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A30200 The resurrection of the dead and eternall judgement, or, The truth of the resurrection of the bodies both of good and bad at the last day asserted and proved by Gods word : also, the manner and order of their coming forth of their graves, as also, with what bodies they do arise : together with a discourse of the last judgement, and the finall conclusion of the whole world / by John Bunyan. Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. 1665 (1665) Wing B5590; ESTC R34391 88,686 200

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for me this is the man that overcame the flatteries and threats allurements and inticings of a whole World for me behold ●i● he is an Israelite indeed the top man in his Generation none like him in all the Earth It is said that when King Ahasuerus had understanding of how good service Mordeeai the Jew had done to and for him he commanded that the royall Apparel and the Crown with the Horse that the King did ride on should be given to him and that he should with that Crown Apparel and Horse be had through the City in the presence of all his Nobles and that Proclamation should be made before him thus shall it be done to the man whom the King delighteth to honour Esth. 6. 9 10 11. Ahasuerus in this was a Type to hold forth to the Children of God how kindly he will take all their labour and service of love and how he will honour and dignifie the same as Christ saith Let your loins be girded about and your lights burning and you your selves like unto men that wait for their Lord when he will return from the Wedding that when he cometh and knocketh ye may open to him immediately blessed are those servants whom their Lord when he cometh shall find watching Verily I say unto you that he shall gird himself and shall make them sit down to meat and shall come forth and serve them Luke 12. 35 36 37. The meaning is that those souls that shall make it their business to honour the Lord Jesus Christ in the day of their temptation he will make it his business to honour and glotifie them in the day of his glorification Verily I say unto you that he will make them sit down to meat and shall come forth and serve them if any man will serve me saith he him will my Father honour Joh. 12. 26. Job 1. 8. Joh. 1. 47. Mark 14. 9. Rev. 3 4. Rev. 14. 12. 3 4 5. It hath bin Gods way in this World to proclaim the acts and doing of his Saints in his Word before all in this World and he will do it in that which is to come Thirdly Another thing that shall be yet added to the glory of the Saints in the Kingdom of their Saviour at his coming is they shall every one of them then have his Throne and place of degree on Christs right hand and on his left in his glorious Kingdom according to the relation they stand in to Christ as the members of his Body for as Christ will have a special eye on us and a tender and affectionate heart to recompence to the full every good thing that any man doth for his name in this World so also he will have as great regard that there be to every member of his body the place and state that is comely for every such member When the Mother of Zebedees Children petitioned our Saviour that he would grant to her that her two Sons might fit the one on his right hand and the other on his left in his Kingdom though he did not grant to her the request for her Children yet he affirmed that there would be places of degrees and honour in Heaven saying To sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father See Mat. 20. 20 21 22 23. In the Temple there were Chambers bigger and lesser higher and lower more inward and more outward which Chambers were types of the Mansions that our Lord when he went away told us he went to prepare for us In my Fathers House are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you c. Joh 14. 1 2 3. The foot here shall not have the place prepared for the eye nor yet the hand that which is prepared for the ear but every one shall have his own place in the Body of Christ and the glory also prepared for such a relation order as it is comely in Earth so much more in the Kingdom of the God of Order in Heaven where all things shall be done in their utmost perfections Here shall Euoch Noah Abraham Moses Joshuah David with the Prophets have every one his place according to the degree of old Testament Saints As God said to Daniel Go thy way till the end be for thou shalt rest and stand in the lot at the end of the days Dan. 12. 13. And here also shall Peter Paul Timothy and all other the Church-Officers have their place and Heavenly state according as God hath set them in the Church in the New Testament As Paul saith of the Deacons They that use the Office of a Deacon well they purchase to themselves a good degree and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ. 1 Tim. 3. 13. And so of all other Saints be they here of what Ranck Quality or place in the Church soever they shall have every one his state his Heavenly State according as he standeth in the Body As he saith seeing those members that are most feeble are necessary to them shall be given more abundant honour 1 Cor. 12. 