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A61648 The best interest, or, A treatise of a saving interest in Christ wherein is shewn how a man may know that he hath a saving interst in Christ, how they that have not yet an interest in Christ may get a saving interest in him ... with several other practical cases / by Owen Stockton ... Stockton, Owen, 1630-1680. 1682 (1682) Wing S5696; ESTC R37593 197,314 400

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may know that we are effectually called unto holiness when we adhere to the wayes of God in difficult and troublesom times when no persecutions no troubles will make us forsake the wayes of God and turn aside to crooked paths Psal 44.17 18. All this is come upon us that is all the forementioned troubles yet we have not forgotten thee nor dealt falsely in thy Covenant Our heart is not turned back neither have our steps declined from thy way Psal 119.109 110. My soul is continually in my hands yet do I not forget thy Law The wicked have laid a snare for me yet I erred not from thy Precepts 4. When God calls a man to Holiness he enclines his heart to be holy not only in some but in all things Holy in Body and in Spirit Holy in his Discourse and Holy in all manner of Conversation They that are Effectually called unto Holiness are like the Unmarried VVoman spoken of by the Apostle 1 Cor. 7.34 The Vnmarried Woman careth for the things of the Lord that she may be Holy both in Body and in Spirit This is the care of Gods called ones they care for the things of the Lord that they may be Holy in Body and in Spirit They are also careful to be Holy in their Discourse remembring that Exhortation of the Apostle Eph. 4.29 Let no corrupt Communication proceed out of your Mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister Grace unto the Hearers They are also carefull to be Holy in all manner of Conversation 1 Pet. 1.15 But as he which hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of Conversation V. VVhen God calls a sinner Effectually he calls him to lay hold of Eternal Life he calls him unto the participation of his Heavenly and Glorious Kingdom 1 Pet. 5.10 The God of all Grace who hath called us into his Eternal Glory by Iesus Christ. 1 Thes 2.12 That ye walk worthy of God who hath called you unto his Kingdom and Glory 2 Thes 2.14 Whereunto he called you by our Gospel to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Tim. 6.12 Lay hold on Eternal Life whereunto thou art called As it was with the carnal Jews they despised the Land of Canaan though it was a most pleasant and delightfull Land and would rather have enjoyed the Flesh-pots of Egypt than to go through difficulties to possess the Land of Canaan Psal 106.24 Yea they despised the pleasant Land So it is with carnal Christians before God calls them Effectually they despise they neglect Eternal Life they prefer this transitory vain VVorld before the Kingdom of Heaven As prophane Esau despised his Birth-right and sold it for a Morsel of Meat so do prophane men despise the means of Grace and Salvation and part with the Kingdom of Heaven for as inconsiderable things as a Morsel of Meat But when God calls a man effectually then Heaven and Heavenly things are the chief things he seeks after Now we may know whether God hath called us to lay hold on eternal life these ways 1. VVhen God calls a man to obtain eternal life and Salvation he gives hm the knowledge and belief of the truth reality and transcendant excellency of the Kingdom of Heaven that it infinitely surpasseth all the good things of this vain and transitory world 2 Cor. 5.1 We know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God an house not made with hands eternal in the Heavens And as the truth of the Heavenly Kingdom is believed so it is esteemed and preferred above all things in this World Heb. 11.16 But now they desire a better country that is an Heavenly This World is a miserable world but Heaven is looked upon as a most blessed and glorious place by those that are Effectually called Tit. 2.13 Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour In Heaven they expect such things as eye never saw the ear never heard and better and greater things than the heart of man can concieve 1 Cor. 2.9 2. When God calls a sinner to obtain Salvation by Jesus Christ he stirs up in his heart an earnest desire after Salvation and causeth him to make it his great care and main business to get to Heaven The great enquiry of such an one is what he should do to be saved and how he may get eternal life Act. 16.30 Sirs what must I do to be saved Matth. 19.16 And behold one came unto him and said good master what good thing shall I do that I may have Eternal Life And they enquire diligently after the way to life so they make it their main and chief care to get to heaven according to that command of Christ Mat. 6.33 But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness And that of the Apostle Phil. 2.12 Work out your own Salvation with Fear and Trembling 3. When God calls a man to obtain Salvation he discovers to him the way to Life and Salvation and bows his heart to walk in the path of life Psal 16.11 Thou wilt shew me the path of Life He sheweth them that Eternal Life and Salvation is to be had in Christ and no where else but in Christ 1 Joh. 5.11 And this is the record that God hath given to us Eternal Life and this Life is in his Son Act. 4.12 Neither is there Salvation in any other for there is no other name given under Heaven whereby men may be saved And he sheweth them that they that would have Salvation by Christ must believe in him and obey him and persevere in the Faith of Christ and in their obedience of the Gospel to the end of their lives Act. 16.31 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved Heb. 5.9 And being made perfect he became the Author of Eternal Salvation to all them that obey him Rev. 2.10 Be thou faithfull unto Death and I will give thee a Crown of Life 4. When God calls a man to obtain Salvation by Jesus Christ he leaveth such impressions of the glory and excellency of the Kingdom of Heaven that he presseth more earnestly after the Kingdom of Heaven than he doth after any thing in this world Phil. 3.13.14 This one thing I do forgetting those things that are behind and reaching forth unto those things that are before I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus It was the main thing the Apostle aimed at strove and contended for pressed after the obtaining the Crown of Glory and being found in that way that leadeth to life No oppositions from the world can beat off one effectually called from seeking eternal life but he uses an holy violence and doth as it were take it by force Matth. 11.12 From the dayes of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the
He giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might he encreaseth strength 3. Both a will to embrace Christ and power have been sought with good success Cant. 1.4 Draw me we will run after thee the King brought me into his chambers Draw me that is make me willing and able to come to thee and this request was answered the King brought me into his Chambers that is according to my desire drew me unto himself Psal 119.36 Encline my heart unto thy Testimonies When we feel any averseness in our hearts to any of the ways of God we must go unto God to encline our hearts to walk in his ways Sect. 7. Mens not seeing their need of Christ is an hinderance of their closing with Christ Several causes hereof 1. Resting in a blameless Conversation 2. Resting in Church Priviledges 3. Resting in our own Righteousness 4. Resting satisfied with the World Another sort of hinderances that keep many from closing with Christ besides sticking at the terms of the Gospel is when men do not see their need they have of Christ but rest satisfied with other things instead of Christ and that is occasioned several ways I will instance in three or four As 1. Resting in a civil blameless Conversation free from gross sins 2. Resting in Church priviledges 3. Resting in our own Righteousness 4. Resting satisfied with the World Seeing many men do rest in their being of a civil and blameless Conversation and being free from gross sins and thereupon do not see any need of Christ to save them but hope to go to Heaven when they dye because they live in a blameless manner I shall shew that this is not sufficient to Salvation without an interest in Christ 1. It is the duty of all that expect to go to Heaven when they dye to endeavour to live in an holy blameless manner Phil. 2.15 That ye may be blameless and harmless the Sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse Nation among whom ye shine as lights in the World 2 Pet. 3.14 Seeing ye look for such things be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless 2. Though it be the duty of all that expect to go to Heaven when they dye to live in a blameless manner and to keep themselves from the pollutions of the World yet a civil and blameless Conversation a Conversation free from gross sins is not sufficient to carry a man to Heaven without an interest in Christ For a man may live civilly and be free from gross sins and yet be in a dangerous and damnable condition on several accounts As 1. He may be an ignorant man and have no knowledge of God and Christ he may have no understanding in the mysteries of Salvation And such as live and dye without Understanding God will have no mercy upon them and will shew them no favour Isa 27.11 It is a People of no Vnderstanding therefore he that made them will have no mercy on them and he that formed them will shew them no favour And they shall perish for ever on whom God will have no mercy and to whom he will shew no favour 2. A man may live civilly and be of a blameless Conversation and yet be an Unbeliever be one that hath no Faith in Christ And all such as do not believe in Christ shall be damned and have their portion in the Lake that burneth with Fire and Brimstone Mark 16.16 He that believeth not shall be damned Rev. 21.8 The Vnbelieving shall have their part in the Lake that burneth with Fire and Brimstone 3. A man may be free from gross sins and live civilly and yet dye Eternally for want of a new heart and be shut out of the Kingdom of Heaven for not being born again Ezek. 18.31 Make you a new Heart and a new Spirit for why will you dye O house of Israel Joh. 3.3 Verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God 4. A man may lead a civil life and be free from gross sins and yet have no love to Jesus Christ And such as have no love to Christ are in a cursed condition 1 Cor. 16.22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha That is let him be accursed and let him remain accursed till the Lord cometh to take vengeance on him 5. A man may be free from gross sins and yet be guilty of Spiritual sins and be in a damnable condition for his Spiritual sins As for instance A Man may never touch a Woman and yet be an Adulterer in the sight of God by the lustings of his heart Math. 5.28 Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed Adultery already with her in his heart A man may never strike his Neighbour and yet be a Murderer in the sight of God by hating him in his heart 1 Joh. 3.15 Whosoever hateth his Brother is a murderer and ye know that no murderer hath Eternal Life abiding in him A man may never bow his body to an Idol and yet be an Idolater in the sight of God by over-loving and trusting in his Riches Col. Nor covetous man who is an Idolater hath inheritance in the Kingdom of God and of ●●●ist He may have a civil life and yet 〈◊〉 Atheist in his heart Psal 14.1 The 〈◊〉 hath said in his heart there is no God Many persons rest in their Church priviledges as that they are born of Religious Parents are Members of Churches have been Baptized are frequenters of Gods Ordinances have received the Lords Supper and therefore they hope it shall go well with them Thus the Jews bore up themselves that they were Abraham's Seed were Circumcised had the Temple of God among them Joh. 8.33 VVe be Abraham's Seed Jer. 7.4 Trust ye not in lying words saying the Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord But none of these things will avail me to Salvation unless they have an interest in Christ As I shall make appear these ways 1. To be born of Religious Parents of Parents in Covenant with God is a great Blessing but if they do not seek and serve that God whom their Fathers served but forsake him and go in the way of their own hearts though their Fathers were as Holy men as ever lived upon the face of the Earth God will cast their impenitent degenerate disobedient Children into Eternal Torment David was a man after Gods own heart yet he tells his Son Solomon that if he forsook the Lord the Lord would cast him off for ever 1 Chron. 28.9 And thou Solomon my Son know thou the God of thy Father and serve him with a perfect heart and willing mind If thou seek him he will be found of thee if thou forsake him he will cast thee of for ever The Jews bore up themselves with this that they had Abraham to their Father but
how this is a ground of comfort in all Publick calamities as well as private and personal afflictions That there is nothing done in the world in any Kingdom in any City to any perticular person but by the providence of God is evident from such Scriptures as these Rom. 11.36 For of him and through him and to him are all things to whom be glory for ever Isa 45.7 I form the light and create darkness I make peace and create evil I the Lord do all these things Am. 3.6 Shall there be evil in a City and the Lord hath not done it Whatsoever evil comes upon a City or any person in the City whether Sword or Pestilence or Famine or Fire or any other evil it is the Lord that sends all those evils When any destroyers come against a Nation that lay it wast and make it desolate it is the Lord that raiseth up those wasters to destroy and furnisheth them with all their slaughter weapons and their instruments to carry on the designed destruction Isa 54.16 Behold I have created the Smith that bloweth the coals in the fire and that bringeth forth all instruments for his work and I have created the waster to destroy Such calamities as seem to be carried on in a confused disorderly way are governed and over-ruled by the providence of God so that there is no damage done to any mans person or estate but by the appointment of God Nahum 1.3 The Lord hath his way in the storm and in the whirlwind That is the Lord orders all things that are done by the storm and by the whirlwind and by all other judgments that come as suddenly as violently as confusedly as the storm or the whirlwind When the Sword or Pestilence come upon any place the Lord numbers all the persons that shall be slain by the Sword and that shall dye by the Pestilence Isa 65.12 Therefore will I number you to the Sword and ye shall all bow down to the slaughter Jer. 15.2 VVhen any man suffers by Fire Hail Snow or stormy VVinds he suffers nothing but what God hath appointed him to suffer for the Fire Snow Hail stormy Winds and all other creatures fulfill Gods word they do nothing to any man but what God hath appointed them to do Psal 148.8 Fire and Hail Snow and Vapour stor my wind fulfilling his word Mich. 6.7 Hear the rod and who hath appointed it Every rod hath its whole work appointed by God The Sea seems to be a very unruly creature especially when stormy winds causeth it to rage yet the Lord ruleth the raging of the Sea and suffers it to do nothing in its greatest rage but what he pleaseth Psal 89.9 Thou rulest the raging of the Sea when the Waves thereof arise thou stillest them And he that ruleth the raging of the Sea ruleth and stilleth the tumults of the most unruly people Psal 65.7 Yea he ruleth over all persons and all actions that are done in any part of the world Psal 103.19 The Lords Throne is in the Heavens and his Kingdom ruleth over all Now this is a ground of comfort to the People of God in Tumults and Insurrections and Massacres and all other National judgments that there is nothing comes to pass nothing befalls any Kingdom City or particular Person but by the providence of God Psal 97.1 2 3. The Lord reigneth let the earth rejoyce Clouds and Darkness are round about him Righteousnes and Judgment are the habitation of his Throne A fire goeth before him and burneth his enemies round about His Lightnings enlightned the world the earth saw it and trembled The Hills melted like Wax When we are under cloudy and dark dispensations when we meet with fiery tryals and God is burning up his enemies round about when he sendeth such judgments as make the inhabitants of the earth to tremble and the hills to melt like wax that is men of the highest degree Kings and Princes their hearts faint through fear and grief yet then we may rejoyce when we consider 't is the Lord reigneth and that all things are done by his Providence The Providence of God which ruleth and disposeth all things that are done in the world is a ground of comfort to the people of God in publick calamities on several accounts As 1. That God who ruleth and disposeth of all things by his providence is our God and our Father in Christ Psal 146.10 The Lord shall reign for ever even thy God O Zion unto all generations praise ye the Lord. This is matter of praise and joy to Zion not only that God reigneth but that he which doth and shall reign for ever is Zions God Thy God O Zion Reigneth unto all generations praise ye the Lord. The consideration of our Fathers hand in ordering all our afflictions may sweeten the bitterest cup which he at any time puts into our hands Joh. 18.11 The cup which my Father hath given me shall I not drink it 2. Whatsoever the Lord doth is done in Righteousness when he breaks in pieces Kingdoms and Nations this is matter of comfort God will do nothing to any place or people but what is consistent with Righteousness Ps 48.10 11. Thy right hand is full of Righteousness let Mount Zion rejoyce let the daughters of Judah be glad because of thy judgments 3. The Lord who ruleth the world by his providence is a mercifull and gracious God that will compass his own people with mercy at such a time as he is distributing sorrows in great abundance to wicked men Psal 32.10 Many sorrows shall be to the wicked but he that trusteth in the Lord mercy shall compass him about Even when he lets his own people fall into the hands of cruel enemies such as hate them he is mindfull of his mercy towards them Psal 106.42 43 45. 