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A17892 The alphabet of prayers very fruitefull to be exercised and vsed of euerye Christian man. Newly collected and set forth, in the yeare of our Lorde, 1564. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed in the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions. Cancellar, James, 1565 (1565) STC 4558; ESTC S109602 28,466 96

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seruaunts as may be most expedient for them graunting vs in thys worlde knowledge of thy truth and in the world to come life enerlasting Amen ij Corinth xiij THe grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ and the loue of God and the fellowshippe of the holy ghost be with vs all euermore Amen Euening Prayer The Antheme REmember not O Lorde mine offences nor the offences of my forefathers neyther take thou vengeance of my sinnes spare me good Lord whome thou haste redemed wyth thy most precious bloud and be not angrye wyth me for euer ¶ The fyrst Psalme at Euening Prayer AGainst thee O Lorde against thee haue I sinned done wyckedly before thee and thou seest also that mine iniquitie is great Behold good Lorde I am solde vnder sinne and in my fleshe I fynde not that which is good Comforte therefore O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt for vnto thee doe I lift vp my heart and minde Do thou shew on me thy mercy O Lorde and graunt vnto me thy saluation Earely in the morning doe I cry vnto thee bicause of thy righteous iudgements and mercy For thou Lorde arte good and gracious and of great mercy vnto all them that call vpon thee Giue lyghte vnto mine eyes O Lorde for I haue slept to long in death and my sinnes haue preuayled againste mee He that liueth O Lorde he that liueth shall prayse thee and shall make thy mercy knowen In thy Tabernacle O Lorde wyll I dwell for euer and my defence and couering shalt be vnder thy wings Glory be to the Father c. ¶ The seconde Psalme LOrde deliuer mee from among the wycked that I maye gyue thankes to thy holye name and make my boast of thy prayse Make all nations whome thou haste made to reioyce and worship thee that they may prayse and glorifie thy name Now teache thou me O Lorde that I may walke in thy truth and knit my heart vnto thee that I maye feare thy name O Lorde fourne thee vnto me and haue mercy vpon me giue thy strength vnto me and succour mee Praysed be thy name O Lorde my God for thou hast set thy glorye aboue all the Heauens Quicken my soule O God and all the powers thereof that it may cleaue fast and be ioyned to thee in ioyful gladnesse of Ghostly rauishings Regarde O Lorde the Prayer of thy seruant and hyde not thy face from me in the time of my trouble Shewe some good token vppon me that they that hate me may see it and be ashamed bycause thou Lorde hast holpen and comforted me Thou Lorde art good and gracious and of great mercy vnto all them which call vpon thee Vnto thee therefore O Lorde wyll I perfourme my vowes I wyll giue thee thanks both nowe and euermore worlde without ende Amen The Antheme SAue me good Lorde waking and keepe me sleeping that I may wake in Christ and rest in Peace The Versicle Blessed be the name of the Lorde The Aunswere From this time forth for euermore The Collect. O Lorde God I beseeche thee to lighten my darkenesse and deliuer me from all y e daungers of this night O mercifull Lorde thorowe thy Sonne Iesus Christ who liueth and raigneth with thee in vnitie of the holye Ghoste world without ende Amen The Antheme O Lorde graunt me thy lyght that I being deliuered from the darkenesse of sinne may come to the verye eeight which is Christ The Versicle Lord heare my Prayer The Aunswere And let my crye come vnto thee The Collect. LIghten my darkenesse I besech thee O Lorde and by thy great mercye defende me from all the perils and daungers of this night that after my sleepe I maye safely awake to the prayse and glorye of thy name thorowe Christe thy Sonne our Lorde Sauiour Amen The Prayer O Merciful God and Heauenly Father whether I sleepe or wake liue or die I am alwayes thine Wherfore I besech thee hartily that thou wylte vouchsafe to take charge and care of me not to suffer me to perish in the works of darknesse but to kindle y e light of thy countenaunce in my heart y e thy Godly knowledge may dailye increase in me thorowe a right pure faith and that I maye alwayes be founde to walke and lyue after thy wil and pleasure thorow Iesu