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A67927 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 2, part 2] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1583 (1583) STC 11225; ESTC S122167 1,744,028 490

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present doe testifie that they neuer sawe in any chylde more teares then brast oute from hym at that time all the Sermone while but specially when he recited hys Prayer before the people It is marueilous what commiseration and pitye mooued all mennes hearts that behelde so heauie a countenaunce and suche aboundance of teares in an olde man of so reuerende dignitie Cole after he had ended his Sermon called backe the people that were ready to departe to prayers Brethren sayde he least any man should doubt of thys mans earnest conuersion and repentaunce you shall heare hym speake before you and therefore I pray you master Cranmer that you will now perfourme that you promised not long agoe namely that you woulde openly expresse the true and vndoubted profession of your faith that you may take away all suspition from men and that all men may vnderstand that you are a Catholicke in deede I wil doe it sayde the Archbyshop and wyth a good will who by and by rising vppe and putting of hys cappe beganne to speake thus vnto the people I desire you well beloued brethren in the Lorde that you will praye to God for mee to forgeeue me my sinnes whyche aboue all menne both in noumber and greatnesse I haue committed But among all the rest there is one offence which of all at thys time doth vexe and trouble me wherof in processe of my talk you shall heare more in hys proper place and then putting hys hande into hys bosome hee drewe foorth his Prayer which hee recited to the people in thys sense The Prayer of Doctour Cranmer Archbyshop GOod Christen people my dearly beloued brethren and sisters in Christ I beseech you most hartely to pray for me to almighty God that he wil forgeue me al my sinnes and offences which be many without number and great aboue measure But yet one thing grieueth my conscience more then all the rest whereof God willing I entende to speake more heereafter But howe great and howe many soeuer my sinnes be I beseeche you to pray God of hys mercy to pardon and forgeue them all And heere kneling downe he sayd O Father of heauen O sonne of God redeemer of the worlde O holy Ghoste three persones and one God haue mercye vppon me moste wretched caitife and miserable sinner I haue offended both againste heauen and earth more then my tounge can expresse Whether then may I goe or whether should I flie To heauen I may be ashamed to lifte vp mine eyes and in earth I finde no place of refuge or succour To thee therefore O Lorde doe I runne to thee doe I humble my selfe saying O Lorde my God my sinnes be great but yet haue mercye vppon me for thy great mercy The great mysterie that God became man was not wrought for little or fewe offences Thou diddest not geue thy sonne O heauenly father vnto death for smal sinnes onely but for all the greatest sinnes of the world so that the sinner returne to thee with his whole heart as I do here at this present Wherefore haue mercye on mee O God whose propertie is alwayes to haue mercy haue mercy vpon me O Lord for thy great mercy I craue nothing for mine owne merites but for thy names sake that it maye be hallowed thereby and for thy deare sonne Iesus Christes sake And nowe therefore Our father of heauen halowed be thy name c. And then he rising sayde Euery man good people desireth at that time of their death to geue some good exhortation that other maye remember the same before theyr death be the better thereby so I beseche God graunt me grace that I may speake some thyng at thys my departing whereby God may be glorified and you edified First it is an heauy case to see that so many folke be so much doted vpon the loue of this false world and so carefull for it that of the loue of God or the world to come they seeme to care very little or nothing Therefore this shal be my first exhortation that you sette not your mindes ouer much vpon thys glosing world but vpon God and vpon the world to come and to learne to know what this lesson meaneth whych s. Iohn teacheth that the loue of this world is hatred against God The seconde exhortation is that next vnder God you obey your King and Queene willingly and gladly without murmuring or grudging not for feare of them onely but much more for the feare of God knowing that they be Gods ministers appoynted by God to rule and gouerne you and therefore who soeuer resisteth them resisteth the ordinance of God The third exhortatiō is that you loue altogether lyke brethren and sisters For alasse pitie it is to see what contention and hatred one Christen man beareth to an other not taking cache other as brother and sister but rather as strangers and mortall ennemies But I pray you learne and beare well away this one lesson to doe good vnto all men asmuch as in you lieth and to hurt no man no more then you would hurt your owne naturall louing brother or sister For thys you maye be sure off that who soeuer hateth any person and goeth about maliciously to hinder or hurte hym surely and wythout all doubte God is not wyth that man although he thinke himself neuer so much in Gods fauour The fourth exhortation shall be to them that haue great substance riches of this world that they will well consider and weigh three sayinges of the Scripture One is of our Sauiour Christ him selfe who sayeth It is harde for a rich man to enter into the kingdome of heauen A sore saying and yet spoken of hym that knoweth the truth The second is of S. Iohn whose saying is thys Hee that hath the substaunce of this worlde and seeth hys brother in necessitie and shutteth vp his mercy from him howe can he saye that hee loueth God The third is of S Iames who speaketh to the couetous riche man after thys maner Weepe you and howle for the miserie that shall come vpon you your riches do rotte your clothes be mothe eaten your golde and siluer doeth canker and rust and their rust shall beare witnesse against you and consume you like fire you gather a hoarde or treasure of Gods indignation against the last day Let them that be riche ponder well these three sentences for if they had occasion to shew their charitie they haue it now at this present the poore people being so many and victuals so deare And now for as much as I am come to the last end of my life whereupon hangeth al my life past and all my life to come either to liue with my maister Christe for euer in ioy or els to be in paine for euer with wicked Deuilles in hell I see before mine eyes presently either heauen ready to receiue me or els hell ready to swallow me vppe I shall
of thy brothers bloud * To All whiche loue God vnfaynedly and entend to lead a godly life according to his Gospell and to perseuer in his trueth vnto the ende grace and peace from God the father and from our Lorde Iesus Christ Amen BE not afrayd most dearely beloued in our Sauior Iesus Christ at these most perillous dayes wherein by the sufferaunce of God the Prince of darkenes is broken lose and rageth in hys members agaynst the electe of God wyth all crueltie to set vp agayne the kingdome of Antichrist agaynst whome see that ye be strong in fayth to resist his most deuilishe doctrine with the pure Gospell of God armyng your selues with pacience to abide what soeuer shal be layd to your charge for the truthes sake knowyng that thereunto ye be called not onely to beleeue in hym but also to suffer for hym Oh howe happy are ye that in the sight of God are counted worthy to suffer for the testimony of Christ Quiet therefore your selues Oh my louing brethren and reioyce in hym for whome ye suffer for vnto you do remain the vnspeakable ioyes which neither the eye hath seene nor the eare hath heard neither the hart of man is able to comprehende in anye wyse Be not afrayd of the bodily death for youre names are written in the booke of lyfe And the Prophetes doth recorde that in the sight of the Lorde precious is the death of hys Saynctes Watch therefore and praye that yee be not preuented in the daye of temptation Now commeth the day of your tryall wherein the waters rage and the stormy windes blowe Now shall it appeare whether ye haue builded vppon the fleeing sande or vppon the vnmoueable rocke Christe whiche is the foundation of the Apostles and Prophetes whereon euery house that is builded groweth into an holy temple of the Lord by the mighty workyng of the holy Ghost Now approcheth the daye of your batttayle wherein it is required that ye shewe your selues the valiaunte souldiours of Iesus Christ wyth the armour of God that yee may be able to stand fast agaynst all the craftye assaultes of the Deuill Christ is your Captayne and yee be his souldiours whose cognisaunce is the Crosse to the whiche hee wyllingly humbled hymselfe euen vnto the death and therby spoyled hys enemies and now triumpheth hee ouer them in the glorye of hys father makyng intercession for them that here doe remayne to suffer the afflictions that are to be fulfilled in his misticall bodye It behoueth therefore euery one that will be counted his scholler to take vp his owne crosse and follow hym as ye haue hym for ensample and I assure you that hee being on your side nothing shal be able to preuayle agaynst you And that he will be with you euen to the worldes ende yee haue hys promise in the 28. of Mathew He will goe foorth wyth hys host as a conquerour to make a conquest He is the man that sitteth on the white horse crowned with immortalitie and yee brethren are his fellowship whereof he is the head He hath your hart in hys hand as a bow bent after hys godly will he shall dyrect the same accordyng to the riches of hys glory into all spirituall and heauenly cogitations He is faythfull and will not suffer you to be further assaulted then he will geue you strength to ouercome and in the most daunger he will make a waye that ye may be able to beare it Shrynke not therefore deare heartes when ye shal be called to aunswere for the hope that is in you for we haue the comforter euen the spirite of trueth whiche was sent from the heauens to teache vs. He shall speake in vs hee shall strengthen vs what is he then that shal be able to confound vs Naye what Tiranne is he that now boasteth hymselfe of hys strength to doe mischiefe whome the Lord shall not with the same spirite by the mouth of his seruauntes strike downe to hell fire Yea sodaynly will the Lord bryng downe the glory of the proud Philistians by the handes of hys seruaunt Dauid Theyr strength is in speare shield but our helpe is in the name of the Lord which made both heauen and earth He is our buckler and our wall a strong Tower of defence He is our God and we are his people Hee shall bryng the counsels of the vngodly to nought He shall take them in theyr owne nette He shall destroy them in theyr own inuentions The right hand of the Lorde shall worke this wonder His power is knowne among the children of men Theyr fathers haue felt it and are confounded In lyke maner shall they knowe that there is no counsell agaynst the Lorde when their secrets are opened to the whole worlde and are found to be agaynst the lyuing God Worke they neuer so craftily builde they neuer so strongly yet downe shall theyr rabble fall and the builders them selues shall then be scattered vpon the face of the earth as accursed of God The iust shall see this and be glad prayse the name of the Lord that so meruellously hath delte with hys seruauntes as to bryng theyr enemies vnder theyr feet Thē shall the fearfull seed of Cayne trēble and quake Thē shall the mockyng Ismaelites be cast out of the doore Then shall the proud Nembroth see hys labour lost Then shal the beast of Babilon be troden vnder foot Then shall the scribes and Pharisees for madnes fret and rage Then sha theyr paynted wisedome be knowne for extreme folly Then shall bloudy Dragon be voyd of hys pray Then shall the whore of Babilon receaue double vengeaunce Then shall they scratch theyr crownes for the fall of their Maistres harlot whom they now serue for filthy lucre whē no man will buy their wares any more Then shall the Popishe Priesthoode crye weale away with care euen when the Lord shall helpe his seruauntes which day is not farre of the daye wherein the kingdome of Antichrist shall haue an ende and neuer aryse anye more In the meane tyme abide in certayne and sure hope cleauing vnto the promises of God whiche in theyr owne tyme shal be fulfilled Acquite youre selues lyke men agaynst the enemies of GOD in all humblenes of minde strong in spirite to acknowledge one God one holy Sauioure Iesus Christ one onely euerlastyng and sufficient sacrifice for the remission of sinnes euen the precious bodye of the Lorde Iesus once offered for all and for euer Whiche now sitteth on the right hand of God and from thence shall hee come to iudge both the quicke and the dead at the last day vntil that tyme occupyeth that blessed body none other place to dwell in to be kepte in to be closed in but onelye in the heauens euen in the glorious maiestye of God personally abidyng there in the fleshe not commyng downe from thence till the last houre
