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B00937 The Epistels and Gospels for euery Sonday and holy day throughout the whole yeare. After the vse of the Church of England.; Bible. N.T. Epistles. English. 1574. Selections. 1574 (1574) STC 2982; ESTC S124412 95,256 158

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prophet For this is hee of whom it is written Behold I sende my Messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee ¶ The fourth Sunday in Aduent The Epistle Phillip iiii REioyce in the Lord alway and againe I say reioyce Let your softnes be knowen to all men the Lord is euen at hand Be careful for nothing but in all prayer and supplication let your peticions be manyfest vnto God wyth geuing of thankes And the peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding keepe your harts and mynds through Christ Iesu ¶ The Gospell Iohn i. THis is the recorde of Iohn when the Iewes sent Priestes and Leuites from Ierusalem to aske him what art thou And he confessed and denyed not and said plainely I am not Christ And they asked him what then art thou Helias And he sayd I am not Art thou that Prophet And he answered no. Then said they vnto him what art thou that we may geue an answer bnto thē that sent vs What saiest thou of thy selfe He said I am the voice of a Cryar in the wildernes make straight the way of the Lord as said the Prophet Esay And they which were sent were of the Phariseis and they asked him and sayde vnto him Why baptisest thou then if thou be not Christ nor Helias neither that Prophet Iohn answered thē saying I baptise with water but ther standeth one among you whom ye know not he it is which though he came after me was before me whose shooe latchet I am not worthye to vnloose These thinges were done in Bethabara beyond Iordan wher Iohn did baptise ¶ Christmas day The Epistle Hebrues i. GOd in times past diuersly many waies spake vnto the Fathers by Prophetes but in these last daies he hath spoken vnto vs by his own sonne whom he hath made Heire of al things by whom also he made the worlde Which Sonne being the bryghtnes of his glory and the very image of his substaunce ruling al things with the word of his power hath by his own person purged our sins sitteth on the right hand of the maiestie on hie being so much more excellent then the Angels as he hath by inheritaunce obteined a more excellent name thē they For vnto which of the Angels sayd he at any time Thou art my Sonne this day haue I begotten thee And againe I wyl be his Father and hee shall be my Sonne And agayne when hee bryngeth in the first begotten Sonne into the worlde he sayth and let all the Angels of God woorship hym And vnto the Angels hee sayth hee maketh hys Angels spirites and hys Ministers a flame of fire But vnto the Sonne he sayth thy seate O God shall be for euer and euer The scepter of thy kingdome is a right scepter Thou hast loued righteousnes and hated iniquitie wherfore God euen thy God hath annoynted thee with oyle of gladnesse aboue thy felowes And thou Lord in the beginning hast layde the foundation of the earth and the heauens are the workes of thy handes They shall perish but thou endurest but they all shall waxe olde as doth a garment and as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them and they shall bee chaunged But thou art euen the same and thy yeares shall not fayle ¶ The Gospell Iohn i. IN the beginning was the word and the word was with God God was the word The same was in the beginning with god Althings were made by it without it was made nothing that was made In it was life the life was the light of men and the light shineth in the darknes the darknes comprehended it not There was sent from God a man whose name was Iohn The same came as a witnes to beare wytnes of the lyght that all men through him might beleue He was not that light but was sent to beare witnes of the light That lyght was the true light which lyghtneth euery man that commeth into the world He was in the worlde and the world was made by hym and the worlde knewe hym not He came amonge hys owne and his own receiued him not But as many as receiued him to them gaue he power to bee made the sonnes of God euen them that beleued on hys name whych were borne not of bloude nor of the wyll of the flesh nor yet of the wyll of man but of god And the same word became flesh and dwelt among vs we saw the glory of it as the glory of the onely begotten Sonne of the Father ful of grace and truth ¶ Saint Stephens day The Epistle Actes vii ANd Steuen being full of the holy Ghost looked vp stedfastelye with his eyes into heauen and sawe the glorye of God Iesus standing on the right hande of God and sayde beholde I see the heauens open and the sonne of man standing on the right hande of god Then they gaue a shoute with a loude voice and stopped theyr