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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A30739 An enquiry whether the Lord Jesus Christ made the world, and be Jehovah, and gave the moral law? and whether the fourth command be repealed or altered? by Tho. Bampfield. Bampfield, Thomas, 1623?-1693. 1692 (1692) Wing B629; ESTC R10575 118,081 148

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so far perfected the Work of Redemption as to say it is finished and after his giving up his Spirit if he rested in Heaven and his Body in the Grave as 't is said he rested when he ended the Work of Creation Gen. 2. 2. Answ That he said It is finished bowed his Head and gave up the Spirit are the words in John 19. 30. Whether he meaneth by finished or accomplished that he had finished or was then ready by his Death to finish all that he was to do and suffer in this World to reconcile Believers to his Father and all that was foretold of him by the Prophets there is little doubt by those who dream not of Purgatories and that Man's Redemption and all the typical Ceremonies of the Law were now fulfilled and ended in Him whom they prefigured where Christ speaketh of that which then presently should be and in the yielding up of his Spirit was accomplished although it may be some of the Types of Redemption were perfected when Christ ascended into the Holy of Holies as the Aaronical and Levitical Priesthood Heb. 8. 4 5. which having little relation that I know to the Sabbath I pretermit That Christ rested in Heaven appears by his giving up the Spirit into the Hands of his Father John 19. 30. and when the penitent Evil-doer upon the Cross prayed unto him Lord remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdom Jesus said unto him Verily ● say unto thee to day shalt thou be with me in Paradice Luke 23. 42 43. And it will not be denied that this Sinner repenting a● the last hour and believing in Christ as his Saviour whom he acknowledged as Lord and to whom he prays which also prove● the Deity of Christ intended by Christ's Kingdom his Kingdom of Glory and Christ's gracious Answer That that day that Penitent should be with him in Paradice viz. in Heaven the place and state of eternal Blessedness does confirm it beyond question That Christ gave up his Spirit into the Father's Hands and did immediately upon his expiring pass into Heaven That his Body rested in the Grave appears by Joseph's taking the Body wrapping it in a clean Linnen Cloth laying it in his own new Tomb in a Rock and by his rolling a great Stone to the Door of the Sepulchre As also by the Chief Priests saying to Pilate Sir we remember that he viz. Christ said whilst he was yet alive After three days I will rise again Command then that the Sepulchre be made sure until the third day lest his Disciples come by night and steal him away and say to the people He is risen from the dead Whereupon by Pilate ' s order they went and made the Sepulchre sure sealing the Stone and setting a Watch Mat. 27. 59 to 66. All which Caution and Jealousie of Christ's then Enemies did the more certainly establish the truth of his resting in the Grave and his Resurrection which followed and took away all pretences of ascribing it to any other Power than his own which was and is mighty the Enemies themselves against their Intentions being by this means made Witnesses thereof which Rest of our Lord was no way disturbed by the Triumph of Satan and the then unbelieving Hebrews nor by the Dejection and Sadness of some of his Disciples And his Body resting in the Grave appears also by his Resurrection attested by Angels Mat. 28. 2 3 5. Mark 16. 5. Luke 24. 4. And that He took particular care for the observation of the Sabbath after his death appears by Mat. 24. 20. which flight there mentioned was not till Thirty Eight years at least after his death whereof more hereafter in the Answers to Objections Q. 9. Whilst the Lord Jesus Christ thus rested whether private Believers rested also upon the Seventh day according to the Commandment Answ It seems that day when our Lord suffered was the Preparation which we call Friday and the Sabbath drew on or dawned and the Women which came with him from Galilee followed after and beheld the Sepulchre and how his Body was laid and returning they had prepared Spices and Oyntments and rested or and verily they had rested the Sabbath day i. e. the Seventh day Sabbath according to the Command i. e. the Fourth Command in the Decalogue Luke 23. 