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B15342 A treatie of iustification. Founde emong the writinges of Cardinal Pole of blessed memorie, remaining in the custodie of M. Henrie Pyning, chamberlaine and general receiuer to the said cardinal, late deceased in Louaine. Item, certaine translations touching the said matter of iustification, the titles whereof, see in the page folowing Pole, Reginald, 1500-1558.; Copley, Thomas, Sir, 1534-1584, suggested trans. 1569 (1569) STC 20088; ESTC S102468 222,799 366

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vnto them It is more daungerous for a man that hath receaued the faith to liue vngodly therein then though he had neuer come to the knowledge of it THE XXV CHAPTER FOR the holy Commaundement in this place is not to be vnderstanded that cōmaundement whereby wee are commaunded to beleeue in God though in that all be conteined if wee meane that faith of beleuers which woorketh through looue Gal. 5. But he openly expresseth there what he called the holy Commaundement For sith that whereby we are commaunded that departing from the vncleannes of this world wee should liue in chaste conuersation For thus he saith 2. Pet. 2. If hauing gone from the filthines of this world into the knowledge of our Lord Iesu Christe the Sauiour of vs all they being againe wrapped and entangled therein be ouercomed the latter are become to them worse then the firste He saieth not departing from the ignorance of God or departing from the infidelitie of the worlde or suche lyke but from the filthines of the worlde wherein verely is comprised all vncleannes of filthy vices For of these speaking afore he sayeth Banqueting togeather with you and hauing theyr eyes full of adultery and of continuall sinne Therefore also doth hee calle them Drie springes that is to saye springes bycause they had receaued knoweledge of oure Lorde Christe but Drie bicause they liued not accordingely Iudas the Apostle speaking also of suche saith Iudae These be they whiche doo without feare banquet together with you feeding them selues beeing spotted in your Charitable almoese Feastes clowdes without water c. For those whome Peter nameth Banqueters together with you hauing their eies full of adultery those doth Iudas call spotted persons without feare banqueting with you and feeding them selues in your Charitable almoese Feastes For they are mingled with the good in the banquetes of the Sacramentes and in the almoese geeuen to the poore And that whiche Peter calleth a drie spring 2. Pet. 2. Iudae Iac. 2. that doth Iudas name clowdes without water and that dothe Iames terme a deadde faieth The transitorie paine of fyer therefore is not promised to suche as leeue filthilie and wickedly bycause they haue knowen the way of Iustice For the infallible scripture witnesseth Matt. 12. Luk. 11. It had bene better for them not to haue knowen it For oure Lorde also speaking of such saith And the last of that man shall be woorse then the first bycause that not receauing the holy Ghost which should haue dwelt in the house of his cleansed soule he made the vncleane spirit returne thereinto with more company Except perhaps these of whom we now treat be to be accompted better bycause they did not returne to the vnclennes of adultereis from the which they neuer departed neither being purged did againe defile them selues but refused to be purged at all For neither doo they vouchsafe that they may enter into Baptisme with a lightned conscience so much as to cast out by vomit their old vnclennes which after the manner of dogges they may take vppe againe but stubbornly contend to keepe their vndisgested wickednes in their rawe stommake euen amidde the holines of the funte of Baptisme Neither doo they with so much as a feined promise hide the same but belk it forth by impudent profession and auowing thereof Neither doo they goinge foorth of Sodome Gene. 19. looke backe againe like Lothes wife but vtterly disdaine once to go forth of Sodome nay they labour with the iniquities of Sodome to enter into Christ Paule the Apostle saith I which was before a blasphemer 1. Tim. 1. a persecutor and an iniurious personne but I haue gotten mercie bicause in incredulitie and vnbeleefe I did it ignorantly But to these it is Euen so is it likevvise tought in these our daies bie Luther Caluin and the rest of the nevve Religion now saied then chiefly shall ye get mercy if being euen in the faith yee doo wittingly liue ill It is to longe and almost an infinite matter to gather al the testimonies of scriptures wherby it appereth that their case which leade wittingly a lewde and wicked life is not onely not more easy or likely to finde pardon then they which doo it ignorantly but also euen for that cause much more perilous and greeuous Therefore let these suffice The life of a Christian man ought to be aunswerable vnto his Baptisme and standeth not onely in saying but also in doing THE XXVI CHAPTER LET vs therfore diligently take hede with the helpe of our Lorde God that wee make not men lewdly carelesse or secure saying vnto them that if they be baptised in Christ how so euer they liue in the faith they shall come vnto eternal saluation Neither let vs so make Christians as the Iewes made Proselites to whom our Lord saieth woe be vnto you scribes and Pharaseis Matth. 