eares and ran vpon him al at once and cast him out of the City and stoned him And the wytnesses layd downe their clothes at a yong mans frete whose name was Saule And they stoned Steuen callyng on and saying Lord Iesu receyue my spirite And he kneeled down cryed with a loude voyce Lord laye not this synne to their charge And when he had thus spoken he fell a sleepe ¶ The Gospell Math. xxiii BEholde I send vnto you Prophets and wise men and Scribes and some of them ye shal kil and crucify and some of them shall ye scourge in your Sinagogs and persecute them from city to city that vpon you may come all the righteous bloude which hath bene shed vpon the earth from the bloude of righteous Abell vnto the bloud of Zacharias the Sonne of Barachias whom ye slew betwene the temple and the aulter Verelye I saye vnto you all these things shall come vpon this generation O Ierusalem Ierusalem thou that killest the Prophets and stonest them which are sent vnto thee how often would I haue gathered thy children together euen as the Hen gathereth her Chicknes vnder her wings and ye would not Behold your house is left vnto you desolate For I saye vnto you ye shall not see me hence forth tyll ye say blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord. ¶ Saint Iohn Euangelistes day The Epistle i. Iohn i. THat whych was from the beginning whych we haue hearde which we haue seene with our eyes which wee haue looked vpon and our hands haue handeled of the worde of lyfe And the life appeared and we haue sene and beare wytnes and shewe vnto you that eternall life which was with the Father and appeared vnto vs That which wee haue seene and heard declare we vnto you that ye also may haue felowshyp with vs and that our felowship may be with the Father and hys Sonne Iesus Christ And this we write vnto you that ye may reioyce and that your ioye may be full And this is the tidinges
of god in much pacience in affections in necessities in anguishes in gripes inprisonments in strifes in labours in watchings in fastings in purenes in knowledge in long-suffering in kindnes in the holy ghost in loue vnfained in the word of truth in the power of God by the armour of righteousnes of the right hand and of the left by honour dishonour by euil report good report as deceiuers and yet true as vnknowen and yet knowen as dying and behold we liue as chastened and not killed as sorowing yet alway mery as poore yet make many rich as hauing nothing yet possessing althings ¶ The Gospell Math. iiii THen was Iesus led away of the Spirite into Wildernes to be tempted of the Deuyll And when he had fasted forty daies and forty nightes he was at the last an hungred And whē the Tempter came to him he said If thou be the sonne of God commaund that these stones be made bread But he answered sayd it is written Man shall not lyue by bread onelye but by euery woorde that proceedeth out of the mouth of god Then the deuil taketh him vp into the holy city and setteth him on a pinacle of the Temple and sayth vnto him If thou be the Sonne of God cast thy selfe downe headlong For it is written he shall geue hys Angels charge ouer thee and with their handes they shall hold thee vp least at any time thou dash thy foote against a stone And Iesus sayd vnto him it is written againe Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy god Agayne the deuill taketh him vp into an exceding hye mountaine and shewed him all the kyngdomes of the world and the glory of them and saith vnto hym All these wyll I geue thee if thou wylt fall downe worship me Then saith Iesus vnto him auoyde Sathan for it is wrytten Thou shalt woorship the Lord thy God him onely shalt thou serue Then the deuill left him behold the Angels came ministred vnto him ¶ The second Sunday in Lent. The Epistle i. Thessa. iiii WE besech you brethren and exhort you by the Lord Iesus that ye encrease more and more euen as ye haue receiued of vs how ye ought to walke to please god For ye know what commaundementes we gaue you by our Lord Iesus Christ For this is the wyll of God euen your holynes that ye should abstayne from fornication that euery one of you should know how to keepe his vessel in holynes and honour not in the lust of concupiscence as do the Heathen which know not God that no man oppresse defraud his brother in bargayning because that the lord is the auenger of all such things as we tolde you before and testified For God hath not called vs vnto vnclennes but vnto holynes He therefore that despiseth dispiseth not a man but God which hath sent his holy spirit among you ¶ The Gospell Math. xv IEsus went thence and departed into the coastes of Tyre and Sidon and behold a woman of Canaan which came out of the same coastes cryed vnto him saying haue mercy on me O Lord thou sonne of Dauid My daughter is pyteously vexed with a deuill But he answered her