he will bestow him I trust to God it shall please him of his goodnes to strengthen me to make vp the trinitie out of Paules Churche to suffer for Christe whom God the father hath annoynted the holy spirite doth beare witnes vnto Paule all the Apostles preached Thus fare you well I had no paper I was constrayned thus to write Besydes these letters of Byshop Ridley diuers other tractations also were written by hym partly out of prison partly in prison as namely amongest certaine other there remayneth in my handes certayne notes answearing to the two notable Sermons of D. Watson Bishop of Lincolne c. ¶ Here beginneth the lyfe actes and doynges of maister Hugh Latimer the famous Preacher and worthy Martyr of Christ and his Gospel NOw consequently after the lyfe of B. Ridley with other his letters whiche partly we haue expressed partly we haue differred to our later appendix followeth lykewyse the lyfe and doynges of the worthy champion and olde practised souldiour of Christe M. Hugh Latimer of whose actes and long trauayles euen from his fyrst yeares and tender age to beginne here to entreate fyrst he was the son of one Hugh Latimer of Thirkesson in the Countie of Leicester a housebandman of right good estimation with whom also he was brought vp vntyll he was of the age of fower yeares or thereabout At which tyme his Parentes hauyng hym as then left for their onely sonne with sixe other daughters seeyng his ready prompte and sharpe witte purposed to trayne him vp in erudition and knowledge of good literature wherein he so profited in his youth at the common Scholes of his owne countrey that at the age of xiiij yeares he was sent to the Uniuersitie of Cambridge Where after some continuaunce of exercises in other thynges he gaue hym selfe to the studie of such schole Diuinitie as the ignoraunce of that age did suffer Zelous he was then in the Popyshe Religion and therewith so scrupulous as hym selfe confessed that beyng a Priest and vsyng to say Masse he was so seruile an obseruer of the Romishe Decrees that he had thought he had neuer sufficiently mingled his Massing wine with water and moreouer that he shoulde neuer be damned if he were once a professed Frier with diuers suche superstitious fantasies And in this blinde zeale he was a very enemie to the professours of Christes Gospell as both his Oration made when he proceeded Bachlour of Diuinitie agaynst Philip Melancthon and also his other workes did playnely declare But especially his Popyshe zeale coulde in no case abyde in those dayes good Maister Stafford reader of the Diuinitie Lectures in Cambridge moste spitefully raylyng agaynst hym and willyng the youth of Cambridge in no wyse to beleeue hym Notwithstandyng suche was the goodnesse and mercifull purpose of God that when he saw his good tyme by the whiche waye hee thought to haue vtterly defaced the professours of the Gospell and true Church of Christ he was at lengthe hym selfe by a member of the same pretily caught in the blessed nette of Gods woorde For M. Thomas Bilney whose storye is before described beyng at that tyme a tryer out of Sathans subtilties and a secrete ouerthrower of Antichristes kyngdome seeyng M. Latimer to haue a zeale in his waies although without knowledge was striken with a brotherly pittie towardes hym bethought by what meanes he might best winne this zelous ignoraunt brother to the true knowledge of Christe Wherefore after a shorte tyme he came to M. Latimers study and desired him to here him make his confession Which thing he willingly graunted by hearyng whereof he was through the good spirte of God so touched that hereuppon he forsooke his former studying of the schole Doctors and other suche fopperies and became a earnest student of true Diuinitie as he hym selfe aswell in his conference with M. Ridley as also in his fyrst sermon made vpon the Pater noster doth confesse So that whereas before he was an enemy and almost a persecutor of Christe he was now a zelous seeker after h●m chaunging his old maner of cauilling and rayling into a diligent kind of conferring both with M. Bilney and others came also to M. Stafford before he dyed and desired him to forgeue him After this his winning to Christ he was not satisfied with his owne conuersion onely but like a true Disciple of the blessed Samaritane pitied the misery of others and therefore became both a publike Preacher and also a priuate Instructer to the rest of his brethren within the Uniuersitie by the space of 3. yeres spending his tyme partly in the Latin tongue among the learned partly amongst the simple people in his naturall and vulgar language Howbeit as Satan neuer slepeth when he seeth his kingdome to begin to decay so likewyse now seeyng that this worthy member of Christ would be a shreud shaker therof he raued vp his impious impes to molest trouble him Amongest these there was an Augustine Frier who tooke occasion vpon certaine Sermons that M. Latimer made about Christenmas 152● aswell in the church of S. Edward as also in S. Augustins within the Uniuersitie in Cambridge to inuey against him for that M. Latimer in the sayde Sermons alludyng to the common vsage of the season gaue the people certaine cardes out of the 5.6.7 Chapiters of S. Matthewe whereupon they might not onely then but alwayes els occupy their tyme. For the chiefe triumph in the cardes he limitted the Hart as the principall thing that they shoulde serue God with all wherby he quite ouerthrew all hypocriticall and externall ceremonies not tending to the necessarie furtheraunce of Gods holy word and Sacramentes For the better atteyneng hereof he wished the Scriptures to be in Englysh wherby the common people might the better learne their dueties aswell to God as their neighbours The handling of this matter was so apt for the tyme and so pleasantly applyed of him that not only it declared a singuler towardnesse of witte in the Preacher but also wrought in the hearers much fruite to the ouerthrowe of Popish superstition and setting vp of perfect Religion This was vpon the Sundaye before Christenmas day on which day commyng to the Church and causyng the Bell to be tolled to a Sermon he entered into the Pulpit takyng for his text the wordes of the Gospell aforesayd red in the Church that day Tu quis es c. In deliueryng the whiche cardes as is abouesayd he made the Harte to be triumph exhortyng and inuityng all men thereby to serue the Lord with inwarde hart and true affection and not with outward ceremonies adding moreouer to the prayse of that triumph that though it were neuer so small yet it woulde make vp the best cote carde beside in the bunch yea though it were the kyng of Clubs c. meanyng thereby how the Lorde would be worshipped and serued in simplicitie
to put you in remembraunce therof to wil you with the wise man to prepare your selues to temptatiōs to beware that ye which yet do stand by the goodnes of God may not fall from your liuely knowledge and hope It is an easie thing to begin to do wel but to cōtinue out in well doing is the onely property of the children of God and such as assuredly shal be saued For so sayth our Sauiour in his Gospel Blessed are they that perseuere to the ende Let not therefore this certaintye of your saluation which is cōtinuance in the sincerity of faith slide frō you Esteme it more then al the riches pleasures of this world for it is the most acceptable treasure of eternall life This is that precious stone for the which the wise marchant man after the Gospell doeth sell all that he hath bieth the same God in the 3. of the Apocal. doth signifye to the church that there shall come a time of temptation vpon the whole world to trye the dwellers on the earth Frō the danger of which temptation al such shal be deliuered as obserue his worde which worde there is called the worde of patience to geue vs to vnderstande that we must be ready to suffer all kinde of iniuries and sclaunders for the profession thereof Therfore God cōmandeth vs there to hold it fast that no man might berefte vs of our crowne of glorye and S Peter telleth vs now we are afflicted with diuers assaies as it is need it should so be That the triall of our faith being much more precious then gold that perisheth and yet is tried by fire might redound to the laud glory and honour of Iesus Christ. S. Paule to the Hebrues sheweth vs that Christe our Sauiour was in his humanitie made perfect by afflictions that we being called to perfection in him might more willingly susteine the troubles of the worlde by the which God geueth all them that be exercised in the same for his sake his holinesse And in the 12. chap. of the said Epistle is wrytten My sonne refuse not the correction of the Lord nor shrinke not when thou art rebuked of him for the Lord doth chastice euery sonne whome he receiueth c. Christ in the Gospell of S. Iohn biddeth his disciples to looke after afflictions saying in the worlde yee shall haue trouble but in me yee shall haue ioy And therefore in the middest of their trouble in the 21. of S. Luke hee biddeth them looke vp and lift vp their heads for your redemption sayeth he is at hand And in the 22 he sayth to all suche as be afflicted for him You are those that haue abidden with me in my temptations and therefore I appoynt vnto you a kingdom as my father hath appoynted for me to eate and drinke vpon my table in my kingdome O howe glorious be the crosses of Christe which bring the bearers of them vnto so blessed an ende Shall we not be glad to be partakers of such shame as may bring vs to so high a dignitie God open their eyes to see al things as they be and to iudge vprightly Then doubtlesse we would thinke with Moises that it is better to be afflicted with the people of God then to be counted the king of Egypts sonne Then should we ioyfully say with Dauid in all our aduersities and troubles It is good O Lord thou hast brought me lowe to the ende I might learne thy righteousnesse Therefore S. Paule woulde not glory in any other thyng of the worlde but in the crosse of Christ in other his infirmities We haue the commaundement of Christe daily to take vppe his crosse and follow him We haue the godly ensamples of all his apostles and holy martyrs which with great ioy and exultation haue suffered the losse of landes goods and life for the hope of a better reward which is laide vp for all those in heauen that vnfainedly cleaue to the gospel and neuer be ashamed therof Great is the felicitye of the world to the outwarde man and very pleasant are the transitory delights therof but the rewarde of the rightuous after the word of God doth incomparably excell them all in so much that S. Paul to the Rom. doth plainly affirme that all the tribulations of this world can not deserue that glory which shall be shewed vpon vs. Let vs therfore good brethren and sisterne be mery glad in these troublesome daies the which be sent of God to declare our faith and to bring vs to the ende and fruition of that which we hope for If we woulde enter into the Lordes Sanctuarie and behold what is prepared for vs we could not but desire the Lord to hast the day of our death in the which we might set forth by true confession his glory Neither should we be afraide to meete our aduersaries which so earnestly seeke our spoile and death as Christ did Iudas and that wicked route which came to apprehēd him saying I am he whom ye seeke It is commaunded vs by the Gospel not to feare them that canne kill the bodye but to feare God who can cast both body and soule into hel fire So muche wee are bounde to obserue this commaundement as anye other which God hath geuen vs. The Lorde encrease our faith that we feare God more then man The Lord geue vs such loue towards him his truth that we may be content to forsake all followe him Nowe wil it appeare what we loue best for to that we loue we will sticke There is none to be counted woorthy a Christian except he can finde in his heart for Christes sake if the confession of his truth doth require it to renounce al which he hath and followe him and in so doing he gaineth an hundreth folde more in this life as our Sauiour sayde to Peter and heere after is assured of eternal life Beholde I pray you what he loseth wh●ch in this life receiueth a 100. for one with assurāce of eternall 〈◊〉 O hapy exchaunge Perchaunce your outward man will say if I were sure of this great recompence here I could be glad to forsake all But where is this 100. folde in this life to be founde Yes truely for in stead of worldly richesse which thou doest forsake which be but temporall thou hast found the euerlasting richesse of heauen which be glory honour and praise both before God aungels and men and for an earthly habitation hast an eternall mansion with Christ in heauen for euen now thou art of the citie and housholde of the Saints with God as it is verified in the 4 to the Philippians For worldly peace which canne last but a while thou doest possesse the peace of God which passeth al vnderstanding and for the losse of a few frends thou art made a felowe of the innumerable companye of heauen and a perpetuall frend of all those
