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A50402 The law of God ratified by the gospel of Christ, or, The harmony of the doctrine of faith with the law of righteousness wherein many of the types and rites of the ceremonial law are unfolded, and the moral law adjusted a rule of holy living to all, though justified by faith / as it was delivered in several sermons preacht to the parochial congregation of Mayfield in Sussex by Mr. Mainard late rector thereof, publisht since his death. Maynard, John, 1600-1665. 1674 (1674) Wing M1450; ESTC R33505 161,259 298

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the Passeover and unleavened bread scil seven weeks the same that is called Pentecost it is called the feast of Harvest their Harvest being much earlier then ours in that hot Country This may teach Christians to stir up their hearts to sincere thankfulness unto the Lord for all his blessings particularly for the increase of the fruits of the earth that they may serve the Lord with joyfulness and gladness of heart for the abundance of all things At this Feast of Harvest of weeks or Pentecost the Lord Christ having ascended into Heaven about ten dayes before did in a more glorious manner send down the holy Ghost upon his Apostles that so he might furnish them abundantly with gifts graces abilities to gather in his Harvest to bring in the Nations of the earth into his barn into his Church which before were in the open field of ahe world being strangers to Christ and subject to Satan the God of the world and Prince of darkness He had said unto them Lift up your eyes and look on the fields for they are white already to Harvest And herein is that saying true One soweth and another reapeth I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour other men laboured and ye are entred into their labours The ancient Prop●ets that foretold of Christ his coming death resurrection and ascension into Heaven and that great and glorious Harvest wherein the Nations of the world should be gathered into Christ were ●eedsmen that did not live to see this rich crop brought into the barn they died long before the Son of God was manifested in the flesh and the Gentiles converted but the Apostles were called to Harvest-work to reap what the Prophets had ●own to gather in the Nations of the earth unto Christ and here the Lord Christ told them it was Harvest-time the fields looked white● the fulness of time was come and they were the reapers that must bring in his Harvest which he had so dearly paid for even with the price of his most precious blood but it was needful that that they should be furnisht in an extraordinary measure and manner for such a work and therefore the Lord Christ said unto them Behold I send the promise of my Father upon you but tarry ye in the City of Hierusalem until ye be endued with power from on high do not fall rashly upon the work until I have fitted you for it and so he told them Ye shall receive power after the holy Ghost is come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Hierusalem and in all Iudea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth after ye are thus fitted and enabled for so great a work ye shall go over the large field of the world to bring in mine Harvest and accordingly at this feast of Harvest the day of Pentecost the Lord Christ sent down his spirit upon them wonderfully enabling them for this service Thirdly There was a third feast scil the Feast of Ingathering at the end of the year when they had gathered in their labours out of the field I conceive when the last of their fruits their vintage or Grapes c. were gathered in This I take to be the same which is called the feast of Tabernacles This was to begin on the fifteenth of the seventh month which seemeth to answer to our September and continued seven days and again it is said to be at the time when they had gathered in the fruit of the Land and they were commanded to take boughs of goodly trees branches of Palm-trees and the boughs of thick trees and willows of the Brook and to rejoyce before the Lord their God seven days they were also commanded to dwell in Boothes seven days that their Generations might know that the Lord made the Children of Israel to dwell in Booths when he brought them out of the land of Egypt This feast was solemnly kept after the peoples return from Captivity 1. This again may stir up Christians to thankfulness unto the Lord for all his blessings and particularly for the fruits of the earth as before 2. This dwelling in Booths and slight Tents or Tabernacles made of green boughs in memory of their condition when they came out of the Land of Egypt the house of bondage may teach Christians often to call to mind their afflictions and low condition out of which the Lord hath at any time delivered them especially they that are in Christ should often and seriously remember that woful bondage and misery under sin and satan and the danger of condemnation out of which the Lord Christ hath delivered them and labour to be exceedingly thankful for it 3. They were to go out of their dwelling houses to dwell in booths when they had gathered in their fruits least when their barns and store-houses were plentifully filled they might forget God who gave them all these things and set their hearts upon the Creatures resting in their outward enjoyments giving themselves up to voluptuousness like him spoken of Luk. 12. Soul thou hast goods laid up for many years eat drink and be merry but God said unto him thou fool this night shall thy soul be required of thee then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided Learn