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A23592 Tabula; Chronicles of England. Higden, Ranulf, d. 1364. Polycronicon. English. Selections.; Trevisa, Johncd. 1402. 1502 (1502) STC 9997; ESTC S121402 469,099 377

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regned but one yere And he was a very crysten man and euen as he dyde so was he done vnto For Leo deposyd hym and made hym a preest ¶ Leo the thyrde with Constantyne his sone was Emperour xxv yere this Leo whan he was myghty he deposyd Theodosius and regned for hym was desceyued by a certayne Apostata the whiche hadde hym that he sholde take brenne all the ymages of sayntes Wherfore he was punysshed bothe in batayll in pestylence with other Infortunes And by cause he was accursyd of Gregorius and bode therin thre dayes therfore the pope with the comyn people toke fro hym the best parte of his Empyre cōmaundynge that noo man sholde obeye hym ne socour hym by cause he lyued lyke an heretyke ¶ Holy men sayd ayenst hym And many by hym were martred exyled And at the last in his myshyleue he deyed wretchedly And in this mannes dayes but that Karolus Marcellus holpe the Crysten fayth faught manly ayenst the Sarrasyns and draue them backewarde in to Spayne the whiche they had subdued els they had entred in to Fraunce And Karolus slewe thre hondred thousande Sarrasyns moo And of his peple were slayne but .xv. thousande ¶ Nota ¶ This man for the contynuall batayle tooke to laye men the tresoure of the chirche Wherfore saynt Eucharius the bysshop of Aurelian as he was in his prayers sawe that same Karolus in soule body payned in helle And the aungell that shewed the bysshop this man sayd That that was the Iugement of all those that toke awaye the goodes of the chirche or of poore men And to fortifye that that the bysshop sayd to proue it the abbot of saynt Denys wente to the sepulcre there that Karolus was buryed opened the cheste that he laye in And there they see a grete dragon go out but he had no body ¶ Gregorius the thyrde a Romayne was pope after Gregorius the seconde The whiche conformed the worshyppes of the ymages of sayntes with the counseyll almoost of a thousande bysshops And he cursyd horrybly all the despysers of these ymages As the Emperour other that were of that condycyon ¶ Constantynus the fyfth was Emperour after his fader Leo .xxv. yere He was a cursyd man and a pure heretyke so that he dyde sacrefyce to the deuylles He pursewed the chirche And no thynge that is good of hym is wryten And so by the su●●raunce of god the chirche was trowbled longe tyme. About this tyme were many meruaylles there were meruayllous erthe quakys And certayne cytees that were sette on mountayns they were reme●ed and borne awaye with the bylles in to the feldes .vi. myles thens as they stode and the cytees were not broken ne bur●● In the londe of Mesopotanian the erthe was broken by the space of two m●le And also there was a mule that spa●e in a mannes voys Asshes fell fro heuen And in the see of Poncico there was vse for grete froste that was .xxx. cub●●es of thycknesse And sterres felle fro heuen so myghtely that men trowed that the ende of the worlde had be comen All these betokened meruayllous thynges for to come ¶ Anno dm̄ .vij. C.xliiij ZAcharias was pope after Gregorius .x. yere This Zacharus was a noble man arayed with all vertue With all men be was loued for his mekenesse And he deposyd the kynge of Fraunce Hydery and put in his place Puppinus for he was more profytable ¶ Here may ye see what power the chirche had that tyme the whiche translated that famous kyngdome fro the very heyres to the kyngdome of Pippinus for a leyffull cause Vt habet xv.q.v alius ¶ Stephanus the seconde a Romayne was pope after Zacharias .v. yere This man in all thynge was profytable vnto the chirche as well in worde as in doctryne And he gouerned the spirytualtee and the temporaltee nobly He was the louer and the defender of poore men This man anoynted Pippinꝰ the kynge of Fraunce sente hym ayenst the Lombardes that he sholde compell them to restore the chirche of suche goodes as they had with holde from theym longe tyme vnryghtwysly the whiche he dyde He also translated the Empyre of the Grekes to the Frensshmen ¶ Paulus a Romayne was pope after hym .x. yere This was a very holy man for he dyde grete almesse to faderlesse childern prysoners wydowes and other poore men that he myghte be a folower of saynt Poule ¶ Constantyne a Romayne the seconde was pope after Poul two yere This Constantyne was a lay man and sodeynly was made a preest as a tyraunt and toke on hym the dygnytee of the pope And with a grete sclaundre to the chirche was pope a lytell tyme. But the faythfull men put hym out and put out his eyen And this was the fyfth In famed pope amonge so many herde tofore So the holy ghost that holy apostles sete kepte in all honour holynesse ¶ Intynyte martyrs were made this tyme by Constantyne the Emperour for he was suche an heretyke And men trowe that there was neuer Emperour ne no pagon that slewe so many martyrs And in his tyme the chirche was trowbled full sore very precyously bought the worshyppynge of the ymages of the holy sayntes for the grete shedynge of blood of martyrs And certaynly that cursyd Emperour was not vnpunysshed For whan that he deyed he cryed with an horryble voys and sayd I am taken to a fyre that is vnable for to be destroyed And so he yelded vp the ghost to euerlastynge payne ¶ The Empyre of Rome was dyuyded about this tyme For Stephanus the pope translated Ytaly and other vnto Karolus a yonge man And Constantyne helde the londe of Grece with other londes ouer the see with a grete labour and many rebellynge ¶ This tyme Karolus magnus was a noble yonge man And he began for to regne vpon Fraunce and was the sone of Pippinus and his moder was called Berta ¶ Stephanus the thyrde was pope after Paulus thre yere And he amended all the errours of Constantyne And he degraded all those the whiche Constantyne ordeyned in a generall Synodus ¶ Anno dm̄ .vij. C.lxxxiiij ADitanus a Romayne was pope after Stephanus .xxiiij. yere This man was myghtely worshypped of the people no man greter afore hym in honour ryches and buyldynge This man sette two solempne Synodis The fyrste of thre hondred and fyfty faders The seconde in Rome with an hondred and fyfty faders beynge presente Charles the kynge of Fraunce to whome it was graunted the lyberte of eleccyon of the popes and to ordeyne the appostles sete ¶ Leo the fourthe regned Emperour with the Grekes fyue yere This Leo was a cursyd man but not soo moche as his fadet was And he was a coueytous man and he toke awaye a certayne crowne of a chirche and put it vp on his heed And anone he was corrupted with an axes and sore dyseased And he had a cursed wyf