he acknowledgeth for his those no man without great impietie may exclude from the number of the faythful But God promiseth that he will not onely be the God of such as doe professe hym but also of Infants promising them hys grace and remission of sinnes as it appereth by the words of the couenaunt made vnto Abraham I will set my couenant betweene thee and me sayth the Lord and betweene thy seede after thee in their generations with an euerlasting couenaunt to be thy God and the God of thy seede after thee To the which couenaunt Circumcision was added to be a signe of satisfaction as well in children as in men no man may think that this promise is abrogated with Circumcision other ceremoniall lawes For Christ came to fulfill the promises and not to dissolue them Therfore in the Gospell he sayth of Infants that is of such as yet beleeued not Let thy little ones come vnto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdome of heauen Agayne It is not the will of your father which is in heauen that any of these little ones do perish Also He that receyueth one such little chyld in my name receyueth me Take heede therefore that ye despise not one of these babes for I tell you their Angels do continually see in heauen my fathers face And what may be sayd more playner then this It is not the wyll of the heauenly father that the Infants should perish whereby we may gather that he receyueth them freely vnto this grace although as yet they confesse not their fayth Since then that the worde of the promise which is conteyned in Baptisme pertayneth as well to children as to men why shoulde the signe of the promise which is Baptisme in water be withdrawen from childrē when Christ hymselfe commandeth them to be receiued of vs and promiseth the reward of a Prophet to those that receiue such a little Infant as he for an example dyd put before hys disciples Now will I prooue with manifest argumentes that children ought to be baptised that the Apostles of Christ did baptise children The Lord commanded his Apostles to baptise all nations therfore also children ought to bee baptised for they are comprehended vnder this worde All nations Further whom God doth account among the faithfull they are faythfull for it was sayd to Peter That thyng which God hath purified thou shalt not say to bee common or vncleane But God doth repute children among the faithfull Ergo they be faithfull except wee had leaue to resiste God and seeme stronger and wiser then he And without all doubte the Apostles baptised those which Christ commanded but he commanded the faythfull to be baptised among the which infants be reckoned The Apostles then baptised Infants The Gospell is more then Baptisme for Paule sayd The Lord sent me to preach the Gospell and not to baptise not that he denied absolutely that he was sent to baptise but that he preferred doctrine before Baptisme for the Lorde commaunded both to the Apostles but children be receyued by the doctrine of the gospel of God not refused therfore what person being of reason may deny thē baptisme which is a thing lesser then the Gospell for in the Sacraments be two things to be considered the thing signified and the signe the thing signified is greater thē the signe and from the thing signified in Baptisme children are not excluded who therfore may deny them the sign which is Baptisme in water S. Peter could not deny them to be baptised in water to whom he sawe the holy Ghost geuen which is the certayne signe of Gods people For he sayeth in the Actes May any body forbid them to be baptised in water who haue receyued the holy Ghost as well as we Therefore S. Peter denied not Baptisme to Infantes for hee knew certaynely both by the doctrine of Christ and by the couenant which is euerlasting that the kingdome of heauen pertayned to Infants None be receyued into the kyngdome of heauen but such as God loueth and which are endued with his spirit for who so hath not the spirite of God he is none of hys But Infantes be beloued of God and therefore want not the spirit of God wherefore if they haue the spirit of God as well as men if they bee numbred among the people of God as well as we that be of age who I pray you may well withstand children to be baptised with water in the name of the Lord The Apostles in tymes past beyng yet not sufficiently instructed did murmure against those which broght their children vnto the Lord but the Lord rebuked them said Let the Babes come vnto me Why then doe not these rebellions Anabaptists obey the cōmandement of the Lord For what do they now adayes els that bring their children to baptisme then that they did in tymes past which brought their children to the Lord and our lord receiued them and puttyng his hands on them blessed them both by words and by gentle behauiour towardes them declared manifestly that children be the people of God and entirely beloued of God But some will say why then did not Christ baptise them Because it is written Iesus hymselfe baptised not but hys disciples Moreouer Circumcision in the old law was ministred to infants therfore baptisme ought to be ministred in the new law vnto children For baptisme is come in the stead of Circumcision as S. Paule witnesseth saying to the Collossians By Christ yee are circumcised with a Circumcision which is without hands when ye put of the body of sinne of the flesh by the Circumcision of Christ beyng buried together with hym through Baptisme Behold Paule calleth Baptisme the Circumcision of a Christian man which is done without hands not that water may be ministred without handes but that with hands no man any longer ought to bee circumcised albeit the mysterie of Circumcisiō do stil remain in faythfull people To this I may adde that the seruaunts of God were alwayes redy to minister the sacraments to them for whō they were instituted As for an example we may beholde Iosue who most diligently procured the people of Israell to be circumcised before they entred into the lande of promise but since the Apostles were the preachers of the word and the very faithful seruants of Iesus Christ who maye hereafter doubt that they baptised infants sithen baptisme is in place of Circumcision Item the Apostles dyd attemperate all their doyngs to the shadowes and figures of the olde Testament therfore it is certayne that they did attemperate Baptisme accordingly to Circumcision and baptised children because they were vnder the figure of Baptisme for the people of Israell passed through the red sea and the bottome of the water of Iordane with their children And although the children be not alwayes expressed
tribulations that being founde constant to the end he may crowne his owne giftes in them in heauen highly reward thē Whether I trust to goe before looking for you to followe my faythfull frend that we maye sing perpetuall praise to our louing Lord God for victory ouer Sathan and sinne won for vs by Iesus Christ God and man our onely and sufficient Sauiour and Aduocate Amen Farewell and pray in fayth Yours Thomas Whittell Minister and nowe condemned to dye for the Gospels sake 1556. Ianuary 21. ¶ All my felowes salute you Salute all our faythful brethren with you ¶ To my deare frend and brother Iohn Went and other his prison felowes in Lollardes Tower HE that preserued Ioseph prisoner in Egypt fed Daniel in the Lions denne and deliuered Paul Peter and the Apostles out of prison vouchsafe of his goodnes to keep feed and deliuer you my good brother Went with the other our felow souldiors your prison felowes as may be most to his glory to your consolatiō and the edification of his Church I cannot but praise God most earnestly when I heare of your constancy in the fayth and ioye in the crosse of Christ which you now beare and suffer together with many other good members of Christ which is a token that by Christ you are counted worthy the kingdome of God as Paule sayth And though the world counteth the yoake and crosse of Christ as a most pernicious and hurtfull thing yet we which haue tasted how frendly the Lord is cannot but reioice in this persecution as touching our selues in as much as the cause for the which we suffer is the Lordes cause and not ours at whose hand if we endure to the end we shall receiue through his liberall promise in Christ not onely a greate reward in heauen but also the kingdome of heauen it selfe also in the meane season be sure to bee defended and cared for so that we shall lacke no necessarye thinges neither a heare of our heades shall perishe without his knowledge Oh what is he that would mistrust or not gladly serue so louing a father O how vnhappy are they that forsake him and put theyr trust in man But how blessed are they that for his loue and for his holy woordes sake in these troublesome dayes doe committe theyr soules and bodyes into his handes with wel doing counting it greater happines and riches to suffer rebuke with Christ and his Church thē to enioy the pleasures of this life for a litle short seasō This crosse that we nowe beare hath bene common to all the faythfull from Abell hitherto and shal be to the end because the Deuill hauyng great wrath agaynst God and his Christ can not abide that hee should for his manifolde mercies bee lauded and magnified and Christ to be taken and beleued vpon for our onely and sufficient redemer Sauiour and aduocate and therefore because we will not deny Christ nor dissemble with out fayth but openly protest and professe the same before the world he seeketh by all meanes to styrre vp his wicked members to persecute and kill the bodies of the true Christians as S. Iohn sayth the Deuill shall cast some of you into prison And Dauid sayth I beleued and therfore haue I spoken but I was sore troubled This notwithstanding goe forward deare brethren as ye haue begon to fight the Lords battel considering Christe the Captayne of your warre who will both fight for you geue you victorye and also highlye rewarde your paynes Consider to your comfort the notable and chiefe shepheardes and souldiours of Christe whiche are gone before vs in these dayes I meane those learned and godly Bishops Doctours other ministers of Gods word whose fayth and examples we that be inferiours ought to folowe as S. Paule sayth Remember them that haue declared vnto you the worde of God the ende of whose conuersation see that ye look vpon and folow theyr faith The grace blessing of God with the ministery of his holy Angels be with you for euer Amen All my prison felowes greete you From the Colehouse this 4. of December By your poore brother Thomas Whittell an vnworthy Minister of Christ nowe his prisoner for the Gospels sake Amen ¶ To all the true professors and louers of Gods holy Gospell within the City of London THe same faith for the whiche Abraham was counted righteous and Mary blessed the Lorde GOD encrease and make stable in your hartes my deare and faithfull brethren sisters of London for euer and euer Amen Dearely beloued be not troubled in this heat which is now come amongest you to try you as though some straunge thing had happened vnto you but reioyce in as much as ye are partakers of Christes passions that when his glory appeareth ye may be mery and glad c. Out of these wordes of S. Peter I gather most specially these 4. notes First the persecution happeneth to Christes Church for their triall that is for the probation and proofe of their fayth Which fayth like as it is knowne with God in the depth of our hartes so will he haue it made manifest to the whole worlde through persecution that so it may euidently appeare that hee hath such a Churche and people vpon earth which so trusteth in hym and feareth his holy name that no kinde of persecution paynes nor death shal be able to seperate them from the loue of hym And thus was Abraham tried and Iob tempted that their fayth whiche before laye hid almost in their hartes might bee made knowne to the whole world to be so stedfast and stronge that the deuill naturall loue nor no other enemie coulde bee able to bereaue them thereof Whereby also GOD was to be magnefied who both tryeth his people by many tribulations and also standeth by them in the middest of their troubles to deliuer them by lyfe or death as he seeth best like as he assisted Loth and deliuered hym out of his enemies handes Ioseph out of the handes of his Brethren and out of Prison Paule from his enemies in Damasco and the Apostles out of the Stockes and Prison These with many mo he deliuered to lyfe And also he deliuered Abell Eleazar Steuen and Iohn Baptist with other manye by deathe and hathe also by the tryall of their fayth made them good presidentes and examples to vs and all that come after to suffer affliction in the like cause as Saynt Iames sayeth Take my brethren sayth he the prophets for an ensample of suffering aduersity and of long pacience which spake vnto you in the name of the Lord beholde we count them happy which endure Y● haue heard of the pacience of Iob and haue knowne what end the Lord made with him for the Lord is very pitifull and mercifull Also the Lorde tryeth vs to let vs see our owne hartes and thoughtes that no Hypocrisy or Ambitiō deceiue vs that the strong