4. This God who ruleth and governeth the world and disposeth all things that are done therein by his providence is a God in Covenant with us that he will never turn away from doing us good Jer. 32.40 And I will make an everlasting covenant with them that I will not turn away from them to do them good This was spoken to the Jews when they were under very dark providences the King of Babylons Army had Besieged Jerusalem and God told them by his Prophet that he would give Jerusalem into the King of Babylons hands ver 2 3. And besides the Sword of the enemy the City was visited with the Famine and Pestilence ver 24. Yet under these sad providences God comforts his people with his Everlasting Covenant wherein he assures them that though they were surrounded with all these evils the Sword the Famine and the Pestilence yet he would not turn away from doing them good Whatever aspect some of Gods providences may have upon the world and the Sinners in Zion yet they are all mercy and truth to the people of God even when they have the greatest appearance of severity Psal 25.10 All the
all the fowls of the Mountains and the wild Beasts of the field are mine 1 Chron. 29.11 All that is in the Heaven and in the Earth is mine And this God who is Lord of Heaven and Earth and all things that are therein is our Father and a God in covenant with us to provide and take the care of us as long as we live And why shall we not rest satisfyed in the bounty love faithfulness and tender care of our Heavenly Father who hath all things though we our selves have suffered the loss of all things But some say if I had but little in the World I should be willing to forsake all I had for Christ but I have a great estate and I find it difficult to be willing to forsake a great estate for the sake of Christ A. It is true it is harder for those that have much of the world to part with all for Christ than it is for those that have but little and that is one reason why 't is so hard for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven An instance of this we may see in the young man in the Gospel who when Christ bid him fell what he had and give to the poor and he should have treasure in Heaven went away sorrowful for he had great possessions Matth. 19.21 22. The greatness of his possessions was the cause that he would not part with them to follow Christ I shall therefore lay down some arguments to perswade such as have great Estates to be willing to forsake them for Christ 1. Christ forsook more for our sakes than we can forsake for him He was rich he was Lord of all the World yet for our sakes he left all and became very poor that we through his poverty might be made rich 2 Cor. 8.9 Ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that ye through his poverty might be rich Yea he became poorer than the Birds and Beasts for they have holes and nests to go to but he had not where to lay his head Matth. 8.20 The Foxes have holes and the Birds of the air have nests but the Sun of man hath not where to lay his head 2. Though we forsake never so much for Christ he is able to make up all the losses we sustain on his account 2 Chron. 25.9 What shall we do for the hundred talents which I have given to the army of Israel and thee man of God answered The Lord is able to give thee much more than this An hundred talents is a vast sum of money sufficient to defray the charges of an Army of an Hundred Thousand men ver 6. When Amaziah was afraid of losing an Hundred Talents by following the Prophets Counsel the Prophet tells him the Lord was able to give him much more than an Hundred Talents 3. We shall lose greater and better things by forsaking Christ than we can lose by embracing Christ and adhering to him though we should lose a Crown a Kingdom the whole world for adhering to Christ For 1. We shall lose our own Souls for Salvation for our Souls is to be had no where else but in Christ Act. 4.12 And to lose our Souls is a greater loss than to lose the whole world Mark 8.34 2. By forsaking Christ we shall lose the favour of God Heb. 10.38 If any man draw back my Soul shall have no pleasure in him And we had better lose the favour of all the men in the world yea better lose the whole World than lose the love and favour of God 3. If we forsake Christ we shall lose the Kingdom of Heaven 1 John 5.12 He that hath not the Son of God hath not life And a man had better lose all the Kingdoms of this World if he had them all in his possession than lose the Kingdom of Heaven But some may say I hope I could suffer the loss of all that I have for Christ only the laying down my life that seems a hard matter I do not know how to be willing to lay down my Life for Christ A. It is true that it is hard work to Flesh and Blood for a man to lay down our lives for Christ harder than to part with our Estates Job 2.4 Skin for skin yea all that a man hath will he give for his Life But though this seem very difficult yet it must be submitted to else we cannot be Christ's Disciples Luk. 14.26 If any man come to me and hate not his own life also he cannot be my Disciple Now to perswade you to a willingness to lay down your lives for Christ Consider 1. That if you will love Life for Christ's sake you shall save it but by saving your Life when Christ calleth you to lay it down you shall lose it Mark 8.35 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it but whosoever shall lose his Soul for my sake and the Gospels the same shall save it That is he that will save his Natural Life and refuse to lay it down for Christ shall lose Eternal Life and that will lay down his Natural Life for Christ shall have Eternal Life And it is of universal concernment which Christ speaketh here Every man whosoever he be that will lay down his Life for Christ in this VVorld that same man shall have Eternal Life in the other VVorld And every man whosoever he be that will not lay down his Life for Christ in this VVorld when called to it that same man shall lose Eternal in the other VVorld And what a good and what a happy Exchange is this to exchange a short and temporal Life for an Eternal Life a miserable sinful Life on Earth for a glorious Life in Heaven 2. If we refuse to lay down our lives for Christ vvhen he calls us to it he can take them avvay from us vvhen he pleaseth He can take them by the Svvord or Pestilence or some violent sickness that shall make us a terrour to our selves and to all that are round about us He hath the Keys of Hell and of Death Rev. 1.18 He kills and saves alive whom he pleaseth Ps 31.15 My times are in thy hands Job 12.10 In whose hand is the Soul of every living thing and the breath of all mankind If we were to live for ever in this VVorld we might have some cloak for our sins in being unwilling to die for Christ But seeing we must die within a few days when Christ pleaseth and of what Death he pleaseth is it not better dying for Christ than to dye of the Pestilence or dye of a Fevour or any other kind of Death Is it not inexcusable folly for to lose Eternal Life for the enjoying our Life here on Earth a few days when as we know not whither we shall onjoy it one day or one hour after we have refused to lay it down for Christ And if vve do enjoy it for
themselves to Christ and abide with Christ shall be made fruitfull in Grace and good works consonant to that promise Joh. 15.5 He that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit Now taking this shadow to be meant of Christ then it is a gracious promise to such as betake themselves to Christ that they shall revive as the Corn and grow as the Vine How is that The Corn lyeth buried under ground for a while and seems to be lost And after it appears it meets with cold winds and frost and draught that makes it hang the head turn yellow look in a decaying manner yet through the warm Sun and Dew of Heaven it reviveth again So 't is with them that dwell under Christ's shadow though they meet with many Pull-backs and that which was springing up seems to wither and decline yet they shall revive as the Corn and grow as the Vine The pruning and cutting the Vine makes the Vine become the more fruitfull and so it intimates a growth under afflictions In the Winter the Vine looks like a dead stick hath no Beauty nor Savour in it but in the Spring it puts forth and flourisheth abundantly Vines give a pleasant smell and bring forth pleasant fruit Cant. 2.13 The Vines with the tender Grape give a good smell And the Fruit of the Vine is sweet and pleasant fruit I might mention more promises of growth in Grace As Psal 92.12 Job 17.9 Now by virtue of these and such like promises when we find a decay of Grace we may rest upon God that he will come in with fresh supplies of Grace Psal 92.10 I shall be anointed with fresh Oyl David was sometimes sensible of great decays in Spiritual Estate as when he complains my moisture is turned into the drought of Summer yet then he did rest upon God for fresh supplies of Grace and Comfort which may be the meaning of those words I shall be anointed with fresh Oyl For the Graces of the Spirit are called an unction or an anointing 1 Joh. 2.20 29. Ye have an unction from the Holy one The anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you The Graces and Comforts of the Spirit are compared to Oyl Psal 45.7 Thy God hath anointed thee with the Oyl of gladness Mat. 25.3 They that were foolish took their Vessels and took no Oyl with them When God pours out his Spirit upon us then he is said to anoint us Isa 61.1 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me Fresh Oyl may signifie renewed supplies of the Spirit of Grace The restoring a Consumptive person that was wasted to skin and bone is called fresh Flesh Job 33.21 25. So the renewed supplies of Grace and Comfort given to a decayed soul may be called an anointing him with fresh Oyl Sect. 5. There is comfort in Christ for such as are poor in Spirit and full of want and mourn under their Spiritual Poverty Such as are in a poor condition as to Spirituals full of wants when they reflect upon their poverty and emptyness it causeth forrow and trouble of Spirit Psal 69.29 I am poor and sorrowfull Psal 119.22 I am poor and needy and my heart is wounded within me Now there is comfort in Christ for such as are poor in respect of their Spiritual Estate and are full of wants and are in a troubled condition because they find themselves to be so poor and full of wants And that on these grounds 1. There is a fullness in Christ of all those Graces and all those good things which we find wanting in our selves Col. 1.19 It pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell And that fullness which dwelt in Christ was for our sakes that out of his fullness he might Communicate to us Grace answerable to those Graces which are in him Joh. 1.16 And of his fullness have all we received and grace for grace The gifts which Christ received he did not receive to keep them to himself or to bestow them on the Angels but to give them to the sons of men Psal 68.18 Thou hast received gifts for men yea for the rebellious also that the Lord God might dwell amongst them These gifts which Christ received for men include gifts of Grace as well as other gifts as namely the gifts of the Holy Ghost the gift of Faith and Love c. For the Psalmist speaks of such gifts as do make us meet to have the Lord dwell with them Now the Lord dwelleth in us by his Spirit 1 Joh. 4.13 and by Faith Eph. 3.17 and by Love 1 Joh. 4.16 2. All those good things which we find wanting in our selves we have them in Christ they are ours in him Though this seem strange yet 't is true that we should have that which we want we have those things in Christ which we find wanting in our selves In him we have righteousness and strength when we feel weakness in our selves Isa 45.24 In him we have wisdom sanctification and redemption 1 Cor. 1.30 we are blessed with all spiritual blessings even while we complain of our want of them we are blessed with them all in Christ though we have not the actual enjoyment of them Eph. 1.3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Heavenly places in Christ The poorest Christian hath all things in Christ 3. In the Lord 's own time which is the best time you shall have a full and rich supply of all your needs both for Body and Soul Phil. 4.19 My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus 4. Though we are poor and low and full of wants yet we are accepted of God in Christ and he thinks thoughts of love and mercy and peace towards us Psal 40.17 But I am poor and needy yet the Lord thinketh upon me 5. Those Christians that are poor in Spirit and full of wants are in a blessed condition for they are heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven and as soon as they come to Heaven their wants shall be so fully supplyed that they shall never want any thing to Eternity Mat. 5.3 Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven 6. The poorest Christian that is poorest in Spirituals hath what God in his infinite wisdom seeth to be best for him and hath better things than the richest man in the World for he hath God for his portion Lam. 3.24 And the Lord is the best portion in Heaven and Earth Psal 73.25 26. Sect. 6. There is comfort in Christ for such as mourn under deadness and want of quickning influences Spiritual deadness is a great trouble to gracious souls when the Apostle Paul felt the body of Death it made him bemoan his wretched condition that he should be under so much deadnss Rom. 7.24 O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body
