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A44524 The great law of consideration: or a discourse, wherein the nature, usefulness, and absolute necessity of consideration, in order to a truly serious and religious life, is laid open: By Anthony Horneck, preacher at the Savoy. Horneck, Anthony, 1641-1697. 1677 (1677) Wing H2833; ESTC R220111 198,374 451

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Christ hath made it It 's that which Heaven is entailed on and without which Men if they dare take the word of that Jesus whom they do believe to be the Son of God can look for nothing else but everlasting destruction Except ye be converted and become as little children ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Matth. 18.3 are the express words of him who came from Heaven to reveal his Fathers Will words which do not only import the absolute necessity but represent the nature and manner of true Conversion And if the words added by way of Explication be thorowly weigh'd it will appear to any rational man that that laborious Conversion which the Ministers of the Gospel press and recommend is no other but what Christ requires in order to salvation for what can be the meaning of this phrase becoming as little children but that men must learn to be children in malice 1 Cor. 14.20 pull down their passions watch over their inordinate affections overcome themselves and harbor no grudge no hatred no revengeful thoughts in their hearts against those that have offended them and like new born Babes desire the sincere milk of the Word that they may grow thereby 1 Pet. 2.2 i. e. with all humility and alacrity submit themselves to be guided and ruled and govern'd by the precepts and injunctions of Christ in the Gospel without disputing or contradicting his commands though levell'd against flesh and blood as much as children leave themselves to the guidance and direction of their Nurses and have neither strength nor will nor malice to oppose the will or order of those that do lead them Not that Christ forbids examining either the Divinity or reasonableness of his Doctrines and Injunctions No God is not afraid to have his Will tried and examin'd by right reason for as it is the effect of the highest reason so it must needs be most agreeable to reason it being impossible that truth can be inconsistent with truth and therefore Christ doth so little discourage men from trying the Divinity of his Sayings and Commands by the rule of right reason that in several places he bids the Pharisees and whoever were his Adversaries to judge impartially of the Arguments he gave for the divine original of his doctrine And without all peradventure this liberty every man hath to examine and satisfie himself whether the injunctions of Christ and his Apostles were things that dropt from heaven or no. But then where men are convinc'd or have sufficient reason to be convinc'd that these Precepts are the peremptory Will of God concerning their salvation as any person who is not a Changeling or meer Natural may find upon due examination and inquiry if he will there God expects most justly that all pretences and excuses and carnal reasonings should fall and the Soul submit readily to the yoke of Christ and resign its will to Christs Will though it cannot for the present comprehend the true reason of some commands and suffer itself to be acted and guided by these Laws without contradiction or opposition or tergiversation denying and renouncing every apprehension or suggestion that would sollicit or tempt it to start aside from sincere obedience and all discourses that would dash or impede its willingness and readiness to embrace them And indeed this is all we mean by true Conversion viz. ceasing to obey the dictates of the World the Flesh and the Devil and endeavouring seriously to live up to the precepts of the Gospel without asking our lusts or vain desires whether they are willing to it or no a sincere resolution to get from under the yoke of sin and to make the Lord Jesus who bought us with his own blood our Supreme Ruler and Governor And since there can be no Government without Laws and we never heard of any other Laws Christ gave but what we have in the Gospel we cannot and dare not but conclude that to live up to these Laws of the Gospel is true Conversion And indeed the primitive Christians took no person to be converted that did not make these Laws the great Rule of his Life and shew'd by his Actions that he priz'd and esteem'd and valu'd these Laws above all the Orders and Decrees and Constitutions of the greatest Monarchs When we do entreat and admonish men to be converted what do we do but persuade them to mortifie their members which are upon the earth Fornication Uncleanness inordinate Affection evil Concupiscence and Covetousness which is Idolatry and to put off Anger Wrath Malice Blasphemy and filthy Communication of their Mouths and to put on Bowels of Mercy Kindness Humbleness of Mind Meekness Long-suffering so as to forbear one another and forgive one another To let the Word of Christ dwell in them richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and Hymns and spiritual Songs singing with grace in their hearts unto the Lord and whatever they do in word or deed to do it all in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ giving thanks unto God and the Father through him To be poor in spirit to be meek to hunger and thirst after righteousness to purifie their hearts to follow peace with all men as much as in them lies To be patient under Slanders Reproaches and Persecutions To live in a sense of future Joyes and of an everlasting Recompence To avoid all apparent occasions of Evil even things that are harmless in themselves if they provoke or tempt to Sin To avoid Swearing in their ordinary Discourses and Communications to love their Enemies to do good to them that hate them to pray for them which persecute them and despitefully use them To give Alms without any sinister ends to pray without affectation of vain Applause or laying any stress upon the length of their prayers To fast without ostentation to lay up their treasure in Heaven to trust Gods Providence in their respective Callings and Conditions to love him better than the World to use the World as if they used it not to seek first Gods Kingdom and his Righteousness Not to judge rashly but to forsake their greater sins before they find fault with the lesser transgressions of their Neighbors To walk in the strait way and take pains for Heaven To avoid Hypocrisie and to manifest their Profession by their Lives both to hear and to do what they hear and to bring forth Fruits mete for Repentance and to let their Light so shine before Men that they may see their good Works and glorifie their Father which is in Heaven To be faithful unto Death and to hold out to the End and to suffer for the testimony of Jesus if God think fit to call them to it and to do good though they have no prospect of a present Recompence To feed the Hungry and cloath the Naked and visit the Sick and to hope and to believe that they shall be rewarded at the Resurrection of the Just. These are the
