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A13109 The discouerie of a gaping gulf vvhereinto England is like to be swallovved by another French mariage, if the Lord forbid not the banes, by letting her Maiestie see the sin and punishment thereof Stubbes, John, 1543-1591. 1579 (1579) STC 23400; ESTC S117921 68,725 88

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that may so earnestly send hym hither he is here apparant to Fraunce dangerous therefore in respect of reasons otherwhere alledged for hym to be absent espetially the present king being so far gon and spent in the disease as some of these perswaders vvill say vvhen they wyll further thys match And if he should come in with that honorable shew becomming hys greatnes and as any other such man wyll come that woeth with good meaning and feareth not any detectiō of hydden trecheryes ▪ hys voyage hyther would be mightely chargable a thing ill becomming hym vvho is already drawen drye to the botom and extremely indetted vvith hys other coloured voyage into Flanders And onelesse some notable practise pricked hym hyther the very passage ouer the sea vvould appall this fresh water soldiar hauing read that betvvene thys and Normandye there perished in one bottom three kingly children but vtterlye vvould he be discouraged by thaduenture of honour whych he makes in sayling hyther vpon so slender likelihoode of speeding or rather vpon great reason of repulse if his care of honor vvere not lesse then his greedines to accomplish hys other mischiefe And if he should speede which God forspeake yet must he com to a people that loues hym not nor hys trayne and vvhere neuerthe lesse he must haue hys gardes and trayne prescribed and limitted in regard of the state And thys people if heretofore it hath bene so manly as to mayster thys generation of Capet in hys own or rather our home of Fraunce me thinks thys Monsieur can come with small hope to finde good seruice at our handes vvhose fingers wyll itch at hym in our home of England But aboue all vvho can thinke that he being the last of hys fathers ligne and the onely forlorne hope of raysing vp seede to hys brothers would match heare vvith so farr gon hope of hauing issue endaungering by that means a vvylling translation of the crown of France from hym and hys fathers posterity to another prince of the blood No no no the king hys brother and hys mother haue some other meanyng agaynst the church state and person of our prince euen to haue an eye in the heade of our Courte if they can bring it to passe and an hand in the heart of this realm to vvorke our ruin and theyr great hatreds and that as the mother hath long time ruled and turned the wrong side outvvard of Fraunce so she might haue thys land another while for hyr stage she is dressing hir Prologue to sende him in trust him not The players be tragicall though he vveare peacible laurell on his head Yea the wordes that escape from some of them that are come on thys message doe bewray hovv lovvdly they vvyl speake here after I pray God they to vvhom it belongs may keepe avvay such gamsters And sith the Lord for hys own name sake of his loue to the gospel vvhich we haue emōg vs hath weakned the hands of our forreine enemyes broken the deuises of theyr heads hither to since he hath engrauē such a searing loue in hyr subiects harts as children beare to there mother and such a reuercut note of souereignete in hir person as he is wont to sett on them vvhom he calls by hys owne name and are his ordinances in so much as it may be sayd of hir most truely it is the Lord by vvhō kings reign since I say the blessed vvord of Christ hath made hir sword as the svvord of G●deon keeping hir safe from many practises agaynste hyr person while other kings and Queenes haue thorowe Gods iudgement for theyr manifest sins bene subiect to tombling and suffered change in person and estats Let vs styll rest in those maenes and approue that vvhich vve haue proued for good It is a foly to seeke forreine ayde but vpō extreme necessitye It is lyke desperate phisick vvhen one is giuen vp by al phisitions it sends hym speedely eyther one vvay or other They suffer themselues to be abused vvhich beleeue the french men vvhen they say that England is vnfurnished of friends neyther in perfect league nor good opiniō nor neere allyed with any prince in Christendome Our alliances are better then his and more assured as in another place it is shewed vve haue the Lords right hand on ourside and all the hatts and handes of those of our religion Yea vve were able by Gods mercy to throvv out popery euen then vvhen it had more friends vvithin the land and vvhen diuerse princes and multitudes vvere enemies to vs for our religion that are since become religious euen to the death vve doubt not therefore but much more easely vve shall be able to hold our prince vvorthy of hyr I can not chuse but say that this prince of Fraunce of all other vnmaried princes is moste vnworthye of hyr for euen that Christianity vvhich hir Maiestie is called vnto and hyr princely priesthoode in Christ Iesus is as farr aboue all hys pryde in fleshe as heauen is aboue earth hir earthly septer being added to the former excellency settes him at hir foote or rather driues him from hir presence in iudgement of God and men being but a subiecte in the kingdom of Fraunce as yet no enrolled citesin in thouvvard kingdom of heauen The assured and great euils that grovv here out to our head the Queene make no lesse agaynst the vvell doing of the lesser limes of the land For to let passe the doings of auncient and present kings vvho vvhen by such meanes they vvinne a countye into theyr pavves first dispatch the auncient Nobilitye destroye the greatest kindreds and scatter the meane sort into seruile vnlearned and vnarmed trades for thentreaty that our Nobility and Gentry are to looke for I vvyll note but thys one vvord euen of thys very family of Hugh Capet the first of thys third and present kingly race in Fraunce vvhen by such meanes as theyr ovvn chro nicles doe mention he had vvrested the sceprer from the handes of theyr Mayster and soueraign seede of great Charles Peppines son the first deede they did vvas to prouide that the chiefe of that ligne might dye the death perhaps some of them did chuse some pinig death at Orleance but die they must This is a slip of Hugh Capet and the practise of theyr mother and them in their ovvn country at this present is to raze all auncient french houses and to reare vp new bringing al as neere as they can A la Turkesque that all being there creatures may fall dovvn and vvorship them And if the present vvoeng messenger a man of so bace place and petie cōpanion in the french court is yet so sausie as to be checkmate vvith our Queen and to enter malapart comparison vvyth our Noble men doubt you not but the friends of of the brydegroome vvyll be euery man a petie king ouer our English Nobilitye Our