a spryngynge and wellynge vp of waters and also flodes bothe of the see alsoo of the fresshe ryuers and sprynges that the see bankes walles and costes brake vp that mennnys bestes and housys in many places and namely in lowe countrees vyolently and sodaynly were drowned fruytes dryuen awaye of the erthe thrugh contynuaunce and abundaūce of waters of the see euer more afterwarde were torned into more saltnesse and sourenesse ot sauoure ¶ The x. yere of kynge Edwardes regne kyng Edwarde entred the Scottes see after Mydsomer And to many of the Scottes he yaue batayll and ouercame them and many he treatyd and bowed vntoo his peas thrughe his doughtynesse and hardynesse ¶ And after the feest of saynt Myghell ▪ then next folowynge was the erle of Moryf had taken at Edenburgh and brought into Englonde and put into pryson ¶ And in the monethes of Iune and Iulii than next folowynge in the .xi. yere of his regne was seen and appyered in y● fyrmament a bemed sterre the whiche clerkes calle stella Cometa and that sterre was seen in dyuers partes of y● fyrmament ¶ where after anone there folowed in Englonde gode chepe and wonder greate plente of all chaffare vytaylles and marchaundyse and there ayenst honger scarsyte myscheyf nede of money ¶ In soo moche that a quartre of whete atte London was solde for two shellynge and a good fatte oxe at a noble and fyue gode douues byrdes for a peny In whiche yere deyed sir Iohn̄ of Eltham erle of Cornewayle that was kynge Edwardes brother and lyethe atte westmestre ¶ How kynge Edwarde made a duchie of the erldom of Cornewayle and also● of syxe othere erles that were newe made and of the fyrste chalenge of the kyngedome of Fraunce IN the yere of our lorde a thousande CCC.xxxvii and of kynge towarde .xii. in the moneth of Marche durynge the parlement at westmestre in lē te tyme kynge Edwarde made of the erledome of Cornewayle a duchye lete it calle the duchye of Cornewayle y● whiche duchye he gaf vnto Edward his hirste sone with the erldome of Chestre and also kynge Edwarde made at that same tyme syxe other erles that is for too saye syr Henry the erle of Lancastres sone erle of Leycetre wyllyam of Boghū erle of Northampton wyllyam of Mountagu erle of Salysbury Hugh of A●dell erle of Gloucestre Robert of Vfforde erle of Southfolke And wyllyam of Clyton er●e of Huntyngeton ¶ And in that same yere it was ordeyned in the same parlement that no man sholde were no clothe that was wrought out of Englonde as clothe of goldene of sylke or veluet or damaske or satyn baudkynne none suche other ne none wylde ware nefurres of beyonde the see But suche as myght spende an hondred pounde of rēte by yere But this ordynaūce and statute was but of lytyll effect for it was no thynge holden ¶ In the xiii yere of his regne kynge Edwarde went ouer see in to Braban with quene Philyp his wyf there berynge a chylde at And werpe there he dwellyd more than a yere for to treate with the duke of Braban and other alyed vnto hym of the chalengynge of the kyngdome of Fraunce to kynge Edwarde of Englonde by ryght and by herytage after the dethe of Karoll the grete kynge of Fraunce brother Germayne of quene Isal●● kynge Edwardes moder the whiche was holden and occupied vnryghtfull by Phylyp of Valoys the emes sone of kynge Karoll y● whiche duke and all his in the forsayd thynges all otherlongynge there to with all his men and goodes kynge Edwarde to●de redy vnto hym and made behyght hym suerte by good fayth truste and after y● the kynge hasted hym ayen into Englonde left there the quene styll be hynde hym in Braban Than in y● .xiiii yere of his regne whan all y● lordes of his reame and other that oughten to be at his parlemēt were called assembled togyder in y● same parlement holden at London after y● feest of saynt Hylarye The kynges nedes were put forth promothed as touchyng y● kyngdō of Fraūce For whiche nedes to be spedde y● kynge axed y● fyfte parte of all the meuable goodes of Englonde y● mulles y● .ix. sheep of euery corne And all y● lordes of euery towne where suche thynges shold be taxyd gadryd sholde answer too the kynge therof had it and held it at his owne lust wyll wherfore yf I sholde knowleche the very trouthe the ynner loue of y● people was torned in too hate the comyn prayers into cursynge for cause that the comune people were so strongely greued ¶ Also the forsayd Phylyp Valoys of Frauce had gadred vnto him a greate hoste destroyed in his parties kyngdom many of the kynges frendes of Englonde with townes castels many other of theyr lordshyppes many harmes shamys dystytes dyd vnto the quene wherfore kyng Edward whā he herde this tydynges strongly meued therwith and an angred sente dyuers letters ouer see to the quene to other y● were his frendes gladynge them certefienge them that he wolde be there hymself in all the hast y● he myghte ¶ And anone after Ester whan he had sped of all thynges y● hym neded to haue he wēt ouer set ayen Of whose comynge y● quene all his frendes were wonder gladd and made moche Ioy And all that were his enmyes and helde ayenst hym made as moche sorowe ¶ In the same tyme the kynge thrugh counseyll of his trewelyeges and counseyll of his lordes that there were present with hym write the kynge of Fraunces name toke medled the kynges armes of Fraunce quartred with tharmes of Englonde cōmaunded forth with his coyen of gold vnder discrypcyon writynge of y● name of Englonde of Fraūce to be made beste that myghte bee y● is too saye y● floreyne y● was callyd y● nobell pryce of .vi. shellȳge vii pens sterlynge y● halfe nobell y● valuc .iii. shellynge iiii pens y● farth●●ges the value of .xx. pens ¶ How kynge Edwarde come vnto the scluys and dyscomfyted all the powere of Fraunce in the hauen ANd in the next yere after●that is to saye the .xv. yere of his regne he commaūded lete wryte in his chartres wryttes and other letters the date of the regne of Fraunce the fyrst And w●yle that he was thus doynge and trauayllynge in Fraunce thrughe his counseyll he wrote to all the prelates dukes erles barons and the noble lordes of the cou●tre and also too dyuerse of the comune people dyuers lettres and maūdementes berynge date at Gandaut the .viii. daye of February And anone after within a lytyll tyme he came ayen into Englond with the quene her chyldren ¶ And in the same yere on mydsomer euen he began to saylle towarde Fraunce ayen manly fyersly he fell vpon Philyp of Valoys the whiche longe tyme laye and had gadryd to hȳ a