then in the midst of the greatest abundance to raise up your hearts above all earthly things to make God your portion to walk with him in the light of his Countenance 4. This dwelling in Booths or Tabernacles may teach Christians to be affected as strangers here on earth having no continuing City in this world their bodies being slight and weak frames easily dissolved like summer-houses made of green boughs that will suddenly wither labour then to make sure of a building of God an house not made with hands eternal in the Heavens purchased by the blood of Christ for all those that are sound in him in as much as ye have no continuing City here seek one to come and labour for sound evidence to clear your title to it Fourthly Besides these three great feasts there was to be a memorial of blowing the Trumpets upon the first of the same seventh month and then upon the tenth day of that month a day of Atonement solemne humiliation repentance and afflicting the soul so the silver Trumpet being sounded in the preaching of the word summons the hearers to repentance to afflict their souls to abase and humble themselves to turn to the Lord with all their hearts Cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a Trumpet and shew my people their transgressions and the house of Iacob their sins This silver Trumpet was sounded by Iohn Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Iudea and saying Repent ye for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand for this is he that was spoken of by the Prophet Isaiah saying The voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare ye
o● Christs gloriou● appearing especially considering that the day of death was to them as the last day not that he did peremtorily determine any thing concerning the time which was unknown now compare this with what he writeth to the same Church in the next Epistle Now we beseech you Brethren by the coming of our Lord Iesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him that ye be not shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit or word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand Let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of Perdition c. It seemeth some went about to deceive them under pretence of Revelation implied in the word Spirit some by word of Mouth as if the day of the Lord should come in that age and these might abuse those words of the Apostle in his former Epistle therefore he saith by Letter or Epistle as from us Now Satan might have this pollicy and set a certain day and that within a short time that when they saw it did not come to pass at the time foretold they might doubt of the thing it self whether ever it would come to pass but the Apostle shews them that there must be a great change before that day a general Apostacy or falling away and the revealing that man of sin the Son of perdition Secondly by drawing false inferences and conclusions from some places of Scripture So in the present Text from that ●ound doctrine of the Apostle concerning free justification of sinners through the righteousness of Christ without any respect at all to the works of the Law it seemeth some drew this inference or conclusion that the Law was made void and do not the Antinomians the very same ●t this day yea do not many among us harbour the same conceits in their minds as if it were enough only to pray to God to pardon their sins for Christ his sake as if they ●eed not labour after conformity to the Law ●n righteousness and holiness On the other ●●de whereas Christ saith Except ye repent ye shall likewise perish Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God Follow Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. From these and the like Scriptures some it seemeth draw false conclusions as if by repentance by holiness by prayers and other duties they might in part satisfie for their former sins and as if Repentance Regeneration Holiness were not only things accompanying justification and salvation but proper causes But ye must consider First that Christ his satisfaction and righteousness is the full perfect and only cause of ●ustification and pardon of sin and that no holiness no duties of the persons justified do help any thing at all towards their justification it is the Righteousness of Christ imputed to them which maketh up the whole matter of their Righteousness in the sight of God and covereth all their sins Secondly on the other side Regeneration Repentance Holiness are concomitants things accompanying justification and salvation and evidences of it So that although none can procure pardon of sin nor justification in the least degree by any graces or duties of their own yet none can have any ●ound hope that their sins are forgiven or their persons accepted of God as righteous without Repentance Regeneration and Holiness because none have their sins pardoned and their persons justified but such as receive Christ into their hearts by Faith Now Christ alwaies cometh by water and blood by his holy graces to wash and sanctifie the Soul as by his blood and merit to justifie and procure forgiveness of sin As the light of the fire giveth no heat and the heat of the fire giveth no light yet the heat and light are joyned together in the fire so righteousness imputed to the soul for justification and forgiveness of sin do not sanctifie and on the other side Repentance Regeneration holiness in Believers do not justifie yet they are joyned together and where one is there is the other and the latter is an evidence of the former I conceive it is a common case with many to mistake in this kind because they