22 23. Of this Heavenly Order in the Kingdom of Christ when his Saints are risen from the dead was Solomon a notable Type in his Family and among his Servants and Officers who kept such exactness in the famous order in which he had placed all about him that it did amaze and confound beholders For when the Queen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon and the House which he built and the meat of his Table the sitting of his Servants and the attendance of his Ministers and their Apparel his Cup-bearers also and their Apparel and the ascent by which he went up into the House of the Lord there was no more spirit in her 2 Chron. 9. 3 4. Glorious things are spoken of thee O thou City of God Having gone thus far I shall now come to the second part of the Text to wit that there shall be a Resurrection of the wicked There shall be a Resurrection of the dead both of the Just and unjust For as the Just go before the unjust in Name and Dignity and Honour so they shall in the last day go before them in the Resurrection Now then when the Saints have thus risen out of their Graves given up their accounts received their glory and are set upon the Thrones for there are set Thrones of Judgement the Thrones of the House of David Psal. 122. 5. When I say they are all of them in their royall Apparel with Crowns of glory every one presenting the Person of a King then come the unjust out of their Graves to receive their Judgment for what they have done in the body As Paul saith We must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ that every one both Saints and sinner may receive the things done in the body whether it be
doth tell Sardis that those among them that stood it out to the last gasp in the Faith and Love of the Gospel should not be blotted out of the Book of Life but they with the work of God on their Soul and their labour for God in this World should be confessed before his Father and before his Angels Rev. 3. 5. This part of this Book is in another place called The Book of the Word of the Lord because in it I say is Recorded those famous acts of the Saints against the World flesh and the Devil Numb 21. 14. You find also how exact the Holy Ghost is in Recording the travels pains labour and goodness of any of the Children of Israel in their Journey from Egypt to Canaan which was a Representation of the Travels of the Saints from nature to Grace and from Grace to Glory King Ahasuerus kept in his Library a Book of Records wherein was w●it the good Service that his Subjects did for him at any time which was a Type also of the manner and order of Heaven And as sure as ever Mordecai when search was made in the Rolls was found there to have done such and such service for the King and his Kingdom Esth. 6. 1. 2. so surely will it be found what every Saint hath done for God at the day of inquiry You find in the Old Testament also still as any of the Kings of Judah dyed there was surely a Record in the Book of Chronicles of their memorable acts and doings for their God the Church and the Common-wealth of Israel which still doth further hold forth unto the Children of men this very thing That all the Kings of the New Testament which are the Saints of God have all their acts and what they have done for their God c. Recorded in the Book of Chronicles in the Heavenly Jerusalem Now I say when this part of the Book of Life shall be opened what can be found in it of the good deeds and Heaven-born actions of wicked men Just nothing for as it is not to be expected that Thorns should bring forth Grapes or that Thistles should bear as Figs so it cannot be imagined that ungodly men should have any thing to their Commendations Recorded in this part of the Book of Life What hast thou done man for God in this World Art thou one of them that hast set thy self against those strong struglings of pride lust covetousness and secret wickedness that remain in thy heart like Job and Paul Job 1. 8 2 Cor. 10. 4 5. 2. And do these struglings against these things arise from pure love to the Lord Jesus or from some legall terrours and conviction for sin Gal. 5 6. 3. Doest thou I say struggle against thy lusts because thou doest in truth love the sweet holy and blessed leadings of the Spirit of the Lord Jesus its leadings of thee I say into his blood and death for thy Justification and deliverance from wrath to com● Phil. 3. 6 7 8. 2 Cor. 5. 14. 4. What acts of self-denyal hast thou done for the name of the Lord Jesus among the Sons of men I say what house what friend what Wife what Children and the like hast thou lost or left for the Word of God and the Testimony of his truth in the World Matth. 19. 27 28. Revel 12. 10 11. 5. Wast thou one of them that didst sigh and afflict thy self for the abominations of the times and that Christ hath marked and Recorded for such a one Ezek. 9. 3 4. Zeph. 3. 18. 6. In a word Art thou one of them that wouldest not be won by neither fear frowns nor flatteries to forsake the wayes of God or wrong thy Conscience or art thou one of them that slightest those opportunities that Satan and this World did often give thee to return to sin in secret Heb. 11. 14 15. These be the men whose prayse is in the Gospel and whose commendable and worthy acts are Recorded before the Judge of all the World Alas alas these things are strange things to a carnal and wicked man Nothing of this hath bin done by him in this life and therefore how can any such be Recorded for him in the Book of Life wherefore he must needs be shut out of this part also As David saith Let them be blotted out of the Book of the living and not be written with the Righteous Psal. 69. 