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A17662 The institution of Christian religion, vvrytten in Latine by maister Ihon Caluin, and translated into Englysh according to the authors last edition. Seen and allowed according to the order appointed in the Quenes maiesties iniunctions; Institutio Christianae religionis. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Norton, Thomas, 1532-1584. 1561 (1561) STC 4415; ESTC S107154 1,331,886 1,044

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tus which whē he goeth about or at least faineth that he goeth about to extoll the greatnesse of the grace of Christ vtterly abolissheth the promises as if they were ended together with the lawe He layeth for him that by the fayth of the Gospell there is brought vnto vs the accomplishment of all the promises as though there were no difference betwene vs and Christ. I did in deede euen nowe declare that Christ left nothyng vnperformed of the whole summe of our saluatiō but it is wrongfully gathered thereupon that we do alredy enioye the benefites purchaced by him as though that sayeng of Paule were false that our saluation is hidde in hope I graunt in deede that we by beleuyng in Christ do also passe frō death to life But in the meane season we muste holde this sayeng of Iohn that although we knowe we be the children of God yet it hath not as yet appered till we shal be like vnto him that is till we shall see him suche as he is Therefore although Christ offer vnto vs in his Gospell present fulnesse of spirituall good thinges yet the enioyeng thereof lieth still hidde vnder the kepyng of hope till beyng vnclothed of the corruptible fleshe we be transfigured into the glorie of him that goeth before vs. In the meane time the holy ghoste biddeth vs to reste vpon the promises whose authoritie ought with vs to put to silēce all the barkinges of that filthy dogge For as Paule witnesseth godlynesse hath a promise as well of the life to come as of the life present For which reason he boasteth that he is an Apostle of Christ accordynge to the promise of life that is in him And in an other place he putteth vs in minde that we haue the same promises whiche in the olde time were geuen to the holy men Finally he setteth this for the summe of felicitie that we are sealed vp with the holy spirit of promise but yet we do no otherwise enioye Christe but so farre as we embrace him clothed with his promises Whereby it cometh to passe that he in dede dwelleth in our heartes and yet we wander in yourney abrode from him bicause we walke by fayth and not by sight And these two thinges do not ill agree together that we possesse in Christ all that perteineth to the perfection of the heauenly life and yet that faith is a beholdyng of good thinges that are not seene Only there is a difference to be noted in the nature or qualitie of the promises bicause the Gospell sheweth with her finger that thing which the lawe did shadow vnder figures And hereby also is their errour conuinced whiche do neuer otherwise compare the lawe with the Gospell but as they compare the merites of workes with the free imputation of righteousnesse Although in deede this comparison of contraries be not to be reiected bycause Paule doth oftentimes vnderstand by the name of the lawe a rule to liue righteously wherin God requireth of vs that whiche is his not geuing vs any hope of life vnlesse we in al pointes obeye it on the other side adding a curse if we do neuer so litle swarme frō it that is in such places as he disputeth that we do freely please God are by pardon reckened righteous bicause the obseruation of the law wherunto the reward is promised is no where found Therfore Paule doth fitly make the righteousnesse of the law of the gospel contrarie the one to the other But the gospell did not so succede in place of that whole lawe that it shoulde brynge any diuerse meane of saluation but rather to confirme and proue to be of force what so euer the law had promised and to ioyne the body to the shadowes For when Christ sayth that the lawe and the Prophetes were vntill Iohn he maketh not the fathers subiect to the curse whiche the bound seruantes of the lawe can not escape but rather only that they were instructed with certayne ●udimentes so as they stayed a great way beneath the heygheth of the doctrine of the Gospell Therefore Paule callyng the Gospell the power of God to saluation to euery beleuer by and by addeth that it hath witnesse of the lawe and the Prophetes But in the ende of the same Epistle although he shew that the litle of praise of Iesus Christ is the reuelation of the misterie kepte secret in euerlastyng times yet he doth qualifye that sayeng with adding an expositiō teachyng that he is openly shewed by the writynges of the Prophetes Wherupon we gather that when we are to entreate of the whole lawe the Gospell differeth from the lawe only in respecte of the playne disclosyng thereof But yet for the inestimable flowyng store of grace whiche hath ben layed open for vs in Christ it is not without cause sayde that at his commyng the heauenly kingdome of God was erected in earth Nowe betwene the lawe and the Gospell came Iohn whiche had an osfice that was meane and of affinitie to them bothe For though when he called Christ the lambe of God and the sacrifice for the cleansyng of sinnes he shewed forth the summe of the Gospell yet bicause he dyd not expresse that same incomparable strēgth and glorie which at length appered in his resurrection therefore Christ sayeth that he was not egal to the Apostles For so do those wordes of his meane y● though Iohn excell amonge the sonnes of womē yet he that is least in the kingdome of heauen is greater than he Bicause he doeth not there commend the persones of men but after he had preferred Iohn before all the Prophetes he auaunceth the preachyng of the Gospell to the hiest degree whiche preachyng we see in an other place signified by the kyngdome of heauen But whereas Iohn himselfe dothe answere that he is but a voice as though he were inferiour to the prophetes he dothe not that for fayned humilities sake but meaneth to teache that the propre office of the Embassadour was not committed to him but that he only executeth the office of an apparitor as it was forespoken by Malachie Beholde I sende Elias the prophet before that the great and terrible daye of the Lorde doe come And truely he dyd nothing els in the whole course of his ministerie but endeuour to get disciples to Christ as also Esaye proueth that this was enioyned hym from God And in this sense Christ is called a candell burnyng and shinyng bycause the broade daye had not yet appered And yet this is no let but that he maye be reckened among the publishers of the Gospell like as he vsed the same Baptisme whiche was afterwarde deliuered to the Apostles But that whyche he beganne was not fulfilled but by the Apostles with free procedynge after that Christ was taken vp from them into the heauenly glorie The. x. Chapter ¶ Of the likenesse of the olde and newe Testamen● BY the thinges aforesaide it may now appere euidētly that all
accompt a thousand yeres like as one daye For thys conioyning and aliance the scripture sometime confoundeth the names of Faythe and Hope For when Peter teacheth that we are by the power of God preserued through faithe vnto the disclosinge of saluation he geueth that vnto faithe whyche dyed more fittely agree with hope and not without cause for asmuche as we haue already taught that hope is nothing els but the nourishment and strength of faithe Sometimes they are ioyned together as in the same epistle That your faithe and hope shoulde be in God But Paule to the Philippians out of faith deriueth expectation bicause in pacientli hoping we holde our desires in suspense till Gods conuenient oportunitie be opened All whiche matter wee maye better vnderstande by the tenth chapiter to the Hebrues whyche I haue already alleaged Paule in an other place although he speake vnproprely yet meaneth the same thing in these wordes We loke in the spirit through faith for hope of righteousnesse euen bicause we embracing the testimonie of the Gospell concerning his free loue do loke for the time when God shall openly shewe that whiche is nowe hidden vnder hope And nowe it is plaine how folishly Peter Lomberd laieth two foundations of hope that is the grace of God the deseruing of works Hope can haue no other mark to be directed vnto but faith we haue already declared that faith hath one only mark the mercie of God to which it ought to loke as I maie so speake with both eyes But it is good to heare what a liuely reasō he bringeth If saith he thou darst hope for any thing without deseruinges y● shal not be worthy to be called hope but presumption Whoe gentile reader will not worthyly abhorre suche beastes that saie it is a rashe and presumptuous dede if a man haue cōfidence that God is true of his word For where the Lord willeth vs to loke for all thinges at his goodnesse thei saie it is presumption to leane and rest vpon it A master meete for suche scholers as he founde in the madde schole of filthy babblers But as for vs when we se that wee are commaunded by the oracles of God to conceiue a hope of saluation let vs gladly presume so much vpon his truthe as trusting vpon his onely mercie casting away the confydence of workes to be bolde to hope well He will not deceiue that saide Be it vnto you according to your faithe The thyrde Chapter That we ar regenerate by faithe Wherein is entreatch of Repentance ALbeit we haue already partly taught how faith possesseth Christe how by it we eioye hys benefites neuerthelesse thys weare yet darke vnlesse we dyd also make declaratiō of the effectes that we feele thereby Not without cause it is said that the summe of the Gospell standeth in repentance and in forgeuenesse of sinnes Therfore leauing out these two pointes whatsoeuer we shal saie of faith shal be but a hungry vnperfect yea in manner vnprofitable disputation of faith Now forasmuch as Christ doth geue both vnto vs we obteine both by faith that is to saie both newnesse of life fre reconciliation reasō ordre of teaching requireth that in this place I beginne to speake of bothe Oure next passage from faith shal be to Repentance bicause when this article is well perceiued it shall the better appeare howe man is iustified by onely faithe and mere pardon yet how real holinesse of life as I maie so call it is not seuered frō free imputation of righteousnesse Now it ought to be oute of question that Repentance doth not only immediatly folow faith but also spring out of it For wheras pardon forgeuenesse is therfore offred by the preaching of the Gospel the the sinner being deliuered from the tyrānie of Satan from the yoke of sinne frō miserable bondage of vices maie passe into the kingdome of God truly no man can embrace the grace of the Gospell but he muste returne from the erroures of hys former life into the right way and applie all his studie to the meditation of repentance As for them that thinke that repentance dothe rather goe before faithe than flow or spring forth of it as a frute out of a tree thei neuer knew the force therof and are moued with to weake an argument to thinke so Christ saie thei Ihon in their preachinges do first exhorte the people to repentance then thei afterwarde saye that the kyngdome of heauen is at hand Such cōmaundemēt to preach the Apostles receiued such ordre Paule folowed as Luke reporteth But while thei superstitiously stick vpon the ioining together of syllables thei mark not in what meaning the words hang together For whē the lord Christ Ihō do preach in this manner Repent ye for the kingedome of heauen is come neare at hande do they not fetche the cause of repentance frō very grace promise of saluatiō Therfore their words are as much in effecte as if thei had said because the kingdō of heauē is com nere at hand therfore repēt ye For Matthewe when he hathe shewed that Ihon so preatched saith that in him was fulfilled the prophecie of Esaie concerninge the voyce cryeng in the wyldernesse Prepare the waie of the Lorde make streight the pathes of oure God But in the Prophete that voice is cōmaunded to beginne at comfort and glade tydinges Yet when we referre the beginning of repentance to faith we do not dreame a certaine meane space of time wherein it bringeth it out but we meane to shew that a man can not earnestly applie him selfe to repentance vnlesse he know him selfe to be of God But no man is truely perswaded that he is of God but he that hathe firste receiued his grace But these things shal be more plainely dyscussed in the processe folowing Paraduenture this deceiued them that many are firste by terroures of conscience tamed or framed to obedience before that thei haue throughli disgested yea before they haue tasted the knowledge of grace And this is the feare at the beginning whiche some accompte among vertues bicause thei see that it is nere to true and iuste obedience But oure question is not here how diuersly Christ draweth vs vnto him or prepareth vs to the endeuoure of godlinesse only this I say that ther can be no vprightnesse founde where reigneth not that Spirit whiche Christe receyued to communicate the same to his membres Then according to that saieng of the Psalme Wyth thee is mercifulnesse that thou maiest bee feared Noe man shall euer reuerently feare God but he that trusteth that God is mercifull vnto him no man wil willingly prepare himselfe to the kepinge of the lawe but he that is perswaded that his seruices please him which tendernesse in pardoning and bearing with faultes is a signe of fatherly fauoure Whiche is also shewed by that exhortation of Osee Come let vs returne to
comming diminished or cut short the grace of his Father Which sayeng is not wtout abhominable blasphemie Wherfore as euen the children of the Iewes wer called a holy sede because beyng made heires of the same couenant they were made differing from the children of the vngodly for the same reson euen yet also the children of Christians are accompted holy yea although they be the issue but of one parent faythfull and as the Apostle witnesseth they differ from the vncleane sede of idolatrers Now when the Lord immediatly after the couenant made with Abraham commaunded the same to be sealed in infantes with an outwarde Sacrament what cause will Christians allege why they should not at this day testifie and seale thesame in their children Neither let any mā obiecte against me that the Lorde commaunded hys couenante to be confirmed with no other signe than of circumcision which is long agoe taken away For we haue in redinesse to answere that for the tyme of the olde testamente he ordeined circumcision to confirme his couenant but circumcision being taken away yet alway remaineth the same maner of confirming whiche we haue common with the Iewes Wherfore we must alway diligently consider what is common to bothe and what they haue seuerall from vs. The couenant is common the cause of confirming it is common Onely the manner of confirming is diuerse because circumcision was that to them in place whereof Baptisme hath succeded among vs. Otherwise if the testimonie whereby the Iewes were assured of the saluation of their sede be taken away from vs it shoulde be broughte to passe by the comming of Christ that the grace of God should be darker and lesse approued by testimonies to vs than it was before to the Iewes If that can not be sayd wtout extreme sclaunder of Christ by whom the infinite goodnesse of the Father hath more clerely and liberally than euer heretofore ben poured fourth vpon the earth and declared to men we must nedes graunt that it is at the least not more pinchingly to be suppressed nor to be sett fourth with lesse testimonie than it was vnder the darke shadowes of the lawe Wherefore the Lorde Iesus mynding to shewe a token whereby the worlde mighte vnderstande that he was come rather to enlarge than to limit the mercy of God gently embraced children offred vnto hym rebuking the disciples which went about to forbid them to come to hym forasmuche as they did leade those to whome the kingdome of heauen belongeth away from him by whome alone the entrie is open into heauen But will some man say what like thing hath Baptisme with this embracing of Christ. For neither is it reported that he Baptized them but that he receiued them embraced them and wished them well Therefore if we lift to folowe his example let vs helpe infantes with prayer but not Baptise them But let vs weye the doinges of Christe somwhat more hedefully than suche kinde of men doe For neither is this to be lightly passed ouer that Christ commaundeth infantes to be brought vnto him adding a reasō why because of such is the kingdome of heauen And afterwarde he witnesseth hys wil with dede when embracing them he commendeth them to his Father with his praier and blessing If it be mete that infantes be brought to Christ why is it not also mete that they be receiued to Baptisme the signe of our communion and felowship with Christ If the kingdome of heauē be theirs why shall the signe be denied them wherby there is as it were an entrie opened into the Chirch that being admitted into it they may be adnōbred among the hetres of the heauenly kingdome Howe vninst shall we be if we dryue away them whome Christ calleth vnto hym if we spoyle them whome he garnisheth with his gyftes if we shutt out them whō he willingly receiueth But if we will examine howe muche that which Christe there did differeth from Baptisme yet of howe muche greater pryce shall we haue Baptisme whereby we testifie that infantes are conteined in the couenant of God than receiuing embracing layeng on of handes and prayer whereby Christe himselfe being presente declareth that they bothe are hys and are sanctified of hym By the other cauillations whereby they labor to mocke out thys place they doe nothing but bewraye their owne ignorance For they gather an argument of this which Christ sayth Let litle ones come to me that they were in age good bigg ones whiche were allredy able to goe But they are called of the Euangelistes brephe and paidia by which wordes the Grekes doe signifie babes yet hanging on the brestes Therefore thys woorde to come is simply sette for to haue accesse Loe what snares they are compelled to make which are growen hard againste the truthe Nowe where they saye that the kingdome of heauen is not geuen to them but to suche as be lyke them because it is saied to be of suche not of them that is no sounder than the rest For if that be graunted what maner of reason shal the reason of Christ be wherby he meaneth to shewe that infantes in age are not strangers from hym When he commaundeth that infantes be suffered to haue accesse vnto him nothyng is plainer than that very infancie in dede is there spoken of And that this should not seme an absurditie he by and by addeth of suche is the kingdome of heauen But if it muste nedes be that infantes be comprehended herein it muste be plaine that by this worde Suche are meant very infantes themselues and suche as be like them Now there is no man that seeth not that Baptisme of infantes was not framed by man which is vpholden by so great approuyng of Scripture Neither doo they colorably enough play the fooles which obiect that it is no where found that any one infant was baptised by the handes of the Apostles For although it be not expressly by name rehearsed of the Euangelistes yet because agayne they are not excluded so ofte as mention happeneth to be made of the baptisyng of any householde who vnlesse he be madde can reason therupon that they were not baptised If such argumentes were of any force women should be forbidden to partake of the Lordes supper whome we reade not to haue ben receiued vnto it in the tyme of the Apostles But here we bee contente with the rule of faith For when we consider what the institution of the S●pper requireth therby also we maye easily iudge to whom the vse therof ought to be communicated Which we obserue also in Baptisme For when we marke to what ende it was ordeined we euidently espye that it belongeth no lesse to infants than to elder folkes Therefore they can not be depriued of it but that the will of the author muste be manifestly defrauded But wheras they spred abrode among the simple people that there passed a long roawe of yeares after the resurrection of Christ in which the Baptisme of
the Prophetes did sufficiētly expresse y● vnder those carnal sacrifices was the truthe which the Christiā Chirch hath cōmon with the nation of the Iewes After which maner Dauid prayed that his prayer might as incēse ascende into the sight of God And Osee called geuinges of thanks the calues of lippes which in an other place Dauid calleth the sacrifices of prayse Whom the Apostle himselfe folowing calleth them also the sacrifices of prayse and expoundeth them the frutes of lippes confessing to his name Thys kinde of sacrifice the Supper of the Lord can not want wherein when we declare his death and render thankesgeuing we doe nothing but offer the sacrifice of prayse Of thys office of sacrificing al we Christians are called a kingly Presthode because by Christ we offer to God that sacrifice of praise of which the Apostle speaketh the frute of lippes that confesse to his name For neither do we with our giftes appeare in the sight of God without an intercessor Christe is he whiche being the mediator coming betwene we offer vs and ours to the Father He is our Bishop which being entred into the sanctuary of heauen hath opened the entry to vs. He is the altar vpon which we lay our giftes that in him we may be bolde all that we are bolde It is he I say that hath made vs a kyngdome and Prestes to the Father What remaineth but y● the blinde may se the deff maye heare children themselues may vnderstande this abhominatiō of the Masse whiche being offred in a goldē cup hath made dronke the kynges peoples of the earth frō the hyest to the lowest hath so stryken them with drowsinesse and giddinesse that being become more senslesse than brute beastes they haue set the whole ship of their safetie only in this deadly deuouring gulf Truely Satā neuer did bende himselfe with a stronger engine thā this to assaile vāquish the kyngdome of Christ. This is the Helene for whome the enemies of the truth fyght at thys daye with so great rage so great furiousnesse so great crueltie a Helene in dede with whome they so defile themselues with spiritual whordōe whiche is the most cursed of al. I do not here so much as ones touch with my litle fynger those grosse abuses wherw t they might color the vnholi purenesse of their holi Masse how filthy markettinges they vse how vnhonest gaines they make with their massinges with how great rauening they fill their couetousnesse Only I do point vnto and that with few plaine words what maner of thing is euē the very holiest holinesse of the Masse for which it hath deserued in certain ages past to be so honorable to be had in so great reuerence For to haue these so great mysteries set out according to their worthinesse requireth a greater worke and I am vnwilling to mingle herewith those filthy vncleannesses that cōmonly shew themselues before the eyes faces of al mē that al mē may vnderstād that the Masse taken in her most piked purenesse wherwith it may be set out to the best shew without her appendances from the roote to the topp swarmeth full of all kinde of wickednesse blasphemie idolatrie and sacrilege The Reders now haue in a maner almost al those thinges gathered into an abridgement which we haue thought behoueful to be knowen cōcerning these twoo Sacramentes the vse of which hath ben deliuered to the Christian Chirch frō the beginning of the new testamēt to continue to the very ende of the world namely that Baptisme should be as it wer a certaine entry into it an admissiō into Fayth the Supper should be as it were a cōtinual foode wherew t Christ spiritually fedeth the familie of hys faythful Wherfore as there is but one God one Fayth one Christ one Chirch his body so there is but one Baptisme is not ofte ministred againe But the Supper is frō tyme to tyme distributed that they which haue ben ones receiued into the Chirch may vnderstand that they be cōtinually fed with Christ. Beside these twoo as there is no other Sacramēt ordeined of God so neither oughte the Chirch of the faythfull to acknowlege any other For that it is not a thing that lyeth in the choise of mā to rayse set vp new Sacramētes he shal easily vnderstand the remembreth that which hath ben here before plainly enough declared y● is that Sacramentes are appointed of God to this end y● they should instruct vs of some promise of his testifie to vs his good wil towarde vs and he also that calleth to minde that none hath ben Gods coūseller that might promise vs any certaintie of his wil or assure vs and bring vs oute of care what affectiō he beareth towarde vs what he wil geue or what he will deny vs. For therew t is also determined that no mā can set fourth a signe to be a testimonie of any wil or promise of his it is he himselfe alone that can by a signe geuē testifie to vs of himselfe I wil speake it more brefely and paraduenture more grosly but more plainly A Sacrament cā neuer be without promise of saluation Al men gathered on a heape together can of themselues promise nothing of our saluation Therefore neither can they of themselues set fourth or set vp a Sacramente Therefore let the Christian Chirch be contented with these twoo and let her not only not admitt or acknowlege any third for the presēt time but also not desire or loke for any to the ende of the world For whereas certaine diuerse Sacramentes beside those their ordinarie ones were geuen to the Iewes according to the diuerse course of tymes as Māna Water sprynging oute of the rocke the Brasen serpente and suche other they were by thys change put in mynde that they should not stay vpon such figures whoe 's state was not very stedfast but that they should loke for some better thing from God which should cōtinue without any decayeng and without any end But we are in a farr other case to whō Christe is openly shewed in whome all the treasures of knowlege and wisdome are hidden with so great abundance and plentie that either to hope for or loke for any newe encrease to these treasures is verily to moue God to wrath and to prouoke him against vs. We muste hunger for seke loke vpon learne and throughly learne Christ alone vntill that great day shal appeare wherin the Lord shall openly shewe to the full of glory of his kyngdome and hymselfe suche as he is to be beholden of vs. And for this reson this our age is in the Scriptures signified by the last houre the last dayes the last tymes that no man shoulde deceiue himselfe with vaine loking for any new doctrine or reuelation For many tymes and in many sortes he spake before by his Prophets in these laste dayes the heauenly Father hath spoken in hys
