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A08300 A poore mans rest founded vpon motiues, meditations, and prayers. Expressing to the inward man, true consolation. In all kindes and times of afflication. By Io. Norden. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1620 (1620) STC 18629; ESTC S105984 150,903 437

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so to walke before thée in this present life as becommeth thy Saints O continue thy word of truth amongst vs euer to our comfort Let the séede thereof now sowne in our hearts take such déepe roote that neither the burning heate of persecntion cause it to wither nor the thorny cares of this world riches or voluptuous liuing choake it but as séede sowne in good ground it may bring forth fruit according to thy pleasure O Father giue vs grace that when we heare or ●●nde by thy word any sinne that is in vs we may striue and study without delay willingly to reforme it Kéepe vs good God that wée neuer swarue for the feare of man from our owne true knowledge becomming seruers of time and deuiers of thée Kéepe vs from all hardnesse of heart contempt of thy word and from all dissembling of sinceritie Increase true loue amongst vs more and more Blesse thy whole Church O God with graces necessary this parcell of it our natiue Land and Country deare Father blesse it still with continuance of thy truth Iessen in it daily the number of blinde and ignorant Papists prophane Atheists and increase the number of thy true children Preserue vnto vs long aliue good Lord if it please thée our gracious King and Gouernour multiply thy Spirit vpon him and all his that still more and more he and they may séeke and set forth thy glory in maintaining Christian religion in all purity suppressing all vice superstition and Idolatry with all seuerity Giue vnto him an honourable Counsell giue them graces necessary for such a calling Blesse all other Nobles Magistrates and the whole body of this Realme with true hearts to thée and to this Countrey Increase in this our Israel the number of true Watchmen whose hearts may séeke thée and thy people and not their owne glory and commodity Bring to thy fold by them such wandring remnants as are thine And O Lord be gracious to our kindred and friends in the flesh lighten their hearts with the Sunne of vnderstanding that they and wée acknowledgeing one truth may glorifie thée in the true and constant profession of the same all the dayes of our life Comfort O Christ thy afflicted members wheresoeuer or howsoeuer troubled and grant vs peace in our dayes if it be thy pleasure Finally because the night is now vpon vs and we ready to take our rest let the bed O Lord strike into our hearts a consideration that the graue is almost ready for vs. Which of vs can tell whether these eies of ours once closed vp shall euer open any more againe or no Lord therefore receiue vs into thy hands we all here now commend our selues bodies soules vnto thy holy protection and prouidence kéepe vs this night and euermore ready for thée when thou shalt call vs. Heare vs O Lord O God and Father mercifull in these our petitions for thy Sonne Jesus Christ his sake our Sauiour in whose name we altogether begge these mercies saying as Christ our Sauiour hath taught vs Our Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdome come Thy Will be done in earth as it is in Heauen Giue vs this day our daily Bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs and lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill For thine is the Kingdome the power and the glory for euer and euer Amen Let thy mighty hand and out-stretched arme O Lord be still our defence thy mercy louing kindnesse in Iesus Christ our saluation thy true and holy word our instruction thy grace and holy Spirit our comfort and consolation vnto the end and in the end Amen The Lord blesse vs and saue vs and make his face to shine vpon vs and be mercifull vnto vs the Lord turne his fauourable countenance towards vs this night and euermore Amen A Prayer to be vsed in priuate Families Morning and Euening Leuit. 26. 6. If yee truely serue God yee shall sleepe and none shall make you afraid Lord prepare our hearts open our lips sanctifie our prayers and increase our Faith O Most mighty Lord God and our most mercifull and louing Father in Jesus Christ we thy poore creatures and vnworthy children humbly present our selues in his name before thy glorious maiesty acknowledging that we be most vnworthy to appeare in thy presence by reason not onely of our originall but also of our continuall actuall sinnes and déepe disobedienee being originally borne the children of wrath and the least of our actuall transgressions is sufficient to cast vs into hell and vtter perdition if thou shouldest deale with vs according to the measure of our manifold iniquities We therefore doe humbly beséech thée O mercifull Father in the merits of Jesus Christ fréely to pardon and forgiue our manifold offences both in that wée haue committed and done those things thou hast forbidden and left vndone the things thou hast commanded Lord forgiue vs and remember our sinnes no more let them neuer good and gracious Father rise vp in Judgement to our condemnation Giue vs a full assurance of thy mercies and frée forgiuenesse in Jesus Christ and let thy holy Spirit from henceforth euermore so sanctifie our hearts minds and bodies that wée neuer hereafter giue consent to the corrupt motions of our fleshly affections and vnclean desires and let the liuely light of thy continuall presence so illuminate our dark vnderstandings that we may still search for thy will in thy word reuealed and giue vs will and power to practise and performe all godly seruice duties and obedience to thée giue vs féeling hearts that we may finde out our own weakenesse and confesse vnto thée our infirmities and that we may boldly in the Name of thy Sonne Christ Jesus fall downe before thée calling faithfully and sincerely vpon thy holy name for pardon for our former euils for grace to reforme so the rest of our wicked liues that thou maist be pleased to accept vs anew into thy fauour and fatherly protection Grant that we may continually féele in our hearts and consciences more and more the virtue and power of the death resurrection of our Lord and Sauior Jesus Christ that we may continually striue against and mortifie our grosse sins and foule corruptions and grow more strong against all euill motions and temptations in thought word and déede and be more and more renewed in the spirit of our mind and féele a continuall increase of ioy and comfort in the reading hearing and meditating of thy holy and heauenly word and a feruency of true zeale to séekethy glory by encreasing more and more in knowledge and in the hatred of sinne in our selues rebuking it in others especially in those of whom we haue charge and in a happy and faithfull going forward in all godly obedience vnto thy will all the dayes of our liues Direct and strengthen vs that we may with all faithfulnesse labour to
