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A10675 The Bible and Holy Scriptures conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament. Translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languges. VVith moste profitable annotations vpon all the hard places, and other things of great importance as may appeare in the epistle to the reader; Bible. English. Geneva. Whittingham, William, d. 1579.; Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585.; Sampson, Thomas, 1517?-1589. 1561 (1561) STC 2095; ESTC S121352 3,423,415 1,153

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and his fete were parte of yron and parte of clay 34 Thou beheldest it til a stone was cut with out hands which smote the image vppon his fete that were of yron and claye and brake them to pieces 35 Then was the yron the claye the brasse the siluer and the golde broken all together became like the chaffe of the sommer floores and the winde caryed them awaye that no place was founde for them and the stone that smote the image became a great mountaine and filled the whole earth 36 This is the dreame and we will declare before the King the interpretacion thereof 37 ¶ O King thou arte a King of Kings for the GOD of heauen hathe gyuen thee a kyngdome power strength and glorie 38 And in all places where the chyldren of men dwell the beastes of the field and the foules of the heauen hathe he gyuen into thine hand and hathe made thee ruler ouer them all thou art this head of golde 39 And after the shal rise another kīngdome in feriour to thee of siluer and another third kingdome shal be of brasse which shal beare rule ouer all the earth 40 And the fourth kingdome shal be strong as yron for as yron breaketh in pieces subdueth all things and as yron bruseth all these things so shal it breake in pieces and bruse all 41 Where as thou sawest the fete and toes parte of potters clay and parte of yron the kingdome shal be deuided but there shal be in it of the strength of the yron as thou sawest the yron mixt with the claye and earth 42 And as the toes of the fete were parte of yrō parte of clay so shal the kingdome be partely strong and partely broken 43 And where as thou sawest yron mixt with clay and earth they shal mingle themselues with the sede of mē but they shal not ioyne one with another as yron can not be mixed with clay 44 And in the dayes ofthese Kings shal the God of heauen set vp a kingdome which shal neuer be destroyed and this king do me shal not be giuen to another people but it shal breake and destroye all these kingdomes and it shal stand for euer 45 Where as thou sawest that the stone was cut of the mountaine without hands and that it brake in pieces the yron the brasse the clay the siluer and the golde so the great God hathe shewed the King what shal come to passe here after the dreame is true the īterpretaciō thereof is sure 46 ¶ Then the King Nebuchad-nezzár fel vpon his face and bowed him self vnto Daniél and commanded that thei shulde offermeat offrings and swete odoures vnto him 47 Also the King answered vnto Daniél said I knowe of a trueth that your God is a God of gods and the Lord of Kings the reueiler of secrets seing thou coldest open this secret 48 So the King made Daniél a great man gaue him manie and great giftes He made him gouernour ouer the whole prouince of Babél and chief of the rulers and aboue all the wise men of Babél 49 Then Daniél made request to the King and he Set Shadrách Meshách and Abednegó ouer the charge of the prouince of Babél but Daniél sate in the gate of the King CHAP. III. 1 The King setteth vp a golden image 8 Certeine are accused because thei despised the Kings commandement and are put into a burning ouen 25 By belefe in God they are deliuered frō the fyre 26 Nebuchad-nezzar confesseth the power of God after the sight of the miracle 1 NEbuchad-nezzár the King made an image of golde whose height was threscore cubites and the breadth ther of six cubites he set it vp in the plaine of Durá in the prouince of Babél 2 Then Nebuchad-nezzár the King sent for the to gather together the nobles the princes and the dukes the iudges the receiuers the counsullers the officers and all the gouerners of the prouinces that they shulde come to the dedicatiō of the image which Nebuchad-nezzár the King had set vp 3 So the nobles princes and dukes the iud ges the receiuers the counsellers the officers and all the gouerners of the prouin ces were assembled vnto the dedicating of the image that Nebuchad-nezzár the King had set vp and they stode before the image which Nebuchad-nezzár had set vp 4 Then an herald cryed aloud Be it knowen to you ô people nations and langages 5 That when ye heare the soūde of the cornet trumpet harpe sacke but psalteris dulcimer and all iustruments of musicke ye fall downe and worship the goldē image that Nebuchad 〈◊〉 the King hathe set vp 6 And whosoeuer falleth not downe and worshippeth shal the same houre be cast into the middes of an hote fyrie fornace 7 Therefore assone as all the people heard the sound of the cornet trumpet harpe sackebut psalterie and all instruments of musicke all the people nations and langa ges fel downe and worshiped the golden image that Nebuchad-nezzár the King had set vp 8 ¶ By reason whereof at that same time co me men of the Caldeans and grieuously ac cused the Iewes 9 For they spake and said to the King Nebuchad-nezzár O King liue for euer 10 Thou ô King hast made a decre that euerie man that shal heare the sound of the cornet trumpet harpes sacke but psalterie and dulcimer and all instrumēts of musicke shal fall downe and worship the golden image 11 And who soeuer falleth not downe and worshippeth that he shulde be cast into the middes of an hote fyrie fornace 12 There are certeine Iewes whome thou hast set ouer the charge of the prouince of Babél Shadrách Meshàch and Abednego these men ô King haue not regarded thy commandement nether wil they serue thy gods nor worship the golden image that thou hast set vp 13 ¶ Then Nebuchad-nezzár in his angre and wrath commanded that they shulde bring Shadrách Meshách and Abednegó so these men were broght before the King 14 And Nebuchad-nezzár spake and said vnto them What disordre wil not you Shadrách Meshách ād Abednegó serue my god nor worship the golden image that I haue set vp 15 Now therefore are ye ready when ye hea re the sound of the cornet trumpet harpe sackebut psalterie and dulcimer and all instruments of musicke to fall downe and wor ship the image which I haue made for if ye worship it not ye shal be cast immediatly into the middes of an hote firie fornace for who is that God that can deliuer you out of mine hands 16 Shadrách Meshách and Abednegó answe red and said to the King O Nebuchadnezzár we are not careful to answer thee in this matter 17 Beholde our God whome we serue is able to deliuer vs from the hote fyrie for nace and he wil deliuer vs out of thine hand ô King 18
22 My God hathe sent his Angel and hathe shut the lions mouthes that thei haue not hurt me for my iustice was found out before him vnto thee ô King I haue done no hurte 23 Then was the King exceading glad for him and commāded that thei shulde take Daniél out of the denne so Daniél was broght out of the denne and no maner of hurte was founde vpon him because he beleued in his God 24 And by the commandement of the King thesemen which had accused Daniél were broght and were cast into the denne of lions euen thei their children and their wiues and the lions had the mastrie of thē and brake all their bones a pieces or euer thei came at the grounde of the denne 25 ¶ After warde King Darius wrote Vnto all people nations langages that dwell in all the worlde Peace be multiplied vnto you 26 I make a decre that in all the dominion of my kingdome men tremble and feare before the God of Daniél for he is the liuing God and remaineth for euer and his kingdome shal not perish and his dominion shal be euerlasting 27 He rescueth and deliuereth and he worketh signes and wonders in heauen and in earth who hathe deliuered Daniél frō the power of the lyons 28 So this Daniél prospered in the reigne of Darius in the reigne of Cyrus of Persia CHAP. VII 3 A visiō of 〈◊〉 beasts is shewed vnto Daniél 8 The ten hornes of the fourth beast 27 Of the euerlasting kingdome of Christ. 1 IN the first yere of 〈◊〉 King of Babél Daniél sawe a dreame and there were visions in his head vpon his bed then he wrote the dreame and declared the summe of the matter 2 Daniél spake 〈◊〉 said I sawe in my vision by night and beholde the foure windes of the heauen stroue vpon the great sea 3 And foure great beastes came vp from the sea one diuers from another 4 The first was as a lion and had egles wings I behelde til the wings there of were plukte of and it was lifted vp from the earth and set vpon his fete as a man and a mans heart was giuen him 5 And beholde another beast which was the seconde was like a beare and stode vpon the one side and he had thre ribbes in his mouth betwene his teeth and thei said thus vnto him Arise and deuoure muche flesh 6 After this I behelde and lo there was an other like a leopard which had vpon his backe foure wings of a foule the beast had also foure heads and dominion was giuen him 7 After this I sawe in the visions by night beholde the fourth beast was feareful and terrible and verie strong It had great yrō teeth it deuoured brake in pieces and stamped the residue vnder his fete it was vn like to the beastes that were befo re it for it had ten hornes 8 As I considered the hornes beholde there came vp among thē another litle horne before whome there were thre of the first hornes plukt awaie and beholde in this horne were eyes like the eyes of man and a mouthe speaking presumptious things 9 I behelde til the thrones were set vp and the Ancient of daies did sit whose garmét was white as snowe and the heere of his head like the purewoll his throne was like the fyre flame and his wheles as burning fyre 10 A fyrie streame yssued and came forthe from before him thousand thousands ministred vnto him and ten thousand thousands stode before him the iudgement was set and the bokes opened 11 Then I behelde because of the voyce of the presumptueous wordes which the hor ne snake I behelde euen til the beast was 〈◊〉 and his bodies destroyed and giuen to the burning fyre 12 As concerning the other beastes thei had taken awaie their dominion yet their liues were prolonged for a certeine time and season 13 ¶ As I behelde in visions by night beholde one like the Sonne of man came in the cloudes of heauen and approched vnto the Ancient of daies and thei broght him before him 14 And he gaue him dominion honour and a kingdome that all people nations and langages shulde serue him his dominion is an euerlasting dominion whiche shal neuer be taken awaie and his kingdome shal neuer be destroied 15 ¶ I Daniél was troubled in my spirit in the middes of my bodie and the visions of mine head made me afraied 16 Therefore I came vnto one of them that stode by and asked him the trueth of all this so he tolde me and shewed me the interpretacion of these things 17 These great beastes whiche are foure are foure kings which shal arise out of the earth 18 And they shall take the kingdome of the Sainctes of the most high and possesse the kingdome for euer euen for euer and euer 19 ¶ After this I wolde knowe the trueth of the fourth beast which was so vnlike to all the others very feareful whose teeth were of yron and his nailes of brasse whiche deuoured brake in pieces and stamped thei residue vnder his fete 20 Also to knowe of the ten hornes that were in his head and of the other whiche came vp before whome thre fel and of the horne that had eyes and of the mouthe that spake presumptuous things whose loke was mo re stoute then his felowes 21 I behelde and the same horne made battel against the Sainctes yea and preuailed against them 22 Vntil the Ancient of daies came and iudgemēt was giuen to the Sainctes of the most high and the time approched that the Sainctes possessed the kingdome 23 Then he said The fourthe beast shal be the fourth kingdome in the earth which shal be vnlike to all the kingdomes and shal deuoure the whole earth and shal treade it downe and breake it in pieces 24 And the ten hornes out of this kingdome are ten Kings that shal rise ād another shal rise after them and he shal be vnlyke to the first and he shal sub due thre Kings 25 And shal speake wordes against the moste high and shall consume the Sainctes of the most high and thinke that he maie change times and lawes and they shal be giuen in to his hand vntil a time and times and the deuiding of time 26 But the iudgement shal sit and they shall take a waie his dominion to cōsume and destroie it vnto the end 27 And the kingdome and dominion and the greatnes of the kingdome vnder the whole heauen shal be giuen to the holie people of the most high whose kingdome is an euerlasting kingdome and all powers shal serue and obeie him 28 Euen this is the end of the matter I Daniél had manie cogitacions whiche troubled me
and worship me 10 Then said Iesus vnto him Auoide Satan for it is written * Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him onely shalt thou serue 11 Then the deuil left him and beholde the Angels came and ministred vnto him 12. ¶ * And when Iesus had heard that Iohn was deliuered vp he returned into Galile 13 And leauing Nazaret wēt and dwelt in Capernaum which is nere the sea in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim 14 That it might be fulfilled which was spokē by Esaias the Prophet saying 15 * The land of Zabulō and the land of Nephthalim by the way of the sea beyond Iordan Galile of the Gentiles 16 The people which sate in darkenes sawe great light and to them which sate in the region and shadowe of death light is risen vp 17 * From that time Iesus began to preache ād to say Amend your liues for the kingdome of heauen is at hand 18 ¶ * And Iesus walking by the sea of Galile sawe two brethren Simō which was called Peter and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea for they were fishers 19 And he said vnto them Folowe me and I wil make you fishers of men 20 And they straight way leauing the nets followed him 21 And when he was gone for the from thence he sawe other two brethren Iames the sonne of Zebedeus and Iohn his brother in a ship with Zebedeus their Father mending their nets and he called them 22 And they without tarying leauing the ship and their Father followed him 23 So Iesus went about all Galile teaching in their Synagogues and preaching the Gospel of the kingdome and healing euerie sickenes and euerie disease among the people 24 And his same spred abroad through all Syria and they broght vnto him all sicke people that were taken with diuers diseases and gripings and them that were possessed with deuils and those which were lunatike and those that had the palsey and he healed thē 25 And there folowed him great multitudes out of Galile and Decapolis and Ierusalē and Iudea and from beyonde Iordan CHAP. V. 3 Christ teacheth who are blessed 13 The salt of the earth light of the worlde 16 Good workes 17 Christ came to fulfil the Law 21 what is ment by killing 23 Reconciliation 27 Adulterie 29 Offences 31 Diuorcement 〈◊〉 Not to sweare 39 To suffer wrong 43 To loue our enemies 48 Perfection 1 ANd when he sawe the multitude he wēt vp into a mountaine and when he was set his disciples came to him 2 And he opened his mouthe and taught them saying 3 * Blessed are the poore in spirit for theirs is the kingdome of heauen 4 * Blessed are they that mourne for they shal be comforted 5 * Blessed are the meke for they shal inherit the earth 6 Blessed are they which honger and thirst for righteousnes for they shal be filled 7 Blessed are the merciful for thei shal obteine mercie 8 Blessed are the * pure in heart for they shal se God 9 Blessed are the place makers for they shal be called the children of God 10 Blessed are they * which suffer persecutiō for righteousnes sake for theirs is the kingdome of heauen 11 * Blessed are ye when mēreuile you and per secute you and say all maner of euil against you for my sake falsely 12 Reioyce be glad for great is your rewarde in heauen for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you 13 * Ye are the salte of the earth but if the salt haue lost his fauour where with shal it be salted It is thence forthe good for nothing but to be cast out and to be troden vnderfote of men 14 Ye are the light of the worlde A citie that is set on an hill can not be hid 15 * Nether do men light a candel and put it vnder a bushel but on a candelsticke and it giueth light vnto all that are in the house 16 * Let your light so shine before men that they may se your good workes and glorifie your Father which is in heauen 17 Thinke not that I am come to destroye the Law or the Prophetes I am not come to destroye them but to fulfil them 18 * Fortruely I say vnto you Til heauen and earth perish one iote or one title of the Law shal not scape til all things be fulfilled 19 * Whosoeuer therefore shal breake one of these least commandements teache men so he shal be called the least in the kingdome of heauen but whosoeuer shal obserue and teache them the same shal be called great in the kingdome of heauen 20 For I say vnto you except your righteousnes * excede the righteousnes of the Scribes and Pharises ye shal not enter into the kingdome of heauen 21 Ye haue heard that it was said vnto them of the olde time * Thou shalt not kil for whosoeuer killeth shal be culpable of iudgement 22 But I say vnto you whosoeuer is angrie with his brother vnaduisedly shal be culpable of iudgement And whosoeuer saieth vnto his brother Raca shal be worthie to be punished with by the Counsel And whosoeuer shal say Foole shal be worthie to be punished with hel fyre 23 If then thou bring thy gift to the altar and there remēbrest that thy brother hathe oght against thee 24 Leaue there thine offring before the altar and go thy way first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift 25 * Agre with thine aduersarie quickely whilesthou art in the way with him lest thine aduersarie deliuer thee to the iudge and the iudge deliuer thee to the sergeant and thou be cast into prison 26 Verely I say vnto thee thou shalt not come out thence til thou hast payed the vtmost farthing 27 ¶ Ye haue heard that it was said to them of olde time * Thou shalt not commit adulterie 28 But I say vnto you that whosoeuer loketh on a woman to lust after her hathe committed adulterie with her already in his heart 29 * Wherefore if thy right eye cause thee to offend plucke it out and cast it from thee for better it is for thee that one of thy mem bers perish thē that thy whole bodie shulde be cast into hel 30 Also if thy right hand make thee to offend cut it of and cast it from thee for better it is for thee that one of thy members perish thē that thy whole bodie shulde be cast into hel 31 It hathe bene said also * Whosoeuer shal put away his wife let him giue her a testimonial of diuorcement 32 But I say vnto you whosoeuer shal put away his wife except it be for
of the people concerning Christ 〈◊〉 Iohn 20. Christ vp breadeth the vnthankful cities 〈◊〉 The Gospel is 〈◊〉 to the simple 28 They that labour and are laden 〈◊〉 Christs yoke 1 ANd it came to passe that when Iesus had made an end of commanding his twelue disciples he departed thence to teach and to preach in their cities 2 ¶ * And when Iohn heard in the prison the workes of Christ he sent two of his disciples and said vnto him 3 Art thou he that shulde come or shal we loke for another 4 And Iesus answering said vnto them Go and she we Iohn what things ye haue heard and sene 5 The blinde receiue sight and the halt go the lepers are clensed and the deaf heare the dead are raised vp * and the pore receiue the Gospel 6 And blessed is he that shal not be offended in me 7 And as they departed Iesus began to speake vnto the multitude of Iohn What went ye out into the wildernes to se A reed shaken with the winde 8 But what went ye out to se A man clothed in soft raiment Beholde they that weare soft clothing are in Kings houses 9 But what went ye out to se A Prophet Yea I say vnto you and more then a Prophet 10 For this is he of whome it is written * Beholde I send my messenger before thy face whiche shall prepare thy way before thee 11 Verely I say vnto you among thē whiche are be gotten of women arose there not a greater then Iohn Baptist notwithstanding he that is the least in the kingdome of heauen is greater then he 12 And from * the time of Iohn Baptist hitherto the kingdome of heauen suffreth violence and the violent take it by force 13 For al the Prophetes and the Law prophecied vnto Iohn 14 And if ye will receiue it this is * Elias whiche was to come 15 ¶ He that hath eares to heare let him heare 16 * But whereunto shall I liken this generation It is like vnto litle children which sit in the markets and call vnto their felowes 17 And say We haue piped vnto you and ye haue not danced we haue mourned vnto you and ye haue not lamented 18 For Iohn came nether eating nor drinkyng and they say He hathe a deuil 19 The Sonne of man came eatyng and drinking and they say Beholde a glotton and a drinker of wine a friend vnto Publicanes and sinners but wisdome is iustified of her children 20 ¶ * Then began he to vp braide the cities where in most of his great worke were done because they repented not 21 Wo be to 〈◊〉 Chorazin Wo be to thee Bethsaida for if the great workes whiche were done in you had bene done in Tyrus and Sidon they had repented long agone in 〈◊〉 and ashes 22 But I say to you It shal be easier for Tyrus and Sidon at the day of iudgement then for you 23 And thou Capernaum whiche art lifted vp vnto heauen shalt be broght downe to hell for if the great workes whiche haue bene done in thee had bene done among them of Sodom they had remained to this day 24 But I say vnto you that it shal be easier for them of the land of Sodom in the day of iudgement then for thee 25 * At that time Iesus answered and said I giue thee thankes ô Father Lord of heauen and earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and men of vnderstandyng hast opened them vnto babes 26 It is so ô Father because thy good pleasure was suche 27 * Al things are giuen vnto me of my Father and * no man knoweth the Sonne but the Father nether knoweth any man the Father but the Sonne and he to whome the Sonne will reueile him 28 Come vnto me all ye that are wearie and laden and I wil ease you 29 Take my yoke on you and learne of me that I am meke and lowlie in heart and ye shal finde * rest vnto your soules 30 * For my yoke is easie and my burden light CHAP. XII 3 Christ excuseth his disciples which plucke the eares of corne 10 He healeth the dryed hand 22 Helpeth the possessed that was blinde and domme 31 〈◊〉 34 The generacion of vipers 35 Of good wordes 36. Of idle wordes 38 He rebuketh the vnfaithful that wolde nedes haue tokens 49 And sheweth who is his brother sister and mother 1 AT * that time Iesus wēt on a Sabbath day through the corne ād his disciples were an hungred and began to plucke the eares of corne and to eat 2 And when the Pharises sawe it they said vnto him Beholde thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do vpon the Sabbath 3 But he said vnto them * Haue ye not red what Dauid did when he was an hungred ād they that were with him 4 How he entred into the House of God and ate the shewe bread which was not lawful for him to eat nether for them which were with him but onely for the * Priests 5 Or haue ye not red in the Law how that on the Sabbath dayes the Priests in the Temple * breake the Sabbath and are blameles 6 But I say vnto you that here is one greater then the Temple 7 Wherefore if ye knewe what this is * wil haue mercie and not sacrifice ye wolde not haue condemned the innocents 8 For the sonne of man is Lord euen of the Sabbath 9 * And he departed thence and went into their Synagogue 10 And beholde there was a man which had his hand dryed vp And they asked him saying Is it lawful to heale vpon a Sabbath day that they might accuse him 11 And he said vnto them What man shal there be among you that shal haue a shepe and if it fall on a Sabbath day into a pit wil not he take it and lift it out 12 How muche more then is a man better then a shepe therefore it is lawful to do wel on a Sabbath day 13 Then said he to the man Stretch forthe thine hand And he stretched it forthe and it was made whole as the other 14 Then the Pharises went out and consulted against him how they might destroye him 15 But when Iesus knewe it he departed thence and great multitudes followed him and he healed them all 16 And charged them that they shulde not ma ke him knowen 17 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the Prophet saying 18 * Beholde my seruant whome I haue chosen my beloued in whome my soule deliteth I wil put my Spirit on him and he shal shewe iudgement to the Gentiles 19 He shal not striue nor crye nethershal anie man heare his voyce in the stretes 20 A bruised rede shal he
haue made it a denne of thieues 14 Then*the blinde and the halt came to him in the Temple and he healed them 15 But when the chief Priests and Scribes sawe the marueils that he did and the children crying in the Temple and saying Hosanna the sonne of Dauid they disdained 16 And said vnto him Hearest thou what these say And Iesus said vnto thē Yea red ye neuer * By the mouth of babes ād suckelings thou hast made perfite the praise 17 ¶ So he left them and went out of the citie vnto Bethania and lodged there 18 And*in the morning as he returned into the citie he was hungrie 19 And seing a figgetre in the way he came to it and founde nothing thereon but leaues onely ād said to it Neuer frute grow on thee hence forwardes And anone the figge tree withered 20 And whē his disciples sawe it they marueiled saying How sone is the figge tre with red 21 And Iesus answered ād said vnto them * Verely I say vnto you if ye haue faith and dout not ye shal not onely do that which I haue done to the figge tree but also if ye say vnto this mountaine Take thy self away ād cast thy self into the sea it shal be done 22 * And whatsoeuer ye shal aske in prayer if ye beleue ye shal receiue it 23 ¶ * And when he was come into the Tēple the chief Priests ād the Elders of the people came vnto him as he was teaching and said By what autoritie doest thou these things who gaue thee this autoritie 24 Then Iesus answered and said vnto them I also wil aske of you a certeine thing which if ye tel me I like wise wil tell you by what autoritie I do these things 25 The baptisme of Iohn whence was it from heauen or of men Then they reasoned among them selues saying If we shal say from heauen he wil say vnto vs Why did ye not then beleue him 26 And if we say Of men we feare the people * for all holde Iohn as a Prophet 27 Then they answered Iesus and said We can not tel And he said vnto them Nether tel I you by what autoritie I do these things 28 ¶ But what thinke ye A certeine man had two sonnes and came to the elder and said Sonne go and worke to day in my vineyard 29 But he answered and said I wil not yet afterwarde he repented him self and went 30 Then came he to the seconde and said like wise And he answered and said I wil syr yet he went not 31 Whether of them twaine did the wil of the Father They said vnto him The first Iesus said vnto them Verely I say vnto you that the Publicanes and the harlots shal go before you into the kingdome of God 32 For Iohn came vnto you in the way of righteousnes and ye beleued him not but the Publicanes and the harlots beleued him and ye thogh ye sawe it were not moued with repentance afterwarde that ye might beleue him 33 ¶ Heare another parable There was a certeine housholder * which planted a vineyarde and hedged it round about and made a winepresse therein buylt a tower and let it out to housband men and went into a strange countrey 34 And when the time of the frute drewe nere he sent hys seruants to the housband men to receiue the frutes thereof 35 And the housbandmen toke his seruants beat one and killed another and stoned another 36 Againe he sent other seruants mo then the first and they did the like vnto them 37 But last of all he sent vnto them his owne sonne saying They wil reuerēce my sonne 38 But when the housbandmen sawe the sōne they said among them selues * This is the heire come let vs kill him and let vs take his inheritance 39 So they toke him and cast him out of the vineyarde and slewe him 40 When therefore the Lord of the vineyarde shal come what wilhe do to those housbādmen 41 They said vnto him He wil cruelly destroye those wicked men and wil let out his vineyarde vnto other housbandmen which shal deliuer him the frutes in their seasons 42 Iesus said vnto them Redye neuer in the Scriptures * The stone which the buylders refused the same is made the head of the corner This was the Lords doing and it is marueilous in our eyes 43 Therefore say I vnto you the kingdome of God shal be taken from you and shal be giuē to a nacion which shal bring forthe the frutes thereof 44 * And whosoeuer shal fall on this stone he shal be brokē but on whosoeuer it shal fall it wil grinde him to powder 45 And when the chief Priests and Pharises had heard his parables they perceiued that he spake of them 46 And they seking to lay hands on him feared the people 〈◊〉 they toke him as a Prophet CHAP. XXII 2 The parable of the mariage 9 The vocation of the Gentiles 11 The mariage garment 17 Of paying of tribute 25 Of the resurrection 36 The Scribes question 44 Christs diuinitie 1 THen * Iesus answered and spake vnto thē againe in parables saying 2 The kingdome of heauen is like vnto a certeine King which maried his sonne 3 And sent forthe his seruants to call thē that were bid to the wedding but they wolde not come 4 Againe he sent forthe other seruants saying Tel them which are bidden Beholde I haue prepared my dinner mine oxen and my fatlings are killed all things are readie come vnto the mariage 5 But they made light of it and went their wayes one to his ferme and another about his marchandise 6 And the remnant toke his seruants intreated them sharpely and slewe them 7 But when the King heard it he was wroth and sent forthe his 〈◊〉 and destroyed those murtherers and burnt vp their citie 8 Then said he to his seruants Truely the wed ding is prepared but they which were bidden were not worthie 9 Go ye therefore out into the high wayes and as manie as ye finde bid them to the mariage 10 So those seruants went out into the hie wayes and gathered together all that euer they founde bothe good and bad so the wedding was furnished with ghestes 11 Thē the King came in to se the ghestes and saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment 12 And he said vnto him Friend how camest thou in hither hast not on a wedding garment And he was speacheles 13 Then said the King to the seruants Binde him hand and fote take him away and cast him into vtter darkenes * there shal be weping and 〈◊〉 of teeth 14 * For manie are called but fewe chosen 15 ¶ * Thē went the Pharises and toke counsel how they might tangle
dead mens bones and of all filthines 28 So are ye also for outwarde ye appeare righ teous vnto men but within ye are ful of hypocrisie and iniquitie 29 ¶ Wo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises hypocrites for ye buylde the tombes of the Prophetes and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous 30 And say If we had bene in the dayes of our fathers we wolde not haue bene parteners with them in the blood of the Prophetes 31 So them ye be witnesses vnto yourselues that ye are the children of them that murthered the Prophetes 32 Fulfil ye also the measure of your fathers 33 O serpents the generacion of viperes how shulde ye escape the damnacion of hel 34 Wherefore beholde I send vnto you Prophetes and wise men and Scribes and of thē ye shal kil and crucifie and of them shal ye scourge in your Synagogues and persecute from citie to citie 35 That vpon you may come all the righteous blood that was shed vpon the earth * from the blood of Abel the righteous vnto the blood of Zacharias the sonne of Barachias * whome ye slewe betwene the Temple and the altar 36 Verely I say vnto you all these things shal come vpon this generation 37 * Ierusalem Ierusalem which killest the Pro phetes and stoned them whiche are sent to thee how often wolde I haue gathered thy childrē together * as the hēne gathereth her chickēs vnder her wings and ye wolde not 38 Beholde your habitacion shal be left vnto you desolate 39 For I saye vnto you ye shal not se me hēce forthe til that ye say Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. CHAP. XXIIII 1 Christ sheweth his disciples the destruction of the Tem ple. 5. 24. The false Christs 13 To perseuere 14 The preaching of the Gospel 6. 29 The signes of the end of the worlde 42 He warneth them to wake 44 The sudden comming of Christ. 1 ANd * Iesus went out departed frō the Temple and his disciples came to him 2 And Iesus said vnto them Se ye not all these things Verely I say vnto you * there shal not be here left a stone vpon a stone that shal not be cast downe 5 And as he sate vpon the mount of Oliues his disciples came vnto him aparte saying TEll vs whē these things shal be and what signe shal be of thy comming and of the end of the worlde 4 And Iesus answered and said vnto them * Take hede that no man deceiue you 3 For manie shal come in my Name saying I am Christ and shal deceiue manie 6 And ye shal heare of warres and rumors of warres se that ye be not troubled for all these things must come to passe but the end is not yet 7 For nacion shal rise against nacion and realme againste realme and there shal be pestilence and famine and earth quakes in diuers places 8 Al these are but the beginning of sorowes 9 * Then shall they deliuer you vp to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye shal be hated of all nacions for my Names sake 10 And then shal manie be offende shal betray one another and shal hate one another 11 And manie false prophetes shall arise and shal deceiue manie 12 And because iniquitie shal be increased the loue of manie shal be colde 13 * But he that endureth to the end he shal be saued 14 And thys Gospell of the kingdome shal be preached through the whole worlde for a witnes vnto all nacions and then shall the ende come 15 ¶ When ye* therefore shal se the abomi nation of desolation spoken of by * Daniel the Prophet standing in the holie place let him that readeth consider it 16 Then let them which be in Iudea flee into the mountaines 17 Let him which is on the house top not come downe to fetch anie thing out of his house 18 And he that is in the field let not him returne backe to fetch his clothes 19 And wo shal be to thē that are with childe and to them that giue sucke in those dayes 20 But pray that your flight be not in the winter nether on the * Sabbath day 21 For then shal be great tribulation suche as was not from the beginnyng of the worlde to this time nor shal be 22 And except those daies shuldbe shortned there shulde no flesh be saued but for the electes sake those dayes shal be shortened 23 * Then if anie shal say vnto you Lo here is Christ or there beleue it not 24 For there shal arise false Christs and false prophetes and shal shewe great signes and wonders so that if it were possible they shulde deceiue the verie elect 25 Beholde I haue tolde you before 26 Wherefore if they shal say vnto you Beholde he is in the desert go not forthe Beholde he is in the secret places beleue it not 27 For as the lightning cometh out of the East and shineth into the West so shal also the comming of the Sonne of man be 28 * For wheresoeuer a dead carkeis is thither wil the egles resort 29 * And immediatly after the tribulations of those dayes shal the sunne be darkened and the moone shal not giue her light and the starres shal fall frō heauen the powers of heauen shal be shaken 30 And then shal appeare the signe of the Sōne of man in heauen then shal all the kinreds of the earth mourne they shalse the Sōne of man come in the cloudes of heauen with power and great glorie 31 * And he shal send his Angels with a great sounde of a trumpet and they shal gather together his elect from the foure windes frō the one end of the heauen vnto the other 32 Now learne the parable of the figge tre whē her bough is yet tender it bringeth forthe leaues ye knowe that sommer is nere 33 So likewise ye when ye se all these things knowe that the kingdome of God is nere euen at the dores 34 Verely I say vnto you this generation shal not passe til all these things be done 35 * Heauen and earth shal passe away but my wordes shal not passe away 36 But of that day and houre knoweth no mā no not the Angels of heauen but my Father onely 37 But as the dayes of Noe were so likewise shal the comming of the Sonne of man be 38 * For as in the dayes before the flood they did eat and drinke mary and giue in mariage vnto the day that Noe entred into the Arke 39 And knewe nothing til the flood came toke them all awaye so shal also the comming of the Sonne of man be 40 * Thē two men shal be in the fields
they had a great while agone repēted sitting in sacke clothe and asshes 14 Therefore it shal be easier for Tyrus and Sidon at the iudgement then for you 15 And thou Capernaum which art exalted to heauen shalt be thrust downe to hel 16 ¶ * He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me 17 ¶ And the seuentie turned againe with ioye saying Lord euen the deuils are subdued to vs through thy Name 18 And he said vnto them I sawe Satan like lightening fall downe from heauen 19 Beholde I giue vnto you power to treade on serpents scorpiōs ouer all the power of the enemie and nothing shal hurt you 20 Neuertheles in this reioyce not that the spirits are subdued vnto you but rather reioyce because your names are written in heauen 21 ¶ That same houre reioyced Iesus in the spi rit and said I confessevento thee Father Lord of heauen and earth that thou hast hid these things from the wise and learned and hast reueiled them to babes euen so Father because it so pleased thee 22 Then he turned to his disciples and said All things are giuen me of my Father and no man knoweth who the Sonne is but the Father nether who the Father is saue the Sonne and he to whome the Sonne wil reueile him 23 ¶ And he returned to his disciples and said secretly * Blessed are the eyes which se that ye se. 24 For I tell you that manie Prophetes and Kings haue desired to se those things which ye se and haue not sene them and to heare those things which ye heare ād haue not heard them 25 ¶ * Then beholde a certeine expounder of the Law stode vp and tempted him saying Master what shal I do to inherite eternal life 26 And he said vnto him What is written in the Law how readest thou 27 And he answered and said * Thou shalt loue thy Lord God with all thine heart and with all thy soule and with all thy strength and with all thy thoght * and thy neighbour as thy felf 28 Then he said vnto him Thou hast answered right this do and thou shalt liue 29 But he willing to iustifie him self said vnto Iesus Who is then my neighbour 30 And Iesus aunswered and said A certeine man went down from Ierusalem to Iericho and fell among theues and they robbed him of his rayment and wounded him and depar ted leauing him halfe dead 31 And by chāce there came down a certeine Priest that same way and whē he sawe him he passed by on the other side 32 And lykewise also a Leuite when he was come nere to the place went and loked on him and passed by on the other side 33 Then a certeine Samaritan as heiourneyed came nere vnto him and when he sawe him he had compassion on him 34 And went to hym and bounde vp his wondes and powred in oyle and wine and put hym on his owne beast and broght hym to an ynne and made prouision for him 35 And on the moro we when he departed he toke 〈◊〉 two pence and gaue them to the hoste and said vnto hym Take care of hym and whatsoeuer thou spendest more when I come againe I wil recompense thee 36 Which nowe of these thre thinkest thou was neyghbour vnto hym that fell amonge the theues 37 And he sayd He that shewed mercye on him Then said Iesus vnto him Go and do thou likewise 38 ¶ Nowe it came to passe as they went that he entred into a certeine towne and a certeine woman named Martha receyued hym into her house 39 And she had a sister called Marie which also sate at Iesus fete and heard his preaching 40 But Martha was combred about muche ser uing and came to him ād said Master doest thou not care that my sister hathe lefte me to serue alone bid her therefore that she helpe me 41 And Iesus answered and said vnto her Mar tha Martha thou carest and art troubled about manie things 42 But one thyng is nedeful Marie hathe cho sen the good parte which shall not be taken away from her CHAP. XI 2 He teacheth hys disciples to praye 14 He driueth 〈◊〉 a deuill 15 And rebuketh the blasphemous Pharises 28 He preferreth the spirituall cousinage 29 They require signes and tokens 37 He eateth with the Pharise and 〈◊〉 the hypocrisie of the Pharises Scribes and hypocrites 1 ANd so it was that as he was praying in a certeine place when he ceased one of his disciples said vnto him Master teache vs to praye as Iohn also taught his disciples 2 * And he said vnto them When ye pray say Our Father which art in heauē halowed be thy Name Thy kingdome come Let thy wil be done euen in earth as it is in heauen 3 Our daily bread giue vs for the day 4 And forgiue vs our sinnes for euen we forgiue euerie man that is indetted to vs And lead vs not into temptacion but deliuer vs from euil 5 ¶ Moreouer he sayde vnto them Whiche of you shall haue a friend and shall go to him at midnight and saye vnto hym Friend lend me thre 〈◊〉 6 For a friende of myne is come out of the way to me and I haue nothing to set before hym 7 And he wythin shulde aunswere and saye Trouble me not the dore is nowe shut and my children are with me in bed I can not rise and giue them to thee 8 I say vnto you thogh he wolde not arise and giue him because he is his friende yet doutles because of hys importunitie he wolde rise and giue him as many as he neded 9 * And I saye vnto you Aske and it shal be giuen you seke and ye shal finde knocke and it shal be opened vnto you 10 For euerie one that asketh receiueth and he that seketh findeth ād to hymthat knoc keth it shal be opened 11 * If a sōne shal aske bread of any of you that is a father wil he giue him a stone or if he as ke a fish wil he for a fishe giue him a serpēt 12 Or if he aske an egge wil he giue him ascor pion 13 If ye then whiche are euill can giue good giftes vnto your children how muche more shall your heauenlie Father giue the holye Gost to them that desire him 14 ¶ Then he caste out a deuill whyche was domme and whē the deuil was gone out the domme spake and the people wondred 15 But some of them sayd He casteth out deuils through Beel-zebub the chief of the deuils 16 And others tempted him sekyng of hym a signe from heauen 17 But he knewe their thoghtes and said vnto to them * Euerie kingdome deuided against it self shal be desolate ād an
intention semed good and necessarie and of Iosiah also who for greate considerations was moued for the defence of true Religion and his people to fight agaynste Pharaoh Necho Kyng of Egypt may sufficiently admonish vs. Laste of all moste graciōus Quene for the aduancement of this buyldyng and rearyng vp of the worke two things are necessarie First that we haue a lyuely and sted fast faith in Christ Iesus who must dwel in our heartes as the only meanes and assurance of our saluation for he is the ladder that reacheth from the earth to heauen he lifteth vp his Churche and setteth it in the hea uenly places he maketh vs lyuely stones and buildeth vs vpon him selfe he ioyneth vs to hym selfe as the membres and body to the head yea he maketh him selfe ād his Church one Christ. The next is that our faith bring forthe good fruites so that our godly conuersation may serue vs as a witnes to confirme our election and by an example to all others to walke as apperteyneth to the vocation whereunto they are called leste the worde of God be euill spoken of and this buyldyng be stayed to growe vp to a iuste heyght whiche can not be without the greate prouocation of Gods iuste vengeance and discouragyng of many thousandes through all the worlde if they shulde se that our life were notholy and agreable to our profession For the eyes of all that feare God in al places beholde your countreyes as an example to all that beleue and the prayers of all the godly at all tymes are directed to God for the preseruation of your maiestie For consideryng Gods wonderfull mercies towarde you at all seasons who hathe pulled you out of the mouth of the lyons and howe that from your youth you haue bene broght vp in the holy Scriptures the hope of all men is so increased that they can not but looke that God shulde bryng to passe some wonderful worke by your grace to the vniuersall comforte of hys Churche Therefore euen aboue strength you muste she we your selfe strong and bolde in Gods matters and thogh Satan lay all his power and crafte together to hurt and hinder the Lordes building yet be you assured that God will fight from heauen againste this great dragon the ancient serpent whiche is called the deuill and Satan till he haue accomplished the whole worke and made his Churche glorious to hym selfe without spot or wrincle For albeit all other kingdomes and monarchies as the Babylonians Persians Grecians and Romaines haue fallen and taken end yet the Churche of Christe euen vnder the Crosse hathe from the begynning of the worlde bene victorious and shal be euerlastyngly Trueth it is that sometyme it semeth to be shadowed with a cloude or driuen with a stormie persecution yet suddenly the beames of Christ the sunne of iustice shine and bryng it to light and libertie If for a tyme it lye couered with ashes yet it is quickely kindeled agayne by the wynde of Gods Spirit thogh it seme drowned in the sea or parched and pyned in the wildernes yet GOD giueth euer good successe for he punysheth enemyes and deliuereth hys nourisheth thē and still preserueth them vnder hys wyngs This Lord of Lordes and King of kings who hath euer defended his strengthen comfort and preserue your maiestie that you maye be able to builde vp the ruines of Gods house to hys glorie the discharge of your conscience and to the comfort of all them that loue the commyng of Christ Iesus our Lord. From Geneua 10. April 1561. TO OVR BELOVED IN THE LORD THE BRETHREN OF ENGLAND Scotland Ireland c. Grace mercie and peace through Christ Iesus BEsides the manifolde and continuall benefites whiche almyghtie God bestoweth vpon vs bothe corporall and spirituall we are especially bounde deare brethren to giue him thankes without ceasing for hys great grace and vnspeakable mercies in that it hathe pleased hym to call vs vnto this meruelous lyght of his Gospel and mercifully to regarde vs after so horrible back esliding and falling away from CHRIST to ANTICHRIST from lyght to darcknes from the liuing God to dumme and dead idoles and that after so cruell murther of Gods Saintes as alas hathe bene among vs we are not altogether cast of as were the Israelites and many others for the like or not so manifest wickednes but receiued againe to gra ce with moste euident signes and tokens of Gods especialloue and fauour To the intent therefore that we may not be vnmyndefull of these greate merecies but seke by all meanes accordyng to ourduetie to be thank efull for the same it behoueth vs so to walke in his feare and loue that all the dayes of our life we maye procure the glorie of his holy name Now forasmuche as thys th ing chefely is atteyned by the knollage and practising of the worde of God which is the light to our paths the keye of the kyngdome of heauen our comforte in affliction our shielde and sworde against Satan the schoole of all wisdome the glasse wherein we beholde Gods face the testimonie of his fauour and the only foode and nourishement of our soules we thoght that we colde bestowe our labours and studie in nothyng whiche colde be more acceptable to God and comfortable to his Church then in the translating of the holy Scriptures into our natiue tongue the which thing albeit that diuers heretofore haue indeuored to atchieue yet consideryng the infancie of those tymes and imperfect knollage of the tongues in respect of thys rype age and cleare light whiche God hath now reueiled the translations required greatly to be perused and reformed Not that we vendicat anything to our selues aboue the least of our brethren for God knoweth wyth what feare tremblyng we haue bene nowe for the space of two yeres more daye and nyght occupied herein but beyng earnestly desired and by diuers whose learnyng and godlines we reuerence exhorted and also incouraged by the ready willes of suche whose heartes God lyke wise touched not to spare any charges for the fortherance of suche a benefite and fauour of God towarde his Churche thogh the tyme then was moste dangerous and the persecution sharpe and furious we submitted our selues at length to their godly iudgementes and seing the great oportunitie and occasions whiche God presented vnto vs in this Church by rea son of so many godly and learned men and suche diuersities of translations in diuers tongues we vnder toke this great and wonderful worke with all reuerence as in the presence of God as intreating the worde of God whereunto we thinke ourselues vnsufficient whiche nowe God according to his diuine prouidence and mercie hath directed to a moste prosperous end And this we may with good conscience protest that we haue in euery point and worde accordyng to the measure of that knollage whiche it pleased almightie God to giue vs