is absolutely of it selfe Whereby we graunte that the Sonne in so muche as he is God is of hymselfe withoute respecte of hys Person but in so muche as he is the Sonne we saye that he is of the Father So his essence is wythoute beginning but the beginning of his Person is God hymselfe And the true teaching writers that in olde tyme haue spoken of the Trinitie haue onely applyed thys name to the Persons for somuche as it were not onely an absurde error but also a grosse vngodlinesse to comprehende the essence in the distinction For they that will haue these three to mete the essence the Sonne and the Holy ghoste it is playne that they dooe destroye the essence of the Sonne and the Holy ghoste for ells the partes ioyned together would fall in sonder whiche is a fault in euery distinction Finally if the Father and the Sonne were Synonymes or seuerall names signifying one thyng so the Father shoulde be the Godmaker and nothyng shoulde remayne in the Sonne but a shadowe and the Trinitie should be nothyng ells but the ioyning of one God with two creatures Where as they obiecte that if Chryste bee properly God he is not ryghtfullye called the Sonne to that we haue already answered that because in suche places there is a comparyson made of the one Personne to the other the name of God is not there indefinitelye taken but restrayned to the Father onelye in so muche as he is the beginning of the Godhead not in makynge of essence as the madde menne dooe fondlye imagyne but in respecte of order In this meaning is cōstrued that saying of Christ to the Father this is the eternal life that men beleue in the the one true God and Iesus Chryste whom thou hast sente For speaking in the Person of the Mediator he kepeth the degree that is meane betwene God and men and yet is not his maiestie thereby diminished For thoughe he abaced hymselfe yet he lefte not with the Father his glory that was hidden before the world So the Apostle in the seconde Chapter to the Hebrues though he confesseth that Christ for a short time was abaced beneth the Angels yet he stycketh not to affirme withall that he is the same eternall God that founded the earth We must therfore holde that so oft as Chryste in the Person of the Mediator speaketh to the Father vnder thys name of God is comprehended the Godhead whyche is hys also So when he sayed to the Apostles it is profitable that I go vp to the Father because the Father is greater He geueth not vnto himselfe only the seconde degree of Godhead to be as touchyng hys eternal essence inferior to the Father but because hauyng obteined the heauēly glory he gathereth together the faythfull to the partakyng of it He setteth his Father in the hier degree in so muche as the gloryous perfection of brightnesse that appeareth in heauen differeth from that measure of glory that was seen in him being clothed with fleshe After like maner in an other place Paule sayeth that Chryste shall yelde vp the kyngdome to God and hys Father that God maye be all in all There is nothyng more absurde than to take awaye eternall contynuaunce frō the Godhead of Chryste If he shall neuer cesse to be the Sonne of God but shall alwaye remayne the same that he was from the beginning it foloweth that vnder the name of the Father is comprehended the one essence that is common to them both And surely therefore did Chryste descende vnto vs that lifting vs vp vnto hys Father he might also lift vs vp vnto hymselfe inasmuch as he is all one with his father It is therefore neyther lawfull nor ryghte so exclusiuely to restrayne the name of God to the Father as to take it from the Sonne For Ihon doth for thys cause affirme that he is true God that no man shoulde thynke that he resteth in a seconde degree of Godhead beneth hys Father And I maruell what these framers of new Goddes do meane that whyle they confesse Chryste to be true God yet they forth with exclude hym from the Godhead of hys Father As thoughe there coulde any be a true God but he that is the one God or as thoughe the Godhead poured from one to an other be not a certayne newe forged imaginacion Whereas they heape vp many places out of Ireneus where he affirmeth that the Father of Chryste is the onely and eternall God of Israel that is eyther done of a shamefull ignoraunce or of an extreme wyckednesse For they oughte to haue considered that then the holye manne had to doe in disputacion with those phrentyke menne that denyed that the Father of Chryste was the same God that in olde time spake by Moses and the Prophetes but that he was I wote not what imagined thyng broughte oute of the corrupcion of the worlde Therefore he altogether trauayleth in thys poynte to make it playne that there is no other God preached of in the Scripture but the father of Christe and that it is amisse to deuise any other and therfore it is no maruell if he so ofte conclude that there was no other God of Israel but he that was spoken of by Chryste and the Apostles And in like manner nowe whereas we are to stande agaynste an other sorte of error we maye truely saye that the God whiche in olde time appeared to the Fathers was none other but Christe But if any manne obiecte that it was the Father oure aunswere is in redinesse that when we striue to defende the Godhead of the Sonne we exclude not the Father If the readers take hede to thys purpose of Ireneus all that contention shall cesse And also by the syxte Chapter of the thirde booke this whole strife is ended where the good manne standeth all vppon this pointe to proue that he whiche is in Scripture absolutely and indefinitely called God is verelye the one onely God and that Christ is absolutely called God Lette vs remember that this was the principall pointe whereupon stode all hys disputacion as by the whole processe thereof doeth appeare and specially the .xlvi. Chapter of the seconde booke that he is not called the Father by darke similitude or parable whiche is not very God in dede Moreouer in an other place he sayeth that as well the Sonne as the Father were iointly called God by the Prophetes and Apostles Afterwarde he defineth howe Christe whiche is Lorde of all and king and God and iudge receiued power from him whyche is the God of all that is to saye in respecte of his subiection because he was humbled euen to the death of the crosse And a little after he affirmeth that the Sonne is the maker of heauen and earth whiche gaue the lawe by the hande of Moses and appeared to the Fathers Nowe if any manne doe prate that wyth Ireneus onely the Father is the God of Israel I will turne
stryfe when he sayeth that for a remedy to tame pride the Angel of Satan was geuen to hym by whom he myght be humbled This exercyse therefore is common to all the children of God But because that same promyse of the breakyng of Satans head perteyneth generally to Christ and to all his members therefore I saye that the faithfull can neuer be ouercome nor oppressed by him They are many times stryken down but they are neuer so astonnied withall but that they recouer thēselues They fal down many tymes wyth violence of strokes but they are after raysed vp agayne they are wounded but not deadly Finally they so labor in all course of theyr lyfe that in the ende they obteyne the victorye but I speake not this of euery doing of theyrs For we knowe we that by the iuste vengeaunce of God Dauid was for a time geuen ouer to Satan by his motion to nomber the people and not without cause Paul sayth there is hope of pardon least if any haue been entangled with the snares of the deuil Therfore in an other place the same Paule sayeth that the promise aboue alleged is begon in this lyfe wherin we must wrastle and is performed after our wrastlyng ended when he sayeth the God of peace shall shortly beate downe Satan vnder your fete This victory hath alway fully been in our hed Chryst because the Prince of the world had nothing in him but in vs that are his members it doth now partly appeare and shal be perfited whē being vnclothed of our fleshe by whiche we are yet subiecte to weakenesse we shal be ful of the power of the Holy ghoste In thys manner when the kyngdome of Chryst is raysed vp and ●duaunced Satan with his power falleth down as the Lord hymselfe sayeth I saw Satan fall as a lightening down from heauen For by this answere he confirmeth that which the Apostles had reported of the power of his preachyng Agayne When the Prince possesseth his own palace al thinges that he possesseth are in peace but when there cōmeth a stronger he is throwen out c. And to this ende Chryst in dying ouercame Satan which had the power of death triūphed vpō al his armies that they shuld not hurt the church for otherwyse they would euery momente a hundred times destroye it For cōsidering what is our weakenesse what is his furious strēgth howe coulde we stande yea neuer so litle time against his manifolde continuall assaultes but being supported by the victory of our captaine Therefore God suffereth not the deuil to reigne ouer the soules of the faythfull but onely deliuereth him the wicked and vnbeleuing to gouerne whom God doth not vouchesaue to haue reckened in hys flocke For it is said that he possesseth thys world without controuersy till he be thrust out by Christ. Againe that he doth blinde all them that beleue not the gospell agayne that he performeth hys worke in the stubborne children and worthily for all the wicked are the vesselles of wrath Therefore to whom should they be rather subiecte than to the minister of Goddes vengeaunce Finally they are saied to be of their Father the deuill because as the faythfull are hereby knowen to be the children of God because they beare his image so they by the image of Satan into which they are gone out of kind ar properly discerned to be his childrē As we haue before confuted that trifling philosophie concerning the holy Angels which teacheth that they ar nothing els but good inspirations or motiōs which God stirreth vp in the mindes of men so in this place must we confute them that fondly say that deuils ar nothing els but euil affections or perturbations of minde that are thrust into vs by oure fleshe That maye we shortly doe because there be many testimonies of Scripture those playne enough vpon this poynt First where the vncleane Spirites ar called Angels Apostataes which haue swarued out of kind from their beginning the very names do sufficiently expresse that they are not motions or affections of myndes but rather in dede as they be called mindes or Spirites endued with sense and vnderstanding Likewise wheras both Christ and Iohn do compare the children of God with the children of the deuil wer it not an vnfit comparisō if the name of the deuil signified nothing els but euil inspirations And Iohn addeth somwhat more plainly that the deuill synneth from the beginning Likewise when Iude bringeth in Michael the archangel fyghtyng with the deuil doutlesse he setteth agaynste the good Angel an euil and rebellious Angel Wherwith agreeth that which is red in the hostory of Iob that Satan appeared with the Holy Angels before God But most plaine of al are those places that make mention of the punishment which they begin to fele by the iudgement of God and specially shal fele at the resurrection Sonne of Dauid why arte thou come before the time to torment vs Againe Go ye cursed into the eternal fyre that is prepared for the deuil his Angels Agayne If he spared not his own Angels that had synned but cast them down into hell and deliuered thē into cheines of darkenesse to be kept vnto damnaciō c. How fonde should these speches be that the deuils are ordeined to eternal iudgement that fier is prepared for them that they are now already tormented vexed by the glory of Christ if there were no deuils at all But because this matter nedeth no disputation among them that beleue the word of the Lord. litle good is done with testimonies of Scripture among those vaine studentes of speculation whō nothing pleaseth but that which is new I suppose I haue performed the which I purposed that is that the godly mindes should be furnished agaynst such fonde errors wherew t vnquiet men do trouble both thēselues and other that be more simple But it was good to touche this least any entangled with that error while they thinke they haue none to stande againste them should waxe more slowe and vnprouided to resist In the meane time let it not be werisom vnto vs in this so beautiful a stage to take a godly delight of the manifest and ordinary woorkes of God For as I haue els where already said though this be not the chefe yet is it in order the first doctrine of Faith to remember that what way soeuer we turne our eyes al that we see are the workes of God wyth godly consideration to wey for what end God did make thē Therefore that we may conceiue by Faith so muche as behoueth vs to knowe of God it is good first of al to learne the history of the creation of the world how it is shortly rehearsed by Moses and afterwarde more largely set out by holy men specially by Basile and Ambrose Oute of it we shall learne that God by the power of his worde and Spirite created heauē and earth of nothing
loued He hath chosen his seruant Dauid to fede Iacob his people and Israell his inheritance To cōclude it pleased God so to saue his church that the safetie and preseruation thereof should hange vpon that one hed and therefore Dauid crieth out The Lord the strength of his people the strength of the saluations of his Christ. And by by he addeth a prayer Saue thy people and blesse thine inheritaunce meanyng that the state of the church is with vnseparable knot ioyned to the gouernement of Christ. And in the same meaning in an other place Lord saue vs Let the king heare vs in the daye that we shall call vpon him In whiche wordes he plainely teacheth that the faithfull did vpon none other confidence flee to the helpe of God but bycause they were hidden vnder the succour of the king Whiche is gathered by an other Psalme Lord saue vs Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lorde Where it is playne enough that the faithfull are called backe vnto Christe that they maye hope that they shal be saued by the hand of God The same respect hath the other prayer where all the Churche calleth vpon the mercie of God Let thy hand be vpon the man of thy right hande vpō the sonne of man whom thou hast preserued or apointed to thy self For though the authour of the Psalme bewaileth the scattring abrode of the whole people yet he prayeth for their restitutiō in the hed alone Where when the people was led awaye into exile the lande wasted and all thinges to mans seruyng destroyed Hieremie lamenteth the ouerthrowe of the Church he doth principally complaine that by destruction of the kingdome al hope was cut of from the faithful Christ sayth he the spirite of our mouth is taken in our sinnes to whome we sayd In thy shadow we shal liue among the nations Herby now it sufficiently appereth that bicause God can not be mercifull to mankinde without the Mediatour therefore Christe was alwaye set before the holy fathers in time of the lawe to whome they might direct their fayth Now where comfort is promised in affliction specially where the deliueraunce of the Church is described there the banner of affiance and hope is auaunced in Christ alone God went out to the sauyng of his people with his Messiah sayth Habacuc And so ofte as the Prophetes make mention of the restoryng of the Church they call backe the people to the promise made to Dauid concernyng the euerlasting continuaunce of the kyngdome And no maruell For otherwise there had ben no assurance of the couenant For whiche purpose serueth that notable aunswere of Esaye For when he sawe that the vnbeleuyng kyng Achaz refused that whiche he had declared to him of the raysing of the siege of Hierusalem and of present safetie as it were sodenly he passed ouer to Messias Beholde a virgin shall conceyue and brynge forth a Sonne meanyng indirectly that though the king and his people by their frowardenesse refused the promise offred vnto them as though they dyd of purpose bende themselues to discredite the truthe of God yet the couenant should not be voyde but that the Redemer shoulde come at his apoynted tyme. Finally it was the care of all the Prophetes to the ende they might shewe that God would be merci●ull alwaye to set out that kingedome of Dauid whereupon hanged the redemption and euerlastyng saluation So Esaie saith I will make a couenant with you the faythfull mercies of Dauid Beholde I haue geuen him for a witnesse vnto nations that is bycause the faythfull when their state is at the worste coulde not otherwise haue any hope but by the meanes of him beyng witnesse that God would be appeasable toward them Likewise Hieremie to raise them vp beyng in despeire sayth Beholde the dayes come wherein I will rayse vp vnto Dauid a righteous branche and then shall Iuda be saued and Israell shal dwell in safetie And Ezechiel sayth I wil rayse vp one shepeherd ouer my shepe euen Dauid my seruant I the Lorde will be a God to them and my seruaunt Dauid for a shepeherd And I will make a couenaunt of peace with them Also man other place after he had entreated of the incredible reneweyng he sayeth my seruaunt Dauid shal be their Kynge and there shal be one shepeherd ouer all and I will make an euerlastynge couenaunt of peace with them I gather here and there a fewe places out of many bycause I onely meane to haue the reders put in mynde that the hope of all the godly hath alwaye ben reposed no where els but in Christe And all the other Prophetes also speake agreably hereunto as it is sayde in Osee. The children of Iuda and the children of Israell shal be gathered together and shall apoynt to themselues one hed Whiche he afterwarde more plainely expoundeth The children of Israel shall returne and shal seke for the Lord their God and Dauid their king And Michee speaking of the returne of the people expresly sayeth The king shal goe before them and the Lord in their hed So Amos meanyng to prayse the renewyng of the people sayth I will in that daye rayse vp the tabernacle of Dauid that is fallen downe I will hedge vp the gappes and rayse vp the places ouerthrowen euen bicause that was the only standard of saluatiō to haue the royal glory to rise vp againe on hie in the stock of Dauid whiche is fulfilled in Christ. Therefore Zacharie as his age was nerer to the appering of Christe so dothe he more plainely crie out be glad thou doughter of Sion reioyse thou doughter of Hierusalē Beholde thy king cometh righteous and saued Which agreeth with the place of the Psalme before alleged The lord the strength of the saluations of his anoynted and saue vs. Where saluation is deriued from the hed to the whole body It was Gods wil to haue the Iewes so instructed with these prophecies that to seke for their deliuerance they should bende their eyes directly to Christ. And though they had shamefully swarued yet could not the remembrance of that general principle be abolished that God by the hand of Christ as he had promised to Dauid would be the deliuerer of his church and so the couenant shoulde be of his owne free graunt wherby God had adopted his chosen Hereby it came to passe that this song sounded in the mouth of the children when Christe a litle before his death entred into Hierusalem Hosianna to the sonne of Dauid For it appereth that it was cōmonly knowen and spoken of and accordyng to common vse that they songe that the only pledge of Gods mercie remayned vnto them in the comyng of the Redemer For his cause Christ him self to make his disciples plainely and perfectly beleue in God biddeth them to beleue on him self Beleue ye in God sayth he then beleue also in me