that had bene enemy in himselfe and his auncesters to them and theyr forefathers and to theyr land vvhich by kind they loued so much nature remained in those of that vngracious spirit Novve if a founder of a beggerly rable of fryers could not haue theyr prayers vvhich at that tyme vvent a begging and vvere neuer so deere but a man might haue a long paternoster for a peny hovv deinty vvoulde they be of they re monye to Englishmen and hovve liberall in almes to ayde theyr ovvne countryes and countrymen Likewise in the dayes of king Edvvard the first certaine aliens richly beninificed refused to ayde the king in hys vvars for vvhich obstinacie albeit the Pope vvould not let him depriue them yet vvas he so bould as to put them out of his protection leauing theyr liues out of defence or reuenge by lavv For these reasons to thys daye it is expressed in the most large and most benificiall Legitimatiō made to any alien that he shall not dvvell in Barvvick Hampton or such maritime or other towne of trust and all for feare leaste that theyr loue towardes theyr own countryes or hatred to ours bredde in theyr bones should neuer out of the flesh So that vve see no alien is made so legalis or ligeus to the crovvne of England but with some restraint to him in respect of the state which can neuer so kindly matriculate him as the childe vvhich she hath born in her owne vvombe And we are the more loth to put our shoulders vnder this burden any more because already vve haue felt the weight of the little finger and smarting whips of thys incommoditye vvhich vvould seeme yet so much the more irksome to vs if novve after moe then tvventy yeeres svveete fredome therefro we shoulde be pressed dovvne vvith the heauy loynes of a vvorse people beaten as vvith scorpions by a more vile nation In vvhich respecte it hath bene alwayes yelden vnto her maiestie for the chiefe and first benifite done to thys kingdome that she redeemed it and yet not she but the Lord by her from a forraine king according to the worthynes vvhereof it hath bene from time to time notably set forth in monumentes of ecclesiasticall story and ciuil cronicles as a singular commendation to the happy beginning of her reigne yea it made her subiectes in loue with her the very first day hath encreased it mightely to thys houre wherof it seemes they haue little regard vvho seeke to staine the entry of her second twenty yeeres and to blemish the prayse therof by the contrary of that vvhich caused the first to be so highly extolled and by bringing vpon her people a more daungerous forreiner and more to theyr discontentation to leaue them in worse case then they vvere found For whereas all these kinds of aliances with realmes are contracted for mutuall support thys aliance presently in talk hath no such hope These Frenchmen gaue such tryall of theyr loyall aliance and of theyr profitable neighbourhood to the Grecians either vvhile they were yet in Galatia from vvhence their french bragge is to come eyther els in theyr vagabond time while they sought a place to set their foote on that an Emperour of Greece burnt them vvith this caremarke vvhich they cary till this day VVho vvill needes hold friendship with France muste take heede of theyr alliance According to the vvhich counsell of Greece the true and naturall old English nation neuer esteemed nor loued the French they haue it sonck so deepe and deepely layd vp in they re hart as the sauour wherewith theyr yong shels were seasoned to the son from graundfather to father who in teaching thē to shoote wold haue them imagē a frenchman for theyr butt that so in shooting they might learne to hate kindly and in hating learne to shoote neearely Out of thys inbred hatred it came that Frenchmen aboue other aliens beare thys addition in some of our auncient chronicles Charters and statuts to be the auncient ennemies of England And can it be saufe that a straunger and Frenchman should as owner possesse our Queene the chiefe officer in England our most precious rych treasure our Elizabeth IONAH and ship of good speede the royall ship of our ayde the hyghest tovver the strongest hold and castle in the land It will not be receiued for aunswer to affirme barely that thys feare is without ground of truth because forsooth the Realme must still be gouerned as before vve knovv that de iure it shoulde be so But in matters of kingdomes who can say that de facto it shal be so will any perswader of thys mariage offer himself a gage of lyfe and death that it shall be so If he and many moe vvoulde yet are they no counterpoise to the Queene and Realme whose life and good estate comes here to be warranted For if he marye her vvith that good loue on both parts which I wish with al my poore hart betweene her maiestie and her godly husband whensoeuer and whōsoeuer she shall marye yet shall he beare a greate swaye vvith her vvho beares all the swaye vvith vs and if he doe not loue her the Lord keepe her from prouing then must shee feare hym so as for feare or loue he will rule her and the whole land for her sake And thys is done many times without taking on him supreme authority for if he doe but eyther giue or sel after the French manner our chiefe offices he may rule thoughe not as head yet by those his promoted creatures as by so manye hands and feete and though he be not president in the counsayl nor once admitted to sit personally in the chamber yet vvoulde it be no hard thing for him to thrust in at the doore such counsailors in whose mouth he may speake and by them as by hyred spialles to know what is doen at that bourd and as by knightes at his post to passe or repulse vvhat him pleaseth The example of the king of Spayne serues for me in this case and not for those which woulde make vs beleeue he stoode for a cypher in Algorisme For how many great matters obteyned he and it is knovven too well what pensionars he had of that honorable company of counsailors againe at that time the mariage with Spayne was not so dangerous nor offering such cause of suspition as nowe for there was not yet come into the worlde out of the smokye pyt of hell any such holy leage as absolueth aforehand all conspiratif oathes giuen vs Fraunce and Spayn were then in wars they are since allied by mariage of a French daughter by whome Spayne hath a daughter and the lest alliance in the vvorld bindes them together against religion And thoughe I esteeme the king of Spayne for a loyall king of inuiolate fayth vvhole honor in respect of the French king yet am I so farre off from sound truste in eyther of them both that considering howe
Spayn doates vpon that dronken harlot of Rome I vvould be loath that eyther Frannce or Spayne shoulde haue such a Porter here to let them in at a posterne gate as Monsieur is Yea I do not onely set thys popish French fayth behind the Spanishe honor of promise holding but I affirme without doubting that it is not so safe to contract this neere alliance with these French as to make some other commun amitie with those Moores beyonde Spayn whose barbarian religion and region though it be farther from vs then Fraunce yet doe those mores hold more Fayth with straungers then these French doe vvith themselues A most illcome guest therefore to all sorts of men here for to take thys vvhole land in a lump and to make no difference of papist or protestant I am sure the deuoutest papist that hath an Englysh hart left to knok vpon in his breast wyllbe afrayde to call Monsieur his mayster But a most daungerous guest to thys quiet of the state must he needes be that to the griefe of the greatest part and chiefe strength of the lande requires open exercise of a contrary religion for him selfe and hys giuing great hope therby to others of obteyning some indifferent Interim Now to proue that any alteration in religion or expectation to haue religion altered is a politique bile enflaming the peace of a setled and euen state I might haue sufficient authority to some men out of macciauel But I loath once to take vp hys best textes thoughe they were vvritten in golden letters of the fayrest text hand Hereon vvill I onely rest for