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A73477 The prophete Isaye, translated into englysshe, by George Ioye; Bible. O.T. Isaiah. English. Joye. Joye, George, d. 1553. 1531 (1531) STC 2777; ESTC S111732 89,011 240

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beinge at the walles heare Whome Rabsices answerde Why thinke ye that my Lorde sente me only to yow and to your Lorde to saye this message and not rather to these kareful miserable men that sitte vpon the walls that they shulde not be constrayned to eate theire owne dyrte and to drynke their owne pisse with yow Rabsace therfore proceded stefly in his oracion kryinge with a lowde voyce in the Iuwes tonge saing heare what the grete king the Kinge of the Assyrions commaundeth Thus cōmaundeth the kinge take hede leste kinge Ezekias deceyue yowe for it lieth not in his power to defende yowe Nether let hym persuade yow to truste in his lorde affirminge that y ● Lorde with oute doute wyl delyuer you and that this cyte shal not be delyuerde into the handes of the kinge of Assyrye se that ye obaye not Ezekie for thus promyseth yow the kynge of Assyrie If ye wyll beare me so myche favoure as to forsake hym and turne to me every man shal enioye styll his owne vyneyarde his fygge trees and euery man shal drinke the waters of his owne pytte vntyl I shal come and leade yow vll to a lande as good as is this yowers even a lande wheryn is plentye bothe o whete and wyne ye a lande al redy sowne withe al maner corne and planted with y e beste vynes Take good hede y t Ezekias deceyve yowe not saynge the Lorde shal delyver yow For haue therever yet eny of the goddis of the gentiles delyuerd their lande frome the pow r of the kinge of the Assyrians Where is nowe the God of Hemath ād Arphad Whe r is the god of Sepharuaim And who I praye yowe delyuerde Samaria fro my power Whiche on emonge all the goddes of these kingdomes hath delyverde their region from my power so that ye maye truste to the lorde to delyver Ierusalem from my hande At these wordes the kinges legates we r so put to sylence that they had not a worde to answere Then returned Eliakim the presydent of y e towne house sonne of Helkie Sobna the scrybe and Ioas Secreterye the sonne of Asaph vnto Ezekias their clothes alto cutte and tolde hī the oracion of Rabsacen The .xxxvij. Chapiter THen kinge Ezekias hearing this cut his clothes and he clothed with sacke wente into the temple of the Lorde and in the meane tyme he sente Eliakim the president of y e towne Sobnam the scribe and the seniours of the preestes clothed with sacke vnto Isaye the prophete sonne of Amos whiche sayed vnto hym Thus commaundeth vs Ezekias to saye vnto the. The daye of tribulacion the daye of affliccion and blasphemye is nowe come even lyke as thoughe the tyme of delyueraunce of chylde were presente and strengthe to put it forth shulde fayle the mother Verely the Lorde thy god hath harde the wordes of Rabsace whome his Lorde the Kinge of Assyrye hathe sente to blaspheme and to revyse the lyuinge god with certayne wordes which the lorde thy god hath harde wherfore thou muste geve the to pray r for y ● reamnaunte which ar yet left a lyue Then Isaye answerd y e seruāts of kīge Ezekie thꝰsente comen on this maner Thus shall ye tell yower lorde Thus saith the lorde Feare thou not for these wordes which thou hast harde in y ● which the seruants of the kinge of Assyrye haue thus revyled and blasphemed me for lo I shall sende vpon him but a blaste of wynde whose noyse as sone as he heareth he shal returne into his owne lande where I shall cause him to be slayne with swerde Nowe was Rabsaces returned and fownde the kinge of Assyrye making warre agenst Lobnam for he had knowledge that he was remoued from Lachis and it was reported also of Tharhaca kinge of the Ethiops y t he shuldbe nowe cōe to make warre with him which message when the kinge of Assyrye harde anon he sente other ābassiatours to Ezekias with this commaundement Thus shal ye tell Ezekias kinge of Iuda Take hede thy god deceyue the not in whom thou trusteste promysinge the that Ierusalē shal not be delyuerd into the hands of the kinge of the Assyryons For thou hast harde what great actes the kinge of Assyry hath done to al kingdomes in subuertinge them ād darest thou haue yet eny hope to escape Did the goddis of y ● Gentyles delyuer them whom my predicessours haue cōquered Coulde thei delyuer Gozan Haran Rezeph and the Chyldern of Eden whiche holde of Thalassar where is the kinge of Hamath kinge of Arphad kinge of Sepharuaim Hene and Aue Then toke kinge Ezekias the Pystel of the handes of the Ambassiatours when he had red it he wente vp into the house of the lorde and opened it before the lorde makīge his prayer on thys maner O lorde of powers the God of Israel which dwellest at the Cherubyms thou arte y e God which is the only god even the god of al the kingdoms of the erthe for it is thou that haste made bothe heauen ād erthe Bowe downe thy eare lorde and lysten opene thy eyes ād beholde Consyder al the wordes of Senherib which hath sente hither a blasphemous message wheryn he curseth and blasphemeth the lyuinge god Verely lorde I knowe this to be trwe that the kinges of Assyrye haue conquered all tye kingdoms and regions of the other nacions that they casted their goddes into the fyer for these were no goddis but the workes of mennis handes made of tre and stone wherfore they haue destroyed them worthely But nowe lorde ow r god nowe saue vs frome the handes of Senherib that nowe al the kingdoms of the erthe might knowe that thou art the lorde a lone When the thinge was at this poynte Isaye the sonne of Amos sente ād tolde Ezekias these wordes Thus hath the Lorde God of Israel spoken vnto these thinges which thou in thy prayer askedste of me as concerninge the kinge of the Assyryōs Thꝰ answerth the lorde agenst him O virgyn and daughter of Zion the kinge of Assyrye hathe despysed ād scorned the he shoke his head aftyr the o daughter of Ierusalē but thow proude kynge whō revilest thou whom curseste and blasphemeste thou Agenste whom krowest thou or lyftest vp thy stately loke verely euen agenst him that sanctifieth Israel For thy seruants sente hither thou reuyledst the lorde and hast taken so stoughtly vpon thy selfe this thinge sayng I shal kouer the moste highest mountayns ād sydes of Libani with the multitude of my horse men and chariets I shal cutdowne hir highe Ceder trees hir beste fyr trees I shal entre thorowe both hir highe mountayns and also hyr wodes ād fayer feldes And where I fynde waters I shal drye them al vp with the fete of my hoste Speakest thow not now euen thus to kinge Ezekias saīge hast thou not harde what actes and by what power I haue done them in tyme paste and what I am abonte to do now also that