oflife with such sincerity and bolduesse as neither feare nor affection may hinder the same that we thy flocke may fructifie and increase our knowledge in Faith thereby and more and more desire to féede at that the Table of thy Word and be filled open my heart as thou didst Lidyacs that I may attend with diligence to the preaching of thy Word Send forth store of Labourers O good Lord into thy Haruest which by their carefull paines and faithfull endeuours may gather the dispersed sheaues of thy Church into thy celestiall Barne and banish from this wholesome worke all such as are not sent from thée and come not truly to edifie but rather to reape their owne gaine making as it were ma●… chandise of thy holy Word teaching in stead of truth the tradition of men Lord vouchsafe grace into the lips of those that are now prepared to declare thy will grace into our hearts that are present to heare it that they by teaching truely and we by following effectually may through Christ obtaine of thée remission of our sinnes past light instead of darkenesse peace for trouble and heauenly happinesse in stead of worldly felicitie that tasting the swéetnesse of celestiall comfort we may despise terrestriall and after this life ended enioy the perfect ioyes of eternall felicity through Jesus Christ our Sauiour and Redéemer O Lord increase our Faith A Prayer after the Preaching of the holy Word Blessed are they that heare the word of God and keepe it Luke 11. 28. The hearers of the Lavv are not righteous but the doers of the Lavv shall be iustified Rom. 2. 13. Be ye doers of the word not hearers onely deceiuing your selues Rom. 1. 22. O Heauenly Father and most mercifull God séeing that wee haue now receiued the benefit of the hearing of thy heauenly and holy word by the mouth of thy Minister the fruits whereof doetend to the perfection of a godly life and a godly life is the way to eternall life in Christ our Lord vouchsafe O good Father we humbly beséech thée to imprint in our hearts the gladsome and most comfortable tidings which wée haue heard and receiued this day of thée by the mouth of thy Minister and grant that in faith vnfained ●t may lay vp the same in our vnderstanding and remembrance lest that forgetting the same and neglecting the exercise of a godly life wée be taken away as trées that beare no truit and so be cast into the fire therefore we most humbly pray and beséech thée that thou wouldest send vs thy holy Spirit the Comforter which may retaine the good tidings of the Gospell in our hearts wherby we may appeare as trées bearing good fruits and so be preserued vntill the comming of our Lord Jesus who will then receiue vs and giue vs the inheritance which he hath purchased for as many as beléeue in his most holy Word Amen O Lord increase our Faith A Prayer for the Sabbath day at night O euerlasting and mercifull God I giue thée thankes from the bottome of my heart that of thy mercy thou hast nourished and preserued me by thy diuine power and gouerned me by thy Word holy Spirit this day and all this wéeke yea and at all other times of my life protected me by thy power and prouidence and I most humbly beséech thée for the merits of Christ Jesus to couer and bury all my misdéedes which heretofore I haue committed in thought word and déede against thy diuine Maiestie in the death of thy Sonne Forgiue O Lord the euill that I haue committed supply the good which I haue omitted restore what I haue lost heale my sores cleanse my filthinesse lighten my darkenesse and alter the whole state of my minde that nothing may be wanting to good purposes in me nor any thing lurke in mee which may offend thée Water O Lord the séede of thy holy Word which I haue receiued this day with the dew of thy grace that with sound iudgement and godly deuotion I may practise such things as are pleasing to thy diuine Maiestie and that my heart being alwayes obedient to thy Commandements I may passe my time in peace through thy protection O Lord stretch out thy hand ouer me and of thy accustomed goodnes defend me this night Kéepe me from searefull and wicked dreames vnprofitable cares idle cogitations and outward violence Compasse me about on euery side with thy grace that when I shall either take care for things of this life or carefully séeke for those things which appertaine vnto the Kingdome of heauen I may heare the voyce of thy holy Spirit sounding in my heart from the mouth of the Apostie The Lord shall relieue thee in all thy necessities and yeelde thee a Crowne of eternall glory with Christ his beloued in the heauens Grant O Lord this and all other graces méete for me euen for Jesus Christs sake my onely Lord and Sauiour Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer to be said before a man begins his Labour or enter into the execution of any profession OMnipotent God and most mercifull Father since thou hast commanded that all humane creatures shall labour and eate their bread in the sweat of their browes while they abide in this life and yet séeing no man can prosper without thy blessing or receiue any good successe in his affaires we humbly beséech thée that thou wouldest blesse our labours in such sort as therby we may haue iust occasion to confesse thy goodnesse assistance and fatherly care which thou takest of vs. Let thy holy Spirit O Lord be our guide to the end we may faithfully exercise the workes of our estate and vocation without any fraud or deceit giue vs grace rather to regard the following of thine ordinance then to satisfie the appetite of our owne sinfull flesh which couets to enrich it selfe by any meanes whatsoeuer Neuerthelesse if it be thy pleasure to blesse and prosper our endeuours grant vs also chéerefull dispositions to helpe and relieue such as are in distresse according to thy talents best owed vpon vs. And let vs kéepe within the bounds of humility not puffing our selues vp aboue the poore and needy by that which we enioy by thy bounty and goodnes But if thy good pleasure be so to deale with vs as to abase and impouerish vs farre beyond that which our weake nature can beare yet vouchsafe to enrich vs with cleauing faithfully to thy promises whereby we shall no way fall into distrust but rather be more certainely assured that thou wilt neuer forsake vs in the extremity of our wants and calamities inable vs to performe truely the duties of our callings giue vs the vse of all our limmes and senses with an holy endeuour to performe our callings and patience to attend thy leasure to replenish vs both with temperall and spirituall comforts receiuing thereby daily new occasion to giue thée praise and thankes and to expect all things from thée Heare vs
thy promises that in following thy foot-steps there is an inheritance of eternity prepared for vs therefore whilest we are in this iourney be thou a staffe to vs whereby we may be sustained in all our wayes And by the comfort of thy holy Spirit repaire our strengths to the end wée may more willingly come vnto thée and as thou art made a way vnto vs seclude all errour become our ●●uth take away all distrust and confirme our Faith in thée And as thou art made life vnto vs reuiue vs that were dead in sinne by a liuely knowledge of thée For it is eternall life to know thée Father Son and holy Ghost to be one true God Wherefore I humbly beséech thée O most mercifull Father to increase Faith in mee who am thy vnworthy seruant lest at any time I wauer in thy Celestiall doctrine increase obedience in me lest I swerue from thy precepts increase constancy that walking in thy wayes I neuer be allured by the inticements of Satan nor seduced by his terrours but that I may perseuere in thée who art the true way to life eternall increase my Faith that being partaker of thy Promises I may neuer wa●e slow or dull in the study and practise of god●inesse and that I may alwayes striue and endeuour for more and more perfection Increase thy Grace in me that being mortified vnto my selfe I may liue and haue my conuersation with thée in Heauen and be encouraged by thy holy Spirit fearing nothing but thee then whom there is nothing more to be loued or feared glorified or more to be reioyced in who art the true glory of all Saints in whom there is nothing but full and perfect Felicitie A Prayer for the assistance of the holy Ghost No man can say that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost 1 Cor. 12. 