thys poynt that to alter our good religion or to giue any premission to so wicked Idolatry as is hys takes avvay Gods blessing from the state whose prouidence it is wherby Rulers reigne and states doe stand And let him pardie that holdes himselfe the best politique hold thys with me for a corner stone and most luckie principle in policie that as to bring in and hold true religion procureth Gods protection and worketh subiects obedience of hart farre aboue all other lawes or feare of lawes so to put out Gods gospell and to bring in Idolatrye or to enlarge Antichrist and streighten the passage of Christ doth shut all bessing from heauen so as the Lord shall curse our counsayle and cast vs in our vvisedome of ouerweening In vvhich behalfe we haue somewhat already felt of that iudgemēt for our fault of once deliberating so vngodly a thing for wisemen in marieng of theyr children will most willingly seeke houses of auncient amitie and carefully doe auoyd the seede of olde enemity which is heriditarie as other diseases are and we are not so wise in mariage of our common vveale for what house is more aunciently enemy to her maiesties royall auncestors and thys land thē that of Valois what king more out of leage or longe truce with thys state then he of Fraunce as he who can not be content onely to vsurpe a kingdom from vs but is impatient that our prince shold so much as beare the true title thereof And if we vvere such ennemies when vve had but ciuill quarrelles and onely vter regnaret hovv should not our hate be multiplyed vvhen it is de aris et focis and consequently vter sit et viuat And if entermariages emongst themselues in theyr ovvne family can not stay this furye of theyrs but that for religion onely and none other quarel their very pitie is cruelty euen vpon theyr ovvne bovvels murdering and massacring one another by thousands and ten thousandes hovv shall any mariage make them friendes to vs vvhom they repute as olde enemies and haue yet bleeding in theyr chronicles the dishonors and vvounds heretofore giuen from hence to their kinges aunceters No no vvell sayd that vvise Troyan Timeo Danaos vel dona ferentes and vvell may a simple Englishman say timeo gallos namely Valesios nuptias ambientes especiallye such mixt mariages vvhich vve knovv to be othervvise agaynste theyr ovvne conscience It vvere vvell vve learned that conscience of them if not of conscience at least by horror of those streames of french blood that vvas shedde throughe such a mariage in Paris assuring our selues that if they vvent vp to the knocles in french blood they vvyll vp to the elboes in English blood And that cruelty raged not onely on the poore and selye ones but it tooke the noble men and great princes by the throate Yea the king of Nauarre hymselfe who vvas the spouse in that infamous mariage to the end of the world had the deadly sword hanging ouer his head by a tvvine thred and had felt the poynt thereof if he had not to hys dishonour the Lord be honoured in his repentance renied hys god Frō these mē that haue eaten the people of God as bread haue bene fleshed in murdering of multitudes drunk the blod of noble men vvhy should any good manner stay a good louing subiecte from fearing the same daungers and cruelties from the same men to our Queene and soe a vvretched confusion in this land if for the sins thereof she should come in theyr fingers to be a doleful bryde in theyr bloody brydchambers vvhich God for his Christes sake preuent Amen Beside thys late experience in our eyes of theyr daungerous dealings in mariages emong them selues vve may learne if vve be so happy by the auncient hurts that Englande haue receiued through royall intermariages vvith that nation and by the rules vvhich the vvise English counsellers of those times haue set down as a state vvisedome for their succeding counsellers yea vve may see that these mariages vvith Fraunce or vvith any other partes of that present dominion before or sence it vvas united to that crovvne haue alvvayes endamaged England and sometime Fraunce to so as for most part they might be reckoned emong those ill bargaynes that no bodye gaynes by and therefore be lyke cursed from aboue Such vvere the mariages vvhere Henrye the first gaue his daughter Mault the Empris in second mariage to the Earle of Angeovv and hys sister Aelix as some chronicles call her to Steeuen Erle of Bloys for thereof sprang the losse of a kingdome to Mault during her lvfe by being so farre out of the land in another country vvhen she should haue accepted it here thereof sprang the periuries of Steuen king of England entised to a kingdome through the commoditie of hys neere place vvhych seemed to prouoke him and therefro came the ciuile miseries to the people vvho through the incertaintye of a gouernor were in field and armes one agaynste another with lyke blessing dyd Henry her son take to wyfe Eleonor daughter to the Erle of Aquitaine and Poictou vvho through her ovvne vvickednes and the freendes she made on the otherside entertained many yeares an vnnaturall warre betweene hir owne husbande and hys and her children Henry Rychard and Iohn And yet thys vnhappy Henry the
vveaker the party to vvhom the match fell out so hurtful vvas a man and therefore stronger here the peril strenghtned for the party bringing the perill out of Fraunce is a man and the partie endaungered is a vvoman These thinges deserue vvell the vveighing and may not be passed ouer vpon euery lisping vvord and crouching curtesie of a French Ambassador or other flattering petie messenger And if our wise and renoumed forefathers of England passed vvithout stombling ouer the threshold of suspecting the french aliance euen then whā the french men professed held the lavves of atmes vvyth theyr enemies as soldiers let vs not be nicely fearefull to passe the boūds of honorable modestie in iudgeing of the present princes vvhich professe to deceiue and break fayth vvith such as vve are yea let vs boldly vvisely cast this doubt that they vvhose frendships vvhē they had not so il purposes but thought it their honor to match with vs wrought vs yet thys woemust nedes novv hurt vs according to their hateful falshod in dealing with vs whō they esteme according to their doctrin of Rome no better then dogs Novve as there is daunger on the parte of the French for great troubles to follovve by thys mariage as vvell for that they haue nevv fangled and stirring common wealth heads lusting after Innouations as also for the ielousie of tvvo so neere bordering kingdomes euen so vvill it be harder then yron for Englishmen to digest with quiet stomake the french insolencies and disdaynefull brauades For if the Spaniard comming in vppon hys honor and being an auncient friend at that tyme of one religion did neuertheles beare away harde intreadie for hys vnwonted pryde towards vs more danger vvill theyr be least these needie spent Frenchmen of Monsieurs traine being of contrary religion and who are the scome of the kings Court which is the scomme of all France vvhich is the scomme of Europe vvhen they seeke like horseleaches by sucking vpon vs to fill theyr beggerly purses to the satis fieng of theyr bottomlesse expence the poore playne and rude Englishman firste giue him the elbovve in the strete then the fist and so proceeding to farther bicquerings in pryuate quarrels great troubles ryse of small beginnings for as touchinge the humble mild persecuted and religious Frenchmen that we receiue him as a vvelbeloued brother and that our old grudging