nothing at all And hys disciples came and besought him saying send her away for she cryeth after vs But he aunswered and sayd I am not sent but to the lost sheepe of the house of Israel Then came she and worshipped him saying Lord help me He answered and said It is not meete to take the childrens bread and cast it to Dogs She answered sayd Truth Lord yet the Dogs eate of the croomes which fall from their maisters table Then Iesus aunswered and sayd vnto her O woman great is thy faith be it vnto thee euen as thou wilt And her daughter was made whole euen the same tyme. ¶ The third sunday in Lent. The Epistle Ephe. v. BE you folowers of God as deare chlldren and walke in loue euen as Christ loued vs and gaue himselfe for vs an offering a sacrifice of a sweete sauour to god As for fornication and all vnclennes or couetousnes let it not be once named among you as for it becōmeth Saintes or filthines or foolish talking or iesting which are not comly but rather geuing of thanks For this ye know that no whoremōger either vncleane person or couetous person which is a woorshipper of Images hath any inheritance in the kingdome of Christ of god Let no man deceue you with vain words For because of such things commeth the wrath of God vpon the children of disobedience Be not ye therfore companions of them Ye were sometimes darknes but now are ye lyght in the Lord walke as children of lyght for the truth of the spirit consisteth in al goodnes and righteousnes and truth Accept that which is pleasing vnto the Lord haue no felowship with the vnfruitful workes of darknes but rather rebuke them For it is a shame euen to name those things which are done of them in secrete but all things when they are brought foorth by the light are manifest For whatsoeuer is manifest the same is light wherfore he saith Awake thou that sleepest and stand vp from death and Christ shal geue thee lyght ¶ The Gospell Luke xii IEsus was casting out a deuill that was dum And when he had cast out the deuyll the dumme spake and the people wondered But some of them sayd he casteth out Deuyls thorow Belzebub the chiefe of the deuils And other tempted him and required of him a signe from heauen But he knowing their thoughts said vnto them Euery kingdom deuided against it self is desolate and one house doth fall vpon another If Sathan also be deuided against him selfe how shall his kingdome endure Because ye saye I cast out deuils through Belzebub if I by the helpe of Belzebub cast out Deuils by whose helpe do your children cast them out therefore shal they be your iudges But if I with the finger of God cast out deuils no doubt the kingdome of God is come vpon you When a strong man armed watcheth his house the things that he possesseth are in peace But when a stronger then he commeth vpon him and ouercōmeth him he taketh from him all hys harnes wherin he trusted and deuideth his goods He that is not with me is against me And he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroade When the vncleane spirit is gone out of a mā he walketh through dry places seking rest And when he findeth none he saith I wil returne againe into my house whence I came out And when he cōmeth he fyndeth it swept garnished Then goeth he and taketh to him seuen other spirites worse then him selfe they enter in dwel there And the end of that man is worse then the beginning And it fortuned that as he spake these things a certain woman of the company lift vp her voyce sayd vnto him Happy is the
a wedding garment And he was euen spechles Then sayde the kyng to the ministers Take and bynde hym hand foote and cast hym into vtter darknes there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth For many are called but few be chosen ¶ The .xxi. sunday after Trinity sunday The Epistle Ephe. vi MY brethren be strong through the Lord thorow the power of his myght Put on all the armour of God that ye may stand agaynst all the assaultes of the Deuyll For we wrestle not agaynst bloud and fleshe but agaynst rule agaynst power against worldly rulers euen gouernors of the darknes of this world agaynst spirituall craftynes in heauenly thinges Wherfore take vnto you the whole armour of God that ye may be able to resist in the euyll day and stand perfect in althinges Stand therfore and your loines gyrt with the truth hauing on the brest plate of righteousnes hauing shoes on you feete that ye may be prepared for the Gospel of peace Aboue all take to you the shield of fayth wherewith ye may quentch all the firy dartes of the wicked And take the helmet of saluation and the sword of the spirit which is the woord of god And pray alwaies with al maner of praier and supplication in the spirit and watch therunto with all instaunce and supplications for all Sayntes and for me that vtterance may be geuen vnto me that I may open my mouth freely