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A43282 Seder olam, or, The order, series or succession of all the ages, periods, and times of the whole world is theologically, philosophically and chronologically explicated and stated also the hypothesis of the pre-existency and revolution of humane souls together with the thousand years reign of Christ on earth ... : to which is also annexed some explanatory questions of the book of the Revelations ... : and an appendix containing some translated out of Latin by J. Clark, M.D., upon the leave of F.M., Baron of Helmont.; Seder olam. English Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van, 1614-1699.; Clark, J., M.D. 1694 (1694) Wing H1394; ESTC R235336 106,660 246

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excepted which is more illustrated by this Hypothesis there are sundry other places of Scripture which seem to be very much illustrated by the said Hypothesis no●withstanding that where Christ is said to have once appeared in the end of the World to purge away Sin by the Sacrifice of himself because indeed that Soul bore the name of Christ and Lord only in his twelfth Revolution For neither Abel nor Isaac or any other of those 12 Revolutions was called Christ nor ought any of them to bear the dignity or Character of Christ till they had performed their 12 Revolutions whereby that Soul ought to be fitted and prepared to Assume this excellent Title and Dignity Wherefore it is true that Christ was but once born in the Flesh and but once suffered for the Sins of all Mankind even according to the aforesaid Hypothesis because Christ did not assume that Soul in a personal unity as the seed of Abraham till the 12 Revolution 12. Lastly because Moses foretold that God would raise up a Prophet to the Israelitish People from amongst their Brethren like unto him The Word raise up seems to intimate that the Soul of the same Prophet had lived before in the Flesh yea was at time living in the Flesh. Moreover the aforsaid Hypothesis if it shou●d gain admittance would arm us with the most effectual Argument to convince the Iews that that was the very Messiah who was Born of the Virgin Mary and suffered under Pontius Pilate For he ought not to have come sooner nor later into the World than he did because if he had come sooner he could not have perform'd his Revolution o● 3996 years 〈◊〉 ought not to come later because 〈◊〉 some Souls would have fin●shed all their Revolutions before the Messias was come and so would have been frustrated and disappointed of the Fruit of his coming which could not be 107. But laying aside the aforesaid Hypothesis still the Argument remains as strong as before to convince the Iews that the Messias ought not to have come later into the World then he actually did The Iews themselves deny his coming sooner because indeed if he had come later then certain Souls would have compleated their 12 Revolutions before he came and so would have reaped no benefit by the Messias coming into the World 108. This Argment will be more forcible to convince the Iews because the Iews themselves do acknowledge the Revolution of Souls to live divers times in the Flesh altho' they are ignorant of the number of those Revolutions yet they expect that all shall at last be rais'd up and restor'd to ●ife in the days of the Messias that they may enjoy the Benefits of his coming when he shall come Now if it can be made appear to them from the Old Testament which they acknowledge and believe that there are 12 Revolutions of humane Souls living in a Body of Flesh and neither more nor less even till they are at length perfected in a good or evil I think we need not doubt but may positively conclude that the Iews at leastwise all who are ingenious and covet in any Measure or Degree the knowledge of the truth will be convinced that the Messias is come and in the next place believe his coming in the Flesh that he suffered Death and rose again from the Dead and in believing be converted and become true Christians which God of his Mercy hast●n and accomplish Amen 109. Paul in 1 Cor. 15.51 saith We shall not all sleep● but we shall be all changed in which Words he plainly hints that some of the Saints shall sleep after they shall be bor● a●ain in the Flesh and be again rais'd from 〈◊〉 ●●ead this indeed is affirm'd of 〈…〉 El●as ●ho are to come into the 〈…〉 Yea●s before the Millenium and 〈…〉 in the Flesh who shall proph●●● three Years and an half in the Wor●d and chiefly to the Iews and People 〈◊〉 Israel which three Years and an half being expir'd they are to be kill'd by the Beast and in three days and an half rais'd up to Life again in the same