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A30316 The Spiritual anatomy of man in which is considered I. the happy state of mans integrity in his first creation, II. the woful apostacy of man from God, by his original sin ..., III. mans restoration by ... Jesus Christ, and the excellency of the Covenant of Grace, IV. the whole series of Christian duties ..., V. the particular cases of affliction, especially spiritual defection ..., VI. the great encouragement to believers, for patience and perseverance ... : to which is added an index of the whole contents / published by Andrew Burnet ... Burnet, A. (Andrew) 1693 (1693) Wing B5753; ESTC R15370 202,954 328

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it is worth consideration to reflect on the great threatnings denounced against such vanity and superfluity by the Prophet Isaiah especially against the Pride of Women The Lord shall smite them with a scab and discover their secret parts and take away all their bravery and their round tires like the Moon the changeable suits of Aparrel the Mantles Wimples and Crisping Pins the Glasses fine Linnen Hoods and Vails instead of a sweet smell there shall be a stench instead of a girdle a rent instead of well set Hair Baldness instead of a Stomacher a Girdle of Sackcloath and burning instead of Beauty Is 3.16 to end This being one great Idol of the flesh and our shame let us see how this Lust of the flesh is compensed to the godly and glorified Believers First for that all their Sins and consequently their shame are taken away in Christ Jesus For as in Adam all died even so are all made alive in Christ 1 Cor. 15.22 God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have Eternal Life Joh. 3.16 Fear thou not for thou shalt not be ashamed neither shalt thou be confounded for thou shalt not be put to shame thou shalt forget the shame o● thy youth and shalt not remember the Reproach of thy Widow-hood any more for thy Maker is thy Husband Isa 54.4 The Saints of God have the rotten Garments exchanged with the Righteousness of Jesus Christ These are they which came out of great Tribulation and have washed their Robes and have made themselves white in the Blood of the Lamb Rev. 7.14 Thus the Saints of God as Inhabitants of the New Jerusalem being Cloathed with the Righteousness of Christ are cleansed from all sin and shame and so have no necessity of Cloaths to cover sin or shame Secondly the Saints have no occasion for Cloaths to Comfort the weakness of their Bodies for that when raised from the Dead they shall not have Corrupt Bodies of Corruptible Elements but shall be Clothed with Spiritual and Incorruptible Bodies not subject to change nor tainted with infirmities of Nature Hunger or Cold Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God neither doth Corruption inherit Incorruption for this Corruptible must put on Incorruption and this Mortal must put on immortality 1 Cor. 15.50 52 53. So that they shall have no occasion of the Corruptible Rags of most Sumptuous Apparel how much then have the Saints translated into glory the Advantage over such whose Earthy and Crasy Corps must be Clothed with rotte● Garments to cover their shame sin and nakedness and defend their infirm Bodies from offence of Cold and Heat of which the Saints are not sensible Secondly Eating and Drinking being the second Branch of the Lusts of the Flesh it is so gross a predominant and necessity of Nature and weak Mortality that it is not only the peculiar Resemblance of Bruits beneath the Dignity of Mans Soul and as it is the necessity of Nature so it is the great burden of Nature to be under that necessity that some Sensualists of whom the Apostle saith whose God is their Belly whose glory is their shame who mind Earthly things and Human Experience tells us how far this Tyranny upon Man so prevails that their luxuriant Appetite never suffer them to be at ease but either after the quantity or variety of eating and drinking they are hurryed with further desire and thereby often miserably loaded with hurtful diseases thus delicate Mortals are plunged in misery by that they so much delight in this was the Case of the Rich Glutton in the Gospel but on the other hand the Saints in Heaven are not Afflicted with troublesom Appetites for they feed on the Manna in the midst of the Paradise of God for they shall Hunger no more nor Thirst any more for the Lamb shall feed them and lead them to living Fountains of Water Rev. 21.4 6. their feeding is their Eternal beholding God and the Lamb but the Wicked feeds on the Eternal Wrath of God if any Man Worship the Beast and his Image and receive his mark on his Forehead or in his Hand the same shall drink of the Wine of the Wrath of God which is poured out into the Cup of his Indignation and he shall be Tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb Rev. 14.9 10. Thirdly The third Branch of the Lusts of the Flesh is that insatiable Appetite the World hath after the Riches of this Life what hath already been said of the uncertainty emptiness and vanities of Human Riches in the foregoing case of the Rich Glutton and the many Instances of that Nature may give the Complexion of that State and what Christ saith of the Rich Man that it is hard for a Rich Man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and that the Rich have received their Consolation and Portion in this Life do all sufficiently illustrate the Contemptibleness and Misery of that Life if not rich towards God but on the other Hand Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of God Mat. 5.3 Christians though never so poor in this World have all things in Christ They are Sons and Heirs of God and joynt Heirs with Christ Rom. 8.17 32. all which shew how far the State of the Godly though Poor in this Life exceed the Condition of the wicked though rich as Craesus if not rich towards God Fourthly the fourth Branch of the Lusts of the Flesh is the pleasure Men in this World take in Relations Friends and Companions but what is said before of this what Christ saith who loveth Father Children Relations Life it self or any thing else better than him is not worthy of him and whosoever looseth any of these things for his sake shall have double in Heaven is sufficient to give us a Parallel of the State of the Godly and the Wicked who Lust after the Flesh but let us see what account the Apostle gives of a far better exchange the Saints have made of the choicest of Companions but we are come into Mount Sion the City of the living God the Heavenly Jerusalem unto an innumerable Company of Angels into the general Assembly and Church of the First-born which are written in Heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the Spirits of Just Men made perfect and to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant and to the Blood of sprinkling Heb. 12.22 23 24. David was weary of the Society of wicked Men wo is me that I dwell in Mesheck and Sojourn in the Tents of Cedar so when the Saints are sure that he that sitteth on the Throne shall dwell with them they will freely part with the Company of Sinful Mortals Ps 120.5 The Lusts of the Eyes being the second part of the Worlds Inventory we shall examine it with the excellent discovery of the Saints Light
a Heir of God through Christ Rom. 8.15 17 26. He maketh his Saints Co-partners of his own glory with the Father and placeth them to sit on the Throne with himself and The glory which thou gavest me I have given them that they may be one even as we are one Jo. 17.22 23 24. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me on my Throne even as I overcame and am set down with my Father in his Throne Rev. 3.21 Hence we see how far all the Glory Grandure and Enjoyments of this Life come short to that inheritance in Heaven and expectation of Believers Having thus viewed the emptiness of all these Carnal and Earthly pretentions with the fulness of the Saints inheritance we come now to the answer of these three foregoing Objections Object Frst The Scope of the first being that the Kingdom of Heaven is to be purchased on hard Terms by the loss of all the Comforts and what 's dear in the World and that such Doctrine is Discourageable and inclines Men to to a taking up with and delighting in the pleasures of the Flesh by Solomons advice rather than in the loss thereof anxiously to seek after so hard a bargain as the Kingdom of Heaven Answ In answer to which we must lead the Objector back to the Survey and Consideration of the two things in Competition viz. Worldly Enjoyments and things of eternal Life and when the vanity uncertainty and emptiness of the first is considered and compared with the infinite excellencies and fulness in the last and as Heaven is of more value than Earth so these earthly things must be of less esteem than these Heavenly and seeing in Merchandise and good Husbandry the value of the thing in purchase is considerable beyond the price or in ballance with it in prospect of the advantages that may accrew so that in reason it cannot be pretended that the getting