Christ our Lorde Sauiour Amen A Prayer for the Queene O Heauenly Father God almighty whose Kingdome is euerlasting power infinite which of thy good nesse haste vouchsaued to restore vnto vs of the Englishe nation the lyght of thy holye Gospell by thy chosen seruant and Minister Elizabeth our moste gracious soueraigne Lady I beseech thee O good Lorde so to rule hir heart that she knowing thy will may alwayes incline to doe the same effectually And graunt that we hir Subiects duely considering hir Regall auctoritye and power which thou hast giuen hir maye truely and faythfully serue honoure and humbly obey hir in thee and for thee according as thou haste commaunded vs in thy blessed and holy Worde thorowe Iesus Christ oure Lorde to whom wyth thee and the Holy Ghost be all honor and glory for euer and euer Amen ¶ A Psalme and Prayer against the Enimies of the Catholike Church ARise O Lorde and stretch forth thine hande the Heathen are fallen into thine heritage thy holy Temple haue they defyled wherin thou haste put thy name and made of it and heape of stones Beholde the dead bodyes of thy seruants haue they giuen to the Foules of the ayre to be deuoured and the bones of thy Sainctes haue they consumed with fyre Cruellye haue they on euery syde shead like water the bloud of thy Faithfull and haue despised to bury them Deceytfullye haue they crept into thine habitation and wyth scorne and derision haue they O Lorde spoken against thee Euen in the middest of thy Temple haue they O Lorde blasphemed thy name and haue not ceassed to doe wickedly Forget not I beseche thee O Lord howe cruelly thys wycked people haue deuoured Iacob thy chosen and layde waste thy dwelling place Giue glorye therefore to thy name O God euerlasting and let the vengeaunce of thy seruants bloud which is shead be openly shewed vpon the wycked in our sight that we thy people and sheepe of thy pasture may ioyfully saye blessed be our God Iehoua for euer and euer Amen The Uersicle Lorde vtterly destroy thine enimye The Aunswere Which hath polluted thy Sanctuarye The Prayer DEliuer thou vs O Lorde frō these vngodly and stiffenecked persons for thou seest that in their heartes they ymagine mischiefe and haue pleasure to eate vp and deuour thy chosen Their tongues be more sharp than the sting of Adders and vnder their lyppes lurketh poyson But O mercifull Lord let vs not fal into their hands least they handle vs after their owne luste Looke downe from Heauen thy habitatiō we beseche thee on thy dispearsed sheepe and strengthen our weakenesse against their furious rages Abate their pride asswage
Worlde with all the vaine pompe pleasure and beauty thereof that it may be vnto mee as vile dust fylthynesse and ashes that I maye vse it as though I vsed it not and that it may serue mee I not it that I may take my part therof vnto my necessity y t I do not vse thy creatures voluptuously but y t I may alwayes liue in this short lyfe righteously soberly iustly Amen REmember not O Lord the number of my sinnes but according to the multitude of thy mercies deliuer mee from the paynes due for them Graunt this O Father for thy deare sonne Iesus Christs sake Amen TEach me good Lord to number my dayes that I maye applye my heart to learne thy Wysedome and so strengthen me with thy Spirite that I swarue not from thy lawe Amen DOe not wyth me O lorde as I haue deserued but call to remembraunce for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake thy tēder mercies which haue bene euer of olde and cast me not from thee in thy heauy displeasure leaste I be consumed and brought to noughte Amen VNto thee O thou God of my comfort I wretched Sinner doe come crauing of thee thy mercy Encline therefore thine Eare vnto my calling O Lorde and consyder the requeste of my hearte for Iesus Christes sake Amen DEare Father to whome it is more easie to doe all things than for me to thincke any one good thoughte giue power vnto thy seruaunt that I may with a strong fayth vanquish and subdue whatsoeuer may cause me to rebell agaynst thy blessed wyll Amen LOrde graunt vnto me thy seruaunt the strength of thy holye Spirite to subdue the body of Sinne with the whole lusts therof that it may be made obedient in wyl and minde to thy lawes Amen EUery one that sayth Lorde Lorde shall not enter the kingdome of heauen Strengthen therfore O Lord thy seruant with the power of thy right hand agaynst all the malignitie of the olde wylie serpent replenish my heart