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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23100 The sinners glasse containing Augustines Ladder to paradise : with diuers meditations and prayers, both for morning and euening / collected out of Saint Augustine and other ancient fathers. Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.; Pimm, Timo. 1609 (1609) STC 953.5; ESTC S1048 46,819 293

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Come the excellent glorie of all the liuing the onely health of the dying Come most holy spirite come and haue mercy on mée prepare mée for thée and discend louingly to me that my vnability and weakenesse may please thy greatnesse and strength according to the multitude of thy compassions through Iesus Christ my sauiour who with the father in vnitie of thée liueth and raigneth world without end Amen A Prayer to the holy Trinity O Thrée coequal and coeternall persons one god and true the Father the Sonne and the holy ghost who onely possesseth eternity and light that no man can come to who hast made the whole worlde with thy power and rulest the round compasse of the earth with thy wisdome Holy-holy holy Lorde God of Sabaoth terrible and strong iust and mercifull to be wondred at to bee praised and to be beloued one god three persons one power wisdome and goodnesse one and vnseparable Trinitie Open to mee calling on thee the gates of righteousnesse and then entring into them I wil confesse to thee O Lord. Beholde the earnest desire of the inward affections of my heart crying out and the complaint of the teares of mine eyes at thy gate O most gracious father before thee is all my desire and my mourning is not hidde from thee and thou O Lord turne not thy face any more from me neyther passe by in thy wrath from thy seruant Father of mercie heare the wailing of thine Orphan and reach out thy right hande an helper that it draw mee backe from the depth of waters and lake of miseries and the puddle of dregs least I should perish the mercy of thine eyes looking on the clemency of thy heart beholding but that I may passe without danger to thée my Lord God that I may sée the riches of thy Kingdome and beholde thy face for euer and sing prayses to thy holy name O Lord which doest maruailous thinges which makest my heart glad with the remembrance of thee which lightenest my youth Despise not mine olde age but make my bones to reioy●e and my gray haires to renue as an Eagle Amen Another of the same O God the true and very excellent life from whome by whome and in whome all things whatsoeuer doe liue are good and glorious to see to God whose faith doth erect vs whose hope doth comforte vs whose loue doth linke vs together God which commandest thy selfe to bee sought and makest thy selfe to bee found and openest to him that knocketh God from whome to bee turned it is to fall to whome to bee turned it is to rise in whome to remaine it is most auaileable God whome no man loseth but is deceyued whome no man seeketh but is warned whome no man findeth but is clensed and healed God whom to knowe it is to liue whome to serue it is to raigne whome to praise ●t is health and ioy to the soule Thee I praise blesse and honour with my lippes and heart and with all the strength and power I am able and I thanke thy mercy and goodnesse for all thy benefites and I sing an Hymne to thy glorie Holy holie holy I call on thee O blessed Trinity that thou wouldest come into mee and make mee a worthie temple of thy glorie I beseech the Father by the Sonne I beséech the sonne by the Father I beseech the holy Ghost by the Father and the sonne that all my sines and weckednesse bee remooued farre from mee Most mightie God from whome all things by whom all things and in whome all thinges are made visible and inuisible which compassest thy workes round aboute which replenishest them within couerest them aboue and sustainest them vnderneath keepe mee the worke of thy handes hoping in thee and trusting in thine onely mercy keep mee I beseech thee heere and euery where now and euer within and without before and behind aboue beneath and round about so that no place lie open in me to the deceits of mine enemies Thou art God omnipotent the keeper and protector of all them that put their trust in thee without whome no man is safe no man is deliuered from daungers thou art God and there is no other God besides thee neither in heauen aboue nor in earth below which doest great things to be wondred at of which there is no number Praise honour and songs to thy laud belongeth To thee al the Angels to thee the heuens and all the powers make Hymnes and sing prayses incessantly as it behooueth the creatures to their Creator the seruants to their Maister the Souldiours to their King Euery creature magnifyeth thee euery soule prayseth thee most holie and vnseperable Trinity through Isus Christ our Lord Amen A Prayer how the word becomming flesh is cause of our hope GOD is not so much an enemy that hee may not loue his owne flesh his owne members ' and bowels verily I might despaire by reason of my too many sins and vices faults and infinite negligences which I haue committed and dayly and continually do in Hearte and Worde and deede and by all the meanes by which humaine frailety may sinne but that thy worde my GOD was become flesh and dwelled in vs. But now I dare not despaire because hee beeing obedient to thee euen to the Death yea the death of the Crosse tooke vp the hand writing of our sinnes and nailed it to the Crosse Crucified sinne and Death Therefore in him safely I rest which sitteth at thy righte hand and maketh intercession for vs. Hauing a sure confidence in him I look for to come to thee in whom we are risen againe now we are ascended into heauen and set together in the celestiall places to thee be praise to thee hee glorie to thee be honour to thee be praise and thansgiuing Amen A Praier that the kingdome of Heauen may be obtained O Happie reioysing and reioysing happinesse to see the holie ones to bee with them and to bee to see the holy God to possesse God for euer and infinitly these things wee should consider of with an earnest minde these thinges wee shoulde desire with all longing that wee might bee able quickly to come to them If thou wouldest consider and inquire how this may bee brought to passe either by what meanes heare mee this matter is put in the power of him that can doe it because the kingdome of Heauen suffereth violence the Kingdome of Heauen O man seeseeketh no other price then thy selfe it is worth so much as thou art giue thy selfe and thou shalt possesse it Why art thou troubled touching the price Christ hath yeelded and deliuered vp himselfe to God his father that thou shouldest purchase thee a Kingdom thou so giue thy selfe that thou be his Kingdom and that sinne may not raigne in thy mortall bodie but the spirit in obtaining of eternall life A Praier for the sweetnes of heauenly loue I Loue thee my God I loue thée and more and more will loue thee O my Lorde my God
