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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A34575 The great necessity of preparation for death and judgment a sermon preached in the parochial chappel of Macclesfield, in the county palatine of Chester, at the funeral of Mr. John Corker, als Cor Cor, of Hurdesfield, on the eleventh day of November, 1693, and since revised and enlarg'd at the request of the relations of the deceased / by Samuel Corker, als Cor Cor ... Corker, Samuel, 1645 or 6-1713. 1695 (1695) Wing C6307; ESTC R9062 80,354 95

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enter into the Kingdom of Heaven John 3.3 except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish except ye be born again ye cannot see the Kingdom of God All Births are painful Chap. 16.21 Gal. 4.19 both the Natural and Supernatural but nothing is too hard for Omnipotency He can cause dry Bones to live and if we set our selves in earnest to amend our ways and doings and to implore the help of his Grace he will send his holy Spirit to invigorate and assist us with Divine Aids and infuse every Grace into the Soul which constitutes the Divine Nature The Conversion of a Sinner is a work purely 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from above 1. Pet. 1.23 We are born again not of corruptible Seed but of that which is incoruptible and are sanctified and cleansed by the washing of Regeneration Tit. 3.5 and renewing of the H. Ghost and so made meet for our Lords Appearance 2. By Faith in Christ This Peace of Reconciliation with God may be obtained by a firm and stedfast belief that our Lord Jesus Christ hath appeased his Fathers Anger satisfied the Demands of his Justice slain the Enmity established a steady Friendship between God and us and purchased eternal Life and Salvation for us God the Father hath promised him in the Covenant of Redemption Rom. 3.25 to be a Propitiation through Faith in his Blood and it is by the Blood of his Cross that he made Peace as the Apostle affirmeth Coloss 1.20 for without shedding of Blood there could be no Expiation or Remission of Sins Therefore he became obedient to the accursed Death of the Cross that by the bloody Sacrifice of himself there once offered Heb. 9.14 he might perfect for ever them that are sanctified and do all that was necessary for their acceptation with God and the forgiveness of their Sins But altho' he hath done this for us yet it is Faith on our part which must lay hold of the Value and Merit of his Sacrifice and Suffering and apply the Benefit which he hath purchased for us God is the principal Efficient Christ the Meritorius and Faith the Instrumental Cause of our Justification the Accomplishment whereof is by Faith and not by Works By the Deeds of the Law there shall be no Flesh justified Rom. 3.20 and acquitted from Condemnation in the Court of Heaven and accounted righteous in the sight of God for by the Law cometh the knowledge of sin and a more exact and perfect Discovery of the nature and turpitude thereof than the Light of Nature could afford But there is another way of becoming righteous which is of God's Ordination and Appointment and which alone he will accept by Faith Being justified by Faith Rom. 5.1 we have Peace with God with whom before we were at Enmity as the Apostle testifies But now we are reconciled Coloss 1.21 Ephes 2.14 2 Cor. 5.18 19 by the Blood of his Gross and the Merit of his Death for he is our Peace and hath reconciled us unto himself by Jesus Christ and hath given to us the Ministry of Reconciliation to wit that God was in Christ reconciling the World to himself and by Faith in him we become righteous in the sight of God Tit. 3.5 Jam. 2.22 Acts 15.9 not by any works of righteousness which we have done but by a lively operative Faith which is made perfect by Works and purifieth the Heart and bringeth forth the good Fruits of Sanctification and new Obedience in Life and Conversation This is that Divine Grace which renders God propitious to us and our Persons and Religious Services acceptable to him Without which it is impossible to please him Heb. 11.6 This is the Shield wherewith we shall be able to quench the fiery Darts of the Wicked Mat. 13.19 i. e. the Devil who is denominated 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Wicked One because it is a Name that fitly denotes his spiteful malicious nature his desire to vex and annoy us with his violent Temptations wherewith he and his wicked Instruments fiercely assault us this is that part of our spiritual Armour by which we become victorious over the Fears and Terrors the Hopes and Joys the Temptations and Desires of this World which are the great Obstructions and Hinderances of our Obedience 1 John 5.4 This is the Victory that overcometh the World even our Faith By the assistance of this heavenly Vertue we are enabled to live above the World and despise the Pomps and Vanities of it because it represents unto our Minds * Heb. 11.1 invisible Glories and Felicities all the Riches and Treasures of Heaven and the future Recompences of Reward For this cause we faint not tho' our outward