Body A Soul that can build it's Nest among the Stars of Heaven walk through yonder Mansions and taste of the Rivers which make glad the City of God A Soul which can wing it self into the Clouds and survey the Crowns and Scepters laid up for those that dare despise the World and have their Conversation in Heaven A Soul which can enjoy a Paradise while the Body is in trouble and rejoice in him who is All in All while the fierce Winds are whistling about her ears The vast reach of these Souls we have their fitness to receive Divine illumination their strong desires after Immortality their secret actings without the help of a Body their hopes of Heaven their fears of Hell all proclaim the certainty of an eternal state or condition they are intended for This eternal state imprinted on our Natures discover'd to the Gentiles proclaim'd by the Son of God preach'd by Angels confirm'd by Apostles reveal'd to Christians believ'd in the World as it relates either to Bliss or Misery to Joy or Torment to Honor or Dishonor so how to enjoy the one and avoid the other must in all probability be the great object which God design'd Mens Souls should be chiefly employ'd about For as there cannot be a thing of greater moment than Eternity so he must be a Sot a Beast that can imagine that God who ever intends the noblest Creatures for the noblest Ends will give Men leave to busie themselves altogether about picking of straws and pleasing a few sensual Lufts when he hath given them Souls capable not only of labouring and seeking after but obtaining a Kingdom which fades not away And when we sweat and toyle and labour to make provision for twenty thirty forty years what do we do but proclaim our obligation to be infinitely more concern'd how to provide for that state which must never have an end And as it was the goodness and wisdom of God to make us capable of an everlasting duration so we should be injurious to both if we did not suppose that God hath order'd and appointed means whereby it 's possible to save our selves from the wrath to come He that takes a view of Gods proceedings and dealings with Men ever since the Creation of the World cannot but stand amaz'd at the cost and labour and pains and means and motives and arguments God hath us'd to make Men sensible of their everlasting interest and to engage them to a serious preparation for that World they must live for ever in This serious preparation must necessarily be a holy blameless spotless life for the means must ever be sutable and agreeable to the nature of the end And Heaven being a holy place perlect holiness reigning there it 's not to be imagin'd how perfection of holiness can be enter'd upon without a considerable progress in holiness here no man reaching the highest step of a Ladder without the lowermost and one might as well flatter himself that his Trade by such a time will bring him in Ten thousand pounds when he is so far from minding his Trade that he contrives only how to run with others into excess of Riot And indeed to plant this holiness in Men the means have been so various so numerous so potent before the Law under the Law and under the Gospel that one may justly admire the whole World doth not stand candidate for Heaven and all the Inhabitants of the Earth do not take the Kingdom of God by violence Before the Law the continual pleadings of the long-liv'd Patriarchs with sinful Men to improve the light of Nature that Primar of Divinity the many Visions Revelations Dreams Signs Wonders Voices from Heaven the Ministry of Angels Gods Patience Forbearance Long-suffering and sometimes Exemplary Justice the Examples of holy Men Gods love to those that honour'd him the signal blessings he bestow'd on those that made him their highest and chiefest good what were all these but so many calls and entreaties that Men would by holiness prepare for a future happiness Under the Law God was so far from being weary of using means and taking pains with Men in order to this end that he seem'd to have reserv'd those Ages for larger and fuller Demonstrations of his Power and Munificence and if the people of Lystra had any ground for their exclamation the Jews had far greater reason to cry out That God was come down to them in the likeness of men For while other Countries were left in darkness and like Moles suffer'd to wander in the shadow and vally of death they as if they had been made of purer Clay seem'd to be the Darlings of Providence and the Favourites of Heaven Heaven bow'd to them and under its protection they went as under a Canopy of State and might with greater reason than the Sultan have challeng'd that lofty Title The shadow of God And with that Persian Emperor stiled themselves Kinsmen of the Stars Their eyes saw Miracles almost every day and with their daily Bread they receiv'd daily Prodigies and in the midst of their Rebellion God like the Sun when smiling through a Cloud shew'd them a merciful Face not that he approv'd of their Impiety but because by these Beams he would warm their hearts into obedience Their Blessings came down upon them not in drops but in showers and their Prosperity like the Cinnamon Tree was so fragrant that strangers might smell it a great way off before they saw it The Waters of Life were continually flowing into their Bosomes and though God now and then frown'd upon them what Father would not sometimes chide his Son yet his Indignation which like Flints sent out Fire upon their penitential Tears strait way return'd to its former coldness The Rocks poured them out Rivers of Oyl they wash'd their Feet in Butter and one might say of their Land as he of the Isle of Rhodes They were bless'd with a continual Sunshine Their Prophets what mighty what powerful Men were they Men that like Lamps consum'd their own Oyl to light their Auditors to Heaven or like Silkworms spun out their own Bowels to deck their Hearers with Garments of Righteousness Where words could not prevail Tears were the means to supple and affect them and it seems there is not stronger Rhetorick in the World than these Here one Prophet spoke like an Orator there another like a Logician Here one endeavour'd by Eloquence to charm them there another by clear Reason to convince them Here one threatned there another promis'd Here one wooed there another thundred Here one came with a Scepter of Love there another with a Trumpet of War Here one offer'd his hand to save them there another made bare his arm of revenge Here one offer'd an Ark to those that desired mercy there another rain'd down floods of Curses to drown the obstinate Here one represented God with his Sword drawn a smoke going up out of his nostrils and devouring fire out of
love with eternal ruine V. Impediment V. Danger of losing their unlawful gain It 's a thing not unusual for men to thrive by sin and to prosper by iniquity to grow rich by oppression and to advance in wealth by unlawful callings to get money by pleasing other men in their lusts and to procure a livelihood by injustice and complying with the Vices of the Age we live in The Devil must have some rewards to bestow else his Kingdom would soon expire and though his rewards as well as temptations are deceitful yet rewards they are and being present and visible and consequently apt to make the deeper impressions they invite more strongly and caress men into desire and appetite Men many times would not venture on sin but that they believe it is the way to gain and the known road to advantage and emolument And as sin is judged to be the way to profit so they look upon 't as the onely means to preserve what they have got and acquired If Absolom had not had a Kingdom in his eye he would hardly have dared to rebel and Viper-like to prey upon the bowels that did feed and nourish him Demas sees how plentifully the Heathen Priests did live what credit what honour what wealth and glory they enjoy'd and that makes him forsake Christianity and embrace their wayes It was gain made Demetrius so zealous for the worship of Diana and the Masters of that Damsel that had a familiar spirit so earnest for telling of fortunes and unlawful divinations And we know who they were that told the Prophet Jeremy As for the word that thou hast spoken unto us in the Name of the Lord we will not hearken unto thee But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goes forth out of our own mouth to burn incense unto the Queen of Heaven and to pour out drink-offerings unto her for then we had plenty of victuals and were well and saw no evil But since we left off to burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and to pour out drink-offerings unto her we have wanted all things and have been consum'd by the Sword and by the Famine Jer. 44.16 17 18. And indeed this principle that a sinful life is the only profitable life doth so spread and infect the hearts of men that most are afraid to sit down and consider their ways for fear Consideration should make them weary of a sinful life and consequently make them quit and cashier the gain and profit they do reap by it Profit is the great Goddess the world adores and to preserve that men employ their strength and friends and make use of all opportunities to secure it it 's that which they are truly jealous of and which is as dear to them as their lives and which makes them climb rocks and clamber mountains and fight their way through all impediments that would oppose and cross it Touch that and you touch the apple of their eye and whatever cause they are zealous for though