Bodies wherein they were slain and being thus rais'd up to Life they shall not remain on Earth but ascend into the Heavens and there remain with Christ till the end of the World and then indeed they shall come with him in the Clouds of Heaven 110. And that those two Witnesses Rev. 11. are those two Prophets who in a proper and litteral Sense were to be kill'd seems to me most evident which will be between the sixth and seventh Trumpet viz. in the end of the Interval of the sixth Trumpet as it is to be seen from the words of the Revelations Also the days of their Prophesie are 1260 Days not signifying so many Years but only so many common Days because there are not 1260 Years between the sixth and seventh Trumpet but only 260 and yet this admirable event will happen● between those Trumpets yea in the end of the sixth Trumpet for they shall be born and slain in the space of 45 Years before the beginning of the Millenium 111. That Elias shall come before the beginning of the Millenium appears from the words of Christ Elias truly shall come and restore all things 112. And lastly That Moses and Elias were to come and be slain and raised again from the Dead and then ascend into Heaven and remain with Christ the whole Millenium appears from Christ's Transfiguration in the Mount where were seen with him Moses and Elias and these are they whom God the Father hath ordain'd to sit the one at the Right Hand and the other at the Left Hand of Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven 113. Wherefore they are of an higher Order and Rank than all the Prophets and Apostles 114. Therefore diligently weigh and consider whether Abraham Isaac and Iacob that sit in the Kingdom of Heaven be not Moses Christ and Elias of whom Christ has for the greatest Dignity Consider also whether the same Moses was not Enoch and whether or no what is written o● Enoch and Elias that they should be translated into Heaven doth not answer truly to this Translation of M●ses and Elias for in the first Translation they did not obtain the Resurrection of a glorified Body but it ●a●her happen'd to them in a figure for Ch●●●● only was the first of all that attai●●● the R●surrection of a glorified Body 〈…〉 is call●d in Scripture the first 〈…〉 among the De●d and the first 〈…〉 the Resurrection from the Dead 〈…〉 ou● Lo●d and Saviour Jesus 〈◊〉 arose ●ir●t of all from the Dead 〈◊〉 ●ore to suffer Death then the first o● all● who s●●ll arise after him is Moses and Elias and then the other Prophets and Apostles with all the Saints every one in his Or●er 115. And that those two Prophets and W●●n●●ses in the Revelation were indeed Moses and Elias is tacitely signify'd in these Wo●●● they shall have power to withhold the Rain
Is not this Holy City the true Church of God purely reformed and purged from all Antichristian Pollutions which is signified by Philadelphia Moreover will not the Iews and Israelites after their conversion to the Christian Faith make up a good part of this Church of Philadelphia and who peradventure will have a great or it may be the chiefest share in these sufferings And beca●se the 42 Months belong unto the Interval of the sixth Trump●● as is evident from the Revelations is it not impossible for those Months to signifie so many Years as there are days contain'd in all the sa●d Months viz 12●0 whereas the whole Interval of the sixth Trumpet contains but 260 Years Again if those 42 Months should contain 1260 Years they would certainly make this great Persecution to be inflicted on the Church within the seventh Mill●nn●um of the World which is very absurd therefore are not those 42 Months p●operly to be understood of common Months making up three Years and an half which indeed is a short but a sharp time in which will happen the last Persecution the Church shall ever undergo And doth not Daniel at the end of the eleventh Chapter and beginning of the eighteenth plainly touch upon the manner of this P●rsecution And will not the chief Author of this Persecution be that King describ'd Daniel T●● King descr●b●d in Daniel 16.36 to the end of the Chapter whom Iohn in his Revelations calleth the seventh King yet to come and it is said of him when he com●th that he shall remain but a short time Quest. 58. What are those two Witnesses cloath'd in Sackcloth who shall prophesie during the whole time of the last Persecution 12●0 Days Sh●l they not be Moses and Elias raised up to live again in a Body upon Earth And is not this clearly enough hinted in these words of Iohn Ch. 11. viz. that they shall have Power to shut up Heaven Their Power that it shall not rain in the days of their P●ophecy as they did in times past and to turn the Waters into Blood and to smite the Earth with Plagues as often as they li●t even as Moses did heretofore Quest. 