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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A34922 The voyage of the wandring knight shewing the whole course of man's life, how apt he is to follow vanity, and how hard it is for him to attain vertue / devised by John Cartheny, a French man ; and translated out of French into English by W.G. of Southampton, merchant ...; Voyage du chevalier errant. English Cartigny, Jean de, 1520?-1578.; N. R.; Goodyear, William. 1661 (1661) Wing C681A; ESTC R34789 91,602 121

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and was born for the Salvation of all denyed not his proud fellowes request neither resused to enter into his House although he was ambitious but down at the Table sate the Son of God made Man for the Salvation of Men. He was conbersant among Men he did eat and drink with Men he offered himself a helper to every one shewing unto all his goodnesse without exception of any Now he being set at the Table there came one unto him in shape like a Woman but in courage a Man who by the brute of the whole City was counted a great Sinner and very ill-reported of the World and such a one indeed as every Body mocked and pointed at with their fingers But yet in the sight of God she was in great honour not because she was an hainous Sinner but because she was Predestinated and elected of God from the beginning to raign with him in his Heavenly Kingdom This Woman hearing by report the renown of our Redeemer and that he shewed himself sweet and bountifull to all sinners defending them against the malicious slanders and mocks of the proud and arregant Pharisies and promising to every one that believed in him the Kingdom of Heaven this Woman was inspired both outwardly and inwardly by our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ to see and hear him preach Then did she by outward speech express how she was inwardly affected and moved in mind and seeing her Soul sore sick and diseased her heart full of iniquity and sin her Conscience defiled with all kind of vice her self frustrate and void of all hope of health and devising how to recover this malady addressed her self to seek him who is the only Physitian of all sick Souls she sought for grace at the Well of Mercy and though she was a shamefull Sinner yet was she received of him which came into the World to save Sinners She came not pompously arrayed nor yet came with a train she came alone and not empty handed for she brought with her a Box full of most precious Ointment of a sweet smell representing the Faith Hope and Charity lodged in her heart What could this be but the sweet smell of Vertue For what represents the Box of Alablaster-stone but holy Faith founded upon the true Corner-stone Iesus Christ wherein is conserved all Vertues and without which it is unpossible to please God Came she alone being accompanied with Faith Hope and Charity Humility and Repentance She entred the House uncalled where was her Physitian and putting apart all shame which might hinder her together with the mocks of the proud Pharisies which sate at the Table she craved Comfort and Health for her sick Soul acknowledging her griefe and that being certain he to whom she came had power to help her Vnto this Physitian she could not have come without Faith she was not so bold and hardy as to look Iesus in the Face but sell at his seet upon Her knees sementably Weeping and with the flood of Her Hears washing his seet and wiping and drying them with Her hairy locks then she kissed them and with her Precious Oyntment she 〈…〉 All this while her vaice was not heard but her Heert spake unto the true Son of God saying I have no need to declare with my tongue my inward 〈◊〉 or to express the cause or thy coming hither seeing thou knowest the 〈…〉 to thee I come O Christ 〈…〉 to thee my sorrowfull Heart 〈…〉 working well weighed 〈…〉 heartily sorry for her offences For her 〈◊〉 eyes and her sair face which was wont to be painted with costly Colours for the adorning of Her beauty to allure licentiens Lovers and to extice Voluptuous Worldlings is now turned into Tearn Her body which afore-time was given to delights is now asisicted with Fasting Her lauging is turned into weeping and as Her first life was wholly bent to please the World so now it is more behemently and earnestly disposed to please God With Her fair flaxen Hair which she was wont to keep daintily she hath dryed our Saviours Feet her sweet lips wherewith she used to kisse her Lovers hath kissed his feet Her Odoriferous Oyntment wherewith she beautified Her face in wantonness hath anointed our Saviours feet Now all this was a sure fign of Faith Hope and Charity And thus you see how we ought to repent Surely we should do according to Saint Pauls Doctrine which is that our Members which have consented to commit iniquity should be offered unto the Lord as Instruments of righteousness to receive sanctification As for example to make the matter more manifest Hast thou been a Drunkard Become now Sober Hast thou keen a Glutton Now fast Hast thou been proud Be now humble Hast thou been Coverous Now gives Alms. Hast thou been wrathfull Be now gentle Hast thou been envious Be now charitable Hast thou been Traiterous Be now Faithfull Hast thou been Leacherous Be now Chast Hast thou been blasphemous Be now fearfull to speak any thing but Truth And so consequently to every Vile Vice lay a meet medicine which may serve for thy sickness and expel the poyson of sin But now let us see what may be thought and judged of this Pharisie who so saucily besought our Lord and Saviour to come into his House Surely he seemed as he was a Vain-glorious Hypocrite For when he saw the Wofull Woman faln at the feet of our Saviour with her Tears washing them with her hair Wiping them with her mouth kissing them and with her Precious Ointment anoynting them he blamed not only her in his heart but also our Lord for suffering her Then the Lord took the sick Woman healed her of her sickness in the presence of this proud Pharisie and with-held Physick from him whose Heart was wounded to the death with the dart of Vain-glory then he shewed himself frantick and as one that had lost his understanding not knowing his griefe nor what Medicine would do him good But what said he in his foolish Heart If this Man quoth he were a Prophet he would quickly know what Woman this is that toucheth him for she is a great Sinner This Pharisie is of the race of the Vain-glorious of whom the Prophet Esay speaketh in their person saying Come not near me for I am clear or as another Translation saith Get thee hence and meddle not with me for I am holier then thou Even so surely it is not unlike if the Woman had come near the Pharisie he would have used these words and have said Stand back and touch me not for I am holy but thou art known for a hainous Sinner Certainly true righteousness and holinesse hath compassion upon poor Sinners whereas on the contrary false righteousness and Hypocrisie hath them in Hatred and Disdain But let us listen with what sentence this sond Pharisie was convicted and reproved by our Saviour to be worse then this sinfull Woman The Lord then to shew that he was not only a Prophet but
