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A59930 The great treaty of peace: or, A serious exhortation upon a sad occasion to double diligence about making peace with God Part whereof was preached at the funeral of Mrs. Anne Kyrl, April 6. 1677. To which is added, the character of that worthy gentlewoman. By H. S. minister of the Gospel. H. S. 1677 (1677) Wing S34; ESTC R219783 30,825 97

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THE GREAT TREATY OF PEACE OR A Serious Exhortation upon a sad occasion to double Diligence about making Peace with God Part whereof was preached at the Funeral of Mrs. ANNE KYRL April 6. 1677. To which is Annexed The Character of that Worthy Gentlewoman By H. S. Minister of the Gospel LONDON Printed for John Hancock at the Sign of the Three Bibles in Popes Head Alley in Cornhil 1677. To the Relations OF Mrs. ANNE KYRL Lately Deceased H. S. Wisheth the Multiplication of Grace and Peace through the Knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. THE GREAT TREATY OF PEACE BY a sad Providence you are brought together into this place yea by a long series of Providences the Governor of the World hath brought it to pass That I must be your Orator for a while and you my Auditors To bespeak your attention and seriousness being met upon such a sad occasion one would think should be needless I hope you are perswaded that you are all here before God to whom all things are naked and opened and to whom you must another day give account of your being here this day I hope also that you are fully perswaded that preaching the Gospel what ever the World accounts it is the power of God Rom. 1. 16. and that whereby it pleaseth him to save them that believe 1 Cor. 1. 18 21. and that Faith comes by hearing it Rom. 10. 17. and that 't is a means ordained of God to open peoples eyes and to turn them from darkness to light c. Acts 26. 17 18. I would hope also that you are come with an expectation to hear what God by Man will say unto you and with a resolution to do what shall be commanded you of the Lord as Peters Hearers Acts 10. 33. when he was sent to them to tell them words whereby they might be saved Acts 11. 14. My hearts desire and prayer to God is that I may so speak and you may so hear that our Souls may be when we go hence where that Blessed Soul is whose Corps we are met here to inter It is written 2 Pet. 3. 14. thus Wherefore Beloved seeing that ye look for such things be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless The day of the Lord will come v. 10. whatever Mockers v. 3 4. say to the contrary Therefore the Apostle exhorts to holiness v. 11. and in this v. 14. repeats his Exhortation The Exhortation is enforced by Arguments 1. One v. 12. from their hope and expectation of Christs coming 2. Another from the new and better estate they expected at his coming according to promise v. 13. which promise you have Isa 65. 17. 66. 22. Behold I create new Heavens and a new Earth that is a new estate of the Church which was to have 1. It s inchoation and beginning 2. It s consummation and perfecting 1. It s inchoation at the first coming of Christ in Gospel times which estate of the Church is called 1. A new Creation by the Prophet Isaiah 2. The World to come by S. Paul Heb. 2. 5. 3. The Kingdom of Heaven by John Baptist Mat. 3. 2. 2. It s consummation and perfecting at the second coming of Christ at the last day which is that here spoken of v. 13. and Rev. 21. 5. Now it follows Wherefore seeing we look for such things be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace c. Beloved beloved of God Christ Angels and Men seeing ye look for expect hope for such things such a new and happy estate viz. Eternal blessedness Eternal life when this Life shall have an end be diligent industriously diligent sedulous studious sollicitous that ye may be found of him that is of the Lord Jesus Christ when he shall come to judgment to the judgment either of all in general or of each one in particular 1. In Peace In peace with God reconciled to him by Jesus Christ Col. 1. 20. Rom. 5. 10. 2. In peace with our selves having peace of Conscience and no trouble or terror in our spirits at his coming as they Rev. 6. 15 16. who could not endure to see the face of him that sate on the Throne 3. In peace with others especially the Saints holding fellowship and communion with them Without spot having the unspoted righteousness of Christ imputed to them as their own And blameless in their conversation Three things upon this occasion I intend to speak to 1. That Christ will come to judgment 2. At his coming Believers expect a blessed estate 3. They that do expect this blessed estate must be diligent that they may be found of Christ in peace at his coming in a reconciled estate with God Of the two former briefly of the last more largely 1. That Christ will come to judgment is an Article of our Faith We say we believe that Jesus Christ the Son of God shall come from his right hand to judge the quick and the dead 1. Christ himself hath told us so Joh. 14. 