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A68393 The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua and approued, by the famous and godly learned man, Iohn Caluyn.; Book of common order. English Church (Geneva, Switzerland); Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564. Instruction et confession de foy. English. 1556 (1556) STC 16561; ESTC S109631 153,918 420

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in those days I meane to thee they shall present ●e attributeth the victorie to god their giftes of laude and praise verse 30 30 He shall destroye the speremens rācks these calues and bulles of might and cause them tribute paye and daunt all such as loue to fight verse 31 31 Then shall the lords of Aegypt come and presents with them bringe The Mores moste blacke shall stretche their hands vnto their lord and kynge verse 32 32 Therfore ye kyngdomes of the earth giue praise vnto the lorde singe psalmes to god with one consent therto let all accorde Selah 33 Who thogh he ride and euer hath aboue the heauens bright yet by the fearfull thunderclappes men may well knowe his might verse 34 34 Therfore the strength of Israel ascribe to God on hye whose might power doth farre extend aboue the cloudy skye verse 35 35 O god thy holynes and power is drad for euermore the god of Israell giuth vs strength praysed be god therfore Quam bonus Israell Psal LXXIII Th. St. ¶ The Prophete teacheth by his example that neyther the wordlie prosperitie of the vngodlie nor yet the affliction of the good oght to discourage gods children but rather oght to moue vs to consider our fathers prouidence and to cawse vs to reuerence godes iudgementes for asmuche as the wicked vanyshe awaye lyke smoke and the godlie enter into lyfe euerlastyng In hope wherof he resigneth hym selff into godes handes HOw euer it be yet god ys good and kinde to Israell And to all such as safely kepe theyr conscience pure and well Yet lyke a fole I almost slipt my feete began to slyde and or I wyst euen at a pinche my steps awrie gan glide verse 3 3 For when I sawe suche folishe men I grudgd and did disdayne That wicked men all things should haue without turmoile or payne verse 4 4 They neuer suffer panges nor grief as if deathe should theym smyte Their bodies are bothe stowte and strong and euer in good plite verse 5 5 And free from al aduersitie when other men be shent And with the reste they take no parte of plage or punishement verse 6 6 Therfore presumption dothe embrace their neckes as dothe a chayne and are euen wrapte as in a robe with rapine and disdayne verse 7 7 They are so fed that euen for fatt their eies oftymes oute starte And as for worldely goodes they haue more then can wisshe theire harte verse 8 8 Their lyfe is moste licentious boasting muche of the wronge Which they haue done to symple men and euer pride among verse 9 9 The heauens and the liuing lord they spare not to blaspheme And prate they do on worldely things no wight they do esteme verse 10 10 The people of god ofte tymes turne backe to see their prosperous state How harde it is for gods children them selues to auoide the tentations of the worlde And almoste drinke the selfe same cup and follow the same rate verse 11 11 How can it be that god say they should know and vnderstand These worldely thinges since wicked men be lordes of sea and land verse 12 12 For we may see howe wicked men in riches still encrease Rewarded well with worldly goodes and liue in rest and peace verse 13 13 Than why doe I from wickednes my fantasy refraine And washe my handes with innocentes and clense my heart in vaine verse 14 14 And suffer scourges euery day as subiect to all blame And euery mornyng from my youth susteine rebuke and shame verse 15 15 And I had almost sayd as they misliking myne estate Gods children oght not to be contemned because the worldelings are preferred in dignitie and worldely honors But that I should thy children iudge as folke vnfortunate * 16 Than I bethoght me how I might this matter vnderstande But yet the labour was to great for me to take in hande verse 17 17 Vntil the tyme I went into thy holy place and then I vnderstode right perfitly the ende of al these men verse 18 18 And namely how thou settest them vpon a slippery place And at thy pleasure and thy wil thou doest them al deface verse 19 19 Then all mē muse at that strāge sight to see how sodenlye they are destroyd dispatcht consumd and dead so horribly verse 20 20 Muche like a dreame when one a waketh so shall their wealth decaye their famous names in all mens sight shall ebbe and passe awaye verse 21 21 Yet thus my hart was grieued then my mynd was much opprest verse 22 22 So fond was I and ignoraunt and in “ Heb. before thee thys point a beast verse 23 23 Yet neuertheles by my right hande thou holdst me alwayes faste verse 24 24 And with thy counsell doest me gide to glorye at the laste verse 25 25 What thyng is there that I can wisshe but thee in heauen aboue Neither superstition nor yet feare or subtiltie of man colde drawe him from the true woorshipinge of God and in the earthe there is nothyng lyke thee that I can loue verse 26 26 My flesh and eke my heart do faile but God doth fayle me neuer For of my heart God is the strength my porcyon eke for euer verse 27 27 And loe all suche as “ thee forsake thou shall destroye eychone Heb. go a whooring from thee And those that trust in any thyng sauinge in thee alone verse 28 28 Therfore will I drawe nere to god and euer with him dwell In god alone I put my trust thy wonders will I tell Attendite Psal LXXVIII Th. St. ¶ He sheweth how god of his mercy chose his churche of the posteritie of Abraham castyng in their teathe the stubburne rebellion of their fathers that the children might not onelie vnderstande that god of his free mercie made his couenaunte with their auncitors but also seing them so malicious and peruerse might be asshamed and so turne wholie to god In this psalme the holy ghoste hath coprehended as it were the some of all godes benefites to the intent the ignorant and grosse people might see in fewe wordes theffecte of the whole stories Attend my people to my law and to my wordes enclyne my mouth shall speak strāge parables and sentences diuine which we our selues haue heard and learnde euen of our fathers olde and which for our instruction our fathers haue vs tolde verse 4 4 Because we should not kepe it close from them that shoulde come after Who shulde gods power to their race praise and all his workes of wonder verse 5 5 To Iacob he commandement gaue Deut. 6. a. howe Israell shoulde lyue Willing our fathers shulde thesame vnto their children geue verse 6 6 That they and their posteritie God hath left his worde for to be vnderstande of all men exceptinge nother degre nor age that were not spronge vp tho Shoulde haue the knowledge of the lawe and teache their seede also verse 7 7