thou art but dead because of the womā which thou hast taken for she is a mans wife 4 Notwithstanding Abimélech had not yet come nere her And he said Lord wilt thou slaie euen the righteous nacion 5 Said not he vnto me She is my sister yea and she her selfe said He is my brother with an vpright minde and innocent hands haue I done this 6 And God said vnto him by a dreame I knowe that thou did est this euē with an vpright minde and I kept thee also that thou shuldest not sinne against me therfore suffred I thee not to touche her 7 Now then deliuer the man his wife againe for he is a Prophet and he shal praye for thee that thou mayestliue butif thou deliuer her not againe be sure that thou shalt die the death thou and all that thou hast 8 Then Abimélech rising vp early in the morning called all his seruantes tolde all these thynges vnto them and the men were sore afraide 9 Afterward Abimélech called Abrahám and said vnto him What hast thou done vnto vs what haue I offended thee that thou hast broght on me and on my kingdome this great sinne thou hast done things vnto me that ought not to be done 10 So Abimélech said vnto Abrahám What sawest thou that thou hast done this thing 11 Then Abrahám answered Because I thoght thus Surely the feare of God is not in this place and they wil slay me for my wiues sake 12 Yet in very dede she is my sister for she is the daughter of my father but not the daugh ter of my mother and she is my wife 13 Now when God caused me to wandre out of my fathers house I said them to her This is thy kindenes that thou shalt shewe vnto me in all places where we come * Say thou of me He is my brother 14 Then toke Abimélech shepe and beues ād men seruantes and women seruantes and gaue them vnto Abrahám and restored him Saráh his wife 15 And Abimélech said Behold my land is before thee dwel where it pleaseth thee 16 Likewise to Sarâh he said Beholde I haue giuen thy brother a thousand peces of siluer beholde he is the vaile of thine eies to all that are with thee and to all others and she was thus reproued 17 ¶ Thē Abrahàm praied vnto God and God healed Abimélech and his wife his maid seruants and they bare children 18 For the Lord had shut vp euerie wombe of the house of Abimélech because of Saráh Abrahams wife CHAP. XXI 2 Izhak is borne 9 Ishmaél mocketh Izhik 14 Hagaris cast out with her sonne 17 The Angel comforteth Hagar 22 The couenant betwene Abimélech Abraham 1 NOw the Lord visited Saráh as he had said and did vnto her * according as he had promised 2 For * Saráh conceiued and bare Abrahám a sonne in his olde age at the same seasō that God tolde him 3 And Abrahám called his sonnes name that was borne vnto him which Saráh bare him Izhák 4 Then Abrahám circumcised Izhák his sonne when he was eight daies olde * as God had commanded him 5 So Abrahám was an hūdreth yere olde whē his sonne Izhák was borne vnto him 6 ¶ Then Saráh said God hathe made me to re ioyce all that heare wil reioyce with me 7 Againe she said Who wolde haue said to Abrahám that Saráh shulde haue giuen children sucke for I haue borne him a sonne in his olde age 8 Then the childe grewe and was weaned and Abrahám made a great feast the same day that Izhák was weaned 9 ¶ And Saráh sawe the sonne of Hagár the Egyptian which she had borne vnto Abraham mocking 10 Wherefore she said vnto Abrahám Cast out this bond woman and her sonne for the sonne of this bond womā shal not be heire with my sonne Izhák 11 And this thing was very grieuous in Abrahams sight because of his sonne 12 ¶ But God said vnto Abrahám Let it not be grieuous in thy sight for the childe and for thy bond woman in all that Saráh shal saie vnto thee heare her voyce for in Izhák shal thy sede be called 13 As for the sonne of the bond womā I wil ma ke him a naciō also because he is thy sede 14 So Abrahám arose vp early in the morning and toke bread and a bottel of water and gaue it vnto Hagár putting it on her shulder and the childe also and sent her away who departing wandred in the wildernes of Beer-shéba 15 And when the water of the bottelwas spent she cast the childe vnder a certeinetre 16 Then she went and sate her ouer against him a farre of about a bowe shote for she said I wil not se the death of the childe and she sate downe ouer against him and lift vp her voyce and wept 17 Then God heard the voyce of the childe and the Angel of God called to Hagár from heauen and said vnto her What aileth thee Hagár feare not for God hathe heard the voyce of the childe where he is 18 Arise take vp the childe and holde him in thine hand for I wil make of him a great people 19 And God opened her eies and she sawe a well of water so she went and filled the bottel with water and gaue the boye drinke 20 So God was with the childe and he grewe and dwelt in the wildernes and was an archer 21 And he dwelt in the wildernes of Parán and his mother toke him a wife out of the land of Egypt 22 ¶ And at that same time Abimélech and Phichôl his chief captaine spake vnto Abra hám saying God is with thee in all that thou doest 23 Now therefore sweare vnto me here by God that thou wilt not hurt me nor my children nor my childrens children thou shalt deale with me and with the countrie where thou hast bene a stranger according vnto the kindenes that I haue shewed thee 24 Then Abrahám said I wil sweare 25 And Abrahám rebuked Abimélech for a well of water which Abimelechs seruants had violently taken away 26 And Abimélech said I knowe not who hathe done this thing also thou toldest me not nether heard I of it but this daie 27 Then Abrahám toke shepe and beues and gaue them vnto Abimélech and they two made a couenant 28 And Abraham set seuen lambes of the flocke by themselues 29 Then Abimélech said vnto Abrahám What meane these seuen lambes which thou hast set by themselues 30 And he answered Because thou shalt receiue of mine hand these seuen lambes that it may be a witnes vnto me that I haue digged this well 31 Wherefore the place is called Beer-shéba because there thei bothe sware 32 Thus made they a couenant at Beershéba 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Phichôl his chief captaine
15 ¶ * But if thou wilt not obey the voyce of the Lord thy God to kepe and to do all his commandements and his ordinances which I commande thee this day thē all these curses shal come vpon thee and ouertake thee 16 Cursed shalt thou be in the towne and cursed also in the field 17 Cursed shal thy basket be and thy dough 18 Cursed shal be the frute of thy body ād the frute of thy land the increase of thy kine ād the flockes of thy shepe 19 Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in and cursed also when thou goest out 20 The Lord shal send vpon thee cursing trou ble and shame in all that which thou settest thine hād to do vntil thou be destroyed and perish quickely because of the wicked nes of thy workes whereby thou hast forsaken me 21 The Lord shal make the pestilence cleaue vnto thee vntil he hathe cōsumed thee from the land whether thou goest to possesse it 22 * The Lotd shal smite thee with a consumption and with the feauer and with a burning ague and with seruent heat and with the sword and with blasting and with the milde we and they shal pursue the vntil thou perish 23 And thine heauen that is ouer thine head shal be brasse and the earth that is vnder thee yron 24 The Lord 〈◊〉 giue thee for the raine of thy land dust and ashes euen from heauen shal it come downe vpon thee vntil thou be destroyed 25 And the Lord shal cause thee to fall before thine enemies thou shalt come out one way against them and shalt flee seuen wayes before them and shalt be scatered through all the kingdomes of the earth 26 And thy carke is shal be meat vnto all foules of the ayre and vnto the beastes of the earth and none shal fray them away 27 The Lord wil smite thee with the botche of Egypt and with the emeroides and with the skab and with the itche that thou canst not be healed 28 And the Lord shal smite thee with madnes and with blindnes and with astonying of heart 29 Thou shalt also grope at noone daies as the blinde gropeth in darckenes and shalt not prosper in thy waies thou shalt neuer but be oppressed with wrong and be poulled euermore and no man shal succour thee 30 Thou shalt betrothe a wife and another mā shal lie with her thou shalt buylde an house and shalt not dwel therein thou shalt plant a vineyarde and shalt not eat the frute 31 Thine oxe shal be slayne before thine eies and thou shalt 〈◊〉 eat there of thine asse shal be wiolently taken away before thy face ād shal not be restored to thee thyshepe shal be giuen vnto thine enemies and no man shall rescue them for thee 32 Thy sonnes and thy daughters shal be giuen vnto another people and thine 〈◊〉 shal stil loke for them euen til they fall out and there shal be no power in thine hand 33 The frute of thy land and all thy labours shal a people which thou knowest not ear and thou shalt neuer but suffer wrong and violence alway 34 So that thou shalt be mad for the sight which thine eies shal se. 35 The Lord shal smite thee in the knees and in the thighes with a 〈◊〉 botche that thou canst not be healed euen from the sole of thy fote vnto the top of thine head 36 The Lord shal bring thee and thy King which thou shalt set ouer thee vnto anacion which nether thou nor thy fathers haue knowen and there thou shalt serue other gods euen wood and stone 37 And thou shalt * be a wonder a prouerbe a commune talke among al people whether the Lord shal cary thee 38 * Thou shalt cary out muche sede into the field and shalt gather but litle in for the greshoppers shal destroye it 39 Thou shalt plante a vineyarde and dresse it but shalt nether drinke of the wine nor gather the grapes for the wormes shal eat it 40 Thou shalt haue oliue trees in al thy coastes but shalt not anoint thy self with the oyle for thine olines shal fall 41 Thou shalt beget sonnes and daughters but shalt not haue them for thei shal go into captiuitie 42 All thy trees and frute of thy land shal the greshopper consume 43 The stranger that is among you shal clime aboue thee vp on hye and thou shalt come downe beneth alowe 44 He shall lend thee and thou shalte not lend hym he shal be the head and thou shalt be the tayle 45 Moreouer all these curses shal come vpon thee and shall pursue thee ād ouertake thee till thou be destroyed because thou obeyedst not the voyce of the Lorde thy God to kepe his comman dements and his ordinan ces whiche he commanded thee 46 And they shal be vpon thee for signes and wonders and vpon thy sede for euer 47 Because thou seruedst not the LORD thy God with ioyfulnes and with a good hearte for the abundance of all thyngs 48 Therefore thou shalte serue thine enemies which the Lord shal send vpon thee in honger ād in thrust and in nak ednes ād in nede of al things and he shal put a yoke of yron vpon thy necke vntil he haue destroyed thee 49 The Lord shall bryng a nacion vpon thee from far euen from the end of the worlde flying swift as an egle a nacion whose tongue thou shalt not vnderstand 50 A nacion of a fierce countenance whiche wil not regarde the persone of the olde nor haue compassion of the yong 51 The same shal eat the frute of thy cattel and the frute of thy lande vntyll thou be destroyed and he shall leaue thee nether wheat wine nor oyle nether the increase of thy kyne nor the flockes of thy shepe vntill he haue broght thee to noght 52 And he shall besiege thee in all thy cities vntil thine hye and strong walles fal downe wherein thou trustedst in all the land and he shall besiege thee in all thy cities throughout all thylande whiche the Lorde thy God hathe giuen thee 53 * And thou shalt eat the frute of thy bodie euen the flesh of thy sonnes ād thy daughters whiche the Lorde thy God 〈◊〉 giuen thee duryng the siege and straitnes wherein thine enemie shal in close thee 54 So that the man that is tender and exceding deintie among you * shal be grieued at his brother and at his wife that lyeth in his bosome and at the remnant of his children whiche he hathe yet left 55 For feare of gyuynge vnto anie of them of the fleshe of his children whom he shal eat because he hathe nothynge left hym in that siege and straitnes wherewith thyne enemie shalbesiege thee in allthy cities 56 The tender and deintie woman amonge you whiche neuer wolde venture to set the sole
there was not the like made in any kingdome The Royal Throne of 〈◊〉 21 And all King Salomons drinking vessels were of golde all the vessels of the hou se of the wood of Lebanōn were of pure golde none were of siluer for it was nothing estemed in the daies of Salomón 22 For the King had on the sea the nauie of Tharshish with the nauie of Hirám once in thre yere came the nauie of Tharshish and broght golde siluer yuerie apes and peacockes 23 So King Salomon exceded all the Kings of the earth bothe in riches in wisdome 24 And all the worlde soght to se Salomón to heare is wisdome which God had put in his heart 25 And thei broght euery man his present vessels of siluer and vessels of golde and raiment and armour and swete odors hor ses and mules from yere to yere 26 Then Salomón gathered together * charets horsemen and he had a thousand foure hundreth charets twelue thousād horsemen whome he placed in the charets cities and with the Kings at Ierusalem 27 And the King gaue siluer in Ierusalem as stones and gaue cedres as the wilde fig-trees that growe abundātly in the plaine 28 Also Salomón had horses broght out of Egypt and fine liuen the Kings marchants receiued the liuen for a price 29 There came vp and went out of Egypt some charet worthe sixhūdreth shekels of siluer that is one horse an hundreth fiftie and thus they broght horses to all the Kings of the Hittites ād to the King of Arám by their meanes CHAP. XI 1 Salomón hathe a thousand wiues and concubines which bring him to idolatrie 14 His God raiseth vp aduersaries against him 43 He dyeth 1 BVt King Salomón loued * many outlandish women bothe the daughter of Pharaóh and the women of Moáb Ammon Edóm Zidón and Heth. 2 Of the nacions whereof the Lord had said vnto the children of Israél * Go not ye in to them nor let them come in to you for surely they wil turne your hearts after their gods to them I say did Salomôn ioyne in loue 3 And he had seuen hundreth wiues that were princesses and thre hundreth cōcubines hiswiues turned away his heart 4 For when Salomón was olde his wiues tur ned his heart after other gods so that his heart was not perfit with the Lord his God as was the heart of Dauid his father 5 For Salomón followed * Ashtarôth the god of the Zidonians and Milcóm the abominacion of the Ammonites 6 So Salomō wroght wickednes in the sight of the Lórd but continued not to follow the Lord as did Dauid his father 7 Then did Salomón buylde an hieplace for Chemôsh the abominacion of Moah in the mountaine that is ouer against Ierusalém and vnto Molech the abominacion of the children of Ammon 8 And so did he for all his out landish wiues which burnt incense and offred vnto their gods 9 Therefore the Lord was angry with Salomón because he had turned his heart frō the Lord God of Israél * which had appeared vnto him twise 10 And had giuen him a * charge concerning this thing that he shulde not followe other gods but hekept not that which the lord had commanded him 11 Wherefore the Lord said vnto Salomón Forasmuche as this is done of thee and thou hast not kept my couenant and my statutes which I commanded thee * I wil surely rent the kingdom thee and will giue it to thy seruant 12 Notwithstanding in thy daies I wil not do it because of Dauid thy father but I wil rent it out of the hand of thy sonne 13 Howbeit I wil not rent all the Kingdome but wil giue one tribe to thy sonne because of Dauid my seruant and because of Ierusalém which I haue chosen 14 ¶ Then the Lord stirred vp an aduersarie vnto Salomón euen Hadád the Edomite of the Kings seede which was in Edōm 15 * For when Dauid was in Edóm and Ioáb the captaine of the hoste had smitten all the males in Edóm and was gone vp to bury thei slayne 16 For six moneths did Ioáb remaine there and all Israél til he had destroyed all the males in Edóm 17 Then this Hadád fled and certeine other Edomites of his fathers seruants with him to go into Egypt Hadád being yet a litle childe 18 And theyarose out of Midián and came to Parán and toke men with them out of Parán came to Egypt vnto Pharaoh King of Egypt which haue him an house and appointed him vitailes and gaue him lād 19 So Hadád foūde great fauour in the sight of Pharaoh and he gaue him to wife the si ster of his owne wife euē the sister of Tah penés the quene 20 And the sister of Tahpenés bare him Genu báth his sonne whome Tahpenés vayned in Pharaohs house and Genubáth was in Pharaohs house among the sonnes of Pharaoh 21 And when Hadád heard in Egypt that Da uid slept with his fathers and that Ioáb the captaine of the hoste was dead Hadad said to Pharaóh Let me departe that I may go to mine owne countrey 22 But Pharaóh said vn to him what hast thou lacked with me that thou woldest thus go to thine owne countrey And he answe red Nothing but in any wise let me go 23 ¶ * And God stirred him vp another aduersaire Rezón the sōne of Eliadáh which fled from his Lord Hadadézer King of Zobáh 24 And he gathered men vnto him and had bene captaine ouer the companie when Dauid slewe them And thei went to Damascus and dwelt there and thei made him King in Damascus 25 Therefore was he an aduersaire to Israél all the daies of Salomón besides the euil that Hadád did he also abhorred Israél reigned ouer aram 26 ¶ * And Ieroboám the sonne of Nebat an Ephrathite of Zeréda Salomons seruant whose mother was called Zeruáh a widowe lift vp his hand against the King 27 And this was the cause that he lift vp his hand against the King When Salomôn buylt Millō he repared the broken places of the citie of Dauid his father 28 And this man Ieroboám was a man of strength and courage and Salomon seing that the yong man was mete for the work he made him ouerseer of all the laboure of the house of Ioséph 29 And at that time when Ieroboám went out of lerusalém the Prophet Ahiiáh the Shilonite founde him in the way hauing a newe garment on him and thei two were alone in the field 30 Then Ahiiáh caugh the newe garmēt that was on him and 〈◊〉 it in twelue pieces 31 And said to Ieroboám Take vnto thee ten pieces for thus sayth the Lord God of Israél Beholde I wil rent the kingdome out of the hands of Salomon and wil giue ten tribes to thee 32 But he shal haue one
Dauid and of the princes for the buylding of the Temple 10 Dauid gyueth thankes to the Lord. 20 He exhorteth the people to do the same 22 Salomón is created King 28 Dauid dyeth and Salomó his sonne reigneth in his steade 1 MOreouer Dauid the Kynge said vnto all the Congregacion God hath chosen Salomón mine onelie sonne yong and tēdre the worke is great for this house is not for man but for the Lord God 2 Now I haue prepared with all my power for the house of my God golde for vessels of golde and siluer for them of siluer and brasse for things of brasse yrō for things of yron and wood for things of wood onix stones stones to be set carbuncle stones and of diuers colour all precious stones and marble stones in abundance 3 Moreouer because I haue delite in the house of my GOD I haue of myne owne golde and siluer whiche I haue giuē to the house of my God beside all that I haue prepared for the house of the Sanctuarie 4 Euen thre thousand talents of golde of the golde of Ophir and seuen thousande talents of fined siluer to ouerlay the walles of the houses 5 The golde for the thinges of golde and the siluer for things of siluer and for all the worke by the hands of artificers and who is willing to fill hys hande to daye vnto the Lord 6 So the Princes of the families the princes of the tribes of Israél and the captaines of thousands of hundreths with the rulers of the Kings work offred willingly 7 And they gaue for the seruice of the house of GOD fiue thousande talents of golde and ten thousand pieces and ten thousand talents of siluer and eyghtene thousande talents of brasse and one hundreth thousand talents of yron 8 And they with whome precious stones were founde gaue them to the treasure of the house of the Lord by the hād of Iehiél the Gershunnite 9 And the people reioyced when thei offred willingly for they offred willingly vnto the Lord with a perfite heart And Dauid the King also reioyced with great ioye 10 Therefore Dauid blessed the Lord before all the Congregacion Dauid said Blessed be thou ô Lord GOD of Israél our father for euer and euer 11 Thine ô Lord is greatnes and power glorie and victorie and praise for all that is in heauen and in earth is thine thyne is the kingdome ô Lord and thou excellest as head ouer all 12 Bothe riches and honour come of thee and thou reygnest ouer all and in thyne hand is power and strength and in thyne hand it is to make great to giue strenght vnto all 13 Now therefore our God we thanke thee and praise thy glorious Name 14 But who am I and what is my people that we shulde be able to offer willingly after this sorte for all things come of thee and of thine owne hand we haue giuen thee 15 For we are strangers before thee and soiourners like all our fathers our dayes are like the shadowe vpon the earth and there is none abiding 16 O Lord our God all this abundance that we haue prepared to buylde thee an house for thine holy Name is of thine hand and all is thine 17 I knowe also my GOD that thou * tryest the hearte and hast pleasure in righteousnes I haue offred willingly in the vprightnes of myne hearte all these thyngs now also haue I sene thy people whyche are founde here to offer vnto thee willingly with ioye 18 O Lord God of Abrahám Izhák and Israél our fathers kepe this for euer in the purpose and the thoghts of the heart of thy people prepare their hearts vnto thee 19 And giue vnto Salomôn my sonne a perfit heart to kepe thy commandemēts thy testimonies and thy statutes and to do all thinges and to buylde the house whiche I haue prepared 20 ¶ And Dauid said to all the Congregaciō Now blesse the Lord your God And all the Congregacion blessed the LORD GOD of their fathers and bowed downe theyr heades and worshipped the Lord and the King 21 And they offred sacrifices vnto the Lord and on the morow after that day they offred burnt offrings vnto the Lord euen a thousande yonge bullockes a thousande rammes a thousand sheepe with theyr drinke offrings and sacrifices in abundance for all Israél 22 And they did eat and drynke before the Lord the same daye with greate ioye and they made Salomón the sonne of Dauid King the seconde time and anointed him prince before the Lord and Zadok for the hie Priest 23 So Salomón sate on the throne of the Lord as King in steade of Dauid his father and prospered and all Israél obeyed hym 24 And all the princes and men of power and all the sonnes of King Dauid submitted them selues vnder King Salomón 25 And the Lord magnified Salomón in dignitie in the sight of all Israél and gaue him so glorious a kingdome as no Kynge had before him in Israél 26 ¶ * Thus Dauid the sonne of Ishái reigned ouer all Israél 27 And the space that he reigned ouer Israél was fourtie yere seuen yere reigned he in Hebrón and thre and thirtie yere reygued he in Ierusalém 28 And he dyed in a good age full of dayes riches and honour and Salomón his sonne reignéd in his steade 29 Concerning the actes of Dauid the King first and last beholde they are writen in the boke of Samuél the Seer and in the boke of Nathán the Prophete and in the boke of Gad the Seer 30 With all his reigne and his power and times that went ouer him and ouer Israél and ouer all the kingdomes of the earth THE SECONDE BOKE of the Chronicles THE ARGVMENT THis seconde boke conteineth briefely in effect that whiche is comprehended in the two bokes of the Kinges that is from the reigne of Salomón to the destruction of Ierusalém and the carying awaye of the people captiue into Babylón In this storie are certeine things declared and set forthe more copiously then in the bokes of the Kinges and therfore serue greatly to the vnderstanding of the Prophetes But thre thinges are here chiefly to be considered Firste that the godlie Kings when they sawe the plagues of God prepared against their countrey for sinne had recourse to the Lord and by earnest prayer were heard and the plagues remoued The seconde how it is a thing that greatly offendeth GOD that suche as feare him and professe his religion shulde ioyne in amitie with the wicked And thirdelye how the good rulers euer loued the Prophetes of God and were very zealous to set forthe his religion throughout all their dominions and cōtrarie wise the wicked hated his ministers deposed them and for the true religion and worde of God set vp idolatrie and serued God according to the fantasie of men Thus
haue we hitherto the chief actes from the beginning of the worlde to the buylding againe of Ierusalém which was the two and thirtieth yere of Darius conteinein the whole thre thousand foure hundreth foure score and eight yeres and six moneths CHAP. I. 6 The offring of Salomón at Gibeón 8 He prayeth vnto God to giue him wisdome 11 whiche he giueth hym and more 14 The nomber of his charets and horses 15 And of his riches 1 THen Salomón the sonne of Dauid was confirmed in hys kingdome and the * Lord his God was with him magni fied him highlie 2 And Salomō spake vnto all Israél to the captaines of thousands and of hūdreths and to the iudges to all the gouernours in all Israél euen the chief fathers 3 So Salomōn and all the Congregacion with him went to the hye place that was at Gibeón for there was the Tabernacle of the Congregacion of God which Mosés the seruant of the Lord had made in the wildernes 4 But the Arke of God had Dauid broght vp from Kiriath-iearim when Dauid had made preparaciō for it for he had pitched a tent for it in Ierusalém 5 Moreouer the brasen altar * that Bezaleél the sonne of Vri the sonne of Hur had made did he set before the Tabernacle of the Lord and Salomón and the Cōgregacion soght it 6 And Salomō offred there before the Lord vpon the brasen altar that was in the Tabernacle of the Congregacion * euen a thousand burnt offrings offred he vpon it 7 ¶ The same night did God appeare vnto Salomón and said vnto hym Aske what I shal giue thee 8 And Salomón said vnto God Thou hast shewed great mercie vnto Dauid my father and hast made me to reigne in his steade 9 Now therefore ô Lord God let thy promes vnto Dauid my father be true for thou hast made me King ouer a great people like to the dust of the earth 10 Giue me now wisdome knowledge that I may go out go in before this people for who can iudge this thy great people 11 And God said to Salomón Because thys was in thine heart and thou hast not asked riches treasures nor honour nor the liues of thine enemies nether yet hast asked long life but hast asked for thee wisdome and knowledge that thou mightest iudge my people ouer whome I haue made thee King 12 Wisdome and knowledge is grāted vnto thee and I wil giue thee riches and treasures honour so that there hath not bene the like among the Kings which were before thee nether after thee shall there be the like 13 Then Salomōn came from the hye place that was at Gibeón to Ierusalém from before the Tabernacle of the Congregacion and reigned ouer Israél 14 * And Salomón gathered the charets and horsmen and he had a thousand and foure hundreth charets and twelue thousande horsmen whome he placed in the charet cities and with the King at Ierusalém 15 And the King gaue siluer and golde at Ierusalém as stones and gaue cedre trees as the wilde fig trees that are abundātly in the plaines 16 Also Salomón had horses broght out of Egypt and * fine linen the Kinges marchants receiued the fine linen for a price 17 They came vp also and broght out of Egypt some charet worthe six hundreth shekels of siluer that is an horse for an hundreth and fiftie and thus they broght horses to all the Kings of the Hittites to the Kings of Aram by their meanes CHAP. II. 2 The nomber of Salomons workemen to buylde the Téple 3 Salomon sendeth to Hirám the King of Tyrus for wood and workemen 1 THen Salomón determined to buyld an house for the Name of the Lord and an house for his kingdome 2 And Salomōn tolde out seuentie thousand that bare burdens and foure score thousand men to hewe stones in the mountaine and thre thousand and six hundreth to ouersee them 3 And Salomón sent to Hurám the King of Tyrus saying As thou hast done to Dauid my father and * didest send him cedre trees to buyld him an house to dwel in so do to me 4 Beholde I buyld an house vnto the Name of the Lord my God to sactifie it vnto him and to burne swete incense before him for the continuall shew bread and for the burnt offrings of the morning euening on the Sabbath daies and in the newe moneths and in the solemne feastes of the Lord our God this is a perpetual thing for Israél 5 And the house which I buyld is great for great is our God aboue all Gods 6 Who is he then that can be able to buyld him an house when the heauen and the heauen of heauens can not conteine him who am I thē that I shuld buyld him an hou se but I do it to burne incēse before him 7 Send me now therefore a cunning māthat can worke in golde in siluer and in brasse and in yron and in purple and crimosin and blewe silke and that can graue in grauen worke with the cunning men that are with me in Iudáh and in Ierusalém whome Dauid my father hathe prepared 8 Send me also cedre trees firre trees and Algummim trees from Lebanón for I knowe that thy seruants can skil to hewe timbre in Lebanōn and beholde my seruants shal be with thine 9 That they may prepare me timbre in abūdance for the house which I do buyld is great and wonderfull 10 And beholde I will giue to thy seruantes the cutters and the hewers of timbre twētie thousand measures of beaten wheat and twentie thousand measures of barlye and twentie thousand baths of wine and twentie thousand baths of oyle 11 Then Hurám King of Tyrus answered in writing which he sent to Salomōn Because the Lord hathe loued his people he hathe made thee King ouer them 12 Hurám said moreouer Blessed be the lord God of Israél which made the heauen and the earth and that hathe giuen vnto Dauid the King a wise sonne that hath discretion prudence and vnderstandyng to buylde an house for the Lord and a palace for his kingdome 13 Now therfore I haue sent a wise man and of vnderstanding of my father Hurams 14 * The sonne of a woman of the daughters of Dan and his father was a man of Tyrus and he can skill to worke in golde in siluer in brasse in yron in stone in timbre in purple in blewe silke and in 〈◊〉 linen and in crimosin and can graue in all grauē workes and broder in all broydred work that shal be giuen hym with thy cunning men with the cunning men of my Lord Dauid thy father 15 Now therefore the wheat and the barly the oyle and the wine which my Lord hath spoken of let him send vnto his seruants 16 And we wil cut wood in Lebanón
drewe a bowe mygh tely smote the King of Israél betwene the ioyntes of his brigandine therefore he said to his charetman Turne thine hād and carie 〈◊〉 out of the hoste for I am hurt 34 And the battel increased that day and the King of Israél stode stil in his charet against the Aramites vntil euen and dyed at the time of the sunne going downe CHAP. XIX 4 After Iehoshaphat was rebuked by the Prophet he called againe the people to the honoring of the Lord. 5 He appointeth iudges and ministers 9 And exhorteth them to feare God 1 ANd Iehoshaphát the Kyng of Iudah returned safe to his house in Ierusalém 2 And Iehu the sonne of Hanani the Seer wēt out to mete hym and sayd to Kyng Iehoshaphat Woldest thou helpe the wicked and loue them that hate the Lorde therefore for this thyng the wrath of the Lorde is vppon thee 3 Neuertheles good thynges are founde in thee because thou hast taken away the groues out of the land and hast prepared thine heart to seke God 4 ¶ So Iehoshaphat dwelt at Ierusalém and turned and went through the people from Beer-sheba to mounte Ephraim and broght them agayne vnto the LORD God of their fathers 5 And he set iudges in the land throughout all the strong cities of Iudah citie by citie 6 And sayd to the iudges Take hede what ye do for ye execute not the iudgementes of man but of the Lorde and he wil be with you in the cause and iudgement 7 Wherefore nowe let the feare of the Lorde be vpon you take hede and do it for there is no iniquitie with the LORD our God nether * respect of persones nor receyuing of rewarde 8 Moreouer in Ierusalém did Iehoshaphat set of the Leuites and of the Priests and of the chief of the families of Israél for the iudgement and cause of the Lord and they returned to Ierusalém 9 And he charged them saying Thus shall ye do in the feare of the Lorde faythfully and with a persite heart 10 And in euerie cause that shall come to you of your brethren that dwell in their cities betwene blood and blood betwene lawe and precept statutes ād iudgements ye shal iudge them and admonishe them that they trespasse not against the Lorde that wrath come not vpon you and vpon your brethrē Thus shal ye do and trespasse not 11 And beholde Amariah the Priest shal be the chief ouer you in all matters of the Lord and Zebadiah the sonne of Ishmaél a ruler of the house of Iudáh shal be for all the Kings affaires and the Leuites shal be officers before you Be of courage and do it ād the Lord shal be with the good CHAP. XX. 3 Iehoshaphat and the people pray vnto the Lorde 22 The maruelous victorie that the Lorde gaue him against his enemies 30 His reigne and actes 1 AFter this also came the children of Moáb and the childrē of Ammón and with them of the Ammonites agaynst Iohoshaphat to battel 2 Thē there came that tolde Iehoshaphat saying There cometh a great multitude against thee from beyonde the Sea out of Arám and beholde they be in Hazzón Tamár whi che is En-gédi 3 And 〈◊〉 feared and set hym selfe to seke the Lorde and proclaymed a faste throughout all Iudah 4 And Iudáh gathered themselues together to aske counsel of the Lord they came euen out of all the cities of Iudáh to 〈◊〉 of the Lord. 5 And Iehoshaphát stode in the Congregaciō of Iudáh and Ierusalém in the house of the Lord before the new court 6 And said O Lord God of our fathers art not thou God in heauen and reignest not thou on all the kingdomes of the heathen and in thine hand is power and might and none is able to withstand thee 7 Didest not thou our God cast out the inha bitants of this land before thy people Israél and gauest it to the sede of Abrahám thy friend for euer 8 And they dwelt therein and haue buylt thee a Sanctuarie therein for thy Name saying 9 * If euil come vpon vs as the sworde of iudgement or pestilence or famine we will stand before this house and in thy presence for thy Name is in this house and wil crye vnto thee in our tribulacion and thou wilt heare and helpe 10 And nowe beholde the children of* Ammón and Moab and mount Seir by whome thou woldest not let Israél go whē they came out of the land of Egypt but they turned aside from them and destroyed them not 11 Beholde I say they rewarde vs in comming to cast vs out of thine inheritance whiche thou hast caused vs to inherit 12 O our God wilt thou not iudge them for there is no strength in vs to stande before this great multitude that commeth againste vs nether do we knowe what to do but our eyes are towarde thee 13 And all Iudah stode before the LORD with their yong ones their wiues and their children 14 And Iahaziél the sonne of Zechariáh the sonne of Benaiah the sonne of Ieiél the sonne of Mattaniah a Leuite of the sonnes of Asaph was there vpon whome came the Spirit of the Lorde in the middes of the Congregacion 15 And he said Hearken ye all Iudah and ye inhabitantes of 〈◊〉 and thou Kyng Iehoshaphat thus sayth the LORD vnto you Feare you not nether be afrayed for this great multitude for the battell is not yours but Gods 16 To morowe go ye downe against them beholde they come vp by the cleft of Ziz and ye shall finde them at the end of the broke before the wildernes of Israél 17 Ye shall not nede to fight in thys battel * stand stil moue not and beholde the saluacion of the Lorde towarde you ô Iudah and Ierusalēm feare ye not nether be afray ed tomorowe go out agaynste them and the Lord wil be with you 18 ¶ Then Iehoshaphat bowed downe with his face to the earth and all Iudáh and the inhabitants of Ierusalém fell downe before the Lord worshiping the Lord. 19 And the Leuites of the children of the Kohathites and of the children of the Corhites stode vp to praise the Lorde GOD of Israél with aloude voice on hie 20 And when they arose early in the mornyng they went forth to the wildernes of Tekoa and as they departed Iehoshaph at stode ād said Heare ye me ô Iudah and ye in habitantes of Ierusalém put your trust in the Lorde your God and ye shal be assured 〈◊〉 his Prophetes and ye shall prosper 21 And whē he had consulted with the people and appointed singers vnto the Lorde and them that shulde prayse hym that is in the beautiful Sanctuarie in going forthe before the men of armes and saying Praise ye the Lorde for his mercie
came with the Ara bians to the campe had sleane all the eldest therefore Ahaziáh the sonne of Iehorám King of Iudáh reigned 2 Two and fourty yere olde was Ahaziáh when he began to reigne he reigned one yere in Ierusalém his mothers name was Athaliáh the daughter of Omri 3 He walked also in the waies of the house of Aháb for his mother counseled him to do wickedly 4 Wherefore he did euil in the sight of the Lord like the house of Aháb for they were his counselers after the death of his father to his destruction 5 And he walked after their counsel and wēt with Iehoram the sonne of Aháb King of Is raél to fight against Hazaél King of Arám at Ramóth Gileád and the Aramites smote Iorám 6 ¶ And he returned to be healed in Izreél be cause of the woundes where with thei had wounded him at Ramáh whē he foght with Hazaél King of Arám Now Azariáh the son ne of Iehorám King of Iudáh went downe to se Iehorám the sonne of Aháb at Izreél because he was diseased 7 And the destruction of Ahaziáh came of God in that he went to Iorám for when he was come he went forthe with Iehorám against Iehú the sonne of Nimshi * whome the Lord had anointed to destroye the house of Aháb 8 Therefore when Iehú executed iudgemēt vpon the house of Aháb founde the princes of Iudáh and the sonnes of the brethren of Ahaziáh that waited on Ahaziáh he slewe them also 9 And he soght Ahaziáh and they caught him where he was hid in Samaria broght him to Iehú and slewe him and buryed him because said thei he is the sonne of Iehoshaphát which soght the Lord with all his heart So the house of Ahaziáh was not able to reteine the kingdome 10 ¶ * Therefore when Athaliáh the mother of Ahaziáh sawe that her sonne was dead she arose and destroyed all the Kings sede of the house of Iudáh 11 But Iehoshabeáth the daughter of the King toke Ioáh the sonne of Ahaziah and stale him from among the Kings sonnes that shul de be sleane and put him his nurce in the bed chamber so Iehoshabeáth the daughter of King Iehorám the wife of Iehoiadá the Priest for she was the sister of Ahaziáh hid him from Athaliáh so she slewe him not 12 And he was with them hid in the house of God six yeres whiles Athaliáh reigned ouer the land CHAP. XXIII 1 Ioàsh the sonne of Ahaziàh is made King 3 Athaliah is put to death 17 The Temple of Báal is destroyed 19 Iehoiadá appointeth ministers in the Temple 1 ANd * in the seuentie yere Iehoiadá waxed bolde and toke the captaines of hūdreths to wit Azariáh the sonne of Iehorám and Ishmaél the sonne of Iehohanán Azariáh the sonne of Obéd and Maasiáh the sonne of Zichri incouenant with him 2 And they went about in Iudáh and gathered the Leuites out of all the cities of Iudáh and the chief fathers of Israél and they came to Ierusalém 3 And all the Congregacion made a couen ant with the King in the house of God he said vnto them Beholde the Kings sonne muste reigne * as the Lord hathe said of the sonnes of Dauid 4 This is it that ye shal do The third parte of you that come on the Sabbath of the Priests the Leuites shal be porters of the dores 5 And another third parte to warde the Kings house and another third parte at the * gate of the fundacion and all the people shal be in the courtes of the house of the Lord. 6 But let none come into the house of the Lord saue the priests and the Leuites that minister they shal go in for they are holy but al the people shal kepe the watch of the Lord. 7 And the Leuites shal compasse the King round about and euerie man with his weapon in his hand and he that entreth into the house shal be sleane and be you with the King when he commeth in and when he goeth out 8 ¶ So the Leuites all Iudáh did according to all things that Iehoiadá the Priest had cóman ded and toke euery man his men that came on the Sabbath with them that went out on the Sabbath for Iehoiadà the Priest did not discharge the courses 9 And Iehoiadá the Priest deliuered to the captaines of hundreths speares and shields bucklers which had bene King Dauids and were in the house of God 10 And he caused all the people to stand euerie man with his weapon in his hand from the right side of the house to the left side of the house by the altar and by the house rounde about the King 11 Then they broght out the Kings sonne and put vpon him the crowne and gaue him the testimonie and made him King And Iehoiadá and his sonnes anointed him and said God saue the King 12 ¶ But when Athaliáh heard the noise of the people running and praising the King she came to the people into the house of the Lord. 13 And when she loked beholde the King stode by his piller at the entring in and the princes and the trumpets by the King and al the people of the land reioyced and blewe the trumpets and the singers were with instruments of musike and they that colde 〈◊〉 praise then Athaliáh rent her clothes and said Treason treason 14 Then Iehoiadá the Priest broght out the ca ptaines of hundreths that were gouerners of the hoste and said vnto them Haue her forthe of the ranges and he that followeth her let him dye by the sworde forthe 〈◊〉 had said Slea her not in the house of the Lord. 15 So they layed hands on her and wher she was come to the entring of the horsegate by the Kings house thei slewe her there 16 ¶ And Iehoiadá made a couenant betwene him all the people and the King that they wolde be the Lords people 17 And all the people wēt to the house of Báal and destroyed it and brake his altars his images slewe Mattán the Priest of Báal before the altars 18 And Iehoiadá appointed officers for the house of the Lord vnder the hands of the Priests and Leuites whome Dauid had distributed for the house of the LORD to offer burnt offrings vnto the Lord * as it is writen in the La we of Mosés with reioycing singing by the appointement of Dauid 19 And he set porters by the gates of the house of the Lord that none that was vncleane in anything shulde entre in 20 And he toke the captaines of hundreths and the noble men and the gouerners of the people and all the people of the land and he caused the King to come downe out of the house of the Lord and they went through the hie gate of
haue sinned aboue the nomber of the sand of the sea My transgressions ô Lord are multiplied my transgressions are exceding many and I am not worthy to beholde and se the height of the heauens for the multitude of mine vnrighteousnes I am bowed downe with many yron bandes that I can not lift vp mine head nether haue any release For I haue prouoked thy wrath and done euil before thee I did not thy wil nether kept I thy commandements I haue set vp abominacions and haue multiplied offenses Now therefore I bowe the kne of mine heart beseching thee of gra ce I haue sinned ô Lord I haue sinned and I acknowledge my transgressions but I humbly 〈◊〉 thee forgiue me ô Lord forgiue me destroye me not with my transgressiōs Be not angry with me for euer by reseruing euil for me nether 〈◊〉 me into the lower partes of the earth For thou art the GOD. euen the God of them that repent in me thou wilt saue all thy goodnes for thou wilt saue me that an am vnworthy according to thy great mercie therefore I wil praise thee for euer all the dayes of my life for all the power of the heauens praise thee and thine is the glorie for euer and euer Amen EZRA THE ARGVMENT AS the Lord is euer merciful vnto his Church and doeth not punish them but to the intent they shulde se their owne miseries and be exercised vnder the crosse that they might contemne the worlde and aspire vnto the heauens so after that he had visited the Iewes and kept them now in bondage seuentie yeres in a strāge countrey among infideles and idolaters he remembred his tendre mercies and their infirmities and therefore for his owne sake raised them vp a deliuer and moued both e the heart of the chief ruler to pitie them and also by him punished suche which had kept them in seruitude Notwithstāding lest they shulde growe into a contempt of Gods great benefite he kepeth them stil in exercise and raiseth domestical enemies which endeuour as muche as they can to hindre their moste worthie enterprises yet by the exhortacion of the Prophetes they went forward by litle and litle til their worke was finished The autour of this boke was Ezrá who was Priest scribe of the Law as chap 7 6. he returned to Ierusalém the first yere of Darius who succeded Cyrus that is more them fourtie yeres after the returne of the sixt vnder Zerubbabél when the Temple was buylt He broght with him a great companie and muche treasures with letters to the Kings officers for all suche things as shulde be necessa rie for the Temple and at this comming he redressed that which was amisse and set the things in good ordre CHAP. I. 1 Cyrus sendeth againe the people that was in captiuitie 8 And restoreth them their holy vessels 1 NOw * in the first ye re os Cyrus King of persia that the worde of the Lord spoken by the mouth of Ieremiáh might be accomplished the Lord stirred vp the c spirit of Cyrus King of Persia he made a proclamaciō through all his kingdome and also by writing saying 2 Thus saith Cyrus King of Persia The Lord God of heauen hathe giuen me all the kingdomes of the earth and he hathe cōmanded me to buyld him an house in Ierusalém which is in Iudáh 3 Who is he among you of all his people with whome his God is let him go vp to Ie rusalém which is in Iudáh and buyld the house of the Lord God of Israél he is the God which is in Ierusalém 4 And euerie one that remaineth in anie place where he soiourneth let the mē of his place relieue him with siluer and with golde and with substance and with cattel and with a willing offring for the house of God that is in Ierusalém 5 Then the chief fathers of Iudáh and Benia min and the Priests and Leuites rose vp with all them whose spirit God had raised to go vp to buyld the house of the Lord which is in Ierusalém 6 And all they that were about them strēgthened their hands with vessels of siluer with golde with substāce and with cattel and with precious things besides all that was willingly offred 7 Also the King Cyrus broght forthe the vessels of the house of the Lord * which Nebuchadnezzár had taken out of Ierusalém had put thē in the house of his god 8 Euen then did Cyrus King of Persia bring forthe by the hand of Mithredáth the trea surer and counted thē vnto Sheshbazzár the Prince of Iudáh 9 And this is the nomber of them thirtie ba sins of golde a thousand basins of siluer nine and twentie kniues 10 Thirtie bowles of golde and of siluer bowles of the second sorte foure hūdreth and ten and of other vessels a thousand 11 All the vessels of golde siluer were fiue thousand and foure hundreth Sheshbazzár broght vp all with them of the capti uitie that came vp frō Babél to Ierusalém CHAP. II. The nomber of them that returned from the captiuitie 1 THese * also are the sōnes of the prouin ce that went vp out of the captiuitie whome Nebuchadnezzar King of Babél had caried away vnto Babél and returned to Ierusalém and to Iudáh euerie one vnto his citie 2 Which came with Zerubbabél to wit le shua Nehemiáh Seraiáh Reelaiáh Mordecái Bilshan Mispar Beguai Rehum Baanah The nomber of the men of the people of Israél was 3 The sonnes of Parósh two thousand an hundreth seuentie and two 4 The sonnes of Shephatiah thre hundreth seuentie and two 5 The sonnes of Arah seuen hundreth and seuentie and fiue 6 The sonnes of Pahath Moah of the sonnes of Ieshúa Ioab two thousand eight hundreth and twelue 7 The sonnes of Elam a thousand two hun dreth and foure and fiftie 8 The sonnes of Zattú nine hundreth and fiue and fourtie 9 The sonnes of Zaccai seuenhundreth and threscore 10 The sonnes of Bani six hundreth and two and fourtie 11 The sonnes of Behai six hūdreth and thre and twenty 12 The sonnes of Azdag a thousand two hun dreth and two and twentie 13 The sonnes of Adonikam six hūdreth thre score and six 14 The sonnes of Biguai two thousand and six and fiftie 15 The sonnes of Adin foure hundreth and foure and fiftie 16 The sonnes of Ater of Hizkiah ninetie and eight 17 The sonnes of Bezái thre hundreth and thre and twentie 18 The sonne of Iorah an hundreth and twelue 19 The sonnes of Hasshúm two hundreth thre and twentie 20 The sonnes of Gibbár ninetie and fiue 21 The sonnes of Beth-lehém an hundreth and thre and twenty 22 The men of Netopháh six and fiftie 23 The men of Anothóth an hundreth and eight and twentie 24 The sonnes of Azmáueth two and fourtie 25 The sonnes of Kiriáth arim
