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A77634 Sacred principles, services, and soliloquies or, a manual of devotions made up of three parts: I. The grounds of Christian religion, and the doctrine of the Church of England, as differing from the now-Roman. II. Daily, and weekly formes of prayers fortified with Holy Scriptures, meditations and rules to keep the soule from the common roads of sin, and carry it on in a mortified course. III. Seven charges to conscience, delivering (if not the whole body) the main limbs of divinity, which is the art not of disputing, but living well. Brough, W. (William), d. 1671. 1649 (1649) Wing B4991; Thomason E1339_1; ESTC R209131 186,268 487

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by thy mercy obtaine everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen The Confession ALmighty and most mercifull Father I have erred and strayed from thy wayes like a lost Sheep I have followed too much the devices and desires of my owne heart I have offended against thy holy laws I have left undone those things which I ought to have done and I have done those things which I ought not to have done and there is no health in me But thou O Lord have mercy upon me miserable Offendour Spare thou me O God which confess my faults Restore thou me that am penitent According to thy promises declared unto mankind in Christ Jesu our Lord and grant O most mercifull Father for his sake that I may hereafter live a godly righteous and sober life to the glory of thy holy name Amen Prayer for Pardon ALmighty God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who desirest not the death of a Sinner but that he may turne from his wickednesse and live and hast promised pardon to them that truly repent unfeignedly believe thy holy Gospel of thy mercy I beseech thee to grant me true repentance and thy holy Spirit that those things may please thee which I doe at this present and the rest of my life hereafter may be pure and holy so that at the last I may come to thine eternall joy through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen The Lords Prayer OUr Father which art in Heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our dayly bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespasse against us And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evill c. The Versicles Vers O Lord open thou my lips Resp And my mouth shall shew forth thy praise Vers O God make speed to save me Resp O Lord make hast to help me Glory be to the Father c. Alleluiah Praise the Lord. ¶ Read the Psalmes for the Service of that day Then the Lessons appointed for it After say the Creed c. Then the Daily Prayers Animadversions to the devout Reader touching these Daily Prayers IF thou wouldest have reason why these Prayers are so short and in severall which use to make a long one all put together that thy Devotion may be quicker they are so short a little space being run with a greater speed and that thy Spirit may hold out fresher in severalls as so many rests all the way it runs If thou beest a Man of another Spirit take that course of prayer wherein thy soule speeds best This is propounded not prescribed to every Devotion and intended for help not the hinderance of any Morning Prayers 1. Collect for Grace O God! I can aske no greater gift than thy Glory and therefore beg no better gift than thy Grace yea even this consummate is nothing else but 1 Cor. 13. 10. that nor can I come at it but by the way of grace I doe therefore for Jesus Christ his sake beseech thee bestow on me that blessed gift Grace to doe thee service on earth that thou may'st give me thy salvation in heaven through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 2. Collect for Peace MY poore Soule is an humble Suiter for peace O God! the Col. 1. 20. blood of Jesus is my plea thy Spirit my Advocate I deserve by my sinnes eternall enmity but for thy deare 2 Cor. 5. 19. Sonnes sake have favour for me by whom the world is attoned O let me be reconciled to thee I know not how Rom. 8. 26. to pray this as I ought but thy Spirit can make effectuall Intercession for me Lord let thy Spirit move and thy Son make my peace Subdue my lusts conquer Satan for me that my conscience may have peace with thee and I in it By thy grace through the mediation of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 3. Collect for Health O Lord when I am sick let me thinke I may die when I am in health that I may be sick that I may not mispend the stock of my life but doe thee honour with my health and thou mayest give me comfort for it in my sicknesse Even this that sin hath not bound me to my bed but thy providence hast cast me downe which can and will lift me up or to health in this world or to happines in a better such an enjoyment of health give me I beseech thee for Jesus Christ his sake Amen 4. Collect for Safety O Lord so many daies as I live so Act. 10. 