of Heaven in all the glorious excellencies thereof can be a hard bargain though the World under its best pretentions should be given in purchase For what hath a Man profited if he gain the whole World and lose his own Soul Mat. 16.26 Secondly Consider God is the Author of life made Heaven and Earth and disposes of it at his pleasure hath he not then the Terms in his own hand must we cut and carve and make bargains for our selves and of our side only must we have Heaven and Eternal Life on our Terms or on Gods Terms as he have the World to us freely he may make what Terms he pleaseth and if we will not close with God on his Terms we may and must go without the bargain And these are Christs Terms he that taketh not up his Cross Daily and followeth not me is not worthy of me Mat. 10.38 Thirdly This Doctrine of self-denyal Crucifying the Word and Mortification neither doth or should discourage from the purchase of Heaven for that it doth not forbid the use or comfort of the Creature but commands that it be used aright according to the Will of God Whatsoever is sold in the shambles that eat asking no question for Conscience sake the Earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof 1 Cor. 10.25 26. We are not forbid the use but the abuse of the Creature we are Commanded to Crucifie the flesh and the Lusts thereof but we are not commanded to destroy Nature or Despise the Moderate use of the Creatures for our Moderate and Temperate Subsistance but forbidden the Ryoting of the Creatures on our Lusts and though many of Gods People do voluntarily abstain from the abuse and superfluous use of the Creature or that by his Providence the plenty thereof may some time be restrained from them even to streights yet he supplieth that with the Blessing of a Contented Submission and teacheth how to want and how to abound and in every Condition therewith to be content Phi 4.11 12. and leadeth them to a dependance on himself that he will not suffer them to be Tempted above measure but that with every Temptation he will give an outgate that they may be able to bear it 1 Cor. 10.13 And make them wait on the appointed time for the vision in their greatest streights Hab. 2 3. We are not forbid the moderate use of the World for supply of our Necessities as Mortals when used in the fear of God and in Faith of Jesus Christ but we are forbidden placing our Affections on Earthly things when they come in Competition with Christ his Honour and Interest and clog our desires and duties towards God so as not to set his glory before us as the main design in every thing Fourthly Solomons Advice is mistaken as if he he should encourage Men to satiate and delight themselves only in the Pleasures and Enjoyments of the Creature without Dependance on God or to take that of the Creature for their all and not mind future Happiness he only in experience of Humane vanities reproves Mens resting on the Creature as making an Idol thereof and adviseth the moderate use of it without anxiety in reproof of the Worldlings who in the too excessive affection of the Creature take not the free and thankful enjoyment of it but Covetously hoards it up and makes a God of it which he accounts foolishness and warmly reproves resting on Creature delights Eccl. 11.8 9. Object The second Objection is that the Doctrine of Saints sufferings seems contrary to Scripture which in many places promise peace Tranquility and Protection and plenty to the Church and People of God Answ This is easily answered for either these promises are to the Church and People of the Jews all which were conditional on their Obedience and performed to them when in their Duty and afterwards upon their Repentance until their falling off in Crucifying the Lord of Glory however they are still the People of Promise and in his own time he will bring them to his Marvelous light and shew them his Salvation Secondly In no place of Scripture hath the Lord promised a constant Tyde of Temporary Mercies but upon their continuing in Duties and he hath reserved to himself the giving and taking them away at his Will and Pleasure and for his own ends in his Divine Wisdom and no Man can pretend to that Innocence but he must with David and the Church confess in Righteousness hast thou Corrected me less than mine Iniquities do deserve La. 1.18 Cha. 3.39 So we may conclude our wants Afflictions and Chastisements are from the Hands of Justice for Sin Thirdly Although the Lord often brings his best People under sore Afflictions Troubles and Wants as experience of all Ages teach us yet all this is in love and mercy and but for a short time to convince them of and bring them from their sins and to wean their Hearts from the World and to wind them up to himself by Repentance and to draw their Hearts more eagerly after him the Kingdom of God and
Patience and their great prize is not to be had but by a continued warfare The Kingdom of Heaven is taken by violence and the violent take it by force We see in the foregoing Doctrine of Christs sufferings Saints Examples and Christs Doctrine of Mortification Resignation and patient bearing of the Cross that the Christians Life is a continued warfare through Tribulation and Persecution ye must enter into the Kingdom of God Nothing is more incumbent or necessary to Warriers than chearfulness the chearful Champion gives glory to the cause and assists the fellow Souldiers expectation of Victory quickneth Actions and the glory of Victory hoped for makes Combatants dispise all Difficulties if then in common Warfare which is only for Worldly Honour Riches or Interest which when obtained perish in the using the chearfulness be requisite much more in the War for Eternal Glory In this warfare the Combatants have more reason than any others First For that the prize fought for is eternal happiness Secondly The Victory they fight for is that which Christ hath already obtained for them to wit their Eternal Salvation and Destruction of Death and the Devil Christ is crowned with glory and honour he brings many ●ons to glory and makes the Captain of our Salvation perfect by Sufferings who by Death destroyeth him that hath the power of Death even the Devil and delivers them who for fear of Death were all their Life time subject to bondage and is the faithful High-Priest reconciling people to God and having suffered being tempted is able to succour them who are tempted Heb. 2.9 to end If in the common case of War Courage and Chearfulness be a necessary duty much more in this Christian warfare for these three reasons First Christians of all Warriours have the most excellent priviledges promises and assistance Secondly It is Christs honour to fight chearfully under his Banner in imitation of himself Prophets and Saints Thirdly They have Christs Command for chearful fighting In all Warfare these three things are to be considered First Whether the War be offensive or defensive Secondly The cause of the War Thirdly The Means Provisions and Allies to Prosecute and Defend the War First The Christians War is both Offensive and Defensive First Defensive The melancholy recital of the Annals of Mans Creation and first Estate and how he fell from the Original Righteousness he was Created in and that afterward enmity was sowed between the Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent and a continual warfare so as The Serpent shall bruise Mans Heel and Man the Serpents Head Gen. 3.15 demonstrates to us that here is a perpetual warfare denounced from enmity never to be reconciled Man being lost in Adam of Gods Free Will Christ the Mediator of the new Covenant is early promised this is the Covenant of Grace By Grace ye are saved and not of works ye are Sons and Heirs of that Covenant of Promise Eph. 1.4 5 6 7. chap. 2.5 Hence ariseth this intestine War between the Creatures the Seed of the Woman which are the Heirs of this Covenant and Elect in Christ and the Seed of the old Enemy the Devil which in all Ages are of the World and Emissaries of Satan to Persecute the Woman and her Child and spew forth floods of Persecution on the Godly Rev. 12. to 11. Hence we see how this continued War is laid until the end of the World It appearing that Mans Enemy is the Devil his Emissaries the World and the Flesh who are no inconsiderable Enemies We wrestle not against Flesh and Blood but against Principalities and Powers against Spiritual wickednesses in High Places against the Rulers of Darkness of this World Eph. 6.12 This Enemy elsewhere is called the Prince of the Power of the Air and is cloathed with all mischievous qualifications to fight First He is cloathed with subtilty and lying by which at first he deceived Eve and by the Apostle his Temptations are called Wiles of the Devil Eph. 6.11 Secondly He is powerful He is the Prince of the Power of the Air that ruleth in the Children of Disobedience Ephes 2.2 Thirdly He is restless and vigilant going about night and day seeking whom he may devour 1 Pet. 5.8 Fourthly His Malice is unplacable see how he pursueth Job from time to time with false insinuations to