the sonne of Hilkiah 2 The sonne of Shallum the sonne of Zadók the sonne of Ahitub 3 The sonne of Amariáh the sonne of Azariáh the sonne of Meraioth 4 The sonne of Zeraiah the sonne of Vzzi the sonne of Bukki 5 The sonne of Abisshua the sonne of Phinehás the sonne of Eleazar the sonne of Aarôu the chief Priest 6 This Ezrâ came vp from Babél and was a scribe prompt in the Law of Mosés whiche the Lorde God of Israél had giuen and the King gaue hym all his request accordyng to the hand of the Lorde hys God which was vpon him 7 And there went vp certeine of the children of Israél and of the Priests and the Leuites and the singers and the porters and the Nethinims vnto Ierusalém in the seuent yere of King Artah shashte 8 And he came to Ierusalē in the fift moneth whiche was in the seuent yere of the King 9 For vpon the first daye of the first moneth began he to go vp frome Babél and on the first day of the fift moneth came he to Ieru salém accordyng to the good hande of hys God that was vpon him 10 For Ezrá had prepared hys heart to seke the Lawe of the Lord and to do it and to teachethe precepts and iudgements in Israél 11 ¶ And thys is the copie of the letter that King Artah shashte gaue vnto Ezra the Priest and scribe euen a writer of the wordes of the commandements of the Lord and of his statutes ouer Israél 12 Artah shashte Kyng of Kynges to Ezrá the Priest and perfite scribe of the Lawe of the God of heauen and to Cheéneth 13 I haue giuen commandement that euerie one that is willing in my kyngdome of the people of Israél and of the Priests and Leuites to go to Ierusalém with thee shal go 14 Therfore art thou sent of the King and his seuen counselers to enquire in Iudah and Ierusalém according to the Law of thy God which is in thine hand 15 And to carie the siluer and the golde whiche the King and his counselers willingly of fer vnto the God of Israél whose habitacion is in Ierusalém 16 And all the siluer and golde that thou canst finde in all the prouince of Babél with the fre offring of the people and that whiche the Priestes offre willingly to the house of their God which is in Ierusalém 17 That thou maiest bye spedely with that siluer bullockes rams lambes with their meat offrings and their drinke offrings and thou shalt offer them vpon the altar of the house of my God which is in Ierusalém 18 And whatsoeuer it please thee and thy bre thren to do with the rest of the siluer and golde do ye it accordyng to the will of your God 19 And the vessels that are giuen thee for the seruice of the house of thy God those deliuer thou before God in Ierusalém 20 And the residue that shal be nedeful for the house of thy God whiche shal be mete for thee to bestowe thou shalt bestowe it out of the Kings treasure house 21 And I King Artah shashte haue giuen commandement to all the treasurers whiche are beyon dei the Riuer that whatsoeuer Ezrá the Priest and scribe of the Lawe of the God of heauen shall require of you that it be done incontinently 22 Vnto an hundreth talents of siluer vnto an hūdreth measures of wheat ād vnto an hūdreth baths of wine and vnto an hundreth baths of oyle and salt without writing 23 Whatsoeuer is by the commandement of the GOD of heauen let it be done spedely for the house of the God of heauen for why shulde he be wrath againste the realme of of the Kyng and children 24 And we certifie you that vpon anie of the Priests Leuites singers porters Nethinims or ministers in this house of God there shal no gouernour lay vpon them tolle tribute nor custome 25 And thou Ezrá after the wisdome of thy God that is in thine hand setiudges and ar biters which may iudge all the people that is beyonde the Riuer euen all that knowe the Lawe of thy God and teache ye them that knowe it not 26 And whosoeuer wil not do the Lawe of thy God and the Kings lawe let hym haue iudgement without delay whether it be vnto death or to banishment or to confiscation of goods or to imprisonement 27 Blessed be the Lorde God of our fathers whiche so hathe put in the Kings heart to beautifie the house of the Lord that is in Ierusalém 28 And hathe enclined mercye towarde me before the King and his counselers and before all the Kings mightie princes and I was comforted by the hand of the Lord my God which was vpon me and I gathered the chief of Israél to go vp with me CHAP. VIII 1 The nomber of thē that returned to Ierusalém with Ezra 21 He causeth them to fast 24 He admonisheth the Priests of their duetie 31 What they did when they came to Ierusalém 1 THese * are now the chief fáthers of them and the genealogie of them that came vp with me from Babél in the reigne of Kyng Arthshashte 2 Of the sonnes of Phine has Gersnóm of the sonnes of It hamar Daniél of the sonnes of Dauid Hattush 3 Of the sonnes of She ohaniah of the sonnes of Pharósh Zechariah and with him the counte of the males an hundreth and fiftie 4 Of the sonnes of Pahath Moáb Elihoenai the sonne of Zerahiáh and with hym two hundreth males 5 Of the sonnes of Shechaniah the sonne of 〈◊〉 and with him thre hundreth males 6 And of the sonnes of Adin Ebed the sonne of 〈◊〉 and with him fiftie males 7 And of the sonnes of Elám Ieshaiah the sonne of Athaliah and with him seuentie males 8 And of the sonnes of Shephatiáh Zebadiáh the sonne of Michaél and with hym foure scoremales 9 Of the sonnes of Ioáb Obadiáh the sonne of Iehiél and with him two hundreth and eyghtene males 10 And of the sonnes of Shelomith the sonne of Iosiphiah and with hym an hundreth and thre scoremales 11 And of the sonnes of Bebái Zechariáh the sonne of 〈◊〉 ād with him eight and twentie males 12 And of the sonnes of Azgád Iohanan the sonne of 〈◊〉 and with him an hundreth and ten males 13 And of the sonnes of Adonikam that were the last whose names are these Eliphélet Iehiél and Shemaiah and with them thre scoremales 14 And of the sonnes of Biguai Vthai and Zab bud and with them seuentie males 15 And I gathered thē to the Riuer that goeth toward Ahauá and there abode we thre day es then I vewed the people and the Priests ād founde there none of the sonnes of Leui. 16 Therefore sent Ito 〈◊〉 to Ariél to Shemeiah and to Elnathán and to Iarib and to Elnathán and to Nathán and to Zechariáh and to Meshullam the chief and to Ioiarib and
the Lord turned the captiuitie of Iob when he prayed for his friends also the Lord gaue Iob twise so muche as he had before 11 Then came vnto him all his brethren and all his sisters all they that had bene of his acquaintance before and did eat bread with him in his house and had compassion of him and comforted him for all the euil that the Lord had broght vpon him and euerie man gaue him a piece of money and euerie one an earing of golde 12 So the Lord blessed the last dayes of Iob more then the first for he had fourtene thousand shepe and six thousand camels and a thousand yoke of 〈◊〉 and a thousand she asses 13 He had also seuen sonnes and thre daughters 14 And he called the name of one Iemimáh and the name of the secōd Keziáh and the name of the thirde Kerenhappúch 15 In all the land were no women founde so faire as the daughters of Iob their father gaue them inheritance among their brethrē 16 And after this liued Iob an hundreth and fourtie yeres and sawe his sonnes and his sō nes sonnes euen foure generacions 17 So Iob dyed being olde and ful of dayes THE PSALMES of Dauid THE ARGVMENT THis boke of Psalmes is set forthe vnto vs by the holie Gost to be estemed as a moste precious treasure wherein all things are conteined that apperteine to true 〈◊〉 answel in this life present as in the life to come For the riches of true knowledge and heauenlie wisdome are here set open for vs to take thereof moste abundantly If we wolde knowe the great and hie maiestie of God here we may sethe brightnes thereof shine moste clearely If we wolde seke his incomprehē sible wisdome here is the schole of the same professiō If we wolde cōprehēd his in estimable boūtie approche nere there unto fil your hande with that treasure here we may haue a moste liuely cōfortable taste thereof If we wolde knowe wherein standeth our saluation and how to 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 euerlasting 〈◊〉 is Christ our onely redemer and mediator most euidently described The riche man may 〈◊〉 the true vse of his riches The poore man may fynde ful cōtētation He that wil reioyce shal knowe the true ioye ádhow to kepe measure therein They that are afflicted and oppressed shal se wherein standeth their comforte and how they ou 〈◊〉 to praise God when he sendeth them deliuerance The wicked and the persecuters of the children of God shal se how the 〈◊〉 of God is euer against them and thogh he susser them to prosper for a while yet he brideleth them in so muche as they can not 〈◊〉 an heere of ones head except he permit them and how in the end their destruction is moste miserable Briefly here we haue moste present remedies against all tentatiōs and trou bles of minde and conscience so that being wel practised herein we may be assured against all dangers in this life liue in the true feare and loue of God and at length 〈◊〉 to that incorruptible crowne of glorie which is laid vp for all them that loue the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ. PSALMES I VVhether it was Esdras 〈◊〉 anie other that gathered the Psalmes into a boke it semeth he did set this Psalme first in maner of a preface to exhorte all godlie men to studie and meditate the heauenlie wisdome For the effect hereof is 1 That they be blessed which giue thē selues wholy all their life to the holy Scriptures 4 And that the wicked contemners of God thogh they seme for a while happie yet at length shal come to miserable destruction 1 BLessed is the mā that doeth not walke in the coūsel of the wicked nor stād in the way of sinners nor sit in the seat of the scorneful 2 But his delite is in the * Lawe of the Lord in his Law doeth he meditate day and night 3 For he shal be like a * tre planted by the riuers of waters that wil bring forthe her frute in due season whose leafe shal not fade so whatsoeuer he shal do shal prosper 4 The wicked are not so but as the chaffe which the winde driueth away 5 Therefore the wicked shal not stand in the Iudgement nor sinners in the assemblie of the righteous 6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the righ teous and the way of the wicked shal perish PSAL. II. 1 The Prophet Dauid reioyceth that notwithstanding his enemies rage yet God wil continue his kingdome for euer aduāce it euen to 〈◊〉 end of the worlde 10 And therefore exhorteth Kings and rulers that they wolde humbly submit thē selues vnder Gods yoke because it is in 〈◊〉 to resiste God Herein is 〈◊〉 Christs kingdome 1 WHy do the heathen * rage and the people murmurin vaine 2 The Kings of the earth band them selues the princes are assembled together against the Lord and against his Christ. 3 Let vs breake their bands and cast their cords from vs. 4 * But he that dwelleth in the heauen shall laugh the Lord shal haue thē in derision 5 Then shal he speake vnto them in his wrath and vexe them in his sore displeasure saying 6 Euen I haue set my King vpon Ziōn mine holic mountaine 7 I wil declare the decree that is the Lord hathe said vnto me * Thou art my Sonne this day haue I begotten thee 8 Aske of me and I shal giue thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the endes of the earth for thy possession 9 * Thou shalt krush them with a sceptre of yron and break e them in pieces like a potters vessel 10 Be wise now therefore ye Kings be learned ye Iudges of the earth 11 Serue the Lord in feare and reioyce in 〈◊〉 bling 12 Kisse the Sonne lest he be angrie and ye perish in the waie when his wrath shal suddenly burne blessed are all that trust in him PSAL. III. 1 Dauid driuē forthe of his kingdome was greatly tormen ted 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for his sinnes against God 4 And therefore calleth vpon God waxeth bolde through his promises against the great railings and terrors of his enemies yea against death 〈◊〉 self which he sawe presēt before his eyes 7 Finally he reioyceth for the good successe that God ga ue him and all the Church ¶ A Psalme of Dauid when he fled from his sonne Absalōm 1 LOrd how are mine aduersaries increased how manie rise against me 2 Manie saye to my soule There is no helpe for him in God Sélah 3 But thou Lord art a buckler for me my glorie and the lifter vp of mine head 4 I did call vnto the Lord with my voyce and he heard me out of his holie mountaine Sélah 5 I laied me downe and slept and rose vp againe for the Lord
people and the shepe of hys pasture 4 Enter into his gates with praise into his courtes with reioycing praise hym blesse his Name 5 For the Lord is good his mercie is euerlasting and his trueth is from generacion to generacion PSAL. CI. 1 Dauid describeth what gouernement he will obserue in his house and kingdome 5 He wil punish and correct by rooting forthe the wicked 6 And cherishing the godlie persones ¶ A Psalme of Dauid 1 I Will sing mercie and iudgement vnto thee ô Lord wil I sing 2 I wil do wisely in the persite waie til thou comest to me I will walke in the vprightnes of mine hearte in the middes of myne house 3 I wil set no wicked thing before mine eies I hate the worke of them that fall awaie it shal not cleaue vnto me 4 A froward hearte shall depart from me I wil knowe none euil 5 Him that priuely sclan dereth his neighbour wil I destroie him that hath a proude loke and high heart I can not suffer 6 Mine eies shal be vnto the faithful of the land that they maie dwell with me he that walketh in a perfit waie he shal serue me 7 There shall no deceitfull persone dwell within mine house he that telleth lies shal not remaine in my sight 8 Betimes will I destroye all the wicked of the land that I maie cut of all the workers of iniquitie from the Citie of the Lord. PSAL. CII 1 It semeth that this praier was appointed to ' the faithfull to praie in the captiutie of 〈◊〉 16 A consolation for the building of the Church 18 whereof followeth the praise of God to be published vnto all posteritie 〈◊〉 The conuersion of the Gentiles 28 And the stabilitie of the Church ¶ A praier of the afflicted when he shal be in distres and powre forthe his meditation before the Lord. 1 O Lord heare my praier let my crye come vnto thee 2 Hide not thy face from me in the time of my trouble in cline thine eares vnto me when I call make haste to heare me 3 For my daies are consumed like smoke my bones are burnt like an herth 4 Mine heartis smitten and withereth like grasse because I forgate to eat my bread 5 For the voice of my groning my bones do cleaue to my skin 6 I am like a pelicane of the wildernes I am like an owle of the deserts 7 I watche and am as a sparowe alone vpon the house toppe 8 Mine enemies reuile me daiely and thei that rage against me haue sworne against me 9 Surely I haue eaten ashes as breade and mingled my drinke with weping 10 Because of thine indignation and thy wrath for thou hast heaued me vp and cast me downe 11 My daies are like a shado we that fadeth and I am withered like grasse 12 But thou ô Lord doest remaine for euer and thy remembrance from generacion to generacion 13 Thou wilt arise haue mercie vpō Zión for the time to haue mercie thereō for the appointed time is come 14 For thy seruāts delite in the stones the-reof and haue pitie on the dust thereof 15 Then the heathen shal feare the Name of the Lord and all the Kings of the earth thy glorie 16 When the Lord shal buylde vp Zión and shal appeare in his glorie 17 And shal turne vnto the praier of the desolate and not despise their praier 18 This shal be writen for the generacion to come and the people which shal be created shal praise the Lord. 19 For he hath loked downe from the height of his Sanctuarie out of the heauē did the Lord beholde the earth 20 That he might heare the mourning of the prisoner and deliuer the childrē of death 21 That they maye declare the Name of the LORD in Zión and hys prayse in Ierusalém 22 When the people shal be gathered together and the kyngdomes to serue the Lord. 23 He abated my strength in the waye shortened my daies 24 And I said O my God take me not away in the middes of my daies thy yeres endure from generacion to generacion 25 Thou hast a foretime laied the fundation of the earth and the heauēs are the worke of thine hands 26 Thei shall perishe but thou shalt endure euen thei all shal waxe olde as doeth a garment as vesture shalt thouchange them and thei shal be changed 27 But thou art the same and ' thy yeres shal not faile 28 The children of thy seruants shal continue and their sede shal stand fast in thy sight PSAL. CIII 1 He prouoketh all to praise the Lord which hathe pardoned his sinnes deliuered him from destruction and giuen him sufficient of all good things 10 Then head deth the ten dre mercies of God which he sheweth likea moste tendre Father towards his childrē 14 The frailtie of mans life 20 An exhortation to man and Angels to praise the Lord. 1 MY soule praise thou the Lord and all that is within me praise his holie Name 2 My soule praise thou the Lord and forget not all his benefites 3 Which forgiueth all thine iniquitie and healeth all thine in firmities 4 Which redemeth thy life from the graue and crowneth thee with mercie and compassions 5 Which satisfieth thy mouth with good things and thy youth is renued like the egles 6 The Lord executeth righteousnes and iud gement to all that are oppressed 7 He made his waies knowen vnto Mosés his workes vnto the children of Israél 8 The Lord is ful of compassion and mercie slowe to angre and of great kindenes 9 He wil not alwaie chide nether kepe his angre for euer 10 He hathe not dealt with vs after our sinnes nor rewarded vs according to our ini quities 11 For as high as the heauen is aboue the earth so great is his mercie toward them that feare him 12 As farre as the East is from the West so farre hathe he remoued our sinnes fromvs 13 As a father hathe compassion on his children so hathe the Lord compassion on thē that feare him 14 For he knoweth whereof we be made he remembreth that we are but dust 15 The daies of man are as grasse as a flower of the field so florisheth he 16 For the winde goeth ouer it and it is gone and the place thereof shal knowe it nomore 17 But the louing kindenes of the Lord endureth for euer vpon them that feare him and his righteousnes vpon childrēs children 18 Vnto them that kepe his couenant and thinke vpon his commandements to do them 19 The Lord hathe prepared his throne in heauen and his kingdome ruleth ouer all 20 Praise the Lord ye his Angels that excel in strength that do his commandement in obeying the voice of his worde 21 Praise the Lord all ye his
not Hamáth like Arpád Is not Samaria as Damascus 10 Like as mine hand hathe founde the kingdomes of the idoles seing their idoles were aboue Ierusalém and aboue Samaria 11 Shal not I as I haue done to Samaria and to the idoles thereof so do to Ierusalém and to the idoles thereof 12 ¶ But when the Lord hathe accomplished all his worke vpon mount Zión and Ierusa lém I wil visit the frute of the proude heart of the King of Asshúr and his glorious and proude lokes 13 Because he said By the power of mine owne hand haue I done it and by my wisdome be cause I am wise therefore I haue remoued the borders of the people and haue spoiled their treasures and haue pulled downe the inhabitants like a valiant man 14 And mine hand hathe founde as a nest the riches of the people and as one gathereth eg ges that are left so haue I gathered all the earth and there was none to moue the wing or to open the mouth or to whisper 15 Shal the axe boast it felf against him that heweth there with or shal the sawe exalt it self against him that moueth it as if the rod shulde lift vp it self against him that taketh it vp or the staffe shulde exalt it self as it were no wood 16 Therefore shal the Lord God of hostes send among his fat men leanenes and vnder his glorie he shal kindle a burning like the burning of fyre 17 And the light of Israél shal be as a fyre and the Holy one thereof as a flame and it shal burne and deuoure his thornes and his briers in one day 18 And shal consume the glorie of his forest and of his fruteful fields bothe soule and flesh and he shal be as the fainting of a stan derd bearer 19 And the rest of the trees of his forest shal be fewe that a childe may tel them 20 ¶ And at that day shal the remnant of Israél and such as are escaped of the house of Iaakób staye no more vpon him that smote thē but shal stay vpon the Lord the holy one of Israél in trueth 21 The remnant shal returne euen the remnant of Iaak ób vnto the mightie God 22 For thogh thy people ô Israél be as the sād of the sea yet shal the remnant of thē retur ne The consumption decreed shall ouerflowe with righteousnes 23 For the Lord God of hostes shal make the consumption euen determined in the middes of all the land 24 Therefore thus saith the Lord God of hostes O my people that dwellest in Zión be not afraied of Ashur he shal smite thee with a rod and shal lift vp hys staffe against thee after the maner of Egypt 25 But yet a very litle tyme and the wrath shal be consumed and mine angre in their destruction 26 And the Lord of hostes shal raise vp a scour ge for him accordyng to the plague of Midian in the 〈◊〉 Oréb and as hys staffe was vpon the Sea so he wil lift it vp after the maner of Egypt 27 And at that day shal his burden be taken away from of thy shulder and his yoke from of thy necke and the yoke shal be destroyed because of the 〈◊〉 28 He is come to 〈◊〉 he is passed into Migrón at Michmash shall he lay vp hys armour 29 They haue gone ouer the foorde they lodged in the lodging at 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is afrayed Gibeáh of Saul is fled away 30 Lift vp thy voice o daughter Gallim cause Laish to heare o poore Anathoth 31 Madmenāh is remoued the inhabitants of Gebim haue garhered them selues together 32 Yet there is a tyme that he wil stay at Nob he shal lift vp his hand toward the mount of the daughter Zión the hil of 〈◊〉 33 〈◊〉 the LORDE God of hostes shal cut of the bough wyth feare 〈◊〉 they of high stature shal be cut of and the hie shal be humbled 34 And he shall cut away the 〈◊〉 places of the forest with yron and Lebanon shal haue a mightie fall CHAP. XI 1 Christ borne of the roote of Ishai 2 His vertues and kingdome 6 The frutes of the Gospel 〈◊〉 The calling of the Gentiles 1 BVt there shall come a rod forthe of the stocke of Ishai and a graft shall growe out of his rootes 2 And the Spirit of the Lorde shall rest vpon him the Spirit of wisdome and vnderstāding the Spirit of counsel strength the Spirit of knowledge and of the feare of the Lord. 3 And shall make hym prudent in the feare of the Lord for he shal not iudge after the sight of hys eyes nether reproue by the hearing of his eares 4 But with righteousnes shal he iudge the poo re and with equitie shal he reproue for the meke of the earth and he shal smite the earth with the rod of his mouth with the breath of his lippes shal he slay the wicked 5 And iustice shal be the girdle of his loynes and faithfulnes the girdle of his raines 6 The wolfe also shal dwell with the lambe and the leoparde shal lye with the kid ād the cal 〈◊〉 ād the lyon and the fat beast together and a litle childe shal lead them 7 And the kowe and the beare shal fede their yong ones shal 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the lyon shal 〈◊〉 strawe like the bullocke 8 And the suckyng childe shal playe vpon the hole of the aspe and the wained chylde shall put his hand vpon the cockatrice hole 9 Then shall none hurt nor destroye in all the mountaine of myne holynes for the earth shal be ful of 〈◊〉 knowledge of the Lord as the waters that couer the sea 10 And in that day the roote of Ishai whiche shall stande vp for a signe vnto the people the nacions shall seke vnto it and hys rest shal be glorious 11 And in the same day shal the Lord stretche out his hand agayne the seconde tyme to possesse the remnant of hys people whiche shal be 〈◊〉 of Asshur and of Egypte and of Pathros and of Ethiopia and of Elām and of 〈◊〉 and of Hamáth and of the yles of the sea 12 And he shall set vp a signe to the nacions and assemble the dispersed of Israél and gather the scattered of Iudah from the foure corners of the worlde 13 The hatred also of Ephraim shall departe and the aduersaries of Iudàh shal be cut of Ephráim shall not 〈◊〉 Iudah nether shal Iudah vexe Ephraim 14 But they shal flee vpon the shoulders of the Philistims towarde the West they shal spoile them of the East together Edom and Moab shal be the stretching out of their hands and the children of Ammon in their obedience 15 The Lord also shal vtterly destroye the tongue of the Egyptians sea and with his migh tie wind shal lift vp his hand ouer the riuer and shal
deceiue you for he shal not be able to deliuer you 15 Nether let Hezekiáh make you to trust in the LORD saying The LORDE wyll surely deliuer vs this Citie shall not be giuen ouer into the hande of the King of Asshur 16 Hearken not to Hezekiáh for thus saith the King of Asshúr Make appointement with me and come out to me that euerye man maye eat of his owne vine and euerye man of hys owne figtre and drinke euerie man the water of his owne well 17 Till I come and bring you to a lande like your owne land euen a land of wheat wine a land of bread and vineyardes 18 Lest Hezekiáh disceiue you saying The Lord wil deliuer vs. Hathe anie of the gods of the naciōs deliuered his land out of the hand of the King of 〈◊〉 19 Where is the god of Hamáth and of Ar pád Where is the god of Sephareáim or how haue they deliuered Samaria out of mine hands 20 Who is he among all the gods of these lands that hathe deliuered their coūtrey out of mine hand that the Lord shulde de liuer Ierusalem out of mine hand 21 Then they kept silence and answered him not a worde for the Kings commande ment was saying Answer him not 22 Then came Elia kim the sonne of Hilkiah the steward of the house and Shebna the chanceller and Ioah the sonne of Asaph the recorder vnto Hezekiah with rēt clothers and tolde him the wordes of Rabsha kéh. CHAP. XXXVII 2 Hezekiah asketh counsel of Isaiah who promiseth him the victorie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 blasphemie of 〈◊〉 16 Hezekiah prayer 36 The armie of Sancherib is slayne of the Angel 38 And he him 〈◊〉 of his owne sonnes 1 ANd * when the King Hezekiáh heard it he rent his clothes and put on sackeclóth came into the House of the lord 2 And he sent Eliakim the steward of the hou se and Shebná the chanceller with the Elders of the Priests clothed in sackeclothe vnto Isaiáh the Prophet the 〈◊〉 of Amoz 3 And they said vnto him Thus saith Hezekiáh This day is a day of tribula cion and of rebuke and blasphemie for the children are come to the birth there is nostrēgth to bring forthe 4 If so be the Lord thy God hathe heard the wordes of Rabshakéh whome the King of Asshúr his master hade sent to rai le on the liuing God and to reproche him with wordes which the Lord thy God hathe heard then lift thou vp thy praier for the remnant that are left 5 So the seruants of the King Hezekiah came to Isaiáh 6 And Isaiáh said vnto them Thus say vnto your master Thus saith the Lord Be not afraied of the wordes that thou hast heard wherewith the seruants of the King of Asshur haue blasphemed me 7 Beholde I wil send a blast vpon him and he shal heare a noise turne to his owne land I wil cause him to fall by the sword in his owne land 8 ¶ So Rabshakéb returned and founde the King of Asshúr fighting against Libnah for he had heard that he was departed frō Lachish 9 He heard also men say of Tirhakáh King of Ethiopia Beholde he is come out to fight against thee and whē he heard it he sent other messēgers to Hezekiáh saying 10 Thus shal ye speake to Hezekiáh King of Iudáh saying Let not thy God deceiue thee in whome thou trustest saying Ie rusalém shal not be giuen into the hand of the King of Asshúr 11 Beholde thou hast heard what the Kings of Asshúr haue done to all lands in destroying them shalt thou be deliuered 12 〈◊〉 the gods of the nacions deliuered them which my fathers haue destroyed as Gozain and Harán Rézeph and the children of Eden which were at Telassár 13 Where is the King of Hamath and the King of Arpad the King of the citie of Sepharuáim Hena and Iuah 14 ¶ So Hezekiáh receiued the letter of the hand of the messengers and red it and he went vp into the House of the Lord and Hezekiah spred it before the Lord. 15 And Hezekiah praied vnto the Lord saying 16 O Lord of hostes God of Iraél whiche dwellest betwene the Cherubims thou art very God alone ouer all the kingdomes of the earth thou hast made the heauen the earth 17 Encline thine eare ô Lord and heare opē thine eyes ô Lord and se and he are all the wordes of Sancherib who hathe sent to blaspheme the liuing God 18 Trueth it is ô Lord that the Kings of Asshúr haue destroyed all lands their countrey 19 And haue cast their gods in the fyre for they were no gods but the worke of mās hāds euen wood or stone therefore they destroyed them 20 Now therefore ô Lord our God saue thou vs out of his hand that all the king domes of the earth may knowe that thou onely art the Lord. 21 ¶ Then Isaiah the sonne of Amóz sent vn to Hezekiáh saying Thus said the Lord God of Israél Because thou hast prayed vnto me concerning Saneherib King of Asshur 22 This is the worde that the Lord hathe spoken against him O virgine daughter of Zion he hathe despised the laughed thee to scorne ô daughter of Ierusalém he hathe shaken his head at thee 23 Whome hast thou railed on and blasphemed and against whome hast thou exalted thy voyce and lifted vp thine eyes on hie euen against the holy one of Israél 24 By thy seruants hast thou railed on the Lord and said By the multitude of my cha rets I am come vp to the top of the moun taines to the sides of Lebanon and wil cut downe the hie cedres thereof and the faire fyrre tres thereof and I wil go vp to the heights of his toppe and to the forest of his fruteful places 25 I haue digged dronke the waters with the plant of my fete haue I dryed all the riuers closed in 26 Hast thou not heard how I haue of olde ti me made it and haue formed it long ago and shulde I now bring it that it shulde be destroyed and layed on ruinous heapes as cities defensed 27 Whose inhabitants haue smale power and are afraied confounded thei are like the grasse of the field and grene herbe or grasse on the house toppes or corne blasted afore it be growen 28 But I knowe thy dwelling thy going out and thy comming in and thy furie a gainst me 29 Because thou ragest against me and thy tumult is come vp vnto mine eares therefore wil I put mine ho kein thy 〈◊〉 my bridle in thy lippes wil bring thee backe againe the same way thou camest 30 And this shal be a signe vnto thee O He zekiah Thou shalt eat this yere suche as groweth of it self and the second yere su che things as grow without
that were at Anathoth in the land of Beniamin 2 To whome the worde of the Lord came in the daies of Iosiah the sonne of Amōn King of Iudáh in the thirtenth yere of his reigne 3 And also in the daies of Iehoiakim the sonne of Iosiah King of Iudah vnto the end of the eleuenth yere of Zedekiáh the sonne of Iosiáh King of Iudáh euen vnto the carying awaie of Ierusalém captiuitie in the fift moneth 4 Then the worde of the Lord come vntō me saying 5 Before I formed thee in the wombe I knewe thee and before thou camest out of the wombe I sāctified thee ordeined thee to be a Prophet vnto the nations 6 Then said I Oh Lord God beholde I can not speake for I am a childe 7 But the lord said vnto me Saie not I am a childe for thou shalt go to all that I shal sent thee and whatsoeuer I commāde thee shalt thou speake 8 Be not afraied of their faces for I am with thee to deliuer thee saith the Lord 9 Then the Lord stretched out his hand and touched my mouth and the Lord said vn to me Beholde I haue put my wordes in thy mouth 10 Beholde this daie haue I set thee ouer the nations ouer the kingdomes to plucke vp and to roote out and to destroy and throwe downe to buylde and to plant 11 After this the worde of the Lord came vnto me saying Ieremiáh what seest thou And I said I se a rod of an almonde tre 12 Thē said the Lord vnto me Thou hast sene aright for I wil hastē my word to performe it 13 Againe the worde of the Lord came vnto me the seconde time saying What seest thou And I said I se a seething pot loking out of the North. 14 Then said the Lord vnto me Out of the North shall a plague be spred vpō all the inhabitants of the land 15 For lo I will call all the families of the kingdomes of the North saith the Lord and they shall come and euerye one shall set hys throne in the entring of the gates of Ierusalém and on all the walles thereof round about in all the cities of Iudáh 16 And I will declare vnto them my iudgements touching all the wickednes of them that haue for saken me and haue burnt incense vnto other Gods and worshiped the workes of their owne hands 17 Thou therefore trusse vp thy loynes and arise and speake vnto them all that I comman de thee be not afrayed of their faces lest I destroye thee before them 18 For I beholde I this day haue made thee a defenced Citie and an yron piller and walles of brasse agaynste the whole land agaynste the Kings of Iudáh and against the princes thereof agaynste the Priestes therof and against the people of the land 19 For they shall fight against thee but they shal nor preuaile against thee for I am with thee to deliuer thee saith the Lord. CHAP. II. 2 God rehearseth his benefites done vnto the Iewes 8 Against the Priests and false prophetes 12 The Iewes are destroyed because they forsake God 1 MOreouer the worde of the Lord came vnto me saying 2 Go cry in the eares of Ierusalē saying Thus saith the Lord I remēber thee with the kindenes of thy youth the loue of thy mariage whē thou wētest after me in the wildernes in a land that was not sowen 3 Israél was as a thynge halowed vnto the Lord and his first frutes all they that eat it shal offend euill shall come vpon them saith the Lord. 4 Heare ye the worde of the Lord ô house of Iaakōb and all the families of the house of Israél 5 Thus saith the Lord What iniquitie haue your fathers founde in me that they are gone farre from me and haue walked after vanitie and are become vaine 6 For they said not Where is the Lord that broght vs vp out of the lande of Egypte that led vs through the wildernes through a desert and waste land through a drye land and by the shadowe of death by a land that no man passed through where no man dwelt 7 And I broght you into a plentifull countrey to eat the frute thereof and the commodities of the same but when ye entred ye defiled my land and made mine heritage an abominacion 8 The Priests said not Where is the Lord they that shulde minister the Law knewe me not the pastours also offēded agaīst me the prophetes prophecied in Báal wēt after things that did not profite 9 Wherefore I wil yet plead with you saith the Lord and I wil plead with your childrens children 10 For go ye to the yles of Chittim and beholde and sent vnto Kedar and take diligent hede and se whether there be suche things 11 Hathe anie nation changed their Gods which yet are no gods but my people ha ue changed their glorie for that which doeth not profite 12 Oye heauēs be astonied at this be afraied and vtterly confounded saith the Lord. 13 For my people haue committed two euils they haue forsaken me the fountaine of liuing waters to digge them pittes euen broken pittes that can holde no water 14 Is Israél a seruant or is he borne in the house why then is he spoiled 15 The lions roared vpon him and yelled they haue made his land waste his cities are burnt without an inhabitant 16 Also the childrē of z Noph and Tahapanés haue broken thine head 17 Hast not thou procured this vnto thy self because thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God when he led thee by the way 18 And what hast thou now to do in the way of Egypt to drinke the water of Nilus or what makest thou in the way of Asshūr to drinke the water of the Riuer 19 Thine owne wickednes shal correct thee and thy turnings backe shal reproue thee knowe therefore and beholde that it is an euil thing and bitter that thou hast for saken the Lord thy God and that my feare is not in thee saith the lord God of hostes 20 For of olde time I haue broken thy yoke and burst thy bonds and thou saidest I wil nomore transgresse but like an harlot thou runnest about vpon all hie hilles and vnder all grene trees 21 Yet I had planted thee a noble vine whose plants were all natural how then art thou turned vnto me īto the plāts of a strāgevine 22 Thogh thou wash thee with nitre and take thee muche sope yet thine iniquitie is marked before me saithe the Lord God 23 How canst thou say I am not polluted nether haue I followed Baalim beholde thy wayes in the valley and knowe what thouhast done thou art like a swift dromedarie that runneth
a strong man that can not helpe yet 〈◊〉 ô Lord art in the middes of vs and thy Name is called vpon vs forsake vs not 10 Thus sayth the Lorde vnto this people Thus haue they delited to wandre they haue not refrained their fete therefore the Lord hathe no delite in them but he wil now remember their iniquitie and visit their sinnes 11 Then said the Lorde vnto me Thou shalt not praye to do this people good 12 When they fast I will not heare their crye and when they offer burnt 〈◊〉 and an 〈◊〉 I will not accept them but I wil consume them by the sworde and by the famine and by the pestilence 13 Then aunswered I Ah Lord God beholde the Prophetes say vnto them Ye shal not se the sword nether shall famine come vpon you but I will giue you assured peace in this place 14 Then the Lorde sayd vnto me The Prophetes prophecielies in my Nawe * I haue not sent them nether did I commande them nether spake I vnto them but they prophecie vnto you a false vision and diuination and 〈◊〉 and deceitfulnes of their owne heart 15 There fore thus sayth the Lorde Concernyng the Prophetes that propheciein my Name whome I haue not sent yet they say Sworde and famine shal not be in this land by sworde and famine shal those Prophetes be consumed 16 And the people to whome these Prophetes do prophecie shal be caste out in the stretes of Ierusalém because of the famine and the sword and there shal be none to burie them bothe they and their wiues and their sonnes and I their daughters for I will power their wickednes vpon them 17 Therefore thou shalt say thys worde vnto them Let myne eyes drop downe teares night and day without ceasing for the virgine daughter of my people is destroyed with a great destruction and with a sore grieuous plague 18 For if I go into the field beholde the slayne with the sworde and if I entre into the citie beholde them that are sicke for hunger also more ouer the Prophete also and the Priest go a wandring into a land that they know not 19 Hast thou vtterly reiected Iudah or hathe thy soule abhorred Zion Why haste thou smitten vs that we can not be healed We loked for peace and there is no good and for the time of health and beholde trouble 20 We acknowledge ô Lord our wickednes and the iniquitie of our fathers for we haue sinned against thee 21 Do not abhorre vs for thy Names sake caste not downe the throne of the glorie remember and breake not thy couenant with vs. 22 Are there anie among the vanities of the Gentiles that can giue raine or can the heauens giue showers is it not thou ô Lord our God! therefore we wil waite vpon thee for thou hast made all these things CHAP. XV. 1 The Lorde wolde heare no prayer for the Iewes 3 But threatneth to destroye them with foure plagues 1 THen said the Lord vnto me Thogh Mosēs and Samuél stode before me yet 〈◊〉 ne affection colde not be towarde hys people cast them out of my sight and let them departe 2 And if they say vnto thee Whether shal we departe then tel them Thus sayth the Lord * Suche as are appointed to death vnto death and suche as are for the sworde to the sworde and such as are for the famine to the famine and suche as are for the captiuitie to the captiuitie 3 And I wil appointe ouer them foure kindes saith the Lord the sworde to slay and the dogges to teare in pieces and the foules of the heauen and the beastes of the earth to deuoure and to destroye 4 I wil 〈◊〉 them also in all kyngdomes of the earth 〈◊〉 because of 〈◊〉 the sonne of Hezekiah King of Iudáh for that which he did in Ierusalém 5 Who shal then haue pitie vpon thee ô Ierusalém or who shal be sorie for thee or who shal go to pray for thy peace 6 Thou hast for saken me saith the Lord ād gone backwarde therefore wil I stretch out mine hand against thee and destroye thee for I am wearie with repenting 7 And I will scatre thē with the fanne in the gates of the earth I haue wasted and destroyed my people yet they wolde notreturne from their wayes 8 Their widdowes are increased by my aboue the sand of the sea I haue broght vpon them and against the assemblie of the yong men a destroyer at none day I haue cau sed hym to fall vpon them and the citie suddenly and spedely 9 She that hath borne seuen hath bene made weake her heart ha the failed the sunne hathe failed her whiles it was day she hathe bene confounded and ashamed and the residue of them will I deliuer vnto the sworde before their enemies saith the Lord. 10 ¶ Wo is me my mother that thou hast bor ne me a contētious man and a man that striueth with the whole earth I haue nether lent on vsurie normen haue lent vnto me on vsurie yet euerie one doeth cursse me 11 The Lord laid Surely thy remnant shal haue welth surely I wil cause thine enemie to intreat thee in the time of trouble and in the time of affliction 12 Shal the yron breake the yron ād the bras se that commeth from the North 13 Thy substance and thy treasures will I giue to be spoiled without gaine and that for allthy sinnes euen in all thy borders 14 And I wil make thee to go with thine enemies into a land that thou knowest not for a 〈◊〉 is kindled in mine angre which 〈◊〉 burne you 15 O Lord thou knowest remembre me and visit me and reuenge me of my persecuters take me not a waye in the continuance of thine angre knowe that for thy sake I haue suffred rebuke 16 Thy wordes were founde by me and I did eat them and thy worde was vnto me the ioye and reioy 〈◊〉 of mine heart for thy Name is called vpon me ô Lord God of hostes 17 I sate not in the assemblie of the mockers net her did I reioyce but sate alone because of thy plague for thou last filled me with indignation 18 Why is myne heauines continual and my plague desperate and can not be healed why art thou vnto me as a lyer and as wa ters that faile 19 Therefore thus saith the Lord If thou returne then wil I bring thee againe 〈◊〉 thou shalt stand before me and if thou take away the precious from the vile thou shalt be accordyng to my worde let them returne vnto thee but returne not thou vnto them 20 And I will make thee vnto thys people a strong brasen wal and they shal fight against thee but they shall not preuaile againste thee for I am with thee to saue thee and to
But if not be it knowē to thee ô King that we wil not serue thy gods nor worship the golden image which thou hast set vp 19 ¶ Then was Nebuchad-nezzár ful of rage and the forme of his visage was changed against 〈◊〉 Meshách and Abednegó therefore he charged and commanded that they shulde heate the fornace at once seuen times more then it was wonte to be heat 20 And he charged the moste valiant men of warre that were in his armie to binde Shadrach Meshách and Abednegó to cast them into the hote fyrie fornace 21 So these men were bounde in their coates their hosen their clokes with their other garments and cast into the middes of the hote fyrie fornace 22 Therefore because the Kings commandement was straite that the fornace shulde be exceading hote the flame of the fyre slew those men that broght forthe Shadrach Meshách and Abednegó 23 And these thre men Shadrách Meshách and Abednegó fel downe bounde into 〈◊〉 middes of the hote fyrie fornace 24 ¶ Them Nebuchad-nezzár the King was astonied rose vp in haste and spake said vnto his counsellers Did not we cast thre men bounde into the middes of the fyre Who answered and said vnto the King It is true ô King 25 And he answered and said Lo I se foure men loose walking in the middes of the fyre and they haue no hurt and the forme of the fourth is like the sonne of God 26 Then the King Nebuchad-nezzár came nere to the mouth of the hote fyrie forna ce spake and said Shadrách Meshách and Abednegó the seruants of the hie God go forthe and come hether so Shadrách Meshách and Abednegó came forthe of the middes of the fyre 27 Then the nobles princes and dukes and the Kings counsellers came to gether to se these men because the fyre had no power ouer their bodies for not an heere of their head was burnt nether was their coats changed nor any smel of fyre came vpon them 28 Wherefore Nebuchad-nezzár spake said Blessed be the God of Shadrách Meshách and Abednegó who hathe sent his Angel and deliuered his seruants that put their trust in him and haue chāged the Kings commandement and yelded their bodies rather thē thei wolde serue or worship anie god saue their owne God 29 Therefore I make a decre that euery peo ple nacion and langage whiche speake any blasphemie against the God of Shadrách Meshách and Abednegó shal be drawen in pieces and their houses shal be made a iakes because there is no god that can deliuer after this sorte 30 Then the King promoted Shadráche Meshách and Abednegó in the prouince of Babél 31 Nebuchad-nezzár King vnto all people nacions and langages that dwell in all the worlde Peace be multiplied vnto you 32 I thoght it good to declare the signes and wonders that the hie God hathe wroght towarde me 33 How great are his signes and how mightie are his wonders his kingdome is an euerlasting kingdome and his dominion is from generacion to generacion CHAP. IIII. 2 Another dreame of Nebuchad-nezzár whiche Daniél declareth 29 The Prophet declareth how of a proude King he shulde become as a beast 31 After he confesseth the power of God and is restored to his former dig nitie 1 I Nebuchad-nezzár being at rest in mine house and flourishing in my palace 2 Sawe a dreame which made me a fraied and the thoghtes vpon my bed and the visions of mine head troubled me 3 Therefore made I a decre that th ei shulde bring all the wise men of Babél before me that they might declare vnto me the inter pretacion of the dreame 4 So came the enchanters the astrologians the Caldeans and the south sayers to whome I tolde the dreame but they colde not shewe me the interpretacion thereof 5 Til at the last Daniél came before me whose name was Belte shazzár according to the name of my god which hathe the spirit of the holy gods in him and befo re him I tolde the dreame saying 6 O Belteshazzár chief of the enchanters because I knowe that the spirit of the holy gods isin thee no secret troubleth thee tel me the visions of my dreame that I haue sene and the interpretacion thereof 7 Thus were the visions of mine head in my bed And beholde I sa we a tre in the middes of the earth and the height thereof was great 8 A great tre and strong and the height the reofreached vnto heauen and the sight thereof to the ends of all the earth 9 The boughes thereof were faire and the frute thereof muche and in it was meat for all it made a shadowe vnder it for the beastes of the field and the foules of the heauen dwelt in the boughs thereof and all flesh fed of it 10 I sawe in the visions of mine head vpon my bed and beholde a watchemanand an holy one came downe from heauen 21 And cryed aloude and said thus Hewe downe the tre and breake of his brāches shake of his leaues and scattre his frute that the beasts may flee from vnder it and the foules from his branches 12 Neuertheles leaue the stumpe of his rootes in the earth and with a band of yron and brasse binde it among the grasse of the field and let it be wet with the dewe of heauen and let his porcion be with the beastes among the grasse of the field 13 Let his heart be changed from mans nature and let a beastes heart be giuen vnto him and let seuen times be passed ouerhim 14 The sentence is according to the decre of the watchemen and according to the worde of the holy ones the demande was answered to the intēt that liuing mē may knowe that the moste high hathe power ouer the kingdome of men giueth it to whome soeuer he wil and appointeth ouer it the moste abiect among men 15 This is the dreame that I King Nebuchad-nezzár haue sene therefore thou ô Belte shazzár declare the interpretacion thereof for all the wise men of my kingdome are not able to shewe me the interpreta cion but thou art able for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee 16 ¶ Then Daniél whose name was Belteshazzár held his peace by the space of one houre and his thoghts troubled him and the King spake said Belteshazzár let nether the dreame nor the interpretacion thereof trouble thee Belteshazzár answered andsaid My lord the dreame be to them that hate thee and the interpretacion thereof to thine enemies 17 The tre that thou sawest which was great and mightie whose height teached vnto the heauen and the sight thereof through all the worlde 18 Whose leaues were faire and the frute the reof muche and in it was meat for all vnder the which the beasts of the field dwelt and vpon whose brāches the foules of the heauen did sit 19 It is