28. many lives I owe thee thou renewest my lease every day a poore Tenant at thy will I am and a fraile Isa 28. 5. cotage of clay by thy power I keep Job 4. 19. Deut. 10. 12. Lord that hast hitherto spar'd me still preserve me and let me pay as I can what I owe of service the onely rent thou requirest for tenement and appurtenances life health wealth and all the good things I have of thee for which thou both grantest terme of life and givest eternity This to that continue I beseech thee for his sake who was surety and is sole Purchaser for me Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 5. Collect for Friends FOr all my Kindred and Friends Lord receive my prayers Doe thou good unto them all O God! To those that erre shew thy truth and those that see it keep from errour to those that doe amisse give grace to doe better and those that doe well continue in so doing to those that are afflicted give comfort and deliverance to those that prosper humility and temperance blesse the sick with health and the healthy from sicknesse supply those in want and let those that want not give supply to all grant thy grace O God! and shew thy mercy let love bind us one to another and Religion knit us all to thee that all who are of naturall kindred may meet in heavenly consanguinity Even so Esth 2. 31. Job 1. 13. Lord let the bloud of Jesus runne through all our veines and the Spirit of Jesus go along with the blood that the glory of Jesus may be the end of us all And how ever we suffer and scatter on earth we may live and joy together in the blisse of Heaven By the Union of that holy Spirit and communion of that blessed blood Amen Amen 6. Collect for the Kingdome O Lord we were the mirror of the world for mercy we are for misery a people wofully torn divided distressed distracted a multitude of headlesse heartlesse disordered men ready to be destroyed O thou great Physitian that canst as easily cure Jer. 4. 22. a Kingdome as a Man heale our Land for thy tender pities sake Lord have mercy on us and heale us In the blood of Jesus purge our sins the cause of all our maladies whether ours or of the Ages before us from their guilt and curse
difficulty because our Christianity is purged from such corruptions Then I aske If he be mad that being to passe over a deepe River will leave a Bridge for a narrow Planke Is he wise that in the Great Case of Eternall life and Salvation will put his Soule on a perplext and perillous way when he may goe a plaine and a safe one 2. And by that Argument should not every Papist turne Protestant Believe Worship Pray Come to Service and Sacrament with us For 1. They confesse with us Scripture is infallible but we say not the Pope The Rule of Faith say both but not Tradition say we Safe to believe the Old Creed both grant but a New One we deny To trust to Christs Merits sure with both but not to ours with us Both believe Heaven and Hell but we have no faith for Purgatory The Protestants then is the safer Faith 2. And to worship God they say with us is safe and profitable piety but to worship Images we say is damnable Idolatry Ours therefore is the safer Worshipping 3. And to pray to God in Christs Name both grant good Religion but to call to Saints for helpe or to God in their Name we say grosse Superstition That therefore is the safer Praying 4. And in the Sacrament of the Eucharist a Sacrifice Commemorative both grant but a Propitiatory we disclaime A Reall Presence both allow but the way of Transubstantiation we reject The Cup by Institution and Primitive Observation we and they confesse A power of Alienation we abhorre This therefore is the safer Receiving 5. Lastly in our Liturgy is no errour some of them say but in their Missall are many say we Service in a Knowne Tongue is not sinfull with them but in an unknowne unwarantable and against Scripture with us Therefore it 's best to come to our Church to Service and Prayers And so ours by their Confession and Reason is the best Religion To conclude Upon my Grounds before I build all this The True Christian hath Gods Word and Seale for his Salvation He that Believes Does and Praies aright is the True Christian 1. Such a one is a member in and of the Catholike Church though not of the Romane 2. Such Christians the Primitive Times had therefore he is no new but an ancient Christian 3. Where Gods Word and Sacraments are professed and used by such there 's a Church of Christ and visible Christianity 4. And from any Church in the world that is such I will not From the Romane as such I doe not separate So I am no Schismaticall Christian 5. And in these Grounds all agree and so there is Unity And this is the onely plaine Christian way to Heaven and so it 's safest to be Reformed not Corrupted a Catholike Christian not a Particular Romane GAL. 6. 