hathe made an ende of them doth so no thing diminish their holynesse that it rather setteth them fourth and maket them glorious For as they shold haue geuen but a vaine shewe to the olde people vnlesse the power of the deathe and resurrection of Christe had beene shewed therein so if they hadde not cessed wee coulde not at this daye discerne to what purpose they were ordeyned Therefore Paule to proue that the keepinge of them nowe is not onely superfluous but also hurtefull teacheeh that they weare shadowes whereof wee haue the bodye in Christe We see therefore howe in the abolishinge of them the trueth shyneth better than if they did still a farre of and as it were with a veile spred before shewe a figure of Christe that hathe already playnelye appeared 〈◊〉 therefore the veile of the Temple at the deathe of Christe was torne in twoo peeces and fell downe bycause nowe the true and expresse image of the heauenly good thynges was come to lyghte whyche before had been but vnperfectly begonne wyth darke rude draughtes as the authore of the Epistle to the Hebrues saythe Herevnto serueth the sayeng of Christe that the lawe and the Prophetes were vnto the tyme of Ihon and that from that tune forwarde the Kyngdome of God beganne to bee ioyefully preached not meaninge that the holy fathers were without the preachynge that conteyneth the hope of saluation and of eternall lyfe but bicause a farre of and vnder shadowes onely they dyd beholde that whiche wee at thys daye see in the full lyghte But why it behoued that the Churche of God shoulde clymbe vp hyer from those firste instructions Ihon the Baptist declareth for that the lawe is geuen by Moses but grace truth beganne by Iesus Chirste For althoughe the purginge of sinnes were truely promised in the olde sacrifices the Arke of the couenant was a sure pledge of the fatherly fauoure of God yet all this had been but a shadowe if it had not ben grounded vpon the grace of Christe wherin is sounde perfect and eternal stedfastnesse Let this then remaine sure that although the ceremonial vsages of the lawe haue cessed to be obserued yet by the ende of them it is that better knowen how great was the profite of them before Christes cōminge wyth in takinge awaye the vse of them hathe sealed the force effecte of them with his deathe Somwhat more harde is the point that Paule noteth And he hath renued you together with him when ye were deade by sinnes and the vncircumcision of your fleshe forgeuinge you of all your offences blotting out the handwriting that remained in the decrees against vs whyche was contrarie vnto vs and he hath taken it awaye fastninge it to the crosse c. For he seemeth to stretche the abolyshinge of the lawe sōwhat further that nowe we haue nothing to do with the decrees therof For thei erre that expond it onely of the lawe morall whose vnappeassable rigoure rather then doctrine thereof thei thinke to be taken away Some more deepely weying the wordes of Paule do espie that it is proprely spoken of the lawe ceremoniall and doe shewe that this worde Deuill doth more than ones so signifie in Paule For to the Ephesians he saith thus He is our peace that maketh both to be one that maketh voide the law of cōmaundementes consistinge in the decrees that he might make two in himselfe into one new man It is no doubt that he speaketh ther of the ceremonies for he calleth it the partition wherwith the Iewes were seuered from the Gentiles wherefore I graunt that those first expositors are rightfully reproued by these but yet mee thinkes that these do not sufficientlye well set fourth the minde of the Apostle For I like not at all to haue these two places compared together in all pointes when his purpose was to aduertise the Ephesians of their adoption into the felowship of Israel he teacheth that the stoppe is taken awaye whereby they were before tyme kepte asunder that was in ceremonies For the vsages of washinges and sacrifices wherewith the Iewes were made holy vnto the Lorde did seuer them from the Gentiles But in the epistle to the Colossians whoe seeth not that 〈◊〉 ●oucheth a hyer misterie In deede the point of the disputation ther is of Mosaicall obseruations whervnto the false Apostles did laboure to driue the Christian people But as in the Epistle to the Galatians he fetcheth that controuersie further of and as it wer bringeth it back to the first heade therof so doth he also in this place For if in the ceremonies you consider nothing els but a necessitie of that vse of them to what purpose was it to call it a handwriting against vs moreouer to set the whole summe in a manner of our redemption in this that it shold be cācelled Wherefore the matter it selfe trieth out that here is some more secret thing to be considered And I truste that I haue atteined the naturall vnderstandinge of it if at leaste this be graunted me to bee true which in one place is most truli written by Augustine yea that he hath taken out of the plaine wordes of the Apostle that in the Iewish ceremonies was rather a confession than a cleansinge of sinnes For what did thei ells by sacrifices but confesse thē selues in their conscience gylty of death that did put cleansinges in their place What did thei with their cleansinges but testifie them selues to be vncleane And so was the handwriting of their sinne and vncleannesse oft renewed by them but ther was no discharge in that testifying thereof For whyche cause the Apostle writeth that at lengthe by meane of the deathe of Christe was perfourmed the redemption of the offences that remayned vnder the olde Testamente Therefore the Apostle dothe woorthyly call the Handwritinges againste those that obserue them for asmuch as by them ther did openly s●ale to their owne damnation vncleannesse And it hindereth not that they were also partakers of the same grace with vs. For this they obteyned in Chryste not in the ceremonies whyche there the Apostle dothe seuer from Christe bicause being at that time vsed they did obscure the glorie of Christe Thus learn we that the ceremonies if they be consydered by them selues are well and fittly called handwrytynges againste the saluation of men bicause they were as solemne instrumentes that testified their beinge bounde When the false Apostles wente aboute to binde the Christian Churche to them againe Paule did not withoute cause admonyshe the Coloss●aus by fetchinge their signification of them further of to what poynte thei shoulde fall backe agayne if they suffered them selues in such sorte to be yoked by them For there withall was the benefite of Christ wrested awaie from them in as muche as he hauinge ones perfourmed the eternall clensinge hathe vtterly abolyshed these dayly obseruations whiche were onely of force to seale sinnes but coulde do nothing
God hee canne do all thynges For the helpe of God is presente onely wyth those that walke in his waies that in their vocation from whiche thei do all wythdrawe them selues whyche forsakynge the helpes of God do trauaile to ouercome and master their necessities wyth vayne rashe boldenesse The Lorde affyrmeth that continence is a singular gyfte of God and of that sorte that are not geuen generally nor vniuersally to the whole bodye of the Churche but to a fewe membres thereof For fyrste hee sayth that there is a certaine kynde of menne that haue gelded them selues for the kyngedome of Heauen that is that thei myght the more loosely and freely applye them selues to the affayres of the heauenly kyngedome But that no man shoulde thinke that suche geldinge is in the power of manne hee shewed a little before that all men are not able to receiue it butte they to whome it is peculiarlye geuen from heauen wherevpon he concludeth He that canne take it let him take it Butte Paule yet affyrmeth it more playnely where hee wryteth that euerye manne hathe hys propre gyfte of God one thus and an other thus Whereas we are by open declaration admonyshed that it is not in euery mannes power to keepe chastitie in single lyfe althoughe wyth studie and trauayle he indeuoure neuer so muche vnto it and that it ys a peculiar grace whiche God geueth but to certaine men that he may haue them the more ready to his worke do wee not striue against God and nature whiche he hathe institute if we doe not applye the kinde of oure lyfe to the proportion of oure power Here the Lorde forbyddeth fornication therefore hee requyreth cleannesse and Chastitie of vs. To keepe the same there is butte one way that euery manne measure him selfe by his owne measure Neyther let a manne despise mariage as a thinge vnprofitable or superfluous for hym nor otherwise desyre syngle life vnlesse he be able to liue without a wife And therin also let him not prouide onely for the quiet and commoditie of the fleshe but onely that beynge loosed from this bonde he maye be the more in readinesse and prepared to all dueties of Godlynesse And for asmuche as this benefite is geuen to many but for a time let euery man so longe absteyne frō mariage as he shal be meete to liue to kepe single estate If strength faile him to tame his luste let hym learne that the Lorde hathe nowe layed vpon him a necessitie to marry Thys the Apostle sheweth when he commaundeth that to auoyde fornication euery man haue his owne wife and euery woman haue her owne husbande that he that can not liue continently shoulde marry in the Lorde Fyrste he declareth that the moste parte of men are subiect to the vice of incontinence and then of those that be subiecte vnto it he excepteth none but commaundeth all to that onely remedie wherewith vnchastitie is resisted Therefore if they that bee incontinent do neglect to helpe their infirmitie by thys meane thei sinne euen in this that thei obey not the commaundement of the Apostle Neyther let hym flatter hymselfe that toucheth not a woman as thoughe hee coulde not bee rebuked to vnchastitie while in the meane season hys minde burneth inwardly with luste For Paule defineth chastitie to be a cleannesse of the mynde ioyned wyth chastitie of the bodye A woman vnmarried saythe hee thynketh vpon those thynges that are of the Lorde for asmuche as shee is holy bothe in bodie and in spirite Therefore when hee byngeth a reason to confirme that former commaundement he dothe not onely saie that it is better for a man to take a wyfe than to defile hym selfe with companie of a harlote but hee sayth that it is better to marry than to burne Nowe yf maryed folkes do confesse that their felowship together is blessed of the Lorde they are thereby admonished not to defile it with intemperate and dissolute luste For thoughe the honestie of mariage do couer the fylthienesse of incontinence yet it oughte not fourthwyth to be a prouocation thereof Wherefore let not maried folkes thynke that all thynges are lawefull vnto them but let euery housband haue his owne wyfe soberly and lykewyse the wyfe her housebande and so doinge lette them committe nothynge vnbeseeminge the honestie and temperance of mariage For so oughte mariage made in the Lorde to be restrained to measure and modestie and not to ouerflowe into euery kynde of extreeme lasciuiousnesse Thys awantonnesse Ambrose rereproued wyth a sayeng very sore in deede but not vnfyte for it when he calleth the housbande the adulterer of hys owne wyfe whyche in bse of wedlocke hath no care of shamefastnesse or honestie Laste of all let vs consider what lawemaker doth here condemne fornication euen he whyche syth of hys owne right he oughte to possesse vs wholly requyreth purenesse of the soule spirite and bodie Therefore when hee forbyddeth to committe fornication hee also forbiddeth with wanton attyre of bodie wyth vncleanly gestures and with fylthy talke to laye wayte to trappe an others chastite For that sayinge is not withoute good reasō which Archelaus spake to a yongmā aboue measure wantonly an deintely clothed that it made no matter in what parte he wer filthilye vnchaste if wee haue regarde vnto God that abhorreth all filthinesse in what so euer parte either of oure soule or bodie it appeareth And to put thee oute of doute remembre that the Lorde here commendeth chastitie If the Lord require chastitie ▪ of vs then he condemneth all that euer is agaynste it Therefore if thou couet to shewe obedience neither let thy mynde burne inwardly wyth euell luste nor lette thine eyes runne wantonly into corrupte affections nor let thy bodye be trimmed vp for alluremente nor lette thy tongue with filthy talke entise thy mynde to lyke thoughtes nor lette thy gluttonous belly enflame thee with intemperance For all these vices are as it were certayne blottes wherewyth the purenesse of chastitie ys be spotted The eyghte Commaundement Thou shalte not steale The ende of thys commaundemente is bycause God abhorreth vnrighteousnesse that euery man may haue hys owne renred vnto hym The summe therefore shall bee that wee are forbidden to gape for other mens goodes and that therefore we are commaunded euery man to employ hys faythfull trauaile to preserue to eche manne hys owne goodes For thus we ought to thinke that what euery man possesseth is not happened vnto hym by chaunce of fortune but by the distribution of the soueraigne Lorde of all thinges and therfore no mans goods can be gotten from hym by euell meanes but y● wronge be done to the disposition of God But of theftes there be many kyndes one standeth in Uiolence when the goodes of an other are by any manner of force and robbing licenciousnesse bereued The other kynde consisteth in malicious deceite where they are guylefully conueyed awaye An other sorte there is that standeth in a more hidden
to Daniell to seale vp the vision and the Prophete not onely that the prophecye whyche is there spoken of shoulde be stablished in assured credit but also that the faythfull shoulde learne wyth contented mynde to want the Prophetes for a time bicause the fulnesse and closing vp of all reuelations was at hande Now it is to be noted that the title of commendation of Christ belongeth to these three offices For we know that in the tyme of the law as well the Prophetes as Preestes and Kynges were anoynted with holy oyle For whyche cause the renoumed name of Messias was geuen to the promised Mediator But thoughe in deede I confesse as I haue also declared in an other place that he was called Messias by peculiar consideration and respect of his kyngedome yet the annointinges in respecte of the office of prophet of preeste haue their place and are not to neglected of vs. Of the fyrste of these twoo is expresse mention made in Esaie in these woordes The spirite of the Lorde Iehoua vpon me Therefore the Lorde hathe annoynted me that I shoulde preache to the meeke shoulde brynge healthe to the contrite in hearte shoulde declare deliuerance to captiues shoulde publishe the yere of good wyll c. We see that he was anoynted wyth the Spirit to bee the publisher and witnesse of the grace of the Father And that not after the common manner for he is seuered from other teachers that hadde the lyke office And here againe is to be noted that he toke not the anoyntinge for him selfe alone that he myghte execute the office of teachinge but for his whole bodie that in hys continuall preachinge of the Gospell the vertue of the Spirit shoulde ioyne wythal But in the meane tyme thys remayneth certayne that by thys perfection of doctrine whiche he hathe broughte an ende is made of all prophecys so that they doe diminish his authoritie that beinge not content wyth the Gospell doe patche any forain thynge vnto it For that voyce whyche thundered from heauen saienge This is my beloued Sonne heare him hathe auaunced hym by singular priuilege aboue the degrees of all other Then thys oyntement is poured abroade from the heade vnto all the membres as it was forespoken by Ioel your chyldren shall prophecie and youre daughters shall see visions c. But where Paule sayth that he was geuen vs vnto wysedome and in an other place that in him are hidden all the treasures of knowledg and vnderstandin he this hathe somewhat an other meaninge that is that oute of hym there is nothinge profitable to knowe and that they whyche by fayth perceaue what hee is haue comprehended the whole infinitnesse of heauenly good thynges For whyche cause hee writeth in an other place I haue compted it precious to knowe nothinge but Iesus Christe and him crucified whiche is moste true bycause it is not lawfull to passe beyonde the simplicitie of the Gospel And herevnto tendeth the dignitie of a prophetes office in Christ that we might knowe that in the summe of the doctrine whiche hee hathe taught are conteined all poyntes of perfect wisedome Nowe come I to hys kingdome of whyche were vayne to speake if the readers were not firste warned that the nature thereof is spirituall For thereby is gathered bothe to what purpose it serueth and what it auaileth vs and the whole force and eternitie therof and also the eternitie whyche in Daniel the angell dothe attribute to the person of Christe and agayne the Angell in Luke dothe woorthily applie to the saluatiō of the people But that is also double or of two sortes for the one belongeth to the whole bodie of the Churche the other is propre to euery membre To the firste is to bee referred that whyche is saide in the Psalme I haue ones sworne by my holynesse to Dauid I wyll not lye his seede shall abide for euer hys seate shall bee as the Sunne in my syghte yt shal be stablyshed as the Moone for euer and a faythfull wytnesse in heauen Neyther is it doubtfull but that God dothe there promise that he will be by the hande of his sonne an eternal gouerner and defender of his Churche For the true perfourmance of thys prophecie canne be founde noe where els but in Christ for asmuche as immediatly after the deathe of Salomon the greater parte of the dignitie of the kingedome fell awaie and was to the dishonoure of the house of Dauid conueyed ouer to a priuate man and afterwarde by little and lyttle was diminished tyll at length it came to vtter decaie wyth heauy and shamefull destruction And the same meaninge hathe that exclamation of Esaie Whoe shall shewe fourth his generation For he so prnounceth that Christe shall remayne aliue after deathe that he ioyneth hym wyth hys membres Therefore so ofte as we heare that Christe is armed wyth eternall power let vs remembre that the euerlastinge continuance of the Church is vpholden by this support to remayne stil safe among the troublesome tossinges wherewith it is continually vexed and amonge the greuous and terrible motions that threaten innumerable destructions So when Dauid scorneth the boldnesse of hys enemies that goe aboute to breake the yoke of God and of Christe and saith that the kinges and peoples raged in vayne bycause he that dwelleth in heauen is strong enough to breake their violent assaultes he assureth the Godly of the contynuall preseruation of the Church and encourageth them to hope well so ofte as it happeneth to be oppressed So in an other place when he saithe in the person of God fitte on my righte hande till I make thine enemies thy foote stoole he warneth vs that howe many and strong enemies so euer do conspire to besege the Churche yet they haue not strengthe enoughe to preuaile agaynste that vnchangeable decree of God whereby he hathe apointed hys sonne an eternall kinge wherevpon it foloweth that it is impossible that the Deuell with all the preparation of the woorlde maye bee able at any time to destroy the Churche whiche is grounded vpon the eternall seate of Christe Now for so muche as concerneth the speciall vse of euery one the very same eternall continuance ought to raise vs vp to hope of immortalitie For we see that whatsoeuer is earthly and of the worlde endureth but for a time yea and is very fraile Therefore Christe to lifte vp oure hope vnto heauen pronounceth that his kingdome is not of this worlde Finally when any of vs heareth that the kingdome of Christe is spiritual let him be raised vp with this saieng and let him pearce to the hope of a better lyfe and whereas hee is nowe defended by the hande of Christ let hym looke for the ful frute of this grace in the world to come That as we haue sayde the force and profite of the kingedome of Christe can not otherwise be perceiued by vs but when wee knowe it to be spirituall
could he by dy●ng deliuer vs from death yf he himself had lyen still ouercōme by death Now could he haue gotten victorie for vs if himself had ben vanquished in fight Wherefore we doe so parte the matter of our saluation betwene the death and resurrection of Christ that by his death we saye sinne was taken awaye and death destroied and by his resurrection righteousnesse was repaired and lyfe raysed vp agayne but so that by meane of his resurrectoī his death doth shewe forth her force and effect vnto vs. Therefore Paule affirmeth that in his very resurrection he was declared the sonne of God bycause then at last he vttered his heauenly power whiche is bothe a cleare glasse of his godhed a stedfast staye of our fayth As also in an other place he teacheth that Christ suffred after the weakenesse of the flew rose againe by the power of the spirit And in the same meaning in an other place where he entreateth of perfection he sayth that I maye knowe him and the power of his resurrection Yet by and by after he adioyneth the fellowship with death Wherw th most aptly agreeth that sayeng of Peter that God raysed him vp from the dead and gaue him glorie that our faith and hope might be in God not that our faith beyng vpholden by his death should wauer but that the power of God whiche kepeth vs vnder fayth doth principally shewe it selfe in the resurrection Therefore let vs remember that so oft as mention is made of his death only there is also comprehended that whiche properly belongeth to his resurrection and like figure of comprehension is there in the word Resurrectiō as oft as it is vsed seuerally without speaking of his death so that it draweth with it that whiche peculiarly pe●teineth to his death But for as much as by risyng agayne he obteyned the crowne of conquest so that there should be both resurrection and life therefore Paule doth for good cause affirme that fayth is destroyed and the Gospell is become vayne and deceitefull if the resu●●●●tion of Christ be not fastened in our heartes Therfore in another place after he had gloried in the death of Christ agaynste all the errors of damnation to amplifie the same he sayth further Yea the same He whiche died is risen vp agayne and nowe standeth a Mediatour for vs in the presence of God Furthermore as we haue before declared that vpon the partakyng of his crosse hangeth the mortificatiō of our flesh so is it to be vnderstanded that by his resurrection we obteyne an other commoditie whiche answereth that mortificatiō For sayth the Apostle we are therefore graffed into the likenesse of his death that beyng partakers of his resurrection we may walke in newnesse of life Therefore in an other place as he gathereth an argument of this that we are dead together with Christ to proue that we ought to mortifie our members vpon earth likewise also bicause we are risen vp with Christ he gathereth thereupon that we ought to seke for those thinges that are aboue and not those that are vpon the earth By which wordes we are not only exhorted to be raysed vp after the exāple of Christ to follow a newnesse of life But we are taught that it is wrought by his power that we are regenerate into righteousnesse We obteyne also a third frute of his resurrection that we are as by an earnest deliuered vs assured of our owne resurrection of whiche we knowe that his resurrection is a most certaine argument Whereof he disputeth more at large in the .xv. chapter of his first Epistle to the Corinthians But by the waye this is to be noted that it is sayd that he rose agayne from the dead in which sayeng is expressed the truthe bothe of his death and of his resurrection as yf it had ben sayd that he did bothe die the same death that other menne naturally doe dye and receyued immortalitie in the same fleshe whiche he had put on mortall To his resurrection is not vnfittly adioyned his ascendynge into heauen For although Christ beganne more fully to set forth his glorie and power by risyng agayne for that he had nowe layed awaye that base and vnnoble estate of mortal life and the shame of the crosse yet by his ascendynge vp into heauen only he truely beganne his kyngedome Whiche the Apostle sheweth where he teacheth that Christ ascended to fulfil al thinges Where in semyng of repugnancie he sheweth that there is a goodly agreement bycause he so departed from vs that yet his presence might be more profitable to vs whiche had ben penned in a base lodgyng of the flesh while he was conuersant in earth And therefore Iohn after that he had rehearsed that notable callyng If any thirst let him come to me c. By and by sayth that the holy ghost was not yet geuen to the faythfull bycause Iesus was not yet glorified Whiche the Lord himselfe also did testifie to the Disciples sayeng It is expedient for you that I goe awaye For if I doe not goe away the holy ghost shall not come But he geueth them a comfort for his corporall absence that he will not leaue them as parentlesse but will come agayne to them after a certayne manner in deede inuisible but yet more to be desired bycause they were then taught by more assured experience that the authoritie whyche he enioyeth and the power whiche he vseth is sufficient for the faithfull not only to make them liue blessedly but also to die happyly And truely we see howe muche greater abundance of his spirite he then poured out how much more royally he then aduaūced his kingdome howe much greater power he then shewed bothe in helpyng his and in ouerthrowyng his enemies Beyng therefore taken vp into heauē he toke away the presence of his body out of our sight not to cesse to be present with the faythfull that yet wandred in the earth but with more present power to gouerne both heauen and earth But rather the same that he had promised that he would be with vs to the ende of the worlde he performed by this his ascendyng by whiche as his bodye was lifted vp aboue all heauens so his power and effectuall workynge was poured and spred abrode beyonde all the baundes of heauen and earth But this I had rather to declare in Augustines wordes than mine owne Christ sayth he was to goe by death to the right hande of the father from whense he is to come to iudge the quicke and the dead and that lykewyse in bodyly presence accordyng to the ●ounde doctrine and rule of fayth For in spirituall presence with them he was to come after his ascension And in an other place more largely and plainely Accordyng to an vnspeakeable and vnuisible grace is that fulfilled whiche he had spoken beholde I am with you all the dayes euen to the ende of the worlde But