part of the heart that out of them wee may diligently consider our state or order of life and study and indeuor to doe their workes whose déeds and writings we couet to reade often Bubow shall wee conceiue these things in minde or how may wee take héede least in meditating on some of them falsly and vainely wee should passe the bounds set downe of the holy Fathers except first we shall be instructed by reading or by hearing for bearing after a certain manner belongeth to reading Whereupon wee were wont to say not only to haue read those books which we read to our selus and others but also those which we haue heard of our Masters Also what profiteth it a man when he may perceiu what may bee done by meditations except he getteth helpe by prayer and Gods grace to obtaine to them Euery good gift and euery perfect gift is from aboue comming from the Father of Lights without whom we can doe nothing It required prayer of the Samaritane woman when he said if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that sayeth to thée giue me drinke thou wouldest haue asked of him and hée would haue giuen thee water of life The woman hearing this as if she had beene instructed by reading meditating in her heart to bee good and profitable for her to haue this water Therefore inflamed with desire of hauing it turned her selfe to prayer saying Sir giue me of that water that I may not thirst neither come hither to draw Note the hearing of the word of God and the meditation vpon it incited or stirred her vp to prayer For how might she bee carefull and earnest to aske except first meditatiō had moued her Or what had meditation going before profited her except prayer following did shew what she had requested to attaine to Therefore to the end that meditation bee profitable it behoueth that deuout prayer should follow the effect of which is as it were the swéetnesse of Contemplation Here are declared all these degrees so to bee conioyned that they are inseperable OVt of these we may gather the reading without meditation is barren Meditation without reading is erroneous Prayer without Meditation is nothing earnest Meditation without prayer vnprofitable Prayer with deuoutnesse and obtainer of Contemplation The obtaining of Contemplation without Prayer is very rare or miraculous For God of whose power there is no number or ende and whose mercy is aboue all his workes readeth vp Sonnes to Abraham out of fiue stones whilest or as yet hard and vnwilling hee bringeth them together to assent that they may be willing And so as prodigall as it is a cōmon saying he draweth the Oxe by the horne whē not called he putteth in himselfe Which thing and if when wee reade to happen to some men as to Paule and some others yet notwithstanding wee ought not as in a manner of tempting God to take vpon vs diuine things but to doe that which belongeth vnto vs that is to read and to meditate in the law of God To pray to him that he wold helpe our infirmities and consider our imperfections Which hee teacheth vs to doe saying aske and yee shall receiue séeke and yee shall finde knocke and it shall be opened vnto you For now the Kingdome of heauen suffereth violence and the violent taketh it by violence Sée if the properties of the foure degrees aforesaid in their agreeable distinctions can bring to passe how they may agrée together and what euery one of them may effect or accomplish in vs. Blessed is the man whose mind is at leasure from other businesses hee alwayes desireth to be exercised in these foure degrées who althings that he hath being solde buyeth that fielde in which lyeth hid the treasure long wished for Marke yee and consider how swéete the Lord is Who that is exercised in the first degrée héedful circumspect in the 2. deuout in the 3. in the 4. lifted vp aboue himselfe he doth ascēd by these which he hath disposed set in order in his heart frō vertue to vertue vntill hee may sée the Lord of Lords in Sion Blessed is he to whom it is grāted to remaine in this highest degrée euen a small time for he may truely say behold I féel the grace and fauor of God behold I contemplate with Peter and Iohn behold with Iacob I am often times delighted with the imbracings of Rachel But let this man beware least after this Contemplation in which hee was lifted vp to heauen hee fall downe by any disordinate occasion into the bottomlesse pitt nor after that visiting ended he bee turned into lasciuious déeds of the world and inticements of the flesh When in truth the weake sight of mans minde cannot long indure the brightnesse of the true light let it descend easily orderly to some one of the thrée degrées by which it had ascended and by course turne now in one now in another it may stay as in consideration of the place and time then is it by so much the nearer to God by how much it is the further from the first steppe or degrée But alas ●he fraile and miserable condition of man beholde wee apparantly sée by the leading of reason and the testimonies of scriptures the perfection of good life to bee contained in these foure degrées And in these spiritual good things mans exercise ought to bee imployed But whois he and we wil praise him To wil is present with many but with a few to performe and would to God wee were of that few Foure Causes which draw vs from these foure degrees BUT there are Foure causes which draw vs often times frō these foure degrées that is to wit vnauoidable necessity Commodity of honest businesse Humane infirmity and worldly vanity The first excusable the second tolerable the third miserable the fourth culpable For those whom such cause withdraweth from a holy purpose had béene yet better not to know the glory of God then known afterwards to goe backe What excuse shall we haue for sin for iustly can the Lord say what should I haue done for thee and haue not done it Thou wast not and I haue created thée thou hast sinned and madest thy selfe the seruant of the Diuell and I haue redéemed thée thou diddst runne a race of the world with the wicked and I haue chosen thée When I gaue thee grace in my sight would make an abiding with thée thou despisedst me and not onely hast cast behinde thée my wordes but my selfe and hast walked after thine owne concupiscenses But O good God gentle and méeke a swéete friend a wise councellor a strong h●lper how vain how rash is he that renounceth thée that putteth back so milde and quiet a guest from his owne heart O vnhappy and dangerous change to put away his Creator and to receiue hurtfull cogitations Yea that secret seate of the holy Ghost the secret of the heart which a litle time before bent and