Mercurius And so Bachus is called god of wyne Venus goddesse of loue and beaute Lauerna god of theeft and of robbery Protheus god of falshede and of gyse Pluto god of helle And so it semeth that these verses wold meane that these forsayd goddes regne and ben serued in Chestre Mars with fyghtynge cokkynge Marcurius with couetyse rychesse Bachus with grete drynkynge Venus with loue lewdly Lauerna with theeft and robbery Protheus with falshede and gyle Then is Pluto not vnserued that is god of hel ¶ R ▪ Ther babylon lore more myght hathe trouth the more ¶ Of prouynces and shyres ca .x. TAke hede that Englonde conteyneth xxxii shyres and prouynces that nowe ben called Erldoms reserued Cornewale and the ylonde ¶ Alfre The se ben the names of the Erldoms shyres Kente Sousex Sothery Hampshyre Barokshyre that hath his name of a bare oke that is in y● foreste of wyndesore for at that bare oke men of that shyre were wonte to come togyder and make theyr treatys and there take counseyll and aduyse Also wyldshyre that heet somtymee y● prouynce of Semeran Somersete Dorsete Deuenshyre that now is called deuonia in latyn These .ix. South shyres the Tamyse departed from the other deale of Englonde whiche were somtyme gouerned and ruled by the westsaxons law Eestsex Myddelsex Southfolke Northefolke Herdeforth shyre Huntyngdon shyre Northampton shyre Cambridgeshyre Beddeforth shyre Buykyngham shyre Leycestre shyre Derby shyre Notyngham shyre Lyncolnshyre Yorkeshyre Durhāshyre Northumberlonde Caerleyllshyre with Cumberlonde Appelby shyre with Westmerlonde Lancastre shyre that conteyneth fyue lytell shyres These fyftene North and Eest shyres were● somtyme gouerned and ruled by the lawe called Mercia in latyn and marchene lawe in Englysshe It is to wyte y● Yorkeshyre stretcheth from the Ryuer of Humbre vntoo the Ryuer of Teyse And yet in Yorkeshyre ben .xxii. hondredys hondred candredes is all one Candrede is one worde made of walshe and Irysshe and is too menynge a countree that conteyneth an hondred townes and is also in Englysshe called Wepentak for somtyme in the comynge of a newe lorde tenauntes were wonte to yelde vppe theyr wepen in stede of homage Duramshyre stretcheth frome the Rynere of Teyse vnto the Ryuere of Tyne And for to spke propr ely of Northumberlonde it stretcheth froo y● Ryuer of Tyne vnto y● Ryuer of Twede That is in the begynnynge of Scotlonde Then yf the countre of Northum berlonde that was somtyme frome Hūbre vnto Twede be nowe a counted for one shyre one Erledom as it was somtyme Then ben in Englonde but .xxxii shyres but yf the countree of Northumberlond be departed into .vi. shyres that ben Euerwykshyre Duramshire Northumberlonde Caerleylshyre Appelbyshyre Lancastre shyre then ben in Englonde .xxxvi. shyres withoute Cornewale also without the ylondes Kynge wyllyam made all these prouynces and shyres to be descryued and moten Then were founden .xxxvi shyres and halfe ashyre Townes two and fyfty thousande and foure score Parysshe chirches .xlv. thousande and two Knyghtes fees .lxxv. thousande wherof men of relygyon haue xx.vii thousande .xv. knyghtes fees But nowe the woodes ben hewen downe and the londe newe tylled and made moche more than was at that tyme and many townes and vyllages buylded so ther ben many mo vyllages townes nowe than were in that tyme. And were as a fore is writen that Cornewale is not set amonge the shyres of Englonde it may stonde amonge them well ynough for it is neyther in wales ne in Scotlond but it is in Englonde and it Ioyneth vntoo Deuenshyre so may ther ben atcompted in Englonde .xxxvii. shyres and an halfe with the other shyres ¶ De legibus legūque vocabulis OVnwallo that hyght Moliuncius also made fyrste lawes in britayne the whiche lawes were called Moliuncius lawes and were solempnely obserued vnto wyllyam Conquerours tyme Moliuncyus ordeyned amonge hys lawes that Cytees Temples wayes that leden men therto and plowe men solowes sholde haue preuylege and fredome for to saue all men that wolde fletherto for socour and refuge Then afterwarde Mercia quene of Britons that was Gwytelinus wyfe of her the prouynce had the name of Mercia as somman suppose She made a lawe full of wytte and of reason was called Merchene lawe ¶ Gildas that wrote y● Cronicles and hystories of the Brytons torned these two lawes oute of Bryton speche into latyn And afterwarde kynge Aluredus torned all out of latyn in too Saxons speche and was called marchene lawe Also the same kynge Aluredus wrote in Englysshe and put to an other lawe that hyght westsaxon lawe Then afterwarde Danes were lordes in thys londe and so came forth the thyrde law that heet Dane lawe Of these thre lawes saynt Edwarde the thyrde made one commune lawe that yet is called saynt Edwardes lawe I holde it welle done to wryte here expowne many termes of these lawes Myndebruch hurtyng of honoure and worshyppe In frenche bleschur dhōnour Burbruck in Frenche bleschur de court on de cloys Grithbruche brekynge of peas Myskennynge chaūgynge of speche in court Shewynge set tynge forth of marchaundyse Hamsokne or Hamfare a rere made in hous forstallynge wronge or bette downe in the kynges hyghe waye Frithsoken surete in defence Sak Forsfayte Soka sute of courte and therof comethe soken Theam Sute of bondemen fyghtynge wytte A mersemente for fyghtynge Blode wytte A Mersemente forshedynge of bloode Flytwytte a mendes for chydynge of blode Leyrwytte Amendes for lyenge by a bounde woman Gulewytte A mendes For trespas Scot A gadrynge to werke of bayllyes Hydage tayllage for hydes of londe Daneghelde tayllage gyuen to the Danes that was of euery bona taterre That is euery oxe londe thre pens A wepyntak and an hondred is all one for the countre of townes were wonte to gyue vp wepyn in the comynge of a lorde Lestage custome chalenged in chepynges fares and stallage custome for standynge in stretes in fayre tyme. ¶ Of kyngdoms of boundes and markes bytwene them ca .xii. THe kyngdome of Brytayne stode withoute departynge hole and all one kyngdome to the Brytons from the fyrste Brute vnto Iulius Cezars tyme and fro Iulius Cezars tyme vnto seuerus tyme this londe was vnder trybute to the Romayns Neuerthelesse kynges they hadde of the same londe from Seuerus vnto the laste prynce Gracyā successours of Brytayne fayled and Romayns regned in Brytayn Afterwarde the Romayns lefte of theyr regnynge in Brytayne by cause it was ferre frome Rome and for grete besynesse that they hadde in other syde Thenne Scottes and Pyctes by mysledynge of Maximꝰ the tyraūt pursewed Brytayn and warred ther with grete strength of mē of armes longe tyme vnto the tyme that the Saxons come at the prayenge of the britons agaynste the Pyctes and put oute Gurmonde she Iryss he kynge with his Pyctes and the Brytons also with her kynge that heet Careticus drofe hem oute of Englonde into wales and soo y● Saxons were