¶ The title of this boke ¶ The vilsonor Prophecy of Isaye the sonne of Amoz which he prophecyed vpon Iuda Hierusalem in the dayes of Ozias Iothā Ahaz Ezechias Kinges of Iuda ¶ The firste Chapiter HEare heaven ād listen erthe for it is the Lorde that speaketh Childerne haue I noureshte vp and promoted ād they haue despyghtfully rebelled agēste me The vnreasonable oxe knoweth his owener the very asse his masters stall but Israel is vnsensible my people is with oute vnderstandynge Oh synful nacion a nacion laden with wikednes a myschevous generacion pestelent children The very Lorde haue thei forlakē euen hym that chose made holy Israel haue thei prouoked to anger are fled backwarde withe what plage more shall I then smyte you sith the more ye ar correkt y ● worse ye are All your heads ake euery harte is ful syk from toppe to toe is ther not an hole place in all your bodye All are woundes runninge sores ful of botches blaynes which noman maye clense or bynd plaster to nor yet sowple with eny oyntement your regiō is desolate your cites are brent vp with fyer your lande before your eyes a strāge natiō devowerth It is wasted lyk as with a cruel hoste And y ● daughter of Zion is lefte a lone lyk an hovelin a vyne yarde lyke a skoulke lodge in tyme of warre and lyke a beseged cyte And excepte y e lorde of powers had saued vs a fewe reamnauntes we had bē lyke So dome and Gomorre Heare therfore the worde of the Lorde ye prynces of Sodome And thou people of Gomorre take hede to the lawe of owre God sayinge thus what haue I to do with yower so manyfolde and so ofte offeringes and sacrifices I abhorre yower brente wethers I am ful of the kidnese of yower fatte beastes the bloude of oxen of lābes and gotes thei yrke me Whē ye come to se my face who requyreth these of ferīges at your handes Is this y ● waie to trede my temple Offere no more I praye yowe your giftes thus in vayne this incēse is abhominacion to me your festes of the newe mone your Sabbath dayes and solempne festes I maye not a waye withe for ful wyked are yower ydle congregacions yower kalendes and feries my harte hatethe yower fastes are all in vayne I am wery of these thinges and it yrketh me to se them when ye shal stretch forth your handes I wil hyde myne eyes from yowe And pray ye never so miche yet shal I not heare yowe for your handes are bathed in bloude wasshe ye be cleane put a waye your yuel thoughtes croked counsells oute of my sighte ceasse to do hurte studye for equyte seke iustice delyuer the oppressed avenge y ● poore fatherlesse defende y s cause of the wedowe Come hither I praye ye and let me be proued saithe the Lorde when yower synnes were as redde as skarlet were thei not made as whyte as snowe And when thei were as redde as purple were thei not made as whyte as woll If ye wil heare and be ruled shal ye not take your plesure even of the best frutes of the londe But if ye wil be steffe necked thinke ye not to be devowerde with swerde Suerly God hath so promysed with his owne mouthe But howe is it thus come to passe that this cite whiche sometyme was faithful ful of equite in the whiche iustice was excercysed hath thus changed hir face lyke an harlet and is nowe become a murtherer of hir owne innocēt citesens Thi syluer is turned into drosse Thy wyne is marred withe water Thy rulers arbetrayers and bakslyders frome God even felowes vnto theves All they love giftes and are sentence sellers they restore not his righte to the fatherlesse and the wedewes cause comethe neuer at thē Wherfore thꝰ saith the lorde god of powers and the myghty forth leader of Israel Ahlasse I muste neades ease my mynde and be auenged vpon my aduersares I shal suerly sette my hande vpon the I shal seeth oute thy drosse and trye oute thy pureste and I shal take awaye all thy leade Aftyr this shal I restore the thy iuges ād senatours as they were before And then shalte thow be called the cite of rightwysnes and the faithful towne Thus shal Ziō nowe redemed frome captiuite be accustomed with equite and excercised in rightwisnes when the vngodly transgressours and bakslyders frome the Lorde shal be alto broken and vtterly peresshe And excepte ye be ashamed of your stockes and Idolls in wodes and hilles in whiche ye delighted and leve your groves and gardens which ye chose for yowe ye shal be lyke okes whose leaves fal a waye and lyke a garden with oute water For the glysteringe glorye of these images shal be turned into stubble and the makers of them into sparkes of fyer and bothe of them shal be brente togither noman quenchinge them The seconde Chapit the title prefixed THe worde whiche was shewed vnto Isaye y e sonne of Amoz vppon Iuda and Ierusalem Thus shal it be in the laste dayes The hill of the house of the Lorde shal be so prepared and setvp that it shal apere aboue al the toppes of wother hilles And then shal there flowe vnto it all Gentyls and infinite folke shal goforth sayinge one to a nother come let vs ascende vnto the hyll of the lorde to the house of the god of Iacob that he mought teache vs his wayes ād that we moughte walke in his pathes For oute of Zion the lawe shal goforth and the worde of the lorde frome Ierusalem that he mought be a iuge emonge the Gentyls and rule therwith that infinite multitude And then a none shal thei cause their swerdes to be smyten into matoks and coultres and their speares into sythes and sykels For the one nacion shal no more lifte vp swtrde agenste the other nether shal they enymore excercyse them selfe into batayle And nowe speake I vnto the o house of Iacob Come neare I praye yowe that we moughte walke togither in the light of the Lorde But wherfore do I bidde the o thow vnhappye house of Iacob seinge y t thou with thy people ar now fledbacke frō y e Lorde for ye are far worse then yower elders both in soth saīgs aftyr y e maner of y e palestyns in calkynge of mennes birthes ye passe evē y e very haithē for as sone as your lande abounded in goolde syluer ye knewe non ende of your tresure as sone as it was replenesshed with horsemē chariets a none was it ful of Idolls ymages evē y e workes of your owne hādes which ye made with your owne fingers ye ye worshipte thē But doiste thou o mā faldowne befo r these Idols worshipest thē ye y t so supersticiously so steffly y t no thīge may plucke y e frome them Gete the hence quikly go hyde the in the
