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A12133 The coronation a comedy. As it vvas presented by her Majesties Servants at the private House in Drury Lane. Written by John Fletcher. Gent. Shirley, James, 1596-1666.; Fletcher, John, 1579-1625, attributed name. 1640 (1640) STC 22440; ESTC S117330 35,616 74

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raise power to curbe this insurrection Ant. Lose no time then Dem. We will not arme one man Speake it agen have I a brother living And must be no King Mac. What meanes your grace Dem. This newes doth speake me happy it exalts My heart and makes me capable of more Then twenty Kingdomes Phi. Will you not sir stand Vpon your guard Dem. I le stand upon my honour Mercy releives me Lisa. Will you lose the Kingdome Dem. The worlds too poore to bribe me leave Me all lest you extenuate my fame and I Be thought to have redeem'd it by your counsell You shall not share one scruple in the honour Titles may set a glosse upon our name But vertue onely is the soule of Fame Mac. He 's strangely possest Gentlemen Exeunt Omnes Actus Quintus Enter Philocles and Lisander Phi. HEre 's a strange turne Lisander Lisa. T is a Kingdome Easily purchasd who will trust the faith Of multitudes Phi. It was his fault that would So tamely give hi● title to their mercy Thē nēw King has possession Lisa. And is like To keep 't we are alone what doft thinke of This innovation i ft not a fine ligge A precious cunning in the late Protector To shuffle a new Prince into the state Phi. I know not how they have shuffled but my head on 't A false card is turn'd up trump but fates looke too 't Enter Cassander and Eubulus Eub. Does he not carry it bravely Cas. Excellently Philocles Lisander Phi. Lis. Your Lordships servants Are we not bound to heaven for multiplying These blessings on the Kingdome Phi. Heaven alone Workes miracles my Lord. Lisa. I thinke your Lordship Had as little hope once to see these Princes Revive Phi. Here we must place our thankes Next providence for preserving So deere a pledge Enter Leonatus attended Eub. The King Leo. It is our pleasure The number of our guard be doubled give A Largesse to the Soldiers but dismisse not The troopes till we command Cas. May it please Leo. It will not please us otherwise my Lord We have tride your faith Eub. Does he not speakē with confidence Leo. My Lords and Gentlemen to whose faith we must Owe next to heaven our fortune and our safety After a tedious eclipse the day Is bright and we invested in those honours Our blood and birth did challenge Cas. May no time Be registred in our annalls that shall mention One that had life to oppose your sacred person Leo. Let them whose titles forg'd and flaw'd suspect Their states security our right to Epire Heaven is oblig'd to prosper t●eason has No face so blacke to fright it all my cares Levell to this that I may worthily Manage the province and advance the honour Of our deere Country and be confident If an expence of blood may give addition Of any happinesse to you I shall Offer my heart the sacrifice and rejo●e To make my selfe a ghost to have inscrib'd Vpon my marble but whose cause I dyed for Enb. May Heaven avert such danger Cas. Excellent Prince In whom we see the Coppy of his Father None but the sonne of Theodosius Could have spoke thus Leo. You are pleasd to interpret well Yet give me leave to say in my owne justice I have but exprest the promptnesse of my soule To serve you all but t is not empty wishes Can satisfie our mighty charge a weight Would make an Atlas double a Kings name Doth sound harmoniously to men at distance And those who cannot penetrate beyond The barke and outskinne of a common wealth Or state have eyes but ravish'd with the Ceremony That must attend a Prince and understand not What cares allay the glories of a Crowne But good Kings finde and feele the contrary You have tride my Lord the burden and can tell It would require a Pilote of more yeares To steere this Kingdome now impos'd on me By justice of my birth Cas. I wish not life But to partake those happy dayes which must Succeed these faire proceedings we are blest But sir be sparing to your selfe we shall Hazard our joyes in you too soone the burden Of statē affaires impose upon your counsell T is fitter that we waste our lives then you Call age too soone upon you with the trouble And cares that threaten such an