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A09339 A golden chaine: or The description of theologie containing the order of the causes of saluation and damnation, according to Gods word. A view whereof is to be seene in the table annexed. Hereunto is adioyned the order which M. Theodore Beza vsed in comforting afflicted consciences.; Selections Perkins, William, 1558-1602.; Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605. 1600 (1600) STC 19646; ESTC S114458 1,329,897 1,121

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See Petrarch saith Once Rome now Babylon And Ireneus booke 5. chap. last said before all these that Antichrist should be Lateinus a Romane Againe this commandement must not so much be vnderstood of a bodily departure in respect of cohabitation and presence as of a spirituall separation in respect of faith and religion And the meaning of the holy Ghost is that men must depart from the Romish Church in regard of iudgement and doctrine in regard of their faith and the worship of God Thus then we see that the words containe a commandement from God inioyning his Church and people to make a separation frō Babylon Whence I obserue That all those who will be saued must depart and separate themselues frō the faith and religion of this present Church of Rome And whereas they are charged with schisme that separate on this manner the truth is they are not schismaticks that doe so because they haue the commandement of God for their warrant and that partie is the schismaticke in whome the cause of this separation lieth and that is the Church of Rome namely the cup of abomination in the whores hand which is their hereticall and schismaticall religion Now touching the dutie of separation I meane to speake at large not standing so much to prooue the same because it is euident by the text as to shew the manner and measure of making this separation and therein I will handle two things First how farforth we may ioyne with them in the matter of religion secondly how farforth and wherein we must dissent and depart from them And for this cause I meane to make choice of certaine points of religion and to speake of them in as good order as I can shewing in each of them our consent and difference and the rather because some harpe much vpon this string that a Vnion may be made of our two religions and that we differ not in substance but in points of circumstance The first point wherewith I meane to beginne shall be the point of Free-will though it be not the principall I. Our consent Freewill both by them and vs is taken for a mixt power in the minde and will of man whereby discerning what is good and what is euill he doth accordingly choose or refuse the same I. Conclus Man must be considered in a foure-fold estate as he was created as he was corrupted as he is renewed as he shal be glorified In the first estate we ascribe to mans will libertie of nature in which he could will or ●ill either good or euill in the third libertie of grace in the last libertie of glorie All the doubt is of the second estate and yet therein also we agree as the conclusions following will declare II. Conclus The matters where about freewill is occupied are principally the actions of men which be of three sorts naturall humane spirituall Naturall actions are such as are cōmon to men with beasts as to eate drink sleepe heare see smell tast and to mooue from place to place in all which we ioyne with the Papists and hold that man hath freewil and euen since the fall of Adam by naturall power of the mind doth freely performe any of these actions or the like III. Conclus Humane actions are such as are common to all men good bad as to speake and vse reason the practise of all mechanicall and liberal arts and the outward performance of Ciuill and Ecclesiasticall duties as to come to the Church to speake and preach the word to reach out the hand to receiue the Sacrament and to lend the eare to listen outwardly to that which is taught And hither we may referre the outward actions of ciuill vertues as namely Iustice temperance gentlenes liberalitie And in these also we ioyne with the Church of Rome and say as experience teacheth that men haue a naturall freedome of will to put them or not to put them in execution Paul saith Rom. 2.14 The Gentiles that haue not the law doe the things of the law by nature that is by natural strength and he saith of himselfe that before his conuersion touching the righteousnes of the law he was vnblameable Phil. 3. 6. And for this externall obedience naturall men receiue reward in temporall things Matth. 6.5 Ezech. 29.19 And yet here some caueats must be remembred I. that in humane actions mans will is weake and feeble and his vnderstanding dimme and darke and thereupon he often failes in them And in all such actions with Augustine I vnderstand the will of man to be onely wounded or halfe dead II. That the will of man is vnder the will of God and therfore to be ordered by it as Ieremie saith chap. 10.23 O Lord I know that the way of man is not in himselfe neither is in man to walke or direct his steppes IV. Conclus The third kind of actions are spirituall more neerely concerning the heart or conscience and these be two-fold they either concerne the kingdome of darknes or els the kingdome of God Those that concerne the kingdome of darknes are sinnes properly and in these we likewise ioyne with the Papists and teach that in sinnes or euill actions man hath freedome of wil. Some peraduenture will say that we sinne necessarily because he that sinneth cannot but sinne and that freewill necessitie cannot stand together Indeed the necessitie of compulsion or coaction and freewill cannot agree but there is another kind of necessitie which may stand with freedome of will for some things may be done necessarily and also freely A man that is in close prison must needes there abide and can not possibly get forth and walke where he will yet can he mooue himselfe freely and walke within the prison so likewise though mans will be chained naturally by the bonds of sinne and therefore cannot but sinne and thereupon sinneth necessarily yet doth it also sinne freely V. Conclus The second kind of spirituall actions or things concerne the kingdome of God as repentance faith the conuersion of a sinner new obedience and such like in which we likewise in part ioyne with the Church of Rome and say that in the first conuersion of a sinner mans freewill concurres with Gods grace as a fellow or coworker in some sort For in the conuersion of a sinner three things are required the word Gods spirit and mans will for mans will is not passiue in all euery respect but hath an actiō in the first cōuersion and change of the soule When any man is conuerted this worke of God is not done by compulsion but he is conuerted willingly and at the very time when he is conuerted by Gods grace he wills his conuersion To this ende saide Augustine Serm. 15. de verb. Apost He which made thee without thee will not saue thee without thee Againe That is certen that our will is required in this that we may doe any good thing well but we haue it not from our owne
Choose the lower roome at a banquet and rather then be troublesome sit as the master of the feast assigneth thee Luk. 14.7 He spake a parable to the guests when he marked howe they chose out the chiefe roomes and said 8. When thou shalt be bidden of any man to a wedding set not thy selfe downe in the chiefest place least a more honourable man then thou be bidden of him 9. And he that bade both him and thee come and say Giue this man roome 10. But goe and sit downe in the lowest roome that when he that bade thee commeth he may say vnto thee Friend sit vp higher Prou. 25.5 Stād not in the place of great mē c. IV. Man must eate at due times not at vnseasonable houres Eccl. 10.16 Woe be to thee O land whē thy Princes eate in the morning 17. Blessed art thou O land when Princes eate in time V. Man must eate and drinke moderately so that the body may receiue strength thereby the soule be more fresh and liuely to performe the actions of godlines Luk. 21. 34. Take heede to your selues least at any time your hearts be oppressed with surfetting and drunkennesse Prou. 23.29 To whome is woe c. Euen to them that tarry long at wine to them that goe and seeke mixt wine 3. Looke not thou vpon the wine when it is red and when it sheweth his colour in the cup and goeth downe pleasantly c. Prou. 25.16 If thou hast found hony eate that is sufficient for thee least thou be ouer full and vomit Prou. 31.4 It is not for Kings to drinke wine nor for Princes strong drinke 5. Least he drinke and forget the decree and change the iudgement of all the children of affliction VI. We must then especially regard these things when we eate at great mens tables Prou. 23.1 When thou sittest to eate with a ruler consider diligently what is before thee 2. Put the knife to thy throate if thou be a man giuen to thine appetite 3. Be not desirous of his dainty meates for it is a deceiueable meate VII Godly mirth at meate is tollerable Act. 2.46 They did eate their meat togither with gladnes and singlenes of heart VIII Table talke according as occasion of talke is offered must be such as may edifie Such was Christs talke at the Pharises table Luk. 14. from th● 1. verse to the 16. verse IX See that after the banquet ended the broken meate be not lost but reserued Iohn 6.12 When they were satisfied he said vnto his Disciples Gather vp the broken meate which remaineth that nothing be lost X. At a feast leaue somwhat Ruth 2.14 Shee did eate and was sufficed and left thereof Chastitie is double one of single life another in wedlocke They that are single must I. with great care keepe their affections and bodies in holinesse Psal. 119. 9. Howe shall a young man purge his waies by directing the same after thy word 1. Ioh. 2. 13. I write vnto you fathers because ye haue knowne him that is from the beginning I write vnto you young men because ye haue ouercome that wicked one 14. I write vnto you babes because ye haue knowne the Father Eccl. 12.1 Remember thy creator in the daies of thy youth whiles the euill daies come not nor the yeares approch wherein thou shalt say I haue no pleasure in them II. They must fast often 1. Cor. 9.27 I beate downe my bodie and bring it into subiection least by any meanes after I haue preached to others I my selfe should be reprooued III. They must take heede they burne not in lust for 1. Cor. 7.9 It is better to marry then to burne Chastitie in wedlocke is when the holy and pure vse of wedlocke is obserued Heb. 13.4 Mariage is honourable among all the bed vndefiled but whoremongers and adulterers God will iudge To preserue puritie in wedlocke these cautions are profitable I. Contracts must be in the Lord and with the faithful onely Malac. 2.11 Iudah hath transgressed and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Ierusalem for Iudah hath defiled the holinesse of the Lord which he loued and hath maried the daughter of a strange god 1. Cor. 7.39 If her husband be dead shee is at libertie to marrie with whome shee will onely in the Lord. II. Both parties must separate themselues in the time of a womans disease and at appointed fasts Ezech. 18.6 1. Cor. 7.5 Defraud not one another except it be with consent for a time that ye may giue your selues to fasting and praier and againe come together that Satan tempt you not for your incontinencie III. Wedlocke must be vsed rather to suppresse then to satisfie that corrupt cōcupiscence of the flesh and especially to enlarge the Church of God Rom. 13.14 Put on the Lord Iesus Christ and take not care of the flesh to satisfie the lusts thereof IV. It must bee vsed with prayer and thanksgiuing 1. Tim. 4.3,4 CHAP. 27. Of the eight Commandement THis cōmandement concerneth the preseruatiō of our neighbours goods The wordes are these Thou shalt not steale The Resolution Steale To steale is properly to conuey any thing closely from another Gen. 31. ●0 Iaakob stole away the heart of Laban the Aramite In this place it signifieth generally to wish that which is another mans to get it by fraud and any way to impaire his wealth The negatiue part Thou shalt neither be wanting to preserue nor a meanes to hinder or hurt thy neighbours goods In this pl●ce these sinnes are forbidden I. Inordinate liuing whether it be in no ●et calling or idely wherein by neglecting their duties such persons mispend their time goods and reuenues 2. Thes. 2.11 We heare that there are some among you which walke inordinately and worke not at all but are busie bodies Gen. 3.9 In the sweate of thy browes shalt thou eate thy bread till thou returne to the earth 1. Tim. 5.8 If there be any that prouideth not for his owne especially for them of his houshold he denieth the faith and is worse then an infidel II. Vniust dealing the which is either in heart or deede Vniust dealing in heart is named couetousnesse Matth. 15.19 Out of the heart come euill thoughts murthers adulteries fornications thefts c. Couetousnesse is idolatrie Eph. 5.5 We knowe that no couetous person which is an idolatour shall enter into the kingdome of Christ and of God Yea it is the very roote of all euill 1. Tim. 6. 9. The loue of money is the roote of all euill which whilest some lusted after they erred from the faith and pierced themselues through with many sorrowes Vniust dealing indeede is in bargaining or out of bargaining Vniust dealing in bargaining hath many branches 1. Thes. 4.6 Let no man oppresse or deceiue his neighbour in a bargaine for God is the auenger of such things I. To sell or bargaine for that which is not saleable Of this kind I. Is the gift of the holy Ghost which cannot
benefits which God bestoweth on it which are in number foure The first is expressed in these words The communion of Saints Where communion signifieth that fellowship or societie that one hath with an other and by Saints we vnderstand not dead men inrolled in the Popes calender but all that are sanctified by the blood of Christ whether they be liuing or dead as Paul saith Vnto the Church of God which is at Corinthus to them that are sanctified in Iesus Christ Saints by calling And God is the God of peace in all the Churches of the Saints Now if we adde the clause I beleeue vnto these words the meaning is this I confesse and acknowledge that there is a spiritual fellowship societie among all the mēbers of Christ beeing the faithfull seruants and children of God and withall I beleeue that I am partaker of the same with the rest This communion hath two parts fellowshippe of the members with the head and of the members with themselues The communion of the members with their head is not outward but altogether spirituall in the conscience and for the opening of it we must consider what the Church receiueth of Christ and what he receiues of it The Church receiues of Christ foure most worthy benefits The first that Christ our Mediatour God and man hath truely giuen himselfe vnto vs and is become our lot and portion and withall God the father and the holy spirit in him as Dauid saith Iehoua is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup thou shalt maintaine my lot the lines are fallen vnto me in pleasant places yea I haue a faire heritage And My flesh faileth and my heart also but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for euer The second is the Right of adoption whereby all the faithfull whether in heauen or earth are actually made the children of God The benefit is wonderfull howsoeuer carnall men esteeme not of it If a mā should either by election or birth or any waie else be made the sonne and heire of an earthly prince he would thinke himselfe highly aduanced how highly then are they extolled which are made the sonnes of God himselfe The third benefit is a title and right to the righteousnes of Christ in his sufferings and his fulfilling of the lawe The excellencie of it is vnspeakable because it serues to award the greatest temptations of the deuill When the deuill replieth thus thou art a transgressour of the lawe of God therefore thou shalt be damned by means of that communion which wee haue with Christ wee answere againe that Christ suffered the curse of the lawe to free vs from due and deserued damnation and when he further replies that seeing we neuer fulfilled the lawe we can not therefore enter into heauen we answer againe that Christs obedience is a fulfilling of the law for vs and his whole righteousnesse is ours to make vs stand righteous before God The fourth benefit is a right to the kingdome of heauen as Christ comforting his disciples saith Feare not little flocke it is your fathers pleasure to giue you a kingdome and hence it is sundrie times called the inheritance and the lot of the Saints Furthermore for the conueiance of these benefits vnto vs God hath ordained the preaching of the word and the administration of the Sacraments specially the Lords supper and hath commanded the solemne and ordinarie vse of them in the Church And hereupon the Lordes supper is called the Communion The cuppe of blessing saith Paul which wee blesse is it not the communion of the blood of Christ and the bread which we breake is it not the communion of the bodie of Christ that is a signe and seale of the communion Againe the things which Christ receiueth of vs are two our sinnes with the punishment thereof made his by application or imputation and our afflictions with all the miseries of this life which he accounts his owne and therefore doth as it were put vnder his shoulders to beare the burden of them And this communion betweene Christ and vs is expressed in the scriptures by that blessed and heauenly bargaine in which there is mutuall exchange betweene Christ and vs he imparts vnto vs milke and wine without siluer or money to refresh vs and gold tried by the fire that we may become rich and white raiment that we may be cloathed and eye-salue to annoint our eies that wee may see and we for our parts returne vnto him nothing but blindenes and nakednes and pouertie and the loathsome burden of our filthy sinnes The second part of the communion is that which the Saints haue one with an other And it is either of the liuing with the liuing or of the liuing with the dead Nowe the communion of the liuing standes in three things I. the like affection II. in the gifts of the spirit III. in the vse of temporall riches For the first communion in affection is whereby all the seruants of God are like affected to God to Christ to their owne sinnes and each to other They are all of one nature and heart alike disposed though they bee not acquainted nor haue any externall fellowship in the flesh As in a familie children are for the most part one like another brought vp alike euen so it is in Gods familie which is his Church the members thereof are all alike in heart and affection and the reason is because they haue one spirit to guide them all and therefore Saint Peter saith The multitude of them that beleeued were of one heart and of one soule neither any of them said that any thing of that which he possessed was his own but they had al things cōmon And the Prophet Esay foretelling the vnity which should be in the kingdome of Christ saith The woolfe shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie with the kidde and the calfe and the lyon aud the fat beast togither and a little childe shall leade them The cowe and the beare shall feede and their young ones shall lie togither and the lyon shall eate strawe like the bullocke The sucking child shall plaie vpon the hole of the aspe and the weaned child shall put his hand into the cockatrice hole By these beasts are signified men that be of a wicked and brutish nature which when they shall be brought into the kingdom of Christ shall lay aside the same and become louing gentle curteous and all of one minde And S. Peter requires of the Church the practise of brothely loue and that is to carrie a tender affection to men not becanse they are of the same flesh but because they are ioyned in the bond of one spirit with vs. Furthermore by reason of this that all the children of God are of one heart there follows another dutie of this communion whereby they beare one the burdens of another and when one member is grieued
in the Pharisie whose thoughts were these when he praied thus within himselfe O God I thanke thee that I am not as other men extortioners vniust adulterers or euen as this Publican c. And as this was in him so it is in vs till God giue grace for so that men may haue praise glory in the world they care not for Gods glory though it be defaced We must therefore learne to discerne this hidden corruption and to mourne for it for it doth poison and hinder al good desires of glorifying god so long as it doth or shall preuaile in the heart 2. Secondly wee are taught here to bewaile the hardnesse of our hearts whereby we are hindred from knowing God aright and from discerning the glory and maiestie of God in his creatures Mark 6.52 The disciples through the hardnes of their hearts could not see Gods power in the miracle of feeding many thousands with a few loaues though themselues were instruments of it and the foode did increase in their hands Our redemption what a wonderful worke is it but how few consider of it or regard it If we see a man haue more wit wealth or honour then we haue wee straight wonder at him but beholding Gods creatures we see nothing in them because we doe not goe higher to acknowledge the loue power wisdome and iustice of the Creator And this is the cause why Gods name is so slenderly honoured among men 3. The third corruption is our great ingratitude for the Lord hath made heauen and earth and all other creatures to serue man yet he is the most vnthankfull of all creatures Bestow many iewels or a kings raunsome on a dead man he wil neuer returne any kindnes so men being dead in sinne deale with God Commonly men are like the swine that run with their groines and eate vp the mast but neuer looke vp to the tree from whence it falleth But the godly are with Dauid to feele this want in themselues and to beseech God to open and as it were to vnlocke their lips that they may indeauour to be thanfull to God Psal. 51.15 4. The fourth is the vngodlines the innumerable wāts that be in our liues and the sinnes committed in the world Psal. 119.136 Mine eies saith Dauid gush out with riuers of water because men keepe not thy lawes The reason is because he which liues in sinne reproches Gods name euen as an euill childe dishonours his father Now some will say that this cannot be because our sinnes cānot hurt God True indeed yet are they a cause of slādering Gods name among men for as we honour him by our good workes so we dishonour him by our offences Matth. 5.16 Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good workes and glorifie your father which is in heauen 4. Graces to be desired 1. THe graces to be desired and to bee praied for at Gods hand are three The first is the knowledge of God that is that we might knowe him as he hath reuealed himselfe in his word works and creatures For how shall any glorifie God before he know him Our knowledge in this life is imperfect Exod. 23. Moses may not see Gods face but his hinder parts 1. Corin. 13.12 We may see God as men doe through spectacles in his word sacraments and creatures And therefore as Paul praied for the Colossians Col. 1.10 That they might increase in the knowledge of God so are wee taught to pray for our selues in this petition 2. We desire that a zeale of Gods glorie may be kindled in our hearts and that we may be kept from prophaning and abusing of his name Psal. 69.9 The zeale of thine house hath eaten me vp Psal. 45.1 My heart shall vtter or cast vp a good matter I will speake in my workes of the king Here the spirit of God borrowes a comparison from men thus As hee which hath somewhat lying heauie in his stomacke is neuer quiet till he haue cast it vp euen so the care desire to glorifie Gods name must lie vpon a mans heart as an heauie burden and he is not to be at ease and quiet with himselfe till he bee disburdened in sounding forth Gods praise Luther saith well that this is Sancta crapula that is an holy surfet and it is no hurt continually to haue our hearts ouercharged thus 3. A desire to lead a godly and vpright life before God and men We see men that in some great calling vnder honourable personages will so order behaue themselues as they may please and honour their masters euen so must our liues be well ordered and we are to labour to walke worthie of the Lord as Paul speaketh that we may honour our heauenly father Thy kingdome come 1. The Coherence THis petition dependes on the former most excellently For in it is laide downe the meanes to procure the first Gods name must bee hallowed among men but howe is it done by the erecting of Gods kingdome in the hearts of men We cannot glorifie God vntil he rule in our hearts by his word and spirit 2. The meaning Thy This word doth put vs in minde that there is two kingdomes one Gods and that is the kingdome of heauen the other the deuils called the kingdome of darknesse Coloss. 1.13 For when all had sinned in Adam God laide this punishment on all that seeing they could not be content to obey their Creator they should be in bondage vnder satan so that by nature we are all the children of wrath and the deuill holds vp the scepter of his kingdome in the hearts of men This kingdome is spirituall and the pillars of it are ignorance errour impietie and all disobedience to God in which the deuill wholly delights which also are as it were the lawes of his kingdome Blind ignorant people can not abide this doctrine that the deuill should rule in their hearts they spit at the naming of him and say that they defie him with all their hearts but whereas they liue in sinne and practise it as occasion is offered though they cannot discerne of themselues yet they make plaine proofe that they liue in the kingdome of sinne and darknesse and are flatte vassels of Satan and shall so continue till Christ the strong man come and binde him and cast him out And this is the estate of all the children of Adam in themselues Wherefore our Sauiour in this petition teacheth vs to consider our naturall estate and to pray that he would giue vs his spirit to set vs at libertie in the kingdome of his owne sonne Kingdome Gods kingdome in Scripture is taken two waies First generally and so it signifieth that administration by which the Lord gouerneth all things yea euen the deuils themselues Of which kingdome mention is made in the ende of this prayer And in the Psalme 97. vers 1. The Lord raigneth let the earth reioyce Againe it is taken more specially and then it signifieth
the administration of Christ the head of the church in which he frameth men by his word and spirit to the subiection of the same word And so it is taken in this petition In a kingdome there are foure things to be noted 1. There must be a king 2. There must be subiects 3. There are lawes 4. Authoritie In this kingdome Christ is the king it is he to whom the father hath giuen all authoritie in heauen and earth In this kingdome all are not subiects but such as are willing to giue free and franke obedience to Gods word or at the least though their hearts be not sound make an outward profession of it The lawes of this kingdome is the word of God in the bookes of the olde and new Testament Therefore it is called the kingdome of heauen Matth. 13. The Gospell of the kingdome Mark 1.13 The rodde of his mouth Esay 11.4 The arme of God Esay 53.1 As a king by his lawes brings his people in order and keepes them in subiection so Christ by his word and the preaching of it as it were by a mightie arme drawes his elect into his kingdome and fashions thē to all holy obedience The power and authoritie is that whereby Christ conuerts effectually those which are to be conuerted by the inward operation of his spirit and glorifies himselfe in the confusion of the rest Kingdome being taken thus specially is also twofold The first is the kingdome of grace of which mention is made Rom. 14. 17. The kingdome of God standes not in meate and drinke but in righteousnesse that is the assurance of our iustification before God in the righteousnesse of Christ Peace of conscience which proceedes from this assurance and ioy in the holy Ghost which comes from them both In this kingdome all men liue not but onely those that are subiect to Christ obedient to the lawes of his kingdome and ruled by his authoritie and are continually taught in his word by his spirit But those that refuse to liue according to the lawes of this king and choose to liue at their owne libertie are in the kingdome of darkenesse that is sinne and Satan The second is the kingdome of glorie in heauen which is the blessed estate of all Gods people which God himselfe shall be all in all vnto them And the former kingdome of grace is an entrance and preparation to this kingdome of glorie Come Gods kingdome comes when it takes place and is established and confirmed in mens hearts and made manifest to all people the impediments beeing remooued Quest. This comming implies a stopping but how should Gods kingdome be hindred Ans. Kingdome in this place is not taken for that absolute and soueraigne power of God whereby he rules all things for that can not be hindred but for the kingdome of grace which in the vsing of the outward meanes as ministers word and Sacraments may be hindred by the deuill the world and mans corruption 3. The wants which are to be bewailed The wants which we in this petition are to mourne for are of two sorts some concerne our owne selues some others That which concerns our owne persons is a bondage and slauerie vnder sinne and Satan This bondage indeede is weakned in Gods seruants but none is wholly freed from it in this life Paul complaines that he is sold vnder sinne and cries pitifully O miserable man that I am who shall deliuer me from this bodie of death Question What difference is then betweene the godly and the wicked Ans. The euill and vngodly man in the very middest of his bondage hath a merrie heart sinne is no trouble to him nay it is meat drinke to him But the godly man is otherwise minded who considering the power of the deuill and hi● craft in manifold fearefull temptations and seeing the pronenesse of his rebellious nature euer and anon to start away from God is grieued and confounded in himselfe and his heart bleedes within him that he doth offend so mercifull a father Many men liue in this world and that many yeares and yet neuer feele this bondage vnder Satan sinne Such vndoubtedly cannot tell what this praier meanes but he that would haue the right vse of this petition must be acquainted with his owne estate and be touched in his conscience that the flesh and the deuill beare such sway in him As the poore captiue is alwaies creeping to the prison doore alwaies labouring to get off his bolts and fetters and to escape out of prison so must we alwaies crie to the Lord for his spirit to free vs out of this bondage and prison of sinne and corruption and euery day come nearer the prison doore looking when our blessed Sauiour will vnbinde vs of all the fetters of sinne and Satan and fully erect his kingdome in vs. 2. The wants which concerne others are twofold The former is the want of the good meanes which serue for the furthering of the kingdom of Christ as preaching sacraments and discipline When we shall see a people without knowledge and without good guides and teachers or when we see one stand vp in the congregation not able to teach here is matter for mourning This petition puts vs in minde to bewaile these wants Our Sauiour when he sawe the Iewes as sheepe without a sheepheard he had compassion on them and he wept ouer Ierusalem because they knew not the things which belong to their peace Luk. 9.11 Therfore when preachers want to hold vp the scepter of GOD before the people and to hold out the word which is as it were the arme of God to pull men from the bondage of the deuill to the kingdome of Christ. Then it is time to say Lord let thy kingdome come 3. The third want which we are to bewaile is that there bee so many impediments and hinderances of the kingdome of grace as the deuil and all his angels their instruments the Pope the Turke and all the rest of the professed wicked of the world which by subtile intisements and tyrannie keepe backe and repell the meanes whereby Christ ruleth as a king in his Church When the deuill sees one that was sometime of his kingdome but to cast a looke towards the heauenly Ierusalem he straightway rageth against him and labours quite to ouerthrow him Wherefore in regard of all these impedi●ents we● must pray Thy kingdome come 4. Graces to be desired 1. IN this petition we are taught first that we are to haue a feruent desire● and to hunger that god would giue vs his spirit to raigne and rule in our harts and to bow them to all obedience and subiection of his wil and further wheras our hearts haue beene as it were filthie sties and stables of the deuill that he would renue them and make of them fit temples to entertaine his holy spirit Psal. 51.10 Create in me a cleane heart O God and renue a right spirit in me c. Stablish me with thy free
spirit If we shall consider the conuersation of the wicked and the godly and their corrupt hearts togither we shall see little difference but in this that the wicked is delighted and glad to sinne but the godly doe wrestle as for life and death with their temptations and doe resist the deuill and doe desire the grace of Gods spirit and crie to heauen to bee freed from this bondage howesoeuer their hearts are alwaies readie to rebel against God 2. Forasmuch as the kingdome of grace is erected in Gods Church here vpon earth in this petition we are cōmanded to pray for the Chruch of God and the parts thereof Psal. 122.6 Praie for the peace of Ierusalem they shall prosper that loue thee Esay 62.7 Ye which are the Lords remembrance●s giue him no rest vntill he set vp Hierusalem the praise of the world And that Gods Church may flourish and be in good estate we are to pray for Christian Kings and Princes that God would blesse them and increase the number of them For they are as nursing fathers and nursing mothers to the Church And wee especially are bound to pray for the Queenes most excellent maiestie as also for the French king that they may be blessed and Gods kingdome by them aduanced And againe because ministers are the Lords watchmen in the Church we are here also put in minde to seeke their good and to praie that their hearts may be set for the building of Gods kingdome for the beating downe of the kingdome of sinne and Satan and for the sauing of the soules of his people And the rather because the deuill laboureth night and daie to ouerthrow thē in this glorious worke and to resist them in their ministerie as appeareth in Zacha●ie 3.1 When Ioshua the high priest stood before the Angell of the Lord Satan stood at his right hand namely to resist him Therefore also wee are to praie for them that the Lord would keepe them and furnish them with gifts and with all make them faithfull For where vision faileth the people are left naked saith Salomon 2. Thess. 3. 1. Brethren pray for vs that the word of the Lord may haue a free passage and be glorified Thirdly we must pray for all Christian Schooles of learning Howsoeuer some thinke but basely of them yet they are the ordinarie meanes to maintaine the ministerie and so the Church of God A man that hath diuers orchards wil also haue a seminarie ful of young plants to maintaine it Schooles they are as Seminaries to Gods church without which the Church falles to decay because they serue to make supplie of ministers 3. Thirdly we are to desire that the Lord would hasten the second comming of Christ as the Saints in heauen praie Come Lord Iesus come quicklie and therefore the godly are said to loue the comming of Christ. 2. Tim. 4.8 A penitent sinner so abhors his own corruptions and the irkesome temptations of Satan that in this respect he desires that Christ would hasten his particular comming to him by death for no other cause but that he might make an end of sinning and displeasing of God Thy will be done 1. The Coherence IN the second petition we desired that God would let his kingdome come vz. That he would rule in our hearts If he then must raigne we must be his subiects and therefore here we craue that beeing his subiects wee may obey him and doe his will Mal. 1.6 If I be a father where is my honour If I be a master where is my feare 2. The meaning VVIll Here it signfieth Gods word written in the olde and new Testament For in his word his will is reauealed Of the whole will of God there be three speciall points which are in this place meant 1. To beleeue in Christ Ioh. 6.40 This is the will of him that sent me that euery one which seeth the Sonne and beleeueth in him should haue euerlasting life 2. Sanctification of body soule 1. Thess. 4.3 This is the will of God euen your sanctification c. 3. The bearing of affliction in this life Rom. vers 29. Those which he knew before he did predestinate to be made like to the image of his owne sonne Phil. 3.10 That I might knowe him and the vertue of his resurrection and the fellowship of his afflictions and be made conformable to his death Thy will Not mine for mans owne will is wicked and corrupt yea it is flat enmitie to God Rom. 8. v. 5. Done That is obeyed and accomplished of men Then the effect of the prayer is this O Lord seeing thou art our King giue vs grace to shewe our selues good subiects in obeying thy will 3. The wants to be praied against 1. HEre first we are to bewaile this that our hearts are so prone to rebelliō and disobedience of Gods commandements Put a match to a heape of gun-powder on a sudden it will be all on a flame and as long as we adde matter to the fire it burnes so by nature we are most readie to sinne so soone as the least occasion is giuen Dauid had experience of this when hee praied Knit my heart to thee O Lord c. Psal. 86. 11. and incline my heart to thy commandements Psal. 119.37 Those which finde not this want in themselues and the like affection to bewaile it are in a miserable and dangerous case euen as a man that hath a great disease vpon him and knowes not of it 2. Againe wee must here bewaile the sinne of the worlde as ignorance schismes hipocrisie pride ambition contempt of Gods word couetousnes oppression want of loue of God and his word c. 2. Peter 2.7 Lot was vexed and his righteous heart was vexed with the vncleane conuersation of the Sodomites from day to day so ought our soules to bee vexed and grieued continually at the wickednesse of our time and we are to send vp our praiers to God for vnbeleeuing vnrepentant sinners that they may be brought to the obedience of Gods will Ezech. 9.4 In a common iudgement vpon Ierusalem They are marked in the forhead that mourne and crie for all the abominations that be done in the middest of it 3. Here also we must humble our selues for our vnquietnesse of mind impatience whē god laies any crosse on vs. It is Gods wil that we should suffer affliction and withall humble our selues vnder his mightie hand Our Sauiour praied that the cup might be taken away but with submission to his Fathers will Luk. 22.42 And this Dauid had learned when he said But if he thus say behold I haue no delight in thee behold here I am let him doe to me as seemeth good in his eies 2. Sam. 15.26 4. Graces to be desired 1. THe first thing which we are here to desire is that we may haue grace to denie our selues wils and affections because herein wee are vnlike to God and like the deuill This is the first lesson that our Sauiour doth
because hee is absolute professour and owner of all things that are and also hath soueraigne rule ouer all things at his will Nowe out of this first propertie of God we may gather a strong motiue to induce vs to praie vnto him alone For seeing all things are his both in heauen and earth whatsoeuer therfore we must come to him for the graces and blessings which we desire The power Oftentimes earthly princes haue kingdomes yet want power but God hath kingdome and power also yea his power is infinite and he can doe all that he will and more then he will as for those things which come of impotencie he can not doe them and if he could he should not be omnipotent And as he is omnipotent in himselfe so all the power which any creature hath is from him alone Question How can this be seeing the deuill hath power to sinne which is not from God Ans. To sinne is no power but rather a want of power otherwise all the strength and power Satan hath is of God And frō this second propertie is taken another motiue to mooue vs to pray vnto God Because all power beeing his we can neuer doe any of the things which we aske but by power receiued from him Thine is the glorie This third propertie of God ariseth from the two former for seeing the title and interest in all things and the power whereby they are disposed and gouerned is of God therefore it followes that all glory is his yea in him is fulnesse of glorie and the glorie of the creature is all of him To sinnefull men belongs nothing but shame and confusion Dan. 9.7 This third propertie ministreth a third motiue to induce men to pray vnto God alone For seeing all glorie by right is his therefore we must inuocate hi● holy name that in so doing we may giue him the glorie due vnto him For euer The words in the originall are for ages Now an age signifies the space of an hundred yeares but here it is taken for eternitie because eternitie is nothing but multiplication of ages And as eternitie is here noted by ages so on the contrarie we read that eternitie is taken for a certaine and distinct time Gen. 17.8 God promiseth Abraham to giue him the land of Canaan for an euerlasting possession that is for a long season For els Abrahams seed should inherit the land vntill this time which it doth not Wherefore as often the whole is put for the part vz. eternitie for a certaine time so here the part is put for the whole ages for eternitie This also makes a difference betweene earthly princes and the mightie Iehouah They haue kingdome power and glorie for a short time but he absolutely and for euer 2. The vses 1. HEre we learne in praier to abase our selues before God and vtterly to denie all that is in vs. Kingdome power and glorie is all his not ours we are no better then rebels and traitours to him if we haue any good thing it is from him euen the grace whereby we pray And he that in prayer will not confesse this shall no more be heard then the insolent begger that will not acknowledge his want 2. Secondly in prayer we learne that we must be perswaded of two things and build vpon them Gods power and will his power in that he is able his will in that he is carefull to performe our requests as it was noted in the preface the first of these is signified by kingdome and power the second is noted in that glorie is his 2. Cor. 1.20 For all the promises of God in him are yea and Amen vnto the glorie of God 3. Again we gather that praier thanksgiuing must go togither for as in the sixe petitions we made request vnto God so in these words we praise him thereby giue him thankes Phil. 4.6 But in all things let your requests be shewed to god in praier and supplication with thankesgiuing There is none but in want will be readie to praie but when we haue receiued wee are slacke in giuing of thankes but he which will praie aright must ioyne them both togither And the summe of all gods praise stands in these three points 1. That he is an absolute King 2. That he hath absolute power to rule all things 3. That hauing power and a kingdome he hath glorie also which appeares in the holding of his kingdo●● and the shewing of his power in gouerning of it 4. Whatsoeuer wee aske we must referre it to Gods glorie this is the first thing which we are taught to craue and the last wee are to performe because it is noted both in the beginning and in the end of the praier Thus much of the vse of these wordes altogither nowe let vs make vse of them particularly 1. Whereas we say Thine is the kingdome Magistrates rulers must knowe that all the authoritie and rule which they haue is from the Lord therefore they must remember to order themselues as Gods vicegerents vsing their power to bring men in subiection to Gods lawes and referring all their callings to his glorie 2. Where we say Thine is the power wee are admonished when wee are to performe any worke as to doe seruice to God to keep our selues in the compasse of our callings and that we haue no power of our selues for this cause we must aske power at gods hands that we may be inabled to walke vprightly before him and doe our duties 3. In saying Thine is the glorie we learne that if we would haue a good report and praise among men wee must aboue all things seeke Gods glorie not regarding so much our owne If hee giue thee praise among men giue him thankes if not be content because al glorie is his Amen 1. The meaning VVEe haue heard the preface and the petitions what they are now followeth the third part which is the assent or testification of faith required in praier in this word Amen And it containes more then men at the first would imagine It signifies certainly so be it or it shall be so 2. Cor. 1.20 It is often taken for a bare assent of the people saying Amen to the minister but in this place it containes more for euery point in this praier is not onely a direction for publike praier but for priuate also and must be said as well of the minister as of the people Now then there being two principal things in praier the first a desire of grace the second faith whereby wee beleeue that God will grant things desired The first is expressed in the sixe petitions the latter is set forth in this word Amen carrying this sense in effect As we haue craued these things at thy hands O Lord so we doe beleeue that for Christs ●ake in thy good time thou wilt grant them to vs. Therefore this part is more excellent then the former by how much our faith is more excellent thē our desire