yowe O my childerne and disciples of the lorde aske counsell of the Pythonyts and soth sayers of sorcerers and charmers then answere yowe saynge do not euery nacion aske counsel and knowledge of theyr owne goddes shal they then aske of y ● dede to know thinges concerninge the lyuinge gete ye to the lawe and to goddes testymones for who so ever speaketh not aftyr these wordes they ar not of y ● morninge lyght If a man be negligent and dyspyse the lawe he smyteth hymselfe agenste a rok and faileth of his porpose and when he thus failethe of his porpose he shal be angrie so fret hymselfe that he shal curse his kynge his god And when he shal loke ether vpwarde or downwarde to the grownde lo all are full of anguyshe derknes and tribulacion floteringe aboute hym with the clowdes of erroure whiche shall not be taken from him that is thus grevously tangled in anguisshe as it haue bene sene of late in the lande of Zabulon in the lande of Neptalim Ch. ix FIrste y e londe was ridde of Zabulon ād Neptalim but at laste it shal be right greuously scourged The londe of Zabulon and Neptalim laye by the waye from over Iordan to the sea thorow Galile whervpon then bordred the gentyls the folke that walked in derkenes which shal see a grete lyght and over them dwelling in the region of y e dedly shadewe light shal springe thou shalt multiplye the gētyls shalt thou not therwith also magnifye gladnes thei shal be glad with y ● as men reioyse in their reapīge as mē hauinge victory reioyse in deuyding of their proie For y ● hevye yoke of y e gentyls and the burden of their shulders the pow r of their tyrauntes thou shalte breke euē as thou once delyuerdst thy people frome the tyranye of the Madianites ye al vyolente roberye al hastye insurreccion and al cruel bloud shed shal fead the fyer For a chylde shal be borne for vs and a sonne shal be geuen vs vppon whese shulders Impery and the gouernaunce shal be put and he shal be called the meruelous counseler the myghtye God the father everlastinge the prince of peace this kinge shall neuer haue ende in encresinge his Impery yet shal he therwith nouryshe peace sittinge in the seat regall of Dauid ād in his kingdome to mayntayne it in equyte rightwysnes frome thence into euerlastinge the zele of y ● lorde of powers shal bringe this to passe The lorde sente a worde into Iacob and it fell into Israel which all the people shal know euen Ephraim the citesens of Samarye althoughe yet of a prowde harte thei saye thus Ower buldīges of brycke are smyttē downe but we shal buylde thē agene with fower sqwared stones ower houses of wilde figtres ar broken downe but we shal restore thē buylded with Cedre trees wherfore y ● lorde shal stere vp Resin with other enemes vpon thez whom he shal so dispose ordre that Syrus shal come yn vpon y ● fronte of Israel and the palestines shal come in on their backes ād devower them with open mouthe and yet for al this shal he not swage his wrath but shal yet stretche forth his hande for nether the people returneth vnto hym that plaged them nor yet seke thei the lorde of powers wherfore y ● lorde shal kutof from Israel both toppe and tayle braunche and bande al at once by the toppe vnderstande thou the aldermā and him y t bearethe rule by y ● tayle vnderstande thou the prophete that preachethe lyes For they whiche preache this people to be happye or blessed are deceyuers and they that are thoughte happye emonge them are the moste nyghest their destruction Wherfore the Lorde delighteth not in their yongons and is vnmerciful vnto the fatherles and to their wedews for thei ar al hypocryts and kursed and thei al speake folishnes and yet for all this shall he not swage his wrathe but stretche stil forth his hande For their vngodlynes burneth lyke fyer which is noureshed with brambles and thornes and the smoke of their pryde fleethforth lyke y e smoke of fyer that is fallen emonge thycke bryers wherfore the lande shal be brente in the wrathe of the lorde of powers ād the people shall fede the fyer for noman shal spare a nother And if eny man turne hym on his righthande he shal sterve for honger and if he turne hym on his lefte hande to eats yet shal he fynde no fode every man shal eate the brawne of his owne armes Manasse shal eate Ephraim and Ephraim Manasse ād then shal these togith r also eate Iuda And yet for al this shal he not swage his wrathe but stretch styll forth hys hande Chapi x. WO be to yowe that make vngodly lawes and set statutes to harde to kepe to oppresse the poore in iugement and vtterly to beger my afflicte simple people with stryfe ād lawe that the wedewe myght be a proye for yow and to robbe the fatherlesse What then shal ye do in the daye of visitation and destruccion cominge frome a farre to whome then shall ye flee for helpe Or where shall ye leave yower glorye for a pledge that ye be not caste into fetters or fall into emonge the sīayne And yet for all this shal he not swage his wrathe but stretche still forthe his hande Wo be to Assur also the weapen of my wrathe which holdethe the rodde of my indignacion in his hande for I muste sende hym emonge hypocrytes and to people that hathe deserued my Indignacion shal I sende him to robbe and to spoile thez of al that thei haue to stampe them vnder his fete lyke the dyrte in the streates not with standinge yet he himselfe shal not so consyder y ● thinge nether thus thinke it in his harte but hitherto loketh his harte his luste is to destroye ād to wype awaye with his swerde not a fewe folke for thus thinketh he saynge with hymselfe Are not al other kinges and princes trybutares vnto me shal not I subdwe to me Calenum as easelye as Charchamim and as sone take Antioch as I haue Arphad and Damase as Samariam as who saye I haue goten by my nowne power these kingdoms in y ● which Idols karued images ar worshiped and can I not then get Ierusalē and Samarye shall not I be as able to do to Ierusalem and to hir Images as I haue done to Samarye and to hir goddes Then the tyme shal come saith y e lorde when I haue fyneshed al my worke in the mounte of Zion and Ierusalem y t I muste vyset and loke vpon this Ioylye byrde and so fortunate a felowe even vpon the stoute harte of the kynge of the Assyrions and vpon his hyghe loke for thus he thinketh of him selfe by my nowne power and wysdome do I these thinges for I am wise It is I that haue taken awaye y