23 See vvhether men become not novve Protestāts as by the Pharisees they became proselites Iohn 3. for ye goe about sea and land to make one proselite and when ye haue made one ye make him double more the child of hel then your selues are But let vs rather holde in both the sounde Doctrine of God our Master and let a Christian mans life be consonant to the holy Baptisme neither let eternal life be promised to any man if either of both want For he that saied Except a man be borne againe of water and the holy Ghost he shall not enter into the kingdom of heauen he saied also Matt. 5. Except your righteousnesse doo abound abooue that of the scribes and Pharisees ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heauen For of them he saieth Matt. 23. Scribes and Pharisees sit in the chaire of Moises doo as they saie but not as they doo For they saie and doo not Their righteousnesse therefore is to saie and not to doo and by thys saying he woulde haue our righteousnesse to be abooue theirs The difference betvvene a Pharisee and a good Christian man in his life that is both to saie and to doo Which if it be not there is no entry for vs into the kingdom of heauen Not that any man ought so to extoll him selfe I will not saie in boasting him selfe to others but not so muche as with him selfe to presume to thinke that he is in this life without sinne Verely if there were not euen among Christians some vices so greeuous that they were to be pounished euen with Excommunication the Apostle would not haue saied Notorious and infamous Crimes 1. Cor. 5. 2. Cor. 12. Assembling your selues together and my Spirite with you geeue suche a man vppe to the Diuel into the destruction of his flesh that his soule maie be safe in the daie of our Lorde Iesu Whervppon he also saieth I feare least I shal be driuen to lament when I come and to mourne for many of those whiche haue sinned before and not done
in heauen and come follow me He saieth also in an other place that he whiche seeketh to purchasse the grace of heauen and to bye euerlasting saluation must with the quantity of his patrimony marchaunt and bie the pretious iewell that is eternall life precious by the bloude of Christ The kingdome of heauen saieth he is like vnto a marchaunt man seeking for good perles and precious stones Matt. 13. but when he had found a preciouse stone he went and solde all that he had and bought it He also calleth them the children of Abraham whome he seeth to be workemen in the helping and nurrishing of the poore For when zachee had said Beholde Luk. 19. the halfe of my substance I geeue vnto the needie and if I haue defrauded any man of ought I render vnto him foure dubble Ihesus aunswered and saied This day is saluation made vnto this house for this man is also a sonne of Abraham For if Abraham beleeued God and it was reputed vnto hym for iustice verely he that according to God his commaundement dooth Almose beleeueth God and he whiche hath the truthe of faith keepeth the feare of God. But he whiche keepeth the feare of God thinketh of God in shewing mercie to the poore What it is to beleeue God and to thinke the scriptures true For therefore dooth he woorke bicause he beleeueth and knoweth those thinges to be true whiche are foreshewed by the woordes of God and that the holy Scripture can not lye whiche teacheth That vnfrutefull trees that is Barren and frutelesse menne shal be cutte away and throwne into the fier but the mercifull shal be called vnto the kingdoome And therefore in an other place also he calleth the woorkers and the frutefull by the name of faithfull personnes But as for the vnfrutefull and barren he saieth they haue no faith by these woordes If in the wicked Mammon Lucae 16. yee haue not been faithfull whoo will putte you in truste with that whiche is true and sound And if in the thing that is not yours yee baue been vnfaithfull whoo will geeue you that which is yours Pouetry is not to be feared for geuing of almes If thow mystruste and feare leaste if thow begynne to woorke bountifully thy patrimonie beeing consumed by liberall woorking thou maist perhaps be driuen to poouertie be in that behalfe without feare stand thou assured and out of care For that can not be wasted out of the which