violent take it by force 5. They that are effectually called will go through any sufferings to obtain the Kingdom of God We are told in Gods word that we must through much tribulation enter into the Kingdom of God Act. 14.22 But this doth not dismay those that are called to obtain salvation by Jesus Christ They make light of the sufferings of this life in comparison of the glory and the felicity of the future life Rom. 8. ●8 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us Act. 20.23 24. The Holy Ghost witnesseth in every City saying that bonds and afflictions abide me But none of these things move me c. As it was with the Israelites when God called them out of Egypt they were willing to go through the Red Sea and to go into a howling wilderness where were Scorpions and fiery Serpents to get into the land of promise So it is with those that are called out of their natural state they are willing to go through any troubles and difficulties though it be a resisting unto blood to get into the Kingdom of Heaven Heb. 11.35 Others were tortured not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better Resurrection To get the possession and make sure of this Kingdom a man Effectually called will readily and joyfully suffer the loss of all things that he hath in this world Math. 13.44 2. Recieving Christ as he is offered to us in the Gospel is an undoubted evidence of a saving interest in Christ Upon our recieving Christ he becomes ours and we become his Joh. 1.12 To as many as recieved him to them gave he power to become the Sons of God All that recieve Christ how many soever they be have an interest in God as their Father and in Christ as their Saviour Christ is the gift of God Joh. 3.16 God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son Joh 4.10 If thou knewest the gift of God that is if thou knewest me who am the gift of God as the following words shew and who it is that saith to thee give me to drink Now what is it makes a gift ours but an offer from him that hath power to bestow it and acceptance by him to whom it is offered God hath power to bestow Christ on whom he pleaseth and he maketh an offer of Christ unto every one that finds his want of Christ and is willing to recieve Christ Rev. 22.17 Whosoever will let him take the water of Life freely Upon our accepting Christ on that offer which God makes of him in the Gospel Christ becomes ours and we become his Recieving Christ is believing on Christ Joh. 1.12 To as many as recieved him to them that believe on his name And as for such as believe in Christ Christ is theirs for he dwelleth in their hearts Eph. 3.17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by Faith But here it may be enquired how shall we know whither we have recieved Jesus Christ in a true and saving manner A. 1. Such as recieve Jesus Christ aright recieve him in all his offices they recieve him as their Prophet as their Priest and as their King Col. 2.6 As ye have therefore recieved Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in him Here is mention of the 3 fold office of Christ His Prophetical Office is signified by Christ which signifieth anointed he was anointed with the Spirit to Preach the Gospel Luke 4.18 Jesus signifieth his Priestly Office for Jesus signifieth a Saviour and he was called Jesus because he was to save his People from their sins Mat. 1.23 And how doth he save his People from their sins but by his offering up himself a Sacrifice for us Lord signifieth his Kingly Office These Colossians recieved Christ in all these Offices as their Prophet as their Priest and as their Lord they recieve Christ Jesus the Lord. And so do all that recieve Christ aright Now then we recieve Christ as our Prophet when we make the word of Christ the rule of our Faith our Worship and of our Conversations 1. The word of Christ is the rule of our Faith what we find in the word of Christ that we are to believe though it seem hard to our understandings Joh. 7.38 He that believeth on me as the Scripture hath said Our Faith must be regulated by the Scriptures And Abraham believed according to what God had spoken to him Rom. 4.18 Who believed in hope against hope according to that which was spoken And so the Apostle Paul and the Church of Corinth 1 Cor. 15.3 4 11. Christ dyed for our sins according to the Scriptures and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures So we preach and so ye believe We are to believe all things according as they are held forth in the Scriptures 2. The word of Christ is to be the rule of our worship whatever censures or calumnies the world cast upon us of Heresie or Schisme or the like yet we must keep close to the written word of God Act. 24.14 After this way which they call heresie so worship I the God of my Fathers believing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets The Passeover was part of the worship of God and the Jews are blamed for neglecting and not eating the Passeover in that sort and manner as was directed in the written word of God 2 Chron. 30.5 They established a decree that they should come to keep the Passeover unto the Lord God of Israel at Jerusalem for they had not done it of a long time in such sort as was written And ver 18. A multitude of People had not cleansed themselves yet did they eat the Passeover otherwise than it was written And that they sinned in eating the Passover in other manner than was prescribed in the written word of God is evident from the following words wherein Hezekiah prayeth for the pardon of their sin The good Lord pardon every one Our Lord Jesus would not go against the written word in matters of Worship for the gaining of the whole world When the Devil carried him up into an high Mountain and shewed him all the Kingdoms of the World and proffered to give them all to Christ if he would fall down and worship him he rejected the motion with disdain because it was against the written word to worship any other but the true God Mat. 4.8 9 10. The Worshipping of Idols being forbidden in the word of God the Three Children chose rather to be cast into the burning fiery furnace than to worship the golden Image which Nebuchadnezzar had set up and commanded all persons to worship under the greatest penalty even present Death and that a dreadful death to be burnt in a fiery furnace Dan. 3.15 18. If ye worship not ye shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a fiery Furnace And what did they answer
no A. 1. By the illumination of our minds and understandings to know Christ and the free grace of God and those things which God hath freely given us for Christs sake By the light of nature we have some notions of good and evil of the punishment due to sin and a reward of Righteousness but the knowledge of Christ and the free grace of God and the mysteries of our Salvation proceedeth only from the Spirit of God Eph. 1.17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of Glory may give unto you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him Matth. 16.16 17. Thou art Christ the Son of the Living God and Jesus answered and said unto him blessed art thou Simon Bar-jona for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my Father which is in Heaven Flesh and Blood that is all that man can attain to by his own wisdom and understanding without the help of the Spirit of God will not bring a man to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ And as we can't attain the knowledge of Christ so neither of the free grace of God but by the Spirit of Christ 1 Cor. 2.11 12. The things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God Now we have received not the Spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given us of God And the like may be said of the mysteries of our Salvation we do not know the way and means by which we should get to Heaven till the Spirit of God gives us the knowledge of the mysteries of the K. of Heaven Mat. 13.11 It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven but to them it is not given But seeing some men are enlightned by the word and Spirit of God that have no saving knowledge it will not be amiss to shew how we may know saving illumination from that illumination which is found in those that perish 1. The saving knowledge of Christ is accompanied with Faith in Christ When a man hath such a knowledge of Christ as causeth him to believe in Christ he is then made wise to Salvation 2 Tim. 3.15 From a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto Salvation through Faith which is in Christ Jesus Though a man have never such a great measure of knowledge of the holy Scriptures yet if he remain without Faith in Christ Jesus he is not wise unto Salvation 2. Saving knowledge causeth a man to do those things which we know to be the will of God If our knowledge be accompanied with obedience we need not doubt but it is saving knowledge for such as know and do the will of God shall be Everlastingly happy John 13.17 If ye know these things happy are ye if ye do them Mat. 7.22 3. Saving knowledge maketh a man to be pure and peaceable and mercifull and to be easy to be entreated to do good to others and to be without partiality and hypocrisie Jam. 3.17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure then peaceable gentle and easy to be entreated full of mercy and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisie 2. We may know that we have the Spirit of Christ by those convictions which the Spirit works in the Consciences of those to whom he is given I will give instance in these two convictions of sin and convictions of Righteousness Joh. 16.7 8. When he is come he will reprove or as it is in the Margent convince the world of sin and of righteousness and judgment We may know that Christ hath sent his Spirit into our hearts by the convictions of sin and of righteousness and of judgment I shall speak only to the two first Where God giveth the Spirit of Christ he convinceth of sin But seeing natural Conscience may convince of sin as well as the Spirit of Christ how may we distinguish the convictions of the Spirit from the convictions of natural Conscience A. 1. Natural Conscience may convince of sins against the Law as Unrighteousness intemperance lying uncleanness c. But the Spirit convinceth of sins against the Gospel as not believing in Christ not loving Christ c. Joh. 16.8 9. He will reprove the world of sin of sin because they believe not in me Such as have the Spirit of Christ are troubled for and mourn over their unbelief as well as their sins against the Law Mark 9.24 The Father of the child cryed out and said with tears Lord I believe help thou mine unbelief 2. The Spirit of God convinceth a man of his evil heart and evil nature as well as of his evil actions Natural Conscience may convince a man of sinfull actions but doth not shew a man the evil root whence these proceed But the Spirit of God sheweth a man the plague of his heart and teacheth him to bemoan his Original as well as his Actual sin Psal 54.5 Behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my Mother conceive me The Spirit of God sheweth a man his sinfull corrupt and wicked heart as well as his sinful life Jer. 17.9 The heart is deceitfull above all things and desperately wicked who can know it The Spirit of God teacheth a man to bewail the body of Sin and Death as well as the acts of sin Rom. 7.24 O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this Death 3. When the Spirit convinceth a man of his sins he leadeth him to Christ and teacheth him to seek remission of his sins from the blood of Christ Psal 51.7 Purge me with hyssope and I shall be clean Hyssope was dipped in the blood of the Sacrifice and sprinkled upon the persons and things that were to be cleansed a Type of our being cleansed by the Blood of Christ 'T is as if he should have said Lord apply thy Sons Blood to my Soul and then I shall be cleansed from my sins So the Apostle when distressed with the sense of sin fetcheth his Consolation from Christ Jesus Rom. 7.24 25. O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this Death I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. But the convictions of natural Conscience either make a man desperate as we see in Judas who hanged himself or wear off by diverting to the pleasures and businesses of the world Saul when under trouble was quieted by Musick or else Conscience is eased by the doing some good works and doth fetch its ease from Christ And as the Spirit convinceth those to whom it is given of Sin so of Righteousness also Now where the Spirit convinceth of Righteousness he doth these things 1. He shews a man the imperfection of his own Righteousness that all the works of Righteousness which ever he did or is able to do are full of imperfections and so takes him off from resting in his
of grace ver 14. Sin shall not have dominion over you because ye are not under the Law but under Grace Now the dominion of sin may be taken away though sin be not wholly dead in the soul As it was with those beasts spoken of Dan. 7.12 Their dominion was taken away yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time So the dominion of sin may be taken away in that soul where the life of it is prolonged for a little season But here some may say How may we know whether sin reigns in us or whether the dominion of sin be taken away I Answer When we yield willing obedience to the motions and dictates of sin then sin reigns in us Rom. 6.12 Let not sin reign in your mortal bodies that you should obey it in the lusts thereof and ver 16. Know ye not that to whom ye yield your selves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey whether of sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness When it is a mans usual course to yield ready obedience to the motions and sollicitations of sin it is a plain case sin reigns in such a man and he is the servant of sin As it is an argument that a man is in Authority when his commands are obeyed Matth. 8.9 I am a man under authority having souldiers under me and I say to this man go and he goeth and to another come and he cometh and to my servant do this and he doth it So it is an argument that sin is in authority when the motions of sin are are obeyed when we go and come and do as we are moved and enclined by the lusts of our own hearts But where the motions and lusts of the flesh are resisted striven against suppressed there sin is not in dominion though it may still abide and dwell in us 6. If our doubtings of our interest in Christ arise from hence that we fear we have not Crucified the flesh with the lusts and affections thereof let us set our selves more vigorously about this work to Mortifie and Crucifie the lusts and affections of the flesh and to that end let us make use of these helps 1. Let us walk in the Spirit Gal. 5.16 This I say then walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh There will be lustings of the Flesh against the Spirit as long as we live in this world but if we walk in the Spirit we shall be thereby kept from the fulfilling of the lust of the flesh 2. Put on Christ and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts of it that will be a means to mortifie the corruption of your natures Rom. 13.14 Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof 3. Meditate on the passion and sufferings of Christ and rest upon Christ for the grace that he hath purchased by his death to mortifie the flesh with the lusts and affections Gal. 6.14 Rom. 6.6 Tit. 2.14 4. Apply the promises which are effectual means to purge out our corrupt natures and to make us partakers of the divine nature and to help us to escape the corruptions that are in the world through lust 2 Pet. 1.4 Whereby are given to us exceeding great and precious promises that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption which is in the world through lust Promises of renewing our natures and purging out the corruption of our hearts you may see Ezek. 36.26 A new heart will I give you And I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh Deut. 30.6 The Lord thy God shall Circumcise thine heart 6. Loving Christ above all things is a certain evidence of a saving interest in Christ If we can say of Christ with the Spouse he is my Beloved or as the Dutch render it my best Beloved then we may say he is mine and I am his It was the Spouses sincere love to Christ that caused her to say with confidence that Christ was hers and she was his My Beloved is mine and I am his As we may know that we are passed from Death to Life by our love to the Members of Christ 1 Joh. 3.14 We know that we have passed from Death to Life because we love the brethren So we may also know our translation into a state of life by our love to Jesus Christ and may say we know we are passed from Death to Life because we love the Lord Jesus Christ That a sincere love to Christ which is a loving Christ above all things is a sure evidence of a saving interest in Christ will appear hence because eternal life and all manner of blessings are promised to those that love Christ in sincerity Jam. 2.5 Hearken my beloved brethren hath not God chosen the poor of this World rich in Faith and heirs of the Kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him 1 Cor. 2.9 Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither hath it entred into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him Eph. 6.24 Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity But as for those that love any things or persons more than they love Jesus Christ though the dearest friends they have in all the world they shall not be owned of Christ for his Mat. 10.37 He that loveth Father or Mother more than me is not worthy of me and he that loveth Son or Daughter more than me is not worthy of me See also Luk. 14.26 But how shall we know whether we love Christ above all Things and Persons in the World A. 1. By our valuing esteeming and preferring Christ above all things in the World What we love most that we esteem and value most 1 Thes 5.11 Esteem them very highly in love Now we may know that we have the highest esteem for Christ of all things and persons in the World 1. When we will part with any thing rather than part with Christ when we are willing to suffer the loss of any thing yea of all things so that we may win Christ Mat. 13.45 46. The wise Merchant shewed that he esteemed the Pearl that he had found to be of great price when he sold all that he had to purchase it Phil. 3.8 The Apostle Paul shewed his preferring Christ above all by his suffering the loss of all things for Christ and this turned to him for a Testimony that Christ was his yea doubtless and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things 2. When all other things are counted but as dross and dung in comparison of Christ Phil. 3.8 For whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung that I may win Christ When other things are undervalued and