3. 2. Enoch prophecied of it Jude 14. 15. 3. Paul assures us of it Acts 17. 31. 1 Thes 4. 16. 2 Thes 1. 7 8. 2 Tim. 4. 1. 4. Peter likewise 1 Pet. 4. 5. 5. And John Rev. 1. 7. 6. Yea Angels Acts 1. 11. This day is diversly called with respect to good and bad 1. To the good so 't is called 1. The day of refreshing Acts 3. 19. Repent and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come 2. The day of redemption Lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh Luke 21. 28. 2. To the bad so 't is called 1. A day of wrath and revelation of Gods righteous judgment Rom. 2. 5. 1 Cor. 4. 5. 2. A day of perdition 2 Pet. 3. 7. Use Seeing Christ will come to judgment I have a fourfold request to make unto you 1. That you would settle this Truth in your hearts by believing it Do not only say you believe it viz. That Christ shall come to judge the quick and the dead but do so indeed believe it with all your heart My hearts desire and prayer to God for you is that you may be established strengthned and setled in the belief of this Article of the Christian Faith 2. That you would be mindful of it let it be always in your thoughts Christ will come to Judgment he will reckon for this another day Say this often to your selves The coming of the Lord draweth nigh he is even at the door Jam. 5. 8 9. 3. That you would repent Because for certain God hath appointed a day wherein he will judge the world by Jesus Christ Acts 17. 31. 4. That you would see to it that your conversations be holy and godly Seeing Christ will come to judgment what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation and godliness 2 Pet. 3. 11. Doct. 2. Believers at the coming of Christ expect a
peace with me that so he may live Reason 2. Why we must give diligence to be at peace and in a reconciled estate with God that so we may be found of Christ in it at his coming Because peace with God is so desirable All peace is desirable whether in a Family or Neighbourhood or Nation but this peace with God is transcendent an incomparable blessing 1. It passeth all understanding all created understanding Phil. 4. 7. 2. It is safeguarding Phil. 4. 7. 3. 'T is part of the Kingdom of God Rom. 14. 17. 4. 'T is everlasting Isa 54. 10. Reason 3. Because to be negligent herein not to be diligent in seeking peace with God is so dangerous For are we able to meet God when he shall come against us See Luke 14. 31 32. Are we stronger than he 1 Cor. 10. 22. Can thy heart endure or can thy hands be strong in the day when God shall deal with thee Ezek. 22. 14. If you rebel and make not your peace with him he will be your enemy and fight against you Isa 63. 10. and Who ever hardned himself against God and prospered Job 9. 4. If you shall not be found of Christ in peace at his coming he will at his coming take vengeance upon you 2 Thes 1. 8. The Use Must we be diligent in seeking peace with God that so we may be found of Christ in peace at his coming Use 1. Examine Have we done our duty herein have we been diligent in making our peace with God and have we made our peace what faith Conscience is there peace between God and you deal truly with your own Souls 1. They that are at peace with God are at war with sin Know ye not the friendship of the world is enmity with God Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God Jam. 4. 4. Now all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life 1 Joh. 2. 16. and whosoever is a friend of these is an enemy of God If any man love these the love of the Father is not in him 1 Joh. 2. 15. These lusts do war against God and the Soul 1 Pet. 2. 11. and they that are at peace with God and in his favour and have any love to him and their souls cannot be at peace with these with an unlawful immoderate desire after the Profits Pleasures and Honours of this world What say you are you at war with these If you be at peace with these you are not at peace with God 2. They that are at peace with God are in mourning for their former enmity against God when they look on him whom they have pierced they mourn Z●ch 12. 10. Now do you do so Do you mourn for your former sinning against God and offending him as one mourneth for his onely Son what and are you in bitterness for it as one that is in bitterness for his first born 3. They that are at peace with God are in care to please God and in fear to offend him for the future Care and Fear are the fruits of godly sorrow for offending God 2 Cor. 7. 11. They that are at peace with God say as Joseph when tempted to sin Gen. 39. 