in Christ may pray that he fall not but endure to the ende and that those that fall through fearefull infirmity might speedely repent and rise agayne with Peter and also that the weake ones mighte bewayle theyr weakenes and crye with Dauid haue mercy vpon me O Lord for I am weak O Lord heale me for all my bones are vexed Of this opening of the heart by persecution spake holy Simion to Mary Christes mother when he sayde the Sworde that is the Crosse of persecution shall pearse thy Soule that the thoughtes of many hartes may be opened For like as a king that should go to battell is cōpelled to looke in his cofers what treasure he hath and also what number and puisaunce of menne and weapons hee hath so that if he himselfe be vnready and vnarmed to bicker with hys enemye he surceaseth and taketh truice for a time euen so wee by persecutions haue our heartes opened that wee maye looke therein to see what fayth in Christ we haue and what strength to withstand the enemies and to beare the Crosse that if we be riche in these treasures we might reioyce and valiauntly go to Battell or if we want these thinges with all speede to call and crye vppon him which geueth all good giftes to those that aske them Item the crosse trieth the good people from the bad the faythfull from the worldlinges and hipocrites and also cleanseth and scoureth the faythfull hartes from all corruption and filthinesse both of the flesh and the spirit And euen as yron except it be often scoured will soone waxe rusty so except our sinnefull hartes and flesh be often scoured with the whetstone of the Crosse they will soone corrupt ouergrowe with the ruste of all filthinesse and sinne And therefore it is meete and good for vs as the wise man sayeth that as gold siluer are tryed in the fire so should the hartes of acceptable men be tried in the fornace of aduersity Abide the triall deare frendes that yee may obteyne the Crowne of life Fighte manfully in this the Lordes cause that ye may obteyne a glorious victorye here and receiue a greate rewarde in heauen hereafter As yee are called Christians and woulde be angry to be called Iewes or Turkes so declare your Christianity by folowing the steps of Christ whose name ye beare suffer with hym and for his Gospelles sake rather then to denye him or to defile your fayth and conscience with false worshipping of Romish religion Take vp your Crosse my deare hartes now when it is offered you and go vp with Christ to Ierusalem amōgest the Bishoppes Priestes and Rulers if God call you thereto and they will anone sende you to Caluery from whence dying in the cause of the Gospell wherein our good Preachers and Brethren haue geuen theyr liues your soules I warrant you through Christ Iesu shall ascend to God that gaue them and the body shall come after at the last day and so shal ye dwell with the Lord for euer in vnspeakeable ioy and blisse O blessed are they that suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake as Christes people in this Iewish Englande nowe doth for theyrs is the kingdome of heauen O my beloued set your mindes on this kingdome where Christ our head and king is considering that as the brute beast tooketh downewardes with the face towardes the earth so man is made contrariwise with his face looking vpward towardes the heauens because his conuersation should be in heauen and heauenlye thinges and not vpon the earth and earthly thinges and S. Paule sayth set your mindes on thinges whiche are aboue where Christ is And agayne he sayth our conuersation is in heauen from whence we looke for our Sauiour who will chaunge our vile bodyes and make them like to his glorious body Oh the glorious estate that we be called vnto The Lord preserue vs harmeles to his eternal kingdome through Christ Iesus our Lord. Amen The second thing that I note in the foresayde wordes of Peter is that he calleth persecution no straunge thinge And trueth it is for which of the Prophetes were not persecuted with Christ and his Apostles and some of them in the end cruelly killed for the truthes sake Cain killed Abell Isaac was persecuted of Ismaell Iacob was hated of Esau Ioseph was prisoned and set in the Stockes the Prophet Esay was cut in two with a Saw Ieremy was stoned Micheas was buffeted and fed with bread and water Helias was sore persecuted Eleazar and the woman with her 7. sonnes were cruelly killed What Christ and the Apostles suffered it is well knowne So that by many tribulations as Paul sayth we must enter into the kingdome of Heauen All the holy Prophetes Christ and hys Apostles suffered such afflictions not for euill doing but for preaching Gods word for rebuking the world of sinne and for theyr fayth in Iesus Christ. This is the ordinance of GOD my Frendes this is the high way to heauen by corporall death to eternall life as Christ sayth he that heareth my woordes and beleeueth in him that sent mee hath eternall life and shall not come into iudgement but is escaped from death to life Let vs neuer feare death which is killed by Christ but beleue in him and liue for euer as Paule sayth There is no damnation to them that are in Christ Iesu which walke not after the fleshe but after the Spirit And agayne Paule sayth Death where is thy styng Hell where is thy victory Thankes be to God which hath geuen vs victory through Iesu Christe Besides this ye haue seene and dayly doe see the bloud of your good Preachers and Brethren which hath bene shed in the Gospelles cause in this sinnefull Sodome this bloudy Ierusalem this vnhappy City of London Lette not theyr bloud be forgotten nor the bloud of your good Bishop Ridley who like a Shepheard to your comforte exāple hath geuen his life for his sheepe good S. Paule sath remember them that haue spoken to you the word of God and looke vpon the end of theyr conuersation and folow theyr fayth The Deuill euer stirreth vp false teachers as he hath done now ouer all Englande as Peter Paule and Iude prophesied it should be to poyson and kill our soules with the false doctrine And where he fayleth of his purpose that way then mooueth he his members to persecute the seely carcases of the Saynctes because they will not denye nor dissemble theyr pure fayth in our liuing Christ and confesse a dead breadye Christ and honour the same as Christ God and man contrary to Gods commaūdement This is the working of Sathan who knowing hys owne iust damnation woulde all mankinde to be partakers wyth him of the same such a mortall hatred beareth he agaynst GOD and his people And therefore when this wicked Tempter coulde not kill Christe with subtle tentation to fall downe and worship him then
and forgiuen your sinnes nowe cleaue vnto him and be at defiance with his enemyes the Papistes as they doe beare witnesse with their Father the Deuill by goinge to the Church and shedding of the innocent bloud of all those that will not goe with them euen so do you beare witnes with Christ by not comming there for all those that do go thither shal be partakers of their brethrens bloud that is shed for the testimonye of Christ except they repent amend which grace that they may so doe I beseech the eternall God for his Christes sake if it be his good will to geue them in his good tyme. And the same good God that hath bene so mercifull vnto you to call you to repentance him I beseech to keepe you in his feare loue that you may haue alwayes affiance in him and euermore seeke his honour glory to your euerlasting comfort in Christ Amen Thus fare you well from the kinges bench this 28. of August By me William Tyms ¶ An other letter of W. Tyms to certayne godly women of his parish folowers of the Gospell GRace mercy and peace from GOD the Father through our Lord Iesus Christ be with you both now and euermore Amen Deare sisters I haue me most hartely commended vnto you thanking you for the great kindnes shewed vnto me in this tyme of my imprisonment and not onely vnto me but also vnto my poore wife and children and also for the great kindnesse that you shew vnto all the liuing saints that be dispersed abroad and are fayne to hide their heades for feare of this cruell persecution Deare sisters when I do remember your constancy in christ I call to remembraunce the constancy of diuers godly women as Susanna Iudith Hester and the good wife of Nabal that thorow her godly conditions saued both her husbandes life and all her housholde when Dauid had thoughte to haue slayne him for his churlish aunswere that he sent him Also I do remember Rahab that lodged the Lordes Spyes howe God preserued her and her whole housholde for her faythfulnesse that she bare to Gods people So I doe beleue that when the Lord shall send his Aungell to destroy these Idolatrous Egyptians here in England and shall finde the bloud of the Lambe sprinkled on the dore postes of your harts he wil go by not hurt you but spare your whole housholdes for your sakes Also I do remember Mary Magdalen how faythfull she was for she was the first that preached the resurrection of Christ. Remember the blessed Martir Anne Askew in our time folow her example of constancy And for the loue of God take heede that in no case you doe consent to Idolatrye but stande fast to the Lorde as the good woman did that had her seuen sonnes put to death before her face and she alwayes comforting them yea and last of all suffered death her selfe for the testimony of her God which is the liuing God Thus I beseech God to send you grace and strength to stand fast to the Lorde as shee did and then you shall be sure of the same kingdome that she is sure of to the which kingdome I pray God bring both you and me Amen By me William Tyms prisoner in the Kinges Bench. ¶ An other Letter of William Tyms to his frend in Hockley THe grace of God the Father through the merites of his deare sonne Iesus our Lord and onely Sauiour with the continuall ayde of his holy and mighty spirit to the performance of his wil to our euerlasting comfort be with you my deare brethren both now and euermore Amen My dearely beloued I beseeche God to rewarde the greate goodnesse that you haue shewed vnto me seuen folde into your bosomes and as you haue alwayes had a moste godly loue vnto his word euen so I beseech him to geue you grace to loue your owne soule and then I trust that you will flee from al those thinges that shoulde displease our good and mercifull God and hate and abhorre all the companye of those that woulde haue you to worship God any otherwise then is conteined in his holy worde And beware of those maysters of Idolatrye that is these papisticall Priestes My deare brethren for the tender mercy of God remember well what I haue sayd vnto you and also written the which I am now ready to seale with my bloud I prayse God that euer I liue to see the daye and blessed bee my good and mercifull God that euer he gaue me a body to glorify his name And deare hartes I do now write vnto you for none other cause but to put you in remembraunce that I haue not forgotten you to the end that I woulde not haue you forgette me but to remember well what I haue simply by worde of mouth and writing taught you The which although it were moste simplye done yet truely as your owne conscience beareth me record and therefore in any case take good heed that you do not that thing which your own conscience doth condemne Therefore come out of Sodome and goe to heauen ward with the seruauntes and martyrs of God least you be pertakers of the vengeance of God that is comming vpō this wicked natiō from the which the Lord our God defend you and send vs a ioyfull meeting in the kingdome of heauen vnto the which God bring you all Amen Thus now I take my leaue of you for euer in this world except I be burned amongst you whiche thing is vncertayne vnto me as yet By me your poorest and most vnworthy brother in Christ W. Tyms in Newgate the 12. day of April condemned to dye for Christes verity ¶ An other Letter of William Tyms geuing thankes to his parishioners for theyr charity shewed to his wife being brought to bed of a childe in his captiuity THe euerlasting peace of our deare Lord and only sauiour Iesus Christ with the sweete comfort of his holy mighty spirite to the encrease of your fayth to the perfourmance of his will and to your eternall cōfort in the euerlasting kingdome of heauen be with you my deare brethren and sisterne both now and euer Amen My most deare brethren sisterne in our Lord and sauior Iesus Christ I haue me most hartely cōmended vnto you with harty thankes for all the great liberality that you haue shewed vnto me specially now in this time of my necessity whē that God hath sēt my poore wife a childe in my captiuity which is no litle care to me so to prouide that I might keepe both the child my wife from the Antichristian church the which thing I thanke my good god through his most gracious prouidence I haue yet done though it be as you know great charge not to me but to the congregation of God it greueth me that I haue bene so chargeable to thē as I haue bene specially you my deare brethrē I being so vnworthy a
