurper and this will clearly appear by the second 2. Diversa parelia Regni eiusdem gubernatores fere diverses aut viros fere Principes representant circulus autem regni partes aut civitates verus ille Sol circuli medio personan● regiam apta similitudine monstrat Gem Divers or many parelij represent the Governours of the same Kingdome to be many or they personate men of almost princely rank or like Princes the true sun in the midd le of the circle declares byan apt comparison a regall person of the same Kingdome the Circle about the suns shew the parts or Cities of ●●at Kingdome 3. Cum fictisoles veluti satellites verum solem cingunt tunc in captivit atem cadunt summi Reges When mock suns like Yeomen of the Gard do encompasse the true Sun then greatest Princes shall fall into captivity 4. Tres soles triumvir at us esse signa et suo tempore significasse imperia Caroli quinti Caesaris Henrici secundi Gallorum Regis et Solimani Turcarum Sultani asserit Cardanus 3. Suns Signifie honour to be conferred on three or many deserving men and in his time did signifie the Emperour Charles the 5th Henry the 2d King of France and of Solimon Sultan or Emperour of Turkie But I like very little of this Aphorisme nor is it likely to be true for the mock suns cannot signifie deserving men nor shall such ever possesse that Kingdome they expect because they quickly vanish and leave the true Sun in possession though they besiege him and imprison him for a time Hi statum mundi sibi subiectum indicaus non in futurum sed de die presente indicant autens schismata et similia resque ad●●irandas et rare sier● solitas praecipue autens evidentia deliria ac indicantur et conatus stulti superiorum it aque sicut Duos soles existere superfluum est it a superfluum est quod illi indicant These parelij intimate the state of the world subject unto them what shall presently not long after succeed they foreshew Schismes c. wonderfull matters and such as are seldome used to be done especially evident madnesse and the foolish endeavours of great men so that as there is no necessity of 3 Suns so there is no need of such things as they signifie 6. Parelius aquas aut ventos promittit saith Paulus the Minerva a mock Sun signifies raine or a tempest The signisication of the Parelij seemes therefore to be this A sun whither true or false signifies a King a true Sun a lawfull King a mock-sun an usurper or one that would be a King here are two mock suns there are therefore two that would be Kings perhaps Fairfax and Cromwell false suns admonish of Treason and treachery to be performed by the mock-suns against their lawfull Soveraign whom they would either dethrone or make away have already imprisoned as appears by the mock suns encompassing the true Certainly these mock suns which inviron the true sun must signifie the Parliament and army or if you will the Presbyterian and the Independent These mock suns signifie Treasons Treacheries Schismes Heresies and clandestine councells then acting against the true Sun But as it is a superfluous thing to have two or 3 suns so is that wich they go about that is playing King Catchers Though they so much desire it yet shall they never come to be Kings to the Halter they may for the mock Sunnes suddainly vanish leaving the true sun shining in the firmament at last free from confinement whence I gather that his Majesty shall com at length out of prison and that whosoever desires to weare his Diadem shall go without it for the mock suns quickly vanished they shall never therefore obtain their aime The Eclipse of the Moon in November next in Gemini will soon after without all question banish the Parelij or mock suns into the land of darknesse What think you Mr Lilly is not this the naturall explication of our parelij But Mr. Lilly would have the true sun to signifie the Parliament and the mock suns their opposers and his reason 't is judicium sine judici● is because these was at the time of the appearance or the pare●j ●oe vi●●●● face of authority but what was in them what then the authority is the Kings de jure though theirs de facto The Parliament was not imprisoned the true Son was invironed by the mock suns ergo the true sun signifies the King a the Parliament is excellent 〈◊〉 and most significantly represented by the mock suns invironing the true for they keep him prisoner c that they might make use or his power and Authority Let any indifferent man judge between us Here should have bin inferred a Scheame for the time of the appearance of the Pare●lij and let the Golden ball be give to him who hits the truth This Scheme which was set at the the time of the appearance of the parelij were it exactly don as I much doubt it was not it were superfluous to judge it but yet let Mr Lilly say what he will