there is disbursed to Christe his vse and by the which a heauenly woorke is donne And thus doo I not warrant thee vppon myne owne credite but vppon the faith and warrant of the holy Scriptures Vppon the authoritie of God his promise do I assure it Proue 28. The holy Ghost speaking by Salomon saith He that geeueth to the poore shal neuer want but he that turneth his eies from them shal be in great penury shewing thereby that the mercifull and such as worke can neuer want but rather that the Niggardes and fruitlesse doo come in the ende to pouertie And the holy Apostle Paule also being full of grace of the heauenly inspiration saieth He that sendeth seede to the sower euen he also shall geeue bread to be eaten 2. Cor. 9. and shall multiplie your sowing and shall increase the yeeld of your fruitfull Iustice that you may be made riche in all thing And againe The administration of this dutie and woorke shall not only supplie in faith the want and neede of the saints but shall also be plentifull in geeuing with much thankefulnes towarde God. For when thankes for our almose and praiers are by the Oraisons of the poore directed vnto God the substance of the woorker is by the rewarde of God heaped and encreased And our Lord in the Ghospell euen then considering the hartes of such menne and by his foretelling worde denouncing this vnto the false harted and vnto suche as would not beleeue dooth protest and say Matt. 6. Doo yee not take thought saying what shall wee eate or what shall wee drinke or wherewith shall wee be appareled For these thinges the Gentiles seeke after but your Father knoweth that you haue neede of all these thinges Seeke yee first the kingdome of heauen Ibidem and the righteousnes thereof and all these thinges shall be cast vnto you He saieth all thinges are cast vnto them and geuen vnto them which seeke the kingdome and iustice of God. For our Lorde saieth that those menne shall when the daie of Iudgement commeth be admitted to receiue the kingdome whiche haue ben woorkers in his Churche But thou fearest lest thy patrimonie perhaps will faile thee if thou beginne of the same to yeeld bountifull woorkes And knowest thou not wretched man that while thou fearest the decaie of thy houshold thy life and saluation bothe doo faile And while thou arte carefull that nothing be diminished of thy goods doest thou not see that thy selfe arte diminished being a loouer rather of Mammon then of thyne owne soule Thus while thow fearest lest thy patrimonie should perishe to saue thy selfe thy selfe doest perishe to saue thy patrimonie And therefore dooth the Apostle well crie out and saie Nothing brought wee into this world 1. Tim. 6. neyther truely maye wee carrie ought hence but hauing nourriture and coouering let vs be therewith content For they that will becoome riche falle into temptation into snares and into many and hurtefull desyres which whelme a man into perdition and destruction Couetousnes the roote of al euils For the roote of all euills is couetousnes which some seeking after haue made a wracke of their faith and haue plunged them selues into many sorowes But doest thou feare still least thy patrimonie may happe to faile if thou beginne to bestowe plentifully thereof Proue 10. Why When was it seen that the iust man could wante reliefe sithe it is written Our Lorde will not kill with hunger the iust soule 3. Reg. 17 Helias was fed in the wildernesse by the ministery and seruise of crowes And to Daniell being by the kinges commaundement shutte vp in the denne for a praie to the Lions his dinner was from God prouided Danie 14. And yet fearest thou leste working and deseruing at Gods handes thou shouldest wante nourriture Remembrest thou not that he him selfe in the Ghospell to the reproche of them which be of doubtfull mindes and of litle faith dooth protest saying Beholde the foules of the ayer Matt. 6. for they sowe not they reape not they gather not into the barnes and yet your heauenly father nurrissheth them Are not yee of more value then these God feedeth the foule and euen to the sparrowes dailie foode is geeuen and those thinges which haue no manner sense of thing appertaining to God lacke neither meate nor drincke And doest thou thinke that a Christian man the seruaunt of God geeuen to doo good woorkes and deere vnto his Lord and master shall want any thing