accordyng to the fleshe which the Worde toke vpon him accordyng to that that he was borne of the Uirgin accordyng to that that he was taken of the Iewes that he was fastened on the tree that he was takē downe from the crosse that he was wrapped in linen clothes that he was layed in the graue that he was openly shewed in his risynge agayne this was fulfilled Ye shal not alway haue me with you Why so bycause he was conuersant accordyng to the presence of his body forty dayes with his disciples and they beyng in his companie seyng him not folowyng him he ascended into heauen and is not here for he sitteth there at the right hande of his father and is here for he is not gone awaye in presence of maiestie Therefore accordyng to the presence of his maiestie we alwaye haue Christ accordyng to the presence of his fleshe it was truely sayd to his Disciples but me ye shall not alwaye haue For the church had him a few dayes accordyng to the presence of his flesh but nowe she holdeth him by fayth but seeth him not with eyes Wherfore it by and by foloweth that he is sittē downe at the right hande of his father whiche is spoken by waye of similitude taken of princes that haue theyr sitters by to whome they commit their office to rule and gouerne in their stede So it is sayd that Christ in whom the father will be exalted and reigne by his hand was receyued to sit at his right hand as yf it had ben sayd that he was inuested in the dominion of heauen and earth solemnely entred vpon the possession of the gouernement committed vnto him that he not only entred vpon it but also continueth in it till he come downe to iudgement For so doth the Apostle expounde it when he sayth thus The Father hath set him at his right hand aboue all principalitie and power strēght and dominion and euery name that is named not only in this world but in the world to come c. He hath put althinges vnder his feete and hath geuen him to be head of the church aboue althynges Nowe you see to what purpose belongeth that sittyng that is that all creatures bothe heauenly and earthly maye with admiration loke vpon his maiestie be gouerned with his hande beholde his countenance and be subiect to his power And the Apostles meane nothyng els when they so oft rehearse it but to teache that all thinges are lefte to his will Therefore they thinke not rightly which thinke that blessednesse is only meant by it And it forceth not that in the Acres Stephen testifieth that he saw him standing bicause we speake not heare of the gesture of his body but of the maiestie of his dominion so that to Sitte is nothyng els but to be chiefe iudge in the heauenly iudgement seate Hereupon doth faith gather manifolde frute For it learneth that the Lord by his ascendyng into heauen hath opened the entrie of the heauenly kingdome whiche before had ben stopped vp by Adam For when he entred into it in our flesh as in our name therupon followeth that whiche the Apostle sayth that we doe alredy in him after a certaine manner sit in heauen For that we doe not with bare hope loke for heauen but alredy in our head we possesse it Moreouer fayth perceyueth that he sitteth with his father to our great benefit For he is entred into a ●anctuarie not made with handes and there appereth before the face of the Father a continuall aduocate and intercessor for vs he so turneth the fathers eyes to his righteousnesse that he turneth them awaye from our sinnes He so reconcileth his minde vnto vs that by his intercession he prepareth vs a waye and passage to his throne fillyng it with grace and mercifulnesse which otherwise wold haue ben full of horrour to wretched sinners Thirdly fayth conceyueth his power wherein consisteth our strength might welth and glorieng agaynst the helles For ascendyng into heauen he led captiuitie captiue and spoilyng his enemies he enriched his people and dayly filleth them with heapes of spirituall richesse He sitteth therefore on hye that from thense pouryng out his power vnto vs he maye quicken vs to a spiritual life sanctifie with his spirit and garnish his church with the diuerse giftes of his grace preserue it safe agaynst all hurtes by his protection restrayne with the strength of his hand the ragyng enemies of his crosse and of our saluation finally holde all power bothe in heauen and in earth till he haue ouerthrowen all his enemies whiche are also our enemies and made perfect the bildyng vp of his Church And this is the true state of his kingdome this is the power that his father hath geuen him till he make an ende of the laste act when he cometh to iudge the quicke and the dead Christ doth in deede here shewe to them that be his plaine proues of his power present amonge them but bicause vnder the basenesse of flesh his kingdome doth in a manner lie hidden in earth therefore for good cause is fayth called to thinke vpon that visible presence which he will openly shew at the laste day For he shal in visible forme come downe from heauen euen such as he was seen to goe vp and he shall appere to all men with vnspeakeable maiestie of his kyngdome with bright glistryng of immortalitie with infinite power of godhed with a garde of Angeles From thense therefore we are bidden to loke for him to come our redemer at that day whē he shall seuer the Lambes from the Goaste the chosen from the forsaken and there shal be none of all eyther the quicke or the dead that shall escape his iudgement For from the furthest corners of the world shal be heard the sounde of the trompet wherwith all shal be called to his iudgement seate both they that shal be founde alyue at that daye they whome death hath before taken out of the companie of the quicke Some there be that in this place expoūd the wordes of the Quicke and the dead otherwise and we see that some of the olde wryters dyd stick in doubte vpon the constructiō of this article But as the aforesayd meanyng is plaine easy to perceyue so doth it better agree with the Crede which is euidēt that it was written accordyng the capacitie of the cōmon people And herewith nothyng disagreeth that whiche the Apostle affirmeth that it is apointed to all men ones to die For although they whiche shall remayne in mortall life at the last iudgement shall not dye after a naturall manner and order yet that change whyche they shall suffer bycause it shal be like a death is not vnproprely called death It is in deede certayne that not all shall slepe but all shal be 〈…〉 meaneth that ▪ In one moment their mortall life shall perish 〈◊〉 be
swallowed vp and be vtterly transformed into a newe nature This perishyng of the fleshe no man can denye to be a death and yet in the meanetime it remayneth true that the quicke the dead shal be summoned to the iudgement bicause the dead that are in Christ shal first rise and then they that shall remayne and beliuyng shall with them be sodenly taken vp into the ayre to meete the Lord. And truely it is likely that this article was taken out of the sermon of Peter whiche Luke reciteth and out of the solemne protestation of Paule to Timothee Hereupon ariseth a singular comforte when we heare that he is iudge whiche hath alredy apointed vs parteners with him in iudging so far is it of that he will goe vp into the iudgement seate to condēne vs. For how shuld the most mercyfull prince destroy his owne people how should the head scatter abrode his owne membres how should the patrone condemne his owne clyentes For yf the Apostle dare crie out that while Christ is intercessour for vs there cā none come forth that can cōdemne vs it is much more true that Christ himself beyng our intercessour will not condemne them whome he hath receyued into his charge and tuition It is truely no small assurednesse that we shal be brought before no other iudgement seate but of our owne redemer from whome our saluation is to be loked for moreouer that he whiche nowe by the Gospell promiseth eternall blessednesse shall then by sittyng in iudgement performe his promise Therefore to this ende the father hath honored the sonne in geuyng him al iudgement that so he hath prouided for the consciences of them that he his tremblyng for feare of the iudgement Hetherto I haue folowed the order of the Apostles Crede bycause whereas it shortly in fewe wordes cōteyneth the chiefe articles of our redemption it maye serue vs for a table wherein we do dinstinctly and seuerally see those thinges that are in Christ worthy to be taken heede vnto I call it the Apostles Crede not carefully regardynge whoe were the author of it It is truely by great consent of the olde wryters ascribed to the Apostles eyther bycause they thought that it was by cōmen trauaile written and set out by the Apostles or for that they iudged that this abridgement beyng faythfully gathered out of the doctrine deliuered by the handes of the Apostles was worthy to be cōfirmed with such a title And I take it for no doubt that whēse so euer it proceded at the first it hath euen from the first begynnyng of the church and from the very time of the Apostles be vsed as a publike confession and receyued by consent of all men And it is likely that it was not priuately written by any one man for asmuch as it is euident that euen frō the farthest age it hath alwaye continued of sacred authoritie and credit among all the godly But that thing whiche is only to be cared for we haue wholly out of controuersie that the whole Historie of our fayth is shortly and well in distinct order rehersed in it and that there is nothyng conteyned in it that is not sealed with sounde testimonies of the Scripture Which beyng vnderstanded it is to no purpose either curiously to doubte or to stryue with any mā whoe were the author of it vnlesse parhappe it be not enough for some man to be assured of the truthe of the holy ghost but if he do also vnderstād either by whose mouth it was spoken or by whose hande it was written But for asmuche as we do see that the whole summe of our saluation and all the partes thereof are comprehended in Christ we must beware that we do not drawe awaye from him any part therof be it neuer so litle If we seke for saluatiō we are taught by the very name of Iesus that it is in him If we seke for any other giftes of the spirit they are to be found in his anoynting If we seke for strength it is in his dominion yf we seke for cleannesse it is in his conception yf we seke for tender kindnesse it sheweth it selfe in his byrth whereby he was made in all thinges like vnto vs that he might learne to sorrowe with vs yf we seke for redemption it is in his passion yf we seke for absolution it is in his condemnation if we seke for release of the curse it is in his crosse yf we seke for satisfaction it is in his sacrifice yf we seke for cleansyng it is in his bloud yf we seke for reconciliation it is in his goyng downe to the helles if we seke for mortification of the fleshe it is in his buriall yf we seke for newnesse of lyfe yt is in his resurrection yf we seeke for immortalitie yt is in the same if we seke for the inheritance of the kingdome of heauen it is in his entrance into heauen if we seke for defense for assurednesse for plentie and store of all good thinges it is in his kingdome if we seke for a dredlesse lokynge for the iudgement it is in the power geuen to him to iudge Finally sithe the measures of all sortes of good thinges are in him let vs draw thense and from no where els euen till we be full withall For they whiche beyng not content with him alone are carried hether and thether into diuerse hopes although they haue principall regard to him yet euē in this thei are out of the right way that they turne any parte of their knowledge to any other where Albeit such distrust can not crepe in where the abundance of his good giftes hath ones ben well knowen The .xvii. Chapter ¶ That it is truely and properly sayde that Christ hath deserued Gods fauour and saluation for vs. THis question is also to be assoyled for an addition For there are some suttle men after a wrong maner whiche although they confesse that we obteine saluation by Christ yet cā not abide to heare the name of deseruing by which they think the grace of God to be obscured so they will haue Christ to be only the instrumēt or minister not the author guide or Prince of life as Peter calleth him In deede I confesse that if a man will set Christ simply and by himself agaynst the iudgement of God thē there shal be no roome for deseruing bicause there can not be foūd in man any worthinesse that may deserue the fauour of God But as Augustine moste truely wryteth the moste clere light of predestination and grace is our Sauiour hymselfe the manne Christe Iesus whiche hath obteyned so to be by the nature of manne whiche is in him without any deseruynges of workes or of fayth goyng before I beseche you let me be answered whereby that same Man deserued to be taken vp by the Worde that is coeternall with the father into one persone and so to be the only begotten sonne of
with the same Spirit ioyned with the Father but also according to his person of mediator bicause if he had not had that power he had come to vs in vaine After whiche meaning he is called the seconde Adam geuen frō heauen to be a quickning Spirit whereby Paule compareth the singular life that the sonne of God breatheth into them that be his that thei may be alone with hym with the natural life that is also common to the reprobate Likewise where he wissheth to the faithful the fauoure of Christ and the loue of God he ioyneth withall the common partaking of the Spirit without which no man can tast neither of the fatherly fauoure of God nor of the bountifulnesse of Christe As also he saith in an other place The loue of God is poured out into oure heartes by the holy Spirite that is geuen vs. And here it shal be profitable to note wyth what titles the Scripture setteth out the holy Spirite where it entreateth of beginninge and whole restoring of oure saluation Fyrste he is a called the Spirit of adoption bicause he is a wytnesse vnto vs of the free goodwil of God wherewyth God the Father hathe embraced vs in hys beloued onely begotten Sonne that he might be a father vnto vs and doth encourage vs to praie boldly yea and dothe minister vs wordes to crie with oute feare Abba Father by the same reason hee is called the earnest pledge and seale of our inheritance bicause he so geueth life from heauen to vs wandringe in the worlde and being like to deade men that we maie be assured that oure soule is in safegarde vnder the faithefull keping of God for which cause he is also called life by reasō for righteousnesse And forasmuch as by his secret watering he maketh vs frutfull to brynge forth the buddes of righteousnesse he is oftentimes called water as in Esaie All ye that thyrste come to the waters Againe I will poure out my spirit vpon the thyrsty and stoodes vpon the drie land wherewith agreeth that sayeng of Christ which I did euen now allege If any thyrste let him come to me Albeit sometime he is so called by reason of his power to purge and cleanse as in Ezechiell where the Lord promiseth cleane waters wherwith he wil washe his people from fylthinesse And forasmuch as herestoreth norisheth into liuely quicknes them vpō whom he hath poured the liquore of hys grace he is therefore called by the name of oyle and anoyntement Agayne bycause in continually seethynge oute and burninge vp the vices of oure luste hee setteth oure heartes on fyre wyth the loue of God and zeele of godlynesse he is also for thys effect worthyly called fyre Finally he is described vnto vs as a fountaine from whense do flowe vnto vs all heauenly rychesse or the hande of God wherewyth he vseth hys power bycause by the breathe of hys power he so breatheth diuine lyfe into vs that wee are not nowe styrred by oure selues but ruled by hys styrringe and mouynge so that yf there bee any good thynges in vs they bee the frutes of hys grace but oure owne gyftes wythout hym bee darkenesse of mynde and pereuersnesse of hearte Thys poynte ys sette oute playnely enoughe that tyll oure myndes bee bente vpon the holy ghoste Christe lyeth in a manner idle bycause we coldely espye wythout vs yea and farre awaye from vs. But wee knowe that hee profyteth none other but them whose heade hee ys and the fyrste begotten amonge brethren and them whyche haue putte on Hym. Thys conioynynge onely maketh that as concernyng vs he is come not vnprofytably wyth the name of sauioure And for proofe hereof serueth that holy mariage whereby we are made fleshe of hys fleshe and bones of hys bones yea and all one wyth hym but by the Spirite onely hee maketh hym selfe one wyth vs by the grace and power of the same Spirite wee are made hys membres so that hee conteyneth vs vnder hym and wee agayne possesse hym But forasmuche as faithe is his principall woorke to it are for the moste parte referred all those thynges that we commonly finde spoken to expresse his force and working bicause he bryngeth vs into the light of the Gospel by nothyng but by faith as Ihon baptiste teacheth that this prerogatiue is geuen to them the beleue in Christ that thei be the childrē of God which ar borne not of flesh blood but of God wher setting God againste fleshe and bloode he affirmeth it to be a supernaturall gift that thei receiue Christe by faith whoe otherwise shoulde remaine subiect to their owne infidelitie Like where vnto is that answer of Christe Fleshe and bloode hathe not reueled it to thee but my Father whiche is in heauen These thinges I do nowe but shortly touche bycause I haue already entreated of them at large And lyke also is that saieng of Paule that the Ephesians were sealed vp with the holy spirit of promisse For Paule sheweth that he is an inwarde teacher by whose workynge the promyse of saluation pearceth into oure mindes whiche otherwise shoulde but beate the ayre or oure eares Likewyse when he saith that the Thessalonians were chosen of God in the sanctification of the spirit and beleuing of the truth by whiche ioyning of them together he brefely admonisheth that faythe it selfe proceedeth from nothing els but from the holy spirit whych thyng Ihon setteth out more plainely saieng We knowe that there abideth in vs of the spirit whiche he hathe geuen vs. Againe By this we knowe that we dwel in him and he in vs bicause he hath geuen vs of his spirit Therfore Christ promised to his Disciples the Spirit of truthe whiche the worlde canne not receiue that thei might bee able to receiue the heauenly wisedome And he assigneth to the same spirit this propre office to put them in mynde of those thynges that he hadde taught them by mouthe Bicause in vaine shoulde the light shewe it selfe to the blinde vnlesse the same spirit of vnderstanding shoulde open the eyes of their minde so as a man may rightly call the holy spirit the keye by which the treasures of the heauenly kingdome are opened vnto vs and may call his enlightning the eyesight of oure minde to see Therefore doth Saint Paule so muche commend the ministerie of the spirit bycause teachers shoulde crie without profiting vnlesse Christ himselfe the inwarde maister shoulde drawe them with his spirit that are geuen him by his Father Therefore as we haue sayde that persecte saluation is founde in the person of Christ so that we may be made partakers therof he doth baptize vs in the holy spirit and fyre lightning vs into the faith of his Gospell and so newe begetting vs that we maie be newe creatures and purging vs from vnholy fylthynesse doth dedicate vs to be holy temples to God The seconde Chapiter Of faithe wherein bothe is sette
substāce for y● terme he vseth he meaneth as it wer an vpholding stay wherevpon the godly minde leaneth resteth As if he shold say the faith is a certain assured possession of those things that are promised vs of God vnlesse a man had rather to take Hypostasis for affiance which I mislike not albeit I folowe y● which is more cōmonly receiued Againe to signifie the euen to the last day when the bokes shal be opened thei are hier than those things that may be perceiued with our senses or seen with our ●ies or handled with our handes that the same are no otherwise possessed by vs but if we go beyond the capacitie of our own witt bend our vnderstanding aboue all things that are in the world yea climbe aboue our selues he hath therfor added that this assurednesse of possessiō is of things that lie in hope therefore are not seen For plaine appearāce as Paule writeth is not hope neither hope we ●or those things y● we see And whē he calleth it a certaintie or profe or as Augustine hath oft translated it a cōiunction of things not present for in Greke it is Elenchos he saith asmuch as if he did say that it is an euidente shewinge of thinges not appearinge a seeinge of thinges not seen a plainnesse of darke thinges a presence of thynges absente an open shewinge of hidden thinges For the mysteries of God suche as they be that pertaine to oure saluation can not be seen in them selues and in their owne nature as they call yt butte wee beholde them onely in hys worde of whose truthe we oughte to be so fully perswaded that we oughte to holde all that he speaketh as it were already done and fulfylled But howe canne the mynde lyfte vp it selfe to receiue suche a taste of Gods goodnesse but that it must nedes be therewyth wholy kyndled to loue God againe For that flowing plentie of swetenesse whiche God hathe laied vp in store for them that feare him canne not bee truely knowen but that it muste therewythall vehemently mo●e affection and whose affection it ones moneth it vtterly rauisheth and carrieth hym beyonde himselfe Therefore it is no maruell if into a peruerse crooked hearte neuer entreth this affection by whiche beinge conueyed vp into the very heauen we are suffred to com to thee moste secretly hidden treasures of God and the most sacred priuie places of hys kyngedome whyche maie not be defyled wyth the entrance of an vncleane hearte For that which the Scholemen teache that charitie is before faithe and hope ys a mere madnesse For it is faythe onely that fyrste engendreth charitie in vs. Howe muche more ryghtly dothe Bernarde teache I beleue saythe he that the testimonie of conscience which Paule calleth the glorie of the godly consisteth in three thynges For first of all it is necessarie to beleue that thou canst not haue forgeuenesse of synnes but by the pardon of God then that thow canst haue no good worke at all vnlesse he also geue it last of all that thou canst by noe woorkes deserue eternall life vnlesse it also bee geuen freely A little after he addeth that these thinges suffice not but that ther is a certain beginning of faith bicause in beleuing that sinnes can not be forgeuen but of God we oughte also to beleue that they are not forgeuen vs till also we be perswaded by the testimonie of the holy ghoste that saluation is laied vp in store for vs bicause God forgeueth sinnes he himself geueth merites and he himself also geueth rewards that wee maie not stay styll in this beginninge But these and other thinges shal be to be entreated of in places fit for them Nowe let it onely suffice to knowe what faithe is Now whersoeuer this liuely faith shal be it can not be possible but that it hathe with it that hope of eternal saluation as an vndiuidable cōpaniō or rather the it engendreth or bringeth it forthe out of it self which hope being taken away how eloquently gloriously soeuer we talk of faith yet we are conuicted to haue no faith at all for if faith as is aboue said be an assured persuasiō of Gods truth that it can not lie vnto vs nor deceiue vs nor become voide then thei that haue conceiued this assurednesse truely do therwithal looke for a tyme to come that God shall performe his promises whiche in their perswasion can not be but true so that brefely hope is nothing els but a loking for those thinges whiche faith hath beleued to be truely promise of God So faith beleueth that God is true hope loketh for the performance of his truth in conueniente time Faithe beleueth that he is oure Father hope looketh for him to shewe himselfe suche a one toward vs. Faith beleueth that eternall life is geuen vs hope looketh that it be one daie reueled Faithe is the foundation wherevpon hope resteth hope nourisheth and susteineth faithe For as no man canne looke for any thynge of Gods hande butte hee that hathe fyrste beleued hys promises so againe the weakenesse of our faythe muste with pacient hope and expectation bee susteined and cherished that it fall not as faintinge for wearines For which reason Paule doth wel place our saluacion in hope For hope while it in silence loketh ●or the lord restraineth faith that it fal not hedlong with to much haste hope strengthneth faithe that it wauer not in Gods promyse nor beginne to doubt of the truth of them hope refresheth faith that yt ware not weary Hope stretcheth faythe to the vttermoste bonde that it fainte not in the midde course or in the very beginning Finally hope by continually renewinge and restoringe it maketh it now and then to ryse vp fressher than it selfe to continuance But howe many wayes the helpes of hope are necessarie to the strengthning of faithe shall better appeare yf we consyder wyth howe many sortes of temptations they are assailed and shaken that haue embraced the worde of God Fyrst the Lorde in differring his promises doth oftentimes hold oure myndes longer in suspense than wee woulde wishe here it is the office of hope to perfourme that whiche the Prophete commaundeth that thoughe hys promises do tarry yet we sholde waite stil for them Sometime he suffereth vs not onely to faint but also seemeth to bee hiely displeased here it is muche more necessarie to haue hope to helpe vs that according to the saieng of an other Prophete we maie stil loke for the Lorde that hath hidden his face from Iacob There rise vppe also scorners as Peter saith that aske where is his promise or hys comming forasmuch as sins the fathers slept all thynges so continew from the beginning of the creation yea the flesh and the world do wisper the same thing in oure eares Here must faith staye with sufferāce of hope be holden fast fixed in beholdyng of eternitie that it maye