9. Behold now I have peace with God how then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God and so break my peace with him Is it thus with you is there this care and fear in you 4. They that are at peace with God are in pain and heaviness till others especially near Relations be also at peace with God as Paul was Rom 9. 1 2. He had great heaviness and continual sorrow in his heart for his brethren and kinsmen according to the flesh because they sought not peace with God by Jesus Christ because they being ignorant of Gods righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness had not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God Rom. 10. 3. You have Children and other Relations are you in pain and heaviness till they have made their peace with God is it a grief of heart to you that any of yours should be at war with your God with whom you now are at peace 5. They that are at peace with God are at peace with those that are at peace with God their delight is in them Ps 16. 3. but they are grieved with those that rise up against God Ps 139. 21. they count Gods enemies their enemies v. 22. and Gods friends their friends Is it thus with you 6. They that are at peace with God cannot but wonder and say to God as once Ruth said to Boaz Ruth 2. 10. Why have I found grace in thine eys that thou shouldest take knowledge of me seeing I am a stranger So faith the person that is at peace with God that has found favour in his eyes why have I found this favour who was sometimes alienated and an enemy in my mind by wicked works Is it thus with you 7. They that are at peace with God are joyful in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom they have received the attonement Rom. 5. 11. They rejoyce in Jesus Christ and have no considence in the flesh Phil. 3. 3. They say not unto us not unto us but unto God in Christ be all the glory and praise of our being at peace with God They thank God through Jesus Christ for their being at peace with God They say as Paul Gal. 6. 14. God forbid that we should glory in any thing save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ through which our peace was made Col. 1. 20. Now are you thus joyful in God through our Lord Jesus Christ 8. They that are at peace with God do highly esteem those that have been instrumental in making their peace with God The feet of those that preach the Gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things are beautiful to them Rom. 10 15. How are they accounted of by you Use 2. Reproof This reproves those that neglect their duty herein that give no diligence to make their peace with God but go on in their enmity and hostility against God As did the old World Pharaoh Nebuchadnezzar and Herod when God spake unto them by Noah Moses Daniel and John Raptist But what got they by standing out against God Had it not been better for the old World to have hearkened unto Noah and for Pharaoh to have hearkned unto Moses and for Nebuchadnezzar to have hearkened to Daniel and for Herod to have hearkned to John and so to have prevented that destruction and misery which came upon them Did they do ill in standing out against God and is it not ill in you to do the same can you condemn them and not your selves Sirs you have the offers of peace with God made unto you if you accept not of the offers if you hearken not to the counsel God gives you and shall
for such things made her diligent industriously diligent that she might be found of Christ in peace without spot and blameless in a reconciled justified and sanctified estate She gave her mind she set her self to be found in this estate She was instant in season and out of season about this In the morning she sowed her seed and in the evening she withheld not her hand Eccles 11. 6. She gave all diligence to add to her faith vertue and to vertue knowledge c. She gave diligence to make her calling and election sure 2 Pet. 1. 5 10. She was not slothful but shewed diligence to the full assurance of hope Heb. 6. 11 12. And whatsoever she apprehended was commanded by the God of Heaven she would diligently do it Ezra 7. 23. What more shall I say Her eyes were turned away from beholding vanity Ps 119. 37. Her ears were swift to hear Jam. 1. 19. In her tongue was the Law of kindness Prov. 31. 26. Her hands were stretched out to the poor and needy Prov. 31. 20. Her feet were shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace Eph. 6. 15. Her knees were bowed unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Eph. 3. 14. Her face was Zion-ward Jer. 50. 5. Her clothing was humility 1 Pet. 5. 5. Her ornaments a meek and a quiet spirit 1 Pet. 3. 4. Her girdle sincerity Eph. 6. 14. Her speech was savoury seasoned Salt Col. 4. 6. Corrupt communication proceeded not out of her mouth but such as might minister Grace to the hearers Eph. 4. 29. Her conversation was upright Ps 37. 14. Ordered aright Ps 50. 