undertaking Preserve your youth Leo. And choose you our protector I st that you would conclude my Lord We will Deserve our subjects faith for our owne sake Not sit an idle gazer at the helme Enter Messenger Phi. How observ'd you that Marke how Cassander's planet strucke Eu. He might have lookd more calmely for all that I begin to feare but doe not yet seeme troubled Leo. With what newes travailes his hast I must secure My selfe betimes not be a King in jest And weare my crowne a tenant to their breath Cas. Demetrius sir your brother With other traytors that oppose your claimes Are fled to the Castle of Nestorius And fortifie Mes. I said not so my Lord. Cas. I le have it thought so hence Exit Messen. Leo. Plant forces to batter The wals and in their ruine bring us word They live not Eub. Good sir heare me Cas. Let it worke Were Demetrius dead we easily might uncrowne This swolne impostor and my sonne be faire To peice with young Sophia who I heare Repents her late affront Eub. Their lives may doe You service let not blood staine your beginnings The people not yet warme in their allegiancē May thinke it worth their tumult to revenge it With hazard of your selfe Leo. Who dares but thinke it Yet offer first our mercy if they yeeld Demetrius must not live my Lord your counsell What if he were in heaven Cas. You have my consent You shannot stay long after him Leo. Sophia is Not my sister To prevent al that may indanger us wee 'l marry her That done no matter though we stand discover'd For in her title then we are King of Epire Without dispute Cas. Hum in my judgement sir That wonot doe so well Leo. What 's your opinion Cas. He countermines my plot are you so cunning Leo. What 's that you mutter sir Cas. I mutter sir Leo. Best say I am no King but some impostor Rais'd up to gull the state Cas. Very fine to have said within Few houres you 'd beene no King nor like to be Was not in the compasse of high treason I take it Eub. Restraine your anger the Kings mov'd speake not Cas. I will speake louder doe I not know him That selfe same hand that raisd him to the throne Shall plu ke him from it is this my reward Leo. Our guard to prison with him Cas. Me to prison Leo. Off with his head Cas. My head Eub. Vouchsafe to heare me great sir. Cas. How dares he be so insolent Jha wrought my selfe into a fine condition d ee know me Gentlemen Phi. Very well my Lord How are we bound to heaven for multiplying These blessings on the Kingdome
strong enough to binde if thou dost finde Any suspition of my faith or else Direct me in some horrid imprecation When I forsake thee for the love of other Woman may heaven reward my apostacy To blast my greatest happinesse on earth And make all joyes abortive Pol. Revoke these hasty syllables they carry To great a penalty for breach of Love To me I am not worth thy suffering You doe not know what beauty may invite Your change what happinesse may tempt your eye And heart together Arc. Should all the graces of your sex conspire In one and she should court me with a dower Able to buy a Kingdome when I give My heart from Polidora Pol. I suspect not And to requite thy constancy I sweare Arc. T were sinne to let thee waste thy breath I have assurance of thy noble thoughts Enter a servant Ser. My Lord your Vncle hath beene every where i th Court inquiring for you his lookes speake Some earnest cause Arc. I am more acquainted with Thy vertue then to imagine thou wilt not Excuse me now one kisse dismisses him Whose heart shall waite on Polidora prethee Let me not wish for thy returne too often My Father Enter Nestorius and a servant Nes. I met Arcadius in strange haste he told me He had beene with thee Pol. Some affaire too soone Ravish'd him hence his Vncle sent for him You came now from Court how lookes the Queenē This golden morning Nes. Like a bride her soule Is all on mirth her eyes have quickning fires Able to strike a spring into the earth In Winter Pol. Then Lisimachus can havē No frost in 's blood that lives so neere her beames Nes. His politicke Father the Protector smiles too Resolve to see the Cerimony of the Queene T will be a day of state Pol. I am not well Nes. How not well retire then I must returne My attendance is expected Polidora Be carefull of thy health Pol. It will concerne mē Exit Enter Arcadius and Macarius Arc. You amaze me sir. Mac. Deare Nephew if thou respect thy safety My honour