witnesse it Butte if any man will leape from the mere goodnesse of God to the worthinesse of workes he shal be nothing holpen by these testimonies to the stablishing of his errour For you cā gather nothing rightly therof but the mere inclinatiō of Gods tendernes towarde vs forasmuche as to encourage vs to wel doinge although the seruices whiche we do to him are not worthy of so muche as his onely loking vpon them yet he suffreth none of them to be loste But thei more enforce the woordes of the Apostle whiche when hee comforteth the Thessalomans in troubles reacheth that the same are sent to them that thei maye be accōpted worthy of the kingedome of God for whiche thei suffer For saith he it is righteous with God to render trouble to thē that trouble you but to you rest with vs when the lorde Iesus shal be shewed from heauen But the authore of the epistle to the Hebrues saith God is not vnrighteous that he sholde forget your work the loue which you haue shewed in hys name for that you haue ministred to the saintes To the firste place I answer that there is no worthinesse of merit spoken of but bycause God the father willeth that we whome he hathe chosen to be hys chyldren shoulde be made like to Christie his firste begotten sonne as it behoued that hee shoulde firste suffer and then entre into the glorie apointed for him so muste we also by manye tribulations entre into the kingdome of heauē Therfore when we suffer tribulations for the name of Christe there are as it were certayne markes printed vpō vs wherew t God vseth to marke the shepe of hys stock After this māner therfore we are accōpted worthy of the kingdome of God bicause we beare in oure body the markes of oure lord master which ar the signes of the childrē of God To this purpose make these saiengs That we beare about in our body the mortificatiō of Ie● Christ that his life maye bee shewed in vs. That we bee fashioned like to his suffringes that we may come to the likenesse of his resurrection from the dead The reason whiche is adioined serueth not to proue any worthinesse but to confirme the hope of the kingdom of God as if he had said As it agreeth with the iust iudgmente of God to take vengeance of your enemies for the vexations that thei haue done to you so agreeth it also to geue to you release and reste from vexations The other place whiche teacheth that it so becommeth the righteousnesse of God not to forgett the obediences of them that be his that it declareth it to be in a māner vnrighteous if he shold forget them hath this meaning God to quickē our ●outhfulnesse hath geuen vs assurance that the laboure shall not bee vaine which we shal take for his glorie Let vs alwaye remembre that this promise as all other shold bring vs no profit vnlesse the free couenaunt of mercie went before wherevpon the whole assurednesse of our saluacion shold rest But standing vpon that couenant we ought assuredly to trust there shal also not want rewarde of the liberalitie of God to oure workes howsoeuer thei be vnworthy The Apostle to confirme vs in that expectation affirmeth that God is not vnrighteous but wil stand to his promise ones made Therefore thys righteousnesse is rather referred to the truth of Gods promise than to his iustice of rendring due Accordyng to which meaning there is a notable saienge of Augustine which as the holy mā sticketh not to reherse often as notable so I think it not vnworthy that we should continually remēbre it The lord saith he is faithful which hath made himself decter to vs not by receyuing any thinge of vs but by promising all thinges to vs. There are also alleged these saienges of Paul If I haue al faithe so that I remoue moūtaines out of their place but haue not charitie I am nothing Again Nowe there remaine hope faith charitie but the greatest amōg these is charitie Again Aboue all things haue charitie which is the bōd of perfectiō By the first two places our Pharises affirme that we are rather iustified by charitie than by faith namely by the chefer vertue as thei saie But this fond argument is easily wyped away For we haue in an other place already declared that those things whyche ar spokē in the first place perteine nothing to true sayth The other place we also expound of true faith thā which he saith that Charitie is greater not that it is more meritorious but bicause it is more fruteful bicause it extēdeth further bicause it serueth mo bicause it remaineth alway ī force wheras the vse of faith cōtinueth but for a time If we haue regard so excellence the loue of God shold worthily haue the chefe place of whiche Paul here speaketh not For he enforceth this thing onely that we shold with mutuall charitie edifie one an other in the Lord but let vs imagine that charitie dothe euery waie excell faithe yet what man of sounde iudgement yea or of sound braine wil gather thereof that it doth more iustifie●punc The power of iustifieng which faith hath consisteth not in the worthinesse of the worke Our iustification standeth vpon the onely mercie of God the deseruing of Christ which iustificatiō when faith taketh holde of it is said to iustifie Now if you aske our aduersaries in what cause they assign iustification to charitie thei wil answer that bicause it is a dutiefull doing acceptable to God therfore by the deseruing therof righteousnesse is imputed to vs bi the acceptatiō of the goodnes of God Here you see how wel the argument procedeth We say that faith iustifieth not bicause by the worthinesse of it selfe it deserueth righteousnes to vs but bicause it is an instrument by whyche we freely obteine the ryghteousnesse of Christ. These men omitting the mercy of God and passing ouer Christ where the summe of righteousnesse standeth do affirme that we are iustified by the benifite of charitie bicause it excelleth aboue faith euen as if a man wolde reason that a king is fitter to make a shooe than is a shooemaker bicause he is an infinite way more excellent This only argument is a plaine example that all the Sorbonicall schooles doo not so much as taste with the vttermoste part of their lippes what the iustification of faith is But if any wrangler do yet carpe and aske why in so small distance of place we take the name of faith in Paul so diuersly I haue a weightie cause of this exposition For sithe those giftes whyche Paul rehearseth are after a certaine māner vnder faith hope bicause thei perteine to the knowledge of God he contemneth them al by way of recapitulation vnder the name of faith hope as if he shold say by the prophecie tonges the grace knowledg of interpretation tend to this
mark to leade vs to the knowlege of God And we know God in this life none otherwise but by hope faith Therfore when I name faithe and hope I comprehend al these things together And so ther remain these three Hope Faith Charitie that is to say how great diuersitie of gifts so euer ther be thei ar al referred to these Among these the chefe is charitie ▪ c. Out of the third place thei gather If Charitie be the bond of perfection then it is also the bond of righteousnesse which is nothing els but perfection First to speake nothing howe Paul ther calleth perfection when the membres of the Churche wel set in ordre do cleaue together to graunt that we are by charitie made perfecte before God yet what newe thing bring thei forth For I will alwaie on the contrarie side take exceptiō sai that we neuer come to this perfectiō vnlesse we fulfil al the parts of charity therupō I wil gather that sith all mē ar most farr frō the fulfilling of charitie therfore al hope of perfection is cutt of from them I wil not go through al the testimonies which at this day the folish Sorbonistes rashly snatch out of the scriptures as thei first come to hande do throw them against vs. For some of thē are so worthi to be laughed at that I my selfe also can not rehearse them vnlesse I wold worthily be compted fond Therfore I wil make an end when I shal haue declared the saieng of Christ wherw t thei maruelously please thēselues For to the lawyer which asked him what was necessarie to saluatiō he answered if that wilt entre into life kepe the cōmaundemēts What wold we more sai thei when we are cōmaunded by the author of grace himself to get the kingdom of God by the keping of his cōmaundemēts As though forsoth it were not certain that Christe tēpered his answeres to thē with whom he saw that he had to do Here a doctor of the law asketh of the meane to obteine blessednes not the onely but with doing of what thing men maye atteine vnto it Bothe the person of him that spake the question it self led the Lord so to answer The lawyer being filled with the persuasiō of the righteousnes of the law was blinde in conscience of works Againe he sought nothing els but what wer that works of righteousnes by which saluatiō is gottē Therfore he is worthily sēt to the law in which ther is a perfect mirrore of righteousnes We also do with a loude voice pronounce that the commaūdemēts must be kept if life be sought in works And this doctrin is necessary to be knowē of Christiās For how shold thei flee to Christ if thei did not acknowledg y● thei ar fallē frō the way of life into the hedlōge downefal of death But how shold thei vnderstand how far they haue straied frō the way of life vnlesse thei first vnderstande what is that way of life For thē thei are taughte that the sanctuarie to recouer saluacion is in Christ whē thei see how great difference there is betwene their life y● righteousnesse of God whiche is conteined in the keping of the law The summe is this that if saluation be sought in workes we muste kepe the cōmaundements by whiche we are instructed to perfect righteousnes But we must not stick fast her vnlesse we wil faint in our midde course for none of vs is able to kepe the cōmaundemētes Sith therfore we are excluded frō the righteousnesse of the law we must of necessity resort to an other helpe namly to the faith of Christ. Wherfore as here the lord calleth back the doctor of the law whom he knew to swel with vaine confidence of works to the lawe wherby he may learne that he is a sinner subiect to the dreadful iudgement of eternal death so in other places wtout making mention of the law he cōforteth other that are already humbled with suche knowledge with promise of grace as Come to mee all ye that laboure are loden I wil refresh you ye shal finde rest for your soules At the laste when thei are weary with wresting the Scripture thei fal to suttleties sophisticall argumentes Thei cauil vpon this that faith is in some places called a worke therupon thei gather that we do wronfully set faith as contrarie to workes As thoughe forsothe faithe in that it is an obeying of the will of God dothe with her own deseruing procure vnto vs ryghteousnesse and not rather bycause by embracing the mercie of God it sealeth in oure heartes the righteousnesse of Christe offred to vs of it in the preaching of the Gospell The readers shal pardō me if I do not tarry vpon confuting of suche follies for thei themselues witho●t any assaulte of other are sufficiently ouerthrowen with theyr owne feeblenesse But I will by the way confute one obiection whyche seemeth to haue some shewe of reason least it shold troble some that ar not so well practised Sith cōmon reason teacheth that of contraries is all one rule and all particular sinnes are imputed to vs for vnrighteousnesse thei say it is meete that to al particular good workes be geuē the praise of righteousnesse Thei do not satisfie me which answer that the damnation of men proprely proceedeth from only vnbelefe not frō particular sinnes I do in dede agree to them that vnbelefe is the foūtaine roote of all euels For it is the firste departinge from God after which do folow the particular trespassinges against the law But wheras they seeme to set one selfe same reason of good and euell workes in weieng of righteousnesse or vnrighteousnesse therein I am compelled to disagree from them For the righteousnes of workes is the perfecte obedience of the lawe Therfore thou canst not be righteous vi works vnlesse thou do folow it as a streight line in the whole cōtinuall course of thy life From it so sone as thou haste swarued thou arte fallen into vnrighteousnesse Hereby appeareth that righteousnesse commeth not of one or a fewe works but of an vnswaruing and vnweried obseruing of the wil of god But the rule of iudging vnrighteousnesse is most cōtrar● For he that hath cōmitted fornicatiō or hath stolen is by one offence gylty of death bicause he hath offended against the maiestie of God Therefore these our suttle arguers do stumble for that thei mark not this saieng of Iames that he which sinneth in one is made gylty of al bicause he that hath forbidden to kil hath also forbidden to steale c. Therfore it ought to seeme no absurditie when we saie that death is the iuste rewarde of euery sinne bicause thei are euery one worthy of the iuste dyspleasure and vengeance of God But thou shalt reason foolishly if on the contrarie side thou gather that by one good worke man may be reconciled to God whiche with many sinnes deserueth his
lyes of Satan and hys kyngdome may vanish away be destroyed and perish he defendeth them that be his with the helpe of hys Spirite directeth them to vprightnesse and strengtheneth them to cōtinuance but ouerthroweth the wicked cōspiracies of hys enemies shaketh abrode their treasons and deceites preuenteth their malice and beateth downe their stubbornnesse til at length he kill Antichrist with the Spirite of hys mouth and destroy all vngodlinesse with the brightnesse of his comming The third petition is That the wil of God be done in earth as it is in heauen Which although it hangeth vpon his kingdome and can not be seuered from it is not in vaine added seuerally for our grossnesse whiche doth not easily or by and by conceiue what it is that God reigne in the world It shal therfore be no absurditie if this be taken by waye of plainer exposition that God shal then be king in the world when al things shal submitt themselues to his will Now here is not meant of hys secret will wherby he gouerneth al thinges and directeth them to their ende For though Satan and men are troblesomly caried againste him yet he can by hys incomprehensible counsell not only turne aside their violent motions but also driue them into order that he may do by them that which he hath purposed But here is spokē of an other wil of God namely that whereunto answereth willing obedience and therefore the heauen is by name compared with the earth because the Angells as it is sayd in the Psalme do willingly obey God and are diligently bent to do his commaundements We are therfore cōmaunded to wish that as in heauen nothing is done but by the becke of God and the Angels are quietly framed to al vprightnesse so the earth al stubbornnesse and peruersenesse being quenched may be subiect to such gouernemēt And when we require this we renounce the desires of our owne fleshe because whosoeuer doth not resigne and yelde his affections to God he doth as much as in hym lyeth set himself against him forasmuch as nothing cometh out of vs but faulty And we are againe by thys prayer framed to the forsaking of our selues that God may gouerne vs after his wil and not that only but that he may also create in vs new mindes and new hartes our olde being brought to nought that we may fele in our selues none other motion of desire than a mere cōsent with his wil summarily that we may wil nothing of our selues but that his Spirite may gouerne our hartes by whō inwardly teaching vs we may learne to loue those thinges that please hym and to hate those thinges that displease him Wherupon this also foloweth that whatsoeuer affections fyght against his wil he may make them vaine and voide Loe here be the first three chefe pointes of thys prayer in asking wherof we oughte to haue the onely glorie of God before our eyes leauing the respect of our selues and hauing no regarde to any of our owne profit whiche although it come hereof largely vnto vs yet we ought not here to seke it But albeit al these thinges though we neither thinke of them nor wish them nor aske them must neuerthelesse come to passe in their due time yet we must wishe them and require them And thys to doe is no smal profit for our trauaill that we may so testifie and professe our selues to be the seruantes and childrē of God as much as in vs lyeth endeuoring and being truely and throughly geuen to set fourth hys honor which is due to hym being bothe a Lord and a Father Whoso therefore doe not with affection and zele of auauncing the glorie of God pray that the name of God be hallowed that hys kyngdome come that hys wyll be done they are not to be accompted among the childrē and seruantes of God and as all these thinges shal be done agaynst their willes so they shal turne to their confusion and destruction Now foloweth the seconde part of the prayer in which we come down to our own commodities not that bidding farewel to the glorie of God which as Paul witnesseth is to be regarded euen in meate and drink we shold seke only what is profitable for our selues but we haue alredy geuen warning that there is thys difference that God peculiarly claiming three petitions to hymselfe doth draw vs to hymselfe wholly that he may in thys wise proue our godlinesse Then he graunteth vs also to haue an eye to our own commodities but with this condition that we aske nothīg for our selues but to this ende that whatsoeuer benefites he bestoweth vpō vs they may set fourth his glorie forasmuche as nothing is more rightfull than that we lyue and dye to hym But in thys petition we aske of God generally al thinges whiche the vse of the body nedeth vnder the elementes of this world not only wherwith we may be fed and clothed but also whatsoeuer he foreseeth to be profitable for vs that we may eate our bred in peace By which prayer brefely we yelde our selues into his care and commit vs to his prouidence that he may fede cherishe and preserue vs. For the most good Father disdayneth not to receiue also our body into hys faythfull sauegarde and keping to exercise our Fayth in these smal thinges when we loke for all thinges at hys handes euen to a crumme of bred and a droppe of water For wheras it is come to passe I wote not how by our iniquitie that we be moued and vexed with greater care of the fleshe than of the soule many which dare trust to God for their soule are yet carefull for their fleshe are yet in doute what they shall eate and wherewith they shal be clothed and if they haue not plenty of wyne wheate and oyle aforehande they tremble for feare So muche more do we esteme the shadow of this lyfe which lasteth but a moment than that euerlasting immortalitie But whoso trusting to God haue ones cast away y● carefulnesse for the prouision of the fleshe do also by and by loke for saluatiō and euerlasting lyfe at hys hand which are greater things It is therfore no smal exercise of Fayth to hope for those thinges of God whiche otherwise do so much holde vs in care and we haue not smally profited when we haue put of thys vnbeleuingnesse whiche s●●cketh fall within the bones almost of all men As for that whiche some doe here teache of transubstantiall bred it semeth but smally to agree with the meaning of Christ yea but if we did not euen in thys frayle lyfe geue to God the office of a nourishing Father our prayer should be vnperfect The reason whiche they bryng is to muche profane that it is not mete that the children of God which ought to be spiritual should not only cast their minde to earthly cares but also wrappe God therin with them As though his blessing fatherly fauor doth not also appeare in y● sustenāce
none receiue frute of the benifites of Christ but thei that lift vp theyr mindes to the resurrectiō For Paul setteth vp this marke to the faithful toward which he saith that he endeuoreth forgetteth al things til he cō to it And so much the more cherfulli ought we to trauail toward it least if this world wthold vs we suffer greuous punishmēt for our slothfulnesse Wherfore in an other place he marketh the faithful with this mark that their conuersatiō is in heauē frō whēse also thei loke for their sauiour And that their courages shoulde not faint in this race he ioyneth al creatures companions with them For bicause euery where ar seen deformed ruines he saith that al things in heauen earth doe endeuour the renewing For sith Adam by his fal dissolued the perfect ordre of nature to the creatures their bondage is peineful greuous whervnto they are subiect by reasō of the sinne of mā not for that thei are endued with any feling but for that they naturally couet the perfect estate frō which they are fallen Therfore Paul saith that thei grone are as in peine of childe bearing that we to whom are geuen the first frutes of the Spirit may be ashamed to pyne awaie in our corruption not at the least to folow the dead elements which beare peine of an others sinne And the more to pricke vs forward he calleth the last cōming of Christ our redemption It is true in dede that al the partes of our redemption are already fulfilled but bicause Christ hath ones ben offered for sinnes he shall be seen againe without sinne vnto saluacion With what miseries soeuer we be pressed let this redēptiō susteine vs euē vntill the performāce of it The very weight of the thing it self shal whet our endeuor For neither doth Paul wtout cause affirme that the whole gospel is void deceitful vnlesse the dead do rise again bicause our state shold be more miserable thā the state of al men namly sith we lieng open to the hatredes reproches of many are euery houre in danger yea are as shepe appointed to the slaughter therfore the authoritie therof shold fal away not only in one part but also in the whole sūme whiche bothe our adoptiō the effect of our saluaciō cōteineth And so let vs be hedefully bent to this most earnest thing of al that no cōtinuance of time may make vs wery For which purpose I haue differred to this place that whiche I had breefely to entreate of it that the readers may learne when thei haue receiued Christe the author of their saluatiō to rise vp hier may knowe that he is clothed with heauenly immortalitie glorie that the whole body may be made lyke fashioned to the heade as also the holy ghost oftentimes setteth forthe in his persō an exāple of the resurrectiō It is a thing harde to be beleued the bodies when thei haue been cōsumed with rottennesse shal at their appointed time rise vp againe Therfore where many of the Philosophers haue affirmed soules to be īmortal the resurrectiō of the flesh hath ben allowed of few wherin although ther was no excuse yet we ar thereby put in minde that it is to harde a thing to draw mans senses to beleue it That faith may ouercome so great a stoppe the scriptur ministreth two helpes the one is in the likenes of Christ the other is the almightines of god Nowe so oft as the resurrectiō is thought of let the image of Christ come into our mindes which in the nature that he toke of vs so ranne out the race of mortal life that now hauing obteined immortalitie he is to vs a pledge of the resurrectiō to cō For in the miseries wherw t we ar beseged we carie about his mortifieng in our flesh that his life may be openli shewed in vs. And we may not seuer him frō vs neither can we possibly but that he must be torne in sunder Whervpō cōmeth that argument of Paul If the deade do not rise againe then neither is Christ risen again bicause verily he taketh that principle for cōfessed the Christ was not made subiect to death nor obteined victorie of death by rising againe priuately for him self but that that was begone in the heade which must nedes be fulfilled in al the membres accordinge to the degree ordre of euery one For it were not right that thei shold in al pointes be made egal with him It is said in the Psalm Thou shalt not suffer thy meke one to see corruptiō Although a portiō of this trust perteine to vs according to the measure of gift yet the ful effect hath not appeared but in Christ whiche being free frō all rotting hath receiued againe his body whole Now least the felowship of blessed resurrectiō with Christ shold be doutful to vs that we may be contented with this pledge Paul expresly affirmeth that he therfore sitteth in heauen shal come at the last day a iudge that he may make oure base and vile body like fashioned to his glorious body In an other place also he teacheth that God raysed not vp his sonne frō death to the entent to shew a token of his power but to stretche out the same effectual force of the Spirit toward vs which are faithful whome he therefore calleth life while he liueth in vs bycause he was geuen to this ende that he sholde make aliue that which is mortall in vs. I knit vp in a brefe abridgement those things which might both be more largely handled ar worth● to be more gorgeously set out yet I trust that the godli readers shal in few words fīde matter enough which mai suffice to edifie their faith Christ therfore is risen again that he might haue vs cōpanions of the life to come He was raised vp of the father in so much as he was the head of the church frō which he doth in no wise suffer himself to be plucked away He was raised vp by the power of the Spirit which is common to vs vnto the office of quickening Finally he was raised vp that he shold be resurrection li●e But as we haue saide that in this miroure there is to be seen of vs a liuely image of the resurrection so let it be to vs a sure substance to stay our minde so that yet we be not lotheful or wery of longe tarieng bycause it is not our part to measure the seasons of times by our will but patiently to rest til God at his owne fit time repaire his kingdome To which purpose semeth the exhortatiō of Paul The first frutes is Christ then thei that are Christes euery one in his ordre But y● no questiō shold be moued of the resurrection of Christ vpō which the resurrection of vs all is founded we se by how many how diuerse meanes he hath made it approued
