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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A27062 Two treatises tending to awaken secure sinners viz., 1. The terror of the day of judgment, from 2 Cor. 5. 10, 2. The danger of slighting Christ and his Gospel, from Matth. 22. 5 / by Richard Baxter. Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691.; Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. Terror of the day of judgment.; Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. Danger of slighting Christ and his gospel. 1696 (1696) Wing B1443; ESTC R16419 109,733 266

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and he that is foun unrighteous as having not fulfilled them shall perish at that Day Qu. Who are those Answ I will tell you them in a few Words lest you should forget because it is a Matter that your Salvation or Damnation dependeth upon 1. The Soul that unfeignedly repenteth of his former sinful Course and turneth from it in Heart and Life and loveth the Way of godliness which he hated and hateth the Way of Sin which he loved and is become throughly a new Creature being born again and sanctified by the Spirit of Christ shall be justified but all others shall certainly be condemned Good News to repenting converted Sinners but sad to impenitent and him that knows not what this means 2. That Soul that feeling his Misery under Sin and the Power of Satan and the Wrath of God doth believe what Christ hath done and suffered for Man's Res●auration and Salvation and thankfully accepteth him as his only Saviour and Lord on the Terms that he is offered in the Gospel and to those Ends event to justify him and sanctify and guide him and bring him at last to everlasting Glory that Soul shall be justified at Judgment and he that doth not shall be condemned Or in short in Scripture-phrase He that believeth shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be condemmd Mar. 16. 16. 3. The Soul that hath had so much Knowledg of the Goodness of God and his Love to Man in Creation Redemption and the following Mercies and hath had so much Conviction of the Vanity of all Creatures as thereupon to love God more than all things below so that he haththe chiefest room in the Hearts and is preferred before all Creatures ordinarily in a time of trial that Soul shall be justified at Judgment and all others shall be condemned 4. That Soul that is so apprehensive of the absolute Soveraignty of God as Creator and Redeemer and of the Righteousness of his Law and the Goodness of his holy Way as that he is firmly resolved to obey him before all others and doth accordingly give up himself to study his Will of purpose that he may obey it and doth walk in these holy Ways and hath so far mortified the Flesh and subdued the World and the Devil that the Authority and Word of God can do more with him than any other and doth ordinarily prevail against all the Perwasion and Interest of the Flesh so that the main Scope and Bent of the Heart and Life is still for God and when he sinneth he riseth again by true Repentance I say that Soul and the only shall be justified in Judgment and be saved 5. That Soul that hath such believing Thoughts of the life to come that he taketh the promised Blessedness for his Portion and is resolved to venture all else upon it and in hope of this Glory doth set light comparatively by all things in this World and waiteth for it as the End of the Life choosing any suffering that God shall call him to rather than to lose his hopes of the Felicity and tus perservereth to the End I say that Soul and none but that shall be justified in Judgand escape Damnation In these five Marks I have told you truly and briefly who shall be justified and saved and who shall be condemned at the Day of Judgment And if you would have them all in five Words they are but the Description of these five Graces Repentance Faith Love Obedience Hope But though I have laid these close together for your use you left you should think that in so weighty a Case I am too short in the Proof of what I so determine of I will tell you in the express Words of many Scripture-Texts who shall be justified and who shall be condemned John 3. 3. Except a Man be born again he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God Heb. 12. 14. Without Holiness none shall see God Luke 13. 3 5. Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish Acts 26. 18. I send thee to open their Eyes and turn them from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgiveness of Sins and an Inheritance among the sanctified by Faith that is in me John 3. 15 16 17 18 19. Whoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting Life he that believeth on him is not condemned he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God and this is the Condemnation that Light is come into the World and Men loved Darkness rather than Light because their deeds were evil John 5. 