compassion upon thee Where be the Worldlings the would not be sorry for their sins Where are they become Are they not condemned to everlasting torment in Hell fire O think then that sin doth greatly offend God Think what punishment God hath ordained for sin which makes Man an Enemy to God and a friend to the Devil Secondly think that at this present time thou art in Gods favour by the means of his Grace who made thee a child of God and an Heir of Heaven by Hope so that now thy Conscience is quiet Think what good Consolation thou hast received by devour prayer think what spiritual instructions Gods Grace hath given to thee think all the pleasures of the World are mingled with Sorrow think that this World shall pass away with all the pomps and pleasures of the same think that thy present Estate is the high way to Heaven and so shalt thou keep perseverance Thirdly think that the just judgment of God is to come which is to the good to give Heaven and to the evill Hell Think thou must dye and that at thy death thou shalt not receive so good consolation as thou hast had of Vertue and Gods grace Think that at thy death thou must leave behind thee Wife Children Goods and Mony whether thou do good or evill Think that thou must go to a Region unknown and to a place where thou hast never been and if thou be sound to have dyed in sin without repentance the Devils will attend to take thy damned Soul and will carry it into the dungeon of Darkness there to seel eternal torments But if thou be sound with Perseverance in the Palace of Vertue millions of Angels will go before thee and with great joy will bring thee to heaven O think upon the just judgment of God to come when every one shall be judged according to his deeds For God fahoureth neither Kings Princes nor People high nor low rich nor poor without respect of persons be will chuse the good and condemn the evil at the day of doom when we must appear personally without excuse or exception before him then every man must be his own Atturney when the just Iudge at that day will shew himself terrible to the Perverse which have followed Voluptuousness and have not heartily repented but will be gentle mercifull and good unto those that have been sorry for their offences O think what torments the un-repentant shall suffer both in body and soul perpetually whereas all such as have persevered in goodness to the end shall receive joy and the fulness of God and of Heaven In such sort to persevere in goodness to the end do thine utter endeavour and thou shalt see that God will be ready with his grace to arm thee with constancy in thy Christian purpose CAP. XI A protestation which Good Understanding taught the Knight to make every day for the avoiding of temptations and how he ought to humble himself before God and what he should ask in his prayer MY Son alwayes I wish thee to keep perseverance with thee by whom thou mayest avoid temptations which would induce thee to sin and force thee to forsake the true Faith and also to transgress the holy Commandements of Almighty God This to avoid I wish thee every day to repeat the promises which thou hast made to God in thy Baptism which follow thus in effect O Most high most excellent and holy Lord God I protest that I will live and dye in the true Catholike and Apostolike faith revealed in thy holy Word and that I will do my utmost endravour to keep thy holy Commandements which heretofore I have wilfully and carelessy transgressed wherefore I am sorry and do heartily repent me for the breach of them and in token thereof I make my Confession saying I Believe in God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and Earth And in Jesus Christ his only Sonne our Lord which was conceived by the holy Ghost Born of the Virgin Mary Sufferred under Pontius Pylate Was crucified dead and buryed He descended into Hell The third day he rose again from the dead He ascended into Heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead I believe in the holy Ghost The holy Catholick Church The communion of Saints The forgiveness of sinnes The resurrection of the body And the life everlasting Amen Then say Lord God give me grace most heartily I beseech thee without doubting to confess and believe the articles of this my Christian Faith and in the same to persevere to the end And so rehearse the Ten Commandements of Almighty God which are these The same which God spake in the xx Chapter of Exodus saying I am the Lord thy God which have brought thee out of the Land of Ægypt out of the house of Bondage 1. Thou shalt have none other Gods but me 2. Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven image nor the likenesse of any thing that is in Heaven above nor in the Earth beneath nor in the water under the Earth Thou shalt not bow down to them nor worship them For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God and visit the sins of the Fathers upon the Children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and shew mercy unto thousands in them that love me and keep my commandements 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine 4. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day six dayes shalt thou labour and doe all that thou hast to do but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt do no manner of work thou and thy son and thy daughter thy man servant thy maid servant thy catell and the stranger that is within thy gates for in six dayes the Lord made Heaven and Earth the Sea and all that therein is and rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day and hallowed it 5. Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thy dayes may be long in the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee 6. Thou shalt do no murther 7. Thou shalt not commit Adultery 8. Thou shalt not steal 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy Neighbour 10. Thou shalt not cover thy Neighbours house thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours wife nor his servant nor his maide nor his ox nor his Asse nor any thing that is his Then considering the tenour of that which thou hast said crave grace at Gods hands to walk after his will using the same prayer which Christ taught thee and saying Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdome come Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass