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kingdom_n hand_n heaven_n lord_n 3,518 5 3.6493 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14347 A discourse or traictise of Petur Martyr Vermilla Flore[n]tine, the publyque reader of diuinitee in the Vniuersitee of Oxford wherein he openly declared his whole and determinate iudgemente concernynge the sacrament of the Lordes supper in the sayde Vniuersitee.; Tractatio de sacramento eucharistiae. English Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499-1562.; Udall, Nicholas, 1505-1556. 1550 (1550) STC 24665; ESTC S119144 134,300 226

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that is called vnperfecte hath these woordes If therfore it be so daungerous a thynge to remoue and applye to pryuate vses and occupynge these halowed vesseles in the whyche is not the veray true bodye of Chryste but onely the mistery of his bodye conteined c. And howe we ought to clyme vp into heauen when we do receyue the communion if we wyll haue the fruicion of Christes bodye thesame Chrysostome dooeth also expounde in his fower and twentieth homilie vpon the fyrste Epistle to the Corinthians and the tenthe chapitur where he thus sayeth he geueth a commaūdement vnto vs that with al possible concord and lo●e we come vnto him and that we beeyng made Angels in this lyfe should flygh vp into heauen or rather aboue the heauens For sayth he whersoeuer the carkesse is there wyll the Eagles be also The lorde he calleth a carkesse because of his death For vnlesse he had dyed we should not haue arisen agayn And he calleth vs Eagles to shew that whosoeuer commeth to this body must earnestly endeuour to clyme vp on high and muste haue no felowshyp with the yearthe nor bee drawen to the thynges that are beneth as it were one styll crepyng by the grounde but that he must alwayes flighe vp to the thynges that be aboue and must beholde the sunne of righteousnesse and also muste haue the yie of the hert most sharpe and quicke For this is a table for mounting Eagles and not for pratlyng Iaies Also thesame Chrysostome vpon the syx and twentieth chapitur of Matthew in his fower skore and thyrd homelie They were takynge theyr iourneye out of Egipt into Palestine wearyng therefore the wede of a wayfaryng man and shall th●●oūtyng be frō heuen doun to the earth And in the thyrd booke entiteled de sacerdotio that is of priesthode Thinkest thou that thou art● conuersaunt and abidynge emong mortall men in yearth wylt thou not rather sodainly bee remoued vp into heauen Dooest thou not cast a waye all thynkynge of the fleashe and beh●ldest with a single minde and with a pure hert the thinges that are in heauen Austen Austen vnto Bonifacius hath all these thynges after thesame ordre tenour saying the tyme of Ester drawyng nigh we saye thys daye or the daye after to morowe did Christ dye On the sondaie we saie Thys daye arose Chryste from death And Baptisme is feith and the sacramente of the bodye of Chryste is Chrystes bodye The thinge that is absente is spoken of the thing presēt We see that in all these forsayde saiynges the thynge absente is really spoken of the thinge presente The same Austen vpon the fifty fowerth psalme The head was in heauen and sayed why dooest thou persecute me we are in heauen wyth hym thoroughe hope and he is in yearth wyth vs thorough loue And in the hundreth and nyneteenth epystle to Ianuaryus Wherfore did he vnto that persecutour whome he threwe downe wyth hys voice and did in amanier eate hym transportynge hym into hys bodye Wherfore I saie dyd he to that persecutour calle down from heauen and saye Saule Saule why dooest thou persecute me c. Also vpon Iohn in the thirtieth treactise and the same is cyted in the tytle of the decrees de consecratione that is to saye of consecracion in the seconde distinccion in the chapytur begynnynge prima qu●dem The lorde is aboue howebeit the lorde beeynge the trueth is here also For the lordes bodye whereyn he arose muste nedes bee in one place But his trueth is dyspersed and spred abrode in all places Item vpon Iohn in the fiftyeth treactise thus he sayeth For after hys maiestee after his prouidence after hys vnspeakeable and inuisible grace it is fulfyl ledde that was spoken of hym Beholde I am wyth you vnto the worldes ende But after the fleashe whyche the woorde tooke vpon him accordynge to hys beeyng borne of the virgyn as touchynge hys beeynge taken of the Iewes beeynge nailled vpon the tree beeynge taken down frome the crosse beeynge wrapped in lynnen clothes beeynge layed in the sepulchre and as touchynge that he was manifested and did plainly appere after his resurreccion it is fulfylled that he saied Ye shall not haue me alwayes presente with you Wherfore because he was conuersaunt in hys bodyly presence by the space of fowertye dayes wyth his disciples and they awaiting vpon hym by seyng him but not by folowing him he ascēded vp into heauen bothe true it is that he is not here for he sitteth there on the right hāde of his father also that he is presēt there for he is not gone awai with the presēce of his maieste Otherwise after the presēce of his maieste we haue christ alwais with vs after the presēce of his fleash it was rightly said of him to his disciples But as for me ye shal not alwayes haue with you For the Churche had hym after the presence of the fleashe but a few dayes now it holdethe and hathe him styll throughe seithe but with the bodelye yies it seethe hym not ●●amine this place by Austēs workes And thesame Austen agayne vpō the Epistle of Iohn wel toward the ende of the epistle Therfore our Lord Iesus Christ did for this cause ascend into heauen because he sawe that many would honour him and he sawe that their honouryng of hym is vnprofitable vnto them if they trample and trede his membres on yearth And to the ent●nte that no man should erre and whan he wurshipped the head in heauē he should trede the feete on yearth he tolde where his membres should be For he spake his last woordes euen whan he was readye to ascende vp into heauen and after the same woordes he spake nomore vpon yearth The head beeyng about to ascēd vp to heauen commended his membres on yearth Thou fyndest hym to speake but it is in heauen down from heauen And why because his membres wer troden vpon yearth For vnto Paule beyng a persecutour of hym he saied frō aboue Saule Saule why dooest thou persecut me I am ascended vp into heauen but I doe yet styl lie as an abiect on the earth I sitte here at the right hande of my father but there on yearth I dooe yet still houngre thirst and am as a straungier How than did he commande his bodie on yearth whā he was about to ascēde vp to heauē Whan hys disciples demaunded of hym lorde wylt thou at this tyme restore the kyngdome of Israel And he beeyng euē at the veray point to bee gon frō theim thus aunswered It belongeth not to you to knowe the tymes whiche the father hath putte in hys owne power But ye shal receiue power of the holy goste why ●he shall come vpon you And ye shal bee witnesses vnto me in Hierusalem See ye what waie he spredeth his bodie abrode and see ye where he wil not haue himself troden vpon Ye shall bee vitnesses vnto me in Hierusalem and in all Iewrie