that then euery one of them shal saye thus Chap. xij I Thanke the Lorde for thow wast wrathe with me but thy countenaunce nowe changed thou arte mercyfull and counfortest me Lo God is my savioure I shal truste in hym ād shall not feare For the Lorde god is my strength and prayse It is he that wil be my refuge ye shal drawe waters with grete ioye owte of the welles of ow r saviow r and shal saye in those dayes Let vs geve thankes to the Lorde let vs spreade his name Let vs publeshe his plesures to the people and let vs neuer forget that right highe is his name exalted Let vs synge vnto the lorde for he hath done highe thinges that they shulde be knowne thorowe all the erthe Lawghe and be glad frome thy very harte thou that dwelleste in Zion for right grete is thy prynce which maketh holye Israel Chap. xiij THe heuy destruction of Babylō whiche Isaye the sonne of Amoz sawe before Lyftevp a token to the hill a bove krye to them beken yow r handes to thez that the prynces might cōvaye theirselues into withyn the gates For I saith the Lorde shal commaunde my apoynted messagers and cal my mightyons that delight in my maiestye to fyneshe my wrathe And methought then that Iharde a noyse frome the mountaynes lyke the noyse of miche people swellinge and clusteringe togither evē a noyse of men musteringe as thoughe the realmes of the gētyles had bē gatherde altogither hauinge the lorde of powers for their capytain ād as thoughe thei had come frome farre regions euen frome the extreme partes of the worlde ye as thoughe bothe the Lorde himselfe his ministers and vessels of his indignaciō shulde haue come to destroye y ● wholl worlde Howle ye therfore for ful nyghe is the daye of the lorde which shal come vpon vs lyke a destroyer frome the moste myghtyeste then shal euery mānes hāde haue the palsaye and their hartes shal faynte thei shal be astonned holden with anguyshe and dazynges in their heades thei shal haue panges lyk women trauelinge of childe euery man shal be a frayde of other ād their chekes shal glowe for shame for beholde y e daye of the lorde shall be presente ful of fyarcenes Indignacion wrathe anger vntyl their lande be brought into a wyldernes and synne be castoute of it for the starres the planets of heuen shalnot geve their lighte The sonne shal be quenched in his vprysing y e mone shal with drawe hyr lighte I shal saith y e lorde loke vpon the malice of the worlde shal punyshe the synnes of the vngodly I shal abate the pryde of the prowde ād the wanten lustes of tyrants shal I bringe downe I shal make that a man shal be then more preciouse then y e pureste golde ye that but a vyle man shal be bet r then a wedge of gold of Ophyr Wherfore I shal so sinyte heven that the erthe shal shake frome hyr place these plages I saye shal fall vpon Babylon at the Indignacion of the lorde of powers and that in the daye of his fyarce wrathe then shal a man be as fearful as a chased doo and as a flocke of shepe whom noman can bringe to gither one countreman shal flee to a nother for helpe and euery man to his owne lande ād he that shal be fownde alone shal be steked and he that abydeth in the raye shal be smyt downe their chylderne shal be throne agenste y e grownde before their faces their houses shal be robbed and their wyues defyled For lo I shal stere vp the Medes vpon them which shal set nothing by syluer but a lytel by golde of whom y e bowes of the yonge men shal be brokē thei shal haue lytel petye of wemen with chylde and lesse shame to kyll their chylderne And Babylon the heade of al kingdomes the beuteful flower of the Chaldes shal be destroyde even as the lorde destroyde Sodome ād Gomor it shal neuer be inhabited nether eny man shall dwell in it frome age to age The Arabes shal nomore pitche bothes there nether the herdemen shall thith r bringe their flocke but wylde beastes shal lye there ād their houses shal be ful of owles there shal inhabit Struthions there shal scyppe these wodouses there shall krye these nyght ravens one agenste a nother in the houses of Babylon and dragons shal there playe in the palaces Chapiter .xiiij. ANd the tyme of his cominge is nowe at hande his daye shall not be longe differred But yet agene the lorde wil be mercyful to Iacob and shal yet chose Israel and bringe them agene vnto their owne lande and straūgers shal be cowpled with them and Ioyned to the house of Iacob Thei shal take this straunge nacion leade them to their places and the house of Israel shall holde them for seruantes and handemaydes in the lordes lande holde them in captiuite vnder whose gyrdel thei their selfe where before shal commaunde thez which before were their masters And then when y e lorde shal geve the reste frome thy laboures and tremblinge and frome thy grevouse seruitute by which thou were thꝰ holden vnder thou shalte take vp this lamētable songe agenste y e kinge of Babylō sayng howe is this extorsener brought to reste with his golden tayes ād trybutes The lorde verely hath broke the staffe of the vngodly even the septre of these lordely rulers which when he is angry smyteth the people with a plage vncurable when he is chafed he tameth these Gentyles persu●th them still so that nowe al ower lande is at reste and singeth for Ioye ye the very fyrtrees and the Cedres of Libani reioyse vpō thy fall sainge Aftyr that thou were layed a sleape noman clymed vp to kut vs downe helle trembled at thy cominge Gyauntes and al prynces of the erthe came forthe to mete the all kinges of the gentyles rose vp frome theire trones all these in course magnifyed the saynge Arte thou not wounded as well as we made lyke vs but thy pryde was plucked downe to hell with thy vayne folyshnes Mottes shal be strewed vnder the wormes shal be thy koverled Howe felle ye frome heuen lucifer ye fayer sonne of the morninge ar ye nowe fallen so wretchedly to the erthe which were wonte to be Emperow r over the gentyles ye and that even when thou thus thoughtest in thy harte I shal ascende into heven and shal exalte my seate aboue the starres of heven and sitte in the congregacion hill at the northe syde I wyl ascende hygher then the clowdes ād be equale with the moste hyghest But nowe arte thou plucked downe to helle vnto the moste deapest plage of the erthe thei that se the come now nerer and dare tote y e in the face thinkinge thus vpon the Is not this the stoute man that made the erthe a frayde that shoke the kingdoms to gith r made the