beeing made they are no more one but twaine and the one hath nothing to doe with the other In this case though the flesh beget sin perish therefore yet the Christian man shal not incurre damnation for it To come more neere the matter you say the flesh begets in you wauerings doubtings and distrustings what then it t●oubleth you but feare not remember your estate you are diuourced from the flesh and you are new married vnto Christ if these sins be laid at your doore account them not as your children but renounce them as Bastards say with Paul I doubt indeede but I hate my doubtings and I am no cause of these but the flesh in me which shall perish when I shall be saued by Christ. Christian. This which you haue said doeth in part content mee one thing more I pray you shew me concerning this point namely how I may be able to ouercome these doubtings Minist For the suppressing of doubtings you are to vse three meditations The first that it is gods commandemēt that you should beleeue in Christ So S. Iohn saith This is his commandement that wee beleeue in the name of his Son Iesus Christ. Thou shalt not steale is Gods commandement and you are loath to breake it least you should displease God pull his curse vpon your head This also is Gods commandement thou shall beleeue in Christ and therefore you must take head of the breach of it least by doubting and wauering you bring the curse vpon you Secondly you must consider that the promises of saluation in Christ are g●neral or at the least indefinite excluding no particular man as in one for all may appeare God so loued the world that he gaue his only begoten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Now then so often as you shall doubt of Gods mercie you exclude your own selfe from the promise of God wheras he excludeth you not And as when a prince giues a pardon to all theeues euery one can apply the same vnto himselfe though his name be not set downe in the pardon So the King of kings hath giuen a general pardon for free remission of sinnes to them that will receiue it Beleeue therefore that God is true in his promise doubt not of your owne saluation chalenge the pardon to your selfe Indeede your name is not set down or written in the promise of grace yet let not any illusion of Sathan or the consideration of your owne vnworthines exclude you from this free mercy of God which he also hath offred to you particularly first in Baptisme then after in the Lords supper and therfore you are not to wauer in the applying of it to your selfe Thirdly you are to consider that by doubting and despairing you offend God as much almost as by any other sin You do not aboue hope beleeue vnder hope 〈◊〉 you should do Secondly you rob God of his glorie in that you make his infinit mercy to be lesse then your sinns Thirdly you make him a lier who hath made such a promise vnto you And to these three meditations adde this practise When your heart is toyled with vnbeleefe and doubtings then in all hast draw your selfe into some secret place humble your selfe before God poure out your heart before him desire him of his endlesse mercie to worke faith and to suppresse your vnbeleefe and you shall see that the Lord ouer all is rich vnto all that call vpon his name Christian. The Lord reward you for your kindnes I will hereafter doe my endeuour to practise this your counsel Now I wil make bold to shew another that makes me to feare least I haue no faith And it is because I doe not feele the assurance of the forgiuenes of my sinnes Minister Faith standeth not in the feeling of Gods mercy but in the apprehending of it which apprehending may be when there is no feeling for faith is of inuisible things and when a man once commeth to enioy the thing beleeued then he ceaseth to beleeue And this appeareth in Iobs example when he saith Lo though he sley me yet will I trust in him and I will reprooue my waies in his sight he shall be my saluation also for the hypocrite shall not come before him he declareth his faith yet when he saith presently afterward Wherefore hidest thou thy face and takest me for thine enemie he declareth the want of that feeling which you speake of Christian. Yet euery true beleeuer feeles the assurance of faith otherwise Paul would not haue said Prooue your selues whether you are in the faith or not Minister Indeede sometimes he doth but at some other times he doth not as namely at that same time when God first calleth him and in the time of temptation Christian. What a case am I in then I neuer felt this assurance onely this I ●eele that I am a most rebellious wretch abounding euen with a whole sea of iniquities me thinks I am more vgly in the sight of God then any toad can be in my sight O then what shal I doe let me heare some word of comfort from thy mouth thou man of God Minister Tel me one thing plainly you say you feele no assurance of Gods mercie Christian. No indeede Minister But doe you desire with all your heart to feele it Christian. I doe indeede Minister Then doubt not you shall feele it Christian. O blessed be the Lord if this be true Minister Why it is most true For the man that would haue any grace of God tending to saluation if he doe truly desire it he shall haue it for so Christ hath promised I will giue to him that is a thirst of the well of the water of life freely Whereby I gather that if any want the water of life hauing an appetite after it he shall haue enough of it and therefore feare you not only vse the meanes which God hath appointed to attaine faith by as earnest praier reuerent hearing of Gods word receiuing of the Sacraments and then you shal see this thing verified in your selfe Christian. All this which you say I finde in my selfe by the mercie of God my heart longeth after that grace of God which I want I know I doe hunger after the kingdome of heauen and the righteousnesse thereof and further though I want the feeling of Gods mercie yet I can pray for it from the very roote of my heart Minister Be carefull to giue honour to God for that you haue receiued alreadie For these things are the motion● of the spirit of God dwelling in you And I am perswaded of this same thing that God which hath begun this good work in you will perfect the same vnto the daie of Iesus Christ. Christian. The third thing that troubles me is this I haue long prayed for many graces of God yet I haue not receiued them whereby it comes oft to my mind that God loues me
preserues men from falling into sinne as crosses desertions And these in number exceed the first as long as men liue in this world Before it can be declared what these desertions are this conclusion is to be laid down He which is once in the estate of grace shall be in the same for euer This appeareth in the 8. of the Rom. 30. where Paul sets downe the golden chaine of the causes of saluation that can neuer be broken so that he which is predestinate shall be called iustified glorified And a little after he saith Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect and Who shal seuer vs from the loue of Christ and I am perswaded that no creature shall be able to seuer vs frō the loue of Christ which he would not haue saide if men beeing in the estate of grace might fall quite frō grace And how should they which are iustified haue peace with God if they were not sure to perseuer righteous before God to the end And how shall it be said that hope maketh not ashamed because the loue of God wherewith Gods loues his elect is shed abroad in their hearts by the holy Ghost which is giuen them if any may vtterly fall from that loue How should the testimonie of the spirit which testifieth to the elect that they are the children of God be true and certen if it may be quite extinguished Lastly how shall that of Iohn be true They went out of vs becanse they were not of vs if they had beene of vs they should haue remained with vs if a man may wholly fall from Christ which hath once bin made a true mēber of him Our Sauiour Christ saith My sheep heare my voyce and I know them and they follow me and I giue life eternall to them and no man shall take them out of my hand or out of my fathers hand and whatsoeuer my father giueth me shall come vnto me and whosoeuer commeth to me I will not cast out And if any of the elect beeing effectually called might wholly fall from grace then there must be a second insition or ingrafting into the mysticall bodie of Christ and therefore a second Baptisme nay for euery fall a new infition and a new Baptisme which must in no wise be graunted wherefore they which are predestinate to be in the state of grace are also predestinate to perseuer in the same to the ende Hereupon it followeth that the desertions of Gods elect are first of all partiall that is such as wherein God doth not wholly forsake them but in some part Secondly temporarie that is for some space of time and neuer beyond the compasse of this present life For a moment saith the Lord in Esay in mine anger I hid my face from thee for a little season but with euerlasting mercie haue I had compassion on thee saith the Lord thy Redeemer And to this purpose Dauid well acquainted with this matter praieth forsake me not ouer long This sort of desertions though it be but for a time yet no part of a Christian mans life is free from them and very often taking deepe place in the heart of man they are of long continuance Dauid continued in this dangerous fall about the space of an whole yeare before he was recouered Luther confesseth of himselfe that after his conuersion he lay three yeares in desperation And common experience in such like cases can make record of longer time The manner God vseth in forsaking his owne seruants is of two sorts the first is by taking away one grace putting another in the roome the second by hiding his grace as it were in a corner of the heart God takes away his grace and puts another in the roome diuers waies I. First he bereaueth his owne children of outward prosperitie yea he will loade them with crosses and yet he will make a good supplie by giuing patience Dauid is driuen out of his kingdome by his owne sonne a heauy crosse yet the Lord ministreth an humble and patient spirit so as he was content to speake If the Lord thus say I haue no delight in thee behold here I am let him doe to me as seemeth good in his eyes So likewise Christian Martyrs are bereaued of all outward safetie and laid open to the violence and persecution of tyrants yet inwardly they are stablished by the power of the might of God when they are most weake they are most strong and when they are most foiled then they obtaine victorie II. Secondly the Lord cuts off the daies of this life and for recompence to his owne elect giues life eternall The righteous is taken away for the euill to come This is manifest in Iosias of whom it is said Behold I will gather thee to thy fathers and thou shalt be put in thy graue in peace and thine eyes shall not see all the euill which I will bring vpon this place III. Thirdly God takes away the feeling of his loue and the ioy of the holy Ghost for a season and then in the roome thereof he kindles an earnest desire and thirsting with grones and cryings vnto heauen to be in the former fauour of God againe This was Dauids case when he complained and saide My voice came to God when I cried my voice came to God and he heard me in the day of my trouble I sought the Lord my sore ranne and ceased not in the night my soule refused comfort I did thinke vpon God and was troubled I praied and my spirit was full of anguish Selah The like was the estate of the Church making her mone vnto God in Esay O Lord why hast thou made vs to erre from thy waies and hardened our hearts from thy feare Returne for thy seruants sake and for the tribes of thine inheritance IV. Fourthly God graunts his seruants the holy meanes of saluation namely preaching praier sacraments and holds backe the efficacie of his ●pirit for a time In this case they are like the corne field that is plowed sowed with good corne but yet for a time it neuer giues rooting beneath nor so much as a shew of any blade appeares aboue Thus the spouse of Christ whē shee comes into his wine-seller shee falls into a swowne so as shee must be staied with flaggons and comforted with apples because shee is sicke of loue V. Fiftly God giueth his children a strong affection to obey his will but he lets them faile in the act of obedience it selfe like as the prisoner who hath escaped the hand of his gayler hath an affection to runne a thousand miles euery houre but hauing happily his bolts on his legges he can not for his life but goe very softly gauling and cha●ing his flesh and with much griefe falling againe into the handes of his keeper This is it that Paul complaineth of when he saith I delight in the law of God concerning the inner man but I see
suffereth for his sinne It is true indeede there bee other causes of the wantes of the bodie and of sickenesse beside sinne and though they be not knowne to vs yet they are knowne to the Lord. Hereupon Christ when he sawe a certaine blind man and was demaunded what was the cause of the blindnesse answered neither hath this man sinned nor his parēts but that the work of God should be shewed on him Yet wee for our parts who are to goe not by the secret but by the reuealed will of God must make this vse of our sickenes that it is sent vnto vs for our sinnes When Christ healed the man sicke of the palsie he saieth bee of good comfort thy sinnes are forgiuen thee and when he had healed the man by the poole of Bethesda that had bin sicke thirtie eight yeares he bids him sinne no more least a worst thing happen vnto him giuing them both to vnderstand that their sickenesse came by reason of their sinnes And thus should euery sicke man resolue himselfe Nowe when wee haue proceeded thus farre and haue as it were laid our finger vpon the right and proper cause of our sicknes three things concerning our sinnes must bee performed of vs in sickenesse First we must make a new examination of our heartes and liues and say as the Israelites said in affliction Let vs search and ●ry our waies and turne againe to the Lord. Secondly we must make a newe confession to God of our new and particular sinnes as God sends new corrections and chastisements When Dauid had the hand of God verie heauie vpon him for his sinnes so as his verie bones and moisture consumed within him he made confession of them vnto God and thereupon obtained his pardon and was healed The third thing is to make newe praier and more earnest the euer before with sighes and grones of the spirit and that for pardon of the same sins and for reconciliation with God in Christ. In the exercise of these three duties standes the renouation of our faith and repentance whereby they are increased quickened and reuiued And the more sickenesse preuailes and takes place in the bodie the more should we bee carefull to put them in vre that spirituall life might increase as temporall life is decaied When King Ezechias lay sicke as he thought vpon his death-bed hee wept as for some other causes so also for his sinnes and withall he praied God to cast them behind his backe Dauid made certaine Psalmes when he was sicke or at the least vpon the occasion of his sickenes as namely the 6. the 32. the 38. the 39 c. they all are psalmes of repentance in which we may see howe in distresse of bodie and minde he renewed his faith and repentance heartely bewailing his sinnes and intreating the Lord for the pardon of them Manasses one that fell from God and gaue himselfe to many horrible sinnes when hee was taken captiue and imprisoned in Babylon he praied to the Lord his God and humbled himselfe greatly before the God of his fathers and praied vnto him and God was intreated of him and heard his praier and brought him againe into Ierusalem into his kingdome and then Manasses knewe that the Lord was God Nowe looke what Manasses did in this tribulation the same thing must wee doe in the time of our bodily sickenesse Here I haue occasion to mention a notorious fault that is very common in this age euen among such as haue long liued in the bosome of the Church that is this Men nowe a daies are so farre from renuing their faith and repentance that when they lie sicke and are drawing toward death they must bee Catechised in the doctrine of faith and repentance as if they had beene but of late receiued into the Church Whosoeuer will but as occasion is offered visit the sicke shall finde this to bee true which I say What a shame is this that when a man hath spent his life and daies in the Church for the space of twentie or thirtie or fourtie yeares he should at the verie ende of all and not before begin to inquire what faith and what repentance is and howe his soule might bee saued This one sinne argues the great securitie of this age and the great contempt of God and his worde Well let all men hereafter in time to come be warned to take heede of this exceeding negligence in matters of saluation and to vse all good meanes before hand that they may be able in sicknesse and in the time of death to put in practise the spirituall exercises of inuocation and repentance Nowe if so be it fall out that the sicke partie cannot of himselfe renewe his owne faith and repentance he must seeke the helpe of others When the man that was sicke of the dead palsie could not goe to Christ himselfe hee got others to beare him in his bed and when they could not come nere for the multitude they vncouered the roofe of the house and let the bed downe before Christ euen so when sicke men can not alone by themselues do the good duties to which they are bound they must borrowe helpe from their fellowe members who are partly by their counsel to put to their helping hand and partly by their praiers to present them vnto God and to bring them into the presence of God And touching helpe in this case sundrie duties are to bee performed Saint Iames sets down foure two wherof concerne the sicke patient and other two such as be helpers The first dutie of the sicke man is to send for helpe where two circumstances must be considered who must be sent for and when For the first Saint Iames saith Is any sicke among you let him call for the elders of the Church Whereby are meant not onely Apostles and all ministers of the gospell but others also as I take it which were men ancient for yeares indued with the spirit of vnderstanding and praier and had withall the gift of working miracles and of healing the sicke For in the primitiue Church this gift was for a time so plentifully bestowed on them that beleeued in Christ that souldiers cast out deuills and parents wrought miracles on their children Hence we may learne that howesoeuer it be the dutie of the ministers of the word principally to visit and comfort the sicke yet is it not their dutie alone for it belongs to them also which haue knowledge of Gods worde the gift of praier Exhort one another saith the holy Ghost while it is called to daie And againe Admonish them that are disordered and comfort those that are weake And indeede in equitie it should be the duty of euerie Christian man to comfort his brother in sickenesse Here wee must needes take knowledge of the common fault of men and women when they come to visit their neighbours and friends they can not speake a work of instruction and
faith as he is of the articles of the creed I answer First they prooue thus much that we ought to be as certen of the one as of the other For looke what commandemēt we haue to beleeue the articles of our faith the like we haue inioyning vs to beleeue the pardon of our owne sinnes as I haue prooued Secondly these arguments prooue it to be the nature or essentiall propertie of faith as certainely to assure man of his saluation as it doeth assure him of the articles which he beleeueth And howesoeuer commonly men doe not beleeue their saluation as vnfallible as they doe their articles of faith yet some speciall men doe hauing Gods word applyed by the spirit as a sure ground of their faith whereby they beleeue their own saluation as they haue it for a ground of the articles of their faith Thus certainly was Abraham assured of his owne saluation as also the Prophets and Apostles and the martyrs of God in all ages whereupon without doubting they haue bin content to lay downe their liues for the name of Christ in whome they were assured to receiue eternall happines And there is no question but there be many now that by long and often experience of Gods mercy and by the inward certificate of the holy Ghost haue attained to full assurance of their saluation II. Exception Howesoeuer a man may be assured of his present estate yet no man is certaine of his perseuerance vnto the ende Ans. It is otherwise for in the sixt petition Lead vs-not into temptation wee pray that God would not suffer vs to be wholly ouercome of the deuill in any temptation and to this petition we haue a promise answerable 1. Cor. 10. That God with temptation will giue an issue and therefore howesoeuer the deuill may buffit molest and wound the seruants of God yet shall he neuer be able to ouercome them Againe he that is once a member of Christ can neuer be wholly cut off And if any by sinne were wholly seuered from Christ for a time in his recouerie he is to be baptised the second time for baptisme is the sacrament of initiation or ingrafting into Christ. By this reason we should as often be baptized as we fal into any sinne which is absurd Againe S. Iohn saith 1. Ioh. 2.19 They went out from vs but they were not of vs for if they had beene of vs they would haue continued with vs. Where he taketh it for graunted that such as be once in Christ shall neuer wholly be seuered or fall from him Though our communion with Christ may be lessened yet the vnion and the bond of coniunction is neuer dissolued III. Exception They say we are indeede to beleeue our saluation on Gods part but we must needs doubt in regard of our selues because the promises of remission of sinnes are giuen vpon condition of mans faith and repentance Now we cannot say they be assured that we haue true faith and repentance because we may lie in secret sinnes and so want that indeed which we suppose our selues to haue Ans. I say again he that doth truly repent and beleeue doth by Gods grace know that he doth repent and beleeue for els Paul would neuer haue said Prooue your selues whither you be in the faith or not and the same Apostle saith 2. Cor. 12. We haue not receiued the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we might know the things which are giuen of God which things are not onely life euerlasting but iustification sanctification and such like And as for secret sinnes they cannot make our repentance voide for he that truly repenteth of his knowne sinnes repenteth also of such as be vnknowne and receiueth the pardon of them all God requireth not an expresse or speciall repentance of vnknowne sinnes but accepts it as sufficient if we repent of them generally as Dauid saith Psal. 19. Who knowes the errours of this life forgiue me my secret sinnes And whereas they adde that faith and repentance must be sufficient I answer that the sufficiencie of our faith and repentance stands in the truth and not in the measure or perfection thereof and the truth of both where they are is certenly discerned Reason VI. The iudgement of the auncient Church August Of an euill seruant thou art made a good child therefore presume not of thine owne doing but of the grace of Christ it is not arrogancie but faith to acknowledge what thou hast receiued is not pride but deuotion And Let no man aske an other man but returne to his owne heart if he finde charitie there he hath securitie for his passage from life to death Hilar. on Matth. 5. The kingdome of heauen which our Lord professed to be in himselfe his will is that it must be hoped for without any doubtfulnesse of vncertaine will Otherwise there is no iustification by faith if faith is selfe be made doubtfull Bernard in his epist. 107. Who is the iust man but he that beeing loued of God loues him againe which comes not to passe but by the spirit reuealing by Faith the eternall purpose of God of his saluation to come Which reuelation is nothing else but the infusion of spirituall grace by which when the deedes of the flesh are mortified the man is prepared to the kingdome of heauen Togither receiuing in one spirit that whereby he may presume that he is loued and also loue againe To conclude the Papists haue no great cause to dissent from vs in this point For they teach and professe that they doe by a speciall faith beleeue their owne saluation certenly and vnfallibly in respect of God that promiseth Now the thing which hindreth them is their owne in disposition and vnworthines as they say which keepes them from beeing certen otherwise then in a likely hope But this hindrance is easily remooued if men will iudge indifferently For first of all in regard of our selues and our disposition we can not be certen at all but must despaire of saluation euen to the very death We cannot be sufficiently disposed so long as we liue in this world but must alwaies say with Iacob I am lesse then all thy mercies Gen. 32. and with Dauid Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant O Lord for none liuing shall be iustified in thy sight and with the Centurion Lord I am not worthie that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe Matth. 8. Secondly God in making promise of saluation respects not mens worthines For he chose vs to life euerlasting when we were not he redeemed vs from death beeing enemies and intitles vs to the promise of saluation if we acknowledge our selues to be ●inners Matth. 9. if we labour and trauaile vnder the burden of them Matth. II. if we hunger and thirst after grace Ioh. 7.37 And these things we may certenly and sensibly perceiue in our selues and when we finde them in vs though our vnworthines be exceeding great it should not
the said worke there is required an infinite power which farre exceedes the strength of any created nature Againe Heb. 7.24 Christ is said to haue a priesthood which cannot passe from his person to any other whence it followes that neither his kingly nor his propheticall office can passe from him to any creature either in whole or in part because the three offices of mediatiō in this regard be equal Nay it is a needlesse thing for Christ to haue a deputie to put in exequution any part of his mediatourship considering a deputie onely serueth to supply the absence of the principall whereas Christ is alwaies present with his church by his word spirit for where two or three be gathered togither in his name he is in the middest among them It may be said that the ministers in the work of the ministerie are deputies of Christ. I answer that they are no deputies but actiue instruments For in the preaching of the worde there be two actions the first is the vttering or propounding of it to the eare the second is the inward operation of the holy Ghost in the heart which indeede is the principal and belongs to Christ alone the action of speaking in the minister being only instrumental Thus likewise the church of God in cutting off any member by excommunication is no more but an instrument performing a ministerie in the name of Christ that is to testifie pronounce whome Christ himselfe hath cut off from the kingdome of heauen whome he also will haue for this cause to be seuered from the company of his owne people till he repent And so it is in all Ecclesiasticall actions Christ hath no deputie but onely instruments the whole entire action being personall in respect of Christ. This one conclusion ouerthrowes not only the Popes supremacie but also many other points of poperie Reason II. All the Apostles in regard of power authoritie were equall for the commission apostolicall both for right and exequution was giuen equally to them all as the very words import Math. 28.19 Goe teach all nations baptizing them c. and the promise I will giue to thee the keies of the kingdome of heauen is not priuate to Peter but is made in his person to the rest according as his confession was in the name of the rest Thus saith Theophylact They haue the power of committing and binding that receiue the gift of a bishop as Peter And Ambr. saith What is said to Peter is said to the Apostles Therefore Peter had no supremacy ouer the rest of the Apostles in respect of right to the commission which they say belonged to him onely and the exequution thereof to the rest But let all be granted that Peter was in commission aboue the rest for the time of his life yet hence may not any superioritie be gathered for the Bishops of Rome because the authoritie of the Apostles were personall and consequently ceased with them without beeing conueied to any other because the Lord did not vouchsafe the like honour to any after them For ●irst of all it was the priuiledge of the Apostles to bee called immediatly and to see the Lord Iesus Secondly they had power to giue the gift of the holy Ghost by the imposition of handes Thirdly they had such a measure of the assistance of the spirit that in their publike sermons in writing of the word they could not erre and these writings were all denied to those that followed after them And that their authority ceased in their persons it stands with reason also because it was giuen in so a●ple a manner for the founding of the church of the new testament which beeing once founded it was needfull only that there should be pastours teachers for the building of it vp vnto the end of the world Reason III. When the sonnes of Zebedeus sued vnto Christ for the greatest roomes of honour in his kingdome deeming hee should bee an earthly king Christ answers them againe ye knowe that the Lords of the Gentiles haue dominion and they that are great exercise authoritie ouer them but it shall not be so with you Bernard applieth these very wordes to Pope Eugenius on this manner It is plaine saith he that here dominion is forbidden the Apostles Goe to then dare if you will to take vpon you ruling an Apostleship or in your Apostleship rule or dominion if you will haue both alike you shall loose both Otherwise you must not thinke your selfe exempted from the number of them of whome the Lord complaineth thus they haue raigned but not of me they haue beene but I haue not knowne them Reason IV. Eph. 4. Mention is made of gifts which Christ gaue to his church after his ascension wherby some were Apostles some prophets some Euangelists some pastours and teachers Nowe if there had beene an office in which men as deputies of Christ should haue gouerned the whole church to the ende of the world the calling might here haue beene named fittely with a gift thereto pertaining and Paul no doubt would not here haue concealed it where he mentioneth callings of lesser importance Reason V. The Popes supremacie was iudged by sentences of scripture condemned long before it was manifest in the worlde the spirit of prophesie foreseeing and foretelling the state of things to come 2. Thess. 2.3,4 The man of sinne which is that Antichrist shall exalt himselfe aboue all that is called God c. Nowe this whole chapter with all the circumstances thereof most fitly agrees to the sea of Rome and the Head thereof and the thing which then staied the reuealing of the man of sinne v. 6. is of most expounded to be the Romane Emperour I will alleadge one testimonie in the roome of many Chrysostome saith on this place As long as the Empire shall be had in awe no man shal straitly submit himselfe to Antichrist but after that the Empire shall be dissolued Antichrist shall inuade the state of the Empire standing void and shall labour to pul vnto himselfe the Empire both of man and God And this we find nowe in experience to be true for the See of Rome neuer flourished till the Empire decaied and the seate thereof was remooued from the cittie of Rome Againe Reu. 13. mentioned is made of two beasts one comming out of the sea whome the Papists confesse to be the heathenish Romane Emperour the second comming out of the earth which doth al that the first beast could doe before him and this fitly agreeth to the popes of Rome who do and haue done all things that the Emperour did or could doe and that in his very sight Reason VI. The iudgement of the ancient Church Cyprian saith Dou●tlesse the same were the rest of the Apostles that Peter was indued with equall fellowshippe both of honour and of power but a beginning is made of vnitie that the Church may appeare to bee one Gregorie saith If one be
that which hee from his heart detesteth Rom. 7.19 I doe not the thing which I would but the euill which I would not that doe I. The fourth difference is presumptuous sinning vpon knowledge Psal. 19. 13. Keepe thy seruant from presumptuous sinnes let them not raigne ouer me Hitherto belongeth I. euery sinne committed with an high hand that is in some contempt of God Numb 15.30 The person that doth presumptuously c. shal be cut off from amongst his people because he hath despised the word of the Lord and and hath broken his commandement II. Presumption of Gods mercie in doing euill Eccles. 8.11 Because sentence against an euill worke is not executed speedily therefore the heart of the children of men is fully set in them to doe euill Rom. 2.4 Despisest thou the riches of his bountifulnes c. not knowing that the bountifulnes of God leadeth thee to repentance c. The fift difference is to sinne vpon knowledge and set malice against God and to this is the sinne against the holy Ghost referred CHAP. 14. Of the punishment of sinne HItherto we haue intreated of sinne wherewithall all mankind is infected in the next place succeedeth the punishmēt of sinne which is threefold The first is in this life and that diuerse waies The first concerneth the bodie either in the prouision with trouble for the things of this life Gen. 3. 17. or a pronenesse to disease Matth. 9.2 Sonne be of good comfort thy sinnes be forgiuen thee Ioh. 5. 14. Behold thou art made whole sinne no more least a worse thing fall vpon thee Deut. 28.21,22 The Lord shall make the pestilence cleaue vnto thee vntill he hath consumed thee from the land c. Or shame of nakednesse Gen. 3.7 Or in womens paines in childbirth Gen. 3. 16. Vnto the woman he said I will greatly encrease thy sorrowes and conceptions in sorrow shalt thou bring forth children II. The soule is punished with trembling of conscience care trouble hardnesse of heart and madnesse Deut. 28.28 The Lord shall smite thee with madnesse and with blindnesse and with astonying of heart III. The whole man is punished 1. with fearefull subiection to the regiment of Satan Col. 1.13 Which freed vs from the power of darknesse and translated vs into the kingdome of his beloued Sonne Heb. 2. 14. He also himself tooke part with them that he might destroy through death him that had power of death that is the diuell 2. A separation from the fellowship of God and trembling at his presence Eph. 4. 18. Hauing their cogitation darkned and beeing straungers from the life of God Gen. 3. 10. I heard thy voice in the garden and was afraid because I was naked therefore I hid my selfe 3. Vpon a mans goods diuers calamities and dammages Deut. 28.29 Thou shalt euer be oppessed with wrong and be pouled and no man shall succour thee c. to the ende of the chapter To this place may be referred distinction of Lordships and of this commeth a care to enlarge them and bargaining with all manner of ciuill seruitudes 4. The losse of that Lordly authoritie which man had ouer all creatures also their vanitie which is not onely a weakning but also a corrupting of that excellencie of the vertues and powers which God at the first put into them Rom. 8.20 21. The creature is subiect to vanitie not of it owne will but by reason of him which hath subdued it vnder hope c. 5. In a mans name infamie and ignominie sometimes after his death Ierem. 24.9 The second is at the last gaspe namely death or a change like vnto death Rom. 6.23 The wages of sinne is death The third is after this life euen eternall destruction from Gods presence and his exceeding glorie 2. Thess. 1.9 Who shal be punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of God and the glorie of his power CHAP. 15. Of Election and of Iesus Christ the foundation thereof PRedestination hath two parts Election and Reprobation 1. Thess. 5.9 God hath not appointed vs to wrath but to obtaine saluation by the meanes of our Lord Iesus Christ. Election is Gods decree whereby on his owne free will he hath ordained certaine men to saluation to the praise of the glorie of his grace Eph. 1.4 5 6. He hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glorie of his grace This decree is that booke of life wherein are written the names of the Elect Revel 20.12 Another booke was opened which is the booke of life and the dead were iudged of those things that were written in the bookes according to their workes 2. Tim. 2.19 The foundation of God remaineth sure and hath this seale The Lord knoweth who are his The execution of this decree is an action by which God euē as he purposed with himselfe worketh all those things which he decreed for the saluation of the Elect. For they whome God elected to this ende that they should inherite eternall life were also elected to those subordinate meanes whereby as by steppes they might attaine this end and without which it were impossible to obtaine it Rom. 8. 29 30. Those which he knew before he also predestinate to be made like to the image of his Sonne that he might be the first borne amongst many brethren Moreouer whome he predestinate them he called whome he called them ●ee iustified and whome hee iustified them also he glorified There appertaine three things to the execution of this decree First the foundation Secondly the meanes Thirdly the degrees The foundation is Christ Iesus called of his father from all eternitie to performe the office of the Mediator that in him all those which should be saued might be chosen Heb. 5.5 Christ tooke not to himselfe this honour to bee made the high Priest but he that said vnto him Thou art my Sonne this day begate I thee gaue it him c. Esa. 42.1 Behold my seruant I will stay vpon him mine elect in whome my soule delighteth I haue put my spirit vpon him he shall bring foorth iudgement to the Gentiles Eph. 1.4 Hee hath chosen vs in him meaning Christ. Question Howe can Christ be subordinate vnto Gods election seeing he together with the Father decreed all things Answ. Christ as he is Mediator is not subordinate to the very decree it selfe of election but to the execution thereof onely 1. Pet. 1.20 Christ was ordained before the foundation of the world Augustine in his booke of the Predestinaiion of the Saints chap. 5. Christ was Predestinate that he might be our head In Christ we must especially obserue two things his incarnatiō his Office To the working of his Incarnation concurre First both his Natures Secondly their Vnion Thirdly their distinction Christs first Nature is the Godhead in as much as it belongeth to the Son whereby he is God Phil. 2.6 Who beeing in the forme of God thought it