thou ô King that art great and migh tie for thy greaues is growē and reacheth vnto heauen thy dominion to the ends of the earth 20 Where as the King sawe a watcheman an holy one that came downe from heauen and said Hewe downe the tre and destroy it yet leaue the stumpe of the rootes thereof in the earth and with a bande of yron and brasse binde it among the grasse of the field and let it be wet with the dewe of heauen and let his porcion be with the beasts of the field til seuē times passe ouer him 21 This is the interpretacion ô King and it is the decre of the moste high which is come vpon my lord the King 22 That they shal driue thee from men and thy dwelling shal be with the beasts of the field they shal make thee to eat grasse as the oxen and thei shal wet thee with the dewe of heauen and seuen times shal passe ouer thee til thou knowe that n the moste high beareth rule ouer the kingdome of mē giueth it to whome soeuer he wil. 23 Where as they said that one shulde leaue the stumpe of the tre rootes thy king dome shal remaine vnto thee after that thou shalt knowe that the heauēs haue the rule 24 Wherefore ô King let my counsel be acce ptable vnto thee and breake of thy sinnes by righteousnes and thine iniquities by mercie toward the poore lo let there be an healing of thine errour 25 All these things shal come vpon the King Nebuchad-nezzar 26 ¶ At the end of twelue moneth he walked in the royal palace of Babél 27 And the King spake and said Is not this great Babél that I haue buylt for the house of the kingdome by the might of my power and for the honour of my maiestie 28 While the worde was in the Kings mouth a voyce came downe from heauen saying O King Nebuchadnezzár to thee be it spo ken Thy kingdome is departed from thee 29 And they shal driue thee from men and thy dwelling shal be with the beasts of the field they shal make thee to eat grasse as the oxen and seuen times shal passe ouer thee vntil thou knowest that the most high beareth rule ouer the kingdome of men and giueth it vnto whome soeuer he wil. 30 The very same houre was this thing fulfilled vpon Nebuchad-nezzar and he was driuen from men and did eat grasse as the oxen and his bodie was wet with the dewe of heauen til his heere 's were growen as egles feathers and his nailes like birds clawes 31 And at the end of these dayes I Nebuchad-nezzár lift vp mine eies vnto heauen and mine vnderstanding was restored vnto me and I gaue thankes vnto the moste high and I praised and honored him that liueth for euer * whose power is an euerlasting power and his kingdome is from generacion to generacion 32 And all the inhabitants of the earth are re puted as nothing and according to his wil he worketh in the armie of heauen and in the inhabitants of the earth and none can stay his hand nor say vnto him What doest thou 33 At the same time was mine vnderstanding restored vnto me and I returned to the honour of my kingdome my glorie and my beautie was restored vnto me and my counsellours and my princes soght vnto me and I was established in my kingdome and my 〈◊〉 was augmented toward me 34 Now therefore I Nebuchad-nezzár prai se and extoll and magnifie the king of hea uen whose workes are all trueth and his wayes iudgement and those that walke in pride he is able to abase CHAP. V. 5 Belshazzár King of Babylon seeth an band writing on on the wall 8 The sothsayers called of the King can not expounde the writing 25 Daniel readeth it and 〈◊〉 il 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The King is slayne 31 Darius enioyeth the kingdome 1 KIng Belshazzár made a great feast to a thousand of his princes and dranke wine before the thousand 2 And Belshazzár whiles he tasted the wine commanded to bring him the golden and siluer vessels which his father Nebuchad-nezzár had broght from the Temple in Ierusalém that the King and his princes his wife and his concubines might drinke therein 3 Then were broght the goldēvessels that were taken out of the Temple of the Lords house at Ierusalém and the King and his princes his wiues and his concubines dran ke in them 4 They dronke wine and praised the gods of golde and of siluer of brasse of yron of wood and of stone 5 At the same houre appeared fingers of a mans hand which wrote ouer against the candlesticke vpon the plaister of the wall of the Kings palace and the King sawe the palme of the hand that wrote 6 Then the Kings countenāce was changed and his thoghts troubled him so that the ioyntes of his loines were loosed and his knees smote one against the other 7 Wherefore the King cryed loud that they shulde bring the astrologians the Caldeans and the soth saiers And the King spa ke and said to the wise men of Babél Whosoeuer can read this writing and declare me the interpretacion thereof shal be clothed with purple and shal haue a chaine of golde about his necke shal be the third ruler in the kingdome 8 Then came all the Kings wise men but they colde nether read the writing nor shewe the King the interpretacion 9 Then was King Belshazzár greatly troubled and his countenance was changed in him and his princes were astonied 10 Now the Queene by reason of the talke of the King and his princes came into the banket house and the Queene spake and said O King liue for euer let not thy thoghts trouble thee nor let thy countenance be changed 11 There is a man in thy kingdome in whome is the spirit of the holie gods in the dayes of thy father light vnderstanding wisdome like the wīsdome of the gods was found in him whome the King Nebuchad-nezzar thy father the King I say thy father made chief of the enchanters astrologians Caldeans and sothsaiers 12 Because a more excellent spirit and knowledge and vnderstanding for he did expounde dreames and declare hard senten ces and dissolued doutes were founde in him euen in Daniel whome the King named Belteshazzár now let Daniél be called and he wil declare the inter pretacion 13 ¶ Then was Daniél broght before the King and the King spake and said vnto Daniél Art thou that Daniél which art of the children of the captiuitie of Iudáh whome my father the King broght out of Ie wrie 14 Now I haue heard of thee that the spirit of the holie gods is in thee and that light and vnderstanding and excellent wisdome is found in thee 15 Now therefore wisemen and astrologians haue bene broght before me that they shulde read this writing and
shewe me the interpretacion thereof but they colde not declare the interpretacion of the thing 16 Then heard I of thee that thou coldest shewe interpretacions and dissolue doutes now if thou canst read the writing and shewe me the interpretaciō thereof thou shalt be clothed with purple and shalt ha ue a chaine of golde about thy necke shalt be the third ruler in the kingdome 17 Then Daniél answered and said before the King Kepe thy rewardes to thy self and gi ue thy giftes to another yet I wil read the writing vnto the King and shewe him the interpretacion 18 O King heare thou The moste high God gaue vnto Nebuchadnezzar thy father a kingdome and maiestie and honour and glorie 19 And for the maiestie that he gaue him all people nations and langages trembled and feared before him he put to death whome he wolde he set vp and whome he wolde he set vp and whome he wolde he put downe 20 But when his heart was puft vp and his minde hardened in pride he was deposed from his kinglie throne and they toke his honour from him 21 And he was driuen from the sonnes of mé and his heart was made like the beasts and his dwelling was with the wilde asses they fed him with grasse like oxen and his bodie was wet with the dewe of the heauē til he knewe that the moste high GOD bare rule ouer the kingdome of men and that he appointeth ouer it whome soeuer he pleaseth 22 And thou his sonne ō Belshazzar hast 〈◊〉 humbled thine heart thogh thou knewest all these things 23 But hast lift thy self vp against the Lord of heauen and they haue broght the vessel of his House before thee and thou and thy princes thy wiues and thy 〈◊〉 haue drunke wine in them ' and thou hast praised the gods of siluer and golde of brasse yron wood and stone which nether se nether heare nor vnderstand and the GOD in whose hand thy breath is and all thy wayes him hast thou not glorified 24 Then was the palme of the hand sent from him and hathe writen this writing 25 And this is the writing that he hathe writen MENE MENE TEKEL VPHARSIN 26 This is the interpretacion of the thing MENE God hathe nōbred thy kingdome and hathe finished it 27 TEKEL thou art wayed in the balance art founde to light 28 PERES thy kingdome is deuided and giuen to the Medes and persians 29 Then at the commandement of Bel shazzar they clothed Daniel with purple put a chaine of golde about his necke and made a proclamation concerning him that he shulde be the thirde ruler in the kingdome 30 The same night was Belshazzár the King of the Caldeans slaine 31 And Darius of the Medes toke the king dome being threscore and two yere olde CHAP. VI. 1 Daniél is made ruler ouer the gouerners 5 An acte against Daniél 16 He is put into adenne of 〈◊〉 by the commandement of the King 2 He is 〈◊〉 by faith in God 24 〈◊〉 accusers are put vnto 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 15 Darius by a decre magnifieth the God of 〈◊〉 1 IT pleased Darius to set ouer the kingdome an hundreth and twentie gouer nours whiche shulde be ouer the whole kingdome 2 And ouer these thre rulers of whome Da niél was one that the gouernours might giue accompts vnto them and the King shulde haue no domage 3 Now this Daniél was preferred aboue the rulers and gouernours because the spirit was excellent in him and the King thoght to set him ouer the whole realme 4 ¶ Wherefore the rulers and gouernours soght an occasion against Daniél concer ning the kingdome but they colde finde none occasiónor faute for he was so faithful that there was no blame nor faute founde in him 5 Then said these men We shal not finde an occasion against this Daniél except we finde it against him concerning the Law of his God 6 Therefore the rulers and these gouernours went together to the King and said thus vnto him King 〈◊〉 liue for euer 7 All the rulers of thy kingdome the officers and gouernours the counsellers and dukes haue consulted together to make a decre for the King and to establish a statute that whosoeuer 〈◊〉 aske a peticion of anie god or man for thirtie dayes saue of thee ô King he shal be cast into the den ne of lyons 8 Now o King confirme the decre and seale the writing that it be not changed according to the law of the Medes and Persians which altereth not 9 Wherefore King Darius sealed the writing and the decre 10 ¶ Now when Daniél vnderstode that he had sealed the writing he went into his house and his windowe being opē in his chamber toward Ierusalém he 〈◊〉 vpon his knees thre times a day prayed and praised his God as he did a fore time 11 Then these men assembled and founde Daniél praying and making supplication vnto his God 12 So they came and spake vnto the King concerning the Kings decre Hast thou not sealed the decre that euerie man that shal make request to anie god or mā within thirtie dayes saue to thee ô King shal be cast into the denne of lyons The King answered and said The thing is true according to the law of the Medes and Persians which altereth not 13 Then answered they and said vnto the King This Daniél whiche is of the children of the captiuitie of Iudáh regardeth not thee ô King nor the decre that thou hast sealed but maketh his peticion thre times a day 14 When the King heard these wordes he was sore displeased with him self and set his hearton Daniél to deliuer him and he laboured til the sunne went downe to deliuer him 15 Then these men assembled vnto the King and said vnto the King Vnderstand ô King that the law of the Medes and Persians is that no decre nor statute which the King confirmeth may be altered 16 ¶ Then the King commanded and they broght Daniél and cast him into the denne of lyons now the King spake and said vnto Daniél Thy God whome thou alway 〈◊〉 euen he wil deliuer thee 17 And a stone was broght and layed vpon the mouthe of the denne and the King sealed it with his owne signet and with the signet of his princes that the purpose might not be changed concerning Daniél 18 Then the King went vnto his palace and remained fasting nether were the instruments of musicke broght before him and his slepe went from him 19 ¶ Then the King arose early in the morning and went in all haste vnto the denne of lyons 20 And when he came to the denne he cryed with a lamentable voyce vnto Daniél and the King spake and said to Daniél O Daniél the seruant of the liuing God is not thy God whome thou alwaie seruest able to deliuer thee from the lions 21 Then said Daniél vnto the King O King liue for euer
and my countenance changed in me but I kept the matter in mine heart CHAP. VIII A vision of a battel betwene a ramme and a goat 20 The vnderstanding of the vision 1 IN the thirde yere of the reigne of Kyng Belshazzár a vision appeared vnto me euen vnto me Daniél after that whiche appeared vnto me at the first 2 And I sawe in a vision and when I sawe it I was in the palace of Shushan which is in the prouince of Elám ād in a vision me thoght I was by the riuer of Vlái 3 Then I loked vp and sawe ād beholde there stode before the riuer a ramme which had two hornes and these two hornes were hie but one was hier the another and the hiest came vp last 4 I sawe the ram pusshyng againste the West and against the North ād against the South so that no beastes might stand before him nor colde deliuer out of his hand but he did what he listed and became great 5 And as I considered beholde a goat came frō the West ouer the whole earth and touched not the grounde and this goat had an horne that appeared betwene his eyes 6 And he came vnto the ram that had the two hornes whome I had sene standing by the ri uer and ranne vnto him in his fierce rage 7 And I sawe him come vnto the ramme and being moued against him he smot the ram me and brake his two hornes and there was no power in the ramme to stād against him but he cast him downe to the grounde and stamped vpon him and there was none that colde deliuer the ramme out of his power 8 Therfore the goat waxed exceadyng great and when he was at the strongest his great horne was broken and for it came vp foure that appeared towarde the foure windes of the heauen 9 And out of one of them came forthe a litle horne which waxed very great towarde the South and towarde the East and toward the pleasant land 10 Yea it grewe vp vnto the hoste of heauen and it caste downe some of the hoste and of the starres to the grounde and trode vpon them 11 And extolled him selfe against the prince of the host from whom the dailie sacrifice was taken away and the place of his Sanctuarie was cast downe 12 And a time shal be giuen him ouer the day lie sacrifice for the iniquitie and it shall cast downe the trueth to the grounde and thus shal it do and prosper 13 Thē I heard one of the Sainctes speaking and one of the Sainctes spake vnto a certeine one saying How long shal endure the vi sion of the dayly sacrifice and the iniquitie of the desolation to tread bothe the Sanctuarie and the armie vnder 〈◊〉 14 And he answered me Vnto the euening and the morning two thousand and thre hūdreth then shal the Sanctuarie be clensed 15 ¶ Nowe when I Daniél had sene the vision and soght for the meaning beholde there stode before me like the similitude of a mā 16 And I heard a mans voyce betwene the bankes of Vlái whiche called and said Gabriél make thys man to vnderstande the vision 17 So he came where I stode ād whē he came I was afraied and fell vpon my face but he said vnto me Vnderstand ô sonne of man for in the last time shal be the vision 18 Now as he was speaking vnto me I being a slepe fel on my face to the grounde but he touched me and set me vp in my place 19 And he sayd Beholde I will she we thee what shal be in the last wrath for in the end of the time appointed it shal come 20 The ramme whiche thou sawest hauyng two hornes are the Kinges of the Medes and Persians 21 And the goat is the King of Grecia and the great horne that is betwene his eyes is the first King 22 And that that is broken and foure stode vp for it are foure kyngdomes whiche shal stand vp of that nacion but not in his strength 23 And in the end of their kingdome when the rebellious shal be consumed a King of fierce countenāce and vnderstanding darke sentences shal stand vp 24 And his power shal be 〈◊〉 but not in his strength and he shal destroie wonderful ly and shal prosper and practise and shal destroy the mightie and the holy people 25 And through his policie also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand he shall extoll him self in his heart and by peace shal destroye many he shal also stande vp against the prince of princes but he shal be broken downe without hand 26 And the vision of the 〈◊〉 and the morning which is declared is true therfore seale thou vp the vision for it shal be after many daies 27 And I Daniél was striken and sicke certeine daies but when I rose vp I did the Kings busines and I was astonished at the vi sion but none vnderstode it CHAP. IX 3 Daniel desireth to haue that performed of God which he had promised concerning the returne of the people from their banishment in Babylon 5 A true confession 20 Daniels prayer is heard 21 Gabriel the Angel expoundeth vnto him the vision of the seuentie wekes 24 The anointing of Christ. 25 The buylding againe of Ierusalém 26 The death of Christ. 1 IN the first yere of Darius the sonne of Ahashuerósh of the sede of the Medes whiche was made King ouer the realme of the Caldeans 2 Euen in the first yere of his reigne I Daniél vnderstode by bokes the nombre of the yeres where of the Lord had spoken vnto Ieremiáh the Prophet that he wolde accomplish seuentie yeres in the desolation of Ierusalém 3 And I turned my face vnto the Lorde God and soght by prayer and supplicacions with fasting and sacke cloth and ashes 4 And I prayed vnto the Lorde my God and made my confession saying Oh Lord God whiche art great and fearefull and kepest couenant and mercie towarde them whiche loue thee and towarde them that there thy commandements 5 We haue sinned and haue committed iniquitie and haue done wickedly yea we haue re belled and haue departed from thy preceptes and from thy iudgements 6 For we wolde not obey thy seruants the Pro phetes whiche spake in thy Name to our Kings to our princes and to our fathers and to all the people of the land 7 O Lorde ryghteousnes belongeth vnto thee and vnto vs open shame as appeareath this day vnto euerie man of Iudáh ād to the inhabitants of Ierusalém yea vnto all Israél bothe nere and farre of through all the countreis whether thou haste driuen them because of their offenses that they haue committed against thec 8 OLORDE vnto vs apperteineth open
vision is for manie dayes 15 And when he spake these wordes vnto me I set my face towarde the grounde helde my tongue 16 And beholde one like the similitude of the sonnes of man touched my lippes then I ope ned my mouth and spake and said vnto him that stode before me O my Lord by the vi sion my sorowes are returned vpon me and I haue reteined no strength 17 For how can the seruāt of this my Lord talke with my Lord being suche one for as for me straight way there remained no strength in me nether is there breth left in me 18 Then there came againe and touched me one like the appearance of a man and he strengthened me 19 And said O man greatly beloued feare not peace be vnto thee be strong and of good courage And when he had spoken vnto me I was strengthened and said Let my Lord speake for thou hast strengthened me 20 Then said he Knowest thou wherefore I am come vnto thee but now wil I returne to fight with the prince of Persia and when I am gone forthe lo the prince of Grecia shal come 21 But I wil shewe thee that which is decreed in the Scripture of trueth and there is none that holdeth with me in these things but Mi chaél your Prince CHAP. XI A prophecie of the kindomes which shulde be enemies to the Church of God as of Persia 3 Of Grece 5 Of Egypt 28 Of Syria 36 And of the Romaines 1 ALso I the first yere of Darius of the Medes euen I stode to incourage and to strengthen him 2 And now will I shewe thee the trueth Behol de there shal stand vp yet thre Kings in Per sia and the fourth shal be farre richer then they all and by his strength and by his riches he shal stirre vp all against the realme of Grecia 3 But a mightie King shal stand vp that shal rule with great dominion and do according to his pleasure 4 And when he shal stand vp his kingdome shal be broken and shal be deuided towarde the foure windes of heauen and not to his posteritic nor according to his dominion whiche he ruled for his Kingdome shal be pluckt vp euen to be for others besides those 5 And the King of the South shal be mightie and one of his princes and shal preuaile againste him and beare rule his dominion shal be a great dominion 6 And in the end of yeres they shal be ioyned together for the Kings daughter of the South shal come to the King of the North to make an agrement but she shal not reteine the power of the arme nether shal he continue nor his arme but she shal be deliuered to death and thei that broght her he that begate her and he that comforted her in these times 7 But out of the budde of her rootes shal one stand vp in his stead which shal come with an armie and shal entre into the fortesse of the King of the North and do with them as he list and shal preuaile 8 And shal also carye captiues into Egypt their gods with their molten images and with their precious vessels of siluer and of golde and he shal cōtinue mo yeres then the King of the North. 9 So the King of the South shal come into his kingdome shal returne into his owne land 10 Wherefore his sonnes shal be stirred vp shal assemble a mightie great armie and one shal come and ouerflowe passe through then shal he returne and be stirred vp at his forteresse 11 And the King of the South shal be angrie shal come forthe and fight with him euen with the King of the North for he shal set forthe a great multitude and the multitude shal be giuen into his hand 12 Then the multitude shal be proude ād their heart shal be lifted vp for he shal cast downe thousands but he shal not stil preuaile 13 For the Kyng of the North shall returne and shal set forthe a great multitude then afore and shal come forthe after certeine yeres with a mightie armie and great riches 14 And at the same tyme there shall manie stand vp against the King of the South also the rebellious children of thy people shal exalte them selues to establish the visiō but they shal fall 15 So the Kyng of the North shal come and cast vp a mounte and take the strong citie and the armes of the South shal not resiste nether his chosen people nether shal there be anie strength to withstand 16 But he that shall come shal do vnto him as he list ād none shal stand against him and he shal stand in the pleasant land which by his hand shal be consumed 17 Againe he shall set hys face to entre with the power of his whole kingdome and his confederates with him thus shal he do and he shal giue hym the daughter of women to destroye her but she shal not stande on his side nether be for him 18 After this shal he turne hys face vnto the yles and shal take many but a prince shal cause hys shame to lyght vpon him beside that he shall cause his owne shame to turne vpon him self 19 For he shall turne his face towarde the fortes of his owne land but he shal be ouerthrowen ánd fall and be no more founde 20 Then shall stand vp in his place in the glo rie of the kingdome one that shal raise taxes but after fewe dayes he shal be destroyed nether in wrath nor in battel 21 And in his place shal stand vp a vile persone to whome they shal not giue the honour of the kingdom but he shal come in peaceably and obteine the kingdome by flateries 22 And the armes shal be ouerthrowen with a 〈◊〉 before him and shal be broken and also the prince of the couenant 23 And after the league made with hym he shal worke disceitfully for he shall come vp and ouercome with a smale people 24 He shal entre into the quiet and plentifull prouidence and he shal do that which his fa ther 's haue not done nor his fathers fathers he shal deuide among them the pray and the spoile and the substance yea and he shal forecast his deuises against the strong holdes euen for a time 25 Also he shal stirre vp his power and his cou rage againste the Kyng of the South with a great armie and the King of the South shal be stirred vp to battel with a very great and myghtie armie but he shall not stand for they shal fore cast and practise against him 26 Yea they that fede of the porcion of his meat shal destroy him
the wine or oyle or any meat shal it be holy And the Priests answered and said No. 14 Then said Haggai If a polluted persone touche any of these shal it be vncleane And the Priests answered and said It shal be vncleane 15 Thē answered Haggái and said So is this people and so is this nacion before me saith the Lord and so are all the workes of their hands and that which they offre here is vncleame 16 And now I pray you consider in your mindes from this day and afore euen afore a stone was laid vpon a stone in the Temple of the Lord 17 Before these things were when one came to an heape of twentie measures the re were but ten when one came to the wine presse for to drawe out fiftie vessels out of the presse there were but twentie 18 I smote you with blasting and with mildewe and with haile in all the labours of your hāds yet you turned not to me saith the Lord. 19 Consider I pray you in your mindes frō this day a fore from the foure twentieth day of the ninth moneth euen srom the day that the fundacion of the Lords Temple was laid cōsider it in your mindes 20 Is the seed yet in the barne as yet the vines and the figtre and the pome granate and the oliue tre hathe not broght forthe from this day wil I blesse you 21 And againe the worde of the Lord came vnto Haggái in the foure twētieth day of the moneth saying 22 Speak to Zerubbabél the prince of Iudáh say I wil shake the heauens the earth 23 And I wil ouerthrowe the throne of kingdo mes I wil destroy the strēgth of the kingdomes of the heathen I wil ouerthrowe the charets and those that ride in them and the horse the riders shal come downe euerie one by the sworde of his brother 24 In that day saith the Lord of hostes wil I take thee ô Zerubbabél my seruant the sonne of Shealtiél saith the Lord and wil make thee as a signet for I haue chosen thee saith the Lord of hostes ZECHARIAH THE ARGVMENT TWo moneths after that Heggái had begonne to prophecie Zechariáh was also sent of the Lord to helpe him in the labour and to confirme the same doctrine First therefore he putteh them in remembrance for what cause God had so so re punished their fathers and yet comforteth them if they wil repent vnfainedly and not abuse this great benefite of God in their deliuerance which was a figure of that true deliuerance that all the faithful shulde haue frō death and sinne by Christ. But because they stil remained in their wickednes and coldenes to set forthe Gods glorie and were not yet made better by their long banishement he rebucketh them moste sharpely yet for the comfort of the repentant 〈◊〉 euer 〈◊〉 the promes of grace that they 〈◊〉 by this meanes be prepared to receiue Christ in whome all shulde be sanctified to the Lord. CHAP. I. 2 He 〈◊〉 the people to returne to the Lord and to eschewe the wickednes of their fathers 36 He signifieth the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 and the temple 1 IN the eight moneth of the seconde yere of Darius came the worde of the Lord vnto Zechariáh the sonne of Be rechiáh the sóne of Iddo the Prophet saying 2 The Lord hathe bene sore displeased with your fathers 3 Therefore say thou vnto them Thus saith the lord of hostes Turne ye vnto me saith the Lord of hostes and I wil turne vnto you saith the Lord of hostes 4 Be ye not as your fathers vnto whome the former Prophets haue cryed saying Thus saith the Lord of hostes Turne you now from your euil wayes from your wicked workes but they wold not heare nor hear ken vnto me saith the Lord. 5 Your father where are they and do the Prophetes liue for euer 6 But did not my wordes and my statutes which I commanded by my seruants the Prophetes take holde of your father they returned said As the Lord of hostes hathe determined to 〈◊〉 to vs accor ding to our owne wayes and according to our workes so hathe he delt with vs. 7 Vpon the foure and twentieth day of the eleuenth moneth which is the moneth 〈◊〉 in the seconde yere of Darius came the worde of the Lord vnto Zechariáh the sonne of Berechiáh the sonne of Iddo the Prophet saying 8 I sawe by night and beholde a māriding vpon a red horse and he stode among the mirre trees that were in a bottome and be hinde him were thee red horses speckeled and white 9 Vhen said I O my Lord what are these And the Angel that talked with me said vnto me I wil shewe thee what these be 10 And the man that stode among the mirre trees answered and said These are they whome the Lord hathe sēt to go through the worlde 11 And they answered the Angel of the Lord that stode among the mirre trees and said We haue gone thorowe the worlde and beholde all the worlde sitteth stil and is at rest 12 Then the Angel of the Lord answered said O Lord of hostes how long wilt thou be vnmerciful to Ierusalém and to the cities of Iudáh with whome thou hast bene displeased now these thre score ten yeres 13 And the Lord answered the Angel that tal ked with me with good wordes and comfortable wordes 14 So the Angel that communed with me said vnto me Crye thou and speake Thus saith the Lord of hostes I am ie lousie ouer Ieru salém and Zion with a great zeale 15 And am greatly angrie against the careles heathen for I was angrie but a litle and they helped forwarde the affliction 16 Therefore thus saith the Lord I wil returne vnto Ierusalém with tender mercie mi ne house shal be buyld in it saith the Lord of hostes and a line shal be stretched vpō Ierusalém 17 Crye yet and speake Thus saith the Lord of hostes My cities shal yet be broken with plentie the Lord shal yet cōfort Zion and shal yet chuse Ierusalém 18 Then lift I vp mine eyes and sawe and beholde foure hornes 19 And I said vnto the Angel that talked with me What be these And he answered me These are the hornes which haue scattered Iudáh Israél and Ierusalém 20 And the Lord shewed me foure carpēters 21 Then said I What come these to do And he answered and said These are the hornes which haue scattered Iudah so that a man durst not 〈◊〉 vp his head but these are come to fraye them and to cast out the hor nes of the Gentiles which lift vp their hor ne ouer the land of Iudáh to scattre it CHAP. II. The restoring of Ierusalém and Iudáh 1 I Lift vp mine eyes againe 〈◊〉 loked and beholde a man with a measuring line in his
six and remained vnder the head that was vpō the right side for the foure continued in their place 25 So I loked and beholde the vnderwings thoght to set vp them selues and to haue the rule 26 Then was there one set vp but shortely it appeared no more 27 And the second were soner gone then the first 28 Then I behelde lo the two that remained thoght also in them selues to reigne 29 And when they so thoght beholde there awaked one of the heads that were at rest which was in the middes for that was greater then the two 30 And then I sawe that the two heads were ioyned therewith 31 And behold the head was turned with thē that were with it and did eate vp the two vnderwings that wolde haue reigned 32 But this head put the whole earth in feare bare rule in it ouer all those that dwelt vpon the earth with muche labour and it had the gouernance of the world more thē all the wings that had bene 33 After this I loked and beholde the head that was in the middes suddenly appeared no more as did the wings 34 But the two heads remained whiche also ruled likewise vpon earth and ouer those that dwelt therein 35 And I behelde and lothe head vppon the right side deuoured that was vpon the left side 36 ¶ Then I heard a voyce whiche said vnto me Loke before thee consider the thing that thou seest 37 So I sawe and beholde as it were alyon that roareth rénning hastely out of the wood and I sawe that he sent out a mans voyce vnto the egle and spake and said 38 Heare thou I wil talke with thee and the moste High shal say vnto thee 39 Art not thou that that of the foure beasts remainest whome I made to reigne in my world that by them the end of times might come 40 And the fourth is come and hathe ouercome all the beasts that were past hathe power ouer the worlde with great fearfulnes and ouer the whole compasse of the earth with moste wicked oppressions and that dwelleth so long time in all the world with disceite 41 For thou hast not iudged the earth with trueth 42 Seing thou hast troubled the meke thou hast hurt the peaceable thou hast loued lyers and destroied the dwellings of them that broght forth frute and had cast downe the walles of suche as did thee no harme 43 Therefore is thy wrongfull dealing come vp vnto the moste High and thy pride vnto the Mightie 44 The most High also hath loked vpon the proude times and beholde thei are ended and their abominacions are fulfilled 45 Therefore appeare no more thou egle nor thine horrible wings nor thy wicked feathers nor thy malicious heads and thy wicked clawes nor all thy vaine bodie 46 That all the earth maye be refreshed and come againe as one deliuered from thy vio lence and that she may hope for the iudgement and mercie of him that made her CHAP. XII The declaration of the former visions 1 ANd when the lion spake these wordes to the egle I sawe 2 And beholde the head that had the vpper hand appeared no more nether did the foure wings appeare any more that came to it and set vp them selues to reygne whose kingdome was smale and ful of vproares 3 And I sawe and behold they appeared no more and the whole bodie of the egle was burnt so that the earth was in great feare Then I awaked out of the trouble trance of my minde and from the great feare said vnto my Spirit 4 Lo this hast thou done vnto me in that thou searchest out the wayes of the moste High 5 Lo yet am I wearie in my minde and verye weake in my spirit litle strength is there in me for the greate feare that I receyued this night 6 Therefore now I will beseche the moste High that he will cōfort me vnto the end 7 And I said O Lord Lord if I haue founde grace before thy sight and if I am iustified with thee before manye other and if my praier in dede be come vp before thy face 8 Comfort me and shewe me thy seruāt the interpretacion and difference of this horrible sight that thou maist perfectly comforte my soule 9 Seing thou hast iudged me worthy to shew me the last times 10 ¶ Then he said vnto me This is the interpretacion of this vision 11 The egle whome thou sa west come vp from the sea is the * kingdome which was sene in the vision of thy brother Daniél 12 But it was not expounded vnto him therfore now I declare it vnto thee 13 Beholde the daies come that there shall rise vp a kingdome vpon the earth and it shal be feared aboue all kingdomes that were before it 14 In it shall twelue Kings reigne one after another 15 Whereof the seconde shall begynne to reigne and shall haue more tyme then the twelue 16 And thys do the twelue winges signifie which thou sawest 17 As for the voice that thou heardest speake and that thou sawest not go out frome the heads but from the middes of the bodie thereof this is the interpretacion 18 That after the time of that kingdome there shal arise great strife and it shal be in danger to fall but it shal not then fall but shal be restored againe to his beginning 19 Concerning the eight vnderwings which thousawest hang vnto her wings this is the interpretacion 20 In him shall arise eight Kings whose time shall be but smale and their yeres swift two of them shal perish 21 But when the midde time commeth there shal be foure kept a time whiles hys tyme beginneth to come that it may be ended but two shal be kept vnto the end 22 And where as thou sawest thre heades resting this is the interpretacion 23 In his last dayes shal the moste High raise vp thre kingdomes and shall call agayne manie things into thē and they shall haue the dominion of the earth 24 And of those that dwell therin with much grief aboue all those that were before thē therefore are they called the heads of the egle 25 For they shall accomplish his wickednes and shal finish his last end 26 And where as thou sawest that the greate head appeared no more it signifieth that one of them shal dye vpon his bed and yet with peine 27 For the two that remaine the sworde shal deuoure them 28 For the sworde of the one shal deuoure the other but at the last shal he fal by the sword himself 29 And where as thou sawest two vnderwings that went of towarde the head which was on the right side this is the interpretaciō 30 These are thei whome the most High hath preserued for their end whose kingdome is litle and ful of trouble as thou sawest 31 And the lyon whome thou sawest rising vp out of the wood and roaring speaking vnto the egle and rebuking her for her vnrightousnes
wolde despise this people that haue among them suche women surely it is not good that one mā of them be left for if thei shulde remaine they might deceiue the whole earth 20 Then Olofernes garde went out and all his seruātes and they broght her into the tente 21 Now Olofernes rested vpon his bed vnder a canopie which was wouen with purple and golde and emeraudes and precious stones 22 So they shewed him of her and he came for the vnto the entrie of his tēt and they caried lampes of siluer before him 23 And when Iudeth was come before him and his seruants they all marueiled at the beautie of her countenance and she fel downe vpon her face and did reuerence vn to him and his seruants toke her vp CHAP. XI 1 Olofernes comforteth Iudeth 3 And asketh the cause of her comming 5 She deceiueth him by her faire wordes 1 THen said Olofernes vnto her Woman be of good comfort feare not in thine heart for I neuer hurt any that wolde serue Nabuchodonosor the King of all the earth 2 Now therfore if thy people that dwelleth in the mountaines had not despised me I wolde not haue lifted vp my speare against them but they haue procured these things to themselues 3 But now tel me wherefore thou art fled from them and art come vnto vs for thou art come for safegard be of good comfort thou shalt liue frō this night here after 4 For none shal hurt thee but in treat thee wel as they do the seruants of King Nabuchodonosor my lord 5 Then Iudeth said vnto him Receiue the wordes of thy seruant suffer thine handmaide to speake in thy presence and I wil declare no lie to my lord this night 6 And if thou wilt follow the wordes of thine hand maide God wil bring the thing perfectly to passe by thee and my lord shal not faile of his purpose 7 As Nabuchodonosor King of all the earth liueth as his power is of force who hathe sent thee to reforme all persones not onely men shal be made subiect to him by thee but also the beastes of the fields and the cattel and the foules of the heauen shal liue by thy power vnder Nabuchodonosor and all his house 8 For we haue heard of thy wisdome and of thy prudent spirit it is declared through the whole earth that thou onely art excellent in all the kingdome and of a wonder ful knowledge and in feates of warre mar ueillous 9 Now * as concerning the matter which A chior did speake in thy counsel we haue heard his wordes for the men of Bethulia did take him and he declared vnto them all that he had spoken vnto thee 10 Therefore ô Lord and gouernour reiecte not his worde but set it in thine heart for it is true for there is no punishmēt against our people nether can the sworde preuaile against them except they sinne against their God 11 Now therfore left my Lord shulde be frustrate voide of his purpose that death may fall vpon them and that they may be taken in their sinne whiles thei prouoke their God to angre which is so oft times as they do that which is not beseming 12 For because their vittailes faile and all their water is wasted thei haue determined to take their cattel and haue purposed to consume all things that God had forbidden them to eat by his Lawes 13 Yea they haue purposed to consume the first frutes of the wheat and the tithes of the wine and of the oyle whiche they had reserued and sanctified for the Priests that serue in Ierusalém before the face of our God the which things it is not lawful for any of the people to touche with their hāds 14 Moreouer they haue sent to Ierusalém because they also that dwell there haue done the like suche as shulde bryng them licence from the Senate 15 Now when they shall bring them worde they wil do it and they shal be giuen thee to be destroyed the same day 16 Wherefore I thyne handmaid knowing all this am fled from their presence and God hathe sent me to worke a thing with thee whereof all the earth shal wonder whosoeuer shal heare it 17 For thy seruant feareth God and worshipeth the God of heauen day and night now let me 〈◊〉 with thee my Lord and let thy seruant go out in the night into the valley and I will pray vnto GOD that he may reueile vnto me when they shal commit their sinnes 18 And I will come and shewe it vnto thee then thoushalt go forthe with all thine armie and there shal be none of thē that shall resist thee 19 And I wil lead thee through the middes of Iudea vntil thou come before Ierusalém I will set thy throne in the middes thereof and thou shalt driue them as shepe that haue no shepherd and a dogge shall not barcke with his mouthe agaynste thee for these things haue bene spoken vnto me declared vnto me accordyng to my foreknowledge and I am sent to shewe thee 20 ¶ Then her wordes pleased Olofernes and all his seruants and they marueiled at her wisdome and said 21 There is not such a womā in all the world bothe for beautie of face and wisdome of wordes 22 Likewise Olofernes said vnto her GOD hathe done this to send thee before the people that strength might be in our hāds and destructiō vpon them that despise my lord 23 And now thou art bothe beautiful in thy countenance and wittie in thy wordes surely if thou do as thou hast spokē thy God shal be my God and thou shalt dwell in the house of Nabuchodonosor and shalt be renomed through out the whole earth CHAP. XII 1 Iudeth wolde not pollute her self with the meat of the Gentiles 5 She maketh her request that she might go out by night to pray 11 Olofernes causeth her to come to the banketh 1 THen he commanded to bring her in where his treasures were layed and ba de that they shulde prepare for her of his owne meates and that she shuld drinke of his owne wine 2 But Iudeth said * I may not eat of them lest there shulde be an offence but I can suf fice my selfe with the things that I haue broght 3 Then Olofernes said vnto her If the things that thou hast shulde faile how shulde we giue thee the like for there is none with vs of thy nation 4 Then said Iudeth vnto him As thy soule liueth my lord thine hand maide shal not spend those things that I haue before the Lord worke by mine hand the things that he hathe determined 5 Then the seruāts of Olofernes broght her into the tent and she slept vntil midnight and rose at the mourning watche 6 And sent to Olofernes saying Let my lord commande that thine hand maide may go forthe vnto prayer 7 Then Olofernes cōmanded his garde that thei 〈◊〉 not stay her thus
and their imaginaciōs he perceiued that they went about to lay their hands vpon the King Artaxerxes and so he certified the King thereof 3 Then caused the King to examine the two eunuches with torments and when they had confessed it they were put to death 4 This the King caused to be put in the Chronicles Mardocheus also wrote the same thing 5 So the King commāded that Mardocheus shulde remaine in the court and for the ad uertisement he gaue him a rewarde 6 But Aman the sonne of Amadathus the Agagite which was in great honour and reputacion with the King went about to hurt Mardocheus and his people because of the two eunuches of the King that were put to death CHAP. XIII 1 The copie of the letters of Artaxerxes against the Iewes 8 The prayer of Mardocheus 1 THe copie of the letters was this The great King Artaxerxes writeth these things to the princes and gouernours that are vnder him from India vnto Ethiopia in an hundreth and seuen twētie prouinces 2 When I was made lord ouer manie people and had subdued the whole earth vnto my dominion I wolde not exalte my self by the reasō of my power but purposed with equi tie alway and gentelnes to gouerne my subiects and wholy to set them in a peacea ble life and there by to bring my kingdome vnto tranquilitie that men might safely go thorow on euerie side to renew peace againe which all men desire 3 Now when I asked my counselers how the se things might be broght to passe one that was conuersant with vs of excellent wisdo me and constant in good wil and shewed him self to be of sure fidelitie which had the seconde place in the kindome euen Aman 4 Declared vnto vs that in all nacions there was scatered abroade a rebellious people that had Lawes contrarie to all people haue alway dispised the commandements of Kings and so that this general empire that we haue begonne can not be gouerned without 〈◊〉 5 Seing now we perceiue that this people alone are altogether contrarie vnto euerie man vsing strange other maner of lawes and hauing an euil opinion of our doings and go about to stablishe wicked matters that our kingdome shulde not come to good estate 6 Therefore haue we commanded that all they that are appointed in writing vnto you by Aman which is ordeined ouer the affaires is as our seconde father shal all with their wiues and childrē be destroyed and rooted out with the sworde of their enemies without all mercie and that none be spared the fortenth day of the twelfth moneth Adar of this yere 7 That they which of olde and now also haue euer bene rebellious many in one day with violence be thruste downe into the hell to the intente that after this time our affaires may be without troubles and wel gouerned in all pointes 8 Then Mardocheus thoght vpon all the workes and of the Lord and made his prayer vnto him 9 Saying O Lord Lord the King almightie for all things are in thy power if thou hast appointed to saue Israél there is no man that can withstande thee 10 For thou hast made heauen and earth and all the wonderous things vnder the heauen 11 Thou art Lord of all things and there is no man that can resist thee which art the Lord. 12 Thou knowest all things thou knowest Lord that it was nether of malice nor presumption nor for anie desire of glorie that I did this not bowe downe to prou de Aman. 13 For I wolde haue bene cōtent with good wil for the saluation of Israél to haue kist the sole of his fete 14 But I did it because I wolde not preferre the honour of a man aboue the glorie of God and wolde not worship anie but onely thee my Lord and this haue I not done of pride 15 And therefore ô Lord God and King haue mercie vpon thy people for they imagine how thei may bring vs to naught yea they wolde destroye the inheritance that hathe bene thine from the beginning 16 Dispise not the porcion which thou hast deliuered out of Egypt for thine owne self 17 Heare my prayer and be merciful vnto thy portion turne our sorowe into ioye that we may liue ô Lord and praise thy Name shut not the mouthes of them that praise thee 18 All Israel in like maner cryed moste earnestly vnto the Lord because that death was before their eyes CHAP. XIIII The prayer of Esther for the deliuerance of her and her people 1 QVene Esther also being in danger of death resorted vnto the Lord 2 And laid away her glorious apparel and put on the garments of sighing and mour ning In the stead of precious ointement she scatered ashes and dongue vpon her head and she humbled her bodie greatly with fasting and all the places of her ioye filled she with the heere that she plucte of 3 And she prayed vnto the Lord God of Israél saying O my Lord thou onely art our King helpe me desolate woman which haue no helper but thee 4 For my 〈◊〉 is at hand 5 From my youth vp I haue heard in the kin red of my father that thou ô Lord tokest Israél frō among all people our fathers from their predecessours for a 〈◊〉 inheritanee and thou hast performed that which thou didest promise them 6 Now Lord we haue sinned before thee the refore hast thou giuen vs into the hands of our enemies 7 Because we worshipped their gods ô Lord thou art righteous 8 Neuertheles it satisfieth them not that we are in bitter captiuitie but they haue stroken hands with their idoles 9 That thei wil abolish the thing that thou with thy mouth hast ordeined destroye thine inheritance to shut vp the mouthe of them that praise thee and to quence the glorie of thy temple and of thine altar 10 And to open the mouthes of the heathen that they may praise the power of the idoles to magnifie a flesh lie King for euer 11 O Lord giue not thy scepter vnto thē that be nothing lest thei laugh vs to scorne in our miserie but turne their deuise vpon thē selues and make him an example that hathe begonne the same against vs. 12 Thinke vpon vs ô Lord and shewe thy self vnto vs in the time of our distresse and strengthen me ô King of gods and Lord of all power 13 Giue me an eloquēt speache in my mouth before the Liō turne his heart to hate our enemie to destroye him and all suche as cō sent vnto him 14 But deliuer vs with thine hand and helpe me that am solitarie which haue no defen ce but onely thee 15 Thou knowest all things ô Lord thou knowest that I hate the glorie of the vnrighteous that I abhorre the bed of the vncircumcised and of all the heathen 16 Thou knowest my necessitie for I hate this token of my preeminence which I bea re vpon mine head what time