perpetual and irrecoverable destruction 2. The Psalmist speaks of the roaring of the waters and their being troubled and the mountains shaking with the swelling thereof and this may signifie great tumults and uproars among the people such as may make the stoutest hearted persons to tremble Psal 74.4 Thine enemies roar in the midst of thy Congregation The Scripture setteth forth multitudes of people by waters As Rev. 17.15 And the roaring of these waters make the mountains shake that is make the stoutest and most couragious men to fear and tremble Psal 18.4 The floods of ungodly men made me afraid When ungodly men that have no fear of God before their eyes were in an uproar were gathered together and bore down all before them like a flood it made even David himself to be afraid 3. By the removing the earth and roaring of the waters are meant all places being full of trouble wars at Sea and Land the whole world full of stirs and commotions yet we will not fear 4. What the Psalmist expressed Metaphorically ver 2.3 he expresseth more plainly ver 6. The Heathen raged the Kingdoms were moved he uttered his voice the earth melted That is there should be such dreadfull judgments called for by God such ragings of the Heathen such commotions of the Kingdoms as should make mens hearts to melt with grief and fear For the heart is melted with grief Psal 119.28 My Soul melteth for heaviness Luk. 21.26 Mens hearts failing them for fear 5. He speaketh of dreadfull desolations to be made in the earth by the Lord such as might make men stand still and behold them ver 8. Come behold the works of the Lord what desolations he hath made in the earth Yet under all these desolations when the Heathen rage and the Kingdoms are moved when there are such troubles as make mens hearts to melt within them when the earth is removed and the mountains are carried into the Sea when the waters roar and are troubled when the mountains shake with the swelling thereof There is a River the streams whereof make glad the City of God There is comfort in Christ under the greatest ruins and desolations that come upon Kingdoms and Nations yea upon the whole world And here we may take notice of some of these streams of this River some of these benefits we have by Christ which are matters of joy in our greatest calamities which are hinted in this Psalm 1. The Lords people shall through Christ and for Christs sake have the Lords presence with them in all the commotions and desolations that come upon the world and this makes glad the City of God and settles the faith and hope of the people of God ver 5. God is in the midst of her she shall not be moved ver 7. The Lord of hosts is with us This is three times mentioned that the Lord is with his people as being a prime antidote to expell their fears and comfort their hearts Is 41.10 Fear not I am with thee yea under dismal calamities when the Lord is pouring out his fury and is pleading against us with fire and sword and is leading his people through the depths of trouble and fiery tryals this is a singular comfort to have God with us Isa 42.24 25. compared with 43.1 2. 2. Another of those streams which make glad the City of God under calamitous times is that they have a refuge to flee to and that this refuge is God himself and that this God who is their refuge is the God of Jacob. This is also three times hinted in this Psalm ver 1 7 11. God is our refuge The God of Jacob is our refuge The God of Jacob is our refuge It is comfortable to have a refuge to flee to in a storm a refuge to flee to where we may be safe But most comfortable to have God himself the great God the eternal God the Al-mighty Al-sufficient God the faithfull God the infinitely near and gracious and loving God for our refuge And it is an addition to our comfort that this God who is our refuge hath stiled himself the God of Jacob. For that implyeth 1. That he that was Jacobs refuge when he was in great distress and afraid of his brother Esau who hated Jacob and had taken up a resolution to kill him Gen. 27.41 And to come against Jacob with four hundred men which made Jacob afraid that he intended to kill him and his wives and children Gen. 32.6 7 11. yet God was Jacobs refuge in this great strait and so over-ruled Esau's heart that he did Jacob no harm 2. That God is and will be a refuge to poor weak and shiftless creatures such as are but worms in their own and others account despicable persons he will help and take care of them in the time of trouble Isa 41.13 14. I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand saying unto thee fear not I will help thee Fear not thou worm Jacob and ye men of Israel I will help thee saith the Lord and thy redeemer the holy one of Israel 3. That is and will be a refuge to such as are in a deserted condition and are ready to say they are forsaken of God for some of the seed of Jacob are ready to say their way is hid from the Lord yet the Lord is their God and their refuge Isa 40.27 Why sayest thou O Jacob and speakest O Israel My way is hid from the Lord and my judgement is passed over from my God Compar'd with Isa 41.8 10. But thou Israel art my servant and Jacob whom I have chosen Fear thou not for I am with thee Be thou not dismayed for I am thy God I will strengthen thee I will help thee yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness 3. Another stream issuing from this river which maketh glad the City of God mentioned in this Psalm is that God will be his people's strength in troublous times and a present help both in trouble and out of trouble v. 1 5. God is our strength a very present help in trouble God shall help her and that right early Now this is a great comfort to have God for our strength and help in all our troubles Psal 21.1 The king shall cry in thy strength O Lord Psal 28.7 The Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I am helped therefore my heart greatly rejoyceth and with my song will I praise him I will instance in some grounds of consolation under natural troubles as invasion of Forreign Enemies Massacres Pestilence or other desolating judgements 1. It is a great ground of comfort to all the members of Christ under national calamities that there is nothing done in the world or to any Kingdom or any City or any particular person but by the Providence of God I shall Prove this that all things that are done in the world come to pass by the providence of God and then shew
paths of the Lord are Mercy and Truth to such as keep his Covenant and his Testimonies 5. The Lord hath wise and holy ends in the changes and desolations that he makes in the earth And the consideration of the Holiness and Wisdom of God in all his works may be a stay to our minds when he over-turns Kingdoms and Nations Psal 30.4 Sing unto the Lord O ye Saints of his give thanks at the remembrance of his Holiness Dan. 2.20.21 Blessed be the name of God for ever and for ever for wisdom and might are his and he changeth the times and the seasons he removeth Kings and he setteth up Kings 2. That special care which the Lord taketh of all his people at all times is a ground of great comfort in times of danger and Publick calamities The Lord taketh a special care of all his people at all times and this may quiet their minds and free them from perplexing fears and cares in times of greatest danger and distress 1 Pet 5.7 Casting all your care upon him for he careth for you The persons to whom this Epistle was written were in great distress they were scattered abroad into several Countries Chap. 1.2 To the strangers scattered throughout Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia Bythinia They were in heaviness through the manifold temptations they met with in their persecuted scattered condition ver 6. They were under great and sore afflictions not onely the hand but the mighty hand of God was upon them Ch. 5.6 yet in this scattered condition when they were in heaviness through manifold temptations when they were under the mighty hand of God the Apostle comforts them with this that they had a God that took care of them and therefore they needed not to perplex and disquiet their minds with any kind of cares but may cast them all upon God Casting all your care upon him for he careth for you That we may be the more comforted in time of danger by the care that the Lord taketh of us let us consider what manner of care it is wherewith the Lord careth for us 1. It is a special care which the Lord taketh of his people There is a common care which he taketh of all his creatures He feedeth the fowls of the Air he clotheth the grass of the field he satisfieth the desire of every living thing he preserveth man and beast But the care which God taketh of the children of men is far greater than what he takes of the beasts of the birds or any other creatures in this world The care that God hath of the sons of men so far exceeds his care of other creatures that it seems as no care compared with that care which he takes for mankind 1 Cor. 9.9 10. Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn Doth God take care for oxen Or saith he it altogether for our sakes for our sakes no doubt this is written And as God takes care of men above all other creatures so he takes a more special care of his own people than he doth of all other men They are to him as the apple of his eye Zech. 2.8 Het hat toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye They are his jewels Mal. 3.17 They shall be mine saith the Lord of hosts in that day when I make up my jewels and I will spare them as a man spareth his own son that serveth him They are his peculiar treasure Exod. 19.5 Ye shall be unto me a peculiar treasure above all people for all the earth is mine They are his portion Deut. 32.9 The Lords portion is his people How careful are men of their portion their peculiar treasure their jewels the apple of their eye so and much more careful is the Lord of his people They are his children Gal. 3.26 And in times of danger men are very solicitous for their children The first question that David put to both those messengers that came with tydings from the battel was concerning the safety of his child Is the young man Absalom safe 2 Sam. 18.29 32. 2. It is a particular care The Lord doth not onely take care of his people in general but of every one of them in particular and of every thing that belongeth to them When God is destroying wicked men he taketh care for the preservation of every one of his people Psal 145.20 The Lord preserveth all them that love him but all the wicked will he destroy In times of greatest calamity when he breaks a kingdom in pieces and scatters the inhabitants thereof into all parts of the world he will take care of every one of the members of Christ even the least and meanest and most shiftless of all his servants Amos 9.9 For lo I will command and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations like as corn is sifted in a sive yet shall not the least grain fall to the ground Say not in thy heart God hath so many to take care of he may forget me or I am such a mean creature he will not regard me For it is all one with God to take care of many as few and he takes care of the lowest as well as the highest Psal 138.6 Though the Lord be high yet he hath respect unto the lowly There are a great company of Sparrows and they are birds of but small value yet not one of the Sparrows is forgotten of God Luk. 12.6.7 Are not five Sparrows sold for two farthings and not one of them is forgotten before God Fear not therefore ye are of more value than many Sparrows In the 4th verse Christ saith to them Be not afraid of them that kill the body And gives two arguments to disswade them from fearing them that can only kill the body First that is the worst they can do after that they have no more that they can do And the other is they can't do this but by the permission of God for he that watcheth over every Sparrow doth much more watch over every man who is of more value than many Sparrows There are many devices to take away the lives of the Sparrows as Nets Snares Fowling-pieces c. besides the danger they are in by the greater birds who pray upon the lesser ones yet not one Sparrow is killed but by the providence of God Mat. 10.29 Are not two Sparrows sold for a farthing and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your father Though we have many that lye in wait to take away our lives and the instruments of Death are prepared for us yet not one man woman or child shall fall to the ground and be cut off from the land of the living without our Heavenly Fathers appointment And as the Lord taketh a particular care of every Member of Christ so also of all the affairs and concernments of all the Members of Christ He sets the hedge of his providence not only about their persons but about all that
bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against a stone The angels have a charge to keep us in all our wayes whether soever we go in all the wayes of our general and particular calling they shall bear thee up in their hands as nurses carry their children having them alwayes in their eye lest thou dash thy foot against a stone They have a charge not onely to keep us from great but from lesser evils not onely from bruising our bodies breaking our necks or our bones but from dashing our feet against a stone Psal 34.7 The Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him and delivereth them Suppose the times be very dangerous yet as long as we have a guard of Angels about us we need not be afraid One Angel is a better guard and security to us than an Army of an Hundred Thousand Men. Angels have greater power than the greatest and most valiant Armies of Armed men VVe read of a great Army an Hundred Fourscore and Five Thousand Men destroyed in a night by one Angel Isa 37.36 And therefore such as fear God are in a safe condition in dangerous times because the Angels of God encamp round about them to deliver them Obj. How is this true that the Lord taketh such a special continual exceeding great care of all his Peopole when many of the people of God fall into very great straits and troubles and though they cry to God he seemeth not to regard them but they think themselves forgotten and forsaken of God A. 1. Eminent dangers and great tribu lations accompanied with a long deferring of desired and expectd help have staggered the Faith of eminent Saints and made them ready to think that God did not regard them and took no care of them Job 30.20 I cry unto thee and thou dost not hear I stand up and thou regardest me not When the Disciples were in a great storm and ready to perish they were ready to think that Christ took no care of them Mark 4.38 Master carest thou not that we perish Isa 49.14 Zion said the Lord hath forsaken me and my God hath forgotten me 2. Sharp afflictions and long exercises of Faith and Patience are consistent with the Fatherly love of God and his tender care over us He may chide us for our faults speak against us write and act bitter things against us and yet have a dear love to us and a continual and affectionate remembrance of us Jer. 31.20 Ever since I spake against him I do earnestly remember him still therefore my bowels are troubled for him God spake against Ephraim God acted against Ephraim Thou hast chastised me Yet Ephraim was his dear Son his pleasant Child he had an earnest remembrance of him and his bowels were troubled for him Rev. 3.19 Whom I love I rebuke and chasten 3. If we consult Gods word and judge of Gods dealings with us by Faith and not by Sense Faith will teach us to say God is with us and takes care of us when Sense saith God hath forgotten and forsaken us Isa 49.14 15 16. Zion was graven upon the palms of Gods hands and her walls were continually before the Lord and God was more mindfull of her than any Mother of her sucking Child when she thought her self