3. 4. If ye that be euill can giue good gifts vnto your children how much more shall your heauenly father giue the holy Ghost to them that desire him Luke 11. 13. O Gracious Lord God who didst send vpon thy Apostles and others thy holy Spirit filling their hearts with grace and wisedome I humbly beséech thee by thy vnspeakable mercy that thou wilt vouchsafe to fill my soule with thy grace and water my heart with the vnspeakable swéetnesse of thy Loue in the loue of Jesus Christ thy most dearely beloued Send down Lord thy holy Spirit to guide me being ignorant banish by his light the blacknes of sinne through Christ Jesus by him refresh my sad and sorrowfull soule there is neither wisedome nor strength without thée aide me therefore by that holy Spirit and I shall be able to shunne the deceits of Sathan and to withstand his power Thou art not ignorant that I can doe nothing of my selfe extend thy fauourable hand ouer me therefore and grant that I may forsake and vtterly relinquish my selfe and flie vnto thée Mortifie in me whatsoeuer is displeasant vnto thy Maiestie that in all things thou maiest conforme mée vnto thy will by thy holy Spirit that my life may be euer hereafter perfect in thy sight O Lord my God looke vpon me thy miserable Creature whose soule sigheth after thée day and night when shall I come and appeare before thy presence when shall I enter into that admirable place of thy Tabernacle the house of my God O comfort me with thy presence that I may taste here in this my mortall pilgrimage the swéetnesse of thy glory which shall continue for euer O my God I long to be deliuered from all temptations O eternall fountaine of light bring me backe againe to that eternall goodnesse by whom I am created that I may know thine omnipotencie euen as I am knowne of thée and may so loue thée as I am loued by thée that I may sée and inioy thée in the society of all the Elect who liuest and raignest together with the Father and the Sonne a Trinity in Unitie for euer and euer Amen A Prayer for Sunday-Morning Thus saith the Lord take heede to your soules and beare no burdens on the Sabbath day nor bring it into the gates of Ierusalem Neither carry forth burdens out of your houses on the Sabbath day ney doe ye any worke but sanctifie the Sabbath as I commanded your Fathers Ier. 17. 21. 22. He that gathered stickes on the Sabbath day was stoned to death Numb 15. 32 35. 36. O Eternal God and heaùenly Father I extol thine infinite goodnesse and mercy together with thine eternall wisdome and truth who hast protected me this night made me to rest quietly and securely by thy most holy and diuine prouidence I humbly beséech thée of thine infinite goodnesse to protect and gouerne mée this day by thy mighty hand from all dangers both of Body and Soule Giue thy holy Angels charge ouer mee to direct me in all my wayes driue away the deadly enemy remoue all offences of this World mortifie and kill in me all carnall lusts and euill affections that they may haue no dominion ouer mée giue me a sorrowfull heart to bewaile my wicked life and comfort my soule by a liuely assurance that thou hast fréely forgiuen my sinnes Sanctifie me O Father this day I humbly beséech thée with thine especiall grace that I may haue decent carriage in my behauiour true deuotion in prayer and reuerent attention to heare thy heauenly and holy Word and that thou wilt please to giue mee vnderstanding ioyned with true deuotion to obserue learne and imbrace such things as are necessary to me for the confirming of my faith in Christ Jesus raise me O Lord by the power of thy resurrection from sin and giue me spirituall rest in the Communion et Saints that afterward I may kéep the euerlasting Sabbath with thée in the Kingdome of Heauen behold O Lord I knock at the dore of thy mercy with all my power and strength beséeching thée to continue vnto me the right vse of all my senses and limmes and send thy holy Spirit to beare witnesse to my spirit that I am thy childe and shall be heire of thy glorious kingdome through the mirits of Christ Jesus our Lord for whose sake I humbly pray thee to grant all those things that I haue prayed for and haue neede of Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer before the hearing of Gods Word O Eternall most high and mighty God vouchsafe I humbly beséech thée to inlighten my dark dul vnderstanding that thy word may enter into my soule and be so receiued of me as that Ignorance the mother of disobedience being put away heauenly knowledge may enter in and haue perfect rest and abiding in me Giue power O Lord to the séede of Truth that being sowne in my heart it may take deepe root and bringforth to the comfort of my soule sixty an hundred yea a thousand-fold and let thy Spirit so guide the lips of this thy Minister and Preacher as that he deliuer nothing but the Word
when thou art in danger and of his presence when thou séemest to be left alone forsaken of all By his Word hée saith Come by thine obedience say Lord I come delay not to cast away the superfluous eare of carnall things and séeke things spirituall and heauenly By his Word he saith Seeke first the Kingdome of God answere thou by a detestation of the World and worldly vanitie Lord thy Kingdome I seeke séeke then this heauenly Inheritance more to be wished then the Land and Reuenewes and Riches and glory of the greatest earthly subiect who hath but the casuall and vaine and slippery things of this World that leaue him and wée leaue them but loe a Kingdome is prouided in Heauen for the poorest Childe of God Séeke this Kingdome O my Soule euen while thou art here in this vast Wildernesse of this Worlds miseries for when thou hast suffered thou shalt receiue glory and when thou hast fought that good fight thou shalt be crowned and when thou leauest these things so vile and vaine and loathsome below thou shalt enioy things glorious and swéet and full of ioy and consolation aboue when thou hast left the society and fellowship of men below thou shalt accompany Angels aboue and when thou hast made an end of sighing and grieuing and groning vnder the burthen of tyrannous men here thou shalt sing praise and glory to this glorious God aboue who hath sent thée his Wordhere in thy mortality to comfort thée with the swéet contemplation of thine immortality Oh then let this be thy daily meditation let this be thy continuall exercise that in want and weaknesse in sorrow and ignominy and misery and crosses and temptations and in al trials whatsoeuer thou mayest duely weigh how thou maiest be assured that none of these shall hurt thée for loe euen this glorious and swéet and most ioyfull word telleth thée from thy louing Redéemer My grace is sufficient for thee O swéet word of truth yea of truth for hée speaketh and performeth his grace is sufficient what then shall I feare If his fauour be not further off but alwaies at hand what shal I scare if it be sufficient what can resist it nothing but sinne nay his grace is sufficient to kill sinne then nothing can stand betwéene me and this Kingdome of God if I flye vnto this Word if I kéepe this Word and meditate this Word bring forth the fruits of this Word then this Word will further assure me that this good God this powerfull prouident and louing God will neuer faile me nor forsake me O Lord increase my Faith The word of God is liuely and mighty in operation and sharper then any two-edged Sword and entreth thorow euen vnto the diuiding a sunder of the Soule and the Spirit and of the ioynts and the marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart Heb. 4. 