other reasons may be pretended yet profit and interest commonly is the true cause that inflames their passions and makes their spirits fervent and they seldom matter whether it be by lawful or unlawful ways that they have made their fortunes so they be but made and advanc'd to such a pitch they 'll be sure to protect what they have purchas'd and it is not an easie matter shall snatch it out of their clutches Consideration that unruly faculty would create ill thoughts of such gain in their minds and therefore as men that are loth to meet their Creditors and when they see them afar off turn out of the way that they may have no occasion to speak to them so the generality of men do carefully shun Consideration as an unhappy Remembrancer that will put them in mind of things they do not desire to hear and touch the sore they would not have handled or medled withall and search into those wounds they would not have healed up or come under the hand of a Physitian I do but think what a world of Religious men we should have how men would flock to Christ from all corners what a number of pious Souls would appear in all places if we could assure them that a serious life will for certain furnish them with an estate answerable to their luxurious appetite and I am apt to believe were men confident and could they trust to it that they should get an estate of 9 or 10000 l. per annum by frequent reading praying meditating and obedience to Christs commands the greatest part would make a hard shift to consider how to leave their sins and vices and apply themselves to reformation we should hear no more of the excuses they now make that they have no time or that their condition is such that they cannot serve God as they should The impossibilities they now pretend would all vanish and they that now rack and torment and tire themselves for a little profit upon prospect of so considerable an advantage would turn their pains and labour another way and become very devout worshippers of the Holy Jesus and find no such trouble in a circumspect life as now they do Should Christ appear in a visible shape from Heaven to the Swearer or Drunkard or Fornicator or Adulterer or Covetous or any other of the sinful Herd with vast glittering Treasures in his hand nay could we the Ministers of the Gospel secure such a Lo●dship such a Principality such a Kingdom such an Empire to any of these sinners upon condition they would part with their Vices sure it would be a mighty Temptation to them to shake hands with their darling impieties for I see they sell their Souls to the Devil for 2 3 or 400 l. many times and I am so charitable as to think they would save them for a far more considerable sum It 's like some would be so brutish so swinish so sottish and yet but very few neither that would rather starve than leave their sins dwell rather in a Hogs-stie than renounce wallowing in the mire of their follies and live upon bread and water rather than deny their lustful desires and stoop to the meanest lowest and most sordid condition in the world rather than bow to the noble commands of Christ Jesus but one might engage safely for the generality of sinners profit and riches being the great loadstone that makes men willing to do any thing I see how if a Prince or other great person men depend or hope for something from dislike such a sin they are guilty of they can forbear it and comply with their Princes will and devotion I see how a person of quality can frown all his family into seriousness and the most vicious servant he hath for fear of losing his Masters favour and the good place he hath under him will find a way for profits sake to subdue his inclinations and take leave of a sinful pleasure since it is so that
image and similitude how empty they leave your souls and how like the Sea when ebbing in muddy places leave nothing but stink and filth and nastiness behind them Consideration would let you see That none can rejoyce so heartily as those who make it their business to please God and to be happy for ever This would shew you That light is sown for the righteous and gladness for the upright in heart Psal. 97.11 And that no persons in the World have greater reason to rejoyce than they whose great care and study is first to seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness as being persons who are acquainted with a lively faith and know by blessed experience what that hope means whereby men purifie themselves even as God is pure and what it is to be strengthen'd with all might unto all patience and long-suffering and what the constraining love of God implies and what it is to be married to him who is altogether lovely and what it is to have union and communion with him Consideration would shew you that peace of Conscience and honour with God and the Spirits making intercession for us with groans unutterable and pardon of sins priviledges which attend a serious preparation for a better World are a continual Feast and consequently afford matter for greater joy than all the rarities and curiosities of this present life This would let you see That that one blessing pardon of sin which a serious man enjoys is a mercy which he may justly rejoyce and triumph in more than the greatest Monarch of this world in his boundless Empire This would lead your thoughts to take a view of the present condition of the unhappy spirits in Hell to whom pardon of sin would be a greater comfort and refreshment than all the pleasures of this World distill'd into quintessence Should a Proclamation be made in that dismal Vault by some Angel sent from Heaven that all the Prisoners are freed from their guilt by the new and living way even by the blood of Jesus and that God hath condescended at last and is prevail'd withall to forgive their iniquities what leaping what dancing what joy what gladness what exultation of spirit what serenity of face what a chearful air would appear in every corner of that loathsom Prison How would one Wretch jog the other and bid him break out into praises and celebrations of his Maker for so great a favour How like Heaven would Hell look on a sudden and all their exclamations which grief and anguish did draw from them change into exclamations of gladness How would their hearts swell and dilate themselves and transport them into an extasie of joy How sordid how mean how pitiful how inconsiderable would all their former sensual delights seem to this pleasure or satisfaction Consideration would let you see That whatever men that are become vain in their imaginations may prate there is no pleasure no felicity like that which flows from walking in the wayes of God that in this Garden are the sweetest Roses the most odoriferous Flowers the most fragrant Plants Roses which have no prickles underneath like your carnal delights flowers which wither not away like that frothy mirth which the laughter of Fools affords Plants which feed and nourish and heal and poyson not like those airy satisfactions which flow from making provision for the flesh This would represent to your minds the examples of millions of Saints Who are able from their own experience to affirm that the ways of seriousness are truly ways of pleasantness and that all her paths are peace that they have found more satisfaction in being door-keepers in the house of God than they have done in being Masters of the most glorious Tents of wickedness that they have had more joy from contemplation of Heavens glory and from reflecting on the beauty of holiness in one hour than ever they received from running up and down many years together after the things the vain World is enamor'd withall that they would not be in that miserable unregenerate estate again if they might have whole Kingdoms to entice them and that there is no condition in all the World so full of Bryars and Thorns and Anguish and Pain and Disquietness and Trouble and Vexation as a sinful life and an unconverted state Consideration would let you see That those serious persons who look dejected and melancholy have joyes within which no stranger intermeddles withall and as little shew as they make of chearfulness they carry that within their breasts as can make their life a perpetual Jubilee So far is Consideration from making men melancholy that it points at the things where the greatest joy is to be found and as