vyctours and euery prouynce after his strengthe made hȳ a kȳ ge And so departed Englonde into seuen kyngedomes Netheles afterwarde these seuen kyngedomes euerychone after other came all in to one kyngedome● All hole vnder the prynce Adelstone Netheles the Danes pursewed this londe fro Adelwolfys tyme that was Aluredes fader vnto the thyrde saynt Edwardes tyme aboute a hondred .lxx. yere that regned contynuelly therin .xxiii. yere and a lytell more after hym Haralde helde the kyngdome .ix. mouethes And after hym Normās haue regned vnto this tyme. But howe longe they shall regne he wote to whome no thynge is vnknowen ¶ R. Of the forsayd seuen kyngdomes and her markes mares and boundes whan they beganne and how longe they endurede here shall I som what shortely tely ¶ Alfre The fyrste kyngdome was the kyngdome of Kente that shetcheth fro the cest Occyan vnto the Ryuere of Tamyle There regned the fyrste Hengistis and began to regne by the acomptynge of Dyonise the yere of our lorde a hondred .lv. that kyngdome dured thre hondred and lviii yere .xo. kynges vnto the tyme that Baldrede was put oute and Egbert kynge weste saxon Ioyned that kyngdome to his owne the seconde kyngdome was at southesaxon that had in the eest syde Rente in y● south the see and the yle of wyght in y● west hampshyre and in the north sothery there Ella regned fyrste with his three sones and began to regne the yere after the comynge of y● Angles euen .xxx. but that kyngdome within shorte tyme passed into the other kyngdomes The thirde kyngdom was of eestsaxon and had in the eest syde the see in the coūtre of London in the south Temse and in the north southfolke The kynges of this countre of westsaxon fro the fyrste Sebertes tyme vnto the tyme of the danes were .x. kynges the whiche were 〈◊〉 gect somdele to other kynges Neuertheles ofteste and lengeste they were vnder the kynges of Mercta and vnto that tyme that Egbert the kynge of westsaxon Ioyned that kyngedome to hys owne The fourth kyngdome was of eest Angles and conteyneth Northfolke southfolke and had in the eest syde and in y● north syde the see and in the north west Lambrigeshyre in the west saȳt Edmōdes dyche and Herfordshyre and in the south Estsex And this kyngdom dured vnder twelue kynges vnto the tyme that kynge Edmonde was slayne And then the Danes toke wronfully both the kyngedoms of eest Angles and of estsaxon Afterwarde the Danes were put out dryuen awaye or made subgette And then the elder kynge Edwarde Ioyned both the kyngdomes too his owne The fyfte kyngdom was of westsaxon and dured lengeste of al these kyngdōs and hadde in the eest syde southsaxon in the north Tamyse in the south and in the west the see Dccean In that kyngdom regned Serdryk with his sone Kenryk and began to regne the yere of oure lorde fyue hondred and xix and thenne after the comynge of Angles .lxxi. so sayth Denys the other kyngdoms passed into this kyngdom The syxt kyngdom was of Mercia and was grettest of all The markes and the meres therof were in y● west syde of the Ryuer Dee fast by Chestre and Scuarne faste by shrowesbury vnto Brystowe in the eest the eest see in the south Tamyse vnto London in the north the Ryuer of Humber and so westwarde and downwarde vnto the Ryuer Merse vnto y● corner of Wythall there Humbre falleth into the west se. Penda Wybbes sone regned fyrste in this kyngedom in the yere of our lord Ihesu cris te .vi. hondred .xxvi. so sayth Denys and fro the comynge of Angles an hondred lxxv yere This kyngdom dured vnder xvii kynges aboute two hondred .lxiii. yere vnto the laste Colwulf the Danes betoke that kyngdom to kepe whan burdred the kynge was put oute but the elder Edwarde the kynge put oute the danes and Ioyned the kyngdome of Mercia to his owne kyngdome Netheles at the begynnynge this kyngdome of mercia was departed into thre in west mercia in myddell Mercia reste Mercia The .vii. kyngedome Was Northamhymbrorum that is y● kyngdome of Northhumberlonde the meres and Markes therof were by west and by eest the se of Dccean by southe the Ryuere of Humbre and so downwarde to warde the weste by th ende of the shyres of Notynghā and of Derby vnto the Ryuer of Merse and by north the Scottes see that heet forthe in Scottes Weres in Brytysshe the Scottesshe see in Englysshe Thys kyngedome of Northumberlonde was fyrste dealed in two prouynces That one was the south syde and heet Deyra and that other was the north syde heet Brenicia as it were two kyngedomes and the Ryuer departed these two kyngdomes that tyme for the kyngdome of Deyra was from the Ryuere of Humbre vnto the Ryuer of Tyne The kyngedome of Brenicia was fro Tyme to the Scottysshe see And whanne Py●●● dwelled there as Beda sayth li.iii ca .ii That Ninian that holy man conuerted men of the south syde Ida the kynge regned there fyrste and began to regne the yere of oure lorde fyue hondrede xlvii soo sayth Dyonyse In Deyra regned kynge Elle the yere of oure lorde fyue hondred xlix Thyse two kyngdomes were otherwhyle as it is sayde departed bytwene two kynges and somty me all hole vnder one kynge and dured as it were .xx. Englysshe kynges CCC xxi yere Atte laste Dsbartus and Ellewere slayne in the .ix. yere of her kyngedom the Danes slewe theym and Northumberlonde was voyd without kyng viii yere Then afterwarde the Danes regned in Northumberlonde .xxxvi. yere vnto the oonynge of the kyngdom Adelstone he made subgect the kynges Danes Scott●sshe and walshe and regned fyrste allone in Englonde helde y● kȳgedome of Englonde all hole all one kyngdom that was the yere of oure lorde viii C .xxviii That Ryuer of merse was somtyme y● marke mere bytweene the kyngdom of Mercia the kyngdom of Northūberlond that may be shewed in two maners fyrst by this properte of this mersee that is as moche to saye as a see y● is a boūde a mere for it departed one kyngdome from an other Also it is writen in Cionides of Henry Alfrede y● kynged warde y● elder fastned a castell at Mamcestre in Northūberlonde but y● cyte Mācestre is fro the Ryuer of Mersee scarsely thre myle ¶ Of bysshopriches theyr sees ca .xiii LVcius was y● fyrste kynge crystened of the Brytons in his tyme were thre Archcbysshops sees in Brytayn one was at London an other at yorke the thyrde Caerusk y● cyte of Legyons in Glamorgan that cyte is now called Cacrleō To these Archebysshoppes sees were subgecte .xxviii. bysshops were called flammes To the Archebysshops sec of Londō was subgett Corne wayle all myddell Englonde vnto humbre To Yorke all Northumberlōde frō y● bowe of Hūbre with all Scotlōde To Caerleon all wales ther were in wales .vii. bysshops now ben but four Tho Seuarne