12. The word of God is our delight in affliction And giueth wisdome to the simple Psal. 119. 130. As new borne Babes desire the sincere milke of the Word that ye may grow thereby 1 Pet. 2. 2. Let not the booke of the Law depart out of thy mo●th but meditate therein day and night that thou maist obserue and doe according to all that is written therein for then shalt thou make thy wayes prosperous and haue good successe Ioshua 1. 8. A Meditation concerning the ●enefit of Faith in God and how it holdeth the Children of God from falling from him in their deepest miseries OWretch that I am where is my hope where is my helpe where is my rest where is my assurance of saluation or helpe in my troubles I haue a forcible and strong Law in mine owne carnall wisedome that to trust in Man to put confidence in Wealth and to flye vnto the reliefe of mine owne deuices mine owne waies and workes auaile mee more then all other meanes that else-where I may séeke O Foole that I am O silly Sot and wretch most féeble what can I do or speake or worke or deuise to bring to passe the least good thing to comfort me withall Mine heart is corrupt my conuersation euill my tongue vnholy and all parts of my body vnp●… can I then hope of any helpe or worke any good or deuise any course to comfort 〈◊〉 No I disdaine all mine own ●aies and workes and wisedome and incl●me wholy vnto the counsell of the most high and hée will instruct mée I will trust in him and hée will helpe mée I will flie to him and he will receiue me I will pray to him and hée will heare me I will fall downe yet againe yea againe and againe before him and he will take me vp Shrinke not therefore O my soule nor be ouer-sad at these my miseries be not afraid at the Worlds iniuries saint not at the furie of the eu●il and malicious men for thou hast an helper in heauen in whom whosoeuer trusteth shall reioyce whom whosoeuer feareth shall stand fast whom whosoeuer truely séeketh shall preuatle in his desires shall triumph euermore O my soule set the Lord alwaies before thée for hée alwayes is néere thée Let me not thinke that he séeth not my wayes and my walkings as if he were a God that considered not the actions of men Hée is at my right hand and on my left hand hée is before me and behinde me he compasseth me about on al sides and findeth me out in my secret intentions his wayes are onely perfect and 〈◊〉 his Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 capacity of wisest men In this God I trust in this Word I beléeue in this Wisdome I repose my hope and as he hath promised it shall come to passe and as is fittest I shall receiue And therefore I will not dismay I wil not be discouraged at my miseries no if I should passe through the ●alley of the shadow of Death I will not feare for my God attendeth mée and is in all things at all places and at all times with mée and though he correct me with his rod he vpholdeth me and comforteth mée with his preuayling hand None that trusteth in God shall be put to shame not one that putteth his confidence in him and embraceth his Word obeyeth his Will and walketh in his Wayes shall be confounded for euer He is my light and he directeth me he is my helpe and he sustaineth mée he is my rest and mysaluation whom then or what néede I to feare O my soule I should haue fainted in ●●se importable miseries and contisée the goodne●… did not beléeue to life if I were not assured to taste of his blessings before I goe hence and b● no more séene And I finde his fauour and his mercy and his power and his prouidence and his infinite blessings both within me and without me daily yea he is my strength and my shield hee is my defence in trouble and my portion and my saluation O my soule trust in him and thou
wisdome and humblenesse and obedience and mortification and zeale and faith and hope and all graces that may change me from sinne to sanctity from darkenesse to light and from coldnesse to a more perfect zeale to serue thée in all things Teach me O Lord teach mée to execute my vocation truely and perfectly and giue such issue and blessed successe to all my endeauours labours purposes and procéedings as I may discharge my duety in obedience to thy diuine Maiestie to my brethren in loue and equity and to my selfe and mine in godly care and true piety And let thy holy Spirit so guide and gouerne mée this day and for euer that I may more and more fructifie increase in all godlinesse vntil thou shalt cut off this corruptible life After which good Father in the merits of thy Son let me inhabite euermore inherite that heauenly City new Ierusalem where thou sittest and raignest one God with whom shall liue all thine elect in ioyes vnspeakable for euer Amen O Lord increase our Faith A Morning Prayer where the FAMILY assembles O Almighty God full of loue and pitty the chiefest comfort that any sinfull soule can haue when wée miserable sinners here met together doe consider of thy great mercy and goodnesse which we haue euer since our births and before found and daily doe finde at the hands of thy diuine Maiesty together with our great vnthankfulnesse euery way to thée againe for the same we must néedes confesse and euen from the bottom of our hearts doe acknowledge that most vnspeakeable is thy mercy in sparing vs to liue vntill this morning before which time thou mightest iustly haue consumed vs. But O deare God of thy frée mercies before the foundation of the World was laid thou hast chosen and elected vs for thy Children and hast to our endlesse comfort certified and made knowne the same vnto our spirits by thy spirit by whom and not of our selues wee now cry vnto thée Abba father and for our Redemption hast sent thine owne Sonne to shed his most precious bloud vpon the Crosse no other meanes being whereby wée could be saued Thou hast by thy holy Spirit wrought Faith in our hearts to beléeue by him and in him to be iustified before thée and in some measure begunne the death of sinne in vs and wrought our sanctification and of thy frée fauour we enioy the benefit of thy Word the freedome of conscience great peace and plenty in outward things with many and infinite other benefits waking and sléeping at home and abroad in our selues and our friends for all which instead of thankefulnesse wee become the more disobedient not doing that wée ought to doe but with pleasure and profit with vanity and selfe-loue wée are carried away spending our daies in iniquity carelesnesse and vnféeling of our sinne and there is no goodnesse in vs yet is there mercy with thée O Lord and pardon vpon repentance Wherefore we here this Morning met together before thy Maiesty humbly confesse our wants and most entirely beséech thée for Jesus Christs sake to haue mercy vpon vs Haue mercy vpon vs most mercifull Father and forgiue vs all that is past strengthen vs hereafter that daily both in bodies and soules we may glorifie thée more then we haue done yéelding thankes for daily benefits and striuing in holinesse and righteousnes