28 29. The Hout is coming in which that are in the Graves shall hear his Voice and shall come forth they that have done good to the Resurrection of Life and they that have done evil to the Resurrection of Damnation Mar. 25. 30. Cast the unprofitable Servant into outer Darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of Teeth Luke 19. 27. But those mine Enemies which would not that I should reign over them bring hither and slay them before me Mat. 22. 12 13. Friend how camest thou in hither not having on a Wedding-Gar●ent And he was speechless Then said the King to the Se●●ants bind him Hand and Foot and take him away and cast him into outer Darkness c. Mat. 5. 20. For I say unto you that except your Righteousness exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees ye shall in no wise enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Mat. 7. 21. Not every one that saith Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven but he that doth the Will of my Father which is in Heaven Heb. 5. 6. He is become the Author of eternal Salvation to all them that obey him Rev. 22. 14. Blessed are they that do his Commandments that they may have right to the Tree of Life and may enter in by the Gate into the City Rom. 8. 1 13. There is then no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus that walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit For if ye live after the Flesh ye shall die but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the Deeds of the Body ye shall live Rom. 8. 9. If any Man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his Gal. 5. 18. But if ye be led of the Spirit ye are not under the Law Gal. 6. 7 8. Be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a Man soweth that shall he also reap for he that soweth to the Flesh shall of the Flesh reap Corruption but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap Life Everlasting Mat. 6. 21. For where your Treasure is there will your Heart be also Read Psal 1. and many other Texts to this purpose of which some are cited in my Directions for Peace of Conscience Dir. 11. p. 115 116. And thus I have told you from God's Word how you may
rather that godly Christians might the better understand how to deal with these vain Excuses when they meet with them which will be daily if they deal with Men in this sad Condition X. We have done with that part of the Judgment which consisteth in the Exploration or Trial of the Cause we now come to that which is the Conclusion and Consummation of all and that is to shew you what the Sentence will be and on whom And for this we must go strait to the Word of God for our Light it being impossible for any Man to have any particular Knowledg of it if Christ had not there revealed it unto us Indeed almost all the World do acknowledg a Life after this where it shall go well with the Good and ill with the bad But who shall be then accounted righteous and who unrighteous and on what Terms and Grounds by whom they shall be judged and to what Condition they know not The Sentence in Judgment will be 1. Either on those that never had Means to know Christ 2. Or on those that had 1. For the former as it less concerneth us to enquire of their Case so it is more obscurely revealed to us in the Scripture It is certain that they shall be judged according to their Use of the Means which they had Rom. 2. 11 12 13 14 15 16. and the Talents which they received Mat. 25. But that it ever falleth out that he that hath but the one Talent of natural Helps doth improve it to Salvation or that ever they who knew not Christ are justified and saved without that Knowledg being at Age and Use of Reason I find not in the Scriptures I find indeed that as many as have sinned without Law shall also perish without Law and as many as have sinned in the Law shall be judged by the Law Rom. 2. 12. but not that any are justified by the Works of Nature such as are here said to be without Law I find also that They have the Work of the Law written in their Hearts their Conscience also bearing witness and their Thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another in the Day when God shall jude the Secrets of Men by Jesus Christ according to the Gospel Rom. 2. 15 16. And I believe it is a just Excuse and not an unjust which is here meant But it will be but an Excuse so far as they were guiltless and that will be but in tanto and not in toto in part only and so not a full Justification A Heathen's Conscience may excuse him from those Sins which he was never guilty of but not from all But no more of them 2. The Case of those that have had the Gospel is more plainly opened to us in God's Word Their Sentence is opened in many Places of Scripture but most fully in Matth. 