23. As became the Gospel Phil. 1. 27. Without covetousness Heb. 13. 5. Chaste coupled with fear 1 Pet. 3. 2. Honest 1 Pet. 2. 12. Holy 1 Pet. 1. 15. Heavenly Phil. 3. 20. All her springs whence slowed these streams were in God Ps 87. 7. Her confidence was not in the slesh Her rejoycing was in Christ Phil. 3. 3. Christ was her All Col. 3. 11. Her wisdom to direct her righteousness to justifie her sanctification to cleanse her redemption to set her at liberty 1 Cor. 1. 30. When she was hungry his flesh was her meat When thirsty his blood was her drink John 6. 55. When she fainted he was her cordial Luke 2. 25. When she fought with her spiritual adversaries he was her victory and triumph 1 John 5. 4 5. 1 Cor. 15. 57. Rom. 8. 37. When she failed Christ was her Advocate with the Father John 2. 1 2. In life he was her hope 1 Tim. 1. 1. In death he is her gain Phil. 1. 21. In the grave he will be her life and resurrection John 11. 25. I think I may say of her as Hezekiah of himself Isa 38. 3. That she walked before God in truth and with a perfect heart and did that which was good in his sight And as Christ of Nathanael John 1. 47. Behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile Her dying words exprest much of a Christian indeed To instance They exprest 1. Her expectation of a change I do not hope to live long 2. Her weannedness from the world and sense of the badness of it For said she being fit to dye 't is the best time to dye in and the worst age to live in 3. Her lamenting after God for she complained of unprofitableness under the means she enjoyed and of the want of former refreshments 4. Her confidence in God For said she though I am a great sinner yet I believe I am a pardoned sinner and so have rest and quiet One saying to her There is need of the Lords help Yea said she and God hath laid help upon one that is mighty and by his stripes I am healed One repeating that Scripture Ps 116. 6. The Lord preserveth the simple I was brought low and he helped me Yea said she the Lord will remember me in my low estate Her thankfulness Blessed be God said she I have refreshing though not rest At other times she would say O the consolations of the Lord are not small things 6. Her prayerfulness In her last fit she said Lord ease Lord help Pray pray pray And so whiles we were praying for her she fell asleep Thus she has given you an Example as Christ did his Disciples John 13. 15. I will not call you to lamentation but to imitation I must Not to lamentation Though some of you have lost a dear Sister And some of you a tender Aunt And some a faithful Friend And some a helper of their faith and joy And some an encourager in the ways of God The poor have lost a visitor and liberal benefactor And this Congregation a worthy member And she her self has lost something too she has lost her Asthma or difficulty of breathing Her pains sighs and groans Her cold sweats and fainting fits Her sorrows and sufferings Her troubles and temptations Her sins and corruptions But what are her gains No tongue can express nor heart can conceive what they are She has gained Heaven What eye hath not seen nor ear hath heard nor hath it entred into the heart of man 1 Cor. 2. 9. A Kingdom Everlasting Luke 12. 32. 2 Pet. 1. 11. A Crown of righteousness and life 2 Tim. 4. 8. James 1. 12. An Inheritance rich and glorious Eph. 1. 18. Incorruptible undefiled and that fadeth not away 1 Pet. 1. 4. She has gained fulness of joy in the presence of God and pleasures for ever more at his right hand Ps 16. 11. An exceeding exceeding eternal weight of glory 2 Cor. 4. 17. The Beatifical Vision Mat. 5. 8. The immediate and full fruition of God and Christ An eternal life with God and Christ and Saints and Angels And therefore I must not call you to lamentation But as I said to imitation I must Follow her as she followed Christ 1 Cor. 11. 1. Let her Vertues live in you so shall she in some sense still live with you 1. Look for such things as she did Look for new Heavens and new Earth Look to things not seen and things that are eternal Look for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of c. Look for and hasten unto the coming of the day of God 2. Let the expectation of such things make you diligent in the use of means to be found of Christ at his coming in peace without spot c. in a reconciled justified and sanctified estate Give your minds set your selves to be found in this estate Be instant in season and out of season about it In the morning sow your seed and in the evening withhold not your hand Eccles 11. 6. Give all diligence adde to your faith vertue c. 2 Pet. 1. 5. Give diligence to make your calling and election sure 2 Pet. 1. 10. Be not slothful but shew diligence to the full assurance of hope Heb. 6. 11 12. And whatsoever shall be commanded you by the God of Heaven diligently do it Ezra 7. 23.