fornication causeth her to commit adulterie whosoeuer shal marie her that is diuorced commit teth adulterie 33 Againe ye haue heard that it was said to thē of olde time * Thou shalt not forsweare thy self but shalt performe thine others to the Lord. 34 But I say vnto you Sweare not at all nether by heauen for it is the throne of God 35 Nor yet by the earth for it is his fote stoole nether by Ierusalem for it is the citie of the great King 36 Nether shalt thou sweare by thine head because thou canst not make one heere white or blacke 37 * But let your cōmunication be Yea yea Nay nay For whatsoeuer is more thē these commeth of euil 38 ¶ Ye haue heard that it hathe bene said An * eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 39 But I saye vnto you * Resiste not euil but whosoeuer shall smite thee on thy ryght cheke turne to him the other also 40 And if anye man will sue thee at the lawe and take awaye thy coate let him haue thy cloke also 41 And whosoeuer will compell thee to go a mile go with him twaine 42 * Giue to him that asketh ād from him that wolde borow of thee turne not away 43 Ye haue heard that it hathe bene sayde * Thou shalt loue thy neighbour and hate thine enemie 44 But I say vnto you * Loue your enemies blesse them that curse you do good to them that hate you * and praye for them which hurt you and 〈◊〉 you 45 * That ye may be the children of your Father that is in heauē for he maketh his sunne to arise on the euill and the good and sendeth raine on the iuste and vniuste 46 For if ye loue them which loue you what rewarde shall you haue Do not the Publicanes euen the same 47 And if ye be friendlie to your brethren onely what singular thing do ye do not euē the Publicanes likewise 48 Ye shal therfore be perfite as your Father which is in heauen is perfite CHAP. VI. 1 Of almes 5 Prayer 14 Forgiuing one another 16 Fasting 19 He forbiddeth the careful seeking of worldly things and willeth men to put their whole trust in him 1 TAke hede that ye gyue not your almes before men to be sene of them or elsye shall haue no rewarde of your Father which is in heauen 2 * Therefore when thou giuest thyne almes thou shalt not make a trumpet to be blowē before thee as the hypocrites do in the Synagogues and in the stretes to be praysed of men Verely I saye vnto you they haue their re warde 3 But when thou doest thyne almes let not thy left hande knowe what thy ryght hand doeth 4 That thyne almesmay be in secret and thy Father that seeth in secret he will rewarde thee openly 5 And when thou prayest be not as the hypocrites for they loue to stand and pray in the Synagogues in the corners of the stretes because they wolde be sene of men Verely I say vnto you they haue their rewarde 6 But when thou prayest enter into thy chāber and when thou hast shut thy dore pray vnto thy Father whiche is in secret and thy Father whiche seeth in secret shall rewarde thee openly 7 Also when ye pray vse no vaine repetitions as the heathen for they thinke to be heard for their muche babling 8 Be ye not like them therefore for your Father knoweth where of ye haue nede before ye aske of him 9 After this maner therefore pray ye * Our Father whiche art in heauen halowed be thy Name 10 Thy kingdome come Thy wil be done euen in earth as it is in heauen 11 Giue vs this day our daily bread 12 And forgiue vs our dettes as we also forgiue our detters 13 And lead vs not into tentation but deliuer vs * from euill for thyne is the kyngdome and the power ādthe glorie for 〈◊〉 Amen 14 * Forifye do forgiue men their trespaces your heauenlie Father wil also forgiue you 15 But if ye do not forgiue men their trespaces no more wil your Father forgiue you your trespaces 16 Moreouer when ye fast loke not sowre as the hypocrites for they diffigure their faces that they myght seme vnto men to fast Verely I say vnto you that they haue theyr rewarde 17 But when thou fastest anoint thine head and wash thy face 18 That thou seme not vnto men to fast but vnto thy Father whiche is in secret and thy Father which seeth in secret will rewarde thee openly 19 ¶ Lay not treasures for your selues vpon the earth where the mothe and canker corrupt and where theues digge through and steale 20 * But lay vp treasures for your selues in hea uen where nether the mothe nor canker corrupteth and where theues nether digge through nor steale 21 For where your treasure is there will your heart be also 22 ¶ * The light of the bodie is the eye if then thine eye be single thy whole bodie shall belight 23 But if thyne eye be wicked then all thy bodie shal be darke Wherefore if the light that is in thee be darkenes howe greate is that darkenes 24 * No man can serue two masters for either he shall hate the one and loue the other or els he shall leane to the one and despise the other Ye can not serue God and riches 25 * Therfore I say vnto you be not carefull for your life what ye shall eat or what ye shall drinke nor yet for your bodie what ye shall put on Is not the life more wroth then meat and the bodie then raiment 26 Beholde the foules of the heauen for they so we not neither reape not carie into the barnes yet your heauenlie Father fedeth them Are ye not muche better then they 27 Whiche of you by takyng care is able to adde one cubit vnto his stature 28 And why care ye for raiment Learne how the lilies of the field do grow they labour not nether spinne 29 Yet I say vnto you that euen Solomon in al his glorie was not arayed like one of these 30 Wherefore if God so clothe the grasse of the field which is to day and to morowe is cast into the ouen shall he not do muche more vnto you ô ye of litle faith 31 Therfore take no thoght saying What shal we eat or what shal we drinke or wherwith shal we be clothed 32 For after all these things seke the Gentiles for your heauenlie Father knoweth that ye haue nede of all these things 33 But seke ye first the kingdome of God and his righteousnes and
al these things shal be ministred vnto you 34 Care not then for the morowe for the morowe shall care for it selfe the day hathe ynough with his owne grief CHAP. VII 1 Christ forbiddeth rashe iudgement 6 Not to cast holye things to doggs 7 To aske seke or knocke 12 The scope of the Scripture 13 The streict and wide gate 15 Of false Prophetes 16 The good tre and euil 22 False miracles 24 The house on the rocke or vpon the sand 1 I Vdge not that ye be not iudged 2 For with what * iudgement ye iudge ye shal be iudged and with what * measure ye mette it shall be measured to you againe 3 And why seest thou the mote that is in thy brothers eye and perceiuest not the beame that is in thine owne eye 4 * Or howe saist thou to thy brother Suffer me to cast out the mote out of thine eye and beholde a beame is in thine owne eye 5 Hypocrite firste cast out the beame out of thine owne eye and then shalt thou se clearely to caste out the mote out of thy brothers eye 6 ¶ Giue ye not that which is holie to dogges nether caste ye your pearles before swine lest they treade them vnder their fete and turning againe all to rent you 7 ¶ * Aske and it shal be giuen you seke and ye shal finde knocke and it shal be opened vnto you 8 For whosoeuer asketh receyueth and he that seeketh findeth and to hym that knocketh it shal be opened 9 For what man is there among you which if his sonne aske hym bread wolde gyue hym a stone 10 Or if he aske fish wil he giue him a serpent 11 If ye then which are euill can giue to your children good giftes how muche more shal your Father which is in heauen giue good things to them that aske him 12 * Therefore whatsoeuer ye wolde that men shulde do to you euen so do ye to them for this is the Law and the Prophetes 13 ¶ * Enter in at the streicte gate for it is the wide gate and broad way that leadeth to destruction and manie there be which go in thereat 14 Because the gate is streicte and the way narowe that leadeth vnto life and fewe there be that finde it 15 ¶ Be ware of false prophetes which come to you in sheps clothing but inwardly they are rauening wolues 16 Ye shall knowe them by their frutes Do men gather grapes of thornes or figges of thystels 17 So euery good tre brīgeth forth good frute and a corrupttre bringeth forth euil frute 18 A good tre can not bring forthe euill frute nether can a corrupt tre bryng forthe good frute 19 * Euerie tre that bringeth not forthe good frute is hewen down and cast into the fyre 20 Therefore by their frutes ye shal know thē 21 ¶ Not euerye one that sayeth vnto me Lord Lord shal enter into the kingdome of heauen * but he that doeth my Fathers will which is in heauen 22 * Manie will say to me in that day Lorde Lorde haue we not by thy Name prophecied and by thy Name cast out deuils ād by thy Name done manie great workes 23 And then wil I professe to them * I neuer knewe you * depart from me ye that worke iniquitie 24 Whosoeuer then heareth of me these wordes * and doeth the same I wil liken him to a 〈◊〉 mā which hathe builded his house on a rocke 25 And the raine fell and the floods came and the windes blewe ād beat vpon that house ād it fell not for it was groūded on a rocke 26 But whosoeuer heareth these my wordes and doeth them not shal be lickned vnto a foolishe mā which hathe buylded his house vpon the sand 27 And the raine fell and the floods came and the windes blewe and beat vpō that house and it fell and the fall thereof was great 28 ¶ * And it came to passe when Iesus had ended these wordes the people were astonied at his doctrine 29 For he taught them as one hauing autoritie and not as the Scribes CHAP. VIII 2 Christ healeth the leper 5 The captaines faith 11 The vo cation of the Gentiles 14 Peters mother in law 19 The Scribes that wolde followe Christ. 21 Christs pouertie 24 He stilleth the sea and the winde 28 And driueth the deuils out of the possessed into the swine 1 NOwe when he was come downe frome the mountaine greate multitudes followed him 2 * And lo there came a leaper and worshipped hym saying Master if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane 3 And Iesus putting forthe his hand touched him saying I will be thou cleane and imme diatly his leprosie was clensed 4 Then Iesus said vnto hym Se thou tell no man but go and shewe thy selfe vnto the Priest and offer the gift that * Moyses commanded for a witnes to them 5 ¶ * Whē Iesus was entred into Capernaum there came vnto hym a Centurion beseching him 6 And said Master my seruant lieth sicke at home of the palsie and is grieuously pained 7 And Iesus sayd vnto hym I will come and heale hym 8 But the Centurion answered saying Master I am not worthie that shuldest come vnder my rofe but speake the worde onely and my seruant shal be healed 9 For I am a man also vnder the autoritie of another and haue souldiers vnder me and I say to one Go and he goeth ād to another Come and he cometh and to my seruant Do this and he doeth it 10 When Iesus heard that he marueiled and said to them that followed hym Verely I say vnto you I haue not founde so greate faith euen in Israel 11 But I say vnto you that manie shall come from the East and West and shall sit downe with Abraham and Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of heauen 12 And the children of the kyngdome shal be cast out into vtter * darkenes there shal be weping and gnashing of teeth 13 Thē Iesus said vnto the Cēturiō go thy way and as thou hast beleued so be it vnto thee And his seruant was healed the same houre 14 ¶ * And when Iesus came to Peters house he sawe his wiues mother laied downe and sicke of a feuer 15 And he touched her hand and the feuer left her so she arose and ministred vnto them 16 * When the euē was come they broght vnto him manie that were possessed with deuils and he cast out the spirits with hys worde and healed all that were sicke 17 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by * Esaias the Prophet saying He toke our infirmities and bare our sickenesses 18 ¶ * And when Iesus sawe great multitudes of people about him he
man possessed with a deuill 33 And when the deuill was caste out the domme spake thē the multitude marueiled saying The like was neuer sene in Israel 34 But the Pharises sayd * He casteth out deuils through the prince of deuils 35 ¶ And * Iesus went about all cities and tow nes teaching in their Sinagogues and preachyng the Gospell of the kyngdome and healyng euerye sicknes and euerie disease among the people 36 But * when he sawe the multitude he had compassion vpon them because they were dispersed and scatered abroad as shepe hauing no shepherde 37 Then said he to hys disciples * Surely the haruest is great but the laborers are fewe 38 Wherfore praye the Lord of the haruest that he wolde send forthe laborers into his haruest CHAP. X. 5 Christ sendeth out his Apostles to preache in Iudea 7 He 〈◊〉 them charge teacheth them and 〈◊〉 them against 〈◊〉 20 The holie Gost speaketh by his ministers 26 whome we oght to feare 30 Our heere 's are counted 32 To confesse Christ. 37 Not to loue our parents more thē Christ. 38 To take vp our crosse 39 To saue or lose the life 40 To receiue the 〈◊〉 1 ANd * he called hys twelue disciples vnto him and gaue them power againste vncleane spirits to cast them out and to heale euerie sickenes and euerie disease 2 Nowe the names of the twelue Apostles are these The firste is Simon called Peter and Andrewe his brother Iames the sonne of Zebedeus and Iohn his brother 3 Philippe and Bartleme we Thomas and Mat thewe the Publicane Iames the sonne of Alpheus and Lebbeus whose surname was Thaddeus 4 Simon the Cananite ād Iudas Iscariot who also betrayed him 5 These twelue did Iesus send forth and commanded them saying Go not into the waye of the Gentiles and into the cities of the Samaritans enter ye not 6 But go rather* to the lost shepe of the house of Israel 7 * And as ye go preach saying The kingdom of heauen is at hand 8 Heale the sicke clense the lepers raise vp the dead cast out the deuils Frely ye haue recei ued frely giue 9 * Possesse not golde nor siluer nor money in your girdels 10 Nor a scrippe for the iorney nether two coates nether shoes nor a staffe * for the workeman is worthie of his meat 11 And into * whatsoeuer citie or towne ye shal come enquire who is worthie in it and there abide til ye go thence 12 And when ye come into an house salute the same 13 And if the house be worthie let your peace come vpon it but if it be not worthie let you peace returne to you 14 * And whosoeuer shal not receiue you nor heare your wordes when ye departe out of that house or that citie * shake of the dust of your fete 15 Truely I say vnto you it shal be easier for thē of the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of iudgement then for that citie 16 ¶ * Beholde I send you as shepe in the middes of wolues be ye therefore wise as serpentes and innocent as doues 17 But beware of men for they will deliuer you vp to the Councils and will scourge you in their Synagogues 18 And ye shall be broght to the gouernours and Kings for my sake in witnes to thē and to the Gentiles 19 * But when they deliuer you vp take no thoght how or what ye shal spake for it shal be giuē you in that houre what ye shall say 20 For it is not ye that speake but the spirit of your Father whiche speaketh in you 21 And the * brother shall betray the brother to death and the father the sonne and the children shall rise against their parents and cause them to dye 22 And ye shal be hated of all men for my Name * but he that endureth to the end he shal be saued 23 And when they persecute you in this citie flee into another for verely I say vnto you ye shall not finish all the cities of Israel till the Sonne of man be come 24 * The disciple is not aboue his master nor the seruant aboue his Lord. 25 It is ynough for the disciple to be as his master is the seruant as his Lord. * If they haue called the master of the house Beelzebub how muche more thē of his housholde 26 Feare them not therefore * for there is nothing couered that shal not be disclosed nor hid that shall not be knowen 27 What I tel you in darkenes that speake ye in light and what ye heare in the eare that preache ye on the houses 28 And feare ye not them which kil the bodie but are not able to kill the soule but rather feare him whiche is able to destroye bothe soule and bodie in hel 29 Are not two sparrowes solde for a farthing and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father 30 * Yea and all the heere 's of you heade are nombred 31 Feare ye not therefore ye are of more value then manie sparrowes 32 * Whosoeuer therefore shal confesse me before men him wil I confesse also before my Father which is in heauen 33 But whosoeuer shal denie me before men him wil I also denie before my Father which is in heauen 34 * Thinke not that I am come to send peace into the earth I came not to send peace but the sworde 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father the daughter against her mother the daughter in law against her mother in law 36 * And a mans enemies shal be they of his owne housholde 37 * He that loueth father or mother more thē me is not worthie of me And he that loueth sonne or daughter more then me is not wor thie of me 38 * And he that taketh not his crosse and followeth after me is not worthie of me 39 * He that wil saue his life shal lose it and he that loseth his life for my sake shal saue it 40 He that receiueth you receiueth me and he that receiueth me receiueth him that hathe sent me 41 * He that receiueth a Prophet in the name of a Prophet shal receiue a Prophetes rewar de and he that receiueth a righteous man in the name of a righteous mā shal receiue the rewarde of a righteous man 42 * And whosoeuer shal giue vnto one of these litle ones to drinke a cup of colde water onely in the name of a Disciple verely I say vnto you he shal not lose his rewarde CHAP. XI 1 Christ preacheth 2 Iohn Baptist sendeth his disciples vnto him 7 Christs testimonie concerning Iohn 18 The opinion
not breake and smo king flaxe shal he not quenshe til he bring forthe iudgement vnto victorie 21 And in his Name shal the Gentiles trust 22 ¶ * Then was broght to him one possessed with a deuil bothe blinde and domme and he healed him so that he which was blinde and domme bothe spake and sawe 23 And all the people were amased said Is not this the sonne of Dauid 24 But when the Pharises heard it they said * This mā casteth the deuils no other wise out but through Beelzebub the prince of deuils 25 But Iesus knewe their thoghtes and said to them Euerie kingdome deuided against it self shal be broght to naught and euerie citie or house deuided against it self shal not stand 26 So if Satan cast out Satan he is deuided against him self how shal then his kingdome endure 27 Also if I through Beelzebub cast out deuils by whome do your children cast them out Therefore they shal be your iudges 28 But if I cast out deuils by the Spirit of God then is the kingdome of GOD come vnto you 29 Els how can a man enter into a strong mans house and spoile his goods except he first binde the strong man and then spoile his house 30 He that is not with me is against me he that gathereth not with me scattereth 31 * Wherefore I say vnto you euerie sinne and blasphemie shal be forgiuen vnto men but the blasphemie against the holie Gost shall not be forgiuen vnto men 32 And whosoeuer shal speake a worde against the Sōne of man it shal be forgiuen him but whosoeuer shal speake against the holie Gost it shal not be forgiuen him nether in this world nor in the worlde to come 33 Ethēr make the tre good and his frute good or els make the tre euil and his frute euil for the tre it knowen by the frute 34 O generaciōs of vipers how can you speake good things when ye are euil For of the* abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh 35 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth for the good things an euil man out of an euil treasure bringeth forthe euil things 36 But I say vnto you that of euerie idle word that men shal speake they shal giue acounte there of at the day of iudgement 37 For by thy wordes thou shalt be iustified and by thy wordes thou shalt be cōdemned 38 ¶ * Then answered certeine of the Scribes of the Pharises saying Master we wolde se a signe of thee 39 But he answered and said to them An euil and adulterous generacion seketh a signe but no signe shal be giuen vnto it saue the signe of the Prophet Ionas 40 * For as Ionas was thre dayes ād thre nights in the whales bellie so shal the Sonne of man be thre dayes and thre nights in the heart of the earth 41 The men of Nineue shal rise in iudgement with this generacion and cōdemne it for they * repented at the preaching of Ionas beholde a greater then Ionas is here 42 * The Quene of the South shal rise in iudgement with this generacion and shal cōdem ne it for she came from the vt most parties of the earth to heare the wisdome of Solomon and beholde a greaterthen Solomon is here 43 ¶ * Now when the vncleane spirit is gone out of a man he walketh throughout drye places seking rest and findeth none 44 Then he saith I wil returne into mine house from whence I came when he is come he findeth it emptie swept and garnished 45 ¶ Then he goeth taketh vnto him seuen other spirits worse then him self and they entre in and dwell there * and the end of that man is worse then the beginning Euen so shal it be with this wicked generacion 46 ¶ * While he yet spake to the multitude beholde his mother and his brethren stode without desiring to speake with him 47 Thē one said vnto him Beholde thy mother and thy brethren stand without desiring to speake with thee 48 But he answered and said to him that tolde him Who is my mother and who are my brethren 49 And he stretched forthe his hand towarde his disciples and said Beholde my mother and my brethren 50 For whosoeuer shall do my Fathers wil which is in heauen the same is my brother and sister and mother CHAP. XIII 3 The state of the kingdome of God set forthe by the parable of the sede 24. Of the tares 31. Of the mustarde sede 33. Of the leauen 44. Of the treasure hid in the field 45. Of the perles 47. And of the nette 57. The Prophet is contemned in his owne contrey 1 THe * same day wēt Iesus out of the house and sate by the sea side 2 And great multitudes resorted vnto him so that he went into a ship and sate downe and the whole multitude stode on the shore 3 Then he spake many things to them in parables saying Beholde a sower went forthe to sowe 4 And as he sowed some fel by the wayes side and the foules came and deuoured them vp 5 And some fel vpō stonie groūde where they had not muche earth and anone they sprong vp because they had no depth of earth 6 And when the sunne rose vp they were parched for lacke of rooting withred away 7 And some fel among thornes ād the thornes sprong vp and choked them 8 Some agayne fell in good grounde and broght forth frute one corne an hundreth folde some sixte folde and another thirtie folde 9 He that hath eares to heare let him heare 10 ¶ Then the disciples came and said to him Why speakest thou to them in parables 11 And he answered and sayd vnto them Because it is giuen vnto you to knowe the secrets of the kingdome of heauē but to thē it is not giuen 12 * For whosoeuer hathe to him shal be giuen and he shal haue abundance but whosoeuer hathe not from him shal be taken away euen that he hathe 13 Therefore speake I to them in parables be cause they seing do not se and hearing they heare not nether vnderstand 14 So in them is fulfilled the prophecie of Esaias which prophecie saith * By hearing ye shal heare and shall not vnderstande and seing ye shal se and shal not perceiue 15 For this peoples heart is waxed fatte and their eares are dul of hearing and with their eyes they haue winked lest they shulde se with eyes and heare with their eares and shulde vnderstande with their hearts and shulde returne that I might heale them 16 But blessed are your eyes for they se and your eares for they heare 17 * Forverely I say vnto you that many
Prophetes and righteous men haue desired to se those things which ye se ād haue not sene them and to heare those things whiche ye heare and haue not heard them 18 ¶ * Heare ye therefore the parable of the sower 19 Whensoeuer a man heareth the worde of the kingdome and vnderstandeth it not the euil one cometh catcheth away that whi che was sowē in his heart this is he which hathe receiued the sede by the way side 20 And he that receyued sede in the stonie grounde is he which heareth the word and incontinenly with ioye receiueth 21 Yet hathe he no roote in him self ād dureth but a season for assone as tribulation or persecution cometh because of the worde by and by he is offended 22 And he that receiueth the sede amōg thornes is he that heareth the word but the care of this worlde ād the deceitfulnes of riches choke the worde and he is made vnfrutful 23 But he that receyueth the sede in the good grounde is he that heareth the worde vnderstandeth it which also beareth frute and bringeth forth some an hūdreth folde some sixtie folde and some thirtie folde 24 ¶ Another parable put he forthe vnto thē saying The kingdome of heauen is like vnto a mā which sowed good seed in his field 25 But while men slept there came hys enemie and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way 26 And whē the blade was sprōg vp broght forthe frute then appeared the tares also 27 Then came the seruants of the householder and sayd vnto him Master sowedst not thou good sede in thy field frō whence then hathe it tares 28 And he said to them The enuious mā hathe done this Then the seruants said vnto him Wilt thou thē that we go and gather thē vp 29 But he said Nay lest while ye go about to gather the tares ye pluck vp also with them the wheat 30 Let bothe growe together vntill the haruest and in tyme of haruest I will say to the reapers Gather ye first the tares and bynde them in sheaues to burne them but gather the wheat into my barne 31 ¶ * Another parable he put forthe vnto thē saying The kingdome of heauen is like vnto a graine of mustard sede which a mā taketh and soweth in his field 32 Which in dede is the least of all sedes but whē it is growē it is the greatest among her bes and it is a tre so that the birdes of heauē come and buylde in the branches thereof 33 ¶ * Another parable speake he to them The kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto leauen which a woman taketh and hideth in three peckes of meale til all be leauened 34 ¶ * Al these things spake Iesus vnto the mul titude in parables and without parables spake he not to them 35 That it might be fulfilled whiche was spoken by the Prophet saying * I wil open my mouth in parables ād will vtter the things which haue bene kept secret from the funda cion of the worlde 36 Then sent Iesus the multitude awaye and went into the house And his disciples came vnto hym saying Declare vnto vsthe parable of the tares of the field 37 Then answered he and said to thē He that soweth the good sede is the Sonne of man 38 And the field is the worlde and the good sede they are the children of the kingdome and the tares are the children of the wicked 39 And the enemie that soweth them is the de uil * and the haruest is the end of the world and the reapers be the Angels 40 As then the tares are gathered and burned in the fyre so shall it be in the end of thys worlde 41 The Sonne of man shal sende forthe hys An gels and they shall gather out of his kyngdome althings that offend ād them which do iniquitie 42 And shall caste them into a furnais of fyre There shal be wailing ād 〈◊〉 of teeth 43 * Then shall the iust men shine as the sunne in the kyngdome of their Father He that hathe eares to 〈◊〉 let him heare 44 ¶ Againe the kingdome of heauen is lyke vnto a treasure hid in the field which when a man hath founde he hideth it and for ioye thereof departeth and selleth al that he hath and byeth that field 45 ¶ Againe the kingdome of heauen is lyke to a marchant man that seketh good perles 46 Who hauing founde a perle of great price went and solde all that he had and boght it 47 ¶ Againe the kingdome of heauen is like vnto a drawe net cast into the sea that gathe reth of all kindes of things 48 Which when it is full men drawe to land and sit and gather the good into vessels and cast the bad away 49 So shal it be at the end of the worlde The Angels shal go forthe and feuer the bad frō among the iust 50 And shall cast them into a furnais of fyre there shall be wailling gnashing of teeth 51 ¶ Iesus said vnto them Vnderstand ye all these things They said vnto him Yea Lord. 52 Then said he vnto them Therefore euerie Scribe which is taught vnto the kingdome of heauen is like vnto an householder whiche bringeth forth out of his treasure thinges bothe newe and olde 53 ¶ And it came to passe that when Iesus had ended these parables he departed thence 54 * And came into his owne countrey and taught thē in their Synagogue so that they were astonied ād said Whence cometh this wisdome and great workes vnto this man 55 Is not thys the carpenters sonne Is not his mother called Marie * and his brethren Iames and Ioses and Simon and Iudas 56 And are not his sisters all with vs Whence then hathe he all these things 57 And they were offended with him Then Ie sus said to them * A prophet is not without honour saue in his owne countrey and in his owne house 58 And he did not many greate workes there for their vnbeliefes sake CHAP. XIIII 2 Herodes opinion cōcerning Christ. 10 Iohn is beheaded 19 Christ fedeth fiue thousand men with fiue loaues ād two fishes 23 He prayeth in the mountaine 25 He 〈◊〉 reth by night vnto his disciples vpon the sea 31 And saueth Peter 33 They confesse him to be the sonne of God 36 He healeth al that touched the hemmes of his 〈◊〉 1 AT* that time Herode the Tetrarch heard of the fame of Iesus 2 And said vnto his seruants This is Iohn Baptist He is risen againe from the dead and therfore great workes are wroght by him 3 * For Herode had taken Iohn and bounde him ād put him in prison for Herodias sake his brother Philips wife 4 For Iohn said vnto him It is not * law ful for thee to
vs. 24 But he answered and said I am not sent but vnto the* lost shepe of the house of Israel 25 Yet she came and worshipped him saying Lord helpe me 26 And he answered and said It is not good to take the childrens bread and to cast it to whelpes 27 But she said Trueth Lord yet in dede the whelpes eat of the crommes which fall frō their masters table 28 Then Iesus answered and said vnto her O woman great is thy faith be it to thee as thou desirest And her daughter was made whole at that houre 29 ¶ So Iesus* 〈◊〉 away from thence came nere vnto the sea of Galile and went vp into a mountaine and sate downe there 30 And great multitudes came vnto him * hauing with them halt blinde domme maymed and manie other and cast them downe at Iesus feete and he healed them 31 In so muche that the multitude wondered to se the domme speake the maymed whole the halt to go and the blinde to se and they glorified the God of Israel 32 * Then Iesus called his disciples vnto him and said I haue compassion on this multitude because they haue continued with me alreadie thre dayes and haue nothing to eat and I wil not letthē departe fasting lest they fainte in the way 33 And his disciples said vnto him Whence shulde we get so muche bread in the wildernes as shulde suffice so great a multitude 34 And Iesus said vnto thē How manie loaues haue ye And they said Seuē and a fewe litle fishes 35 Then he commanded the multitude to sit downe on the grounde 36 And toke the seuen loaues and the fishes gaue thākes and brake them gaue to his disciples and the disciples to the multitude 37 And they did all eat and were sufficed and they toke vp of the fragments that remained seuen baskets full 36 And they that had eaten were foure thousand men beside women and litle children 39 Then Iesus sent awaye the multitude and toke shippe and came into the partes of Magdala CHAP. XVI 1 The Pharises require a token 6 Iesus warneth his disciples of the Pharises doctrine 16 The confession of Peter 19 The keyes of heauē 24 The faithfull must heare the crosse 25 To winne or lose the life 27 Christs cōming 1 THen * came the Pharises and Sadduces and did tempt hym desirynge hym to shewe them asigne from heauen 2 But he answered and said vnto them When it is euenyng ye say Fayre wether for the skie is red 3 And in the morning ye say To day shal be a tempeste for the skie is red and lowryng O hypocrites ye can discerne the face of the skie and can ye not discerne the signes of the times 4 * The wicked generacion and adulterous seketh a signe and there shal no signe be giuen it but the signe of the Prophet* Ionas so he left them and departed 5 ¶ And when his disciples were come to the other side they had * forgottē to take bread with them 6 Then Iesus sayd vnto them Take hede and beware of the leauen of the Pharises and Sad duces 7 And they thoght in them selues saying It is because we haue broght no bread 8 But Iesus knowing it said vnto them O ye of litle faith why thinke you thus in your selues because ye haue broght no bread 9 Do ye not yet perceiue nether remember the fiue loaues when there were * fiue thousand mē how manie baskets toke ye vp 10 Nether the seuen loaues when there were * foure thousand men and how manie baskets toke ye vp 11 Why perceiue ye not that I said not vnto you concerning bread that ye shuld be ware of the leauen of the Pharises and Sadduces 12 Then vnderstode they that he had not sayd that they shulde beware of the leauen of bread but of the doctrine of the Pharises and Sadduces 13 ¶ * Now when Iesus came into the coastes of Cesarea Philippi he asked hys disciples saying Whome do men say that I the Sonne of man am 14 And they said Some say Iohn Baptist and some Elias and others Ieremias or one of the Prophetes 15 He said vnto them But whome saye ye that I am 16 Then Simon Peter answered and sayd * Thou art the Christ the Sonne of the liuyng God 17 And Iesus answered and said to him Blessed art thou Simō the sonne of Ionas for flesh and blood hathe not reueiled it vnto thee but my Father which is in heauen 18 And I say also vnto thee that thou art* Peter and vpon this rocke I will buylde my Church and the gates of hell shal not ouercome it 19 And I* will giue thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt binde vpon earth shal be bound in hea uen whosoeuer thou shalt lose on earth shal be losed in heauen 20 Then he charged hys disciples that they shulde tell no man that he was Iesus the Christ. 21 ¶ From that tyme forthe Iesus began to shewe vnto his disciples that he must go vnto Ierusalem and suffer manie things of the Elders and of the hie Priests and Scribes ād be slaine and rise againe the thirde day 22 Then Peter toke hym aside and began to rebuke him saying Master pitie thy self this shal not be vnto thee 23 Then he turned backe and 〈◊〉 vnto Peter Get thëe behinde me Satan thou art an offence vnto me because thou vnderstandest not the things that are of God but the thinges that are of men 24 Iesus then said to his disciples * If any man wil followe me let him forsake him self and take vp his crosse and followe me 25 For* whosoeuer wil saue his life shal lose it and whosoeuer shall lose his life for my sake shal finde it 26 For what shall it profite a man thogh he shuld winne the whole worlde if he lose his owne soule or what shall a man giue for recompense of his soule 27 For the Sonne of man shal come in the glorie of his Father with his Angels and then shal he giue to euerie man accordyng to his dedes 28 Verely I saye vnto you there be some of them that stand here which shal not taste of death till they haue sene the Sonne of man come in his kingdome CHAP. XVII 2 The 〈◊〉 of Christ vpō the mountaine of Thabor 5 Christ oght to be heard 11. 13 Of Elias and Iohn Baptiste 15 He healeth the lunaticke 20 The power of faith 21 Prayer and fasting 22 Christ telleth them before of his passion 27 He 〈◊〉 tribute 1 ANd* after six dayes Iesus toke Peter ād Iames and Iohn his brother and broght them vp into an hie mountaine a parte 2 And
was transfigured before them and his face did shyne as the sunne and his clothes were as white as the light 3 And beholde there appeared vnto them Moses and Elias talking with him 4 Then answered Peter and said to Iesus Master it is good for vs to be here if thou wilt let vs make here thre tabernacles one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias 5 While he yet spake behold a bright cloude shadowed them and beholde there came a voyce out of the cloude saying * This is my beloued Sonne in whom I am wel plea sed heare him 6 And 〈◊〉 the disciples heard that they fel on their faces and were sore afrayed 7 Then Iesus came ād touched them and said Arise and be not afraid 8 And when they lifted vp their eyes they sawe no man saue Iesus onely 9 ¶ And as they came downe from the mountaine Iesus charged them saying Shewe the vision to no man vntill the Sonne of man rise againe from the dead 10 * And his disciples asked him saying Why then saye the Scribes that* Elias must firste come 11 And Iesus answered and sayd vnto them Certeinely Elias must first come and restore all things 12 But I say vnto you that Elias is come already and they knewe him not but haue done vnto him whatsoeuer they wolde like wise shal also the Sonne of man suffer of them 13 Then the disciples perceiued that he spake vnto them of Iohn Baptist. 14 ¶ * And when they were come to the multi tude there came to him a certeine man and kneled downe to him 15 And said Master haue pitie on my sonne for he is lunatike and is sore vexed for oft times he falleth into the fyre and oft tymes into the water 16 And I broght him to thy disciples ād they colde not heale him 17 Then Iesus answered and said O generacion faithles and croked howe long nowe shall I be with you how longe nowe shall I suffer you bring him hither to me 18 And Iesus rebuked the deuill and he went out of him and the childe was healed at that houre 19 Then came the disciples to Iesus a parte ād said Why colde not we cast him out 20 And Iesus said vnto them Because of your vnbeliefe for* verely I say vnto you if ye ha ue faith as muche as is a graine of mustard sede ye shal say vnto this mountaine Remo ue hence to yonder place ād it shal remoue and nothing shal be vnpossible vnto you 21 How be it this kinde goeth not out but by prayer and fasting 22 ¶ And as they* abode in Galile Iesus sayd vnto them The Sonne of man shal be deliue red into the hands of men 23 And they shal kil him but the third day shal he rise againe and they were very sorie 24 ¶ And when they were come to Capernaum they that receiued polle money came to Peter and sayd Doeth not your Master pay tribute 25 He said Yes And when he was come into the house Iesus preuēted him saying What thinkest thou Simō Of whom do the Kings of the earth take tribute or polle money of their children or of strangers 26 Peter said vnto him Of strangers Then said Iesus vnto him Then are the children fre 27 Neuertheles lest we shuld offende them go to the sea and cast in an angle and take the first fishe that cometh vp and whē thou hast opened his mouth thou shalt finde a piece of twentie pence that taken and giue vnto them for me and thee CHAP. XVIII 1 The greatest in the kingdome of heauen 3 He teacheth his disciples to be humble and harmeles 6 To auoide occasions of euil 10 Not to cōtemne the litleones 11 Why Christ came 15 Of brotherlie correction 17 Of the autoritie of the Church 19 The commendacion of prayer ād godlie assemblies 21 Of brotherlie forgiuenes 1 THe * same tyme the disciples came vnto Iesus saying Who is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen 2 And Iesus called a litle childe vnto him and set him in the middes of them 3 And said Verely I say vnto you except ye be * cōuerted and become as litle childrē ye shal not enter into the kingdome of heauen 4 Whosoeuer therefore shal humble him self as this litle childe the same is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen 5 And whosoeuer shall receiue suche a lytle childe in my Name receiueth me 6 * But whosoeuer shall offende one of these litleones which beleue in me it were better for him that a mylstone were hāged about his necke and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea 7 Wo be vnto the worlde because of offences for it must nedes be that offences shall come but wo be to that man by whome the offence cometh 8 * Wherefore if thine hand or thy fote cause thee to offende cut them of and cast them from thee it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed then hauing two hands or two fete to be cast into euerlasting fyre 9 And if thine eye cause thee to offend plucke it out and cast it from thee it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye then ha uing two eyes to be cast into hell fyre 10 Se that ye despice not one of these lytleones for I say vnto you that in heauen their * Angels alwayes behold the face of my Fa ther which is in heauen 11 For * the Sonne of man is come to saue that which was lost 12 How thinke ye * If a man haue an hūdreth shepe and one of them be gone astraye doeth he not leaue ninetie and nine and go into the mountaines and seke that which is gone astray 13 And if so be that he finde it verely I saye vnto you he reioyceth more of that shepe then of the ninetie and nine whiche went not astray 14 So is it not the wil of your Father whiche is in heauen that one of these litleones shulde perish 15 ¶ * Moreouer if thy brother trespace against thee go and tell him his faute betwene thee and him alone if he heare thee thou hast wonne thy brother 16 But if he heare thee not take yet with thee one or two that by the * mouth of two or thre witnesses euerie worde may be confirmed 17 And if he wil not vouche saue to heare thē tel it vnto the Church and if he refuse to heare the Church also let him be vnto thee as an heathen man and a Publicane 18 Verely I say vnto you * Whatsoeuer ye binde on earth shal be bounde in heauē and * whatsoeuer ye lose on earth shal be losed in heauen 19 Againe verely I say vnto you that
if two of you shal agre in earth vpon any thing whatsoeuer they shal desire it shal be giuē them of my Father which is in heauen 20 For where two or thre are gathered together in my Name there am I in the middes of them 21 Thē came Peter to him said Master how oft shal my brother sinne against me and I shal forgiue him * vnto seuen times 22 Iesus said vnto him I say not to thee vnto seuen times but vnto seuentie times seuen times 23 Therefore is the kingdome of 〈◊〉 likened vnto a certeine King whiche wolde take a countes of his seruants 24 And when he had begonne to recken one was broght vnto him whiche oght him ten thousand talents 25 And because he had nothing to paye his master commanded him to be solde and his wife and his children and all that he had the dette to be payed 26 The seruant therefore fel downe and besoght him saying Master appease thine angre towarde me and I wil pay thee all 27 Then that seruants master had compassion and losed him and for gaue him the dette 28 But when the seruāt was departed he foūde one of his felowes which oght him an hundreth pence he layed hands on him and toke him by the throte saying Pay me that thou o west 29 Then his felowe fel downe at his fete and besoght him saying Appease thine angre towards me and I wil pay thee all 30 Yet he wolde not but went and cast him into prison til he shulde pay the dette 31 And whē his other felowes sawe what was done they were very sorie and came and de clared vnto their master all that was done 32 Then his master called him and said to him O euil seruant I forgaue thee all that dette because thou prayedst me 33 Oghtest not thou also to haue had pitie on thy felow euen as I had pitie on thee 34 So his master was wroth and deliuered him to the iaylers til he shulde pay all that was due to him 35 So like wise shal mine heauenlie Father do vn to you except ye forgiue from your hearts eche one to his brother their trespaces CHAP. XIX 3 Christ sheweth for what cause a woman may be diuorced 11 Continence is a gift of God 14 He receiueth litle babes 16 To obteine life euerlasting 24 That riche men can scarsely be saued 28 He promiseth them which haue left all to folowe him life euerlasting 1 ANd* it came to passe that when Iesus had finished those sayings he departed from Galile and came into the coastes of Iudea beyonde Iordan 2 And great multitudes followed him and he healed them there 3 ¶ Then came vnto him the Pharises tēpting him and saying to him It is lawful for a man to put away his wife for euerie faute 4 And he answered and said vnto them Haue ye not red * that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female 5 And said * For this cause shal a man leaue father and mother and cleaue vnto his wife and they twaine shal be one flesh 6 Wherefore they are no more twaine but one flesh Let not man therefore put a sundre that which God hathe coupled together 7 They said to him Why did then*Moses commande to giue a bil of diuorcement and to put her a way 8 He said vnto thē Moses because of the hard nes of your heart 〈◊〉 you to put away your wiues but from the beginning it was not so 9 I say therefore vnto you * that whosoeuer shal put away his wife except it be for whoredome marie another committeth adulterie whosoeuer marieth her which is diuorced doeth commit adulterie 10 Thē said his disciples to hī 〈◊〉 the matter be so betwene mā wif it is not good to marie 11 But he said vnto thē All men can not receiue this thing saue they to whome it is giuen 12 For there are some chaste which were so borne of their mothers bellie and there be some chaste which be made chaste by men and there be some chaste which haue made themselues chaste for the kingdome of heauen He that is able to receiue this let him receiue it 13 ¶ * Then were broght to him litle children that he shulde put his hands on them and pray and the disciples rebuked them 14 But Iesus said Suffer the litle children and forbid them not to come to me for of suche is the kingdome of heauen 15 〈◊〉 And when he had put his hands on them he departed thence 16 ¶ * And beholde one came and said vnto him Good Master what good thing shal I do that I may haue eternal life 17 And he said vnto him Why callest thou me good there is none good but oue euen God but if thou wilt entre into life kepe the commandements 18 He said to him Whiche And Iesus said These Thou shalt not kil Thou shalt not commit adulterie Thou shalt not steale Thou shalt not beare false witnes 19 Honour thy father and mother and thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy self 20 The yong man said vnto him I haue obser ued all these things from my youth what lacke I yet 21 Iesus said vnto him If thou wilt be perfite go sel that thou hast and giue it to the poore and thou shalt haue treasure in heauē and come and followe me 22 And when the yong man heard that saying he went away sorowful for he had great possessions 23 Then Iesus said vnto his disciples Verely I say vnto you that a riche man shal hardely enter into the kingdome of heauen 24 And againe I say vnto you It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of 2 nedle then for a riche man to enter into the kingdome of God 25 And when his disciples heard it thei were excedingly amased saying Who thē can be saued 26 And Iesus behelde them and said vnto thē With men this is vnpossible but with God all things are possible 27 ¶ * Then answered Peter and said to him Beholde we haue for saken all and followed thee what shal we haue 28 And Iesus said vnto them Verely I say to you that when the Sonne of man shal sit in the throne of his maiestie ye which followed me in the regeneracion * shal sit also vpon twelue thrones and iudge the twelue tribes of Israel 29 And whoso euer shal forsake houses or brethren or sisters or Father or mother or wife or children or lands for my Name sake he shal receiue an hundreth folde more and shal inherite euerlasting life 30 But manie that are first shal be last and tho last shal be first CHAP. XX. 1 Christ teacheth by a similitude that God is deter vnto no men and how he
