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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08569 A learned and very eloquent treatie [sic], writen in Latin by the famouse man Heironymus Osorius Bishop of Sylua in Portugal, wherein he confuteth a certayne aunswere made by M. Walter Haddon against the Epistle of the said bishoppe vnto the Queenes Maiestie. Translated into English by Iohn Fen student of Diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Louen; In Gualtherum Haddonum de vera religione libri tres. English Osório, Jerónimo, 1506-1580.; Fenn, John, 1535-1614. 1568 (1568) STC 18889; ESTC S100859 183,975 578

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Whereas you saie that I doe fight or contend against an errour it soundeth to my commendacion For what goodlier thing can I doe them to plucke vp pestilent opinions by the roote But when you bring in vpō this that of the selfe same errour which I contēd against ther is none other authour bisides myne owne selfe we had nede of Oedipus to expound it You haue a meruelous liking in darke sayinges Heard you it euer reported that I should say that the workes of holie menne were defiled and spotted with synne and that for this cause no man could atteine iustice by holy workes This is the errour whiche I doe stand against But you wil not once say so and yet you are so babish that you can not vtter what you thinke But the fambling of your tongue we wil lette passe and consider howe fowly you are ouerseene in weightie matters You saie that woorkes are not auaileable to iustification and yet you say that workes are not to be despised for so much as we haue both these opinions grounded vpon the authoritie of S. Paul The principal deuisours and Archbuylders of your newe gospell whome you worshippe as Goddes of whome you learned these mysteries went further then so and said plainly that al the workes the which holy mē doe are not only vnprofitable but also vncleane and spotted through the contagion of originall synne For they doe not beleeue that originall or engraffed synne the whiche we tooke from the spring is quite blotted out in the baptisme of life but that it groweth still and casteth out such a deale of vncleane vice that all the doinges of holy men although thei be done by the mocion and instincte of the holie Ghost yea and referred to the glorie of Christ yet they are deadlie synnes and deserue of iustice the punishment of euerlasting damnation without the great goodnes and mercie of Christ If it be but litle ciuilitie as you saie and as yt pleaseth your great lawier to write also to iudge of a lawe vnlesse it be thoroughly weighed and considered reade diligently the bookes of Luther Melanchthon Caluine and other your learned men and you shall see that this was their opinion or rather that the whole somme of the doctrine whiche they professed stoode vpon this opinion that they condemned al workes as wicked and synfull You see here an extreme desperation of atteining vnto iustice For if no man can be iust but he only that keepeth the law as S. Paule saith if not he that saith Lord Lord shal enter into the kingdome of heauen as our Lord him selfe declareth plainely but he that doth the wil of the Father if iustice as the Prophetes witnesse is a shunning of all vices and an earnest desire to folowe vertue and honestie if iustice cōsisteth in cleanes of life in innocencio in good and seemelie ordre of the mind in holy conuersation in newnes of heauenly life and in the cōtinual exercise of charity and we be able neither to keepe the commaundementes of God neither to forsake vice neither to folowe honestie neither to doe the woorkes of charitie if it be so that wil we nil we we must needes beare the yoke of synne by what meanes in the worlde shall we be able to assure our selues of the state of iustice through the grace and mercie of Christe if Christe hath not yet broken the force of synne in vs by the merite of his bloude as your maisters say You see here after what sort that man that was as you say sent from heauen hath cut of by his deuises all hope of atteining vnto iustice But see on the other side how wittily he hath deuised a remedie and how al the rest haue folowed him He saieth that no man hath anie particular iustice through the grace of Christ but that the iustice of Christe him selfe is applied to all beleeuers by faith in such sorte that the iustice of Christ is no lesse accōpted and esteemed in euerie faithfull man be he neuer so wicked then if it were that mās owne iustice that staieth vppon faith onely He sayth therefore that it cometh to passe through this faith by the which euerie Christian man assureth him selfe that he is in the fauour of God that the iustice of Christ is imputed to be the iustice of that man that beleeueth You haue here the law of Luther so muche as concerneth this present place thoroughly scanned so that you can not iustly complaine of any wrong done vnto Luther Nowe consider you on the other side what a meruelouse easie waie he hath deuised to atteyne vnto iustice For to whome shal it not be a very easie matter if he wil beleeue Luther to say thus with him selfe This geare goeth gaily wel with me I am in high fauour with God for my faithes sake It is so that the iustice of Christ is become mine owne iustice I am therefore as iuste as Paule as Peter yea 〈◊〉 the moste blessed mother of God her selfe for so much as no man hath the cōmendation of any particulare iustice through the grace of Christ but there is one only iustice applied indifferētly to al such as keepe the faith the which bicause it can not be higher or lower greater or lesser it foloweth that I am so iuste my selfe although there remaine synne in me as he that is most iust You see now how by the diligence of this excellent felow all feare is put to flight presumption set on tip toe boldhardinesse confirmed in her full strēgth and force For so much as therfore a man can not be earnestly prouoked to doe any vertuouse acte being either in extreme despaire or elles in extreme presumption and Luther hath in parte cutte of all hope of iustice and in parte hath brought his disciples into a moste presumpteous affiaunce of atteyning vnto it by deuising an other iustice that was neuer hearde of before is it not euident although to eschewe enuie he spake sometymes manie thinges concerning the woorkes of iustice that he quenched all loue and desire of well doing For I praye you by what meanes wil you encourage a faint man to doe anie honest thing if he haue learned before of some graue person that such as endeuour them selues to doe anie vertuouse acte doe but loose their labour Agayne howe will you driue the feare of euerlasting damnation into them that are altogether carelesse and presume so muche of their owne iustice that they beleeue that no man doth passe them in any excellencie of iustice Wherefore no man in the worlde wil euer bend him selfe to doe holie woorkes if he hearken to the Doctrine of Luther for so much as it is impossible that any man being either in extreme despaire of honestie or elles in extreme presumption of saluation should earnestly endeuour him selfe to folow godlines But you wil say that it may be that Luther did exhorte his countrey men to good workes in his Bookes and sermons I know that