day wherein my mother bare me be blessed v. 13. Cursed be the man that shewed my father saying a man child is born● vnto thee and comforted him v. 18. How is it that I came forth of the wombe to see labour sorrow that my daies should be consumed with shame II. Tempting of God when such as distrust or rather contemne him seeke signes of Gods trueth and power Matth. 4.7 Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God 1. Corinth 10.6 Neither let vs tempt God as they tempted him and were destroyed by serpents v. 10. Neither murmure ye as some of thē murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer III. Desperation Gen. 4. 13. Mine iniquity is greater then can be pardoned 1. Thes. 4. 13. Sorrow ye not as they which haue no hope IV. Doubtfulnes concerning the trueth of Gods benefits present or to come Psal. 116.11 I said in mine hast all men are lyers II. Confidence in creatures whether it be in their strength as Ierem. 17.5 Cursed is the man that hath his confidence in man and maketh flesh his arme but his heart slideth from the Lord. Or riches Matth. 6.24 Ye cannot serue God and riches Eph. 5.5 No coueto●s person which is an idolater hath inheritance in the kingdome of Christ and of God Or defenced places Iere. 49. 16. Thy feare the pride of thine heart hath deceiued thee that thou dwellest in the clefts of the Rocke and keepest the height of the hill though thou shouldest make thy nest as high as the Eagle I will bring thee downe from thence saith the Lord. Or pleasure and dainties to such their bellie is their God Phil. 3. 14. Or in physitians 2. Chron. 6. 12. And Asa in the nine and thirtieth yeare of his raigne was diseased in his feete and his disease was extreame yet he sought not the Lord in his disease but to the Physitians Briefly to this place principally may be adioyned that diuelish confidence which Magitians and all such as take aduise at them doe put in the diuell and his workes Leuit. 20. 6. If any turne after such as worke with spirits and after soothsayers to goe a whoring after them then will I set my face against that person and will cut him off from among this people III. The loue of the creature aboue the loue of God Math. 10.37 Hee that loueth father or mother more then me is not worthie of me and he that loueth sonne or daughter more then me is not worthy of me Iohn 12. 43. They loued the praise of man more then the praise of God To this belongeth selfe-loue 2. Tim. 3.2 IV. Hatred and contempt of God when man flieth from God and his wrath when he punisheth offences Rom. 8.7 The wisdome of the flesh is enmitie with God Rom. 1. 30. Haters of God doers of wrong V. Want of the feare of God Psal. 36.1 Wickednes saith to the wicked man euen in mine heart that there is no feare of God before their eyes VI. Feare of the creature more then the Creator Rev. 21.8 The fearefull and vnbeleeuing shall haue their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone Matth. 10.28 Feare not them which kill the bodie but feare him that can cast both bodie and soule into hell fire Ierem. 10.2 Be not afraid of the signes of heauen though the heathen be afraid of such VII Hardnes of heart or carnall seruice when a man neither acknowledging Gods iudgements nor his owne sinnes dreameth he is safe frō Gods vengeance and such perils as arise from sinne Rom. 2.5 Thou after thine hardnesse and heart that can not repent heapest to thy selfe wrath against the day of wrath Luk. 21.34 Take heede to your selues least at any time your hearts be oppressed with surfetting and drunkennes and cares of this life and least that day come on you as vnawares These all doe ioyntly ingender pride whereby man ascribeth all he hath that is good not to God but to his owne merit and industrie referring and disposing them wholly vnto his owne proper credit 1. Cor. 4.6 That ye might learne by vs that no man presume aboue that which is written that one swell not against another for any mans cause vers 7. For who separateth thee or what hast thou that thou hast not receiued if thou hast receiued it why reioycest thou as though thou hadst not receiued it Gen. 3.5 God doth know that when yee shall eate thereof your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as Gods knowing good and euill The highest stayre of prides ladder is that fearefull presumption by which many clime rashly into Gods seate of maiestie as if they were gods Act. 12. 22 23. The people gaue a shout saying The voyce of God and not of man but immediately the Angel of the Lord smote him because he gaue not glorie vnto God so that he was eaten vp of wormes and gaue vp the ghost 2. Thess. 2.4 Which is an aduersarie and exalteth himselfe against all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he doth sit as God in the temple of God shewing himselfe that he is God CHAP. 21. Of the second Commandement HItherto haue we entreated of the first Commandement teaching vs to entertaine in our hearts and to make choice of one onely God The other three of the first Table concerne that holy profession which we must make towards the same God For first it is necessarie to make choyce of the true God Secondly to make profession of the same God In the profession of God we are to consider the parts thereof and the time appointed for this profession The parts are two The solemne worship of God and the glorifying of him The second Commandement describeth such holy and solemne worship as is due vnto God The words of the Commandement are these Thou shalt make thee no grauen image neither any similitude of things which are in heauen aboue neither that are in the earth beneath nor that are in the waters vnder the earth thou shalt not bow downe to them neither serue them for I am the Lord thy God a iealous God visiting the iniquitie of the fathers vpon the children vpon the third generation and vpon the fourth of them that hate me and shew mercie vnto thousands vpon them that loue me and keepe my Commandements The Resolution Thou shalt not make This is the first part of the commandement forbidding to make an idol Now an idol is not onely a certaine representation and image of some fained God but also of the true Iehouah The which may be prooued against the Papists by these arguments The first is Deut. 4.15 16. Take therfore good heede vnto your selues for yee saw no image in the day that the Lord spake vnto you in Horeb out of the middest of the fire that yee corrupt not your selues and make you a grauen image or representation of any figure whether it be the likenesse of male or female Out of the words vttered by
a signe betweene me and you in your generation that ye may know that I the Lord doe sanctifie you The same is recorded Ezech. 20.12 It signified also that blessed rest of the faithfull in the kingdom of heauen Esai 66. 23. From moneth to moneth and from sabbath to sabbath shall all flesh come to worship before me sa●●h the Lord. Heb. 4.8,9 10. If Iesus had giuen them a rest c. The Sabbath is likewise ceremoniall in that it was obserued the seauenth day after the creation of the world and was then solemnized with such ceremonies Numb 28.9 But on the sabbath day ye shall offer two lambes of a yeare old without spot and two tenth deales of fine floure for a meate offering ●ingled with oyle and the drinke offering thereof 10. This is the burnt ●ffering of euery Sabbath beside the continuall burnt offering and drinke offering thereof But now in the light of the Gospel and the Churches professing the same the ceremonie of the Sabbath is ceased Col. 2.16 Let no man condemne you in meate and drinke or in respect of an holy day or of the new moone or of the Sabbath 17. which are but shadowes of things to come but the bodie is Christ. The obser●ation of the Sabbath was translated by the Apostles from the seuenth day to the day following Act. 20. 7. The first day of the weeke the Disciples beeing come together to breake bread Paul preached to them 1. Cor. 16.1,2 Concerning the gathering for the Saints as I haue ordained in the Churches of Galatia so doe ye also euery first day of the weeke let euery one of you put aside by himselfe and lay vp ●s God hath prospered him that then there be no gatherings when I come This day by reason that our Sauiour did vpon it ri●e againe is called the Lords day Revel 1.10 I was rauished in the spirit on the Lords day The obseruation of the Sabbath thus constituted by the Apostles was neuerthelesse neglected of those Churches which succeeded them but after was reuiued and established by Christian Emperours as a day most apt to celebrate the memorie of the creation of the world and to the serious meditation of the redemption of mankind Leo and Anton. Edict of holy daies The obseruation of the Sabbath is morall in as much as it is a certaine seauenth day preserueth and conserueth the ministerie of the word and the solemne worship of God especially in the assemblies of the church And in this respect we are vpon this day as well inioyned a rest from our vocations as the Iewes were Esai 58.13 If thou turne away thy foote from the Sabbath from doing thy will on mine holy day and call my Sabbath a delight to consecrate it as glorious to the Lord and shalt honour him not doing thine owne waies c. Finally it is morall in that it freeth seruants and cattell from their labours which on other daies doe seruice vnto their owners The affirmative part Keepe holy the Sabbath day This we doe if we cease from the workes of sinne and our ordinarie calling performing those spirituall works which we are commanded in the second and third Commandement I. To arise earely in the morning that so we may prepare our selues to the better sanctifying of the Sabbath ensuing This preparation consisteth in priuate praiers and taking account of our seuerall sinnes Mark 1.35 In the morning very earely before day Iesus arose and went into a solitarie place and there prayed The day following was the Sabbath when he preached in the Synagogues 39. Exod. 32. 5 6. Aaron proclaimed saying To morrow shal be the holy day of the Lord so they rose vp the next day earely in the morning Eccles. 4. vers last Take heede to thy feete when thou entrest into the house of God II. To be present at publique assemblies at ordinarie howers there to heare reuerently and attentiuely the word preached and read to receiue the Lords Supper and publikely with the congregation call vpon and celebrate the name of the Lord. 1. Tim. 1.2,3 Act. 20.7 2. King 4.22,23 Act. 13.14 15. When they departed from Perga they came to Antiochia a citie of Pisidia and went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath day and sate downe And after the lecture of the Law and Prophets the rulers of the Synagogue sent vnto them saying Ye men and brethren if ye haue any word of exhortation for the people say on III. When publique meetings are dissolued to spend the rest of the Sabboth in the meditation of Gods word and his creatures Psal. 29. from the beginning to the ending Act. 17. 11. These were also more noble men then they which were at Thessalonica which receiued the word with all readinesse and searched the Scriptures daily whether those things were so We must also exercise then the workes of charitie as to visit the sicke giue almes to the needie admonish such as fall reconcile such as are at iarre and discord amongst themselues c. Nehem. 8.12 Then all the people went to eate and to drinke and to send away part and to make great ioy The negatiue part Pollute not the Sabboth of the Lord. This is a grieuous sinne Matth. 24.20 Pray that your flight be not in winter nor on the Sabboth daie Lament 1.7 The aduersaries saw her and did mocke at her Sabboths Leuit. 19.30 Ye shall keepe my Sabboths and reuerence my Sanctuarie I am the Lord. In this part are these things forbidden I. The workes of our calling wherein if we doe ought it must be altogether in regard of charitie and not in regard of our owne priuate commodity II. Vnnecessarie iourneyes Exod. 16.29 Tarrie euery man in his place let no man goe out of his place the seuenth day By this reason the master of the family must that day remaine at home to sanctifie the Sabbath with his household III. Faires vpon the Sabboth daie Nehem. 3.19 When the gates of Ierusalem began to be darke before the Sabboth I commaunded to shut the gates charged that they should not be opened till after the Sabboth and some of my seruants set I at the gate that there should no burden be brought in on the Sabboth day read v. 15,16,17,18 IV. All kind of husbandrie as plowing sowing reaping mowing bringing home haruest other the like Exod. 34. 21. In the seauenth day shalt thou rest both in earing time and in haruest shalt thou rest V. To vse iestes sports banquetting or any other thing whatsoeuer which is a means to hinder or withdraw the mind from that serious attention which ought to be in Gods seruice for if the workes of our calling must not be exercised much lesse these whereby the minde is as well distracted from Gods seruice as by the greatest labour VI. An externall obseruation of the Sabboth without an internall regard of godlines Esa. 1.14,15 My soule hateth your new moones and your appointed feastes they are a burden vnto me I am wearie to
noise like to that of charriot wheeles suddenly passe away and the elements with the earth and all therein shall be dissolued with fire 2. Pet. 3. 12. L●●king for and h●●sting vnto the comming of the day of God by which the heauens beeing 〈◊〉 shall be dissolued and the elements shall melt with heate 13. 〈…〉 new heauens and a new earth according to his promise wherein d 〈…〉 ousness At the same time when as all these things shall come to passe 〈◊〉 sound of the last trumpet shall be heard sounded by the Archang●●● And Christ shall come suddenly in the cloudes with power and glorie and a great traine of Angels III. Now at the sound of the trumpet the Elect which were dead shal arise with their bodies and those very bodies which were turned to dust and one part rent from another shall by the omnipotent power of God be restored and the soules of them shall descend from heauen and be brought againe into those bodies As for them which then shall be aliue they shall be changed in the twinckling of an eye and this mutation shall be in stead of death And at that time the bodies shall receiue their full redemption and all the bodies of the Elect shall be made like the glorious bodie of Christ Iesus and therefore shall be spirituall immortall glorious and free from all infirmitie IV. Last of all when they are all conuented before the tribunall seate of Christ he will forthwith place the Elect seuered from the reprobate and taken vp into the aire at his right hand and to them being written in the booke of life will he pronounce this sentence Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the world Matth. 25.33 He shall set the sheepe on his right hand and the goates on the left 1. Thess. 4. 17. Reu. 20. 12. whosoeuer was not found written in the booke of life was cast into the lake of fire CHAP. 50. Of the estate of the Elect after iudgement THe last iudgement beeing once finished the Elect shall enioy immediatly blessednes in the kingdome of heauen Blessednes is that whereby God himselfe is all in all his Elect. 1. Cor. 15. 28. When all things shall be subdued to him then shall the Sonne also himselfe be subiect vnto him that did subdue all things vnder him that God may be all in all And it is the reward of good workes not because workes can merit but by reason of Gods fauour who thus accepteth workes and that in respect of the merit of Christs righteousnes imputed to the Elect. Rom. 6.23 The wages of sinne is death but eternall life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ our Lord. 2. Tim. 4. 8. Reu. 22. 12. Behold I come shortly and my reward is with me to giue euery man according as his worke shall be Blessednesse hath two parts Eternall life and perfect glorie Eternall life is that fellowship with God whereby God himselfe is thorough the Lambe Christ life vnto the Elect. For in the kingdome of heauen the Elect shall not neede meat drinke sleepe aire heat cold phisicke apparell or the light of the Sunne and moone b but in place of all these shall they haue in them Gods spirit by which immediatly they shall be quickned for euer Perfect glorie is that wonderfull excellencie of the Elect wherby they shal be in a farre better estate then any heart can wish This glorie consisteth in three points I. In that they shall still behold the face of God which is his glory and maiestie Reuel 22.4 And they shall see his face and his name shall be in their forheads Psal. 17.15 I will behold thy face in righteousnes and when I awake I shall be satisfied with thine anger II. In that they shall be most like to Christ namely iust holy incorruptible glorious honorable excellent beautifull strong mightie and nimble 1. Ioh. 3.2 Dearely beloued now are we the sonnes of God but yet it doth not appeare what we shall be and we knowe that when he shall appeare we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is Phil. 3.21 Who shall change our vile bodie that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie according to the working whereby he is able euen to subdue all things to himselfe III. They shall inherit the kingdome of heauen yea the newe heauens and newe earth shal be their inheritance 1. Pet. 1.4 God hath begotten you to an inheritance immortall vndefiled and that fadeth not away reserued in heauen for you Mat. 25.34 Then shall the king say to them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father possesse a kingdome prepared for you before the foundations of the world were laid Reu. 5.10 Thou hast made vs vnto our God kings and priests and we shall raigne on the earth Reuel 21.7 Hee that ouercommeth shall inherite all things and I will be his God he shall be my sonne The fruit that commeth from both these parts of blessednes is of two sorts Eternall ioy and the perfect seruice of God Psal. 16.11 Thou wilt shewe me the path of life in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at thy right hand there are pleasures for euermore Psal. 36.8 They shall be satisfied with the fatnes of thine house and thou shalt giue them drinke out of the riuer of thy pleasures 9. For with thee is the well of life and in thy light shall we see light The parts of Gods seruice are Praise and Thanksgiuing Reuel 21.3 And I heard a great voice out of heauen saying behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himselfe shall be their God with them Chap. 5.12 Saying with a loud voice Worthy is the Lambe that was killed to receiue power and riches and wisdome and strength and honour and glory and praise c. 13. Chap. 11.17 The foure and twentie Elders which sate before God on their seates fell vpon their faces and worshipped God saying Wee giue thee thanks Lord God Almightie which art and Which wa st and Which art to come for thou hast receiued thy great might and hast obtained thy kingdome The manner of performing this seruice is to worship God by God himselfe immediately In heauen there shall neither be temple ceremonie nor Sacrament but all these wants shal God himselfe supply togither with the Lābe that is Christ. Reuel 21.22 I sawe no temple therein for the Lord God Almightie and the Lambe are the Temple of it This seruice shall be daily and without intermission Reuel 7.15 They are in the presence of the throne of God and serue him day and night in his temple A Corollarie or the last conclusion THus God in sauing the Elect doeth clearely set forth his iustice and mercy His iustice in that he punished the sinnes of the elect in his Sonnes owne person His
Matth. 11.28 No man knoweth the Father but the Sonne and he to who●● the Sonne will reueale him Luke 8. To you it is giuen to know the mysteries of the kingdome of God Philip. 2. It is God which worketh in you to will and to doe 1. Cor. 12. 13. No man can say that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost Briefly he who according to God is to be created to righteousnes and holiness Eph. 4.24 cannot any waies dispose himselfe to iustification or new creation For it is impossible that a thing not yet created should dispose it selfe to his creation The IX errour That preparation to grace which is caused by the power of free-will may by the merit of congruitie deserue iustification The Confutation These things smell of more then Satanicall arrogancie For what man but such an one as were not in his right mind would beleeue that he vnto whom so many millions of condemnations are due could once merit the least dramme of grace The prodigall sonne he was not receiued into fauour by reason of his deserts but by fauour Luk. 15.21 His sonne said vnto him I haue sinned against heauen and against thee and am no more worthie to be called thy sonne The X. errour The faith of the godly or that which iustifieth is that whereby a man doth in generall beleeue the promised blessednes of God and by which also he giueth his assent to other mysteries reuealed of God concerning the same The Confutation Faith is not onely a generall knowledge and assent to the historie of the Gospel but further also a certaine power both apprehending and seuerally applying the promises of God in Christ whereby a man doth assuredly set downe that his sinnes are forgiuen him and that he is reconciled vnto God Reasons I. A particular assurāce of the fauour of god is of the nature of faith Eph. 3.12 By whom we haue boldnes and entrance with confidence by faith in him Rom. 4.20 Neither did he doubt of the promise of God through vnbeleefe but was strengthened in the faith and gaue glorie vnto God 21. Beeing fully assured that he which had promised was also able to do it Heb. 10.22 Let vs draw nere with a true heart in assurance of faith II. Particular doubtings is reprehended Mat. 14. ●● O thou of litle faith why didst thou doubt Luk. 12.29 Hang ye not in suspence III. That which a mā praieth for to god that must he assuredly beleeue to receiue Math. 11.24 But the faithfull in their praiers make request for adoption iustification and life eternall And therefore they must certainely beleeue that they shall receiue these benefits IV. Rom. 5.1 We beeing th●refore iustified we haue peace with God But there can be no peace where there is not a pa●ticu●ar assurance of Gods fauour V. That which the spirit of God doth testifie vnto vs particularly that must also be beleeued particularly But the spirit of God doth giue a particular testimonie of the adoption of the faithfull Rom. 8.16 Gal. 4.6 This therefore is in like sort to be beleeued Whereas they say that no man hath a particular assurance but by especiall reuelation as was that which Abraham and Paul had it is false For the faith of these two is set downe in Scripture as an example which we should all follow For this cause Abraham is called the Father of the faithfull and Paul testifieth the very fame of himselfe 1. Tim. 1.16 For this cause saith he was I receiued to mercie that Iesus Christ should first shew on me all long suffering vnto the example of them which shall in time to come beleeue in him vnto eternall life Againe whereas they say that we haue a morall assurance but not the assurance of faith it is a popish deuise For Rom. 8.16 The spirit of adoption 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 together beareth witnesse to our spirits Where we see two witnesses of our adoption our owne spirit and the spirit of God Our spirit doth testifie morally of our adoption by sanctification and the fruits thereof and therefore also the spirit of God witnesseth after another manner namely by the certaintie of faith declaring and applying the promises of God Obiect I. We are commanded to worke our saluation with feare trembling Ans. This feare is not in regard of Gods mercie forgiuing our sinnes but in respect of vs and our nature which is euer prone to slide away and starting from God Obiect II. In respect of Gods mercie we must hope for saluation but in respect of our vnworthines we must doubt Ans. I. We may not at all lawfully doubt of Gods mercie because doubtfulnes is not of the nature of faith but rather a naturall corruption II. If we consider our owne vnworthines it is out of all doubt that we must be out of all hope and despaire of our saluation Obiect III. There be many sinnes vnknowne vnto vs and so also vncertaine whether they be pardoned vnto vs. Answer He that certenly and truly knoweth that but one sinne is pardoned him he hath before God all his sinnes remitted whether they be knowne or vnknowne Obiect IV. No man dare sweare or die in the defence of this proposition I am the child of God or in Gods fauour and iustified Answ. They which haue an vnfained faith will if they be lawfully called not onely testifie their adoption by an oath but seale it also by their blood Obiect V. A man may haue this faith which the Protestants talke of and lie in a mortall sinne and haue also a purpose to perseuere in a mortall sinne Ans. It is farre otherwise for Act. 15.9 True faith purifieth the heart These Sophisters doe further affirme that this faith which to them is nothing but a knowledge and illumination of the mind concerning the truth of Gods word is the roote and foundation of iustification The which if it be true why should not the deuill be iust for he hath both a knowledge of Gods word and thereunto by beleeuing doth giue his assent who notwithstanding he haue such a faith yet can he not be called one of the faithfull Here they except and say The deuils faith is void of charitie which is the forme of faith But this is a doting surmise of their owne braine For charitie is the effect of faith 1. Tim. 1.5 But the effect cannot informe the cause The XI errour Mans loue of God doth in order and time goe before his i●stification and reconciliation with God The Confutation Nay contrarily vnlesse we be first perswaded of Gods loue towards vs we neuer loue him For we loue him because he loued vs first 1. Ioh. 4.19 Againe it is impossible that Gods enemie should loue him but he which is not as yet iustified or reconciled to God he is Gods enemie Rom. 5.9,10 Neither is any man before the act of iustification made of Gods enemie his friend The XII errour Iufused or inherent iustice is the formall cause of i●stification
head in pursuing his father thē Dauid wept and cried O my sonne Absolon my sonne Absolon would God I had died with thee Absolon my sonne And so it is with God our heauenly father when his children sinne against him and thereby loose his loue and fauour and fall from grace he forsakes them but how farre Surely he shewes signes of anger for their wickednes and yet indeede his loue remaines towards them still and this is a true conclusion the grace of God in the adoption of the elect is vnchāgeable and he that ●s the child of God can neuer fall away wholly or finally On the contrarie that is a bad and comfortlesse opinion of the Church of Rome which holdeth that a man may be iustified before God and yet afterward by a mortall sinne finally fall from grace and be condemned Fourthly the childe of God that takes God the father for his father may freely come into the presence of God and haue libertie to pray vnto him We know it is a great priuiledge to come into the chamber of presence before an earthly prince and fewe can alwaies haue this prerogatiue though they be great men yet the kings owne sonne may haue free entrance and speake freely vnto the king himselfe because he is his sonne Now the children of God haue more prerogatiue then this for they may come into the presence not of an earthly king but of Almightie God the King of kings and as they are the sonnes of God in Christ so in him they may freely speake vnto God their father by praier And this ouerthrowes the doctrine of such as be of the Church of Rome which teach and hold that a man must come to speake to God by by praier through the intercession of Saints for say they the presence of God is so glorious that we may not be so bold as of our selues to speake vnto him but needes must haue the intercession of others Lastly God will prouide for all his Church and children all things needefull both for their bodies and soules so our Sauiour Christ bids his disciples take no thought what they should eate or what they should drinke or wherewith they should be clothed adding this reason for your heauenly Father knoweth all your wants And if we take thought it must be moderate and not distrustfull it is a part of the fathers dutie to prouide for his familie and children and not the children for the father Now shall an earthly father haue this care for his children and shall not our heauenly father much more prouide for those that feare and loue him Nay marke further in Gods Church there be many hypocrites which receiue infinite benefits from God by reason of his elect children with whome they liue and we shall see this to be true that the wicked man hath euer fared better for the godly mans cause Sodome and Gomorrha receiued many benefits by reason of righteous Lot and when the Lord was purposed to destroy Sodom he was faine to pull Lot forth of the citie for the text saith the Angel of the Lord could not doe any thing till he was come out of it So also in Pauls dangerous voyage towardes Rome all the men in it fared better for Pauls company for the Lord tolde Paul by an angel that there should be no losse of any mans life for the Lord had giuen to him all that sailed with him And vndoubtedly if it were not for some fewe that feare God he would powre downe his vengeance vpon many nations and kingdomes there is such excesse of wickednesse in all sorts Againe if the Lord doe thus carefully prouide for his children all kinde of benefits what a wonderful wickednesse is this for men to get their liuing by vngodly meanes as vsury carding dicing and such like exercises If a man were perswaded that God were his father and would prouide sufficiently both for his bodie and soule so that vsing lawfull meanes he should eue● haue enough out of all doubt he would neuer after the fashion of the world vse vnlawefull and prophane meanes to get a liuing But this prooueth that howesoeuer such men say God is their father yet indeede they denie him And thus much of 〈◊〉 ti●le Father the first thing whereby the first person is described Nowe followeth the second point namely his attribute of omnipotencie in the word almightie And whereas the father is said to be almightie it is not so to b● vnderstood as though the Sonne were not almightie or the holy ghost no●●lmightie for euery propertie and attribute saue the personal properties is c●mmō to all the three persons For as God the father doth impart his godhead vnto the sonne and to the holy ghost so doth he communicate the propriet●es of the godhead to them also God is omnipotent two waies I. Because hee is able to doe whatsoeuer hee will II. Because he is able to doe more then he will doe For the first that god is able to doe whatsoeuer he will Dauid saith Our God is in heauen and he doth whatsoeuer he will for there is nothing that can hinder God but as he willeth so euery thing is done Secondly that God can doe more then he willeth to be done it is plaine where Iohn Baptist saith God is able of these stones to raise vp children vnto Abraham for though God can doe thus much yet he will not doe it So likewise when Christ was betraied the Father could haue giuē him more then 12. legions of angels to haue deliuered him out of their handes but yet he would not the like may be said of many other things The father is was able to haue created another world yea a thousand worldes but he would not nor will not And likewise Christ being vpon the crosse was able at their bidding to haue come downe and saued himselfe from death but he would not and therefore this is true the Lord can doe any thing that he willeth to bee done actually yea and more then he will But some will say God can not doe some things which man can doe as God cannot lie nor denie himselfe and therefore he is not omnipotent Answere Although some haue thought that God coulde doe euen these things and that he did them not because hee would not yet wee must knowe and beleeue that God can neither lie nor denie himselfe indeede man can doe both but these and many other such things if God could doe them hee could not bee God God indeede can doe all things which shewe foorth his glory and maiestie but such things as are against his nature he cannot doe● as for example God can not sinne and therefore cannot li● and because he cannot doe these things for this very cause he is omnipotent for these and such like are workes of impotencie which if god could doe he should euen by his owne word be iudged impotent Secondly he cannot doe that which implies contradiction
wherein we must rest as it were for a night as a straunger doth in an Inne and so away but the second house is eternall in the heauens an euerlasting seate of all felicitie and happinesse And therefore our dutie is aboue al things to seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse as Christ himselfe biddeth vs. And if the Lord haue there prepared such a place for vs thē we must in this world vse all good meanes whereby we may be made worthie the fruition of it and also fitte and readie at the day of death to enter into it which at the day of iudgement we shall fully possesse both in soule and bodie and there raigne eternally in all happinesse with God Almightie our creatour the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost But some may say how shall a man so prepare himselfe that hee may bee fitte for that place Answere This the holy Ghost teacheth vs for speaking of this heauenly Ierusalem he saith There shall enter into it none vncleane thing neither whatsoeuer worketh abomination or lies The meanes then to make our selues fitte is to seeke to bee reconciled to God in Christ for our sinnes past and withall to endeauour to haue an assurance of the free remission and pardon of them all in the blood of Christ. And as touching that part of life which is to come we must remember what Saint Iohn saith Euery one that hath this hope purifieth himselfe meaning that he which hath hope to raigne with Christ in heauen vseth the meanes whereby he may purifie and keepe himselfe from sinne as also he saith after that he which is borne of God keepeth himselfe and the wicked one toucheth him not Signifying that all such persons as are truely iustified and sanctified carrie such a narrowe and straite watch ouer the whole course of their liues and conuersations that the deuill can neuer giue them deadly woundes and wholly ouercome them Nowe the man that i● resolued in his conscience of the pardon of his sinne for the time past and hath a steadfast purpose in his heart to keepe himselfe vpright continually to walke in righteousnesse and true holinesse all the daies of his life this man I say is prepared and made fit to enter into the heauenly Ierusalem come death when it will he is readie And howesoeuer he must not looke for heauen here vpon earth yet he is as it were in the suburbes of this heauenly cittie and at the end of this life the king thereof the Lord Iesus will open the gates and receiue him into his kingdome for he is alreadie entred into the kingdome of grace To conclude this point let euery man in the feare of god be mooued hereby to set his heart to prepare himselfe that when God shall call him hence he may be fitte to enter into that glorie Secondly seeing God hath prepared the third heauen for vs it teacheth euery man in this worlde to be content with the estate wherein God hath placed him whether it bee high or lowe rich or poore why so because here he is but a pilgrime and liues in a cottage of clay and in a tent wherein he must abide but a while as a pilgrime doth oftentimes carrying his house about with him and we shall in better sort accept the afflictions which God sendes vs in this life if we remember that there is prepared for vs a place of ioy which must bee our resting place and perfect felicitie for euermore This was the practise of the chidren of God especially of Abraham for when the Lord called him out of his own country he obeyed and by faith abode in the promised land as in a straunge countrie as one that dwelt in tents with Isaac and Iaakob heires with him in the same promise and the reason followeth for he looked for a cittie hauing a foundation whose builder and maker is God They beleeued that these things which the Lord promised were shaddowes of better things and hereon staied themselues beeing well content with that estate whereto God had called them So Paul was cōtented to beare the afflictions which God had laid vpon him and his reason was Because saith he we looke not on things which are seene but on things which are not seene for the things which are seene are temporall but the things which are not seene are eternall And in the next chapter We knowe saith he that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle be destroyed we haue a dwelling giuen vs of God that is an house not made with hands but eternall in the heauens And for this cause his desire was rather to remooue out of this body and to be with the Lord. And thus much concerning heauen Nowe followeth the second part of Gods creation in these wordes And earth Earth signifieth the huge masse or body standing of sea and land on which we liue and all things that be in or vpon the earth whatsoeuer as Paul saith For by him were created all things that are in heauen or in earth c. In other Creeds which were made since this of the Apostles beeing expositiōs of that there is added maker of all things visible and invisible Here we haue occasion to speake of all creatures but that were infinite therefore I will make choice of these two good Angels and Men. I. That Angels had a beginning it is no question for Paul saith that by God all things were created in heauen and earth things visible and inuisible whether thrones principalities or powers And in respect of the creation angels are called the sonnes of God But the time day of their creatiō cannot be set down further thē this that they were created in the cōpasse of the sixe daies For Moses saith Thus namely in the compasse of the first sixe daies the heauens and the earth were fashioned and all the h●ast of them that is all varietie of creatures in heauen and earth seruing for the beauty and glory thereof whereof no doubt the Angels are the principall II. Touching the nature of Angels some haue thought that they are nothing but qualities and motions in the mindes of men as the Sadduces and the Libertines of this time but the truth is that they are spirits that is spirituall and inuisible substances created by God and really subsisting for the Scripture ascribes vnto them such kinde of actions which can not be performed by the creatures saue onely such as be substances as to stande before the throne of God to behold the face of the Father to carie mens soules to heauen c. yet must we not imagine that they are bodily substances consisting of flesh and bone And though they tooke vpon them visible shapes and formes and did eate and drinke in the companie of men and thereupon are called Men in Scripture yet they did this by diuine dispensation for a time that they might the better performe the actions
in the very middest of all confusion there is order to be founde because he can and doth despose it to the glorie of his owne name and to the good and saluation of his chosen as also to the confusion of his enemies Againe it may be obiected that with vngodly and wicked men all thinges goe well and contrariwise with the godly all things goe hardly For through the world none are more molested and more vnder outward miserie then they but if there were any prouidence of God then it should be otherwise the godly should flourish and the wicked perish Ans. The consideration of the outward estate of men in the world was to Dauid an occasion of a sore temptation For when he sawe the wicked to prosper alwaie and their riches to increase he brake forth and said Certenly I haue clensed my heart in vaine and washed mine hands in innocencie Now if we would repell this temptation as Dauid afterward did then wee must goe into the Lords sanctuarie with him and learne to be resolued in these points I. Though the godly bee laden with miseries yet euen that by the especiall prouidence of God turnes to their great good For euery man since the fall of Adam is stained with the loathsome contagion of sinne Now the child of God that is truly regenerate and must be fellow heire with Christ after this life in the kingdome of glory must in this life be cast into the Lords furnace that in the fire of afflliction he may more and more be skoured and purified from the corruption of his nature and be estranged from the wickednes of the worlde II. The prosperous successe of the wicked their spoiles their reuenewes and all their honour turnes to their greater woe in the ende as doth appeare in Iobs historie in the examples of the Chaldeans of Dauids enimies and of Diues and Lazarus Thirdly it may be obiected that many things came to passe by chance and therefore not by Gods prouidence because chaunce and prouidence cannot stand togither Ans. We must distinguish betweene chance and meere chance Chaunce is when any thing comes to passe the cause thereof beeing vnknowne not simply but in respect of man aad therefore in regard of men which knowe not the reason of things we may say there is chaunce and so the spirit of God speaketh Time and chaunce commeth to them all And againe By chaunce there came downe a priest the same way Now this kind of chance is not against the prouidence of God but is ordered by it For things which in regard of men are casuall are certainely knowne and determined by God Meere chaunce is when things are said or thought to come to passe without any cause at all But that must be abhorred of vs as ouerturning the prouidence of God Thus seeing it is plaine that there is a prouidēce let vs in the next place see what it is Prouidence is a most free and powerfull action of God whereby he hath care ouer all things that are Prouidence hath two parts knowledge and gouernment Gods knowledge is whereby all things from the greatest to the least are manifest before him at al times As Dauid saith His eies will consider his eie lids will trie the children of mē And againe He abaseth himselfe to beholde the things that are in the heauen and the earth And the Prophet Hanani said to Asa The eies of the Lord behold all the earth And Saint Iames saith From the beginning of the world God knoweth all his workes This point hath a double vse First as Saint Peter saith it must mooue vs to eschewe euill and doe good why Because saith he the eies of the Lord are vpon the iust and his countenance against euill doers Secondly it must comfort all those that labour to keepe a good conscience For the eies of God behole all the earth to shewe himselfe strong with them that are of perfect heart towards him Gouernment is the ●econd part of Gods prouidence whereby he ordereth all things and directeth them to good endes And it must be extended to the very least thing that is in heauen or earth as to the sparrowes and to oxen and the haires of our heades And here we must consider two things the manner of gouernment and the meanes The manner of gouernment is diuers according as things are good or euill A good thing is that which is approoued of God As first of all the substances of all creatures euen of the deuils themselues in whome whatsoeuer is remaining since their creation is in it selfe good Secondly the quantities qualities motions actions and inclinations of the creatures in themselues considered with all their euents are good Againe good is either naturall or moral Naturall which is created by God for the lawefull vse of man Morall which is agreeable to the eternall and vnchangeable wisdome of God reuealed in the morall lawe Now God gouerneth all good things two waies First by sustaining preseruing them that they decay not secondly by moouing them that they may attaine to the particular endes for which they were seuerally ordained For the qualities and vertues which were placed in the Sunne Moone starres trees plants seedes c. would lie dead in them and be vnprofitable vnlesse they were not onely preserued but also stirred vp and quickened by the power of God so oft as he imploies them to any vse Euill is the destruction of nature and it is taken for sinne or for the punishment of sinne Nowe sinne is gouerned of God by two actions the first is an operatiue permission I so call it because God partly permitteth sinne and partly worketh in it For sinne as it is commonly taken hath two parts the subiect or matter and the forme of sinne the subiect of sinne is a certaine qualitie or action the forme is the anomie or transgression of Gods lawe The first is good in it selfe and euery qualitie or action so farre forth as it is a qualitie or action is existing in nature and hath God to be the author of it Therefore sinne though it be sufficiently euil to eternall damnation● yet can it not be said to be absolutely euill as God is absolutely good because the subiect of it is good therfore it hath in it respects regards of goodnes In respect of the second that is the breach of the lawe it selfe God neither willeth nor appointeth nor commandeth nor causeth nor helpeth sin but forbiddeth condemneth and punisheth it yet so as withall he willingly permitteth it to be done by others as men and wicked angells they beeing the sole authors and causes of it And this permission by God is vpon a good ende because thereby he● manifesteth his iustice and mercie Thus it appeares that in originall sinne the naturall inclination of the minde will and affections in it selfe considered is from God and the ataxie or corruption of the inclination in no