28. Thus I say the wicked will find nothing for their comfort either in the first part of this book where all the names of the Elect are neither will they find any thing in the second part thereof where is recorded the true nature and operation of effectual Conversion of Faith or Love or the like and I say neither can any thing be found in this third part wherein is recorded the worthy acts and memorable deeds of the Saints of the Lord Jesus Thus when Christ therefore hath opened before them this book of life and convinced the ungodly at this day out of it he will then shut it up again saying I find nothing herein that will do you good you are none of my Elect you are the sons of perdition For as these things will be found clear and full in the book of life so they will be found effectually wrought in the hearts of the Elect all whose conversion and perseverance shall now be opened before ●hy eyes as a witness I say of the truth of what thou here seest opened before thee and also of thy unregenerate estate Now thou wilt see what a turn what a change and what a clinging to God to Christ and his Word and wayes there was found in the Souls of the saved ones here shall be seen also how resolvedly unfeignedly and heartily the true child of God did oppose resist and war against his most dearest and darling lusts and corruptions now the Saints are hidden ones but then they shall be manifest this is the morrow in which the Lord will shew who are his and who they are that fear the Lord and who that fear him not Psal. 83. 3. Sam. 8. 19. Numb 16. 5. Mal. 3. 18. Now you shall see how Abraham left his Country how close good Lot did stick to God in prophane and wicked Sodom Heb. 11. 8. 2 Pet. 2. 7 8. Mat. 19. 29. how the Apostles left all to fo●low Jesus Christ and how patiently they took all crosses afflictions persecutions and necessities for the Kingdome of Heavens s●ke how they indured burning starving stoning hanging and a thousand calamities how they manifested their love to their Lord his Cause and people in the worst of times and in the dayes when they were most rejected slighted abused and abased then shall the King say to them on his right hand and that when all the Devils and damned sinners stand by Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the World you are indeed the truly converted
and Image of the Devil Man by Creation was made upright and sinless but man by sin hath made himself crooked and sinful Eccless 7. 29. Man by Creation had all the faculties of his Soul at liberty to study God his Creator and his glorious Attributes and Being but man by sin hath so bound up his own senses and reason and hath given way for blindness and ignorance of God so to reign in his Soul that now he is Captivated and held bound in alienation and estrangedness both from God and all things truly spiritually good Because saith he That when they knew God they glorified him not as God but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish he arts were darkened And again having the understanding darkened being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them through the blindness of their hearts Rom. 1. 21. Ephef 4. 18. Now for this abuse of the Workmanship of God shall man be brought forth to the Judgement shall be convicted cast and condemned as a Rebel against both God and his own Soul as Paul affirmeth and that when he reasoned but as a man Rom. 3. 5 6. When this part of the Book touching mans nature is opened and man convicted and caft by it by reason of his sinning against the three general principles thereof then forthwith is the second part of the Book opened which is the mystery of the Creatures for the whole Creation that is before thee are not onely made to shew the power of God in themselves but also to teach thee and to preach unto thee both much of God and thy self as also the Righteousness and Justice of God against sin For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God hath shewed it unto them for the invisible things of him from the Creation of the World are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his Eternall Power and God-head so that they are left without excuse Rom. 1. 18. 19 20. The Creation then of the World namely of the Heavens Earth Sun Moon Stars with all other the Creatures of God they preach aloud to all men the Eternal Power and Godhead of their Creator Psal. 8. 3. In Wisdom he hath made them all to be teachable and carrying instruction in them and he that is wise and will understand these things even he shall understand the loving kindness of the Lord for the Works of the Lord are great and sought out of all them that have pleasure therein Psal. 104. 24. Psal. 107. Psal. 111. 2. Secondly As the Creation in generall preacheth to every man something of God so they do hold forth how man should behave himself both to God and one to another and will assuredly come in in the Judgement against all those that shall be found crossers and to thwarters of what God by the Creatures doth hold fo●th to us As first The obedience of the Creatures both to God and thee first to God they are all in subjection set Devils and men aside even the very Dragons and all Deeps Fire Hail Snow and Vapours fulfilling his Word Yea the Winds and Seas obey him Psal. 148. 