The forme of prayERS AND MINISTRAtion of the Sacraments c used in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua and approued by the famous and godly learned man Iohn Caluyn INTRATE PER ARCTAMVIAM The way to life is streicte and fewe finde it Mat. 7. They haue forsaken me the well of the water of lyfe and dygged theym selues pyttes yea vyle and broken pyttes that can hold no water Iere. 2. IMPRINTED AT GENEVA BY IOHN CRESPIN M.D.LVI THE CONTENTES OF THE BOOKE 1 The co●●●●●ion of the Christian faythe 33 2 Th order or electinge Ministers Elders and Deacons 42 3 Thassembly of the Ministery euery thursdaye 49 4 An order for the interpretation of the scriptures and answeringe of dowtes obserued euery mundaye 50 5 A confession of our synnes vsed before the sermon and framede to our state and tyme. 52 6 An other confession for all states and tymes 55 7 A generall prayer after the sermon for the whole estate of Christes Churche 57 8 The ministration of Baptisme and the Lordes Supper 62. 71 9 The forme of Mariage the Visitation of the sycke and the Maner of Buryall 80. 87. 88 10 An order of Ecclesiasticall Discipline 89. 11 One and fyftie psalmes of Dauid in metre 1. b 12 The Catechisme of M. Caluyn etcet 1. c. TO OVR BRETHERNE IN ENGLANDE AND ELS Where Which loue Iesus Christe vnfaynedly mercie and peace IT IS MOre euidēt and known to all men thē well cōsidered and thākfully receyued of many with what greate mercies and especiall graces god enduede our countrye of England in these latter days when from 1 Ose 2. d. Rom. 9. e. 1. Pet. 2. b. idolatrie he called vs to the knowledge of his gospell and of no people made vs his people a holie people the people of god sendinge vs a kinge moste godly learned zealous wyse and such one as neuer sate in that royall chaire before Gods woord vniuersally spred ouer all the lande repentance preached Christes kingdome offered sinne rebuked so that none coulde excuse him selfe either that he had not hearde or els was not taught gods holy ghospell yet it came to passe and this day that is verified on vs which the lord reproued Israell fore sayinge 2 Esa 65. a. Rom. 10. d. I haue stretched forthe my handes all the day longe vnto a people that beleueth not but rebelleth againste me ād walke after their owne ymaginations For whose ways were not corrupt euē from the 3 Esa 1. b. 7. Hier. 2. b. highest to the lowest from toppe to toe there was no part sownde Suche contēpt of gods word aswell on their behalf to whō charge of preachinge was cōmytted as on the other syde negligēce to heare and learne to frame their lyues accordīge ther vnto that yf the lord had not hastened this plague and preuented it wolde certēly haue come to passe whiche those wycked mē of Anathoth sayed to the prophet Hieremie 4 Hier. 11. d. speake no more to vs in this name of the lorde The which vnkyndnes and contempt wold god we coulde as earnestly repent as we nowe feele the lacke of these accustomed mercies for nowe the day of our 5 Luke 19. f. visitation is come and the lorde hath broght the 6 Leu. 26. c. Deut. 1. king 22. c. 2. Chro. 18. e. Eze. 14. e. plagues vpō vs wherof before we were admoneshed and moste iustely menaced For the false 7 prophets are sent forthe with lies in their mouthes to deceyue Englād and the scarsetie of gods worde is so great that althogh they seke it from one 8 Amos. 8. d. sea coaste to an other yet they can not finde yt but as men affameshed deuoure the pestiferous dounge of papistrie to the poisoninge of their owne sowles Let vs therfore bretherne 9 Ioel. 2. c. Psal 68. a. Ion. 3. d. 4. a. tourne wholy to the lord by repentance fastynge and prayer earnestly besechinge him to receyue vs once agayne to his fauor who willeth not the death of a synner but his amendement offeringe him selfe to all theym that in their necessitie seeke vnto him and like a moste mercifull father proueth all 10 2. Chro. 36. c. remedies for our betteringe not cruelly ponishinge to destroy vs but gently chastisinge to saue vs. Esa 5. a. Prou. 3. b. Heb. 12. b. Reuel 3. d. Beware then ye 11 Heb. 3. b. 4. b Psal 94. c. harden not your hartes agaynst this mercifull lord and tempt hym as the stubburne Iewes dyd whom he therfore delyuered vp into their enymies handes to perishe with the swoorde hunger and pestilence for god wyll not be 12 Gal. 6. b. mocked but lyke a 13 Heb. 12. g. Deu. 4. d. consuminge fier will destroye aswell the wicked contemners of his worde as the craftie dissemblers which go abowte to measure god by their fantasies not consideringe that they 14 Rom. 2. a. Iam. 5. a. heape damnation against theim selues in the day of his anger which nowe already is kindled and begynneth to flame to the condemnation of their sowles and bodies who knowinge Iesus Christ to haue 15 Heb. 9. a. Rom. 5 b. 1. Pet. 3. c. once fully satisfied for our synnes cease not dayly either in hart mowth or owtward cōsent to blaspheme his precious death ād asmoche as in them lyeth 16 Heb. 6. a. 10. c. 1. Cor. 6. b. crucifie him a newe Do you not remēbre that 17 Gal. 5. c. Apo. 21. c. 22. c. Esa 66. g. Mark 9. g. idolaters haue no portion in the kīgdome of god but are throwne into the lake of fyer and brymstone where their worme shall neuer dye Can not the examples of gods fearfull 18 2. Pet. 2. a. b. Iude. a. Iob. 4. d. iudgements moue you who spared not his verie angells when they trespassed but hitherto reserueth theym in hell chaynes to be tormented in the day of the lorde and wyll he then fauor idolaters dissemblers blasphemers mockers contemners and not rather in this lyfe verifie that which the holie ghost pronownceth against the children of gods wrath who becawse they do not receyue the 19 2. Thes 2. c. Ioh. 3. c. trueth for their saluation are led by lyes to their endeles condemnation at the least let gods forwarnings some what moue you to pitie your owne state who for your instructions suffereth your owne bretherne emongst you to die so terribly some in dispaire others to kyll theym selues ād many vtteringe moste horrible blasphemies euen to their last breathe The which thinges are so fearfull for vs to heare that we trēble in thinking ther vpon yf you wyll therfore be counted in the nombre of gods people and be so in deede loke 20 Luk. 9. g. 2. Pet. 2. d. Pro. 26. b. Rom. 11. a. 3. kyng 19. b 1. Cor. 6. c. not backwarde frome the plough returne not to your vomit bowe not your knee to Baal pollut not the temple of the holie ghost
