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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14363 A fruteful treatise of predestination, and of the deuyne prouidence of god as far forth as the holy scriptures and word of god shal lead vs, and an answer made to all the vain and blasphemous obiections that the epicures and Anabaptistes of our time canne make. Set forth dialoge wise, by Ihon Veron.; Fruteful treatise of predestination, and of the devyne providence of god. VĂ©ron, John, d. 1563. 1561 (1561) STC 24680; ESTC S119102 83,266 305

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be deceiued can not finally pearish But the elect cā not finally be deceiued The wordes of the scriptures are plaine which be these Ma. xxiiii there shal arise false Christes and false Prophets and shal shew greate sygnes and wonders so that if it were possible they shoulde deceiue the verye electe And in the reuelation Re. xvii we learne that they only can be deceyued whose names are not wrytten in the boke of life It is easye then to perceiue that the elect canne not pearish For their names are wrytten in the boke of life afore the foūdations of the world were laid They to whome life euerlastyng is both promised and geuen of him that can not lie afore all worldes can in no wyse pearyshe But vnto the elect life euerlastynge is bothe promysed and geuen of hym that that can not lie ii Ti. i. afore all worldes he hath saued vs saithe s Paule and called vs wyth an holy calling not accordinge to oure owne workes Tit. i. but accordynge to hys owne purpose and grace whyche was geuen to vs through Iesu Christ before the worlde was Again we are vnder the hope of eternal lyfe whyche God that can not lye hath promysed before the world began The elect then can in no wise pearyshe Augusti de correptione et gratia Not all that be called are chosen How thei that are chosen AS manye as are chosen they are also called but not as many as are called consequently are chosen They therfore are chosen which as it hath ben oftē said are called according to the purpose which also are predestinated and foreknowen If any of them do perishe God is deceiued but none of them pearysheth For God is not deceiued If any of them do perish God is ouercomd with mans syn or vice It anye whōe god hath chosen vnto God lyfe euerlastyng can pearish then is God ouer comde by mans sin Wherfore Iudas was chosen But none of them pearysheth for God can be ouercommed wyth nothing They are chosen to raigne with Christe not as Iudas was chosen to the woorke that he was mete for For he was chosen of him that can vse wel euyl men that by his dampnable worke that venerable work that he was come for might be fulfilled When therfore we do hear haue I not chosen you twelue and one of you is a deuil we ought to vnderstande that they were chosen throughe grace and that he was chosen throughe iudgement He dyd therefore chuse them that they mighte obtayn his kyngdom but hym he dyd chuse for to shed hys bloude and for to bringe him to hys passion ¶ Other certaine argumentes whereby it is proued that the reprobate can not be saued THey for whome Christ doth not vouchsafe to pray Ihō xvii The worlde is here takē for the reprobate and wyeked world linges them God wyll not vouchsafe to saue but Christe dothe not vouchsafe to praye for the reprobate I sayth he do pray for them I pray not for the worlde but for theym whome thou haste geuen me For they are thine God therefore wyl not vouchsafe to saue the reprobate They to whom it is not geuen to beleue in Christ can not be saued it is not geuen vnto the reprobate to beleue in Christ the wordes are playne Iohn vi therfore sayde I vnto you that no man can come vnto me Iohn xii excepte it be geuen vnto hym of my father Againe Therefore coulde they not beleue because that Esaias said he hathe blyneded theyr eyes and hardened theyr hart that they should not se with theyr eyes nor vnderstand with theyr hearte and shoulde be conuerted and I should heale them The reprobate then can not be saued The chosen only shal finallye abide and remayne in the Churche of Christe For i. Iohn ii if they had bene of vs truelye they shoulde haue abyden wyth vs The reprobate are not chosen for they wer not of vs. Therefore the reprobate shall not abyde and remayne finallye in the church of God But they that shall not finally remain in the church of God can not be saued He that was of God ordayned vnto euerlastynge punyshmente coulde not bee saued Act. i. But Iudas was such a one he hath