man decay 2 Cor. 4.16.18 our inward is renewed day by day whilst we look not at the things that are seen but at the things which eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor have entred into the heart of Man to conceive For the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal This is that Fruit of the Spirit which gives us Union and Communion with Christ Ephes 3.17 John 3.15 16. and entitles us to Eternal Bliss to live for ever with the Lord. Whosoever believes on him and commits the Care of his Soul unto him relying on him alone for Salvation hath such an Interest in him that he is not afraid of being condemned by the severe Judge at his Appearing He that over-cometh Rev. 21.7 8. shall inherit all things and I will be his God to love and glorifie him and he shall be my Son to inherit all the Joys and Happiness of Heaven and to live with me for ever but the fearful and the unbelieving shall have their parts with the Abominable and Murtherers and Whoremongers and Sorcerers and all Liars in the Lake which burneth with Fire and Brimstone which is the second Death 3. By Prayer this is the most effectual means which God hath consecrated for receiving the highest Blessings for the obtaining of Peace with him and to compleat our Reconciliation Haec vis Deo grata est Tert. Salvation is not to be obtained without great vehemency in Devotion This violence which we offer to God in fervent Prayer is very grateful to him Jam. 5.16 The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man is very prevalent with God for obtaining of what is desired When God had determined to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbouring Cities by raining down Fire and Brimstone from Heaven upon them to consume them for their filthy lusts Abraham by his powerful intercessions had most certainly averted Gods indignation from those wicked people if there could have been found but Ten Righteous Persons among them Hereby Jacob in his conflict with the Angel of the Covenant wrestled so vigorously that he obtained the Victory and had the name Israel given him Gen. 32.28 For saith the Text
as a Prince thou hast power with God and with Men and hast prevailed And Elias an eminent Prophet prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it rained not on the Land of the Ten Tribes of Israel for the space of Three Years and six Months and he prayed again and the Heavens gave Rain and the Earth brought forth her Fruit. Temporal Blessings which appertain to this mortal life God hath promised upon certain conditions restrictions and limitations i. e. that if he in his infinite Wisdom see them good and necessary convenient and advantagious for us Spiritual Blessings which tend to make us happy in the future World he hath promised absolutely and in particular Peace of reconciliation with God and eternal Salvation he is ready to grant to every humble supplicant Psal 69.32 their Soul shall live that seek the Lord. They shall have inward life joy and consolation here and everlasting Life and Glory hereafter Rom. 10.13 for whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved but for these Belssings he will be sought unto both publickly and privately 1 Publickly in the Church which is the House of Prayer wherein the Primitive Christians met together in multitudes like a great Army to besiege Heaven and take it by storm Coimus in Coetum Congregationem ut ad Deum qu●si manufactâ praecationibus ambiamus Tert. for the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by storm i. e. by ardent Prayers and fervent Devotions they did send up their joint Petitions with such holy fervors that St. Jerom faith their Amen was like a clap of Thunder Certainly their Zeal is a shame and reproach to our coldness and indifferency to publick Prayers which hath been the general practice of Men of all Ages and Religion● who have thought it their duty to beleaguer the Universal Parent and Soveraign of the World and to pay him their thankful acknowledgments And therefore such as deny or neglect so faced and solemn a part of Divine Worship and so excellent a means of Holiness may justly be suspected of Atheism and Impiety Be intreated therefore dear Christians as you value the Church of which you are Members as you desire the favour of God and the light of his countenance which is better than life to attend frequently the publick Assemblies and to perform your parts in the Churches Prayers with devotion and fervency Psal 87.2 for God loveth the gates of Sion more than all the private habitations and dwellings of Jacob it is the place which he hath peculiarly chosen to exhibit himself in to all that call upon him there for the remission of their sins 48.3 God is known in her palaces for a sure refuge there is the most proper and decent place for us Christians publickly to meet in to beseech the Father of Mercies to be at peace with us But lest we should play the Pharisee and court the observation of the World with a formal and pompous shew of Religion our dearest Lord hath directed us also 2 To the more frequent exercise of Religious Adoration in private with our Families and yet