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A39987 Forms of prayer used in the reformed churches in France before their persecution and destruction With an account of their manner of batizing, celebrating the Holy Supper, marrying and burying; with some additional remarks. Translated into English, for the use of such of the French nation as do desire to learn English; and may be serviceable to those English who are willing to improve themselues in the French language; and for the information of all of the reformed religion, and others. Unto which is also annexed the names of several learned French ministers, to evidence the truth of this translation. Eglises réformées de France.; J. T. 1699 (1699) Wing F1584B; ESTC R221545 24,972 145

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his Covenant of Salvation through all the world which was before limited to the people of the Jews there is no doubt but our Children are heirs of that Life which he hath promised unto us and therefore St. Paul saith the Children of the Faithful are holy to distinguish them from the Children of Pagans and Infidels for this Reason our Saviour received the Children which they presented unto him as it is written in the 19th Chapter of St. Matthew the 13th and 14th verses Then were there brought unto him little Children that he should put his hands on them and pray and the Disciples rebuked them but Jesus said Suffer little Children and forbid them not to come unto me for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven Now seeing he declares that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them and that he layeth his hands on them and recommendeth them to God his Father he fufficiently teacheth us that we ought not to exclude them from his Church therefore according to this Rule we will receive this Child into his Church that he may be made partaker of those benefits which God hath promised to his Faithful and we will first humbly present him unto God by our Prayers saying with all our heart Lord God Eternal and Everlasting Father since it hath pleased thee by thy infinite goodness to promise us that thou wilt be a God to us and to our Children we pray that it may please thee to confirm thy Grace in this Child here present begotten of parents whom thou hast called into thy Church and as he is offered and consecrated unto thee by us receive him into thy holy protection declaring thy self to be his God and Saviour by pardoning the Original sins which the whole Race of Adam are guilty of Sanctify him also by thy Spirit that when he shall come to the use of Knowledge he may own and adore thee as his only God in glorifying thee all his Days that he may obtain of thee the remission of his sins and to the end that he may obtain such grace be pleased to incorporate him into the Communion of our Lord Jesus Christ and make him partaker of all his Benefits as one of the Members of his Body Hear us merciful Father that the Baptism we are to communicate unto him according to thy Ordinance may produce such Fruits and Vertues in him as are declared to us in thy Gospel Our Father which art in Heaven c. Seeing we are about to receive this Child into the Congregation of the Christian Church do you promise when he shall come to years of discretion to instruct him in the Doctrine which is received by the People of God as it is briefly comprehended in the Confession of Faith which we all profess I believe in God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven c. Do you promise to take pains to instruct him in all this Doctrine and generally in all that is contained in the holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments that he may receive it as the true Word of God come from Heaven You must also exhort him to live according to the Rule which our Lord hath given us in his Law which doth briefly consist in these Two Points That we should love God with all our minds and with all our heart and with all our strength and our Neighbour as our selves likewise according to the Exhortations that the hath given by his Prophets and Apostles that this Child renouncing himself and all his Carnal Desires should dedicate himself unto the glory of the Name of God and of Jesus Christ and to the Edification of his Neighbour After the Promise is made the Godfather speaking to the Minister the Child hath his Name given him and then the Minister sprinkling water on the For●head baptizing him saying with a loud voice N. I baptize thee in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost The whole being audibly performed in the vulgar Tongue that all they which are present may understand and be Witnesses to what is done and be edified in acknowledging and calling to mind what is the Fruit and Vse of their Baptism THE MANNER OF Celebrating the Holy Supper IT is to be observed that they declare to the People on the Lords day before the holy Sacrament is given First that every one may prepare hims●lf to receive it worthily and with such Reverence as it behoves him to do Secondly That they do not admit any children but such as are well instructed and have made profession of their Faith in the Church Thirdly if there come any Strangers that are yet ignoraut to present themselves they should come to be instructed first in private The day it is to be celebrated the Minister speaks of it at the end of his Sermon or if it be necessary makes his Sermon wholly upon