with thy wisedome comforte my soule with thy sweet promises made in Christ Iesu and let thy mercies couer mine infirmities Amen YN all these my Meditations O Lorde let thine eares be open that thou maist heare the prayers which I thy seruāt haue made before thee this daye And graunt that I may alwayes aske of thee in such sorte as y u requirest to the honor praise glory of thy name to the furtherance of thy Worde to the profit of my neighbor and to my consolation and comfort thorow Iesu Christe my Sauiour and Redeemer Amen ¶ The second Psalme of thankes giuing after Aduersitie AFter that I had long looked for thee O Lorde at the laste thou dyddest attende vnto mee and heardest my Prayers Blessed art thou Lorde which haste not holden back thy mercy from thy seruant but hast taken mee out of the lake of miseries and set my féete vppon a rocke and made my steppes sure Conioyne thy selfe O God vnto my soule make it strong least mine Enimies ouercome mee and the companies of Tirannes ouerwhelme me Dominion power glorye be thine for thou haste made all things and bycause thy will is so they doe styll continue Euen thou O Lorde haste done many thinges wonderfull and great and there is none that can bee lyke ▪ vnto thee in thy workes For thou helpest them whose heartes be broken with sorrow and bearest vp with thy hande them that be contrite in Spirite Go not from me O thou God of mercy for thou art my sure refuge and the strength of my hope Haue thou in remembraunce O Lord the rebuke that thy seruant hath bene put to and how furiously my enimies haue persecuted me I haue tasted and felt of thy swéetenesse truely blessed is that man that trusteth in thee Keepe thy mercy for mee O Lorde my strength and my prayse thou haste brought downe mine Enimies which art a Iudge from the beginning Lorde there shall no good thing ▪ bee lacking to them that seeke thee and they ▪ that feare thee shall not be helplesse My soule therefore shall neuer ceasse to speake of thy righteousnesse of thy benefites which be so many that I cannot number them No man may helpe me O Lorde but thou who hast brought my soule out of Hell and haste holpen me vp from falling into the deepe from whence no mā retourneth O Lorde thus haste thou reuenged the wrongs that mine enimies haue done to me thus hast thou bene my cōforte in the time of my trouble and haste bene mercifull vnto me Put away from me O Lorde that which is euill for thou arte holye saue thy seruant which euer hath trusted in thee Quicken me in thy righteousnesse and so shal I triumph and reioyce in thy mercy for that thou haste looked vppon my necessyties and haste regarded my soule in my great distresse Remember Lorde that thou of thy own wil minde diddest giue strength vnto my soule but when thou hyddest thy face from me I was astonished Sende forth therefore O Lorde thy light and thy truth and they shall leade me vnto thy holy Hill and into thy holye Tabernacle Then shall I haue ioy for the dayes wherein I was in sorowe and shall reioyce that thou hast remembred the rebuke that thy seruaunt hath bene put to Verely I was afrayde that thou O Lorde haddest caste me out of thy presēce yet it hath pleased thee to heare my Prayers and according to thy great mercy haste taken me agayne vnto thy grace and fauour Wherefore O Lorde thy name be blessed praysed magnified both nowe and euer as it was in the beginning is nowe and euer shall be world wythout ende Amen The Prayer I Giue thee thanks O God almightye which not alonely hast deliuered mee from many dangerous perilles troubles of Enimies but also haste endued me with the gyftes of nature as reason power and strength and with all other needefull things thou haste possest mee I acknowledge therefore O Lord and confesse with the Apostle that these are thy gyftes and that there is no perfect and good gift but it commeth from thee O Father almighty which giuest frelye and casteth no man in the teeth I acknowledge wyth the Prophets also that Gold is thine and Syluer is shyne and thou gyuest it to whome it pleaseth thee Wherefore my moste mercyfull God I humbly besech and desire of thee that the encrease of these thy gyfts draw mee not from thee but that thou wylte frame in me with thy holy Spirite a true and faythfull heart and ready hand to good workes that I laye not vp treasure here where Theeues may rob and Mothes corrupte but in thy Heauenly Kingdome where neyther Theefe may steale nor Moth corrupte Graunte this deare Father for thy sweete Sonne Iesus Christes sake ▪ Amen ¶ The thirde Psalme of Confidence and truste in God ALthough O God neuer so strong Enimies shall pytche their Tentes agaynst mee my heart shall not be afrayde for