forgotten and forsaken of God Now this care which the Lord takes of his people is a ground of great comfort in all their troubles VVhen Paul was a Prisoner at Rome it was a great comfort to him in his Bonds when he understood the care that the Philippians took of him Phil 4.10 But I rejoyced in the Lord greatly that now at the last your care of me hath flourish'd again wherein you were carefull but ye lacked opportunity If the Apostle had great joy to see that the Philippians took care of him in his Bonds what joy may it be to us to hear of the care that the great God takes of us in all our troubles VVhat is the care of a man to the care of a God The Philippians care of the Apostle was unconstant one while they were mindfull of him and then they either forgot or neglected him as appears by that expression your care of me hath flourished again which implyeth a decay in their care and it was a good while before it flourished again as is intimated in those words now at last your care of me But God 's care is constant without intermission VVhen the Philippians were carefull of Paul they lack●d opportunity to do what they desired to do for him but God never lacketh opportunity of doing us good If Paul then rejoyced greatly of the care the Philippians took of him how ought we to rejoyce in that care which the great God taketh of us What the Apostle saith to the Colossians Col. 2.1 I wish you knew what great care so the word is expressed in the Margin I have for you And why was he so desirous that they might know the great care he had for them That their hearts might be comforted ver 2. So may I say to all you that belong to Christ I wish you knew what great care the Lord takes for you at all times it would wonderfully comfort your hearts in all your dangers and troubles 3. That God who ruleth and governeth the world by his providence and taketh such a great care of his is an infinitely wise God and the wisdom and knowledge of God is a ground of great comfort under all Personal and National Calamities Psal 31.7 I will be glad and rejoyce in thy mercy for thou hast considered my trouble thou hast known my Soul in adversities It was a great comfort to David that God knew all his adversities and considered all his troubles VVhen Daniel foresaw the great changes God would make in the world in removing Kings and setting up Kings and changing the Monarchies and government of the Kingdoms of the earth the consideration of the wisdom of God manifested in those changes and revolutions made him break out into blessing and praising God Dan. 2.20 21. Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever for Wisdom and Might are his And he changeth the times and the seasors he removeth Kings and he setteth up Kings Yet Daniel who blessed God for changing times and seasons knew that sometimes when God makes changes in Kingdoms he sets up the basest of men to be Rulers Dan. 4.17 The most high ruleth in the Kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever he will and setteth ever it the basest of men That we may see what comfort ariseth from the wisdom and knowledge of God in times of great distress let us consider these 4 or 5 things 1. The Lord knoweth who are his who they are that put their trust in him and make God their refuge he can call them every one by their names so that there is no danger that any of his should perish through a mistake in times of confusion
a great comfort under greatest troubles that we have the Almighty God for our defence Psal 94.19 22. In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my Soul And what were his comforts when he had many troubled thoughts Among other comforts this was none of the meanest that though he had mighty enemies that thirsted after his blood yet he had the Almighty God for his defence ver 22. But the Lord is my defence and my God the rock of my refuge Yea this is a ground of the highest joy and of everlasting joy under all the changes and revolutions that come upon the world that the Almighty God is a defence to all that put their trust in him Psal 5.11 But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoyce let them ever shout for joy because thou defendest them Shouting for the joy is the highest expression of joy now they all they that put their trust in God have cause not only to rejoyce but to shout for joy and that for ever because God defendeth them 3. That Almighty power which is engaged for the defence of all that trust in God is an everlasting strength The Lords arm is not shortned that he cannot save he is able to do as great things for his people in these days as he did for our Fathers in former days And this may unite and strengthen our Faith to trust in the Lord at all times though the times be never so dangerous and troublesome that his power is everlasting Isa 26.4 Trust ye in the Lord for ever for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength 5. The gracious and precious promises of God are a ground of strong Consolation under all troubles both Personal and National distresses Jer. 15.16 Thy words were found and I did eat them and they were unto me the joy and the rejoycing of my heart Observe Jeremiahs personal afflictions at this time when the word of God was the joy and the rejoycing of his heart He was a man of strife and contention to the whole earth and every one railed at him and cursed him which made him cry out of his wo and misery ver 10. The Lord had filled him with indignation and he looked upon his pain as perpetual and his wound incurable ver 17.18 Besides his personal afflictions there were great judgments coming upon the Nation the Sword and Famine and Pestilence and Captivity ver 2.3 4. Yet under National and Personal calamities the word of God was the joy and rejoycing of his heart So Psal 60.2.3 6. Thou hast made the earth to tremble thou hast broken it Thou hast shewen thy people hard things thou hast made us to drink the wine of astonishment God hath spoken in his holiness I will rejoyce Gods promises were a rejoycing to Davids heart when God sent such judgments as made the earth to tremble and broke Kingdoms in pieces yea when God shewed his own people hard things and made them stand astonished to see how he dealt with them God hath made several sorts of promises to comfort his peoples hearts in difficult and dangerous times when he is bringing ruine and desolation upon the places where they live I will instance in some of them 1. The Lord hath promised to be an hiding place and a refuge to his people when he sends his judgments upon the places where they live Isa 32.2 18 19. Psal 32.6 Psal 9.9 Deut. 33.12 Prov. 18.10 Zeph. 2.3 compared with Chap. 1.2 3 17 18. And not only to be a refuge to godly men themselves but to their children Prov. 14.26 See also Isa 8.7 8 13 14. When the Assyrian should invade the land and over-run all parts of the land the Lord promiseth to be a Sanctuary to such as did make him their sear and their dread Ezek. 11.16 2. The Lord hath promised to deal well wit his people in times of publick calamity even when he sends ruine and destruction upon the places where they live Isa 3.8 10. Jerusalem is ruined Judah is fallen Say ye to the righteous it shall be well with him Eccl. 8.12 Jer. 15.11 As the same cloud which was dark and dreadfull to the Egyptians gave light to the Israelites Exod. 14.20 So God can make those providences which are dreadfull to wicked men to be refreshing to his own people 3. The Lord hath promised to bear up the Faith and Hope of his People that their hearts shall not sink and dye within them in evil days though very dismal and dark days Joel 3.15 16. The Prophet speaks of very dreadfull judgments under Metaphorical expressions yet saith God shall be the hope and strength of his people in such a day 4. The Lord hath promised to comfort his people in times of common calamity Isa 29.9 19. At that day when the Lord visited Jerusalem with Thunder and an Earthquake and a Storm and Tempest and devouring Fire he promiseth that the meek shall encrease their joy in the Lord and the poor among men rejoyce in the holy one of Israel Job 5.22 At Destruction and Famine thou shal laugh Mal. 4.1 2. 5. The Lord hath promised to moderate the afflictions which he layeth upon his people and what ever he layeth upon others he will lay upon them no more than he will enable them to bear Isa 27.8 The Prophet had given them warning that he was coming out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their sins Ch. 26. ver 21. And live for the comfort of the people of God he tells God would take a measure of his peoples strength and sufferings and that he would stay his rough wind in the day of his East wind Jer. 30.11 When the Lord is making a full end of all Nations he will correct them in measure 1 Cor. 10.13 He will not suffer us to be Tempted above what we are able to bear 6. The Lord hath promised to afford his gracious presence with his people under their greatest troubles not only at their entrance into but in their passage through the Fire and the Water Isa 42.1 2. Fear not thou art mine when thou passest through the waters I will be with thee c. Psal 91.15 I will be with him in trouble 7. The Lord hath promised his people deliverance out of their greatest troubles Jer. 30.7 Alas for that day is great so that none is like it it is even the day of Jacobs trouble but he shall be saved out of it Psal 50.15 Psalm 71.20 Psalm 34.19 8. The Lord hath promised to Sanctifie National troubles to his people and to make them work together for their good Jer. 24.5 Zech. 13.9 Rom. 8.28 6. It is a ground of comfort under National troubles that God will by them bring glory to his own name advance the Kingdom of Christ and promote the good of his own people Isa 5.15 16. When God stains the glory of the world then our Lord Jesus Christ who is called the branch
Souls of thy people in the hottest times of persecution And what the Spouse enquired after Christ discovered to her namely that her rest is in himself Mat. 11.28 Come to me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest And having found rest and refreshment in Christ in the hottest day she tells others where she had her delights and comforts in the heat of the day and that was in Christ Cant. 2.3 I sate down under his shadow with great delight and his fruit was sweet to my tast Upon these words I sat down under his shadow with great delight Piscator hath this interpretation Cum sentio vel arixietatem vel persecutionem ad Christum confugio ut is me per Spiritum sanctum verbum Dei consoletur When I feel any distress or persecution I flee to Christ that he would comfort me by his Word and Spirit The fruit which the Spouse saith was sweet are the benefits we have by Christ as remission of sins Eternal Life c. In the foregoing words Christ is likened to an Apple-tree and the benefits that we have by Christ are the Fruit of this Tree which yields much comfort and refreshing to the people of God And to this agreeth Piscator's note upon the place Consolationes Christi sunt dulces animis fidelium The comforts of Christ are sweet to the Souls of Believers There is comfort in Christ and from Christ under the hottest persecutions of the Church if any say how may we be enabled by the help of Christ to bear up chearfully in times of greatest persecution when we are called to resist unto blood and to undergo fiery tryals A. 1. Get a right understanding of persecutions for Christs and the Gospels sake look upon them not with an eye of Sense but an eye of Faith judge of them as they are represented in the Scripture and not as flesh and blood represents them to you For this will lay a Foundation for chearfullness under the forest persecutions if we have a right account of them To this end consider what account the Scripture gives of persecutions for Christs sake or which is all one for the Gospels sake or for Righteousness sake 1. Persecutions for Righteousness sake are Blessings real Blessings great Blessings for they confirm our title to a Kingdom a more glorious Kingdom than any is to be enjoyed in this World Mat. 5.10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for Righteousness sake for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven If a man consult with flesh and blood that will tell him it is a miserable thing to be under persecution to have our estates liberties and lives taken from us but if we consult the Scriptures they will tell us that 't is a blessed thing to be persecuted and that there are no men on earth more blessed than they that are persecuted for Righteousness sake for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven and none are so happy as they that shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven 2. Persecutions for Righteousness sake are matter of joy rather than sorrow 1 Pet. 4.13 But rejoyce in as much as ye are pertakers of the sufferings of Christ Yea they are a ground of exceeding great joy for they encrease our grace here and our glory hereafter They are a ground of great joy as they encrease our grace here Jam. 1.2 3. My brethren count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations knowing this that the trying of your Faith worketh patience The Apostle writes to the twelve Tribes that were scattered abroad where being removed out of their own country was some degree of persecution and when abroad among Heathens and Idolaters they were continually liable to persecutions for Righteousness sake yet he bids them count it all joy when they fell into divers temptations because hereby their Faith should be tryed and Patience encreased Persecutions for Righteousness sake are a ground of exceeding great joy because they will encrease our glory in Heaven for ever Mat. 5.11 12. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsly for my sake Rejoyce and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in Heaven for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you Observe here our Lord Jesus doth not say to his Servants when under persecution be not cast down but rejoyce and be glad and not only so but be exceeding glad and why because persecutions encrease our reward in the other World Great is your reward in Heaven Yea he would have us so exceeding joyfull as to leap for joy Luk. 6.23 Rejoyce ye in that day and leap for joy for behold your reward is great in Heaven That day wherein Christ would have us leap for joy is the day of persecution spoken of in the foregoing verse 3. Persecutions for Christ are honours and favours and ought to be esteemed as such as by all true Christians Act. 5.41 And they departed from the presence of the counsel rejoycing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name The Apostles counted it an honour to be beaten and reproached for Christ Phil. 1.29 Vnto you it is given in the behalf of Christ not only to believe on him but also to suffer for his name sake We see here that it is a gift a favour for a man to be called to suffer for Christ 4. Persecutions for Christ are not strange and unusual things but are the common lot of Christians and are to be counted upon by all that will live Godly in Christ from the first day we give our selves to Christ till we lay down these Earthly Tabernacles 2 Tim. 2.12 Yea and all that will live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution Sufferings for Christ are to be expected from the first day that we give our selves to Christ Mark 8.34 Whosoever will come after me let him take up his cross And to the last day of our continuance in this World for we are liable to sufferings as long as we continue in the body Heb. 13.2 Remember them that suffer adversity as being your selves also in the body Yea we must not think it a strange thing if we should meet with fiery tryals and be burnt for our Religion as well as others have been before us 1 Pet. 4 12. Beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery tryal which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you That passage Heb. 12.4 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood Intimateth that all Christians should count upon it that though they had not hitherto yet it may be their lot to have their blood shed for Christ They had suffered deeply in their names and estates and were eminent for grace and had attained assurance of their Salvation Ch. 10.32 33 34. Yet for all this though God had spared them as to life and they had not yet resisted unto blood they knew not but that might