Gen̄ .xij. Our lorde sawe the folysshnes of the people Meruayllously for y● payne of ther synne he confounded the tonge of them In so moche y● none vnderstode what an other sayd And soo they were disperpled asond●ed by all y● worl de ¶ Of the malyce of this Nemroth bokes ben wryten ful ¶ And after the confusyon of the langage he wente to the londe of Persees there he enstruct● taught them to adoure worshyp the fyre as god And he lefte his sone Belus in Babylon the whiche Belus succeded hȳ And so from thens his progenye opteyned that kyngdom vnto the t●●e of many a yere after ¶ In this tyme began many kyngdomes And the moost of all those kyngdomes was the kyngdome of Scitarum But there were so many rude boystous people in it that 〈◊〉 te was neuer hadde in worshyp And it was a stronge and a myghty 〈◊〉 of dystaunce ¶ And about this tyme beganne the kyngdom of Egypt the whiche with dyuers and many alteracyons often tymes was chaunged And also it is spoken of many tymes in 〈◊〉 ¶ Noblynesse or gentylmen abowee this sayd tyme began And this noblynesse or gentylmen was orderned for many causes ● The fyrst cause was necessyte For whan mankynde grewe 〈◊〉 men were prompte redy to do 〈◊〉 it was very necessary to withstande the greate malyce of the ●usyd people agaynst good men Therof a man is called a gentylman or a noble man as before other in vertues notable ¶ Wherof Ierom sayth I see no thynge elles in noblesse or in gentylmen but that they are bounden in a certeyn necessyte that they shall not recede fro the vertue and the gentylnesse of ther noble aun●●tours ¶ The seconde was y● dyuers worshyp●ge of the people For no man worshype thenne but as his naturall reason gaf And they knewe not ryghtwysly what they sholde worshyp all though they lyued peasyble amonge themself For they were so dull of wytte y● they co●de pondre no grete thynge but that was publysshed by y● comyn peple Wherfore it was expedyent for ther peas to be kepte that they sholde haue prynces of noble byrth ¶ The thyrde cause procedeth of some synguler strength Many tymes the comynalte were greued thrugh enmyes comynge vpon them And then they sayd y● who some euer wolde deffende kepe them from these peryles he sholde haue y● ryght of noblenesse for hym his heyres for euer more And in this maner of wyse many are ●adde to be noble men ¶ The fourth cause of noblynesse was greate habundaūce of goodes Somtyme the people were holden with grete penury of mete drynke And then they toke them theyrs to some ryche man y● thrugh that couenaūt they sholde tempre the grete straytnesse of ther hungre after that they sholde knowe hym as ther lorde a noble man ¶ Also there be foūde certen noble men by the prouysyon of god though they were but fewe of the whiche some abode in vertue as Dauyd some fayled anone as Saul Ieroboam Also it is radde that many were noble men by tyranny vyolence Of the whiche some were destroyed anone And some abode in stablenesse as Paynemes myght ¶ Anno mūdi .ij. M.ix C. .v. Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .ij. M.ij. C.lxxxiiij SAruk lyneally descended from our forn fader Adam to Abrahā And Nachor was his sone he lyued an hondred and .xlviij. yere ¶ And about this tyme ydolatry began to to encreace myghtely And yf ye reuolue and loke the hystoryes ye shall fynde that thre thynges pryncypally brought men to the synne of ydolatry That is to vnderstonde The affeccyon whiche they had to deed men Dredde flaterynge agaynst ther prynces And the dilygence of artyfycers crafty men about scultures or grauynges Wycked fendes then̄e entred in to the ydollis and gaue answe res to the people And these wycked spyrytes confermed the errour of the people myghtely In so moche that what some euer manere of persone wolde not conforme hym to the reason he sholde greuously suffre the payne of dethe Also there was added and put to these thynges the dysceyuynge laude and praysynge of Poetes the whiche wretches and also dampned men in to heuen with all t●eyr gaye aourned wrytynges exalted And that same tyme whanne deuylles beganne for to speke so fayrly and so mekely to man The good lorde of his grete and habundaunt mercy sente his aungelles that they spolde sheke to his elected men in vysybly lest that all man kynde sholde perysshe with this myscheuous errour BElus sone to Nemroth this tyme was kynge of Babylon And he was the fyrste kynge of this worlde And this man was he whom the errour of the people fyrst trowed sholde be a god wherfore dyuers peple named hym dyuersly And some called hym Bell some Baall some Baalim some Beelphagor and some Belsabub And this vnhappy errour stode in mankynde more than two thousande yeres ¶ Ninus sone to Belus the seconde kynge of Babylon or of Assuriorum regned .liiij. yeres And this Ninus desyred for to haue lordshyp and worshyp And to that entente that he myght be lorde of all the countree about hym he gaue bataylle to all that dwelled nyghe aboute hym And by cause that tyme the people were rude and had not the connynge of fyghtynge nor armour anone he subdued vnto hȳ all Asiam And there was made y● fyrst Monarche in y● rest party And whā his herte was sory for the deth of his fader Belus he made to be made to hym for his comforte an ymage of his fad to whom he gaf so myghty reuerence that what someuer gylty man hadde fledde to y● ymage ther sholde no man do vnto hym no hurte he pardonned hȳ of all his trespasse And thrugh his ensample many a man began to worshyp y● deed ymage of theyr dere frendes Thenne these malicyous spirytes seynge y● curyosyte of the people hydde them within them gaaf answeres vnto y● people sayd they were goddes And cōmaūded them to do reuerence vnto them as goddes Thus y● vnhappy synne of ydolatry was brought in the whiche repugned myghtely to goddes mageste And in so moche this madnesse grewe that he shol de suffre the payne of dethe that sayd they were men but goddes ¶ Anno mundi .iij. M.C.xiiij Et ante xp̄i natiuitatē .ij. M.lxxxv THare sone to Nachor lyued .ij. C and .v. yere This Thare after the deth of Aram went from Vt of Calde passed in to Charram with his childern his neuewes And it is sayd by cause he wolde not worshyp the fyre as Nemroth had taught he was banysshed the coūtree And the comyn opynyon of the Hebrewes is Nemroth regned there the whiche was called an other name Amraphel the kyng of Sennaar whome longe tyme after this Abraham ouercame vt dicit Gen̄ .xiiij. ¶ Anno mūdi .iij. M.C.lxxxiiij Et an te xp̄i natiuitatē .ij. M.xv HEre