worlde lyke a deserte which betedowne cytes and townes and wolde never let his captiues come home Howe cometh it to passe that whyls all other kinges of al nacions sleape gloryously euery one at his owne house thou arte caste oute of thy grave lyke a plante oute of kynde lyke the fleses of slayne mē digged thorow with speares ye lyke mene let downe into doungēs of stone and lyke dede karcases troden vnder the fete Therfore arte thou not buryed with them because thou destroyedste thy nowne lande and sluest thy people The posterite of synful men therfore shal euermore be ignomyniouse ād men shall seke meanes to make a waye their chylderne for their fathers iniquite leste thei aryse and possesse the kingdome and fyl the lande ful of strōge holdes I shal ryse vpon them saith y e lorde of powers ād kut of the name of Babylon and al that there remayne with the chylderne ād their neves saith the lorde I shal leve it for oters and turne it into a fysshe pole ye I shal swepe it with a consuminge besome saith the lorde of powers ye and besydes al this y e lorde of powers bownde it with an othe thus to come to passe as he had thought and to be as suer of this plage as he had decreed it I shal breke downe y e Assyrions saith he in my lande and trede them downe in my mountayns the yoke of Assur shal be taken frome yowe yower shulders shal be delyuerde of his burden so standeth it with the counsels which the lorde hath decreed vpon all y e lande and thus is his power stretched-forth vnto all gentyles for the lorde of powers decreynge eny thinge who shal make it voyde When he hath streched forth his hande who maye bende it backe In the yeare that kynge Ahaz dyed God thretened one this maner by Isaye Reioyse not al at once thou Palestyne as thoghe y e staffe of hym that smyt the were al to broken for oute of the rote of the edder shal ryse a koketrice and oute of hym shal springe a fleinge fyer drake and the poore shal eate of the best and nedyons shall dwell in savegarde But thy rote shal I quenche oute with honger and he shall slaye thy reamnauntes yell oute ye gates krye ye cytes and thou palestyne be trowbled all ouer for there cometh a smoke frome the nor the whose thycknes and bitter violence noman maye abyde and then what other answere shal the tydinge beares of the folke make but that the Lorde hath set faste Zion and his poore people shal cleve vnto hyr Chapi xv The heuye vision that the Lorde shewed to Isaye vpon Moab I have sene that Ar Moab shulde be destroyed and layed ful lowe ād that in the nighte and in the night also the walles of Moab shulde be throne downe These Moabites ascended vnto their highe places called Baithe and Dibon where they worshiped Idols to wepe before them This lamentable howlinge of Moab was harde over Na●o and Medeba every man polled his heade and shoue his berde Thei stode gyrte in sacke in every korner of the towne Vpon their house toppes and in y ● stretes every man kryed oute and fell to wepinge Hesebon and Eleale kryed so lowde that their voyces were harde to Iahaz and the soudgiers of Moab when thei shulde haue blowne vp theire trompetes to batayle for sorowe of their hartes they kryed ah lasse for sorowe ower hartes blede vpon Moab fleinge towerd Zoar that welthye bullok and vpon the hanging of the hyll of Luhith they clymed withe wepinge Also the waye of Horonaim they filled with theire lamentable noyse The waters of Nemrim were forsaken and the grasse was wytherd awaye Corne fayled ād there was no grene thinge lefte And even aftyr this maner the reste of theyr substaunce and goodes theyr aduersares karied a waye to Arabye prosperously by shippe And to be shorte the noyse wente thorowe al the coostes of Moab so that frome Eglaim vnto Beer Elim all was fylle dwith theyr howlinge The waters of Dimon were full of bloude for there laye the hoste waytynge lyke lyons both for them y t shulde haue escaped frome the cyte and for them that fled frome the felde Chap. xvi Then y e lorde of y e lande sente a souldyer frome the stoney deserte vnto the hill of the daughter of Zion for the daughters of Moab abode yet at the foorde of Arnon lyke tremblinge byrds put oute of their nestes which messagere requyred them thus saynge Gather togither yower senatours take counsell howe ye myghte shadewe and defende vs in this hot persecution hyde them that flee and destroye not y e dispersed let ower Moabytes fled vnto yowe be soukerde hyde vs from the face of the destroyer for ower enymes trede vs downe this destroyer ceasseth not to waste vs a waye frome the erthe For the seate of yower kyngdome is ful of mercye wherfore he that sittethe in it muste iuge of faithfulnes and trowthe as in the tabernacle of Dauid he muste seke equite haste hym to mayntayne the righte Vnto the which requeste it was thus answerde Moabs pryde is wel knowne and howe grete it is His Arrogancye swellinge furye was never so grete but his strength is nowe as small Wherfore let Moab complayne of his fall to hym selfe that he mought all alone lamente and that he also thus broken with sorowe mought sit complayninge and moorninge in vayne at the fete of che brycke walles of Arnon nowe caste downe Also Isawe those suburbes of Hesebon destroyed The vyneyardes of Sibme planted withe y e moste nobleste vynes which reched vnto Iazer and spred vnto the deserte hyr branches spred vnto y e weste sea the pears of Gentyles dyd kut downe Wherfore I wepte for Iazer and for the vyneyardes of Sibme I waterde the vyneyarde of Hesbonam and Elealen with the teares of my eyes because that in their harueste and in the gatheringe of their grapes theire wonte mery songes were gone their myrth was layed in bed both of felde and vyne yarde so that they coulde nether be glade nor synge y e treder in y e vyne presse trede out no more wyne their harueste and grape gatheringe songes were layed downe Wherfore my belye murmuerde lyk an harpe for Moab and even my bowels also for that bryk walle For when Moab see that hyr goodes were in perell she weared hir selfe going to hyr Idols in highe places and to hyr holy houses to praye but non might helpe hyr This is y e worde which the lorde spake then vpon Moab but nowe the lorde speaketh on this maner Aftyr thre yeares the power of Moab with al hyr pompe ryches which ar very mych shal be taken a waye evē as an hyerde seruante his yeares oute serued is quyte gone ād hir reamnauntes shal be ful fewe ād of small valewe Chap. xvij THe heuye affliccion which y e lorde shewed to Isaye vpon Damascum Damascus shal