or my age remove thy selfe Thy life 's in danger Arc. Mine who 's my enemy Mac. Take horse and instantly forsake the City Or else within some unsuspected dwelling Obscure thy selfe stay not to know the reason Arc. Sir I beseech your pardon which i th number Of my offences unto any should Provoke this dishonorable flight Mac. I would when I petition'd for thy stay I had pleaded for thy banishment thou knowst not What threatens thee Arc. I would desire to know it I am in no conspiracy of treason Have ravisht no mans Mistresse not so much As given the lye to any what should meane Your strange and violent feares I will not stirre Vntill you make me sensible I have lost My innocence Mac. I must not live to see Thy body full of wounds it were lesse sinnē To rippe thy Fathers marble and fetch from The reverend vault his ashes and disperse them By some rude windes where none should ever find The sacred dust it was his legacy The breath he mingled with his prayers to Heaven I should preserve Arcadius whose fate He prophesied in death would need protection Thou wot disturbe his ghost and call it to Aff●ight my dreames if thou refuse to obey me Arc. You more inflame me to inquire the cause Of your d●straction and you le arme me better Then any coward flight by acquainting me Whose malice aimes to kill me good sir tell me Mac. Then prayers and teares assist me Arc. Sir Mac. Arcadius Thou art a rash young man witnesse the spirit Of him that trusted me so much I bleed Till I prevent this mischiefe Exit Enter Philocles Lisander Arc. Ha keepe off Phi. What meane you sir Lisa. We are your friends Arc. I know your faces but Am not secure I would not be betray'd Lisa. You wrong our hearts who truely honour you Arc. They say I must be kild Phi. By whom Arc. I know not nor wod I part with life so tamely Phi. We dare ingage ours in your quarrell hide Your sword it may beget suspition It 's enough to question you Arc. I am confident Pray pardon me come I despise all danger Yet a deare friend of mine my Vncle told me He would not see my body full of wounds Lisa. Your Vncle ●his is strange Arc. Yes my honest Vncle If my unlucky starres have pointed me So dire a fate Phi. There is some strange mistake in'● Enter Antigonus Ant Arcadius the Queene would speake with you You must make haste Arc. Though to my death I fly Vpon her summons I give up my breath Then willingly if she command it from me Phi. This does a little trouble me Lisa. I know not What to imagine something is the ground Of this perplexity but I hope there is not Any such danger as he apprehends Enter Queene Lisimachus Macarius Eubulus Seleucus Arcadius Ladies and attendants Gent. Que. We have already granted to Seleucus And they shall try their valour if Arcadius Have spirit in him to accept the challenge Our royall word is past Phi. This is strange Eub. Madam my sonnē knew not what he asked And you were cruell to consent so soone Mac. Wherein have I offended to be rob'd At once of all the wealth I have Arcadius Is part of me Eub. Seleucus life and mine Are twisted on one thre●d both stand or fall Together hath the service for my Country Deserved but this reward to be sent weeping To my eternall home Wast not enough When I was young to lose my blood in warres But the poore remnant that is scarcely warme And faintly creeping through my withered veines Must be let out to make you sport Mac. How can We that shall this morne seē the sacred oyle Fall on your virgin tresses hope for any Protection hereafter when this day You sacrifice the blood of them that pray for you Arcadius I prethee speake thy selfe It is for thee I plead Eub. Seleucus kneele And say thou haste repented thy rash suite If ere I see thee fight I be thus wounded How will the least drop forc'd from thy veines Afflict my heart Mac. Why that 's good Arcadius speake to her heare him Madam Arc. If you call backe this honour you have done me I shall repent I live doe not perswade me Seleucus thou art a noble enemy And I will love thy soule though I dispaire Our bodies friendly conversation I would we were to tugge upon some cliffe Or like two prodigies i th ayre our conflict Might generally be gaz'd at and our blood Appease our grandsires ashes Mac. I am undone Sel. Madam my father sayes I have offended If so I begge your pardon but beseech you For your owne glory call not backe your word Eub. They are both mad Que. No more we have resolv'd And since their courage is so nobly flamed This morning wee le behold the Champions Within the list be not affraid their strife