it to explain to the people what our Lord did signify by this Mystery and in what manner we must receive it After the Prayers and Confession of Faith are made to testify in the Name of the People that all would live and die in the Christian Doctrine and Religion he says with a loud voice Let us hear my brethren how Jesus Christ hath instituted for us his holy Supper as St. Paul saith in the 11th chap. of the first Epist to the Corinthians I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he brake it and said Take eat this is my Body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me After the same manner he also took the Cup when he had supped saying This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood This do ye as oft as ye drink it in remembrance of me For as often as ye eat this Bread and drink this Cup ye do shew the Lords death till he come Wherefore whosoever shall eat this Bread and drink this Cup of the Lord Vnworthily shall be guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that Bread and drink of that Cup for he that eateth and drinketh Vnworthily eateth and drinketh Damnation to himself not discerning the Lords Body Brethte we have heard how our Lord made his Supper amongst his Disciples which shews us That Aliens and such that are not of the Number of his Faithful should not be admitted thereto Therefore according to that Rule in the Name and by the Authority of the Lord Jesus Christ I do Excommunicate all Idolaters Blasphemers and contemners of God Hereticks and all people that make separate Sects to break the Union of the Church all that are Perjured and all those who are Disobedient to Parents or to their Superiors all Seditious Mutinous Strikers Litigious Adulterers Whoremongers Thieves Covetous Usurers Extortioners Drunkards Gluttons all such as lead a wicked or scandalous
Life declaring unto them that they must abstain from this holy Table for fear of defiling and polluting of this holy Food which our Lord Jesus Christ doth not give but to his faithful servants Therefore according to St. Paul's Exhortation let every one of you examine his own Conscience to know if he doth truly sincerely repent resolving hereafter to live holily according to the Will of God and above all if he puts his Trust in the Mercy of God wholly seeking his salvation in and through Jesus Christ and renouncing all Enmity and Hatred have a true desire and resolution to live in brotherly Love and Charity with his Neighbours If we have this Testimony in our hearts before God let us not at all doubt but that he will receive us for his Children and that the Lord Jesus invites us unto his Table and to this holy Sacrament which he hath communicated unto his Disciples And although we are conscious of our great Frailty and Misery in not having a True Faith being inclined to Incredulity and Diffidence and in not being so entirely devoted to serve God with such zeal as we ought being daily struggling with the Lusts of our Flesh yet seeing our Lord hath by his Grace engraven his Gospel in our Hearts and hath given us the desire and will of Turning our selves from our Carnal Lusts to follow his lust holy Commandments Let us be assured that our Sins and Imperfections will not hinder us from being received by him and made Worthy Partakers of that Spiritual Table For we do not come there presuming that we are perfect or just in otr selves But on the contrary by seeking our Life in Jesus Christ we do confess we are dead therefore let us understand that this Sacrament is a Remedy for the poor spiritually sick and all the worthiness which our Lord requires of us is that we should examine our selves and be grieved for our Sins and to place our Delight Joy and Contentment in him alone Let us therefore first believe these promises which Jesus Christ who is the infallible truth hath declared with his own Mouth Namely that he will make us true partakers of his Body and Blood that we may so entirely enjoy him as to live in him and he in us and altho we do see nothing but Bread and Wine yet let us not doubt but that he will Spiritually accomplish in our Souls all that he hath outwardly shewn us by these visible signs which is to say that he is the Heavenly Bread to feed and nourish us to Eternal Life So let us not be ungrateful to the infinite bounty of our Saviour who displays all his Riches and Benefits on this Table in order to Communicate them unto us for in giving himself unto us he signifies to us that all he hath is ours Therefore let us receive this Sacrament as a Pledge that the virtue of his Death and Passion is imputed to us for Righteousness as if we had suffered in our own Bodies Let us not be so perverse as to refrain from this Table when Jesus Christ hath so kindly invited us by his word but weighing the dignity of this precious gift let us present our selves unto him with such fervent Zeal as may make us capable of receiving him Wherefore let us raise up our hearts and minds on high where Jesus Christ is in the Glory of his Father from whence we do expect him for our Redemption and let us not amuse our selves with these Earthly and Corruptible Elements which we see with the Eye and touch with the Hand nor seek him there as if he were in the Bread and Wine for then our Souls will be disposed to be nourished and quickned with his substance when they shall be raised above all Earthly things into Heaven the K●ngdom of God where our Saviour