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A16081 Here begynneth the pystles and gospels, of euery Sonday, and holy daye in the yere; Bible. N.T. English. Selections. 1538 (1538) STC 2966.3; ESTC S105508 96,318 158

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am nat Christ they axed hym what thē arte thou Helias and he sayde I am nat Arte thou a prophet And he answered no. Thā sayd they vnto him Uvhat arte thou that we may gyue an answere to thē that sent vs. what sayest thou of thy selfe he sayd I am the voyce of a cryar in the wyldernes make strayght the way of the lorde assayde the prophete Esaias And they whiche were sent were of the pharises and they a●ed him sayde vnto him Uvhy baptysest thou thē if thou be nat Christe nor Helyas neyther a ꝑphet Iohan answered thē sayeng I baptyse with water but one is come amonge you whom ye knowe nat He it is that commeth after me whiche was before me whose sho latchet I am nat worthy to vnlose These thinges were don ī Bethabara beyonde Iordam where Iohan dyd baptyse ¶ The Pystel at hye masse on Christmas day The fyrst chapyter to the Hebrewes A. BRethrē god in tymes past dyuersly and many wayes spake vnto the fathers by prophetes but in these laste dayes he hathe spokē vnto vs by his sonne whome he hathe made heyre of all thīges by whom also he made the worlde Uvhich sōne beyng the bryghtnes of his glory and very ymage of his substance bearyng vp all thynges with the worde of his power hathe in his owne person pourged our synnes and sytteth on the ryght hande of the maiesty on hye and is more excellent them the angels in as moche as he hath by enherytaunce obteyned an excellent name them haue they for vnto whiche of the angels sayde he at any ryme thou arte my sone this day begate I the. And agayne I wyl be his father and he shal be my sone And agayne when he bryngeth in the fyrste begottē sone ī to the worlde he sayth And all the angels of god shal worshyppe hym vnto the angels he saythe he maketh his angels spirytes his ministers flāmes of fyre but vnto the sone he sayth god thy seate shal be for euer euer the cepter of the kyngdome is a ryght cepter Thou hast loued ryghtwysnes hated iniquyte wherfore hathe god whichis thy god anoynted the with the oyle of gladnes ●boue thy felowes And thou lorde in the begynnynge haste layde the foundaciō of the erthe And the heuens are the workes of thy hādes They shall perysshe but thou shalt endure they al shal waxe olde as dothe a garment as a vesture shalt thou chaunge them they shal be chaunged but thou arte alwayes the same and thy yeres shall nat fayle ¶ The Gospell at hye masse on Chrystmas day the fyrst chapyter of Iohan. A. IN the begynnyng was the worde the worde was with god and god was the worde The same was in the begynnynge with god All thynges were made by it and without it was made nothynge that was made In it was lyfe and the lyfe was the lyght of men and the lyght shyneth in the darknes and the darknes comprehēdeth it nat There was a mā sent frome god whose name was Iohn̄ The same came as a wytnes to beare wytnes of the lyght that all mē through him myght beleue he was nat the light but to beare wytnes of the lyght That was a true lyght whiche lyghteth al mē that come ī to the worlde he was ī the worlde the world by hym was made the worlde knewe him nat he came amōge his owne his owne receaued hym nat vnto as many as receaued hī gaue power to be the sones of god ī that they byleued on his name whiche were borne nat of blod nor of the wyll of the flesshe nor yet of the wyll of men but of god the worde was made flesshe and duelte among vs and we sawe the glory of it as the glory of the onely begoten sone of the father whiche worde was ful of grace and verite ¶ The Pystel on saynt Steuen daye The. vi chapter of the Actes of the Apostels C STeuē full of faythe power dyde greate wōdres and myracles amonge the people Then there arose certayne of the synagoge whiche are called Lybertynes Syrenytes and of Alexandria of Cylycia Asya disputet with Steuē they could nat resyste the wysdome the spyrite with whiche he spake Uvhen they herde these thynges theyr hertes claue asoder they gnasshed on hym with theyr tethe but he beynge ful of the holy goste loked vp stedfastly with his eyes in to heuen sawe the glory of god Iesus stādynge on the ryght hande of god sayd beholde I se the heuens opē the sone of man stādynge on the ryght hande of god Then they gaue a shoute with a loude voyce stopped theyr eares ranvpō hym all at ones cast hym out of the cytie stoned hym the wytnesses layde downe theyr clothes at a yōge mās fete named Saule And they stoned Steuen callynge on and sayenge Lorde Iesu receaue