riche in good workes easely to bestowe 1. Tim. 6. to geue parte to laie vp a good foundation against the time to come to the intente they maie gette the trewe life In all whiche places and many like God promiseth to suche as leaue their frendes or landes to suche as keepe his commandementes or geue almose for his sake life euerlasting And to declare more plainely Aug epist 105. De grat lib. arbit cap. 8. that he geueth it in respecte of wel doing and to recompence good workes life euerlasting saith S. Augustine in many places of holie Scripture is called a reward Christe saieth to his Apostles be glad and reioice bicause your reward is plentuouse in heauen And who so euer geueth one of the leaste of these a cup of colde water to drinke onely in the name of a Disciple Matt. 5. verely I saie vnto you he shall not lose his rewarde Matt. 10. Mar. 9. When thou makest a feaste call the poore the feeble the lame and blinde and happy shalte thou be that they be not able to requite thee Luc. 14. For it shal be requited thee in the resurrection of the iuste By the worde of requitall he promiseth rewarde and by the resurrection of the iuste the Kingdome of heauen The sentence that Christe shal geue in the latter day suffreth vs not to doubte but that the kingdome of heauen shall be geuen as a rewarde for good workes for he shall saie to them that stande on his righte hande Matth. 25 Come you blessed of my Father receiue the kingdome that was prepared for you from the beginning of the worlde Quibus meritis Aug. Ser. 49. de ver Dom. Chryso Hom. 41. in Gen. saithe S. Augustine For what desertes And Chrysostome Cuius gratia propter quid Why and wherefore For I was hungry and you gaue me meate to eate c. If Christe make good workes a cause of our saluation and geeueth the kingdome of heauen in respecte of them who shal be heard speaking to the contrary Hebre. 11. He that commeth to God must beleue that he is and that to suche as seeke him he is a rewarder The waie to seeke him Chryso hom 22. ad Hebr. Moral Aug. in Psal 76. Note vvel saie Chrysostome and S. Augustine is by deuont praier and good workes If we muste then as well beleue that God is a rewarder as that he is God sith he rewardeth nothing but vertue and well doing he that denieth him to be a rewarder of good workes beleueth not in effecte that he is God. For if he be God he is trewe of his promes and then wil he rewarde good workes as he hath promised Why good vvorkes be revvarded Lucae 12. And this being so no man needeth to aske how the workes of a Christian man shoulde come to that estimation with God to be rewarded with life euerlasting For as Christe saied to his Apostles Complacuit patri vestro dare vobis regnum It hath pleased your Father to geue you a kingdome Marke vvel God promiseth to revvarde good vvorckes euen so hath it pleased him to promes rewarde of that kingdome for good workes And he hath promised it that can not lie Vppon this ground standeth al that is saied and taught in the Catholike Church in commendation and rewarde of good workes Not that we of our selues can claime of him or chalenge him for our debter bicause we haue first giuen him but bicause he hath promised vs Debitor factus est c. God is become our debter Aug. Ser. 16. de ver Apost in Psal 32. conci 1 saith S. Augustine not by taking any thing of vs but by promising that whiche it pleased him for it is one thing when we saie to a man thou oweste me suche thinges as I haue geuen thee and an other thing when we saie thou oweste me bicause thou haste promised me Non possumus ergo ei dicere c. Ser. 31. de ver Dom. Rom. 11. We can not then saie vnto God rendre that thou haste receiued for who gaue him firste to be requited againe We can not saie Render that thou haste receiued but plainely we saie Render that thou haste promised Vppon this promise S. Paule saied I haue wrasteled well for the game 2. Tim. 4. I haue finished my race I haue kepte my faith For the reste the crowne of iustice is laide vp for me whiche our Lorde shall render vnto me in that day as a iuste iudge Although it came of mercie that God called S. Paule Galat. 1. 1. Tim. 1. and gaue him grace to doo good workes and to keepe his Faithe yet when S. Paule hath so done he saied that God of his iustice woulde render him the crowne Vppon this promes Ezechias and Nehemias praied God 4. Reg. 20 2. Esdr 5. to haue respecte to their life and to remember their well doing not as prowde men presuming of them selues but meekely acknowleging Psal 144. Psal 83. that God is faithefull and trewe in all his wordes and where he geueth grace he will also geue glorie and rewarde Matth. 2● As he saieth vnto the laboroures Go into my vineyarde So he saieth also that whiche is iuste I will geue you No man goeth vnlesse he be called and yet who so euer laboureth faithfully and trewly when he is sente is assured of wages bicause it was promised Leo serm 4. de Collect vppon this promise Leo saied Cibus egeni regni coelestis est pretium largitor temporalium hares efficitur aeternorum The meate giuen to the needy is the price of the kingdome of heauen and the geuer of thinges temporal Matth. 