nature against the french in this respect is expelled as it wer vvith a fork that comes by the force of religion the Lord hauing wrought it in our heartes But against these irreligious haughtye and faithlesse frenchmen that bring in a religion contrarye to ours haue no cōscience nor loue to vse vs kindly our English nature vvil return a main to his own course which thinges also may euidtēly appeare to any mā that wold but mark how sadly heauily with hovv sorovvful coūtenances all the multitude of English both nobilitie comminaltye looke casting vp theyr hands eyes to heauen vvhen they doe but talke of the matter This stinging straunger of Fraunce muste vve keepe vvarme in our bosom at our ovvn intollerable charge which is another reason not to be neglected sith treasure is a principall sinevv of any state and therefore vvould not be wasted much lesse therevvyth to buye our own harme For they are ouer credulous to be beleeued vvho vvith the emptie name of Monsieur and of the French kings brother wold promise such other fooles as list credit them mountaines of golde and great gaine to thys royall state by hys vvorshipfull reuenues forsooth bringing in king Phillip vvho serues them in thys deuise for all in all for theyr example Fyrst vvho knowes not thys in generall that euery prince though neuer so rich will hoard vp hys owne treasure and spend of the straunge purse and it is a notable policie for our french enemye by this meanes to weaken the verye knees and hammes of our Realm Novv that vvhich other princes do of worldly vvisedom Monsieur must doe of meere necessitie for let his receiptes be great for a subiect yet shall they not be sufficient to maintain his mind in state of so great a priuce companiō to our Queen for euē alreadie his debtes expences are sayd to be farther at odds with his reuenues thē many yeres receipts can yeld the arerages But these perswaders as men hauing theyr eyes daseled vvyth the golden sun are ouer affectioned to thys match and can not see that Monsieur hath not moe countyes then king Phillip had archdukedomes nor so many dukedoms as king Phillip had kingdomes and that he is not able to dropp halfe testons for king Phillips pîstelas nor vvith siluer to weighdowne his gold as also that king Phillip for al those dominiōs mines of treasures was content to be pingling vvith our purses made Queene Mary to aske moe extraordinary and frequent subsides and taskes then had bene seene in so short a raigne further causing her to borow more loanes of hundred powndes forty pounds tvventy pounds and ten poundes of her subiects then vvere euer payd agayn by a great sort thus gleaning the monie from the subiects by armefuls lading out of the eschequer that both the land and the Eschequer was left as empty to the Queenes maiestie that novv is as it vvas many a daye The very bodyes of our men vvere fayne to be employed in hys seruice and forraigne warres there to abide the formost force and to be as a vvall betvvene the honorable Spainard and the Canon vvhich vvars nothing in our ovvne quarrell besides the present losse of noble men and good soldiars there at the place cost vs in a backe reckoning the richest and strongest towne of vvar that the Queene then had And yet must vve haue king Phillip broughte in for example of a gainefull mariage to England In dede vve had great cause to thank the Lords mercy vvho deliuered vs from that king his power as vve had to thank our sins that vve vvere giuen into hys hand but vve may say vve scaped a scouring for but that he vvas newly setled in his owne kingdome and could not tary to be warme in his bedd here the end vvould haue ben vvorse then the beginning he wold haue holdē hard if not for the soile of the kingdom yet for the nauie for the ordinance and other chiefe moueable treasures and reall Ievvels of the land All vvhich thinges come in a more daunger with thys Prince because if he be king of fraunce he shal be neerer and readier by colorable polices to vvythdravv by little and little all thinges from hence in her Maiesties lysr by force to chalenge them if VVhich God say nay to she shoulde be hys vvife and dye before hym There is another daungerous daunger in thys forreine french match that aryseth yet far higher in that he is the brother of childles Fraunce So as if Henry the thyrd novv king should dye
the morrovv after our mariage and Monsieur repare home as we may be svre he would into hys natiue country a larger and better kingdom then by all likelihode eyther must our Elizabeth goe vvith him out of her ovvne natiue country and svvete soyle of England vvhere she is Queene as possessor and inheritor of thys imperial crovvne vvithall regall rights dignities perogatiues pre heminences priuileges autorities and iuredictions of thys kingly office and hauing the kingrike in her owne person into a forrain kingdome vvhere her vvritt doth not runn shal be but in a borovved Maiestie as the moone to the sonn shining by night as other kings vvyues and so she that hath ruled all this vvhile heere shal be there ouer ruled in a straung land by some belledame not vvithout avve perhapps of a sister in lavv and vve hyr poore subiects that haue bene gouerned hetherto by a naturall mother shal be ouerlooked at home by some cruel and proud gouernour or els must she tary here vvithout comfort of her husband seing her selfe despised or not vvifelike esteemed and as an eclipsed son diminished in souereinty hauing such perhappes appoynted to serue hyr and be at her commaundement after the french phrase vvhich in playn English vvill gouerne her and her state In thys great matter vvhat an illuding ansvver is it agayn by the particular example of the king of Spayne to put avvay thys reason grounded vpon these tvvo generall rules The first is that a straunger mighty king brought into a realme to ayde them as vvas the Turke and his sarasins or vpon any lighter occasion vvill hardly be gotten out againe The second a straunger king dravven in by our sins and sent by Gods iustice for our punishment is not ridd vvithout Gods extraordinary help Novv syr because vve vvere once happily dispatched of Spayne therefore vve shall once againe commit thys gross follye and contemne that generall rule of policie And because the Lord in mercy dyd once deliuer vs from Spayn therfore vve vvill tempt him agayn by deliuering our selues into the hands of Fraunce Alas for these men if king Phillip had neuer maryed Queene Mary and if thys matter had ben to dispute xxvij yeeres agoe then had they had no one reason for theyr side nor no ansvver to escape any of our arguments and thys absurd manner of reasoning is very Macciauelian logick by particular examples thus to gouern kingdoms and to set dovvn general rules for his prince vvhereas particulars should be vvarranted by generals But there mayster vvrested hys vngratious vvit euer to the mayntenance of a present state and these foolish schoolers put forth theyr gross conceipts to the ouerthrovv of thys present in hope of I vvot not vvhat futur common vvealth of their ovvn head Some subtilty ther is also in this aunsvver that vvhen vve are to deliberate of Fraunce vvhych is the more nere and more auncient therfore more daungerous enemy to anoy vs vvith his forces and to hold vs if he once haue vs they bryng vs in example Spayn a more remote potentate an auncient friend one that vvas at that tyme of one religion vvith thys kingdom and therfore not so pricked to hasten some chaung in our state as thys man vvho being ledd by