voice of the sonne of God and shall come forth they that haue done good into the resurrection of life but they that haue done euel into the resurrection of iudgement Shal we say that soules rest in the graues that they lieng there may heare Christ and not rather that at his cōmaundement the bodies shal returne into the liuelinesse which they had lost Moreouer if we shal haue new bodies genē vs where is the likefashioning of the head and the membres Christ rose againe was it with forgyng to himselfe a newe body No but as he had sayd before Destroy this tēple and in three daies I wil bulde it vp he toke againe the same body which he had before borne mortall For he had not much profited vs if a new body beyng put in place the olde body had ben destroyed which was offred vp for a sacrifice of satisfactorie cleansing We must also holde fast that felowship whiche the Apostle preacheth That we rise againe bicause Christ hath risen againe for nothyng is lesse probable than that our flesh in whiche we beare about the mortifieng of Christ should be depriued of the resurrection of Christ. Whiche verily appered by a notable example when at the risyng agayne of Christ many bodies of the Saintes came out of the graues For it canne not bee denied that this was forshewyng or rather an earnest of the laste resurrection whiche we hope for suche as was before in Enoch and Elias whome Tertullian calleth New possessors of the resurrection bycause they beyng in body and soule deliuered from corruption were receyued into the kepyng of God I am ashamed in so cleare a matter to spende so many wordes but the readers shall contentedly beare this trouble with me that no hole maye be open for frowarde and bolde wittes to deceyue the simple The flyeng spirites wyth whome I nowe dispute bryng forth a fained inuētion of their owne brayne that at the resurrection there shal be a creation of new bodies What reason moueth them to thinke so but bicause it semeth to them incredible that a carion consumed with so long cottēnesse shold returne into his aūcient state Therfore only vnbele●e is the mother of this opinion But vs on the other side the Spirit of God eche where in the Scripture exhorteth to hope for the resurrection of our flesh For this reason baptisme as Paule witnesseth is to vs a seale of the resurrection to come and likewise the holy Supper allureth vs to the trust thereof when we receyue with our mouth the Signes of spiritual grace And truely the whole exhortation of Paule that we geue our mēbres to be weapons vnto the obediēce of righteousnesse shold be cold vnlesse that were ioyned whiche he addeth afterward He that hath raised vp Christ frō the dead shall quicken also your mortal bodies For what should it profit to applie our feete handes eyes and tonges vnto the seruice of God vnlesse they were partakers of the frute reward Which thing Paul plainly confirmeth with his owne wordes sayeng The body not to fornication but to the Lord and the lord to the body And he that hath raised vp Christ shall also rayse vp vs by his power More plaine are those wordes which folow that our bodies are the tēples of the holy ghost the mēbers of Christ. In the meane time we see how he ioyneth the resurrection with chastitie holinesse as a litle after he sayth that the price of redemption perteineth also to the bodies Now it were not resonable that the body of Paul in which he hath borne the prin●es of Christ in which he honorably glorified Christ shold lose the reward of the crowne Whereupon also came that glorieng We loke for the redemer from heauē which shal make our vile body like fashioned to the body of his brightnesse And if this be true that we must by many afflictions entre into the kingdome of God no reason suffreth to debarre the bodies from this entrie which God both exerciseth vnder the standard of the crosse honoreth with the praise of victorie Therfore of this matter there arose among the Saintes no douting but that they hoped to be cōpaniōs of Christ which remoueth into his owne persone al the afflictions wherewith we are proued to teache that they bring life Yea and vnder the law he exercised the holy fathers in this faith with an outward ceremonie For to what purpose serued the vsage of burieng as we haue already shewed but that they should know that there is new life prepared for the bodies that are layed vp Hereunto also tended the spices and other signes of immortalitie wherewith vnder the law the darknesse of faith was holpen euē as it was by the sacrifices Neither was that māner bredde by superstitiō for asmuch as we see that the Spirit doth no lesse diligently reherse burialles than the chefe misteries of faith And Christ commendeth that worke as a special worke truely for none other reson but bicause it lifteth vp our eyes frō beholding of the graue which corrupteth destroyeth all to the sight of the renewyng Moreouer the so diligent obseruing of the ceremonie whiche is praysed in the Fathers sufficiently proueth that it was to them a rare pretious help of faith For neither would Abrahā haue so carefully prouided for the burieng place of his wife vnlesse there had ben set before his eyes a religion and a profit hier than the world namely that garnishing the dead body of his wife with the signes of the resurrection he might cōfirme both his owne faith the faith of his household But a clerer profe of this thing appereth in the exāple of Iacob which to testifie to his posteritie that the hope of the promised land was not euen by death fallen out of his minde cōmaunded his bones to be caried thether I besech you if he was to be clothed with a new body shold he not haue geuen a fond cōman̄dement cōcerning dust that shold be brought to nothing Wherfore if their authoritie of the Scripture be of any force with vs there cā be required of no doctrine either a more clere or more certaine profe For this euen children vnderstand by the wordes of Resurrectiō raysing vp againe For neither can we cal it the Resurrection of that which is now first created neither shold that sayeng of Christ stād fast Whatsoeuer the Father hath geuen me it shal not perish but I wil rayse it vp in the last day To the same purpose serueth the word of Sleping which perteineth only to the bodies Wherupō also burieng places were called Coemeteria ▪ Sleping places Now it remaineth that I speake somwhat of that manner of the resurrection I vse this word bicause Paul calling it a misterie exhorteth vs to sobrietie bridleth the libertie to dispute like Philosophers freely suttelly of it First we muste holde as
we haue sayd that we shall rise againe in the same fleshe whiche we beare as touchyng the substance but the qualitie shal be other As when the same flesh of Christ whiche had ben offred for sacrifice was raysed vp againe yet it excelled in other qualities as yf it had ben altogether an other flesh Which thing Paule declareth by familiar examples For as there is all one substance of the fleshe of a man and of a beast but not al one qualitie as all starres haue like matter but not like brightnesse so he teacheth that though we shal kepe stil the substance of our body yet there shal be a change that the state of it may be muche more excellent The body therefore that we maye be raysed vp agayne shal not perish nor vanish awaye but puttyng of corruption it shal put on vncorruption But for asmuch as God hath al the elementes ready at his becke no hardinesse shall hinder him but that he may commaund both the earth waters fier to rēder that which semeth to be cōsumed by them Which also Esay testifieth though not without a figure where he sayth Beholde the Lord shal goe forth of his place that he maye visit the iniquitie of the earth and the earth shall discouer her bloud and shal no more hide her dead But there is to be noted a difference betwene them that haue ben dead long before and those whō that daye shall finde aliue For we shall not all slepe as Paul sayth but we shall all be changed that is to saye it shall not be of necessitie that there be a distance of time betwene death and the beginnyng of the seconde life bycause in a moment of time and in the twyncling of an eye the sound of the trompet shall pearce to rayse vp the dead vncorruptible and with a sodeyne change to fashion agayne the liuing into the same glorie So in an other place he comforteth the faythful whiche muste die bycause they whiche shall then remayne aliue shal not goe before the dead but rather they shall first rise agayne whiche haue slept in Christ. If any obiect that sayeng of the Apostle that it is apointed to all mortalll menne ones to dye it is easy to answere it with sayeng that when the state of nature is changed it is a kinde of death and is fittly so called And therefore these thinges agree wel together that all shal be renewed by death when they shall put of their mortall bodie and yet that it is not necessarie that there be a seueryng of the bodie and the soule where there shal be a sodeyne changyng But here ariseth a harder question by what right the resurrection whyche is the singular benefit of Christe is common also to the wicked and the accursed of God We knowe that all were in Adam condemned to death Christ came the resurrection and lyfe Came he to geue life to all mankinde vniuersally without choyse But what is more agaynst reason than that they should by their obstinate blindenesse obteyne that which the godly worshippers of God do obteine by onely faith Yet this remaineth certaine that there shal be one resurrection of iudgement and an other resurrectiō of life and that Christ shall come to seuer the Lambes from the Goates I answer that this ought not to seme strange the likenesse whereof we see in dayly experience We see that in Adam we were depryued of the inheritance of the whole worlde and that we are by no lesse iuste reason debarred from common foode than from the eatyng of the tree of lyfe Whense then commeth it to passe that God doth not onely make his sunne to ryse vpon the good and euell but also as touchyng the vses of this present lyfe his inestimable liberalitie continually floweth forth to them with large plentuousnesse Hereby verily we knowe that those thinges whiche properly belong to Christ and his members doe also ouerflowe to the wicked not that it is their rightfull possession but that they maye be made the more inexcusable So the wicked do oftentimes finde God beneficiall by more than meane proues yea suche as somtime do darken all the blessinges of the Godly but yet do turne to their greater damnation If any man obiect that the resurrection is not fitly compared to fadynge and earthly benefites here also I answere that so sone as they were estranged from God the fountayne of life they deserued the death of the Deuell whereby they should be vtterly destroyed Yet by the maruelous counsell of God there was founde a meane state that out of lyfe they mighte liue in death No more absurditie ought it to seme yf the resurrection happen to the wicked whiche draweth them agaynst their willes to the iudgement seate of Christ whome nowe they refuse to heare for their mayster and teacher For it were a small peyne to be consumed awaye with death yf they were not to suffer punishment for their obstinacie broughte before the iudge whose vengeance they haue without ende and measure prouoked agaynst themselues But although we muste holde that whiche we haue sayd and whiche that notable confession Paule before Felix conteyneth that he loketh for the resurrection of the righteous and wicked yet the Scripture oftentimes setteth forth election together with the heauenly glorie to the only children of God Bicause Christ proprely came not to the destruction but to the saluation of the worlde Therefore in the Crede there is made mention of the blessed life only But for as much as the Prophecie of death swallowed vp by victorie shall then and not till then be fulfilled let vs alwaye haue in mynde the eternall felicitie the ende of the resurrection of the excellencie whereof yf all thinges were spoken whiche the tonges of men where able to speake yet scarcely the smallest parcell thereof should bee expressed For howe so euer we truely heare that the kyngdome of God shal be stuffed full with bryghtnesse ioye felicitie and glorie yet those thynges that are spoken of are moste farre remoued from our sense and remayne as it were wrapped in darke speaches vntill that daye come when he himselfe shall geue to vs his glorie to be seene face to face We know sayth Iohn that we are the chyldren of God but it hath not yet appered But when we shal be lyke to him then we shal see him such as he is Wherfore the Prophets bicause thei could by no wordes expresse the spiritual blessednesse in it self did in a manner grosly portray it out vnder bodily thinges But for as much as the feruentnesse of desire must with some tast of the swetenesse be kindled in vs let vs chefely cōtinue in this thought that if god do as a certaine fountaine which can not be drawen drie cōteyne in him the fulnesse of al good things nothing is beyōd him to be coueted of them that tend toward the soueraigne good and the
euery prouince should be the chefe sees of Bishops And if it happened the honor of the ciuile gouernement to be remoued frō one citie to an other that thē the right of the Metropolitane citie should therwtal be remoued thether But Innocentius Bishop of Rome whē he saw the aunciēt dignitie of his citie to grow in decay after that the seate of the Empire was remoued to Constantinople fearing the abacemēt of his see made a contrary law wherein he denyeth it to be necessary that the ecclesiastical mother cities should be chāged as the Imperial mother cities change But the authoritie of a Synode ought of right to be preferred aboue one mans sentēce Also we ought to suspecte Innocentius himselfe in his owne cause Howsoeuer it be yet by his owne prouiso he sheweth that from the beginning it was so ordered that the Metropolitane cities should be disposed according to the outwarde order of the Empire According to this auncient ordināce it was decreed in the first Coūcell at Constantinople that the Bishop of that citie should haue the priuileges of honor next after the Bishop of Rome because it was a new Rome But a long time after when a like decree was made at Chalcedō Leo stoutly cried out against it And he not only gaue himselfe leaue to esteme as nothing that which sixe hundred Bishops or moe had decreed but also bitterly taunted them for that they toke frō other sees that honor which they were so bolde to geue to the Chirche of Constantinople I besech you what other thing could moue a mā to trouble the world for so smal a mater but mere ambition He sayeth y● that ought to be inuiolable whiche the Nicene Sinode hath ones decreed As though forsooth the Christian faith wer endangered if one Chirch be preferred before an other or as though Patriarchies wer there diuided to any other ende but for policies But we knowe that policie receiueth yea requireth diuerse chaunges according to the diuersitie of times Therefore it is fonde that Leo pretendeth that the honor which by the authoritie of the Nicene Sinode was geuen to the see of Alexandria ought not to be geuē to the see of Constantinople For cōmon reason telleth this that it was such a decree as myght be takē away according to the respect of times Yea none of the Bishops of the East withstode it whō that thing most of all concerned Truely Proterius was present whom they had made Bishop of Alexandria in the place of Dioscorus There were presente other Patriarches whoe 's honor was diminished It was their parte to withstand it not Leos which remained safe in his owne place But when all they holde their peace yea assent vnto it and only the Bishop of Rome resisteth it is easy to iudge what moueth hym that is he foresaw that which not long after happened that it would come to passe that the glory of olde Rome decaying Constantinople not contented with the seconde place would stryue with Rome for the Supremicie And yet with his crying out he did not so much preuaile but that the decree of the Councell was confirmed Therfore his successors whē they saw themselues ouercome quietly gaue ouer that stiffenesse for they suffred that he should be accompted the seconde Patriarche But within a litle after Iohn which in Gregories tyme ruled the Chirche of Constantinople brake forth so farre that he called himselfe the vniuersall Patriarche Here Gregorie lest he should in a very good cause fayle to defende his own see did constantly set hymselfe againste him And truely both the pride and madnesse of Iohn was intolerable whiche desired to make the boundes of his Bishoprike egall wyth the boundes of the Empire And yet Gregorie doth not claime to himselfe that which he denieth to an other but abhorreth that name as wicked and vngodly and abhominable whosoeuer take it vpon him Yea and also in one place he is angry wyth Eulolius Bishop of Alexandria whiche had honored hym with suche a tittle Beholde sayeth he in the preface of the Epistle which ye directed to my selfe that haue forbidden it ye haue cared to emprinte the woorde of proude callyng in manyng me vniuersall Pope Whiche I praye that your holinesse wil no more do because that is withdrawen from you whiche is geuen to an other more than reason requireth I compt it no honor wherin I se the honor of my brethren to be diminished For my honor is the honor of the vniuersall Chirche and the sounde strength of my brethren But if your holinesse call me the vniuersall Pope it denyeth it selfe to be that which it confesseth me to be wholly Truely Gregorie stode in a good and honest cause But Ihon holpen by the fauor of Maurice the Emperor could neuer be remoued from his purpose Ciriacus also his successor neuer suffered himselfe to be entreated in that behalfe At the last Phocais which when Maurice was slaine was set in his place I wote not for what cause being more frendly to the Romaines but because he was there crowned without stryfe graūted to Boniface the third that which Gregorie neuer required that Rome should be the hed of all Chirches After thys maner was the controuersy ended And yet this benefite of the Emperor could not so much haue profited the see of Rome vnlesse other thinges also had afterwarde happened For Gretia and all Asia were within a litle after cut of frō the communion of Rome Fraunce so much reuerenced him that it obeyed no further than it lysted But it was thē first brought into bondage when Pipine vsurped the kyngdome For whē zacharie Bishop of Rome had ben his helper to the breache of his faith and to robbery that thrusting out the lawful kyng he might violently enter vpon the kyngdome as layed open for a pray he receiued thys rewarde that the see of Rome shoulde haue iurisdiction ouer the Chirches of Fraūce As robbers are wonted in parting to deuide the commō spoyle so these good men ordered the mater betwene themselues that Pipine should haue the earthly and ciuile dominion spoiling the true king and zacharye should be made hed of all Bishops and haue the spirituall power which when at the beginning it was weake as it is wont to be in new thynges was afterwarde confirmed by the authoritie of Charles in maner for a lyke cause For he was also indetted to the Bishop of Rome for that by hys endeuor he had atteined to the honor of the Empire But although it be credible that Chirches eche where were before that tyme muche deformed yet it is certayn that the old forme of the Chirch was thē fyrst vtterly defaced in Fraūce and Germanie There remayne yet in the recordes of the court of Parise brefe notes of these tymes which where they entreate of the maters of the Chirche make mention of the couenant both of Pipine and of Charles wyth the Bishop of Rome Therby we may gather that thē was