the whiche regned after hym with her sone ¶ Constantyne was Emperour after Leo he was a meke man and put awaye his moder fro the kyngdom that she myght take hede vnto her wȳmens werke But she with a fayned rancour put out his eyest afterwarde and his children also and regned agayne thre yere And at the last she was aboute for to haue be wedded And whan the Grekes perceyued that she wolde be wedded to grete Karolus they toke her and shytte her vp in a monastery and toke Nychoferū to be theyr Emperour ¶ The .v. vnyuersall study the whiche in olde tyme was translated from Athenes vnto Rome aboute this tyme was translated to Parys by Karolus kynge of Fraunce ¶ Nychoferus was Emperour after Constantyne He was a very nygon and was exalted to his Empyre by the Grekes But he profyted not for in his tyme all the ●est Imperyall was brought to nought For the Romayns put them vnder Karolus magnus ¶ Ierusalem about this tyme was recouered by Karolus with all the holy londe And the secte of the Sarrasyns was destroyed strongely For the destruccyon of wretches came thenne ¶ Michaell was Emperour two yere And he was a very crysten man and he was well beloued and also he was connynge in all scyences And tho that Nychoferus hadde hurte and dystressyd of theyr goodes by his coueytousnesse this Michaell restored them and made them ryche ayen ¶ Nota. ¶ Karolus magnus the fyrst saynt was Emperour after Michaell And he was crowned Emperour by Leo the pope from the whiche tyme the Empyre was translated from the Grekes to Fraunce and Germayne And for the translacyon of that Empyre the Grekes alwaye were defectyne vnto the Romayns And the Grekes stroue euer more with them But it was more with venemous wordes than with strengthe and more with crafte than with batayll For they hadde so grete enuye at the Romayns that they wolde not obeye the chirche of Rome For certaynly whan that the popes wolde wryte vnto them for to obeye the chirche of Rome they wrote agayne ond sayd Ye haue taken from our kynrede teh Empyre and therfore we woll not obeye and we vs take from you And for this noble Emperour Karolus it is to be vnderstande this man whan he was a yonge man he was anoynted kynge of Fraunce by Stephanus the pope In the yere of our lorde Ihesu Cryste .vij. hondred .liiij. whan his fader Peppinus lyued Vnder whome and with whome he regned .xv. yere vnto the deth of his fader ¶ Thenne after his fader vnder the yere of our lorde god .vij. hondred .lxviij. this Karolus with his broder Karolomannus regned two yere And thenne his brother deseased in the seconde yere And this Karolus there helde al the hoole kyngdom .xiiij. yere to the yere of our lorde .vij. hondred .lxxxiiij. In the whiche yere he wente to Rome that he myght be crowned Emperour of the pope Adrianus And he regned Emperour xvi yere to the yere of our lorde .viij. C. whan pope Leo confermed hym ayen the Emperour And after that he was Emperour .xiiij. yere And he dysseasyd in the yere of his aege .lxxij. The whiche was the yere of our lorde .viij. C. and xiiij ¶ Yf ye wyll see more of Karolus go to the boke of Turpinus and Libraminus his mayster for they wrote his noble actes ¶ Leo the fourth was pope after Adrianus .xx. yere this man whan he wente on a certayne daye with the Letany to saynt Peters chirche on Saynt Markes daye he was taken with cursyd people and bothe his eyen put out and his tonge cutte of But our lorde merueylously restored hȳ ayen his syght and his speche so that he spake without tonge and sawe by myracle Afterwarde he wente with Karolus in to Fraunce And he came with hym vnto Rome and renged the pope on his c●mye And thenne he crowned Karolus And he late afore crowned comfermed hym agayne ¶ Ludouicus the meke the fyrste begoten sone of Karolus was Emperour after his fader .xxvi. yere in whose tyme was put awaye that clerkes sholde vse no gyrdels with precyous stones nestraūge arayment This Ludouicus of his fyrst wyf gate two childern bothe had an euyll ende In all thynge that wente ayenst hym he was pacyent and in the last ende he euer ouercame For ayenst god he abode deuoute And his childern folowed hym in condycyons he dyssessyd a blessyd man ¶ Stephanus the fourth was pope after Leo thre yere This Stephanus redemed many captyue men and crowned Ludouicus the Emperour And thenne he dyssessyd was byryed at Rome ¶ Paschall was pope after Stephanus This Paschall gaue a greate dylygence to relyques of Sayntes And he toke vp Innumerable bodyes of sayntes buryed them worshypfully as in the vysyon of saynt Cecile he was cōmaunded ¶ Eugenius the fourth was pope after Paschall and he was a very holy man And all those thynges that were for cryste he toke hede to This man was crowned a martyr by the laye men of Rome he was buryed in saynt Peters chircheyerde ¶ Circa annū dm̄ .viij. C.xliiij TAlentinus was pope after Eugenius .xl. dayes and lytell of hym is wrytell ¶ Gregorius the fourth was pope after hȳ .xij. yere this Gregorius sawe many heuy tymes for the plages amonge the comyn people And at this mannes petycyon Ludouicus the Emperour and Marchio the prynce of Lombardy exyled all the Sarrasyns fro Ytaly And at the last he dyssessed after Innumerable good dedes werkes that he had done at saynt Peters ¶ Lotherius the fyrste sone of Ludouicus was Emperour .xv. yere in Ytaly Rome the partyes of Germayne nexte to the hylles of Alpy This Lotherius rose ayenst his broder Ludouicus Karolus for the kyngdome of Duchelonde the whiche some tyme Pippinus theyr broder helde And they fought at a place called Fontanecū where Lotheriꝰ was dyscomfyted And there was suche slaughter made on both the sydes that they had no men for to resyst theyr aduersaryes This vnderstode a fals crysten man sente vnto Soudan of the Sarrasyns that he sholde come anone And he toke Rome and saynt Peters chirche was made a stable for theyr horses But Ludouicus with the Frensshmen Lombardes all that Infenyte nombre destroyed and that with grete shedynge of crysten blode ¶ Sergius the seconde was pope after Gregorius two yere This man was called fyrst os porci in Englysshe hog gesmouth Wherfore that man all the popes names are chaunged whan they are chosen And that for thre causes The fyrst for Cryste chaunged the names of those men the whiche he made popes The seconde for as moche as they are chaunged in the name sholde they be chaunged in perfeccyon of lyfe The thyrde leest he whiche is chosen to an excedynge degree sholde be hurte in name ¶ Leo was pope after Sergius viij yere This Leo was an holy man also he was in prudence as