my spirite and he kneled downe and cryed with aloude voyce Lorde laye nat this syn̄e to theyr charge And whan he had thus spoken he fell a slepe in our lorde ¶ The Gospel on saynt Steuen daye The xxiij chapiter of Mathewe D IEsus sayd vnto the Iewes chefe preestes beholde I sende vnto you wyse ꝓphetes wyse men scrybes of thē some shall ye scourge in your synagoges persecute frō cytie to cytie that al ryghtuous blode may fall on you which wasshed vpō the erth from the blode of ryghtuous Abell vnto the blode of zacharias the sonne of Barrachias whome ye slewe bytwene the temple the aulter Uerely I say vnto you al these thynges shall lyght vpō this generaciō Ierusalem Ierusalē whiche kyllest ꝓphetes stonest thē which ar sent to the how ofte wolde I haue gadred thy chyldrē togyder as the henne gadereth her chyckēs vnder her wynges but ye wolde nat beholde your habitacyō shal be lefte vnto you desolate For I say vn to you ye shall nat se me hensforth tyll that ye saye Blyssed be he that cōmeth in the name of the lorde ¶ The Pystell on saynt Iohn̄ the euangelistes daye Ecclesiastice xv HE that feareth god wyll do good he that kepeth the lawe shall optayne wysdom and she wyl come agaynst hym as an honorable mother as a womā yet a virgyn shal she receaue hym She shal fede hym with the brede of lyfe vnderstandyng and the water of holsome wysdome she shal gyue him to drynke and she shal exalte hym among hys neyghbours shal opē hys mouth euyn ī the thyckest of that ꝯgregacyō And she shal fyl hym with the spryt of wysdome vnderstādyng and with the garment of glory shal apparell hym She shall make hym rych with ioy and gladnes and shall enheret hym of an euerlastynge name ¶ The Gospel on saynt Iohn̄ daye the euāgesyst The. xxi chapiter of Iohn̄ E IEsus sayde to Peter folow me Peter turned about and sawe that di●… whō Iesꝰ
saluacyon let vs gyue no mā occasyō of euyll that ī oure offyce be foūde no faute but ī al thiges let vs be haue oure selues as the ministers of god I moch pacyēce ī afflyccyōs ī necessyte ī anguysshe ī strypes ī prysōmēt ī stryfe ī laboure ī watche ī fastīg ī purenes ī knowledge ī lōge sufferyng ī kyndnes ī the holy ghost ī loue vnfayned in the wordes of trueth ī the power of god by the armure of ryghtwysenes on the ryght hāde on the lyft hāde ī honoure dishonour ī euyl reporte and good reporte as disceyuers yet true as vnknowen as dyenge and beholde we yet lyue as chastened and nat kylled as sorowynge and yet alway merye as poore yet make many ryche as hauyng nothyng and yet possessyng all thynges ¶ The Gospel on the fyrst Sonday in Lent the iiij chapyter of Mathew A. UUhē Iesus was lede away of the spiryte in to wyldernes to be tēpted of the deuyl And when he hadde fasted forty dayes forty nyghtes at the laste he was an hūgred Thē came vnto hym the tēpter sayd if thou be the sone of god cōmaūde that these stones demade breade He answered and sayd It is wryttē mā shall nat lyue onely by breade but by euery worde that procedeth out of the mouthe of god Thē the deuyl toke hī vp ī to the holy cyte let hym on a pynacle of the temple and sayde vnto hym if thou be the sone of god cast thy selfe downe for it is wrytten he shal gyue his angels charge ouer the with theyr handes they shal holde the vp that thou dassh nat thy fote agaynst a stone Iesus sayde to hym this is wryttē also Thou shalt nat tēpte thy lorde god The deuyl toke hym vp agayn and let hym in to an excedynge hye moūtayne and she wed hym al the kyngdomes of the world and al the glory of them sayd vnto hym al these wyll I gyue the yf thou wylt fall downe worshyp me Then sayd Iesus vnto hym auoyde Sathan for it is wrytten Thou shalt worshyp thy lorde god and hym only shalte thou serue ¶ The Pystell on the seconde sonday in Lent the fyrst pystel to the Tessalouyās The fourth chap̄ A WE beseche you brethrene exorte you in the lord Iesꝰ that you encrease more more euē as ye haue receaued of vs how ye ought to walke to please god ye remēber what commaundementes we gaue you ī the name of the lord Iesu christ for this is thewyl of god euē that ye shulde be holy and that ye shuld absteyne from fornicacyon that euery one of you shulde knowe howe to kepe hys vessel in holynes and honoure And nat in the lust of concupyssens as do the heathē whiche knowe nat god that no man go to farre and defraude his brother ī bargayning because the lord is a vēger of al suche thynges as we told you before tyme testyfyed vnto you for god hathe nat callede vs vnto vnclennes but vnto holynes in Chryst Iesꝰ our lorde ¶ The Gospel on the seconde Sōday in Lent the. xv chapiter of Mathewe C. IEsus went thēe● and departed in to the costes of Tyre and Sydon And beholde a woman whiche was a Cananite came out of the same costes tried vnto hym sayeng haue mercy on ●…orde the sone of Dauyd My doughter is petyously vexed with a deuyl And he gaue her neuer aword to answere Thē came to hym his dyscy●les besought hym sayēg send her away for she foloweth vs cryenge he answered sayd I am nat sent but vnto the loste shepe of the house of Israell Thē she came and worshypped hym sayēg mayster sucker me he answered sayde it is nat good to take the chyldrens bred to cast it to the whelpes she answered and sayde it is truth neuertheles the whelpes eate of the crōmes whiche fall from theyr maysters table Thē Iesꝰ an swered sayd vnto her O womā great is thy fayth be it to the euen as thou desyrest her doughter was made hole euen at that same houre ¶ The Pystel on the. iij. Sondaye in Lent to the Ephesyans the. v. chapyter A. BRethrene be ye folowers of god as dere chyldren walk ī loue euen as Chryste loued vs gaue hī selfe for vs an offryng a sacryfyce of aswete sauer to god so that fornicacyon al vnclennes or couetousnes be nat ones named amōg you as it becōmeth sayntes neyther fylthynes neyther folysshe talkynge neyther gestynge whiche are nat comely but rather gyuyng of thākes for this ye know that no wromōger other vncleane persone or couetous persone whiche is the worshypper of images hath any inherytaūce in the kyngdome of Chryste and of god Let no mā deceyue you with vayne wordes for thorowe such thynges commeth the wrathe of god vpon the chyldren of vnbyleue Be nat therfore cōpanyons with them ye were ones darknesse but are nowe lyght ī the lorde walke as chyldrē of lyght for the fruyte of the spiryte is in al goodnes ryghtwysnes and trueth ¶ The Gospell on the. iij. Sonday in Lent the. xi chapyter of Luke C. IIesus was a castynge out a deuyll whiche was domme And it foloweth whē the deuyl was gone out the dōme spake and the people wondred Some of them sayd he casteth out deuylles by the power of Belzebub the cheyfe of the deuylles other tempted hym sekynge of hym a sygne from heuen he knewe theyr thoughtes and sayde vn to them Euery kyngdome at debate wythin it selfe shall be desolate And one house shall fall vpon an other So if Sathan be deuyded with in hym selfe how shal his kyngdome endure because ye saye that I cast out deuylles by the power of Belzebub if I by the power of belzebub caste oute deuyls by whose power do youre chyldren caste thē oute Therfore shal they be your iudges But if I with the fynger of god caste out deuylles no doubte the kyngdome of god is come vpon you when a strong man armed watched hys house That he possesseth is ī peace but when a stronger then he commeth vpon hym and ouercommeth hym he taketh frō hym his harneys wherin he trusted and diuydeth his goodes he that is nat with me is agaynst me and he that gathe reth nat with me scattereth when the vncleane spirite is gone out of a mand he walketh through waterlese places sekyng rest and when he fyndeth none he sayeth I wyl ceturne agayne vnto my house whē se I came out and when he commeth he fyndeth it swept and garnysshed Thē goeth he and taketh seuen other spirytes with hym worse then hym selfe they entre in dwell there and the ende of the mā is worse then the begynnyng It fortuned as he thus spake a certayn woman of the company lyfte vp her voyce and sayd vnto hym happy is the wombe that bare the the pappes which gaue the sucke he sayd happy are they that
Iewry in to Galyle he wente vnto hī and besoughte hym that he worlde de scēde heale his sone for he was euen redy to dye Thē sayd Iesꝰ vnto hym except ye se sygnes wounders ye byleue nat the ruler sayde vnto hym syr come away or euer that my chylde dye Iesꝰ sayd vnto hym go thy way thy sone lyueth the mā byleued the wordes that Iesus had spoken vnto hym wēte his way anone as he wente on his waye his seruaū tes met hym tolde hym sayēg Thy sone lyueth thē enquyred he of thē the houre whē he begāne to amēde they sayd vnto hym yester daye the seuē the houre the feuer left hym the father knew that it was that same houre whē Iesus sayd vnto hym thy sone lyuethe and he byleued and al his housholde ¶ The Pystell on the. xxij Sōdaye after trynyte sō daye The. i. chapiter to the Phylyppyans A. BRothrene we truste in our lorde Iesꝰ Christe that he whiche beganne a good worke ī you shall perfourme it vntyll the daye of Iesus christ as it be cōmeth me so to iudge of you all bycause I haue you ī my herte haue you also euery one cōpanyons of grace with me in my bōdes as I defēde stablysshe the gospel God beareth me recorde howe greatly I longe after you all from the very hert rote in Iesus chryst this I pray that our loue maye encreace more more in