him to us we shall have Union and Communion with Christ We shall become one with Christ and he will dwell with us and his blood shall be ours to wash away our sins and every benefit that he hath purchased with his blood shall be ours only let us consent to have him as God offers him to us in the Gospel There may be a treaty about Marriage a proposal of terms a woing a long time but 't is a mutual consenting and engaging each to other that makes the Marriage Union So it is in our Union with Christ there may be frequent offers an earnest woing but it is consenting that makes the match between us and Christ When we consent to accept of him he will bestow himself and all his benefits upon us Rev. 3.20 Behold I stand at the door and knock if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come into him and sup with him and he with me Christ standing at the door and knocking signifieth the offers of grace that he makes to us in the Gospel He offereth himself to us to be our Saviour to save us from eternal misery and is very earnest with us to receive and embrace him when we accept of him for our Lord and Saviour and consent to the terms on which he offers Salvation to us then we hear his voice and open the door and then he will bestow himself and all his benefits upon us which is meant by his coming in and supping with us and taking us to sup with him But here some may say are not men willing to have Christ for their Lord and Saviour and to be saved by him in his own way Ans No all men are not willing to have Christ and Salvation by Christ on the terms of the Gospel There are very few that are willing to receive Christ on the terms of the Gospel Most men either neglect or reject him Isa 53.3 He is despised and rejected of men They are so few that regard the offers of grace in the Gospel that they seem as none at all compared to the multitude of those that neglect and reject thee Prov. 1.24 I have called and ye refused I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded Even among those that profess themselves the people of God and are accounted Gods Israel there are many that will not accept of Christ for their Lord and Saviour Psal 81.11 My people would not hearken to my voice Israel would none of me It had not been such matter of admiration to have heard the Lord say Moab would none of me or Egypt would none of me but here this charge brought in against Israel Israel would none of me that may startle us and make us look well to our selves that we be not found guilty of rejecting Christ as well as Israel Most men are so wedded to the world and to their lusts and own evil ways that though Christ offer them all the joys of Heaven if they will accept him for their Lord and Saviour yet they will not come to him though thereby they might have eternal life Joh. 5.40 And ye will not come to me that ye might have life And though most men would be willing to be saved by Christ when they dye if they might have Salvation in their own way namely if they might live in their envy enjoy their hearts lusts and be saved from hell torments when they dye yet they are not willing to accept of Christ and Salvation by Christ in his way and upon his terms They are unwilling to have him for their Lord to rule over them They say in their hearts Luk. 19.14 We will not have this man to reign over us They are unwilling to forsake their sins and turn from their evil ways though thereby through Christ they might escape Eternal Death and obtain Eternal Life Ezek. 33.11 I shall therefore add some motives to accept of Christ upon the terms offered in the Gospel 1. Jesus Christ and Salvation by Christ is worthy of all acceptation upon any terms whatsoever 1 Tim. 1.15 This is a faithfull saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners This Salvation is worthy of all acceptation that is to be accepted by all men with all readiness of mind yea with all thankfulness without objecting against the terms on which this Salvation is offered to us How readily would a blind man accept of his sight a condemned man accept of a pardon a poor man accept of riches a dying man accept of life Christ is all these and more and yet shall we be unwilling to accept of Christ If we receive him he will open our blind eyes he will give unsearchable riches to those that are poor a pardon to them that are condemned life to them that are in a dying condition Salvation to them that are lost 2. The Lord thinks nothing to much nothing to great nothing to good to give to and do for those that accept of his Son If we will accept of his Son for our Lord and Saviour he will give us himself for our God and Father and will bestow this wonderfull priviledge upon us to be his Sons Joh. 1.12 As many as received him to them gave he power to become the Sons of God even to them that believe on his name And what a great what an amazing priviledge is this that such poor such worthless creatures such sinfull creatures as we are should be called the Sons of God 1 Joh. 3.1 Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the Sons of God If we accept of his Son for our Lord and Saviour he will bestow his Kingdom upon us Our Lord Jesus speaking to his little Flock that did accept him for their Shepherd and yield up themselves to be led ruled and governed by him tells them it was their Fathers good pleasure to give them his Kingdom Luk. 12.32 Fear not little Flock it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom And what a great unexpressible unconceivable gift is this that God should give us his Kingdom What greater what better things hath God to give than to give us Himself for our God and his Kingdom for our Inheritance If we will accept of Christ for our Lord and Saviour the Lord will with him give us all good things freely Rom. 8.32 He that spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him freely give us all things 1 Cor. 3.21 22 23. All things are yours all are yours and ye are Christs 3. There is nothing in Christ but what is desireable and worthy of all acceptation Cant. 5.16 He is altogether lovely What the Apostle saith of every creature 1 Tim. 4.4 Every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused if it be received with Thanks giving I may say of Christ Every thing of Christ is good
success to such as ask wisdom of God It shall be given him What an encouragement is this to all that find any want of wisdom and knowledge to pray to God for it and to pray in Faith that we shall obtain what we pray for We have more promises to this effect Prov. 28.5 Evil men understand not judgment but they that seek the Lord understand all things Joh. 6.45 It is written in the Prophets and they shall be all taught of God Isa 29.18 The eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity and out of darkness And let not any say I am such a sinfull creature I am afraid God will not teach and instruct me though I should pray to him For good and upright is the Lord therefore will he teach sinners in the way Psal 25.8 Neither let any say I am so blind and ignorant there is no hope that I should attain to saving knowledge For God can make the blind to see Psal 146.8 The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind 4. Converse with the Servants of Christ that have acquaintance with Christ and they will bring you acquainted with him Prov. 13.20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise The Daughters of Jerusalem that could see no greater excellency in Christ than in other things and wondered that the Spouse should be sick of love for him and give them such a charge concerning him Cant. 5.9 What is thy beloved more than another beloved O thou fairest among women what is thy beloved more than another beloved that thou dost so charge us After they had heard the Spouse discoursing concerning Christ and setting out Christs excellencies ver 10. to the 16. they were in love with him and had their hearts stirred up to seek after Christ Cha. 6.1 Whether is thy beloved gone O thou fairest among women whether is thy beloved turned aside that we may seek him with thee Second Hinderance Many men are willing to have Christ and Salvation by Christ if they might have Christ and Salvation by Christ in their own way and upon their own terms as if they might be exempted from the cross if they might have liberty to continue in their sins and the like but they stick at the terms of the Gospel on which Christ is offered to them To remove this obstacle I shall propose these following considerations to thy Soul 1. Consider who thou art that thou shouldest stand upon terms with the great God about thy Salvation Thou art a condemned creature a child of wrath a lost creature an undone creature a sinner a miserable creature a poor worm And shall a condemned creature refuse a pardon unless he may have it on his own terms Shall a child of wrath refuse reconciliation with God Shall a lost perishing creature refuse a Saviour an undone creature refuse help a great sinner refuse forgiveness of his sins a miserable creature refuse mercy unless he may have it in his own way Shall a poor worm that is not worthy of the least of all Gods mercies refuse Christ and all the benefits of Christ because he may not have them on his own terms 2. Consider what the torments of Hell are from which Christ came to save sinners they are intolerable and eternal torments And consider what the joys of Heaven are which Christ hath purchased for us they are eternal and unspeakable joys And shall we refuse to have deliverance from the torments of Hell unless we may have it in our own way and upon our own terms Shall we refuse a Kingdom the Kingdom of Heaven unless we may have it in our own way and upon our own terms Did we understand believe and consider the reality and greatness and eternity of Hells Torments and Heaven's Joys we should be willing to do any thing and suffer any thing so we might escape the Torments of Hell and obtain the Joys of Heaven when we dye VVhat the Apostle saith to the Galathians Gal. 3.1 O foolish Galathians who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the truth The like may I say to such as stick at receiving Christ on the terms of the Gospel O foolish sinners who hath bewitched you that you should not accept of Christ and Salvation by Christ on the terms of the Gospel O foolish Sinners who hath bewitched you that you should not accept of Christ and Salvation by Christ in the terms of the Gospel How gladly would the Devils and the damned in Hell accept of Salvation on the terms of the Gospel if it were offered to them And wilt thou refuse that which a Devil would joyfully accept if it were offered to him How earnestly did the rich man beg for a drop of water to cool his tongue when he was tormented in Hell fire and if he were so earnest for a drop of water to cool his tongue how readily would he have embraced deliverance 3. Consider what great want you have of Christ to justifie sanctifie and save your Souls You have greater want of Christ than you have of Food or Rayment or any thing in this world You are in such want of Christ that you are utterly undone to all Eternity without Christ When men are in want they will comply with hard and difficult terms to have their wants supplyed Luk. 15.14 15 16. When the Prodigal Son began to be in want he was willing to submit to a very low condition to feed and look after Swine and he was willing to fare very hardly to eat husks such as were given to Hogs He would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat And these difficulties he readily complyed with as soon as he began to be in want We have been in want of Christ ever since we were born and our want of Christ is greater than our want of necessary food for the want of food only destroys the Body but for want of Christ our precious Souls perish for ever Why then do we stand upon terms with God about accepting Christ that either we must have him on our own terms or else we will not have him all We would undergo much hardship to get bread for our Bodies Lam. 5.9 We gat our bread with the peril of our lives because of the sword of the Wilderness And shall we not be willing to undergo greater difficulties to get Christ the bread of Life 4. If thou wilt not have Christ and Salvation by Christ in God's way and upon God's terms thou shalt never be saved by him for God will not alter the way of Life and Salvation for the saving of thy Soul Job 18.4 Shall the Earth be forsaken for thee And shall the Rock be removed out of his place God's Eternal counsels and purposes for the saving lost man are firmer than the Rock and stand faster than the Earth And therefore 't is a vain thing for thee to imagine that God should alter the way of Life and Salvation decree'd in his eternal counsels
and proposed in the Gospel When they that were invited to the Marriage Supper refused to come the King was angry and said none of them should so much as taste of his Supper Luk. 14.24 I say unto you that none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my Supper And if we refuse and fall short of Salvation by Christ our case will be worse than the case of the Heathens that never heard of Christ and in some respects worse than the condition of the Devils that never had an offer of Salvation by Jesus Christ 5. The terms of the Gospel on which Christ is offered to us are all of them beneficial and advantagious terms and nothing in them be excepted against as I have in part shewn already and shall shew more fully in speaking distinctly to those terms that carnal persons are most ready to except against as suffering for Christ obeying Christ forsaking our sins which were none of them to be refused as will appear in answering each particular distinctly 3. Hind Some men would willingly have Christ and Salvation by Christ but they stumble at the Cross of Christ They are unwilling to suffer for Christ to take away this stumbling block out of the way I shall propose some considerations to make you willing to undergo any sufferings for Christ 1. The Cross is the way to the Crown of Glory As Christ suffered before he entred into Glory Luk. 24.26 Ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory So must we bear our Cross before we wear our Crown Our Lord Jesus Christ hath assured us that if we will suffer for him here we shall reign with him for ever hereafter 2 Tim. 2.11 12. It is a faithful saying For if we be dead with him we shall also live with him If we suffer we shall also reign with him And who would not suffer a little while with Christ here upon good assurance that he shall reign with Christ in Heaven for ever The way to the Kingdom of Heaven lyeth through much tribulation Act. 14.22 We must through much tribulation enter into the Kingdom of God That man hath very mean thoughts of Heaven that will go out of the way that leadeth to the Kingdom of Heaven for avoiding the troubles that are in the way to this Kingdom All the troubles that we meet with in this present life for the sake of Christ are not worthy to be compared with the glory we shall have in Heaven Rom. 8.17 18. If so be that we suffer with him that we may be also glorifyed together For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us Here are two arguments to perswade us to be willing to suffer for Christ 1. If we suffer with him we shall also be glorifyed together with him 2. The Glory that we shall have with Christ and by Christ is so great that all the sufferings of this life are not worthy to be compared with it 2. Sufferings for Christ are and shall be attended with abundance of sweet and Heavenly Consolations Usually Christians never have a greater abundance of the joys and comforts of the Holy Ghost than when they go through abundance of sufferings for Christ 2 Cor. 1.5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ VVhen Persecution arose for the Gospel-sake at Antioch and the Persecution was so hot that Paul and Barnabas were expelled out of their Coasts the Disciples were as full of joy as they could hold Act. 13.50 52. The Jews raised Persecution against Paul and Barnabas and expelled them out of their Coasts and the Disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost VVhen we meet with great troubles God is wont to give great comforts such as make the heart to sing for joy Job 35.10 Where is God my maker who giveth Songs in the night The night taken figuratively signifyeth a dark time a time of trouble now in the darkest times in the night of affliction God giveth his people Songs that is such comforts as shall make them sing for joy Isa 65.14 Behold my Servants shall sing for joy of heart 3. Sufferings for Christ are a ground of joy rather than of sorrow VVhen God calls us to suffer for Christ we should be far from refusing the Cross that we should esteem it a ground of great joy that we are called to suffer for Christ 1 Pet. 4.13 But rejoyce in as much as ye are partakers of Christs sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed ye may be glad also with exceeding joy When the Apostles were beaten and exposed to pain and shame for Christ they took these sufferings joyfully Act. 5.41 They departed from the presence of the Councell rejoycing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name VVe should be so far from refusing and shunning the Cross that we should account it a great happiness to be exposed to reproaches and other sufferings for the sake of Christ 1 Pet. 4.14 If ye be reproached for the name of Christ happy are ye for the Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you 4. The rough and narrow and difficult way of sufferings is better than the smooth broad and easy way of sin For the broad and easy and pleasant way of sin leadeth unto destruction it leadeth a man unto the Lake that burneth with Fire and Brimstone And who would be tempted to go in a smooth and pleasant and broad way that is sure as soon as he is at the end of his way he shall be cast into a Furnace of Fire But the narrow and difficult and rough way of the Cross leadeth as we heard before unto the Kingdom of Glory Besides they that walk in the smooth way of sin though they may have ease to the Flesh yet they have trouble and pain in their Consciences Job 15.20 The wicked man Travelleth with pain all his days Isa 57.21 There is no peace saith my God unto the wicked But they that go in the narrow and rough way of the Cross though they meet with troubles in their outward man yet they have peace in their Consciences and joy in their inward man Joh. 16.33 2 Cor. 7.4 And it is far better to have peace of Conscience and comfort in our Souls with troubles in the Flesh than to have the Flesh at ease and trouble and distress in our Consciences 5. Sufferings for Christ have a greater excellency in them and are more to be desired than all the Honours and all the Pleasures and all the Riches that this World can afford us Heb. 11.24 25 26. Let it be observed here 1. What an high esteem Moses had of sufferings for Christ He esteemed reproach for Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt Yet Egypt was a very rich Country all Countries coming into Egyyt to buy Corn in the