16. And as many as walk according to this Rule Peace be on them and mercy and upon the Israel os God Rules of Devotion for Morning IN the Morning when you first awake What to doe when you awake lift up your eyes to God and say I lift up mine eyes to the Hils from whence cometh my help Then lift up your heart to God and pray Lord keep me from all sin and danger this day for Jesus Christ his sake When you are up kneel down and say What to doe when you are first up this prayer Almighty God who hast touched my heart with a sense of thy fear and holy dread of thy Majesty I beseech Let this never be omitted thee give me thy grace so to governe my thoughts and look to my words and wayes this day that I may avoid all sinnes Especially those to which I am most inclined or may be most provoked That so my soul and body may be kept pure and unspotted before thee and whensoever the houre of their separation shall come may be ready and prepared for thee through the merits and mercies of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen When you are ready for your Morning Prayers use every day one of the following Services Rules for the Evening BEfore you goe into your Bed kneel and say this short Prayer O God who hast made the day for labor and the night for rest let thy Sons Bloud cleanse me from this days guilt that I may sleep in thy peace and rise againe refreshed and preserved by thy favour through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen And this Thanks-giving and Prayer Almighty God who hast preserved me this day from many sinnes and dangers I doe humbly magnifie thy Name for thy Grace and Goodnesse towards me Beseeching thee to forgive me all the errours of this day whereof my conscience doth or may accuse me And grant that those sins which by my frailty I have committed may by the help of thy Spirit be more carefully avoided That I may ever stand in thy favour walk under thy protection and now rest and lie down in thy peace and at last come to thy heavenly Kingdom through the Merits and Mediation of Jesus Christ Amen! When you lie down say I will lay downe my ●head in peace and take my rest for thou onely O Lord makest me to dwell in safety Then pray thus Lighten mine eyes O Lord that I sleep not in death I commit my soule and body to thee Keep me for thy mercies sake PSAL. 55. 18. In the Evening and Morning and at Noone day will I pray and that instantly and he shall heare my voyce Dayly Prayers Here begin the Daily Prayers saying first some of these Sentences PSAL. 66. 2. O Thou that hearest prayer unto thee shall all flesh come PSAL. 123. 125. 1. Vnto thee lift I up mine eyes O thou that dwellest in the Heavens Vnto thee O Lord will I lift up my soul PSAL. 66. 16. If I incline to wickednesse in my heart the Lord will not hear me JOHN 16. 23. Verily verily I say unto you whatsoever you shall ask the Fatherin my name he will give it to you JAM 1. 6. But let him ask in faith nothing doubtin for let not that man thinke he shall receive any thing of the Lord. that is wavering and without Faith 1 JOHN 3. 22. And whatsoever we aske we receive of him because we keep his Commandements and doe the things that are pleasing in his sight JAM 4. 3. Ye ask and receive not because ye ask amisse that ye may spend it on your lusts 1 TIM 2. 8. I will therefore that men pray every where lifting up holy bands without wrath without doubting Preparatory Prayer BReath on me with thy holy Spirit O God that the Breath of mine may now please thee and my Prayers come up as sweet-smelling odours before thee Through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord Amen! Or This PRevent me O Lord in all my doings with thy most gracious favour and further me with thy continuall help that in all my works begun continued and ended in thee I may glorifie thy holy name and finally