54 55 56 and the first day of the week they came early to the Sepulchre Luke 24. 1. Which one Instance being of a Matter of Fact witnessed by the Holy Spirit in this Scripture to be done after the Death of Christ and to be done in obedience to the Fourth Command by these believing Women who it seems were many Mark 15. 40 41 47. and Luke 24. 10. is a Proof that all the Ten Commands were in force after the Death of Christ and after his being in Paradice i. e. in Heaven and that his Commands were still a standing Rule for all to walk by and in particular that the Fourth Command for keeping holy the Seventh day and resting upon it was no way abolished or altered by Christ in his Life or by his Death who was now dead and buried and yet the Seventh-day Sabbath observed And if any such Doctrine for the change of the Sabbath had been preached by Christ it is likely so great a Change would somewhere be recorded in one of the Evangelists but no such matter is there written but the quite contrary in this Text and if any such Change had been made by Christ these Women would have known something of it and would have changed their Practice and kept the First day or else if they knew any such Change we must suppose them wilfully disobedient to such new Command which cannot be imagined And he that will compare and consider Mat. 28. 7 8. Mark 16. 7. John 20. 1 2 3 4. Luke 24. 1 9 12 13. where two of the Disciples travelled to Emmaus upon the First day will easily conclude that the Apostles and I think I may add with little or no doubt and all other Believers did then keep that Seventh-day Sabbath when Christ's Body lay in the Grave in like manner as the good Women did But however that Scripture viz. Luke 23. 56. does fully prove that whilst the Lord rested in Heaven and his Body in the Grave upon his own instituted Seventh-day Sabbath these Believers rested also according to his Command which Practice of these excellent Women after the death of Christ recorded by the Holy Spirit has great weight to resolve this Question Which is the true Christian Sabbath and does prove that whilst the Lord rested in Heaven and his Body in the Grave private Believers rested also Q. 10. Whether the Seventh-day Sabbath was observed after the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ Answ After his Resurrection what day it was that he ascended into Heaven or what day of the week it will be wherein Christ will come again I may not be positive though from some circumstances as the distance of Mount
true That in Christ Jesus neither Circumcision nor Uncircumcision availeth any thing but a new Creature Gal. 6. 15. In Christ Jesus neither Circumcision availeth any thing nor Uncircumcision but Faith which worketh by Love Gal. 5. 6. which Love is the fulfilling of the Law Gal. 5. 14. and the fruit of the Spirit Gal. 5. 22. And as many as walk according to this Rule Peace on them and Mercy Gal. 6. 16. Upon All whether Jews or Gentiles who believe in Christ and walk by Rule And Circumcision is nothing and Uncircumcision is nothing but the keeping the Commandments of God 1 Cor. 7. 19. Col. 3. 9 10 11. And upon the whole of this it seems to me the Law was given to Jews and Gentiles And through Christ both Jews and Gentiles have access by one Spirit to the Father Eph. 2. 11 14 18. where you have also Father Son and Holy Spirit 2dly That the seventh-day Sabbath after the promulgation of the Law by Christ at Mount Sinai and that ordinarily was called by the name of the Sabbath and by that name known and observed I think is agreed by all that I know and is so plain throughout the Old Testament that there needs little to be said thereto Six days thou shalt work and on the seventh day thou shalt rest Exod. 23. 12. Upon the seventh day the Lord called to Moses out of the Cloud Exod. 24. 16. which probably was the first Sabbath after the giving the Law Exod. 20. which seventh day is often called a sign for ever between him and his People and a perpetual Covenant Exod. 31. 13 to 17. to distinguish his People from others Where the Law of the Pool's Annot. on Exod. 31. 16. Sabbath is confirmed and established to be perpetual and the reason given for the perpetuity of the Sabbath is such as hath its force till the end of the World and it 's fit and just men should retain this Monument or Memorial of the Worlds Creation even till its Dissolution And this was whilst the Lord was communing with Moses in the Mount and before the giving Moses the two Tables of Testimony Exod. 31. 