more secretly in our Closet retirements where we may with greater freedom acknowledg our Guilts with all the aggravations and circumstances of our Sins to our gracious Father in order to obtain pardon and reconciliation with him to lay open our particular wants and necessities and pour out the desires of our Souls in all the threnes and sad accents of godly sorrow in all the penitential tears of Contrition and meltings of Repentance in all the endearments of Love and ardors of Affection And to avoid Hypocrisie Mat. 6.6 our Saviour hath directed us when we pray to enter into our Closets and having shut the door to pray to our Father which is in secret and he will reward us openly There we may think that we hear him kindly saying unto us as the Bridegroom doth to his Spouse the Church Cant. 2.14 O my Dove thou art in the clefts of the Rocks in the secret places of the stairs let me see thy countenance let me hear thy voice for sweet is thy voice and thy countenance is comly Absent not your selves dear Souls from my presence by reason of your deformities be not ashamed to appear before me but come with broken and contrite hearts with an humble boldness and confidence into my presence and make your supplications unto me for your prayers and praises your persons and Services are acceptable to me and amiable in my sight For I the Lord am gracious and merciful long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth forgiving iniquity transgression and sin of all kinds and degrees whatsoever the sin against the H. Ghost excepted So great is Gods mercy and clemency to relenting sinners that he pardons not only single acts but confirmed habits of sin and those also of several kinds and natures So that if we would seriously reflect upon the transcendent excellency of his kind and merciful nature and the tender love he bears to the Souls which he hath created this will quicken us to make our humble supplications to him to be at peace with us especially since he himself hath declared Esay 45.16 that none shall seek his face in vain And that both our Saviour and his Apostles have encouraged us with assured promises Mat. 7.7 that whatsoever we ask the Father in his name he will give it us Ask and it shall be given seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you Jam. 4.8 1 Joh. 5.14 Draw night to God in humble adoration and he will draw nigh to you in the manifestation of his grace and favour This is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask any thing according to his will he heareth us for he is more ready to give than we to ask The Lord is very pittiful 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Jam. 5.11 Psal 86.5 full of bowels and of tender mercies He is good and ready to for give and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon him Having therefore these promises we are encouraged to pray incessantly Phil. 4.6 7. and in every thing by Prayer and Supplication to make known our requests unto God for by so doing we may obtain peace of reconciliation with him even that peace which passeth all understanding and which shall keep our hearts and minds through Jesus Christ and preserve in our bosoms such a calmness and tranquility of Soul and peace of Conscience and fervour of affection as will make us fit to die and ready to receive with joy and gladness the Son of Man when he cometh to judg the world in righteousness But if we refuse to seek the Lord while he may be sound and let slip the present season of Grace the acceptable time and the day of Salvation in which he will be intreated and will not mind the
or toward the North in the place where the Tree falleth there it shall lie which Scripture is thus interpreted by a learned Author Olympiodor in Eccles. In whatsoever place therefore whether of light or darkness whether in the work of wickedness or vertue a Man is taken at his death in that degree and rank doth he remain either in light with the just and Christ the King of all or in darkness with the wicked and Prince of the World There is no rectifying the errors of this Life in the next the day of Grace ends with this Life here all the Evidences and Graces of a Christian are to be acquired in the future state he shall receive his reward according to the things done in the Body Vid. Victoris Erabdum whether they be good or bad After we are gon from hence There remains no place for repentance no effect or benefit of satisfaction here Life is either lost or obtained and at the moment of death thou hast a passage hence to immortality So that whatever is done by us to obtain the favour of God and a blessed immortality must be done in this World The time of this Life Dr. Sherlock upon Death is all the preparation time that ever will be afforded to us to work out our Salvation There is no middle state or place as they of the Roman communion do fondly fancy to do it in we consist but of two parts Body and Soul and Solomon hath assured us that when we die Eccles. 