from the evil of your doings yet ye have not harkned unto me Jer. 2.25 With hold thy feet but thou saidst no for I have loved strangers and after them I will go 3. Many men are so unwilling to leave their sins that none of God's judgments nor mercies will prevail with them to forsake their sins Great judgments will not do it Prov. 27.22 Though thou shouldest bray a fool in a Morter among Wheat with a Pestle yet will not his foolishness depart from him Isa 1.5 Why should ye be stricken any more ye will revolt more and more Amos 4.6 to the 12th verse Neither will great mercies prevail with many men to leave their sins Isa 1.2 I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled against me Yea there is a very great unwillingness in most men to leave their sins now I shall lay down some arguments to perswade you to be willing to forsake all your sins in order to your being partakers of Christ and all his saving benefits 1. Either you must leave your sins or leave Christ You cannot have Christ and his saving benefits and continue in your sins Math. 6.24 No man can serve two Masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other Ye cannot serve God and Mammon The like may be said of enjoying Christ ye cannot enjoy Christ and enjoy your sins too for either you will hate your sins and love Christ or you will hold to your sins and despise Christ And therefore what Christ said to the Jews concerning his Disciples Joh. 18.8 If ye seek me let these go their way That may I say to you concerning your sins if ye seek Christ and would have Christ ye must let these go away That we must part with our sins or part with Christ for ever is evident these ways 1. Because he requireth of all those that will become his Disciples and have Salvation by him that they depart from Iniquity 2 Tim. 2.19 The foundation of God standeth sure having this Seal the Lord knoweth them that are his And let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity Our Lord Jesus Christ will not own any one man for his that doth not depart from iniquity it is the immutable purpose of God that no man shall have Salvation by Christ that doth not depart from his sins Luk. 13.5 I tell you nay but except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish .. 2. Our iniquities separate between us and our God Isa 59.2 Your iniquities have seperated between you and your God And if we continue ever in our sins there will be an eternal separation between God and our Souls 3. At the great day of judgment he will not own one Man Woman or Child for his or admit any into his Kingdom that have been workers of iniquity but that would not depart from their sins shall depart from Christ for ever though they have prophesied in Christs name and cast out Devils and done many other wonderous works Math. 7.23 24. Many will say unto me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name c. And then will I profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye workers of Iniquitie Now is it not better parting with our sins than parting with Christ and the Kingdom of Heaven for ever What is there in sin that should make us more willing to part with Christ than to part with our sins 2. God makes great proffers and great promises of very great things that he will give to us and do for us if we will forsake our sins that he may perswade us to be willing to leave our sins If any ask why what will God do for us what will he give to us if we will forsake our sins A. 1. If we will forsake our sins God will receive us into his love and favour and will bestow himself upon us for our God and accept us for his people he will become our Father and own us for his Sons and Daughters Jer. 7.24 Obey my voice and I will be your God and ye shall be my people 2 Cor. 6.17 18. Come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you and will be a Father unto you and ye shall be my Sons and Daughters saith the Lord God Almighty 2. If we will forsake our sins the Lord will forgive us all our sins for ever and will not so much as mention any of our sins unto us Ezek. 33.15 16. When I say unto the wicked thou shalt surely dy if he turn from his sin None of his sins which he hath committed shall be mentioned to him he shall surely live Isa 1.16 17 18. Cease to do evil and learn to do well Come now and let us reason together saith the Lord though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow though they have been red like crimson they shall be as wool Isa 55.7 Let the wicked forsake his way and return unto the Lord for he will abundantly pardon 3. If we will leave our sins God will pour out his Holy Spirit upon us to dwell in us for ever to enlighten quicken sanctifie and comfort us under all our troubles Prov. 1.23 Turn ye at my reproos behold I will pour out my Spirit unto you Act. 2.38 Repent and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost 4. If we will turn from our sins God will take us into covenant with himself and give us all the blessings of the new Covenant Isa 59.20 21. The Redeemer shall come to him and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob. As for me this is my covenant with them See here with whom God makes his Covenant his Covenant is with them that turn from transgression in Jacob. And when he makes a Covenant with us his Covenant is to give us Grace and Glory and to withhold no good thing from us 5. If we will forsake our sins the Lord will save us from the torments of Hell for ever and give to us his Heavenly Kingdom Job 33 27 28. He looked upon me and if any say I have sinned and perverted that which was right and it profited me not He will deliver his Soul from going down into the pit and his life shall see the light What is there in sin that we should refuse all these great things rather than leave our sins 3. Consider that Sin is the greatest evil in the world that there is nothing doth us so much mischief and is so prejudicial to our wellfare as sin is and that may make us willing to forsake our sins See what an evil thing sin is 1. Sin is worse than any affliction as the Sword Pestilence Famine Poverty noysome Diseases c. For neither Sword nor Famine or any other affliction can separate us from the love
fared deliciously every day when he was in Hell could not get one drop of Water to cool his Tongue They are dear ●●●ght pleasures that must be paid for in ●●●●●orments Momentaneum est quod delectal E●ernum quod cruciat The pleasures of sin are gone in a moment but the pains of Hell are for Eternity 5. The pleasures of sin are such poor vain vile things that bitter and sharp afflictions are rather to be chosen than the pleasures of sin which are but for a season Moses who was a wise man preferred the afflictions of a Wilderness with the people of God before the delights and pleasures of a Kings Court when they could not be enjoyed without sin Heb. 11.25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season §. Arg. To perswade us to leave gainfull and profitable sins 1. Such gain as is gotten by sinfull and unrighteous means will prove the greatest loss in the World For it is gotten with the loss of our Souls and with the loss of the Kingdom of Heaven 1 Cor. 6.9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God And what loss like the loss of our Souls and the loss of a Kingdom even the Kingdom of Heaven The gaining of the whole World will not make up this loss Mark 8.34 For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole World and lose his own Soul 2. You shall gain greater and better things by forsaking your sins and leading a Godly Life than you can gain by continuance in your sins For what you gain by Unrighteousness doth you very little good but Godliness will be profitable to you for all things both in this life and in the life which is to come 1 Tim. 4.8 Godliness is profitable unto all things having the promise of the life that now it and that which is to come If you will leave your gainfull sins for Christ you shall in gaining Christ gain unsearchable Riches Eph. 3.8 Yea in gaining Christ you shall gain all things 1 Cor. 3.21 22 23. 3. Such gain as a man gets unrighteously will profit a man nothing either in a day of wrath or in the day of death or at the day of judgment Prov. 10.2 Treasures of wickedness profit nothing Though a man hath gotten a vast Estate though he hath heaped up Treasures in great abundance yet if he hath gotten them by wicked ways they will profit him nothing They will be so far from profiting him that they will hurt him exceedingly What a man gets unrighteously he leaves behind him when he dyeth but his guilt will follow him into the other World and will torment him like Fire Jam. 5.3 Your Gold and Silver is cankered and the rust of them will be a Witness against you and shall eat your Flesh as it were Fire ye have heaped Treasures together for the last days 4. Uprightness and Righteousness in our dealings is a far better way to get an Estate than Fraud and Unrighteousness For 1. Such as deal Truly and Righteously shall have God's Blessing in an abundant manner Prov. 28.20 A faithfull man shall abound with Blessings but sin and wickedness bringeth the curse of God Prov. 3.33 The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked Now who is in the most likely way to thrive they that have the curse or they that have the Blessing of God 2. If a man should get but a small Estate that dealeth righteously and uprightly yet a little estate gotten righteously is better and hath more comfort in it than great Revenues gotten by unrighteous ways Ps 37.16 A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked Prov. 16.8 Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right For there is more comfort in a little gotten with Gods blessing than in a great deal gotten by sinfull ways Prov. 10.22 The blessing of the Lord it maketh Rich and he addeth no sorrow with it 3. What is gotten Righteously abideth longer than what is gotten by sinfull ways Jer. 17.11 He that getteth Riches and not by right shall leave them in the midst of his days and at his end shall be a Fool. Prov. 28.22 He that hasteth to be Rich hath an evil Eye and considereth not that Poverty shall come upon him That is he that makes such hast to be Rich as that he will use undue courses to get Riches takes the ready way to become a Poor man But when men get Estates Righteously that is the way to have their Estates blessed to themselves Prov. 28.10 The upright shall have good things in possession And to their Posterity for many Generations Prov. 13.22 A good man leaveth an inheritance to his Childrens Children and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just Sect. 4 Obeying Christ even in the most difficult Precepts of the Gospel should not make us refuse closing with Christ A 4th hinderance to our closing with Christ is unwillingness to come under his Government and yield obedience to the commands of the Gospel especially such commands as are cross to our interest and contrary to our corrupt natures and in such commands as are like the pulling out of right eyes and cutting off Right hands In such cases and in reference to such commands Many are ready to say this is an hard saying who can bear it Joh. 6.60 And say in their hearts We will not have this man to Reign over us Luk. 19.15 Now to remove this stumbling block I shall propose some arguments to perswade us to be willing to receive Christ for our Lord and to obey him in the most difficult duties that he requireth of us even such as are like the cutting off a right hand and pulling out a right eye 1. The Lord Jesus commands us to do nothing requireth nothing of us but what is for our own good Mich 6.8 He hath shewed thee O man what is good and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God The Lord requireth of us that we do justly that we love mercy that we walk humbly with our God and why because these things are good for us Deut. 10.12 13. And now Israel what doth the Lord thy God require of thee but to fear the Lord thy God to keep the Commandements of the Lord and his Statutes which I command thee this day for thy good Yea even such commands of Christ as seem hardest to Flesh and Blood are greatly for our good It seems a very hard matter to cut off our Right Hand or our Foot or to pluck out a Right Eye when any of these Members cause us to offend yet it is really better for us to remove the impediments of our Salvation though as dear as our Eyes as usefull and beneficial to us as our Hands and Feet and to