hast no other reward or punishment then what I see and feel O let my Eyes look to the end of all Heaven or Hell and let me envie no ill mans happinesse who shall end in Hell Nor bewaile any good mans wretchednesse who shall have Heaven for his end And let me understand that Prosperity of Psal 92. 7. Sinners is a heavy Plague because their Prov. 1. 32 spur to Hell the greatest punishment and Adversity of Saints a happy Mercy Psal 94. 12 because thy Rod to beat them into Heaven the Best Reward Meane while let me not give a Breast Psal 4. 8. full of thy Peace for an Armefull of that wealth which breeds nests of Vipers and Adders in their Hearts and continuall Job 20. 14. 16. stings in their Bosomes let me prefer the sufferings of Innocence before the Spoiles and Triumphs of Violence O God since a guilty Conscience is the greatest punishment on Earth because next to Hell And Accusing and Condemning thy Providence and forsaking Mal. 2. 17. 3. 13 14 15. my Innocence the greatest Guilt To that Extremity let no Temptation ever lead me Jesus Keep me from it by thy Grace and Mercy Amen Evening Prayers 1. Collect for Grace THou that hast promised Thy Holy Spirit to those that ask Luk. 11. 13. it give me Thy Grace O God with courage and constancy so to fight and subdue my flesh and ghostly enemy that I may passe my Pilgrimage in thy fear and at last receive my Triumphs in thy Glory Apoc. 3. 21 through the Merits of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 2. Collect for Peace O God of peace who art Incomprehensible give me thy peace Phil. 4. 7. which passeth all understanding Let me so live according to thy Rule that Gal. 6. 16. I may have peace with my Conscience Let me be so ruled by thy Will and Word that my Conscience may have peace with Thee Lord make an everlasting Jer. 6. 16. peace with me and let me never doe what will break that league with Thee Dear Jesus treat it for me in thy Bloud and maintaine it in me by thy Spirit Amen Amen 3. Collect for Health IT is the wonder of thy providence O Lord that a body subject to thousands of Frailties and casualties every day should enjoy health or life an hour yet through thy mercy I have both at this instant Lord continue to me what I have and let me so improve it to thy honour that thou maist continue it and for Christ his sake doe not for any wickednesse smite me with sicknesse Amen Amen 4. Collect for Safety FOrgive O Lord the forfeitures I Psal 19. 11. have made of thy protection by the wandrings of my life And though I have not beene as I should a dutiful Child yet be Thou O Lord as thou ever art a mercifull Isa 63. 16. Father Forget not thy fatherly goodnesse to me who pray thy pardon for offending Thee thy Grace to serve Thee and thy Providence to preserve me this night and evermore through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 5. Collect for Friends O Lord it is joyfull for Friends to Psal 3. 3. 1. Heb. 12. 22 23. love live together on earth but the joy of joyes all to live with thee in Heaven I beseech thee let this happinesse be the portion of all whom thou hast made more nearly and dearly mine Let us so live in thy service that we may die with thy Salvation Mean while what wants of earthly good to any give us what is amisse and offensive to thy Heavenly Majesty in any forgive us what is requisite to make us so to serve thee now as thou mayest save us then in thy bounty bestow upon us Truth and Grace aright to see and seek thy face in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 6. Collect for the Kingdome O Lord we lie all in broil and bloud Pity us Our distraction threaten desolation to us Preserve us Our sinnes cry loud for thy vengeance upon us Pardon us Thy mercies have been great to this Nation Lord remember them Thy deliverances of us have been many Lord renue them That iniquity be not our ruine let us repent ruine it The guilt bloud Ezek. 18. 13. upon us forgive our Breaches repaire The order which may bring peace establish The Government thou hast establish'd maintain what is just and right in thine eyes set up what thou seest evill cast down what makes the Nation miserable remove what may make it happy restore Lord for thy mercies sake say we have been miserable enough and make us more happy Let the light of thy countenance shine again upon us and grant us peace the Power and Authority which may procure it preserve and those to whom thou hast given that power blesse them to us and us in them and all in thee for Jesus Christ his sake Amen 7. Collect for the Church Catholike BEhold O God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ I a Christian and child of his true Catholike Church pray thy mercies on my Good and Great Mother and all my Brethren and her Children in thee and thy Son For Errours amongst them send them Truth For Schisme Unity For Superstition warrantable worship For Confusion Order For Profanenesse Piety For Variance Concord For War Peace that all may as one Body with one mind and heart and mouth and knee believe love confesse adore and so serve thee and him whom thou hast sent Jesus Christ the Great Lord and common Saviour of us all as thou mayest save us all in the world to come O thou Head of the Church fave thy Body By thy Bloud cleanse it By thy Spirit sanctifie it By thy Power preserve it and every Limb of it dear Jesus Amen 8. Collect for the Church O Christ Head of thy Body the Ephes 1. 