God that I may retourne to thee and walke in all thy wayes for I haue wandred ouerlong in the waye of sinners Make a perpetuall league and couenant with me that thou wilt put thy feare into my heart y t I neuer swarue from thée againe No man may so hide himselfe from thee but that thou mayste see him who doest fulfill both heauen and earth Neuerthelesse I wyll speake vnto thee and wil not holde my peace so long as the breath is in my mouthe but styll shall call on thee for thy mercy Nothing is able to resist thy power thy mercy is aboue all thy workes and thou art gracious and merciful to them which diligently obserue and kepe thy lawes O Lorde my Prayers be euer vnto thee let thine anger be tourned frō me that I maye fynde fauour in thy sight O Lorde looke thou not vppon the hardnesse of my heart but like as thou hast many times shewed mercy so now be mercifull and forgiue that I haue offended thee O Lorde my God which tenderly louest mankinde and arte a most rightfull Iudge spare me I beseche thee and shew on me y e abundance of thy mercye Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the bigin c. The Versicle Turne not thine eyes from me O Lorde The Aunswere But teache me to doe that is pleasaunt in thy sight The Collect. O Mercifull God which by thy sonne Christ hast taught vs to call on thee in our necessitye giue me grace I beseche thee to acknowledge mine own infirmitie and weakenesse that I depending on thy merciful goodnesse may with a strong and stedfast fayth continuallye call on thee wyth a true repentant heart for thy grace mercie and pardon that after thys corruptible lyfe I maye beholde thee in thy euerlasting glorye where thou raignest God euerlasting Amen The Prayer O Lorde our God thou that broughtest thy people oute of the lande of Egipt with a mighty hande with tokens and wonders wyth thy great power and stretched out arme Before thee O Lorde my God haue I synned wyth my forefathers haue done wickedly behauing my selfe vngodly in all thy righteousnesse Turne thy wrathe from me O Lorde and heare my Prayers and Peticions for thine owne sake and bring me home againe which long haue bene astraye that they that hate thy name maye knowe that thou arte the Lorde my GOD and that I haue called on thy name O Lorde looke downe vpon me thy poore creature encline thine eare and heare mee for the dead y t be gone downe to their graues and whose soules are oute of their bodyes ascribe vnto thee O Lorde neyther prayse nor righteous making but the soule that is vexed for the multitude of hir sinnes which goeth on heauilye and weakely whose eyes begin to fayle yea suche a soule O Lorde ascribeth prayse and righteousnesse vnto thee I therefore O Heauenly Father require mercy in thy sight not for any goodnesse that is in me but for the merites of thy deare Sonne Iesus Christes sake to whome wyth thee and the holye Ghost be laude and prayse for euermore Amen ¶ The seauenth Psalme for the obtayning of Godly Wisedome PReserue me O God for in thée doe I trust let thy Wisedome rule and guide my thoughtes that they may alwayes prayse thee Put thy worde in my mouthe and fasten thy wysedome in my heart that other also may be conuerted vnto thee Plucke mee from mine heynous offences and heale my soule which hath offended O God that I maye be free from the gylt of my transgression Quicken me O Lorde as thou art wont to doe thy chosen and let thy hand direct my wayes that I may walke in thy statutes Quicken me that I maye liue and kepe thy wordes that my soule maye prayse thee and that thy iudgementes may helpe me Quicken me also wyth thy louing kindenesse and so shall I keepe the testimonies of thy mouth Remember me O Lorde for thy goodnesse sake and for the great loue that thou bearest towardes me Remember that thou haste made me of the earth and that I shall returne into the dust of Death Remoue me therefore good Lorde from the way of sinners strengthen me with the power of thy right hand Shew me the wayes O Lorde and sende forth the hote flames of thy loue to burne and consume the fantasies of my mynde Satisfye me with thy mercy that sone so shall I be glad and reioyce in thee all the dayes of my lyfe Shewe now good Lorde and declare thy goodnesse vnto me sende