13. Cypria de Elemo is made heire of the eternal S. Cyprian saith that Christe by the parable of the merchante who solde all his goodes to bie a preciouse pearle teacheth vs that with the quantitie of our patrimony we should purchase and bye euerlasting life August in Psal 147. And S. Augustine saith Viduae suffecerunt duo minuti nummi c. Two litle peeces of coine were inough for the wydowe to doo mercie two peeces of coine were inough to purchase the kingdome of God. A smalle price a man mighte saie for so greate a Iewell were not the bountie and liberalitie of God the owner who being Lorde of all hath sette suche a price vppon it and by his gratiouse and free promise hath bounde him selfe to performe it This is the trewe commendation which the Scripture and auncient Fathers geeue vnto good workes and these be the causes why Christian men should doo them They that say good workes serue to geue testimony and make declaration of our Faith and be commendable but haue no rewarde of grace here nor value of euerlasting life albeit they exhorte men to liue godly they maie commende and set forth good workes in wordes but they hinder the doing of them in
ye ware lest being seduced into the errours of suche as be false ye fall from your strength But increase in grace and the vnderstanding of our Lorde and Sauiour Iesu Christ to him be glory both nowe and for euer Iames. 2. But Iames is vehemently offended against them which conceiue faith to be of value vnto saluation without woorkes in so much that he compareth them euen with diuelles saying Thou beleuest that there is one God Thou doest well and the diuelles also beleue so and tremble thereat Marc. 1. Matt. 16. What could be saied more truely more briefly and more vehemently Verely we reade in the Ghospel that the diuelles said no lesse confessing Christ to be the sonne of God whiche saying yet in them was rebuked though in Peter praised and commended Iac. 2. Note What shall it profitte you my brethern saith Iames if a man say he haue faith but haue not workes can faith saue him He saith also in the same place that faith without workes is dead Howe farre then are they deceiued that by a dead faith promise vnto them selues euerlasting life Faith and good workes together are required for the attaining of saluation THE XV. CHAPTER WHERFORE we must diligently consider how that sentence of the Apostle Paul which in dede is hard to be vnderstande ought truely to be taken where he saieth 1. Cor. 3. for other foundation can no man lay but that which is laid which is Christ Iesu But if a man build vppon the foundation gold siluer precious stones blockes hay and stubble euery mans woorke shal be shewed for the day of our Lord shal declare it bicause it shal be reuealed in fier and the fier shall trie what euery mans woorke is Yf the woorke that any man hath builded thereon do tarry it shall receiue rewarde but if any man his woorkes doo burne it shall receiue hurt but him selfe shal be saued so yet as by fier Which wordes of the Apostle some do so expounde that they be said to build vppon this foundation golde siluer and precious stones who doo adde good workes vnto the saith which is in Iesu Christ and they to builde hay blockes and stubble who hauing the same faith doo euill woorkes Whereupon they thinke that through certaine paines of fier these later kinde of menne may be purged and made meete to receiue saluation through the merite of the foundation whereupon they build If this opinion be true then we graunt that these men vpon a charitable cōsideration do labour that al persons should without difference be admitted to baptisme not only men and wemen that be adulterers pretending false mariages against Gods ordinance but also common harlottes persisting in their most filthy profession whom surely no Church how meanely so euer it were gouerned hath vsed to admitte onlesse they first forsoke that shamelesse prostitution of them selues But by this their opinion why they should not absolutely be admitted I see not For who had not rather that suche as laying first the foundation though they heape thereon blockes hay and stubble should not though with somewhat the longer fire be purged then to perish euerlastingly But then should those textes be false which are cleere and haue in them selues no darcknes or ambiguitie at all If I haue all faith so as I may remoue mountaines 1. Cor. 13. and yet haue no charitie Iac. 2. I am nothing And what shall it auaile my brethern if a man say he haue faith and yet haue no workes can his faith saue him That also shal be false where it is said Be not deceiued 1. Cor. 6. for neither fornicators Idolaters Adulterers effeminate persons offenders against kind nor theues couetous persons Dronckards sclaunderers or extorcioners shal inherite the kingdome of heauen Gala. 5. Then also is that false Manifest are the