nothing regarded A blinde man neuer seeing the sunne is not brought to wonder at it and earthly minded men neither seeing nor feeling what an excellent thing it is to bee the childe of God cannot bee brought to seeke after it But let all such as feare God enter into a serious consideration of the vnspeakeable goodnesse of God comforting themselues in this that God the father hath vouchsafed by his owne sonne to make them of the vassals of satan to be his owne deere children Nowe followe the duties which are two First we beleeue that Iesus Christ who was to be the Sauiour of mankinde must needs be God what is the reason hereof surely because no creature no not all the creatures in heauen and earth were able to saue one man so vile wretched and miserable is our estate by Adams fall And therefore the sonne of God himselfe pitied our estate and beeing king of heauen and earth was faine to come from heauen and lay downe his crowne and become a seruant and taking vpon him our nature was also faine to take vpon him our case and condition and suffer death for our sinnes which otherwise euery one of vs should haue suffered both in bodie and soule world without ende To make this more plaine let vs suppose that some one hath committed an offence against a prince and the trespasse to be so grieuous that no man can appease the kings wrath saue only the kings onely sonne and which is more the kings sonne himselfe cannot release him vnlesse hee suffer the punishment for him in his owne person which is due vnto the malefactour Nowe what is to be thought of this mans estate surely all men will say that he is in a most miserable taking and that his trespasse is notorious and so it is with euery one of vs by nature whatsoeuer we are No man could saue our soules no not all the angels in heauen vnlesse the king of heauen and earth the onely sonne of God had come down from heauen and suffered for vs bearing our punishment Nowe the consideration of this must humble vs and make vs to cast downe our selues vnder the hand of God for our sinnes and pray continually that the Lord would send some Moses or other which might smite the rockes of our hearts that some teares of sorrowe and repentance might gush out for this our wofull miserie Secondly whereas God the Father of Christ gaue his onley sonne to be our Sauiour as we must be thankefull to God for all things so especially for this great and vnspeakable benefit Common blessings of God as meat drinke health wealth and libertie must at all times mooue vs to be thankeful but this that Christ Iesus the onely sonne of God redeemed vs beeing vtterly lost this I say must be the maine point of all our thankfulnes but alas mens hearts are so frozen in the dreggs of their sinnes that this dutie comes little in practise nowe adaies When our Sauiour Christ clensed ten lepers there was but one of them that returned to giue him thankes and this is as true in the leprosie of the soule for though saluation by Christ be offered vnto vs daily by Gods ministers yet not one of tenne nay scarse one of a thousand giues praise and thankes to God for it because men take no delight in things which concerne the kingdome of heauen they thinke not that they haue neede of saluation neither do they feele any want of a Sauiour But we for our parts must learne to say with Dauid What shall I render vnto the Lord for all his benefits yea we are to practise that which Salomon saith My sonne giue me thy heart for we should giue vnto God both bodie and soule in token of our thankefulnesse for this wonderful blessing that he hath giuen his onely sonne to bee our Sauiour and we are to hold this for trueth that they which are not thankfull for it let them say what they will they haue no soundnes of grace or power of religion at the heart And thus much of the third title The fourth and last title is in these wordes our Lord. Christ Iesus the onely sonne of God is our Lord three waies first by creation in that he made vs of nothing when we were not secondly he is our Lord in the right of redemption In former times the custome hath bin when one is taken prisoner in the field he that paies his raunsome shall becom alwaies after his Lord so Christ when we were bondslaues vnder hell death and condemnation paide the ransome of our redemption and freed vs from the bondage of sinne and satan and therfore in that respect he is our Lord. Thirdly he is the head of the Church as the husband is the wiues head to rule and gouerne the same by his word and spirit And therefore in that respect also Christ is our Lord. And thus much for the meaning Nowe followe the duties And first of al if Christ be our Soueraigne Lord we must performe absolute obedience vnto him that is whatsoeuer he commandes vs that must we doe And I say absolute obedience because Magistrates Masters Rulers and fathers may command and must bee obeyed yet not simply but so farre foorth as that which they command doth agree with the word and commandement of God but Christs will and word is righteousnesse it selfe and therfore it is a rule and direction of all our actions whatsoeuer and for this cause he must be absolutely obeyed Thus he requires the obedience of the morall lawe but why because he is the Lord our god And in Malachie he saith If I be your Lord where is my feare And againe we must resigne both bodie and soule heart mind wil affections and the course of our whole liues to be ruled by the will of Christ. He is Lord not onely of the bodie but of the spirit and soule of man he must therefore haue homage of both As wee adore him by the knee of the bodie so must the thoughts and the affections of our hearts haue their knees also to worship him and to shewe their subiection to his commandements As for such as doe hold him for their Lord in word but in the meane season will not indeauour to shewe their loyaltie in all manner of obedience they are indeede no better then starke rebels Secondly when by the hande of Christ straunge iudgements shall come to passe as it is vsuall in all places continually we must stay ourselues without murmuring or finding fault because he is an absolute Lorde ouer all his creatures all things are in his handes and hee may doe with his owne whatsoeuer he will and therefore wee must rather feare and tremble whensoeuer we see or heare of them so Dauid saith I was dumbe and opened not my mouth because thou didst it And againe My flesh trembleth for feare of thee and I am afraid of thy iudgements Thirdly before wee vse
this order touching man that what euill or defect soeuer he brought vpon himselfe he should deriue the same to euery one of his posteritie begotten of him and hereupon when any father begets his childe he is in the roome of Adam and conueies vnto it beside the nature of man the very guilt and corruption of nature Now for the preuenting of this euill in Christ God in great wisdome appointed that he should be conceiued by the holy Ghost without any manner of generation by man And by this meanes he takes substance from the Virgin without the guilt and corruption of the substance But it may further be obiected thus All that be in Adam haue sinned in him but Christ was in Adam as he is man therefore he sinned in him Ans. The proposition is false vnlesse it be expounded on this manner All that were in Adam haue sinned in him so be it they come of him by generation Paul saith not out of one man but by one man sinne entred into the world to shew that man propagates his corruption to no more then he begets Againe Christ is in Adam not simply as other men are but in some part namely in respect of substance which he took from him and not in respect of the propagation of the substance by ordinarie generation other men are both from Adam and by Adam but Christ is from him alone and not by him as a begetter or procreant cause The second part of sanctification is the infusion of all purenesse and holinesse into the manhoode of Christ so farre forth as was meete for the nature of a redeemer The duties to be learned hence are these First whereas Christ was sanctified in the wombe of the virgin Marie we likewise must labour to be sanctified in our selues following the commandement of God Be ye holy as I am holy S. Iohn saith that he which hath hope to be with Christ in glorie in heauen purifieth himselfe euen as he is pure no doubt setting before himselfe the example of Christ as a patterne to follow in all his waies And because our hearts are as it were seas of corruptions we must daily cleanse our selues of them by little little following the practise of the poore begger that is alwaies peecing and mending and day by day pulls away some ragges and puts better cloath in the roome And if we shall continually indeauour our selues to cast off the remnants of corruption that hang so fast on and make a supplie thereof by some new portions of Gods heauenly grace we shall be vessells of honour sanctified and meete for the Lord and prepared vnto euery good worke Christ could not haue beene a fit Sauiour for vs vnlesse he had first of all bin sanctified neither can we be fit members vnto him vnlesse we be purged of our sinnes and in some measure truly sanctified The comfort which Gods people may reape of the sanctification of Christs manhood is great For why was he sanctified Surely if we marke it well we shall finde it was for the good and benefit of his Elect. For Adam and Christ be two rootes as hath beene shewed Adam by creation first receiued Gods image and after lost the same for himselfe and his posteritie Now Christ to remooue the sinne of man is made the second Adam and the roote and very head of all the Elect. His manhood was filled with holinesse aboue measure that from thence as from a storehouse it might be deriued to all his members And therefore by his most holy conception our sinnefull birth and conception is sanctified and his holinesse serues as a couer to hide our manifolde corruptions from the eyes of God Yea it serues as a buckler to award the temptations of the deuill for when he shall say to our hearts on this manner no vncleane thing can enter into the kingdome of heauen but thou by reason of the remnants of originall sinne art vncleane therefore thou canst not enter into the kingdome of heauen we returne our answer saying that Christs righteousnesse is our righteousnesse seruing to make vs stand without blame or spot before God And as Iacob put on Esaus garments that he might get his fathers blessing so if by faith we doe put on the white garment of righteousnes of our elder brother Christ Iesus and present our selues in it vnto our heauenly father we shall obtaine his blessing which is eternall happines Now remaines the third and last part of the conception which is the Vnion of the godhead and the manhood cōcerning which many points are particularly to be handled The first is what kinde of Vnion this is Ans. In the Trinitie there be two sorts of vnions vnion in nature and vnion in person Vnion in nature is when two or moe things are ioyned and vnited into one nature as the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost beeing and remaining three distinct persons are one and the same in nature or Godhead Vnion in person is when two things are in that maner vnited that they make but one person or subsistance as a bodie created by God and a reasonable soule ioyned both togither make one particular man as Peter Paul Iohn c. And this second is the vnion whereof we intreat in this place by which the second person in Trinitie the sonne of God did vnite vnto himselfe the humane nature that is the bodie and soule of man so as the Godhead of the Sonne and the manhood concurring togither made but one person The second point is in what thing this vnion doth consist Answ. It consists in this that the second person the Sonne of God doth assume vnto it a manhood in such order that it beeing voide of all personall being in it selfe doth wholly and onely subsist in the same person As the plant called Missell or Misselto hauing no roote of his owne both growes and liues in the stocke or bodie of the Oke or some other tree so the humane nature hauing no proper substance is as it were ingrafted into the person of the sonne and is wholly supported and sustained by it so as it should not be at all if it were not sustained in that manner And for the better vnderstanding of this point we must consider that there be foure degrees of the presence of God in his creatures The first is his generall presence and it may be called the presence of his prouidence whereby he preserueth the substances of all creatures and giueth vnto them to liue mooue and haue beeing and this extendeth it selfe to all creatures good and bad The second degree is the presence of grace wherby he doth not onely preserue the substāces of all his creatures but also giueth grace vnto it this agreeth to the Church people of God vpon earth The third degree is the presence of glorie peculiar to the Saints and angels in heauen and this stands in three things for God not onely preserues their substances and giues
people receiued the wretched and abhominable doctrine of the church of Rome And not many yeares after when it pleased God to bring againe the light of his glorious Gospel by our gracious Prince the same people turned from poperie and embraced the true religion againe And thus with the Iewes one while they crie Hosanna to Christ and receiue his Gospel and shortly after they crie Crucifie him crucifie him by embracing idolatrous poperie Let vs therefore learne in the feare of God by the ficklenes of the Iewes● that sing two contrarie songs in so short a space to acknowledge our inconstancie and weaknes in the matter of religion whereby if God leaue vs 〈…〉 ●itle to our selues we shall straightway forsake Christ his Gospel and all T●●●●●ch of the accusation Now followeth Christs examination before ●o●●●us Pilate for when the Iewes had thus falsly accused him then Pontius Pilate tooke him and brought him into the common hall and asked him this question Art thou the King of the Iewes Now Christ beeing thus examined made as Paul also testifieth a good confession The summe thereof stands in foure heads The first is that he confesseth himselfe to be a King not such an one as they accused him to be yet a true King Whence we may learne diuers instructions first that euery Christian man in the midst of his miserie and affliction hath one that is most sufficient euery way to defend him against all his enemies the world the flesh and the deuill For this King can doe whatsoeuer he will and therefore when the legion of deuills would enter into a herd of swine they could not without his leaue And when the Centurions daughter was dead he but spake the word and shee arose And when Lazarus was dead and had lien in the graue foure daies he but saide Lazarus come forth and he came forth bound hand and foote Yea euen hell and death giue place to his word and nothing can resist his power And therefore he that is a true member of Christ needes not to feare any enemies be they neuer so great or so many And againe as Christ is able so is he readie and willing to saue and defend all that beleeue in him For he it is that gaue his life for his subiects which no King would doe and shedde his blood for their redemption which he would neuer haue done if he had not desired their saluation Secondly whereas Christ is a mightie King which can doe whatsoeuer he will let all such among vs that haue hitherto liued in ignorance and by reason of ignorance liue in their sinnes at length begin to come vnto him and doe him homage and with penitent hearts fall downe before him otherwise if they continue in their old rebellions let them know whatsoeuer they be high or low that he hath a rod of iron in his hand to bruise them in pieces their soules shall smart for it as both Pilate Caiphas and the rest of the Iewes were with a full cup rewarded for crucifying the Lord of life And if Christ cannot draw thee in this life from thy crooked waies be sure at the houre of death he will breake thee in pieces like a potters vessell This must we learne in regard of the first point that he said plainely He was a King Now follows the second part of his confession namely that his kingdome was not of this world Where he sets downe what kinde of King he is he is no earthly king his kingdome stands not in the power of men nor in earthly and outward gouernment but his kingdome is spirituall and his gouernment is in the very hearts and consciences of men His kingdome is not outward to be seene of men but inward in the heart and ●oule and therefore it is onely begunne in this life and is continued and accomplished in the world to come in the kingdome of glorie where Christ shall be all in all in the hearts and consciences of all the Elect. Now then if this be so howsoeuer Satan haue heretofore raigned in vs and made our hearts as it were his pallaces yet now let vs prepare a roome for Christ that he may come and dwell in vs let him rule our hearts wills and affections that they may become conformable to his will let vs resigne our selues wholly to be ruled by him that his spirituall kingdome may be in vs. This kingdome in the heart and conscience is the pearle and hidde treasure which when a man findeth he sells all that he hath and buieth it Let vs therefore in the feare of God esteeme it as the most pretious thing that may be and so liue in this world as that Christ may rule inwardly in vs by his word and spirit And againe seeing this regiment of Christ is heauenly and the full manifestation of it is reserued till the life to come we must therefore vse this world and all things in it as honour wealth ease and libertie as though we vsed them not As a trauailer vseth his staffe in his iourney as long as it doth further him so long he will carrie it with him but when it hindereth him then he casts it away so must we vse the things of this life namely as long as they are helps to further and make vs fitte for the kingdome of heauen but if they be any hinderance to this spirituall regiment of Christ we must renounce them and cast them away be they neuer so pretious to vs. The third point of Christs confession is concerning the meanes whereby he gouerneth his kingdome I came saith he into this world to beare witnesse of the truth that is to preach the Gospell and doctrine of saluation and hereby he teacheth that the outward administration of his kingdome stands specially in the preaching of the word which is a principall ordinance of his seruing to gather his Church from the beginning of the world to the ende thereof And for this cause he hath in all ages set apart chosen ministers for the publishing of the doctrine of the Gospell And hence it is manifest that the gift of prophecie is the greatest gift that God bestowes on his Church for the building thereof And therfore it ought to be most highly esteemed as a most pretious iewell And for this cause also the schooles of learning are to be reuerenced maintained all other meanes vsed for the furthering of them because they are vnder God the fountaines and welsprings of this gift of prophecie The last point is concerning the subiects of Christs kingdome expressed in these words They which are of the truth heare my voice In which he sets down the true marke of his seruants and subiects that they are hearers of that heauenly and sauing word which he reuealed from the bosome of his father It may be alleadged the most wicked men vpon earth yea the deuils themselues may be hearers of the truth of Christ. Ans. There be
two kind of hearers one which heareth onely the outward sound of the word with his bodily eares and he hauing eares to heare doth not heare the secōd is he that doth not only receiue the doctrine that is taught with his eares but also hath his heart opened to feele the power of it and to obey the same in the course of his life This distinction is notably set forth by Dauid saying Sacrifice and burnt offerings thou wouldest not haue but my eares hast thou pierced whereby he insinuates as it were two kinds of eares one that is deafe and cannot heare and thus are the eares of all men by nature in hearing the doctrine of saluation the other is a newe eare pierced and bored by the hand of God which causeth a mans heart to heare the sound and operation of the word and the life to expresse the truth of it Now the subiects of Christs kingdom are such as with the outward hearing of the word haue an inward hearing of the soule grace also to obey therefore all those that make no conscience of obedience to the word of god preached vnto them are no lesse then rebels to Christ. We may perswade our selues that we are good subiects because we heare the word receiue the Sacraments but if our liues abound with sinne and if our hearts be not pierced through by the sword of Gods spirit whether we be high or low rich or poore let vs be what we will be we are no right subiects indeed but rebells traytours vnto the euerliuing God It may be hereafter God will giue further grace but as yet all impenitent persons though liuing in the midst of Gods church are no obedient and faithfull subiects therfore while we haue time let vs labour to performe in deede that which we doe in word professe Thus much of the examination and confession of Christ. Now followeth the third point concerning the pollicies which Pilate vsed to saue Christ and they are three First when he heard that Christ was of Galilee he tooke occasion to send him to Herod thinking thereby to shift his hands of him and not to shed his blood In which pollicie though he seeme vnwilling to put Christ to death yet herein he is a most vniust iudge for hauing giuen testimonie of Christ that he is innocent he ought to haue acquitted him and not haue sent him to Herod for further iudgemēt In Herods dealing with Christ we may obserue these points The first that he is wonderfully glad of his cōming Why so the text saith because he was desirous to see him of a long season because he had heard many things of him and trusted to haue seene some signe done by him Here marke how he reioyced not in Christ because he was Christ that is his Messias and redeemer but because he wrought myracles signes wonders And so it is among vs at this day it is a rare thing to finde a man that loueth Christ because he is Christ some loue Christ for honour some for wealth others for praise that is because they get honour wealth and praise by confessing his name Againe many professe Christ onely because it is the law and custome of their nation But we must learne to be of this minde to loue Christ because he is Christ euen for himselfe and not for any other sinister respect we must reioyce in Christ for himselfe though we neuer haue profit nor pleasure neither honour or wealth by him And if we loue him for wealth or pleasure or for any other ende but for himselfe alone when these things are taken away then we shall vtterly forsake Christ in like manner The second point is that Herod desires Christ to worke a miracle He can be content to see the works of Christ but he cannot abide to heare his word and to beare his yoke Like to him are many in these daies which gladly desire to heare the Gospel of Christ preached onely because they would here speach of some strange things laying aside all care and conscience to obey that which they heare Yea many in England delight to read the straunge histories of the Bible therefore can rehearse the most part of it and it were to be wished that all could doe the like yet come to the practise of it the same persons are commonly found as bad in life conuersation yea rather worse then others Let vs therfore labour that with our knowledge we may ioyne obedience practise with our learning as well to be affected with the word of Christ as with his works The third point is that Herod derides Christ sends him away cloathed in a white garment This is that Herod whom Christ called a foxe who also when he heard Iohn Baptist preach did many things and heard him gladly How then comes Herod to this outrage of wickednes thus to abuse Christ Ans. We must know that although Herod at the first hea●d Iohn preach yet withall he followed his owne affections and sought how to fulfill the lusts of his flesh For when Iohn told him that it was not lawfull ●or him to haue his brother Philips wife he cast him in prison and afterward ●ut off his head for it after which offence he is growne to this height of impietie that he now despiseth Christ can not abide to heare him Where we learne that as we are willing to heare Gods word preached so withall we must take heede that we practise no manner of sinne but make conscience of euery thing that may displease God Thou maist I graunt be one that feareth and fauoureth Iohn Baptist for a time wallowing in thy olde sinnes but after a while yeilding to the swinge of thy corrupt heart thou wilt neuer heare Iohn nor Christ himselfe but hate and despise them both This is the cause why some which haue beene professours of religion heretofore and haue had great measure of knowledge are now become very loose persons and can not abide to heare the word preached vnto them the reason is because they could not abide to leaue their sinnes Therefore that we may begin in the spirit and not ende in the flesh let euery one that calls on the name of the Lord depart from iniquitie Now follows the second pollicie of Pilate For when he saw the first would not preuaile then he tooke a new course for he tooke Iesus into the common hall and s●ourged him and the souldiers platted a crowne of thornes and pu● it on his head and they put on him a purple garment and said Haile King of the Iewes and smote him with their roddes And thus he brought him forth before the Iewes perswading himselfe that when they saw him so abased and so ignominiously abused they would be content therewith and exact no greater punishment at his hands thinking thus to haue pacified the rage of the Iewes and so to haue deliuered Christ from death
who begin their artificiall day as I said at the sunne rising The fourth and last point is the order and whole proceding of Christs execution which may be reduced to foure heades the I. his going to execution the II. his crucifying the III. his death the IV. the consequents of his death Againe in his going to execution we may consider many points The first that he is brought out of Ierusalem as a malefactour For the old and ancient custome of the Iewes was to put those whome they iudged to be notorious offenders to death without their te●ts when they wandered in the wildernesse and without the walls of Ierusalem least they should any way be defiled with their blood And this fell out by the speciall prouidence of God that that might be fulfilled in Christ which was prefigured in the sacrifices of the old testament when the bodies of beasts were not eaten of the priests but burnt without the campe therefore saith the holy Ghost euen Iesus that hee might sanctifie the people with his owne blood suffered without the gates Hence may all Christians learne to knowe their owne estate and condition first in this worlde they must looke to be accounted the ofscouring of the earth and the filth of the word as the Apostle saith and wee must all prepare our selues to beare this estate They that will be Gods children must not look to be better accepted of in the world then Christ was Secondly by this euery one of vs must learne to bee content to vse this worlde as straungers and pilgrimes beeing euery daie and houre and readie to leaue the same For if Christ the sonne of God himselfe was brought out of Ierusalem as not beeing worthie to haue his aboade there then must euery christian man looke much more for the like extremitie And therefore it is not good for vs to haue our hearts tied to the world and to seeke alwaies to be approoued of the same for that argueth that we are not like to Christ but we must rather doe as poore pilgrimes in straunge countries and that is onely to looke for safe conduct thorough the miseries in this world hauing in the meane season our hearts wills and affections set on the kingdome which is in heauen The second thing is that Christ was made to beare his owne crosse for so it seemes the manner of the Romans was to deale with malefactours And this must put vs in minde of that notable lesson which Christ himselfe taught his disciples namely that if any man will be his disciple hee must denie himselfe take vp his owne crosse d●ily and followe him where by the crosse we must vnderstand that portion of affliction which god hath alotted to euery one of his children for there is no child of God to whome he hath not measured out as it were some bitter cup of miserie in this life And therefore Paul saith Nowe reioice I in my suffering for you and fulfill the rest of the fu●ferings of Christ in my fle●● By Christs sufferings he meaneth not the passion of Christ but the sufferings of the bodie of Christ that is the Church whereof Christ is the head Moreouer we must suffer as he did that daily because as one day followeth another so one crosse comes in the necke of another And whereas Christ beares the crosse that was laid on him by the handes of the souldiers it must teach vs not to pull crosses vpon our selues but waite til God lay them on vs and when that time comes we must willingly bend our shoulders stoope downe and take them vp whether they be in bodie or in soule and that euery daie if it be Gods will so long as we liue and by this shall we most notably resemble our Sauiour Christ. Thirdly when Christ had carried his crosse so long til he could carrie it no longer by reason of the faintnesse of his bodie which came by buffets whippings and manifold other iniuries then the souldiers meeting with one Simō of Cyrene a stranger made him to beare the crosse where we are put in mind that if we faint in the way and be weari●ed with the burden of our aff●●ctions God will giue good issue and send as it were some Simon of Cyrene to helpe vs and to be our comforter The fourth point is that when Christ was carrying his owne crosse and was nowe passing on towards Golgotha certaine women met him and pitying his case wept for him but Christ answered them and said Daughters of Ierusalem weepe not for me but for your selues and your children c. By this we are first of all taught to pitie the state of those that be in affliction and miserie especially those that be the children of God as the Apostle exhorteth vs saying Remember them that are in bondes as though you were bound with them and them that are in affliction as though you were afflicted with them In this lande by Gods especiall blessing we haue enioied the Gospell of Christ with peace a long time whereas other countries and churches are in great distresse some wallowe in palpable ignorance and superstition others haue libertie to enioy the Gospell and want teachers and some haue both the word and teachers yet want peace and are in continuall persecution Nowe when we that haue the Gospel with peace doe heare of these miseries in our neighbour churches wee ought to bee mooued with compassion towards them as though wee our selues were in the same afflictions Secondly whereas Christ saith Weepe not for me but for your selues he doth teach vs to take occasion by other mens miseries to bewaile our owne estate to turne our worldly griefes into godly sorrowe for our sinnes which causeth vs rather to weepe for our offences thē for our friends although euen this may also be done in a godly maner When a man by bleeding at the nose is brought into danger of his life the Phisitian lets him bloode in another place as in the arme and turnes the course of the blood another waie to saue his life so must we turne our worldly sorrowes for losse of goods or friendes to a godly sorrowe for our offences against God for as S. Paul saith Godly sorrowe causeth repentance vnto saluation not to be repented of but worldly sorrow causeth death The fift point is that when Christ was brought to the place of execution they gaue him vineger to drinke mingled with mirrhe and gall some say it was to intoxicate his braine and to take away his senses and memorie If this be true we may here behold in the Iewes a most wicked part that at the point of death when they were to take away the life of Christ they for their partes had no care of his soule For this is a dutie to be obserued of all magistrates that when they are to execute malefactors they must haue a speciall regard to the good and saluation
thy sight Thus laying to his owne heart and making vse of Gods iudgements he humbled himselfe and was spared with his fiftie And Habaccuk saith When I heard the voyce namely of Gods iudgements rottennes entred into my bones and I trembled in my selfe that I might be safe in the day of the Lord. Now what this feare of the Centurion was there is a further question and it is very like that it was but a sudden motion or a certaine preparatiue to better things For he was but an heathen man and had as yet no knowledge of Christ and whether he repented or not it is vncerten and we must not maruell at this for there are many suddaine motions in shew very good that vpon like occasions rise in the hearts of naturall men When God plagued the land of Egypt then Pharaoh sent for Moses and confessed that the Lord was righteous but he and his people were wicked and desired Moses to pray to God to take away the plague who did so but so soone as the hand of God was stayed he returned to his old rebellion againe And as a dogge that commeth out of the water shaketh his cares and yet returneth into it againe so is the manner of the world when crosses and calamities befall men as sicknesse losse of friends or goods then with Ahab they outwardly humble themselues and goe softly they vse to frequent the place where the word is preached and Gods name called vpon but alas common experience shewes that these things are but fittes arising of vncerten and flittering motions in the heart For so soone as the crosse is remooued they returne to their old by as againe and become as bad and as backeward as euer they were beeing like to the tree that lies in the water which for a while is greene but afterward withereth And therefore we for our parts when any good motions come into our hearts as the beginnings of further grace we I say must not quench them but cherish and preserue them remembring that the kingdome of heauen is like a graine of mustard seede which when it is sowne is the least of all seedes but afterward it groweth vp into a tree that the soules of the heauen may build their nests in it and like to this are the first motions of Gods spirit and therefore they must be cherished and maintained And thus much for the seuen signes of the power of Christs godhead Now followes the second part of the triumph of Christ which containeth signes of his victorie vpon the crosse notably expressed by Paul when he saith And putting out the hand writing of ordinances which was against vs which was contrarie to vs he euen tooke it out of the way and fastened it vpon the crosse and hath spoiled the principalities and powers and hath made a shew of them openly and hath triumphed openly in the same In which words he alludeth to the manner of heathen triumphs for it was the custome of the heathen princes when they had gotten the victorie ouer their enemies first to cause a pillar of stone or some great oke to be cut downe and set vp in the place of victorie vpon which either the names of the chiefe enemies were set or their heads were hanged or words were written in the pillar to testifie the victorie This beeing done there followed an open shew in which first the conquerour prepares for himselfe a chariot of victorie wherein he was himselfe to ride and then the chiefe of his enemies bound and pinioned were led openly after him Now on the same manner vpon the crosse there was a pitched field the Emperour on the one side was Christ his enemies on the other side were the world the flesh hell death damnation the deuill and all his angels all which banding themselues against him were all subdued by him vpon the same crosse and he himselfe gaue two signes of his triumph one was a monument of the victorie the other an open shew of his conquest Now the monument of Christs victorie was the crosse it selfe whereon he nailed the obligation or bill which was against vs whereby satan might haue accused and condemned vs before God For we must consider that God the father is as a creditour and we all debters vnto him he hath a bill of our hands which is the law in that it giueth testimonie against vs first by the legall washings which did shew and signifie that we were altogether defiled and vncleane secondly by the sacrifices that were daily offered for the propitiation for our sinnes Now Christ was our suretie and paid euery iotte of the debt which we should haue paide and requiring the acquittance taketh the ceremoniall law and the curse of the morall law and nailes them to the crosse Furthermore in the shew of conquest the chariot is the crosse likewise for it was not onely a monument of victorie but also a chariot of triumph And the captiues bound and pinioned which follow Christ are the principalities and powers that is the deuill and his angels hell death and condemnation all which are as it were taken prisoners their armour and weapons are taken frō them and they chained and bound each to other The meditation of this point serueth to admonish vs to abandon all manner of sinne and to make conscience of euery good dutie if we will aright professe the gospel of Christ for when we sinne we doe as it were pull Christ out of his chariot of triumph and vntie Sathans bonds giue him weapons and as much as we can make him valiant and strong againe Now for any man to make Sathan and sinne valiant and strong against himselfe whereas Christ hath weakned him and euen bruised his head is no better then to become an enemie to the crosse of Christ. Againe hereby we are taught to pray vnto God that our blinde eyes may be opened that we may discerne aright of the passion of Christ. It is a wonder to see howe men are carried away with a liking of vaine shewes games and enterludes how they spende euen whole daies in beholding them and their money also that they may come to the places where they are oh then how exceedingly ought our hearts to be rauished with this most admirable shew in which the sonne of God himselfe rides most gloriously in his chariot of triumph and leades his and our most cursed enemies captiue yea treades them vnder his foote This triumph is set forth vnto vs in the preaching of the Gospel and may be seene of vs all freely without money or money-worth What wretches then shall we be if we suffer our hearts to be filled with earthly delights and in the meane season haue little or no desire to behold with the eyes of our minde this goodly spectacle that is to be seene in the passion of Christ that serues to reuiue and refresh our soules to life eternall Thirdly if Christ when he was most weake and base