euerlasting and such as haue done euil into euerlasting fier Then that other point is also false that good workes do necessarilie arise out of Luthers faith I graunt you that good workes do folowe my faith but not yours M. Haddon if you beleeue Luther How so say you Bicause faith cometh by hearsay ād hearsay cometh by the worde of Christ For so much therfore as my faith that is to say the faith of the holy Churche is grounded vpon the wordes of Christ and Christ him self saith that al such as do not repente shall be condemned that saith and credit which I geue to the words of Christ causeth me to do penaunce Againe when our Lorde saieth 〈◊〉 shalbe my friendes if you will do th● thinges that I commaunde you to doe if I beleeue the wordes of Christe and desire earnestly to be receiued into his frindship I wil endeuour my selfe to the vttermost of my power to do such thinges as are by him commaunded And whereas Christ telleth vs before that not he that calleth him Lorde shal come to haue the possession of the kingdome of heauen but he that ordereth al his workes according to the wil of the euerlasting Father If my faith be not faint if it be liuelie and strong and inflamed with the desire of that kingdome I am stirred vp by this faith to directe al my doinges according to the wil of God See you not now after what sort this faith conteineth holy workes within her wombe which are engendred of the fruictefulnes of her Now let vs see the faith of Luther whether it be able to bring foorth any fruicte that is quicke No without doubt First of all bicause al workes as he saieth seeme they neuer so holy are disteined with synne And no man maketh any account or estimation of a thing that is vncleane and spotted with synne Moreouer bicause as he mainteineth the force and strength of inordinate lust is so great that he thinketh it impossible to withstand it by any meanes in the world Seing then it is impossible for any man to endeuour him selfe to doe any good workes vnlesse he doe firste destroie the kingdome of synne and the kingdome of synne can not possibly be destroied if it be true that Luther saith it remaineth that no man can possibly do any holy workes For who is so mad that he wil bestowe his labour in any thing in vaine and without fruicte Last of al bicause Luther hath determined such a kind of iustice as needeth not the healpe of any doing or worke For if I persuade my selfe that the iustice of Christ is applied vnto me by faith no lesse then if it were mine own iustice and that I haue atteined vnto that moste high and perfecte iustice of Christ although I lyue and continue in syn with what desire care or hoofulnes should I be pricked forewarde to doe any good worke Forsomuche therefore as Luther both despiseth holy works and cutteth of al hope of honestie and holinesse and by this faith which he hath deuised taketh away al feare of punishment is it not euident that he is the ouerthrower of holy workes the destroier of honestie and godlines although he pretēded sometime to stirre vppe his disciples to the loue of vertue Wherefore it is manifestly seene that this man of God whō you cōmend aboue the heauens what with bringing good workes into contempt and what with causing men to despaire of honestie and by teaching a vaine affiaunce in his newly deuised iustice hath quite taken away al desire of doing and working Let vs now come to your other cōplaīt in the which you say that I make no end of babling while I lament the vnsensiblenes of Luther which tyed vp the wil of man with necessitie of destenie Truly say you I am not wonte to be moued with angre and yet now I can hold my selfe no longer It is my great fault M. Haddon that I haue by this my babling as you terme it caused you being so gentle and soft by nature as you are to rage like a mad man Wel let vs then heare the talke of this felow which is iustly prouoked to plaie the bedlome What saie you sir This slaunder say you is not only blockish and ignorant but also blasphemou● and suche as the verie stoones them selues whiche you speake of if they could speake would not tourne it against our men I know M. Haddon that that place of Rhetorik is wel applied to this vehement kind of speach whiche you now vse And therfore I looke when you wil bring in those stones and make them to speake You say afterwarde But haue you an eye vnto the Scriptures a litle while and repent you Truly I haue a diligent eye vnto them but I haue not as yet gone to schoole with doctour Walter Now therefore I am attētiue if I may by your good instructions come to a cleerer vnderstāding of the secrets of God I wuld ye would vtter vnto vs this wonderful stuffe of your high wisedome Well what say you then God the Father hath chosen vs in Christe before the foundations of the world were laied to the ende that we should be holie and vnreproueable before him How knowe you M. Walter I pray you that you are one of the chosen Againe which be they that are holy and vnreprooueable before God Doubteles they are such as are void of al synne But by Luthers doctrine you can not be without sinne For he saith that sin is not al put out but that a certaine steime of vice breaketh out of it as it were out of a burning fornace the which deuoureth and consumeth all thinges round about it whereupon it foloweth that no man is vnreprooueable But if you peraduenture will say that you speake not of your selfe but of al mankinde if no man in the worlde be deliuered from al synne as Luther teacheth then doth it followe that no man can be vnreproueable You heare say you the election or choise of God out of the gospell the which you so muche detest in your talke and you heare the tyme also Doe I detest the election of God With what face dare you saie so In what place in what woordes before whome who is your witnesse who was made priuie in which of all my writinges can you conuince me to haue spoken any such word Haue you such a pleasure to babble out what so euer cometh vpon your tongues end Neither is this necessitie of Gods electiō say you an occasion whie we should yeald our selues wholly to felowe the pleasures of the bodie and vncleane vices as it pleaseth you full vngodly to sport but that we should be holie and vnreproueable before God through charitie as it is declared by the expresse woordes of the gospell Although I vnderstande you not verie wel yet I thinke you make with me For I saie the verie same thing that we are not compelled by any necessitie to doe