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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A42469 Thomas Gataker B.D. his vindication of the annotations by him published upon these words, Thus saith the Lord, learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signes of heaven, for the heathen are dismayed at them, Jer. 10. 2 against the scurrilous aspersions of that grand imposter Mr. William Lillie : as also against the various expositions of two of his advocates, Mr. John Swan, and another by him cited, but not named : together with the annotations themselvs : wherein the pretended grounds of judiciary astrologie, and the Scripture-proofes produced for it are discussed and refuted.; Vindication of the annotations by him published Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. 1653 (1653) Wing G330; ESTC R7339 172,651 208

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Heaven work upon this inferior world But the Sun and Moon and Stars are the Lights of Heaven Ergò the Sun Moon and Stars work upon the inferior World to the subversion of States changes of Common-Weals Laws and Religion and Translations of Kingdomes c. For who seeth not if he have but his eyes in his head that there is much more in the Conclusion then is to be found in the Premisses Or thus if you please The Lights of Heaven work upon this World by a power stamped at first upon them by God But the Sun Moon and Stars ar such Lights Ergò they work by such a power to subvert States and translate Kingdomes to make new Lords and new Laws And is not this think we an irrefragable Argument or were it not worthy rather to be hissed out of the Schools But thus we have at length the ful latitude of these mens interpretation of Moses his words or Gods rather by Moses recorded Let the Lights of Heaven be Signes not onely to foreshew what men bred and born under them shall be and shall do and what evils shall betide them in life and in death and to portend Rebellions and Ruines of Kingdomes States and Churches but efficacious Signes so to work upon men as to make them thievish and lecherous and disloyal and furious to make them subject to many miseries and disasters in their lives and to bring them at length to such and such evil ends and upon States to stir up people to sedition and Rebellion and to subvert and utterly overthrow them change their fundamental Laws and to remov the Religion professed formerly among them All this and much more then this they ascribe to the Stars and when we demand where they find that God at first endued them with this power they deem it answer sufficient to tel us that God himself when he made them said Let them be for Signes Is not this I say non sanguinem elicere but saniem exprimere to wring Scripture not until they make it yeild blood but untill they sqize out of it such rotten stuff such purulent matter as a man would wonder any Christian soul should not abhor Mr. Swan did forecast what would here be objected to wit that the Word of God tels us that its God not the Stars that disposes Kingdoms and States Prov. 8.15 16. that sets up and puls down Psal 75.7 that as Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar rules the Kingdomes of men not leaving them to the disposal of the Stars but giving them to whom he pleaseth Dan. 4.25 To this Mr. Swan returns a long laci●ious answer winding and turning to and fro as a Hare in chase to elude the the Hunts-man and his Hounds The sum of what he saith in short is this that It s one thing to so dispose of Kingdomes as to translate them to another Nation another thing so to dispose of of them as they who live in them to be punished for their sinnes Which distinction of his what it makes for his purpose a better head then mine must tell For God he grants doth the one as wel as the other and doth he not for mans sins as well the one as the other See Deut. 9.4 5. or do not our Astrologers ascribe the periods of Kingdomes to the Stars or have the Stars any regard to the goodnesse or badnesse of a people working as these Wizards and their Patrons tel us in a natural cours not in a moral or arbitrarie way as well in the one as in the other 2. To omit what he returns to an Objection of his own framing that God works alwayes extraordinarily in such cases which no wise man I think wil or did ever avow that yet the signes of Heaven have their working also and ar serviceable to God in these Which what is it else but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 principium p●tere to bring us back to that which was in qestion at first and to prove what he would have by that which is under debate Besides that the qestion is not whether God by a miraculous way make use of any creature to effect thereby what he pleaseth but whether these celestial bodies have an innate power to effect such strange alterations in States as our Wizards attribute to them I might demand of him where in any authentical Record he he finds that God ever made such use of the Stars For who almost would not smile to reade to this purpose alledged that of Asaph Psalm 50.4 He shal cal to the Heavens from above and to the earth that he may judge his people that is to hear the debates and decide the con●roversie between him and them For did not Esay chap. 1.2 and Moses before him Deut. 30.29 and 32.1 cal Heaven and Earth to hear the controversies between God and his people and to bear witnesse what was to pass in way of plea and allegation on Gods behalf against them implying thereby what they might doe and would doe were they apprehensive of such affairs See the like Jer. 2.12 13. Mic. 6.1 2. And might not that man deservedly be derided who would thence conclude that the stars had ears to hear what God or his Prophets there said as well as the Jewish Masters who with some great Heathen Writers from Psalm 19.1 assert them to be rational creatures or that should from the places before designed out of Moses Asaph Esay Jeremie and Micah maintain as much concerning the mountains of the earth and the earth it self as these men would hence gather concerning the Stars and the Heavens As litle to any purpose for proof of the point in qestion is that other instance from Deboraes words The stars in their courses fought against Sisera Judg. 5.20 For first if Rhetorical flourishes be made matter of Faith and Allegorical expressions strained up to the highest piteh of proprietie we shall soon frame a strange and monstrous Body of Divinitie and make Scripture story little better then a Popish Legend or a Jewish Talmud which by such means is grown up to a main mass of fabulous and ridiculous relations Will any be so absurd as because David one while complains that He stuck in the mire where he found no footing Psal 69.20 an other while praises God for drawing him up out of the miry clay Psal 40.2 Therefore to imagine that David sometime like to the Romane Marius lay hid in a bog from whence God in safetie drew him out Or because God threatens the Israelites by Amos chap. 8.9 that he would cause the Sun to set with them at noon tide and darken the earth in the clear day can it thence be concluded that some great Eclipse of the Sun should fall out on that day wherein the judgement then threatned should be inflicted or as some groundlesly that it should be a Prophecie of that obscuration of the Sun at the time of our Saviours suffering Matth. 27.45 or when God saith of Babel