downe from Heauen the spirite of thy Wisedome and replenishe my heart wyth knowledge thereof Thou fulfillest the desires of them that feare thee and hearest the Prayers of them that call on thee wyth their whole heart Thou leadest straight in thy iudgements them that be mylde and tractable and teachest them that be meeke thy wordes and Testimonies Thou holdest vp all them which else should fall and all that are fallen thou lyftest vp agayne Up Lorde and helpe thy seruaunt thou art my hope and refuge thou arte my strong holde and castle for thy names sake leade and guide me Uerelye if thou shewe me thy goodnesse and manifolde mercies I shall florishe as the Oliue tree that bringeth forth fruite in due season Uerely my soule hath speciall respect vnto thee O Lord for that my health my strength and my glorye commeth from thee Which hast saued my lyfe from destruction and shewed me thy grace and mercye Which haste satisfied my desyre wyth good things and shalte once restore to me my youth againe Wherefore to thee most louing Lord and for these thy mercies I offer to thee the Sacrifice of laude and prayse Giuing thee thankes nowe and euermore world without ende Amen Lorde haue mercy vpon mee Christ haue mercy vpon mee Lorde haue mercy vpon mee OUr Father whiche arte in Heauen halowed be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy wyll be done in earth as it is in Heauen Giue vs this daye our daylye breade And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgeue thē that trespasse against vs. And leade vs not into temptation But deliuer vs frō euill For thine is the kingdome the power and the glory foreuer and euer Amen The Uersicle Destroye mee not O Lorde for my Sinnes The Aunswere Neyther reserue eternall punishement for them The Prayer MOst righteous God for thy great mercies sake hearken to these my humble Prayers which I make before thee consider mercifull Lorde the desire and thought of my heart Let my loude cryings come vnto thee and let my vnfayned Prayers entre into thine eares Heart mee O Lorde for I am destitute of thy helpe Take care for my soule saue me thy Seruaunt whych wholy must in thee Haue mercye O Lorde haue mercy vpon mee for I wyll neuer rea●●● crying to thee for thy help mercye In the daye time I will call on thee and in the night my crye shall not be hydde from
their malice confounde their deuises wherewith they lyft vp themselues against Christ Iesus thy Sonne our Lorde We be not able of our selues to stand against their assaultes except thy vndeserued grace and mighty arme defende and deliuer vs. Performe therefore thy promises made to Iacob thy Seruaunt and stop the mouthes of thy cursed Enimies Call to repētance thy seely sheepe and forgiue all those that wilfully obstinately rebell not against thy holye Worde Looke also we beseche thee vpon thy poore dispersed which for thy truth sake are compelled to wander frō place to place and ridde them oute of their daily greuances that we may all with one voice and vpright heart and pleasant countenance extolle and magnifie thy holy name Amen An other Psalme for the Church vnder the borowed speache or name of a Uineyarde HEare O thou Shepeherde of Israell thou that leadest Iacob lyke a flocke of sheepe howe long wylte thou be angrye ouer the Prayers of thy people In Egipt thou haddest a Uineyard which thou broughtest among the Heathen thou plantedst it there and it tooke roote so that the whole lande was couered withall Lo the hilles were couered with the shaddowe of it and so were the strong Cedre trees wyth the bowes therof Maruellous was the increase of it after it had taken roote and so was the name of it among all nations Neuerthelesse thou haste suffred the hedge thereof to be broken downe so that the wylde Bore oute of the wood hath rowted it vp and the beasts of the fielde haue deuoured y e Grapes therof O Lorde thou God of hostes let them perishe in thy wrathe that thus haue destroyed and layde waste this thy pleasant vine whose braunches spreade from see to see Preuent we beseeche the O Lorde the malicious enimies of this thy vine and so shall wee wyth voyce and heart laude and praise thy holy name Amen The Uersicle Turne thee O God looke downe from Heauen The Aunswere And beholde the Uineyarde whiche thy right hande hath planted The Prayer A Rise O Lorde looke on thy vineyarde that it be not deuoured of the wicked haters thereof Let thine enimies be scattered the righteous O Lorde make