7 8. Psal. 147. 15 16 17 18. Mark 4. 41. Thus I say by their obedience to God they teach the obedience and by their obedience shall thy disobedience be condemned in the Judgement 2. Their obedience to thee also teacheth thee obedience to all Superiours For every kind of Beasts and of Birds and Serpents and things in the Sea is tamed and hath been tamed and brought into obedience by mankind Man onely remains untamed and untruly and therefore by these are condemned Jam. 3. 7 8. Secondly The fruitfulness of all the Creatures in their kind doth teach and admonish thee to a fruitful life to Godward and in the things of his holy Word God did but say in the beginning Let the Earth bring forth fruit Grass Herbs Trees Beasts creeping things and Cattell after their kind and it was so Gen. 115. 24. But to man he hath sent his Prophets rising early and sending them saying O do not this abominable thing that I hate but they will not obey Jer. 44. 4 5. For if the Gentiles which have not the Law do by some acts of obedience condemn the wickedness of those who do by the Letter and Circumcision break the Law how much more shall the fruitfulness of all the Creatures come in in the Judgement against the whole World As Job saith By the obedience and fruitfulness of the Creatures he judgeth and so will judge the people Job 36. 27 28 29 30 31. Thirdly The knowledge and wisdom of the Creatures do with a check command thee to be wise and do teach thee wisdom 1. The Stork in the Heaven the Swallow and the Crane by observing the time and season of their coming do admonish thee to learn the time of grace and of the mercy of God Jer. 8 7. 2. The Ox and the Ass by the knowledge they have of their Masters Crib do admonish thee to know the Bread and Table of God and both do and shall condemn thy ignorance of the food of Heaven Isa. 1. 3. Fourthly The labour and coyl of the Creatures doth convict thee of sloath and idleness Go to the Ant thou sluggard consider her wayes and be wise for she provideth her food in the Summer and layeth up against the day of tryall Prov. 6. 6 7. But thou spendest the whole Summer of thy life in wasting both time and Soul All things are full of labour saith Solomon onely man spendeth all the day idle and his years like a tale that is told Eccles. 1. 8. Mat. 20. 6. Psal. 90. 9. Rom. 10. 21. The Cony is but a feeble folk yet laboureth for a House in the Rock to be safe from the rage of the Hunter The Spider also taketh hold with her hands and is in Kings Palaces 'T is man onely that turneth himself upon the bed of sloath as the door doth it self upon the hinges 't is man I say that will neither lay hold on the Rock Christ as the Coney doth teach nor lay hold on the Kingdom of Heaven as the Spider doth bid him Prov. 30. 26. 28. Joh. 5. 40. Fifthly The fear that is in all Creatures when they perceive that danger is near it teacheth men to fly from the wrath to come in vain is the snare laid in the sight of any Bird Prov. 1. 17 18. but man man onely is the fool-hardy Creature that layeth wait for his own blood and that lurketh privily for his own life How I say will every Creature flie run strive and struggle to escape the danger it is sensible of 't is man onely that delighteth to dance about the mouth of Hell and to be knowingly smitted with Satans snare Rom. 1. 33.
the like and cut off all opportunity of good leaving no place for mercy or amendment these shall go away into everlasting punishment c. Mat. 25. 40. This word depart c. is the last word the damned for ever are like to hear I say it is the last voice and therefore will stick longest and with most power on their slaughtered souls there is no calling of it back again it is the very wind-up of Eternall Judgement Thus then the judgement being over the Kingdom ceaseth to be any longer in the hand of the Man Christ Jesus for as the Judges here among men when they have gone their Circuit do deliver up their Commission to the King so Christ the Judge doth now deliver up his Kingdom to his Father And now all is swallowed up of Eternity Mat. 21. 8. The damned are swallowed up of eternal justice and wrath the saved of eternal life and felicity and the Son also delivereth up I say the Kingdom to the Father and subjects himself under him that did put all things under him that God may be all in all 1 Cor. 15. 24 25 26 27 28. For now is the end come and not before even the end of the reign of death it self for Death and Hell and sinners and Devils must now together into the Lake that burns with fire and Brimstone Rev. 20. 