honour of Christ where we learne that if we truly loue Christ and our hearts be ●et to beleeue in him we will neuer refuse to performe the basest seruice that may be for his honour nothing shall hinder vs. It is further said that he was a good man and a iust and also a rich man And the first appeareth in this that he would neither consent to the counsell nor fact of the Iewes in crucifying Christ. It is rare to finde the like man in these daies From this example we learne these lessons I. that a rich man remaining a rich man may be a seruant of God and also be saued for riches are the good blessings of God and in themselues doe no whit hinder a man in comming to Christ. But some will say Christ himselfe saith It is easier for a cable to goe through the eye of a needle● then a rich man to enter into the kingdome of heauen Answ. It is to be vnderstood of a rich man so long as he swelleth with a confidence in his wealth but we know that if a cable be vntwisted and drawne into small threeds it may be drawne through the eye of a needle so he that is rich let him denie himselfe abase himselfe and lay aside all confidence in himselfe in his riches and honour be as it were made small as twine threed and with this good Senatour Ioseph become the disciple of Christ he may enter into the kingdome of heauen But Christ saith in the parable that riches are thornes which choke the grace of God Answ. It is true they are thornes in that subiect or in that man that putteth his trust in them not in their owne nature but by reason of the corruption of mans heart who makes of them his God Saint Iohn saith further that Ioseph was a disciple of Christ but yet a close disciple for feare of the Iewes And this shewes that Christ is most ready to receiue them that come vnto him though they come laden with manifold wants I say not this that any hereby should take boldnes to liue in their sinnes but my meaning is that though men be weake in the faith yet are they not to be dismaied but to come to Christ who refuseth none that come to him Draw neere to God saith S. Iames and he will draw neere to you Christ doth not forsake any till they forsake him first Lastly the holy Ghost saith of him that he waited for the kingdome of God that is he did beleeue in the Messias to come and therefore did waite daily till the time was come whē the Messias by his death and passion should abolish the kingdome of sinne and Satan and establish his owne kingdome throughout the whole world The same is said of Simeon that he was a good man and feared God and waited for the consolation of Israel This was the most principall vertue of all that Ioseph had and the very roote of all his goodnes and righteousnes that he waited for the kingdome of God For it is the propertie of faith whereby we haue confidence in the Messias to change our nature and to purifie the heart and to make it bring forth works of righteousnes There be many among vs that can talke of Christs kingdome and of redemption by him and yet make no conscience of sinne haue little care to liue according to the Gospel which they professe and all is because they doe not soundly beleeue in the Messias and they waite not for the kingdome of heauen therefore there is no change in them but we for our parts must labour to haue this affiance in the Messias with Ioseph and to waite for the second appearance that thereby we may be made new creatures hauing the kingdome of Satan battered and beaten downe in vs and the kingdome of God erected in our hearts Touching Nichodemus Saint Iohn saith that he came to Iesus by night Many men build vpon this example that it is lawfull to be present at the Masse so be it in the meane season we keepe our hearts to God and indeede such men are like Nichodemus in that they labour to burie Christ as much as they can though now after his resurrection he should not be buried againe But though Nichodemus durst not opēly at the first professe the name of Christ yet after his death when there is most daunger he doth and by this meanes he reformeth his former action Thus much of the persons that buried Christ. The third thing to be obserued is the manner of Christs buriall which standeth in these foure points First they take downe his body from the crosse secondly they winde it thirdly they lay it in a tombe fourthly the tombe is made sure Of these in order First Ioseph taketh downe the bodie of Christ from the crosse whereon he was executed but marke in what maner he doth it not on his own head without leaue but he goeth to Pilate and beggeth the bodie of Christ and craueth libertie to take it downe because the disposing of dead bodies was in Pilates hand he beeing deputie at that time whereby we learne that in all our dealings and actions though they haue neuer so good an end our dutie is to proceede as peaceably with all men as may be as Saint Iames saith the wisdome that is from aboue is first pure then peaceable gentle c. Againe this teacheth vs that in all things which concerne the authoritie of the Magistrate and belong vnto him by the rule of Gods word we must attempt or doe whatsoeuer we doe by leaue And by this we see what vnaduised courses they take that being priuate men in this our Church will notwithstanding take vpon them to plant Churches without the leaue of the Magistrate beeing a Christian Prince Hauing thus taken the bodie of Christ downe they goe on to winde it And Ioseph for his part brought linnen cloathes and Nichodemus a mixture of myrrhe and aloes to the quantitie of an hundred pounds for the honourable buriall of Christ. His winding was on this manner they wrapped his bodie hastily in linnen clothes sweete odours put thereto Besides all this in the Iewes burialls there was embalming and washing of the bodie but Christs body was not embalmed or washed because they had no time to doe it for the preparation to the Passeouer drew neare And whereas these two men burie Christ at their owne cost and charges we are taught to be like affected to the liuing members of Christ when they want we must releeue and comfort thē liberally● and freely It may here be demanded whether men may not be at cost in making funerals considering euen Christ himselfe is with much cost buried Ans. The bodies of all dead men are to be buried in seemely and honest manner and if they be honourable they may be buried honourably yet now there is no cause why mens bodies should be washed anointed and embalmed as
experience that our hearts are not content with a formall and drowsie profession of religion but that we feele the same power of Christ whereby he raised vp himselfe from death to life to be effectuall and powerfull in vs to worke in our hearts a conuersion from all our sinnes wherein we haue lien dead to newenesse of life with care to liue godly in Christ Iesus And that we may further attaine to all this we must come to heare the worde of God preached and taught with feare trembling hauing heard the word we must meditate therein and pray vnto God not onely publikely but priuately also intreating him that he would reach forth his hand and pull vs out of the graue of sinne wherein we haue lien dead so long And in so doing the Lord of his mercy according as he hath promised will send his spirit of grace into our hearts to worke in vs an inward sense and feeling of the vertue of Christs resurrection So dealt he with the two disciples that were going to Emmaus they were occupied in the meditation of Christ his death and passion and whiles they were in hearing of Christ who conferred with them he gaue them such a measure of his spirit as made their hearts to burne within them And Paul praieth for the Ephesians that God would inlighten their eies that they might see and feele in themselues the exceeding greatnesse of the power of God which he wrought in Christ Iesus when he raised him from the dead Thirdly as Saint Paul saith If wee be risen with Christ then we must seeke the things that are aboue But howe and by what meanes can wee rise with Christ seeing we did not die with him Ans. We rise with Christ thus The burgesse of a towne in the parliament house beareth the person of the whole towne and whatsoeuer he saith that the whole towne saith and whatsoeuer is done to him is also done to all the towne so Christ vpon the crosse stood in our place and bare our person and what he suffered we suffered and when he died all the faithfull died in him and so likewise as he is risen againe so are all the faithfull risen in him The consideration whereof doth teach vs that we must not haue our hearts wedded to this world We may vse the thinges of this life but yet so as though we vsed them not For all our loue and care must be for thinges aboue and specially wee must seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse peace of conscience and ioy in the holy Ghost Wee must therefore sue for the pardon of sinne for reconciliation to God in Christ and for sanctification These are the pretious pearles which we must seeke and when we haue found them we must sell all that we haue to buy them and hauing bought them wee must lay them vp in the secret corners of our hearts valuing and esteeming of them better then all things in the world beside Thus much of Christs resurrection containing the first degree of Christs exaltation Nowe followeth the second in these wordes Hee ascended into heauen in the handling whereof we are to consider these speciall points I. the time of his ascension II. the place III. the manner IV. the witnesses V. the vses thereof For the first the time of Christs ascension was fortie daies after his resurrection when he taught his disciples the things which appertaine to the kingdome of God And this shewes that he is a most faithfull King ouer his Church procuring the good thereof And therefore Esay saith The gouernment is on his shoulder and the Apostle saith hee was more faithfull in all the house of God then Moses was Hence we gather that whereas the Apostles chaunged the sabboth from the seauenth d●y to the eight it was no doubt by the counsell and direction of Christ before his ascension and likewise in that they planted Churches and appointed teachers and meete ouerseers for the guiding and instruction hereof we may resolue our selues that Christ prescribed the same vnto them before his ascension and for these and such like causes did he ascend no sooner Now looke what care Christ at his ascension had ouer his Church the same must all masters of families haue ouer their housholds when God shall call them out of this world They must haue care not onely that their families be well gouerned while they liue but also that after their death peace loue and good order may be continued in their posteritie And therefore the prophet Esay is sent to Ezechias King of Iudah to bid him set his house in order for he must die signifying that it is the dutie of a good master of a familie to haue care not onely for the gouernment of his house whilst he is aliue but also that it may be well gouerned when he is dead The same also must be practised of Gods ministers a part of whose fidelitie is this that they haue not onely a care to feede their particular flocks while they are aliue but also that they further prouide for the people after their departure as much as they can Example whereof we haue in Peter who saith I will endeauour alwaies that ye may be able also to haue remembrance of these things after my departure The place of Christs ascension was the mount of Oliues neere Bethanie and it was the same place from whence Christ went to Ierusalem to be crucified One place serued to be a passage both to paine and torments and also to glorie This shewes that the way to the kingdome of heauen is through afflictions There are many which haue Gods hand heauie vpon them in lingering sicknesses as the dead palsie and such like wherein they are saine to lie many yeares without hope of cure whereupon their beddes which should be vnto them places of rest and ease are but places of woe and miserie Yet may these men hence haue great comfort if they can make good vse of their sicknesses for the beddes whereon they suffer so much torment shall be places from whence they shall passe to ioy and happinesse Againe there be many that for the testimonie of the truth and for religions sake suffer imprisonment with many afflictions now if they can vse their afflictions well their prisons shall be Bethanies vnto them although they be places of bondage yet God will at length make them places of entrance to libertie Many a man for the maintaining of faith and good conscience is banished out of his countrey and is faine to liue in a strange place among a people to whome he is vnknowne but let him vse it well for though it be a place of griefe for a time as Bethanie was to Christ when he went to suffer yet God will make it one day to be his passage into heauen Thus much of the place of his ascending The third thing to be considered is the manner of Christs ascension and
namely his ministers to shew all the passengers a straight and readie course into the kingdome of heauen And though Christ haue done all this for vs yet the blindnes and securitie of men is such that none almost walketh in this way nor careth to come into this mansion place but in stead of this they walke in by waies according to the lusts of their owne flesh When they are commanded to goe eastward to Ierusalem they turne westward an other way when they are commanded to goe on forward to heauen they turne againe backeward and goe straight to hell Men runne on all the daies of their liues in the broad way that leadeth to destruction and neuer so much as once make inquirie for a resting place in heauen but when the houre of death commeth then they call for the guide whereas all their liues before they haue runne out of the way many thousand miles but then alas it is too late vnlesse it be the vnspeakable mercie of God For they haue wandered so farre astray that in so short a space they cannot be able to come into the right way againe Yet generally this is the state of most among vs whose securitie is so much the more grieuous and fearefull because Christ hath done all that heart can wish There is nothing else required but onely that by his grace we should walke in the way There was neuer any that knew the state of the people in these daies but he will graunt that this is most true which I say Besides as by this we are brought to a sight of the desperate securitie of this age so we may further learne our owne duties Is Christ gone to heauen before hand to prepare a place for thee then practise that which Paul teacheth Haue thy conuersation in heauen The words which he vseth are verie significant and the meaning of them is Ye are free-denizens of the citie of God and therefore as freemen in Gods house let all your cares and studies all your affaires and doings bee in heauen In the world if a man make purchase of an house his heart is alwaies there there he pulls down and builds againe there he makes him orchards gardens there he meanes to liue and die Christ Iesus hath bought the kingdome of heauen for vs the most blessed purchasse that euer was and hath paid the dearest price for it that euer was paide euen his own pretious blood and in this citie he hath prepared for vs a dwelling place and made vs free-denizens of it therefore all our ioy and all our affaires ought to be there It will be said howe shall a man vpon earth haue his conuersation in heauen Ans. We must conuerse in heauen not in bodie but in heart and therfore though our bodies be on earth yet our hearts ioy and comfort and all our meditation must be in heauen Thus must wee behaue our selues like good freemen in Gods house It must be far from vs to haue our ioy and our hearts set on the things of this world Thirdly the consideration of this that Christ Iesus hath prepared a place for vs in heauen also hath trained the way with his owne blood must make euerie one of vs to striue to enter in at the straight gate as our Sauiour Christ counselleth vs and that as wrastlers doe which striue for life and death Within this gate is a dwelling place of happines readie for vs. If a man were assured that there were made for him a great purchasse in Spaine or Turkie so as if he would but come thither hee might inioy it would he not aduenture the daungers of the sea and of his enemies also if neede were that he might come to his owne Wel behold Christ Iesus hath made a purchase for vs in heauen there is nothing required of vs but that we wil come enioy it Why then should men refuse any paines or feare in the way nay we must striue to get in It may be we shall be pinched in the entrance for the gate is both strait and lowe and we must be faine to leaue our wealth behind vs and the pleasures of this life enter we must though we should be constrained to leaue our flesh behinde vs. For the purchase that is made is worth tenne thousand worldes And besides if we loose it by fainting in the way our purchase shall be the blacknesse of darkenes for euer with the deuill and all his angels who therefore would not striue though he lost his life in the gate The vrging of this point is needefull in these daies There is striuing enough for worldly preferment but a man almost may go alone in the straight way that leadeth to heauen he shall haue none to beare him company And where are they that striue to enter in where is the violence offered to the kingdome of heauen where bee the violent which should take it to themselues as in the daies of Iohn Baptist. Fourthly if Christ haue prepared a place for vs in heauen then we are in this world as pilgrimes and straungers and therefore must learne the counsell of Saint Peter As straungers and pilstrimes abstaine from fleshly lusts which fight against the soule He that doth esteeme himselfe as pilgrime is not to intangle himselfe with the affaires of this worlde nor put in practise the behauiour thereof but to behaue himselfe as a freeman of heauen as straungers vse to liue in forraine countries according to the fashion of their owne And therefore in thought word and deede in life and conuersation hee must so carrie himselfe as thereby he may appeare to al the world of what countrie he is An ancient diuine speaking of such as had curled and embrodered haire biddeth them consider whether they must goe to heauen with such haire or no and wheras they adorned themselues with winckles made of other womens haire he askes them whether it may not be the haire of a damned person or no. If it may be he further demandeth howe it may beseeme them to weare it which professe themselues to be the sonnes and daughters of God The like may be said of all other sinnes they that be of Gods house must behaue themselues as freemen there And when God hath made vs free it doth not beseeme vs to make our selues bondmen of sinne and Satan and of this world Fifthly seeing Christ went to heauen to prepare a place for all that beleeue in him here is a good dutie for parents Many of them are very carefull to preferre their children to great places and noble mens houses and they are not to be blamed therefore but if they would indeede be good parents to their children they should first endeauour themselues to get roomes for them in heauen they that doe this are good parents indeede Some will say howe shall we get this preferment for them Ans. God hath two houses his Church and the kingdome of heauen The church
a candlesticke Nowe howe much more carefull ought we to be to entertaine God himselfe who is content to come and dwell with vs and therefore we must adorne our bodies and soules with grace that he may lodge and suppe and dine with vs as hee hath promised but on the contrarie if wee defile our bodies with sinne wee banish the Holy Ghost out of our hearts and inuite the deuill to come and dwell with vs. For the more a man defileth his bodie the fitter and cleaner it is for him And to cōclude this point let vs remēber that saying which is vsed of some that Christ when he went hence gaue vs his pawne namely his spirit to assure vs that he would come to vs againe and also hee tooke with him our pawne namely his flesh to assure vs further that we should ascend vp to him Thus much for the benefits of Christs ascension Nowe followe the duties whereunto we are mooued and they are two First we must be here admonished to renounce the vbiquitie and the errour of the reall and essentiall presence of the bodie of Christ in the Sacrament of the Lords supper as flatly oppugning this article of Christs ascensiō into heauen For it is flat against the nature of a true bodie to subsist in many places at once Secondly as the Apostles then did when they sawe Christ ascending vp into heauen so must wee doe also while hee was present with them they gaue him honour but when they saw him ascending they adored him with farre greater reuerence and so must we now for the same cause bowe the knees of our hearts vnto him Thus much of the second degree of the exaltation of Christ. Now followes the third in these words And sitteth at the right hand of God the father almightie In the handling whereof we are first to shewe the meaning of the wordes secondly the comforts and benefits that redound to Gods Church thirdly the duties that we are mooued vnto For the meaning of the words if we speak properly God hath neither right hand nor left neither can he be said to sit or stand for God is not a bodie but a spirit the words therefore containe a borrowed speech from earthly kings and potentates whose manner and custome hath beene to place such persons at their right handes whome they purposed to aduance to any speciall office or dignitie So King Salomon when his mother came to speake with him rose vp from his throne and met het caused a seate to be set at his owne right hand and set her vpon it in token no doubt of honour which he gaue vnto her To the same purpose Dauid saith Vpon thy right hand did stand the Queene in a vesture of gold And the sonnes of Zebedeus made suit to Christ that one of them might sit at his right hand and the other at his left in his kingdome Now their request was to haue the two speciall and principall dignities of his kingdome Thus we see it is manifest that the sitting at the right hand of an earthly prince signifieth aduancement into authoritie and honour and therfore the same phrase of speech applied to Christ signifieth two things First his full and manifest exaltation in dignitie honour and glorie and in this sense it is saide that to him is giuen a name that is aboue all names that at the name of Iesus euery knee shall bowe Secondly it signifieth his full and manifest exaltation into the authoritie and gouernment of his kingdome which spreadeth it selfe ouer heauen and earth So Dauid saith The Lord said vnto my Lord Sit thou at my right hand vntill I make thine enemies thy footstoole Which place beeing alleadged by S. Paul repeating the words but changing the phrase is thus set downe He shall raigne till he haue put all his enemies vnder his feete And to speake in briefe the scope of the wordes is to shewe that Christ God and man after his ascension is aduanced to such an estate in which he hath fulnesse of glorie power maiestie and authoritie in the presence of his father and all the Saints and holy angels Furthermore in the words three circumstances must be obserued The first is the place where Christ is thus aduanced noted in the former article he ascended into heauen and sits namely in heauen at the right hand of God The place then where Christ Iesus in both his natures as he is God and also man doth rule in full glorie power and maiestie is heauen it selfe To which effect Paul saith God raised Christ from the dead and put him at his right hand in the heauenly places And in the Epistle to the Hebrewes it is saide He sitteth at the right hand of the maiestie in highest places This ●oint well considered serues to discouer the ouersight of sundrie Diuines which hold and teach that to sit at the right hand of God is to be euery where in all places and not in heauen onely that they might hereby lay a foundation for the vbiquitie of Christs manhood which neuerthelesse the heauens must containe till the time that all things be restored The second circumstance is the time when Christ began to sit at the right hand of God the father which is to be gathered by the order of the articles For first Christ died and was buried then he rose againe and ascended into heauen and after his ascension he is said to sit at the right hand of his father This order is also noted vnto vs by S. Paul Who shall condemne saith he it is Christ which is dead yea or rather which is risen againe who is also at the right hand of God And S. Marke saith when Christ was risen againe he appeared to his disciples and after he had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and sate at the right hand of God But it may be demanded how this can stand with truth that Christ should not begin to sit at the right hand of his father before the ascension considering he is one God with the father and therfore an absolute and soueraigne King from all eternitie Answ. As Christ is God or the Word of the father he is coequall and coeternall with him in the regiment of his kingdome and hath neither beginning middle or ending thereof yet as Christ is God incarnate and in one person God-man or Man-god he began after his ascention and not before to sit at the right hand of his father as S. Peter saith was made Lord partly because as he was God he did then manifest himselfe to be that which indeede he was before namely God and Lord of heauen and earth and partly because as he was man he receiued dominion or Lordship from the father which he had not before thereby was euen in his manhood exalted to be king of heauen and earth and in this sense Christ saith of himselfe All power
it be with the aduenture of our liues When Dauid desired to drinke of the water of the well of B●thlem three of his mightie men went and brake into the hoast of the Philist●ms and brought him water Thus they ventured their liues for Dauids sake and shall not we much more willingly venture our liues to doe Christ seruice in token of thankefulnesse for his continuall preseruing of vs Thus much of the highest degree of Christs exaltation in his kingeome nowe followeth the last point to be beleeued concerning Christ in these wordes From thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the deade And they containe a proofe or a particular declaration of the former article For as on earth those that are set at the right hand of kings doe execute iustice in courts or assises ●or the maintenance of the state peace of the kingdome so Christ Iesus sitting at the right hand of his father that is being made soueraigne Lord of all things both in heauen and earth is to hold a court or assise in which hee shall come to iudge both the quicke and the dead Nowe in handling the last iudgement we are to consider these points I. whether there shall be a iudgement or not II. the time of it III. the signes thereof IV. the manner of it V. the vse which is to be made thereof Of these in order For the first point whether there shall be a iudgement or not the question is needefull for as Saint Peter saith There shall come in the last daies mockers which shall walke after their lusts and say Where is the promise of his comming which daies are nowe The answer to this question is set downe in this article in which we professe that the comming of Christ to the last iudgement is a point of religion specially to be helde and auouched The reasons to prooue it are principally two first the testimonie of God himselfe in the bookes of the olde and newe testament which affoard vnto vs plentifull proofes touching the last iudgement so as he which will but lightly read the same shall not neede to doubt thereof The second reason is taken frō the iustice and goodnes of God the propertie wherof is to punish wicked and vngodly men and to honour and reward the godly but in this world the godly man is most of all in miserie for iudgement beginneth at Gods house and the vngodly haue their hearts ease W●cked Diues hath the world at will but poore Lazarus is hunger bitten full of sores and miserable euery way This beeing so it remaineth that after this life ther● must needes be a iudgement and a second comming of Christ when the godly must receiue fulnesse of ioy and glorie and the vngodly fulnesse of woe miserie This second reason may stoppe the mouthes of all gainesayers in the world whatsoeuer But it may be obiected that the whole world stands either of beleeuers or vnbeleeuers and that there is no last iudgement for either of these for the beleeuer as Christ saith hath euerlasting life and shall not come into iudgement and the vnbeleeuer is condemned alreadie and therefore needeth no further iudgement Ans. Where it is said he that beleeueth shall not come into iudgement it must bee vnderstood of the iudgement of condemnation and not the iudgement of absolution and he that beleeueth not is condemned alreadie in effect and substance three waies I. in the counsell of God who did foresee and appoint his condemnation as it is a punishment of sinne and an execution of his iustice II. in the word of God where he hath his condemnation set downe III. he is condemned in his own conscience for euery vngodly mans conscience is a iudge vnto himselfe which doth euery houre condemne him and it is a forerunner of the last iudgement And notwithstanding all this there may remaine a second iudgement which is a manifestation and finishing of that which was begunne in this worlde and therefore the meaning of that place is this hee that beleeueth not is alreadie iudged in part but so as the full manifestation thereof shall be at the second comming of Christ. The second circumstance is the time of his iudgement in handling whereof first let vs see what is the iudgement of men secondly what is the trueth For the first two opinions touching this time take place The first is that the second comming of Christ shall be about sixe thousand yeares from the beginning of the worlde and that for the Elects sake some of these daies must be shortned and nowe since the beginning of the worlde are passed fiue thousand almost sixe hundred yeares so as there remaines but foure hundred The groundes of this opinion are these First the testimonie of Elias two thousand yeares before the lawe two thousand yeares vnder the lawe and two thousand yeares vnder Christ. And for the elects sake some of these yeares shall be shortened Answer This was not the sentence of Elias the Thisbite but of another Elias which was a Iewe no prophet And wheras he saith two thousand yeres before the lawe and two thousand yeares vnder the lawe he faileth From the giuing of the law to the comming of Christ was about one thousand and fiue hundred yeares● and from the lawe to the creation aboue two thousand Now if Elias cannot set downe a iust number for the time past which a meane man many do what shal we think that he can do for the time to come And if he deceiue vs in that which is more easie to find how shal we trust him in things that be harder The secōd reason is this How long god was in creating the world so long he shall be in gouerning the same but he was sixe daies in creating the worlde and in the seuenth he rested and so proportionally hee shall bee sixe thousand yeares in gouerning the world euery daie answering to a thousand yeares as Peter saith A thousand yeares are but as one day with God and then shall the end bee Ans. This reason likewise hath no ground in Gods word as for that place of Peter the meaning is that innumerable yeares are but as a short time with God and we may as well say two thousand or tenne thousand yeares are but as one daie with God For Peter meant not to speake any thing distinctly of a thousand yeares but of a long time Thirdly it is alleadged that within sixe thousand yeares from the creation of the world shall appeare in the heauens straunge coniunctions and positions of the starres which signifie nothing els but the subuersion of the state of the world nay some haue noted that the ende thereof should haue beene in the yeare of our Lord a thousand fiue hundred eightie eight their writings are manifest but we finde by experience that this opinion is false and friuolous and their groundes be as friuolous For no man can gather by the ordinarie course of the
loue In these daies it is hard to finde these duties performed in any place For both practise and prouerb is commonly this Euery man for himselfe and God for vs all but it is a graceles saying and the contrarie must be practised of all that desire to be guided by the spirit The seuenth fruit is faith Faith or fidelitie standeth in these two duties One to make conscience of a lie and to speake euery thing whereof we speake as we thinke it is and not to speake one thing and thinke an other A rare thing it is to finde this vertue in the world now adaies who is he that maketh conscience of a lie and is not truth banished out of our coasts considering that for gaines and outward commodities men make no bones of glosing and dissembling but alas the practise is damnable and the contrarie is the fruit of the holy Ghost namely to speake the truth from the heart he that can doe this by the testimonie of God himselfe shall rest in the mountaine of his holines euen in the kingdome of heauen The second point wherein fidelitie consisteth is when a man hath made a promise that is lawfull and good to keepe and performe the same Some thinke it is a small matter to breake promise but indeede it is a fruit of the flesh and contrariwise a fruit of the spirit to performe a lawfull promise and a mans word should be as sure as an obligation and in conscience a man is bound to keepe promise so farre forth as he will to whome the promise is made Indeede if a man be released of his promise he is then free otherwise if we promise and doe not performe we doe not onely cracke our credit before men but also sinne before God The eight fruit of the spirit is meekenesse which is a notable grace of God when a man prouoked by iniuries doth neither intend nor enterprise the requitall of the same And it stands in three duties The first is to interpret the sayings and doings of other men in better part as much as possibly may be The second when men mistake and misconsture our sayings and doings if the matter be of smaller moment to be silent patient as Christ was when he was accused before the high priests Pharises this being withal remembred that if the matter be of weight and moment we may defend our selues by soft and mild answers The third is not to contend in word or deed with any man but when we are to deale with others to speake our minde and so an ende The last fruit of the spirit is temperance whereby a man bridleth his appetite or lust in meate drinke and apparell In bridling the lust these rules must be obserued I. Eating and drinking must be ioyned with continuall fasting after this manner We must not glut our selues but rather abstaine from that which nature desireth and as some vse to speake leaue our stomackes crauing II. A man must so eate and drinke as afterward he may the better be inabled for Gods worship Creatures are abused when they make vs vnfit to serue God The common fault is on the Sabbath day men so pamper themselues as that they are made vnfit both to heare and learne Gods word and fitte for nothing but to slumber and sleepe but following this rule of temperance these faults shall be amended III. This must be a caueat in our apparell that we be attired according to our callings in holy comelinesse The Lord hath threatned to visit all those that are cloathed in strange apparrell And holy comelinesse is this when the apparell is both for fashion and matter so made and worne that it may expresse shew forth the graces of God in the heart as sobrietie temperance grauitie c. and the beholder may take occasion by the apparell to acknowledge and commend these vertues But lamentable is the time looke on men and women in these daies and you may see and read their sinnes written in great letters on their apparell as intemperance pride and wantonnesse Euery day new fashions please the world but indeede that holy comelines which the holy Ghost doth commend to vs is the right fashion when all is done And these are the nine fruits of the spirit which we must put in practise in our liues and conuersations Fourthly if we beleeue in the holy Ghost and thereupon doe perswade our selues that he will dwell in vs we must daily labour as we are commaunded to keepe our vessells in holinesse and honour vnto the Lord and the reason is good If a man be to entertaine but an earthly prince or some man of state he would be sure to haue his house in a readines and all matters in order against his comming so as euery thing might be pleasing vnto so worthy a guest well now behold we put our confidence and affiance in the holy Ghost and doe beleeue that he wil come vnto vs and ●anctifie vs and lodge in our hearts He is higher then all states in the world whatsoeuer and therefore we must looke that our bodies and soules be kept in an honourable and holy manner so as they may be fit temples for him to dwell in S. Paul biddeth vs● not to grieue the holy spirit where the holy Ghost is compared to a guest and ou● bodies and soules vnto Innes and as men vse their guests friendly and courteously shewing vnto them all seruice and dutie so must we doe to Gods spirit which is come to dwell and abide in vs doing nothing in any case which may disquiet or molest him Now there is nothing so grieuous vnto him as our sinnes and therefore we must make conscience of all manner of sinne least by abusing of our selues we doe cause the holy Ghost as it were with greefe to depart from vs. When the arke of the couenant which was a signe of the presence of God was in the house of Obed Edom the text saith that the Lord blessed him and all his house but when the holy Ghost dwels in a mans heart there is more then the arke of the Lord present euen God himselfe and therfore may we looke for a greater blessing Now then shall we grieue the holy Ghost by sinning seeing we reape such benefit by his aboad It is said that our Sauiour Christ was angrie when he came into the temple at Ierusalem and saw the abuses therein Now shall he be angrie for the abuses that are done in a temple of stone and seeing the temples of our bodies which are not made of stone but are spirituall figured by that earthly temple seeing them I say abused by sinne will he not be much more angrie Yea we may assure our selues he can not abide that And therefore if we beleeue in the holy Ghost we must hereupon be mooued to keepe our bodies and soules pure and cleane And further to perswade vs hereunto we must remember this that when
without it euery man is more miserable and wretched then the most vile creature that euer was We lo●th the serpent or the toad but if a man haue not the pardon of his sinns procured by the death and passion of Christ he is a thousand fold worse then they For when they die there is the ende of their woe and miserie but when man dieth without this benefit there is the beginning of his For first in soule till the day of iudgement and then both in bodie and soule for euermore he shall enter into the endlesse paines and torments of hell in which if one should continue so many thousand yeares as there are drops in the Ocean sea and then be deliuered it were some ease but hauing continued so long which is an vnspeakable length of time he must remaine there as long againe and after that for euer and euer without release and therefore among all the benefits that euer were or can be thought of this is the greatest and most pretious Among all the burdens that can befall a man what is the greatest Some will say sicknesse some ignominie some pouertie some contempt but indeede among all the heauiest and the greatest is the burden of a mans owne sinnes lying vpon the conscience and pressing it downe without any assurance of pardon Dauid beeing a king had no doubt all that heart could wish and yet he laying aside all the royalties and pleasures of his kingdome saith this one thing aboue all that he is a blessed man that is eased of the burden of his sinnes A lazar man full of sores is vgly to the sight and we can not abide to looke vpon him but no lazar is so lothsome to vs as all sinners are in the sight of God and therfore Dauid counted him blessed whose sinnes were couered It may be some wil say there is no cause why a man should thus magnifie the pardon of sinne considering it is but a common benefit Thus indeede men may imagine which neuer knew what sinne meant but let a man onely as it were but with the tip of his finger haue a little feeling of the smart of his sinnes he shall finde his estate so fearefull that if the whole world were set before him on the one side and the pardon of sinnes on the other he would choose the pardon of his sinne before ten thousand worldes Though many drousie Protestants esteeme nothing of it yet to the touched conscience it is a treasure which when a man findes he hides it and goes home and sells all that he hath and buies it Therefore this bene●it is most excellent and for it the members of Gods Church haue great cause to giue God thankes without ceasing The duties to be learned hence are these And first of all here comes a commō fault of men to be rebuked Euery one wil say that he beleeueth the remission of sinnes yet no man almost laboureth for a true and certen perswasion hereof in his owne conscience and for proofe hereof propound this question to the common Christian Doest thou perswade thy selfe that God giues remission of sinnes vnto his Church The answer will be I know and beleeue it But aske him further Doest thou beleeue the pardon of thine owne sinnes then comes in a blind answer I haue a good hope to God-ward but I can not tell I thinke no man can say so much for God saith to no man thy sinnes are pardoned But this is to speake flat contraries to say they beleeue and they can not tell it bewraies exceeding negligence in matter of saluation But let them that feare God or loue their owne soules health giue all diligence to make sure the remission of their owne sinnes withall auoiding hardnesse of heart and drowsines of spirit the most fearefull iudgements of God which euery where take place The foolish virgins went forth to meete the bridegroome with lamps in their hands as well as the wise but they neuer so much as dreamed of the horne of oyle till the comming of the bridegroome So many men liue in the Church of God as members thereof holding vp the lampe of glorious profession but in the meane season they seeke onely for the things of this life neuer casting how they may assure themselues in conscience touching their reconciliation with God till the day of death come Secondly if we be here bound to beleeue the pardon of all our sinnes then we must euery day humble our selues before God and seeke pardon for our daily offences for he giues grace to the humble or contrite he fills the hungrie with good things when the rich are sent emptie away When Benhadad the King of Syria was discomfited and ouercome by the king of Israel by the counsell of his seruants who told him that the kings of Israel were mercifull men he sent them cloathed in sackcloath with ropes about their neckes to intreat for peace and fauour Now when the king saw their submission he made couenant of peace with him We by our sinnes most iustly deserue hell death and condemnation euery day and therefore it standeth vs in hand to come into the presence of God and to humble our selues before him in sackcloath and ashes crauing and intreating for nothing in the world so much as for pardon of our sinnes and that day by day without ceasing till the Lord giue this blessed answer to our consciences that all our sinnes are put out of his remembrance We must not thinke that God putteth grace into mens hearts when they lie snurting vpon their elbowes and either not vse or despise the meanes but we must first vse the meanes partly by making confession of our sinnes to God and partly by crying to heauen for pardon and then when by his grace we beginne to desire grace he giues further grace Lastly if we beleeue the pardon of our sinnes then we must change the tenour and course of our liues and take heede of breaking Gods commandements by doing any of those things whereof our consciences may accuse vs and tell vs that by them we haue displeased God heretofore A man that for some misdemeanour hath beene cast into prison and lien there many yeares winter and sommer in cold irons when he obtaines libertie he will often bethinke himselfe of his old miserie and take heede for euer least he fall into the same offence againe and he which hath seene his owne sinnes and ●elt the smart of them and withall by Gods goodnes obtained assurance touching the pardon of them will neuer wittingly and willingly commit the like sinne● any more but in all things change the course of his life As for such as say that they haue the pardon of their sinnes and yet liue in them still they deceiue themselues and haue no faith at all Thus much for the second benefit which God bestoweth on his Church namely remission of sinnes now followeth the third in these wordes The resurrection of the