money vnto the souldiers 13 Saying Say His disciples came by night ād stole him away while we slept 14 And if the gouernour heare of this we will persuade him and saue you harmeles 15 So they toke the money and did as they were taught and this saying is noised among the Iewes vnto this day 16 ¶ Then the eleuen disciples went into Galile into a moūtaine where Iesus had appointed them 17 And when they saw e hym they worshipped him but some douted 18 And Iesus came and spake vnto them saying * All power is giuen vnto me in heauen and in earth 19 * Go therefore and teache all nacions baptizynge them in the Name of the Father and the Sonne and the holie Gost. 20 Teaching them to obserue all things what soeuer I haue commanded you and lo * I am with you alwaye vntill the end of the worlde Amen THE HOLY GOSPEL of Iesus Christ according to Marke CHAP. I. 2 The office doctrine and life of the Baptiste 9 Christ is baptized 13 And tempted 14 He preacheth 17 Calleth the fishers 23 Christ healeth the man with the vncleane spirit 27 〈◊〉 doctrine 29 He healeth Peters mother in lawe 34 The deuils knowe him 41 He clenseth the leper and healeth diuers other 1 THe begynnynge of the Gospell of Iesus Christe the Sonne of God 2 As it is written in the Prophetes * Behold I send my messēger before thy face whiche shal prepare thy way before thee 3 * The voyce of him that cryeth in their wildernes is Prepare the waye of the Lorde make his paths straight 4 * Iohn dyd baptize in the wildernes and preach the baptisme of amendement of life for remission of sinnes 5 And all the countrey of Iudea and they of Ierusalem went out vnto hym and were all baptized of him in the riuer Iordan confessing their sinnes 6 Now Iohn was clothed with camels heere and with a girdle of a skinne about his loines and he did eat * locustes and wilde honie 7 * And preached saying A stronger then I commeth after me whose shoes latchet I am not worthie to stoup downe and vnlose 8 Trueth it is I haue * baptized you with water but he wil baptize you with the holie Gost. 9 ¶ * And it came to passe in those dayes that Iesus came from Nazaret a citie of Galile and was baptized of Iohn in Iordan 10 And assone as he was come out of the water Iohn sawe the heauens clouē in twaine and the holie Gost descending vpon him like a doue 11 Then there was a voyce frō heauē saying Thou art my beloued Sonne in whome I am wel pleased 12 * And immediatly the Spirit driueth him into the wildernes 13 And he was there in the wildernes fortie daies and was tempted of Satan he was also with the wilde beasts and the Angels ministred vnto him 14 ¶ * Nowe after that Iohn was committed to prison IESVS came into Galile preachyng the Gospel of the kingdome of God 15 And saying The time is fulfilled and the kingdome of God is at hand repent and beleue the Gospel 16 ¶ * And as he walked by the sea of Galile he sawe Simon and Andre 〈◊〉 his brother casting a nette into the sea for they were fishers 17 Then Iesus said vnto them Folowe me and I wil make you to be fishers of men 18 And straight waye they forsoke their nettes and folowed him 19 And when he had gone a litle further thēce he sawe Iames the sonne of Zebedeus and Iohn is brother as they were in the shippe mending their nettes 20 And anone he called them and they left their Father Zebedeus in the ship with his hyred seruants and went their waye after hym 21 ¶ So * they entred into Capernaum and straight way on the Sabbath daye he intred into the Synagogue and taught 22 And they were astonied at his doctrine * for he taughtt hem as one that had autoritie and not as the Scribes 23 ¶ And there was in their Synagogue a man whyche had an vncleane Spirite and he cryed 24 Saying Ah what haue we to do with thee o Iesus of Nazaret Art thou come to destroy vs I knowe thee what thou art euen that holie one of God 25 And Iesus rebuked him saying Holde thy peace and come out of him 26 And the vncleane Spirite tarie hym and cryed with a loude voyce and came oute of hym 27 And they were all amased so that they demanded one of another saying What thing is this what new doctrine is this for he cōmandeth the foule spirits with autoritie and they obey him 28 And immediatly his fame spred abroad throughout all the region bordering on Galile 29 ¶ * And assone as they were come oute of the Synagogue they entred into the house of Simon and Andrewe with Iames and Iohn 30 And Symons wyues mother in lawe laye sicke of a feuer and anone they tolde hym of her 31 And he came and toke her by the hand and lift her vp and the feuer forsoke her by and by and she ministred vnto them 32 And when euen was come and the sunne was downe they broght to him all that were diseased and them that were possessed with deuils 33 And the whole citie was gathered together at the dore 34 And he healed manie that were sicke of diuers diseases and he cast out manie deuils and suffred not the deuils to say that they knewe him 35 And in the morning verie earely before day Iesus arose and went out into a solitarie place and there prayed 36 And Simon and thei that were with him folowed after him 37 And when they had founde him they said vnto him All men seke for thee 38 Then he said vnto them Let vs go into the next townes that I may preache there also for I came out for that purpose 39 And he preached in their Synagogues through out all Galile and cast the deuils out 40 ¶ * And there came a leper to him beseching him and kneled downe vnto him and said to him If thou wilt thou canst make me cleane 41 And Iesus had compassion and put forthe his hand and touched him and said to him I wil be thou cleane 42 And assone as he had spoken immediatly the leprosie departed from him and he was made cleane 43 And after he had giuen him a streict commandement he sent him awaye forthewith 44 And said vnto him Se thou say nothing to anie man but get thee hence and shewe thy self to the * Priest and offer for thy clensing those things which Moses commanded for a testimonial vnto them 45 But when he was departed * he beganne to tel manie things and to publish the matter so
and Iohn Iames brother and named them Boanerges which is the sonnes of thunder 18 And Andrew and Philippe and Bartlemew and Matthew and Thomas and Iames the sonne of Alpheus and Thaddeus and Simon the Cananite 19 And Iudas Iscariot who also betrayed him and they came home 20 And the multitude assembled againe so that they colde notso muche as eat bread 21 And when his kinsfolkes heard of it they went out to lay holde on him for they thoght he had bene beside him self 22 ¶ * And the Scribes which came from Ieru salem said He hath Beelzebub and through the prince of deuils he casteth out deuils 23 But he called them vnto hym and said vnto them in parables Howe can Satan driue out Satan 24 For if a kingdome be deuided againste it self that kingdome can not stand 25 Or if a house be deuided againste it self that house can not continue 26 So if Satan make insurrection against hym self and be deuided he can not endure but is at an end 27 No man can entre into a strong mans house take away his goods except he first binde that strong man and then spoile his house 28 ¶ * Verely I say vnto you all sinnes shall be forgiuen vnto the children of men and blasphemies wherewith they blasphemies 29 But he that blasphemeth against the holie Gost 〈◊〉 neuer haue forgiuenes but is culpable of eternal damnation 30 Because they said He had an vncleane spirit 31 ¶ * Then came hys brethren and mother and stode without and sent vnto hym and called hym 32 And the people sate about hym and they said vnto him Beholde thy mother and thy brethren seke for thee without 33 But he answered them saying Who is my mother and my brethren 34 And he loked round about on them which sate in compasse about him and said Beholde my mother and my brethren 35 For whosoeuer doeth the wil of God he is my brother and my sister and mother CHAP. IIII. 2 By the parables of the 〈◊〉 ād the mustarde corne Christ sheweth the state of the kingdome of God II A special gift of God to knowe the mysteries of his kingdome 37 He stilleth the tempeste of the sea which obeyed him 1 ANd * he began againe to teache by the seaside and there gathered vnto him a great multitude so that he entred into a ship and sate in the sea and all the people was by the sea side on the land 2 And he taught thē many things in parables and said vnto them in his doctrine 3 Heark en Beholde there went out a sower to so we 4 And it came to passe as he sowed that some fel by the way side and the foules of the heauen came and deuoured it vp 5 And some fel on stonie grounde where it had not muche earth and by and by sprang vp because it had not depth of earth 6 But assone as the sunne was vp it caught heate and because it had not roote it withered away 7 And some fel among the thornes and the thornes grewe vp and choked it so that it gaue no frute 8 Some againe fel in good grounde and did yelde frute that sprong vp and grew and it broght for the some thirtie folde some sixtie folde and some an hundreth folde 9 Then he said vnto thē He that hathe eares to heare let him heare 10 And when he was alone 〈◊〉 that were about him with the twelue asked him of the parable 11 And he said vnto them To you it is giuen to knowe the mysterie of the kingdome of God but vnto them that are without all things be done in parables 12 * That they seing may se and not discerne they hearing may heare and not vnderstand lest at any time they shulde turne and their sinnes shulde be forgiuen them 13 Againe 〈◊〉 said vnto them Perceiue not this parable how then shulde ye vnderstand all other parables 14 The sower soweth the worde 15 And these are they that receiue the sede by the wayes side in whome the worde is sowen but when they haue heard it Satan cometh immediatly and taketh away the worde that was sowen in their hearts 16 And likewise they that receiue the sede in stonie grounde are they which when they haue heard the worde straight wayes receiue it with gladnes 17 Yet haue they no roote in them selues and endure but a time for when trouble and persecutiō ariseth for the worde immediatly they be offended 18 Also they that receiue the sede among the thornes are suche as heare the worde 19 But the cares of this worlde and the * disceitfulnes of riches the lustes of other things entre in and choke the worde and it is vnfruteful 20 But they that haue receiued sede in good grounde are they that heare the worde and receiue it ād bring forthe frute one corne thirtie another sixtie some an hundreth 21 ¶ Also he said vnto them * Is the candlye light to be put vnder a busshel or vnder the table and not to be put on a candlesticke 22 * For there is nothing hid that shal not be opened nether is there a secret but that it shal come to light 23 If any man haue eares to heare let him heare 24 And he said vnto them Take hede what ye heare * With g what measure ye mette it shal be measured vnto you and vnto ' you that heare shal more be giuen 25 * For vnto him that hathe shal it be giuen and from him that hathe not shal be taken away euen that he hathe 26 ¶ Also he said So is the kingdome of God as if a man shulde cast sede in the grounde 27 And shulde slepe and rise vp night and day and the sede shulde spring and grow vp he not knowing how 28 For the earth bringeth for the frute of her self first the blade then the eares after that ful corne in the eares 29 And assone as the frute sheweth it self anone he putteth in the sickel because the haruest is come 30 ¶ * He said moreouer Whereunto shal we liken the kingdome of God or with what comparison shal we compare it 31 It is like a graine of mustarde sede which when it is sowen in the earth is the least of all sedes that be in the earth 32 But after that it is sowen it groweth vp and is greatest of all herbes and beareth great branches so that the foules of heauen may buylde vnder the shadow of it 33 And * with many suche parables he preached the worde vnto them as they were able to heare it 34 And without parables spake he nothing vnto them but he expounded all things to his disciples aparte 35 ¶ * Now the same day when euen was come he said
one * running and kneled to him and asked him Good Master what shal I do that I may possesse eternal life 18 Iesus said to him Why callest thou me good there is none good but one euen God 19 Thou knowest the commandemēts * Thou shalt not commit adulterie Thou shalt not kil Thou shal not steale Thou shalt not beare falsewitnes Thou shalt hurt no man Honour thy father and mother 20 Then he answered and said to him Master all these things I haue obserued from my youth 21 And Iesus behelde him and Ioued him and said vnto him One thing is lacking vnto thee Go and sell all that thou hast and giue to the poore and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen and come followe me and take vp the crosse 22 But he was sad at that saying ād went away sorowfull for he had great possessions 23 And Iesus loked rounde about and said vnto his disciples How hardely do they that ha ue riches entre into the kingdome of God! 24 And his disciples were astonied at his wordes But Iesus answered againe and said vnto them Children how hard is it for them that trust in riches to entre into the kingdome of God! 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a nedle then for a riche man to entre into the kingdome of God 26 And they were muche more astonied saying with them selues Who then can be saued 27 But Iesus loked vpon them and said With men it is impossible but not with God for with God all things are possible 28 ¶ * Then Peterbegan to sayvnto him Lo we haue forsaken all and haue followed thee 29 Iesus answered and said Verely I say vnto you there is no man that hathe forsaken house or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or childrē or lands for my sake and the Gospels 30 But he shal receiue an hundreth folde now at this present houses and brethren and sisters and mothers and children and landes with persecutions and in the worlde to come eternal life 31 * But manie that are firste shal be last and the last first 32 ¶ * And they were in the way going vp to Ierusalem and Iesus went before them and they were amased ād as they followed they were afraide and Iesus toke the tweue agayne and began to tell them what thyngs shulde come vnto him 33 Saying Beholde we go vp to Ierusalem and the Sonne of man shal be deliuered vnto the high Priests and to the Scribes and they shall condemne hym to death and shall deliuer him to the Gentiles 34 And they shal mocke him ād scourge him and spit vpō him and kil him but the thirde day he shall rise againe 35 ¶ * Then Iames and Iohn the sonnes of Zebedeus came vnto hym saving Master we wolde that thou shuldest do for vs that that we desire 36 And he sayd vnto them What wolde ye I shulde do for you 37 And they said to hym Grante vnto vs that we may sit one at thy ryght hand and the other at thy left hand in thy glorie 38 But Iesus said vnto them Ye knowe not what ye aske Can ye drynke of the cup that I shall drinke of and be baptized with the baptisme that I shal be baptized with 39 And they sayd vnto him We can But Iesus sayd vnto them Ye shall drinke in dede of the cup that I shall drinke of and be baptized with the baptisme where with I shal be baptized 40 But to sit at my ryght hand and at my left is not mine to giue but it shal be giuen to them for whome it is prepared 41 And when the ten heard that they began to disdaine at Iames and Iohn 42 But Iesus called them vnto him and said to them * Ye knowe that they which delite to beare rule among the Gentiles haue domina tion ouer them and they that be amonge them exercise autoritie ouer them 43 But it shall not be so amonge you but whosoeuer wil be great among you shal be your seruant 44 And whosoeuer wil be chief of you shal be the seruant of all 45 For euen the Sonne of man came not to be serued but to serue and to giue hys life for the raunsome of manie 46 ¶ * Then they came to Iericho and as he went out of Iericho with hys disciples and a great multitude Bartimeus the sonne of Timeus a blinde man sate by the wayes side begging 47 And when heard that it was Iesus of Nazareth he began to crye to say Iesus the Son ne of Dauid haue mercie on me 48 And manie rebuked him because he shulde hold his peace but he cryed muche more O Sonne of Dauid haue mercie on me 49 Then Iesus stode stil ād commaunded him to be called and they called the blinde saying vnto hym Be of good comfort arise he calleth thee 50 So he trewe away hys cloke and rose and came to Iesus 51 And Iesus answered said vnto him What wilt thou that I do vnto thee And the blind said vnto him Lord that I may receiue sight 52 Then Iesus said vnto hym Go thy way thy saith hath saued thee And by by he receiued his sight ād followed Iesus in the way CHAP. XI 11 Christ rideth to Ierusalem 13 The figge tree dryeth vp 15 The biers and sellers are cast out of the Temple 24 He declareth the vertue of faith and how we shuld pray 27 The Pharises question with Christ. 1 ANd * when they came nere to Ierusalem to Bethphage and Bethania vnto the mounte of oliues he sent forthe two of his disciples 2 And sayd vnto them Go your wayes into that towne that is oueragainst you assone as ye shall entre into it ye shall finde a colte bounde whereon neuer man sate lose hym and bring hym 3 And if anie man say vnto you Why do ye this Say that the Lord hathe nede of him ād straight way he wil send him hither 4 And they went their 〈◊〉 and founde a colte tied by the dore without in a place where two wayes met and they losed him 5 Then certeine of them that stode there said vnto them What do ye losing the colte 6 And they said vnto them as Iesus had commaunded them So they let them go 7 ¶ And they broght the colte to Iesus and cast their garments on him and he sate vpon hym 8 And manie spred their garmentes in the way other cut 〈◊〉 branches of the trees and strawed them in the way 9 And they that went before ād they that followed cryed saying Hosanna blessed be he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. 10 Blessed be the kyngdome that cometh in the Name of the Lorde of our father Dauid Hosanna ô thou which art in the hiest heauens 11 * So
then shal they se the Sonne of man coming in the cloudes with great power and glorie 27 * And he shal then send his Angels and shal gather together his elect from the foure windes aud from the vtmost parte of the earth to the vtmost parte of heauen 28 Now learne a parable of the sigge tre Whē her bough is yet tender it bringeth forthe leaues ye knowe that sommer is nere 29 So in like maner when ye se these things come to passe knowe that the kingdome of God is nere euen at the dores 30 Verely I say vnto you that this generaciō shal not passe til all these things be done 31 Heauen and earth shal passe away but my wordes shal not passe away 32 But of that day and houre knoweth no mā no not the Angels which are in heauen nether the Sonne him self saue the Father 33 * Take hede watche pray for ye knowe not when the time is 34 For the Sonne of man is as a man going in to a strange countrey and leaueth his house and giueth autoritie to his seruants and to euerie man his worke and commandeth the porter to watch 35 Watch therefore forye knowe not whē the Master of the house wil come at euen or at midnight at the cocke crowing or in the dauning 36 Lest if he come suddenly he shulde finde you sleping 37 And those things that I say vnto you I say vnto all men Watch. CHAP XIIII 1 The Priests conspire against Christ. 3 Marie Magdalene anointeth Christ. 12 The Passeouer is 〈◊〉 38 He telleth afore of the treason of Iudas 22 The Lords supper is institute 〈◊〉 Christ is taken 27 Peter denyeth him 1 ANd * two dayes after folowed the feast of the Pasteouer and of vnleauened bread and the hie Priests and Scribes soght how they might take him by craft and put him to death 2 But they said Not in the feast day lest there be any tumult among the people 3 * And when he was in Bethania in the house of Simō the leper as he sate at table there came a woman hauing a boxe of ointment of spikenarde verie costlie and she brake the 〈◊〉 and powred it on his head 4 Therefore some 〈◊〉 among them selues and said To what end is this waste of ointment 5 For it might haue bene solde for more then thre hundreth pence and bene giuen vnto the poore and they grudged against her 6 But Iesus said Let her alone why trouble ye her she hathe wroght a good worke on me 7 For ye haue the poore with you alwayes when ye wil ye may do them good but me ye shal not haue alwayes 8 She hathe done that she colde she came afore hād to anoint my bodie to the burying 9 Verely I say vnto you wheresoeuer this Gospel shal be preached throughout the whole worlde this also that she hathe done shal be spoken of in remembrance of her 10 ¶ * Thē Iudas Iscariot one of the twelue went away vnto the high Priests to betray him vnto them 11 And when they heard it they were glad and promised that they wolde giue him money therefore he soght how he might conueniently betray him 12 ¶ * Now the first day of vnleauened bread when they sacrificed the Passeouer his disciples said vnto him Where wilt thou that we go the prepare that thou maist eat the Passeouer 13 Then he sent forthe two of his disciples said vnto them Go ye into the citie and there shal a man mete you bearing a pitcher of water folowe him 14 And whithersoeuer he goeth in say ye to the good man of the house The Master saith Where is the lodging where I shal eat the Passeouer with my disciples 15 And he wil shewe you an vpper chamber which is large and trimmed and prepared there make it readie for vs. 16 So his disciples wēt forthe and came to the citie and founde as he had said vnto them made readie the Passeouer 17 ¶ And at euen he came with the twelue 18 * And as thei sate at table and did eat Iesus said Verely I say vnto you that one of you shal betray me which eateth with me 19 Then they began to be sorowful and to say to him one by one Is it I And another Is it I 20 And he answered and said vnto them It is one of the twelue that dippeth with me in the platter 21 * Truely the Sonne of man goeth his way as it is written of him but wo be to that man by whome the Sōne of mā is betrayed it had bene good for that man if he had neuer bene borne 22 * And as they 〈◊〉 Iesus toke the bread and when he had giuen thankes be brake it and gaue it to them and said * Take eat this is my bodie 23 Also he toke the cup and when he had giuen thankes gaue it to them and they all dranke of it 24 And he said vnto them This is my blood of the new Testament whiche is shed for manie 25 Verely I say vnto you I wil drinke no more of the frute of the vine vntil that day that I drinke it new in the kingdome of God 26 And when they had sung a psalme they wēt out to the mount of oliues 27 ¶ * Then Iesus said vnto them All ye shal be offended by me this night for it is written * I wil smite the shepherd and the shepe shal be scattered 28 But after that I am risen I wil go into * Galile before you 29 And Peter said vnto him Althogh all men shulde be offended yet wolde not I. 30 Then Iesus said vnto him Verely I say vnto thee this day euen in this night before the cocke crowe twise thou shalt denie me thrise 31 But he said more earnestly If I shulde dye with thee I wil not denie thee like wise also said they all 32 ¶ * After they came into a place named Geth semane then he said to his disciples Sit ye here til I haue prayed 33 And he toke with him Peter and Iames and Iohn and he began to be afraied in great heauines 34 And said vnto them My soule is verie heauie euen vnto the death tary here and watch 35 So he went forwarde a litle and fel downe on the grounde and prayed that if it were possible that houre might passe from him 36 And he said Abba Father all things are possible vnto thee toke away this cup from me neuertheles not that I wil but that thou wilt be done 37 Then he came and founde them sleping said to Peter Simon slepest thou coldest not thou watch one houre 38 ¶ Watch ye and pray that ye entre not into tentacion the spirit in dede is readie but the
things from the beginning to write vnto thee there of from point to point 4 That thou mightest acknowledge the certeintie of those things whereof thou hast bene instructed 5 IN the time of Herode King of Iudea there was a certeine Priest named Zacharias of the course of Abia and his wife was of the daughters of Aarō and her name was Elisabet 6 Bothe were iust before God and walked in all the commaundements and ordinances of the Lord without reprofe 7 And thei had no childe because that Elisabet was barren and bothe were wel strickē in age 8 And it came to passe as he executed the Priests office before God as his course came in order 9 According to the custome of the Priests office his lot was to burne incense when he went into the Temple of the Lord. 10 And the whole multitude of the people were without in prayer * while the incēse was burning 11 Then appeared to him an Angel of the Lord standing at the right side of the altar of incense 12 And whē Zacharias sawe him he was trou bled and feare fel vpon him 13 But the Angel said vnto him Feare not Zacharias for thy prayer is heard and the wife Elisabet shal beare thee a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iohn 14 And thou shalt haue ioye and gladnes and many shal reioyce at his birth 15 For he shal be great in the sight of the Lord and shal nether drinke wine nor strong drinke and he shal be filled with the holie Gost euen from his mothers wombe 16 * And many of the children of Israel shal he turne to their Lord God 17 * For he shal go before him in the spirit power of Elias to turne the hearts of the Fathers to the children and the disobedient to the wisdome of the iust men to make readie a people prepared for the Lord. 18 Then Zacharias said vnto the Angel 〈◊〉 shall knowe this for I am an olde mā and my wife is of a great age 19 And the Angel answered and said vnto him I am Gabriel that stand in the presence of God and am sent to speake vnto thee and to 〈◊〉 thee these good tidings 20 And beholde thou shalt be 〈◊〉 and not be able to 〈◊〉 vntil the day that these things be done because thou beleuedst not my wordes whiche shal be fulfilled in their season 21 Now the people waited for Zacharias and marueiled that he taried so long in the Tēple 22 And when he came out he colde not speake vnto them then they 〈◊〉 that he had sene a vision in the Temple for he made signes vnto them and remained domme 23 And it came to passe when the dayes of his office were fulfilled that he departed to his owne house 24 And after those dayes his wife Elisabet cōceiueth hid her self fiue moneths saying 25 Thus hathe the Lord dealt with me in the dayes wherein he loked on me to take frō me my rebuke among men 26 ¶ And in the sixt moneth the Angel Gabriel was sent from God vnto a citie of 〈◊〉 named Nazaret 27 To a virgine affianced to a man whose name was Ioseph of the house of Dauid and the virgins name was Marie 28 And the Angel went into her said Haile thou that art freely beloued the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women 29 And when she sawe him she was troubled at his saying and toght what maner of saluta cion that shulde be 30 Then the Angel said vnto her Feare not Marie for thou hast founde fauour with God 31 * For lo thou shalt conceiue in thy wombe and beare a sonne and shalt call his name IESVS 32 He shal be great and shal be called the Sonne of the moste High and the Lord God shal giue vnto him the throne of his Father Dauid 33 * And he shal reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer of his kingdome shal be none end 34 Then said Marie vnto the Angel How shal this be seing I know no man 35 And the Angel ans 〈◊〉 and said vnto her The holie Gost shal come vpon thee the power of the most High shal ouer shadowe thee 〈◊〉 also that yholie thing which shal be borne of thee shal be called the Sonne of God 36 And beholde thy cousin Elisabet she hath also cōceiued a sonne in her olde age this is her sixt moneth which was called barren 37 For with God shal nothing be vnpossible 38 Then Marie said Beholde the seruant of the Lord be it vnto me according to thy worde So the Angel departed from her 39 ¶ And Marie arose in those dayes and went into the hill countrey with haste to a citie of Iuda 40 And entred into the house of Zacharias saluted Elisabet 41 And it came to passe as Elisabet heard the saluaciō of Marie the babe sprāg in her bel lie Elisabet was filled with the holie Gost. 42 And she cryed with a loude voyce and said Blessed art thou among women because the frute of thy wombe is blessed 43 And whence cometh this to me that the mother of my Lord shulde come to me 44 For lo assone as the voyce of thy salutation sounded in mine eares the babe sprang in my bellie for ioye 45 And blessed is she that beleued for those things shal be performed which were tolde her from the Lord. 46 Then Marie said My soule magnifieth the Lord 47 And my spirit reioyceth in God my Sauiour 48 For he hathe loked on the poore degre of his seruant for beholde from hence forthe shal all ages call me blessed 49 Because he that is mightie hathe done for me great things and holie is his Name 50 And his mercie is from generacion to generacion on them that feare him 51 * He hathe shewed strenght with his arme * he hathe scattered the proude in the imagination of their hearts 52 He hathe put downe the mightie frō their seates and exalted them of lowe degre 53 * He hathe filled the hungrie with good things and sent away the riche emptie 54 * He hathe vpholden Israel his seruāt being mindeful of his mercie 55 * As he hathe spokē to our fathers to wit to Abraham and his sede for euer 56 ¶ And Marie abode with her about thre mo neths after she returned to her owne house 57 ¶ Now Elisabets time was fulfilled that she shulde be deliuered and she broght forthe a sonne 58 And her neighbours and cousins heard tel how the Lord had shewed his great mercie vpon her and they reioyced with her 59 And it was so that on the eight day they came to circumcise the babe and called him Zacharias after the Name of his Father 60 But his
kisse my fete 46 Mine head with oyle thou diddest not anoint but she hathe anointed my feete with ointement 47 Wherefore I saye vnto thee manie sinnes are forgiuen her for she loued muche To whome a litle is forgiuen he doeth loue a litle 48 And he said vnto her Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee 49 And they that sate at table with him began to say with in them selues Who is this that euen forgiueth sinne 50 And he said to the woman Thy faith hathe saued thee go in peace CHAP. VIII 2 Christ with his Apostles go from towne to towne and preache 3 The women minister vnto them of their goods 5 He sheweth the parable of the sede 21 He telleth who is his mother and his brother 24 He stilleth the raging of the lake 27 He deliuereth the possessed 33 The deuils enter into the heard of swine 41 He healeth the sicke woman and Iairus daughter 1 ANd it came to passe after warde that he himself went through euerie citie and towne preaching and publishing the kingdome of God the twelue were with him 2 And certeine women which were healed of euil spirits and infirmities as * Marie which was called Magdalene out of whome went seuen deuils 3 And Ioanna the wife of Chuza Herodes stewarde and Susanna manie other which ministred vnto him of their substance 4 * Now when muche people were gathered together and were come to him out of all cities he spake by a parable 5 A sower went out to sowe his seed and as he sowed some fel by the way side and it was troden vnderfete and the foules of heauen deuoured it vp 6 And some fel on the stones and when it was sprong vp it withered away because it lacked moistnes 7 And some fel among thornes and the thornes sprang vp with it and choked it 8 And some fel on good grounde and sprang vp and bare frute an hundreth folde And as he said these things he cryed He that hathe eares to heare let him heare 9 Then his disciples asked him demanding what parable that was 10 And he said Vnto you it is giuen to know the secrets of the kingdome of God but to other in parables that when* they se they shulde not se and when they heare they shulde not vnderstand 11 * The parable is this The sede is the worde of God 12 And thei that are beside the way are thei that heare after warde commeth the deuil and taketh away the worde out of their hearts left they shulde beleue and be saued 13 But they that are on the stones are they which vhē they haue 〈◊〉 receiue the word with ioye but they haue no rootes whiche for a while beleue but in the time of tentation go away 14 And that which fel among thornes are they which haue heard and after their departure are choked with cares and with riches and voluptuous liuinge and bring forthe no frute 15 But that which fel in good ground are they which with an honest and good heart heare the worde and kepe it and bring forth frute with pacience 16 ¶ No man when he lighteth a candel couereth it vnder a vessel nether putteth it vnder the table but setteth it on a candlesticke that they that entre in may se the light 17 * For nothing is secret that shal not be euident nether any thing hid that shal not be knowen and come to light 18 Take hede therefore howye heare * for whosoeuer hathe to him shal be giuen and whosoeuer hathe not from him shal be takē euen that which it semeth that he hathe 19 ¶ * Then came to him his mother his brethren and colde not come nere to him for the preasse 20 And it was tolde him by certeine whiche said Thy mother and thy brethren stand without and wolde se thee 21 But he answered and said vnto thē My mother and my brethren are these which hea re the worde of God and do it 22 ¶ * And it came to passe on a certeine day that he went into a ship with his disciples and he said vnto them Let vs go ouer vnto the other side of the lake And they lanched forthe 23 And as they sailed he fel a slepe and there came downe a storme of winde on the lake and they were filled with water and were in ieopardie 24 Then they went to him and a woke him saying Master master we perish And he aro se and rebuked the winde and the waues of water and they ceased and it was calme 25 Then he said vnto thē Where is your faith and they feared and wondered among them selues saying Who is this that commandeth bothe the windes and water and they obey him 26 ¶ * So they sailed vnto the region of the Ga darenes which is ouer against Galile 27 And as he went out to land there met him a certeine man out of the citie whiche had a deuil long time and he ware no clothes nether abode in house but in the graues 28 And when he sawe Iesus he cryed out and fel down before him and with a loude voyce said What haue I to do with thee Iesus the Sonne of God the most high I beseche thee torment me not 29 For he cōmaunded the foule spirit to come out of the mā for oft times he had caught him therefore he was boūd with chaines kept in fetters but he brake the bandes and was caryed of the deuil into wildernesses 30 Then Iesus asked him saying What is thy name And he said Legion because many deuils were entred into him 31 And they besoght hym that he wolde not commande them to go out into the diepe 32 And there was there by an herd of many swine feding on an hill and the deuils besoght him that he wolde suffre them to entre into them So he suffred them 33 Then went the deuils out of the man and entred into the swine and the herd was caryed with violence from a stepe down place into the lake and was choked 34 When the herdmen sawe what was done thē fled and when thei were departed they tolde it in the citie and in the countrey 35 Then they came out to se what was done and came to Iesus and founde the man out of whome the deuils were departed sitting at the fete of Iesus clothed and in his ryght minde and they were afraid 36 They also whiche sawe it tolde them by what meanes he that was possessed with the deuil was healed 37 Then the whole multitude of the countrey about the Gadarenes besoght him that he wolde departe from them for they were taken with a great feare and he went into the ship and returned 38 Then the man out of whome the deuils were departed besoght hym that he
thine aduersarie to the ruler as thou art in the way giue diligence in the way that thou maist be deliue red frō hym lest he bryng thee to the iudge and the iudge deliuer thee to the iayler and the iayler cast thee into prison 59 I tell thee thou shalte not departe thence til thou hast payed the vtmost mite CHAP XIII 1 The crueltie of Pilate 2 We oght not to condemne all to be wicked men which suffre 3 Christ exhorteth to repen tance 11 He healeth the croked woman 15 Aunswered to the master of the Synagogue 18 By diuers similitudes he declareth what the kingdome of God is 23 Also that the nomber of them whiche shall be saued is smale 33 Finally he sheweth that no worldelie policie or force can let the worke and counsel of God 1 THere were certeine men present at the same season that shewed him of the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their owne sacrifices 2 And Iesus answered and said vnto them Sup pose ye that these Galileans were greater sinners then all the other Galileans because they haue suffred suche things 3 I tell you nay but except ye amende your liues ye shall all lykewise perish 4 Or thynke you that those eyghtene vppon whome the towre in Siloam fell and slewe them were sinners aboue all men that dwel in Ierusalem 5 I tell you nay but except ye amende your liues ye all shall likewise perish 6 ¶ He spake also this parable A certeine man had a figge tre planted in hys vineyarde and he came and soght frute thereon ād founde none 7 They sayd he to the dresser of hys vineyarde Beholde thys thre yeres haue I come and soght frute of thys figge tre and finde none cut it downe why kepeth it also the ground baren 8 And he answered and said vnto him Lord let it alone this yere also til I digge round about it and dongue it 9 And if it beare frute wel if not then after thou shalt cut it downe 10 ¶ And he taught in one of the Synagogues on the Sabbath day 11 And beholde there was a woman whiche had a spirit of infirmitie eightene yeres and was bowed together and colde not lift vp herself in anie wise 12 When Iesus sawe her he called her to him and said to her Womā thou art losed from thy disease 13 And he laid his hands on her and immediat ly she was made strayght agayne and glorified God 14 And the ruler of the Synagogue aunswered wyth indignation because that Iesus had healed on the Sabbath daye and said vnto the people There are six dayes in which mē oght to worke in them therefore come and be healed and not on the Sabbath day 15 Then aunswered hym the LORDE and sayde Hypocrite doeth not eiche one of you on the Sabbath daye lose hys oxe or hys asse from the stall and lead hym away to the water 16 And oght not thys daughter of Abraham whome Satan had bounde lo eightene yeres be losed from this bōde on the Sabbath day 17 And when he said these things all his aduer saries were ashamed but all the people reioy ced at all the excellēt things that were done by him 18 ¶ * Then said he What is the kingdome of God like or whereto shal I compare it 19 It is like a graine of mustarde seed whiche a man toke and sowed in his garden and it grewe and waxed a great tre and the foules of the heauen made nestes in the branches thereof 20 ¶ And againe he said Whereunto shal I likē the kingdome of God 21 It is like leauen which a woman toke and hid in thre peckes of floure til all was leauened 22 ¶ * And he went through all cities and townes teaching and iourneying towardes Ierusalem 23 Then said one vnto him Lord are there fewe that shal be saued And he said vnto thē 24 * Striue to entre in at the straite gate for manie I say vnto you wil seke to enter in shal not be able 25 When the good man of the house is risen vp and hathe shut to the dore and ye beginne to stand without and to knocke at the dore saying Lord Lord open to vs and he shal answer and say vnto you I knowe you not whence ye are 26 m Then shal ye beginne to say We haue eatē and drunke in thy presence and thou hast taught in our stretes 27 * But he shal say I tel you I know you not whence ye are departe from me all ye workers of iniquitie 28 There shal be weping gnasshing of teeth when ye shal se Abraham and Isaac and Iacob and all the Prophetes in the kingdome of God and your selues thruste out at dores 29 Then shal come manie from the East and from the West and from the North and frō the South and shal sit at table in the kingdome of God 30 * And beholde there are last which shal be first and there are first which shal be last 31 The same day there came certeine Pharises and said vnto him Departe and go hence for Herode wil kil thee 32 Then said he vnto them Go ye and tell that foxe Beholde I cast out deuils wil heale stil to day and to morowe the third day I shal be perfited 33 Neuertheles I muste walke to daye and to morowe and the day following for it can not be that a Prophet shulde perish out of Ierusalem 34 * O Ierusalem Ierusalem which killest the Prophetes and stoned them that are sent to thee how often wolde I haue gathered thy children together as the henne gathered her broode vnder her wings and ye wolde not 35 Beholde your house is left vnto you desolate and verely I tel you ye shal not se me vntil the time come that ye shal say Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. CHAP. XIIII 1 Iesus eateth with the Pharise 4 Healeth the dropsie vppon the Sabbath 8 Teacheth to be lowlie to bid the poore to our table 15 He telleth of the great supper 28 He warneth them that wil followe him to lay their accountes before what it wil cost them 34 The salt of the earth 1 ANd it came to passe that when he was entred īto the house of one of the chief Pharises on the Sabbath day to eat bread they watched him 2 And beholde there was a certeine man before him which had the dropsie 3 Then Iesus answering spake vnto the expoū ders of the Law Pharises saying Is it lawful to heale on the Sabbath day 4 And they held their place Thē he toke him and healed him and let go 5 And answered them saying Whiche of you shal haue an asse or an oxe fallen into a pit and wil not straight way pul him out on the
great milstone were hanged about his necke and that he were cast into the sea then that he shulde offende one of these litle ones 3 ¶ Take hede to your selues if thy brother trespace against thee rebuke him and if he repent forgiue him 4 * And thogh he sinne against thee seuen times in daye and seuen times in a daye turne againe to thee saying It repenteth me thou shalt forgiue him 5 ¶ And the Apostles said vnto the Lorde Increase our faith 6 And the Lord said * If ye had faith as much as is a graine of mustard sede and shulde say vnto this mulbery tre plucke thy self vp by the rootes and plante thy self in the sea it shulde euen obey you 7 ¶ Who is it also of you that hauing a seruant plowing or feding cattel wolde saye vnto him by and by when he were come from the field Go and sit downe at table 8 And wolde not rather say to him Dresse where with I may suppe and girde thy self and serue me til I haue eaten and droken afterwarde eat thou and drinke thou 9 Doeth he thanke that seruant because he did that which was commaunded vnto him I trowe not 10 So likewise ye when ye haue done all those things which are commaunded you say We are vnprofitable seruants we haue done that which was our duetie to do 11 ¶ And so it was when he went to Ierusalem that he passed through the middes of Samaria and 〈◊〉 12 And as he entred into a certeine towne there met him ten men that were lepers which stode a farre of 13 And they lift vp their voyces and said Iesus Master haue mercie on vs. 14 And when he sawe them he said vnto thē * Go shewe your selues vnto the Priests And it came to passe that as thei went they were clensed 15 Then one of them when he sawe that he was healed turned backe and with a loude voyce praised God 16 And fell downe on his face at his fete and gaue him thankes and he was a Samaritan 17 And Iesus answered and said Are there not ten clensed but where are the nine 18 There are none founde that returned to giue God praise saue this stranger 19 And he said vnto him Arise go thy way thy faith hathe made thee whole 20 ¶ And when he was demanded of the Pharises when the kingdome of God shuld come he answered them and said The kingdome of God cometh not with obseruacion 21 Nether shal men say Lo here or lo there for beholde the kingdome of God is within you 22 And he said vnto the disciples The dayes wil come when ye shal desire to se one of the dayes of the Sonne of man and ye shal not se it 23 * Then they shal saye to you Beholde here or beholde there but go not thither nether folowe them 24 For as the lightening that lighteneth out of the one parte vnder heauen shineth vnto the other part vnder heauen so shal the Sōne of man be in his daye 25 But first must he suffer manie things and be reproued of this generacion 26 * And as it was in the dayes of Noe so shal it be in the dayes of the Sonne of man 27 They ate they dranke they maried wiues and gaue in mariage vnto the daye that Noe went into the Arke and the flood came and destroyed them all 28 * Like wise also as it was in the dayes of Lot they ate they drāke they boght they solde they planted they buylt 29 But in the daye that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fyre and brimstone from heauen and destroyed them all 30 After these ensamples shal it be in the daye when the Sonne of man shal be reueiled 31 At that daye he that is vpon the house and his stuffe in the house let him not come downe to take it out he that is in the field like wise let him not turne backe to that he left behinde 32 * Remember Lots wife 33 * Whosoeuer wil seke to saue his soule shal lose it and who soeuer shal lose it shal get it life 34 * I tell you in that 〈◊〉 there shal be two in one bed the one shal be receiued and the other shal be left 35 Two women shal be grinding together the one shal be taken and the other shal be left 36 And they answered and said to him Where Lord And he said vnto them * Wheresoeuer the bodie is thither wil also the egles resorte CHAP. XVIII 2 By the example of the widowe and the Publicane Christ teacheth how to pray 15 By the example of children he exhorteth to humilitie 18 Of the way to be saued and what things let 29 The rewarde promised to his 31 And of the crosse 1 ANd * he spake also a parable vnto them to this end that they oght alwayes to pray and not to waxe fainte 2 Saying There was a iudge in a certeine citie which feared not God nether reuerenced man 3 And there was a widow in that citie which came vnto him saying Do me iustice against mine aduersarie 4 And he wolde not for a time but afterwarde he said with him self Thogh I feare not God nor reuerence man 5 Yet because this widowe troubleth me I wil do her right lest at the last she come make me wearie 6 And the Lord said Heare what the vnrighteous iudge saith 7 Now shal not God aduenge his elect which crye day and night vnto him yea thogh he suffer long for them 8 I tel you he wil aduenge them quickely but when the Sonne of mā cometh shal he finde faith on the earth 9 ¶ He spake also this parable vnto certeine which trusted in them selues that they were iuste and despised other 10 Two men went vp into the Temple to pray the one a Pharise and the other a Publican 11 The Pharise stode and prayed thus with him self O God I thanke thee that I am not as other men extorsioners vniust adulterers or euen as this Publican 12 I fast twise in the weke I giue tithe of all that euer I possesse 13 But the Publicane stāding a farre of wolde not lift vp so muche as his eyes to heauen but smote his brest saying O God be merciful to me a sinner 14 I tel you this man departed to his house iustified rather then the other * for euerie man that exalteth him self shal be broght low and he that humbleth him self shal be exalted 15 ¶ * They broght vnto him also babes that he shulde touche them And when his disciples sawe it they rebuked them 16 But Iesus called them vnto him and said Suffre the babes to come vnto me and forbid them not for of suche is the kingdome of
God 17 Verely I say vnto you who soeuer receiueth not the kingdome of God as a babe he shal not enter therein 18 * Then a certeine ruler asked him saying Good master what oght I to do to inherite eternal life 19 And Iesus said vnto him Why callest thou me good none is good saue one euen God 20 Thou knowest the commandements * Thou shalt not cōmit adulterie Thou shalt not kil Thou shalt not steale Thou shalt not beare false witnes Honour thy father and thy mother 21 And he said All these haue I kept from my youth 22 Now when Iesus heart that he said vnto him Yet lackest thou one thing Sel all that euer thou hast and distribute vnto the poore and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen and come folowe me 23 But whē he heard those things he was verie heauie for he was marueilous riche 24 And when Iesus sawe him sorowful he said With what difficultie shal they that haue riches entre into the kingdome of God 25 Surely it is easier for a camel to go through a nedles eye then for a riche man to entre in to the kingdome of God 26 Then said they that heard it And who then can be saued 27 And he said The things which are vnpossible with men are possible with God 28 ¶ * Then Peter said Lo we haue left all and haue followed thee 29 And he said vnto them Verely I say vnto you there is no man that hathe left house or parents or brethren or wife or children for the kingdome of Gods sake 30 Which shal not receiue muche more in this worlde and in the worlde to come life euerlasting 31 ¶ * Then Iesus toke vnto hym the twelue ād said vnto them Beholde we go vp to Ieru salē al things shal be fulfilled to the Sonne of man that are written by the Prophetes 32 For he shal be deliuered vnto the Gentiles ād shal be mocked and shal be spitefully entreated and shal be spitted on 33 And when they haue scourged hym they will put hym to death but the third daye he shal rise againe 34 But they vnderstode none of these things and this saying was hid frō them nether per ceiued thee things which were spoken 35 ¶ * And it came to passe that as he was come nere vnto Iericho a certeine blind mā sate by the way side begging 36 And when he heard the people passe by he asked what it ment 37 And thei said vnto him that Iesus of Nazaret passed by 38 Then he cryed saying Iesus the Sonne of Dauid haue mercie on me 39 And they which wēt before rebuked him that he shulde holde his peace but he cryed muche more O Sonne of Dauid haue mercie on me 40 And Iesus stode stil and commaunded him to be broght vnto him And when he was come nere he asked him 41 Saying What wilt thou that I do vnto thee And he said Lord that I may receiue my sight 42 And Iesus said vnto him Receiue thy sight thy faith hathe saued thee 43 Then immediatly he receiued his sight and folowed him praising God and all the people whē they sawe this gaue praise to God CHAP. XIX 2 Of Zaccheus 12 The ten pieces of money 28 Christ rideth to Ierusalem and wepeth for it 45 He chaseth out the marchants 47 And his enemies seke to destroy him 1 NOw whē Iesus entred passed through Iericho 2 Beholde there was a man named Zaccheus which was the chief receiuer of the tribute and he was riche 3 And he soght to se Iesus who he shulde be colde not for the preasse because he was of a lowe stature 4 Wherefore he ran before and climed vp into a wilde figge tre that he might se him for he shulde come that way 5 And when Iesus came to the place he loked vp and sawe him said vnto him Zaccheus come downe at once for to day I must abide at thine house 6 Then he came downe hastely and receiued him ioyfully 7 And when all they sawe it they murmured saying that he was gone in to lodge with a sinneful man 8 And Zaccheus stode forthe said vnto the Lord Beholde Lord the halfe of my good I giue to the poore and if I haue taken from anie man by forged cauillation I restore him foure folde 9 Then Iesus said to him This day is saluation come vnto this house forasmuche as he is also become the sonne of Abraham 10 * For the Sonne of man is come to seke and to saue that which was lost 11 And whiles they heard these things he con tinued and spake aparable because he was nere to Ierusalem and because also they thoght that the kingdome of God shulde shortely appeare 12 He said therefore * A certeine noble man went into a farre countrey to receiue for him self a kingdome and so to come againe 13 And he called his ten seruants and deliuered them ten pieces of money and said vnto them Occupie til I come 14 Now his citizens hated him and sent an am bassage after him saying We wil not haue this man to reigne ouer vs. 15 And it came to passe when he was come againe and had receiued his kingdome that he commaunded the seruants to be 〈◊〉 to him to whome he gaue his money that he might knowe what euerie man had gained 16 Then came the first saying Lord thy piece hathe encreased ten pieces 17 And he said vnto him Wel good seruant be cause thou hast bene faithful in a verie litle thing take thou autoritie ouer ten cities 18 And the seconde came saying Lord my piece hathe encreased fiue pieces 19 And to the same he said Be thou also ruler ouer fiue cities 20 So the other came and said Lord beholde thy piece which I haue laid vp in a napkin 21 For I feared thee because thou art a strait man thou takest vp that thou laidest not downe reapest that thou diddest not sowe 22 Then he said vnto him Of thine owne mouth wil I iudge thee ô euil seruant Thou knewest that I am a strait man taking vp that I laid not downe and reaping that I did not sowe 23 Wherefore thē gauest not thou my money into the banke that at my comming might haue required it with vantage 24 And he said to them that stode by Take frō him that piece and giue it him that hathe ten pieces 25 And they said vnto him Lord he hathe ten pieces 26 * For I say vnto you that vnto all them that haue it shal be giuē and from him that hath not euen that he hathe shal be taken from him 27 Moreouer those mine enemies which wold not that I shulde reigne ouer them bring hither and slay them before me 28 ¶ And when he had thus spoken he went forthe before