God against him Job 1. to 12. ch 2. to 7. Fifthly His Courage and Boldness is undaunted he dare tempt the Lord of Glory with impudently renewed Temptations Mat. 4. to 10. He pursueth the Woman and Child Christ to devour them and speweth forth great floods of Persecution to destroy them Rev. 12. to 11. He fights against the Lord of Lords and King of Kings Rev. 17.14 This warfare is both defensive and offensive First Defensive In all Wars the Defensive is most favourable nothing being more just and natural than to defend ones own right interest and property and in the Christians case most justifyable and necessary for Satan the first old and continued Enemy of Mankind having first invaded mans quiet and felicity and tempted him to break Covenant with God and continually envying Mans better estate in the new Covenant rests not to assault him and endeavour to ruine him a second time As he that was born after the Flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit Gal. 4 29. So it is now and this enmity of bruising mans Heel is put upon him as a Judgment for tempting and upon man as a punishment for his yielding to the lying and treacherous insinuations under the cunning and specious pretensions of Mans advantage that Man should know more and better but his malicious intention was to ruine Man with God Eternally Have Christians then so powerful an Enemy cunning malicious and vigilant who is always on his Post to destroy and have they so considerable an Interest at Stake how doth it then behove them to stand fast to the liberty wherewith Christ hath made them free and not to be weary in well doing for if we faint not we shall reap in due season Gal. 5.1 chap. 6.9 Is any thing more worth contesting for and worthy of defence than that great advantage of being redeemed from wrath to come and title of honour to sit on the Throne of Christ and be heirs of all things which is not given to the lazy but to the diligent and victorious To him that overcometh will I give to sit on my Throne Rev. 3.12 21. We must not slumber but be vigilant Ye are the Children of Light and of the Day not of the Night and Darkness therefore let us not sleep as do others watch therefore putting on the whole Armour of God Secondly This War is offensive All Wars though at first but defensive turn for the most part to offensive for that injuries may be so done by invaders that provoke the attacked to become an agressor not only for reparation and satisfaction but upon success in defence to
my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts Is 55.8 9. And while musing what the Spirit meant in these Expressions I was carryed back to review the fatal Record of mans Condemnatory Sentence for his Rebellion in which I found written And I will put Enmity between thee and the Woman and between thy Seed and her Seed it shall bruise thy Head and thou shalt bruise his Heel Gen. 3.15 And being yet more in the dark as to the meaning of that Scripture I was led to that of Gods Covenant with Abraham and I will Establish my Covenant between thee and me and thy Seed after thee in their Generations for an everlasting Covenant Gen. 17.7 8. and to that other Word of God to Moses I will raise them up a Prophet amongst their Brethren like unto thee and will put my words into his mouth and he shall speak unto them all the words which I have commanded him Deut. 18.18 And being led a little further to understand the meaning of this I met with that Word of the Lord to David by the Prophet Samuel And thine House and thy Kingdom shall be Established for ever before thee and thy Throne shall be Established for ever 2 Sam. 7.11 to 17. And that of David himself The Lord hath Sworn in Truth unto David he will not turn from it of the Fruit of thy Body will I set upon thy Throne Ps 132.11 And the Lord hath said to my Lord sit thou at my Right Hand until I make thine Enemies thy Foot-stool Ps 110.1 and that other place of the same Prophet David And thou wilt not leave my Soul in Hell neither suffer thy Holy one to see Corruption Ps 16.10 And thus being led to the view of these Scriptures and being yet more Anxious to understand their meaning I was at last by the Blessing of God led to that of the second of the Acts verse 22 to 37. And that of the 7th of the Acts And to these words Of this mans Seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a Saviour Acts 13.15 to 42. By all which I found plainly laid open that before the Foundations of the Earth were laid 2 Tim. 1.9 God according to his own purpose had provided the means of mans Redemption and that all the foregoing Scriptures under the Old Testament were Prophetical of his Eternal purpose and good Will and that in the fulness of time he should send one even Jesus Christ to take upon him the Nature of man with whom God entred into an everlasting Covenant and that for Sin Sin should be Condemned in the flesh and that Everlasting Covenant with Abraham and the Prophets spoken of by Moses and Establishing of Davids Throne for ever are all meant of that Everlasting Covenant between God and Jesus Christ the Second Adam by which Covenant Christ was to come in the flesh and suffer death as he did and that he should obtain Eternal Life for all such as should believe in him Jo. 3.16 And thus being instructed that the manifold promises and priviledges spoken of in the Old and New Testament do belong to Believers and that as well Salvation as Faith to lay hold on Jesus Christ are freely of God as a gift Jam. 1.17 Hence I found the Truth of that of Gods Word My thoughts are not your thoughts our thoughts are narrow and run only after the lesser things and would de satisfied with the Restoration of man to his first Estate in the first Adam and considering this new and Second Covenant in the Second Adam not only of things Temporal but also of things Eternal and that this Second Covenant is Everlasting sure and not subject to the fatal Apostacy as was that in the first Adam And as in Contemplation of the Happy State of man in his First Creation the Heart was raised to rejoyce in God and magnifie his goodness and could not but take pleasure in so choice a Speculation and as on reflection upon the dismal and decayed condition of man upon his degeneracy the Soul must needs be dejected with melancholy and grievous thoughts how highly may the Soul be Elevated with Admiration of that infinite love of God to mankind in Christ Jesus who hath in him chosen of the Seed of Abraham before the Foundation of the World Eph. 1.4 5. having predestinated them unto the Adoption of Children to himself and properly apply that of the Holy Prophet Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard neither hath it entred into the Heart of Man besides thee O Lord what good things he hath laid up for them who wait on him Is 64.4 Thus Christian Reader being led unto the meditation of these three material Concerns of mans everlasting condition I have Collected these ensuing Sheets in which I have first considered mans condition in the First Creation and Secondly under his Apostacy wherein I have examined that original Sin in Adam in the several Ingredients thereof and how far the Posterity are guilty and affected with the Evil Consequences of the same upon which are made some practical Inferences Thirdly I have considered the Covenant of grace in the Second Adam wherein I have touched on all the Duties incumbent on Believers under that Covenant and have met with all the emergent Cases of Affliction incident to Believers in the militant State such as spiritual desertion Afflictions by Sickness Imprisonment Poverty Reproach loss of and being forsaken by Friends and Relations and have collected and applyed the several promises to the respective cases and in the close have examined the Duty of Christian Patience and Perseverance with the promises suitable thereunto and lastly have drawn a large Series of Christian Duties and Truths in short Heads with the Scriptural Proofs thereof so as in two or three Pages the marrow of the whole is comprehended and as I dare averr in all Christian Sincerity these Sheets were only Collected for Private and Domestick use without any intention of sending them to publick view by which means they are in a more naked and rude dress without the Curiosity of Eloquence or Artificial patching and as by the importunity of some Friends I was induced to send them abroad I shall only desire thus much in Christian Charity that thou mayest believe that these are the effects of serious enquiry into the Holy Scriptures with Meditation and Prayer and narrowly searching into Truth with what strength I could obtain by grace and that neither in Ostentation or for secular ends they are sent abroad but in all Humility if it may be that others may find therein that Light and Establishment in the way of God which I hope I have and shall find and conceiving this to be a Duty according to that of the Holy Apostle Look not every Man on his own things but every Man also on the things of another Phil. 2.4 and that thou mayest have the Truths of grace Sealed on thy Soul and that
