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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16354 The life of the holie father S. Francis Writen by Saint Bonauenture, and as it is related by the Reuerend Father Aloysius Lipomanus Bishop of Veron. In his fourth tome of the life of Saintes; Legenda maior beatissimi patris francisci. English Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, ca. 1217-1274.; Montagu, Anthony Maria Browne, Viscount, 1574-1629. 1610 (1610) STC 3271; ESTC S112955 142,663 258

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harmony and other tokens of mirth seeme to in vite and allure the devoute father to stay and abide with thē Which when he well perceaued he said to his companion I see plainely brother it is the verie will of God that we should now stay heere for a while because our Sisters the birdes doe seeme to be so much comforted at our presence And whiles he thereforefore remained in that place a faulcon there building her nest was ioined vnto him in a singular manner of frendshippe For with her singing and noise she did continually in the night time prevent the hower whereat the holy man was accustomed to rise to his divine service which was a thing most acceptable vnto the servant of God for that the so great watchfullnesse of this faulcon ouer him did cause him to shake of all sloth and slugishenes But when the servant of Christ was more than vsually afflicted with any kind of infirmitie then did the faulcon in some sorte abstaine neither did shee at those times awake him so earely but as it were instructed thervnto of God about the breake of day she gaue a gentle knocke with the bell of her voice surely it seemeth that this reioicing of birdes of many kindes and that the singing also of the faulcō should be a divine foresignification that this notable praiser and most excellēt worshipper of God being carried aloft by the wings of contemplation should then be there exalted by a Seraphicall apparition During the time he once aboad in the Ermitage of Grecium the inhabitans in that place were grievously afflicted with many and sundry evills For not only a multitude of ravening wolues did thereaboutes consume both men and beasts but a yearely and violent Tempest also of haile did continually destroy the corne and vineyardes At what time therefore as this denouncer of Gods holy Gospell preached vnto them in the middest of this their distresse and affliction he saied vnto them to the honor and praise of Almighty God I require you to be of good hope that all this pestilence shall soone forsake you and that our Lord with his mercifull eies regarding you will multiplie you in temporall goodes if crediting my wordes you will nowe first of all beginne to take compassion vppon your selues whereby making a true confession of your sinnes you may bring forth the workes worthy of pennance But this againe I denounce vnto you that if as vngreatefull men for such benefits you shall returne to your vomite againe then shall your plague be renewed your punnishment shal be redoubled and a greater indignation shall iustly fall vpon you From that very hower the people doeing pennāce according as he exhorted them their miseries ceased their daungers were all at an end neither the wolues nor the haile did any more mischief among them Nay which is more to be admired if the neighbours fieldes were at any tyme endaungered with haile so soone as it approached vnto theire confines either there it rested or els diverted to some other parte Thus not only the haile did cease but the wolues also kept the convenante of the servant of God neither did they offer any more contrary to the law of piety to inrage against men converted vnto God so longe as they according to their promise did not wickedly transgresse against the lawes of God Wherfore we haue good cause devoutly to thinke of the piety of this blessed man which was of so marveilouse sweetenesse and efficacy that it tamed wilde creatures in so much that those of the woodes it made liue in howses made double thrice those which were of more gentle nature it did incline the nature of brute beastes which hath binne fince the fall of man rebellious against him to become now obedient vnto him This verely is that vertue which confederating all creatures with it selfe Is profitable to all thinges having promise of the life that now is and of that to come THE NINTH CHAPTER Of the fervour of his Charity and of his desire of Martirdome BVT that fervent Charitie Wherewith this frend of the spouse Saint Francis was altogether inflamed what man may be able sufficiētly to expresse For as a certaine fierie coale he seemed to be wholy absorbted in the flame of Gods loue For soddainely vpon the very hearing of the loue God he was forthwith stirred vp he was in marveilouse manner affected and wholy set on fire as though with the outward stroake of the voice the inwarde string of the harte were touched And therefore to offer such manner of tributs insteede of Allmes he saied it was a noble kinde of prodigality and those that esteemed thereof lesse than of mony he held to be most foolishe confidering that the vnprisable valewe of the only loue of God is aboundantly sufficient to gaine the Kingdome of heaven and that the loue of him who loued vs much is much to be loued and esteemed But to the end he might be out of all things provoked vnto the loue of God he marveilously reioiced in all the workes of our Lord his handes and by the mirrours of delightsomnesse he raised vp himself into the liuely orriginall and cause of them For he did beholde in the things that were beautifull him that was most beautifull of all and by the perfections imprinted in all things the euery where prosecuted the thing beloued making as it were vnto himselfe a ladder of all things whereby he might ascend and take hold of him who is altogeather wholy to be desired For with an affection of devotion more than had binne heard of he tasted in every of the creatures as it were in litle Rivers that excellent goodnesse of the fountaine it self and as if he had conceaved a heauenly harmony in the consonantes of the vertues and actions giuen by God vnto them he sweetely exhorted them according to the manner of the prophet DAVID vnto the honour and praise of Almighty God Christ Iesus crucified evermore remained as a handefull of Mirrhe within the bosome of his minde into whome he desired to be through the fervour of most excessiue loue in euery parte transformed And for a prerogariue of a peculier devotion vnto him from the feaste of the Holie Epiphanie during the space of full forty daies together that is to say during all that time whearin Christe remained solitary in the desert he also be taking himselfe to solitary places and being in his Cell retired did with wonderfull strictnesse aswell of meate as of drinck in fastings and praiers continually attend to the praises of God So feruent was that affection wherewith he was carried vnto Christ But Christ his well beloved did requite him againe with so familiar a kinde of loue that it seemed vnto him the servant of God as if he had the continuall presence of his Saviour before his eies Let the heretickes he●re consider the deuotion of this Saint to our B. Lady the Mother of God in her especially