knowledge and in al fealyng that ye myght accepte thyngꝭ most excellēt that ye myght be pure suche as shulde hurte no mānes cōscyence vntyl the daye of Chryst fylled with the frutes of ryght wysnes whiche frutes came by Iesus Chryste vnto the glory and laude of god ¶ The Gospell on the. xxij Sondaye after Trinyte Sondaye The. xviij cha of Mathewe C. IEsus put for the a similitude vn to his discyples sayenge The kyngdome of heuen is lykened vnto a certayne kynge whiche woulde take a cōptes of his seruauntes whē he had begō to reken one was brought vnto hym whiche ought hym x. thousande Talētes but when he had nought to pay the lorde cōmaunded hym to be solde his wyfe his chyldrē al that he had paymēt to be made The seruaūt fel downe besought hym sayēge Syr gyue me respyte and I wyl paye it euerye whyt thē had the lorde pyte on the seruaūt loosed him forgaue hym the det The same seruaūt wēt out foūd one of his felowes which ought hym an hōdred pens layd hādes on hym toke hym by the throte sayēg Pay me that thou owest his felow fell downe besought hym sayēg Haue pacyēce with me I wyl paye the al he wolde nat but wēt cast hym in to prison tyl he shuld paye the dette whē his other felowes sawe what was done they were very sory came tolde to theyr lorde all that had happened Thē his lorde called hym sayde vnto hym O euyll seruaunte I forgaue the all the dette bycause thou praydest me was it nat mete also that thou shul deste haue had cōpassyō on thy felowe euen as I had pity on the his lord was wroth delyuered hym to the Iaylers tyll he shuld pay all that was owe vnto hym So lykewyse shall my heuenly father do vnto you If ye wyl nat forgyue with al your hertes eche one to his brother theyr trespases ¶ The pystel on the. xxiij Sondaye after Trinyte sondaye the. iij. Chap. to the Philippians C. BRothrē folowe ye me loke on thē which walke euē so as ye haue vs for an ensāple for many walke of whome I haue tolde you often and now tel you wepynge that they are the enymyes of the crosse of Chryst whose end is dāpnacyon whose god is theyr belye whose glorye is to theyr shame which are wordely mynded but our cōuersacyō is in Heuē from whēce we loke for the sauiour euen the lorde Iesus Christe whiche shal chan̄ge ī to another fassyō our vyle bodies that they may be fassyoned like vnto his gloryous bodye accordyng to the workynge wherby he is able to subdue al thynges vnto hym self ī Iesꝰ Christ our lorde ¶ The Gospel on the. xxiij Sōday after Trinyte sonday the. xxij Chapiter of Mathewe B. THe pharyses wēte tooke coūseyll howe they myght tangle Christe Iesꝰ ī his wordes sent vnto hym theyr dyscyples with Herodes seruaūtes sayēg Mayster we knowe that thou arte true that thou techest the way of god truly neyther careste for any mā for thou ●syderest nat mēnes estate tell vs therfore how thynkest thou Is it laufull to gyue tribute vnto Cesar or nat Iesꝰ ꝑceaued theyr wylines and sayde why tēpt ye me ye Ipocrytes Let me se the tribute money they toke hym a peny he sayd vnto thē whose is this Image suꝑscrypcyon They sayd vnto hī cesars thē sayde he vnto thē Gyue therfore to cesar that whiche is cesars gyue vnto god the whiche is goddes ¶ The Pystel on the. xxiiij sōday after Tri nite sōday the fyrst Chapiter to the Collossyās B. BRothrē we cease nat prayēge for you desyrīg that ye myght be fulfylled with the knowledge of his wyl ●al wysdome spirituall vnderstandyng that ye myght walke worthy of the lorde ī al thynges hat please beīg frutful ī al good workes encreasig tre t knowledge of god strengthed with all myght throwe his gloryous power vnto al pacyēce longe sufferīg with ioyfulnes in Iesꝰ Chryste our lorde ¶ The Gospell on the. xxiiij Sonday after Trinyte sōdaye The. ix Chapi of Mathewe C. UUyles Iesꝰ spake vnto the people beholde there came a certeyne ruler worshypped hī sayeng my doughter is euē now decessed but come laye thy hād on her she shall lyue Iesꝰ arose folowed hī with his discyples beholde a womā whiche was dyseased with an yssue of blode twelue yeres came behynde hī touched the heme of his vesture she sayd ī herselfe Yf I may touche but euē his vesture onely I shal be sa● Iesꝰ turned hym about behold her sayēg doughter be of good cōforte thy fayth hath made the safe she was made hole euen the same houre ¶ The Pystel on the next sōday before Aduēt sōday Ierem̄ xxxiij BRothrē behold the dayes wyl com saith the lord the I wyll stere vp vnto Dauid a ryghteouse braūche he shall raygne a kyng shal be wise and shal do equite iustyce ī the erthe ī his dayes Iuda shal be safe Israell shall dwell without feare this is the name that they shal cal hym the lord our ryghteousnes wherfore the dayes wyll come sayth the lord that they shal say no more the lorde lyueth that brought the chyldren of Israell out of the lande of egypt but the lord lyueth which delyuered brought thesede of the house of Israell out