Consideration it self is a pleasure as we prov'd before so it is a guide to lead men into such a Paradise as they would be content to lose themselves in and desire no greater felicity on this side Heaven VII Impediment VII Fear of going distracted with poring on things too high for their capacities The aversness from a truly serious circumspect life in most men is so very great that they 'll entertain the absurdest silliest and most childish pretences rather than be persuaded to that course God and his holy Angels Scripture Conscience Ministers and all the Providences of God do call and invite them to And such a shift is that we have before us a plea so impertinent that we might justly ask the question Whether those that make use of it are not distracted already Men had as good give us a downright answer and tell us plainly That they will not take their everlasting state into Consideration and will have nothing to do with salvation as make us conclude so much from their unsteddiness and tergiversations They love to leave God and themselves and their Neighbors in the dark and we find they halt between two opinions unresolv'd whether they shall follow God or Baal They would neither displease God nor the Devil The Devils favour they keep and maintain by their secret aversness from a serious preparation for another life and Gods good will they court by pretending that they would follow him were it not for such and such obstacles and impediments And indeed their flesh does no sooner suggest an excuse to their minds but they presently flatter themselves that that shift will be a sufficient Apology for neglect of their duty And though going distracted with Consideration be a thing very unlikely next to impossible yet a pitiful shift being better than none this comes in with the rest and helps to rock the Soul into a sleeping slumber it seems their brains are strong enough to contrive how to promote their own fall but will not serve them to ponder how to keep themselves from ruine One would think they could not be worse mad than they are already and therefore they might venture upon a serious Consideration of their wayes without danger Take a view of thy actions sinner
derived from Heaven too else it would follow that God had been very unwise in his choice and had exerted his omnipotent power to little or no purpose only to make a shew in the World or to increase the Kingdom of darkness than which there can nothing be imagin'd more absurd or incongruous If I consider the progress of this Gospel I find it 's altogether miraculous not only because the Apostles who propagated this Doctrine had the power of Miracles confer'd on them by this Jesus which proves him to have been in the form of God but because in less than 200 years without force or arms in despite of Sword and Fire and the direst Torments it spread over all the known world That the Mahometan Religion made a stupendous progress after its first rise is not denied but he that shall reflect on the means whereby it enlarged its power viz. by Sword and Violence by depopulating Countries by killing and murthering all that resisted will judge it rose from Hell rather than came down from Heaven But I find the Gospel spread to a Miracle only by innocence and patience by doing good and suffering evil the proper Arms of Heaven I see how in despite of all the Arts and Stratagems the Devil could invent to stop its progress in despite of all the endeavours of Nero Domitian Trajan Decius Dioclesian to root it out it mock'd their rage and fury I find how the blood of Martyrs that was spilt this day brought forth a greater number of Confessors the next and multitudes of Christians that were sacrificed this week were seconded by a greater Army in a few dayes after and men seem'd to glory in being designed for death and serving as Apprentices of Martyrdom and though here and there a Mahometan may die for his Religion yet such a number of Martyrs no Religion can shew and what can I think of so many Myriads of men that being offered Ease Plenty Riches Honours Preferments despised them all and would suffer the most exquisite Tortures Tortures which the Executioners themselves trembled at and which made the very Heathen blush to see such inhumanity rather than deny that Doctrine which they had upon indubitable Testimonies receiv'd as Divine what can I think I say of these men but that they had sufficiently search'd into the truth of this Gospel and were most certainly assured that it was the Word and Will of God and that this Jesus would most certainly fulfill his promises to them and give them eternal life if they could be content to lose their lives on earth for his sake That so many Hundred thousand men many of them learned and wise and of noble blood and ingenious education should throw away their lives in a humor without very good ground that what they believed was really Divine and could not but be so is a thing altogether unaccountable to a rational man I read how in and about Christ's time either just before his coming or shortly after his departing out of this world by confession of the Heathen themselves the Heathen Oracles and the Voices of Devils ceas'd And can I think the Devil would have left deluding the world by his ambiguous Oracles gone off of the Stage voluntarily and quietly except he had been forced and compelled to it by this prodigious person whom God sent into the world to reveal his glory Certainly it could not be one that was meer man whom these evil Spirits would have vailed and bowed to without he had been more than man they would have disputed their power and maintained their possession and defended their universal Empire and made men know that the arm of flesh was a very inconsiderable weapon to controll or dethrone the Rulers of the darkness of this world I find wherever this Gospel came the Devil fled away this destroyed his Service Priests and Altars the gates of Hell could not withstand it nor can I see which way the Gospel could have effected all this without its power and efficacy had been Divine I read what strange alterations it made upon all Peoples tempers dispositions and affections who embrac'd it what should make so many great men so many subtle Philosophers so many learned Men so many Sages men of the greatest wit and judgment and apprehension both in the Eastern and Western Empire yield and submit to it and throw away their vain Philosophical Learning and humble themselves to the Cross of Christ except they had seen the stamp of God upon it I find that the greatest Orators and Logicians and the ablest Disputants that came with an intent to deride it were captivated and conquer'd by it and submitted to its Lawes and Doctrines The change it wrought upon Peoples spirits was wondrous strange the Cholerick the Envious the Drunkard the Fornicator the Adulterer the Worldling the Oppressor the Timorous the Pusillanimous were on a sudden transform'd into Love Meekness Sobriety Chastity Temperance Charity Liberality Fortitude and Magnanimity and they that before trembled at the thoughts of Fire and wild Beasts offered themselves to flames and took it ill if they were put by and deprived of the Honour of riding in such fiery Chariots to Heaven Nay I see at this day how wonderfully it works on the Souls of men makes them act against their natural inclinations without any prospect of temporal interest go against the bias of their corruptions and stop in their career to Hell which they were running to with most eager appetite I see how it makes them hate that evil company they formerly delighted in and how insipid it renders all the jests of their old Associates how it makes them love their Enemies do good to them that hate them pray for them that persecute them and despitefully use them how it makes them live above sense and seek their greatest satisfaction in the wayes and ordinances of God In a word how from Beasts it changes them into men and from men into more than men And what can I ascribe all this to but to a Divine Spirit that by this Gospel subdues the hearts and brings the lusts and affections of men into obedience to Christ Jesus He that shall take such Arguments as these into serious Consideration may easily satisfie himself that in these Volumes is contain'd the true Will of God at least that this of all things extant is most likely to be the Will of God nothing in nature having those circumstances and characters and testimonies of a Divine Original as the Rules contain'd in these Books we call the Bible have whatever seeming Contradictions and Tautologies may be found there to a Considerate man it would appear that as long as the main thing the true way to happiness is secured such accidental things as frequency of the same expressions and Chronological mistakes committed by the various Transcribers may be pass'd by without offence That many things which have seem'd Contradictions upon examination of the Customs and Circumstances of the