want judgement rightly to draw inferences from Scripture gro●nds so the Anabaptists because they read of persons baptized when they made profession of faith and repentance hereupon they draw conclusions against Infant-baptisme whereas the case is not alike for those examples are of converted Jews or Heathens not of such as are born of Christian-parents whereas they should rather argue that because Infants born of Church-members under the old Testament were circumcised as Church-members by the Lord command therefore Infants born of Church-members under the new Testament are to be baptized as Church-members now Thirdly prejudicate opinions false conceits sutable to corrupt Nature and carnal reason forestalling the mind and being entertained aforehand make people very apt to deprave or deny the Truth when it is presented to them I conceive this was the cause why the Jews were so obstinate in rejecting Christ and his doctrine not receiving and obeying him as Christ because their carnal minds were forestalled with conceits of a Messias that should come in state as an earthly Prince and erect a glorious worldly Kingdom amongst them and this prejudice moved them to corrupt the Prophecies of the old Testament and to distaste the doctrines of the New they liked not to hear of a crucified Redeemer the doctrine of the Cross was to them a stumbling-block they did not close with a spiritual Kingdom of Christ attended with persecution yea Christ his Disciples were not free from this disease and therefore when Christ foretold his own sufferings Peter presumed to rebuke him and there was a contention among them for the chiefe place as if they expected great worldly honours and dignities by following Christ On the other side the Grecians were prepossessed with the rational principles of worldly wisdom and Philosophy and so despised the Gospel as foolishness though indeed there were such heights and depths of divine wisdom in the mysteries of the Gospel as never came into the head of the wisest men amongst them The carnal Israelites were forestalled with an opinion of their own righteousness and so rejected the doctrine of justification by the righteousness of Christ For they being ignorant of Gods righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God Ignorance and prejudice the fruit of ignorance caused them to disrelish the Truth of the Gospel Secondly the love of sin is a cause why men pervertor reject the Truths of the Gospel The Gospel and word of grac teacheth to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts c. This is distastful to a soul wherein sin raigneth The Gospel requireth Christians to
strive to purge out this Leaven of sin and errour and keep the feast with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth Sixthly This feast of unleavened bread which was joyned with the Passover was to be kept seven days and seven in Scripture is noted for a number of perfection and therefore let Christians labour to purge out more and more the old Leaven of sin and corruption and to walk in sincerity and truth all the days of their life even till the seventh day that is until they come to keep an eternal feast and Sabbath of Rest with Christ in his glorious Kingdom Seventhly As they kept the feast with their loins girded So let your loins be girded about and your lights burning and ye your selves like unto men that wait for the Lord when he will return from the Wedding that when he cometh and knocketh they may open unto him immediately Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching They that wear long garments need to gird them up when they are either to walk or to work They that would have communion with him need to call in and gather up their straggling thoughts their wandring minds their loose affections to unite the powers of their souls to fix them upon Christ and the things of Christ that they may be always ready for any way or work of Christ. Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind be sober and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Iesus Christ. As they were to eat the Passeover with their shoes on their feet and their staffe in their hand as being ready for their departure out of Egypt so let those that will rightly keep the spiritual Passeover and feed upon Christ be affected as strangers and sojourners expecting daily their departure out of this world labouring to be ready to enter into the heavenly Canaan How should they condemn that earthly mindedness when they are of such a temper as if they had a continuing City here not seriously seeking one to come Eighthly They were to eat the Passeover with bitter herbs let those then that would indeed feed upon Christ unto eternal life feed upon this Lamb of God with bitter herbs of Godly sorrow for sin holy anger and indignation against themselves afflicting their souls looking upon him whom they have pierced by their sins and mourning for him as one mourneth for his only Son and being in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for his first-born Let them feed upon Christ by faith with self-denial which is as it were a bitter herb to the flesh denying themselves in their dearest lusts and carnal affections not sparing the right hand or the right eye Let them joyn repentance with faith otherwise they can never keep the feast according to the mind of Christ. Lastly Ye may read of the Law of the Passeover and unleavened bread and presently after that the ordinance of the first-fruits Speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them when ye be come into Land which I give unto you and shall reap the harvest thereof then ye