ꝓphetes He sayd vnto the but whō saye ye that I am Simō Peter answered and sayde Thou art Christe the sone of the lyuynge god And Iesus answered and sayde vnto hym Happy arte thou Symon the sone Ionas for fleshe and blode hathe nat opened vnto the that but my father which is in heuen And I say also vnto the that thou arte Peter vpon this roke I wyl buylde my ●gregacyon and the gates of hell shall nat preuayle agaynst it I wyll gyue vnto the the keyes of the kyngdome of heuen what soeuer thou bindelte vpō erth shall be bounde ī heuē what so euer thou lowsest on erth shal be lowsed ī heuen ¶ The Pyltel on the cōmemoracion of saynt Pau le the seconde chapiter to the Galathyans B. I Certyfye you brothrene that the gospel whiche was preched of me was not after the mauer of men neyther receaued I it of man neyther was I taught it but receaued it by the reuelacyon of Iesꝰ Christ ye haue her de of my conuersacyō ī tymes past in the Iewes wayes how that beyōde measure I ꝑsecuted the cōgregacyon of god spoyled it preuayled ī the Iewes lawe aboue many of my cōpanyōs which were of mine owne nacyō was as moch more feruēt meynteyner of the tradycyōs of the elders but whē it pleased god whiche seperated me frō my mothers wōbe called me by his grace for to declare his sone by me that I shulde preache hi amōg the hethē immediatly I cō●ened nat of the water with fleshe blode neyther returned to Ierusalē to thē which were Apoitels before me but wēte my wayes ī to Arabia came agayne vnto Damascō Thē after iij. yere I returned to Ierusalē to se Peter aw de with hī xv dayes none other of the apostels sawe I saue Iames the Lordes brother the thīges which I wryte beholde god knoweth I lye nat After that I went in to the costes of Siria Cilicia was vnknowē as touchīge my ꝑsone●vnto the cōgregacyōs of iewry which were in christ but they herd onely the he which ꝑsecuted vs ī tyme paste now precheth the fayth which before he destroyed and they glorifyed god on my behalfe ¶ The Gospell on the Commemoracyon of saynt Paule The xix chapiter of Mathewe D. PEter sayde vnto Iesus beholde we haue c. ye shal fynde this gospel on the conuersyon of saynt Paule Folio lviij ¶ The Pystell on the visitacyon of our lady Cant. chapiter ij I Am the floure of the felde and Lylyes of the valeys As the Lilye amonge the thornes so is my loue among the daughters As the Appletre amōg the trees of the wode so is my beloued amōge the sōnes in his shadow was my desyre to sytte for his fruyte was swete to my mouth He brought me vnto his wyne seller and his be hauer to mewarde was louely beholde my beloued sayde to me vp and hast my loue my doue my bewtiful and come for nowe is wynter gone and rayne deperted past the flowres appere in our countre the tyme is come to cut the vynes The voyce of the Turtil doue is herde in ourlande the fyg tree hath brought forth her fygges and the wyne blossomes gyue a sauour vp hast my loue my doue in the holes of the rocke secret places of the walles shewe me thy face and let me here thy voyce for thy voyce is swete and thy fassyon beautyfull ¶ The Gospell on the visytacyon of our Lady The fyrst Chapiter of Luke D. MAry arose in those dayes and went ī to the mountayns with haste in to a Citie of Iewry and entred in to the hous of zacharie and saluted Elizabeth and it fortuned as Elizabeth herde the salutacyon of Mary the babe spronge in herbelly Elizabeth was fylled with the holy ghost and cryed with a loude voyce sayde Blyssed arte thou amonge women blyssed is the fruyte of thy wombe whence happeneth this to me that the mother of my lord shulde come to me Loo as soone as the voyce of this salutacyon soūded in myne eares the babe lept in my bely for ioye and blyssed arte thou that beleuest for those thynges shall be perfourmed whiche were tolde the from the lorde And Mary sayd my soule magnifieth the lorde my spyryte reioseth in god my sauyoure ¶ The Pystel on the Translacion of saynt Thomas of Cauterbury the. v. Chapi to the Hebrues A EUery hye preeste c. yeshal fynde this pystel on saynt Thomas day after chylder mas daye Folio vij ¶ The Gospel on saynt Thomas of Cāterbury the. xix cha of Luke B A Certayne noble man c. ye shal finde this gospel on saīt Thomas daye after Chyldermas daye Folio vij ¶ The Pystel on ●elyke Sondaye Ecc●●a xliiij THese are the men of mercy whose ryghteousnes are nat forgotten Goodnesse abyde with the seede of them theyr kynsfolke are an holy enherytan̄ce theyr seed hath stāde in wytnesses the sones of