Antichrist must not endure vvith any patience that state vvher Christ is Moreouer our dispofitiō more ready to vvarr with Fraunce then vvith Spayn is holpē by more continual occasions giuē of both sides by more cōueniencie of means to perform sodenly vvhich vvill make them let no opportunity slyp that may bring so com bersome a neighbour vnder thē as vve are And better may they do it novv then might the king of Spayn then for thē was Spain at vvars with Fraunce neyther vvas it lyke that Fraunce would haue bene holden by any frendship while he should haue suffered a more pnissant neighbour set hys foote heere vvhom he might so easely let by helping vs But now is there no enemity betvvene Fraunce and Spayne to let thys practise they are of kin by the flesh and by theyr religion and the holy leage ties them togither in that respect as it vvere faggotstiks And in truth Spayn being so far and Fraunce so nere Fraunce hath great aduantage in thys cōparison and cannot be so letted of Spayne as Spayn may be by him These daungers vvherein this daungerous pactise of mariage vvrappeth Queen Elisabeth in hyrlyfe time and hyr England together alike vvill I doubt not moue those in authority to auoyd them and others that are priuate to pray against them most seruently But these calamities alas end not vvith thys age For wher as these persvvaders lay for a chiefe ground theyr certain expecting issue of hyr Maiesties body vpon thys match and the commodities therof ensuing therby perswading thys strange conceipt I vvill at once dispatch that reason that might be obiected agaynst me make it a chiefe argument for I esteeme it my second politique reason to diswade the French mariage especially If it may please her Maiestie to cal her faythfullest vvyse phisitians and to adiure them by their conscience tovvards God theyr loyalty to hyr and fayth to the whole land to say theyr knovvledg simply without respect of pleasing or displeasing any and that they consider it also as the cause of a realm and of a Prince how excedingly dangerous they find it by theyr learning for her maiestie at these yeeres to haue hyr first chyld yea hovv fearfull the expectation of death is to mother and chyld I feare to say vvhat wyll be theyr aunswer and I humbly besech hyr Maiesty to enforme hyrselfe throughly euen in hyr loue to the vvhole land whych holds deere hyr life and peace and vvhich as it hath hetherto deutifully sought hyr mariage whyle hope of issue vvas desiring it as the chiefest common wealth good and vvithall that feare God English or straunger vvould haue reioyced to see that the reigne of Queen Elizabeth might haue ben dravven foorth as I may say in hyr faythfull ligne yet dare we not novv otherwyse craue it but so as it might be by such afather as had a sound body and holy soule and yet not thē neither onles she may first find it to stand with her lyfe and safety And vvhen I think more earnestly of thys matter me thinkes it must needes come first of a verye French loue to our Queene and land to seeke thys mariage euen now so eagerly at the vttermost tyme of hope to haue issue and at the very poynt of most daunger to her Maiestie for childbearing whereby they think if her Maiestie haue issue to see eyther the mother die in childbedd vvhich the Lord forbid and the land left again as theyrs hath bene to an infant or els to see both mother and childe put in a graue and so the land left a spoyle to forrein inuasion and as a stack of vvood to ciuill vvars All is one to
them sauing that they desire the vvorst to befall vs And if there be any perswader of this straunge mariage in whom remaynes yet a simple mind but missed or miscaried I desyre hym or her and I charge thē as they vvill answer to God of theyr truth to their Mistres of England English brethren that they close theyr hand and put theyr fingar to theyr mouth and vvaigh better hereof as vvell by the lavve of God as of humane policie vvhich must no doubt agree vvyth Gods law I cousell them to consider these daungers common to them selues vvith all other and if they looke vvell about them they shall find thys mariage a right vnhappy one and on no side happy vvheresoeuer they turne them For let it be that he haue issue by her and that none but feamal only vve haue hazarded our kingdom for putting it in the hands of the father vvho vnder colour of some tutorship to hys daughter vvill haue her into Fraunce and so eyther adioyne this land to Fraunce or mary her to some French or other stranger at hys lyking and all this vvhyle vve neuer the neere possession of our old right in Fraunce whych vve so much desired for the Salique lavve barres hyr quite And though she should come and dwel in England yet her bringing vp being in Fraunce her father will nousell her in hys own religion and so she comming home shall striue to staplish popery as the late Queene of Scotts did when shee came out of Fraunce vvherupon ensued those bloodshedds and redde vvarres besides the ilfauoured examples of the French Court and kings vvhich vve vvould be loath our English princes shall learne and bring home hether If thys issue by Monsieur should be a son and but one sonne then vvill he translate his Court into Fraunce and leaue thys poore prouence to the mannaging of a viceroy the greuances whereof are ynough set foorth by referring you to the proconsulates of Rome vnder that Empire to the vndergouernours in the former monarchies to the viceroyes and Luogotenenti of Spayn in Naples-Cicil and here nerer in the lovv countryes VVho like boares in a fat nevv broken vp ground by sovving first some seedes of dissentions to breed partialities in the countrye doe roote out the auncient homegrovving nobilitie and turne vnder perpetuall slauery as cloddes the country people yea and perhaps in the end caught with the liquerishnes of gouernment seize thēselfe of the absolute kingdome and deceiue their mayster so did the auncient Monarchies melt so did this pre sent Empire lose her prouinces and is novve become lesse then a kingdom and so may this auncient kingdom be transferred to a rebellious seede Such rough plovvers doe our sins deserue to plovv deepe furrovves on our backs if the Lord in mercy looke not on vs I am not ignorant that some passe easily this incommoditie of viceroy affirming it to bring honor not perill for say they thys son being born here shall be king of both kingdomes with great honor as hath bene heretofore But they be svveete Englishmen if you marke theyr english vve reason of the dishonor and seruitude vvhich comes to the nation and they ansvvere of the honor that comes to the prince more lyke Basciaes to the great Turke then Christian commonvvealthmen as though our Christian and naturall Queen could thinke any thing profitable to her vvhich might any way though a farr off tend to the perpetuall bondage of hyr people here though they subtilly let slippe the assured hurt vvhich hereby falles to the common weale I wyl not forget to shew hovv incertain yea and hovv certainly perillous to the prince thys honor is wherewith they flatter hyr Holy king Henry as they call hym vvhom I suppose they wyll bring in for example vvas crovvned in Paris and yet lost all on that side before he was a man as I remember or soone after and before hys vnhappy death he lost thys land also vvhich losse of both came by striuing for both So that he may with more reason be recorded emong those fallen princes at the lowest of Boccaces vvhele or in our English booke of fallen Maiestrates then to be reconed vp