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A42478 Cromwell's bloody slaughter-house, or, his damnable designes laid and practised by him and his negro's, in contriving the murther of His sacred Majesty King Charles I, discovered by a person of honor. Gauden, John, 1605-1662. 1660 (1660) Wing G351; ESTC R3582 32,736 160

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Cistern turned the clear and wholsome waters of our Laws into blood Wormwood and deadly poyson while you have with unheard of tyranny and treachery set up your private wills by that publike power wherewith you were in●●usted only for some limited uses above the M●jesty and lives of our King and his Ch●ldren above the Dignity of our Parliaments the honour of our Lawes the reverence of your C●untrey and the regard due to your fellow Subj●cts and Con●ederate Nations and all this without the least colour of any call or Authority from God or Man Reason or Religion against all Obligations both Sacred and Civill that might possibly lye on mens souls to God or man against many your particular pretentions and former p●om●ses of such due observance as became you● both as Men Subjects Soldiers and Christians You who are not the thousand part of his M●jesties Subject how durst you knowingly act as in the name of all and yet indeed against the duty desi●es and consciences of all but such children of Belial as your selves You that are for the most part such sons of the Earth of so base extraction of meaner education strang●rs to all good Literature Honour or Civility heirs of beggery and contempt whom most of the Subj●cts in England might for your rudenesse and b●rbarity justly have disdain●d to have set with the Dogs of their Flocks How are you become the Creators of a new Heaven and a new Earth who are such sons of Tohu and Bohu of Chaos obscurity and confusion You that at best are but Gods Bu●chers the unjust Ex●cutioners of his just vengeance as the evill and destroying Angels sent among us for a time though your exorbita●● malice and lusts disdain to be limited by your Military Commission yet God we hope will restrain your fury who hath manifested your impious folly With what forehead could you thus lift up your hand against and set your selves above all those who are confessed your betters masters and superiors As if in a Giantly impuden●●●●d Cyclop●ck cruelty you could never be famous enough but by Infamy nor fierce and wick●● enough unlesse you ●ought against Heaven against the expresse word of God and his Vicegerents on earth Thus heaping up mountains of lyes perjuries hypocrisies and cru●l●ies upon those vast and enormous lusts of rapine sacriledge covetousness rev●nge and tyranny in yo●r hea●●s which nothing hath ●v●r equalled or can exceed You have indeed finished the Master-piece of your Father the Devill whom as his first-born he hath filled with a double portion of malice subtilty and cruelty beyond any whose hearts like Elymas the Sorcerer or Simon Magus he hath possessed You have nothing left you but Impenitence and Hell which you neither believe nor fear by which to make farther progress in your most flagitious and ever accursed Villanies What step have you more to advance to the blaspheming of the Majesty of the most high God both in himself and his Deputies lawfull Kings and Soveraign Magistrates what more can you do or invent to the scandall of the Gospel to the exposing the Name of Christ to open shame to the trampling his blood under feet through the hat●ed and de●estation of all Nations that are without the Church How could you devise more to adorn the Triumphs of Pope and Pap●sts to whose tayls you are tyed though your fac●s seem contrary and whose b●si●esse you have done while you pretend to abhorre their Names as much as D●vils do pot●n● Ch●rms What Sea could ever wash away from the face of the Christian Reformed Religion the stain of that blood of our King which you have in a Page●nt o● Justice most unjustly inhumanely and barbarously ●hed to colour your malice to sa●iate your revenge and to make way for your tyranny if we the people of England should b● our silence adopt and by our assistance nourish those prod●gies of Rebellion Treason and Confusion which your libidi●ous Mars by the h●lp of your prostitute and officious Venus your Unparliamentary Junto hath lately brought forth and astonished the world withall Was it ever so done since the Name of Christ was planted on the earth save only by the spawn of those furies from whom you are descended who made such havock first in Africa after in other Western Churches and lately in Germany whose principles and practises you have as much surpassed in Hypocrisic Anarchy cruelty and blasphemy as B●elzebub your Prince may be thought to exceed the lesser fry of damned Sp●rits Those impure Catharists exercised indeed their Donat●sticall and Anabaptisticall frauds and furi●s chiefly upon the vulgar to the ruine of many thous●n●s of the Coun●rey people and Citizens But you like so many Ravilliacks are not content to have spoyled so many Noble and flourishing Families to have exhausted so many plentifull Estates to have made