thē abyde vnto the worldes ende for thē the generacyō of thē the glorye of them shall nat be left theyr bodyes are buryed ī peace theyr names shall lyue in the worldes al people shall tel the wysdome of them and all the congregacyon of sayntes shall shewe the laude of them ¶ The Gospel on Relyke sondaye The. v. Chapiter of Mathewe A. T●hen Iesus sawe the people he went vp in to a moūtayne and whē he was set his discyples came vnto hym he openeth his mouth taught thē sayeng Blyssed are the poore in spyryte For theyrs is the kyngdom of heuē Blissed are theyr that morne for they shal be comforted Blyssed are the meke for they shal enherete ●…h Blyssed are they whiche hongre and thruste ●…g 〈◊〉 ousnes for they shall be fylled Blyssed are the ●…yfull for they shal optayne mercy Blyssed are the pure in herte for they shal se god Blissed are the mainteyners of peace for they shall be called the chyldrene of god Blyssed are they which suffre ꝑsecucyon for ryghtuousnes sake for theyrs is the kyngdome of heuen Blyssed are ye whē mē shal reuyle you ꝑsecute you shall falshly saye all maner of euyl sayenges agaynst you for my sake Reioyce be glade for greate is your rewarde ī heuē ¶ The Pystel on saynt Margaretes daye O Lorde my god thou hast exalted my habytacyon vpon the erth I haue prayed for deth to come I haue called the lord the father of my lord that he forsake me nat ī the day of my tribulacyō And in the tyme of proude men without helpe I shall laude thy name dilygently shall prayse it ī cōfessyō my prayer is herde thou haste delyuered me from perdycyō from a wycked tyme Therfore O lorde my god I shall cōfesse and gyue laude vnto thy name ¶ The Gospel on saynt Margaretes daye The. xiij Chapyter of Mathewe G. IEsus sayd vnto his discyples The kyngdome of
¶ Here begynneth the Pystles and Gospels of euery Sonday and holy Daye in the yere M. D. xxxviij ¶ Here begynneth the Pystles Gospels of euery Sonday holy daye in the yere ¶ The Pystell on the fyrst Sonday in Aduent The. xiij Chapiter to the Romayns D. BRethren we knowe that it is tyme nowe that we awake out of slepe for nowe is our saluaciō nerer thē we beleued The nyght is passed and the daye is come nye let vs therfore cast awaye the dedes of darknes let vs put on the armour of lyght Let vs walke honestly as it were ī the daye lyght nat ī eatyng drynking neyther ī chābryng wantōnes neyther ī stryfe enuyeng but put ye on our lorde Iesus Christe ¶ The Gospell on the fyrste Sondaye in aduent The. xxi chapiter of mathewe A. WHē Iesus drewe nye vnto Ierusalē came to Betphage vn to the mounte Oliuete thē sēt Iesus two of his disciples sayeng to thē Go into the castell that lyeth ouer agaynst you and anone ye shal fynde an Asse boundē her Colte with her lose thē brynge thē vnto me yf any mā say ought vnto you saye ye that your lorde hathe nede of thē strayght way he wyll let them go All this was done to fulfyl that whiche was spokē by the ꝓphet sayeng Tel ye the doughter of Syon beholde thy kynge cōmeth vnto the meke sytting vpon an Asse a Colte the fole of an Asse vsed to the yoke The disciples wente dyd as Iesꝰ cōmaūded thē brought the Asse the Colte put on thē theyr clothes set hī therō Many of the people spredde theyr garmentes in the waye other cutte downe braunches from the trees and strawed thē in the waye ¶ Morcouer the people that wēte before and they also that folowed after cryed sayenge O sanna the sonne of Dauyd Blessyd be he that commeth in the name of the lorde ¶ The Pystell on the seconde Sondaye ī Aduc̄t The. xv chapiter to the Romaynes A. BRethrē what so euer thynges are wrytten afore tyme are wryttē for our learnynge that we thorowe pacience conforte of the scripture myght haue hope The god of pacience cōsolacyon gyue vnto euery one of you that ye be lyke mynded one towardes another after the ensample of Iesu christe that ye all agreyng togyther may with one mouthe honour god the father of our lord Iesu Christ Uvherfore receyue ye one an other as christe receyued vs to the prayse of god And I say that Iesus Christe was a minister of the Circumcisyon for the truthe of god to confyrme the promyses made vnto the fathers And let the gētyls prayse god for his mercy as it is wryttē for thys cause I wyl prayse the among the gentils syng in thy name And agayn he sayeth ye gentyls reioyse with his people Agayne prayse the lorde all ye gētyls laude hī al nacyons And ī another place Esaias sayeth there shal be the rote of Iesse and he that shall ryse to raygne ouer the gentyls in hym shall the gentyls trust The god of hope fyl you with all ioye and peace in byleuynge that ye may be ryche in hope thorowe the power of the holy ghoste ¶ The Gospel on the