be once baptised but also it moch profiteth oft to be present at the ministration therof that we beinge putt in minde of the 21 Deut. 6. a. Iosue 1. b. league and conuenant made betwxit God and vs that he wil be 22 Iere. 31. f. Hebr. 8. c. our God and we his people he our father and we his children may haue occasion as wel to trye our liues past as our present cōuersatiō and to proue our selues whether we stand fast in the faithe of Gods elect or contrariwise haue strayed frō hī through 23 Ephe. 4. e Col 3. b. Heb. 2. b. incredulite and vngodly lyuinge wherof if our cōsciēces do accuse vs yet by hearing the louing promises of our heauēly father who calleth all mē to mercie by 24 Ezech. 18. Act. 11. c. 33 2. Peter 3. b Deu. 4. d. 6. a repētance we may frō hēsforthe walke more warely in our vocatiō Moreouer ye that be fathers ād mothers may take hereby moste singuler cōfort to se your childrē thus receyued in to the bosome of Christes cōgregatiō wherby you are daily admonished that ye norishe ād brīg vp the childrē of Gods fauor ād mercye ouer whō his fatherly ꝓuidēce 25 Matt. 18. b. watcheth cōtinually Which thing as it oght greatly to reioyse you knowing that 26 Matt. 6. d. luc 12. a. nothīg cā chaūce vnto thē wyth out his good pleasure So oght it to make you diligēt ād carefull to nurture and instruct thē in the 27 Deu. 4. b. 6. a 11. c. Ephe. 6. a. true knowledge ād feare of God Wherin if you be negligēt ye do not only 28 1. Sam. 2. f. 4. king 2. d. iniurie to your own childrē hydinge frō thē the good will and pleasure of almyghtie God their father What dāger hāgeth ouer those parēts which neglect the brīging vp of their children in godlines but also heape dānatiō vpō your selues in sufferinge his childrē boght wyth the bloode of his deare sōne so trayterously for lacke of knowledge to turne backe frō hī Therfore it is your duety withall diligēce to ꝓuide that your childrē in tyme conuenient be instructed in all 29 Gen. 18. c. Deut. 32. g. The true vse of the Cathechisme to the execution wherof the fathers and Godfathers bind theim selues doctrine necessarie for a true Christiā chiefely that they be taught to rest vpon the iustice of Christ Iesus alone and to abhorre and flee all superstitiō papistrie and idolatrie Finally to the intent that we may be assured that you the father and the suretie consent to the perfourmāce hereof declare here before God and the face of his congregation the somme of that faith wherein you beleue and will instruct this childe Then the father or in his absence the God father shal rehearse the articles of his faithe which doone the minister exhorting the people to praye sayeth in this manner or such lyke kneeling ALmightie ād euerlasting God which of thy infinite mercie and goodnes hast promised vnto vs that thow wilt not only be our God but also the God ād father of our childrē we beseche thee that as thou hast vouchesaued to call vs to be partakers of this thy great mercie in the 1 Gal. 3. d. 1. peter 1. a. phil 3. c. felowshipe of faithe so it may please thee to sanctifie with thy 2 rom 3. d. 4. c. 2. Cor. 5. d. Rom. 8. c. Ephe. 2. d. 3. b sprite and to receiue in to the number of thy children this infant whom we shall baptise accordīg to thy 3 Matt. 28. d. Mar. 16. c. Act. 2. f. woord to the end that he cōming to perfite age may 4 Rom. 10. b. Iohn 17. a. cōfesse thee onely the true God ād whome thow hast sent Iesus Christ and so serue him and be 5 rom 12. b. 1. cor 12. a. 2. Thes 5. c. profitable vnto his churche in the whole course of his lyfe that after this life be ended he may be broght as a lyuely mēber of his body vnto the full fruition of thy 6 1. Cor. 2. a. rom 6. d. Tit. 3. b. ioyes in the heauēs where thy sonne our Christ raigneth world wyth out end In whose name we pray as he hathe taught vs. Our father etc. when they haue prayed in this sort the minister requireth the childs name which knowen He saieth N. 1 Matt. 28. d. Mark 16. c. Act. 2. f. I baptise thee in the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy ghoste And as he speaketh these woords he taketh water in his hād and layeth it vpon the childes forehead which done he giueth thanckes as followeth FOR asmoche moste holy ād mercifull father as thow doest not only beawtifie and blesse vs wyth cōmon benefits like vnto the rest of mankinde but also 1 Ephe. 2. b. a. 1. peter 2. b. Osee 2. d. 2. peter 2. d. heapest vpon vs moste abundantly rare and wonderfull gyftes of dutye we lyft vp our eyes and mindes vnto thee and gyue thee moste hūble thankes for thy infinite goodnes which haste not only nombred vs emongest thy 2 1. peter 2. b. Ephe. 2. d. sainctes but also of thy free mercie doest call our children vnto thee markinge theim wyth thys Sacrament as a singuler token ād badge of thy loue Wherfore moste louing father thogh we be not able to deserue this so greate a benefite yea if thow wouldest hādle vs according to our 3 Rom. 2. a. Iere. 3. g. Isa 40. b luk 17. c. merits we shuld suffer the punishemēt of eternall deathe and dānatiō yet for Christes sake we beseche thee that thou wilt cōfirme this thy fauor more and more towards vs and take this infant into thy tuition and defence whom we offer and present vnto thee wyth common supplications and neuer suffer him to fall to such vnkindes wherby he shuld 4 2. Cor. 6. d. lose the force of this baptisme but that he may perceyue thee continually to be his mercifull father throgh thy holy spirite working in his hart by whose diuine power he may so preuayle against Satan that in the end obteyning the victorie he may be exalted into the libertie of thy kingdome THE MANER OF THE LORDES SVPPER THE day when the lordes supper is ministred which commōlye is vsed once a monthe or so oft as the Congregation shall thinke expedient the minister vseth to saye as followeth LET vs marke deare bretherne and cōsider how Iesus Christ did ordayne vnto vs his holy supper according as S. Paule maketh rehearsall in the 11. chap. of the first Epistle to the Cor. I haue saith he receyued of the lorde that which I haue deliuered vnto you to witt that the lorde Iesus the same night he was betrayed toke breade and when he had geuen thankes he brake it sayinge Take ye eate ye this is my bodie which is broken for you doo you this in remēbrance of me