displeasure thou art in pain but what is this to Hell-fire thou art in torments but what is this to the Agonies the unhappy Spirits in the burning Lake endure how great a mercy is it that it is not worse with thee The Waters of Marah which are but to the Ancles now how soon might God increase them to the Knees and make them a River that could not be pass'd over and he that doth but frown now how easily might he thunder Consider O my Soul thou art not call'd to Persecution to Gibbets to Fire to the Sword to Grid-irons to wild Beasts as the Martyrs of old were if thou complainest now what wouldst thou do if thou wert call'd to Martyrdom Look upon Jesus the Author and Captain of thy Salvation who was made perfect through sufferings art thou better than the Son of God look upon the Apostles look upon the Primitive Saints that were torn assunder stoned slain with the Sword wandred about in Sheep-skins and Goat-skins were destitute tormented afflicted and art thou a greater Saint than they why shouldst thou expect better dealing at Gods hands than they thou art not alone in misery thou hast whole Armies of Holy Men to bear thee company canst thou look upon yonder Heaven and repine canst thou behold that Glory which God hath prepared for thee and think much of these fiery Trials the hopes of a Kingdom makes a Captive Prince merry though he is in prison and shall not the hopes of yonder joys keep thy heart from sinking when a Socrates can chearfully submit to the unjust Sentence of the Athenians upon no other account but this because it was God's will shalt thou who art a Christian lye fretting at thy trouble as if thou meanst to resist and controul God's will wilt not thou give God leave to use that priviledge in his great House the World which every Peasant uses in his Cottage and lay what burthens he pleases on his Servants Shall he say Suffer thou this affliction and wilt thou answer with that ill-natur'd Son in the Gospel I will not Look O my Soul look upon the benefit thou wilt receive by this providence thou wast proud before stay awhile and this calamity makes thee humble thou didst despise thy God before have a little patience and this trouble will drive thee hence to thy Fathers house thou didst play with the bread thy Father gave thee this cross will teach thee how to prize it thou didst trust too much to thine own strength this calamity will make thee relye altogether upon him who hath promis'd not to leave us nor forsake us God knows what thou wantest and how thy wants must be supplyed He prosperity would undo thee he therefore takes it away and like a tender Father cries Do thy self no harm He sees such a blessing would make thee surfeit he therefore wisely prevents thy disease by depriving thee of that mercy He sees such a comfort would be but a Knife or Sword in thy hand and kill thee he therefore snatches it away because he would preserve thee from Eternal ruine he sees thou art too much in love with this world he therefore embitters thy sweet morsels to make thee weary of this barren wilderness and in love with that Kingdom which fades not away Dost thou blame a Physitian because he gives his Patient a bitter potion and wilt thou blame thy God for not pleasuring thy pallate with dainties which would encrease thy distemper wouldst thou followthy Saviour in Sun-shine only and not go with him into the Garden of Gethsemane wouldst thou inherit his Crown of Glory without wearing his Crown of Thorns here wouldst thou be with him on Mount Tabor only and not accompany him to Golgotha wouldst thou be about him only when he rides in triumph into Jerusalem and forsake him in the Desart wouldst thou follow him only while the loaves doe last and abandon him when he wants bread for the multitude wouldst thou own him only when men cry Hosanna and run away from him when they cry out Crucify him wilt thou eat of the same Bread he doth and not drink of his Cup too God would save thee by that burthen which lies upon thee and dost thou prefer a little froth before an Eternal weight of blessedness hadst thou rather enjoy thy good things here than lye with Lazarus in Abrahams bosom God sees thou canst not be happy without this affliction and wilt thou prefer living deliciously for a few days before the rich Banquet God hath prepar'd for his favourites in Paradise O my Soul it s but a little while yet and thy Prison will be changed into a Palace thy Poverty into Eternal Riches thy Bondage into perfect Liberty thy Persecution into endless Joys thy mourning Songs into Halelujahs thy Sorrow into Rivers of Delight Alas what is a Prison God's Presence can make it a Heaven Walls cannot keep out the Smiles and Glory of the Highest What is poverty it may consist with being a Favourite of God and he that hath nothing in this world to boast of may have an incorruptible Crown to lay hold of and be really richer than the weakliest of Mankind What are slanders and reproaches they cannot hurt the Soul whatever injury they only do the Body they come sometimes from Men whose tongue is no slander and this may consist with honour from God and reputation in the Court of the Almighty What is persecution a Cloud which soon passes away and he that chearfully endures it great is his reward in Heaven Despair not O my Soul thou hast to deal with a God who will lay no more upon thee than thou art able to bear but with the temptation will make a way to escape that thou mayst be able to bear it one that doth not afflict the children of men willingly one that will certainly if thou obstruct not his operation by thy unbelief cause all these troubles to work together for thy Eternal good May be thy troubles are altogether Spiritual and thou dost not complain so much because thou art destitute of outward conveniences as because thy God is departed from thee a deep sense of thy sins afflicts thee thou seest the wrath of God hovering over thee and God hides his face from thee thou art afraid thou dost not belong to him thou seest not thy former tokens nor feel'st those Gracious influences which formerly water'd and enriched all thy faculties but hast thou such low conceits of the everlasting kindness of thy God O my Soul why shouldst thou believe he hath forsaken thee when he doth give thee daily testimonies of his Love what greater assurance canst thou have of Gods love to thee and of Christs kind thoughts towards thee than thy weariness of sin Hast not thou heard thy Saviour call Come to me all ye that are weary and heavy loaden and I will give ye rest Art not thou weary of iniquity hadst not thou rather be rid of that burthen than keep