seconde Sonday in Aduent The. xxi chapiter of Luke D. IEsꝰ sayde vnto his disciples there shal be sygnes in the Sōne in the Mone ī the Starres ī the earthe the people shal be in suche perplexite that they shall nat tell whiche way to turne them selues The see the waues shal rore mennes hertes shall fayle thē for feare for lokynge after those thynges which shall come on the erthe for the powers of heuē shall moue and then shall they se the sone of mā come ī a cloud with power great glory whē these thynges begyn to cōe to passe thē loke vp lyft vp your hedes for your re dēpcyon draweth ny And he shewed thē a simylytu de behold the fygge tree al other trees when they shutt forth theyr buddes ye se knowe of youre owne selues that somer is thē nye at hāde So lyke wyse ye whē ye se these thynges cōe to passe vnderstāde that the kyngdome of god is ny Uerely I sayevnto you this genetatiō shall not passe tyl al be fulfylled heuē erthe shall passe but my wordes shal nat passe ¶ The Pystell the. iij. Sondaye ī aduēt The fyrste Pystel the. iiij Chap. to the Corinthyans A. BRethrene let men this wyse esteme vs euen as the ministers of Christe disposers of the secretes of god Further more it is requyred of the disposers that they be founde faythfull with me is it but a verye small thynge that I shulde be iudged of you other of mānes day no I iuge nat myne owne selfe I knowe nought by my selfe yet am I nat therby iustified it is the lorde that iugeth me therfore iudge nothīg before the tyme vntyll the lorde cōe whiche wyl lyghtē thīges that are hyd ī darkenes open the counseyles of the hertes And thā shall euery man haue prayse of God ¶ The Gospel on the iij. Sōday ī aduēt The. xi chap̄ of Mathewe A WHen Iohn̄ beyng in prysō her de the workes of Christ he sēte two of his disciples sayde vn to hī Arte thou he that shal cōe or shal we loke for another Iesꝰ answered sayd vnto thē Go shewe Iohn̄ what ye haue herd sene The blinde se the halte go the lyppers are clēsed the defe heare the deade ar reysed vp agayne the Gospell is preached to the pore happy is he that is nat hurte by me Euē as they de parted Iesꝰ begā to speake vnto the people of Iohn̄ Uvhat went ye for to se in the wyldernes went ye out to se a rede wauering with thewīde other what wente ye out for to se Uvēt ye to se a mā clothed in softe rayment Beholde they that weare softe clothing are ī kynges houses But what wēt ye out for to se Uvent ye out to se a prophete Ye I ●aye vnto you more thē a prophet for this is he of whom it is wryttē Beholde I sēde my messenger before thy face whiche shall prepare thy waye before the. ¶ The Pystel on the. iiij sōday in Aduent the. iiij Chapiter to the Phylyppaynes A. BRethrē reioyce ī the lorde alway agayne I say reioyce let your softnes be knowē vnto all mē The lord is euen at hāde Be nat carefull but ī all thīges shewe your peticyō vnto god ī prayer supply cacyō with gyuīg of thākes And the peace of god which passeth al vnderstanding kepe your hertes mides in Christ Iesu ¶ The Gospell on the. iiij sōdaye ī Aduēte the fyrste Chap. of Iohn̄ C. UUhē the Iewes sēt prestes leuites frō Ierusalē to axe Iohn̄ Uvhat art thou And he ꝯfessed denyed nat and sayd playnly I
loued folowyng which also lened on his brest at supper and sayd Lord whiche is he that shal betray the Uvhē Peter sawe hym he sayd to Iesus Lord what shal he here do Iesꝰ sayd vnto hym if I wyll haue hym to tary tyl I cōe what is that to the folow thou me Thē went this sayēg abrode ●…ge the brethrē that that dyscyple shulde nat dye And Iesꝰ sayd nat to hym he shal nat dye but if I wyl that he tary tyl I com what is that to the the same dyscyple is he which testifyeth of these thynges wrote these thynges and we knowe that his testimony is true ¶ The Pystel on chyldermas daye The. xiiij chapiter of the reuelacyon of saynt Iohn̄ ANd I loked and lo a lābe stode on the moūt Syō with hym a hondred and xliiij M. hauig hys fathers name writtē in theyr forhedes I herde a voyce frō heuē as the soūde of many waters and as the voyce of a great thunder I herde the voyce of harpers harpyng with theyr harpers they sōg as it were a new sōg before the seate before the. iiij beastes the elders no mā coulde lerne that sōg but the. C. xliiij M. which were redemed frō the erth These are they which wer nat defiled with women for they are virgyns These folowe the lābe whyther soeuer he goethe these were redemed frō men beynge the fyrst frutes vnto god and to the lābe in theyr mouthes was founde no gyle for they are without spote before the ●rone of god ¶ The Gospell on Chyldermas daye The seconde chapiter of Mathewe C THe angell of the lorde appered to Ioseph ī dreme sayēge Arise