so many mourning Widows and Fatherlesse Children to have destroyed the lives and sucked the bloud of so many Christians your fellow-Subjects but you must in one day swallow up the two Houses of Parliament in another murther the King in a third cut off the right and inheritance of the Crown from the Undoubted Heir and all the Kings Children At last you conspire to tempt us all by your simple and foolish Paperfalsly called The Agreement of the people to joyn with you in the utter overthrowing of our Lawes Liberties and the whole frame of this ancient and renowned Kingdome whose weight you will finde too heavy for such weak Atlasses as you will shortly appear both in Counsell and in Power who are only wise to doe wickedly and strong to shed or drink the bloud of your King and Countrey-men Your cruelty hath fulfilled the wish of Caligula at one blow to cut off the head of three Kingdomes and with him all M●narchy to make way for your Lole●ocracy a Military Tyranny or Schismatichal Anarchy Thus have you been profound to deceive skilfull to destroy our souls ●aint within us because of such treacherous dealers such hideous Murtherers into whose snares the breath of our nostrils is fallen and in whose deep dissembling pits the Anoynted of the Lord our meek patient and most Christian King is swallowed up under the shadow of whose just Authority Princely wisdome and judicious piety w● hoped to have been safe How doth this sometime famous and flourishing Kingdome now sit as a Widow oppressed desolate ●espised full of unexpressible lamentations● The bitternesse and gall of your cruel Hypocrisie hath entred into filled and overwhelmed our souls How is she that was the joy Crown and Queen of all Nations the Envy or Emulation of all Christian Churches now become the horror and astonishment of her Neighbours round about the pity and calamity of all her friends the ●corn reproach hissing and triumph of all her Enemies Nor is there any helper comforter or Deliverer left till God take the matter into his own hands and pl●ad the cause of the King and Kingdome against these proud Goliahs
whose uncircumcised hearts and lips out of a ●iot and supe●fluity of wickednesse have blasphemed our God destroyed our King layd waste and exhausted the Ki●gdome and turned this Church into a Den of Thieves O Lord arise O Lord consider O Lord hear the v●yce of our sig●s tears and prayers let the cry of the blood of ●ur King and our people come up to Heaven have mercy on us for we are brought very low Our gracious King the Husband of the Kingdome the Father of his Subj●cts the preserver of our Laws the Patron of Religion the Protector of the Church you have treacherously and barbarously murthered the two Houses of Parliament whose weaknesse perversnesse unevennesse inconstancy and cowardise God hath seen disliked judged and punished you have forcibly invaded scattered and oppressed notwithstanding all your speciall Engagements to them both of duty and promise commission and trust The ●oyalty and love of the people you every where either with terror and cruelty seek to suppresse and smother so that they shall not dare to petition for redresse or complain of those endlesse calamities which they suffer under your tyranny or ●lse making lyes your hope and refuge with forged semblances of complyant Petitions and counterfeit Gratulations you falsly and impudently pretend the concurrent Votes of the Countreys and the Communities ●pprobation to your most abominated practises When God knows and even your selves in your bloudy di●●imulation cannot be ignorant that the generality of all men in all places of all degrees do from their souls utterly abhorre deprecate and detest your execrable counsels and accursed actions which have thus brought upon us the abomination of desolation through the damnable deceiveablenesse of your unrighteousnesse Nor do we believe that your pride and tyrannous hypocrisie either findes any comfort in them or much con●iders those papers which seem to own you or applaud your wicked deeds further then they may carry on your strong delusions with the vulgar whom you know to be neither very wary of evill nor very steady in what is good If you had the generall consent of the Vulgar which you know you have in no sort yet neither is their judgment any good rule to measure the morality of your actions nor their inconstant pleasure any test of honour vertue or piety But indeed you as well as we are sadly conscious that all those clamorous Petitions for Justice by which you would seem as by Oracles of your own inspiring to be fatally directed and divinely incouraged in your Cruelties and Treasons were nothing else but the strokes of the Lyons own tayl the more to enrage himself the very froth and scum which arose only from the zealous activity and boylings of your own bloudy Faction who restlesse as Devils continually go about seeking whom they may deceive and destroy we are well assured that your Schismaticall crew of Regicides are no more to be compared to the people of England then the Gleanings may be to the Harvest or Canters Thi●ves Beggars and Juglers to the sober and setled Dwellers