22 Church Let not this poor Member of it amongst us perish What it is thou seest Lord with pity behold us What it was thou knowest O Lord in mercy restore us Thy Primitive Order in Christian Truth and Worship for the saving of Soules cast down set up The present Confusions Distractions Innovations Errours which are got up cast down Set up thy Glory O Lord amongst us and what is set apart to support it doe thou maintaine and continue to us and our Posterities after us for Jesus Christ his sake Amen Amen Concluding Prayer BEhold Lord I have prayed thy Grace and Peace with Health and Protection for my Friends the Kingdome and this and thy Church Grant good God all the requests I have prayed of thee or what more I should have prayed from thee or what any else have prayed with me In whose name I have presented with whose words I desire to perfume perfect my Prayers Beseeching thee that his Spirit may breathe in those words in which I know I pray both what and as I ought And therefore as devoutly confidently say Our Father
thee as that is my state let this be my blisse Give me the blessings of the Womb a healthy and holy seed which may be Heires of thy blessings on earth after us and at last inheritance of thy eternall blessednesse in heaven with us even for the sake of thy onely begotten Sonne my deare and onely Saviour Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 1. Prayer for a Woman with Child LOrd who hast blessed me with a hopefull Conception crowne thy mercy in mee with a happy Deliverance From all frights and harmes which may cause miscarriage to me let thy providence shield me From all errors and ills which may draw thy displeasure upon me let thy grace preserve me And for all my faults and failings past let thy mercy pardon me And Lord let not the Child for the Parents sake be any way unhappy The blessing of shape and perfectnesse of Body and mind be upon it I beseech thee so shall the Church have a Child and thou a Servant my Family a pillar and thy kingdome an heire mine shall be the comfort but thine shall be the gaine O thou that thy selfe wast once enclosed in a Mothers womb conceived bred and born shew this mercy to me doe it for me deare Iesus thou holy Sonne of God Amen Amen Prayer against Miscarriage LOrd keep me from all harmes and frights this day * At Evening say this Night and that my Womb by no ill acccident may miscarry within me let not my heart by any ill act miscarry before thee Body and Soule let thy mercy grace preserve me now and ever deare Iesus Amen Amen Prayer for a Woman in Travaile LOe this is the fruit of the forbidden Tree our first Mother brought forth sin and we bring forth in paine for it justly O Lord for I am the Daughter of my Mother as I sinned in her loynes so since I came into the world I have justified often what she did once I have sinned O Lord I have sinned O how often have I coveted what thou hast forbidden done ill in thy eyes to doe what was pleasing to my owne and been both tempted and Tempter unto evill By inheritance therefore and purchase wrath is my due misery my portion and this paine my proper lot and thy great mercy it is in Christ my Saviour that the pangs of everlasting death are not my but O thou Judge of the world remember that thou art the Preserver of men preserve me in it support me under it make haste make haste good Lord to deliver me from it and comfort me after it O remember not what the first Adam hath done but the second suffered and by his immaculate Conception and holy Birth and Life by the bitter passion and pangs and death of the holy Child Jesus deliver me deare Father in this my extremity Let the paines of my Travaile end in the joies of a blessed Birth that may to the comfort of my soule live and be made an Heire of thy kingdome Amen Amen Prayer after Deliverance of Child LOrd that hast look'd downe on thy poore hand maid in her great distresse I looke up unto thee and blesse thy Name for my happy deliverance that thou hast made me the joyfull Mother of a hopefull Child without visible infirmity or deformity which might take from my joy Goe on good God in mercy to me and it Support me on my bed of weaknesse and in thy due time raise me from it with strength Let my Child live till thou by holy Baptisme hast made it thy Heire and in that holy and happy state of soule preserve it to thy kingdome and let it be my continuall care by all good meanes to preserve it And good Lord from the pangs of eternall death and paines of Hell keep me and it for