25. whence we will now collect it There we find that Jesus Christ the Redeemer as King of the World shall sit in Judgment on all Men at the last and shall separate them one from another as a Shepherd divideth the Sheep from the Goats and so shall pass the final Sentence This Sentence is twofold according to the different Condition of them that are judged To them on the right Hand there is a Sentence of Justification and Adjudication to everlasting Glory To them on the left Hand there is a Sentence of Condemnation to everlasting Punishment The Sentence on each of these containeth both the State which they are judged to and the Reason or Cause of the Judgment to that State For as God will not judg any to Life or Death without just Cause so he will publish this Cause in his Sentence as it is the manner of Judges to do If you say Christ will not use a Voice let it satisfy that though we know not the manner yet if he do it but by mental Discovery as he shews Men what shall everlastingly befal them so he will shew them why it shall so befal them 1. The Sentence on them on the right Hand will contain 1. Their Justification and Adjudication to Blessedness and that both as generally denominated and as particularly determined and described 2. And the Cause of this Judgment 1. In general they shall be pronounced Blessed Satan would have had them cursed and miserable the Law did curse them to Misery many a fearful Though hath possessed their own Breasts lest they should prove at last accursed and miserable but now they hear the contrary from their Judg. All the Promises in the Gospel could not perfectly overcome those their Fears all the comfortable Words of the Ministers of the Gospel could not perfectly subdue them all the tender Mercies of God in Christ did not perfectly subdue them but now they are vanquished all for ever He that once had heard his Redeemer in Judgment call him blessed will never fear being cursed more For he that Christ blesseth shall be blessed indeed The Description of their Blessedness followeth Come inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the Foundation of the World And also they are called Blessed of the Father Here is the Fountain of their Blessedness the Father and the State of their Blessedness in being the Father's for I suppose they are called the Blessed of are Father both because the Father blesseth them that is makes them Happy and because these blessed Ones are the Father 's own And so Christ will publish it to the World in Judgment that he came to glorify the Father and will proclaim him the principal Efficient and ultimate End of his Work of Redemption and the Blessedness of his Saints and that himself is as Mediator but the Way to the Father It is the Father that prepared the Kingdom for them and from the Foundation of the World prepared it both for them as chosen ones and for them as future Believers and righteous Ones It is called a Kingdom partly in respect to God the King in whose Glory we shall partake in our Places and partly metapherically from the Dignity of our Condition For so it is that our selves are said to be made Kings Rev. 1. 6. and 5. 1. 1 Pet. 2. 9. and not that we are properly Kings for then we must have Subjects who must be governed by us Thus we see their Blessedness in the Fountain End and State of Dignity As to the receptive Act on their Part it is expressed by two Words one signifying their first Entrance on it Come the other their Possession Inherit That is possess it as given by the Father and Redeemed by the Son and hold it in this Tenure for ever The true Believer was convinced in this Life that indeed there was no true Blessedness but this Enjoyment of God in the Kingdom of Heaven The Lord revealed this to his Heart by his Word and Spirit And therefore he contemned the seeming Happiness on Earth and laid up for himself a Treasure in Heaven and made him Friends
everlasting Glory and everlasting Torments are would they then hear us as they do would they read and think of these things as they do I profess I have been ready to wonder when I have heard such weighty things delivered how People can forbear crying out in the Congregation much more how they can rest till they have gone to their Ministers and learned what they should do to be saved that this great Business might be put out of doubt O that Heaven and Hell should work no more on Men O that Everlastingness should work no more O how can you forbear when you are alone to think with your selves what it is to be everlastingly in Joy or in Torment I wonder that such Thoughts do not break your Sleep and that they come not in your mind when you are about your Labour I wonder how you can almost do any thing else How you can have any Quietness in your Minds How you can eat or drink or rest till you have got some Ground of everlasting Consolations Is that a Man or a Corps that is not affected with Matters of this Moment that can be readier to sleep than to tremble when he heareth how he must stand at the Bar of God! Is that a Man or a Clod of Clay that can rise and lie down without being deeply affected with his everlasting Estate that can follow his worldly Business and make nothing of the great Business of Salvation or Damnation and that when they