as it were swallowed vp with a sea of his loue and wholly rauished therewith for which cause as farre as creatures can they shall loue him againe Againe the loue of a thing is according to the knowledge thereof but in this life God is knowne of man onely in part and therefore is loued onely but in part but after this life when the Elect shall knowe God fully they shall loue him without measure in this respect loue hath a prerogatiue aboue faith or hope howesoeuer in some respects againe they goe beyond loue The fourth prerogatiue is that the Saints of God keepe a perpetuall Sabbath in heauen In this life it is kept but euery seuenth daie and when it is best of all sanctified it is done but in part but in heauen euery day is a Sabbath as the Lord saith by the Prophet Esay From moneth to moneth and from Sabbath to Sabbath all flesh shall come and worship before me therefore the life to come shall be spent in the perpetuall seruice of God Fifthly the bodies of the elect after this life in the kingdome of heauen shal be like the glorious bodie of Christ so Paul saith Christ Iesus our Lord shall chāge our vile bodies that they may be like his glorious bodie Now the resemblāce betweene Christs bodie and ours standeth in these things as Christs bodie is incorruptible so shall our bodies be void of all corruption as Christs bodie is immortal so ours in the kingdom of heauen shal neuer die as Christs bodie is spirituall so shall ours be made spirituall as the Apostle saith It is sowen a naturall bodie it is raised a spirituall bodie not because the bodie shall be changed into a spirit for it shall remaine the same in substance and that for euer but because it shall be preserued by a spirituall and diuine manner For in this life it is preserued by meate drinke cloathing sleepe physicke rest and diet but afterwarde without all these meanes the life of the bodie shall be continued and bodie and soule keepe togither by the immediate power of Gods spirit for euer and euer Thus the bodie of Christ is nowe preserued in heauen and so shall the bodies of all the elect be after the day of iudgement Furthermore as Christs bodie is nowe a shining bodie as doth appeare by his transfiguration in the mount so in all likelihood after the resurrection the bodies of the elect shall be shining and bright alwaies remaining the same for substance Lastly as Christs bodie after it rose againe from the graue had this propertie of agilitie beside swiftnes to passe from the earth to the third heauen beeing in distance many thousand miles frō vs and that without violence so shall the bodies of the Saints For beeing glorified they shall be able as well to ascend vpwarde as to goe downewarde and to mooue without violence and that very swiftly The sixth and last prerogatiue is an vnspeakable and eternall ioy ●● Dauid saith In thy presence is fulnesse of ioy at thy right hand there are p●●●ares for euermore It is said that when Salomon was crowned king the people reioiced exceedingly If there were such great ioy at his coronation whi●h was but an earthly prince what ioy then shall there be when the Elect shall see the true Salomon crowned with glorie in the kingdome of heauen It is said that the wise men which came from the East to worship Christ when they sawe the starre standing ouer the place where the babe was were exceedingly glad howe much more shall the elect reioice when they shall see Christ not lying in a manger but crowned with immortall glorie in the kingdome of heauen Wherefore this ioy of the elect after this life is most wonderfull and cannot be vttered The propertie of life eternall is to be an inheritance which God bestoweth on them which are made his sonnes in Christ who is the only begotten sonne of the father Hence it followes necessarily that in the Scriptures it is called a reward not because it is deserued by our workes as the Church of Rome erroniously teacheth but for two other causes First because life eternall is due to all that beleeue by vertue of Christs merit For his righteousnesse is made ours by imputation so con●equently the merit thereof is also ours and by it all personall merits in our selues vtterly excluded we deserue or merit eternall happines as a reward which neuerthelesse in respect of our selues is the free and meere gift of God The second is because there is a resemblance betweene eternall life and a reward For as a reward is giuen to a workeman after his worke is done so euerlasting life is giuen vnto men after the trauailes and miseries of this life are ended The degrees of life are three The first is in this life when men beeing iustified and sanctified haue peace with God Many imagine that there is no eternall life till after death but they are deceiued for it beginnes in this world as our Sauiour Christ testifieth saying Verily verily I say vnto you he that heareth my wordes and beleeueth him that sent me hath euerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death to life This being so we are hence to learne a good lesson Considering we looke for life euerlasting after this life we must not deceiue our selues lingring and deferring the time till the last gaspe but we must lay the foundation of life eternall in our selues in this world and haue the earnest thereof laide vp in our hearts against the day of death But how is that done we must repent vs heartily of all our sinnes and seeke to be assured in conscience that God the father of Christ is our father God the sonne our redeemer and God the holy Ghost our comforter For as Christ saith this is life eternall to know thee the onely God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ. And we must goe further yet endeauouring to say with Paul that we liue not but that Christ liueth in vs which when we can say we haue in vs the very seede of eternall life The second degree is in the ende of this life when the bodie freed from all diseases paines and miseries is laid to rest in the earth and the soule is receiued into heauen The third is after the day of iudgement when bodie and soule reunited shall both be aduanced to eternall glorie Againe in this third degree of life there be in all likelihood sundrie degrees of glory Daniel speaking of the estate of the elect after this life saith They that be wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and they that turne many to righteousnes shall shine as the starres for euermore Now we know there is difference betweene the brightnesse of the firmament and the brightnesse of the starres Againe there be degrees of torments in hell as appeares by the saying
meditation of life eternall must be as sugar in our pockets to sweeten the cup withall Lastly if this be true that God of his goodnesse and endles mercy towards mankind hath prepared life euerlasting yet not for all men but for the elect whose names are written in the booke of life we must aboue all things in this world seeke to be partakers of the same Let vs receiue this as from the Lord and lay it to our hearts whatsoeuer we doe euening or morning day or night whether we be young or old rich or poore first we must seeke for the kingdome of heauen and his righteousnes If this benefit were common to all and not proper to the Church lesse care might be had but seeing it is proper to some alone for this very cause let all our studies be to obtaine the beginnings of li●e euerlasting giuen in this life For if we haue it not whosoeuer we be it had beene better for vs that we had neuer beene borne or that we had beene borne dogges and toades then men for when they die there is an ende of their miserie but man if he loose euerlasting happinesse hath ten thousand millions of yeares to liue in miserie and in the torments of hell and when that time is ended he is as farre from the end of his miserie as he was at the beginning Wherefore I pray you let not the deuill steale this meditation out of your hearts but be carefull to repent of all your sinnes and to beleeue in Christ for the pardon of them all that by this meanes yee may come to haue the pawne and earnest of the spirit concerning life euerlasting euen in this world What a miserable thing is it that men should liue long in this world and not so much as dreame of another till the last gaspe Let vs not suffer Satan thus to abuse and bewitch vs for if we haue not eternall life in this world we shall neuer haue it Hitherto by Gods goodnes I haue shewed the meaning of the Creede now to draw to a conclusion the generall vses which are to be made of it follow And first of all we learne by it that the Church of Rome hath no cause to condemne vs for heretickes for we doe truly hold and beleeue the whole Apostolicall Symbole or Creede which is an epitome of the Scriptures and the very key of faith It will be said that we denie the Popes supremacie iustification by workes purgatorie the sacrifice of the Masse for the sinnes of the quicke and the dead the inuocation and intercession of Saints c. which ar● the greatest points of religion It is true indeede we denie and renounce them as doctrines of deuills perswading our selues that if they indeede had beene Apostolicall and the very grounds and pillars of religion as they are now auouched to be they should in no wise haue beene left forth of the Creede For it is an ouersight in making a confession of faith to omit the principall points and rules of faith It will be further saide that in the Creede we beleeue the Church and so consequently are to beleeue all these former points which are taught and auouched by the Church but this defence is foolish For it takes this for graunted that the Church of Rome is the Church here meant which we denie vnlesse they can prooue a particular Church to be vniuersal or Catholike Nay I adde further that the principall grounds of popish faith for which they contend with vs as for life and death are not mentioned in any other Creedes which were made by the Churches and Councells for many hundred yeares after Christ. Secondly the Creede serues as a storehouse of remedies against all troubles and temptations whatsoeuer I. If a man be grieued for the losse of earthly riches let him consider that he beleeues God to be his Creatour who will therefore guide and preserue his owne workmanship and by his prouidence minister all things needefull vnto it And that he hath not lost the principall blessing of all in that he hath God to be his father Christ to be his redeemer and the holy Ghost to be his comforter and that considering he lookes for life eternall he is not to be ouer much carefull for this life and that Christ being our Lord will not forsake vs beeing the seruants in his owne house but will prouide things needefull for vs. II. If any man be grieued in respect of outward disgrace and contempt let him remember that he beleeues in Christ crucified and that therefore he is to reioyce in contempt for righteousnes sake III. They which are troubled for the decease of friends● are to comfort thēselues in the communion of Saints and that they haue God the Father and Christ and the holy Ghost for their friends IV. Against bodily captiuitie let men consider that they beleeue in Christ their Lord whose seruice is perfect libertie V. Against the feare of bodily diseases● we must remember the resurrection of the bodie in which all diseases and infirmities shall be abolished VI. If a man feare death of the bodie let him consider that he beleeues in Christ which died vpon the crosse who by death hath vanquished death VII The feare of persecution is restrained if we call to remembrance that God is a Father Almightie not onely able but also willing to represse the power of the aduersarie so farre forth as shall be for the good of his children VIII Terrours arising of the consideration of the last iudgement are delaied by remembrance of this that Christ shall be our iudge who is our redeemer IX Feare of damnation is remedied by consideration that Christ died to make satisfaction for vs and now sitts at the right hand of his father to make intercession for vs and by the resurrection of the bodie to life euerlasting X. Terrours of conscience for sinne are repressed if we consider that God is a Father and therefore much in sparing and that it is a prerogatiue of the Church to haue remission of sinnes Trin-vni Deo gloria AN EXPOSITION OF THE LORDS PRAYER In the way of Catechising seruing for ignorant people Corrected and amended Hereunto are adioyned the prayers of Paul taken out of his Epistles By W. Perkins Printed for Iohn Porter and Ralph Iackson 1600. To the right Honourable Edward Lord Russell Earle of Bedford Grace and peace be multiplied RIght Honourable if you consider what is one of the chiefest ornaments of this Noble state vnto which God hath aduanced you it wil appeare that there is none more excellent then the spirit of grace and prayer For what doth your heart affect would you speake the languages Behold by prayer you may speak the most heauenly tongue that euer was euen the language of Canaan Would you haue the valor of knighthood By prayer you may stand in place where Gods hande hath made a breach and doe as much as all the chariots and
haue receiued the spirit of adoption whereby we crie Ab●a that is● father And Rom. 8.26 Likewise the spirit helpeth our infirmities for we know not what to pray as we ought but the spirit it selfe maketh request And Zach. 12.10 the holy Ghost is called the spirit of grace and deprecatio●s or praiers Well then the man that would pray must haue Gods spirit to be his schoole-master to teach him to pray with grones and sighes of the heart for the words make not the prayer but the grones and desires of his heart and a man praies for no more then he desires with the heart and he which desires nothing praies not at all but spends lip-labour The second worke of the spirit is to assure vs in our consciences that we are in the state of grace reconciled to God Rom. 8.16 The spirit of adoption beareth witnesse with our spirits that we are the children of God And this inward certificate of the spirit in all exercises of inuocation is very necessarie for he which wants this assurance if he be secure and benummed in his sinnes will not and if he be touched in conscience for them for his life dare not cal God father Also this confutes the opinion of the Church of Rome which teacheth that man is to doubt whether he be adopted or no. For how can a man truly call God father when he doubts whether he be the child of God or no It is a miserable kind of praying to cal God father and withall to doubt whether he be a father Indeede it is true that doubts will often arise but it is our dutie to striue against them and not to yeeld to them Yea but say they to be certaine of Gods mercy is presumption I answer if it be presumption it is an holy presumption because God hath bidden vs to call him father Our Father 1. The meaning THus much of the argument of relation now let vs proceede● It is further said Our father And he is so tearmed because he is the father of Christ by nature and in him the father of euery beleeuer yea of the whole bodie of the Church Quest. Whether may it be lawfull for vs in praier to say not our father but my father Ans. A Christian may in priuate praier say My father This is warranted by the example of our Sauiour Matth. 26. ●9 O my father if it be possible let this cup passe from me And Math. 27.46 My God my God why hast thou forsaken me And Thomas praied My Lord and my God And Paul I giue thanks to my God c. And Gods promise is Ier. 3.19 Thou shalt call me my father The meaning of Christ is not to binde vs to these words but to teach vs that in our praiers we must not haue regard to our selues onely but also to our brethren and therefore when we pray for them in our priuate praiers as for our selues we put in practise the true meaning of these words 2. The vses When we pray wee must not make request onely for our selues and our owne good but for others also as the church and people of God perswading our selues that we also are partakers of their praiers and for the better cleering of this point let vs search who they are for whome wee are to pray Of men there be two sorts some liuing● some dead Of these two kinds the liuing are to be praied for and there is no praying for the dead A man that is dead knowes what shall bee his estate eternally if he died a wicked person that is an vnrepentant sinner his state shall bee according in eternall torment if he died hauing repented of his sinnes then hee shall rest with God in his kingdome Apoc. 14.13 Blessed are they which die in the Lord for they rest from their labours and their workes follow them Gal. 6.10 While wee haue time let vs doe good to all men Where wee may note that there is a time namely after death when we cannot doe good to others Again of the liuing some are our enemies some our friends Our friends are they which are of the same religion affection and disposition Foes are either priuate or publike Publike foes are either enemies to our countrie as tyrants traitors c. or enemies to our religion as Iewes Turkes Papists Infidels Atheists Now towards all these how ought a man to behaue himselfe in praier Ans. He is to pray for them all Matth. 5.44 Pray for them which hurt you and persecute you 1. Tim. 2.1 I exhort that praiers intercessions c. be made for all men for kings c. Yet whē Paul gaue this commandement we read not that there were any Christian kings but all Infidels And the Iewes are commanded to pray for Babylon where they were captiue Ierem. 29.7 And seeke the prosperitie of the cittie whither I haue caused you to be carried captiue and pray vnto the Lord for it Question How and in what manner are wee to pray for our enemies Ans. We are to praie against their ●innes counsels enterprises but not against their persons Thus praied Dauid against Achitophel 2. Sam. 15.31 Lord I pray thee bring the counsell of Achitophel to foolishnesse And thus did the Apostles pray against their persecutors Act. 4.29 O Lord behold their threatnings and graunt vnto thy seruants with all boldnesse to speake thy word Question Dauid vseth imprecations against his enemies in which he prayeth for their vtter confusion as Psal. 59. 109. c. The like is done by Paul Gal. 5.1 2. Tim. 4.14 and Peter Act. 8. 20. though afterwards he mitigates his execration But how could they doe it Ans. 1. They were indued with an extraordinarie measure of Gods spirit and hereby they were inabled to discerne of their enemies and certainly to iudge that their wickednes and malice was incurable and that they should neuer repent And the like praiers did the Primitiue church cōceiue against Iulian the Apostata because they perceiued him to be a malitious desperate enemie 2. Secondly they were indued with a pure zeale and not carried with desire of reuenge against their enemies intending nothing els but the glorie of God Nowe for vs it is good that wee should suspect our zeale because sinister affections as hatred enuie emulation desire of reuenge will easily mingle themselues therewith Question How farre forth may we vse those Psalmes in which Dauid vseth imprecations against his enemies Ans. They are to bee read and song with these caueats I. We are to vse those imprecations indefinitely against the enemies of God and his Church for we may perswade our selues that alwaies there be some such obstinate enemies but we must not applie them particularly 2. Secondly we must vse them as Augustine saith as certaine propheticall sentences of the holy Ghost pronouncing the last sentence of destruction vpon final and impenitent sinners which oppose themselues against Gods kingdome 3. They may be vsed against our spirituall
Lead vs not Or carrie vs not into temptation To be led is to be ouercome of the temptation when it preu●iles and wholly gets the victorie so as men tempted are brought to perdition Then the meaning is this● When wee are mooued or entised to sinne Lord keep vs that we bee not ouercome and giue thou an issue with the temptation Quest. God is iust and cannot sinne but if he lead men into temptation shal he not be the author of sinne Ans. Indeed many fearing to charge God with sinne read the words thus Suffer vs not to be ledde But the text is very plaine Lead or carrie vs not And the scriptures elsewhere vse the like phrases of god Exod. 7.3 God is said to harden Pharaohs heart 2. Sam. 24. 1. The Lord mooued Dauid to number the people 2. Thess. 2.11 God sent strong delusions that men might beleeue lies These and such like places haue a speciall meaning thus to be gathered There is no action of man or of the deuill absolutely euill but although in some respects it be euill yet in some other it is good for wee are not to thinke that as there is a maine or absolute good so also there is a maine or absolute euill Thus then temptation being an action it is not in euery respect euill but in some good in some euill And so farre forth as it is good the Lord workes it but as it is euill he doth not worke it but willingly permits it to be done by man and Satan 1. And there be foure respects in which God may be a worker in temptations and yet be free from sinne I. First he tempteth by offering occasions obiects to trie whether a man will sinne or not A master suspecting his seruant which in word professeth fidelitie laies a purse of money in his way to trie if he will steale it which if he steale he hath found by watching him a secret thiefe and so hath laid him open for deceiuing any more Nowe this trying of him is no sinne though he sinne in stealing In the same manner tempteth God his owne seruants to prooue and trie them Deut. ●3 3 Thou shalt not harken vnto the wordes of the prophet or dreamer of dreames for the Lord thy God prooueth you to knowe whether ye loue the Lord your God with all your heart 2. Secondly God leades into temptation by withdrawing his grace Neither can this be a sinne in God because he is bound to no man to giue him grace And here is a difference between the tempting of God and Satan God holds backe grace when he tempts the deuill suggests euill motions 3. Euery action so farre forth as it is an action is good and of God Act. 17. 28. In him we liue mooue and haue our being Therfore god is a worker in temptations so farre forth as they are actions One man kils another the very moouing of the bodie in the doing of this villanie is of God but the wickednes of the actiō is from man and the deuil A man rides vpon a lame horse and stirs him the rider is the cause of the motion but the horse himselfe of the halting in the motion So God is authour of the action but not of the euill of the action 4. The fourth way is in regard of the end God tempts his seruants onely to correct and humble them for their sinnes and to trie howe they will abide the crosse and to mooue them the more to loue him Deut. 8.2 God afflictes the children of Israel to trie them whether they would keepe his commandements 2. Chr. 31.31 He trieth Ezechias to see what was in his heart The deuils ende in tempting is onely to bring the partie to destruction Thus we neede not feare to say that God in some respects doth tempt his owne seruants Deliuer vs from euill That is free vs from the power of the flesh the deuil and the world Some take euill in this place onely for the deuill but wee may take it more largely for all spirituall enemies 1. Ioh. 5.19 The whole world lieth in euill vz. Vnder the power of sinne and Satan These words as I haue said are a proofe and explanation of the former for when a man is deliuered from euill he is not led into temptation the cause being taken away the effect ceaseth 3. The vses 1. HEnce we learne what a righteous God Iehoua is that can worke in euill actions and yet be void of sinne 2. Whereas we say lead vs not c. Wee note that the deuill in temptation● can goe no further then God permits him 3. We are not to pray that temptations be quite taken from vs or that wee be wholly freed from them but that they doe not ouercome vs. For it is the Lords wil that his Church should be tempted Nay Dauid desired some kind of temptations Psal. 26.1 Prooue me O Lord. And Iames saith Account it for exceeding ioy when ye shall fall into diuers temptations Iam. 1.2 4. Note also that euery man by nature is the bondslaue of sinne and Satan For where is deliuerance there was a bondage first This confutes the Papists who maintain free wil for we are dead in sinne by nature as a man in a graue and we must still pray thus till we be fully deliuered 4. Wants to be bewailed THe corruption which in this petition we ought to mourne for is the cōtinuall rebellion of our wicked natures and our pronenesse to yeeld vp our selues in euery temptation to sinne Satan And the remnants of the old bondage vnder Satan must be grieuous and irkesome vnto vs and wee must bewaile them bitterly The Iewes in a bodily captiuitie wept when they remembred Sion Psal. 1.27 How much more should wee weepe when wee feele the lawe of our members rebelling against the lawe of our mindes and leading v● captiue to sinne 5. Graces to be desired THe contrarie blessing to be desired is that God would stablish vs by his free spirit Psal. 51.12 Which is so called because it sets vs euery day more and more at libertie out of the reach of sinne and Satan For thine is the kingdome the power and glorie for euer 1. The meaning THese wordes containe a reason of all the former petitions whereby wee are mooued to craue things needfull at Gods hand Thine is Earthly kings haue kingdome power and glorie Dan. 2.37 Yet not from themselues but from God whose vicegerents they are on earth Therefore to make a difference betweene Gods kingdome power and glorie and those of earthly kings it is said Thine is the kingdome c. that is that God hath all these in himselfe and from himselfe and men from him The kingdome These words 1. Chro. 26.11 are fully expounded Thine O Lord is greatnesse power and victorie and praise and all that is in heauen earth is thine thine is the kingdome and thou excellest as head ouer all c. The kingdome is said to bee Gods
the faithfull haue their whole estate before God reuealed vnto them according to the word the thing it selfe being otherwise secret and hidden 1. Cor. 2,9,10,12 Further the work of this spirit in the godly is twofold the one concernes God himselfe the other the things of God The worke of the spirit of reuelation which respects God himselfe is an acknowledgement of the Father or of Christ. Now to acknowledge God the Father is not onely to know and confesse that he is a father of the faithfull but also to be resolued in conscience that he is a father to me in particular Secondly that Christ is not onely in generall a Sauiour of the elect but that he is in speciall my Sauiour and redeemer The second worke of this spirit is an illumination of the eyes of the minde to see and know the things of God which he hath prepared for them that doe beleeue and they are two The first is life eternall which is described by fiue arguments 1. It is the Ephesian hope that is the thing hoped for in this life 2. It is the hope of the calling of God because in preaching of the Gospell it is offered and men are called to waite for the same 3. An inheritance properly to Christ because he is the naturall sonne of God and by him to all that shall beleeue 4. The excellencie because it is a rich and glorious inheritance 5. Lastly it is made proper to the Saints The second thing is the greatnes of the power of God whereby sinne is mortified the corrupt nature renued and mightily strengthened in temptations This power is set forth by two arguments The first is the subiect or persons in whome this power is made manifest In them that beleeue Because none can feele this but they which apprehend Christ by faith The second is the manner of manifesting this power in them which is according to the working of his mightie power which he shewed in Christ. And that was in three things First in putting all his enemies vnder his feete v. 2. Secondly in raising him from death Thirdly in placing him at his right hand Now therefore Paul praies that this wonderfull power of God which did shew forth it selfe in the head Christ might likewise shew it selfe in the members of Christ. First in treading Satan and sinne vnder their feete Rom. 16.10 Secondly in raising them from sinne as out of a graue to holines of life Thirdly in aduancing them in the time appointed to the kingdome of glorie in heauen Ephes. 3. 14. FOr this cause I bowe my knees vnto the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ. 15. Of whome is named the whole familie in heauen and earth 16. That he would grant you according to the riches of his glorie that ye● may be strengthened by his spirit in the inner man 17. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith 18. That ye being rooted and grounded in loue may be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height 19. And know the loue of Christ which passeth knowledge that ye may be filled with all fulnesse of God 20. Vnto him therefore that is able to do● exceeding abundantly aboue all that we aske or thinke according to the power that worketh in vs 21. Be praise in the Church by Christ Iesus throughout all generations for euer Amen The Exposition THese wordes containe two parts a prayer and a thankesgiuing In the prayer these points are to be marked First the gesture I bow my knees wherby Paul signifies his humble submission to God in prayer Secondly to whome he praies To the Father who is described by two titles the first the father of our Lord Iesus Christ and that by nature as he is God and as he is man by personall vnion The other title Of whome the whole familie which is in heauen and earth is named In which words is set downe a description of the Church first it is a Familie because it is the companie of Gods elect children vnder the gouernment of one father 1. Tim. 3.15 It is called the house of God Eph. 2.19 They that beleeue are saide to be of the houshold of God secondly the parts of the Catholike Church are noted namely the Saints in heauen departed and Saints liuing on earth thirdly it is said to be named of the father of Christ because as the father of Christ is the father of this familie so also this familie is called by him Gen. 6.2 Dan. 9.80 Thirdly the matter of the prayer stands of foure most worthie points The first is strength to beare the crosse and to resist spirituall temptations v. 16. where the strength is set out by diuers arguments First that it is the meere gift of God that he would graunt you Secondly the cause of strength by his Spirit Thirdly the subiect or place where this strength must be in the inner man that is in the whole man so farre forth as he is renued by grace Eph. 6.14 The second is the dwelling of Christ in their hearts by faith Faith is when a man beeing seriously humbled for his sinnes is further in conscience perswaded and resolued of the pardon of them and of reconciliation to God Now where this perswasion is in deed there followes necessarily Christs dwelling in the heart which stands in two things the first is the ruling and ordering of the thoughts affections and desires of the heart according to his will as a master rules in his house the second is the continuance of his rule For he cannot be said to dwell in a place who rules in it but for a day The third is the knowledge and the acknowledgement of the infinit greatnes of Gods loue in Christ an effect of the former v. 18 19. the words are thus explaned Rooted and grounded Here the loue of God wherewith he loues the elect is as a roote and foundation of all Gods benefits election vocation iustification and glorification Men are rooted and grounded in loue when Gods spirit assures their hearts of Gods loue and doth giue them some inward sense and feeling of it For then they are as it were sensibly put into the roote and laid on the foundation With all Saints Paul desires this benefit not onely to the Ephesians but also to all the faithfull with them What is the length the bredth Here is a speech borrowed from the Geometricians and it signifies the absolute greatnes or infinitnes of Gods loue and that it is like a world which for length breadth height and depth is endlesse Here note the order or receiuing grace First Christ dwells in the heart by faith Secondly then comes a sense and feeling of Gods loue as it were by certaine drops thereof Thirdly after this ariseth a plentifull knowledge and apprehension of Gods loue and as it were the powring out of a sea into a mans heart that for greatnes hath neither bottome nor banke And know the loue of
Christ these words as I take it are an exposition of the former for to comprehend the loue of God is nothing els but to know the loue of Christ considering that all whome the father loueth he loueth them in Christ which passeth knowledge that is which for the greatnes of it no man can fully know The fourth thing is the fulnesse of Gods graces v. 19. Here the fulnesse of God doth not signifie fulnesse of the God●ead or diuine nature but the perfection of the inner man which shall not be till after this life Now followes the thankesgiuing or the praise of God v. 20 21. containing these points The matter of praise his power and bountifulnes wherby he can worke exceeding aboundantly aboue all we aske or thinke and both these are not onely to be conceiued in minde but also may be felt in the heart according to the power that worketh in vs. 2. The forme of praise glorie vnto God by Christ as all benefits are receiued from the father by Christ. 3. The proper place of true praise of God the Church 4. The continuance of his praise thorow all generations for euer Philip. 1. 9. ANd this I pray that your loue may abound yet more and more in knowledge and all sense 10. That ye may discerne things that differ to the ende ye may be pure and without offence to the day of Christ. 11. Filled with fruits of righteousnesse which are by Iesus Christ vnto the praise and glorie of God The Exposition THis praier containes three parts In the first Paul praieth for increase of loue in the Philippians whether it be to God or men v. 9. and he shewes the meanes of increase which are two knowledge and sense or feeling For to goe backeward the more a godly man feels Gods loue and hath experience of Gods word in himselfe the more he knowes of Gods word and perceiues his loue vnto him the more he loues God againe and his neighbour for his sake The second thing praied for is the gift of discerning whereby men know what is true what false what is to be done what to be left vndone the endes of this gift are two The first that by meanes of it they may be pure and sincere that is keepe a good conscience before God and men in their liues and calings The second is to be without offence that is innocent giuing no occasion of euill to any and not taking them offered by others and the continuance of those is noted to the day of Christ which is the time in which he commeth to vs either by our death or by the last iudgement Thirdly he praieth that they might abound in good workes which are described by a similitude fruits of righteousnes Christians beeing fruitfull trees Ezech. 47. 12. Esay 61.3 2. By the cause efficient which are by Christ. 3. By the end vnto the glorie and praise of God Coloss. 1. 9. I Cease not to pray for you to desire that ye might be filled with knowledge of his will in all wisdome and spirituall vnderstanding 10. That ye might walke worthie of the Lord and please him in all things fructifying in all good works and increasing in the acknowledgement of God 11. Strengthened with all might through his glorious power vnto all patience and long suffering with ioyfulnesse 12. Giuing thanks to the father which hath made vs ●it to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light 13. Who hath deliuered vs from the power of darknes and hath translated vs into the kingdome of his owne sonne The Exposition THese words containe a prayer and a thankesgiuing In the prayer three things are asked The ●irst is the increase of the knowledge of Gods reuealed will in his word and he deuides it into two parts wisdome which is not onely to know Gods word but also to applie it to euery action for the right and holy performing thereof● and spirituall vnderstanding which is when men by the assistance of Gods spirit doe conceiue the will of God in generall without applying Secondly Paul praies for the fruits of this knowledge which are foure 1. To wal● worthie of God as good seruants doe who in their apparell gesture and all their doings so behaue themselues that they may credit their masters 2. To please God in all things by approouing their hearts vnto him 3. To be plentifull in all good workes 4. To increase in the acknowledgement of God For the more any increase in knowledge and experience in Gods word the more shall they acknowledge God the father to be their father Christ to be their redeemer and the holy Ghost their sanctifier Thirdly he praies that the Colossians may be strengthened v. 11. where he notes the cause Gods glorious power and the effects which are three 1. Patience because it is necessarie that the godly suffer many afflictions 2. Long suffering because oftentimes the same afflictions continue long 3. Ioyfulnesse because the crosse is bitter The thankesgiuing is for a benefit that God had made the Colossians fitte for the kingdome of glorie and the reason is because he had made them members of the kingdome of grace 1. Thess. 3. 12. THe Lord increase you and make you abound in loue one towards an other and towards all men euen as we doe towards you 13. To make your hearts stable and vnblameable in holinesse before God euen our father at the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ with all his Saints 2. Thess. 2. 16. IEsus Christ our Lord and our God euen the father which hath loued vs and hath giuen vs euerlasting consolation and good hope through grace 17. Comfort your hearts and stablish you in euery word and good worke 1. Thess. 5. 23. NOw the very God of peace sanctifie you throughout and I pray God that you whole spirit and soule and body may be kept blamelesse vnto the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ. A Song gathered out of the Psalmes containing the sobbes and sighs of all repentant sinners LOrd heare my prayer hearke the plaint that I doe make to thee Lord in thy natiue truth and in thy iustice answer mee Regard O Lord for I complaine and make my suit to thee Let not my words returne in vaine but giue an eare to mee Behold in wickednes my kind and shape I did receiue And lo my sinfull mother eke in sinne did me conceiue And I with euills many one am sore beset about My sinnes increase and so come on I cannot spie them out For why in number they exceede the haires vpon my head My heart doth faint for very feare that I am almost dead Thus in me in perplexitie is mine accombred spright And in me in my troubled heart amazed and afflight The wicked workes that I haue wrought thou setst before thine eye My secret faults yea eke my thoughts thy countenance doth espie O Lord my God if thou shalt weigh my sinnes and them
saluation but with feare and trembling Phil. 2.12 8 He burneth with zeale of the spirit c. And so the rest of the affections are exercised about the promises of God in Christ and by this meanes is the deepe rooting of the word in the heart Thus it commeth to passe that the Reprobate falleth away from faith in the day of triall and temptation but the Elect cannot be changed XXXIIII Thus it appeareth how farre a reprobate may proceed in religion the consideration of this point I direct vnto two sorts of men Carnall gospellers and Papists Carnall gospellers are such among vs as know the word but obey it not or such as bearing a profession neither know it nor obey it And the best of these come short of reprobates in two points 1. In faith they come short of the deuill most of them The deuill beleeueth and trembleth but they contrariwise liuing in their sinnes beleeue and hope How comes this to passe The deuill knoweth the Gospel and the points of it and withall he beleeueth the terrible threatnings of the law and therefore trembleth Drowsie Protestants beleeue the Gospel as the deuill doth though he conceiues the points of it better then they doe as for the law and the threatnings thereof they doe not beleeue them and that makes them euen when they liue in their sinnes to hope and presume of mercie Therefore the deuill beleeues more of Gods word then they doe Secondly they come short of wicked men in outward obedience The young man not yet conuerted to Christ when he was bidden to keepe the commaundements of the second Table answered that he had kept them from his youth and therefore our Sauiour Christ looked vpon him and loued him although this externall obedience was not sufficient for Christ telleth him that one thing is wanting vnto him And in another place he saith except your righteousnes exceede the righteousnes of the Scribes and Pharisies you cannot enter into the kingdome of heauen Now the carelesse Gospeller is farre from performing this in so much that commonly he makes an open practise of sinne one way or other The causes of their carelesnes are first a perswasion that a man may repent when he will because the Scripture saith At what time soeuer a sinner doth repent him of his sinne from the bottome of his heart God will put all their wickednesse out of his remembrance But indeed late repentance is seldome true repentance and it may be iustly feared least that repentance which men when they are dying frame to themselues die also with them Secondly they flatter themselues imagining that the best man that is hath seuen falles euery day into grosse sinnes whereas the place which they abuse out of the Prouerbs The righteous man falleth seuen times in a day and riseth againe it is rather to be vnderstood of falls into affliction then falls into actuall sinnes Thirdly they deceiue themselues most falsly thinking small sinnes or hidden sinnes to be no sinnes and grossest sinnes in which they liue and lie most dangerously to be but sinnes of infirmitie XXXV By this which hath bin said the professours of Christian religion are admonished of two things First that they vse most painfull diligence in working their saluation in attaining to faith in dying to sinne in liuing to newnesse of life and that their hearts be neuer at rest till such time as they goe beyond all reprobates in the profession of Christ Iesus Seest thou how farre a reprobate may goe presse on to the straight gate with maine and might with all violence lay hold on the kingdome of heauen Slial Herod feare and reuerence Iohn Baptist and heare him gladly and wilt thou neglect the Ministers and the preaching of the word shall Pharao confesse his sinne nay shall Satan beleeue and tremble And wilt not thou bewaile and lament thy sinnes and thy wicked conuersation It behooueth thee to feare and take heed least wicked men and the deuill himselfe rise in iudgement and condemne thee For if thou shalt come short of the duties of a reprobate and doe not goe beyond him in the profession of the Gospel sure it is thou must looke for the reward of a reprobate The second thing is that the professour of the Gospell diligently trie and examine himselfe whether he is in the state of damnation or in the state of grace whether he yet beare the yoke of Satan or is the adopted child of God Thou wilt say this need not thou professest the Gospell and art taken for a Christian yet marke and consider that this often befalleth reprobates to be esteemed Christians and they are often so like them that none but Christ can discerne the sheepe from the goates true Christians from apparant Christians Wherefore it behooueth all men that shew themselues to be Christians to lay aside all pride and all selfeloue and with singlenes of heart to put themselues into the ballance of Gods word and to make iust triall whether in thē repentance faith mortification sanctification c. giue waight answerable to their outward profession which if they doe let them praise God if not let them with all speede vse the meanes that they may be borne anew to the lord and may be inwardly guided by his holy spirit to giue obedience to his will least in the day of Gods trial they start aside from him like a broken bow and fall againe to their first vncleannesse XXXVI To come to the second sort of men and to conclude let the most zealous Papist that is trie himselfe and his whole estate with a single heart as in the presence of Gods maiestie and he shall finde that by his whole religion and profession he doth come short of a reprobate or at the least not goe beyond him in these points before named The Lord open their eyes that they may see it Amen THE ESTATE OF A CHRISTIAN MAN IN this life which also sheweth how farre the Elect may goe beyond the Reprobate in Christianitie and that by many degrees I THe Elect are they whome God of the good pleasure of his will hath decreed in himselfe to choose to eternall life for the praise of the glorie of his grace For this cause the Elect onely are saide to haue their names written in the booke of life II Whome God electeth them he calleth in the time appointed for the same purpose This calling of the Elect is nothing els but a singling and a seuering of them out of this vile world and the customes thereof to be citizens of the kingdome of glorie after this life And the time of their calling is tearmed in Scriptures the day of visitation the day of saluation the time of grace III. This seuering and choosing of the elect out of the worlde is then performed when God by his holy spirit indueth them with true sauing faith a wonderfull gift peculiar to the