thou pleasant and mery let them blow abrode thy Magnificence let them sing prayses pleasant songes vnto thee let them most highly aduance thy Maiestye let thy glory grow let the Kingdome of Christ from Heauen among the chosen be enlarged be thou O Holy Father the Protector of them namely whom the world forsaketh and pursueth for Christes sake Howe drye O Lorde is the flock of thine heritage poure downe largely we praye thee therfore the showers of thy grace that the Churche thy Spouse may deale large spoiles of the conquered Sathan In thy house O Lorde let vs dwell in peace concorde giue vs all one heart one minde and one true interpretation of thy worde that al that beleue in thee by Christ our Lorde might lifte thee vp w t praises And giue to thy people cunning and power to withstande sinne and to obey thy worde in al things Graunt it so to be most mercifull Lorde for thy Sonne Iesus Christes sake Amen Here followeth certaine Prayers very profytable to be exercised ¶ A Prayer to God the Father for the obtayning of mercy for his Sonne Christes sake O Holy Father remember not the offences of my youth but thinke vpon thy great mercies and couenant made vnto mee in Christ Iesus thy Sonne my only Aduocate and Mediator He it is O holy Father whom thou diddest sende to be the obtainer of mercye for my sinnes Hee was made weake to make me strong Hee was wounded for mine offences He gaue his body to be beaten and his Cheekes to be stricken He turned not away hys face from them that scorned him spyt vpon him He gaue himself to death for them which were offenders Thorowe hys loue and mercye he hath redemed them that were loste and by his bloudsheading on the Crosse he hath pacifyed all things in Heauen and in Earth Behold holy Father therfore who it is that thus hath suffered and forgiue the sinne of him that is redeemed O Heauenly Father for thys thy Sonne Iesus Christes sake write in my heart loue to thy lawe and hate to all sinne y t I may be worthy thorow the merites of his death and passion to dwell wyth him and thee euerlastingly to whome with thee and the Holy ghost be all honor prayse and glory Amen ¶ A Prayer for the obtayning of a good Lyfe O Heauenly Father God Almightye maker of Heauen and Earth and all things contayned in them I beseche thee that thou wilt vouchsafe of thy goodnesse to directe sanctifye and keepe my heart and bodye my senses my doings my talke and cōmunication in thy holy lawes and in the workes of thy Commaundements and that thy holy Angell may be with mee to direct my feete into the way of peace truthe and health that I maye deserue to be whole safe and free in thee and by thee bothe here and in the worlde to come Thou y t art the Sauiour of the worlde and king of glory heare me saue mee which liuest and raignest God in perfect vnitie worlde wythout ende Amen A Prayer to the Father wherein we desire to doe those thyngs that may please him O Heauenly Father haue thou pitie and compassion vppon the weakenesse of me thy vnworthy Childe be thou prest and redy O holy Father to helpe me alwayes shewing thy mercye vppon mee and prosper thou me in whatsoeuer I Godly go aboute so that thou giuing me lyght I may see what things are to be accepted before thee and thou encoraging me I may haue an earnest desire to doe the same and thou being my guide I may come where to obtayne them for I hauing nothing but mistrust in my selfe doe yelde and commit my selfe full and wholye vnto thee alone which workest all things in all creatures to thy honor and glory Amen ¶ A Prayer to Christ the Sonne of God O Bountifull Iesu O sweete Sauiour O Christ the Sonne of God haue pitie vppon mee mercifullye heare me and despise not my Prayers Thou hast created me of nothing thou hast redemed me from the bondage of sinne death and Hel neither with gold nor syluer but wyth thy precious bloud which thou offeredst vpō the Crosse for all mankinde Caste me not awaye O Lorde whome thou by thy great wysedome hast made nor let y e wickednesse of my youth destroy y t which thy goodnesse hath builded Whilest I am here O Iesu haue thou mercy on mee and whilest I haue tyme giue me thy grace to repent Looke vpon mee O Lorde wyth thy mercifull eyes as thou diddest vouchsafe to looke vpon Peter thine Apostle that after his example I may bewayle my sinnefull lyfe that obtayning thy fauoure I may dye therein I acknowledge that of my selfe I haue deserued euerlasting death but yet I appeale to the highe throne