in this Kingdome No every honest man who hath any sense of piety loyalty modesty pity or humanity left in his soul as you have none takes up Jacobs words against you Cursed be your wrath for it is fierce and your anger for it is cruel into the secrets of these men let not our souls enter Lord lay not the guilt of the sins of these men to the Charge of the people of this Kingdome No let the blood of our pious patient and most Christian King be upon you and your Abettors for ever who as without any sense of loyalty pity or charity so without any shadow as well as substance of Justice having neither Law Rule nor any due Authority first by fraud and unheard of Insolency seized upon his Majesties person afterward by flatteries lyes and terrors sought to deceive him At last by meer force and b●●stl●ke cruelty have massacred and as so many horrid Assa●sinates utterly destroyed him And all this after many fawnings and shewes of loyall and tender regard toward his Majesty and his Royall Family as both your first Proposals and your after Agitations honestly and very providentially discovered by Major Huntington do declare In which all men now plainly see that you did but make way by the Fox to let in the Wolf and by your Dalilah to bring the Philistims upon our Sampson Yea after his Majesty was not only entred into and advanced in a Treaty with the two Houses agreeable to their Votes and the generall desires of all his Subjects under the most solemn Nationall security and Publick Faith which could be given or passe between a King and his Subjects or indeed any honest men But even when his Majesties great wisdome and goodnesse had so farre brought all things to a fair closure and happy Agreement that the two Houses were satisfied and resolved to proceed upon his Majestyes Conce●ions as a firm ground of Peace to the Kingdome Yet after all these publique civil and Sacred Obligations which lay upon the two Houses and the Kingdome on your selves as well as any and all of us for you to seize again upon his Majesties person without any pretended Authority and with your Iron hands and Adamantine hearts to ravish and pull him out of the arms and embraces of his Subjects violently to hale and tear him from the reviving love and loyalty of the two Houses and his people thence to hurry and tosse him to and fro to what inhospitable places and desolate Prisons you listed there to deprive him not only of all things proportionable to his quality as a King but even of those civill accommodations which ought to be allowed to any Gentleman though an ●nemy and a Captive of War which the King never was not being taken by force but rendring himself to the professed love and sworn loyalty of his Subjects After this with a sacrilegious mo●kery of Justice in the highest affronting of God the King the Parliament and the three Kingdomes by an unheard of and most horrid Outrage and riotous force to oppresse and utterly destroy the remaining honour freedome and power of the two Houses and in despite of them to erect a new Court of Justice as you most unjustly tearm it for which you have no colour of Law from God or Man no precedent in this or any other Christian Kingdome no ground or pretense of Parliamentary consent or Autho●ity of either Houses whose M●mbers three parts of ●our at least you forcibly detayned and deterred from sitting in the House of Commons the Lords being unanimously against you by all which methods of cunning and violence you seek like Absalo● the co●tradiction be●tween whose name and actions very well fits your affected but undeserved title of Saints to intrude your selves into a Judicative as well as a Military power as if Hangmen and Executioners should u●urp t●e seats of Judges who are not fit to be of a Jury
since their interest and advantage like yours lying in the destruction of others will ●asily tempt them to condemn any man At length you make a shift to pack not a high Court of Justice as you shamelessely style it but the basest Conventic●e of Injustice that ever was in the world In which all Cards of honour being shuffled out you turn up such Knaves only for Trumps as will best play your game A very Medly and R●psody of the most ignorant shallow cowardly cruel weak debaucht and insolent fools or Athiests Hypocrites Traytors and Tyrants that ever usurped power over any honest and innocent man Your President Bradshaw and your Clark Cook are commonly known and branded to be men of as corrupt souls as any lived in their profession their most trayterous and covetous villanies not allowing the least pretense of ignorance in the Laws which are in no case more clearly expressely and se●verely contrary then in this of taking away the Kings life wherein they against all law du●y and conscience were as Judas●s ●hiefly imployed At last upon the wicked most unjust and cruel sentence of these mercenary unauthorised● and Tyrannous Sycophants and Hucksters of Justice who must needs have their Comm●ssion from him that is the Father of lyes the false Accuser the Old Murtherer the deceiving Serpent the R●aring Lion the Red Dragon the Dead Sea of cruelty and the sink of all