children And where the spirit of Christ dwelleth there must needes be faith for Christ dwelleth in the hearts of the faithful by faith Therfore as Rebecca when she felt the Twins striue in her womb though it pained her yet shee knew both that shee had conceiued and that the children were quick in her so they who haue these motions and holy affections in them before mentioned may assure themselues that the spirit of god dwelleth in them and consequently that they haue faith though a weake faith XIX Examples of this small faith are euident in the Apostles who though they beleeued that Christ was the Sauiour of the world yet they were ignorant of his death and resurrection which are the cheife meanes of saluation After his resurrection they were ignorant of his ascension of his spiritual kingdome for they dreamed of an earthly kingdome and at his death they all fled from him and Peter fearefully denied him They being in this estate are not said to haue no faith but to be of little faith Another example we haue in Dauid who hauing continued a long space in his two great sinnes adulterie and murther was admonished thereof by Nathan the prophet beeing admonished he confessed his sinnes and straightway Nathan declared vnto him frō the Lord the forgiuenes of them Yet afterward Dauid humbleth himselfe as it appeareth in the 51. Psalme and praieth most earnestly for the forgiuenes of those and all other his sinnes euen as though it had not bin true that they were forgiuen as Nathan told him the reason is howsoeuer they were remitted before God yet Dauid at his first repenting of them felt none assurance in his heart of the forgiuenes of them onely he had a perswasion that they might be pardoned And therefore he vehemently desired and praied to the Lord to remit them and to sanctifie him anew This then being the least measure of faith it must be remembred that he who hath not attained to it hath as yet no sauing faith at all XX. The greatest measure of faith is a full perswasion of the mercie of God For it is the strength and ripenes of faith Rom. 4.20.21 Abraham not weake in faith but being strengthened in the faith was fully perswaded that he who had promised was able to doe it This full assurance is when a man can say with Paul I am perswaded that neither life nor death nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. And least any should thinke this saying is peculiar to Paul he testifieth of himselfe that for this cause he was receiued to mercie that he might be an example to them which after should beleeue in Christ to life eternall and the whole Church in the Cant● vseth the same in effect saying Loue is as strong as death iealousie is as cruel as the graue the coales thereof are fierie coales and a vehement flame Much water cannot quench loue neither can the flouds drown it if a man should giue all the substance of his house for loue they would contemne it XXI No Christian attaineth to this full assurance at the first but in some continuance of time after that for a long space he hath kept a good conscience before God and before men and hath had diuers experiences of Gods loue and fauour towards him in Christ. This Paul declareth to the Romanes in afflictions God sheds abroad his loue in their hearts by the holy Ghost which is giuen to them but how by degrees for from afflictions ariseth patience from patience commeth experience from experience hope and hope neuer maketh ashamed or disappointeth him of eternall life This is euident in Dauids practise Doubtles saith he kindnes and mercie shall follow me all the daies of my life and I shall liue a long season in the house of the Lord. Mark this his resolute perswasion and consider how he came vnto it namely by experience of Gods fauour at sundrie times and after sundrie manners For before he set downe this resolution he numbred vp diuerse benefits receiued of the Lord that he fedde him in greene pastures and led him by the refreshing waters of Gods word that he restoreth him and leadeth him in the paths of righteousnes that he strengtheneth him in great daungers euen of death and preserueth him that in despight of his enemies he enriched him with many benefits By meanes of all these mercies of God bestowed on him he came to be perswaded of the continuance of the fauour of God towardes him Againe Dauid saide before King Saul Let no mans heart faile because of Goliah Thy seruant will goe and fight with the Philistine And Saul said to Dauid Thou art not able to goe against this Philistine to fight with him for thou art but a boy and he is a man of warre from his youth Dauid answered that he was able to fight with and to slay the vncircumcised Philistine And the ground of his perswasion was taken from experience for thus he saide Thy seruant kept his fathers sheepe and there came a Lyon and likewise a Beare and tooke a sheepe out of the flocke and I went out after him and smote him and tooke it out of his mouth and when he arose against me I caught him by the beard and smote him and slew him So thy seruant slew both the Lyon and the Beare therefore this vncircumcised Philistine shal be as one of thē seeing he hath rayled on the hoast of the liuing God The like proceeding must be in matters concerning eternall life Little Dauid resembleth euery Christian Goliah and the armie of the Philistines resembleth Sathan and his power He therefore that will be resolued that he shall be able to ouercome the gates of hell and attaine to life euerlasting must long keepe watch and ward ouer his owne heart and he must fight against his owne rebellious flesh and crucifie it yea he must haue experiences of Gods power strengthening him in many temptations before he shall be fully assured of his attaining to the kingdome of heauen XXII Thus much concerning faith it selfe now follow the fruits and benefits of faith By meanes of this speciall faith the Elect are truly ioyned vnto Christ and haue an heauenly communion and fellowship with him and therefore doe in some measure inwardly feele his holy spirit moouing and stirring in them as Rebecca felt the Twins to stirre in her wombe Christ is as the head in the bodie euery beleeuer as a member of the same bodie now as the head giueth sense and motion to the members and the members feele themselues to haue sense and to mooue by meanes of the head so doth Christ Iesus reuiue and quicken euery true beleeuer and
by his heauenly power maketh him to doe the good which he doth And as from the stocke sappe is deriued to the grift that it may liue and grow and bring forth fruit in his kind so doe all the faithfull that are grafted into Christ the true vine And as the grift loseth his wild nature and is changed into the nature of the stocke and bringeth forth good fruit so in like manner it is with them that are in Christ who by little and little are wholly renued from euill to good XXIII The Elect beeing thus ioyned vnto Christ receiue three wonderfull benefits from him Iustification Adoption Sanctification Iustification is when the Elect beeing in themselues rebellious sinners and therefore firebrands of hell fire and Gods owne enemies yet by Christ they are accepted of the Lord as perfectly pure and righteous before him XXIIII This Iustification is wrought in this manner Sinne is that which maketh a man vnrighteous the child of wrath vengeance In sinne there are three things which are hurtfull to man the first is condemnation which commeth of ●inne the second is actuall disobedience of the law in sinne the third is the root and fountaine of sinne originall corruption These are three deadly woundes and three running sores in the hearts and consciences of all sinners Now Christ Iesus is perfectly righteous and in him a sinner may finde three inestimable benefits answerable to the three former euills First the sufferings of Christ vpon the crosse sufficient for all mens sinnes Secondly the obedience of Christ in fulfilling the law Thirdly the perfect holines of the humane nature of Christ these are three soueraigne medecines to heale all wounded consciences and they are as three running streames of liuing water to bathe and to supple the bruised and contrite heart Now then commeth faith and first laieth hold of the sufferings of Christ and so a sinner is freed from the punishment and guilt of sinne and from eternall damnation thus the first deadly wound is cured Againe faith laieth hold on the perfect obedience of Christ in fulfilling the law and thus the second wound is cured Thirdly faith applieth the holines of Christs humane nature to the sinner and then he is accepted of God as perfectly righteous and so his third deadly wound is cured Thus a sinner is made righteous by the righteousnes of Christ imputed to him XXV From true iustification proceede many other benefits and they are either outward or inward Outward benefits are three The first is Reconciliation by which a man iustified is perfectly reconciled to God because his sinne is done away and he is arayed with the perfect righteousnes of Christ. The second is that afflictions to the faithfull are no punishments for sinne but onely fatherly and louing chastisments For the guilt and punishment of sinne was borne of Christ. Now therefore if a Christian be afflicted it is no punishment for then God should punish one fault twise once in Christ and the second time vpon the Christian which thing doth not agree with his iustice it remaineth therefore that afflictions are onely corrections in the faithfull The third benefit is that the man iustified doth deserue and merit at Gods hands the kingdom of heauen For being made perfectly righteous in Christ and by his righteousnes he must needs merit eternall life in and by the merits of Christ. And therefore Paul calleth it the iustification of life Rom. 5.18 XXVI Inward benefits proceeding from iustification are those which are inwardly ●elt in the heart and serue for the better assurance of iustification and they are principally fiue The ●irst is Peace and quietnes of conscience As all men naturally in Adam are corrupt so all men naturally haue corrupt and defiled consciences accusing them and arraigning them before Gods iudgement for their sinnes in such wise that euery suspition of death and feare of imminent daunger maketh a naturall man stand agast at his wits end knowing not what to doe but by faith in Christ the Christian is perswaded of remission of his sinnes and so the disquietnes of his conscience is appeased and he hath an inward peace in all extremities which can not be taken from him XXVII The slumbering and dead conscience is much like to the good conscience pacified many through ignorance take the one for the other But they may be seuered and discerned thus First let the beleeuing Christian examine himselfe whether his conscience was afflicted with the sense of Gods iudgements and pressed downe with the burthen of his sinne before he came to that quietnesse for then he may be in good hope that it was the Spirit of God who brought that peace because God hath promised That he will dwell with the humble and contrite to reuiue and quicken them But if he haue alwaies had that peace from the beginning of his daies he may easily deceiue himselfe by taking the numnesse and securitie of a defiled conscience for the true peace of conscience Secondly let him search from whence this peace of his conscience proceedeth For if it come from any thing else but from the certaintie of the remission of sinne it is no true peace as many flattering thēselues in sinne dreaming of a pardon are thereupon quieted and the deuill is readie enough to put this into their minds but this can be no true peace Thirdly let him examine himselfe if he haue a care to keepe a good conscience which if he haue he hath also receiued from the Lord a good and a quiet conscience For if God bestow vpon any man a gift concerning his saluation he giueth him also a care to keepe it XXVIII The second inward benefit is An entrance into Gods fauour and a perseuerance in it which is indeede a wonderfull benefit When a man commeth into fauour with his Prince then he is bold to come vnto him and he may haue free accesse vnto his presence and he may sue to his Prince for any benefit or preferment whereof he standeth in neede may obtaine it before any other so they which are in Gods fauour by reason that they are freely pardoned and iustified in Christ doe boldly approach into Gods presence and they are readie to aske and sure to obtaine any benefit that is for their good The third is a spirituall ioy in their hearts euen then when they are afflicted because they looke certenly to obtaine the kingdome of heauen The fourth is that the loue of God is shed in the hearts of the faithfull by the holy Ghost that is that the holy Ghost doth make the faithfull very euidently to feele the loue of God towards them and doth as it were fill their hearts with it XXIX The second maine benefit is Adoption whereby they which are iustified are also accepted of God as his
owne children From Adoption proceede many other benefits First the elect child of God hereby is made a brother to Christ. Secondly he is a King and the kingdome of heauen is his inheritance Thirdly he is lord ouer all creatures saue Angels Fourthly the holy Angels minister vnto him for his good they guard him and watch about him Fifthly all things yea grieuous afflictions and sinne it selfe turne to his good though in his owne nature it be neuer so hurtfull and therefore death which is most terrible vnto him is no entrance into hell but a narrow gate to let him into euerlasting life Lastly beeing thus adopted he may looke for comfort at Gods hand answerable to the measure of his affliction as God hath promised XXX The inward assurance of Adoption is by two witnesses The first is our spirit that is an heart and conscience sanctified by the sprinkling of the blood of Christ. Now because it commeth to passe that the testimonie of our spirit is often feeble and weake God of his goodnes hath giuen his owne spirit to be a fellow witnesse with our spirit for the Elect haue in themselues the spirit of Iesus Christ testifying vnto them and perswading them that they are the adopted children of God For this cause the holy Ghost is called the spirit of adoption because it worketh in vs the assurance of our adoption and it is called a pawne or earnest For as in a bargaine when part of the price is payed in earnest then assurance is made that men will pay the whole so when the childe of God hath receiued thus much from the holy Ghost to be perswaded that he is adopted and chosen in Christ he may be in good hope and he is alreadie put in good assurance fully to enioy eternall life in the kingdome of heauen Indeede this testimonie is weake in most men and can scarce be perceiued because most Christians though they may be old in respect of yeares yet generally they are babes in Christ and not yet come to a perfect growth and may finde in themselues great strength of sinne and the graces of God to be in small measure in them And againe the children of God beeing most distressed as in time of triall and in the houre of death then the inward working of the holy Ghost is felt most euidently But a reprobate can not haue this testimonie at all though indeede a man flattereth himselfe and the deuill imitating the spirit of God doth vsually perswade carnall men and hypocrites that they shall be saued But that deuillish illusion and the testimonie of the Spirit may be discerned by 2. notes The I. is heartie feruent praier to God in the name of Christ. For the same spirit that testifieth to vs that we are the adopted children of God doth also make vs crie that is feruently with grones sighs filling heauen and earth pray to God Now this heartie feruent and loud crying in the eares of God can the deuill giue to no hypocrite for it is the speciall marke of the Spirit of God The other note is that they which haue the speciall testimonie from the spirit of God haue also in their hearts the same affections to God which children haue to their father namely loue feare reuerence obedience thankfulnes for they call not vpon God as vpon a terrible Iudge but they crie Abba that is father And these affections they haue not whome Satan illudeth with a phantasticall imagination of their saluation for it may be that through hypocrisie or through custome they may call God father but in truth they can not doe it XXXI The elect being thus assured of their adoption and iustification are indued with hope by which they looke patiently for the accomplishing of all good things which God hath begun in them And therefore they can vndergoe all crosses and afflictions with a quiet and contented minde because they know that the time will come when they shall haue full redemption from all euills This was the patience of Pauls hope when he saide that nothing in the world could seuer him from the loue of God in Christ. And like to this was the patience of Policarpe and of Ignatius who when he was condemned and iudged to be throwne to wild beasts and now heard the Lyons roring he boldly and yet patiently said I am the wheat of Christ I shall be ground with the teeth of wild beasts that I may be found good bread Also the same was the patience of the blessed Martyr S. Laurence who like a meeke lambe suffered himselfe to be tormented on a fierie gridyron and when he had bin pressed downe with fire pikes for a great space in the mightie spirit of God spake vnto the Emperour that caused him thus to be tormented on this wise This side is now rosted enough turne vp O tyrant great Assay whether rosted or rawe thou thinkest the better meate XXXII The third maine benefit is inward sanctification by which a Christian in his mind in his will and in his affections is freed from the bondage and tyrannie of sinne and satan and is by little and little inabled through the spirit of Christ to desire and approoue that which is good to walke in it And it hath two parts The first is mortification when the power of sinne is continually weakned consumed and diminished The second is viuification by which inherent righteousnes is really put into them and afterward is continually increased XXXIII This sanctification is wrought in all Christians after this manner After that they are ioyned to Christ and made mystically bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh Christ worketh in them effectually by his holy spirit and his workes are principally three First he causeth his own death to worke effectually the death of all sinne to kil the power of the flesh For it is as a corrasiue which beeing applied to the part affected eateth out the venome and corruption and so the death of Christ by faith applied fretteth out and consumeth the concupiscence the corruption of the whole man Secondly his buriall causeth the buriall of sinne as it were in a graue Thirdly his Resurrection sendeth a quickning power into them and serueth to make them rise out of their sinne in which they were dead and buried to worke righteousnes and to liue in holines of life Lazarus bodie lay foure daies and stanke in the graue yet Christ raised it and gaue him life again and made him do the same works that liuing men doe so also Christ dealeth with the soules of the faithfull they rot and stinke in their sinns and would perish in them if they were left alone but Christ putteth a heauenly life into them maketh them actiue and liu●ly to doe the will of God in the workes of Christianitie and in their works of their callings
perfumed with sweete odours before they can assend vp sweete and sauorie into the nosthrils of God And Paul said of himselfe he did that which he disliked not that hee was ouertaken with grosse sinns but because when he was to do his dutie the flesh hindred him that he could not do that which he did exactly soundly according to his wil desire euen as a man who hath a iourney to goe his mind is to dispatch it in all haste yet when he is in his trauell he goes but slowely by reason of a lamenesse in his ioynts III. The spirit on the contrary kindles in the heart good motions and desires and puts a man forward to good words and deedes as it was in Dauid I will praise the Lord saith he who hath giuen me counsell my reines also teach me in the night season IV. The spirit rebukes a man for his euil intents and desires represseth the force of thē as it were nips them in the head Thus Esay describeth the inward motions of the spirit And thine eares shall heare a word behind thee saying this is the way walke ye in it when thou turnest to the right hand when thou turnest to the left And Saint Iohn saith The spirit iudgeth the worlde of sinne This was in Dauid who when he did any euill his heart smote him 2. Sam. 24. 10. Out of this doctrine issueth a notable difference betwixt the wicked and the godly In the godly when they are tempted to sinne there is a fight betweene the heart and the heart that is betweene the heart and it selfe In the wicked also there is a fight when they are tempted to sinne but this fight is onely betweene the heart and the conscience The wicked man whatsoeuer he is hath some knowledge of good and euil and therefore when he is in doing any euil his conscience accuseth checketh and controuleth him and hee feeles it stirring in him as if it were some liuing thing that crauled in his body gnawed vpon his heart and therupon he is very often grieued for his sins yet for all that he liketh his sinnes very well and loueth them and could finde in his heart to continue in them for euer so that indeed when he sinneth hee hath in his heart a striuing and a conflict but that is onely betweene himselfe and his conscience But the godly haue an other kind of battel and conflict for not only their consciences pricke them and reproue them for sinne but also their hearts are so renewed that they rise in hatred and detestation of sinne when they are tempted to euill by their flesh and Satan they feele a lust and desire to doe that which is good LIV. The second temptation is a disquietnes in the heart of a Christian because he cannot according to his desire haue fellowship with Christ Iesus he is exercised in this temptation on this manner I. Christ lets him see his excellency and howe he is affected towards him II. Then the Christian considering this● desireth Christ his righteousnesse III. He delighteth himselfe in Christ and hath some enioying of his benefits IV. Then he comes into the assemblie of the Church as into Gods wine-seller that in the word and Sacraments he may feele a greater measure of the loue of Christ. V. But he falls loue-sicke that is hee becomes troubled in spirit because he cannot enioy the presence of Christ in the sayd manner as he would VI. In this his spiritual sicknes he feeles the power of Christ supporting him that the spirit be not quenched and he heares Christ as it were whispering in his heart as a man speakes to his friend when hee is comming towards him a farre off VII After this Christ comes neerer but the Christian can no otherwise enioy him then a man enioyes the company of his friend who is on the other side of a wall looking at him through the grate or latteise VIII Thē his eies are opened to see the causes why Christ so withdraws himselfe to be his owne securitie and negligence in seeking to Christ his slacknes in spirituall exercises as in prayer and thanksgiuing the deceitfulnes and malice of false teachers IX Then he comes to feele more liuely his fellowship with Christ. X. Lastly he prayeth that Christ would continue with him to the end LV. The third temptation is trouble of minde because there is no feeling of Christ at all who seemeth to be departed for a time The exercise of a Christian in this tentation is this 1 The poore soule lying as a man desolate in the night without comfort seekes for Christ by priuate praier and meditation but it will not preuaile 2 He vseth the helpe counsell and prayer of godly brethren yet Christ cannot be found 3 Then he seekes to godly ministers to receiue some comfort by them by their meanes he can feele none 4 After that all meanes haue bin thus vsed and none will preuaile then by Gods great mercie when he hath least hope he findes Christ and feeles him come againe 5 Presently his faith reuiueth and laieth fast hold on Christ. 6 And he hath as neere fellowship with Christ in his heart as before 7 Then comes againe the ioy of the holy Ghost and the peace of conscience as a sweete sleepe falls vpon him 8 Then his heart ariseth vp into heauen by holy affections and praiers which do as pillars of smoake mount vpward sweete as myrrhe and incense 6 Also he is rauished ther●●ith the meditation of the glorious estate of the kingdome of heauen 10 Hee labours to bring others to consider the glorie of Christ and his kingdome 11 After all this Christ reueales to his seruant what his blessed estate is both in this life and in the life to come more cleerely then euer before and makes him see those graces which he hath bestowed on him 12 Then the Christian praieth that Christ would breath on him by his holy spirit that he may bring forth the fruits of those graces which are in him 13 Lastly Christ granteth him this his request LVI The fourth temptation is securitie of heart rising of ouermuch delight in the pleasures of the worlde The exercise of a Christian in this temptation is this 1 He slumbers and is halfe asleepe in the pleasures of this world 2 Christ by his word and spirit labours to withdrawe him from his pleasures and to make him more hartily receiue his beloued 3 But he delayeth to doe it beeing loath to leaue his ●ase and sweete delights 4 Then Christ awakes him and stirres vp his heart by making him to see the vanitie of his pleasures 5 He then begins to be more earnestly affected towards Christ. 6 With sorrowe he sets his heart to haue fellowship with Christ after his old manner and this
he is neuer saued according to that of Saint Iames sinne beeing perfited bringeth forth death The fift reason Eternall life is a thing desired of all men yet none shall be made partakers of it but the true christian and the glorious estate of this life would mooue any man to be a christian First of all they which haue eternall life are freed from all paines sicknesses infirmities hunger thirst cold wearines from all sinne as anger forgetfulnes ignorance from hell death damnation Sathan and from euery thing that causeth miserie according to that of Saint Iohn And God wil wipe away al teares from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow neither crying neither shall there be any more paine for the first things are passed Secondly the faithfull shall be in the presence of Gods maies●ie in heauen there to behold his face that is his glorie as our Sauiour Christ saith Father I will that they which thou hast giuen me be with me euen where I am that they may behold my glorie which thou hast giuen me And Dauid saith In thy presence is fulnesse of ioy and at thy right hand there are pleasures for euermore Thirdly they shall haue such an excellent communion with God that he shall be vnto them all in all For in the ende of the world when the whole number of the elect is accomplished Christ shall present them to his father and as he is Mediatour he shall cease to be a King a Priest a Prophet for though the efficacie of his offices be euerlasting yet the execution of them shall cease as Paul saith Then shall be the ende when he hath deliuered vp the kingdome to God euen the father when he hath put downe all rule all authoritie and power Againe among the elect there shall not be king subiect father mother child master seruāt noble ignoble rich poore liuing dead Some will say what then shall be I answer one glorious and euerlasting God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost shall be in all the elect all that heart can wish and desire Men shall not be in darknes neither shall they need the light of the Sunne Moone or Starres God himselfe immediatly shall be their light as Iohn saith And the citie hath no neede of the Sunne neither of the Moone to shine in it for the glorie of God doth light it and the Lambe is the light of it Men shall not then neede meate drinke cloathing sleepe recreation fire shade respiration or any other such like but God himselfe immediately shall be their life and all things concerning life by Christ. Which Iohn signifieth when he saith that he saw a pure riuer of water of life cleere as chrystall proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lambe there beeing by either side of it the tree of life which bare two manner of fruits and gaue fruit euery moneth And whereas God is continually to be worshipped in heauen they neede no other tabernacle or temple thereunto but God himselfe shall be their temple as Iohn saith I sawe no temple therein for the Lord God almightie and the Lambe are the temple of it Fourthly from this glorious communion which is between God and Christ as he is man and all the Saints which are his members there ariseth an vnspeakable ioy and gladnes wherewith they are filled Dauid saith that Gods children shall be satisfied with the fatnes of his house and that he shal giue them drinke out of the riuers of his pleasures This ioy vndoubtedly is infinite and the saints are not onely replenished with it but they are also swallowed vp of it as with an huge and infinite sea of waters as may appeare in Peter who at the transfiguration of Christ was so rauished out of measure with ioy at the sight of it that he quite forgot himselfe saying to Christ Master it is good beeing here let vs make three Tabernacles one for thee one for Moses and another for Elias Lastly out of this communion ariseth a perfect loue of God whereby the Saints loue God with all their hearts with all their soules and strength and this loue sheweth it selfe in that they are eternally occupied in worshipping God by singing of songs of praise thanksgiuing vnto him Now then seeing the kingdome of heauen is so glorious and none can haue it but the true Christian let all men account the best things in this world as drosse and dung so that they may obtaine Christ and his righteousnes The last reason is the endlesse loue of Iesus Christ shewed in his death and passion Thou art by nature the childe of wrath and vengeance Sathan hath wounded thee with many a deadly wound of sinne thou liest bleeding at the heart and art like to die eternally Thou beeing in this estate there is no man on earth no Saint in heauen no Angel no creature at all is able to helpe thee Christ onely was able he therefore came downe from heauen and became man for this cause to work thy deliuerance Furthermore in the curing of the wound of sinne no hearb no water no plaister no physicke can doe thee any good onely the bodie and blood of Christ is soueraigne for this matter being stieped in the wrath of God He therefore subiected himselfe to the death euen the death of the crosse vpon which he suffered the wrath of God due to the sin of man●ind of his owne heart blood he tempered for them a soueraigne medicine to heale all thy woundes and sores Nowe therefore despise not this mercie seeke vnto Christ lay open all thy sores pray him that hee would vouchsafe thee if it be but one drop of his blood thē he wil come vnto thee by his holy spirit he will wash and supple thy woundes in his blood and bind them vp He is the tree of life the leaues whereof heale the nations If thou get but one leafe of him thou art well it will heale thee and restore thy dead soule that thou maist liue eternally in the kingdome of heauen If this reason will not mooue thee to be a Christian thy case is desperate It is the best reason that Peter could vse to this purpose As obedient children saith hee fashion not your selues vnto the former lusts of your ignorance but as he which hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all maner of conuersation His reason followeth Knowing that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as siluer and gold from your vaine conuersation receiued by the tradition of the Fathers but with the precious blood of Christ as a Lambe vndefiled and without spot Thus much haue I spoken to the worldling who in his heart makes no more account of Christ then of his old shooes and who had rather bee without Christ then be without his pigges with the Gaderens Nowe for the true Christians I haue
Had not these men so yea I warrant you had they And the want of loue which you deeme of the Gospell of Christ knoweth not that a man should begin at himselfe and then descend I wot not by what steps Loue seeketh not her owne profit but maketh a man to forget himselfe and turne his profit to another man as Christ sought not himselfe or his owne profite but ours This tearme my selfe is not in the gospell neither yet father mother sister brother kinsman that one should in loue bee preferred before another The loue that springeth out of Christ excludeth no man neither putteth difference betweene one another In Christ we are all of one degree without respect of persons Notwithstanding though a Christian mans heart be open to all men● and receiueth all men yet because his abilitie of goods extendeth not so farre this prouision is made that euery man should care for his owne houshold● as father mother thine elders that haue holpen thee wife children and seruants When a man hath done his dutie to his houshold and yet hath further aboundance of the blessing of God that he oweth to the poore that cannot labour and cannot get work yet are destitute of friends to the poore I meane which he knoweth and to them of his owne parish For that prouision ought to be had in the Church that euery parish prouide for the poore If his neighbours which he knoweth be serued then is he a debter to the brethren a thousand miles off if he heare of their necessitie and haue himselfe any plentie yea to the very Infidels he is a debter if they neede ●s farre foorth as he doeth not maintaine them against Christ. Thus is euery man that needeth my helpe my father mother sister and brother in Christ euen as euery man that doth the will of the father is father mother sister and brother vnto Christ. Timoth. Now ye somewhat perswade me of that which me thought at the first blush was against common sense Euseb. By Gods grace I will perswade you more yet Howe if our Sauiour Christ Iesus should now dwell vpon the earth in pouertie and want coulde not you be contented to bestowe halfe your goods on him Timoth. Halfe my goods Nay truely all and my heart blood for I know if I should loose my li●e for him I should saue it Euseb. Very wel Christ is al in al. Euery Christian man to another is Christ himselfe and whatsoeuer is done to the poore is done to Christ himselfe and therefore your neighbours neede hath as good right in your goods as hath Christ himselfe which is heire and Lord ouer all And looke what you owe to Christ that you owe to your neighbours neede to your neighbour owe you your heart and life and whatsoeuer you haue or can doe Timoth. We need not giue our reliefe except the poore require it Euseb. Aske or not if they want you are bound to releiue them As Christ loued you so loue them Christ loued you being his enemie when I am sure of it you neuer asked remission of sinnes Timoth. We neede not releeue them often neede we Euseb. Yes as long as you are able and as oft as they want If Christ should forgiue vs but once we should come short of heauen Timoth. The world is full of naughtines and lewd people take pleasure in doing wrong and in slandering in hindering their brethren how can you liue among them in quietnes doe you vse to giue like for like Euseb. No you must vnderstand that there be two states or regiments in the world the kingdome of heauen which is the regiment of the gospell and the regiment of the worlde which is the temporall kingdome In the first state there is neither father nor mother neither master mistresse maid nor seruant nor husband nor wife nor Lord nor subiect nor inferiour but Christ is all each to other is Christ himselfe there is none better then ot●er but al alike good all brethren and Christ only is Lord ouer all neither is their any other thing to doe or other lawe saue to loue one an other as Christ loued vs in the temporall regiment is husband wife father mother sonne daughter mistris maid manseruant subiect Lord Nowe euery person is a double person and vnder two regiments In the first regiment I am a person of mine owne selfe vnder Christ and his doctrine and may neither hate nor be angrie and much lesse fight or reuenge but must after the example of Christ humble my selfe forsake and denie my selfe and hate my selfe and cast my selfe away and bee meeke and patient and let euery man goe ouer me and tread me vnder foote and doe me wronge and yet I am to loue them and pray for them as Christ did for his crucifiers for loue is all and whatsoeuer is not of loue is damnable and cast forth of that kingdome In the temporall regiment thou art a person in respect of another thou art husband father mother daughter wife Lord subiect and there thou must doe according to thine office If thou be a father thou must doe the office of a father and rule or else thou damnest thy selfe thou must bring all vnder obedience whether by faire meanes or by foule thou must haue obedience of thy wife of thy seruants and of thy subiects if they will not obey in loue thou must chide fight and correct as farre as the lawe of God and the lawe of the land will suffer thee Nowe to the purpose whether a man may resist violence and defend or reuenge himselfe I say nay in the first state where thou art a person for thy selfe alone and Christs Disciple there thou must loue and of loue doe studie and enforce yea and suffer all things as Christ did to make peace that the blessing of God may come vpon thee which saith Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be the children of God If thou suffer and keep peace in thy selfe onely thy blessing is the possession of this world but if thou so loue the peace of thy brother that thou leaue nothing vndone or vnsuffered to further it thou shalt possesse heauen But in this worldly state where thou art no priuate man but a person in respect of other thou must and art bound vnder paine of damnation to execute thine office Of thy seruants thou must exact obedience and must not suffer thy selfe to be despised If thou art a ruler thou must take imprison and sley too not of malice and hate to reuenge thy selfe but to defend thy subiects and to maintaine thine office the ruler must not oppresse his subiects with rents fines and customes at all neither pill them with taxes and such like to maintaine his own lusts but be louing and kinde vnto them as Christ was to him for they be the price of his blood I will shewe my minde more plainely by one example You are in your fathers house among your brethren and