to please thée all the dayes of our life But because we cannot but offend and fall diuers wayes and euery day good Lord for thy mercy sake pierce our hearts with a féeling of the same and neuer suffer vs to goe on with dull and dead soules not séeing nor sighing for our offences As a speciall meanes to kéepe vs in obedience before thée O deare Father worke in vs a continuall remembrance and an effectuall consideration that wée shall not alwayes liue here in this wretched world that doth much please vs now but that a day wil come when the trumpe shall sound the Dead shall arise and all wée shall appeare before the Tribunall seat of Judgement there to receiue according to our déedes without respect of Persons oh good Lord giue vs a remembrance and a féeling of that vnspeakeable comfort and eternall waight of glory which in that day shall be giuen vnto vs if in this day wée serue and please thée and contrariwise euen terrifle our cousciences and let vs as it were see before our faces the dreadfull Judgements and the fearefull Torments that both in Body and Soule they shall be sure to haue for euermore which in this life doe not serue and please thée but follow their owne fancies and wicked delights giue vs an hatred of sinne and a true loue of righteousnesse blesse thy Word euermore with fruit vnto our soules when we heare it giue vs a desire to heare it often and to practise it faithfully and obediently and keepe our hearts euer free from disūmulation and counterfeit holinesse prepare our hearts diligently to watch for the comming of thy Sonne make vs ready fit and willing to meete him in the clouds if thou wilt that we liue to his comming if it please thee in the meane time to call vs let vs with ioy yeeld our bodies to the earth and receiue our soules vnto thy selfe vntill the day when both our bodies and soules shall be remitted and bee totally glorified with thee in Heauen And let this day be a day of our true reformation and repentance that we becomming new creatures may serue thee in holinesse all the dayes of our liues yeelding thee most humble and hearty thankes for thy goodnesse to vs this night let thy mercifull eye looke vpon vs this day and so keep vs bodies and soules that being occupied in our seuerall callings we may be safe by thee from all our Enemies and liue to thee in feare that we may die in thy fauour and liue hereafter with thee in glory which grant and all things in the meane time necessary for soules and bodies for Christ his sake in whose name we ask them saying as he hath taught vs Our Father vvhich art in heauen hallovved be thy Name Thy Kingdome come Thy Will be done in earth as it is in Heauen Giue vs this day our daily Bread And forgiue vs our trespasses as vve forgiue them that trespasse against vs and lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill For thine is the Kingdome the povver and the glory for euer and euer Amen Let thy mighty hand and out-stretched arme O Lord be still our defence thy mercy louing kindnesse in Iesus Christ our saluation thy true and holy vvord our instruction thy grace and holy Spirit our comfort and consolation vnto the end and in the end Amen The Lord blesse vs and saue vs and make his face to shine vpon vs and be mercifull vnto vs the Lord turne his fauourable countenance tovvards vs this day and euermore Amen A priuate Prayer for the EVENING The Motiue I Will lay
in righteousnesse Pro. 25. 5. VVE render and yéelde vnto thée all possible thanks O Lord of mercy King of all Kings and Kingdomes of the Earth for as a great blessing vnto vs thou hast placed ouer vs in this Realme so ●ure a guide of true Religion IAMES by thy heauenly prouidence our gracious King vnder whom enioying frée liberty of the true seruice of thée wée rest in a quiet estate both of body and minde wée humbly beséech thée to behold with thy eyes of mercy the same thy Seruant our Soueraigne Lord and Gouernour to replenish his heart with the grace of thy holy Spirit that hee by the working thereof being inclined to the setting forth of thy Word may walke according to the truth of the same sincerely that wée thy Seruants and vnder thée his Subiects séeing his godly examples may be ashamed to fall from that true forme of honoring thy Name which for thy glory through thy grace by the rule of thy holy Word is prescribed vnto vs and vouchsafe to stir vp in him zeale of thy glory a desire to establish whatsoeuer wanteth in this Church of England for the increase of true and sincere Discipline Let no ignorance abide in his Royall heart but inrich him with diuine and heauenly Knowledge giue him an obedient minde abounding with all humility towards thy diuine Maiestie saue and defend him from the tyranny of forraigne Powrr and Authoritie and from all such as professe not inwardly vnfaigned zeale of thy Gospell giue him godly Counsellors and such zealous and true hearted Ministers of thy Will that hee and wée may sincerely serue thée in this life and in the end for euermore raigne with thée in thy heauenly Kingdome for Jesus Christ his sake our onely Aduocate Amen A Prayer for obedience vnto God Hath the Lord as great pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices as when his voy●e is obayed Behold to obay is better then sacrifice to harken is better then the fat of Rams 1 Sam. 15. 22. Paul commendeth the obedience of the Romans Rom. 16. 19. Obay my voyce saith God and I will be your God and ye shall be my people Ier. 7. 23. O God the Gouernour of Heauen and Earth thou that rulest in the highest that only canst doe all things and raignest for euer at whose becke the Pillers of Heauen shake and all Creatures tremble I miserable creature framed of the earth do with great feare and trembling prostrate my selfe before the ●hrone of thy Maiesty acknowledging and confessing my wickednesse and wayes abhominable in thy sight Without thée I thinke not a good thought without thée I doe no good worke without thée I am worse then a worme of the earth yea a beast in thy sight I render vnto thée thanks O God that thou hast vouchsafed mée that knowledge that I may sée and know that I am nothing and vnable to doe any thing without thée Thou art the Potter I the Clay such as thou pleasest to haue me be such canst thou form and fashion me if thou makest me blessed thou shewest thy mercy and grace if thou cast me into hell thou shewest thy iustice executest thy iudgement neither is it my duty to contradict thée why or for what reason thou doest it for thou hast mercy vpon him whom thou louest These things I consider with my selfe O Lord and I feare thy iudgmēts depend only on thy mercy Forasmuch therefore as all my safetie and saluation relieth wholy on thee and consisteth in thy hand and power and thou hast shewed thy selfe a mercifull long-suffering God to the whole world hast testified the same indéede in that thou wouldest thy onely Sonne Christ Jesus the innocent should die for our offences should wipe away our sins with his bloud on the Crosse and since thou hast taught vs in al our perturbations and afflictions to call vpon thée craue thy grace and mercy for that thou wilt giue vs althings which we shall aske in the name of thy Sonne I come vnto thée being drosse and clay O mercifull and celestial Father humbly beséeching thée that thou wilt in thy mercy make of this vnworthy carkasse of mine an habitation for thy holy spirit that though I line in the earth I may haue my conuersation holy as in the Heauens O mercifull and most louing Father grant me forgiuenesse of all my sinnes through the death of thy beloued S●n Jesus Christ make me to please thée increase in mee all heauenly vertues and grant that I may perseuere in the same to the end increase in mee that faith and loue towards thée which thou hast begun in me kindle my affections towards thée more and more in liuely obedience that by thy helpe and presence of thy grace I may obtaine euerlasting life which thou hast promised vs of thy méere goodnesse to the end I may praise thée and giue thée thanks in thy celestiall Kingdome for euer and euer Amen O Lord increase my Faith A Prayer to be confirmed in the way of Righteousnesse God is the fountaine of righteousnesse and he that giueth himselfe to righteousnesse is knowne to be borne of him 1 Iohn 2. 