nomore be a cyte but throne downe into an heape of stones The cites of Aroer shal be turned into pasture layers for flockes of shepe ād other heardes so that noman shal fraye them a waie Ephraim shal nomore be strōge defensed Damascus shal be nomore a kingdome Also the glorye of the lefte cytes of Syrie shal be lyke the glorye of the chylderne of Israel saith the lorde of powers then shal the glorye of Iacob be ful thynne and the well lykinge of theire fatte bodyes shal be full leane For they shal be lyke a gatherer of corne yet stādinge after the sykle which reapeth down the handfulles withe his Arme but when he gathereth or thrusteth them togither even in the valye of Rephaim yet he levethe som what for the gleaners they shal be lyke one beatingeof olyve beryes which yet leveth two or thre beryes in the toppe and not passinge fower or fyve in all the other bouwes saithe y e lorde god of Israel Then shal man returne vnto his maker and his eyes shall loke vnto hym that maketh holye Israel and shall not loke vnto Altars the worke of theyr handes neth r shal he beholde those thinges whiche his owne fyngers made nether wordes nor ymages Then shal the stronge cytes be lefte desolate as were the ploughes harows sometyme of the chananites for feare of the chylderne of Israel Because thou hast forgoten god thy saviower and not remembred thy stronge rocke therfore hast thou planted the so fayer settes and sowne the so straunge seades When thou plantedste them thou waste riche and in thy flowers and beleuedste to haue had fulerlye frutes of thy seade But when the tyme shall come to gather and to possesse them thou shalt reape right plentuouse afflicciō and sorowe Wo be to this confuse clustre and monstrose multitude of so prowde people swellinge lyke the sea whiche haithen hoste ryseth vp lyke a fearce water But let this heady folke be they never so many neuer so vnrulye and lawles swell yet as sone as the Lorde blameth them and sette agenste them thei shall flee full farre a waye and shal be wynnowed of the wynde lyke the duste of y e drye mountayne and lyke a whirlewynde at the comynge of a storme For lo lyke as at the eveninge thei were mervelouse terrible so before the morninge shal thei begone This is the very ende of them that scourge vs this is the rewarde of them that robbe vs of ower goodes Chap. x viij WO be to the lande whose shippes are so swyfte which lande lyeth one thys syde of the flowde of Ethiopye which sendeth ambassiatours by the sea and that in shippes of reedes and bulrushes put vpon the waters saynge Go yower wayes ye messagers vnto a y e pyssed ād ragged nacion people more fearfull then owers and farre vnlyke a vyle nacion litel set bye whose lande the floudes devyde But o ye all that dwel vpon the erthe and inhabit the rownde worlde take hede and loke when ye se the signe lyfted vp to yowe in the hylles and when ye heare the trompetes blowne vp to bataile For thus sayd the Lorde to me I laye downe to reste consyderynge withe my selfe yn my house in the myddaye when it was full warme lyke as a genste a shower of rayne as it is wonte to be in haruest ceason but yet before the corne be redye to reape and the clusters of grapes be perfitly rype and the r was one which kutdowne the clusters with a kutting knyfe and he kut a waye even the branches also and toke them a waye the resydwe were lefte as well fore the fowles of the mountayns as for the beastes of the felde that y e fowles myght lye there all the somer ād the beastes of the feldes all wynter And then shall the r be offred the Lorde of powers a gyfte of y e pild ragged nacion and dredfull people farre above vs a vyle nacion ād troden vnd r fote Whole landes y e flowdes deuyde vnto the lorde of powers I saye these gentyles shal be offerd at the place consecrated vnto his name even at y e mounte Zion Chap. xix THe heuye afflicion which y e lorde shewed to Isaye vppon Egypte Beholde the lorde shal come rydinge vpon a swyfte clowde into Egypte at whose cominge the Idols of Egypte shal sheake ād the harte of Egypte shal faynte in hyr owne bodye For I shal set the Egipcions saith the lorde one agenste a nother so that euery man shal fyght with other even brother agenste brother cyte agenste cyte kyngdome agenste kyngdome and the breath of Egypte shal be broken in hyr belye and I shal scater hyr counsel when she shal go aboute to aske it of hir Idols wytches soth sayers and diuyners I shal betake Egypte into the handes of cruel lordes and a violente kinge shal rule thē saith the lorde god of powers The waters of the sea shal synke awaye and Nilus shal be dryedup their flowdes shal be dronke vp and their dykes and brooks shal be ful shalowe and fayle reed and rushes shal be wytherdvp the medewes ād all the feldes a boute Nilꝰ which wer wonte to wexe grene at the openinge of hyr lippes shal be dryed vp and of no valwe The fyshers shal morne ād al that were wonte to laye hokes bende nettes at their waters shal lamente the spynners and makers of lynyne the sylke wemen with y e weavers therof shal be begerde and cōfunded At that made pondes ād stwes shal breke vp their bankes Also the counsells of the folesshe princes of Zoan the wyse counsel of Pharao shal be turned al into felyshnes Howe dare ye then be so bolde to saye vnto Pharao I am come of a wyse stocke ād I am of an auncyāt noble bloude where nowe where I praye the are thy wyse men let them tell the nowe I praye the what y e lorde entendeth and hath thought to do with Egipte The folyshe prīces of Zoan and the prowde princes of Mempheos begylde Egipte with their noble hyghe stocke The lorde shall mingle the sprite of erroure emonge thez that then shulde seduce Egipte in all thinges even as the dronken and vomytinge man is brought oute of the waye Egipte shal want counsel to convaye hyr causes she shal not knowe where she shal beginne nor where she shal make an ende whether it be vpon y e lande or sea Then shall Egipte be lyke wemen fearfull and astōned at y e lyftinge vp of the hāde of the lorde of powers which he shall lyftup agenst hyr Also te lande of Iuda shal be a thondreclappe to Egipte so that who so euer mynde hyr to Egipte she shal a non be sinayde with feare at y e counsel of the lorde of powers whiche he hath decreede agenste hyr Then shall there be .v. cytes in the lande of Egipte which shal speake the Chananytes tonge and shal be sworne vnto y e lorde of powers