to vtter the secretes of my Gospel wherof I am a messenger in bondes that therein I may speake freely as I ought to speake ¶ The Gospel Iohn iiii THere was a certayne Ruler whose sonne was sicke at Capernaum assoone as the same heard that Iesus was come out of Iewry into Galile hee went vnto hym and besought hym that he would come downe and heale his sonne for he was euen at the poynt of death Then sayd Iesus vnto him except ye see signes and wonders ye wyl not beleue The ruler sayd vnto him Syr come downe or euer that my sonne dye Iesus said vnto him go thy way thy sonne lyueth The man beleued the woord that Iesus had spoken vnto hym And he went hys way and as hee was going downe the seruauntes met hym and told hym saying thy sonne lyueth Then enquired hee of them the houre when he began to amende And they sayd vnto him yesterday at the seuenth houre the feuer left him So the father knew that it was the same houre in the which Iesus sayd vnto him Thy sonne lyueth And he beleued and all his houshold This is agayne the seconde myracle that Iesus dyd when hee was come out of Iewry into Galile ¶ The .xxiii. sunday after Trinity sunday The Epistle Phi. i. I Thanke my God with all remembraunce of you alwaies in all my praiers for you and pray with gladnes Because ye are come into the felowship of the Gospell from the fyrst day vntill now And am surely certified of this that hee which hath begone a good woorke in you shall performe it vntill the day of Iesus Christ as it becommeth me that I should so iudge of you all because I haue you in my hart for somuch as ye are all companions of grace with me euen in my bonds and in the defending and establishing of the gospell for God is my record how greatly I longe after you all from the verye hart roote in Iesus Christ And thys I praye that your loue may encrease yet more more in knowledge and in all vnderstanding that ye may accept the thinges that are most excellent that ye may be pure and such as offend no man vntyll the day of Christ being fylled with the fruit of righteousnes which commeth by Iesus Christ vnto the glory and prayse of God. ¶ The Gospell Math. xviii PEter sayd vnto Iesus Lord how ofte shall I forgeue my brother if he synne against me til seuen times Iesus saith vnto him I say not vnto thee vntill seuen tymes but seuenty tymes seuen tymes Therefore is the kingdome of heauen likened vnto a certaine man that was a king which would take accoumptes of his seruaunts And when he had begon to recken one was brought vnto hym which oughte him tenne thousande talentes but forasmuch as hee was not able to pay his Lord commaunded him to be solde and hys wyfe and children and all that he had and payment to be made The seruaunt fell downe and besought hym saying Syr haue pacience wyth me and I wyll pay thee all Then had the Lord pity on that seruaunt and loosed hym and forgaue hym the debt So the same seruaunt went out and found one of hys fellowes whych ought hym an hundred pence and he layde handes on hym and tooke hym by the throte saying paye that thou owest And hys fellow fell downe and besought hym saying haue pacience with me and I wyll pay thee all And he would not but went and cast him into pryson tyll hee should pay the debt So when hys fellowes saw what was done they were verye sorye and came and tolde vnto theyr Lorde all that had happened Then the Lorde called hym and sayde vnto hym O thou vngracious seruaunt I forgaue thee all that debt when thou desyredst me shouldest not thou also haue had compassion on thy fellowe euen as I had pitye on thee And hys Lord was wrothe and delyuered hym to the Iailers tyll hee shoulde paye all that was due vnto hym So lykewyse shall my heauenly Father doo also vnto you if ye from your hartes forgeue not euery one his brother their trespasses ¶ The .xxiii. sunday after Trinity sunday The Epistle Philip. iii. BRethren be followers together of me and looke on them whych walke euen so as ye haue vs for an ensample For many walke of whom I haue told you often and now tell you weeping that they are the enemies of the crosse of Christ whose ende is damnation whose belly is their God glory to their shame which are worldly mynded But our conuersation is in heauen from whence we looke for the sauiour euen the Lord Iesus Christ which shall chaunge our vyle body that he may make it lyke vnto hys gloryous body according to the working whereby he is able also to subdue all thinges vnto hym selfe ¶ The Gospell Math. xxii THen the Pharisies went out and tooke counsayl how they might tangle hym in his wordes And they sent out vnto hym their disciples wyth Herodes Seruauntes saying Mayster wee knowe that thou art true and teachest the way of God truly neyther carest thou for anye man for thou regardest not the outwarde appearaunce of men Tell vs therefore how thinkest thou is it lawfull that tribute be geuen vnto Ceasar or not But Iesus perceyuing theyr wickednes sayde Why tempt ye me you hipocrites shew me the tribute money And they tooke hym a peny And he sayd vnto them whose is this image and superscription They sayd vnto hym Ceasars Then sayd hee vnto them geue therefore