He celebrateth the Lords supper and preacheth 9 At Troas he raiseth vp Eutychus 17 At Ephesus he calleth the Elders of the Church together committeth the keping of Gods flocke vnto them warneth them of false teachers maketh his praier with them and departeth by ship towards Ierusalem 1 NOw after the tumulte was ceased Paul called the disciplesvnto him embrased them and departed to go into Macedonia 2 And when he had gone through those parties had exhorted thē with manie wordes he came into Grecia 3 And hauing taried there thre moneths because the Iewes laid waite for him as he was about to saile into Syria he purposed to returne through Macedonia 4 And there accompanied him into Asia Sopater of Berea and of them of Thessalonica Aristarchus and Secundus and Gaius of Der be and Timotheus and of them of Asia Tychicus and Trophimus 5 These went before and taried vs at Troas 6 And we sailed forthe from Philippi after the daies of vnleauened bread and came vnto them to Troas in fiue daies where we abode seuen daies 7 And the first day of the weke the disciples being come together to breake bread Paul preached vnto them readie to depart on the morowe and continued the preaching vnto midnight 8 And there were manie lightes in an vpper chamber where they were gathered together 9 And there sate in a windowe a certeine yong mā named Eutychus fallen into depe slepe and as Paul was long preaching he ouercome with slepe fell downe from the third lofte and was taken vp dead 10 But Paul went downe and laid him self vpon him and embrased him saying Trouble not your selues for his life is in him 11 So when Paul was come vp againe and had broken bread and eaten he commoned a long while til the dawning of the daye and so he departed 12 And they broght the boie aliue and thei were not a litle comforted 13 ¶ Then we went forthe to ship and sailed vnto the citie Assos that we might receiue Paul there for so had he appointed wolde him self go a fote 14 Now when he was come vnto vs to Assos and we had receiued him we came to Mytylenes 15 And we sailed thence and came the next day ouer against Chios ād the next dayewe arriued at Samos and taried at Trogyllium the next daye we came to Miletum 16 For Paul had determined to saile by Ephesus because he wolde not spend the time in Asia for he hasted to be if he colde possible at Ierusalem at the day of Pentecoste 17 ¶ Wherefore from Miletum he sent to Ephesus and called the Elders of the Church 18 Who when they were come to him he said vnto them Ye knowe from the first day that I came into Asia after what maner I haue bene with you at all seasons 19 Seruing the Lord with all modestie and with manie teares and tentacions which came vnto me by the layings awaite of the Iewes 20 And how I kept backe nothing that was profitable but haue shewed you and taught you openly and through out euerie house 21 Witnessing bothe to the Iewes and to the Grecians the repentance towarde God ād faith towarde our Lord Iesus Christ. 22 And now beholde I go bounde in the spirit vnto Ierusalē and knowe not what things shal come vnto me there 23 Saue that the holie Gost witnesseth in euerie citie saying that bandes and afflictions abide me 24 But I passe not at all nether is my life deare vnto my self so that I may fulfil my course with ioye and the ministracion which I haue receiued of the Lord Iesus to testifie the Gospel of the grace of God 25 And now be holde I knowe that hence forthe ye all through whome I haue gone preaching the kingdome of God shal se my face no more 26 Wherefore I take you to recorde this day that I am pure from the blood of all men 27 For I haue kept nothing backe but haue shewed you all the counsel of God 28 Take hede therefore vnto your selues and to all the flocke whereof the holie Gost hath made you Ouerseers to fede the churh of God which he hathe purchased with his owne blood 29 For I knowe this that after my departing shal grieuous wolues entre in among you not sparing the flocke 30 Moreouer of your owne selues shal men arise speaking peruerse things to drawe disciples after them 31 Therefore watche and remember that by the space of thre yeres I ceased not to warne euerie one bothe night and daye with teares 32 And now brethren I commende you to God and to the worde of his grace which is able to buylde further and to giue you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified 33 I haue coueted no mans siluer nor golde nor apparel 34 Yea ye knowe that these hands haue ministred vnto my* necessities and to them that were with me 35 I haue shewed you all things how that so laboring ye ought to 〈◊〉 the weake to remember the wordes of the Lord Iesus how that he said 〈◊〉 is a blessed thing to giue rather then to receiue 36 And when he had thus spoken he kneled downe and praied with them all 37 Then they wept all abundantly and fel on Pauls necke and kissed him 38 Being chiefly sorie for the wordes which he spake That they shulde se his face no mo re And thei accompanied him vnto the ship CHAP. XIX 5 The commune prayers of the faithful 8 Philippes foure daughters prophetesses 23 Pauls constantie to beare the crosse as Agabus and others forespake althogh he was otherwise counseled by 〈◊〉 brethren 28 The great danger that he was in and how he escaped 1 ANd as we launched forthe and were departed from them we came with a straight course vnto Coos and the daye following vnto the Rhodes and from thence vnto Patara 2 And we founde a ship that went ouer vnto Phenice and went abroade and set forthe 3 And when we had discouered Cyprus we left it on the left hand sailed towarde Syria and arriued at Tyrus for there the ship vnladed the burden 4 And when we had founde disciples we taryed there seuen dayes And they tolde Paul through the Spirit that he shulde not go vp to Ierusalem 5 But when the daies were ended we departed and went our way and thei all accompanied vs with their wiues and children euen out of the citie and we kneling downe on the shore prayed 6 Then when we had embraced one another we toke ship and thei returned home 7 And when we had ended the course from Tyrus we arriued at Ptolemais and saluted the brethren abode with them one daye 8 And the next day Paul and thei that were with him departed and came vnto Cesarea and we entred into the house of* Philippe the Euangelist which was
hewen a sunder they were tempted they were slayne with the sword they wandered vp ād downe in shepes skinnes and in goates skinnes being destitute afflicted and tormented 38 Whom the worlde was not worthie of they wandred in wildernesses and mountaines ād dennes and caues of the earth 39 And these all through faith obteined good reporte and receiued not the promes 40 God prouidyng a better thyng for vs that they without vs shuld not be made perfite CHAP. XII 1 An exhortation to be patient and stedfast in trouble and aduersitie vpon hope of ouerlasting rewarde 25 A commendacion of the new Testament aboue the olde 1 WHerfore * let vs also seyng that we are compassed with so greate a cloude of witnesses cast away euerie thyng that presseth downe and the sinne that hangeth so fast on let vs runne with pacience the race that is set before vs. 2 Lok yng vnto Iesus the autor and finisher of our fayth who for the ioye that was set be fore hym endured the crosse and despised the shame and is set at the ryght hand of the throne of God 3 Consider therefore him that endureth such speaking against of sinners lest ye shulde be wearied and fainte in your mindes 4 Ye haue not yet resisted vnto blood striuing against sinne 5 And ye haue forgotten the consolation whi che speaketh vnto you as vnto chyldren * My sonne despise not the chastenyng of the Lorde nether faint when thou art rebuked of hym 6 For whome the Lord loueth he chasteneth and he scourgeth euerie sonne that he receiueth 7 If ye endure chastenyng God offreth hym self vnto you as vnto sonnes for what sonne is it whome the father chasteneth not 8 If therefore ye be without correction wher of all are partakers then are ye bastardes ād not sonnes 9 Moreouer we haue had the fathers of our bodies whiche corrected vs and we gaue them reuerence shulde we not much rather be in subiection vnto the Father of spirits that we might liue 10 For they verely for a fewe dayes chastened vs after their owne pleasure but he chasteneth vs for our profit that we might be partakers of his holynes 11 Nowe no chastisinge for the present semeth to be ioy ous but grieuous but afterwarde it bryngeth the quiet frute of righteousnes vnto them whiche are thereby exercised 12 Wherefore lift vp your hands which hang downe and your weakeknees 13 And make strayght steppes vnto your fete lest that which is halting be turned out of the way but let it rather be healed 14 * Followe peace with all men and holynes without the which no man shal se the Lord. 15 Take hede that no man fall away from the grace of GOD let no roote of bytternes spring vp and trouble you lest thereby many be defiled 16 Let there be no fornicator or prophane persone as * Esau whyche for a portion of meatsolde his byrth right 17 * Forye knowe howe that afterwarde also when he wolde haue inherited the blessing he was reiected for he founde no place to repentaunce thogh he soght the blessyng with teares 18 Forye are not come vnto the * mount that might be touched nor vnto burnyng fyre nor to blackenes and darkenes and tempest 19 Nether vnto the sounde of a trumpet and the voyce of wordes which they that heard it excused them selues that the worde shuld not be spoken to them any more 20 For they were not able to abyde that whiche was commaunded * Yea thogh a beast touche the mountaine it shal be stoned or thrust thorowe with a darte 21 And so terrible was the sight which appeared that Moses said I feare and quake 22 But ye are come vnto the mounte Sion and to the citie of the liuing God the celestiall Ierusalem and to the companie of innumera ble Angels 23 And to the congregacion of the first borne which are writen in heauen and to God the iudge of all and to the Spirits of iust and perfite men 24 And to Iesus the Mediator of the newe Testament ād to the blood of sprinkeling that speaketh better things then that of * Abel 25 Se that ye despise not hym that speaketh for if they escaped not whiche refused him that spake on earth muche more shall we notescape if we turne away from him that speaketh from heauen 26 Whos 's voyce then shouke the earth and nowe hathe declared saying * Yet once more wil I shake not the earth onely but also heauen 27 And thys worde Yet once more signifieth remouyng of those thyngs whyche are shaken as of thyngs whiche are made with hands that the things whiche are not shaken may remaine 28 Wherefore seing we receiue a kingdome which can not be shaken let vs haue grace whereby we may so serue God that we may please him with reuerence and feare 29 For * euen our God is a consuming fire CHAP. XIII 1 He maketh vs vnto loue 2 To hospitalitie 3 To thinke vppon suche as be in aduersitie 4 To mainteine wedlocke 5 To auoyde couetousnes 7 To make muche of them that preache Gods worde 9 To beware of strange learning 13 To be content to suffre rebuke with Christ. 15 To be thankefull vnto God 17 And obe dient vnto our gouernours 1 LEt * brotherlie loue continue 2 Be not forgetful to lodge strangers for thereby some haue * receiued Aungels into their houses vnwares 3 Remember thē that are in bondes as thogh ye were bunde with them and them that are in affliction as if ye were also afflicted in the bodie 4 Mariage is honorable among all and the bed vndefiled but whoremungers and adulterers God wil iudge 5 Let your conuersation be without couetousnes and be content with those thyngs that ye haue for he hathe said * I will not faile thee nether forsake thee 6 So that we may boldely say * The Lord is mine helper nether will I feare what man can do vnto me 7 Remember them which haue the ouersight of you whiche haue declared vnto you the worde of God whose faith followe considering what hath benethe end of their con uersation 8 Iesus Christ yester day and to day the same also is for euer 9 Be not caried about with diuers and strange doctrines for it is a good thing that the heart be stablished with grace ād not with meates whiche haue not profited thē that haue bene occupied therein 10 We haue an altar whereof they haue no autoritie to eate which serue in the Tabernacle 11 * For the bodies of those beastes whose blood is broght into the Holie place by the hie Priest for sinne are burnt without the campe 12 Therefore euen Iesus that he might sanctifie the people with his owne blood suffred without the gate 13 Let vs go forthe therefore out
able to saue and to destroye * Who art thou that iud gest another man 13 Go to no we ye that saye To daye or to morowe we wyll go into suche a citie and continue there a yere and bye and sel and get gaine 14 And yet ye can not tell what shal be to moro we For what is your lyfe It is euen a vapour that appeareth for a litle time and af ter warde vanisheth away 15 For that ye ought to say * If the Lord wyll and If we liue we wil do this or that 16 But no we ye reioyce in your boastyngs all suche reioycing is euil 17 Therefore to him that knoweth howe to do wel and doeth it not to him it is sinne CHAP. V. 2 He threateneth the wicked riche men 7 Exhoiteth vnto pacience 12 To beware of swearyng 16 One to knowledge his fautes to another 20 And one to labour to bring another to the trueth 1 GO to nowe ye ryche men wepe and howle for your miseries that shall come vpon you 2 Your riches are corrupt and your garments are moth eaten 3 Your Golde and Siluer is cankred and the rust of them shal be a wytnes agaynste you and shall eat your fleshe as it were fyre * Ye haue heaped vp treasure for the last dayes 4 Beholde the hyre of the laborers which haue reaped your fields whiche is of you kept backe by fraude cryeth and the cryes of them which haue reaped are entred into the eares of the Lord of hostes 5 Ye haue liued in pleasure on the earthe and in wantōnes Ye haue nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter 6 Ye haue condemned and haue killed the iuste and he hathe not resisted you 7 Be pacient therefore brethren vnto the commyng of the Lorde Beholde the housband man waiteth for the precious frute of the earth and hathe longe pacience for it vntill he receiue the former and the latter rayne 8 Be ye also pacient therefore and setle your hearts for the commyng of the Lord draweth nere 9 Grudge not one against another brethren lest ye be condemned beholde the iudge standeth before the dore 10 Take my brethren the Prophetes for an ensample of suffering aduersitie and of long pacience whiche haue spoken in the Name of the Lord. 11 Beholde we count them blessed whiche endure Ye haue heard of the pacience of Iob 〈◊〉 haue knowen what end the Lord made For the Lord is verie pitiful and mercifull 12 But before all thyngs my brethren * sweare not nether by heauen nor by earth nor by anie other othe but let your yea be yea and your naye naye lest ye fall into condemnation 13 Is anie among you afflicted Let him pray Is anie merie Let him sing 14 Is anie sicke among you Let hym call for the Elders of the Churche and let them praye for him and anoint hym with * oyle in the Name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer of fayth shal saue the sicke and the LORDE shall rayse him vp and if he haue committed sinne it shal be forgiuen hym 16 Acknowledge your fautes one to another and pray one for another that ye may be hea led for the prayer of a ryghteous man auaileth muche if it be feruent 17 * Helias was a man subiect to lyke passions as we are and he prayed earnestlye that it myght not rayne and it rained not on the earth for thre yeres and six moneths 18 And he prayed agayne and the heauen gaue rayne and the earth broght forthe her frute 19 Brethren if anye of you hathe erred frome the trueth and some man hathe conuerted hym 20 Let him knowe that he whiche hathe conuerted the sinner from goyng astraye out of his way shal saue a soule from death ād shal hide a multitude of sinnes THE FIRST EPISTLE general of Peter THE ARGVMENT HE exhorteth the faithful to denie them selues and to contemne the worlde that being deliuered from all carnal affections and impediments they may more spedely atteine to the heauēlie kingdome of Christ whereunto we are called by the grace of God reueiled to vs in his Sonne and haue already receiued it by faith possessed it by hope and are therein confirmed by holines of life And to the intent this faith shulde not faint seing Christ contemned and reiected almost of the whole worlde he declareth that this is nothyng els but the accomplishyng of the Scriptures whiche testifie that he shulde be the stombling stone to the reprobate and the sure fundation of saluation to the faithfull therefore he exhorteth them courageously to go forwarde considering what they were and to what dignitie God hathe called them After he entreateth particular points teaching subiects how to obey their gouernours and seruants their masters how maried folkes ought to behaue them selues And because it is appointed for all that are godlie to suffre persecutions he sheweth them what good yssue their asflictions shal haue and contrariewise what punishment God reserueth for the wicked Last of all he teacheth how the ministers ought to behaue them selues forbidding them to vsurpe autoritie o 〈◊〉 the Churche also that yong men ought to be modest and apt to learne and so endeth with an exhortation CHAP. I. 2 He sheweth that through the abundant mercie of God we are elect and regenerate to a liuelie hope 7 And how faith must be tried 10 That the saluation in Christ is no newes but a thing prophecied of olde 13 He exhorteth them to a godlie conuersation forasmuche as they are now borne a newe by the worde of God 1 PETER an Apostle of Iesus Christ to the strangers that dwel here and there throughout Pontus Galacia Cappadocia Asia Bithynia 2 Elect according to the fore knowledge of God the Father vnto sanctificatió of the spirit through obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Iesus Christ Grace and peace be multiplied vnto you 3 * Blessed be God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ whiche accordyng to his abundant mercie hathe begotten vs againe vnto a liuelie hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead 4 To an inheritance immortall and vndefiled and that fadeth not away reserued in heauen for you 5 Whiche are kept by the power of GOD through faith vnto saluation whiche is prepared to be shewed in the last time 6 Wherein ye reioyce thogh now for a ceason if nede require ye are in heauines through manifolde tentations 7 That the triall of your faith being muche more precious then golde that perisheth thogh it be tried with fyre might be foūde vnto your praise and honour and glorie at the appearing of Iesus Christ. 8 Whome ye haue not sene and yet loue him in whome now thogh ye se him not yet do you beleue and reioyce with ioye vnspeakeable and glorious 9 Receiuing the
houre at a day at a moneth and at a yere to slay the third parte of men 16 And the nomber of horsemen of warre were twentie thousand times ten thousand for I heard the nomber of them 17 And thus I sawe the horses in a vision and them that sate on them hauing fyrie habber gions and of Iacinth and of brimstone the heads of the horses were as the heads of lyons and out of their mouthes went forthe fire and smoke and brimstone 18 Of these thre was the third parte of men killed that is of the fyre and of the smoke and of the brimstone which came out of their mouthes 19 For their power is in their mouthes and in their tailes for their tailes were like vnto serpents and had heades where with they hurte 20 And the remnant of the men which were not killed by these plagues repēted not of the workes of their hands that thei shulde not worship deuils and idoles of golde of siluer and of brasse and of stone of wood which nether can se nether heare nor go 21 Also thei repented not of their murther and of their sorcerie nether of their fornicacion nor of their thefte CHAP. X. 1 The Angel hathe the boke open 6 He sweareth there shal be no more time 9 He giueth the boke vnto Iohn which 〈◊〉 it vp 1 ANd I sawe another mightie Angel come downe from heauen clothed with a cloude and the raine bowe vpon his head and his face was as the sunne and his feete as pillers of fyre 2 And he had in is hand a litle boke open and he put his right fote vpon the sea 〈◊〉 his left on the earth 3 And cryed with a lowde voyce as when a lyon roareth and when he had cryed seuen thondres vttered their voyces 4 And when the seuen thonders had vttered their voyces I was about to write but I heard a voyce frō heauen saying vnto me * Seale vp those things which the seuen thondres haue spoken and write them not 5 And the Angel which I sawe stand vpon the sea and vpon the earth lift vp his hand to heauen 6 And sware by him that liueth for euermore which created heauen and the things that therein are the earth and the things that therein are and the sea ād the things which there in are that time shulde be no more 7 But in the daies of the voyce of the seuen Angel when he shal beginne to blowe the trumpet euen the mysterie of God shal be finished as he hathe declared to his seruants the Prophetes 8 And the voyce which I heard from heauen spake vnto me againe and said Go and take the litle boke which is open in the hand of the Angel which standeth vpon the sea and vpon the earth 9 So I went vnto the Angel and said to him Giue me the litle boke And he said vnto me * Take it and eat it vp and it shal make thy bellie bitter but it shal be in thy mouth as swete as honie 10 Then I toke the litle boke out of the Angels hand and ate it vp it was in my mouth as swete as honie but when I had eaten it my bellie was bitter 11 And he said vnto me Thou must prophecie againe among the people and nations and tongues and to many Kings CHAP. XI 1 The temple is measured 3 Two witnesses raised vp by the Lord are murthered by the beast 11 But after receiued to glorie 15 Christ is exalted 16 And God praised by the 24. elders 1 THen was giuen me a rede like vnto arodde and the Angel stode by saying Rise and mette the temple of God and the altar and them that worship there in 2 But the court which is without the temple cast out and mette it not for it is giuen vnto the Gentiles and the holie citie shal they treade vnder fote two and fortie moneths 3 But I wil giue power vnto my two witnesses and they shal prophecie a thousand two hundreth and threscore dayes clothed in sacke cloth 4 These are two oliue trees and two candel stickes standing before the God of the earth 5 And if anie man wil hurte them fyre procedeth out of their mouthes and deuoureth their enemies for if anie man wolde hurt them thus muste he be killed 6 These haue power to shut heauen that it raine not in the dayes of their prophecyng haue power ouer waters to turne them in to blood and to smite the earth with all maner plagues as often as thei wil. 7 And when they haue finished their testimonie the beast that cometh out of the bottomles pit shal make warre against them and shal ouercome them and kill them 8 And their corpses shal lie in the stretes of the great citie which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where our Lordalso was crucified 9 And they of the people and kinreds and tōges and Gentiles shal se their corpses thre dayes and an halfe and shal not suffer their carkeises to be put in graues 10 And they that dwell vpon the earth shal reioyce ouer them and be glad and shal send giftes one to another for these two prophetes vexed them that dwelt on the earth 11 But after thre dayes and an halfe the spirit of life comming from God shal enter into them they shal stand vp vpon their fete and great feare shal come vpon them which sawe them 12 And they shal heare a great voyce from heauen saying vnto them Come vp hither And they shal ascēdevp to heauē in a cloude and their enemies shal se them 13 And the same houre shal there be a great earth quake and the tenth parte of the citie shal fall and in the earth quake shal be slaine in nomber seuen thousand and the remnant shal be afraid and giue glorie to the God of heauen 14 The seconde wo is past and beholde the thirde wo wil come anone 15 And the seuenth Angel blew the trumpet there were great voyces in heauen saying The kingdomes of this worlde are our Lords and his Christs and he shal reigne for euermore 16 Then the foure and twentie Elders which sate before GOD on their seates fell vpon their faces and worshipped God 17 Saying We giue thee thankes Lord God almightie Which art and Which wa st and Which art to come for thou hast receiued thy great might and hast obteined thy kingdome 18 And the Gentiles were angrie and thy wrath is come and the time of the dead that they shulde be iudged ād that thou shuldest giue rewarde vnto thy seruants the Prophetes and to the Saintes and to them that feare thy Name to smale and great and shuldest destroye them which destroye the earth 19 Then the Temple of
God was opened in heauen and there was sene in his Temple the Arke of his couenāt and there were lightnings and voyces and thōdrings and earthquake and muche haile CHAP. XII 1 There appeareth in heauen a woman clothed with the sunne 7 Michael fighteth with the dragon which persecureth the woman 11. The victorie is gotten to the comfort of the faithful 1 ANd there appeared a great wonder in heauen A woman clothed with the iunne and the moo ne was vnder her fete and vpon her head a crowne of twelue starres 2 And she was with childe and cryed trauailing in birth and was pained readie to be 〈◊〉 3 And there appeared another wonder in heauen for beholde a great red dragon hauing seuen heades and ten hornes and seuen crownes vpon his heads 4 And his taile drue the third parte of the star res of heauen and cast them to the earth And the dragon stode before the woman which was readie to be deliuered to deuoure her childe when she had broght it forthe 5 So she broght forthe a man childe whiche shulde rule all nations with a * rod of yron and her sonne was taken vp vnto God and to this throne 6 And the woman fled into wildernes where she hathe a place prepared of God that they shulde fede her there a thousand two hundreth and threscore dayes 7 And there was a battel in heauen Michael and his Angels foght against the dragon and the dragon foght and his Angels 8 But they preuailed not nether was their pla ce founde anie more in heauen 9 And the great dragon that olde serpent called the deuil and Satan was cast out which deceiueth all the worlde he was euen cast into the earth and his Angels were cast out with him 10 Thē I heard a loude voyce saying Now is saluation in heauen and strength and the kingdome of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast downe which accused them before our God day and night 11 But they ouercame him by the blood of the Lambe and by the worde of their testi monie and they loued not their liues vnto the death 12 Therefore reioyce ye heauens and ye that dwell in thē Wo to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea for the deuil is come downe vnto you which hathe great wrath knowing that he hathe but a short time 13 And when the dragon sawe that he was cast vnto the earth he persecuted the womā which had broght forthe the man childe 14 But to the woman were giuen two winges of a greate egle that she myght flie into the wildernes into ther place where she nourished for a time and times and halfe a time from the presence of the serpent 15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth was water after the woman lyke a flood that he myght cause her to be caryed awaye of the flood 16 But the earth holpe the woman and the earth opened her mouth and swalowed vp the flood whiche the dragon had cast out of his mouth 17 Then the dragon was wroth with the woman and wente and made warre wyth the remnant of her sede whiche kepe the commandements of God and haue the testimonie of Iesus Christ. 18 And I stode on the sea sand CHAP. XIII 1.8 The beast deceiueth the reprobate 2. 4. 12. And is confirmeth by another 17 The priuiledge of the beastes marke 1 ANd I sawe a beast rise out of the sea hauing seuen heads and ten hornes and vpon his hornes were ten crownes and vppon his heades the name of blasphemie 2 And the beast which I sawe was lyke a leoparde and hys fete lyke a beares and hys mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gaue him his power and his throne and great autoritie 3 And I sawe one of hys heades as it were wounded to death but his deadlie wounde was healed and al the worlde wondred and followed the beast 4 And they worshipped the dragon which gaue power vnto the beast and they worship ped the beast sayinge Who is lyke vnto the beast who is able to warre with 〈◊〉 5 And there was giuen vnto hym a 〈◊〉 that spake greate thynges and blasphemies and power was giuen vnto hym to do two and fortie moneths 6 And he opened his mouth vnto blasphemie against God to blaspheme his Name ādhis tabernacle and them that dwel in heauen 7 And it was giuen vnto hym to make warre wyth the Saintes and to ouercomethem and power was giuen him ouer euerie kinred and tongue and nation 8 Therefore all that d well vpon the earth shal worship hym whose names are not * writen in the Boke of life of the Lambe whiche was slaine frō the beginning of the worlde 9 If anie man haue an eare let him heare 10 If anie lead into captiuitie he shal go into captiuitie ifanie kill with a sworde he must be killed by a sworde here is the pacience and the faith of the Saintes 11 And I behelde another beast commyng vp out of the earth whiche had two hornes like the Lābe but he spake like the dragō 12 And he did all that the first beast colde do before him and he caused the earth ād them whiche dwel therein to worship the firste beast whose deadlie wounde was healed 13 And he did great wonders so that he made fyre to come down frō heauen on the earth in the sightof men 14 And deceiued them that dwel on the earth by the signes which were permitted to him to do in the sight of the beast saying to thē that dwel on the earth that they shuld make the image of the beaste whiche had the wounde of a sworde and did liue 15 And it was permitted to him to giue 〈◊〉 spirit vnto the image of the beast so that the image of the beaste shulde speake and shulde cause that as manie as wolde not worshyp the image of the beast shulde be killed 16 And he made al bothe small and great riche and poore fre ād bonde 〈◊〉 receiue a marke in their right hand or in their forheads 17 And that no man might bye or sell saue he that had the marke or the name of the beast or the nomber of his name 18 Heare is wi dome Let hym that hathe wit count the nomber of the beaste for it is the nomber of a man and his nomber is six hun dreth threscore and six CHAP. XIIII 1 The notable companie of the Lābe 6 One Angel annoū 〈◊〉 the Gospel 8 Another the fal of Babylon 9 And the 〈◊〉 warneth to flee from the beast 13 Of their blessed nes which dye in the Lord. 18 Of the Lords haruest 1 THen Iloked and lo a
powred out his vial vpon the throne of the beast and his kingdome waxed darke and they gne we their tongues for sorowe 11 And blasphemed the GOD of heauen for their paines and for their sores and repented not of their workes 12 And the sixt Angel powred out his viall vpō the great riuer Euphrates and the water thereof dryed vp that the way of the Kings of the East shulde be prepared 13 And I sawe thre vncleane spirits like frog ges come out of the mouth of the dragon out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet 14 For they are the spirits of deuils working miracles to go vnto the Kyngs of the earth and of the whole worlde to gather them to the battell of that greate day of GOD Almightie 15 * Beholde I come as a 〈◊〉 Blessed is he that watcheth and kepeth his garmēts lest he walke naked and men se his filthines 16 And they gathered them together into a place called in Hebrue Arma-gedon 17 ¶ And the seuenth Aungel powred out his vial into the ayre there came a loude voyce out of the Temple of heauen from the throne saying It is done 18 And there were voyces and thundrings lightnings there was a great earth quake suche as was not since men were vppon the earth euen so mightie an earthquake 19 And the greate citie was diuided into thre partes and the cities of the nacions fel and greate Babylon came in remembrance before GOD * to giue vnto her the cup of the wine of the fiercenes of his wrath 20 And euerie ydle fled away and the mountaines were not founde 21 And there fell a great haile like talents out of heauen vppon the men and men blasphemed GOD because of the plague of the haile for the plague thereof was excedyng great CHAP. XVII 3 The description of the great whore 8 Her sinnes and punishment 14 The victorie of the Lambe 1 THen there came one of the seuen Angel whiche had the seuen viales and talked with me saying vnto me Come I will shewe thee the danation of the great whore that sitteth vpon many waters 2 With whome haue committed fornication the Kings of the earth and the inhabitants of the earth are drunken with the wine of her fornication 3 So he caried me away into the wildernes in the Spirit and I sawe a woman sit vpō askarlat coloured beast full of names of blasphemie which had seuē heads tē hornes 4 And the woman was araied in purple and skarlat and guilded with golde ād precious stones and pearles and had a cup of golde in her hand ful of abominations and filthines of her fornication 5 And in her forhead was a name written A Mysterie great Babylong the mother of whoredomes and abomination of the earth 6 And I sawe the woman drunken with the blood of Saintes and with the blood of the Martyrs of Iesus and when I sawe her I won dred with great marueile 7 Then the Aungell said vnto me Wherefore marueilest thou I will shewe thee the mysterie of the woman and of the beast that beareth her whiche hathe seuen heads and ten hornes 8 The beast that thou hast sene was and is not and shal ascende out of the bottomles pit and shal go into perdicion and they that dwel on the earth shal wōdre whose names are not writen in the Boke of life from the fundacion of the worlde whē they beholde the beast that was and is not and yet is 9 Here is the minde that hathe wisdome The seuen heads are seuen mountaines whereon the woman sitteth they are also seuen Kyngs 10 Fiue are fallen and one is ād another is not yet come and when he cometh he must con tinue a shortspace 11 And the beast that was and is not is 〈◊〉 the eight and is one of the seuen and shall go into destruction 12 And the ten hornes which thou sawest are ten Kings whiche yet haue not receyued a kingdome but shall receiue power as Kings at one houre with the beast 13 These haue one minde and shal giue their power and autoritie vnto the beast 14 These shall fight with the Lambe and the Lambe shal ouercome them * for he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and they that are on his side called and chosen and faithfull 15 And he said vnto me The waters whiche thou sawest where the whore sitteth are people multitudes nations and tōgues 16 And the ten hornes whiche thou sawest vpon the beast are they that shall hate the whore and shal make her desolate naked and shal eat her flesh burne her with fyre 17 For God hathe put in their hearts to fulfill his will and to do with one consent for to giue their kingdome vnto the beast vntill the wordes of God be fulfilled 18 And the woman whiche thou sawest is the great citie whiche reigneth ouer the Kings of the earth CHAP. XVIII 3. 9. The louers of the worlde are sorie for the fall of the whore of Babylon 4 An admonition to the people of God to 〈◊〉 out of her dominion 20 But they that be of God haue cause to reioyce for her destruction 1 ANd after these things I sawe another Aungell come downe from heauen hauing great power so that the earth was lightened with his glorie 2 And he cryed out mightely with a loude voyce saying * It is fallen it is fallen Babylon the great citie and is become the habitation of deuils and the holde of all fowle spirits and a cage of euerie vncleane hatefull byrde 3 For all nations haue dronken of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the Kyngs of the earth haue committed fornication with her and the marchants of the 〈◊〉 are waxed riche of the abundance of her pleasures 4 And I heard another voyce from heauen say Go out of her my people that ye be not partakers in her sinnes and that ye receiue not of her plagues 5 For her sinnes are come vp vnto heauen God hathe remembred her iniquities 6 Rewarde her euen as she hathe rewarded you and giue her double accordyng to her workes and in the cup that she hath filled to you filher the double 7 In asmuche as she glorified her self and liued in pleasure so muche giue ye to her torment and sorowe for she saith in her heart * I sit being a quene and am no widowe shall se no mourning 8 Therefore shall her plagues come at one day death and sorowe and famine she shal be burnt with fyre for strong is the Lorde God whiche wil condemne her 9 And the Kings of the earth shal be waile her and lament for her whiche haue committed
23 31. infirmities come vpon vs for our sinnes Ioh. 5. 14 the leuites Inheritance Deut. 10. 9 euerie one shal beare his owne Iniquitie Deut. 24. 16 iniuries ought to be forgotten leu 19. 18 innocent as concerning euil wisevnto that which is good Rom. 16. 19 none is Innocent before god exod 34 7 thre things are Insatiable Prouer. 30. 15. wicked Inuentions Deut. 28. 20 Christ is our Intercessour Rom. 8. 34 Ioab and his doings 2. Sam. 2. 13. 11. 14 19. 1. King 21. 5 ioashpreserued through the helpe of his aunt iehosheba 2. King 11. 2 ioash the father of gideon Iud g. 6. 29 ioash the sonne of ahaziah and Iehoash the sonne of iehoahaz 2. King 11. and 14. Iob an example of pacience Iam. 5. 11. iochebed the wise of amram Exod. 6. 20 iohanan Iere. 40. 41 42 43 iohn baptist exhorteth to repentance Mat. 3. 2. Iohn baptist is buryed Mat. 14. 12 iohn marke the minister of paul and bar nabas Act. 12. 25. ionathan a gouernour of the iewes 1. Mac. 9 11 12. ionath an the sonne of saul his doings 1. Sam. 14 18 19 20 31 ioseph and his doings from the 30. of Gene. vnto the. 50 ioseph of arimathea Mat. 27. 57 ioses called barnabas Act. 4. 36. the good king Iosiah his doings 1. King 13. 2. 2. King 21. 24. 22. 1 ioshua and his doings Exod. 24. 13. 32. 17. Nomb. 11 28 13 14. Deut. 1. 38. and throughout his whole boke Iothan the sonne of Ierubbaal Iudges 9. 5. the iourne is of the children of Israel Nomb. 33 ¶ Iphtah and his doings Iudg. 11. and 12 ¶ Isaiah the prophet 2. King 19. 20. 20 his visions 1 2. 6. Ishai dauids father ruth 4. 22. 1. Sam. 16. 11. ish-bosheth and his doings 2. Sam. 2. 3. 4. ishmael and his life Gen. 16 and 17 21. 25. why iaak ob was called israel Gene. 32. 28 true Israelites who rom 9. 6. carnal Israel described hose 9. 7 israel sinned not of ignorance Rom. 10. 19. ¶ Iubal the inuentour of the harpe Gen. 4. 21 the Iubile leuit 25. 10 the rest of Iudah led away to babel 2. King 25. 11 iudah leahs sonne Gen. 29. 35 of Iudasmaccabeus read the bokes of maccabies iudas that betrayed Christ. Ioh. 18. 2 his repentance Mat. 27. 3. he slewe him self and brast in the middes Act. 1. 18 the general Iudgement Isa. 2. 19 and 26. 11. the signes that shal come before it Math. 24. 29 Iudgement for affliction 1. pet 4. 17 iudgement beginneth at the house of God 1. Pet. 4. 17 Gods Iudgements are a great deapth Psal. 36. 6 the office of a Iudge Exod. 23. 6 Speake not euil of Iudges Exod. 22. 28 What maner of men ought to be Iudges Exod. 18. 21. 23. 2 Iudge not another Mat. 7. 1. 12. 7 the Iudge of all the worlde Gen. 18. 25 a Iudge ought not to haue anie respect of persones Leuit. 19. 15 iudges are called gods Exod. 22. 8 Psal. 82. 6. the Iudges gaue sentence according to moseslaw Deut. 17. 11 iustified by faith Rom. 5. 1. not by workes Gal. 3. 10 We are Iustified or condemned by our wordes Mat. 12. 37 iustified what it signifieth Tit. 3. 4. actes 13. 38 ¶ Izhak the sonne of Abraham and his doings Gen. 21. vnto the. 28 K NAtiuitie of Kain and his doings Ge. 4. 1. 2. 1. Ioh. 3. 12. ¶ Keilah a citie deliuered by dauid 1. Sam. 23. 1 God Kepeth his as the apple of the eye Deut. 32. 10 keturah the wife of abraham Gen. 25. 1 the Keyes of the kingdome of heauen promised Matt. 16. 19. Are giuen by christ to his apostles Ioh. 20. 23 ¶ Man ought to kepe him frō all Kinde of euil 1. Thess. 5. 22 the rigour of a King 1. Sam. 8. 11 what is required in Kings Deu. 17. 15 what is the honour of Kings Prou. 25. 2. the Kingdome of christ eternal Isay. 9. 7 Luk. 1. 33 the Kingdome of heauen suffreth violence Mat. 11. 12 the Kingdome within vs. Luk. 17. 21 kiriath-arba a citie called also hebron Iosh. 14. 15 kiriath sepher a citie called also debir Iosh. 15. 15 paul Kissed of the faithful Act. 20. 37. the holie Kisse of Christians Rom. 16. 16 2. Corin. 13. 12 ¶ God hathe not cast away his people which he Knewe before Rom. 11. 2 Whome God Knewe before thē he ordeined to be like facioned vnto the image of his sonne Rom. 8. 29 to Knowe god and Iesus Christ whome he hathe sent is life eternal Ioh. 17. 3. the Knowledge of saluation Luk. 1. 77 ¶ Kohath and his sonnes Exode 5. 18. Iosh. 21. 5 korah for his rebellion is striken of god Nomb. 16 the red Know Nomb. 19. L LAban the brother of rebekah his doings Gen. 24. 29 the Laborers are few Mat. 9. 37 man appointed to labour Gen. 3. 19. he that doeth not Labour ought not to eat 2. Thess. 3. 10 we ought to liue by our Labours Prou. 5. 15. We ought to Labour with our hands 1. Thess. 4. 11 the Ladder that iaak ob sawe in his drea me Gen. 28. 12 Christ calleth to him thē that are Laden Mat. 11. 28 the pascal Lambe Exod. 12. 3 Iesus the Lambe of God Iohn 1. 29 Lamech and his two wiues Gen. 4. 19. 5. 26 the Lame from his mothers wombe is healed Actes 3. 7 the Last shal be the first Mat. 19. 30. wo to them that Laugh and why Luk. 6. 25 the Law ayoke Act. 15. 10 the end of the Law Christ. Rom. 10. 4 by the Law cometh knowledge of sinne Rom. 3. 20 the Law giuen to the lawles 1. Ti. 1. 9. the Law is giuen vnto the people Exod. 20. Deut. 5 the Law not giuen for the iuste Galat. 5. 18. the Law our schole master to bring vs to christ gal 3. 24 before the Law sinne was not counted sinne rom 5. 13 the Law writen in the heart of the faithful Ebr. 8. 10. Lazarus raised vp Ioh. 11 12. Lazarus sicke Ioh. 11. 4 ¶ Lea conceiueth Gen. 29. 32 the Leaper healed by faith mat 8. 2. the ten Leapers healed Luk. 17. 12. the iudging of Leprosies Deut. 24. 8. Leuit. 13. 14. the Law of Lending Exod. 22. 14. lend to the nedie Deut. 15. 8. Mat. 5. 42. the Letter killeth and the spirit giueth life 2. Cor. 3. 6 purge the olde Leuaine 1. Cor. 5. 7 leuaine for wicked doctrine Mat. 16. 6 Leuites elected to the ministerie Nomb 3. 45. Leuithe sonne of iaakob Gene. 29. 34. he slayeth the sichimites Ge. 34. 25 ¶ Paul vseth not his Libertie 1. Cor. 9. 4. libertie giueth not occasion to the flesh Gal. 5. 13. the Libertie of the spirit 2. Cor. 3. 17. the breuitie of mans Life Psalm 90. Iob. 7. to finde his Life and to lose it Mat. 10. 39 our Life Christ. Ioh. 14. 6. Colos. 3. 4
deliuer ance is his onelie fa uour and loue to vs. q Dauid was 〈◊〉 of his 〈◊〉 cause good be 〈◊〉 toward Saul and his enemies and therefore was assued of Gods 〈◊〉 and deliuerance r For all his dangers he exercised him self in the Law of God s I nether gaue place to their wicked 〈◊〉 nor to mine owne affections t Here he speaketh of God according to our cap 〈◊〉 who sheweth mercie to his and 〈◊〉 hech the wicked as is said also Leuit. 26. 21. u when their sinne is come to the ful measure x He attributeth it to God 〈◊〉 he bothe gate the victorie in the field also destroyed the cities of his enemies y Be the dangers neuer so manie orgreat yet Gods promes must take effect z He giueth good successe to all 〈◊〉 enterprises a A 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 which he toke 〈◊〉 of the hand of Gods ene mies “ Or steele b To defend me from dangers c He 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 continuance and increase in wel doing onely to Gods 〈◊〉 d 〈◊〉 declareth that he did nothing besides his vocation but was stirred vp by Gods Spirit to execute his iudge ments c Thou hast giuē them into mine hāds to be 〈◊〉 f Thei that reiect the crye of the afflicted Godwil also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 when thei 〈◊〉 for helpe for ether 〈◊〉 or feare cause those hypocrites to 〈◊〉 g which dwel round about me h The kingdome of Christ is in Da uids Kingdome prefigured who by the preaching of his worde brīgeth all to his sub iection i 〈◊〉 Ive signifying a subicction constrained and not voluntarie k Feare shal cause them to be afraied and come 〈◊〉 of their secret holes and holdes to 〈◊〉 pardon l That is Saul who of malice persecuted him m This propherie 〈◊〉 to the kingdome of Christ and vocatiō of the 〈◊〉 as Rom. 15. 9 n This did not properly apperteine to Salomon but to Iesus Christ. a He 〈◊〉 vnto man his ingratitude seing the heauēs which are dumme creatures set forthe Gods glorie b The continuall successe of the daye the night is sufficient to de clare Gods power goodnes c The heauens are a 〈◊〉 master to al nations be they neuer so barbarous d The heauens are as a line of great capital letters to shewe vnto vs Gods glo rie e Or vaile The maner Was that the bride and bri degrome shuld 〈◊〉 vnder a vaile together after come 〈◊〉 With great solem nitie and reioycing of the assem blie f Thogh the crea 〈◊〉 can not ser ue yet this ought 〈◊〉 be 〈◊〉 to lead vs vnto him g So that all 〈◊〉 inuentions and intentions are 〈◊〉 h Euerie one Without 〈◊〉 i Except Gods Worde be estemed aboue all 〈◊〉 things it is contemned k For God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 indeuour thogh it be 〈◊〉 vnpersite l Then there is no rewarde of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of Gra ce for Where sinne is there death is the rewarde m Which are done purposly and of malice n If 〈◊〉 suppresse my Wicked 〈◊〉 by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Spirit o That I may obey thee in thoght Worde and dede a Hereby Kings are also admonished to call to God in their 〈◊〉 res b The 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 grace of God c In token that thei are acceptable 〈◊〉 him d 〈◊〉 to the King in Whose Wealth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 standeth e The 〈◊〉 fee leth that God hathe heard their pe tition f As by the visible Sanctuarie Gods 〈◊〉 appeared toward his people 〈◊〉 by the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is ment his power and maiestie g The 〈◊〉 that put not their onely trust in God h Let the King be able to 〈◊〉 vs by thy 〈◊〉 When We seke 〈◊〉 him for 〈◊〉 a When he shal ouercome his ene mies and so be assured of his vocation b Thou 〈◊〉 thy liberal fauour toward him befo re 〈◊〉 praied c Dauid did not onely 〈◊〉 life but also assurance that his po steritie shulde reigne for euer d Thou hast made him thy blessings to others and a perpetual example of thy fauour for euer e Here he describeth the power of Christs kingdome 〈◊〉 the enemies thereof f This teacheth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 en dure the 〈◊〉 til God destroye the 〈◊〉 g Thei layed as 〈◊〉 their nets to make Gods po Wer to giue place to their Wicked 〈◊〉 h As a marke to shote at i Mainteine thy Church against thine aduersaries that We may ha ue ample occasiō to praise thy Name “ Or the hinde of the morning and this Was the name of some commune song a Here appeareth that hor ible con flict Which he su steined betwene faith and desperation b Being tormented With extreme 〈◊〉 “ Or I cease me c He meaneth the place of praising euen the Ta bernacle or els 〈◊〉 is so called becau se he gaue the people cōtinually occasion to praise him d And seming moste miserable of all creatures Which Was ment of Christ And he rein appeareth the vnspeak ble loue of God toWard men that he Wolde thus abase 〈◊〉 Sonne for our sakes ” 〈◊〉 vpon God e Euen from my birth thou hast giuen me 〈◊〉 to trustin thee f For 〈◊〉 Gods prouidēce preserue the infants they shuld perish a thousand times in the mothers Wombe Matt. 27 43. g He meaneth that his enemies Were so far proude 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they Were rather beastes then men h Before hespake of the 〈◊〉 of his enemies and nowhe 〈◊〉 the inwarde griefs of the 〈◊〉 so that Christ Was tormented bothe in soule and bodie i Thou hast suffred me to be Without all hope of 〈◊〉 k Thus Dauid cō plaineth as 〈◊〉 he Were 〈◊〉 by his 〈◊〉 bothe hands and fete but this Was accomplished in Christ. l My life that is 〈◊〉 left alone for saken of all Psal. 35. 17 〈◊〉 16. m Christ is 〈◊〉 With amore 〈◊〉 deliuerā ce by 〈◊〉 death then if he had not tasted death at all n He promiseth to exhorte the Church that they by his example might praise the Lord. o The poore affli cted are comforted by this exam ple of Dauid or Christ. 〈◊〉 2 12. p Which Were sa 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 Which they 〈◊〉 by Gods commande ment when they Were deliuered out of any great danger q He doethallude stil to the sacrifice r Thogh the 〈◊〉 be 〈◊〉 as ver 26 yet the 〈◊〉 are not separated 〈◊〉 the grace of Christs kingdome s In Whome there is no hope that he shal recouer life so nether poore nor riche quicke not dead shal be 〈◊〉 from his kingdome t Meaning the 〈◊〉 Which the Lord kepeth as a sede to the Church to continue his praise among men u That is God hathe fulfilled his promes Isa 40. 11. Iere. 23. 5. a He hathe care ouer me and n 〈◊〉 vnto me all things Ezek. 14. 23. 〈◊〉 10. 11. 1. Pet. 2. 〈◊〉 b He 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 me c Plaine or 〈◊〉 Waies d Thogh 〈◊〉 Were in 〈◊〉 of death as the