59. And why should it be thought incredible that Moses and Elias should come again into the World when as it sufficiently appears from Scripture as well from the Book of Revelations as from other places of Scripture that all the Saints shall come again into the World within the Millennium And whereas Iohn says 144000 Isra●●lites were to be the fir●● Fruits of this Kingdom and glorious State will not Moses and Elias belong unto those first Fruits Mo●eover as touchi●● Elias did not Christ ●ay ●hat Elias should come or that he came and restored ●ll ●hings after the ●eath o● Iohn the Baptist ● whom he called E●ias And finally why were Moses and Elias ●een with Chri●● in the Moun● at his Transfiguration before he had suffer'd death Was it not to signifie that they should be nearest to Christ and the very next after him who should obtain the Resurrection from the Dead and in like manner ascend into Heaven unto him Quest. 60. Shall not those two Prophets be really slain and suffer a corporal Death as Christ really did and after three days and an half shall they not rise again from the Dead even as Christ arose on the third day And why should Men betake themselves to a mee● Allegoral Sense of the words touching the Death Resurrection of these two Witnesses when as the proper and literal Sence of the words is sound and contains no Absurdity but tends greatly to demonstrate divine Glory and Omnipotence Quest. 61. What is that great City spiritually call'd Sodom and Eg●pt What Sodo● and ●gypt is where also our Lord was Crucified wherein the Bodies of the t●o Witnesses which were slain lay unburied th●ee days and an half May not thi● be the place where Christ was externally Crucified And may not ●ome great City be built the●e and stand in the ●ame place at that time And may not some great Mystery be coucht under it viz. That Moses and Elias should be slain in the same place where Ch●ist was slain and afterwards to be rai●ed up again tho' they were killed about 1740 years apart And it appears from History that Elias Adrian built there a City upon the Mountain to wit Golgotha where Christ was Crucified and call'd it Elias but the Chr●st●ans call'd it Ierusalem and so it is call'd to this day now under the power of the Turks And doth it not also appear from Dan. 11. v. 4. That the King who shall immedia●ely follow upon the Iews Conversion to the Chri●●ian Faith shall inhabit Ierusalem which he calls the Holy Mountain of Beauty and Delight Situated between the Seas for this place was commonly held as an Holy place and really seated between the Sea● Quest. 62. To what time is the killing of the two VVitnesses and their Resurrection to be Referred Is it not to be Referred to the three last Years and an half immediat●ly preceedi●g the Millennium because the Resurrection and Ascension of the two VVitnesses is joyned with the Sound of the seventh Trumpet also in Dan. 12. that time wherein Michael shall stand up for the Salvation of the Iewish People is joyned with the first Resurrection of the Dead Quest. 63. VVill not the Sound of the seventh Trumpet introduce that famous and renouned Millennium The Sound of the seventh Trumpet and the first Resurrection from the Dead in its due order viz. From the Year of Christ's Resurrection 1740 From 1740 to 2000 viz. From the Resurrection of the Dead to about the Year 2000 the Interval of the seventh and last Trumpe● containing the same number of Years as the rest above-cited to wit 260 and all the Intervals of the seven Trumpets together with the half hours silence do comprehend 2000 years For 260 multiplyed by 7 produces 1820 The duration of e●ery Trumpet is 260 Years to which if 180 the said number as it were of the half hours silence be added the Sum is 2000. And do not the words of Iohn in chap. 11. v. 15. manifestly declare that the beginning of the Millennium and the first Resurrection is to be taken from the beginning of the seventh Trumpet For he saith in the place here cited The seventh Angel sounded and there were great Voic●s in Heaven saying The Kingdoms of the World are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ who shall reign for ever and ever c. Read to the end of the Cha●ter and especially Verse 18. And the Nati●ns were angry and thy Wrath is c●m● and the time of the Dead ●hat they should be judged and that th●u sh●uldst give Reward unto thy ●ervan●s the P●ophe●s and to thy Saints and to them that fear thy name small and great and sh●uld'st destroy them that d●st●●y the Earth c. Quest. 64. Was not that Vision des●rib'd by