63.5 The Sheepheard of Israel is that tender hearted Physitian who sympathiseth with his People In all their Afflictions he was afflicted and the Angel of his Presence sayed them In his Love and his Pity he Redeemed them and bore them all the days of old Isa 63.9 His compassion is great his Bowels yearn and are turned for them how shall I give thee up Ephraim how shall I deliver thee Israel how shall I make thee as Adma how shall I set thee as Zeboim my heart is turned within me my repentings are kindled Hos 9.8 Is Ephraim my dear Son is he a pleasant Child for since I spoke against him I do earnestly remember him still therefore my Bowels are troubled for him I will surely have mercy upon him saith the Lord Jer. 31.20 Am I a God at hand and not a God afar off Jer. 22.23 The Lord cannot forget his People though the Cloud of darkest afflictions may hinder their apprehensions of his love and care of them I have even called thee by thy name though thou hast not known me I am the Lord and there is none else besides me I guarded thee though thou hast not known me I Form the Light and Create Darkness I make peace and create evil I the Lord do all these things Isa 45.4 5 7. He healeth the broken in heart and bindeth up their wounds wherefore although the pale and dark side of the Cross should look grim upon the Christian he is by Faith and Patience to look thorough the Cloud to the Conquerours and lay hold of him in his Promises though the Vision tarry wait for it it will speak at last and he that will come shall come and will not tarry Hab. 2.3 No Man did look thorough a paler Cloud than this Prophet Although the Fig-tree shall not blossom neither shall fruit be in the Vine though the labour of the Olive and the Fields shall yield no meat the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no Heard in the Stall yet will I rejoice in the Lord and joy in the God of my Salvation the Lord is my strength and he will make my Feet like Hinds Feet and he will make me to walk upon my High Places Hab. 3.17 18 19. The holy Prophet Micah after he had viewed the folly of all humane expectations weakness and deceitfulness of friends relations and all other Men puts his confidence alone in God and thereby takes great courage and resolution and seems to make Inference of Faith upon the view of humane vanities Therefore I will look unto the Lord I will wait for the God of my Salvation my God will hear me rejoyce not against me O mine Enemy when I fall I shall arise when I sit in darkness the Lord shall be a light unto me He will bring me forth to the light and I shall behold his Righteousness Mic. 7.1 to 11. The second branch of Gods Promises to his People is of his great Mercy Love and Reconciliation under the greatest Sins the Lord doth not measure his dispensations as Men do their benevolences by scanty measures and do pardon lesser and not greater offences for that Sins of the deepest dye are no bar to his Mercy He came not to call the Righteous but Sinners to Repentance In the Language of his Mercy the whole need no Physitian but the Sick Luke 5.31 32. His Invitation is look unto me and be you saved all the Ends of the Earth Isa 45.22 And come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy loaden and I will give you rest Mat. 11.28 My Thoughts are not as your Thoughts neither your Ways my Way saith the Lord for as the Heavens are higher than the Earth so are my Thoughts higher than your Thoughts c. Isa 55.8 9. Come now let us reason together saith the Lord though your sins be as Scarlet they shall be made white as Snow though they be red like Crimson they shall be as Wool If you be willing and obedient ye shall eat the good of the Land but if ye refuse and rebel ye shall be devoured with fire Isa 1.18 19 20. Christ makes a free Market of Mercy and puts no limitation to his bounty but offers freely upon the Sinners acceptance by Faith and Repentance Ho every one that thirsteth come to the Waters buy Milk and Honey without price c. Isa 55.1 2. his satisfaction is for all and for all manner of Sins upon Faith and Repentance God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever should believe in him should not die but have eternal Life John 3.16 17. Christs love is free and respects not the greatness of Sin but the sincerity of Faith and Repentance yea When we were Enemies and without strength Christ died for us Rom. 5 6 7 8. Davids uncleanness and Murther of Uriah was no bar to Divine Mercy 1 King 21.29 Nebuchadnezzar on Repentance found Mercy Dan. 4. Manasses Idolatry Witchcraft and other great Abominations received Mercy on Repentance and When He was in great affliction he sought the Lord and humbled himself greatly before the God of his Fathers and Prayed unto him and he was intreated of him and heard his supplication and brought him again to Jerusalem and into his Kingdom Then Manasseh knew that the Lord he was God 2 Chron. 32.12 13. Thirdly His Promises upon Relapses although it is ill complexion to sin after receipt of Mercies as with the Dog to the Vomit and the Sow to the Mire yet Repentance in its due qualifications gives a rise to Mercy The Lord had to do with the most stubborn People on the whole Earth who revolted from God in most heinous manner And yet how often did he renew his Mercies to them the whole tract of the Israelites Life was Rebellion and Revolts nevertheless he regarded their afflictions when he heard their cry see their backslidings and the Lords wonderfully renewed Mercies towards them Psal 106. Psal 107. all The Lords wonderful free and early Mercies were eminently manifested to Israel nevertheless see their stupid revolt and ingratitude but they rebelled against him and converted all his kindness and mercies to the feeding of their lusts and abominations of Idolatry Ezek. 16. from 15 to 37. Wherefore the Lord in his Justice sends them under severe punishments to verse 60. and then the Lords anger is pacified towards them and he remembers his Covenant with them when they are ashamed of their sins and abominations and return to the Lord by Repentance to the end of the chapter That thou mayest remember and be confounded and never open thy mouth any more because of thy shame when I am pacified towards thee for all that thou hast done saith the Lord. The Lords Ear is always open to the cry of a Penitent sinner The Lord is nigh to all that call upon him in Truth Psal 145.18 Repent and turn your selves from all your transgressions so iniquity
him that asketh thee and from him that would borrow of the turn thou not away Math. 5.43 Remember them that are in Bonds as being bound with them and them which suffer Adversity as being your selves also in the Body Heb. 13.3 What doth it profit if a Man say he hath Faith and hath not Works can Faith save him if a Brother or Sister be Naked and Destitute of daily Food and one of you say unto him depart in peace be you Clothed and be you Filled notwithstanding you give him nothing James 2.14 15 16. of these things which are needful to the Body what doth it profit 1 John 3.17 Mortification if thy Right Eye or Right Hand offend thee cut it off and cast it from thee it is better one of thy Members perish than thy whole Body should be cast into Hell Math. 5.29 30. Hence we are taught the Subduing and Mortifying of all Lusts of whatsoever esteem they may be and as dear to us as any of our Members we are to admit no enjoyment of them in Competition with true Holiness and new Obedience He Preacheth up the Doctrine of Love and Charity to all Men even to Enemies you have heard that it hath been said love thy Neighbour and hate thy Enemy but I say to you Love your Enemies Bless him that Curse you do good to them that hate you pray for them that dispightfully use you and persecute you that ye may be the Children of your Father which is in Heaven for he maketh his Sun to rise on the Evil and on the Good and the Rain to come down on the Just and the Unjust for if you love them that love you what reward have you do not even the Publicans do the same and if you Salute only your Brethren what more do ye than others but be ye perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect Math. 5.43 to end See that great Doctrine of Mutual Love and Charity he that saith he is in the Light and hateth his Brother is in Darkness even until now he that loveth his Brother abideth in the Light and there is no occasion of stumbling in him but he that Hateth his Brother is in Darkness and knoweth not whither he goeth because the Darkness hath blinded his Eyes 1 John 2. to 18. We know that we have passed from Death to Life because we love the Brethren he that loveth not his Brother abideth in Death whosoever hateth his Brother is a Murderer and ye know that no Murderer hath Eternal Life abiding in him hereby perceive we the Love of God because he hath laid down his Life for us and we ought to lay down our Life for the Brethren but whosoever hath this Worlds good and shutteth up his Bowels from the Brother how dwelleth the Love of God in him 1 John 3.14 15 