shall bring a sheafe of the first fruits of your harvest unto the Priest and he shall wave this sheafe before the Lord to be accepted for you on the morrow after the Sabbath the Priest shall wave it It is conceived that this Sabbath or day of rest was the first day of unleavened bread scil the fifteenth day of the first month on whatsoever day of the week it fell but in the year wherein Christ suffered it fell upon the last day of the week so that it was a double Sabbath the paschal Sabbath and the weekly Sabbath meeting together upon the same day Now the sheaf of first-fruits was to be waved or offered before the Lord on the morrow after the Sabbath which was the day on which Christ rose from the dead See how the Apostle applyeth this Christ is risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that sleep It seemeth there was such an exact agreement and correspondence between the Type and the Antetype the shadow and the substance that the Lord Christ arose from the dead the very same day that the sheafe of first fruits was to be offered and he arose as the first fruits of them that slept or of the dead I conceive the meaning is that as the first fruits being offered to God did sanctifie the whole increase of the fruits of the earth that year so Christ as the first fruits of the dead arose from death to eternal life and glory and in himself and his resurrection did as it were offer up to God the dead bodies of all his members not always to lye under the power of death and corruption but to be raised to immortality and everlasting glory Let us labour then to have part in the first resurrection rising with Christ by virtue of his quickning spirit to newness of life that this may be an earnest and sure evidence unto us of a second resurrection to everlasting life So much for the Sacraments of the Ceremonial Law CHAP. IV. SEcondly in the next place follow the Sacrifices It seemeth there were but few sorts of creatures used for Sacrifices Of sensible creatures such as have life and sense but five sorts whereof three were of four-footed beasts scil Bullocks Sheep and Goats old or young and so comprehending under them Calves Lambs and Kids and two sorts of fowls as turtle doves and young pigeons Thefe were creatures that were meek and gentle above many others and such as were in a special manner subject and serviceable to men so the Lord Christ who was appointed to be a Sacrifice to the justice of God was meek and lowly in heart He was lead as a sheep to the slaughter and like a Lamb dumb before the shearer so opened he not his mouth who being in the form of God thought it robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a se●vant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the Cross. Lions Bears Tigres Leopards wild-beasts beasts of prey fierce and cruel creatures Eagles Hawks Vultures or other ravenous fouls were not appointed for Sacrifice These were not fit to represent the Lord Christ in his state of humiliation in his suffering condition as he was appointed to be a Sacrifice for sin It is true Christ is called the Lion of the Tribe of Iudah I conceive to represent him in regard of his mighty powers in protecting his Church and subduing his enemies but not to resemble him as a Sacrifice for so he was in a state of suffering and of service and therefore Christians according
of God and the spiritual sacrifices which he offereth the duties which he performeth must have a tincture and favour of Christs spirit in them 4. Salt preserveth things from perishing and so may note unto us perpetuity therefore it is called the salt of the Covenant of God and a sure and everlasting Covenant is called a Covenant of salt so Abijah pleading the right of Davids posterity to the Kingdom of Israel said Ought ye not to know that the Lord God of Israel gave the Kingdom over Israel to David for ever even to him and to his Sons by a Covenant of salt This was imperfectly fulfilled in David and the Kings that sprang from his loyns before Christ his coming but it was compleatly verified in Christ the Son of David after the flesh to whom God gave the throne of his Father David that he should raign over the house of Iacob or Israel for ever The Covenant of grace established by Christ his sacrifice is a covenant of salt that shall never fail How earnestly should we labour to break off all leagues with sin and Satan and turn to the Lord by unseigned repentance and lay hold of Christ by faith that in him we may be reconciled to God and made parties to this unchangeable Covenant enjoying the everlasting blessings and priviledges of it 2● To the meat-offering was added a drink-offering a quantity of wine The meat-offering consisting of fine flower and the drink-offering of Wine how fitly do they resemble the pretious body and blood of Christ which is meat and drink indeed upon which Christians are to feed by faith And how exactly doth the bread and wine in the Sacramental supper of the new Testament answer to this meat and drink offering consisting of the same materials Fourthly Now followeth the peace-offering● conceive this was offered especially in a way of thankfulness for mercies and deliverances ●ometimes upon a conditional vow made be●ore sometimes without a vow and therefore may also be called thank-offering and ●hese may signifie the duties of Christians in general their spiritual sacrifices and services which they are to offer unto God continually in thankfulness for his saving mercies towards them in Christ. And therefore the Apostle having largely shewed that the sacrifices of the old Testament were not to be observed in the times of the Gospel