12.7 the body returns to the Earth from whence it originally came Fundamentum ex pulvere et in pulvere finis ejus and the Soul to God that gave it The holy Angels conveyed Lazarus his Soul at his death into Abraham's bosom immediately upon its separation from the Body so saith the Spirit from henceforth from the instant of their dying the dead are blessed and rest from their labours from all the labours of their Christian calling their Race is at an end their course is finished and the crown is to be received All the Divine graces and Religious dispositions of mind which are requisite to fit the Soul for Heaven and make it happy when it leaves the Body must be obtained and exercised in the Body So that to day whilst it is called to day we must seriously mind and prosecute the things which belong to our peace and give obedience to the Commands of God which are reasonable and easie advantagious to our interest and do claim a Priority in our affections and endeavours for so we are directed to remember now our Creator and to seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness in the first place for by so doing we not only secure to our selves the temporal Emoluments of this Life so far as the wisdom of God seeth them good for us but dispose and prepare our selves for eternal Glory and our obedience shall not miss of a suitable reward ii The solemn work of preparation for Death and Judgment is difficult it is not every one that saith Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven but he that doth the will of his Father which is in Heaven that sincerely endeavours to fulfil the whole will of God by faith and holyness The truth power of piety lies not in a mouthful of good words be ye warmed be ye filled be ye cloathed nor in a meer outside Form of worship but in practice 't is not enough for us to live inofsensively and harmlesly to abstain from that which is evil but we must actually do good and abound in fruits of righteousness 'T is a great work to die well and unless we do lay up an ample stock of spiritual preparations we shall never be able to go safely through the dark passage of death to Eternity Assure your selves dear Souls that a few penitent resolutions forced promises death-bed sorrows mournful tears melancholy looks formal prayers and crying God's mercy and asking him forgiveness will not serve the turn and prove effectual no we must put forth the most painful efforts of our Souls in mortifying our earthly Members in conquering vicious habits in regulating disordered appetites in governing according to the Laws of reason and religion all the faculties of our Souls in eradicating strong prejudices from our Understanings in bending our obstinate and rebellious Will in regulating unruly Affections in taming wild extravagant Passions in guarding our Hearts from vain Thoughts and inordinate Desires in subduing powerful Lusts which war against the Soul in resisting temptations and repelling the fiery darts of the professed Enemy of our Salvation in fighting manfully under Christ's Banner against Sin the World the Devil and the rebellious Flesh in curbing its impetuous and eager desires in bridling our Tongues from idle obscene and unsavoury talk in directing our steps in the straight path of holiness in sustaining Crosses Afflictions and Troubles with a generous patience and unshaken constancy doing our duty faithfully to God conscientiously waiting upon him in his Ordinances studying to know his Pleasure to do his Will to obey his Commands to promote his Interest advance his Glory in the World We shall have need of sincere Repentance Faith unfeigned unshaken Patience universal Charity seraphyck Love invincible Constancy an humble submission to the Will of God to bring down the Joys of Heaven into our Souls perseverance unto the end and a well grounded hope of partaking with the Saints in joys unspeakable and full of glory unless our Souls be habited and attired with these goodly vertues we shall be very unfit to die and to appear in Judgment Now to obtain these heavenly Graces is the work which we are to apply our selves unto with diligence and vigour For every Vertue hath its peculiar difficulty 2 Thes 1.11 1 Thes 1.3 Faith is called the work of Faith 'T is a difficult thing to believe the Existence of things which eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither is the heart of man able to conceive the immortality of the Soul and the existence of it in an immaterial world It 's hard to believe firmly all the promises and threatnings of the Word to rely upon Christ alone for Salvation perfectly to submit our Understandings and to resign our Wills to his holy will Repentance is a work not easily wrought upon the Soul though it be highly reasonable that when we have done contrary to our duty we should be cordially sorry for it resolve to do so no more and labour to undo what we have done amiss by godly sorrow and compunction of heart humble confession to God and restitution to Men yet experience sheweth that it is very hard to do this Gan the Aethiopian change his skin or the Leopard his spots Jer. 13.23 then may ye also do good that are accustomed to do evil Hence it is called renovation a new creation regeneration a new birth in which there is pain and difficulty Charity