that at the time of her fal Esay 13.10 as if the Heavens should wear blacks for her The stars of Heaven and the constellations thereof shal not give their light the Sun shal be darkned in his going forth and the Moon shal not cause her light to shine out who understands not that the meaning in both places is other then the proprietie of the letter imports to wit in the one that in the height of their prosperitie and jollitie they should suddenly be surprised with anxietie and distresse that should dash all their glory and mar yea utterly damp all their mirth in the other that they should have no more joy or comfort in ought albeit they had Day-light or Moon-light or Star-light then as if the whole Heaven over their heads were totally darkned and those glorious Luminaries all utterly extinct Take one place for all wherein most Interpreters agree and against which there can be no exception It is said Rev. 6.12 14. Vpon the opening of the sixth seal there was a great Earthqake and the Sun became like a sackcloath of hair and the Moon became as bloud and the Stars of Heaven fell down to the Earth even as a Fig-tree casts its green Figs when it s shaken with a mightie wind and the Heavens went away like a scrole when it is rolled up together and every Mountain and Iland were removed out of their place c. much whereof is borrowed from Esay 34 4 and is all spoken as the most and best Interpreters unanimously agree of that great and strange change that was wrought in the World upon Constantines conversion to the Christian Faith the abolition of idolatrie generally before professed and the profession of Christianitie setled in the room of it together with the consternation of the Pagan partie that so possest the minds of men great and small high and low in all parts as if the whole world had ben turned upside down as the Cynik said it would be shortly after his decease and willed them therefore to bury him with his face downward and as wel the Heavens above as the earth beneath had with a most violent concussion ben shaken and removed out of their wonted places albeit not any of those particulars there recited were in likelyhood literally then effected For of the last day of the World the subseqent Prophecies will not permit it to be expounded Now to apply this and the former instances to our present purpose when Deborah saith The stars fought from Heaven the stars from their ramparts or terraces or parapets or higher works fought against Sisera It is by Peter Martyr Junius Piscator and who not after Joseph the Jew expounded of such storms and tempests with gusts of wind showers of hailstone and rain cracks of thunder flashes of Lightning or the like such as that was in Egypt Exod. 9.23 24. that at Gibeon Josh 10.11 and that described in likelyhood at the destruction of Pharaoh and his troops Exod. 14.24 and 15.6.7 Psal 77.16.18 So vehement and violent that all the powers of Heaven might seem to concur and joyn together in the encounter with and the assaults of Sisera and his forces tho it be not therefore necessarie to imagine that the Stars had any particular employment in that Action no more then the Sun or Moon or Stars in those other before described That some such storm is there intended is the more probable in regard of that which is there subjoyned that the river Kishon swept them away being raised up and swelling in likelyhood by the abundance of rain that then suddenly fell But let us grant Mr. Swan which yet cannot be proved no more then that there ar 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ramparts or terraces or parapets in Heaven that the Stars had such a particular employment in this businesse will this think we be a sound Argument God did sometime extraordinarily and for ought can be said miraculously make use of the Stars to defeat some forces Ergò Stars have an innate power from their original stampt on them by God to do much mischief and to overthrow Countreyes and Kingdomes Or may not one upon the same ground reason in this manner Christ made use of clay tempered with spittle for the opening of the eyes of one that was born blind John 9.6 Ergò clay tempered with fasting spittle hath a singular facultie and innate vertue given it by God to cure such as are born blind which Christ doubtlesse well knew otherwise he would never have made use of it to any such purpose The one Argument is sure enough every whit as good as the other and it may evidently shew what pass they ar at that ar fain to fly for want of sounder Arguments to such sory shifts as these But Mr. Swan proceeds to demonstrate unto us taking in Sr. W. Ralegh for his second how Mars that fierce and furious felow is able to subvert any Kingdome or State For after a long discours how the stars work upon elementarie bodies and so mediately upon mens souls their minds and their wils which you must remember must be according to such faculties as our Wizards have assigned them for ye must of necessitie as Mr. Lilie pleads grant them their principles tho they be not able to prove them Hence saith he it comes to pass that in places where the present state of things is apt to kindle into a combustion there Mars being powerful in operation doth sometime sow the seeds of War or the Aire being out of tune by bad influences of Planets causes not onely many sicknesses but strange disorders of minds which breaking out into act do many times disturb States translate Kingdomes c. For when the Aire is distemperately heated then it is for certain very apt so to disorder and drie up the bloud as to breed much choler red and adust this stirs up to anger with thoughts of furious and violent actions whence War from War Victorie from it change of Common-Weals and translations of Kingdomes change of Laws and Religion New Lords new Laws Have we not an ocular demonstration of whar was before said of the Power that the Stars have over Persons and Peoples Kingdomes and States But I suppose we shall not need to borrow great Alexanders whiniard to cut this Gordian knot asunder any sory whittle will serve the turn In a word Sir you beg still the qestion you presume what you should prov that which you know is denied and must stil be denied until it be proved that the Stars have such bad influences that is as before you explaind your self Powers and faculties stampt in them by God Now this we deny and for us to deny it is enough You that avow it mvst prove it And this Mr. Swan will as well be able to prove as Mr. Lilie his Client that the good Angels told holy men so or Mr. Johnson his Antagonist that God told it to Adam Now this barely denied cuts