none upon Earth that I desire besides thee 3. The Lord Jesus prefers such as love and serve him above all persons in the world Exod. 19.5 If you will obey my voice indeed and keep my Covenant then you shall be unto me a peculiar treasure above all people Deut. 7.6 The Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself above all people that are upon the face of the Earth He calls his Church the fairest among women Cant. 1.8 Now if Christ love and prefer us above all other persons in the world is it not reason that we should love and prefer him above all things and persons in the whole world 5. It is dangerous loving and preferring any thing above Christ For 1. VVhat we love and prefer above Christ we make it an Idol an abominable Idol There are Idols in the Heart as well as Idols in the Temples Ezek. 14.3 Son of man these men have set up their Idols in their heart Now that is an Idol in the Heart which is loved and preferred above Christ VVhat we love most whither it be the true God or an Idol that we make our God Deut. 6.5 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart Now the Idolatry of the heart is odious to God as well as bowing the body to an Idol for the Soul boweth to the Idols set up in the heart And such as set up Idols in their hearts shall be shut out of the Kingdom of Heaven as well as they that bow their bodies to Idols Eph. 5.5 For this ye know that no Whoremonger nor Vnclean person nor Covetous man who is an Idolater hath any Inheritance in the Kingdom of God and of Christ A Covetous man is called an Idolater because he loveth the World above God and Christ and this Idolatry as well as worshipping Graven Images will shut a man out of the Kingdom of God 2. What we love and prefer above Christ shall either be quickly taken from us or else the enjoying of it shall become a curse to us Oft times when we Idolize Creatures God takes them away from us To overlove any thing is the ready way to lose it When Jonah overjoyed in his Gourd the Lord prepared a worm the next day that smote the Gourd and it withered Jona 4.6 7. Or else God curses those things which we are over-fond of and makes them grievous crosses When the Jews doted on the Assyrians God gave them into the hands of the Assyrians to be spoiled and destroyed by them Ezek. 23.5 12. Sect. 6. Such as complain of inability to come up to the terms of the Gospel answered It may be some will say I wish I could close with the terms on which Christ is offered in the Gospel but I find I am not able to do it I find in my self an inability to believe and repent I can't obey Christ and deny my self and suffer for Christ I wish I could do these things but I find no power yea sometimes I find opposition and reluctancy in my will against the terms of the Gospel what would you say to one in my condition A. 1. The main thing that God looks at is that we should be willing to have Christ as he offers him to us in the Gospel That we be willing to believe in him willing to repent of our sins willing to obey Christ willing to suffer for his sake willing to be saved by him in his own way For God is willing to give Christ and all his benefits unto every one that is willing to receive him Rev. 22.17 Whosoever will let him take the water of life freely As it is in matters of charity where there is a willing mind God accepts it though there be not ability to do that which we are desirous to do 2 Cor. 8.12 If there be first a willing mind it is accepted according to what a man hath and not according to what he hath not So it is in other Evangelical duties if there be a willing mind to perform what the Gospel requireth it is accepted although there be not power and ability to do what is required of us If there be a willingness to leave our sins and obey the Lord it is accepted as obedience Isa 1.16.19 Cease to do evil learn to do well If ye be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the Land There may be a willingness to that good which we want power to perform and where there is such a willingness it is taken notice of and accepted by God Math. 26.41 The Spirit indeed is willing but the Flesh is weak 2. If you find a want of power to come up to the terms of the Gospel this should not keep you from Christ but cause you to go to him that he give you power and strength to do what he requireth of you The Apostle of himself was as weak as we are he could do nothing no nor think any thing that was good 2 Cor. 3.5 But through Christ's strengthning him he could do all things Phil. 4.13 If we find we can't believe we must look unto Christ that he would work Faith in us Heb. 12.2 Looking to Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith If we can't Repent we must look unto Christ to give us Repentance for he was Exalted to give Repentance to those that can't Repent as well as Remission of sins to them that do Repent Act. 5.31 If we can't obey Christ and walk in his ways we must look unto Christ to put his Spirit within and to cause us to walk in his ways Ezek. 36.27 If we can't love and prefer Christ above all things we must look unto Christ that he would Circumcise our hearts to love him with all our hearts and all our souls Deut. 30.6 If we can't deny our selves for Christ we must look to him to give us a self-denying heart Ezek. 36.26 If we can't suffer for Christ we must look unto him to give us a suffering Spirit Phil. 1.29 3. If you find some unwillingness as well as an inability to close with Christ upon the terms of the Gospel seek unto God to work in you both a will and power to accept of Christ as he is offered in the Gospel To encourage thereunto consider 1. Both are Gods work which he works in us out of his free grace It is God that makes us willing to close with Christ on the terms of the Gospel and it is God that gives us power to believe repent deny our selves take up our Cross and follow Christ Phil. 2.13 It is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure 2. Both are promised and may be obtained of God if we will seek for them He hath promised to encline our wills to embrace Christ Psal 110.3 Thy people shall be a willing people in the day of thy power And he hath promised to give power also to them that have no might Isa 40.29
so much of them as is good for us is to receive Christ and seek after our Souls Salvation and to live an Holy Life rather than to neglect Christ and our Souls Salvation and to give our selves wholly or chiefly to mind the things of the World which may be proved several ways 1. They that serve Christ and seek chiefly after their Souls Salvation have the promise of all things necessary for this Life as well as the Life to come Math. 6.33 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you 1 Tim. 4.8 Godliness is profitable unto all things having promise of the life that now is and that which is to come And a promise from God is better security for the things of this life than our own wisdom or industry or present possessions though great or what else the whole World can afford to us 2. When Christ becomes ours the world is ours so far as God seeth it needfull and so far as he seeth it good for us it shall be ours 1 Cor. 3.21 22 23. All things are yours whether Paul or Apollo or the world all are yours and ye are Christs All things in the world shall be for the furtherance of our Spiritual and Eternal welfare the crosses as well as the comforts of the world 3. All things in the world are at the disposal of God and he gives them to whomsoever he will 1 Chron. 29.12 Both riches and honour come of thee and it is in thine hand to make great Dan. 4.17 The most high ruleth in the Kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever he will And seeing the whole world is at the disposal of God is a likelier way to obtain the world to seek and serve the Lord and his Son Jesus Christ or to live in the neglect of God and to disregard his service Obj. But some may say how is this the surest and best way to obtain the world to embrace and serve Christ when as ordinarily the servants of God have less of the world than other men A. 1. They that seek and serve the Lord have as much of the world as the Lord seeth to be good for them Psal 34.10 They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing And it is far better being without than having that which the Lord seeth would be hurtfull for us And Riches are of that nature that to have abundance of them proves a real hurt to some men Eccl. 5.13 I have seen Riches kept for the Owners thereof to their hurt 2. That little of the world which the servants of God have is better than the great possessions of other men Psal 37.16 A little that a righteous man hath is better than the Riches of many wicked If any say how can this be that a little that a righteous man hath should be better than the riches of many wicked I answer 1. The servants of Christ have more comforts in their little than wicked men have in their abundance For they have their little with Gods Blessing which takes away the sorrow from what they possess Prov. 10.22 The blessing of the Lord it maketh Rich and addeth no sorrow therewith But other men have a curse and vexation added to what they have Prov. 3.33 The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked 2. The Servants of Christ have their little with a good Conscience and a good Conscience is a continual Feast Prov. 15.15 a merry heart is a continual Feast Rich men make Feasts sometimes which the poor servants of Christ can't do yet they excell the Rich man for they have a continual Feast One of the greatest Feast made by Rich men that we read of was that which King Ahasuerus made which lasted an Hundred and Fourscore days Esth 1.4 But behold here a better yea a continual Feast But now other men have their estates with an accusing Conscience and that is a continual vexation 3. The servants of Christ have more contentment in their little than other men have in their greatest abundance Eccl. 5.10 He that loveth Silver shall not be satisfied with Silver nor he that loveth abundance with increase VVicked men are in straits in their greatest abundance Job 20.22 In the fullness of his sufficiency he shall be in straits But the servants of Christ have a sufficiency and a contented mind in the midst of their wants and straits Phil. 4.11 12. I have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be content both to be full and to be hungry both to abound and suffer need 4. The servants of Christ have their little with the love and favour of God Deut. 10.18 He loveth the stranger in giving him Food and Rayment VVhen his People are strangers and he gives them but little Food and Rayment yet they have it with his love Psal 146.8 The Lord loveth the righteous But other men are hated in their greatest abundance Psal 5.5 Thou hatest all workers of iniquity And a little with the love of God is better than great riches and his hatred therewith Prov. 15.17 Better is a dinner of Herbs where love is than a stalled Ox and hatred therewith If the meanest fare with love from men be better than the choicest provision and hatred therewith how much more is this true of the love and hatred of God Sect. 8. Doubts and scruples about our being under the offer of Christ an hinderance to our closing with Christ These doubts answered It may be some will say if I saw and knew that God offered Christ and Salvation by Christ to me I would accept of him on any terms but I have many doubts and scruples upon my mind whether God offers Christ to me as my unworthyness the greatness of my sins my being so little affected with my sin and misery my long neglect of Christ and the like and I can't tell how to think that God should offer Christ to such an unworthy creature to such a great sinner to such an hard hearted creature as I am to one that have neglected and stood out so long as I have done For satisfying these scruples I shall lay down these following propositions about the offer of Christ and Salvation by Christ to all sorts of sinners on the terms of Faith and Repentance 1. The Lord Jesus Christ with all his saving benefits is offered to the meanest and most worthless persons in the whole world when the Gospel comes that find their want of Christ and are willing to receive him though they have no mony that is nothing of any value to commend them to God yet they may have Christ and all his benefits freely Isa 55.1 Ho! every one that thirsteth come ye to the waters and he that hath no mony come ye buy and eat yea come buy Wine and Milk without mony and without price 2. There is an offer of Christ and Salvation by Christ to all sorts of Sinners The
that my day of grace is past and so there is no hope for my Soul that ever I should be made partaker of Christ A. No man ought to conclude his day of grace and Salvation to be past as long as he is in the Land of the living If Christ be not accepted before we dye then we shall miss of him for ever The day of grace and the day of Salvation is gone for ever if Christ be not embraced before Death comes But as long as we are in the land of the living there is a door of hope stands open to us Eccl. 9.5 To him that is joyned to all the living there is hope As long as we are under the Preaching of the Gospel which is the Ministry of Reconciliation it is an accepted time and a day of Salvation 2 Cor. 5.20 Compared with 2 Cor. 6.2 Now then we are Ambassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christs stead be ye reconciled to God Behold now is the accepted time behold now is the Day of Salvation While God is treating with us by his Embassadors who do in Christ's stead pray us to be reconciled to God so long 't is an accepted time and a day of Salvation Upon the last day of the Feast when the people were to be dismissed and sent to their own home the Lord Jesus made an offer of himself to all that did thirst after him Joh 7.37 In the last day that great day of the Feast Jesus stood and cryed saying if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink This Feast was the Feast of Tabernacles ver 2. which Feast lasted many days Lev. 23.34 36. Their dwelling in Tabernacles while in the VVilderness till they came to Canaan was an Emblem of our Frailty whilst we remain in the Body which is called a Tabernacle 2 Cor. 5.1 2 Pet. 1.14 I must put of this my Tabernacle that is my body As our Lord Jesus offered himself to every one that was a thirst on the last day of the Feast of the Tabernacles so he doth offer himself to us even to the last day of our continuance in our Earthly house of this Tabernacle The penitent thief who embraced Christ the last day of his being in this Earthly Tabernacle upon the day of his death was accepted of him But some may say again the weary and the thirsty and the heavy laden and such as are of a broken heart and are burdened with their sins are invited to come to Christ but I am not affected as I ought to be with my sin and misery I am not humbled for my sins but I have an hard dead insensible heart and therefore I am afraid Christ is not offered to me A. 1. Even such as are not affected with their sin and misery but have high thoughts of their own excellencies when as in truth they are wretched and miserable are invited to come to Christ for good and white rayment and eye Salve whereby they may have a true sight of their own state and be made sensible of their sin and misery Rev. 3.17 18. Because thou sayest I am rich and encreased with goods and have need of nothing and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked I counsel thee to buy of me Gold and white Rayment and anoint thine eyes with eye salve that thou mayest see VVe see the poorest and most miserable which are not affected as they ought with their sin and misery are called upon to repair to Christ and to be dealing with Christ for the choicest of his benefits Gold white Rayment eye salve that they might see and be made rich and have their nakedness covered 2. As Christ was sent to bind up and heal the broken in heart Isa 61.1 So he was exalted to give Repentance to hard hearted sinners Act. 5.31 And it is his work to take away the stony heart from those that have stony hearts and give them hearts of flesh For it is the Lords promise to take away the stony heart and to give an heart of flesh Ezek. 36.26 And it belongs to Christ as he is Mediator and surety of the new Covenant to see this as well as other promises of the Covenant fulfilled 3. Sleepy and secure sinners are called upon by the Gospel to awake out of their sleep and to look to Christ for light and life Eph. 5.14 Wherefore he saith awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light 4. Though you do not find such an hunger and thirst such a weariness and burdened condition as others find yet if you are willing to have Christ on the terms of the Gospel willing to be ruled and saved by him in his own way you need not doubt but Christ with all his saving benefits is offered freely to you as freely as to any other person for he is offered freely to every one whosoever he be that is willing to have him Rev. 22.17 Whosoever will let him take the water of life freely Sect. 9. Doubting of Christ's willingness to receive us an hinderance of our closing with Christ This doubt removed It may be some will say I am willing to accept of Christ on the terms of the Gospel but I doubt whether Christ will accept of me because I have been such a vile and sinfull creature and still find in my self such an unsanctified heart and such a corrupt nature A. They that are willing to accept of Christ on the terms of the Gospel may lay aside all their doubts of Christ's accepting them of what nature soever they be And that on such grounds as these 1. We have Christ's own word and promise to assure that if we come to him he will in no wise cast us out Joh. 6.37 Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out Him without exception of any person or any sin him whosoever he be and whatsoever he hath done that cometh to me that is that believeth on me that receiveth me as I am offered in the Gospel that in the sense of his lost and perishing condition cometh to me to save him I will in no wise cast out 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Two Negatives I will not I will not cast him out I will in no wise no accusation that Satan shall bring against him for the multitude or greatness of his sins or his long continuance in his sins or any other accusation shall prevail with me to cast him out I will in no wise cast him out that is I will graciously accept him Nonrepellam a me a societate mea communione bonorum I will bestow my self and all my benefits upon him I will not cast him out that is out of my Kingdom I will receive him to be with me where I am 2. Though we have been sinners yet if we be penitent sinners the Lord Jesus will receive us upon our coming to him 2