❧ THE Epistels and Gospels for euery Sonday and Holy day throughout the whole yeare After the vse of the Church of England 1574 Imprinted at London by Iohn Awdeley dwellyng in little Brittain streete without Aldersgate ¶ Cum priuilegio ¶ The Epistles and Gospels for euery Sunday and Holy day throughout the whole yeare ¶ The first Sunday in Aduent The Epistle Roma iii. OWe nothing to any man but thys that ye loue one another For he that loueth another fulfilleth the law For these commaundements Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not kyl Thou shalt not steale Thou shalt not beare false witnes Thou shalt not lust and so foorth if there be any other commaundement it is all comprehended in this saying namely Loue thy neighbour as thy selfe Loue hurteth not hys neighbour therefore is loue the fulfilling of the lawe This also we know the season how that it is time that we should now awake out of sleepe for now is our saluation nerer then when we beleued The night is passed the day is come nye let vs therefore cast awaye the deedes of darknes and let vs put on the armour of light Let vs walke honestlye as it were in the day light not in eating and drinking neither in chambring nor wantonnes neither in strife and enuying but put ye on the Lord Iesus Christ and make no prouision for the flesh to fulfill the lustes of it ¶ The Gospell Math. xxi ANd when they drew nye to Ierusalem and were come to Bethphage vnto mount Oliuet then sent Iesus two of his Disciples saying vnto them Go into the towne that lieth ouer against you and anon you shall finde an Asse bound and her Colt with her loose them bring them vnto me And if any man say ought vnto you say ye the Lord hath nede of them straight way he wyl let them go Al this was done that it might be fulfylled which was spoken by the Prophet saying Tell ye the daughter of Sion behold thy king commeth vnto thee meeke sytting vpon an Asse a Colt the foale of the Asse vsed to the yoke The Disciples went and did as Iesus commaunded them and brought the Asse and the Colt and put on them their clothes and set hym thereon And many of the people spread their garments in the way Other cut downe braunches from the trees and strawed them in the way Moreouer the people that went before and they that came after cryed saying Hosanna to the sonne of Dauid blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest And when he was come to Ierusalem all the City was moued saying Who is this And the people sayd this is Iesus the Prophet of Nazareth a city of Galile And Iesus went into the Temple of God cast out all them that sold and bought in the Temple and ouerthrew the tables of the money chaungers and the seates of them that sold Dooues and sayd vnto them It is written my house shall be called the house of prayer but ye haue made it a denne of theeues ¶ The second Sunday in Aduent The Epistle Roma xv WHat soeuer thinges are written aforetyme they are written for our learning that we through pacience and comfort of the scriptures myght haue hope The God of pacience and consolation graunt you to bee lyke mynded one towardes another after the ensample of Christ Iesu that ye all agreeing together may with one mouth praise God the Father of our Lord Iesu Christ Wherfore receyue ye one another as Christ receiued vs to the prayse of god And this I say that Iesu Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God to confirme the promises made vnto the fathers and that the Gentiles might praise god for his mercy as it is writtē For this cause I wil praise thee among the Gentils and singe vnto thy name And againe he sayth Reioyce ye Gentils with his people And againe praise the Lord all ye Gentils and laude him all ye nations together And agayne Esay sayth There shall bee the roote of Iesse he that shal ryse to raigne ouer the Gentiles in him shal the Gentils trust The God of hope fill you with al ioy and peace in beleuing that ye may be rytch in hope through the power of the holy ghost ¶ The Gospell Luke xxi THer shal be signes in the sunne and in the moone and in the stars and in the earth the people shall be at their wittes ende thorow dispaire The sea and the water shal roare and mens harts shal faile thē for feare and for looking after those thinges which shal come on the earth For the powers of heauen shall moue And then shall they see the Sonne of man come in a cloude with power and great glorye When these thinges beginne to come to passe then looke vp and lift vp your heads for your redemption draweth nye And he shewed