saythe Peter gone astraye Act. iiii that he myghte go into hys owne place Agayne they gathered them selues together to do what so euer thine hande and thy counsayle had determyned before to be done Read psalme xlix Therefore Iudas coulde not be saued They from whom the misteries and secreates of the kyngdome of heauen by the wil of God are hidden can not be saued but the mysteries of the kingdome of heauen are by the will of god hydden from the reprobate Christe hym selfe saying Mat. xi I geue the thanckes O father Lord of heauen and earth because thou hast hidden these things from the wise and from men of vnderstanding and hast opened them vnto babes It is so O father because thi good pleasure was such Therfore the reprobate can not be saued They that be not from the beginning of the worlde wrytten in the boke of life therefore do worshyp the beast can not be saued but the reprobate are not wrytten in the boke of life from the beginning of the world and therfore do worship the beast whose names saithe he Re. xvii are not wrytten in the boke of life It followeth then that the reprobate can not be saued They that are made to this end that they shoulde pearyshe can not be saued but the false Prophets Pro. xvi other reprobate are made to thys end that they should pearish God saith the wise man hath created al thinges for him self and the vngodly against the euil day i. Pet. ii or agaynste the day of punishment Againe he is the stone to stumble at and the rock of offence euen to them which stumble at the word being disobedient vnto the whiche thinge they were euen ordeined Therfore the false prophets and other reprobate can not be saued They that sinne against the holy ghost can not be saued Mat. xii Mar. but the scribes and Pharises and other reprobate do sin haue synned and shall sin against the holy ghost Therefore they can not be saued August de predestinati sanctorum li. Capi. viii WHen the gospel is preached some beleue and some do not beleue But they that beleue whiles the Preacher preacheth outwardly do heare and learne of the father inwardlye Whereas they that beleue not doe heare outwardlye but they do neither heare nor learne inwardlye That is to saye Ihon. vi to them it is geuen that they beleue but to theese it is not geuen For no man saithe he commeth vnto me excepte the father that hath sent me doth drawe hym Whych thing is spoken more plainely afterwardes Iesus saith the Euangelist knew from the begynnynge who they were that dyd not beleue and who shoulde betray hym
election we ought to cōsyder with oure selues how muche lyght and certenty it bryngeth vnto vs. First and foremost if we seeke for the mercye and fauoure of God we must fasten oure eyes vpon Christ in whome onely the father is pleased If we longe for saluation lyfe immortalytye and the enherytaunce of the kyngedome of heauen wee muste also flye vnto hym and to none other syth that he is the onely fountayne of life the shot anchore of saluation and the ryghte heyre onlye of the kyngdome of heauen For wherevnto doth our election extende but that beyng chosen of the Lord and receyued into the noumber of hys chyldren we shoulde for the loue of hys sonne obtayne saluatyon and immortalitye Weighe the matter wyth your self as much as ye wyl and ye shal fynde vnderstande and perceyue that the end of it doth extend no farther Therefore whome God doth take to hys chyldren it is sayd that he hath chosen them Ephe. i. but in his annoynted that is to saye in hys sonne Iesu Chryste For he coulde not loue them but onlye in hym nor yet honor wyth the enherytance of hys kyngdome except he had made them fyrst fellowes with hym Now if we be chosen in hym we shall not fynde in oure selues the certayntye of oure electyon nor yet in God the father yf we beholde hym wythoute hys onlye begotten sonne our sauyoure Iesu Christ Christ then is the most sure and infallible glasse or myrroure In Christ onely can we beholde and see the certainety of oure election wherein we maye beholde and see the certainty of oure election and that maye we do without anye deceit or fraude For sith that the father hath determined to graffe thē all in his bodye whome he hathe from the beginninge appoynted to be hys and doth take thē al for hys children whome he doth recognise or acknowledge amonge hys members if we be once graffed in Christ and haue fellowshippe with him then haue we a most euident plain and infallible testimonye that we are wrytten in the booke of lyfe But he did mooste certainlye communicate him selfe vnto