16 17. Let us Love one another for Love is of God and every one that Loveth is born of God and knoweth God he that Loveth not knoweth not God for God is Love in this was manifested the Love of God towards us because God sent his only begotten Son into the World that we might live through him herein is the Love of God Manifested not that we loved him but that he Loved us and sent his Son to be a propitiation for our Sins if God so loved us we ought also to love one another if we love one another God dwelleth in us and his love is perfected in us and we have known and believed the love that God hath to us God is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him 1 Jo 4.7 to end A New Commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you that you love one another Jo. 13.34 from all which we are instructed of the Nature and Extent of Charity that it doth not consist only in naked and bare profession of Friendship good wishes and pretended Respects but in the Bowels of Tenderness Compassion Simpathy and suitable Supplies to the necessities of others that Charity is not to be straitned and confined to Relations Friends Benefactors and these in Amity and perswasion with us but is to be extended to Enemies as well as Friends and to all whose Necessities call for our help and assistance in any respect towards their Relief He Preacheth up the Contempt and Denyedness to the World lay not up Treasure on Earth where the Moth Cankereth and Thieves break thorough and steal but seek first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness then all these things shall be added thereunto and lay up store for your selves in Heaven Math. 6.19 20 32 33. See Christs own Discourse of the Rich Man in the Gospel that it is easier for a Camel to go thorow the Eye of a Needle than for a Rich Man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Math. 19.23 24. See the Parable of Dives who received his good things in this Life and is eternally Tormented and Lazarus who was pinched with Want Hunger Cold and Diseases on Earth was received into everlasting Happiness Luke 16 19. to end See the Parable of the Rich Husband-Man who took anxious care for his Earthly Store but made no Provision for Eternal Life but God said to him thou Fool this Night will I require thy Soul at thy Hands then whose shall all these things be which thou hast provided so is he who layeth up store for himself and is not Rich towards God Luke 12 16. to 22. See the wo the Lord of Life pronounceth against the Rich Wo to you that are Rich for ye have received your Consolation Luke 6 24. And to forward our Mortification to the World let us consider the Advice given by the Holy Apostle Love not the World nor the things of the World for if any Man love the World the love of the Father is not in him for all that is in the World the Lusts of the Flesh the Lust of the Eye and the Pride of Life is not of the Father but of the World 1 Jo. 2.15 16 17. And the World passeth away and the Lusts thereof but he that doth the Will of God abideth for ever 1 Jo. 2.15 16 17. The Holy Apostle James doth eminently discover the danger of loving the World know ye not that the Friendship of the World is enmity with God whosoever therefore will be a Friend of the World is the Enemy of God James 4.4 Let us further consider the Apostle Pauls Character of the World we brought nothing into the World with us and it is certain we shall carry nothing out and having Food and Rayment let us be therewith content but they that will be Rich fall into many Temptations and a Snare and many foolish and hurtful Lusts which drown Men in Destruction and Perdition for the Love of Money is the Root of all Evil which while some have coveted after they have erred from the Faith and pierced themselves through with many Sorrows
be in Christ he hath mortified the Flesh and the Lusts thereof and if the Thoughts be duly placed on God and the blessings flowing from him it may be the more easy to regulate the affections It is certain while we are in the Body there is an unavoidable conversation with the Creature upon us and the degeneracy hath so much prevailed that even in the renewed there is a law of the Members against the Law of the Mind and therefore our Life is a constant Warfare Rom. 7.23 and for this reason great care must be taken to govern the affections and although it is impossible in some respects to keep the affections from carnal objects however the renewed man must mortify the Flesh and Affections thereof and as helps thereunto we must First Distinguish between giving our Affections wholly to any Creature as resting on that as our chief good and so delighting in it and between letting out our desires to any Creature in subordination to the Creator in some lawful end and in this consideration we are to love nothing intensively with our whole delight and satisfaction except God who alone is able to fill the desires of our Heart but we may in moderation use and take some complacency in the Creature as helps from God to assist us in our Pilgrim state to advance his Honour and discharge our Duty to him Secondly We must consider that since the Apostacy in Adam the Judgment of the Curse is fallen on all Creatures and the Creation is brought under the Bondage of Corruption and the Creatures are fallen under the King of this World as a forfeiture for Sin and the Devil made Prince of the Power of the Air and this World put under his Dominion though under restraint from God and that the Natural Man or Love of the World is enmity to God He that loveth the World the love of God is not in him John 1.2 15. and by the Apostle James the friendship of the World is enmity with God whosoever therefore will be a Friend of the World is the Enemy of God Jam. 4.4 Thirdly We must consider that Christs Errand to the World was to reconcile God to Man and therefore he humbled himself by taking upon him the Nature of Man and restored it from the vanity and impurity of Sin to all such as shall believe in him for though the whole Creation was subjected to servitude for Sin nevertheless Christ by his coming and suffering hath paid the Ransom for Believers and for them removed the Curse from the Creatures Because the Creatures also shall be delivered from the Bondage of Corruption into the glorious Liberty of the Children of God for we know that the whole Creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now Rom. 8.21 22. Hence then measures may be taken to regulate our Affections First We ought to love God and set our affections on him above all things and in loving of him we cannot go the due length much less be in excess Secondly We should love nothing beneath Christ but in subordination to him and in reference to his glory and that we may the better serve him Thirdly In our use of the World we must remember the Worlds degeneracy and as in that state it is accursed and the love thereof is enmity to God so that if we be not our selves reconciled to God all the Creatures are accursed to us and we usurpers of them so that we must use them as purified to us from the impurity of the Curse by the Mediator and all in a mortified manner according to the Will of God Be not conformed to this World but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds that ye may prove what is the good perfect and acceptable Will of God Rom. 12.2 In the use of the Creatures We must use them without sensual affectation as things that have a stamp of danger in them with fear lest we be again enticed to sin against God in our delight in any thing more or so much as in God and that we be with the Apostle mortified to all things I am crucified to the World and the World to me in that often repeated place Gal. 2.20 Thus then must mans Affections be regulated as a new Man and doing away the old Lusts of the Flesh and knowing nothing after the Flesh the Children of God are all incorporated into a new society in Christ Jesus and must needs have their Conversation different from the World Ye are no more Strangers and Forreigners but Fellow Citizens with the Saints and of the Household of God Ephes 2.19 Therefore they must love and delight in Holy and Spiritual things They are no more under the Law of Sin to Death but under the Law of the Spirit unto Life they are not to walk after the Flesh but after the Spirit Rom. 8.1 2 12 13 14. Christ himself knowing how mans Affections are apt to incline to Earthly Vanities and sink under the delight of the Creatures Commands to lay up Treasure in Heaven Where your Treasures are there your Hearts will be also Seek first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness let us follow that choice directory for Holiness and Heavenly mindedness Luke 12.31 to 35. If ye be risen with Christ seek these things which are above where Christ sitteth at the Right Hand of God set your Affections on things in Heaven and not things on Earth for ye are Dead and your Life is hid with Christ in God Mortifie therefore your Members which are on Earth Fornication Uncleanness Inordinate Affections Evil Concupiscence and Covetousness which is Idolatry seeing you have put off the Old Man with his Deeds and have put on the New Man which is renewed in Knowledge after the Image of him that Created him put on therefore as the Elect of God Bowels of Mercy Kindness Humbleness of Mind long Suffering forbearing one another forgiving one another put on Charity which is the bond of perfectness Col. 3. all See the Instructions for our Holy and Heavenly Conversation Ephe. 2. all Chap. 4.22 to end Chap. 5. all Rom. 6. all they that are in Christ have Crucified the flesh and the Lusts thereof if we live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit Gal 5.24 and 25. Thus then we see how Christians are to govern their affections next we come to consider their Actions As the Christian is and must be a New Creature and Holy in all manner of Conversation so must he be in his Actions in two respects First They must be all Just and Holy in themselves Secondly They must be directed to proper ends First As a Mans Thoughts ought to be pure and Affections clean so must his Actions for one piece polluted defileth the whole Lump and a good Tree produceth good Fruit and there can be no pretence of uprightness in any Man where the Actions or Conversation is Corrupt so that all Actions of a Man must be squared by the