know it is hard at hand Truly Sirs when I think of the Weight of the Matter I wonder at the very best of God's Saints upon Earth that they are no better and do no more in so weighty a Case I wonder at those whom the World accounteth more holy than needs and scorns for making too much ado that they can put off Christ and their Souls with so little that they pour not out their Souls in every Supplication that they are not more taken up with God that their Thoughts be not more serious in preparation for their Account I wonder that they be not an hundred times more strict in their Lives and more laborious and unwearied in striving for the Crown than they are And for my self as I am ashamed of my dull and careless Heart and of my slow and unprofitable Course of Life so the Lord knows I am ashamed of every Sermon that I preach when I think what I have been speaking of and who sent me and that Mens Salvation or Damnation is so much concerned in it I am ready to tremble lest God should judg me as a Slighter of his Truth and the Souls of Men and lest in the best Sermon I should be guilty of their Blood Methinks we should not speak a Word to Men in Matters of such Consequence without Tears or the greatest Earnestness that possibly we can were not we too much guilty of the Sin which we reprove it would be so Whether we are alone or in Company methinks our End and such an End should still be in our Mind and as before our Eyes and we should sooner forget any thing and set light by any thing or by all things than by this Consider 4. Who is it that sends this weighty Message to you Is it not God himself Shall the God of Heaven speak and Men make light of it You would not slight the Voice of an Angel or a Prince 5. Whose Salvation is it that you make light of Is it not your own Are you no more near or dear to your selves than to make light of your own Happiness or Misery Why Sirs do you not care whether you be saved or damned Is Self-love lost Are you turned your own Enemies As he that slighteth his Meat doth slight his Life so if you slight Christ whatsoever you may think you will find it was your own Salvation that you slighted Hear what he saith Prov. 8. 36. All they that hate me love Death 6. Your Sin is greater in that you profess to believe the Gospel which you make so light of For a professed Infidel to do it that believes not that ever Christ died or rose again or doth not believe that there is an Heaven or Hell this were no such marvel but for you that make it your Creed and your very Religion and call your selves Christians and have been baptized into this Faith and seemed to stand to it this is the Wonder and hath no Excuse What! believe that you shall live in endless Joy or Torment and yet make no more of it to escape Torment and obtain that Joy What! believe that God will shortly judg you and yet make no more Preparation for it Either say plainly I am no Christian I do not believe these wonderful things I will believe nothing but what I see or else let your Hearts be affected with your Belief and live as you say you do believe What do you think when you repeat the Creed and mention Christ's Judgment and everlasting Life 7. What are these things you set so much by as to prefer them before Christ and the saving of your Souls Have you found a better Friend a greater and surer Happiness than this Good Lord what Dung is it that Men make so much of while they set so light by everlasting Glory What Toys are they that they are daily taken up with while Matters of Life and Death are neglected Why Sirs if you had every one a Kingdom in your Hopes what were it in comparison of the everlasting Kingdom I cannot but look upon all the Glory and Dignity of this World Lands and Lordships Crowns and Kingdoms even as on some brainsick beggarly Fellow that borroweth fine Clothes and plays the Part of a King or a Lord for an Hour on a Stage and then comes down and the Sport is ended and they are Beggars again Were it not for God's Interest in the Authority of Magistrates or for the Service they might do him I should judg no better of them For as to their own Glory it is but a Smoak what matter is it whether you live poor or rich unless it were a greater Matter to die rich than it is You know well enough that Death levels all what Matter is it at Judgment whether you be to answer for the Life of a rich Man or a poor Man Is Dives then any better than Lazarus O that Men knew what a poor deceiving Shadow they grasp at while they let go the everlasting Substance The strongest and richest and most volup●uous Sinners do but lay in fuel for their Sorrows while they think they are gathering together a Treasure Alas they are asleep and dream that they are happy but when they awake what a Change will they find Their Crown is made of Thorns their Pleasure hath such a Sting as will stick in the Heart through all Eternity except unfeigned Repentance do prevent it O how sadly will these Wretches be convinced ere long what a foolish