Lorde god of powers he sayd This same yower syme shal not be pourged but by yower dethe Farthermore thus spake the Lorde God of powers Go thy wayes into this tresure house vnto Sobnam president of the towne house and aske hym what makest thou here Or who made the so bolde to hewe the here a sepulchre For he hadde graven hym a prowde tombe oute of stone and had made hym a cowche there yn Beholde the Lorde shall caste the oute violently and shall araye the withe a newe cote he shal clothe the withe a straunge vesture and tryndel y ● lyke a balle into a farre ād wyde countrye and there shalt thou dye there shal the pompe of thy charietes be ended O shame and sclawnd r of the house of thy Lorde I shall thruste the saith the lorde frome thy standinge and shall put the frome thy order And after thys shall I call my seruante Eliakim the sonne of Helkye and I shall put thy clothes vpon his backe and shall gyrde hym withe thy gyrdle and thy power shall I be take into hys handes and he shal be the father both of the cyte of Ierusalem and of the house of Iuda and Ishall hange the kaye of the house of Dauid vpon his shoulders ād when he shall open it noman shall shitte it agene and when he shall shit it noman shall open it agene And I shall pitche hym as faste as a stake in the hygheste and faithfullest place and he shal be promoted vnto the gloriouse seate of his fathers house All the glorye of his fathers house and of his chylders chylderne shall they offer vnto hym ye and all vessels bothe grete and small withe all maner of musike instruments These thinges at the warninge of the Lorde of powers shal be done even then when thys stake whiche was set in the moste faithfulleste place and authorite shal be plucked vp and the burden that dependethe vpon hym shall be plucked vp by the rote throne downe and broken for it is the lorde that spake it Cha .xxiij. The heuye affliccion of Tyrus BEwayle ye shippes of Tharsis for Tyrus is vtterly destroyed euē of y e dwellers of y ● eylāds to mīg frō their owne house to captiue thē The cytesens of Cypres ar at rest y ● mchantes of Sydon whiche were wonte to haue recourse thither by sea and all that thither occupyed nowe ceasse whose pure whete withe all maner of good grayne was thither brought frome Nilus by sea fore it was the haven towne of marchandise for alnacions Sydon is a shamed the sea withe all hyr power mony shinge hyr saynge I wolde I had neuer bene mother to haue brouht vp hyr yong mē decked hyr maydens Egypte as sone as she heare of this shall bewayle it even lyke Tyrus hyr owne selfe They that are beyende the sea withe the citesens of the eylandes all lamente these grevouse affliccion saynge was not this yower plesaunte commodiouse cyte whose auncyauntnes have be commended of longe tyme The goer frome hyr into farre countres haue noblye spred hyr name Who wolde haue thoughte that thys hevye chaunse shulde haue happened to Tyrus the flower of cytes Whose marchant men were Prynces and the peares of the worlde occupyed vnto hyr The lorde of powers hath decreed this to abate the pryde of all stowtenes and to plucke downe all the gloriouse of the erthe Passe over all thy lande lyke a flowde O nymphe of the sea and yet shalte thow not fynde the siche a nother gyrdle The Lorde whiche hath trowbled the Kyngdomes and layed his hande vpon Chanaan to destroye hyr stronge peares hath nowe stretched forthe hys hande also vnto the sea saynge Thou shalt no more be gladde For thow shalte suffer the violence of the Cethens O virgen daughter of Zidon Wherfore aryse and go thy wayes althoughe thou shalt not there haue eny reste for lo the lande of the Chaldes was a nacion that had no felawes and Assur firste buylded it but yet he lefte it for wodowses he buylded theire stronge holdes and palaces but yet they brought them to naught Wayle ye therfore o shippes of the sea for yower strengthe is gone And then thus shall it happen also to Tyrus it shal be forgoten lxx yeares even a kinges age and after .lxx. yeares it shall happen to Tyrus as to an harlet mynstrel to whom men saye take thy harpe and go aboute in the cyte fowle forgoten harlet that withe thy wel playnge and syngynge all maner of songes thou myghteste yet so be remembred and knowne agene even so I saye shall it chaunse vnto Tyrus After .lxx. yeares the Lorde shall loke vpon Tyrus and restore hyr to hyr owne which shal vse hyr feates of marchandise with all the kyngdoms of the face of the erthe and hyr marchādyse occupyinge shal be accepte to y e lorde for thei shal not be hyd muggerdvp but be turned frome one to a noth r in Tyro as it becometh the cytesens of y ● Lorde into the refreshinge of the nedyons and clothinge of age Chap. xxiiij BEholde y ● Lorde shal waste destroye y e rownde worlde he shal wrythe of hyr face scater hyr inhabitours And then shal y e laye people preeste seruāt Master Mayde mastres byer seller lend r borow r creditour detter be ala lyk non beter then a noth r. Ful myserably shall therthe be wasted destroyed for the lorde hath decreed it therthe shal wayle fala waye the worlde shal be ful feable slyde down The proude people of therthe shal faynte for the erthe is defyeled of hyr owne inhabitours in y t they haue trāsgressed y e lawe they haue altered y e ordinaunces broken the everlastīg cōuenaunte Wherfo r maledicciō kurse shal devower therthe because hyr inhabit●urs haue offended whervpon they shal be madde very fewe mortall men shal be lefte a lyve Wyne shall moorne the vynes shal faldowne al men shal sighe sorowfully y t we r wonte to be iocunde in harte The myrthe of timpanyes swete songes with their plesaunte harpes al shal ceasse thei shal not drīk wyne with songes Bea r shal be bitt r to the drīkers cytes geuen to vanyte shal be destroyed euery house shal be shit vp y t noman maye go yn The skasenes of wyne shal be kryed oute in the streates All myrthe shal be gone and the ioye of the erthe shall fall a waye desolacion shal be lefte in the cytes and mysery shal steke vpon the gates for so shall it come to all the erthe and to all the people as if one shulde betedowne the thinne resydue of the olyve beryes and pyke of the reamnaunte of grapes after the grape gatheringe And then they that shal be yet lefte shal with lowde voyce extoll the maiestye of the lorde syngynge frome the sea and magnifyinge the name of the Lorde God of Israel from the kaues and eylandis We heare comenlye