workes of the fleshe which are fornications vncleanes lechery idolatry witchcraft enmite contentions emulations stomaking dissension heresie enuie dronckennes glottonie and suche like which I foretell you euen as I haue done heretofore that they which doo suche thinges shall not possesse the kingdome of heauen These places I saie by their opinion shal be all false For if they onely beleeue and be baptised though they perseuer in suche euils they shal be yet saued thorough fier say they And so they that are baptised in Christ yea though they doo such thinges shal possesse the kingdome of heauen which S. 1. Cor. 6. Paul denieth Againe in vaine is it said such haue you bene but you are now whasshed if they that be wasshed and baptized remaine yet such In vaine also may that seeme to be spoken by Peter 1. Pet. 3. Euen so in like manner doth baptisme saue you not the laying down of the filth of the flesh but the testimony of a good conscience For by them Baptisme saueth euen those which haue the worst consciences and ful of al wickednes and iniquitie yea though they be not chaunged by any penaunce from those euils For thorough the foundation which in the same Baptisme is laied they shall be saued saie they though it be by fier Neither doo I see to what purpose Christe saied If thou wilt come to life keepe the commaundementes Matth. 19 Nota. or why he taught those thinges that pertaine to good woorkes if without keeping them a man may come to life Iacob 2. by onely Faith which without woorkes is dead And how shal that be true that to them which he wil put on his left hand he shal saie Goe ye into euerlasting fier which is prepared for the diuel and his aungels where he blameth them Matth. 25 not bicause they did not beleue but bicause they did not good woorkes For truly lest any man should promise vnto him selfe eternal life by faith which without woorkes is dead therfore did he saie he would cal out and seperate all nations Nota. which being mingled together did feed as it were in one and the same pastour that it maie plainely appeare those they are that shall saie vnto him Lord when did wee see thee suffer suche and suche thinges and did not minister vnto the who beleeuing in him did not care to woorke good workes as though by their dead faith they shoulde come to euerlasting life But what Shall they trowe wee goe into euerlasting fier whiche leaue the woorkes of mercie vndone and shal not they go which haue taken awaie other mens goodes and haue ben vnmercifull againe them selues in corrupting within them selues the temple of God as though the workes of mercy did profitte any thing without Charitie considering that the Apostel saieth 1. Cor. 13. If I geue all my good vnto the poore and haue not Charitie it auaileth mee nothing Or may a man loue his neighbour as him selfe whiche doth not loue him selfe Psal 10. For he that loueth iniquitie hateth his owne soule Neither can that be saied here which some do saie and
in Christe but also in that they killed Christ of which two crimes the one grew of infidelitie the other of crueltie As that therefore is contrary to right faith so this is repugnant to good life But he is voide of both these faults Iacob 2. Galat. 5. Luca. 17. which hath faith in Christ not a dead faith without woorkes which is also found in the diuels but the faith of Grace whiche woorketh through loue This is the faith whereof it is said The kingdome of heauen is within you For this do they breake into which doe violence by beleuing and obtaining by praier the Spirit of Charite Rom. 13. in the which the fulnes of the law consisteth and without the which the law in the letter made them gilty euen of the transgressiō and breach thereof It is not therfore to be thought Math. 11. that for this cause it was saied the kingdome of the heauens suffreth violence and they which do the violence breake in to it for that euen lewde parsons onely by beleeuing and yet lyuing wickedly do come into the kingdome of heauen but bycause that the same gilte of transgression whiche the onely lawe that is the letter without the spirit made by commanding is by beleeuing loosed and by force of faith the holy Ghost is obtained Rom. 5. by whome Charity being powred into our hartes the law is fulfilled not for feare of paine but for loue of Iustice VVhat it is to know God and that it is not sufficient for saluation to haue faith onely without good workes THE XXII CHAPTER LET not therefore a rechelesse mind be deceiued in thinking it selfe to knowe God if he with a dead faith that is without good woorkes doo after the manner of diuels confesse God. Let no man thinke him selfe vpon only faith in Christ assured to come vnto euerlasting life bicause our lord saieth this is life euerlasting Iohn 21. that they may know the one