body They obiect that God is omnipotent True indeede but there bee some things the doing of which agreeth not with Gods power as to make contradicentia things contradictorie to be both true of which sort these are For that Christs bodie is a true bodie and that it is in many places at once are flatte contrarie beccause as hath bin shewed it is essential to all magnitudes to be in one place and therefore to a bodie And God cannot take away that which is essentiall to a thing the essence remaining whole 2. Againe transubstantiation maketh the Accidents of bread and wine to remaine without the substance Here also is another contradiction as impossible as the former for it is a common saying in schooles Accident is esse est inesse It is of the essence of an Accident to bee in the substance Now therefore if the Accidents bee there is also the bread and wine and if there bee no substance of bread or wine neither can there be any accidents 3. It holdeth that bread is turned into the bodie of Christ and therfore it must needs holde that Christs bodie is made of bakers bread and yet it holdeth and teacheth that Christs bodie is onely made of the seede of Marie quite ouerthrowing the former Transubstantiation V. It teacheth that a man must alwaies doubt of his saluation and likewise it teacheth that in praying we are to cal GOD father which are things quite contrarie For who can truly call GOD father vnlesse hee haue the spirit of adoption and be assured that he is the child of God For if a man shall call god father yet in his heart doubt whether he be his father or not he playeth the dissembling hypocrite wherefore to doubt of saluation and to say Our father c. in truth are contrarie VI. The Church of Rome maketh praier to bee one of the chiefe meanes to satisfie for sinnes But praier indeede is an asking of pardon for sinne Now asking of pardon satisfaction for sinne are contrarie therfore by the iudgement of the Papists praier which is a satisfaction is no satisfactiō And indeed let vs consider what madnes is contained in this popish diuinitie the poore begger commeth very hungrie to the rich mans doore to craue his almes and straightwaies by his begging he will merit and deserue it The same doeth the papist he prayeth verie poorely for the thing which he wanteth yet he looketh very proudly to merit no lesse then the kingdome of heauen by it VII Doubting of saluation hope cannot agree together for hope maketh a man not to be ashamed that is it neuer disappointeth him of the thing which he looketh for And therefore it is called the anchor of the soule both sure and steadfast which entereth into that which is within the vaile So that true hope and the certaine assurance of saluation goe togither VIII True praier and iustification by works cannot stand togither For hee which prayeth truly must be touched inwardly with a liuely feeling of his owne miserie and of the want of that grace whereof he standes in neede Now this cannot be in the heart of that man that looketh to merit the kingdome of heauen by his workes for he that can doe this may iustly conceiue somewhat of his owne excellencie IX Papists teach that it is great boldnes to come immediately vnto God without the intercession of Saints and therefore they vse to pray to Marie that shee would pray to Christ to helpe them yet on the contrarie when they haue so done they pray to God immediatly that he would receiue the intercession of Marie for them And thus they are become intercessors betweene Marie and God Yea when they offer vp Christ praying God to accept their gifts and sacrifices the humble priest that wil not pray to God but by the mediation of Saints is then a mediator between Christ Iesus God the father X. It holdeth that in the masse the Priest offereth vp Christ to his father an vnbloodie sacrifice This is a thing impossible for if Christ in the masse be sacrificed for sin then he must die his blood must be shed Heb. 9.22 And in the Scriptures these two sayings Christ is dead Christ is offered vp in Sacrifice are all one So then the Papist when he supposeth that there may be an vnbloodie sacrifice in effect he saith thus much There is a sacrifice which is no sacrifice And it is not possible that a bloodie sacrifice should be offered in an vnbloodie manner XI In the Canon of the masse the Church of Rome praieth on this wise We humbly beseech thee most merciful father by Iesus Christ thy sonne and our Lord that that thou wouldest accept these gifts and oblations and these holy Sacrifices which thy Church offer to thee c. where first they offer vp Christ to God the father in the name of Christ and so they make Christ to be his owne mediatour Againe they desire God to blesse and to accept his own sonne for they offer vp Christ. If they say he needeth now the blessing of his father they make Christ a weake and imperfect Christ if he need not the blessing of his father their praier is needelesse Also they desire God to accept not one gift or one sacrifice but in the plurall number these gifts and sacrifices whereas they hold that Christs bodie is one only bodie and therefore but one sacrifice And thus they are at variance with themselues XII Papists in word they say that they beleeue put thei● trust in God yet whereas they looke to be saued by their workes they set the confidence of their hearts in truth vpon their owne doings XIII They put such holines in matrimonie that they make it one of their 7. Sacraments which conferre grace to the partakers of them yet they forbid their Cleargie to marrie because to liue in marriage is to liue according to the flesh and the Councell of Trent opposeth marriage and chastitie XIV It teacheth that soules kept in purgatorie may be redeemed by Sacrifices and Suffrages Against this is a Canon of their lawe taken out of Saint Hierome we know that in this life we may help one another either by praiers or by good counsell but when we shall come before the iudgement seate of Christ neither Iob nor Daniel nor Noe may intreat for any but euery mā is to beare his own burthen And according to another Canon going vnder the name of Gelasius Bishop of Rome Either there is no Purgatorie or the soules which goe thither shall neuer returne XV. And to conclude the most points of their religion are contrarie to their Canons as by searching may appeare in these examples 1 The dead cannot heare the praiers of them which call vpon him 2 Peter and Paul were two of the chiefe Apostles and it is hard to say which was aboue the other 3 Leo the fourth
law Sathan Be it so for all this thou art farre enough from the kingdome of heauen into which no vncleane thing shall euer enter then although that Christ hath suffered death and fulfilled the law for thee yet thou art in part vncleane thy cursed nature and the seedes of sinne are yet remaining in thee Christian. Christ in the virgins wombe was perfectly sanctified by the holy Ghost and this perfect holines of his humane nature is imputed to me euen as Iaacob put on Esaus garments to get his fathers blessing so I haue put on the righteousnes of Christ as a long white robe couering my sinnes and making me appeare perfectly righteous euen before Gods iudgement seate Sathan Indeede God hath made promise vnto mankinde of all these mercies and benefites in Christ but the condition of this promise is faith which thou wantest and therefore canst not make any account that Christs sufferings Christs fulfilling the law Christs perfect holinesse can doe thee any good Christian. I haue true sauing faith The conflicts of Sathan with the strong Christian. Sathan THou saiest that thou hast true faith but I shall sift thee and disprooue thee Christian. The gates of hell shall neuer preuaile against my faith doe what thou canst Sathan Tell me then doest thou thinke that all the world shall be saued Christian. No. Sathan What shall some be saued and some condemned Christian. So saith the word of God Sathan Thou then art perswaded that God is true euen in his merciful promises and that he will saue some men as Peter and Paul and Dauid c. and this is the onely beleefe by which thou wilt be saued Christian. Nay this I beleeue and more too that I particularly am in the number of those men which shall be saued by the merit of Christs death and passion and this is the beleefe that saueth me Sathan It may be thou art perswaded that God is able to saue thee but that God will saue thee that is that he hath determined to aduance this thy bodie and this thy soule into his kingdome and that he is most willing to performe it in his good time herein thou wauerest and doubtest Christian. Nay Sathan I in mine owne heart am fully perswaded that I shall be saued and that Christ is specially my redeemer and O Lord for Christs sake helpe thou my doubting and vnbeleefe Sathan This thy full perswasion is onely a phantasie and a strong imagination of thine owne head it goeth not with thee as thou thinkest Christian. It is no imagination but truth which I speake For me thinkes I am as certen of my saluation as though my name were registred in the Scriptures as Dauids and Pauls are to be an elect vessell of God and this is the testimonie of the holy spirit of Iesus Christ assuring me inwardly of my adoption and making me with boldnes and confidence in Christ to pray vnto god the Father Sathan Still thou dreamest and imaginest thou louest and likest thy selfe and therefore thou thinkest the best of thy selfe Christian. Yea but God of his goodnesse hath brought forth such tokens of faith in me that I cannot be deceiued I. I am displeased with my selfe for my manifold sinnes in which somtime I haue delighted and bathed my selfe Rom. 7.15.24 II. I purpose neuer to commit them againe if God giue me strength as I trust he will III. I haue a very great desire to be doing those things which God commandeth IV. Those that be the children of God if I doe but heare of them I loue them with my heart and wish vnto them as to my selfe 1. Ioh. 3.14 V. My heart leapeth for gladnesse when I heare of the preaching of the word VI. I long to see the comming of Christ Iesus that an end may be made of sinning and of displeasing God Apoc. 22.70 VII I feele in my heart the fruits of the spirit ioy loue peace gentlenes meeknes patience temperance the works of the flesh I abhorre them fornication adulterie vncleannes wantonnes idolatry strife enuie anger drunkennes bibbing and quaffing and all such like Gal. 5. 19,20,22 All these cannot proceede from thee Sathan or from my flesh but onely from faith which is wrought in me by Gods holy spirit Sathan If this were so God would neuer suffer thee to sinne as thou doest Christian. I shall sinne as long as I liue in this world I am sure of it because I am taught to aske remission of my sinnes continually But the manner of my sinning now is otherwaies then it hath beene in times past I haue sinned heretofore with full purpose and consent of will but now doubtles I doe not Before I commit any sinne I doe not goe to the practising of it with deliberation as the carnall man doth who taketh care to fulfill the lusts of the flesh but if I doe it it is flat beside my minde and purpose in the doing of any sinne I would not doe it my heart is against it and I hate it and yet by the tyrannie of my flesh being ouercome I doe it afterward when it is committed I am grieued and displeased at my selfe and doe earnestly with teares aske at Gods hand forgiuenes of the same sinne Sathan Indeede this is very true in the children of God but thou art solde vnder sinne and with great pleasure doest commit sinne and louest it with thy whole heart otherwise thou wouldest not fall to sinne againe after repentance and commit euen one and the same sinne so often as thou doest Thou hypocrite this thy behauiour turneth all the fauour of God from thee Christian. Indeed it is dangerous to fall againe into the same sinne after repentance yet it is the order of the Prophets to call men to repentance which haue fallen from the feare of God and from the repentance which they professed and God in thus calling them putteth them in hope of obtaining mercie And the law had sacrifices offered euery day for the sinnes of all the people and for particular men both for their ignorances and their voluntary sins which signifieth that God is readie to forgiue the sinnes of his childrē though they sinne often Abraham twise lied and swore that Sara was not his wife Ioseph sware twise by the life of Pharao Dauid committed adulterie often because he tooke vnto him Bathsheba Vriahs wife and also kept sixe wiues and ten concubines Gods will is that men forgiue till seuentie seuen times and therefore he will haue much more mercie And for my part so oft as I shal fall into the same sinne so oft I shall haue Christ my aduocate and intercessour to the Father for me who will not damne me for the infirmitie which he findeth in me I will abstaine from externall iniquitie and I will not make my members seruants vnto sinne and so long I trust my imperfections shall haue no power to damne me for Christs perfection is reputed to be mine by
law of God and the hatred of sinne For that which is spoken chiefly of Christ Thou hast loued righteousnesse and hated iniquitie is to be vnderstood of all the members of Christ endued with his spirit because it is truly accomplished in them Hence it is that Dauid who in himselfe did represent the disposition of all the regenerate saide of himselfe I haue loued thy law thy law is in the middle of my heart I haue hated all the workers of iniquitie I will not sitte with the wicked Also Paul I am delighted saith he in the law of God according to the inner man that is in as much as I am borne anewe And no man doubteth but that both these affections are the effects of predestinatiō except he be ignorant that all these are the gifts of God which as in time he bestoweth on his so also he hath decreed to bestow them on them before the foundation of the world And from these two affections beeing the first fruits of regenerati●n ariseth a care and endeauour to doe good workes that is to flie sinne and to fulfill the law of God which is the seauenth effect of predestination For he which hateth any thing from his heart he taketh heede of it as much as he can and he fleeth from it and escheweth it and on the contrarie he which loueth any thing from his heart that also he seeketh after and endeauoureth himselfe to the compassing of it Therefore the Apostle Iohn maketh this a chiefe difference betweene the sonnes of God and the children of the deuill that is betweene them that are borne anew and them that are not borne anew that the children of God both loue and doe righteousnesse and the children of the deuill loue sinne and doe it as also the deuill sinned from the beginning and Christ came to dissolue the workes of the deuill namely in his elect for in the reprobate he leaueth them vntouched because they are not giuen him of the father to be purged borne anew and saued Therefore seeing Christ was before ordained and predestinate to the doing of all these workes and that there is no good wrought in vs which was not prouided for vs in Christ from all eternitie it is a cleare case that the care also of doing good workes is an effect of predestination And the Apostle plainely teacheth it when he saith that we were created in Christ to good workes which God hath prepared that we might walke in them To this purpose serueth that which the Apostle deliuereth of loue vnfained to which he sheweth that we were elect and of a good conscience which he makes the inseparable companion of the faith of the elect Lastly of a pure heart which he ascribeth to the elect considering the vnfaithful haue nothing cleane in them and that their minde and conscience is defiled Now that this care to doe good workes is necessarie in all the elect Peter sheweth it when he bids vs endeauour to make our election and calling sure by good workes as some copies haue it But to whom shall we make it sure not vnto God for it was sure vnto him before the foundation of the world but vnto our selues and to our neighbours And this is one of the chiefest vses of good workes that by them not as by causes but as by effects of predestination and faith both we and also our neighbours are certified of our election and of our saluation too Furthermore considering whiles we haue a care to glorifie God to doe good works and we will not be conformable to the world in the wickednes of it neither submit our selues to our flesh and Sathan the flesh the world and Sathan doe perpetually warre against vs and therewithall it commeth to passe they beeing most valiant enemies that either we are ouercome or at the least in fight are foiled And therfore we are constrained to flie vnto the Lord and to craue his assistance therefore the eight effect of our predestination is the calling vpon God that in this fight he would giue vs ayd against the Deuill the world and the flesh For this is the propertie of the spirit which the elect haue to stir them vp to praier for the spirit it selfe maketh request for vs with gronings that cannot be vttered that is to say it mooueth vs to make request And because we are sonnes God hath sent the Spirit of his sonne into our hearts crying Abba Father And God biddeth vs cal vpon him in the day of tribulation promising to heare vs. From these proceedeth the ninth effect of predestination namely a perpetuall repentance for our daily slippes and a continuall desire to be bettered in godlinesse So that also for this cause chiefly we heartily desire to be dissolued out of this world and to be with Christ for this end that we might sinne no more For this is a thing proper to the elect of God euen now borne anew as we may see in the Apostle who speaketh thus in the name of all the regenerate O miserable man that I am who shall deliuer me from the bodie of this death And again I desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ. From this ninth effect proceedeth the tenth namely a desire that Christ may come and make an end of all our miseries and sinnes and perfectly restore his owne kingdome That this is proper to the elect the Apostle sheweth when he saith that they loue the comming of the Lord and Iohn bringeth in the spouse of Christ crying Come Lord Iesus come quickly Yea and Christ himselfe hath taught vs to pray Let thy kingdome come And because that they which pray on this wise are also heard according to Gods promise In the day of tribulation call vpon me and I will heare thee hence appeareth the eleuenth effect of Predestination true patience that is not onely true comfort but also a reioycing in aduersitie as the Apostle describeth it And therefore a certaine taking vp of courage and recouerie of strength against his enemies whereby it commeth to passe that all things turne to the saluation of the elect For the elect albeit they be often beaten downe in fight yet because Christ speedily sendeth ayd from heauen vnto them they rise vp couragiously and begin againe the fight against sinne and the deuill and all other the enemies of Christ and they fight so long till they be made conquerours and are assured of the victorie and of the crowne which assurance also is an effect of Predestination giuen to all the elect For what saith the Apostle shall we say to these things If God be on our side who can be against vs Therefor● our Lord Iesus teacheth that the elect can not be seduced and so perish no not by the cunning of Antichrist and his miracles And lastly hence appeareth that last effect of Predestination which we can obtaine in this life the gift of perseuerance vnto
falshood I will make manifest by sundrie reasons and then answer their arguments to the contrarie Our reasons The first shall bee taken from the properties and conditions that must bee in a worke meritorious and they are foure I. A man must doe it of himselfe and by himselfe for if it be done by another the merit doeth not properly belong to the doer II. A man must doe it of his owne freewill and pleasure not of due debt for when wee doe that which wee are bound to doe wee doe no more but our dutie III. The worke must bee done to the profit of another who thereupon must be bound to repay the like IV. The reward and the work must be in proportion equall for if the reward be more then the work it is not a reward of desert but a gift of good will Hence followes a notable conclusion That Christs manhood considered a part from his Godhead cannot merit at Gods hand● though it be more excellent euery way then all both men and angels For beeing thus considered it doth nothing of it selfe but by grace receiued from the godhead though it also be without measure Secondly Christs manhood is a creature and in that regard bound to doe whatsoeuer it doth Thirdly Christ as man cannot giue any thing to God but that which hee receiued from God therfore cānot the manhood properly by it selfe merit but onely as it is personally vnited vnto the godhead of the Sonne And if this bee so then much lesse can any meere man or any angell merit yea it is a madnes to thinke that either our actions or persons should be capable of any merit whereby we might attaine to life eternall Reason II. Exod. 20. ● And shew mercie vpon thousands in them that loue me and keepe my commandements Hence I reason thus where reward is giuen vpon mercie there is no merit but reward is giuen of mercie to them that fulfill the law therefore no merit What can we any way deserue when our full recompence must be of mercie And this appeares further by Adam if he had stood to this day he could not by his continuall and perfect obedience haue procured a further increase of fauour at Gods hand but should onely haue continued that happie estate in which he was first created Reason III. Scripture directly condemneth merit of workes Rom. 6.23 The wages of sinne is death but the gift of God is eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord. The proportion of the argument required that S. Paul should haue said The reward of good works is eternall life if life euerlasting could be deserued which cannot because it is a free gift Againe Tit. 3.5 We are saued not by workes of righteousnes which we haue done but according to his mercie he saued vs. And Eph. 2.8 10. By grace you are faued through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God not of workes which God hath prepared that we should walke in them If any works be crowned it is certen that the sufferings of Martyrs shall be rewarded now of them Paul saith Rom. 8.18 The sufferings of this life are not worthie of the glorie to come Where then is the value and dignitie of other works To this purpose Ambr. saith The iust man though he be tormented in the brasen bull is still iust because he iustifieth God and saith he suffereth lesse then his sinnes deserue Reason IV. Whosoeuer will merit must fulfill the whole law but none can keepe the whole law For if we say we haue no sinne we deceiue our selues 1. Ioh. 1. And he that sinnes against one commandement is guiltie of the whole law And what can he merit that is guiltie of the breach of the whole law Reason V. We are taught to pray on this manner Giue vs this day our daily bread wherein we acknowledge euery morsell of bread to be the meere gift of God without desert and therefore must we much more acknowledge life eternall to be euery way the gift of God It must needes therefore be a satanicall insolencie for any man to imagine that he can by his workes merit eternal life who can not merit bread Reason VI. Consent of the auncient Church Bernard Those which we call our merits are the way to the kingdome and not the cause of raigning August Manuali chap. 22. All my hope is in the death of my Lord. His death is my merit my merit is the passion of the Lord. I shall not be void of merits so long as Gods mercies are not wanting Basil on Psal. 114. Eternall rest is reserued for them which haue striuen lawfully in this life not for the merits of their doings but vpon the grace of the most bountifull God in which they trusted August on Psal. 120. He crowneth thee because he crowneth his owne gifts not thy merits And Psal. 142. Lord thou wilt quicken me in thy iustice not in mine not because I deserued it but because thou hast compassion Obiections of Papists Obiect I. In sundrie places of Scripture promise of reward is made to them that beleeue and doe good workes therefore our workes doe merit for a reward and merit be relatiues Answ. Reward is two-fold of debt and of mercie Life euerlasting is not a reward of debt but of mercie giuen of the good will of God without any thing done of man Secondly the kingdome of heauen is properly an inheritance giuen of a father to a child and therefore it is called a reward not properly but by a figure or by resemblance For as a workeman hauing ended his labour receiueth his wages so after men haue lead their liues and finished their course in keeping faith good conscience as dutiful children God giueth them eternall life And hereupon it is tearmed a reward Thirdly if I should graunt that life euerlasting is a deserued reward it is not for our works but for Christs merit imputed to vs causing vs thereby to merit and thus the relation stands directly betweene the Reward and Christs Merit applied vnto vs. Ob. II. Christ by his death merited that our works should merit life euerlasting Ans. That is false all we finde in Scripture is that Christ by his merit procured pardon of sinne imputation of righteousnes life euerlasting it is no where saide in the word of God that Christ did merit that our workes should merit it is a dotage of their owne deuifing He died not for our good works to make them able to satisfie Gods anger but for our sinnes that they might be pardoned Thus much saith the Scripture and no more And in that Christ did sufficiently merit life eternall for vs by his own death it is a sufficient proofe that he neuer intended to giue vs power of meriting the same vnles we suppose that at some time he giues more then is needfull Again Christ in the office of mediation as he is a king Priest and prophet admitteth no deputie or fellow For
sentence of damnation against vnbeleeuers and reprobates Q. What state shall the godly be in after the day of iudgement A. They shall continue for euer in the highest heauen in the presence of God hauing fellowship with Christ Iesus and raigning with him for euer Q. What state shall the wicked be in after the day of iudgement A. In eternall perdition and destruction in hell fire Q. What is that A. It stands in three things especially first a perpetuall separation ●rom Gods comfortable presence 2. fellowship with the deuill and his angels 3. an horrible pang and torment both of bodie and soule arising of the feeling of the whole wrath of God powred forth on the wicked for euer world without ende and if the paine of one tooth for one day be so great endelesse shall be the paine of the whole man bodie and soule for euer and euer FINIS A GRAINE of Musterd-seede OR The least measure of grace that is or can be effectuall to saluation Printed for Ralph Iackson 1600. TO THE RIHGT HONOVrable and vertuous Ladie the Ladie Margaret Countesse of Cumberland Grace and peace RIght Honourable the kingdome of heauen of which the Scripture speaketh so oft is properly a certaine state or cōdition wherby we stand in the fauour and loue of God in and by Christ. And this kingdome is compared to a graine of Musterd-seede to teach vs that a man is euen at that instant alreadie entered into the kingdome of heauen when the Lord that good husband-man hath cast but some little portion of faith or repentance into the ground of the heart yea though it be but as one graine of musterd-seed Of this little graine I haue penned this little treatise in quantitie answerable thereto and now I present the same to your La●●ship not to supplie your want for I hope you are stored with more graines of this kinde but to performe some dutie on my part Hoping therefore that your Ladiship will read and accept the same I take my leaue commending you to the blessing and protection of the Almightie Your H. to command William Perkins A Graine of Musterd-seede or the least measure of grace that is or can be effectuall to saluation IT is a very necessarie point to be knowne what is the least measure of grace that can befall the true child of God lesser thē which there is no grace effectuall to saluation For first of all the right vnderstanding of this is the very foundation of true comfort vnto all troubled and touched consciences Secondly it is a notable meanes to stirre vp thankfulnes in them that haue any grace at all when they shall in examination of themselues consider that they haue receiued of God the least measure of grace or more Thirdly it will be an inducement and a ●purre to many carelesse and vnrepentant persons to imbrace the Gospel and to beginne repentance for their sinnes when they shall perceiue and that by the word of God that God accepts the very seeds and rudiments of faith and repentance at the first though they be but in measure as a graine of musterd-seede Now then for the opening and clearing of this point I will set downe sixe seuerall conclusions in such order as one shall confirme and explaine the other and one depend vpon the other I. Conclusion A man that doth but begin to be conuerted is euen at that instant the very child of God though inwardly he be more carnall then spirituall The Exposition IN a man there must be considered three things the substance of the bodie and soule whereof a man is said to consist the faculties placed in the soule and exercised in the bodie as vnderstanding will affections the integritie and puritie of the faculties wherby they are conformable to the will of God and beare his Image And since the fall of Adam man is not depriued of his substance or of the powers and faculties of his soule but onely of the third which is the puritie of nature and therefore the conuersion of a sinner whereof the conclusion speaketh is not the change of the substance of man or the faculties of the soule but a renewing and restoring of that puritie and holinesse which was lost by mans fall with the abolishment of that naturall corruption that is in all the powers of the soule This is the worke of God and of God alone and that on this manner First of all when it pleaseth God to worke a chaunge in any he doth it not first in one part then in an other as hee that repaires a decaied house by peece-meale but the worke both for the beginning continuance and accomplishment is the whole man and euery part at once specially in the minde and conscience will and affection as on the contrary when Adam lost the image of God he lost it in euery part Secondly the conuersion of a sinner is not wrought all at one instant but in continuance of time and that by certaine measures and degrees And a man is in the first degree of his conuersiō when the holy ghost by the means of the word inspires him with some spirituall motions and begins to regenerate and renewe the inward powers of the soule And he may in this case very fitly be cōpared to the night in the first dawning of the day in which though the darknesse remaine and be more in quantitie then the light yet the Sunne hath alreadie cast some beames of light into the aire whereupon we tearme it the breaking of the daie Nowe then the very point which I touch is that a man at this instant and in this very state God as yet hauing but laid certaine beginnings of true conuersion in his heart is the very child of God and that not onely in the eternall purpose of God as all the elect are but indeede by actuall adoption and this is plaine by a manifest reason There bee foure speciall workes of grace in euery childe of God his vnion with Christ his adoption iustification and conuersion and these foure are wrought all at one instant so as for order of time neither goes before nor after other and yet in regard of order of nature vnion with Christ Iustification and adoption goe before the inward conuersion of a sinner it beeing the fruite and effect of thē all Vpon this it followeth necessarily that a sinner in the very first act of his conuersion is iustified adopted and incorporated into the 〈◊〉 ca●● body of Christ. In the parable of the prodigall sonne the father with ioy receiues his wicked child but when● surely when he sawe him comming a farre off and when as yet he had made no confession or humiliation to his father but onely had conceiued with himselfe a purpose to returne and to say Father I haue sinned against heauen and against thee c. And Paul saieth of many of the Corinthians that he could not speake vnto them as spirituall men but as carnall euen babes in
Christ. 1. Cor. 3.1 II. Conclusion The first material beginnings of the conuersion of a sinner or the smallest measure of renewing grace haue the promises of this life and the life to come The exposition THE beginnings of conuersion must bee distinguished some are beginnings of preparations some beginnings of composition Beginnings of preparation are such as bring vnder tame and subdue the stubburnenesse of mans nature without making any change at all of this sort are the accusations of the conscience by the ministerie of the lawe feares and terrors arising thence cōpunction of heart which is the apprehension of gods anger against sin Now these and the like I exclude in the conclusion for though they goe before to prepare a sinner to his conuersion following● yet are they no graces of God but fruites of the law that is the ministerie of death of an accusing conscience Beginnings of composition I tearme all those inwarde motions and inclinations of Gods spirit that follow after the worke of the law vpon the conscience and rise vpon the meditation of the Gospel that promiseth righteousnes and life euerlasting by Christ out of which motions the conuersion of a sinner ariseth and of this it consisteth what these are it shall afterward appeare Againe grace must be distinguished it is twofold restraining grace or renuing grace Restraining grace I tearme certaine common giftes of God seruing onely to order and frame the outward conuersation of men to the lawe of God or seruing to berea●e men of excuse in the daie of iudgement By this kind of grace heathen men haue beene liberall iust sober valiant By it men liuing in the Church of God haue beene inlightened and hauing tasted of the good worde of God haue reioyced therein and for a time outwardly conformed themselues thereto renewing grace is not common to al men but proper to the elect and it is a gift of Gods spirit whereby the corruption of sinne is not onely restrained but also mortified and the decaied Image of God restored Now then the conclusion must onely be vnderstood of the second and not of the first for though a man haue neuer so much of this restraining grace yet vnlesse he haue the spirit of Christ to create faith in the heart and to sanctifie him he is as farre from saluation as any other Now then the sense and meaning of the conclusion is that the very least meanes of sauing grace and the very beginnings or seedes of regeneration doe declare and after a sort giue title to men of all the mercifull promises of God whether they concerne this life or the life to come and therefore are approoued of God if they be in trueth and accepted as greater measures of grace That which our Sauiour Christ saieth of the worke of miracles ●f you haue faith as a graine of Musterd seede ye shall say vnto this mountaine remooue hence to yonder place and it shall remooue must by the lawe of equall proportion be applyed to faith repentance the feare of God and all other graces if they bee truely wrought in the heart though they bee but as small as one little graine of musterd-seede they shall be sufficiently effectuall to bring forth good workes for which they were ordained The Prophet Esay 42.3 saith that Christ shall not quench the smoaking flaxe nor breake the bruised reede Let the comparison be marked fire in flaxe must be both little and weake in quantitie as a sparke or twaine that cannot cause a flame but onely a smoake specially in a matter ●o easie to burne Here then is signified that the gifts and graces of Gods spirit that are both for measure and strength as a sparke or twaine of fire shall not be neglected but rather accepted and cherished by Christ. When our Sauiour Christ heard the young man make a confession of a practise but of outward and ciuill righteousnes he looked vpon him and loued him and when he heard the Scribe to speake discreetely but one good speach that to lou● God with all his heart is aboue all sacrifices he said vnto him That he was not farre from the kingdome of heauen Therefore no doubt hee will loue with a more special loue and accept as the good subiects of his kingdome those that haue receiued a further mercie of God to be borne anew of water and of the spirit III. Conclusion A constant and earnest desire to be reconciled to God to beleeue and to repent if it be in a touched heart is in acceptation with God as reconciliation faith repentance it selfe The Exposition LVst or desire is twofold naturall and supernaturall Naturall is that whose beginning and obiect is in nature that is which ariseth of the naturall will of man and anecteth such things as are thought to be good according to the light of nature And this kind of desire hath his degrees yet so as they are all limited within the compasse of nature Some desire riches honours pleasures some learning and knowledge because it is the light and perfection of the minde some goe further and seeke after the vertues of iustice temperance liberalitie c. and thus many heathen men haue excelled Some againe desire true happinesse as Balaam did who wished to die the death of the righteous because it is the propertie of nature to seeke the preseruation of it selfe But here nature staies it selfe for where the minde reueales not the will affects not Supernaturall desires are such as both for their beginning and obiect are aboue nature for their beginning is from the holy Ghost and the obiect or matter about which they are conuersant are things diuine and spirituall which concerne the kingdome of heauen and of this kind are the desires of which I speake in this place Againe that we may not be deceiued in our desires but may the better discerne them from flittering fleeting motions I adde three restraints First of all the desire of reconciliation the desire to beleeue or the desire to repent c. must be constant and haue continuance otherwise it may iustly be suspected Secondly it must be earnest and serious though not alwaies yet at sometimes that we may be able to say with Dauid My soule desireth after thee O Lord as the thirstie lād And as the heart braieth after the riuers of water so panteth my soule after thee O God my soule thirsteth for God euen the liuing god Thirdly it must be in a touched heart for when a man is touched in conscience the heart is cast down and as much as it can it withdrawes it selfe from God For this cause if then there be any spirituall motions whereby the heart is lift vp vnto God they are without doubt from the spirit of God Thus then I auouch that the desire of reconciliation with God in Christ is reconciliation it selfe the desire to beleeue is faith indeede and the desire to repent repentance it selfe But marke how A desire to be reconciled is not
Act. 1. 13. a Ezech 16.6 When I passed by thee I saw thee polluted in thine owne blood and I said vnto thee when thou wast in thy blood thou shalt liue Esai 55.1 H● euery one that thirsteth come ye to the waters and ye that haue no siluer come buie and eate come● I say and buie wine and milke without siluer and without money Ioh. 1.12 As many as receiued him to them he gaue this priuiledge that they should become the sonnes of God namely to them which beleeued in his name b Rom. 7.7 I knew not sinne but by the Law for I had not knowne lust except the Law had said Thou shalt not lust c 1. Ioh. 2.27 But the annointing which ye receiued of him dwelleth in you and ye neede not that any man teach you but as the same annointing teacheth you of all things and is true and is not lying and as it is taught you ye shall abide in him d Act. 16.14 A certaine woman named Lydia a seller of purple of the citie of the T●yatirians a worshipper of God heard vs whose heart God opened that shee attended to the things that Paul spake Psal● 40. v. 6. Thou art not delighted with sacrifice and burnt offerings but mine eares hast thou opened Ioh. 6.44 No man can come vnto me except the Father which hath sent me draw him and I will raise him vp at the last day Esai 54.6 The Lord hath called thee beeing as a woman forsaken and as a young wife when thou wast refused saith the Lord. a 1. Cor. 15.18 If Christ be not raised they which are asleepe in Christ are perished Act. 7.60 When he had thus spoken he slept b 1. Cor. 15 3● O foole that which thou sowest is not quickned except it die c Reu. 21.27 There shal enter into it none vnclean thing neither whatsoeuer worketh abomination or lies but they which are written in the Lambs book of life Rom. 7.25 I my selfe in my mind serue the law of God but in my flesh the law of sinne d Luk. 23.42 He saide to Iesus Lord remember me when thou commest into thy kingdome 43. Then Iesus said to him This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise Reu. 14.13 Then I heard a voice from heauen saying vnto me Write Blessed are the dead which hereafter die in the Lord. Euen so saith the Spirit for they rest from their labours and their workes follow them a Matth. 24. 29. Immediately after the tribulation of those daies shall the Sunne be darkened and the Moone shall not giue her light the starres shall fall from heauen and the powers of heauen shall be shaken 30. And then shall appeare the signe of the Sonne of man in heauen and then shall all the kinreds of the earth mourne and they shal see the Son of man come in the cloudes of heauen with power and great glorie b Luk. 21. 26. Mens hearts shall faile them for feare and for looking after those things which shall come on the world 28. And when these things beginne to come to passe then looke vp and lift vp your heads for your redemption draweth neare 2. Tim. 4.8 Henceforth is laide vp for me the crowne of righteousnes which the Lord the righteous iudge shall give me at that day and not to me onely but vnto them also that loue his appearing a Matth. chap. 24. vers 31. And he shall sende his Angels with a great sound of a trumpet 1. Thess. chap. 4. vers 16. The Lord himselfe shall descend from heauen with a shout euen with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first b Matth. 24. 30. 1. Thess. 4. 17. Then shall we vvhich liue and remaine be caught vp vvith them also in the cloudes to meete the Lord in the ayre and so shall we euer be with the Lord. a 1. Cor. 15. 52. We shall not all sleepe but we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet 43. b It is sowne in dishonour it is raised in honour it is sowne in weakenes it is raised in power 44. It is sowne a naturall bodie it is raised ● spirituall bodie c. a Ioh. 14. 23. If any man loue me he will keepe my word and my Father will loue him and we will come vnto him and dwell with him 1. Ioh. 4. 15. Whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus Christ is the Sonne of God God dwelleth in him and he in God Reuel 21.3 And I heard a voyce saying Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himselfe shall be their God with them 23. And that citie hath no neede of sunne or moone to shine in it for the glorie of God did light it and the Lambe is the light of it Reuel 22.2 In the middes of the streete of it and of either side of the riuer was the tree of life which bare twelue manner of fruits and gaue fruit euery moneth and the leaues of the tree serued to heale the nations with 5. And there shall be no night there and they neede no candle nor light of the sunne for the Lord giueth them light and they shall reigne for euermore 1. Cor. 15.45 Rom. 8.11 If the spirit of him that raised vp Iesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised vp Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies because that his spirit dwelleth in you Tit. 1.15 Act. 15.10 2. Tim. 4.3 1. Sam. ● 22.26 Psal. 2.12 Prov. 3.9,10 Luk. 2.25 a Socrat. hist. eccl l. 5. c. 10. b August de Temp. ser. 119. d Ambr. ser. 38. Heb. 6. ● 2●●● a ●u●f●n in expos Symb ●●erony ad ●am a Paci●n●s epi●t 1. ad Sym●ro ● Tim. 1.13 Hab. 1●1 ● Tim. 1.13 b Aug. se●m 119. de temp Ca●sian li. 6. de inc●r●t domini a Cyril Catec 1. Mystag Tertull. de resurrect Origen hom 5. in Num. Act. 8.38 H●b ●● ● 〈◊〉 ●1 〈…〉 Luk. 8.23 Act. 8.19 Math. 7.22 2. Cor. 13. ● 1 p●● 3.12 Gal. 5.6 Math. 7.7 Math. 16 16● Math. 8.10 and 16. ● Ioh. 4.33 ● 2 Rom. 10.10 ● Pet. 3.21 Heb. ● 4 ●ides est●o●a copulatiua Exod. 3● Exo. 3.6.14 1. Tim. 1.17 a Psal. 82.6 b Exod. 4.16 c ● Cor. 4.4 ● Cor. 8.4 ●o● 17.3 Mark 9.24 ●sal 42.12 2. Chr. 16.12 Rom. 10. ●● ● Tim. 1.12 ● Pet. 4.19 ● Chr. 34.27 ● Chr. 3● ● Chr. 20.20 Hebr. 5.7 Psal. ●● Dan. 6 2● Psal. 78 21,2● a Hebr. 1.3 Gal. 4.8 b Specie c Numero Math. 3. 16,17 a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 b 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The meaning Math. 23.9 a Heb. 12.9 b Luk. 3.38 c Esa. 9.6 d Esa. 53.10 e Esa. 8.18 Ier. 3.4,19 Matth. 6.4 Iob 17.14 Ioh. 8.44 Prov. 10.1 Math. 12.50 Mal. 1.6 Math. 5.45 Psal. 68.5 Iob 29 1● ●6 Math. 6.26 Heb. 12●● 2.