liveth in me and the Life that I live in the flesh is by the Faith of the Son of God that loved me and gave himself for me Gal. 2.20 From hence and other Scriptures and History of the Saints Lives we see the different usage of the Godly and Wicked the Saints are Dead to the World and their Delight and chief Satisfaction is in God the Wicked make the World their God and sole Delight and glut themselves with Satiety in it but the Godly can find no Contentment in the Creature but with Reference to God in Christ Jesus and make him their chief Delight and cry out none but Christ and this is the Prohibition of the Gospel that we should not love Father Mother Brothers or Sisters or our own Life more than God Mat. 10.37 38 39. but God doth not forbid the lawful use of the Creatures but only forbids using it in Vanity Superfluity and Prodigality Secondly In being of the same Mind with Christ is not only to Act Do and propose the same things with his Father but also to do all and suffer all for the Glory of God The Worldlings kiss their own Hand and Sacrifice to their own Net and say their own Hand hath done it and ascribe the glory of all the Enjoyments they have to themselves or to the Creatures in which they delight and say These are the Rewards which my Lovers and Companions have given me Hosea 2.12 13. Nebuchadnezzar ascribed all to his own Power and Glory Is not this great Babylon that I have built for the House of the Kingdom by the Might of my Power and for the Honour of my Majesty and see the Event and Gods Just Judgment upon him while the word was in his Mouth there fell a Voice from Heaven saying O King Nebuchadnezzar to thee it is spoken the Kingdom is departed from thee and they shall drive thee from Men and thy dwelling shall be with the Beasts of the Field they shall make thee to eat Grass as Oxen and seven times shall pass over thee until thou know that the most High Ruleth in the Kingdom of Men and giveth it to whomsoever he will Dan. 4.30 to 34. See the Pride of Herod and taking to himself the glory due to God and the fatal Judgment of God on him for it And immediately an Angel of God smote him because he gave not God the glory and was eaten of worms and gave up the Ghost Acts 12.21 22 23. On the other Hand Christ set the Fathers glory before him as the chief Scope and Design of all his Actions and Intentions When his supposed Father Joseph and his Mother sought him with Care and came back to Jerusalem and found him in the Temple disputing they told him they had anxiously sought him he answered not with Apology or Excuse but said How is it that you sought me wist ye not that I must be about my Fathers Business Luke 2.46 to 50. We see that he placeth all his Business in the Honour and doing of the Will of God yea he placeth his Esteem on all such and accounts such only to be his Relations as obey his Fathers Will And Jesus answered and said to them these are my Father Mother and Brethren which hear the Word of God and do it Luke 8.21 We see in all the Miracles and Wonders Christ wrought Curing Diseases and Raising the Dead he Exhorts to the giving of glory to God and more particularly in that Famous place Thus saith the Lord let not the Wise Man glory in his Wisdom nor the Rich Man glory in his Riches neither let the Mighty Man glory in his Might but let him that glorieth glory in this that he knoweth and understandeth me that I am the Lord which exerciseth loving Kindness Judgment and Righteousness in the Earth for in these things I delight Jer. 9.23 24. Thus then ought all the Followers of Christ to have the same mind that was in Christ Jesus that is to set Gods glory as the chief Scope of all Designs and Actions before them He that gloryeth let him glory in the Lord and whatsoever we do whether we Eat or Drink let us do all things to the glory of God 1 Cor. 1.31 The World was made by God and for his Honour therefore all should be ascribed to him hence we may find whether the same mind be in us which was in Christ Jesus if we do what he did and to the same end and glory of God therefore it behoveth us to bring all our Actions and Purposes to this Touch for if they be not of this stamp they are Reprobated Counterfeit and will not be allowed in the Ballance of the Sanctuary for all the Children of God are led by his Spirit wherefore we must try the Spirits whether the same mind be in us which was in Christ Jesus know ye not that Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates but ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of God dwelleth in you now if any Man have not the spirit of Christ he is none of his and if Christ be in you the Body is Dead because of sin but the spirit is life Rom. 8.9 10 11. because of Righteousness but if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the Dead dwell in you he that raised Christ from the Dead shall also quicken your Mortal Bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you Ro. 9.10 11. Thirdly Unity of Spirit is to be one in Knowledge there is nothing raiseth Mans thoughts more than desire of Knowledge and nothing Magnifieth Man more than Knowledge and herein doth Man most excel all other Creatures not only that God hath made them Lords over the Creatures but that he hat endowed him with a Rational Soul capable of understanding above other Creatures and in nothing is the Power Wisdom and Goodness of God more eminent than by the different measure of Knowledge bestowed on Mankind Man in general exceeds all other Creatures in Knowledge and Ingenuity but every Generation and Nation exceed others at such a Rate so as what in one Age or Generation is a Riddle and hid as a Mystery in another it is Perspicuous clear and easie so that the knowledge of things is the darling of Ages Although we have the Sun Moon and Stars the Fabrick of Heaven Earth and the Seas the indefatigable and daily Travels of Discoverers and the use of Reading and the Antients to inform us either of the parts of the Earth and Treasures thereof yet are we still to seek as well of the Parts as Treasures of things undiscovered The New Inventions of Mens Ingenuity or the secrets of Nature and Power of Art make it true which Solomon saith he that increaseth in Knowledge encreaseth in Sorrow because the Soul of Man is restless and the account of the Idolatry Wickedness and Rebellion of Man on Earth is just cause of Sorrow Grief and Mourning because of the
contrived and fitted them for it for as Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God nor Corruption Incorruption so the Lord doth provide his Saints Spiritual and Incorruptible Bodies capable to receive these Spiritual Manifestations of his Glory and of Christ and all the Heavenly Host 1 Cor. 15. read all As this is an Eminent Instance of Eternal Happiness that Believers shall be Cloathed with Spiritual Bodies like that of Christs so it may Minister great Consolation to Afflicted Misers that the time doth not only hasten in which they shall be delivered from Misery but that also they shall have Bodies incapable of any misery The third Eminent instance of this Eternal Happiness is to be admitted into the Fellowship of Christ and all the Heavenly Host that they may be with me where I am Jo. 17.24 It is usual to Strangers to inquire into all the Magnificence of all Countries where they Travel the Queen of Sheba came to see the glory of Solomon Hezekiah shewed to the Ambassadour of the King of Babylon all his Glory Power and Wealth but what 's all the Earthly glory but Poppet shows to the glory of God which is above Human reach and as the greatest Honour Kings can give their Subjects is to admit them into their presence and constant Fellowship so this is the Chief Dignity of Saints that they are admitted into the immidiate presence of God and Christ and that not under a Cloud or Vail of the Flesh as Moses saw God in the Mount and as the Lord appeared in the Camp of Israel and at the Door of the Tabernacle but face to face to behold the fulness of his glory for when we are under the Clog of these Earthly Bodies we cannot behold the Majesty of God but when we are Clothed with these immortal Bodies we shall see as We are seen and know as we are known 1 Cor. 13.9 10 11 12. And as the glory of God himself is sufficient for all admiration and Satisfaction so the sight of the glorious Host of Heaven cannot but be exceeding delightful to see the sufferers for Christ enjoy the reward of their Patience and Faith to him that overcometh will I grant to sit down with me on my Throne even as I overcame and am set down with my Father on his Throne Rev. 3.21 These are they which came out of great Tribulation and have washed their Robes in the Blood of the Lamb therefore are they before the Throne of God and serve him Day and Night in his Temple and he that sitteth on the Throne shall dwell amongst them Rev. 7.14 15. This is the patience of the Saints these are they that keep the Commandments and the Faith of Jesus these sing the Song of Moses Rev. 14.4 12 13. These are the Souls of those who were beheaded for the Name of Jesus and the Word of God Rev. 15. 