Confusion the Damned and Damning Divel and not from God the Fountain of Justice the Father of Mercy the Institutor of Order the Author of Peace and the Commander of ●●bjection to Law●ull Kings in any ●●tion imaginable further then the Divell may have Commission from God permitting and limiting the activity but not approving the activity but not approving the iniquity of his rage and malice to compell such a King so Great a Monarch of three Kingdomes their Undoubted Soveraign Lord to submit to the●r Arraignment Accusations● and Sentence who were most of them his declared and desperate Enemies without allowing him the l●be●ty of prot●sting against their confessed Usurpation and Non-authority or of pleading for his own both Innocency and well known Priviledge Soveraignty and unquestionable Immunity according to the Laws of God and of this Kingdome which are expr●ssely against their trayterous and tyrannous proceedings as well as the nullity of their Authority After this without an● remorse or pity to their and our King to force a person of so excellent worth wisdome vertue honour and Majesty to bow down at the feet of so vile persons and then to Chop off h●s Head which was Sacred Crowned and Anoynted as rightfull King over them and all his Subjects in his Dominions A Butchery so barbarous that the common Headsman abhorred to do it nor may we think those bloudy Zealots were willing he should d●prive them of the pleasure of cutting the throat of such a Sacrifice to inaugurate them in their Royall Priesthood by which their Schismaticall fury p●etends a title against or above all Lawfull Kings and Governours What Words what Tera● what Sihgs what oppressive Thoughts what secret and unutterable Reflect●ons of most stupifi●d and aston●●hed Sou●s are sufficient to measure the Immensity to weigh the burden to expresse or conceive the h●rror of this outrag●ous sin and most flagitious villany Poor Prince after so many delusions so many lying Addresses made by the chief Engines and movers of the Army after so much patience so great demonstrations of excellent wisdome meekn●sse calmnesse and Christian gentlenesse to his very Enemies and Jaylours under infinite reproaches injuries and indignities even to the very spitting in his face after all those gracious condescendings by which he had reduced himself almost to the v●ry shadow and bare name of a King saving that he had gained the highest and most absolute Empire in the renewed love and loyalty of the most and best of his Subjects that he might please all secure and satis●ie all purchase Peace for all at any rate but the price of his Conscience Yet after all these infinite demonstrations of goodnesse capable to have softned even Devils themselves to be thus butcher●d by a Soldie●y and Schismaticall cruelty to be brought to publique execution without any help or redemption from Parliament or people who generally abominated so horrid inhumane unseen and unheard of a Spectacle whose Publique Faith besides their Personall Al●egiance was engaged for his Majest●es honour and safety what ●●art can be large enough to equall the sorrow what ●yes can be Fountains sufficient to d●plore so unmerited a Fate befalling so excellent a Prince by the malice ambition cruelty and treason of so base and execrable villanies And all this Tragedy of Tragedies c●rried on to such bloody conclusions under colour of Safety and Reformation at first afterward of satisfaction and Indemp●ity to the Army in both which the Good King deny●d nothing that men of an● mod●st● worth or ingenuity could exp●ct or would d●sire Yet a●t●r ●●fi●ite delusions and mutinous Insolencies committed against King Pa●l●am●nt and People some impotent and amb●t●ous Tyrants who have the marks of Blood and Cruelty in their faces and on their Foreheads in the Army and Commons House bethink themselves of a Scene of Justice which must speedily be acted by them● least the closure of a Peace with the King and the two Houses should render their imployment uselesse as it hath long been burdensome and forceing their Buffe Grandees and proud Officers to return to their Needles their Hammers their Lasts their Sl●ngs their Carts and their Flails should qui●e defeat those designs of power estate and all licentious profaneness both in Opinions and Practises which their Chief Officers and Levelling sticklers have all this while designed for themselves and their false giddy cruel covetous and unreasonable Faction through that power and influence which by their lyes forceries and hypocrisies they with the help of that mungrel Minister that Military Priest that modern Simon Magus th●t disguised Executioner that bloody Butcher of the King H P they have gained upon the Common Souldiery Upon whose simpl●city and val●ur they have presumed tyrannously and trayterou●●y to advance the meer will and pleasure of some Officers in the Army and those rotten and ever infamous Members of the Commons over all the Lawes and Liberties the Lives Estates and Inheritances both of King Prince and People Yet after all these Scenes of various Villanies they have the impudence to glory as if they had done God good service and so extreamly pleased God and the People that they expect all should agree to their Pla●dite as if might and right were well met in the Army O you most seared Consci●nces you most R●bellious Souls against God the King and your own light you most accursed Doers● you deaf Adders whether you will hear or w●●ther you will forbear know this That we the Christ●an people and l●yall Subjects of England do in the bitternesse of our Souls declare ●s