must procede to the Apostolicall rodd and correction Excommunication is the last remedie as vnto excommunication which is the greatest and last ponishement belonginge to the spirituall ministerie it is ordeyned that nothinge be attempted in that behalf with out the determination of the whole churche wherein also they must be ware and take good heede Rigor in ponishements oght to be auoyded that they seme not more readie to expell frome the congregation then to receyue againe those in whome they perceyue worthie frutes of repentance to appeare Neither yet to forbyd hym the hearinge of sermons which is excluded frome the sacraments and other duties of the churche that he may haue libertie and occasion to repent Finally that all ponishementes corrections Gods Woord is the onely rule of discipline censures and admonitions stretche no farther then Gods woorde with mercie may lawfully beare MATTH XV. They worshipe me in vayne teachinge doctrine which is mens traditions Come forthe of Babylon my people that ye be not partakers of her synnes nor receyue of her plagues for her synnes are gone vp to heauen and God hath remembred her wickednes Reuel 18. ONE AND FIFTIE PSALMES OF DAVID IN ENGLIshe metre wherof .37 were made by Thomas Sterneholde ād the rest by others Cōferred with the hebrewe and in certeyn places corrected as the text and sens of the Prophete required INTRATE PER ARCTAMVIAM Iam. 5. Yf any be afflicted let him pray and if any be merye let him singe Psalmes ONE AND FIFTIE PSALMES OF DAVID in Englishe metre wherof 37. were made by Thomas Sterneholde and the rest by others cōferred with the Hebrewe and in certeine places corrected as the text and sens of the Prophete required Beatus vir qui non abiit Psalme I. Th. Ster ¶ whether it was Esdras or any other that gathered the Psalmes into a booke it semeth he did sett this psalme first in maner of a preface to exhorte all godely men to studie and meditate the heauenly wisdome for the effect hereof is that they be happie which giue them selues wholy all their life to gods lawe And that the wicked contemners of God thogh they seme for a whyle fortunate yet at length shall come to miserable distruction when a man hath geuē once place to his cōcupiscence he beginneth to forget him selfe in his synne and so at lēgth falleth into a contempt of god which the prophet here calleth the chayre or seat of scorners THe man is blest that hath not bent to wicked rede his eare nor led his lyf as synners do nor sate in scorners chayre But in the law of god the lorde doth set his whole delight and in that law doth exercyse hymselfe both day and nyght verse 3 3 He shall be like the tree that groweth Ier. 17. b. fast by the riuer side Which brīgeth forth moste pleasant fruit in her due tyme and tyde Whose leafe shall neuer fade nor fall but florishe still and stande Euen so all thinges shall prosper well that this man takth in hande verse 4 4 So shall not the vngodly men Althogh the wicked seme to beare the swinge in this worlde yet the Lorde scattereth them like chaffe with a blast of his mouthe they shal be nothyng so But as the dust which from the earth the wyndes dryue to and fro verse 5 5 Therfore shall not the wicked men in iudgement stande vpryght nor yet the synners with the iuste shall come in place or sight verse 6 6 For why the way of godly men vnto the lorde is knowen And eke the waye of wicked men shall quite be ouerthrowen Quare fremuerunt Psal II. Th. Ster ¶ The Ptophete Dauid reioyseth that notwithstāding his ennemies rage and worldly power yet God wyll contynew his kyndome for euer and aduance it euen to the formost end of the worlde And therfore exhorteth kyngs and rulers that settinge vaine glorie a part they wolde humbly submit them selues vnder Gods yoke for it is in vaine to resist Here in is figured Christ and his kyngdome Vhy did the gentiles tumultes rayse what rage was in theyr brayne why dyd the Iewish people muse seyng all ys but vayne The kynges and rulers of the earth cōspire and are all bent agaynst the lord and Christ his sone which he amonge vs sent verse 3 3 Shal we be bound to them saye they let al theyr “ In heb great ropes or cables bondes be broke And of theyr doctrine and theyr lawe let vs reiect the yoke verse 4 4 But he that in the heauen dwelth theyr doynges will deride And make them all as mocking stockes throughout the worlde so wide verse 5 5 For in his wrath the lord will speake to them vpon a daye And in his fury rrouble them and than the lorde wyl saye verse 6 6 I haue annoynted him my kynge vpon my holy hill I will therfore lord preache thy lawes and eke declare thy will verse 7 7 For in this wyse the Lorde hymself did saye to me I wotte Thou art my deare and onely sonne to “ That is to say as touching mans knowlladge because it was the first tyme that Dauid appeared to be elected of god So it is applied to Christe because he was then first manifested to the worlde daye I the begot verse 8 8 All people I shal geue to thee as heyres at thy request The endes and coastes of al the earth by thee shal be possest verse 9 9 Thow shalt thē bruse euē with a mace as men vnder fote trodd And as the potters sheards shalt breake them with an yron rodd verse 10 10 Now ye O kinges and rulers al be wyse therfore and learnde By whome the matters of the world be iudged and discernde An exhortatiō to wicked rulers to repent verse 11 11 Se that ye serue the lorde aboue in trembling and in feare Se that with reuerence ye reioyce to him in lyke manere verse 12 12 Se that ye In signe of homage kisse and eke embrace his blessed sonne I say Lest in his wrath ye sodenly perishe in the For when they shall say peace and sauetie then shall the distrustion sodenly come 1. Thes 5. a. midd way verse 13 13 If once his wrath neuer so smale shall kiendle in his breast O then all they that trust in Christe shall happie be and blest Domine quàm multiplicati sunt Psal III. Tho. Ster ¶ Dauid beinge persecuted and driuen out of his kingdome by his owne sonne Absalom was greately tormented in mynd for his synnes against God ād therfore calleth vpō God and waxeth boulde through his promesses against the great terrors of his ennemies yea and against death it selfe which he sawe present before his eyes Finally he reioyseth for the good successe and victorie that God gaue him and all the churche ouer his ennemies Lord how are my foes encreast which vexe me more ād more They kyll my hart when as they say god