dwells let us then content our selves in our having the Bread and Wine for Signs and Tokens seeking Spiritually the truth where the word of God promises that we shall find it After the Minister hath admonished the People to come with reverence and in good order He distributes the Bread and gives the Cup to the People and in the mean time they sing some Psalms or read some part of the Holy Scripture that is agreeable to that which is signified by the Sacrament And after he makes use of the thanksgiving as hath been before-said THEIR FORM OF Solemnization OF Matrimony YOV must observe that before the Celebration of the Marriage They do publish it three Lords Days successively in the Church that if any Person knows any Lawful impediment he or she may come to declare it in good time or if any other Person have any interest therein he or she may there oppose it That being done both Parties come and present themselves at the begining of the Sermon then the Minister says Our help is in the Name of God who hath made Heaven and Earth Amen After that God our Father had Created Heaven and Earth and all that in them is He created and made Man after his own Image who should have Dominion and Power over all the Beasts of the Earth the Fish of the Sea and Fowls of the Air Gen. 2. And the Lord God said It is not good that the Man should be alone I will make him an help meet for him And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and he took one of his Ribs and the Rib which the Lord God had taken from Man made he a Woman signifying that the Man and the Woman are but one Body one Flesh and one Blood therefore shall a Man leave his Father and his Mother and shall cleave unto his Wife which he ought to love as Christ loved his Church which are the true Faithful Christians for whom he Dyed The Wife ought also to serve and obey her Husband in all Holiness and Honesty for she is subject and is in the Power of her Husband so long as she lives with him this Holy Marriage which is instituted by God is of that Nature that by it the Husband hath no Power over his Body but the Wife nor hath the Wife any Power over her Body but the Husband Therefore being joyned by God they cannot be parted unless it be for sometime by consent of both to apply themselves to Fasting and Prayer bewaring they be not tempted by Satan to incontinency wherefore they are to come together again to avoid all uncleanness Every Man ought to have his Wife and every Woman her Husband So that all those who have not the gift of continency are to Marry that the Holy Temple of God which is our Bodys should not be defiled and corrupted for seeing that our Bodys are the Members of J●sus Christ it would be a great reproach to make them Members of an Harlot therefore we must keep them in all Holyness for if any defile the Temple of God him will God destroy You then
Administration of the Sacraments and other Ecclesiastical Rites and Ceremonies used in the Churches and Chappels of Zurick And the aforesaid People as I have been well informed do endeavour to liv● up to the strict Rules o● Justice and Piety whic● their Lord and Master hat● enjoyned and required fro● them And it is to be remarked that there were and sti●● are other Forms of Public● Prayers used in the Reformed Churches where th● Doctrine and Discipline Luther hath prevailed Which are sufficient prove and to convinc● People that set Forms 〈◊〉 Prayer were and are used in other Ancient Churches besides those of England or Rome and to demonstrate that such as reject Forms are in that respect Dissenters from Luther and Calvin as well as from that of England and also to shew the unannimous agreement of the Churches before recited and of the French Reformed with the Church of England besides these Prayers will infallibly point out to us the frequent use of the Lords Prayer the Apostles Creed and the Ten Commandments which were placed in their Churches and still are the main subjects of their Catechism which wa● taught every Lords Day and the two former are repeated when ever they assemble for the Publick Service At Baptizing an Infan● the Minister doth sprinkl● water on its Forehead whe● the Name is given an● that Church makes use of God-Fathers and God-Mothers who do undertak● most of the same charge o● those in the Church of England The French Protestant● have also a particular Form of Prayer for Baptizing ●uch Persons of riper years as desire and duely prepare themselves to receive it The time and manner of their receiving the Holy Sacrament is generally after the Morning Sermon which is performed with much decency and r●spect but for the most part they did receive it standing in France partly because their Flocks being large and their opportunities of receiving not frequent they might the sooner give place one to another And partly because they would not follow the manner of the Papists among whom they lived and who kneeled at the Communion in order to adore their Host● or a Wafer yet they do never oppose kneeling whe● it doth not tend to Idolatry But supposing the● lookt upon kneeling as on● extreame they took to b● sure sitting for the other● But as to the sence of it they do agree with th● Church of England a● you may more plainly s● towards the latter end o● their Catechism which 〈◊〉 often annexed to their Form of Prayers after th● Singing Psalms at th● latter end of the French New Testament In the time of Persecution before the general