Will stretch so farre as death so soone as we Are Crown'd prepare your selves Sel●ucus kisses her hand Sel. I have receiv'd another life in this high favour And may lose what nature gave me Que. Arcadius to encourage thy young vallour We give thee our Fathers sword Command it from our Armory Lisimachus To our Coronation Exeunt Sel. I le forfeit My hēad for a rebellion then suffer it Exit Arc. I am circled with confusions I le doē somewhat My braines and friends assist me Exit Phi. But doe you thinke they le fight indeed Lisa. Perhaps Her Majesty will see about or two And yet t is wondrous strange such spectacles Are rare i th' Court and they were to skirmish naked Before her then there might be some excuse There is some gimcrackes in 't the Queene is wise Above her yeares Phi. Macarius is perplext Enter Eubulus Lisa. I cannot blame him but my Lord 〈◊〉 Returne● they are both troubled las good men But our duties are expected we forget Exit Phil. Lis. Eub. I must resolve and yet things are not ripe My braines upon the torture Mac. This may quit The hazard of his person whose least drop Of blood is worth more then our families My Lord Eubulus I have thought a way To stay the young mens desperate proceedings It is our cause they fight let us beseech The Queene to grant us two the priviledge Of duell rather then expose their lives To eithers fury it were pitty they Should runne upon so blacke a destiny We are both old and may be spar'd a paire Of fruitlesse trees mossie and withered trunckes That fill up too much roome Eub. Most willingly And I will praise her charity to allow it I have not yet forgot to use a sword Le ts lose no time by this act she will licence Our soules to leave our bodies but a day Perhaps an houre the sooner they may live To doe her better service and be friends When we are dead and yet I have no hope This will be granted curse upon our faction Mac. If she deny us Eub. What Mac. I wod doe somewhat Eub. There 's something o th' suddaine strucke upon My imagination that may secure us Mac. Name it if no dishonour waite upon 't To preserve them I le accept any danger Eub. There is no other way and yet my heart Would be excus d but t is to save his life Mac. Speake it Eubulus Eub. In your eare I shall It shanot make a noyse if you refuse it Mac. Hum though it stirre my blood I le meet Arcadius If this preserve thee not I must unseale Another mystery Exit Enter Queene Lisimachus Cassander Charilla Lisander Philocles Antigonus Que. We owe to all your loves and will deserve At least by our indeavours that none may This day repent their prayers my Lord Protector Cas. Madam I have no Such title now and am blest to lose That name so happily I was but trusted With a glorious burden Que. You have prov'd Your selfe our faithfull counsellor and must still Protect our growing state a Kingdomes Scepter Weighs downe a womans arme this crowne sits heavy Vpon my brow already and we know There 's something more then mettle in this wreath Of shining glory but your faith and counsell That are familiar with mysteries And depths of state have power to make us fit For such a bearing in which both you shall Doe loyall service and reward your duties Cas. Heaven preserve your Highnesse Que. But yet my Lords and Gentlemen let nonē Mistake me that because I urge your wisdomes I shall grow carelesse and impose on you The managing of this great Province no We will be active too and as we are In dignity above your persons so The greatest portion of the difficulties We call to us you in your severall places Releeving us with your experience Observing in your best directions All modesty and distance for although We are but young no action shall forfeit Our royall priviledge or encourage any Too unreverent boldnesse as it will become Our honour to consult ēre we determine Of the most necessary things of state So we are sensible of a checke But in a brow that saucily controules Our action presuming on our yeares As few or frailty of our sex that head Is not secure that dares our power or justice Phi. She has a brave spirit looke how the Protector Growes pale already Que. But I speake to you Are perfect in obedience and may sparē This theame yet 't was no immateriall Part of our