in afflictiō 9 But nowe a waye from me all ye that woorke iniquitie For why the Lorde hath hearde the voyce of my complaynt and crye verse 10 10 He hearde not onely the requeste and prayer of my heart But it receyued at my hande and tooke it in good parte verse 11 11 And nowe my foes that vexed me the Lorde wil soone defame And sodenly confounde them all to theyr rebuke and shame Domine Deus meus Psalme VII Th. St. ¶ Being falsely accused by Chus one of Sauls kynsemen he calleth to God to be his defender to whom he comendeth his innocencie first shewinge that his conscience did not accuse him of any euell towards Saul Next that it touched Gods glorie to awarde sentence against the wicked And so entringe into the consideration of Gods mercies and promesse he waxeth bolde and derideth the vaine enterprises of his ennemies threateninge that it shall fall on their own necks that which they haue purposed for others O Lord my god I put my trust and confidēce in thee saue me from them that me pursue and eke deliuer me Lest lyke a ‖ Saul lyon he me teare and rent in pieces small whyles there ys none to soccour me and ryde me out of thrall Wherwith Chus chargeth me He reioyseth that god only doth approue his cause 4 O Lorde my God if I haue done the thyng that is not ryght Or elles if I be founde in faut or gyltie in thy syght verse 5 5 Or to my friend rewarded euell or left him in distresse Which me persued moste cruelly and hated me causeles A signe of a pure consciēce 6 Than let my foes pursue my soule and eke my lyfe downe thrust Vnto the earth and also laye Selah myne honour in the duste verse 7 7 Stert vp o Lorde now in thy wrath and put my foes to payne perfourme thy kyngdome promesed to me which wronge sustaine verse 8 8 Then shall great nations come to thee and knowe thee by this thinge yf thow declare for loue of them thy selfe as lord and kynge verse 9 9 And thou that art of all men iudge O Lorde now iudge thou me According to my “ as thouchinge my behauior towards Saul and myn ennemies ryghteousnes and myne integritie verse 10 10 Lord ceasse the hate of wicked men and be the iust mans guide By whome the secrets of all heartes are searched and descryed verse 11 11 I take my helpe to come of God in all my griefe and smart That doeth preserue all those that be of pure and perfect hearte verse 12 12 The iust man and the wicked bothe god iudgeth by his power So that he feleth his mightie hand euen euery day and houre verse 13 13 Except he change his mynd I dye He derideth Sauls enterprises beinge surely persuaded to be preserued by gods fauor for euen as he shuld smite he wheth his sweorde his bowe he bēdth aymynge where he may hite verse 14 14 And doth prepare his mortall darts his arrowes kene and sharpe for them that do me persecute The wicked seme to labor of childe till they haue copassed their mischiefs Isa 26. c. The wicked man is beate with his own rodd whiles he doth mischief warpe verse 15 15 But loe thogh he in trauaill be of his diuelish forcast and of his mischief once conceiued yet bringth forth noght at last verse 16 16 He diggeth a ditch and delueth it diepe in hope to hurte his brother But he shall fall into the pyt that he dygde vp for other verse 17 17 Thus wrong returneth to the hurt of hym in whome it bred And al the mischiefe that he wroght shal fall vpon his head verse 18 18 I wil geue thankes to god therfore that iudgeth rightuously And with my songe shall praise the name of him that is moste hye Domine Dominus noster Psal VIII Th. St. ¶ The Prophete consideringe the excellent liberalitie and fatherlie prouidence of God towards man whom he made as it were a God ouer all his woorks dothe not onlie giue great thanckes but is astonished with the admiratiō of the same as one nothinge able to compas suche great mercies and so endeth O God our lord how wonder full are thy workes euery where whose fame surmount in dignitye aboue the heauens cleare Euē by the mouthes of suckyng babes thou wylt cōfoūde thy foes for in these babes thy myght ys sene thy graces they disclose verse 4 4 And when I see the heauens hygh the woorkes of thyne owne hande The Sunne the Moone ād all the starres in ordre as they stande verse 5 5 What thing is man lord thynke I than that thou dost him remembre Or what is mannes posteritie that thou doest it considre Herein appeareth the great loue of god towards man Hebr. 2. 6 For thou hast made hym litle lesse then Angels in degree And thou hast crouned hym also with glory and dygnitie verse 7 7 Thou hast preferd him to be lord of al thy woorkes of woonder And at his feete hast sette al thynges that he should kepe them vnder verse 8 8 As shepe and neate and al beastes ells that in the fieldes doe fede verse 9 9 Foules of the ayre fyshe in the sea and al that therein brede verse 10 10 Therfore must I saye once agayne O God that art our Lorde Howe famouse and how wonderfull are thy workes through the worlde Confitebor tibi Psal IX Th. Ster ¶ After he had giuen thancks to God for the sondrye victories that he had sent him against his ennemies and also prouen by manifold experience how readie God was at hand in all his troubles he beinge nowlikewise in danger of newe ennemies desireth God to helpe him accordinge to his wont and destroye the malicious arrogancie of his aduersaries VVith hart and mouth vnto the lord wyll I synge laude and prayse and speak of all thy wonderous works and them declare alwais I wyll be glad and much reioyce in the o god most hye and make my songes extoll thy name aboue the starrie skie verse 4 4 For that my foes are drieuen backe and turned vnto flyght They fal down flat and are destroyed by thy great force and myght verse 5 5 Thou hast reuenged al my wrong God only defendeth the iuste cause my griefe and al my grudge Thou dost with iustice heare my cause most lyke a righteous iudge verse 6 6 Thou dost rebuke the heathen folke and wicked so confounde That afterward the memory of them cannot be founde verse 7 7 My foe thou haste made good dispatche and all oure townes destroyed Thou haste theire fame with theym defaced through all the worlde so wide verse 8 8 Knowe thow that he which is aboue for euermore shall raigne And in the seate of equitie true iudgement will maintayne verse 9 9 With iustice he will kepe guyde the world and euery wight And so will yeld with equitie to euerie man his right