destruction of their Churches the Protestants in France had but one hour allowed them in the Morning and another hour in the Evening for the meeting of the thirty People to bury the Dead which was the greatest Number then permitted to attend the Corps unto the Grave unto which they were obliged to commit them without paying such decent respects which are usually done to the Corps of other Christians to make a difference between the Bodys of Deceased Christians and of such Animals as have nothing but meer sence tho' they are sometimes put into th● Earth yet never deserv● a solemn interment This Ceremony which used's to Deceased Christians it also to put the living in mind of Mortality and therefore after the return of the People from the Grave to the Deceased's late House or to the place where they at first met the Minister did make an Exhortation to admonish the living and to comfort the afflicted for the loss of their Friend At first when they were allowed to bury publickly the Minister followed after the Dead and at the interment the Minister made such an Exhortation as before mentioned In this Book are also comprehended the Forms of Prayer used upon Fasting Days and at the Celebration of the Holy Sacraments of Baptism and the Lords Supper and also at Marriage Altho' their Prayers are short they comprehend most things for most conditions of men so composed that the whole Congregation may joyn with the Minister in praying for all necessaries and for Gods Love and Mercy in Jesus Christ toward them and in giving thank for the same Their affinity to the Antient Catholick and no● reformed Church of England is further demonstrated by several reformed French Churches in and about London whos● Ministers have not only received the Ordination o● the Church of England but do also make use of he Liturgy and are conformable to her Orders an● Constitutions Moreover the Protestants of Geneva Swi●zerland Germany c Esteem her Doctrine an● Discipline to be Apostolical and Orthodox And the Characters which our Episcopal Divines bore in the Synod of Dort doth plainly shew the great veneration they had for the reformed Church of our Kingdom And especially Monsieur le Moines Letter written at Leyden in September in the Year of our Lord 1680 confirms the same He was at that time and in that Vniversity Professor of Divinity and the Letters of Monsieur de Langle one of the Ministers of the reformed French Church at Charenton and of Monsieur Claude another French Minister of the same Church both written at Paris do the like and the last was wrote by one of the most Illustrious Men of the reformed French Church in his time In which he mentions that he hath often explained his Opinion concerning the Government of the reformed Episcopal Church which appears from a larger Discourse upon it in the 336 Page of his defence of the Reformation Which Letters do likewise ascertain the giving o● their Pulpits and committing the charge of their Flocks to such Ministers as had received Episcopal Ordination and particularly to Monsieur du Plessis and Monsieur Wicart who were ordained by the Right Reverend the Bishops of London and Lincoln the former was afterward received Minister of a reformed French Church in the Province of Paris and the latter also Preached afterwards in the Protestant Church of Charenton in the same Province and is now Dean of Winchester These Letters were all sent to the Right Reverend Henry present Lord Bishop of London in which you may not only see the particular sentiments of those Reverend Ministers but also the general Opinion of the reformed Churches then in France concerning the Government and Discipline of the English Church and of the Divisions that were then between her and the Presbyterians and others Which Letters were written in French and from the Originals Translated into English and Printed in the life time of the Authors they being Annexed unto the Treatise of the unreasonableness of separation or an Impartial account of the History of the Nature and Pleas of the present separation from the Communion of the Church of England written by the Reverend Doctor Stillingfleet now Lord Bishop of Worcester one of these Books was sent by the Lord Bishop of London unto Monsieur Claude in 1681 with the said Letters
Religion help and assist them according to their several necessities comfort them in their afflictions preserve them from the rage of Wolves and increase in them all the gifts of thy Spirit to the end that they may glorifie thee both in Life and Death Finally O God and Father grant also to us who are here assembled in the Name of thy Son Jesus Christ for the sake of his word and of his holy Communion that we may sincerely and without hypocrisie acknowledge how miserable we are by Nature and what Condemnations we deserve and daily draw down upon our selves by our wicked and disorderly Lives that we seeing there is no good thing in us and that our Flesh and Blood are not capable of inheriting thy Kingdom we may with all affection and steadfast confidence intirely surrender up ou● selves unto thy dear Son Jesus Christ our only Saviour and Redeemer that he dwelling in us may mortifie our old Adam and renew in us better Life whereby thy holy and glorious Name may be exalted and glorified by all and in all places Then he proceeds thus Hear us O merciful Fath●r for Jesus Christs sake in whose Name and words we further call upon thee Our Father