not awaye all thy true preachers forth of this realme O Lord but leaue vs a seede least England be made like vnto Sodome and Gomorre when thy true Lothes be gone But what goe I aboute to mingle your myrthe wyth my mourning and your iust ioy with my deserued sorow If I loued you in deede as I haue pretended I shoulde surely reioyce with you most hartily praise god on your behalfe from the very bottome of my hart I should prayse God day and night for your excellēt election in through his great mercy and should geue him most humble thākes for your vocation by his Gospell your true knowledge in the same I should earnestly prayse him for your sweete iustification wherof you are most certayne by Gods grace and spirite should instantly pray vnto him for your glorification which shall shortly ensue I should reioyce and be glad to see you so dignifyed by the crowne of Martyrdome and to be appoynted to that honour to testify hys truth and to seale it with your bloud I should highly extoll the Lord who hath geuen you a glorious victory euer al your enemies visible and inuisible and hath geuen you grace and strength to finish the Tower that you haue begunne to build Finally if I loued you I should most hartily reioice and be glad to see you deliuered from this body of sinne and vile prison of the fleshe and brought into that heauenly tabernacle where you shal be safely kept and neuer offend him more This and much more should I do if I had a good hart towardes God or you his deare childe But alas I am an hypocrite do seeke nothing but mine owne commodity I would haue gods euerlasting prouidēce geue place to my peeuish will purpose although it were to the hinderance of his glory and your sweet commodity God forgeue me my horrible ingratitude sinnes offēces agaynst him and good brother do you forgeue me my great negligence and vnthankfulnes towards you and henceforth I promise you I will put my will to Gods wil pray that the same may be fulfilled in you so long as you be on this earth and when you are taken hence I will most hartely prayse the Lord for you so lōg as I haue my being in this world Ah my deare hart nowe I muste take my leaue of you and as I thinke my Vltimum vale in this lyfe but in the life to come I am righte well assured we shall merilye meete together that shortly I trust And in taking of my leue of you my deare hart in the Lord I shall desire you faythfully to remēber all the sweet messages that the Lord our good God most deare louing father hath sent you by me his most vnworthy seruaunt which as they are moste true so shall they be most truly accōplished vpon you eternally and for the more assurance and certificate thereof to your godly cōscience he hath cōmaunded me to repeat the same vnto you agayne in his owne name and word Therfore now geue eare and faithfull credence Harken O ye heauens and thou earth geue eare and beare me witnes at the great day that I do here faythfully and truly the lordes message vnto his dear seruant his singularly beloued and elect childe Iohn Bradford Iohn Bradford thou man so specially beloued of God I pronoūce testify vnto thee in the word name of the Lord Iehoua that all thy sinnes whatsoeuer they be be they neuer so many so grieuous or so great be fully freely pardoned released forgeuen thee by the mercy of God in Iesus Christ thyne onely Lord sweet sauiour in whom thou doest vndoubtedly beleue Christ hath cleansed thee with his bloud and clothed thee with his righteousnes and hath made thee in the sight of God his father without spotte or wrinckle so that when the fire doth his appoynted office thou shalt be receyued as a sweete burnt sacrifice into heauen where thou shalt ioyfully remayn in Gods presence for euer as the true inheritor of his euerlasting kingdome vnto that whiche that wast vndoubtedly predestinate ordeined by the Lords vnfallible purpose and decree before the foundation of the worlde was layde And that this is most true that I haue sayd I call the whole Trinity the almighty and eternall maiesty of God the father the sonne and the holy ghost to my record at this present whom I humbly beseech to confirme and stablish in thee the true and liuelye feeling of the same Amen Selah Now with a mery hart and a ioyfull spirit something mixed with lawful teares I take my farewel of you mine owne deare brother in the Lorde who sende vs shortly a merye meeting in his kingdome that we maye both sing prayses together vnto him with hys holy Aungelles and blessed spirites for euer euer Farewel thou blessed of the Lord farewell in Christ depart vnto thy rest in the Lorde and pray for me for Gods sake As I had made an ende of this simple Letter I hearde some comfort both of good Maister Philpots seruant and yours but alas I doe scarcely beleue them Well I wyll hope in God pray all night that God will send me some comfort to morrowe and if the Lorde geue you sparing to morow let me heare foure words of comfort from you for Gods sake The blessing of God be with you now and for euer Amen Yours for euer in the Lord Iesus Iohn Careles liuing in hope agaynst hope In reading this letter of Iohn Careles to M. Bradford aboue prefixed wherein he maketh so much mētion of a certayne letter of his sent to him and of the great exceeding consolation he receiued of the same thou wilt wishe peraduenture good louing Reader in thy mynd to haue some sight also of the sayd Letter of M. Bradford Wherein to satisfy thy desire or rather to preuent thy petition I haue hereunto annexed the same to the entent thou mayest not onely vnderstand the contentes therof but also receiue fruit therof to thy cōsolation likewise The purport of the letter here foloweth ¶ Mayster Bradford to Careles ALmighty God our deare father through and for the merits of his dearely beloued sonne Iesus Christ be mercifull vnto vs pardon vs our offences vnder the winges of his mercy he protect vs from all euill from henceforth and for euer Amen Deare brother Careles I hartely pray you to pray to GOD for me for the pardon of my manifold sinnes and most grieuous offences whiche neede none other demonstration vnto you then this namely that I haue behaued my selfe so negligently in aunswering your godly triple letters whiche are three witnesses agaynst me God lay not them nor none other thing to my charge to condemnation though to correction not my will but his wil be done Concerning your request of absolution my dearest brother what shall I saye but euen as trueth is that the
dare not for my life holde my peace for I shoulde beare your sinne the which I will not doe for none of you all I tell you playnely Chich. Where finde you that you are commaunded to reproue me Wood. If thou see thy Brother sinne reproue hym if hee repent thou hast won thy Brother But you repent it not me thinketh but rather goe about to mainteine the same Christ sayth He that breaketh one of the least of my commaundementes and teacheth men so shall be called least in the kingdome of heauen and you goe about to teach men so as farre as I see Priest Why my Lord this man is past cure I see no hope in him Chich. No so me thinketh I will neuer talke wyth hym more Go cal M. Story let him do with him what he wil. He hath bene with his felowes in the Marshalsea now he is worse then he was before I had some hope in him the other day but now I see none Wood. No I prayse God my fayth hangeth vpon no mē but vpon God Priest Nay my Lord I think he is not the worse for thē bu● I feare me they be the worse for him I know this mā of old before mine old Lord. Wood. Well my Lord looke well to it will you deliuer me to other men to shed my bloud and so think to wash your hands of me as Pilate did by Christ Nay you can not be so discharged Chichest I haue nothing to doe with you but of my gentlenes I haue sent for you because you said you would declare you mind in any particular matter that I would demaund of you Wood. Why I doe not deny but I will doe so if you doe demaūd it of me But you go about to deliuer me to other to kill me and I know that there is none that hath to do with me but you Chich. I am not consecrated yet wherfore my Lord Cardinal may examine you and condemne you or my Lord of London for you are now in his Dioces Wood. Yea my Lord is the matter euen so Then I perceiue wherabout you go Nay I will talke no more wyth you then if you be at that poynt Aske me what you will but I will shew you nothing of my mind I promise you I will not aunswere in particuler matters and so you to accuse me to other and they to kill me Chich. I goe not about to kill you but woulde be glad to heare your minde in the sacramēts that if you vnderstand them not aright I would be glad with al my hart to shew you my mind how I vnderstand them For I would you should do as well as mine owne selfe Wood. If you woulde talke with me to doe me good I would be content to heare you and shew you my mind otherwise I would be loth Chich. Nay I will promise you if I can do you no good I will do you no harme for if I meant to doe you harme I could lay your owne hande writing against you but I will not wherefore be in no doubt of me How say you to the sacrament of Matrimony Is it a sacrament or no How thinke you by it Wood. I thinke it is a holy institution ordeined of God in Paradise and so to continue to the worldes end Chich. Lo now you shall see how you be deceiued in that as you be in all the rest Come hither You can read Latin I am ●ure Wood. Yea I can read latin but I vnderstand very litle Chich. Come to me you shall see that Paule calleth it a holy Sacrament For these be the wordes For this cause shall a man leaue father and mother and shall be ioyned to his wife and two shall be made one flesh This is a great Sacrament Wood I remember such a saying but S. Paule calleth it not a sacrament But he sayth It is a great mystery Chich. Where sayth he so Wood. I am not sure in what Texte it is but I am sure these be S. Paules wordes and that he calleth it not a sacrament in all his writinges Chichest What the last daye ye were full of Scriptures here it is written and there it is written What wee can rehearse the Scriptures as well as you Wherefore if we be sure it bee written it is no greate matter for the place Come hither I will shew you the place I thinke that you meane Wood. I looked and it was writtē Sacramentum I know it is a great mistery in the English translation Chich. I permit it be a mistery What is a mistery Wood. A mystery is I take it vnseene for he sayth he speaketh betwixt Christ the congregation So the great mystery that he speaketh of I take to be the fayth of them that be maried which is hid in christ the which we see not but Christe But the deede which is in the congregation which is the outward mariage we see but the inward mariage of the hart we see not Wherefore Paul calleth it a mystery And therfore if it be a sacramēt it is inuisible to vs It is not seene as other sacraments be Chichest Nay I tell you it is a visible Sacrament seene as the other be for is not the mariage seen is not the man and woman seene Wood. My Lord I pray you what is a sacrament Chich. It is the signe of a holy thing Wood. Me thinkes you haue certified mee verye well There neede not be a signe of a holy thing where the holy thing is it selfe Then hys Chapleynes woulde haue interrupted me but I desired my Lorde I might say out my minde in the matter So with much adoe he bade me saye what I could There neede not to be a signe of a thing where the thing is it self Matrimony is a holy thing it selfe and is ended outwardly and neede no more signes but themselues Wherefore it canne not be a Sacrament as other bee Chich. Loe how much you speake agaynste your selfe And as for an example I come by a Hosier and there hangeth a payre of Hose the which be Hose and be a signe of hose that be to ●ell within Priest How say you to this Now my Lord hath hit you home in deed Wood. He hath hit me perillously I tell you with sophistry to blinde mine eyes withall I maruell you be not all ashamed of it I can answere that to all your shames if I might be iustly heard I tell you playnely Priest What you be angry me thinkes Wood. I am not angrye but I am earnest I tell you to see your blindnes and folly I talked of the Scriptures that be written and it is Gods worde to prooue my matter true by and you wil proue your matter true by a paire of hose And as well can you proue it by that as by Gods word Priest Why is there nothinge true but that is written in the Bible Wood. S. Paule saith to the Galathians the