Isaye in the .lxj. chap. redde saynge The spirit of god is with me for the lorde hathe anoynted me and sente me to preache his gospel to the poore afflicte troubled in mynde to byndup the woundis of thē y t ar wounded cōtrite ī harte to shewforth delyueraunce to men in captiuite to open y e preson to men in holde to publesshe the tyme of grace decreed of the lorde cetera And when he had redde he shitte the boke and restored it to y ● ministre of the Synagoge And nowe at the laste the worlde corrupte with the same Idolatrye ād lyke abhominaciō as it was in Isayes tyme at Christes comynge vhom therfore ther muste nedes abyde lyke destruccion captiuite if we be not captyue al redye God of his infinite goodnes hathe restored vs his prophete Isaye speakinge playne englysshe which haue ben locked vp longe in latyne so y t the laye mā I dare saye vnderstode hym not nor yet parauenture many that repute thez selfe learned Nowe maye we reade him for the moste parte gatherīge grete frute with oute eny grete glose so y t we bringe withe vs a pure harte purged from all carnall affects askynge vnderstandinge of god by whose spirit it was al spoken so that we knowlege oure vngodlynes our Idolatrye false worshipe with our lippes our hartes beinge farre frō god which hitherto haue rendred feare worship to him aftyr the doctryne and cōmaundemēts of men Isaye .xxix eth r syde y ● goodnes of god hath euer set godlynes erudiciō not this erudicion which is sone puftvp w t y ● hastye wynde of vaine glorie but y t which is īflāmed w t y e soft oyle of charite y t y e godlye lerned might mo r clearly se pearse thorowe y e vayne vysare of hypocrysy Fore wher cā suꝑsticiō byd hir selfe but godlynes wil finde hir out how cānot paīted eloquēce bolde babling but fear godlye erudicion ¶ Wherfore when it was so y t in Isayes tyme vyce raigned so sore but yet thorow y ● fauoure of hypocrysy it was taught for vertue curiouse fables walked in y t stede of goddis worde the lorde steredvp this heavenly witte whō he had made before to fighte agenste this wylye effeminate monstre with al hir longe tayle thinking it conuenient for y t state of y e worlde to brīgforth so wel apoynted a prophete agenste so delycate an enymye which prophete shulonot only fight w t strength but also with prudence polycye y t y ● spirit shuldnot wante his aparel y t because yn those dayes men studyed to painte their speache to coloure their wordes Wh r fo r his counsel which cannot be deceaued toke effect this prophete camforth a man right godly prudēt cōstāt vehement learned ientle wel nourtred of a singler witte which so stretched forthe al y e powers of his giftes agenst this visard hypocrysy effeminate skorner for y e poore chirches profite y e his godlynes w t erudicion his prudence with humanite his constancy with vrbanite his rebukinge with vehemence al togith r myght fight in their place ād tyme so y t if thou woldst esteme al the giftes of a prophete with pure iugement sette Isaye alone to whose faithful office of preaching prophecying god ioyned so excellēt erudicion grace gaue hym vnto vs vnto vs I saye not only to the people of Iuda Let vs therfore with thankes heare reade this godly Prophete diligently in whom we shal fynde the heavenly cleare solutions of al q̄stions pertayning to christen religion here shal roying his people Israel wēte drye shode thorou y e sea his enimes drowned we ar ledde suerly thorou y ● perellouse ieoperdes of this ī●et troublouse worlde so ful of persecution wheryn our Pharao this Leuiathā this Dragō playeth mocketh taketh his plesu r for a tyme Isaye .xxvij. but he is nowe in drownīge synking downe to y e botome lyke leade kylled w t y e breathe of goddis mouthe y t is to saye with his almyghty worde for now is y ● daye cū of y ● which Isaye thei r speaketh y ● y ● lorde shal viset this inuīcible serpēt Leuiathā w t his harde great mighty swerde y t is to saye w t his eu rlastinge worde which so mercifully nowe offred vs we do not only receaue but violētly resiste it w t swerde fyet wat r w t oth r īnumerable ītolerable tormētīges ignomynes Let vs know lege this greuouse offence cōmitted agēst god agēst his worde y ● professours therof we ar al synners wāte y e prayse as saith Paule Rom. iij y t shuldbe geuē of vs to gad y t is to saye we wāte y t faith whe rbi he wolde be glorifyed then praysle glorifye we God when we beleue y t christe is geuen vs to dye for our right wis makīge as testifyeth paule Roma iiij of Abraham which made stronge in faith gaue this prayse honour to god assuerd ād persuaded that he y t promised hym was able to performe it cet In this sentence is Isaye hole whom to heare faithfully to reade frely diligētly to vnderstande truly graunte vs our mercyful fath r which wolde al his electe to be saued come to the knowlege of y e trutheby his spirit of truthe Amen ¶ Burne nomore goddis worde but mē de it where it is not truly translated ¶ A note for the clearer vnderstandinge of the Prophete ¶ ye muste holde diligently in mynde y ● storye of these .iiij. kinges in whose dayes Isaye prophecyed which storye beginneth at the .xv. Chapiter of the fowerth boke of the kinges where Azarias called here Ozias beganne to raygne ād so forthe to y e raigne of Iosias rede also in the seconde boke of Paralipoin frome the .xxvj. to the .xxxviij. chap. ¶ The diuision of this boke accordinge to these .iiij. kinges what was prophecyed in eche of their dayes Vnder Ozias Isaye prophecied from y ● beginnīge of his boke vnto the .vj. chap Vnd r Iothā he sawe y ● visiō of y e .vj. cap. Vnd r Ahaz he prophecied frō the ende of y ● sixte vnto the ende of the .xiiij. cap. Vnder Ezechias he spake frōe the .xiiij. vnto the .xl. chapiter The reste vnto the ende of the boke we haue no certayntye wheth r he spake it vnd r Ezechias or in Manasses dayes his successou r But this is certayne that from the .xl. cap. vnto the .xlix. he prophecieth y ● storye of kinge Cyrus ād the deliueraunce out of y ● captiuite of Babylon from the .xlix. vnto y e bokis ende he prophecieth clearly with out eny figure of Christe of his chirche notwithstondinge yet vnd r y e for sayde kīges he mixte his sayīges w t many clea r prophecyingis of Christe and his kingdome