the sacrifice that now to hym is done And so receiue ryght thankefully thy burnt offerynges eichone verse 4 4 Accordyng to thy heartes desire the lorde graunt vnto thee And all thy counsell and deuise full well perfourme may he verse 5 5 We shall reioyse when thou vs sauest and our banners displaye Vnto the lorde which thy requests fulfilled hath alwaye verse 6 6 The lorde will his annointed saue I knowe well by his grace And send him helth by his righthand out of his holy place verse 7 7 In charetes some put confidence and some in horses trust But we remembre God our Lorde that kepeth promise iust verse 8 8 They fall downe flat but we do rise and stand vp stedfastly Now saue and helpe vs lorde king on thee when we do crye Domine in virtute Psal XXI Th. Ster ¶ Dauid in the persone of the people prayseth god for the victorie which he gaue them against the Syrians and Ammonites 2. Sam. 10.11 wherin he had the riche crowne of the kynge of Ammon set vpon his heade 2. Sam. 12. and was indued with the manifolde blessings of God and contrariwise his ennemies destroyed O Lorde how ioyfull ys the kyng in thy strength and thy power how vehemētly doth he reioyse in thee his sauiour for thou hast geuen vnto hym his godly hartes desire To hym hast thou nothing denied of that he did require verse 3 3 Thou didst preuent him with thy giftes and blessinges manyfold And thou hast set vpon his head Dauid did not only obteyne lif but also assurance that his posteritie shuld raigne for euer a croune of perfite golde verse 4 4 And whan he asked lyfe of thee therof thou madest him sure To haue long lyfe yea suche a lyfe as euer should endure verse 5 5 Great is his glory by thy helpe thy benefite and ayde Great worship and great honour both thou hast vpon hym layde verse 6 6 Thou wilt geue him felicitie that neuer shal decay And with thy cherefull countenaunce wilt comfort hym alway verse 7 7 For why the king doth strongly trust in God for to preuayle Therfore his goodnes and his grace wil not that he shal quayle Here he describeth the strength of Christes kyngdome against the enmies therof verse 8 8 But let thyne enemies fele thy force and those that thee withstande Fynde out thy foes and let them feele the power of thy righthande verse 9 9 And lyke an ouen burne them lord in fyrye flame and fume Thyne anger shall destroy them al and fyre shall them consume verse 10 10 And thou wilt roote out of the earth theyr fruite that should increase And from the number of thy folke theyr seede shal end and cease verse 11 11 For why muche mischiefe dyd they muse agaynst thyne holy name Yet dyd they fayle and had no power for to perfourme the same verse 12 12 But as a marke thou shalt them sett in a moste open place And charge thy bowestrynges redily The wicked fall into dispaire ād fele no comfort in cōscience to praise god fore agaynst thyne enmies face verse 13 13 Be thou exalted lord therfore in thy strength euery houre So shal we sing right solemnly praysing thy might and power Dominus regit me Psal XXIII ¶ Because the Prophete had prouen the greate mercies of god at diuerse tymes and in sondrie maners he gathereth a certeyn assurance fullye persuadinge him selfe that god will contynewe the verie same goodnes towards him for euer THe lord is onlye my support and he that dothe me feed how can I then lacke any thynge wherof I stande in need verse 2 2 He doth me foulde in cottes moste safe the tender grasse fast by and after driueth me to the streames which runne moste pleasantlye verse 3 3 And when I feele my selfe nere loste then doth he me home take conductinge me in his right pathes euen for his own names sake verse 4 4 And thogh I were euē at deathes doore yet wolde I feare none ill for with thy rodd and shepherds crooke I am coumforted still verse 5 5 Thou haste my table richely deckt in despite of my foe thou haste my heade with baume refresht my cupp doth ouer flooe verse 6 6 And finally while breath doth laste thy grace shall me defende and in the house of god will I my life for euer spende Ad te Domine Psalme XXV Th. St. ¶ The Prophete towched with the consideration of his synnes and also greaued with the cruell malice of his ennymies prayeth to god moste feruentlie to haue his synnes forgeauen especially suche as he had committed in his youthe He begynneth euerie verse accordyng to the hebrewe letters .ii. or iii. except verse א א I Lift myne heart to thee my god and gyde moste iust now suffer me to take no shame for in thee do I trust verse ב ב Let not my foes reioyse nor make a scorne of me and let them not be ouerthrowen that put their trust in thee verse ך ך But shame shall theym befall which harme theym wrongfully therfore thy pathes and thy right wayes vnto me lorde discry verse ה ה Direct me in thy trueth And teache me I the praye Thou art my God and sauiour on thee I wayte alwaye verse ז ז Thy mercies manifolde I praye thee lorde remembre And eke thy pitie plentifull for they haue bene for euer verse ח ח Remembre not the “ The heb woorde signifieth contēpt of god fautes and frayltie of my youth Remembre not howe ignorant I haue ben of thy truth Nor after my desertes let me thy mercy finde But of thyne owne benignitie lorde haue me in thy mynde verse ט ט His mercy is full swete his truth a perfit guide Therfore the Lorde will synners teache and such as go a syde verse י י The humble he will teache his preceps for to kepe he will direct in all his waies the lowlye and the meeke verse כ כ For al the wayes of God are trueth and mercye both To them that kepe his testament the witnes of his troth verse ל ל Nowe for thy holy name O lorde I the intreate To graunt me pardon for my sinne True felicitie standeth in the feare of god for it is wonderous great verse ם ם Whoso doth feare the lorde the lorde doth hym dyrecte To leade his lyfe in such a waye as he dothe beste accepte verse ב ב Hys soule shall euermore in goodnes dwell and stande Hys sede and his posterytye inherite shall the lande verse ם ם All those that feare the lorde knowe his secret intent And vnto them he doth declare hys will and testamente verse ע ע Myn eies and eke my hearte to hym I will aduaunce That pluckt my feete out of the snare of synne and ignoraunce verse פ פ Wyth mercy me beholde to thee I make my mone For I am poore and solitarye comfortles alone verse צ צ The troubles of myne hearte are multyplyed in dede Brynge