thē a similitude Behold the Figtree and al other trees whē they shoote foorth their buds ye see know of your own selues that summer is then nie at hād So likewise ye also whē ye see these things come to passe be sure that the kyngedome of God is nye Verely I say vnto you this generation shall not passe tyll all bee fulfyled Heauen and earth shall passe but my woordes shall not passe ¶ The third Sunday in Aduent The Epistle i. Cor. iiii LEt a man this wyse esteeme vs euen as the ministers of Christ and Stewardes of the secretes of god Furthermore it is required of the Stewarde that a man be founde faythfull with me it is but a very small thing that I should be iudged of you eyther of mans iudgement no I iudge not mine owne selfe for I knowe nought by my selfe yet am I not thereby iustified It is the Lord that iudgeth me Therefore iudge nothing before the time vntyll the Lord come which wyll lyghten thynges that are hyd in darknes and open the counsayles of the hartes and then shall euery man haue praise of God. ¶ The Gospell Math. xi WHen Iohn being in prison heard the works of Christ he sent two of his Disciples and sayd vnto him Art thou he that shal come or do we looke for another Iesus aunswered said vnto them Go and shew Iohn agayne what ye haue heard and seene The blinde receiue theyr sight the lame walke the leapers are clensed and the deafe heare the deade are raysed vp and the poore receiue the glad tidinges of the Gospell and happy is he that is not offended by me And as they departed Iesus began to say vnto the people concerning Iohn What went ye out into the wildernes to see A reede that is shaken with the wind Or what went you out to see A man clothed in soft raymēt Behold they that weare soft clothing are in kinges houses But what went you out for to see A Prophet Verely I say vnto you and more then a
and vnto them that looke for hym shall he appeare againe without sinne vnto saluacion ¶ The Gospell Luke xxii THe feast of sweete bread drew nye which is called Easter and the hye Priestes and Scribes sought how they might kyll hym for they feared the people Then entred Sathan into Iudas whose sir name was Iscarioth which was of the number of the twelue and hee went his waye and communed with the hie Priestes and officers how he myght betray hym vnto them And they were glad and promised to geue him money And hee consented and sought oportunity to betray him vnto them when the people were away Then came the day of sweete breade when of necessity the Passeouer must be offered And he sent Peter and Iohn saying go and prepare vs the Passeouer that we may eate They sayd vnto him where wilt thou that we prepare and hee sayd vnto them behold when ye enter into the City there shall a man meete you bearing a pitcher of water him folow into the same house that he entreth in and ye shall say vnto the good man of the house the maister sayth vnto thee where is the gest chamber where I shall eate the passeouer with my Disciples And hee shall shew a great parler pauid there make readye And they went and found as he had sayd vnto them and they made ready the Passeouer And when the houre was come hee sat downe and the twelue Apostles with hym And he sayd vnto them I haue inwardly desired to eate this Passeouer with you before that I suffer For I say vnto you henceforth wyll I not eate of it any more vntyll it bee fulfilled in the kingdome of god And hee tooke the Cup and gaue thankes and sayd Take this and deuide it among you For I say vnto you I wyll not drynke of the fruite of this vyne vntill the kingdome of God come And hee tooke bread and when he had geuen thanks he brake it and gaue vnto them saying This is my body which is geuen for you this do in the remēbraunce of me Likewise also when he had supped he tooke the cup saying Thys cup is the new testament in my bloud which is shed for you Yet behold the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table And truely the sonne of man goeth as it is appointed but woe vnto that man by whom he is betrayed And they began to enquire among them selues which of them it was that should do it And there was a stryfe among them which of them should seeme to be the greatest And he said vnto them the kinges of nacions reigne ouer them and they that haue aucthoryty vpon them are called gracious but ye shall not so be But he that is greatest among you shall be as the yonger and hee that is chiefe shal be as he that doth minister For whether is greater he that sitteth at meat or he that serueth Is not he that litteth at meate But I am among you as he that ministreth Ye are they which haue biddē with me in my temptacions And I appointed vnto you a kingdome as my father hath appointed to me that ye may eate and drinke at my table in my kingdom sit on seates iudging the twelue tribes of Israell And the Lord said