due honor to take it to him selfe this is the chiefe token that we ought to folowe in seekyng out of Antichrist specially where suche pride procedeth euen to the publike dissipation of the Chirche Sithe therefore it is certaine that the bishop of Rome hath shamelessely conueyed away to himself that whiche was the chiefe propre thing to God alone and Christ it is not to be douted but that he is the capitaine and standerdbearer of the wicked and abhominable kyngdome Nowe let the Romanists goe and obiect antiquitie against vs. As if in so great alteration of all thynges the honor of the See might stand where there is no see Eusebius telleth how God that there might bee place for his vengeance remoued the Chirch that was at Hierusalem to Pella That whiche we heare to haue been ones doone might be ofter doone Therfore so to by●de the honor of supremicie to a place that he which is in dede the moste hatefull enemie of Christ the hyest aduersarie of the Gospell the greatest waster and destroyer of the Chirche the moste cruel slaughterman butcher of the saints shold neuerthelesse be accompted the vicar of Christ the successor of Peter the chief bishop of the Chirche onely because he occupieth the see that was ones the chiefest of all that verily is to muche to be scorned and foolishe I speake not how great difference there is betwene the popes chauncerie and a well framed order of the Chirche Howbeit this one thyng may wel take away all dout of this question For no man that hath his right wit wil think the bishoprike enclosed in leade and bulles muche lesse in that schoole of fraudes and deceites in wiche thyngs the Popes spirituall gouernement consisteth Therfore it was very well sayd by a certain man that that Chirche of Rome which is bosted of is long agoe tourned into a court which onely is nowe seene at Rome Neither doo I here accuse the faultes of men but I shew that the Papacie it selfe is directly contrary to the true order of a Chirche But if we come to the persones of men it is well enough knowen what maner of vicars of Christ we shall fynde Iulius forsoothe and Leo and Clement and Paule shal be pillers of the christian faith and the chiefe expositours of religion whiche neuer knew any other thyng of Christ than that whiche he had learned in Lucians schole But why doo I recken vp thre or fower Popes as though it were doutfull what maner of forme of religiō the Popes with their whole college of Cardinals haue sins long ago professed and at this day doo professe For first this is the principall article of that secret Diuinitie that reigneth amōg them That there is no God the seconde That all things that are writen and taught concernyng Christ are lies and deceits the third That the doctrine of the life to come and of the last resurrection are more fables They doo not all thinke so and fewe of them speake so I graūt But this hath long ago begon to be the ordinarie religiō of Popes Wheras this is very well knowen to all that knowe Rome yet the Romishe Diuines ceasse not to bost that by Christes priuilege it is prouided that the Pope can not erre because it was said to Peter I haue praied for thee that thy faith should not faint What I pray you winne they by mocking so shamelessely but that the whole world may vnderstand that they are come to that extremitie of wickednesse that they neither feare God nor stande in awe of men But let vs imagine that the vngodlynesse of those Popes whom I haue spoken of is hidden because they haue neither published it by prechinges nor by writinges but onely haue bewrayed it at their table and in their chamber or at least within walles of houses But if they will haue this priuilege to be of force whyche they pretende they must nedes wipe Iohn the .xxii. out of the number of Popes who openly affirmed that soules are mortall that they die together with the bodies vntil the day of resurrection And that you may perceiue that the whole See with her principall staies was then wholly fallen none of all the Cardinals withstode so great a madnesse but the schoole of Parise moued the king of Fraunce to compell him to recant it The king forbade his subiectes to communicate with him vnlesse he did out of hande repent and the same as the maner is he proclaimed by a heralde The Pope compelled by this necessitie abiured his error This example maketh that I neede not to dispute any more with my aduersaries about this that they say that the see of Rome and the Bishops thereof can not erre in the fayth because it was saide to Peter I haue praied for thee that thy faith may not fainte Truely he fell with so fowle a kinde of fall from the right faith that he is a notable example to theim that come after that they are not all Peters whiche succede after Peter in the bishoprike Howbeit this is also of it selfe so childishe that it nedeth no answere For if they will drawe to Peters successours whatsoeuer was spoken to Peter it shall ●olowe that they are all Satans for asmuche as the Lord said this also to Peter Go behinde thou Satan because thou art an offence to me For it shal be as easye for vs to turne backe this later sayeng against them as it shal be for them to obiect the other agaynst vs. But I list not to striue with them in playeng the foole Therefore I returne thether from whense I made digression So to bind the place Christ and the Holy ghost and the Chirch together that whosoeuer sit in that place although he be the deuil yet he must be iudged the vicar of Christ and the hed of the Chirche because it was ones the seate of Peter I say this is not only wicked sclaūderous to Christe but also to great an absurditie and against cōmon reason It is already long ago sins the bishops of Rome are either without all religion or the greatest enemies of religion Therfore they ar no more made the vicars of Christ by reason of the seate which they occupie than an idoll when it is set in the temple of God is to be taken for God Now if their maners be to be iudged vppon lette the Popes them selues answere for them selues what one thing at al there is in them wherein they may be knowen for bishops First wheras there is such life at Rome they not only winking at it but also as it were with secret countenance allowyng it this is vtterly vnmete for bishops whoe 's duetie is with seueritie of discipline to restraine the licentiousnesse of the people But I wil not be so rigorous against them to charge them with other mens faultes But where as they themselues with their owne household with almost the whole college of
wholly to the obedience of the lawe of God Therfore he is compelled with gronyng to crie out Unhappie am I. Who shall delyuer me out of this body subiect to death If the children of God be holden captiue in prison so long as they lyue they must nede be muche carefully greued with thinkyng vpon their owne perill vnlesse this feare be mette withall Therefore he adioyneth to this vse a comfort that there is no more damnation to them that are in Christ Iesu. Where he teacheth that they whome the Lorde hath ones receiued into fauor engraffed into the communion of his Christ hath by Baptisme admitted into the felowship of his Chirch while they continue in the faith of Christ although they be besieged of sinne yea and carry sinne about within them yet are acquited from giltinesse and condemnation If this be the simple and natural exposition of Paule there is no cause why we should seme to teache any ▪ new vnwonted thyng But baptisme so serueth our confession before men For it is a marke whereby we openly professe that we wold be accompted among the people of God wherby we testifie that we agree with all Christians into the worshippyng of one God and into one religion finally wherby we openly affirme our faith that not onely our hartes shoulde breathe out the praise of God but also our tong and all the membres of our bodye should sound it out with suche vtterances as they be able For so as we ought all our thyngs are emploied to the seruice of the glorie of God wherof nothyng ought to be voyde and other may by our example be stirred vp to the same endeuors Hereunto Paule had respect when he asked the Corinthians whether they had not ben baptized into the name of Christ meaning verily that euen in this that they wer baptised into his name they auowed themselues vnto hym swore to his name and boūd their faith to him before men that they coulde no more confesse any other but Christ alone vnlesse they would forsake the confession whiche they had made in Baptisme Now sithe it is declared what our Lord had regard vnto in the institution of Baptisme it is plaine to iudge what is the waye for vs to vse and receiue it For so farr as it is geuen to the raisyng nourishyng and confirmyng of our faith it is to be takē as from the hande of the author himselfe we ought to holde it certaine and fully persuaded that it is he which speaketh to vs by the signe that it is he which clēseth vs washeth vs and putteth away the remēbrance of our sinnes that it is he whiche maketh vs partakers of his death which taketh away from Satan his kingdome which febleth the forces of our lust yea which groweth into one with vs that being clothed with him we may be reckened the children of God that these thynges I say he doth inwardly so truely and certainly performe to our soule as we certainly see our body outwardly to be washed dipped and clothed For this either relation or similitude is the most sure rule of Sacramentes that in bodily thynges we should beholde spirituall thynges as if they were presently set before our eies forasmuch as it hath pleased the Lord to represēt them by such figures not for that suche graces are bounde and enclosed in the Sacramente that they should be geuen vs by the force therof but onely because the Lorde dothe by this token testifie his will vnto vs that is that he will geue vs all these thynges Neyther dothe he onely fede our eyes with a naked syght but he bryngeth vs to the thyng present and together fulfilleth that which it figureth Hereof let Cornelius the capitayne be an example which was baptised ▪ hauyng before receiued forgeuenesse of sinnes and visible graces of the Holy ghost seking not by baptisme a larger forgeuenesse but a more certaine exercising of Faith yea an encreasce of confidence by a pledge Paraduenture some man will obiect why therfore did Ananias say to Paule that he shoulde washe away his sinnes by Baptisme if sinnes be not washed away by the power of Baptisme it selfe I answere We are sayd to receiue to obteyne to gette that whiche so farre as concerneth the felyng of our faith is geuen vs of the Lorde whether he doo then fyrst testifie it or beyng testified dothe more and certainlier confirme it This therfore onely was the meanyng of Ananias that thou mayest be assured Paule that thy sinnes are forgeuen thee be baptised For the Lorde dothe in Baptisme promise forgeuenesse of synnes receiue this and be out of care Howbeit I mean not to diminishe the force of baptisme but that the thyng and the truthe is present with the signe so farre as God worketh by outwarde meanes But of this sacrament as of all other we obteyne nothyng but so muche as we receiue by Faith If we want faith it shal be for a witnesse of our vnthākfulnesse wherby we may be declared giltie before God because we haue not beleued the promise there geuen But so farre as it is a sygne of our confession we ought by it to testifie that our affiance is in the mercy of God and our cleannesse is in the forgeuenesse of sinnes which is gotten vs by Iesus Christe and that by it we entre into the Chirche of Christe that we may with one consent of Faith and charitie liue of one mynde with all the faithfull This laste poynte dydde Paule meane when he sayeth that we are all baptised in one Spirite that we may be one bodye Nowe if this be true which we determine that a Sacrament is not to be weyed accordyng to his hande of whome it is ministred but as of the very hands of God from whome without dout it proceded herupon we may gather that nothing is added to it nor takē from it by the worthinesse of hym by whoe 's hande it is deliuered And euen as among men if a letter be sent so that the hand and the seale be well knowen it maketh no matter who or what maner of man be the carrier so it ought to suffice to acknowe the hande and seale of our Lord in his Sacramentes by what carrier soeuer they be brought Hereby the error of the Donatistes is very well confuted whiche measured the force and value of the Sacrament by the worthinesse of the minister Such at this day are our Catabaptistes whiche deny that we be rightly baptised because we were baptised by wicked men idolatrers in the popishe kingdome therfore they furiously cal vpon vs to be baptised again Against whoe 's follies we shal be armed with a reason strong enough if we thinke that we were professed by baptisme not into the name of any man but into the name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy ghost and that therfore it is not the Baptisme of man but of God of whomsoeuer it be ministred Althoughe they
them he maketh them partakers of hymselfe when in the meane tyme these fellowes driuing them farre away do adiudge them to death For if they say for a shift that infantes do not therfore perishe if they be accompted the children of Adam their error is abundantly confuted by witnesse of the Scripture For where as it pronounceth that all do dye in Adam it foloweth that there remaineth no hope of life but in Christe Therefore that we maye be made heires of lyfe we must communicate with him Agayne when it is written in an other place that by nature we are all subiecte to the wrath of God and conceiued in sinne wherunto Damnatiō perpetually cleaueth we must departe oute of oure owne nature before that the entrie be open to vs into the kingdome of God And what can be more playnely spoken than that fleshe and blood can not possesse the kingdome of God Therfore let al be doone away what soeuer is ours which shall not be done withoute regeneration then we shall see this possession of the kyngdome Finally if Christ say truely when he reporteth that he is life it is necessarie that we be graffed into hym that we may be deliuered out of the bondage of death But saye they how are infantes regenerate which are not endued with knowlege neither of good nor of euyl But we answer that the worke of God is not yet no worke at all althoughe it be not subiect to our capacitie Moreouer it is nothyng doutefull that the infantes whiche are to be saued as verily of that age some are saued are before regenerate of the Lorde For if they bryng with them from their mothers wombe the corruption naturally planted in them they must be purged therof before that they be admitted into the kyngdome of God whereinto nothyng entreth that is defiled or spotted If they be borne synners as bothe Dauid and Paule affirme eyther they remaine out of fauor and hatefull to God or they must nedes be iustified And what seke we more when the iudge himself openly affirmeth that the entrie into heauenly life is open to none but to them that bee borne agayne And to put suche carpers to silence he shewed an example in Iohn the Baptist whome he sanctified in his mothers wombe what he was able to doo in the rest Neither dooe they any thyng preuaile by the shifte wherewith they here mocke that that was but ones done wherupon it dothe not by and by folow that the Lorde is wonte commonly to doe so with infantes For neither do we reason after that maner onely our purpose is to shew that the power of God is by them vniustly and enuiously limitted within those narrowe boundes within which it suffreth not it selfe to be bounde Their other by shift is euen of as great weight They allege that by the vsuall maner of the Scripture this worde from the wombe is as muche in effecte as if it were sayd from childhode But we may clerely see that the Angell when he declared the same to zacharie meant an other thyng that is that it whiche was not yet borne shoulde be filled with the Holy ghoste Lette vs not therfore attempt to appoynt a law to God but that he may sanctifie whom it pleased him as he sanctified this childe forasmuche as his power is nothyng minyshed And truely Christ was therfore sanctified from his first infantie that he might sanctifie in himself his elect out of euery age without differēce For as to do away the fault of disobedience which had ben committed in our fleshe he hath put on the same fleshe vpon himselfe that he might in it for vs and in our stede performe perfect obedience so he was conceiued of the Holy ghost that hauyng the holynesse therof fully poured into hym in the fleshe which he had taken vpon hym he myght poure foorth the same into vs. If we haue in Christ a most perfect paterne of all the graces which God continually sheweth to his children verily in this behalfe also he shall be a profe vnto vs that the age of infantie is not so farre vnfitt for sanctification But howsoeuer it be yet this we holde out of controuersie that none of the electe is called out of this present life which is not fyrst made holy and regenerate by the Spirit of God Wheras they obiect to the contrary that in the Scriptures the Spirite acknowlegeth no other regeneration but of incorruptible sede that is of the worde of God they do wrongfully expounde that sayeng of Peter wherin he comprehendeth onely the faithfull which had ben taught by preaching of the Gospell To suche in dede we graunt that the word of the Lorde is the onely sede of spirituall regeneration but we denye that it ought therupon to be gathered that infantes can not be regenerate by the power of God which is to him as easy and ready as to vs it is incomprehensible and wonderfull Moreouer it shoulde not bee safe enough for vs to take this awaye from the Lorde that he maye not be able to shewe hymselfe to bee knowen to them by whatsoeuer waye he will But Faith say they is by hearyng wherof they haue not yet gotten the vse neither can they be able to knowe God whom Moses teacheth to be desti●ute of the knowlege bothe of good and euill But they consider not that the Apostle whē he maketh hearyng the beginnyng of faith describeth onely the ordinarie distribution of the Lorde and disposition whiche he vseth to kepe in calling them that be his but appointeth not to him a perpetuall rule that he may not vse any other way Which way verily he hath vsed in the calling of many to whome he hath geuen the true knowlege of himselfe by an inwarde maner by the enlightening of the Spirite wtout any preaching vsed for meane thereof But whereas they thinke it shal be a great absurditie if any knowlege of God be geuē to infantes from whom Moses taketh away the vnderstāding of good and euil I beseche them to answere me what danger is there if they be sayd to receiue some part of that grace wherof a litle after they shal enioye the ful plentifulnesse For if the fulnesse of lyfe standeth in the perfect knowlege of God when many of them whom in their very first infantie death by and by taketh away doe passe into eternall life truely they are receiued to beholde the most present face of God Whō therfore the Lord wil enlightē with the ful bryghtnesse of hys lyghte why maye he not presently also if it so please hym sende out to shyne vppon them some small sparcle therof specially if he do not first vncloth them of ignorance before the he take them out of the prison of the flesh Not that I meane rashly to affirme that they be endued with the same Faith which we fele in our selues or that they haue altogether lyke knowlege of faith which I had
verily a substāce of an earthly and corruptible element and suffreth no change in it selfe but hath vnder it selfe the body of Christ enclosed If they did so declare their meaning that when the bred is deliuered in the mysterie there is adioyned the deliuering of the body because the trueth is vnseuerable from the signe I would not much striue with them But because they placing the body in the bred do faine to it a beyng euery where contrarie to the nature thereof and in adding vnder the bred they wyll haue it lye there hiddē it is necessarie a litle while to draw such suttelties out of their dēnes For my mynde is not yet as of set purpōse to go through with all this point but only that I may lay the fundations of the disputation which shall by and by folowe in place fit for it They wil therfore haue the body of Christe to be inuisible and immeasurable that it may lie hid vnder the bread because they thinke that they do not otherwise communicate with hym than if he descende into bread but they comprehend not the maner of descending wherby he lifteth vs vpward to himself They lay vpon it all the colors that they can but when they haue said all it sufficiently appereth that they staye vpon the locall presence of Christ. Whense commeth that euen because they can abide to conceiue no other partakyng of the fleshe and blood but whiche consysteth either of ioynyng and touchyng of place or of some grosse enclosyng And that they may obstinately defende the error ones rashly conceiued some of them sticke not to say that the flesh of Christ had neuer any other measurynges but so farr and wide as heauen and earth is brode Whereas he was borne a childe out of the wombe whereas he grewe wheras he was spred abrode on the crosse whereas he was enclosed in the sepulchre the same was doone by a certaine dispensation that he myght be borne and dye and performe the other dueties of man Where as after his resurrection he was seen in his wonted forme of body wheras he was taken vp to heauen wheras last of all also after his ascension he was seen of Stephen and Paule it was doone by the same dispensation that it might appere to the sight of men that he was made a kyng in heauen What is this ells but to raise vp Marcion out of hell For no man can dout that the body of Christ was a fantasy or a fantasticall thyng if he was of suche state Some slip away somewhat more suttelly with sayeng that this body whiche is geuen in the Sacrament is glorious and immortall and that therfore it is no absurditie if it bee conteined in many places if in no place if with no forme vnder the sacrament But I aske what maner of body Christe gaue to the disciples the day before that he suffred doo not the wordes sounde that he gaue the same mortall body whiche was within a little after to be deliuered He had already before say they shewed his glorie to be sene to thre of the disciples That is true in dede but his will was by that brightnesse to geue them a taste of immortalitie for an houre In the meane tyme they shall not there fynd a double body but that one body which Christ did beare garnished with newe glorie But when he distributed his body at his first Supper the tyme was nowe at hande when he beyng striken of God and humbled shold lie without glorie as a leprous man so farre is it of that he then wold shew forth the glorie of his resurrection And howe great a wyndowe is here opened to Marci●n if the body of Christ was seene in one place mortall and base and in an other place was holden immortall and glorious Howebeit if their opinion take place the same happeneth daily because they ar compelled to confesse that the body of Christ beyng visible in it selfe lyeth hyd inuisibly vnder the signe of bread And yet they that vomite out such monstruousnesse are so not ashamed of their own shame that they do vnprouoked hainously raile at vs because we do not subscribe to them Nowe if they lyst to fasten the body and blood of the Lorde to bread and wyne the one shall of necessitie be plucked in sunder frō the other For as the bread is deliuered seuerally from the cup so the body vnited to the bread muste nedes be diuided from the blood enclosed in the cup. For when they affirme that the body is in the bread and the blood in the cup and the bread and wyne are by spaces of place distant the one from the other they can by no shift escape but that the body must be seuered from the blood But wheras they are wonte to allege that by accompainyng as they faine in the body is the blood and likewise in the blood is the body that verily is to triflyng forasmuche as the Signes in whych they are enclosed are so seuered But if we be lifted vp with our eies and myndes to heauen that we seke Christ there in the glorie of his kingdome as the signes doo allure vs to hym whole so vnder the signe of bread we shal be fedde with his bodye vnder the signe of wyne we shall seuerally drynke his blood that at length we may enioye hym whole For although he hath taken awaye his fleshe from vs and in his body is ascended vp into heauen yet he sitteth at the right hande of the Father that is to say he reigneth in the power and maiestie and glorie of the Father This kyngdome is neyther bounded with any spaces of place nor compassed aboute with any measurynges but that Christ may shewe foorth his myght wheresoeuer it pleaseth him both in heauen and in earth but that he may shewe himselfe present with power and strength but that he may alway bee at hande with them that be his breathing his lyfe into them may liue in them strengthen them quicken them preserue them safe euen as if he were present in body finally but that he may fede them with his owne bodye the communion wherof he dothe by the power of his Spirite poure into them After this maner the body and blood of Christe is delyuered to vs in the Sacrament But we must appoint such a presence of Christ in the Supper as may neither fasten hym to the element of bred nor shut hym vp in the bred nor by any meane compasse hym in for it is playne that all these thynges abate his heauenly glorie fynally suche as may neither take from him his owne measure nor diuersly draw hym in many places at ones nor faine to hym suche an vnmeasurable greatnesse as is spred abrode throughout heauen and earth for these thynges are playnely agaynst the truthe of the nature of manhode Let vs I say neuer suffer these two exceptions to be taken away from vs. The one that nothyng bee abated from the glorie