ever And whatsoever burden of woe I shall travaile under on earth let me not despaire of mercifull deliverance whom thou hast so graciously eased of my late paine and burden Thy power mercy is the same for ever O Lord let it be shewed to thy Servant in all her extremity according as her hope and trust is in thee by the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Prayer after Christening the Child WHat an honour hast thou done unto thy Servant O Lord thou hast given me a naturall birth and my Child a new one what came polluted into the world is washed cleane in thy laver for the raggs of Adam thou hast put on it thy Sonnes robes My Child is made thy heire and what was borne by me to a Crosse thou hast begotten againe to a Crown of glory O Lord let it be my care to keep my Child thine thy Sonnes righteousnesse on him and Spirit in him and my ambition so to be thy Child that I may with it be Inheritor of thy Crowne By the merits of him who is the first-borne of his Brethren thy Son and Heire of all things Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A Prayer and Thanksgiving for our Birth-day I Thank thee O Lord for my Birth this day but especially for my new-birth By that I was made a Man by this a Christian from that I have a naturall life from this a spirituall that was to live on earth this in heaven nor was that to live for ever but a time on earth Lord let me not frustrate the end of my Birth nor apostate from the blisse of my Baptisme The state of grace in which this set me let me ever maintaine And if by sinne I ever fall from it let me by a true and timely repentance rise againe and recover it that when I shall go from earth I may come to heaven and when leave to live with men live with thee and thy Angels for ever for which end I am created redeem'd and preserved in this world Lord that gavest my life this day to begin let it so end for his sake whose birth life and death makes all ours blessed who is the beginning and end Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Prayer for New-years-day GOd of my life who hast given me this day to see a New-yeare begin let me live to see it at a happy end and thou who hast a New-heart in thy gift O give that to me that according to all the good purposes of my soule I may walke in good conscience before thee and have thy peace within me and thy blessing all the yeare upon me even for his sake who was content to be borne at this time and this day to be circumcised and shed his just blood for me Iesus Christ thy Son my deare Saviour and Lord. Amen Prayer for a Widow O Lord that hast taken my Head from me be thou Husband to me thou that boughtest my Soule by thy bloud to be thy Spouse doe not lose me doe not leave me guide and governe in me in all my waies in all my wants and straits supply me thou that art better than Friend than Father than Husband than all be unto
thy Spirit and by all meanes mould me and make my heart of that temper that the least touch of sin may trouble me that I may not obstinately goe on in a course of Rebellion against thee Mercifull Father let all thy crosses come rather upon me then this curse befall me That I may rather grieve and groane with hope on earth then waile and houle in hell without remedie A heart of flesh for stone Lord give me let thy holy Spirit work and keep it in me Doe it deare Saviour for me I beseech the in thy mercy Amen Amen Animadversion to the Devout Reader touching these Services THe Author in these Services tenders thee some things new and nothing he hopes naught There are extant Books of Prayers and Meditations and Directions apart and those who joyne some of these together but all as in his way he knowes none He conceives that the Soul engaged in a particular duty will be much assisted by so manie helps at hand and come off better with the Service Vicissitudes of Devotions like changes of clothes as they please the mind because they clog lesse so they will advance her piety the more when all though they goe severall waies meet in one study and care to work her Spirituall preferment Thy Spirit will not be lesse devoted to thy Prayers for having breathed it in holy Scriptures Nor wilt thou take in that Holy aire with lesse advantage to thy Soules health for going to it from thy Prayers Nor will those Heavenly refreshments profit or last less for plying the Soul at present well-devoted with proper pious Meditations Instructions set suteing to her particular purposes This will be as a Word in due season fit and good and serve as a little Sermon to nourish Holy Spirit so Divinely begot which else may starve before it can come to a greater and perhaps not have her particular state and case much reached