Simon Simon behold Satā hath desired to sift you as it were wheate but I haue praied for thee that thy fayth fayle not And when thou art conuerted strength thy brethren And he said vnto him lord I am ready to go with thee into prison and to death And he sayd I tel thee Peter the cock shall not crow thys day til thou haue denied me thrise that thou knowest me And he sayd vnto them when I sent you without wallet and scrip and shoes lacked ye any thing And they said no. Then sayd he vnto them but now he that hath a wallet let him take it vp likewise his scrip And he that hath no sworde let him sell his coate bie one For I say vnto you that yet the same which is written must be performed in me euen amōg the wicked was he reputed For those things which are written of me haue their end And they sayd Lord behold here are .ii. swords he said vnto thē it is inough And he came out went as he was wont to mount Oliuet and the disciples folowed him And when he came to the place he said vnto them pray lest ye fal into temptacion And he gat him selfe frō them about a stone cast and kneeled down praied saying Father if thou wilt remoue this cup frō me Neuertheles not my will but thine be fulfilled ther appeared an angel vnto him frō heauen cōforting him And he was in an agony praied the longer and his sweate was like drops of bloud trickling down to the ground And when he arose frō praier was come to his disciples he found them sleeping for heauines he said vnto thē why slepe ye Rise pray least ye fall into temptation While he yet spake behold ther came a cōpany and he that was called Iudas one of the twelue wēt before them preased nye to Iesus to kisse him But Iesus said vnto him Iudas betraiest thou the sonne of man with a kisse When they which were about him saw what would folow thei said vnto him lord shal we smite with the sword one of them smote a seruant of the hie priest stroke of his right eare Iesus answered sayd suffer ye thus far forth And when he touched his eare he healed him Then Iesus said vnto the hie Priestes rulers of the temple the elders which wer come to him Ye be come out as vnto a theefe with swords and staues When I was dayly with you in the temple ye streatched forth no handes against me but this is euen your very hour and the power of darknes Then tooke they him and led him and brought him to the hie Priestes house But Peter folowed a far of And when they had kinled a fire in the midst of the palace and were set down together Peter also sat down amonge them But when one of the wenches be helde him as he sat by the fire and looked vpon hym she sayd this same felow was also with him And he denied him saying womā I know him not And after a litle while another saw him and said thou art also of them And Peter sayd man I am not And about the space of an houre after another affirmed saying verely this felow was with him also for he is of Galile And Peter sayd mā I wot not what thou saiest immediately while he yet spake the Cock crew And the lord turned backe looked vpon Peter And Peter remembred the word of the Lord how he had sayd vnto hym before the Cock crow thou shalt deny me thrise Peter went out and wept bytterly And the men that tooke Iesus mocked him smot
say vnto the cities of Iuda Behold your God behold the Lord God shall come with power and beare rule with his arme Behold he bringeth his treasure with him and his workes go before him He shal feede his flocke lyke an Heardman Hee shall gather the Lambes together with his arme and cary them in hys bosome and shall kindly intreate those that beare young ¶ The Gospel Luke i. ELizabethes time came that she shuld be deliuered she brought forth a sonne And her neyghbours and her Cosen 's heard how the Lord had shewed great mercy vpon and reioyced with her And it fortuned that in the eyght day they came to circumcise the childe and called his name Zachary after the name of his father And his mother answered and sayd not so but his name shall be called Iohn And they sayde vnto her There is none in thy kynred that is named with this name And they made sygnes to hys father how he would haue him called And he asked for writing tables and wrote saying his name is Iohn And they maruayled all And hys mouth was opened immediately and his toung also he spake and praysed god And feare came on all them that dwelt nye vnto him And al these sayings was noised abrod throughout all the hye country of Iewry and they that heard them layd them vp in their hartes saying what maner of child shal this be And the hand of the Lord was with him And his father Zacharias was fylled wyth the holy Ghost prophecied saying Praysed be the Lord God of Israell for he hath visited and redemed his people And raised vp an horne of saluation vnto vs in the house of his seruaunt Dauid Euen as he promised by the mouth of his holy