since they are fully accomplished in Christ toward the end of that Epistle he calleth upon believers to offer spiritual sacrifices by him scil by Christ therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his Name but to do good and to communicate forget not for with such sacrifices God is well-pleased All these and the like spiritual sacrifices believers are to offer up by Christ their high-priest in his name presenting them to the Father by his hand that they may find acceptance through him and whatsoever we do in word or deed do all in the name of the Lord Iesus giving thanks to God and the Father by him all these sacrifices are to be offered in his name and to be presented to God by and through him 2. For a peace offering and thank-offering liberty was given to sacrifice either male or female so saith the Apostle There is neither Iew nor Greek there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female for y● are all one in Christ Iesus The Lord maketh no difference of persons now either in respect of Nation condition or sex if they be in Christ whatsoever they are in other regards the Lord accepteth them in his beloved Son and they may present themselves as living holy sacrifices unto him assuring themselves that he will graciously receive them and by the same reason they may offer up their services and duties to him by Christ as spiritual sacrifices 3. The fat and the kidneys of the peac●-offerings were to be burnt upon the Altar but what was to be done with the rest of the flesh that you may find in Lev. 7. the breast and the right shoulder were to be given to the Priests the Sons of Aaron whereof the former was to be waved before the Lord the latter to be heaved or lifted upwards and then they were to be given to the Priests It seemeth the rest of 〈◊〉 flesh of the peace-offerings was to be eaten by him that brought the sacrifice of the peace-offering before the Lord who together with his family was to celebrate a holy feast with spiritual rejoycings before the Lord. 1. The breast was to be given to God for what was given to the Priests was given to God because it was given to the Priest for the attending on the service of God This may teach us to give up our breasts hearts affections to God in holiness and ob●dience My Son give me thine heart Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind 2. The breast was to be waved before the Lord or shaken to and fro The original word is taken for sifting with a five so this waving of the breast may teach us what stir●ings of heart what lively workings of spirit and affections there should be in Christians in performing services to the Lord. It is not a dead soul without spiritual life and motion which the Lord regardeth but it is a wave-breast that he calleth for an active heart and soul a stirring spirit like that of David Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name 3. The right shoulder was to be heaved up before the Lord or to be lifted up This may ●each Christians to lift up their souls to the Lord as David Vnto thee O Lord do I lift up my soul to seek the things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God ●o set their affections on things above not on things on the earth to have their conversation in Heaven These parts being to 〈◊〉 given to the Priests by the Lord his command here we have another ground esta●lishing the maintenance of Gospel Ministers ●ecording to that of the Apostle mentioned be● The rest of the flesh of the peace-offerings ●●ting to be eaten by him that brought the ●●●rtices with his houshold rejoycing in the Lord may teach Christians that as Christ offered up himself in sacrifice to God to satisfie his justice for the sins of his people so he inviteth them to feed and feast upon him by faith with rejoycing with joy of the holy Ghost this they should do in reading and hearing the Gospel in meditating upon the word upon Christ and the things of Christ. And in the use of the Lords supper I conceive this feasting upon the remainder of the facrifice was a special act of Communion which the
saved Whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be saved How then shall they call on him on whom they have not believed It must be a prayer of faith and where sound faith is there are other saving graces And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard And how shall they hear without a Preacher so that the light of Nature was not sufficient unto salvation 2. In special I conceive the Law and light of Nature was defective and imperfect 1. In it self I suppose it did not make known unto men the great Mystery of Trinity in unity three persons in one God nor the state of perfection wherein man was created nor his woful fall and revolt from God Their own experience taught them that the Nature of man was inclined to evil the powers of the soul disordered the senses misleading the affections the affections leading reason captive but they had no light to discover to them the first cause of all this mischief they were as far to seek concerning the Remedy That great depth of the Incarnation of the Son of God of God manifest in the flesh for mans Redemption was hidden from them their own Consciences accused them and condemned them as guilty but they had no light to shew them how divine justice might be satisfied they knew not of the blood righteousness sacrifice satisfaction of Jesus Christ God and man that is sufficient to take away sin and to make peace between God and sinners The light of Nature could not enable them to see into the mystical union between Christ and believers by his spirit and their faith The doctrines of free