and relieved neither if she come The Closet the good mans Daily Sanctuary alwayes * Ezek. 11 16. and in persecution often his onely Church as it never wants Gods Spirituall Altar a Devout heart nor his Garden Gods Holy Book in it nor Gods Holy Service an Holy Prayer-Book for it By this shall have a little Pulpit too Necessary for those who have no other and profitable for those who may want a better And surely the Soule which keeps her daily walkes betwixt Gods Altar and Garden her Prayers and his Scriptures must needs grow and goe on in Godlinesse And faster and firmer both for hearing every day a Sermon when Her selfe is the Preacher Her state the Text and God and Conscience the Auditory Reader He that is not for a Pulpit in the Chamber would have this in thy Closet and thinkes he shall doe God and thee good Service in these devote-lesse times to furnish thy Closet with such a Pulpit His Aime thou seest His patterne thou maist easily aime at especially if a Child of that Mother whose wisdome taught him such Prayers Though some things in the Services be new there are no novelties in them but for thy singular use compiled and made a Handfull of little Homilies and Prayers Rules for every Sundayes Devotion Sunday-morning When you awake lift up your heart and say O Sun of Righteousness which this day didst rise for me shine now and ever with thy Grace and Mercy upon me Amen When you are up kneel and say this Prayer O Lord Holynesse becometh thy House Dutifulness becometh me to go to thy Courts wait upon Thee And this is the great day of thy Service Thou that hast given me to see the light of this day make me carefull to do the duty of it timely to Present my selfe unto Thee and reverently to behave my self before Thee that I may come with fruit and favour from thee for Jesus Christ His sake Amen Before you goe to Church say if you have time the Sunday-Service following Omit not to say the Collect for it howsoever in the Afternoone say the Evening-Service Sunday-night When you goe to Bed kneel and say O Sun of Righteousnesse keep me from utter darknesse let me so sleep in thy Peace that I may be every ready to arise and meet thee in thy Glory Amen Amen Seven Services for the 1 st Week Services set to the Daies of the Weeke for foure severall Weeks Sunday-service Of the joyes of Heaven Morning Prayer Psal 36. 84. Lesson Isa 64. Mat. 5. to 13. or Mat. 17. to 14. Evening Prayer Psalm 15. 16. Lesson Isaiah 35. Apoc. 21. Then this following Collect. After it the Daily Prayers ¶ Sunday Collect or Prayer for the joyes of Heaven DEare Saviour who hast purchased lost Heaven for me by thy blood and now possessest it for me in my flesh possesse my soule I beseech thee with thy holy Spirit that my conversation now may be heavenly on earth and my habitation hereafter happy in heaven O let me not for the perishing pleasures of this vaine world lose an eternity of blessed joyes in thy presence and Kingdome Preserve me to it deare Redeemer who hast prepared it for me even for thy mercies sake O Lord. Amen Daily Prayers 1. Meditation of the joyes of Heaven WHat do I on earth when God is in Heaven Why are my Heart Body in two severall worlds And where but with Him and on Him should be my Heart Lord draw to thee what is made for thee till Bodie can come let my Spirit be with thee till my Soule depart from my Bodie to dwell for ever with thee let Devotion carry my thoughts out of my Soule and daily visit thee My help my hope my solace my salvation Father of my Spirit Husband of my Soule Soveraigne of my welfare Author of my nature End of my essence Blisse of my being Satisfaction of my desires Rest of my thoughts Perfection of my powers my life is a banishment imprisonment punishment on earth if thou be in heaven shun I never so much I shall meet with nothing but sinne and miserie seek I never so much I shall not find any thing of blisse below had I whole lands of wealth with hills of honour upon them and rivers of pleasure about those all were not a peble a pile a drop to my blessednesse my avaritious ambitious voluptuous desires are left drie on earth onely fill'd and drown'd in the paradise crowne and kingdome of heaven the ocean of blisse runs about the good that is infinite high above change great without measure full without want long beyond time away then my Soule from thy banishment bondage woe and miserable vanitie to thy home freedome joy and true felicitie Dove of grace flie to the windows of glory mount to those Louvers on high where the ravenous Bird of hell can neither seize or fright thee nor the beasts of the earth devoure or disquiet thee Heaven on Earth is a monstrous confusion if thou vainly seek it there thou