Prophetes which were since the world began that we should be saued frō our enemies frō the hand of all that hate vs That he would deale mercifully with our fathers and remember his holy couenaunt he would performe the oth which he sware to our father Abraham for to geue vs That we being deliuered out of the hands of our enemies might serue hym wythout feare all the dayes of our lyfe in such holines and righteousnes as are acceptable for him And thou childe shalt be called the Prophet of the highest for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his waies To geue knowledge of saluacion vnto his people for the remission of syns Through the tender mercy of our God whereby the day spring from an hye hath visited vs To geue light to them that sat in darknes and in the shadow of death to guide our feete into the way of peace And the Childe grewe and waxed strong in spirit was in wildernes till the day came when he should shew himselfe vnto the Israelits ¶ Saynt Peters day the Apostle The Epistle Actes xii AT the same time Herod the king stretched foorth his handes to vexe certain of the congregation And he kylled Iames the Brother of Iohn with the sworde And because he saw it pleased the Iewes he proceded further and tooke Peter also Then were the dayes of swete bread And when hee had caught him he put hym in prison also and deliuered hym to four quarternions of souldiers to bee kept intending after Easter to bringe him foorth to the people And Peter was kepte in prison but prayer was made with out ceasing of the congregation vnto God for him And when Herod woulde haue brought him out vnto the people the same night slepte Peter betwene two soldiers bound with two chaines and the kepers before the doore kept the prison And behold the Aungell of the Lord was there present and a light shined in the habitation And he smot Peter on the side and stirred him vp saying arise vp quickly And his chaines fel from his hands And the Aungell sayd vnto him girde thy selfe and bind on thy sandales And he so did And he sayde vnto him cast thy garment about thee and folow me And he came out and folowed him and wist not that it was truth which was done by the Angell but thought hee had seene a vision When they were past the first and second watch they came vnto the yron gate that leadeth vnto the city which opened to them by the owne accord and they went out and passed thorow one streete foorthwith the Angel departed from him And when Peter was come to himselfe he sayd now I know of a suretye that the Lord hath sent his angel and hath deliuered me out of the hand of Herod and from all waiting of the people of the Iewes ¶ The Gospell Math. xv WHen Iesus came into the coastes of the City which is called Cesarea Philippy he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that I the son of man am They sayd Some say that thou art Iohn Baptist some Helias some Ieremias or one of the Prophets He said vnto them but whom say ye that I am Simon Peter aunswered and sayde Thou art Christ the son of the liuing god And Iesus aunswered and said vnto him Happy art thou Simon the sonne of Ionas for flesh and bloud hath not opened that vnto thee but my father which is in heauen And I say vnto thee that thou art Peter and vpon this rocke I will builde my congregacion And the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it And I wil geue vnto thee the keies of the kingdome of heauen And whatsoeuer thou bindest in earth shal be bound in heauen and whatsoeuer thou loosest in earth shal be loosed in heauen ¶ Saint Iames the Apostle The Epistle Actes xi IN those dayes came Prophetes from the City of Ierusalem vnto Antioch and there stood vp one of them named Agabus and signified by the spirite that there should be great dearth throughout all the world which came to passe in the Emperour Claudius dayes Then the disciples euery man according to hys abilitye purposed to send succour vnto the brethren which dwelt in Iewry which thing they also did and sent it to the elders by the handes of Barnabas and Saule At the same time Herod the kinge stretched foorth his handes to vexe ceriaine of the congregation And hee killed Iames the brother of Iohn with the sword And because he saw it pleased the Iewes he proceeded further and tooke Peter also ¶ The Gospell Math. xx THen came to him the mother of Zebedes children with her sonnes worshipping him and desiring a certain thing of him and he sayd vnto her what wilt thou Shee sayd vnto him Graunt that these my two Sonnes may syt the one on thy right hand and the other on thy lefte in thy kingdome But Iesus answered and sayd yee wote not what ye aske are ye able to drinke of the cup that I shall drinke of and to be baptised with the baptisme that I am baptised with They said vnto him we are He sayd vnto them ye shal drink in deede of my cup