vs or receyue vs into hys fellowshyppe when he did testifye by the Preachinge of the Gospell that the father did geue him vnto vs. For to be oures with all his heauenly rychesse Iohn i. He I saye did testifye vnto vs that as manye as did receiue him by faithe they shoulde of hys heauenlye father be taken and receiued for his children If ye do require more than to be compted amonge the children of GOD and heires of his kingdome ye climbe aboue Christe Nowe if thys be oure farthest marke It is a madnes to seeke that with oute Christ that we haue alredye obtayned in hym what a madnesse were it to seeke that thynge withoute hym that we haue already obtained and gotten in him and whyche canne be found in him onlye More ouer sithe that he is the eternal wisdome of the father and the verye truth it self we nead not to feare that he dothe in hys woorde and Gospell varye anye thynge from the wyll and pleasure of hys heauenlye father whiche we seeke to be certifyed of For whye he dothe declare it most faythfully vnto vs assuring vs by hys gospel what the will of his father hath ben from the beginning shal be to the worldes end But this ought to comfort vs most of al and to establish our faith in the mercye and goodnesse of almightye God wherbi he hath freli chosē vs in his beloued that the scriptures do euery wher testify vnto vs that whom so euer Christ doth call into the felowshippe of his churche them he doth receiue into his protectiō and sauegarde and that whome so euer he doth receiue into his protection and sauegarde they are committed vnto him of his heauenlye father for to be preserued and kepte vnto life euerlasting what wil we haue any more Iohn vi xvii Christe him selfe cryeth out with a loude voyce and sayeth that as manye as the father wyll haue to be saued he hath deliuered them vnto him to kepe Now if we wil know whether God be careful ouer our saluation or not we must seke in his holy word and scripture whether he hath committed vs vnto his sonne Iesu Christe or not whome he hathe appoynted to bee the only sauioure of all his And if we be in doubt whether the onlye begotten sonne of God hath receiued vs into his protection and sauegard he him self Iohn x. wil put this dout away sith that he offreth him selfe of his owne accord to be oure shepheard acknowledginge vs for hys sheape if we will heare his voyce Let vs therefore embrace Christe sith that he dothe so gentlelye and louingly come forth and offer hym selfe vnto vs. And then will he receiue vs into his flock and kepe vs safely within hys shepefolde ALBION But who can do this except it be geuē him from aboue Doth not Christ him selfe say Iohn vi that no man commeth vnto hym except hys father dothe drawe him PHI. And ye may wel vnderstande that we speake of none other heare in this place For our hole communication and talcke is of them onlye that be chosen in Christe afore the foundacions of the world wer laid whome God doth bringe or rather drawe vnto hys sonne by the preachinge of his worde and by the inward workinge of his holye spirit wherbye he dothe illuminate and lighten their heartes and myndes and doth certify them of their election For this holy spirite of God by whose inwarde operatyon and working we are drawn vnto christ do testify vnto oure spirite that we are the children of God and dothe assure vs of our saluation Suche I say dothe our sauior Iesus Christe receiue into his protection sauegarde so that they canne neuer pearishe For these be the woordes of the hyghe shephearde Iohn x. My shepe do heare my voyce and I knowe them and they followe mee and I geue them lyfe euerlastyng and they shall neuer pearyshe nor none shall take them from my hande ALBION Obiectiō Ro. viii Althoughe S. Paule doth wryte that whome God hath ordained before them be dothe also call Mat. xxii yet oure sauiour Iesus Christ sheweth plainlye that manye are called and fewe are chosen Therfore I canne not well vnderstande howe the calling of God shoulde be suche a certificate or so sure a testimonye of our election PHILALETHES That this place maye the better be vnderstāded Aunswer we must note and marke that there be thre manners of calling First and foremooste al men be generally called three māners of callinge euen those that doe not heare the worde For vnto them bothe heauen and earthe Psal xix Rom. i. and all the creatures that be comprehended therin do neuer cease to preach the almightye power of GOD and also hys goodnesse and mercye so that by thys meane as the Apostle dothe testifye all menne are