29. O Gracious Lord God louing in Jesus Christ Redéemer of mankinde who is the Way the Truth and the Life I humbly begge at thy hands that I may neuer wander nor goe astray from thée who art the way neither at any time to distrust thy promises who art the truth performest whatsoeuer thou dost promise thou art eternall Life more to be destred then any thing in heauen or in earth by thée wée haue learned the true and direct way to eternall saluation thou diddest instruct and teach vs readily how to beléeue what to doe what to hope and in whom we ought to trust by thée we haue learned how vnhappy wée were borne through our first Father Adam by thée we are taught that there is no hope of saluation except by faith in thée we take hold of our frée redemption and adoption in Christ. Thou art the onely light that sh●nest to all Creatures in the Desert of this World conduding them through the ignorance of their minds from the Egyptian darknes to that blessed Land which thou promisest vnto the méeke and such as follow thée in humility For in vs was nothing but vtter darknesse who neither could discerne our calamitie neither knew from whence to séek the remedy of our misery Thou didst enter into the World in the shape of a Seruant and didst take vpon thée our nature that thy brightnesse might disperse the cloud of our ignorance that by thy precepts thou mightst directour féet in the way of peace by the examples of thy life in thy humility thou didst limit out a path for vs to immortality making it easie for vs to tread in by thy heauenly way so becamest thou vnto vs a way that leadeth to Life in which lest we should be wearied thou hast assured vs by
Mordecay deliuered Susanna cleared and the Iudges stoned Euery Kingdome is this great Gods and hée raigneth ouer all Nations hée controlleth and is not controlled he ●●iteth and is not resisted thée aduanceth and none can throw them downe O my Soule feare and serue and loue and reuerence obey this great God this Lord high and terrible that approueth himselfe a King ouer all the earth being guarded with such inuincible power and maiesty that hée can strike Saul to the ground with his terrible voyce and againe raise Saul with a louing and kinde hand O Lord how terrible art thou in thy works Through the infinite greatnesse of thy power thou hast made all things and preseruest all men insomuch as all such as séeme to deny thée thy power and prouidence the fooles that say in their harts there is no God are made mute and put to silence and both their will and their practises made all subiect vnto thy will and pleasure What then shall I rest amazed at the friuolous inuentions of fleshly men that séeme by their owne power to build themselues Babels on earth working terrour to the poore by their pride and practice impiety without any remorse of conscience No I will kéepe silence and neither mine owne wants nor sorrowes nor dangers nor the worlds ignominious taunts at my base estate shall wrest me from this glorious God from this powerfull Iehouah from this so louing and kinde a father that feareth not the strength and forces of millions of Kings but shieldeth and defendeth his by his mighty hand and kéepeth them safe in the flaming fire in the raging seas and in the strength of the Lyons pawes Let this God I say arise and chase his enemies and cherish his little ones and pull downe the proud and set vp the simple and scatter the wicked that they dwel not beyond his time appointed to tyrannize ouer his chosen vpon the earth The Chariots of this God are twenty thousand Angels the Lord himselfe being among them the generall worker of all good for all his and of all iudgement against the vniust All the gods that are estéemed as Gods among men are but Idols but the Lord he is God that hath couered himselfe with light as with a garment whereby hée discouereth all darkenesse infidelity disobedience and sinne he findeth out the faithlesse howsoeuer they dissemble zeale and approueth them not most godly that are most glorious nor them reprobates that the world reiecteth but through the light of his most high wisdome and prouidence he yéeldeth to euery one his owne to him that doth well life and reliefe and succour and patience and rest and peace but vnto the wicked sorrow and anguish and tribulations and a worme euer deuouring in perpetuall horror in hell fire O my soule be therefore patient in these transitory troubles in these momentany afflictions stand fast faint not feare not flie not but féed on hope for a strong helpe commeth for this smal suffering thou shalt receiue a perpetuall and most admirable waight of glory O my soule now consider whom hast thou in heauen but this God or whom or what desirest thou in earth in comparison of him for hée is the portion of thine inheritance he filleth the cup of saluation vnto thée for euer therefore I feare not neither will I faint for this God hath promised neither to faile me nor forsake me There is none like vnto God Oh righteous people which rideth vpon the heauens for thy helpe and on the clouds in his glory The eternall God is thy refuge and vnder his arme thou art for euer he shall cast out the enemy before thee and will say Destroy them Deuteronomy 33. 26. 27. O the deepnesse of the riches both of the wisdome and knowledge of God! how vnsearchable are his Iudgements and his wayes past finding out Rom. 11. 33. Of him and through him and for him are all things to him be glory for euer Amen Vers. 36. They inherited not the Land by their owne sword neither did their owne arme saue them but thy right hand and thine arme and the light of thy countenance because thou didst fauour them Psal. 44. 