3 4. ch 19.7 8 9. Rev. 20.4 These are they which were invited and prepared for the Wedding of the Lamb. See the Apostles Description of the Heavenly Society but ye are come unto Mount Sion the City of the living God the Heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable Company of Angels to the General Assembly and Church of the First-born which are written in Heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the Spirits of just Men made perfect and to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant and to the blood of Sprinkling which speaketh better things than the Blood of Abel Heb. 12.22 23 24. As it 's no small part of Eternal Happiness to be admitted into the immediate presence of God so is it to be continued there to all Eternity The greatest favourites have fallen Haman was Hanged and Achitophel Hang'd himself because his Court fell but the Favour of God is for ever he that abideth in the Will of God shall indure for ever 1 Jo. 2.17 his People are all Sealed and Marked they are made Pillars of the Temple of God have his Name on them and can go out no more they are before the Lord Day and Night Rev. 3.12 and dwells with him they are Heirs of all things and can never fall from the Favour of God Rev. 21.7 Fifthly As the Saints of God are Eternally in his presence and so confirmed in their Happy State that they cannot fail so they have all after Pain Sorrow Grief and Trouble wiped off and secured from it they shall Hunger no more nor Thirst any more there shall no Sun light on them nor any Heat for the Lamb shall feed them and lead them unto living Fountains of Water and God shall wipe away all Tears from their Eyes and there shall be no more Death nor Sorrow nor Crying neither shall there be any pain for the former things are passed away This is the Portion of Believers in their Eternally Blessed Estate of all which these improvements may be made First Compare Man in his Estate of Nature and Misery with him in his Estate of Grace and Glory Secondly Believe the promises to Believers Thirdly Be Comforted and rejoyce in the Faith of Salvation promised in the Gospel First Man in his best Estate is altogether Vanity Ecl. 2.11 ch 13. ch 4. ch 5.12 17. Secondly In Relation to Corruption his thoughts are impure all his Thoughts and Imaginations Evil and only Evil continually Gen. 6.15 Mat. 15.19 Thirdly As to performances all our Righteousness are as filthy Rags and Menstruous Garments the whole Head sick the whole Heart faint Is 1.5 6. ch 64.6 Fourthly Heart Deceitful a Body of Death full of all Evil Jer. 17.9 Rom. 7.18 Fifthly Darkness without Light or knowledge of God and his truth or the Redeemer Tit. 3.3 1 Cor. 6.9 Eph. 2.1 2 3 11 12. ch 5.8 This being the Picture of Man in Nature without Grace Let us view him in Christ and renewed First All glorious within Holiness to the Lord Heir of all things all things yours Rev. 21.7 Rom. 8.32 Secondly Made sure a Pillar in the Temple of God go out no more hath Gods Name and City on him his Robes washed in the Blood of the Lamb Rev. 3.12 ch 7.15 16 17. Thirdly Continually in Gods presence God Dwells with them Rev. 3.21 Fourthly Crown'd with Everlasting Happiness and Glory no more Sorrow nor Pain the former things are past away Rev. 21.3 to 8. Secondly Believe Gods promises and rejoyce in them First Is Man lost by Nature and the Heir of Wrath and hath Christ dyed for sinners Eph. 2.3 Rom. 5.6 7 8. Secondly Hath God promised Redemption by his Blood and Eternal Life on Faith in him Jo. 3.16 17 18. Rom. 5.9 Thirdly Hath he said in vain seek ye my Face and live Is 45.19 20. Fourthly Is he in Compliment who is he that walketh in Darkness and hath no Light let him Trust in the Name of the Lord and stay on his God Is 50.10 Fifthly Are his professions of Love and Care a dry and only Complimentive and not Real Is 49.15
Righteousness and as a tender hearted Father leaves not the Child altogether unpunished yet he corrects in measure thus the Lords exercising his Peoples Faith Patience and Obedience can never be said to be their Discouragement or contrary to any of his gracious promises to them in Scripture but should rather be atributed to that gracious promise of never leaving or forsaking of them Jer. 30.11 chap. 31.18 19 20. Isa 43.2 And in his chastising of them he distinguisheth between them and Bastards Heb. 12.7 8 9. But on the other hand it is the unhappy Lot of the Wicked to be let run on in all manner of Ryot without punishment and their Eyes to stand out with fatness to be given over to their own Hearts Lusts to their utter destruction and to be given over to a reprobate sense and to take no pains upon them but gives them leave to swallow down the Consolation of their Lusts with the bitter Pill of Eternal wo. Wo to you that are rich for you have received your consolation wo unto you that are full for ye shall be hungry wo to you that laugh now for ye shall weep wo unto you when all men shall speak well of you for so did their Fathers to the false Prophets Luke 6.24 25 26. Job 21.30 Obj. The third Objection is This Doctrine seems to be contrary to and disparageable of the Nature of God who is holy loving just and tender hearted to suffer his own Children who love and serve him best to be hampered with all the ill usage of Mortal Life yea put to Death for his sake and amongst men it would be great ingratitude for a Man to suffer his Children and best Friends to be thus used Answ The Lords suffering his Children to lye for some time under the smart of the Rod can never be imputed to his want of tenderness for them for as a Father can hear the complaints of a Disobedient Child under correction at the same time his Bowels of Compassion turn after him and yet he Corrects the Physitian loves and takes care of the Patient though he will give him no Cordial until the Physick work neither will the Chirurgeon take off the Plaisters though they smart until the wound be clean and whole so the Lord suffereth the Rod of Afflictions to work up the sinner to a Conviction that the Cordials of his Love when reconciled may be more accepted of notwithstanding in the mean time his Compassion faileth not In all their afflictions he was afflicted and the Angel of his Presence saved them in his love and in his pity be redeemed them and bore them all the Days of Old Isaiah 63.9 How shall I give thee up O Ephraim how shall I deliver thee O Israel how shall I make thee as Zadma how shall I set thee as Zeboim my Heart is turned within me my repentings are kindled Hos 11.8 I have heard Ephraim bemoaning himself thus thou hast chastised me and I was chastised as a Bullock unaccustomed to the Yoak is Ephraim my dear Son is he a pleasant Child for since I spoke against him I do earnestly remember him still therefore my Bowels are troubled for him I will surely have mercy upon him nevertheless I will correct thee in measure and not leave thee altogether unpunished Jer. 30.11 chap. 31.18 19 20. Secondly The Lord cannot be counted unkind much less ungrateful to his Children when for a moment he chastiseth them and recompenseth with eternal Salvation I reckon that the sufferings of this present Life which are but for a moment are not worthy to be compared to the Glory that shall be revealed in us Rom. 8.18 For our light afflictions which are but for a moment work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory while we look not after these things which are seen but after these things which are not seen things which are seen are temporal but things not seen Eternal 2 Cor. 14.17 18. For a small moment have I forsaken thee but with great Mercies will I gather thee in a little wrath I hid my self from thee for a moment but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy upon thee