by any faythfull English man for a patern of imitation to our present Queen Elizabeth VVho so vvyl auoyd those feareful effects must auoyd the cause from vvhence they procede and not bring such examples to be followed This example of Henry the sixt vvould proue like to our present case if it vvere pursued For the complection and constitution of Monsieur is not to liue long but to leaue his child in the cradle for the reasons hereafter remébred And if the byrth of thys child should any vvay endanger our Queen the poore infant if he ouerliued shold haue tvvo ouer great scepters to play withall euen as Henry the sixth had and so much the worse as there are euen novve one or tvvo houses in Fraunce vvhich vvould easely be saluted as kings and of whom both Monsieur and the king that novve is may vvell stand in feare perhappes these men wold prouide that this chyld should be borne in Monmouth and not at vvinsor and then they would think all sure Me thinks they should runn headlong on this remedy that are blinded in thys euill Thus it comes oftentimes to passe that flattery vvoundeth princes euen vvyth the very self thinges it so fairely beareth in hand And if he should haue a son and a daughter so as both of them ouer liuing theyr parents the son should be actually king as vvell of hys fathers as of his mothers kingdome and then dye wythout issue hys sister yet liuing is it not more then probable in this case that the next prince of the blood in Fraunce vnder pretence that England vvas once vested in the blood of the French king and vnder theyr gouernment vvyl drawe it also by thys vnity of possession vvith the crown of Fraunce vnder the law Salique and so quite vnqueen the desolate sister for the least color in the worlde ioyned vvith the sword in a stronge highminded kings hande makes a good tytle to a kingdome euen agaynst father mother wyfe brother and sister as storyes witnes and according to that vvhich is sayd No fayth in matter of a kingdome Much more agaynst that poore daughter vvhich then should be a straunger in the house of Fraunce The actuall possession of her brother vvyll make no tytle neyther wyll it be any plea to say that by our lavves lands descended from the mother are guyded to the heyrs of the part of the mother but our issue must be battel vvhich is a tryall most incertain most perilous to the daughter vvho being out of possession shal haue much adoe to find equiualiant champions And if thys Monsieur should haue by our Queen two sons or moe it must needes breed forrain vvars and ciuill partaking thorough disagreement of the brethren vvhyle the younger looking back to the
tymes of william the first vvould chalenge to haue kingdomes and such regall dominions deuided emong chyldren as the Conquerer did vvith England and Normandye and the elder knovving himselfe according to the present lavves heire to both vvould clayme both vtterly denying this carpet conqueste of Monsienr to be any conquest lyke that of VVilliam And so that miserable ciuill dissention in England renued after hir which in the peacemaking mariage of her noble grandfather and in the person of hyr royall father and in continaunce of that ligne in hir hitherto is happyly quenched He that confesseth all these incōueniences and weenes to prouide for them with his penn in hys studye or by acts of parliament or by any other conditioning of oathes and sworn promises contested at theyr hygh altar of their masse forgets the many experiences of sayths most solemnly geuen falsified on the other side he that scornes thys our particularizing of thys matter and putting of the case vvhat if he haue issue male onely or female onely must be put in mind agayn how vnlyke it is for her to haue any hovv daungerous for her to haue but one and hovv her yeeres doe necessarily denye her many he must also remember on the side of Monsieur hovv fruteles a race that is his eldest brother had none his seconde brother but one that a daughter hys thyrd hath none all of them being a forced generation by phisick after many yeeres vvhen theyr mother feared to be put avvay as barraine No vvhere therefore are vve to match vvith lesse hope of issue And if it seeme curiositie that we proceede further in thys case as to say what if Monsieur should haue both male and femall or diuers males I require of hym but so much foresight and casting of doubt for the happy staying of thys crovvne in the English ligne of our auneient kings as noble men and other great landed ones at thys day haue vvho in their vsuall conueighances do marshall the fal of theyr inheritances by limitation vpon limitation euen to the tenth son of theyr body begotten and to the tenth nephevv of theyr foresayd tenth son of hys body begotten May it be lavvfull so to prouied for the continuance of pelting maners in one familie of a subiect and wil he not carefully cast a fevv doubts for holding of the crovvne vvith many principalities and dukedoms for the preseruation of the capitall corporation of England in respect vvhere of al other the greatest castelles honors and manors are but mesnalties or rather very messuages and tenancyes paraual Issue therefore or no issue by thys Frenchmans body the issue of this Frenchmans marrage is most dangerous to thys Realme and the very consideration of it fearefull in behalfe of our lief soueraigne But these gloosing Frenchmē haue vvhet on some of our persvvaders vvho likevvise vvhet on others vvith remembrance of the dominions and rule vvhich theyr anncesters sometime bare in Fraunce and vvhich this land novv vvants with some disgrace Other of our mens teeth are made to vvater with fayre promises of reposseding those seigneuries and countryes vvhich theyr noble forefathers enioyed as though by meanes of thys mariage they vvould set foote there I knovv not hovv before the french vvere a vvare and sending ouer some colonies from hence of such superfluous gentilmen as themselues they vvould holde it maugre the king there vvith such braue vvords the false flattering frenchmen bring fond credulous Englishmen into a supposed paradise These brauing English gentlemen are as farre from the wisedom of theyr noble auncestets of whom they speake as from theyr courage It vvere verely a conquest fit for gentlemen to assay the recouering of our former losses and to begin euen vvyth our last losse first but if these mens eyther wisedome vvere such as vvere lyke to gette it or theyr courage such as vvere lyke to keepe it they vvould remember that in tymes passed the noble ▪ Englishmen delighted rather to be seene in Fraunce in bright armour then in gay clothes and masking attyre they did chuse rather to vvinn and hold by manly force then by such esseminate meanes Yea vvhen they did obteyn any thyng by mariage it was not that England vvas maryed to France but by marying france to England vvherein is great difference if a man haue the witt to marke it For if eyther vve vvere Frenchmen or our nation more large and pleasaunt then Fraunce vve might perhaps haue reason simply to desyre it Then should our land ▪ be the royall seate our king should be resident emong vs and our empire encreased by so many vassalles vvhich though by the mariages of our former kinges the flowers of kinghthood vvould haue fallen out othervvise in processe of tyme to the same bondage of thys lande if they had styll kept Fraunce because theyr succeeding children kinges of England vvoulde haue remoued thither as into a more rich and pleasaunt kingdome out of Englande deuided from the world yet