18. which they were to observe in Earing-time and Harvest Exod. 34. 21. And the seventh day shall be to you an Holy day a Sabbath of rest to Jehovah Exod. 35. 2. which is repeated here and in Exod. 31. 13. before to teach them to remember that Precept above all their ceremonial Observations And the Weekly Sabbaths are called The Sabbaths of the Lord v. 38. in a way of distinction from other days of Rest which also appears in the fourth Command Exod. 20. 8 9 10 11. afterwards we have the Judgment against the Stick-gatherer Num. 15. 32 36. And after the Command renewed for lively fiery and not dead and formal Morning and Evening Word and Prayer Num 28. 3 to 8. Jehovah also repeats the Law for the Sabbath v. 9 10. which Israel prophan'd whereof we read much in the Prophets and Psal 92. is a Psalm for the Sabbath day I love thy Commandments above gold yea above fine gold I esteem all thy Precepts concerning all things right Psal 119. 127 128. As if he had said I make not all thy Commands void as some do nor am I partial in approving some and rejecting or altering those I like not which cross my Opinion as others do all thy Commands ever were are and ever will be right Which I take to be the import of the Hebrew leaving out the Verb there and in many other places And he that turneth away his Ear from hearing the Law his Prayer is an abomination Prov. 28. 9. it ever was so is so and will be so an abomination 1 John 3. 22. Thus saith Jehovah My Salvation is near to come Blessed the man that keepeth the Sabbath he will accept their services Isa 56. 1 2 6 7. such ever were are and ever will be blessed Which place referring to Gospel-times is the larger Promise now And it shall come to pass that from one Sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship before me saith Jehovah Isa 66. See also Jer. 17. 21. 23 24. And with this that great Gospel-Prophet concludeth his Prophecy The Covenant which Jehovah made with their Fathers which they broke Jer. 31. 31 32. 33. was the Moral Law I will put my Laws in their inward parts and write them in their Hearts called an everlasting Covenant Jer. 32. 40 38 39. Rom. 2. 29. John 1. 47. Rom. 7. 22 Heb. 8. 8 9 10. The Lord charges Jerusalem as having changed his Statutes therefore I even I against thee Ezek. 5. 5 6 8. That the Sabbath was appointed as a sign between him and his People is often mentioned which because they polluted he gave them Statutes not good Ezek. 20. 12 13 16 20 21. 24. My Sabbaths they greatly polluted v. 13. the Lord threatned them not to bring them into Canaan because they polluted his Sabbaths v. 15 16. which should be a sign between him and them v. 20 21 24. Which Weekly Sabbaths were to be a weekly keeping alive their Hopes of an Eternal Rest with the Lord that Rest or Sabbatism or keeping Sabbath in Heaven which remaineth for the People of God Heb. 4. 8 9. of which the seventh-day Sabbath was and is a Pledge and Representation And the prophaning the Sabbath is reckoned amongst the greater sins of Israel whose Ministers hid their Eyes from his Sabbath Ezek. 22. 8 26. 23. 38. After many Threatnings against Aegypt and after the Promises in that Prophet of converting the Jews the Resurrection of the dry Bones the Promise of Christ's Kingdom God's Judgment on Gog and Ezekiel's Vision of the new Temple Thus saith the Lord God The gate of the inward Court that looketh toward the East shall be shut the six working days but on the Sabbath it shall be opened for the Prince to enter and offer upon the Sabbath day Ezek. 46. 1 2 4. and a little after that Prophet closeth his Prophecy and God threatens to cause the Sabbath to cease Hos 2. 11. And when will the Sabbath be gone that we may set forth Wheat Amos 8. 5. By all which I conclude that the seventh day was the Sabbath till our Lord's Incarnation These and other Voices of the Prophets do shew how highly the Sabbath was valued by the Lord who gave it to his People and was ordinarily called by the Prophets and afterwards by the Apostles the Sabbath or the Sabbath day and those terms of the Seventh day and the Sabbath were Synonimous in the Church noting all along throughout the Old and New Testament one and the same Seventh-day-Sabbath And it is very observable that the Old or New Testament do never call the First day the Sabbath Q. 6. If the Ten Commands without any exception of the fourth Command or any part or tittle of it were confirmed by the Lord Jesus Christ after his taking our Nature upon him