consider the evil of thy courses the beauty of Gods ways and the sad consequences of sensuality thou deniest thy own Being deniest Gods Favour to thy Soul deniest the Glory of thy Creation deniest the most visible and the most apparent thing in the world if thou deniest thy ability in this point and if thou art able to consider so much what injustice can it be in God to demand an account of this consideration wherein doth he do thee an injury if he doth ask what thou hast done with this power wert thou in Gods stead wouldst not thou require the same account of thy servant on whom thou hadst bestow'd such a Talent if thou art able and wilt not take thy faithfulness into serious consideration can there be any thing more just in the world than thy damnation how easy were it for thee to lay home the danger thou art in and seeing it is so easy how just is it with God to let thee perish in that danger thou art resolv'd in despight of all Gods endeavours to the contrary to fall and sink into O Christian how dreadful will it be for thee when Christ shall depart from thee with this doleful exclamation How often would I have gathered thee as a Hen doth gather her Chickens under her wings and thou wouldst not wouldst not This is it that makes thy everlasting torments just O Sinner that God should invite thee to Heaven and thou put him off with this answer I will not that God should carress thee to become his Darling and thou voluntarily and freely list thy self in the Catalogue of the Devils favourites and votaries that God should leave no means untried to melt thy stuborn heart and thou desperately fight against his Heaven and when he would thrust thee into it violently to break loose from him and lay force upon damnation How inexcusable will this make thee What Man what Angel can or dares plead for thee after such horrid wilfulness by it thou shutst up all mens compassion against thee were thy error an infirmity or had invincible ignorance caused thy folly some or other possibly might be moved to speak in favour of thy concerns but that thou knowing the will of God and having power to think what the end of thy courses will be and power to avoid the danger and power to pray for help a gracious God to encourage thee a glorious reward to entice thee Eternity to fright thee the everlasting gulph to startle thee shouldst in despight of all these motives wilfully and maliciously shun thine own cure this is a malady which no creature can justly shed a Tear or frame an apology for Be astonish'd O ye Heavens and tremble O thou Earth ye Angels that rejoyce at a sinners conversion here on Earth O all ye that pass by behold and see whether there be a sorrow as such a sinners sorrow is We have read of men that have eaten their enemies of Monsters that have devour'd their own Children but here is one devours himself inhumane to a prodigy one that contrives how to shut himself out of Heaven plots how to undermine his everlasting Salvation and studies how to sink into the dungeon of desperation Sirs what is it that we are exhorting you unto is it to dig down Mountains is it to exhaust the Sea is it to pull down the Sun from his Orb is it to reverse the course of Nature is it to work miracles is it to unhinge the Earth or to stop the flux and reflux of the Ocean one would think by the earnestness and vehemency of expressions we are forced to use that it must be something beyond the power of man but no all that we keep this stir for is only that you would consent to be happy contrive how to inherit an incorruptible Crown and think seriously how to escape your own torment and needs there any intreaty for this one would think you should run to us break down the doors of our Habitations pull us out of our studies interrupt us though we were never so busy and importune us as that Widdow did the Judge and follow us day and night to be satisfied the thing is of that importance And O did you but believe an Eternity you would do so Believe why what should hinder you from believing it what arguments can you desire that you have not can there be any thing surer than the word of God can there be a greater witness than the Son of God God cannot deceive you he cannot impose upon you he cannot delude you dare to believe him though you have not look'd into Hell yet certainly there 's one though you have not seen the joys above yet such joys there are and to consider to study to ponder how to arrive to them is the great thing we press upon you as being sensible of your danger sensible that death will arrest you before you are aware of it sensible that many thousands are for ever miserable for neglecting such exhortations O Sirs we do not envy your worldly happiness we dare assure you that it is not any grugde we have against your prosperity that makes us put you in mind of these unwelcome Lessons we have a God calling upon us to stop you in your earnestness for the world woe to us if we give you no warning woe to you if you take no warning If making provision for the Flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof would make you happy if rioting and drunkenness chambering and wantonness and rouling in all the pleasures that your flesh does promise and your fancy pay could contribute any thing to your felicity if solacing your selves in the wanton streams of sensual delights would lead you into Paradise we promise you we would not molest or disturb you in your ways nay if you had not Souls to be saved did your Spirits dye with your Bodies we would not stint you in your jollities But oh can we read how the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of Men and see you fall a prey to that indignation Can we read how tribulation and anguish shall certainly fall upon every Soul that doth evil and not speak to you to prevent it Can we read how the Lord Jesus will e'r long come from Heaven in flames of Fire to take vengeance of those who have continued to disobey his Gospel and to punish them with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the Glory of his power and not call to you Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand Can we read how the unprofitable Servant that made no use of his Talent but buried it under ground and would not watch or make himself ready to meet his Master shall be thrown into outward darkness where there is howling and gnashing of Teeth and not beg of you to trim your Lamps and arise from the dead that Christ may give you Light Can we remember how many
made it but as Christ made sometimes a Mountain sometimes a Ship sometimes a Cross his Pulpit so a man may make a Meadow a Field a Wood a Garret any corner in his House a place fit to retire in to consider seriously how the case stands between God and his own Soul I know what Men do commonly object the very same thing they object against Consideration it self and whereof we have sufficiently spoke in the second impediments viz. That they have a great deal of business and they can spare no time for this retirement Business no doubt must be done but there is a time for every thing and a season for every purpose under Heaven and then sure there must be a time for this Spiritual retirement too if there be not we are obliged to find time for it he that cannot or rather will not had as good say he hath no time to be saved and he that cannot sometimes neglect the concerns of his Body or Estate for the concerns of his better part derides Salvation and does not believe that there is such a thing or if there be that it is of so much value as the dirt and dung he grovels in It 's true Manasses retirement was forced much against his will yet still it was privacy that contributed much to his amendment for while he was encompass'd with his Courtiers and Flatterers and his fawning crew he thought Religion a thing below him and a New Creature but a canting term but being alone none but God and his calamity about him having nothing 〈◊〉 take off his thoughts from reflecting o● his Apostacy behold how Consideration melts him his Conscience sets upon him makes him ashamed of his unfaithfulness to his God makes the Tears stand in his Eyes and so great is his change that he who had exceeded all the Nations round about him in Idolatry and lewdness immediately takes away all the strange Gods and the Idols out of the House of the Lord and all the Altars that he had built on the mount of the House of the Lord and in Jerusalem and cast them out of the City and commanded Judah to serve the Lord. 2 Chron. 33.15.16 So pleasing is this retirement to God that he doth expresly call himself Our Father which sees in secret Matth. 6.4 When Christ had a mind his Disciples should see his Glory he doth not carry them to Jerusalem leads them not into the Market-place doth not mingle them with the multitude bids them not attend him at Herod's Court for he knew these places would rather distract than help their Devotion but he summons them to goe up with him into a high Mountain apart bids them retire from secular businesses leave their sensual affections at home separate themselves from such worldly employments as were apt to take up their minds that their thoughts might be more at liberty to contemplate his Glory and the transfiguration might affect them more and make the deeper impressions upon them For indeed we find that as a mans reason is more free in such retirements so God is the readier to meet him as the Angels did Jacob in this privacy and to display to him the vanity of that world he hath doted on the Scarlet dye of those sins he hath delighted in and that miraculous love he hath undervalu'd and trampled on with the vengeance he hath procured and been greedy of for now it appears that the man is in good earnest to be sav'd and to such God never denies his favour for most men play with Religion goe about it as if it deserved no pains and therefore here God doth no mighty work as being loath to cast his pearls before Swine He that retires to consider what he must do to be saved makes Religion his business and those that seek me thus shall find me saith the Eternal Wisdom Prov 8.17 Such mens minds he is willing to over-shadow with the power of the Highest such men prepare to meet their God and God certainly will not fail them And Christians say you what you will either the Gospel is no Gospel or you 'll find by woeful experience that without you are at some trouble about your everlasting concerns and deny your selves in your time profit ease pleasure and punctilio's of greatness to mind your Spiritual interest and without Heaven doth cost you something more than ordinary God hath no Heaven for you He that retires and sets aside his worldly business and makes bold with the company he is in and leaves them to take a view of his duty to God and Man that Man lays force upon the Kingdom of Heaven I am sure offers violence to his carnal interest violence to Flesh and Bloud The Heathen could say that the gods fell all their Gifts and Riches for diligence and industry and we find it to be true of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and that person who retires and takes pains with Zachans to see Christ may expect the same gracious return which was made to that Publican This day Saivation is come into thy House The truth is should God discourse sinner that is in company with other men or going about his secular affairs he would find him yawn and gape and stretch himself and gain as much attention as he that tells a story to a man whose mind is employ'd about other objects he seems to give him the hearing but when a great part of the tale is told he starts up and asks What do you say but in private where there is none but God and his own conscience God can best answer the sinner's objections against a serious consciencious life and the sinner is most likely to attend to God's proposals for here if his Flesh and Bloud doth plead that the sin he is to leave is sweet and pleasing and profitable God can presently argue with him Dost thou call that sweet which is most bitter and grievous to thy God and must expire into the bitterest groans is that so pleasing to thee which offends and grieves thy blessed Redeemer who descended into Hell to snatch thee out of it and can any profit here counterpoise the Eternal loss of thy Soul so if he plead that the sin he harbors is but a little one his Conscience can immediately dash the Plea and reply How can that be little which offends an infinite Majesty Can that be little which nailed Christ to his Cross since thou knowest that this little sin is injurious to God's Holiness what delight canst thou take in affronting him in whose power it is either to save thee or to damn thee the less it is the greater shame it is that thou shouldst plead for keeping it the less it is the sooner it may be parted withal O flatter not thy self thy great love to this sin makes the sin it self great and canst thou be said to love God that canst hug that which thou knowest runs counter to his Honour and Glory In
thou putst upon thine own Soul and is thy Soul so inconsiderable a thing that thou makest nothing of deluding and circumventing it What thinkest thou Sinner suppose thou didst see a Senate or Parliament made up of very grave wise sober judicious men who should unanimously give their verdict in a Cause and determine it and while these men after serious deliberation give their judgement in the case propos'd to them in comes the malefactor against whom they have given sentence accuses the Decree of the Senate of injustice charges their Vote with a lye and takes a great deal of pains to make the world believe a tale of his own making whom wouldst thou believe that grave wise judicious Senate or the Malefactor the Senate sure and then when God Angels and Men the wisest the gravest the learnedst of them do all unanimously determine that without a serious consideration of thy Spiritual concerns thou canst not arrive to any sincere reformation of life canst never know the danger thou art in or what thou must do to escape unquenchable fire and that without it thou art a truly miserable man and dost take the way that leads to destruction hast thou the impudence to oppose thy sickly opinion which arises from a distemper'd ed head and a more distemper'd conscience to the grave sound and orthodox judgement of Men infinitely wiser than thy self when all with one consent affirm that thou art sick to death and nothing but consideration can recover thee wilt thou cancel their verdict by prescribing to thy self medicines of thine own making all cry out against thy inconsiderate course of life God doth not justify it Angels do condemn it the Preachers of the Gospel confute it Philosophers arreign it thy Reason hath arguments against it thy Conscience chides thee for it thy sober neighbors reprove it and wilt not thou subscribe to their sentence what insolence is it to think thy self more knowing than he that knows all things Behold sinner here lies the way to Heaven God is intreating thee to walk in it the Devil is busy to discourage thee from it God saith Here I will be found the Devil suggests that the Sons of Anack dwell there God wishes thou wouldst yield and live the Devil that thou wouldst stand out and dye God seeks to crown thee the Devil to rob thee of thy Diadem God assures thee that this is the Garden where thy Graces must grow the Devil argues that nothing but Weeds and Thistles grow there All the dispute is who shall have thy Soul God or the Devil think sinner for God's sake think who is the Rewarder and who is the Tormenter who is the King that can save thee and who is the Executioner that studies only to ruine thee shall not God prevail wilt not thou give him thy heart and shall Satan goe away with thy Soul shall he possess that Treasure which Angels are ambitious of for shame let not God goe away empty think what a condescension it is in God to be willing to accept of so inconsiderable a Present as thy Heart what is thy Soul to him what benefit doth he receive by offering thee his bosom if thou hast such a mind to be the Devils slave what need God take pains to rescue thee from that bondage dost thou think he cannot live without thee dost thou think thy being in his Heaven doth add any thing to his felicity cannot he as well be glorified in thy Torments as he can in thy Salvation cannot he make his Justice triumph over such a stubborn wretch as thou art wherein doth his advantage lye may not he be God and Great and Glorious and admired by Angels while thou friest in Hell thou hast very highly obliged him indeed that he need be at all this trouble to make thee in love with his ways shouldst not thou stand amazed at his Favour shouldst not thou wonder that this immense and infinite Majesty will vouchsafe a gracious look to so vile a worm as thou art and canst thou see a God court thee and grow coy doth God offer to kiss thee with the kisses of his Lips and dost thou scorn his embraces canst thou see him carress thee and turn away thy face wilt thou prefer the motions of a lying Devil before the Oracles of the Great God of Heaven hadst thou rather goe along with him that will murther thee than accompany him that will encircle thy Head with a Crown of Glory shall God magnify his Mercy upon thee and wilt thou fall in love with his enemy doth God intend by making love to thy Soul to give a character to the world of his infinite goodness and compassion and darest thou be so bold as to lessen that character by thy contempt and ingratitude Behold sinner God is willing to lay aside his Flaming Sword thou shalt hear of him no more in the Earthquake or in the Storm or in the mighty Wind that breaks the Rocks in pieces but in the still small voice the voice of Boanerges shall sound no more in thy ears he 'll blow his Trumpet of War no more all his frowns shall be done away he 'll fright thee no more with Hell-fire if his Grace his Mercy his Compassion can but allure thee to bethink thy self and close with him and so to consider the concerns of thy Soul as to resign thy self altogether to his guidance and direction his Aspect shall be kind his Countenance shall be nothing but smiles his Face shall be a perpetual Sunshine if by consideration of thy ways thou wilt become sensible of thy former folly and throw it away and take up with him alone if his kindly Beams can thaw thy frozen Heart if his calm can win thee and make thee prostrate thy self before the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Heaven and Earth shall be no longer in conspiration against thee and thou shalt not need to look any more for Thunders and Lightnings from that Heaven stand still sinner and see the Salvation of God behold Grace and Mercy lies weeping at thy Feet the free the soveraign the extensive the attractive Grace of God comes wooing to thy Soul and doth bespeak thee in this manner Hold Hold thou poor besotted creature whither dost thou run Hear hear I bring thee the joyfullest tidings that ever were brought to the ears of Men God will be thy Father the Lord Jesus thy Saviour the Holy Ghost thy Comforter the Angels thy Companions thy Life shall be a perpetual Holyday thou shalt be a friend of God an Heir of Heaven and Coheir with Christ thy sins shall all be done away thy iniquities shall be remembred no more all the promises of the Gospel shall be thine God will vouchsafe to live with thee the Holy Ghost will make thy Soul his Temple thou shalt have strength to overcome Hell and Devils Flames and Swords and be more than a Conqueror through him that loved thee the Lord Jesus Christ ask a Heaven and
thou shalt have it a Crown and it shall be thrown into thy bosom a Kingdom and it shall be thine ask all the Treasures of Glory and they shall not be denied thee from this time forward thy name shall be inrolled among the Favourites of Heaven and in thy Soul as in Jacob's Ladder the Angels shall be continually ascending and descending and thy Head like Gideon's Fleece shall be water'd with the dew of Heaven while the unbelieving World shall be dry and all this shall be thine if my Love my Mercy my Kindness can prevail with thee and engage thee to think seriously what thou must do to please God and to be happy for ever O sinner had those who now lye sweltring under the burning wrath of Almighty God such an offer as this how would they leap and triumph and agree to so reasonable a condition and thank God upon their bended knees day and night and praise him without intermission that he will vouchsafe to receive them on no harder terms than these O sinner is thy heart of stone that it doth not dissolve at this Gracious Message Can the Rock hold out against these bowels of compassion poor stubborn wretch were not thy Heart all steel were not thy Conscience seared how couldst thou forbear being prick'd at the heart hadst thou but the least spark of good nature left in thee what might not these Golden Chains these Silken strings these Cords of Love doe with thy immortal Soul The only reasons that the Servants of Benhadad had to humble themselves to the King of Israel was this We have heard that the Kings of Israel are merciful Kings Sinner hast not thou both heard and seen and seest it to this day that the true King of Israel is a merciful King and will not this prevail with thee to throw thy self down at his feet and kiss his Scepter and consider thy imprudence in deviating so long from the end of thy Creation and Redemption and make thee contented to part with all the strong holds of iniquity within thee and with all imaginations that exalt themselves against the obedience of Christ Jesus O doe not tell me that thou wilt most certainly bethink thy self sometime hereafter when sickness and approaching death shall take thee off from thy worldly businesses Vain foolish man How dost thou know thou shalt live till tomorrow for What is thy life even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away How many thousands are cut off as they are going up the hill in the noon of their days before half their race be run and what Patent hast thou from Heaven that it shall not be thus with thee God laughs at that repentance which men begin when they can keep sin and the world no longer he sees it is forc'd and squeez'd and weak and feeble and will God accept of thy Devotion when thou hast exhausted the cream and marrow of thy Bones in the Devils service How sinner consider thy ways upon thy death-bed Mad man dost thou know what Consideration means the Soul must be in its full strength that considers the sinfulness and sad consequences of her life Doest not thou see how in sickness the Soul sympathizes with the Body how the Mind languishes with the Flesh how weak how feeble the thoughts are upon a Death-bed how the mind is employed with thinking of the pain and anguish and uneasiness of the Body how Mens weakness scarce gives them leave to repeat the Lords Prayer intire without interruption how setling their Estates and disposing of their worldly affairs and sorrow and vexation that they have not managed their secular concerns with greater prudence takes up their cogitations and how transitory and superficial mens thoughts of sin and of another world are except they have gotten a habit of Heavenly-mindedness by a long and constant practice of Holiness in the time of their health and liberty before And doth Salvation deserve no more but a few slight and skin deep reflexions when thou liest a dying Canst thou have such low thoughts of everlasting Glory as to let Consideration of it come behind all the satisfactions of thy flesh Canst thou entertain such pittiful sneaking conceits concerning that mighty Heaven God out of his singular and unparallell'd mercy hath condescended to promise to his Saints as to delay thy contemplations and thy taking a view of it till thy Heart-strings break and thy throat begins to rattle and the House is falling Goe ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels Alas when men are a dying the time of working is past that 's the night wherein no man can work that 's the time indeed to reap comfort of our former conscientious practises but not the time to work out our Salvation in that 's the time of rejoycing because our redemption draws nigh not the time of setting out from the Gates of Hell that 's the time to finish our course with joy not the time to begin a Holy life Alas the strength and vigor which must be used in a Heavenly conversation is then gone and men are just upon the point of reckoning with God their accounts must then be ready not to make up so that if thou art not ready now to take thy Spiritual concerns into serious consideration thy heart will be hardened every day more and more and the longer thou livest the less mind thou wilt have to set about it and if thou dost not think it worth thy trouble to spare now and then an hour from thy worldly businesses to mind this one thing necessary thou doest as good as tell God that thou wilt have none of his Heaven and judgest thy self unworthy of Eternal life O Sinner the present time is the day of Salvation this is the acceptable time now strike and thy sins will fall now strive and the Crown will be thine now fall to work and promise thy self Eternal Rest thou canst call no time thine own but the present time that 's only in thine hands make use of that and save thy self from this untoward Generation Extricate thy self from the delusions of the flesh take courage and be gone stay not in Sodom now accept of Mercy now lay up thy Treasure and secure thy right to the Tree of Life now remember thy Creator and God will remember thee when he makes up his Jewels and spare thee as a man would spare his own Son that serves him Hear then this Men Fathers and Brethren the God of your Fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob hath sent us to you to tell you that his Supper is ready and the doors are open and the Guests are come and yet there is room and that you may fill the room which is left is the message we come to acquaint you withal from him who delights not in the death of a sinner but would have him turn and live Hear this ye