3. A sweet Meditation concerning the knowledge and prouidence of God whereby the soules of the distressed members of Christ are so quickened through faith in Christ that they rest assured that God hauing foreseene all things cannot but in mercy bring all their sorrowes to a ioyfull and wished end IT is in vaine I sée for me a wretched creature to striue with my powerfull Creator If I should séeme to bide me from him and to séeke to escape his rod and corrections he being alwayes solitary I doe but deceiue my selfe for he is in all places and with all persons and knoweth the wayes of men searcheth the hidden thoughts within and soeth mine actions without the workes of his children hée séeth and approueth the euill actions of the reprobates hée séeth and condemneth yea this righteous God tryeth the very hearts and reynes he findes out the hidden dissimulation of hypocrites pretend they neuer so great denotion and sanctity Should I therefore thinke to colour my sinnes with the painted shew of dissimulate holinesse could I performe it so farre as men might approue of all my sayings and allow all my doings and that I were held iust No no for if my inner parts be not perfect hée in his most absolute knowledge findeth me a deceiuer and so will make mine euils at the last breake out as the morning light O my soule therefore as thou tenderest thy saluation to come and my comfort here in this life leaue off to sinne in secret and flie al shewes of impiety and regard truth and imbrace iustice and follow good euen with thy most inward affection and let neither my hand nor mine eye nor mine eare nor my tongue be instruments of iniquity but rather of sincere piety and of a sanctified life The cause of misery is sin the way to obtaine mercy is repentance and a reformed conuersation How canst thou looke for loue that louest not to liue well and how canst thou liue and not lacke many yea all Gods blessings inward and outward vnlesse thou loue him and reforme thy selfe before him that séeth thy loose behauiour towards him Thou art in outward pouerty because thou art full of inward impiety thou hast many enemies because thou art enemy to God and thy dangers encrease daily because thou dwellest not in God nor Gods Spirit in thée Thou sayest thou art Gods and yet vngodly thou sayest thou fearest him and yet thou still offendest him thou thinkest thou shouldest receiue what good thou destrest and yet thou destrest amisse and deseruest euill God knoweth who are his and who are not his and none know they are Gods but who know God and serue him rightly The righteous onely he knoweth and their wants and the vnrighteous he despiseth because of their sins wherein they say Tush
rich in godly zeale And be not grieued though by this alteration you become poore for a messe of portage to one fearing God is better then all the riches of the wicked Hée is not poore who loueth God for God loueth him and in his loue is life and liberty and liuely reliese But who so feareth not God haue be neuer so great abundance is a begger a cast-away and a reprobate from the ioyes of heauen the least of which cannot be purchased with millions of kingdomes the least of them more worth then all your gold and siluer and lands and possessions and offices and honour and what else the whole world which deceiueth you can afford The Booke of God is full of terrible and sharpe threates against mercilesse rich men and many woes the Lord that loueth the lowly pronounceth against the proud And what a iudgement it is that their hearts are shut vp that they cannot consider their end to be as the Oxe that is fattened for the slaughter who delighteth in the déepe féedings while the Butcher determineth his death as the couetous and wanton and wicked ones take pleasure in their vanities while their death and destruction commeth without redemption But if these men will not heare nor conceiue nor consider the perill of their estate if they will not while the Lord may be found séeke to returne that they may be saued their iudgement and destruction and reprobation will be the more iust O Lord increase my Faith Why boastest thou thy selfe in thy wickednesse O man of power Psalme 52. 1. The Lord shall destroy thee for euer he shall take thee and plucke thee out of thy tabernacle and roote thee out of the land of the liuing Verse 5. An exhortatiue Conclusion wherein the afflicted are stirred vp to patience and not to be ashamed of their miseries and base estate so long as they endeuour to doe their duties in their seuerall callings and stay themselues vpon Gods prouidence AS the man that is borne blinde cannot iudge of colours nor the dease man distinguish of sounds no more can a man that hath béene kept blinde and muffled with the mask of this worlds pleasures and become dumbe with his secure estate here discerne the things of God hée cannot distinguish betwéene Woe be vnto you rich because you haue your consolation here And Blessed are the poore for they shall receiue comfort These things are not so heard nor so regarded of Worldlings as might bring them to a true and liuely consideration that there is a woe and a blessing pronounced that there is fire and water set before them and life and death offered them But as Children that haue no more discretion then Moses being an Infant who refused a Crowne and tooke burning coales doe reiect the better things as drosse and imbrace the worst as most d●are and precious and therefore preferre their Oxen and their Farmes and their heapes of transitorie vanities before the swéete banquet of a contented estate And so farre they are from the true conceit of Gods purpose in punishing man that they censure crosses that light vpon other men as curses and the glory and riches and mucke and pelfe of their owne to be giuen them because they and none else are blessed whereby many times the deare Children of God are put to a déepe agony when they heare and perceiue the taunts and reproofes that the world and worldlings cast at them for their pouerty and base estates sake They stand before the worlds Gallant-ones as Dauids men that had the shirts of their garments cut to their buttocks as men derided and scoffed and as cast-awayes and men forlorne and forsaken of all men and cast downe and confounded by God himselfe in regard whereof many times the poore though indéede the very Children of God are so ashamed of their estate as they be forced not onely to auoide the familiarity of the wealthy but euen to be séene of them a farre off nay rather they hide themselues as men cast off or drosse from the gold where indéede the Word of Truth findeth them out and approueth them the refined gold and the worldly-minded straw and stubble prouided withall that hée that is cast downe must not so iustifie himselfe as to argue himselfe the childe of God because hée is cast downe because hée is made poore or because hée hath enemies or sicknesse or want or persecution for all these things may happen also vnto the reprobate for as sin is the ground of all our afflictions and our offences the cause of Gods displeasure and Gods displeasure powreth forth crosses and curses too vpon sinners So must euery man carefully consider how hee standeth in his troubles whether hee haue fallen into the same by his own riot or lasciuious and wanton life by his vngodly conuersation and neglect of the feare of God for which things sake the wrath of God commeth vpon the children of disobedience and he powreth out of the cup of his indignation vpon them either in iudgement because their condemnation shall here begin and so be perpetuall or else to reclaime them from their wicked waies that they may be saued And he that findeth himselfe in his conceit lest deseruing afflictions because he either féeleth not or findeth or will not acknowledge that he is such a sinner that deserueth so great punishment as many times lighteth vpon other men let him think that he in thus iustifying of his owne wayes is in a dangerous state It is the pride of the heart which God that searcheth it well séeth and considereth that such a one is in a perillous way if hée be not humbled And surely godly Dauid himselfe was gone a little that way and God saw that hée must pull downe this chosen vesell of his before hée would tread his steps as he should for as he confesseth himselfe Before I vvas corrected I vvent avvry So that our troubles and miseries and all the aduerse things that may befall vs are Gods corrections to his children to reforme them but his iudgements are messengers of his vtter renunciation to the obstinate who by his punishments waxe worse and worse and who murmure and grudge at the course that hée taketh with them to amend them as did the rebellious Israelites whom hée often visited in mercy before hée entred into iudgement against them So that none that standeth may say hée cannot fall none that are high may say they cannot be brought low for all haue sinned and all haue néede of correction all are sicke and all haue néede of Physicke all haue gone astray and therefore all haue néede to be reclaimed Who then will be ashamed of Gods visitation who will be impatient when afflictions come Surely none but the man that knoweth not God none but hée that loueth this world more then heauen and the pleasures of this life more then the ioyes of the life to come Dauid was not ashamed of Gods corrections for hée praised