justification by the righteousness of Christ imputed of Regeneration Adoption Sanctification Communion with God Resnrrection unto glory are not revealed by the light of Nature This light did nor shew them how to walk before God unto all pleasing it did not teach them the right way of mortifying their lusts of walking in the spirit it did not discover to them the special institutions of God and ordinances of his worship Secondly It was defective and imperfect by reason of the subject the soul of man in which it was This light and Law of Nature being given to men in their corrupt natural estate is much darkned by the Natural blindness errours vanities lusts that are in the minds and hearts of men as if a man write upon fowl and blurred Paper how much is lost of that which is written and how hardly is it read sometimes a sentence broken off in the midst here and there half words one letter mistaken for another so the light and Law of Nature being put into the defiled hearts and souls of men hath many defects in it Thirdly It may be considered of what use this light and Law of Nature was sith it was defective and not sufficient to lead men to salvation It might be useful 1. For the glory of God who by this means had a witness in the hearts and Consciences of men of natural men yea of Heathens that he loved righteousness and hated wickedness their own Consciences pleading for God against them 2. It was of use for the preservation of humane societies in families ●nd Common-wealths keeping men within some limits of common honesty and preventing those outrages which the violence of mens lusts and the power of Satan might hurry them into 3. I conceive it might be useful as a remote preparative for the receiving of the Gospel in some to whom the word of salvation was tendred for though the pride and prejudice of mens natural spirits might cause them to resist the holy Ghost speaking in the Gospel preached yet the light of nature well improved finding nothing in the doctrine of the Gospel contrary to it but far above it might incline the minds of many to attend to a far higher and more glorious light shining in the doctrine of salvation I speak of this but as a remote preparative whereby ingenuous spirits might be moved to give heed to the Gospel but it must be a far higher cause even the mighty power of Christ his spirit that can bring them to receive the Gospel in an effectual and saving way Fourthly How doth this light and Law of Nature leave men without excuse I conceive First Because they did in many things shut their eyes against the light not seeking to increase that light received by improving their reason and understandings as one Candle lighteth another so one degree of light improved begetteth another and so there is lumen de lumine light as it were springing from light whereas light smothered endeth in darkness 2. Because they did not act according to that light received nor walk according to those natural abilities which they had The Heathens lived in gross Idolatry against the light of Nature whereby they might have learned that dead Images were utterly unfit to represent the living God Carnal Christians sin against the light of Nature as in many other things so I conceive in not submitting to that higher light of spiritual Mysteries so as to receive the love of the Truth that they may be saved The use of this may be 1. To inform us that Acts againt the Law of Nature are sings against God not only as they are against his written Law but also as they are against the Law of Nature because as the point sheweth God hath given unto men this light and Law of Nature the impression of this Law of Nature upon the hearts and souls of men is one of the acts of his legislative power I conceive when the Prophet saith The Lord is our Iudge the Lord is our Law-giver the Lord is our King he will save us he speaketh of God in reference to his Church to whom he hath a more peculiar Relation of this kind He gave them his Law written in the Scripture and he raigneth over them as a King in a special maner Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord and the people whom he hath chosen for his own Inheritance the Church is the Lords Inheritance A King may have an hereditary Kingdom which he maketh greatest account of and he may have other tributary Kingdoms subject to him to which he giveth Law also So David was King of Israel in a peculiar manner but he had also the Kingdoms of Edom Moa● Ammon Syria c. under him The Lord looketh upon the Church as his peculiar Kingdom and to them he hath given a perfect Law in writing in the holy Scirptures but besides that he hath a universal soveraignty and Dominion the Authority of a Law-giver over all the Nations of the world Iews Turks Indians c. The Lord most high is terrible he is a great King over all the Earth And again God is King of all the Earth And so he is a Law-giver to all the Nations of the Earth If he giveth