sondrye incident to the same and especiallye touching the great stirres alterations which haue happened in other foreine nations and also partly among our selues here at home for so muche as the tractation heereof requireth an other Uolume by it selfe I shall therefore deferre the reader to the next Booke or Section insuing wherein if the Lorde so please to sustaine me with leaue and life I may haue to discourse of all and singulare suche matters done and atchieued in these our latter daies and memorie more at large Now then after these so great afflictions falling vpon this Realm from the first beginning of Queene Maries reigne wherein so many men women and children were burned many imprisoned and in prisones starued diuers exiled some spoyled of goodes possessions a great number driuen from house to home so many weeping eyes so many sobbing hartes so many children made fatherles so many fathers bereft of theyr wiues and children so many vexed in conscience and diuers against conscience cōstrained to recant and in conclusion neuer a good man almost in all the Realme but suffered something during all the time of this bloudy persecution after all this I say now we are come at length the Lord be praysed to the 17. day of Nouember which day as it brought to the persecuted members of Christ rest from theyr carefull mourning so it easeth me somewhat likewise of my laborious writing by the death I meane of Queene Mary Who being long sicke before vpon the sayd xvij day of Nouember in the yeare aboue sayde about 3. or 4. a clocke in the morning yelded her life to nature and her kingdome to Queene Elizabeth her sister As touching the maner of whose death some say that she dyed of a Tympany some by her much sighing before her death supposed she dyed of thought sorow Wherevpon her Counsell seing her sighing desirous to know the cause to the ende they might minister the more readye consolation vnto her feared as they sayd that she took the thought for the kinges Maiesty her husband which was gone from her To whom she answering againe In deed sayd she that may be one cause but that is not the greatest wound that pearseth my oppressed minde but what that was she would not expresse to them Albeit afterward she opened the matter more plainly to M. Rise and Mistres Clarentius if it be true that they tolde me whiche hearde it of M. Rise himselfe who then being most familiar with her most bold about her tolde her that they feared she took thought for king Philips departing from her Not that onely sayde she but when I am dead opened you shall find Calice lying in my hart c. And here an end of Queene Mary and of her persecution Of which Queene this truely may be affirmed left in story for a perpetual memorial or Epitaph for al kings and Queenes that shal succeed her to be noted that before her neuer was readde in story of any King or Queene of England since the time of king Lucius vnder whome in time of peace by hanging heading burning and prisoning so much Christian bloud so many Englishmens liues were spilled within this Realme as vnder the sayd Queene Mary for the space of foure yeres was to be sene and I beseech the Lord neuer may be sene hereafter ❧ A briefe declaration shewing the vnprosperous successe of Queene Mary in persecuting Gods people and how mightily God wrought agaynst her in all her affayres NOw for so much as Queene Mary during all the time of her reigne was suche a vehement Aduersary and Persecutour agaynst the sincere Professours of Christ Iesus and his Gospell for the which there be many which do highly magnify approue her doinges therein reputing her Religion to be founde and Catholicke and her proceedinges to be most acceptable and blessed of almighty God to the intēt therfore that all men may vnderstande howe the blessing of the Lorde God did not onely not proceed with her proceedings but cōtrary rather how his manifest displesure euer wrought agaynst her in plaguing both her and her Realme and in subuerting all her counselles and attemptes whatsoeuer she tooke in hand we will bestow a litle time therein to perpend and suruey the whole course of her doinges and ●heuaunces and cōsider what successe she had in the same Which being well considered we shall finde neuer no reigne of any Prince in this Land or any other whiche had euer to shew in it for the proportion of time so many arguments of Gods great wrath displesure as was to be sene in the reigne of this Queene Mary whether we behold the shortnes of her time or the vnfortunate euent of all her purposes who seemed neuer to purpose any thing that came luckely to passe neither did any thing frame to her purpose what so euer she tooke in hande touching her owne priuate affayres Of good kinges we read in the Scripture in shewing mercy and pity in seeking Gods will in his word subuerting the monumentes of Idolatry howe God blessed theyr wayes encreased theyr honours and mightely prospered all their proceedinges as we see in king Dauid Salomon Iosias Iosaphath Ezechias with such other Manasses made the streetes of Hierusalem to swimme with the bloud of his subiects but what came of it the text doth testify Of Queene Elizabeth whiche nowe raigneth among vs this we must needes say which we see that she in sparing the bloud not onely of Gods seruauntes but also of Gods enemies hath doubled now the raygne of Queene Mary her sister with such aboundance of peace and prosperitie that it is hard to say whether the realme of England felt more of Gods wrath in Queene Maryes tyme or of Gods fauour and mercy in these so blessed peaceable dayes of Queene Elizabeth Gamaliell speaking his minde in the Counsaile of the Phariseis concerning Christes religion gaue this reason that if it were of God it should continue who soeuer sayd nay If it were not it could not stand So may it be sayde of Q. Mary and her romishe Religion that if it were so perfect and Catholicke as they pretend and the contrarye fayth of the Gospellers were so detestable and hereticall as they make it how commeth it then that this so Catholicke a Queene suche a necessarye piller of his spouse hys Church continued no longer till shee had vtterly rooted out of the land this hereticall generation Yea how chanced it rather y● almightye God to spare these poore heretickes rooted out Q. Mary so soone from her throne after she had reigned but onely v. yeares and v. monthes Now furthermore howe God blessed her wayes and endeuours in the meane tyme while shee thus persecuted the true seruauntes of God remayneth to bee discussed Where first this is to be noted that when shee first began to stand for the title of the Crowne and yet had wrought
the state of your own person but of your kingdome also To what end became the enterprise of the Duke of Guise in Italy goyng about the seruice of the enemy of God and purposing after his returne to destroy the Vallies of Piemont to offer or sacrifice them to God for his victories The euent hath well declared that God can turne vpsidedowne our counsailes and enterprises as he ouerturned of late the enterprise of the Constable of Fraunce at S. Quintins hauyng vowed to God that at his returne he would go and destroy Geneua when he had gotten the victory Haue you not heard of L. Ponchet Archbish. of Toures who made sute for the erection of a Court called Chamber Ardente wherein to condemne the Protestantes to the fire who afterwardes was striken with a disease called the fire of God whiche began at his feete and so ascended vpward that he caused one member after another to be cut off and so died miserably without any remedy Also one Castellanus who hauyng enriched himselfe by the Gospell and forsaking the pure doctrine thereof to returne vnto his vomite again went about to persecute the Christians at Orleans by the hand of God was striken in his body with a sickenes vnknowen to the Phisitions the one halfe of his body burnyng as whote as fire and the other as colde as Ise and so most miserably crying and lamentyng ended his lyfe There be other infinite examples of Gods iudgements worthy to be remembred as the death of the Chauncellour and Legate du Prat which was the first that opened to the Parliament the knowledge of heresies and gaue out the first Commissions to put the faythfull to death who afterwarde died in his house at Natoillet swearyng and horribly blasphemyng GOD and hys stomacke was founde pierced and gnawen a sunder wyth wormes Also Iohn Ruse Counsailor in the Parliament comming frō the Court after he had made report of the processe agaynst the poore innocentes was taken with a burnyng in the lower parte of his belly and before he could be brought home to his house the fire inuaded all his secret partes and so hee died miserably burnyng all his belly ouer without any signe or token of the acknowledging of God Also one named Claude de Asses a Counsailour in the sayd Courte the sayde day that he gaue his opinion and consent to burne a faythfull Christian albeit it was not done in deede as he would haue it after he had dyned committed whoredome with a seruaunte in the house and euen in doyng the acte was striken with a disease called Apoplexia whereof he dyed out of hande Peter Liset chiefe President of the sayd Courte and one of the authors of the foresayd burnyng chamber was deposed frō his office for beyng known to be out of his right wit and bereaued of his vnderstandyng Also Iohn Morin Lieuetenaunt Criminall of the Prouost of Paris after he had bene the cause of the death of many christians was finally striken with a disease in his legs called the Wolues whereby he lost the vse of them died also out of his wits many dayes before denieng and blaspheming God Likewise Iohn Andrew Bookebinder of the Pallace a spie for the President Liset and of Bruseard the kings sollicitor died in a fury and madnes The Inquisitor Iohn de Roma in Prouence his flesh fell from hym by peece meale so stinkyng that no man might come nere hym Also Iohn Minerius of Prouence which was the cause of the death of a great number of men women and children at Cabriers at Merindol died with bleeding in the lower partes the fire hauing take his belly blaspheming and despising of God besides many other wherof we might make recital which were punished with the like kynd of death It may please your maiesty to remember your self that ye had no sooner determined to set vpon vs but new troubles were by and by moued by your enemies with whom ye could come to no agreement which God would not suffer for as much as your peace was grounded vpon the persecution which ye pretended against Gods seruauntes As also your Cardinals can not let through their crueltie the course of the Gospell which hath taken such roote in your realme that if God should geue you leaue to destroy the professors thereof you should bee almost a kyng without subiects Tertullian hath well sayde that the bloud of Martyrs is the seed of the Gospell Wherfore to take away all these euyls commyng of the riches of the papistes which cause so much whoredome Sodomitrie and incest wherein they wallowe lyke hogs feeding their idle bellies the best way were to put them from their lands and possessions as the old sacrifising Leuits were according to the expresse commaundement which was geuen to Iosua For as long as the ordinance of God tooke place and that they were voyde of ambition the puritie of religion remayned whole and perfect but when they began to aspire to principalitie riches and worldly honours then began the abhomination of desolation that Christ found out It was euen so in the Primatiue church for it flourished continued in all purenesse as long as the Ministers were of smal wealth and sought not their particuler profite but the glorye of God onely For since the Popes began to be princelike and to vsurpe the dominion of the Empire vnder the colour of a fals donation of Constantine they haue turned the Scriptures from their true sense and haue attributed the seruice to themselues which we owe to God Wherefore your Maiestie may seise with good right vpon all the temporalties of the benefices and that with a safe conscience for to employ them to their true right vse First for the findyng and maintainyng of the faithfull Ministers of the word of God for such liuyngs as shall be requisite for them accordyng as the case shall require Secondly for the entertainment of your Iustices that geue iudgement Thirdly for the relieuyng of the poore and maintenance of Colledges to instruct the poore youth in that which they shall be most apte vnto And the rest which is infinite may remayne for the entertainment of your owne estate and affaires to the great easement of your poore people which alone beare the burthen and possesse in maner nothyng In this doyng an infinite number of men and euen of your Nobilitie which lyue of the Crucifix should employ themselues to your seruice and the common wealths so much the more diligently as they see that ye recompence none but those that haue deserued where as now there is an infinite number of men in your kingdome which occupy the chiefest greatest benefices which neuer deserued any part of them c. And thus much touching the superfluous possessions of the Popes Lordly Clergie Now procedyng further in this exhortation to the king thus the letter importeth But when the Papists see that they haue