Be patiēt in tribulations be watchfull in prayers be vnweariable in labours be modest in your speeches be graue in your manners and ever thankefull for benefits receaved considering that in lieu of all these things the goodnes of God hath prepared for you an eternall Kingdome Psalm 54. But they humbly prostrating themselues vpon the earth before the servant of God did with great gladnes of spirite embrace the commaundement of holy obedience Moreover vnto every of them aparte he said Cast thy care vppon our Lord and he will nourish thee Which admonitiō he was ever wount to vse so offen as he went about to induce any brother vnto obedience Then he forseing himselfe to be geven as a patterne example vnto others and so consequently that he ought first to performe the thing before he drew others to imitation taking one of his companions vnto him setled himselfe towatdes one part of the world deputing the other sixe by two two together severed in the forme of a Crosse to the other three partes of the earth Psal 46. But it was not long past before the tender harted Father much longing for the presence of his deare children and having no meane by himselfe to bring them all togeather did offer vp his prayers vnto God that he would vouchsafe to effect his desire Who doth congregate the dispersed of Israel And so it came to passe that according to his desire without any call of man by the only worke of God they met all in one place together vnlooked for not without the great admiration of them all Having in this space of time gathered vnto them fower other men also of honest fame whoe adhearing vnto them made their number now to be twelve Now the servant of Christ perceyving that the noumber of his brethren was by litle litle daily encreased wrote for himselfe and them in playne wordes a rule and forme of life wherein hauing laid the obseruance of the Holy Ghospell for an indissoluble foundation he had also inserted therevnto certaine other few things such as seemed most necessary for an vniforme manner course of liuing And desiring to haue the same approued by the Chiefe Pastour of the Church be determined with that small company of simple associates to take his way to the Sea Apostolique reposing all his trust in the only direction and help of God Who from his heauenly seate beholding the finall end of his desire vouchsafed by the shewing of this manner of vision vnto him to reare vp the mindes of his companions otherwise not a litle astonished out of the consideraation of their owne simplicity For it seemed vnto him that passing by a certaine way he beheld standing nigh vnto him a goodly Tree of stately height loftines which as he approached more nigh vnto it and did stand vnder the same in admiration of the height thereof he was sodeinly by the power of God lifted vp into so great a height of the aire that he did not only reach to the very top therof but did also with great facility bow it downe frō the vpper most parte to the grounde This vision the man of God vnderstanding to be a foretokening of the fauourable inclination of the Apostolical dignity to his humble desires was exhilerated much in spiritt therewithall and comforting his brethren in our Lord betooke himselfe to his iourney with them But when he was come to the Court of Kome and brought before the face of the supreame Bishop the Vicar of Christ being thē walking in the Pallace of Laterane in the place which is called Speculum and there possessed with profounde meditations repelled the seruant of Christ as a man vnknowen not without some shew also of discontentment Who humbly departing out of the doores in the night following this manner of revelation was by Almighty God made to the Pope himselfe He saw from betweene his feete a palme branch springing out of the ground the same to become a most beautifull Tree And marueiling with himselfe what this vision should meane his minde was illuminated by the worke of God that by this palme tree that poore man was signified whom he had the day before reiected The next morning therfore he caused his servants to seeke him throughout the Citty Who hauing found him in the Hospital of S. Antony neare vnto Laterane he cōmanded them forthwith to bring him before himself Thus S. FRANCIS being brought in presence of the Pope disclosed vnto him the whole course ef his purpose humbly and instantly making sute vnto him to approue the same methode and rule of liuing The Vicar of Christ Pope Innocent the third being a man of singular wisedom observing in the man of God an admirable purity of a simple minde the constancy also of his purpose and the fiery zeale of his holy desire embraced this poore one of Christ with the loue of his harte being much inclined in minde to yeeld his favourable assent to the humble petition of this holy man But yet deferred to ratifie the requests of the poore servant of Christ for that his demaund seemed vnto some of the Cardinalls to be both a matter of novelty and also of difficultie beyond the measure of mans hability But it happened at that tim to be among the Cardinalls a reverend man called Dominus Ioannes de sancto Paulo Bishop of Sabina a lover of all holynesse and an especially helper of the poore servats of Christe who inflamed with the spirit of God delivered his mind in the matter before the Pope and his brethren to this effect If we shall saith he deny the request of this poore man as a matter either of novelty or of too much difficulty wheras he requireth none other thing but a form of Euangelicall life to be confirmed vnto him we haue iust cause to feare least therein we doe offend against the Gospell of Christ For whosoever shall assirme that any thing which is either newe vnreasonable or imposible to be observed is contained within the observance of Euāgelicall perfection or within the vowe which is made thereof he is manifestly convinced of blasphemy against Christ himselfe the very Authour of the Gospell Thus much being spoken in this behalf the Successour of the Apostle S. Peter turning himselfe towards the servant of Christ said vnto him Offer vp thy praiers deere sonne vnto Christe that by thee he may vouchsafe to shewe his will vnto vs to the end that it being once more certainely knowen we may the more securely condiscende to thy godly desires Wherevpon the servant of Almighty God bestowing himselfe now wholy in praier by his instant devotion obtayned to knowe both what him-selfe shoulde exteririourly disclose and what the Pope should inteourly conceyue For having related a parable according as he had receaved the same from God of a rich and mighty King that willingly married with a beautifull though a very poore woman and of a noble issue begott betwixt them