had euen our forefathers in the dayes of those victorious kings that reason to desire it which vve vvant that is they vvent thither vvith theyr kings to be maisters of countrey and people and to hold it by aims as strongest vvheresoeuer theyr king vvent he was styll an Englishman and trusted most most aduaunced Englishmen yea those kings had euer Animam reuer tendi as I may say into England ▪ in so much as king Henrye the fift vvho had set surest foote in Fraunce yet he had a mind to be brought after hys death out of fickle Fraunce into vvell stayed England and here vve haue hys boanes But in this mariage our Queen is to be maryed and both she and we poore soules are to be mastered and vvhich is vvorse mistrised to And as for the issue he shall be meere French no more acknovvledging vs then that other Pharaoh which neuer knew Ioseph Thys therefore vvere a desyre more lyke the noble blood of those tymes rather to fight for that vve haue not then to daunce for that vve haue yea I vvill say to these dauncers for a garlonde and not for a kingly crovvne as that duke of Glocester sayde It vvere more commendable for these ioyly mates to demaund by word and sword those dominions whych vve haue lost rather thē by mariage to shut the gates of recouering any thyng lost and to open agate of loosing all that is left And if these men vvere eyther regenerate with theyr lyuing brethren by the Gospel or yf they were not degenerate from theyr deceased noble fathers remained but in theyr pure naturalles they would neuer so speak for a faultor prince of Rome and one that may be warranted to vs and our heyres for an enemy auncestrell as I may say and of an hatefull blood from many graundfathers And if they had but that naturall sense vvhich all lyuing creatures haue to eschevv in theyr kindes all contrary and hurtfull thinges they vvould not so labour
to thyrd and fourth generation as I vvould my poore lyfe might redeeme the ioyning of Queene ELIZABETH to such one in that neer knot vvhich must needes make hir halfe in the punishments of those his sinnes Hir Maiesties father had a law passed by parliament in his tyme that whoso had vnlawfully knovven that vvoman with vvhom the king was to mary and did not before mariage come in and bevvray it shold vpon the matter aftervvard detected be holden litle better then a traytor Hys care to haue a good woman vvas Christian and royall he vvyst vvell as the preambles of those statutes purport beside the pryuate contentation to him selfe that as vvel the sinnes of father mother as the plague of theyr sins descends to the children and considering hys chyldren were to be left gouernours of the land which mightso also haue part in these punishments his care vvas so much more to be approued because it vvas also for the common vveale The same reason is to moue in vs all a harty desire thas hir Maiesty should mary vvith such a house and such a person as had not prouoked the great vengeance of the lord And surely considering the haynousnes of the sin in euery person with the concurrant circūstances in this case of a prince the law was a iust law vve can haue no such law against strangers therfore in hir Maiesties name I require at the hands of al English Ambassadors other trauayling Englishmē abrod of all vvise men at home that they vvilbe hir diligent espialls herein geuing faithful aduertisement not of such seldome or small fautes as men corruptly call tryckes and pranks of a young gentilman but vvhither hys lyfe hath ben so monstrously wicked as is reported for it is no small matter for a Queene the head of the lande to ioyne in any maner with that person ouer vvhom the ineuitable plages of the most true Lord do hang. This is to approch to the plague when it commeth and not as Salomons wise man doth to withdrawe hymselfe when he seeth it His youth of yeeres is an apparant inequalitie of this match a secret discouery of his mynd not singlie affected vvith true and simple loue to that he should chiefely seeke for emong vs of the meaner sort not one in a thousand of those younger men that seke ther elder matches but doth it in side respects and hovv can vve thinke other wise in a young prince heire apparant of france It is quite contrary to his young appeties which vvyll otherwise haue theyr desire It is therefore eyther for want of liuing and mayntenance to hys mynd and then is he not fit for this realme or els is it certenly for some other notable practise vvhich muste needes be dangerous because so great a man must be the instrument and because it is not disclosed He is differing from hir Maiestie in religion thagreement wher in as it worketh by Gods blessing a most neer knot of good vvill and perfect liking in all things euen emong straungers so by the vvords of Christ a disagrement in this kind brings the svvord betvvene father and children brethern and sisters betvvene a man and hys vvife Yea vve haue seene in our dayes parentes and husbands being papistes thorough the vnnaturall cruelty of that Italian heresie vpon the least occasion and vvithall gredinesse to haue deliuered vp to death their children vvife And if al bands be little enough to hold loue and to worke a comfortable lyfe here in earth against the many miseryes of this noysome pilgrimage let vs not dispise that vvhich is the chiefest and strongest And which I may not forget who so marieth with any popevvorshipper can not tell vvhen to be sure of him for they haue one knife to vnloose all alliances vvith kingdoms and fayth giuē to princes that is the popes dispensation vvhich is so iust in it self as vvhither it bynd or loose it may not be examined if therefore after our mariage vvhich God first let the changeable decree of a pope vvill pronounce the mariage no mariage eyther vpon some nevv aduantage to the church of Rome either els because Monsieur could haue no children by our Queen for that there must of necessity sit vpon that throne some of the blessed seed of Medices vvhich vvas sent into Fraunce from a pope no doubt this son of the pope in Fraunce is as much bound by popish obedience to leaue against Gods lavv his vvife as his son of Spayne vvas to take against Gods forbodd his own sisters dau●●ter And as much conscience vvill the holy father make to breake a lavvfull mariage for his aduauntage as to licence a lavvles vvhat a feare of dishonor vvorse then the dishonor vvere this to depend vpon the incertain pope vvhither vve shall at any time hereafter be decreed to haue liued in vnlavvfull mariage yea or no. If any man anusvver hereto that this doubte is too farre fetched and hath no reason to be conceiued let him at once take this replye for maintenance of thys and diuers other like reasons that are may be made That vvhosoeuer is carefull of the life and honour of a prince casts more doubts then for a common person In theyr palaces they must haue more gards for night and day more porters more hus shirs and more doers to come to them euen in time of peace then common persons haue But vvhen the enemy of a prince comes to be considered of then princes will vse theyr longest hands of strength theyr tendred nosed coūsailors most percing sight of theyr vvise and faythfull seruants and who wold not suspecte any trechery from that Roman ennemy of enemyes vvhich like a iugling Aegiptian playes fast and loose with all the vvorld and is singularly a deuowed enemy to our Queene as he vvas lately to hir Maiesties father because he refused and reiected one of his like godlesse dispensations for a lyke lawles mariage An other reason might be made a gainst thys mariage that if thorough his ambitious mind not so blamevvorthy in such a prince as hurtfull to such as should chuse him during the life of his brother he should be chosen king elsvvhere it might cause his absence litle to hir maiesties comfort But this reason I bring not for the force of it or for vvant of other for I suppose the late honorable leauing of Poleland vvilbe a lesson to any kingdome or state of free election how they shall chuse this brother If therefore as Qu. Maries counsailors had that respect to hir high honor that they did not mary hir to K. Phillip till he ▪ was a king in the lyfe of his father so likewise these men vvould not talke of Monsieur til he were hir maiesties peere by being chosen king by the franke election of any ▪ state I vvould not feare thys matter The onely cause therefore vvhy I thought this reason worth any mētion is by that