not the flouds of these dangerous waters ouer-flow mée quite but when I am ready to sinke yéelde mée thy helping hand and saue me lift me out of the mire and clay of all my miseries and set mée on the relieuing pastures of thy continuall frée fauours let the chearefull dewe of thy blessings and blessed graces showre downe vpon me so shall my little store increase and my empty basket become full And forasmuch as I haue no frée portion in this earth not the breadth of a foote neither haue I of mine owne a house to hide my head in put mée therefore where thou wilt and let mine abode in earth be in what place and how long of short time thou wilt for of my selfe whither to turne mée or what to doe I know not Be thou therefore my guide and direct all my desires of earthly things by thy Word and let my will alwayes follow thy will lest my will led by the blinde affections of corrupt reason bring me mine owne preiudice and shame Thou euermore prouidest for them that aske of thée directest them that take counsell of thée therfore hauing thus weakly laid open my cause before thée consider it and giue me patience in all my trials and let me not so much mourne and hang down my head and be heauy for the want of outward necessaries as at the consideration and looking backe into the vgly gulfe of my former continuing sinnes Oh frée me Lord frée mée from my sinnes and sanctifie me anew that howsoeuer the outward man séeme to be discouraged yet the inward man may be still more and more filled with all spirituall knowledge and consolation and true contentment Thou hearest my reproofes thou knowest my sorrowes and my groanes are not hid from thée put my teares few and weake into thy bottle Remember thy promises and I shall neuer forget thy praises Oh faile me not forsake mée not my God and my Redéemer O Lord increase my Faith A Thankesgiuing and Prayer to be vsed of a sicke man when he is recouered oftentimes I Yéelde and giue vnto thée O mercifull and most deare Father all humble thankes honour glory and praise for thine infinite and excéeding great blessings hauing no way merited the least of them and namely for that it hath pleased thée of late to deliuer mée from the very point of death and as it were raised my féeble body from the graue and redéemed my soule from death that I should walke before thée in the land of the liuing that I might further glorifie thy name doe more good in my calling and be made méete for the inheritance of thy Kingdome This worke O Lord procéeded from thy mercy and no desert at all of mine and for thy grace and not of any goodnesse in mée not vnto mée not vnto mée but vnto thy blessed name be giuen all glory But séeing that I through my sinfull corruption am more ready to bury in the graue of obliuion then to kéepe in thankfull remembrance thy great mercy yea and rather to grow cold backward in all holy exercises and duties then to holinesse of life I therefore beséech thée with all earnestnesse to renew my nature and to ingraue the remembrance of this thy goodnesse in my heart by the illumination of thy holy Spirit and grant that for the residue of my temporall life I may in humility and truth be directed by thy most sacred Word and alwayes submit my selfe to the gouernment of thy blessed Spirit Make me good Father a light and example of vertue and godlinesse vnto others and to grow in grace as I increase in yéeres that so I may liue in thy feare and dye in true peace of conscience and assurance of eternall glory with all the Saints and Angels in heauen vouchsafe O my heauenly Father to grant me all other things conuenient for mée in this life for the onely merits obedience and mediation of Jesus Christ our Mediatour and Redéemer Amen In time of affliction pray thus yea often The Lord shall make the Pestilence cleaue vnto thee vntill hee hath consumed thee the Lord shall smite thee with a consumption and with the feuer and with a burning ague c. vntill thou repent Deut. 28. 21. O Lord most iust and Father most mercifull thou it is that renewest thy plagues against man when hée offendeth thée thy vengeance from heauen is both sudden and fearefull toward the rebellious and disobedient children thou for one sinne in King Dauid destroyedst with the loathsome disease of the Pestilence many thousands of his people cast thine eyes of mercy vpon vs O thou preseruer of men which languish now in this land and in this house with the like disease and sicknes Now deare God hath not Dauid onely offended thée in trusting to his strength and numbring of his people but euen each congregation and euery houshold hath one way or other prouoked thee to plague thy disobedient people now that wée sée thy plagues appearing to the piercing and piercing of our bodies and soules asunder Lord wee stand amazed in our mindes heartily sighing with groanes at the sight of our sinnes Now wee consider wée haue sinned grieuously wee haue done amisse wee haue dealt wickedly we haue liued vngodly we haue iwerued from the way of truth without any godly feare or remorse of conscience thy great benefit of peace and rare blessing of long prosperity vnder so good and gracious a Gouernour haue brought too too many of vs to such security and contempt of Religion that altogether forgetting to be thankefull wée haue abused thy benefits as fast as they came that with a churlish kinde of impiety the thoughts of our harts the words of our mouths and the workes of our hands are vaine carnall and diuellish yea our seruice to thee oftentimes but meere abomination so farre alas haue we erred from the path of thy Commandements As thou didst finde with the Israelites wickednesse in Gilgal sinne in Bethel and iniquity in B●rsheba so in euery Church in euery Court nay in euery concourse or assembly amongst vs thou beholdest how the flesh hath ouer-growne the spirit and how reason is ouer-ruled with affections so many labour in these dayes vnder the displayed Ensigne of Sathan that very few deare Father are found setled in the dutifull forme of vpright and spirituall Obedience which thou requirest Wée confesse thou mightest iustly therefore forsake vs as we haue forsaken thée and not onely procéede to sting the head-Cities and whole body of this Land with sundry plagues and grieuous diseases but for our manifold sinnes and iniquities which we daily commit thou mightest iustly and worthily condemne vs man after man to eternall death all consciences being so guilty that they already condemne themselues Yet who is hée O mercifull Lord that can measure thy goodnesse who by thy word doest oftentimes bring sinners to beliefe repentance and saluation though it be not thy pleasure good Lord to make the