saith the Lord Isa 54.7 8. For his anger endureth but for a moment in his favour is Life weeping may endure for a Night but Joy cometh in the Morning Psal 30.5 Thus then the Lord by his temporary Chastisements cannot be said unkind or ungrateful to the best of Saints when he exchangeth the momentany afflictions with Oceans of his goodness In thy presence is fulness of Joy and at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore Psal 16.11 Besides all this Consider the Godly's stumbling at the Wickeds Prosperity Ye have said it is in vain to serve God and what profit is it that we have kept his Ordinance and that we have walked mournfully before the Lord of Hosts and now we call the Proud happy and they that work Wickedness are set up yea they that tempt God are even delivered Mal. 3.14 15. Job that Pattern of Wisdom Patience and Experience gives also an account of the prosperous state of the Wicked and their arrogancy against God And in the second part he gives an account of their end Job 21. to 16. thus Their Candle is put out destruction cometh on them God distributeth on them sorrows in his anger they are like the Chaff before the Wind his Iniquities are stored up against his Children his Eyes shall see his destruction and he shall drink of the wrath of the Almighty what pleasure shall he have in his house when his Months are cut off in the midst of them the wicked is reserved to the day of Destruction they shall be he brought forth to the day of wrath Job 21.16 to end See the Issue of the Rich Glutton clothed in Purple and fairing daintily and poor Lazarus begging the Crumbs at his gate and the Dogs licking his Sores remember that thou in thy Life receivedest thy good things and likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou art tormented Luke 16.19 to end Hence we may clearly see Gods bounty and gratitude to his People and well may they relye on his promises of rich rewards for their Faith and Patient sufferings for him Verily I say unto you that ye who have followed me in the Regeneration when the Son of Man shall sit in the Throne of his glory ye shall also sit on Twelve Thrones Judging the Twelve Tribes of Israel and every one that hath forsaken Houses or Brethren or Sisters Father Mother or Children or Lands for my sake shall receive one hundred-fold and shall inherit everlasting Life Mat. 19.28 29. The Godly may be persecuted and suffer Death but shall be happy in their Death Blessed are they that dye in the Lord they cease from their Labour and their Works follow them And this is their reward these are they which come out of great Tribulation and have washed their Robes
no Murderer hath Eternal Life abiding in him 1 Joh. 3.15 Secondly The second branch of Divine Love approved of God to make up the Union of the Saints with God is that laving out the Bowels of charitable assistance in the supply of the Saints necessities like the good Samaritan in the Gospel not only to see and pity his affliction and condition but to support it God is not only a bare Spectator of our misery and maladies but also a healer of all our wounds and is that only Physitian of Israel and hath and applies that balm of Gilead even the Balsom of his own Blood to cure us hereby know we the love of God for us because he laid down his Life for us and we ought to lay down our life for the Brethren 1 John 3.16 But whoso hath this Worlds good and seeth his Brother have need and shutteth up his Bowels of compassion from him how doth the love of God dwell in him 1 John 4.9 If God so loved us we ought also so to love one another Greater Love hath no man than this that a Man lay down his Life for a Friend Joh. 15.13 to 18. The Duty of Christian charity is recommended and commanded as the evidence of Christian sincerity The blessing is to the liberal the liberal Soul shall be made fat and he that watereth shall be watered himself Pr. 11 24 25 26. See the exhortation from Christs own example But ye know the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that tho' he was Rich yet for your sakes he became poor that ye through his Poverty might be Rich and that famous exhortation consider them that are in bonds as being bound with them and such as are in adversity as being your selves in the Body Hebrews 13.3 See how the Apostle James challengeth a naked beholder of the poor naked and indigent If a Brother or Sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you say depart in Peace and be you warmed and filled notwithstanding ye give them not these things which are needful what doth it profit Jam. 2.15 16. So that it is not bare profession which makes Love but the fulfilling of the Commandment love thy Neighbour as thy self as Christ loved his Church and laid down his Life for her so ought we also for whom Christ died Hence we see how great is the Priviledge of Believers for whom Christ both died and is risen again and taken possession of Heaven for them and that the Father will love them with the same love with which he loved his only Son before the World was so Believers should not be affraid for Love admits no fear There is no fear in Love for perfect love casteth out fear because fear hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect in Love 1 John 4.18 What quiet and comfort therefore may Believers have who find that love of God constraining them to wait on him by Faith may with David say we will not fear what man can do unto us and with the Apostle if God be with us who can be against us be of good courage for God will strengthen your Hearts Fourthly As the Saints are one with God and Christ 1. In Spirit 2. In Holiness 3. In Love So 4. In Glory which is the highest priviledge imaginable and is clearly held out in the Text And the glory thou hast given me I have given them that they may be One even as we are One. Father I will that they also which thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me John 17.22 24. And as God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son to dye for Sinners so Christ continues his Love that he will have all for whom he died to share of the same glory with himself and this is the highest exaltation and expectation of the Saints contrived by the Wisdom of God and accomplished by the Death and Resurrection of Christ and his being set down at the right hand of Glory for us This superexcellent state of the Saints Glory and Eternal Happiness is branched out in a fivefold consideration First In their blessed Death Secondly Their Spiritual and Immortal Bodies Thirdly Their being admitted into the Presence of God and Host of Heaven Fourthly Their being continued in that state for ever Fifthly All Sorrow Tears and Mourning to be everlastingly done away First Man in his first Creation was made Lord of all Creatures and tho' after his Fall by the Wisdom of God and infinite Love of Jesus Christ was reconciled to God by a new Covenant of Peace nevertheless was continued in a Prison of Clay subjected not only to all Natural weakness sickness cold hunger thirst and other natural infirmities of the Flesh and uneasiness of Life but also while in the body obnoxious to the Temptations of Sin and grief of Soul through the weakness of the Spirit under the clog and coverture of the Flesh as the experience of all Men Witness that this Life is but Labour and Sorrow therefore the Wisdom and Goodness of God and love of Christ Jesus hath so contrived that the Soul a Prisoner to misery and infirmities should have the Chains of Mortality knocked off by Death and be let free to Eternal Life And this is the first step of Saints effectual Happiness The Holy Apostle clearly testifieth that whilst we are in the Body we are absent from the Lord and therefore not only we but the whole Creation groan under these Infirmities and long for the Liberty of the Sons of God even the Redemption of our Bodies and therefore it 's revealed that Death is as it were the opening of the Prison Door to the Prisoners of Hope to set them at liberty from all the miseries of Mortality and Temptations to sin and gives them a free Pass to the Land of Rest Blessed are the Dead thy dye in the Lord they cease from their Labours and their Works follow them Rev. 14.13 And this is a great Consolation to Believers for as Death is the end of all Fleshly pleasures it 's also the end of all sin and Misery so the way of Death and the Grave ought not to be loathsom or irksom to them for that Christ the Captain of our Salvation hath proved both ways and for us led Captivity Captive O Death where is thy Sting O Grave where is thy Victory and the last Enemy is Death who is led Captive by Jesus Christ he will swallow up Death into Victory he will Ransom them from the power of the Grave I will redeem them from Death O Death I will be thy plague O Grave I will be thy Destruction Repentance shall be hid from mine Eyes Hos 13.14 The Second instance of Eternal Happiness is to have Spiritual Bodies The glory of Heaven and presence of God which is Eternal Happiness being designed for the Saints therefore the Lord in his Eternal Wisdom hath