sister as neere to him as this brother is to the novv king These tymes haue nevv falshodes vvhich vve must encounter by nevv foreseeing vvysedomes nevv diseases haue taught phisitians to find nevv medicines and sith false frenchmen vvyll doe that which theyr forefathers vvould neuer do let honest English men suspect that which theyr auncesters could neeuer misdeeme Especially in those matters wher popery comes betwene as the motif and the french ben the instruments For to do that Roman sinagogue seruice the french doe accompt as fayre vertues all foule lyes treasons poysonings massacres and turning of realms vpside down And for recompence of theyr braue nighte xploit at Paris they were brought immediately as it vvere in a carte of tryumphe in at Rome gates where the world is vvitnes of the panegyricall prayses and solemne orations pronounced in theyr perpetuall fame with many ioyfull fyres in honor of that barbarous vnmanlike and treasonable victory vpon the noble Admiral that slept in the oth of hys king But though the hope of lyke commendation may make these men attempt the lyke fact yet are these wicked praysings of the pope but a shadow of praysings and make as much to the true honor of the french as theyr paper excommunication and burning by image at Rome doe hurt the good Christian in body or soule Now the Spanish genet wil soone champ thys cakebread snaffle a sunder for thys great feate that should be don in bringing K. Phillip to some reasonable conditions of peace vvith his subiects and hyr maiestie to haue some maritime part to hir own behofe hovv shall it be wrought by french forces onely They vvyll not doe it they can not doe it ▪ and if they would or could why is it not don already if by french and English forces ioyned vvhy then doth he not ioyne and conferr with vs all thys whyle rather then vnder hand seeke to trump both them of the religion there and the malcontent If it should be don by English forces onelye as it must be indeede for he hath none to command oneles they saye that hys brother vvyll both man him and money hym and then they forgette that vvhyche they sayde of being a brydle to Fraunce If I saye Englyshe money and Englyshmen must do thys enterpryse it may be much better achiued now while we haue the lavv in our own hands and may command then when vve shall be couert baron and haue put our sword into an other hand vve haue not so much neede of hym for a captayne as he hath of our strength to serue hym Neyther doe I thinke more truth in any of these theyr reasons then that vve should serue to vvorke theyr vvill in those lovv countryes and if any thing vvere gotten that should vvholy goe to Fraunce but our butin in England should be euen as good in these vvars to be taken for france agaynst Spayn as it vvas vnder Queene Mary in the vvarres for Spayn agaynst Fraunce at vvhat tyme the vvhole losse euen a greeuous losse to any Englishman that shall looke from Douer castle ouer to the other side fell on our part But in deede if it please hyr maiestye to ayde those lovv countryes as it vvyll be most for our honor in the enterpryse and for our gayne in atchieuing to doe it of our selues vvhyle uve are at lybertye and not vnder straunge restraint so is it novve high time for the neede they haue vvho by these delayes shal be soone past helpe and so the king of Spayne haue hys vvyll And in truth the best vvelcome force and of most profit to those countryes must be the English vvithout french for the popish party of Arthois and Henault neuer loued the french and novv dare not trust thē and those of Gaunt hate them tvvyse Fyrst for religion and then for the cause common to them vvyth the VVallon vvhich is theyr ouermuch intelligence vvith the cōmon enemy the Spaynard vvhatsoeuer perill therefore out of those countries from king Phillip by reason of hys pease there is spoken of by these perswaders thereby alluring vs vnto thys match vvyth Fraunce is easely mett vvythall by our ovvn forces in tyme vvhych vvyll be much more vvyllyngly receiued of them then the French for all the late foolish and levvd pamflettes there spred by the french in theyr ovvne fauoer and our disgrace And it is more absurd that Fraunce vvoulde consent to send hither a brydle for himself those that are of this mind presuppose a ielousie betweene the French king and Monsieur vvhych vve must first graunt them or els they fayle to proue thys in the begynning Now albeit I thinke that the best fayth can not be meant but betvvene the best men yet may we be assured that hovve soeuer they stande betvvene themselues for Fraunce they vvyll styll agree to anoy England and hold togither lyke brethren the change of that ayre for thys and hys comming ouer sea vvyll not change that mind and styll shall he be hys brother and son of his mother vvho seeing that both of them doe follow this mariage no doubt they wyll prouide agaynst theyr ovvne brydeling And it is lyke ynough though Monsieur knowes a peice of theyr purpose yet knowes he not the depth of thys mischieuous practise For they doe not vse to impart more to him then falles to hys part to play The king remembers that he hymselfe when he vvas Monsieur being made priuie to the thē purposed horrible massacre had like to haue marred al by lauishing out a word here of to one of hys deerelyngs had not Lignerolls mouth ben stopped with papp and the hatchet as they say Besides that Monsieur vvas neuer admitted so farr in connsail as the present king nor esteemed so stanche And if a man may guesse sometime what a thing is by reckoning vp vvhat it is not we shall not find in the king nor his bro ther nor mother any louing cause to bring this nevve loue in theyr mind They neuer bare fauour to hir maiesties person they neuer shewed themselues louers to the quiet of thys state they account not themseldes any vvay beholden to prince or state Euery vvord or deed of ours shewing neuer so litle compassiō tovvards their murthered or mislike of the murderers is depely layd vp of them for so many vvrongs Much lesse vvyll any man think she sends hir son hyther to schoole for our religion It is farr from probabilitie to thinke that the king sends him hither because he vvould be rid of hym as though he stoode in fearefull doubte of hys greatnes vvhyle he vvere in fraunce It is sufficiently proued othervvhere that he is not followed nor esteemed generally in Fraunce by papist or protestant And if there vvere any such ielousie in the kings head thys vvere no vvisedome by aduauncing his brother to so puissant a kingdom to make him more dread And in Monsieur vvhat doe we find