character since I desire All should take notice I have studied The knowledge of my selfe by which I shall Better distinguish of your worth and persons In your relations to us Lisa. This language Is but a threatning to some body Que. But we misse some that use not to absent Their duties from us where 's Macarius Cas. Retir'd to grieve your Majesty hath given Consent Arcadius should enter List To day with young Seleucus Que. We purpose Enter Gentleman They shall proceed what 's he Phil A Gentleman belonging to Seleucus that givēs notice He is prepar'd and waites your royall pleasure Que. He was composd for action give notice To Arcadius and admit the challenger Let other Princes boast their gaudy tilting And mockery of battles but our triumph Is celebrated with true noble vallour Enter Selucus Arcadius at severall doores their pages before them bearing their Targets Two young men spirited enough to have Two Kingdomes staked upon their swords Lisimachus Doe not they excellently become their armes T were pitty but they should doe something more Then wave their plumes a shout within What noyse is that Enter Macarius and Eubulus Mac. The peoples joy to know us reconcild Is added to the Iubile of the day We have no more a faction but one heart Peace flow in every bosome Eub. Throw away These instruments of death and like two friends Imbrace by our example Que. This unfain'd Mac. By our duties to your selfe deare Madam Command them not advance our houses from This minute are incorporated happy day Our eyes at which before revenge looke forth May cleare suspition oh my Arcadius Eub. We have found a neerer way to friendship Madam Then by exposing them to fight for us Que. If this be faithfull our desires are blest We had no thought to waste but reconcile Your blood this was and we did prophesie This happy chance spring into eithers bosome Arcadius and Seleucus what can now Be added to this dayes felicity Yes there is something is there not my Lord While we are Virgin Queene Ca. Ha that string Doth promise musicke Que. I am yet my Lords Your single joy and when I looke upon What I have tooke to manage the great care Of this most flowrishing Kingdome I incline To thinke I shall doe justice to my selfe If I chose one whose strength and vertue may Assist my undertaking thinke you Lords A husband would not helpe Lisa. No question
must resolve my faith is violated Already yet poore loving Polidora Will pray for me she sayes to thinke she can Render me hated to my selfe and every Thought 's a tormentor let me then be just Que. Arcadius Arc. That voyce prevailes agen oh Poledora Thou must forgive Arcadius I dare not Turne rebell to a Princesse I shall love Thy vertue but a Kingdome has a charme To excuse our frailty dearest Madam Que. Now set forward Arc. To perfect all our joyes Enter Macarius and a Bishop Casander Mac. I le fright their glories Cas. By what meanes Mac. Observe Arc. Our good Vncle welcome Que. My Lord Macarius we did want your person There 's something in our joyes wherein you share Mac. This you intend your highnesse wedding day Que. We are going Mac. Save you labour I have brought a Priest to meet you Arc. Reverend Father Que. Meete us why Mac. To tell you that you must not marry Cas. Didst thou heare that Lisimachus Lisi. And wonder what will follow Que. We must not marry Bish. Madam t is a rule First made in heaven and I muh needs declare You and Arcadius must tie no knot Of man and wife Arc. Is my Vncle mad Que. Ioy has transported him Or age has made him dote Macarius Provoke us not too much you will presume Above our mercy Mac. I le discharge my duty Could your frowne strike me dead my Lord you know Whose character this is Cas. It is Thedosius Your graces Father Bis. I am subscrib'd a witnesse Phi. Vpon my life 't is his Mac. Feare not I le crosse this match Cas. I le blesse thee for 't Arc. Vncle dee know what you doe or what we are Going to finish you will not breake the necke of my glorious Fortune now my footes i th' stirrups and mounting Throw me over the saddle I hope you le let one Be a King Madam 't is as you say My Vncle is something craz'd there is a worme In 's braine but I beseech you pardon him he is Not the first of your counsell that has talk'd Idly d ee heare my Lord Bishop I hope You have more religion then to joyne with him To undoe me Bis. Not I sir but I am commanded by oath And conscience