the Curse of the Law but that was done without the least prejudice to the force and authority of the Law because himself did bear the Curse in his own person and so he did both save his people from the Curse of the Law and yet fully satisfie the Law but herein did Christ put an high degree of honour upon the Law that though he had made full satisfaction to the Law in behalf of his people yet he will have the Law to remain as a Directory and Rule of holiness and righteousness for those that are appointed hei●s of salvation He hath made the Law a Rule for the ordering of his Royal family of his spiritual Kingdom The Lord Christ hath exalted the Law to a great height of dignity in that himself being the Law-giver and having united Believers to himself by his spirit and ruling in their hearts by his grace yet requireth them to attend to the Law as the Rule by which they should regulate and order their hearts and wayes The use of this may be first to shew the errour of those who seem to deny the use of the Law for Believers in any kind as if they were to bring them in Bondage under a Covenant of works How usual is it with men to mistake the meaning of the holy Scripture and in special to take those things as absolutely meant which are to be understood only in some respect So in this case because the Scripture sheweth that Christians are not under the Law therefore they seem to say they have nothing to do with the Law and that the Law hath not any thing to do with them but though they are free from the Curse of the Law yet the Law is still of great use to them to guide them in such a course of holy obedience wherein they are to glorifie God and to walk worthy of the Lord to all pleasing The Apostle I conceive speaketh of such licentious libertines and Antinomian teachers who when they speak great swelling words of vanity they allure through the lusts of the flesh through much wantonness those that were clean escaped from them that live in errour while they promise them liberty they themselves are yet servants of corruption for of whom a man is overcome of the same he is brought in bondage Is it not common with many to complain of bondage under the Law who on the other side remain in a miserable bondage under their lusts Secondly This may open the eyes of those self-deceivers who pretend faith in Christ as if their sins were pardoned through his satisfaction and their persons justified by his righteousness without the works of the Law and thereupon sin securely not caring to order their hearts and waye● according to the Law nor to make it the rule of their lives The Apostle notably sheweth the folly of such for having proved that Believers are freely pardoned and justified by the righteousness of Christ without any consideration of their own works done in obedience to the Law insomuch that he saith Where sin abounded grace did much more abound whereas sin abounded in men the grace and free love of God did much more abound and gloriously manifest it self through Christ towards Believers in pardoning their sins and accepting them as righteous thereupon he proposeth a question or Objection What shall I say then Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound as if some licentious person turning the grace of God into laciviousness should say if our best works be of no force or weight at all towards our justification on the one side and the grace of God on the other side be gloriously illustrated by occasion of our sins why should we fear to sin against the Law or be careful to walk according to that Rule The Apostle answereth by way of detestation God forbid or let it not be Let not so vile a thought enter into the heart of any Christian Secondly By way of confutation How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein know we not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were Baptized into his death therefore we are buried with him by Baptisme into his death that like as Christ was raised up from the de●d by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life as if he had said they that are justified by the righteousness of Christ applied by faith are by the same faith united unto Christ and therefore dead to sin as Christ died for sin and raised to newness of life as Christ rose from the dead the spirit of Christ thus manifesting the vertue of Christ his death and the power of his Resurrection in them and so leading them in the way of holy obedience according to the rule of the Law They therefore that fancy to themselves pardon of sin justification and salvation through faith in Christ and give up themselves to walk according to their own lusts and not according to the Law of God do highly dishonour Christ and delude their own souls for the Apostle Peter speaking of him And him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour for to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins The Lord Jesus Christ is exalted to be both a Prince and a Saviour to rule and to save as a Prince to give repentance whereby men and women are subjected to his government and to his holy Law and as a Saviour to procure for them forgiveness of sin and justification They then who would have their sins pardoned through Christ but not their souls subjected to the will and Law of Christ they would have but an half Christ they would have Christ the Saviour but not Christ the Prince and this is the way to have no Christ at all no portion nor interest in Christ. I beseech you therefore as you love your souls take heed of this soul deceiving fancy and as you desire Christ for your Saviour so obey Him as your Prince according to his holy Law which He hath established as a Rule of life for his People FINIS Texts of Scripture Explained occasionally 2 Thes. 2. 1 2 3. page 10. Rom. 7. 18. p. 16. Revel 8. 13. p. 50. 1 King 18. 40. p. 59. Mat. 13. 22 30. p. 61. Acts 7. 37. p. 83. Joh. 4. 19 20 21. p. 83. Gen. 22. 18. p. 91. Lev. 1. 4. p. 105. 2 King 3. 20. p. 108. Dan. 9. 21. p. 108. Heb. 10. 5 6 7. p. 115. 1 Cor. 9. 13 14. p. 119. 1 Cor. 10. 18. p. 126. 2 Cor. 2. 4. p. 147. 1 Cor. 6. 18 19. p. 148. Num. 23. 5. p. 158. Rom. 1. 19. p. 179. Rom. 5. 13 14. p. 188. Amos 2. 4 5. p. 191 192 193. Gal. 5. 4. p. 209. James 2. 24. p. 210. 1 John 3. 8. p. 227 c. Luke 9. 30 31. p. 233 234. John 1. 1 2 3. p. 234 235. Mat. 22. 35 to 40.