take the chylde his mother flye into Egypt abyde there tyl I brynge the worde for herode wyll seke thou chylde to destroye hym Thē he arose toke the chylde his mother by nyght and departed into Egypte was there vnto the deth of Herode to fulfyll that whiche was spoken of the lorde by the ꝓphet which sayth out of Egypt haue I called my sone Thē herode perceauynge that he was mocked of the wyse mē was excedynge wrothe sent forthe slewe all the chyldrē that were ī bethleem in al the costes therof as many as were two yere olde vnder accordynge to the tyme whiche he had diligētly serched out of the wyse men Thē was fulfylled the whiche was spokē by the ꝓphete Iere mye sayēge On the hylles was a voyce herde mour nyng wepig great lamētacyō Rachel wepyng for her chyldrē wolde nat be ●forted bycause they were nat ¶ The Pystel on saynt Thomas day of Canterbury the. v. chap̄ to the Hebre. A BRethren euery hye Preest that his takē from among mē ys ordeyned for mē in thynges ꝑtaynynge to god to offre gyftes sacryfyces for synnes whichcā haue ●passyō on the ygnoraūte on thē that are out of the hye waye bycause that he hī selfe also his ●passed with infirmyte for the which ī firmites sake he is boūde to offre for syn̄es as well for his owne parte as for the peoples No man taketh honoure vnto hym selfe but he that is called of god as was Aarō euē so lyke wyse chryst honored hym self that he myght be the hye preest but he gloryfyed hī that sayde vnto hym Thou arte my sone this daye begat I the as he also in another place speaketh Thou art a preest for euer after the ordre of melchi sedech ¶ The gospell on saynt thomas daye of Canterbury The. xix chap̄ of Luke B IEsus put forthe a parable vnto his disciples sayenge A certayne noble mā wēt in to a farre coūtre to receaue him a kyngdom then to come agayne he callede his tē seruaūtes delyuered them ten poūde sayēg vnto thē Bye sell tyl I come But hys cytesens hated hī sente messen gers after hym sayenge we wyll nat haue this man to raygne ouer vs it came to passe when he was come agayne had receaued his kyngdome he cōmaūded his seruaūtes to be called to him to whome he gaue his money to wytte what euery mā had done Then came the fyrst sayēge lorde thy poūde hath encreaseth ten poūde he saydvnto hym well good seruaūt because thou waste faythfull in a very lytell thynge take thou auctoryte ouer ten cyties and the other cā sayēg lorde Thy poūde hath en creased fyue pounde to the same he sayde And be thou also ruler ouer fyne cyties And the thyrde came sayd lorde beholde here thy poūde which I haue kept in a napki for I feared the bycause thou arte a streyghte mā thou takeste vp that thou laydeste nat downe and repest that thou dydest nat sowe And he sayde to hī of thyn owne mouthe iudge I the. Thou euyll seruaūre knewest thou nat that I am a strayte mā takynge vp that I layde nat downe repynge that I dyd nat sowe wherfore thē gauest nat thou my money ī to the banke then at my cōmynge I myght haue reqired myne owne vauntage he sayd to thē that stode by Take frō him that poūde gyue it hym that hath tene poūde And they sayde to hym Lorde he hath ten poūde I saye vnto you that vnto all them that haue it shall be gyuē And frō hym that hath nat euen that he hathe shall be taken awaye frō hym Moreouer those myn enemyes whiche would nat that I shoulde raygne ouer thē brynge hyther sle them before me And when he had thus spokē he ꝓceded forth before thē And went vp so to Ierusalē ¶ The Pystel on the sonday after Chrystmas day the. iiij Chapyter to the Galataynes A. BRethrē I say that the heyre as longe as he is a chylde dyfferith nat frō a seruaunt though he be lorde of all but is vnder tutors gouerners vntyll the tyme apoynted of the father euen so we as lōge as we were childrē were ī bōdagevnder the ordinacyōs of the world but whē the tyme was full come god sente his sonne borne of a woman and made bōde vnto the lawe to redeme then which were vnder the lawe that we thorow electyon myght receaue the inherytaūce that belōgethe vnto the natural sones bycause ye are sōes God hath sēt the spiryte of his so ne ī to our hertes which cryeth Abba father wherfore nowe arte thou nat a seruaūt but a sone yf thou be the sōe thou art also the heyre of god through Chryst ¶ The gospel on the sonday after Chrystmas day the second chapyter of Luke E. IOseph and Mary the mother of Iesꝰ meruaylede those thin ges whiche wer spoken of him and Symeō blyssede them sayd vnto Mary his mother behold this chylde shall be the fall resurrectyon of many ī israell sygne whiche shal be spokē agaynst and moreouer the swerde shall pearce thy soule that the thoughtes of many hertes may be opened and there was Anna a