neither great nor many may be rased that their memories may be blotted out from under Heaven or only remembred with perpetual scorn cursing and infamy Since they have besides many other preparatory mischiefs by murthering the King disinheriting his Posterity and dissolving this ancient and flourishing Monarchy as farre as lyes in their power and malice put us upon this miserable choyce Either cowardly basely and shamefully to submit to their detestable and unsatiable Tyranny or to be ever oppressed with a Warre in our own bowels in which we must either expose our Lives and Fortunes to these mens covetous Cruelty or help to enslave and destroy our selves by assisting these Usurpers or compell the Rightfull Heir of these Kingdoms our hopefull King CHARLES the Second to plead and assert his Right by a Forain Sword being denyed that just assistance which as his Subjects we ought to afford him against the Murtherers of his and our Countreys Father his own Enemies and indeed of all Kingly Majesty and Mankinde the Dissolvers of our ●arliaments the Oppressors of our Liberties the Exhausters of our Estates the Suckers of our Blood the Blasphemers of our Religion the Damners of our Souls unlesse God preserve us the Crucifiers afresh of the Lord of Glory and putting him to open shame The Crie of the blood of our King the Voyce of the Genius of this Nation and the Alarm of Gods Justice call aloud to all honest men of Forraign Nations round about to all loyall Subjects in these three Kingdomes to all men of any common honesty or sober profession of Religion in all the world summoning them to san●●ifie themselves and lustrate and expiate not only this English Nation and these three Kingdomes but all Mankinde and Civil Societies by taking speedy vengeance and executing Gods and Mans severest Justice on these per●idious Truce-breakers proud Usurpers cruel Hypocrites trayterous Apostates and barbarous King-killers We cannot but send the divided parts of our dead but endeared King now a glorious Saint whom these men have with subtilty and cruelty lately murthered to all the Tribes of this our Israel to desire the advice of all good men to see and consider whether this hideous Villany were committed with their consent or deserve to be patronized with their Agreement whether it was ever thus done in any Christian Nation or Kingdome by any Army of pretending Saints or any men we say not of Common Honesty but of the most exquisite and studied Villany Whether any thing can be produced out of Common Principles of sound Reason out of the Lawes of God out of Christs Holy Precepts out of the Actions and Examples of any holy and good men or lastly out of any letter sense or meaning of our Lawes whereby in the least degree to countenance cover or excuse the Actions of these men or to satisfie any mans Conscience that doth not utterly abhorre and seriously endeavour to expiate the sin and guilt of such Detestable Villanies According to the heaped and overrunning measure of their open sins and abominable Villanies so let every good man that fears God knowes the Memory and Vertues of so good a King loves his Countrey will keep a good Conscience and desires to save his own Soul not only withdraw all voluntary assistance from them least they seem approvers of their wicked Deeds and be partakers of their Guilt and Judgements but heartily pray and constantly endeavour the Restoring of the Crowns and Kingdomes to the only Lawfull Heir the late Kings Eldest Son upon whom are many happy Presages and great Expectations of Glorious Atchievements whom God hath in Mercy we hope to these Churches and Kingdomes preserved out of the hands of these bloody Villains who Declared in their Devilish Remonstrance their purpose to destroy him with his Brother the Duke of York and mingle their tender blouds with that of their Father whom speciall Providence hath prepared for great and excellent Designs by the maturity of his years by the procerity of his person by the gallantry of his Spirit by the excellency of his Understanding by the gravity of his Manners and severity of his Example farre beyond what is wonted or expected in young Men or young Princes in point of Piety and Vertue This is that Person this that Prince worthy of his high Descent worthy of such a Father whose worth already promises to exceed all you can desire or hope for from a Good and Gracious King upon him God and our Laws and our Oathes commands all Loyall and Religious Subjects to fix their Eyes to unite their Hearts and Hands to the Love and Assistance of him to expiate the sinne and shame of their former Errors and Defaults which have produced such sad and abhorred Effects to break the Strength to extirpate the Persons to oppose the Designs ●nd to revenge the Villanies which have been with an high hand committed against God the King the Parliament the Lawes and the Kingdomes by these Miscreants men alwayes of Desperate Fortunes but now of so Desperate Mindes and Manners that all their paths lead to the Chambers of Death and their steps are descending to the pit of Hell From which the Lord in Mercy deliver the people of this Nation by prospering our Rightfull 〈◊〉 and by his Valour and Vertues r●deeming us speedily from the sinnes sufferings and tyrannies of these blood-thirsty and deceitfull men with whom no Agreement can be made by any man who doth not desperately resolve to sinne against the Holy Ghost and eternally damn his own Soul Rom. 16. 