true God and Iesu Christ whom thou hast sent For he must also call to remembrance that it is writen In this we knowe him 1. Iohn 2. if wee keepe his commaundementes who saith that he knoweth him and keepeth not his cōmaundementes he is a lier and truth is not in him And least any man should thinke that Gods commaundementes appertained to onely faith allthough yet no man hath presumed so to saie cheefly bicause him selfe named commaundementes in the plural number and lest by that number men should imagine and thinke of many mo he comprehended them all in two saying Math. 22. In those two dependeth the whole lawe and the Prophetes and although it might in soome sense rightly be saied the commaundementes of God are included in only faith Galat. 5. if not a dead faith be vnderstanded but a quicke whiche woorketh thorough looue 1. Iohn 3. yet S. Iohn him selfe afterwarde opened his whole meaning when he saieth This is his commaundement that we beleue in the name of his Sonne Iesu Christ and looue one an other This therfore profiteth to beleeue in God with a right faith to honour God to know God to th entent that both wee maie haue helpe from him to liue wel and if wee sinne wee maie deserue of him indulgence and pardon Psal 40. not continuing recklesse in euill woorkes which he hateth but departing from them and saying vnto him I haue saied Lord haue mercy on me heale my sowle bicause I haue sinned against thee which they can not saie vnto him that doo not beleeue him and in vaine doo suche saie it who being so farre from him are vtterly straungers to the grace of the mediatour Sapien. 15. Hereof also be those woordes in the booke of wisedoome whiche I knowe not how these mens pernicious securitie doth interpret And if we sinne yet be we thine For how is this true Forsothe bicause wee haue a good and a great God whiche will and can heale the sinnes of the penitent but not suche a one as feareth to destroie them that remaine in their wickednes Therefore the same Writer when he had saied wee be thine he added knowing thy power verely suche a power as the sinner can neither withdraw nor hide him selfe from And therfore following he addeth further but wee haue not sinned knowing that wee be deputed to be thine For who worthely thinking of the habitation that is with God wherin by predestination all be deputed whiche are called according to his purpose will not labour so to liue as maie be aunswerable and sitting to suche an habitation That therefore which S. Iohn saith These thinges haue I written vnto you to the end ye sinne not and if any haue sinned we haue an aduocate with the father Ihesu Christe the righteous and he is the intercession for our sinnes He saith not to the end wee should sinne with securitie and carelesnesse but that deparing from suche sinne as we haue committed we should not dispaire of pardon hauing that aduocate which the Infidels haue not That by this word Iudgement in the holy scripture is meant eternall damnation not any easier paine or punnishment THE XXIII CHAPTER THERE is not therefore any such fauorable condition promised by these places alleaged that men beleeuing in God may remaine therefore in their euill workes And much lesse of those wordes where the Apostle saith they which haue sinned without lawe Rom. 2. shall perish without lawe but they which sinned in the law shall be iudged by the lawe as though in this place there were some difference betwene perishing and being Iudged For here by diuerse wordes one and the selfe same thing is signified For the scriptures vse to putte Iudgement euen for eternall damnation Iob. 5. as in the Ghospell our Lorde saith The houre shall come wherein all they which are in their graues shall heare his voice and they which haue donne well shall come forth to the resurrection of life but they which haue donne euill to the resurrection of Iudgment And marke that it is not saied there this for them which haue beleeued and that for them which haue not beleued but this shal they haue which haue donne wel and that Gal. 5. they which haue donne euill For good life can not be parted from faith which worketh thorough loue Nay rather that faith is good life it selfe We see therefore that oure Lorde vsed this woorde resurrection of Iudgement for resurrection of eternal damnation For of all them that were to rise againe in which number no doubt were also those which beleeue not at all for they also were in their graues he made but two partes wherof the one he declared should arise into resurrection of life and the other into resurrection of Iudgement Now if they will say that those are not meant there which beleeue not at al but those which shal be saued by fier bicause they beleeued although they liued ill thinking thereby that by the name of Iudgement