to speake truth Arc. If your truth should doe me any harme I shall never Be in charity with a Croziers staffe looke too 't Que. My youngest Brother Cas. Worse and worse my braines Mac. Deliver to me an Infant with this writing To which this reverend Father is a witnesse Lisa. This he whom we so long thought dead a childe Que. But what should make my father to trust him To your concealement give abroad his death and bury An empty coffin Mac. A jealousie he had Vpon Cassander whose ambitious braine He fear'd would make no conscience to depose His sonne to make Lisimachus King of Epire. Que. He made no scruple to expose me then To any danger Mac. He secur'd you Madam By an earely engagement of your affection To Lisimachus exempt this testimony Had he beene Arcadius and my Nephew I needed not obtrude him on the state Your Love and marriage had made him King Without my trouble and sav'd that ambition There was necessity to open now His birth and title Phi. Demetrius alive Arc. What riddles are these whom do they talk of Omn. Congratulate your returne to life and honor And as becomes us with one voyce salute you Demetrius King of Epire. Mac. I am no Vncle sir this is your sister I should have suffered incest to have kept you Longer i th' darke love and be happy both My trust is now discharg'd Lisa. And we rejoyce Arc. But doe not mooke me Gentlemen May I be bold upon your words to say I am Prince Thedosius sonne Mac. The King Arc. You le justifie it Sister I am very glad to see you Sop. I am to finde a brother and refigne my glory My triumph is my shame Exi● Enter Cassander Cas. Thine eare Lisimachus Arc. Gentlemen I owe Vnto your loves as large acknowledgement As to my birth for this greath onour and My study shall be equall to be thought Worthy of both Cas. Thou art turn'd Marble Lisi. There will be the lesse charge for my monument Cas. This must not be fit fast young King Exit Lisa. Your fister sir is gone Arc. My sister should have beene my Bride that name 〈◊〉 me in minde of Polidora ha Lisander Philocles Gentlemen If you will have me thinke your hearts allow me Thedosius sonne oh quickely snatch some wings Expresse it in your haste to Polidora Tell her what title is new dropt from Heaven To make her rich onely created for me Give her the ceremony of my Queene With all the state that may become our Bride Attend her to this throne are you not there Yet stay t is too much pride to send for her Wee le goe our selfe no honour is enough For Polidora to redeeme our fault Salute her gently from me and upon Your knee present her with this Diademe T is our first gift tell her Demetrius followes To be her guest and give himselfe a servant To her chaste bosome bid her stretch her heart To meet me I am lost in joy and wonder Exeunt Omnes Actus Quartus Enter Cassander Eubulus Souldier Cas. VVHere 's the Captaine of the Castle Sol. Hee le attend your honours presently Cas. Give him knowledge we expect him Sol. I shall my Lord. Exit Cas. He is my creature feare not And shall runne any c●urse that we propo●d Eub. My Lord I like the substance of your plot T is promising but matters of this consequence Are not so easily perfect and it does Concerne our heads to build upon secure Principles though Sel●eus I confesse Carry a high and daring spirit in him T is hard to thrust upon the state new setled Any impostor and we know not yet Whether hee le undertake to play the Prince Or if he should accept it with what cunning He can behave himselfe Cas. My Lord affaires Of such a glorious nature are halfe finish'd When they beginne with confidence Fub. Admit He want no art nor courage it must rest Vpon the people to receive his title And with what danger their uncertaine breath May flatter ours Demetrius scarcely warme In the Kings seate I may suspect Cas. That reason Makes for our part for if it be so probable That young Demetrius should be living why May not we worke them to beleeve Leo●atus The eldest sonne was by some tricke preserv'd And now would clame his owne there were two sons Who in their Fathers life we supposed dead May not we finde a circumstance to make This seeme as cleare as t'other let the vulgar Be once possest wee le carry Epire from Demetrius and the world Eub. I could be pleasd To see my sonne a King Enter Poleanus The Captaiues here Pol. I waite your Lordships pleasure Cas. We come to visit your late prisoner● I will