14 15. And now is the end of Christs Reign as the Son of Man and the end of the Reign of the Saints with him in this his Kingdom which he hath received of his Father for his work sake which he did for him and for his Elect. Then cometh the end faith Paul when he shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God the Father But when shall that be why he answers saying When he shall have put down all Rule and all Authority and Power for he must reign saith he untill he hath put all his enemies under his feet which will not be untill the finall Sentence and Judgment be over for the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death For God hath put all things under his feet but when he saith all things are put under him it is manifested he is accepted that did put all things under him And when all things shall be subdued unto him then shall the Son also himself be subject to him that did put all things under him that God may be all in all All things being now at this pass to wit every one being in its proper place God in his Christ in his the Saint in his and the Sinner in his I shall conclude with this brief touch upon both the state of the Good and Bad after this Eternal Judgment 1. The Righteous now shall never fear Death the Devill and Hell more And the Wicked shall never hope of life 2. The Just shall ever have the Victory over these things But the Wicked shall everlastingly be swallowed up of them 3. The Holy shall be in everlasting Light But the Sinner in everlasting Darkness Without light I say yet in Fire ever burning yet not consumed always afraid of death and hell vehemently desiring to be annihi●●ted to nothing Continually fearing to stay long in Hell and yet certainly sure they shall never come out of it Ever desiring the Saints happiness and yet alwayes envying their felicity They would have it because it is easie and Comfortable yet cannot abide to think of it because they have lost it for ever Ever loaden with the delight of sin and yet that is the greatest torture alwayes desiring to put it out of their Mind and yet assuredly know they must for ever abide the guilt and torment thereof 4. The Saints are always inflamed with the Consideration of the Grace that once they imbraced but the Wicked most flamingly tormented with the thoughts of rejecting and refusing it 5. The Just when they think of their sins they are comforted with the thoughts of their being delivered from them but the Ungodly when they think of their righteousness will gnaw themselves to think that this would not deliver them from Hell 6. When the Godly think of Hell it will increase their Comfort but when the Wicked think of Heaven it will twinge them like a Serpent Oh this Eternal Judgment What would a damned Soul give that there might be though after Thousands and Hundreds of Thousands of Millions of Years an end put to this Eternal Judgment But their misery is they have sinned against a God that is Eternal they have offended that Justice that will never be satisfied and therefore they must abide the Fire that never shall be quenched Here is Judgment Just and Sad. Again As it will be thus with Good and Bad in general so again more particularly when the Wicked are thus adjudged and Condemned and also received of the Fiery Gulph then they shall find That as he that busieth himself to do good shall have more glory than others So they that have been more busie and active in sin than others they shall have more Wrath and Torment than others For as doing good abundantly doth inlarge the Heart to receive and hold more Glory So doing evil abundantly doth inlarge the Heart and Soul to receive Punishment so much the more And hence it is that you have such Sayings as these It shall be more tolerable in the Judgment for Sodome than for others that is then for those that had sinned against much greater Light and Mercy For these as he saith in another place shall receive greater Damnation Yea it standeth to reason that he who had most Light most Conviction most means of Conversion and that was highest towards Heaven he must needs have the greatest Fall and so sink deepest into the Jaws of Eternal Misery Luke 10. 12. Luke 20. 47. As one Star that is as one Saint differeth from another in Heaven so one damned Soul shall differ from another in Hell It is so among the Devils themselves they are some worse than others Matth. 9. 34. Mar. 3. 22. Belzebub is the Prince or the Chief of the Devils That is One that was most glorious in Heaven Chief among the reprobate Angels before his Fall Isa. 14. 2. and therefore sinned against the greater Light Mercy and Goodness and so became the Chief for wickedness and will also have as the wages thereof the Chief of Torments For that will be true of the damned in Hell which is prayed for against Babylon Revel 18. 7. How much she hath glorified her self and lived deliciously so much torment and sorrow give her Can it be imagined that Judas should have no more torment who betrayed the Prince of Life and Saviour of the World than others who never came near his Wickedness by ten thousand degrees He that know his Masters Will and prepared not himself neither did according to his Will shall be beaten with many stripes With many mo●e stripes than others that through ignorance did commit sin worthy of many stripes But what should I thus discourse of the degrees of the Torments of the damned Souls in Hell For he that suffers least will the waters of a full Cup be wrung out to him The least measure of wrath it will be the Wrath of God eternal and fiery Wrath insupportable wrath it will lay the Soul in the Gulph of that Second Death which will for ever have the Mastery over the poor damned perishing Sinner And Death and Hell were cast into the Lake of Fire which is the Second Death And whosoever was not found in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of fire Rev. 20. 14 15. FINIS See more of this in their Judgement The first Book opened in its first part Mans nature is a Book or law to it self The Book of Gods Remembrance opened The Witnesses give in their Evidence The sinners plea for himself at the Judgment-Seat The Book of Life opened