grete attendynge to vertuous werkes This man cursyd the Emperour of Constancy nople in so moche as he promysed for to torne to the fayth in the generall connscyll dyde not for y● whiche he suffred many passyons all holy chirche Also he cursyd the kyng of Aragon for he expulsyd the kyng of Cecyle fro his kyngdome And after he had done many bataylles ayenst men of mysbyleue many trybulacōns suffred he decessyd dyde many myracles ¶ Nicholaus de lyra a noble doctour of dyuynyte was this tyme at Parys this man was a Iewe of nacyon he was conuerted myghtley profyted in the ordre of frere Mynours he wrote ouer all the Byble Or elles he was in y● yere of our lorde some man saye he was a Braban y● his fader his moder were crystned but for pouerte he vysyted y● scole of the Iewes so he lerned the Iewes langage or elles this Nicholaus was informed of the Iewes in his yonge aege Honorius the fourth was pope after Martinus two yere lytell of hym is wryten but that he was a temperat man a dyscrete ¶ Nicholaus the fourth was pope after hym foure yere this man was a frere Mynor alle though he was a good man in hȳself yet many vnhappy thynges felle in his tyme to the chirche For many a batayll was in the cyte thrugh his occasyon for he drewe to moche to y● one parte And after hym there was no pope two yere .vi. monethes ¶ Of kynge Edwarde that was kynge Henryes sone ANd after this kynge Henry regned Edwarde his sone the worthyes knyght of the worlde in honour for goddes grace was in hym for he had the vyctorye of his enmyes as soone as his fader was deed he came to London with a noble company of prelates exles barons and all men dyde hym moche honoure For in euery place that syr Edwarde roode in London the stretes were couered ouer his heed with sylke of tapyser other ryche couerynges And for Ioye of his comynge the burgeys of the cyte caste out att theyr wyndowes golde and syluer hondes full in tokenynge of loue and worshyp seruyce and reuerence And out of the condyte of Chepe ranne whyte wyne and reed as stremes doth of the water euery man dranke therof that wolde at theyr owne wyl And this kyng Edwarde was crowned and enoynted as ryght heyre of Englonde with moche honour And after masse the kyng wente in to his place to holde a ryall feest amonge them that dyde hym honour And whan he was sette to meete the kynge Alexander of Scotlonde came to do hym honour and reuerence with a queyntesye an hondred knyghtes with hym well horsyd arayde And whan they were alyght of theyr stedes they lete theym goo whether they wolde who that myght take them toke at theyr owne wyll without ony chalenge And after came syr Edmond kynge Edwardes brother a curteys knyght a gentyll of renowne and the erle of Cornewaylle and the erle of Glocestre and after thenne came the erle of Penbroke the erle of Garenne And eche of them by themself ladde in theyr honde an hondred knyghtes gayly dysguysed in theyr armes And whan they were alyghted of theyr horses they lete them go whether that they wolde who that myght them catche them to haue styll withoute ony chalenge And whan alle this was done kyng Edwarde dyde his dylygence and his myght for to amende and dresse the wronges in the beste manere that he myght to the honour of god and holy chirche and to mayntene his honour and to amende the noyaunce of the comyn people ¶ How Ydeyne that was Lewelyns doughter of Walys prynce Aymer that was the erles brother of Mounforde were taken in the see THe fyrste yere after warde y● kynge Edward was crowned Lewelyn prynce of wales sente into Fraunce to the erle Mountforde y● thorough coūseyll of his frendes the erle sholde wedde his doughter And y● erle tho auysed hȳ vpon this thynge and sente vnto Lewelny sayd that he wolde sende after hys doughter and so he sent Aymer his broder after the damoysell Lewelyn arayed shyppes for his doughter for Syr Aymer and for her fayre company that sholde goo with her And this Lewelyn dyd grete wronge for it was couenaūted that he sholde yeue his doughter to noo manere man without counsell and consent of kynge Edwarde And so it befel that a Burgeys of Brystow came in y● see with wyne laden and mette them toke them with myght and power And anone the burgeys sente theym to the kȳ ge And whan Lewelyn herde this tydȳ ges he was very wrothe and also sorow full and gan to warre vpon kynge Edwarde and dyd moche harme vnto Englysshmen and bete downe the kynges castels and began for to dystroye kyng Edwardes londe And whan tydynges came vnto the kynge of this thynge he wente into walys and somoche he dydd thoroughe goddes grace and his greate power that he drofe Lewelyn vnto grete myscheyf that he fledde all maner of strenth came yelded hym vnto kynge Edwarde yaue hym .l. marke of syluer to haue peas And toke the damoysel all his herytage made an oblygaciō to kynge Edwarde to come to his parlemente two tymes of the yere And in y● seconde yere after that kynge Edwarde was crowned he helde a generall parlement at westmestre there he made the statutes for defaute of lawe by the comune assente of all his baronage And atte Ester nexte sewenge the kynge sente by his letter vnto Lewelyn prynce of wales that he sholde come too his parlemente for his londe for his holdynge in wales as the strenthe of his letter oblygatory wytnessyd Tho Lewelyn had scorne and dyspyte of the kynges commaundement And for pure wrathe ayen began werre vpon kynge Edwarde and dystroyed his londes And tho whanne kynge Edward herd of thyse tydynges he wexed wonder wrothe vnto Lewelyn and in hast assembled his people wente hym toward wales And warred so vpon Lewelyn the prynce tylle that he broughte hym in moche sorowe and dysease And Lewelyn sawe that his defence myghte hym notte auaylle and came ayen and yelded hym to the kynges grace 〈◊〉 hym mercye and longe tyme kneled before the kynges fote The kynge 〈◊〉 hym pyte and commaunded hym for●● aryse And for his mekenes foryaue 〈◊〉 his wrathe and to hym sayd that yf he trespassed to hym a nother tyme that he wold dystroye hym for euermore ¶ Dauyd that was Lewelyns broder that same tyme dwelled with kynge Edwarde and was a felle man and a subtyll and enuyous and also ferre castynge moche treason thoughte and euermore made good semblaunt and semed so true y● no man myght perceyue his falines ¶ How Lewelyn thrugh eggynge of his brother Dauyd werryd agayn vpon kyge Edwarde IT was not longe after that tyme