it p Bothe the Iewes and 〈◊〉 shal be gathered into 〈◊〉 q All the worlde shal know that I haue 〈◊〉 dow ne the 〈◊〉 enemies and set vp my Church which was lowe and 〈◊〉 a The people 〈◊〉 at the 〈◊〉 of the Lord and therefore vsed this pro 〈◊〉 meaning that their fathers had sinned and their 〈◊〉 were 〈◊〉 for their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 31 〈◊〉 b I she 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 of the flesh 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bene 〈◊〉 vp to idoles to 〈◊〉 thē thereby ” Ebr. come 〈◊〉 Leui. 20 18. Isa 58 7. Matt. 25 35. Exod. 22. 〈◊〉 Leu. 25. 37. Deut. 23. 〈◊〉 Psal. 15. 〈◊〉 “ Or a 〈◊〉 man c He 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the sonne is puni shed for his fathers 〈◊〉 that is 〈◊〉 he be wicked as his father was and 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 pent he shal be pu nished as 〈◊〉 father was or 〈◊〉 not Deu. 24 16. 2. King 4 6. 2. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 4. d He 〈◊〉 the obseruation of the commandements with 〈◊〉 for none cā repent in dede except he 〈◊〉 to kepe 〈◊〉 Law “ Or not layed 〈◊〉 his charge e That is in the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which declare that God doeth 〈◊〉 him f He speake 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rather is 〈◊〉 to pardon thē to pu 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his long 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God in his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 appointed the death and damnation of the 〈◊〉 yet the end of his counsel was not their 〈◊〉 only 〈◊〉 chiefly his owne glorie And also because de 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 sinne therfore it is here said that he wolde 〈◊〉 them to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from it 〈◊〉 thei 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 “ Or 〈◊〉 that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and liue g That is the 〈◊〉 opinion that the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ha ue of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 h In punishing the father with the children i He 〈◊〉 that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 til 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is onely the worke of 〈◊〉 a That is 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 who for their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are compared vn to 〈◊〉 b To 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 King of Egypt 2. King 21. 33. d Which 〈◊〉 Iehoiakim e He 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God and 〈◊〉 their 〈◊〉 f 〈◊〉 with great armie 〈◊〉 was gathered of 〈◊〉 nations g He speaketh this in the reproche of this wicked King in who se blood that is in the race of his predecessors 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shuld haue bene blessed acco ding to Gods promes and 〈◊〉 sned as a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 h Meaning that the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 them as the East winde doeth the frute of the vine i Destruction is come by 〈◊〉 who was the occasion of this 〈◊〉 a Of the captiuitie of 〈◊〉 b This 〈◊〉 the great 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 of God whiche calleth sinners to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he condemne 〈◊〉 c I sware 〈◊〉 I wolde be 〈◊〉 God which maner of the was 〈◊〉 from all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 life vp their 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 acknowledging God to 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 and the defender thereof and also the 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that he shul 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 led anie thing which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be 〈◊〉 d God had forbidden them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 23. 〈◊〉 psal 〈◊〉 e 〈◊〉 thing de 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gods 〈◊〉 by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 senses f God had euer this respect to his glorie that he 〈◊〉 not haue his Name 〈◊〉 spoken of among the Gentiles for the 〈◊〉 that his people 〈◊〉 inconfidence whereof the 〈◊〉 euer 〈◊〉 as Exod. 〈◊〉 12. Nomb. 14. 13. Leui 18. 6. Nomb. 10 〈◊〉 Galat 3. 12. Exod. 20. 8. and 31. 〈◊〉 Deut. 5. 〈◊〉 Nomb. 14. 〈◊〉 and 26. 〈◊〉 g Who might thereby take an occasion to blaspheme my Name and 〈◊〉 accuse me of lacke of abilitie or els that I had soght a meanes to destroy them more commodiousty h That 〈◊〉 my true religion which I had commāded them and gaue them 〈◊〉 to serue me accor ding to their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i Whereby the holy Gost confuteth them that saie that thei wil follow the religion and example of their fathers and not measure their doings by Gods worde whether their be approua ble thereby or no. k Meaning that thei set their delite vpon them l Because thei 〈◊〉 not obei my Lawes I gaue them vp to 〈◊〉 selues that 〈◊〉 shulde obey their owne 〈◊〉 as ver 39. Rom. 1. 21. m I condemned those things and counted them as abominable which they thoght had bene excellent and to haue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 zeale Luk. 16. 15. for that which God required as moste excellent that gaue they to their idoles n 〈◊〉 onely in the wildernes when I broght 〈◊〉 out of Egypt but 〈◊〉 I placed them in 〈◊〉 land 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 how prompt más 〈◊〉 is to idolatrie seing that by no admonitions he can be drawē backe o Which 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 place 〈◊〉 that they vanted them s lues of their ido 〈◊〉 and were not ashamed 〈◊〉 thogh God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 expressely that they shuld haue no 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vp on 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 staires 〈◊〉 20. 26. ” Ebr. in the 〈◊〉 p He sheweth 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of his 〈◊〉 q He 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 man of 〈◊〉 is wholy 〈◊〉 God and to his owne saluation and therefore God cal 〈◊〉 him to the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by 〈◊〉 but chiefly by his 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 kednes r I wil 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 na 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 into a 〈◊〉 and there wil visit you and so call you 〈◊〉 and thē bring the god 〈◊〉 home agai ne Isa. 65. 9. s Signifying that he wil not 〈◊〉 the corne with the chaffe but chuse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wicked to punish them when he wil spare his t This is spoken to the hypocrites u You 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shal conuict you 〈◊〉 that you haue felt my mercies x For 〈◊〉 sto de South from Babylon y Bothe 〈◊〉 and weake in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 z The people said 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 spake 〈◊〉 therefore he desireth the Lord to giue thē a plaine 〈◊〉 hereof a Speake sensibly that all may vnderstand b That is suche which seme to haue an outward shew of righteousnes by obseruation of the ceremonies of the Law c Meaning through all the land d As thogh thou were in 〈◊〉 anguish e Because of the great 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 of the Caldeans f And so cause a feare g Meaning the sceptre she wing that it wil not spare the King who shulde be as the sonne of God and in his place h That is the rest of the people i To Wit vnto the armie of the Caldeans k Read 〈◊〉 31. 19 l 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with compas sion thus complaineth fearing the destruction of the kingdome which God had confirmed to Da 〈◊〉 and his 〈◊〉 ritie by promes 〈◊〉 promes God performed althogh here it se meth to mās eye that it shulde
the nature of none was able to expresse it m Signifying the 〈◊〉 griedinnes of the Romains n That whi che the Romains colde quietly 〈◊〉 in other coūereis thei wolde giue it to other Kings and rulers that at all times when thei wolde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it againe which liberalitie is 〈◊〉 called the stamping of the rest vnder the 〈◊〉 o That is 〈◊〉 and diuers prouin ces which were go 〈◊〉 by the 〈◊〉 and procon 〈◊〉 whereof euerie one might be 〈◊〉 to a King p VVhich is ment of Iulius 〈◊〉 Au gustus 〈◊〉 Ca ligula 〈◊〉 Nero c who we re as Kings in 〈◊〉 but because 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not rule but by the consent of the Sena their power is cōpared to a litle horne For 〈◊〉 came not of the Romaine empire and the Pope hathe no vocation of gouer 〈◊〉 therefore this can not be applied vnto thē and also in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Prophets purpose is chiefly to 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 vnto the 〈◊〉 of Christ. Some 〈◊〉 it for the whole bodie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 christ q Meaning 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ne portion of the ten hornes that 〈◊〉 a parte 〈◊〉 in the whole estate was 〈◊〉 a waie For Augustus 〈◊〉 frō the Senat the liber 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 the deputes 〈◊〉 send 〈◊〉 to the 〈◊〉 toke the 〈◊〉 of certeine 〈◊〉 to him 〈◊〉 r These Romaine Emperours at the first vsed a 〈◊〉 ne 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 and we 〈◊〉 content that 〈◊〉 ther 's as the Consuls and Senat shul de heare the name of dignitie so that thei might haue the profite and therefore in elections and counsels wolde be haue them selues according as did other 〈◊〉 yet against their enemies and those that wolde resist them 〈◊〉 were fierce and cruel which is here ment by the proud mouth s Meaning the places where God and his Angels shulde 〈◊〉 to iudge these monarchies which iudge ment shulde beginne at the first comming of Christ. t That is God which was before all times and is here described as mans 〈◊〉 is able to comprehend some portion of his glorie u That is an infinit nembre of Angels which were ready to execute his commandement x This is ment of the first comming of Christ when as the wil of God was plainely 〈◊〉 by his Gospel y Meaning that he was astonied when he sawe these Emperours in suche dignitie and pride and so suddenly destroyed at the comming of Christ when this fourth monarchie was subiect to men of other nacions z As the thre former monarchies had an end at the time that God appointed althogh thei flourished 〈◊〉 a time so shal this fourth haue and they that paciently abide Gods appointement shal inioye the promises a VVhiche is ment of Christ who had not yet taken vpon him mans nature nether was the sonne of Dauid 〈◊〉 to the flesh as he was afterwarde but appeared then in a figure and that in the cloudes that is being separate from the commune 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 men by 〈◊〉 signes of his diuinitie b To wit when he ascended into the heauens and his diuine maiestie appeared and all power was giuen vnto him in respect of that that he was our Mediator c This is ment of the beginning of Christs kingdome when God the Father gaue vnto him all dominion as to the Mediator to the intent that he shulde gouerne here his Church in earth continually til the time that he broght them to eternal life d Through the strangenes of the vision e Meaning of the Angels 〈◊〉 Ver. 10. f Because Abraham was appoin ted heire of all the World Rom. 4. 〈◊〉 and in him all the faithfull therefore the kingdome thereof is theirs by right 〈◊〉 these 〈◊〉 beasts or tyrants shuld inuade and vsurp e vntil the 〈◊〉 were restored by Christ ād this was to confirme them that were in troubles that their 〈◊〉 shulde haue an end at length g That is of the most 〈◊〉 things because God hath chosen them out of this worlde that they shulde loke vp to the heauens whereon all their hope dependeth h For the other 〈◊〉 monarchies were gouerned by a King and the Roman empire by Consuls the Romains chā ged their 〈◊〉 yerely and the other monar chies 〈◊〉 them for terme of life also the 〈◊〉 were the strongest of all the other and were neuer quiet among thē selues read ver 7 k This is mēt of the fourth beast which was more terrible then the other l Meanyng the Romaine Empe rours who were moste 〈◊〉 against the Churche of God bothe of the Iewes ād of the Gentiles m 〈◊〉 God shewed his power in the persone of Christ and by the preaching of the Gospel gaue vnto his some rest and so 〈◊〉 a famous name in the worlde and were called the Church of God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 kingdome of God n Read the exposition hereof ver 8. o That is shal make wicked 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 againste Gods word and send through out al their 〈◊〉 to destroy all that did professe it p These Emperours shal not consider that they haue their power of God but thinke it is in their owne power to change Gods lawes and 〈◊〉 and as it were the order of nature as appeareth by Octaui us 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c q God shal 〈◊〉 them thus to rage against his Saincts for a long time which is ment by the time and times but at length he wil a 〈◊〉 these troubles ād 〈◊〉 the times for his elects sake Mat. 24. 22. which is here mēt by the diuiding of time r God by his power shal 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thinge that were out of order and so destroy this litle horne that it shal neuer rise vp againe s He sheweth wherefore the beast shulde be destroied to wit that his Church might haue rest and quietnes which thogh they do not fully inioye here yet they haue it in hope and by the preaching of the Gospel enioye the beginning thereof which is ment by these 〈◊〉 vnder the heauē and therfore he here speaketh of the beginning of Christs kingdome in this world which kingdome the faithful haue by the participation that they haue with Christ their head t That is some of euerie sorte that 〈◊〉 rule u Thoght he had manie motions in his heart which 〈◊〉 him to and 〈◊〉 to seke out this matter 〈◊〉 yet he was content with 〈◊〉 which God 〈◊〉 and kept it in memorie and wrote it for the vse of the Church a After the general vision 〈◊〉 come 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 particular 〈◊〉 as touching the destruction of the monarchie of the 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 was at hand and also he had 〈◊〉 spoken therof b That is of Persia c VVhich represē ted 〈◊〉 kingdom of the 〈◊〉 and Medes whiche were ioyned together e That is no kigs 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 d Meanyng 〈◊〉 whiche 〈◊〉 grewe greater in power then 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vncle 〈◊〉 father in Lawe f Meaning 〈◊〉 that came frō Grecia 〈◊〉 great spede and expedition g Thogh
To 〈◊〉 the lands 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ludeth to the 〈◊〉 of the enemies b After the 〈◊〉 commandement for mowing 〈◊〉 giuen 〈◊〉 as some read When the Kings shepe were shorne c That is staied this 〈◊〉 at 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 d 〈◊〉 that Gods 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of this people e Signifying that this 〈◊〉 be the last measuring of the people and that he wolde de ferre his iudgements no lorger f That is When A mos had prophecied 〈◊〉 the King shulde be destroyed for this wicked Priest mo re for 〈◊〉 he bare to the Prophet 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 toward the King thoght this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to condemnebim wheir as none other colde take 〈◊〉 g w on this instrument of 〈◊〉 was not able to 〈◊〉 his put pose by the King he assayed by ano ther practise that was to feare the Prophet that he might departe not reproue their idolatrie there openly and so hinder his profite h Thus he sheweth by his extra ordinarievocatiō that God had giuen him a charge which he must ne des execute i Thus God vsed to approue the 〈◊〉 of his Prophetes by his 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 against them which were malicious enemies 〈◊〉 28. 12. 29 21 25 as this day he doeth against them that 〈◊〉 the ministers of his Gospel a Which signified the ripenes of their sinnes the readines of Gods 〈◊〉 b There shal be noneleft tomour ne for them c By 〈◊〉 the sale 〈◊〉 fode and necessarie things which you haue gotten into your owne 〈◊〉 and so cause thee poo re to spend quickely that 〈◊〉 le that they haue at length for 〈◊〉 to be come your 〈◊〉 d When the dearth was once come thei were so griedy of gaine that thei thoght the holy day to be an hinderance vnto thē e That is the measure 〈◊〉 the price great f That is the inhabitants of the land shal be drowned as Nilus drowneth 〈◊〉 when it ouer 〈◊〉 g In the middes of their prosperitie I wil send great affliction h Whereby he sheweth that 〈◊〉 shal not one ly perish in 〈◊〉 but also in 〈◊〉 for lacke of Gods worde which is the fode thereof i For the idolaters did vse to sweare by their idoles which here he calleth their sinne as the papi 〈◊〉 yet do by theits k That is the cōmune maner of worshiping and the seruice or religion 〈◊〉 vsed a Which was at Ierusalém for he appeared not in the 〈◊〉 pla ces of Israél b Bothe the chief of them and also the commune people c He sheweth that God wil declare him selfe enemie vnto thē in all places and that his 〈◊〉 and all 〈◊〉 shal be 〈◊〉 to destroy them d He declareth by the wonderful power of God by the making of the heauens and the elements that it is not possible for man to escape his iudgements when he punisheth e Am I more bounde to you then to the Ethio pians or 〈◊〉 yet haue I bestowed vpon you greater benefites f Read 〈◊〉 47 4 g Thogh he 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 multitude yet he wil euer rescrue the remnant his Church to call vpon his Name h Meaning that none of his shulde perish in his wrath i I wil send the 〈◊〉 promised and restore by him the spiritual Israél Act. 5. 16. k Meaning that the very enemies as were the 〈◊〉 and others shulde be ioyned with the Iewes in one societie 〈◊〉 whereof Christ shulde be the head l Signifying that there shal be great plenty of all thīgs so that when one kinde of frute is ripe another shul de followe eue rie one in course Leu 26 5. m Read Ioél 3 18. n The accomplishement hereof is vnder Christ 〈◊〉 they 〈◊〉 planted in his Church our of the 〈◊〉 they can neuer be pul led after 〈◊〉 are once graffed therein a God hathe certeinly reueiled to his Prophetes that he wil raise vp the heathē to destroy the 〈◊〉 whereof the rumour is now punished Ierem. 49. 14. b Thus theheathē incourage them selues to rise against Edom. c Which despisest all others in respect of thy self yet art 〈◊〉 anhād ful in comparisō of others and art shut vp amōg the hilles as separate from the rest of the worlde d God wil so de stroy them that he wil leaue none thogh theues whē they come take but til they haue ynough and they that gather grapes euer leaue so me behinde them 〈◊〉 49 9. e They inwhom thou didest trust for to haue helpe and friendship of thē shal be thine enemies and destrov thee f That is thy familiar frinde and ghesles haue bv secretpractises de 〈◊〉 thee g He sheweth the cause why the 〈◊〉 were so sharpely punished to wit because they were enemies to his Church whome now he comforteth bv punishing their enemies h When Nebus chad = nezzár came against Ierusalem thou ioynedst with him hadest part of the spoile and so didest reioyce whē my people that is thy brother were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as thou 〈◊〉 haue 〈◊〉 and holpen thy brother i When the Lord 〈◊〉 them of their former dignitie and gaue them to be caryed into captiuitie k When he wit sommon all the 〈◊〉 and send them to destroy thee l That is reioyced triumphed m The 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 shal be vtterly de stroyed and yet in despite of all the enemies I wil reserue my Church and 〈◊〉 re it n God 〈◊〉 this power to consume 〈◊〉 enemies to his Church 〈◊〉 power is only is properto him self as Isa. 10 17. 〈◊〉 4. 24. 〈◊〉 12. 28. o He 〈◊〉 how 〈◊〉 Church shal be inlarged and haue great possesions but this chiefly is accomplished vnder Christ 〈◊〉 as the 〈◊〉 are made heires and lords of allthings by him which is their head p By the Canaani tes the Iewes meane the Dutche men and by zarepháth France and by Sepharád Spaine q Meaning that God wil raise vp in his Church suche as shal role gouerne for the defence of the same destruction of his enemies vn der Messiáh who me the Prophet calleth here the Lord head of this kingdome a After that he had preached a long time in Israél and so Ezekiél after that for a time he had prophecied in Iu da he had visions in Babylon Ezek. 1. 1. b For seing the great obstination of the Israelites he sent his Prophet to the Genti les that they might prouoke thē to repētance or at least make thē inexcusable for Nineuéh was the chief citie of the Assyrians c For as autors Write it 〈◊〉 in circuit about eight and 〈◊〉 mile and had a thousand fyue hundreth 〈◊〉 and at this time there were an 〈◊〉 twentie thousand children therein Chap. 4. 11. d Whereby he declared his wea kenes thatwolde not 〈◊〉 follow the Lords calling but gaue place to his owne reason which persuaded him that he shulde no thing at al profite there seing he had doneso smale good among
they were enemies k That is 〈◊〉 substance and liuing which is Gods 〈◊〉 as it were 〈◊〉 of his glorie l Ierusalém shall not be 〈◊〉 sauegarde but the 〈◊〉 of your 〈◊〉 uction m That is snewe him selfe to be a prophet n He shewe h what 〈◊〉 they delite in that is in flatterers whiche tel thē pleasant tales and seapke of their commodities o To destroye thee p The ennemie shal breake their gates and walles and lead them into Caldea q To driue them forwarde and to helpe their enemies a That thing whiche is iuste lawful both to gouerne my people aright and also to discharge your owne conscience b The Prophet cōdemneth the wicked gouerners not onely of couerousnes theft and 〈◊〉 ther but cōpareth them to wolues lyons and moste 〈◊〉 beasts c That is when I shall visite theyr wickednes for thogh I heare the 〈◊〉 before they crie Isa. 65 24. yet I will not heare these thogh they 〈◊〉 Isa. 〈◊〉 15. I am 2. 13. 1. Pet. 3 〈◊〉 d They deuoure all their substance and then flatter them promising that all shall go welt but if one resltaine from their bellies then they 〈◊〉 all wayes to mischief e As you haue loued to walke in darkenes to pro phecielies so God shal rewarde you with grosse blindnes and ignorāce so that when all others shall se the bright beames of Gods graces 〈◊〉 shal as blinde mē grope as in the night f VVhen God shal discouer thē to the worlde they shal be 〈◊〉 to speak for all shal knowe that thei were but false prophetes did bely the word of God g The Prophet being 〈◊〉 of his vocatiō by the Spirit of God serteth him self alone against all the 〈◊〉 ked 〈◊〉 how God bothe gaue him gifces habilitie and knowledge to discetne betwene good and euill and also constancie to reproue the sinnes of the people and not to flatter them h They buylde them houses by 〈◊〉 Whiche he calleth blood and iniquitie i They will say that they are the people of God and abuse his Name as a pretence to cloke they 〈◊〉 k Read Ieremiah 16. 18. Chap. IIII. a VVhen Christ shal come and the Temple shal be de stroyed b Read Isa. 2. 2. c He shew eth that thereis no 〈◊〉 Church but where as the people are taught 〈◊〉 Goddes pure worde d By his 〈◊〉 and threatning she wil 〈◊〉 the people into subiection whiche are in the vtmost corners of the worlde e They shal 〈◊〉 from all cuyll doing and exercise them selues in godsines and in well doing to others f Read Isa. 9. 4. g He 〈◊〉 that the people of God ought to remaine constant in theyr religion albeit all the worlde shulde giue them selues to their 〈◊〉 and idolatrie h I will cause that Israel Whiche is now as one lame and halting and so almost destroied shal liue againe and growe into 〈◊〉 great people i Meaning Ierusalém where the Lords flocke was 〈◊〉 k 〈◊〉 florishing state of she kingdome as it was vnder Dauid and Salomon whiche thing was accomplished to the Churche by the cōming of Christ. l In the meaneses son he sheweth that they shulde indure great troubles and 〈◊〉 When they sawe them selues nether to haue King nor counsel m He she weth that the faithful ought not to measure Gods iudgements by the bragges threatnings of the wicked but therby are admonished to lifte vp their heartes to God to call for deliuerāce n God giueth hys Church this victorie so oft as he ouer cometh theyr ennemies but the accomplishement here of shal be at the last comming of Christ. a He fore Warneth them of the dangers that shal 〈◊〉 before thei enioy these comfortes shewing that 〈◊〉 as Ietusa 〈◊〉 was 〈◊〉 with her 〈◊〉 to trouble others the Lord wolde now cause other 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 and that her Rulers shulde be 〈◊〉 on the face moste cōtempteously b For so the Iewes deuided their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for euery thousande there was a chief eaptaine and because Bethléhē was not able to make a thousād he calleth it 〈◊〉 but yet 〈◊〉 will raise vp his 〈◊〉 gouernour 〈◊〉 rhus it is not the least by reason of this benefite as mat 2. 6. c He sheweth that the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 and all his waies were appointed of GOD from all 〈◊〉 d He compareth the Iewes to women with childe who for a tyme 〈◊〉 haue grèat 〈◊〉 but at length they shuld haue a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Iohn 16. 〈◊〉 e That is 〈◊〉 kingdome shal be 〈◊〉 and euerlasting 〈◊〉 his people aswel the 〈◊〉 as the Iewes shald wel in safetie f This 〈◊〉 shal be a sufficient saue 〈◊〉 for vs and thogh the ene mie inuade vs for a time yet shal God 〈◊〉 vp 〈◊〉 whiche shal be able to deliuer vs. g These whome God shall 〈◊〉 vp for the 〈◊〉 of his Church shal destroy all the enemies thereof whiche are 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 whiche were the 〈◊〉 at that time h By these gouernours wil God deliuerer vs whē the ennemie cometh into 〈◊〉 land i This remnant or Church which God shall deliuer shal 〈◊〉 depend on Gods power and defense as 〈◊〉 the grasse of the fielde and 〈◊〉 on the hope of man k I will destroy all things wherein thou 〈◊〉 thy 〈◊〉 as thy vaine confidence and 〈◊〉 and so will helpe 〈◊〉 l It shal be so terri ble that the like 〈◊〉 not bene heard of a He taketh the hie mountaines hard rockes to witnes against the 〈◊〉 of his people b I haue not 〈◊〉 thee but best wed infinite benefites vpon thee c That is remēber my benefites from the begīning how I deliuered you from 〈◊〉 curse and also spared you from 〈◊〉 which was in the plaine of Moab till I broght you into the land 〈◊〉 d That is the 〈◊〉 of his promes and his manifolde benefites towarde you e Thus the people by hyp 〈◊〉 aske how 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God and are 〈◊〉 to offer 〈◊〉 but will not change their 〈◊〉 f There is nothing so deare to man 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 will offer 〈◊〉 vnto God if they thinke thereby to auoyde his angers but they will neuer be 〈◊〉 to mortifie their owne affections and to gyue them selues willingly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 god as he 〈◊〉 g The Prophet in 〈◊〉 wordes 〈◊〉 them to the obseruacion of the seconde table to 〈◊〉 if they wil obey God a ryght or no saying that God hathe prescribed thē to do this h 〈◊〉 that whē God speaketh to any 〈◊〉 or natiō the godly will acknowledge hys 〈◊〉 and consi der not the mortal man that bringeth the 〈◊〉 but God that 〈◊〉 i That is of Ierusalē k Thou 〈◊〉 be cōsumed with inward grief 〈◊〉 l Meaning that the citie shulde go about to saue her men as they that lay holde on 〈◊〉 which 〈◊〉 wolde 〈◊〉 m You haue receiued all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and idolatrie where with the 〈◊〉 tribes were infected vnder 〈◊〉 and Ahab his
be without offence of Gods worde e Knowledge it self shal be perfited in the worlde to come and not abolished but the maner of knowing ād teaching shal cease when we shal be before Gods presence where we shal nether nedescho les nor teachers f That is imperfectly “ Or teache g The Mysteries of God “ Or taught of God h Because it serueth bothe here and in the life to come but faith hope apperreine onely to this life a That is to expounde the worde of God to the edification of the Church b Vnder stādeth him c By the Spiritual gift which he hathe reciued d For he 〈◊〉 none saue him self e The prophecie expoundeth that which God hath reueiled and the doctrine teacheth that which he hath giuen vs to vnderstand “ Or flute f Your wordes shal be loste for ye shal nether glorifie God thereby nor profit man “ Or as the thīg 〈◊〉 g That is they may be able to be vnderstand h He cōdemneth the Corinthians of barbarousnes in that things whereby they thoght to haue atteined to the greatest praise of eloquence i And doeth his parte k Not in respect of him that praieth but in respect of the Church which is nothing edified thereby l Or giues tankes by singing m One onely ma de the praiers and the rest of the cople followed in heart his wordes when he had prayed thei all said Amen signifying that they beleued asseuredly that God wolde grāte their requeste n That is moste fewe Mat. 18. 3. Isa. 28. 11. Deut. 28. 49. ierem 5. 15. ezek 3. 6. o He 〈◊〉 then moste shar pely that God wil punish the contempt of his worde and their contrefait ignorāce forasmuche as to speake which vnknowē tongues is à signe of Gods curse towards the 〈◊〉 p Of Gods curse when they are not vnderstand q By hearing his secret 〈◊〉 ript vp and his sinnes reproued by Gods worde he is compelled by his owne conscience to praise God r Which expounde the worde of God s Paul beareth as yet with their weakenes because also these were the gifts of God but yet he sheweth that 〈◊〉 shuld not passe this measure that first one after another and at the vtmost the third shulde read in a strange language which was to declare Gods miracle in the gift of tongues but chiefly he 〈◊〉 mandeth that nothing be done without interpre tacion 1. Tim. 2. 11. t Or learning which Gods Spirit moue th them to vtter u To the intent that others maye iudge of him that hathe spoken if he haue passed the compas of Gods worde wherefore Gen. 3. 16. x Because thys disordre was in the Churche that women vsurped that which was peculiar to men the 〈◊〉 here sheweth what is mete to be done and what is not and albeit he mencioned this abuse afore yet he referred it to this place to be reproued because there he broght it in for another purpose S Iohn comman deth to trye thy spirits whether thei be of God y Are ye the first or the last Christians that ye nether submit your selues to the churches of whom you haue receiued the Gospel nor ha ue respect to the others to whom the Gospel doeth likewise apperteine z To haue vnder standing of spiritual things a If anie man haue iudgement let him acknowledge that I speake of the Spirit of God and so let him obey if he haue no iudgemēt let him acknow ledge his ignorance and trouble not the Church but credit them that are learned Gal. 1. 11. * Menander in Thaidi Isa. 53. 5. 1. Pet. 2. 42. a If you beleue to be saued by the Gospell ye must beleue also the resurrection of the dead whiche is one of the principal points therof or elles your belief is but vaine b He sheweth that nothynge ought to be taught which we ha ue not learned by Gods worde * Menander in Thaidi Ionas 2. 1. * Menander in Thaidi Iohn 20. 19. * Menander in Thaidi c Althogh Iudas wanted yet they were so called still Act. 9. 4. * Menander in Thaidi Roma 6. 3. Ephe. 3. 8. Ephe. 3. 7. * Menander in Thaidi d For he was but the instrument and minister ād giueth the whole glorie to God e Christes death 〈◊〉 not effectual excepte he ryse from death f For if Christ be swaloed vp of death there remaineth no hope of life anymore g As mortification and remission of sinnes de pend on Christs death so oure quickenyng and restoring to life stand in hys resurrection h You are not forgiuen norsan ctified “ Or onelye for this life sake * Menander in Thaidi i As by the offring of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the whole frute is sanctified so by Christ whi che is the 〈◊〉 that is raised all haue assurance of the resurrectiō Col. 1. 18. Reuel 1. 5. k VVho 〈◊〉 first from the dead to take possession in our fleshe for vs his members 1. Thes. 4 15. l To wit the faithfull * Menander in Thaidi m Christ as he is man and 〈◊〉 of the Churche 〈◊〉 said to be subiect to God but in respecte of the worlde is kyng of heauen and earth this kingdome stādeth in gouernynge the faithfull ād ouer comming the ad uersaries euen death the chiefest whyche done Christ being per fited with all his membres shal as he is mā head of he Churche with his felowe heires deliuer his kingdome ād be 〈◊〉 to GOD with whom and the holie Gost in God head he 〈◊〉 equall * Menander in Thaidi * Menander in Thaidi n VVe shal be per fectlye fulfilled 〈◊〉 hys glorie and 〈◊〉 o That is as dead and because thei were but 〈◊〉 come to Christe wolde be baptized before they dyed Psal. 110. 1. p Except 〈◊〉 things be true of Christs kingdom and his subiectiō what shall become of thē whom the Church daily baptizeth for to destroye death in them whyche is the end of baptis me and so they to rise againe Isa. 22 13. Act. 2. 3 4. Ebr. 1 12 and 10. 13. Psal 8. 7. Ebr. 2. 8. q I take to witnes all my sorrowes wherein I may iustly rereioyce in the Lord that I haue susteined them among you r That is hauing regarde to this present life and not to Gods glorie and to life euer lasting * Menander in Thaidi * Menander in Thaidi Wisdo 2. 6. s There is one sub stāce as touching the flesh both of man beast but the difference is as touching the qualitie t Euen as the sūne and the moone being of one substance differ in dignitie so in the resurrection our bodies shal haue more excel lent qualities thē they haue now u For what is more vile to loke vnto thē the dead carkeis x 〈◊〉 changing the substance but made partaker of the diuine nature y Christ bringeth vs from heauen the Spitit of life Gen. 2. 7. z This is attributero Christ as cō cerning 〈◊〉 not
through all the worlde so that the enemies shal be 〈◊〉 g The 〈◊〉 graces of Gods Spirit bent them selues against Antichrist h Beleue that that is written for there is no nede to write more for the vnderstanding of Gods 〈◊〉 Dan. 12. 7. i That is by God with whome Christ by his diuinitie is equall k The faithful shal vnderstand and se this myste rie of the last iud gement the 〈◊〉 nacion of Antichrist infideles and also the glorie of the iust at the 〈◊〉 l As S. Iohn vnderstode this by reuelation so is the same reueiled to the true preachers to discouer the Pope and Antichrist m Meaning Christ. n That is the holie Scripture which declareth that the minister must receiue them at the hand of God before he can preache them to others o Which signifieth that the ministers ought to receiue the worde into their hearts and to 〈◊〉 graue and depe iudgement and 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 it and with zeale to 〈◊〉 it p 〈◊〉 that albeit that the minister haue 〈◊〉 by the worde of God yet shal he haue sore and grieuous enemies which shal be trouble some vnto him q Not onely meaning in his lifetime but that this boke after his death shulde be as a preaching vnto all 〈◊〉 * Eze. 3. 1. a Which declareth that Christ Iesus wil builde his Churche and not haue it destroyed for he measureth out his spiritual Tem ple. b The Iewish temple was deuided into thre parts the bodie of the temple which is called the court whereinto euerie man entred the holie places where the leuits wereand the holiest of all whereinto the high Priest once a yere entred in respect therefore of thesetwo later the first is said to be cast out becau seas a thing prophane it is negle cted when the temple is measured and yet the aduersaries of Christ boast that 〈◊〉 are in the Tē ple ād that none are of the Temple but they c That is the Church of God e By two witnesses he meaneth all the preachers that shulde buylde vp Gods Church alluding to 〈◊〉 Iehoshua which were chiefly appointed for this thing and also to this saying In the mouthe of two 〈◊〉 slandeth euerieword f Signifying a c r teine time for whē God 〈◊〉 strength to his ministers their 〈◊〉 seme but as itwere for a day or two g In poore and simple apparel h Whereby are signified the 〈◊〉 graces of thē which beare witnes to the Gospel i Who hathe dominion ouer the whole earth k By Gods word whe eby his ministers discomsit the enemies l They denounce God iudgement against the wicked that they cā not enter into heauen m Which is to declaré and procure God vengeance n That is the Popewhich hathe his power our of hil and cometh thence o He sheweth how the Pope gaineth the victo rie not by Gods worde but by cruel warre p Meaning the whole iurisdictiō of the Pope which is compared to 〈◊〉 for their abominable sinne and to Egypt because the true libertie to serue God is taken away 〈◊〉 the faithful and Christ was condemned by Pilate who represented the Romaine power which s hulde be enemie to the godlie d Meaning a cer teine time for God hath limited the time of Anti christs tyrannie q The infidels are tormented by 〈◊〉 the trueth preached r Which shal be at the last resurrection s For it semed that Antichrist had chased them out of the hearth t 〈◊〉 the power of Antichrist u When they shal vnderstand by Gods worde the glorie of his and the punishment of his 〈◊〉 thei shal fall from the Pope and glorifie God x Albeit Satan by that Pope Tur ke and other instruments troubleth the worlde neuer so muche yet Christ shal rei gne y Iesus Christ. z This declareth the office of the godlie which is to giue God thankes for the deliuerance of his and to praise his iustice for 〈◊〉 hing of his enemies a Which signifie the destruction of the enemies a In this third vision is declared how the Church which is comapssed about with lesus Christ the Sonne of righteousnes is 〈◊〉 ted of Antichrist b The 〈◊〉 ch treadeth vnderfo te whatsoeuer is mutable and inconstant with all corrupt affections and suche like c Which signifie God and his worde d The Church euerwith a 〈◊〉 seruent desire lōged that Christ shulde be borne and that the faith ful might be 〈◊〉 nerate by his power e The deuil and all his power whiche burneth with furie and is red with the blood of the 〈◊〉 f For he is prin ce of this world and almoste hath vniuersal gouernement g By his flatteries and promises he gaineth manie of the excellent ministers and honorable persones and bringeth them to destruction h Which is Iesus Christ the first borne among manie brethren who was borne of the virgin Marie as of a special member of the Churche i The Churche was remoued from among the Iewes to the Gētiles which were as a baren wildernes and so it is persecuted to and fro Psal. 2. 9. k Iesus Christ ād his members as Apostles Martyrs and the rest of the faithful l For the dragon was depriued of al his dignitie and had no more place in the Church m They put their liues in daunger so oft as nede required n Meanyng thē that are geuen to the worlde and fles hlie lustes o And was ouer come of Christe then 〈◊〉 foght against his mēbets p VVhiche the Lord had appoin ted for her q God gyueth meanes to hys Churche to escape the furie of Sa 〈◊〉 making his creatures to serue to the sup po t there of r 〈◊〉 was not ableto destroy the head nor the bodie and therefore sheweth his rage against the members a Here is the description of the Romaine empire whiche standeth in 〈◊〉 and tyrannie b Meanyng Rome because it was firste gouerned by seuen kyngs or Emperours after Nero and also is cōpassed aboure with seuen moū taines c VVhich signifie manie prouinces e That is the deuil f This may be vn derstand of Neto who moued the first persecution againste the Churche and after slewe hym self so that the fa milie of the Cesarsended in him g For the empire was established againeby 〈◊〉 d By these beastes are signified the Macedoniās Persians Chaldeās whom the Romaines ouercame h By receyuinge the staturs ordinances decrees ceremonies and religiō of the Ro maine empire i 〈◊〉 time and power is limited k In their bodies not in soule l He meaneth that vniuersal de parryng where of S. Paul speaketh to the Thes salonians m Antichryste hath not power ouer the elect n As God ordeined from before al beginning ād all the sacrifices were as signes sacramentes of Christ death o They whiche soules captiues go them selues in to captiuitie p As the kyngdome of Christis from heauen ād bryngeth men thither so the po pes king
dome is of the earth and leadeth to 〈◊〉 and is begonne and established by ambition couer ousnes beastlines craft treason and tyr 〈◊〉 q VVhiche signifie the priesthode the kingdome and therefore he giueth in his armes two keis and hathe two 〈◊〉 caryeē before him r He spake 〈◊〉 doctrine accused Gods worde of im perfection set vp mans traditions and spake things contrarie to God and his word s For the Pope in 〈◊〉 crueltte idolatrie and blasphemie did folowe and imitare the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 t 〈◊〉 them to idolatrie and astonished them with the name of that 〈◊〉 asne 〈◊〉 meth it u The man of sinne according to the operation of Satan 〈◊〉 be with all power signes ād miracles of lyes * 2 Thes. 2. 10. x Before the whole empire whiche 〈◊〉 the firste beast and is the imageth reof y For the first empire 〈◊〉 was as the paterne and this seconde empire is but an image and shadowe therof a The same things whiche the Pope or false prophets 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in b Re ceiue the ordinances and 〈◊〉 of the seat of Rome and to kisse the vilens rote if he 〈◊〉 put ther eunto c 〈◊〉 he 〈◊〉 Christ for as faith the 〈◊〉 and the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Christians markes so this Antichrist wil accept none 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 approue his doctrine so that it is not ynough to confesse Christ and to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but a man must 〈◊〉 to the Popes doctrine moreouer their 〈◊〉 es 〈◊〉 vowes othes and 〈◊〉 are signes of this marke in so muche as no 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 excepted that had not manie of these marked beasts e Such as may be 〈◊〉 by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 about 〈◊〉 after this reuelation the Pope or Antichrist bega to be 〈◊〉 in the Worlde for these characters signifie 666 this nomber is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the smale nomber whiche in the whole marke 666 and signifieth Lateinus or Latin which note h the Pope or 〈◊〉 who 〈◊〉 in all things the Latin tongue and in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 contemneth the 〈◊〉 and Greke wherin the worde of God was first and best writen and because 〈◊〉 in oldetime was called Latinum the Italians are called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that hereby he noteth of what countrey chiefly he shulde come So 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ordeined the 〈◊〉 shewed him selfe one day in apparel 〈◊〉 Pope and the next day in harnes as the Emperour and the two hornes to the 〈◊〉 hops 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signes her 〈◊〉 x For excepte he Pope 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of the kyng Romaines he is not estemed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be made Emperour d He that is not sealed with 〈◊〉 ists mat ke can not be 〈◊〉 to liue among men a Iesus Christ 〈◊〉 in his Churche to defend ād 〈◊〉 it thogh the beast rage ne uer sō muche ād seing Christ is pre sēt euer with his Churche there cā be no vicare for where there is a vicaire there is no Church b Meanynge a great and 〈◊〉 Church c VVhiche was the marke of their election to wit their faith d Signifying that the nōber of the Church shulde be greate and that they shuld speak boldly aloude and so glorifie the Lord. e None cā praise God but the elect whome he hath boght f By whoredom ād vnder this vice he comprehen deth al other but this is chiefly mēc of idolatrie whi cheis the spiritu al whoredome g For their who le delite is in the Lambe Iesus and they loue none but hym h VVhich decla reth that the faithful ought to hue iustely ho lely that they may be the firste fiures and an excellent offringe of the Lord. i For asmuche as their sinnes are pardoned and thei are cledwith the iustice of Christ. Act. 14. 20. k By this Angell arement the true mynysters of Christ whiche preache the Gospel faithfully l The Gospel teacheth vs to feare God and honour him which is the beginning of hea uenlie wisdome m Signifying Ro me for asmuch as the vices whiche were in Babylō are 〈◊〉 in Rome in greater abundāce as perse eutiō of the Chur 〈◊〉 of God 〈◊〉 selauerie with destruction of the people of God 〈◊〉 superstitiō 〈◊〉 impietie ād as Babylō the firste 〈◊〉 was destroyed so shall this wicked kīgdom of Antichrist haue a miserable 〈◊〉 thogh it be greate and semeth to extende throughoute all Europa n By the whiche fornicatiō God is 〈◊〉 to wrath so that he suffreth many to walk in the way of the Romish do etcine to their de struction Psal. 145. 6. o That is of his terrible iugemēt Isa. 21. 9. Iere. 51. 8. p The faithful are exhorted to paci ence Chap 18. 8. q For they are deliuered frō the horrible troubles which are in the Church and rest with God “ Or for the Lords cause r VVhich are ingraffed in Christ by faith which rest and stay onely on him and 〈◊〉 to be with him for immediately after their death they are receiued into ioye s Signifying that Christ shal come to iudgement in a cloude euē as he was sent to go vp * 〈◊〉 3. 13. t The ouerthrowe of the people is cōpared to an haruest Isa. 19 5. also to a vintage Isa. 6. 3. u This is spoken familiarly for our capacitie alluding vnto an housband man who suffereth him self to be aduertised by his seruants when his haruest is rioe ād not that Christ hath nede to be tolde whē he shuld come to iudgement for the comfort of his Church and destructiō of his enemies x This was Christ who is also the altar the Pricst and sacrifice y That is a certeine place appointed and not in the heauen z By this 〈◊〉 he declareth the 〈◊〉 confusion of the tyrants and infideles whiche delite in nothing but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 persecutions and effusion of blood 〈◊〉 13. 39. a Thys is the fourth visiō whi che 〈◊〉 the doct ine of Gods iudgemēts for the destiuctiō of the wicked ād comforte of the godlye b Meaning an in finite nomber of Gods ministers Whiche had infinite maners of sorres and punishemēt Exo 15. 〈◊〉 Psal. 145. 17. Iere. 20. 16. c Signifying this brittel 〈◊〉 world mixt with fyre that is troubles affictions but the 〈◊〉 of God ouercome 〈◊〉 all and singe diuine songes vnto God by whose power they get the victorie “ Or actes and dedes d VVhich is to declare that Gods iudgemēts are cleare iust ād Without spot e As readie to ex ecute the vengeā ce of God f By the foure beasts are ment all the creatures of God whiche willingly serue him for punishment of the infideles g God giueth vs full entrie into his Churche by 〈◊〉 his enemies for the Saintes can not clearely knowe all Gods iudgements before the ful 〈◊〉 of all thyngs a This was lyke the 〈◊〉 of Egipt Whiche was sores boiles or pockes ād this reigneth cō 〈◊〉 amōg Canōs mōkes friers nonnes Priests suche filthie vetmin which beare the marke of the beast b This is lyke to