c. The Minister having said the Lords Prayer and the Apostles Creed he gives some part of the Psalms which is sung and before the Congregations g● forth of the Church he gives the following B●n●diction which is according to what our Lord commanded in the sixth Chapter of Numbers The Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his Face to shine upo● you and be gracious unto you the Lord lift up his countenance upon yo● and give you peace Ame● A further Blessing th● Minister says to the people Go in Peace and fo● the Love of God remember the Poor This following Pray● is added to the former i● time of great danger an● distress And also as thou ha● the Dominion and Government over us all grant that we may daily learn more and more to submit and humble our selves before thy Majesty and as thou art King and Ruler every where we beseech thee to guide thy People by thy Word and by the Efficacy of thy Spirit confounding thy Enemies by the power of thy Truth and Justice that so all Power and Dominion contrary to thy Glory may be daily destroyed and brought to nought until thy Kingdom be perfected and fully established when thou shalt appear in Judgment in the Person of thy Son Grant that we and all Creatures may render thee true and perfect Obedience even as th● Heavenly Angels wai● only to execute thy Commands so that thy Wil● may be intirely fullfilled and that all may devot● themselves to thy Service and Pleasure and renounce their own Wills and all the desires of thei● flesh Grant that we may walk in the love and fea● of thy Name and be nourished by thy bountifu● goodness that thou giving us all things which are needful and expedien● for us we may eat ou● Bread in peace and seeing that thou carest for us we may the better acknowledge thee to be our Father and expect all good things from thy hand and by withdrawing our confidence from all Creatures may place it wholly in thee and in thy goodness because in as much as during this mortal Life we are poor sinners so full of frailty that we continually fall and go astray from the right way be pleased to pardon all our sins whereby we are liable to thy Judgment and to deliver us by thy pardon from the Eternal Death in which we are that may please thee not t● impute to us our Iniqu●ties as we according t● thy Commandment pa●don all the Injuries w● have received from ●thers and instead of see●ing Vengeance do goo● to our Enemies Finally we pray tha● it may please thee to support us henceforth by th● power that we may n●● fall through the infirmit● of our flesh and for 〈◊〉 much as we are so wea● of our selves that we can not continue steadfast on moment and on the othe● side so continually surrounded and assaulted by so many Enemies as the Devil the World Sin and our Flesh not ceasing to war against us grant we may be strengthned with thy holy Spirit and so armed with thy grace that we may constantly resist all Temptations and persevere in that spiritual Warfare until we shall obtain a full Victory and Triumph at length in thy Kingdom with our Captain and Protector our Lord Jesus Christ Amen Vpon such days as they celebrate the Lords Supper they add to the former this following Prayer As our Lord Jesus Chris● hath not only once offer'd his Body and Blood unto thee upon the Cross fo● the remission of our sins but also communicate them unto us for our nourishment to eternal life grant that we may with true sincerity of heart and ardent Zeal receiv● such benefits by a tru● Faith that we may par● take of his Body an● Blood yea and enjoy the●● entirely he being tru● God and true Man 〈◊〉 truly the holy Celesti● Bread to quicken us t● the end that we may liv● no more to our selves according to our vicious and corrupt nature but that he may live in us and bring us to an holy blessed and eternal life grant therefore that we may be made true partakers of the new and everlasting Covenant of Grace being fully assur'd that thou wilt ever be to us a gracious Father in not imputing our sins unto us and as to thy beloved Children and Heirs wilt provide for us all things necessary as well for our Bodies as Souls that we may continually give thee thanks and glorifie thy holy Name by Words and Works Therefore heavenly Father give us grace this day to celebrate the blessed memory o● thy Dear Son in this manner and to set forth the benefit of his Death so that we receiving new increase and strength in Faith and in all goodness may with the greater confidence call thee Our Father and glory in thee Amen After the holy Sacrament is ended they use this following Thanksgiving or the like Heavenly Father we give thee Eternal Praise and Thanks in that thou hast bestowed upon us poor sinners so great a blessing and brought us to the Communion of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord having delivered him unto Death for us and given him for our spiritual nourishment unto life everlasting Grant that we may never forget thy mercies but having them engrafted in our hearts we may continually grow and increase in good works and in so doing we may order all our lives to the advancement of thy glory and to the Edification of our Neighbours by the same Jesus Christ thy Son who in the Unity o● the holy Spirit liveth and reigneth with thee God eternally blessed Amen For as much as the Scripture teaches That Wars Pestilence and other such Adversities are Visitations sent from God by which he punisheth us for our sins when