and anone euery man was dysparpled and wente hys waye forsoke theyr mayster and souerayne lorde left hym allone And thus was kynge Rycharde brought downe destroyed and stode hymself allone with out comforth or socoure or of ony goode coun●eylle of ony man alas for pyte of this ryall kynge And anone came worde that syr Henry of Bolyngbroke was vp with a stronge power of people and that all the squyres of Englonde reysen vp the shyres in strengthynge of hym a yenste kynge Rycharde ¶ And thus sone he was come oute of the North countre to Brystowe and the re he met wyth sir wyllyam Scrope erle of wyltshyre tresourer of Englonde with sir Iohn̄ Busshe and syr Henry greue and Iohn̄ Bagot but he escaped frome theym and went ouer see into Irlonde these thre knyghtes were taken theyr hedes smyten of thus they deyed for theyr fals couetyse ¶ And than was kynge Rycharde taken brought vnto the duke and a none the duke put hym in faste warde stronge holde vnto his comynge to London And than was there a rumore in Lōdon a stronge noyse that kynge Rycharde came to westmynster the people of London ranne thyder and wolde haue done moche harme hurte in ther woodnesse had notte the mayer and aldermen and othere worthy men cessed theym with fayre wordes and tornede theym home agayne vnto London And ther was syr Iohn̄ Slake dene of y● kinges chapell of westmynster taken brought to London put in pryson in Ludgate And Iohan Bagot was taken in Irlonde and so brought to London and put in pryson in Newgate there to be kepte abyde his answere ¶ And soon after the duke brought kynge Rychard pryuely vnto London put hym in the tour vnder sure kepynge as a prysoner And than came the lordes of the ream● wyth all theyr coūseyll vnto the Tour to kynge Rycharde sayd to hym of hys mysgouernaūce extorcyon y● he hadde done made ordeyned to oppresse all the comyne people also to all y● reame Wherfore all the comyne people of y● reame wolde hym haue deposed of his kyngdome And so he was deposed at y● tyme in the Toure of London by all his lordes coūsayll comune assent of all the reameAnd than he was put frome the Tour vnto the castell of Ledes in Kent there he was kept a whyle And thā he was had frome thens vnto the castell of Poūfret in the North coūtre to be kept in prison and ryght sone after there he made his ende ¶ And than whan kynge Rycharde was deposed and had resygned his crowne his kyngdome was kept fast in holde than all the lordes of the reame with the comyns assente by accorde chosen this worthy lorde syr Henry of Bolyngbroke erle of Derby duke of Herford duke of Lancastre by ryght lyne and herytage and for his ryghtfull manhode that the people founde in hym before all other they chose hym and made hym kynge of Englonde amonges theym INnocencyus the .vii. was chosen at Rome and lyued but two yere and than Gregory .xii. was after hym xii yere euer was debate Than was Alexander chosen in y● coūseyll of Pysā he was called fyrste Petrus de Candyda so was put stryf to stryf euerychone of those thre sayd he was pope than was there a coūseyll at Pysan where they began to make a concorde there they deposed y● two the thyrde stode so was worse deuysyon made than before for y● they ordeyned preuayled not ¶ Roberte was Emperour after wenselaus .ix. yere this man was duke of Bauary erle of Palatyn a Iust man and a good was crowned of Boneface the .ix. This man entred ytaly with a greate hoost of Almayns ayenst Iohn̄ the duke of Galyas but with an heuy hoost he torned ayē was had worthy to suffre for his ryght wysnes ¶ Iohan the .xxiii. succeded Alexander .iiii. yere fyrste he began well for an vnyte and he was in the coūseyll at Constantis offred hym to resygne the popehode after secretly vntruly he fledde awaye but it profyted him not for he was taken constreyned to peas and was made a Cardynall and buryed at Florens ¶ Sygysmundus was Emperoure after Robert .xxvii. yere and he was sone to Karolus and kynge of Vngarye and moost crysten prynce and he was so deuoute to god that he deserued too be canonysed This man holpe the chirche thrugh his merueylous prudence and wytte for he spared no labour ne no thynge y● he had tyll he had made a full peas amonge the clergye And he had .ix batayls ayenst y● Turke euer he had y● vyctorye what more all thynge y● euer was wryten in louynge to Constantyne Theodosio Karolo Otto may truly be wryten of him And he was crowned in Vngary decessed a blessed man ¶ Circa Annū dm̄ M. CCCC.vii ¶ Of syr Henry of Bolyngbroke Erle of Derby that regned after kynge Rycharde whiche was the fourth Henry after the Conquest ANd after kynge Rycharde the seconde was deposed and oute of his kyngdome the lordes and the com●nes all with one assent all other wo● thy of the reame chosen Henry of Bolȳgebroke erle of Derby sone and hey● of Iohn̄ the duke of Lancastre for his wor thy manhode that oft tyme had be fo●●de in hym and in dedes preued vpon 〈◊〉 Edwardes daye y● cofessour he was crowned kynge of Englond at westm●●ster by assent of all the reame next af●● y● deposynge of kynge Rycharde Than he made Henry his eldest sone pryn●● of wales duke of Cornewayle Erle of Chestre And he made syr Thomas of Arūdell Archebysshop of Caunterbury● ayen as he was before And syr Rogere walden that kynge Rycharde had made Archebysshop of caūterbury he made bysshopp of London for y● tyme it stode voyde And he made the Erles sone of Arundell that came with hym ouer these frome Calays into Englonde he made hym erle of Arūdell as his fader had ben put hym in possessyon of all his lōdes And he made homage f●aute vnto his lyege lorde the kynge as all other lordes hadde done ¶ And than anon● dyed kynge Rycharde in the castell of Poūfret in the North coūtre for there he was enfamed vnto deth by his keper For he was kept there .iiii. o● .v. dayes frome mete or drynke and soo he made his ende in this worlde yet mothe people in Englonde and in other londes sayd he was alyue many a yere after his dethe But whether he was alyue or dede the people helde theyr fals opynyon and byleue that many had moche people cam to grete myscheyf foule dethe as ye shall here afterwarde ¶ And whan kynge Henry wyst and knewe verely that he was de de he lete sere hym in the best manere closed it in a fayr chest with dyuerse spyces bawmes and closed hym