as it is in heauen geue vs this daye oure daylye breade forgeue vs our trespaces as we for geue them that trespasse against vs and leade vs not into temptacion but delyuer vs from euyl For thine is the kingdom the power and the glory worlde withoute ende So be it ¶ The minister For the more easie vnderstandyng hereof tell me how manye articles or particuler requestes be conteined herein ¶ The childe Syxe The deuision of the lordes prayer of whiche the .iii. firste do concerne the glory of God withoute any respecte or consideration of our selues the other iii. touche vs properlye and concerne our wealth and profyte ¶ The minister Why then ought we to desyre any thing of God that bringeth no maner of commoditie vnto our selues ¶ The childe This is true that God of his infinite goodnes doth dispose and ordre all thinges in suche sorte that nothyng can turne to the glory of hys name which is not also profytable vnto vs so that when hys name is saynctyfyed honored he maketh it redounde to oure sanctyfycacion and whē hys kingdome cōmeth we are after a sort partakers therof yet notwitstādinge oure duetye is at suche tyme as we aske and desyre these thynges to haue onely regarde to hys honour without any consideration to our selues or to our owne commoditie and profit ¶ The minister By thy saying then though these .iii. first peticions are greatly profitable to vs yet we may not make them for anye other purpose but onely to desyre to haue God glorifyed honored ¶ The childe It is euen so and likewyse albeit the three first requestes be ordeyned to praye for thynges expedient and necessary for vs yet euen in them also we ought most earnestly to seeke goddes honor so that it must be the chief ende and marke wherunto all our wisshinges and desyres be dyrrected ¶ The minister Sonday 38 Let vs come now to the exposicion of it and before that we proceade any farther wherfore is god named here our father rather thenby some other name ¶ The childe Since in time of prayer speciallye we oughte to haue a strong confydence and a stedfaste assureaunce of Goddes fauour in our consciences In what sence we call God father it pleaseth God to be called of vs by a name whiche soundeth nothing but al swetenes boūtye and mercifulnes thereby to dryue away all doubtfulnes and feare and to make vs conceyue a bolde courage to come familyarelye into hys presence ¶ The minister Maye we then come boldlye and familiarely vnto god euen as a childe may vnto hys father ¶ The childe Yea and with a great deale more assured confidence to obteyne whatsoeuer we shall desyer for if we being euyll Mat. 7. cannot chose but geue vnto our children bread meate whē they aske it howe muche lesse can our heauenlye father refuse to geue vs such thinges as we haue neede of since he is not alonelye good but the very souerain goodnes it selfe ¶ The minister May we not proue sufficientlye by thys that God is named our father the same thing which we affyrmed touchyng Christe that our prayer ought to be grounded vpon sure trust in his merites intercession ¶ The childe Yes certainely for god doth acknowledge vs no otherwyse to be hys chyldren but onelye insomuch as we be the membres of hys deare sonne ¶ The minister Wherefore doest thou not rather call God thy father than our father as it were in comon ¶ The childe why we call hym our father Euery faythful mā may right wel call God hys father particularelye but in thys forme of prayer our sauiour Christ doth teache vs to pray in common that we myght remembre therby the duety charitie whiche we owe to oure neyghboures in our prayers and to monishe vs not to care onelye for oure selues ¶ The minister What meaneth thys clause which art in heauen ¶ The childe It is asmuche to saye as to name hym hygh myghtye and of a maiestye incomprehensible ¶ The minister To what purpose serueth that ¶ The childe It serueth to thys ende that when we cal vpon him by prayer we myghte learne to lyfte vp our mindes to withdraw our imaginacyon from thynking any thyng of hym wordly or earthly that we shoulde not measure hym by our fleshly iudgement and so make hym subiect or appliable to our wil or appetyte but rather that we myght with all humblenes of mynde honour hys excellēte maiestye and also that we myght haue occasion to putte so much the more our trust assuredlye in hym consideryng that he is Lorde and maister of all ¶ The minister Sonday 39 Make an exposicion of the fyrst peticion ¶ The childe peti ∣ tion The first The name of god is hys honor renoume wherby he is sanctified and praysed amongest men therfore we desyre that his glory may be auaunced aboue al thinges euery where ¶ The minister Doest thou meane that thys hys glory may eyther increase or dymynyshe ¶ The childe No verelye in it selfe In what sence we wyshe the setting forth of gods glorye but the meanynge hereof is that it may be knowen as it ought to be and that all the woorkes whiche God doeth maye appeare vnto menne to be gloryous and worthy of high praise euen as they be in very deede so that he myght by al meanes be magnifyed ¶ The minister peti ∣ tion The second What doest thou meane in the seconde requeste by the kyngdome of God ¶ The childe Thys kyngdome consysteth pryncypallye in two poyntes wherin the kingdome of God consisteth that is to saye fyrste in that he guydeth and gouerneth hys elect through hys holye spiryte And agayn in that he destroyeth bryngeth to vtter shame confusion the wicked whiche wil not become subiectes to his kyngdome to the ende that it maye euidentlye appeare that there is no power hable to withstande hys incomparable myghte ¶ The minister What vnderstandest thou in praying that thys kyngdome may come ¶ The childe The meanyng is that it wil please god from daye to day to encrease the number of his faithful flocke The kingdome of Christe that he wil continually more and more shew furth hys fauour in bestowyng the gyftes of his holy spirite emong them vntil the time come in whiche they shal be fullye replenished that it may also please hym to cause the lyghte of hys trueth more more to shine amongest vs that he will in suche wyse make hys iustice to be knowen that the deuyll and hys kyngdome of darkenes maye come to vtter confusion and that all wickednesse may be cleane abolished rooted out ¶ The minister Is nor thys requeste perfourmed in thys worlde ¶ The childe It is partly fulfylled already The perfeict state of Christes kyngdome yet our duety is to desyre that it may be continually increased and that he wil auaunce styll and further hys kingdome vnto such tyme as it