not to alleadge for themselues any reason they assay to make odious to your maiesty the Lutherans as they call vs and say if their sayinges take place ye shall be faine to remaine a priuate person that there is neuer change of religion but there is also chaunge of princedome A thyng as false as when they accuse vs to be Sacramentaries and that we deny the authoritie of Magistrates vnder the shadow of certaine furious Anabaptists which Satan hath raysed in our tyme to darken the light of the Gospell For the histories of the Emperours which haue begun to receiue the Christian religion and that which is come to passe in our tyme shew the contrary Was there euer Prince more feared and obeyed then Constantine in receiuing the Christian Religion was hee therefore put from the Empire No he was thereby the more confirmed established in the same and also his posterity which ruled themselues by his prouidence But such as haue fallen away and folowed mens traditions God hath destroyed and theyr race is no more knowne in earth So much doth God detest them that forsake him And in our time the late kinges of England and Germanye were they cōstrayned in reprouing superstitions which the wickednes of the time had brought in to forsake their kingdomes princedomes Al men see the contrary and what honor fidelity and obedience the people in our time that haue receiued the reformation of the Gospell do vnder theyr princes and superiors Yea I may say that the princes knew not before what it was to be obeyed at that time when the rude and ignoraunt people receiued so readily the dispēsations of the Pope to d●iue out their owne kinges and naturall Lordes The true and onely remedy sir is that ye cause to be holden a holy and free Counsell where ye shou●d be chiefe and not the Pope his who ought but onely to defende their causes by the holy scriptures that in the meane while ye may seeke out mē not corrupted suspected nor partial whō ye may charge to geue report faythfully vnto you of the true sence of the holy scriptures And this done after the example of the good kinges Iosaphath Ezechias Iosias ye shall take out of the Churche all Idolatry superstition abuse which is found directly contrary to the holy scriptures of the old and new testament by that meanes ye shall guid you● people in the true pure serui●e of God not regarding in the meane time the cauilling pretenses of the papists which say that such questiōs haue bene already answered at generall Counsels for it is knowne well enoug● tha● no Counsell hath bene lawfull since the Popes haue 〈◊〉 the principality tyranny vpon mens soules but they haue made them serue to their couetousnes ambition and cruel●y 〈◊〉 the contrariety which is amōg those coūsels maketh enough for their disproofe beside a hundred thousand other absurdities ag●in●● the word of God which be in them The true proofe for such matters is in the true holy Scriptures to the which no time nor age hath any prescription to be alledged agaynst thē fo● by them we receiue the Counsels founded vpon the worde of God and also by the same we reiect that doctrine which is repugnant And if ye do thus Syr God will blesse your enterprise he will encrease confirme your raigne and Empyre and your posterity If otherwise destruction is at your gate and vnhappy are the people which shall dwell vnder your obediēce There is no doubt but God will hardē your hart as he did Pha●aos and take of the crowne from your head as he did to Ieroboam N●dab Baza Achab and to many other kinges which haue folowed m●ns traditions agaynst the commaundemēt of God and geue it to your enemies to triumph ouer you and your children And if the Emperour Antonine the meek although he were a Pagan Idolater seing himselfe bewrapt with so many wars ceased the persecutiōs which were in his time agaynst the christians and determined in the ende to heare their causes and reasons how muche more ought you that beare the name of moste Christian king to be carefull and diligent to cease 〈◊〉 persecutions agaynst the poore Christians seing they h●ue not t●oubled nor doe trouble in any wise the state of your kingdome your affayres considering also that the Iewes be suffe●ed through all Christendome although they be mortall enemies o● our Lorde Iesus Christ which we holde by common accorde and consent for our God Redeemer and Sauiour and that vntill you haue heard lawfully debated and vnderstand our reasons takē of the holy Scriptures and that your Maiestye haue iudged if we bee worthy of such punishmentes For if we be not ouercome by the worde of God the fires the sworde nor the c●●●●lest tormentes shall make vs afrayd These be the exercises that God hath promised to his of the which he foretolde shoulde come in the laste times that they should not be troubled when such persecutions shall come vpon them Translated out of the French booke intituled Commentaries of the state of the Church and publicke weale c. pag. 7. ¶ The story and end of the french king WHosoeuer was the authour or authours of this letter aboue prefixed herein thou seest good Reader good counsell geuen to the king if he had the grace to receiue it and had folowed the same no doubt but Gods blessing working with him he had not onely set that Realme in a blessed staye from much disturbaunce but also had continued himselfe in all florishing felicity of princely honour and dignity For so doth the lord commonly blesse and aduaunce such kinges Princes as seeke hys honor and submit their wils to his obedience But cōmonly the fault of kinges and Potentates of this world is that being set about with Parasites either they seldom heare the truth told thē or if they do yet will they not lightly be put from theyr owne willes disdayning to be admonished by their inferiors be theyr counsell neuer so holsom godly Which thing many times turneth them to great plages calamitie as by plentiful exāples of kings destroyed woūded imprisoned deposed drowned poysoned c. may wel to thē that read histories appeare but especially in this presēt example of Henry French king the seconde of that name is in this our age notoriously to be considered Who b●ing well warned before as may seeme would not yet surcease his cruell persecution agaynst the Lordes people but rather was the more hardened in hart and inflamed against them in so muche that he sayd to Anne du Bourg one of the high Court of Parliament in Paris threatning hym that he would see him burne with his own eyes Further how his purpose was to extende his power and force likewise agaynst other places moe in persecutyng the Gospell of Christe and professours thereof to the vttermost of his abilitie I
be vnto you a strong defence and refuge in the needfull time Bow downe thine eare O Lorde sayth Dauid and heare me for I am poore and in misery Bee mercifull vnto me O Lord for I will call dayly vpō thee comfort the soule of thy seruaunt for vnto thee O Lord do I lift vp my soule For thou Lord art good and gracious and of great mercy vnto all thē that call vpon thee Geue eare Lorde vnto my prayer and ponder the voyce of my humble petition All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship thee O Lord shall glorify thy name For thou art great and doest wonderfull things thou art God alone Teach me thy wayes Oh Lord and I will walke in thy truth O knit my hart vnto thee that I may feare thy name I will thanke thee O my God with all my hart and will prayse thy name for euer O you Christen people of Hadley comfort your selues one another in these notable psalmes of dauid the whole bible Embrace the notable iewell of our Lord God the bible endeuor your selues to walke the way that it doth teach you My good brethren we as helpers sayth S. Paule doe exhort you that ye receiue not the grace of God in vayne For behold now is the accepted time now is the daye of saluation Let vs beware that we take sure hold while we haue time for time will away While wee haue the lighte walke in it least when ye would desire it ye can not haue it Understand the light to be the knowledge of Christe to obey that is to haue the light For that cause came our Sauiour Iesus Christe to make himselfe knowne vnto those that did receiue him He gaue power to be the sonnes of God and so to bee made inheritours of his kingdome which shal neuer haue end who would not be glad to become the kinges sonne that he therby might be partaker of the kingdome that neuer shall haue end O vayne man what art thou that will refuse euerlasting life for a day or two or an hower thou canst not tell howe short Open thine eies see thine owne cōfort refuge to christ O flie refuse this worldly wisedōe for worldly wisedom doth shut out the wisedome of God For the word of the crosse is foolishnesse vnto them that perish but vnto vs whiche are saued it is the power of God For it is written I will destroy the wisedome of the wise and will cast away the vnderstanding of the prudent Where are the wise where are the Scribes where are the disputers of this worlde hath not god made the wisedom of this world foolishnes For in so muche as the worlde by the wisedome thereof knew not God in his wisedome it pleased God through foolishnesse of preaching to saue them that beleue For the Iewes require tokens and the Greekes aske after wysedome but we preach Christ crucified sayth S. Paule to the Iewes an occasion of falling and vnto the Greekes a people that are wise in theyr owne conceites to them is the preaching of Christ crucified foolishnesse But vnto them that are called both Iewes and Greekes we preach Christ the power of God and the wisedome of God For the foolishnes of God is wiser then men and the weaknes of God is stronger then men Brethren looke vpon your calling how that not many wise men after the fleshe not many mighty not many of high degree are called But that which is foolish before the world hath God chosen that he might confound the wise and that which is despised before the worlde hath he chosen and that whiche is nothing that he might destroy that which is ought that no flesh should reioyce Of the same are ye also in Christe Iesu whiche is made of God vnto vs wisedome righteousnes and sanctifying and redemption according as it is written he that reioyseth should reioyce in the Lorde that your fayth should not stand in the wisedome of men but in the power of God We speake of this wisedome among them that are perfecte not the wisedome of thys world nor the rulers of this world which go to nought but we speake of the wisedome of God which the carnall man doth not vnderstand The naturall man perceiueth nothing of the spirite of God It is foolishnes with hym But God hath opened it to vs by his spirite For the spirite searcheth out all thinges Wherefore my deare Brethren trye your selues well whether ye haue the spirite of Christ or no. If you haue the spirite of Christ then are ye dead concerning sinne but ye are aliue vnto god through Iesus Christ. If this spirite dwell in you then will ye increase and go forward in your profession not feare what flesh may do vnto the carkasse Therefore stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free and bee not wrapped vp agayne in the yoake of bondage that is to say to go from God by wicked life or serue God an other way then he hath commaunded in his holy word I truste you go forward my deare Brethren and Sisterne in your promise that you made to your Lorde God in your baptisme I pray God open vnto you the knowledge of hym selfe and lighten the eyes of your vnderstanding that ye may know what is the hope of your calling and what the riches of his glorious inheritaunce is vpon the Sayntes For ye are the chosen generation the kingly Priesthoode that holy nation that peculiar people that should shewe the vertues of him which hath called you out of darcknes into his maruellous light that is to say to feare God and to worke righteousnesse and so to receiue the end of your fayth the saluation of your soules This is a true saying if we be dead with Christ we shall liue with him also If we be patient we shall also reigne with him If we denye him he also shall denye vs. If we beleue not yet he abydeth faythfull he can not deny himselfe The very God of peace sanctify you throughout and I pray God that your whole spirit soule and bodyes be kept blameles vnto the cōming of our Lord Iesus Faythfull is he that hath called you which will also do it Brethren pray for vs and great all the brethren among you By me your brother in the Lord and Sauiour Christ Iohn Alcocke Prisoner in the Lorde at Newgate ❧ Geue glory to God GOd be mercifull to thee O England send thee great number of such faythfull Fathers and godly Pastors as Doctor Taylour was to guide thee feede thee and cōfort thee after thy great miseries and troubles that thou hast suffered vnder the tyrannous captiuitye and rage of the Romaine Antichrist and such rauening Wolues as haue without all mercy murdered thy godly and learned preachers and geue all men grace to consider that suche horrible plagues and mutations haue iustly