17. Now we beseech you Brethren mark them which cause Divisions and Offenses contrary to the Doctrine you have learned and avoyd them 18. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ but their own Bellies and by good Words and fair Speeches deceive the hearts of the simple FINIS Ἐισ τὸν ΚΑΡΟΛΟΝ {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Englished thus by Edw. Hooker CHARLS best of Kings for God's Laws and the Land's Was martyr'd murder'd by unhallowed hand IN THOMAM FOOT Praetorem LONDINENSEM Anno Dom. 1648. Parricidio Sereniss Regis Caroli I. infami LOndino miserum similis Respublica nostra Est ubi PES regnat proteriturque CAPUT Our Common-wealth to London more 's the pity Is not unlike where Foot is Head o th' City W. D. {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} In English thus {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Here lie's the Mother of that Cursed Son Who hath three Kingdoms and two Kings undon {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} ἐισ τὸν τάφον αὐτο̂υ {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Cromwellus jacet hic scelerato sanguine tinctus Morte tamen siccâ mirum descendit ad Orcum In CAROLUM Secundum {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} auspicatissimè Regnis suis redditum CArolus è Carolo {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Martyris Exul Filius auspiciis Populi Monachi sua Regna capessit Maii primo 1660. These Books following are to be sold by Henry Eversden at the Grey-hound in St. Pauls Church-yard THE Natural Mans Case stated Or an Exact Map of the little World Man in 17 Sermon● by Mr. Christopher Love to which is added a Sermon preached at his Funerall by Mr. Thomas Manton of Ne●nington In Octavo A Comment on Ruth together with two Sermons one teaching how to live well the other minding all how to dye well by Thomas Fuller Author of the Holy State Gospel publick Worship Or the Translation Metaphrase Analysis and Exposition of Rom. 12. from Vers 1. to 8. describing the Compleat Pattern of Gospel Worship Also an Exposition of the 18. Chapter of Matthe●● to which is added a Discovery of Adam's threefold Estate in Paradise Viz. Moral Legal and Evangelical by Thomas Brewer In Octavo Gods Glory in Mans happinesse or the freenesse of Gods Grace Electing us by Francis Taylor of Canterbury In Octav. The Lords Prayer Un-clapsed being a Vindication of it against all Schismaticks and Hereticks called Enthusiasts and Pratricilli By Harwood B. D. The Grand Inquiry who is the Righteous man by William Moor Minister in Whaley in Lancashire The Just mans Defense being the Declaration of the Judgement of James Arminius concerning Election and Reprobation Pearls of Eloquence or the School of Complements wherein Ladies and Gentlewomen may accommodate their Court by practice by William Elder Gent. In 12. The Universall Body of Physick in Five Books Comprehending the severall Treatises of the Nature of Diseases and their Causes of Symptoms of the preservation of Health and of Cures Written in Latine by that famous and learned Doctor Laz. Riverius Counsellor and Physitian to the present K. of France and Professor in the University of Montpelier Exactly translated into English by William Car Practitioner in Physick An Exposition with Practical Observations on the 9 first Chapters of the Proverbs By Fran. Taylor Minister of Canterbury In Quarto An Exposition with Practical Observations on the whole Book of Canticles by Jo. Robotham Minister of the Gospel In Quarto An Idea or body of Church-Discipline in the Theorick and Practick by Mr. Roggers In Quarto Lucas Redivivus Or the Gospel-physitian prescribing by way of Medicine Divine Physick to prevent Diseases not yet entred upon the Soul by John Anthony Doctor in Physick In Quarto The Originall of the Dominion of Princes founded upon Gods Soveraignty over the whole Earth or the Kingly Prerogative instituted by God and proved from the Holy Scriptures to be Jure Divino By R. W. D. D. The History of his Sacred Majesty CHARLES the II. King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. Begun from the Murder of his Royall Father of happy memory and continued to this present Year 1660. The Subjects Joy for the Kings Restoration chearfully made known in a Sacred Masque Gratefully made publick for his Sacred Majesty By the Author of INQUISITIO ANGLICANA THE END