euerlastinge ¶ The minister What do the bread and wyne represent in the lordes Supper ¶ The childe This that as our bodies are norished therwith so our sowles are susteyned and norished with the vertue of Christs body ād bloode not that they are inclosed in the breade and wyne but we muste seeke Christ in heauen in the glorie of God his father ¶ The minister By what meanes may we attayne vnto hym there ¶ The childe By faith which gods spirite worketh in our hartes assuringe vs of Gods promisses made to vs in his holy ghospell Th end A FOVRME OF prayers to be vsed in priuat houses euery morninge and euenynge Morninge prayer ALMIGHTIE God and most mercifull father we do not 1 Daniel 9. c. present our selues here before thy Maiestie trusting in our owne merites or worthynes but in thy manifold mercies which hast promised to heare our prayers and 2 Ioh. 16. c graunt our requestes which we shall make to thee in the name of thy beloued sonne Iesus Christ our lord who hath also commaunded vs to assemble our selues together in his 3 Matt. 18. c. name with ful assurance that he wyll not onely be emongst vs but also be our 4 1. Tim. 2. b. mediator ād aduocate towards thy Maiestie that we may 5 1. Ioh. 3. d. obteyne all thinges which shall seme expedient to thy blessed wyll for our necessities Therfore we beseche thee most mercifull father to tourne thy louynge contenance towardes vs and 6 Psal 32. a. impute not vnto vs our manyfold synnes and offences wherby we iustely deserue thy wrath and sharpe punishement but rather receyue vs to thy mercye for Iesus Christes sake acceptinge his death and passion as a iuste 7 1. Ioh. 2. a. recompence for all our offences in whome onely thow art pleased and throgh whome thow canst not be offended with vs. And seinge that of thy great mercies we haue quietly passed this night graunt ò heauenly father that we may spēd and bestowe this day wholy in thy seruice so that all our 8 Col. 3. c. thoghtes wordes ād deedes may redounde to the glorie of thy name ād good ensample to all men who seinge our good workes may glorifie thee our heauenly father And forasmoche as of thy mere beneuolēce and loue thow haste not onely created vs to thyme owne 9 Gen. 1. d. similitude and lykenes but also haste chosen vs to be heyres with thy dere sonne Iesus Christ of that immortall kingdome which thow preparedst for vs before the beginnynge of world we beseche thee to 10 Luk. 17. a. encrease our faith and knowlage and to lighten our hartes with thy holy spirite that we may in the meane tyme lyue in golyd cōuersation and integritie of lyfe knowinge that 11 Gal. 5. d. idolaters adulterers couetous men contentious persons dronkardes glotons and suche lyke shall not inherite the kingdome of God And becawse thou haste commaūded vs to pray one for on other we do not onely make request ò lord for our selues and theym that thow hast already called to the trew vnderstandinge of thy heauenly wyll but for all people and 12 Act 10. e 1. Tim. 2. a nations of the world who as they knowe by thy wonderfull workes that thow arte God ouer all so they may be instructed by thy holy spirite to beleue in thee their onely sauiour and redemer But forasmoche as they can not 13 Rom. 10. d beleue except they heare nor can not heare but by preaching and none can preache except they be sent therfore ò lord rayse vp faithfull distributers of thy mysteries who settinge a parte all worldely respectes may bothe in theyr lyfe and doctrine onely seke thy glorie Contrarely confownd 14 Rom. 16. c Satan Antechrist with all hyrelinges and papistes whome thow hast already cast of into a reprobate sense that they may not by sectes schismes heresies and errors disquiet thy lytle flocke And becawse ò lord we be fallen into the latter days and 15 2. Tim. 3. a daungerous tymes wherin ignorance hath gott the vpper hand and Satan with his ministers seeke by all meanes to quenche the light of thy gospell we beseche thee to mayntayne thy cawse against those 16 Matt. 7. c raueninge wolues and strengthen all thy seruantes whome they kepe in pryson and bondage Let not thy longe sufferinge be an occasion either to encrease theyr tyrannye or to discorage thy childrene nether yet let our synnes and wickednes be a hinderance to thy mercies but with spede ò lord consider these great miseries and chieflye the afflictions of our Contrie which once florished through thy mercies and nowe for contempt of thy worde is 17 Amos 8. Matth. 11. c plaged accordinge to thy iudgement Alas lord mayst thow not be intreated shall we thus be left in dispayre shall all the world laugh at our shame for 18 Psal 77. b. euer truthe it is lord that we were more then sufficiently warned of this thy vengeance to come both by thy worde ād exemples of others For thy people Israell many tymes by their 19 Exo. 32. a synnes prouoked thyne anger and thow ponishedest theym by thy iuste iudgement yet thogh theyr synnes were neuer so greuous if they once returned frome their iniquitie thow receyuedst theym to 20 Esa 37. a mercie we therfore most wretched synners bewayle our manyfolde synnes and earnestly repent vs for our former wickednes and vngodly behauyor towardes thee and wheras we can not of our 21 Rom. 7. d 2. Cor. 3. Luk. 17. c selues purchase thy pardon yet we humbly beseche thee for Iesus Christ sake to shewe thy mercies vpon vs and restore vs agayne to thy fauour Graunt vs deare father these our requestes and all other thinges necessarie for vs and thy whole churche accordinge to thy promes in Iesus Christe our lorde In whose name we beseche the as he hath taught vs saing Our father c. A prayer to be sayd before meales ALL thinges depende vpon thy prouidence o lord to receyue at thy handes due sustenance in tyme conuenient Psal 104. Thou geuest to theym and they gather it thow openest thy hand and they are satisfyede with all good thinges O heauenly father which arte the fountayne and full treasure of all goodnes we beseche thee to shewe thy mercies vpon vs thy children and 1 1. Tim. 4. b. sanctifie these giftes which we receyue of thy mercifull liberalitie grauntinge vs grace to vse theym 2 Tit. 2. c soberlie and purely accordinge to thy blessed will so that hereby we may ackonwledge the to be the author ād gyuer of all good thinges and aboue all that we may remembre cōtinually to seeke the 3 Ioh. 6. c. d spirituall foode of thy woorde wherewith our soules may be norished euerlastingly through our sauiour Christ who is the trewe 4 Ihon. 6. c breade of lyfe which came downe