the way of the Lord make his paths strait Yea the Lord Christ himself in his own person sounded this Silver Trumpet From that time Iesus began to preach and to say Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand He who gave himself for a sacrifice and poured forth his blood to make atonement and reconciliation between God and sinners did preach repentance to them to prepare them for atonement and reconciliation It is very lamentable to consider how many live under the sound of the Silver Trumpet many years and yet are not prepared for atonement and reconciliation to God through Christ nor brought to the beginnings of sound and saving repentance but either are secure careless dead-hearted minding earthly things or resting in outward performances or openly profane and wicked Oh how dreadful will the sound of that Trumpet be at the last day for the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout with the voice of the Arch-Angel and with the Trumpet of God I say how dreadful shall the sound of that Trumpet be to such who go on hardning their hearts in security and impenitency against the sound of the Silver Trumpet of the Gospel 2. The day of atonement and humiliation was about four or five days before the feast of Tabernacles wherein they were to rejoyce before the Lord so sincere humiliation and repentance make way for sound spiritual joy Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted godly sorrow maketh way for heavenly rejoycing But when a man goeth on to glut himself with the pleasures of sins or earthly contents not afflicting his soul for sin he hath no part in this spiritual feast to such belongs that sad threatning Wo unto you that laugh now for ye shall mourn and weep Fifthly Consider their manifold washings with water in divers Cases to purifie themselves from legal uncleannesses Ceremonial pollutions as when any was cleansed from the Leprosie he was to be sprinkled with water mingled with blood seven times and afterwards to wash both his cloaths and his body in water so they that had running issues when they were cleansed from them were commanded to wash their cloaths and their bodies in water and so in divers other Cases Now the Apostle Iohn proves that the Lord Jesus is The Christ thus This is he that came by water and blood even Iesus Christ n●● by water only but by water and blood and i● is the spirit that beareth witness because the spirit is Truth whereas there was great use of water and blood in the Law of Ceremonies the blood of the 〈◊〉 and the water many wayes used for cleansing and purifying it sheweth that all these things were accomplished in Christ and attained their end in him he performed and fulfilled what was signified and typified both by water and blood His blood was shed as the blood of the most perfect sacrifice to take away the guilt of sin and to justifie sinners and save them from condemnation and the sanctifying spirit and grace of Christ cleansing his people from the filth of sin washing their hearts from wickedness and making them holy as he is holy and therefore he addeth ver 8 there are three that bear witness in earth the spirit the water and the blood And ver 10 He that believeth hath the witness in himself He that savingly believeth in Christ being united to him by faith hath this threefold witness in himself the spirit of Christ witnessing with his spirit that he is in Christ reconciled to God by Christ an adopted child and Heir of God through Christ the only begotten Son of God and Heir of all things the blood of Christ cleansing his Conscience from the guilt of sin the grace of Christ resembled by water sanctifying him and conforming him to Christ in holiness so that such an one hath an evidence in his own soul both that Jesus is the very Christ and that he is his Christ for he findeth that Christ hath fulfilled that in and upon his soul which was figured by the blood and water under the Law of Ceremonies This is a blessed and most precious priviledge which all that are under the Gospel should labour with all diligence to make their own Oh what an happiness is it for Christians to have this threefold witness in themselves In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established Here are three witnesses beyond exception A Christian having this threesold witness in himself in the poorest outward estate is richer and happier then all the treasures of the earth and all the Kingdoms of the world can make him but how few are they that have any other witness of their interest in Christ but their own fancy how few do seriously and diligently seek for any other In that great and last day how will ye stand in the presence of God when numberless sins are charged upon you Will ye say Christ hath satisfied for your sins what shall this profit you unless ye be united unto Christ Will ye plead that ye believe in Christ and so are made one with him where is your witness Oh take heed of appearing before the all-seeing God without a witness And therefore I beseech you consider seriously of your condition and rest not till ye are in Christ and until he come into your souls both by water and blood and give you the witness of his spirit 2. Those frequent washings under the Law of Ceremonies may stir up Christians to frequent endeavours dayly to purifie themselves as Christ is pure to cleanse themselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God to draw cleansing and sanctifying virtue from Christ more and more by faith They were to wash their bodies and cloaths to be sprinkled with water seven times There is a fountain opened for sin and for uncleanness a fountain of most precious blood and water of most Soveraign virtue the sufferings of Christ and the grace of God are to wash away the guilt of sin and the uncleanness and pollution of sin Do not forsake your own mercies and neglect so great salvation It is sad that when such a precious fountain is opened so few are washed and cleansed Thus much concerning the Ceremonial Law to shew how and in what respects it is established by the doctrine of the Gospel CHAP. VII THere are two other Laws mentioned by the Apostle in the former part of this Epistle by neither of which men can be justified in the sight of God One is the Law of Nature the other is the Moral Law written and delivered in the Scriptures It was needful for the Apostle to speak distinctly of both these For 1. His great design was to make known the only way whereby men might be justified and accepted as righteous in the sight of God the righteous judge of all the world that so they might be everlastingly blessed and