to dwel in the Lords tabernacle Our Christe and his heauenly companye looke for vs let vs haste and runne thereto for beholde the Lord is ready to embrace vs. Mine owne bowels in the Lorde be merry in the Lorde with your afflicted brother who daily offereth your merciful almes which most vnworthely I do receiue still of you vnto the Lorde But nowe deare mother you neede not to burden so muche your selfe as my last letters did signifie for that my chargeable imprisonment is cut off and a litle nowe serueth me wherefore I praye you sende no more vntill I sende to you for I haue sufficient and abounde Gods peace be with you for euer Out of my Lord of Londons Colehouse the last of October Your owne Iohn Philpot. An other Letter of Maister Philpot to the sayde Ladie wherin partly he complaineth of the dissimulation and periurie of English men falling againe to the Pope and partlye he expresseth his ioy in his afflictions I Cannot but ioy with you my hearty beloued in Christ of the fall of Senacherib since it is to the glory of God and to the consolation of his church to see the fall of theyr enemies before their face according as it is wrytten The iust shall reioyce when hee seeth the vengeaunce of the wicked God make this your ioy perfite for as cōcerning my self I counte not to see those good dayes whereof you haue a glimmering in this life For although the Cockatrice be dead yet his pestilent chickens with the whore of Babylon yet liueth But a great hope there is of their shorte confusion because god doth not prosper their doings according to their expectation Most happiest shal he be whome the Lorde shall moste soonest take out of this life that he may not see the plagues which the manifest periurie and the manifolde idolatrie and detestable dissimulation and that of such as do know the truth do threaten to come The Lord is iust all vnrighteousnes displeaseth him either heere or els in an other world he will punish this grosse infidelity of the worlde but his elect and such as he loueth wil he punish here that they should not be condēned heereafter with the world eternally we haue nothing so much to reioyce in as in the crosse of Iesu Christ and in that we are partakers of his afflictions which be the earnest penie of that eternall kingdome which he vppon the crosse for vs hathe purchased For as Paule hys faithfull witnes saith If we suffer with him we shall raigne with him If we die with him we shall liue with him Wherefore mine owne deare bowels praise God with me moste intirely that it hath pleased him now mercifully to visite the sinnes of my youth my huge vnthankfulnes and by the same doth geue me such consolation that he assureth me of his great goodnesse mercy and turneth his fatherly castigation into my crown of glory O good God what am I on whome he should shew this great mercy To him that is immortal inuisible and onely wise be all honor praise and glory therfore Amen This is the day that the Lord hath made let vs reioyce and be glad in the same This is the way though it be narrow which is ful of the peace of God leadeth to eternal blisse O how my heart leapeth for ioy that I am so neare the apprehēsion therof God forgiue me mine vnthākfulnes and vnworthines of so great glory The swordes whyche pearced Maries hart in the passion of our Sauiour whych daily also go through your faithful hart be more glorious and to be desired then the golden Scepters of this world O blessed be they that mourne in this world to Godwarde for they shall eternally be comforted God make my stony heart to mourne more then it doth I haue so muche ioy of the reward that is prepared for me most wretched sinner that though I be in a place of darknes mourning yet I cā not lament but both night day am so ioyfull as though I were vnder no Crosse at all yea in all the dayes of my life I was neuer so merry the name of the Lorde be praised therfore for euer euer and he pardon mine vnthankfulnes Our enemies do freat fume and gnash their teeth to see and heare that we vnder this grieuous affliction in the world can be so mery We are of them counted as desperate persones for the certaine hope feeling which we haue of our euerlasting saluation and it is no maruell for the worldly man can not perceiue the things of God it is meere foolishnesse and abhomination to them Be thankefull vnto our God mine owne deare helper for his wonderous working in his chosen people Praye instantly that this ioy be neuer taken from vs for it passeth all the delightes of this worlde This is the peace of God which surmounteth all vnderstanding this peace the more his chosen be afflicted the more they feele therfore can not faint neither for fire neither for water Lette vs pray for our weake brethren sisters sake that it may please God to alleuiate the greeuous and intollerable burden of these cruel daies But touching our selues let vs hartily besech our sauiour to vouchsafe to geue vs this glorious gifte to suffer for hys Gospels sake and that we may thincke the shame of the world to be our glory as it is in deede God increase our faith and open our eyes to beholde what is prepared for vs. I lack nothing praise be to God I trust my marriage garment is ready I will send you my examinations as soone as I can get them wrytten if you be desirous of them God of his mercy fill your mercifull heart with all ioy and consolation of the hope to come Out of the colehouse the 19. of Nouember Your owne louer Iohn Philpot. A Letter of M. Philpot to a frende of his prisoner the same time in Newgate wherein is debated and discussed the matter or question of Infants to be baptised THe God of all lighte and vnderstanding lighten your heart wyth all true knowledge of his word and make you perfect to the day of our Lorde Iesus Christ wherevnto you are nowe called through the mighty operation of his holy spirite Amen I receiued yesternight from you deare brother S. and felow prisoner for the truth of Christes Gospell a Letter wherein you gently require my iudgement cōcerning the Baptisme of infantes which is the effect thereof And before I doe shewe you what I haue learned out of Gods word of his true infallible church touchyng the same I thinke it not out of the matter first to declare what vision I had the same night whiles musing on your letter I fell a sleepe knowing that God doth not without cause reueale to his people who haue their mynds fixed on him speciall and spirituall reuelations to their comfort as a tast of their ioy and kingdome
to come which fleshe and bloud can not comprehend Being in the middest of my sweete rest it seemed me to see a great beautifull Citie all of the colour of Azure and white foure square in a marueilous beautifull composition in the middest of the skie the sight whereof so inwardly comforted me that I am not able to expresse the consolation I had thereof yea the remembrance thereof causeth as yet my hart to leape for ioy and as charitie is no churle but would others to bee pertakers of his delight so mee thought I called to others I cannot tel whom whiles they came and we together beheld the same by and by to my great griefe it vaded away This dreame I thinke not to haue come of the illusion of the senses because it brought with it so much spirituall ioy and I take it to be of the workyng of Gods spirite for the contentation of your request as he wrought in Peter to satisfy Cornelius Therfore I interprete this beautifull Citie to be the glorious Church of Christ and the appearance of it in the skie signifieth the heauenly state thereof whose conuersation is in heauē and that according to the Primitiue Church which is now in heauen men ought to measure and iudge the church of Christ now in earth for as the Prophet Dauid sayth The foundations thereof be in the holy hils and glorious thyngs be spoken of the city of God And the maruelous quadrature of the same I take to signifie the vniuersal agreement in the same and that all the Church here militant ought to consent to the Primitiue Church throughout the foure parts of the worlde as the Prophete affirmeth saying God maketh vs to dwell after one maner in one house And that I conceyued so wonderfull ioy at the contemplation therof I vnderstand the vnspeakeable ioy which they haue that bee at vnitie wyth Christes Primitiue Church For there is ioy in the holye Ghost and peace which passeth all vnderstanding as it is written in the Psalmes As of ioyful persons is the dwelling of all them that be in thee And that I called others to the fruition of this vision and to behold this wonderfull city I conster it by the will of God this vision to haue come vppon me musing on your letter to the ende that vnder this figure I might haue occasion to mooue you with many others to behold the Primatiue church in all your opinions concernyng fayth and to conforme your selfe in all poynts to the same which is the piller and stablishment of truth and teacheth the true vse of the sacraments and hauyng with a greater fulnesse then we haue now the first fruits of the holy Ghost did declare the true interpretatiō of the scriptures accordyng to all veritie euen as our Sauiour promised to send them an other comforter whiche should teach them all truth And since all truth was taught reuealed to the Primitiue church which is our mother let vs all that be obedient children of God submit our selues to the iudgement of the Church for the better vnderstanding of the Articles of our faith and of the doubtful sentences of the scripture Let vs not go about to shew in vs by followyng any priuate mans interpretation vpon the word an other spirite then they of the Primitiue Church had least we deceyue ourselues For there is but one fayth and one spirit which is not contrary to hymselfe neyther otherwyse now teacheth vs then he did then Therefore let vs beleue as they haue taught vs of the Scriptures and be at peace with them accordyng as the true Catholicke Church is at this day and the God of peace assuredly will be with vs deliuer vs out of all our worldly troubles and miseries make vs partakers of their ioy and blisse through our obedience to sayth with them Therefore God commaundeth vs in Iob to aske of the elder generation and to search diligently the memory of the Fathers For we are but yesterdayes children and be ignorant and our dayes are like a shadowe and they shall teach thee sayth the Lorde and speake to thee and shall vtter wordes from their hartes And by Salomon w● are commaunded not to reiecte the direction of our mother The Lorde graunt you to direct your steppes in all thinges after her and to abhorre all contention with her For as S. Paule writeth If any man be contentious neither we neither the Church of God hath any such custome Hitherto I haue shewed you good brother S. my iudgement generally of that you stande in doubt and dissent frō others to the which I wishe you as myne owne harte to be conformable and then doubtles you can not erre but boldly may be glad in your troubles and triumph at the houre of your death that you shall dye in the Church of God a faythfull Martyr and receiue the crowne of eternall glory And thus much haue I written vpon the occasion of a vision before God vnfayned But that you may not thinke that I goe about to satisfie you with vncertain visions onely and not after Gods word I will take the ground of your letter and specially answere to the same by the scriptures and by vnfallible reasons reduced out of the same proue the Baptisme of Infantes to be lawfull commendable and necessary whereof you seeme to stand in doubt In deed if you looke vppon the papisticall Synagogue onely which hath corrupted gods word by false interpretations and hath peruerted the true vse of Christes sacraments you might seeme to haue good handfast of your opinion agaynst the Baptisme of Infants But forasmuch as it is of more antiquitie and hath his beginning from gods worde and from the vse of the Primatiue Church it must not in respect of the abuse in the popish Church be neglected or thought not expedient to be vsed in Christs church Auxentius one of the Arrians sect with hys adherentes was one of the first that denied the Baptisme of children and next after hym Pelagius the heretike and some other there were in S. Bernardes tyme as it doth appeare by hys writyngs and in our dayes the Anabaptists an inordinate kynd of men stirred vp by the deuill to the destruction of the Gospel But the Catholike truth deliuered vnto vs by the Scriptures playnly determineth that al such are to be baptised as whom God acknowledgeth for hys people and voucheth them worthy of sanctification or remission of theyr sinnes Therefore since that Infants be in the number or scroll of Gods people and be partakers of the promise by theyr purification in Christ it must needes follow thereby that they ought to be baptised as well as those that can professe their fayth For we iudge the people of God as well by the free and liberall promise of GOD as by the confession of fayth For to whome so euer God promiseth hymselfe to be theyr God whom