the Supper the figure of it is set before vs for a pledge and assurance of the spirituall lyfe And verily Christ sayd of his glorified body see and fele for a Spirite hath not fleshe and bones Loe by Christes own mouth the truthe of his fleshe is proued because it can be felt and seen Take away these thinges than it shall cesse to be fleshe They still flee to their denne of dispensation which they haue framed to themselues But it is our part so to embrace that which Christ absolutely pronounceth that that which he meaneth to affirme may be of force with vs without exception He proueth himselfe to be no ghost because he is visible in his fleshe Let that be taken away which he claimeth as propre to the nature of hys body must they not then be faine to coyne a new definition of a body Now whether soeuer they turne themselues about their fained dispensation hath no place in that place of Paule where he sayth that we loke for a Sauior from heauen which shall fashion our base body lyke to his glorious body For we may not hope for a like fashioning in those qualities which they faine to Christ that euery one should haue an inuisible and vnmeasurable body Neither shall there be founde any man so dull witted whom they may make to beleue so great an absurdity Let thē not therfore ascribe this gift to Christes glorified body to be at ones in many places and to be conteined in no space Finally let them either openly deny the resurrection of the flesh or let them graunt that Christe being clothed with heauenly glory did not put of his fleshe who shall make vs in our fleshe fellowes and parteners of the same glory when we shall haue the resurrection common with him For what doth the Scripture teache more plainely thā that as Christe did putt on our true fleshe when he was borne of the Uirgin and suffred in oure true fleshe when he satisfied for vs so he receiued againe also the same true fleshe in rising againe and caried it vp to heauen For this is to vs the hope of oure resurrection and ascending into heauen that Christe is rysen againe and ascended and as Tertullian sayth he carryed the earnest of our resurrection into the heauens with him Nowe how weake and fraile should that hope be vnlesse this our selfe flesh had ben raysed vp with Christ and entred into the kingdome of heauen But this is the propre trueth of a body to be conteined in space to cōsist of his mesured proportions to haue his forme Therfore away with this folish deuise which doth fasten bothe the mindes of men and Christ to the bred For to what purpose serueth the secret presēce vnder bred but that they which couet to haue Christ ioyned with them may rest in that signe But the Lord himselfe willed vs to withdraw not only our eyes but al our senses from the earth forbidding himselfe to be touched of the women vntil he had gone vp to his Father When he seeth Marie with godly zele of reuerēce to make hast to kisse his fete there is no cause why he shold disalow and forbid this touching til he haue ben taken vp into heauen but because he wil be sought no where ells Wheras they obiect that he was afterwarde seen of Stephen the solution is easy For neither was it therfore necessarie that Christ should change place which could geue to the eyes of his seruāt such sharpnesse of sight as might pearce through the heauens The same also is to be said of Paule Wheras they obiecte that Christ came out of the Sepulchre being shut and entred in amōg the disciples the dores being shut that maketh neuer a whit more for maintenance of their error For as the water like a fast pauemēt made a way to Christ walking vpon the lake so it is no maruel if at his comming the hardnesse of the stone yelded it selfe Howbeit it is more prouable that by his commaundement the stone was remoued and by and by after passage geuen hym returned into his place And to enter the dores being shut is not asmuch in effect as to pearce through the whole substance but by diuine power to open an entrie for himselfe that he sodenly stode among the disciples verily after a maruelous maner whē the dores were fast locked That whiche they allege out of Luke that Christ sodenly vanished away from the eyes of the disciples with whō he went to Emaus profiteth them nothing maketh for vs. For that he might take away the sight of himselfe from them he was not made inuisible but only went out of sight As when he went in iourney together with them as the same Luke witnesseth he did not put on a newe face that he might not be knowen but helde their eyes But these fellowes do not only trāsforme Christ that he may be cōuersant in earth but in diuerse places they make hym diuerse and vnlike himself Finally in so trifling they do not by one worde in dede but by a circumstāce make of the fleshe of Christe a Spirite and not contented therewith they put vpon it altogether contrarie qualities Wherupon of necessitie foloweth that it is doble Now although we graunt them that which they prate of the inuisible presēce the vnmesurablenesse shal not be yet proued without which they shal in vayne attempt to enclose Christ vnder bred Unlesse the body of Christ may be euery where at ones without any cōpasse of place it shall not be likely that he lyeth hidden vnder bred in the Supper By which necessitie they brought in the monstruous beyng euery where But it is shewed by strong and plaine witnesses of Scripture that it was limited about by the measure of the body of a man and then that by his ascending he hath made it plaine that he is not in all places but that when he passeth into one place he leaueth the other that he was in before Neither is the promise which they allege to be drawē to the body I am with you euen to the ending of the world First the continuall cōioyning can not stande vnlesse Christ dwel in vs corporally without the vse of the Supper Therfore there is no iust cause why they shoulde so sharply brawle about the wordes of Christ that they may in the Supper enclose Christ vnder bred Againe the text it selfe proueth that Christe speaketh nothing lesse than of his fleshe but promiseth to his disciples inuicible helpe wherby he may defende and susteine them against all the assaultes of Satan and the worlde For when he enioyned them a hard charge least they should dout to take it in hande or should ferefully execute it he strengtheneth them with affiance of his presence as if he had said that his succor shal not faile them which shal be impossible to be ouercome Unlesse they listed to confounde all thinges ought they not
the promise Againe of those ceremonies that they vse it is not red that any one is institute of god Therfore here cā be no Sacramēt Of Matrimonie The last is Matrimonie which as all men confesse to be ordeined of God so no man vntill the tyme of Gregorie euer sawe that it was geuen for a Sacrament And what sober man would euer haue thought it It is a good a holy ordināce of God so tyllage carpentrie shoemakers craft barbers craft are lawfull ordinances of God and yet they are no Sacramentes For there is not only this required in a Sacrament that it be the worke of God but that it be an outwarde Ceremonie appoynted of God to confirme a promise That there is no suche thyng in Matrimonie very chyldren also can iudge But say they it is a Signe of a holy thyng that is of the spirituall conioynyng of Christe with the Chirche If by this woorde Signe they vnderstand a Token sett before vs of God to this ende to raise vp the assurednesse of our Faithe they are farre besyde the truthe If they simplye take a Signe for that which is brought to expresse a similitude I wyll shewe howe wittyly they reason Paule sayth As one starre differeth from an other star in brightnesse so shal be the resurrectiō of the dead Lo here is one Sacrament Christ sayth The kyngdome of heauen is lyke to a grain of mustardsede Lo here is an other Againe The kingdom of heauē is like vnto leauē Lo here is the third Esai saith Behold the lord shal fede his flock as a shepherd Lo here is the fowerth In an other place The Lord shall go forth as a Gyant Loe here is the fifth Finally what end or measure shal there be There is nothyng but by this meane it shal be a Sacrament Howe many parables and similitudes are in the Scripture so many Sacraments there shal be Yea and theft shal be a Sacrament because it is written the day of the Lorde is lyke a thefe Whoe can abyde these sophisters prating so foolishly I graunt in dede that so oft as we see a vine it is very good to call to remembrance that whiche Christ sayth I am a vine ye be branches my father is the vinedresser So oft as a shepherde with his flocke cometh toward vs it is good also that this come to our mynde I am a good shepherd my shepe heare my voice But if any man adde such similitudes to the number of Sacramentes he is mete to be sent to Antycira But they still laye fourth the wordes of Paule in which he geueth to Matrimonie the name of a Sacrament he that loueth his wife loueth hymselfe No man euer hated his owne flesh but nourisheth it and cherisheth it euen as Christ doth the Chirch because we are members of hys body of his fleshe and of his bones For this a man shall leaue hys Father and mother and shal cleaue to his wife and they shal be two into one fleshe Thys is a great Sacrament but I saye in Christ and the Chirch But so to handle the Scriptures is to mingle heauē and earth together Paule to shew to maried men what singular loue they ought to beare to their wiues setteth fourth Christe to them for an example For as he poured fourth the bowells of his kindenesse vpon the Chirch which he had espoused to himselfe so ought euery man to be affectioned toward his own wife It foloweth after He that loueth his wife loueth himselfe as Christ loued the Chirch Now to teache how Christ loued the Chirch as himselfe yea how he made himselfe one with hys spouse the Chirch he applyeth to hym those thinges which Moses reporteth that Adam spake of him selfe For when Eue was brought into his syght whom he knew to haue ben shapen out of his syde This woman sayth he is a bone of my bones and fleshe of my fleshe Paul testifieth that all this was spiritually fulfylled in Christ and vs when he sayeth that we are membres of his body of his fleshe and of his bones yea and one fleshe with hym At lengthe he addeth a concludyng Sentence This is a great mysterie And least any man shoulde be deceiued with the doble signifyeng of the woordes he expresseth that he speaketh not of the fleshely conioynyng of man and woman but of the spiritual mariage of Christe and the Chirch And truely it is in dede a great mysterie that Christe suffred a ribbe to be taken from himselfe whereof we might be shapen that is to say whē he was strōg he willed to be weake that we might be strengthened with his strength that now we may not our selues lyue but he may lyue in vs. The name of Sacramente deceiued them But was it rightfull that the whole Chirch should suffer the punishment of their ignorance Paul said Mysterie which word when the translater might haue lefte beyng not vnused with Latin eares or might haue translated it a Secrete he chose rather to put in the worde Sacrament yet in no other sense than Paule had in Greke called it Mysterie Now let them go and with crieng out raile against the skil of tōges by ignorance whereof they haue so long most fowly been blynde in an easy mater and suche as offreth it self to be perceiued of euery man But why doo they in this one place so earnestly sticke vpon this litle word Sacrament and some other tymes do passe it ouer vnregarded For also in the first Epistle to Timothe the Translater hath vsed it and in the selfe same Epistle to the Ephesians in euery place for Mysterie But let this slippyng be pardoned them at least the liers ought to haue had a good remēbrance For whē they haue ones set out Matrimonie with title of a Sacrament afterward to call it vncleannesse defyling and fleshly filthinesse how gyddy lightnesse is this How great an absurditie is it to debarre prests from a Sacramēt If they deny that they debarre them frō the Sacramēt but frō the lust of copulation they escape not so away frō me For they teach that the copulatiō it self is a part of that Sacramēt that by it alone is figured the vniting that we haue with Christ in conformitie of nature bicause man and womā ar not made one but by carnall copulatiō Howbeit some of thē haue here founde two Sacramentes the one of God and the soule in the betrouthed man and woman the other of Christe and the Chirch in the husband and the wife Howsoeuer it be yet copulatiō is a Sacrament from which it was vnlawful that any christian should be debarred Unlesse peraduenture the Sacraments of christiās do so yll agree that thei can not stand together There is also an other absurditie in their doctrines They affirme that in the Sacrament is geuen the grace of the Holye ghoste they teache that copulation is a Sacrament and they denye that at copulation the Holy ghost
commaundement he setteth in authoritie for the doyng of thynges Nowe forasmuche as we haue hetherto described a magistrate suche as is in dede the same that he is called namely the father of the contree and as the Poete calleth hym the pastor of the people the keeper of peace the protector of righteousnesse the reuenger of innocence he is worthily to be iudged a madde man that alloweth not suche a gouernement But wheras this is in a maner the experience of all ages that of princes some beyng carelesse of al thyngs to the foreseyng wherof they ought to haue ben hedefully bent doo without all care slouthfully wallowe in delites other some addicted to their gaine doo set out to sale all lawes priuileges iudgementes and grauntes other somme spoile the poore communaltie of money whiche they may after waste vpon mad prodigall expendynges other some exercise mere robberies in pillyng of houses defilyng of virgins and matrones murtheryng of innocentes many can not be persuaded that suche shoulde be acknowleged for princes whoe 's authoritie they ought to obey so farre as they may For in so great haynous vnworthinesse among doynges so much contrarie to the duetie not onely of a magistrate but also of a man they beholde no forme of the image of God whiche ought to shyne in a Magistrate when they see no token of that minister of God whiche was geuen for praise to the good and for vengeance to the euell so neither do they also acknowlege such a Gouernor whoe 's dignitie and authoritie the Scripture commendeth vnto vs. And truely this felyng of affection hath alway ben naturally planted in the myndes of men no lesse to hate and abhorre tyrantes than to loue and honor lawfull kynges But if we loke to the worde of God it will leade vs further that we be subiect not only to the gouernement of those princes which execute their office to warde vs well and with suche faithfulnesse as they ought but also of all them which by what meane soeuer it be haue the dominion in possession although they performe nothyng lesse thā that which perteineth to the duetie of princes For though the Lord testifieth that the magistrate is a speciall great gift of his liberalitie for preseruyng of the safetie of men and appoynteth to magistrates themselues theyr boundes yet he dothe therwithall declare that of what fort soeuer they be they haue not their authoritie but from him that those in dede which rule for benefite of the cōmon weale are true examplars and paternes of his bountifulnesse that they that rule vniustly and wilfully ar raysed vp by hym to punishe the wickednesse ▪ of the people that all egally haue that maiestie wherwith he hath furnished a lawful power I will procede no further till I haue added some certayne testimonies or that point Yet we nede not muche to labor to proue that a wicked King is the wrath of God vpon the earth for asmuche as I thinke that no man will say the contrary and otherwise there should be no more sayed of a Kyng than of a common robber that violently taketh away thy goods and of an adoulterer that defileth thy bed of a murtherer that seketh to kill thee wheras the Scripture reckeneth all such calamities among the curses of God But let vs rather tary vpō prouing that which doth not so easily settle in the mindes of men that in a most noughty man most vnworthy of al honor if so that he haue the publike power in possession remayneth that noble and diuine power which the Lorde hath by his worde geuen to the ministers of hys righteousnesse iugement and therfore that he ought of hys subiectes to be had in as great reuerence estimation so much as perteineth to publike obedience as they would haue the best King if he were geuen them First I would haue the Reders to perceiue and diligently marke that prouidēce and singular doinges of God which is in the Scripture not without cause so oft rehearsed vnto vs in distributing of kingdomes making Kinges whom it pleaseth him In Daniel it is sayd The lorde chāgeth tymes courses of tymes he casteth away maketh Kinges Agayne That the liuing may know that the Hiest is mighty in the kingdome of men he shal geue it to whō he wil. With which maner of sentences wheras the whole Scripture aboundeth yet that same prophecy of Daniel specially swarmeth ful Now what maner of Kyng was Nabuchadonezar he that conquered Hierusalem it is sufficiently knowen namely a strōg inuader and destroyer of other Yet in Ezechiel the lord affirmeth that he gaue hym the lande of Egipt for the seruice that he had done to hym in wastyng it And Daniell sayd to hym Thou Kyng arte the Kyng of Kynges to whome the Kyng of heauens hath geuen a mightie and strong and glorious kyngdome to thee I saye he hath geuen it and all the landes where dwell the children of men the beastes of the wood and fowles of the ayre he hath deliuered them into thy hande and hath made thee to beare rule ouer them Agayne he sayed to hys sonne Belsasar The hyeste God hath geuen to Nabuchadonezar thy father kyngdome and royaltie honor and glory and by reason of the royaltie that he gaue hym all peoples tribes and languages were trembling and fearfull at his sighte When we heare that a Kyng is ordeined of GOD let vs therof call to remembrance those heauenly warnynges concernyng the honoring fearing of a Kyng then we shal not dout to accompt a most wicked tyrant in the same place wherin the Lorde hath vouchesaued to set him Samuell when he gaue warnyng to the people of Israel what maner of thyngs they shold suffer at the handes of their Kynges sayd This shal be the right of the king that shall reigne ouer you he shal take your sonnes and put them to his chariot to make them his horsmen to plow his land reape his croppe to make instrumentes of warre He shal take your daughters that they may be his dressers of ointmentes his cookes bakers Your lāds your vineyardes your best Oliue plattes he shal take away and geue to his bonde seruantes He shall take tithes of your sedes and vineyardes and shall geue them to his eunuches and bonde seruantes He shall take away your bonde men your bonde women your asses and set them to his worke Yea and he shall take tithes of your flockes and ye shal be his bonde seruantes Uerily Kinges should not haue done this of right whome the Law did very wel instruct to al continence but it was called a right ouer the people whiche it behoued them of necessitie to obey and they might not resist was if Samuell had sayd The wilfulnesse of Kinges shall runne to such licenciousnesse which it shall not be your part to resist to whome this onely thing shal be left to obey their commaundementes and
harkē to their worde But chefely there is in Ieremie a notable place and worthy to be remēbred which although it be somwhat long yet I wil be contēt to rehearse because it most plainly determineth this whole question I haue made the earth and men sayth the Lorde and the liuing creatures that are on the ouerface of the earth in my great strength and stretched out arme and I wil deliuer it to hym whom it pleaseth in myne eyes And now therfore I haue geuen all these landes into the hand of Nabuchadnezar my seruante and all nations and great Kinges shal serue hym tyll the tyme shall come of that lande And it shal be as a nation and a kingdome that hath not serued the Kyng of Babell I wil visit that nation in swerde famine and pestilence Wherefore serue ye the Kyng of Babell and lyue We se with how greate obedience the Lorde wylled that cruell and proude tyrant to be honored for no other reason but because he possessed the kingdome And thesame was by the heauenly decree that he was set in the throne of the kyngdome and taken vp into kingly maiestie which it was vnlawful to violate If we haue thys cōtinually before our myndes and eyes that euen the worst Kynges are ordeyned by the same decree by which the authoritie of Kynges is stablyshed these seditious thoughtes shal neuer come into our mynde that a Kyng is to be handeled according to his deseruinges and that it is not mete that we shoulde shewe our selues subiectes to hym that doeth not on hys behalfe shewe hymselfe a Kyng to vs. In vayne shall any man obiect that thys was a peculiar commaundemente to the Israelites For it is to be noted with what reason the Lorde confirmeth it I haue geuen sayeth he the kyngdome to Nabuchadnezar Wherefore serue ye hym and lyue To whome soeuer therfore it shal be certayne that the kyngdome is geuen let vs not dout that he is to be obeyed And so sone as the Lord aduaunceth any man to the royall estate he therein declareth hys will to vs that he will haue hym reigne For therof are generall testimonies of the Scripture Salomō in the xxviii Chapter Many Princes are because of the wickednesse of the people Againe Iob in the xii chapter He taketh away subiectiō frō Kinges and girdeth them againe with the girdle But thys being confessed there remayneth nothing but that we must serue and liue There is also in Ieremie the Prophet an other commaundement of the Lord wherin he commaundeth hys people to seke the peace of Babylō whether they had ben led away captiue and to pray to hym for it because in the peace of it shoulde be their peace Beholde the Israelites beyng spoiled of al their goods plucked out of their houses led away into exile and cast into miserable bondage are commaunded to pray for the safetie of the Conqueror not as in other places we are commaunded to pray for our persecuters but that the kingdome may be preserued to himselfe and quiet that they themselues may also liue prosperously vnder hym So Dauid being already appointed Kyng by the ordinance of God and annointed with his holy oyle when he was without any hys deseruing vnworthyly persecuted of Saul yet the hed of him that layed waite for hys lyfe he estemed holy which the Lord had hallowed wyth the honor of kingdome Farre be it from me sayd he that I shoulde before the Lord do thys thyng to my Lorde the annointed of the Lorde that I should laye my hande vpon hym because he is the annointed of the Lord. Againe My soule hath spared thee and I haue sayd I wyll not laye my hande vpon my Lorde because he is the annointed of the Lord. Againe Who shal lay his hande vpon the anointed of the Lord and shal be innocēt So sure as the Lord liueth vnlesse the Lord strike hym or his day be come that he dye or he goe down into battell farr be it from me that I should lay my hande vpon the annointed of the Lorde Finally we owe this affection of reuerence yea and deuotion to all our rulers of what sort soeuer they be Which I do therfore the oftener repete that we may learne not to searche what the men themselues be but take this for sufficiente that by the will of the Lord they beare that personage in which the Lord himself hath emprinted and engraued an inuiolable maiestie But thou wilt say Rulers owe mutuall duties to their subiectes That I haue alredy confessed But if thou therupon cōclude that obediences are to be rendred to none but to iuste gouernementes thou art a foolish reasoner For husbandes also are bounde to their wiues and parentes to their children with mutuall duties Lett parentes and husbandes depart frō their dutie let parentes shew themselues so hard and vnpleasable to their children whom they are forbidden to prouoke to anger that with their peuishnesse they do vnmeasurably wery them let the husbandes most despitefully vse their wyues whom they are commaunded to loue and to spare them as weake vessels shall yet therefore either children be lesse obediēt to their parentes or wyues to their husbandes But they are subiect both to euil parentes and husbandes and suche as do not their dutie Yea wheras all oughte rather to endeuor themselues not to looke behynde them to the bagge banging at their backe that is not to enquire one of an others duties but euery man set before hym that which is his own dutie this oughte chefely to haue place among those that are vnder the power of other Wherfore if we be vnmercifully tormēted of a cruel Prince if we be rauenously spoiled of a couetous or ryotous Prince if we be neglected of a slouthfull Prince finally if we be vexed for godlinesses sake of a wicked and vngodly Prince let vs first cal to minde the remembrance of our sinnes which vndoutedly are chastised with suche scourges of the Lord. Therby humilitie shal bridle our impatience Let vs thē also call to minde this thought that it perteineth not to vs to remedy suche euells ▪ but this only is left for vs that we craue the helpe of the Lord in whoe 's hand are the hartes of Kinges the bowinges of kingdomes He is the God that shal stande in the assemblie of gods and shall in the middest iudge the gods from whoe 's face al Kinges shal fal and be broken and al the iudges of the earth that shal haue not kissed his annointed that haue written vniust lawes to oppresse the poore in iugemēt and do violence to the cause of the humble to make widowes a pray and robbe the fatherlesse And here both his maruelous goodnesse power and prouidence sheweth it selfe for somtyme of hys seruantes he raiseth vp opē reuēgers and furnisheth them with hys commaundement to take vengeance of their vniust gouernement and to deliuer hys people many wayes oppressed out