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kingdom_n hand_n heaven_n lord_n 3,518 5 3.6493 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06460 Tho. Lupsets workes; Works Lupset, Thomas, 1495?-1530.; Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546.; Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, 1463-1494. Twelve rules. English. 1546 (1546) STC 16932; ESTC S109651 115,080 426

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by his owne mouthe with a prouident exhortacion and therwith preparynge and comfortynge the people of his churche to the paciente sufferaunce of thinges to come wherin he prophesed and declared vnto vs that battaill famine erthquakes and pestilence shoulde arise in sondry countreyes and places And to the entent that no sodaine dread or feare of straunge thinges anoyyng vs shulde in any wise oppresse or abashe vs he tolde vs before that toward the ende of the world aduersitees and troubles shoulde more and more be increased Now beholde al that whiche he spake of hath hapened and is come among vs. And sith that is now happened whiche was before spoken of there shall also nowe ensue all that whiche was promised oure lorde hym selfe promisyng and saiyng What time ye shall see all these thynges come to passe than be you sure that the kingdom of heauen is at hand The kyngedome of heauen good frendes beginnynethe nowe to approche The rewarde of life and the comforte of helth euerlastyng perpetuall gladnes and the possession of Paradise whiche before we had loste nowe the worlde passing awaie become and at hand euen nowe after thinges erthely do succede that whiche is heauenly after smalle thynges great thinges and precious after thinges transitory thinges eternall or euerlastyng What tyme is it nowe to be sad Or who amonge these troubles wil be timorus or sorowfull but onely he in whome lacketh bothe faith and hope for he onely feareth deathe which will not go vnto Christ and he whiche will not go vnto Christ is he whiche dothe not beleue that he nowe beginnethe to raigne with Christe It is writen The iust man liueth by faith If thou bee a iuste man thou liuest by faith If thou beleueste truely in god commyng to Christe and beynge sure of his promisse why doesre not thou ren and imbrace Christe nowe thou art called Why doest not thou thanke god and reioyce that thou arte out of the diuilles daunger ¶ The iuste man Symeon who verely was a good and a iust man and kepte the commaundemences of god ful of faith whan aunswere was made vnto him from almightee god that he shoulde not die vntill he had sene Christ whan Christ being a babe came with his mother into the Tēple he in spirite knewe that Christe was nowe borne of whose coming he was before warned And whan he behelde him he knewe that he hym selfe shoulde shortely after departe frome this worlde Wherfore beyng ioyful of death that approched and beyng sure of his sone sending for he toke the blessed babe in his armes and with praises and thākes vnto god he saied with a lowde voyce Nowe good lorde thou wilt licence thy seruaunte to departe from this mortall life in peace accordynge to the woorde that thou sendest me For nowe mine eyen haue beholde thy prouision of remedy that thou hast prepared in the sight of all people As who saith prouing and witnessynge also that thanne peace was come to the seruauntes of god● and that than was a peasible quietnes Whan we beyng drawen out of the stormes of this worlde desyre to come to the heauen of perpetualle suretee and also whan deathe beyng from vs excluded we attaine to immortalitee or life euerlasting That is our peace that is our sure tranquillitee that is our stedfast our fyrme and perpetuall suretee Furthermore wha● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 we in this worlde but fight againste the deuil daiely in battail and against his waypon and ordinaunce make resistance with continuall con●●ictes We striue daily with auarice with lechery with wrath with ambicion We haue a busie and painfull wrastlyng with carnall vices and worldely delectacions The minde of man is besiged and all about compassed and assaulted with sinne and hardly is matched on al partes and maie vneth resiste and defende hym from all For if he ouerthrowe Auarice than stertethe vp lecherie If lecherie be oppressed ambicion cometh in hir place and although ambicion be neglected● yet wrath wil exasperate Pride inflatith drunkennes allureth enuie breaketh concorde and by the same is frendshyp dissolued Thou art constrained to curse whiche the lawe of god dothe prohibite Thou art compelled to sweare whiche is vnlefull These persecucions thy minde daily dothe suffre with these many perils thy stomake is vexed And yet doeste thou delite to tarie longe here amonge the swordes of people malicious whanne rather thou shouldeste coueite and desire deathe settynge the forwarde to haste the towarde Christ he saiyng to vs in his doctrine I telle you verelye ye shall bothe weepe and waile but the worlde shall reioyce and be mery ye shall be heauy and sorowfull but your heauines shall be tourned into mirthe Now who will not make haste to come where he shal be mery who wil not wishe to lacke alwaie heauines But at what time our sorow shall be tourned myrthe our lorde him selfe declareth saieyng I shall se you againe and your hertes shal reioice and that gladnes shal no man take frome you Wherefore sithe to see Christ is perfecte reioysynge and our gladnes maie not bee without beholdyng of him what blyndnes of minde yea what madnes were it to loue the vexacions paines and continuall sorowes of this present worlde And not rather to make all spedy deligence to come to the iois whiche maie neuer bee taken from the This doth happen deare frendes because that faith lacketh for no man doth beleue that such thinges shall come whiche almightee god who euer is true hath all redie promised whose worde is eternall and to theim that beeleue alwaie sure and constaunt ¶ If an honourable man and of great grauitee did promise the any thyng thou wouldeste truste him and wouldest not thinke to bee deceiued of hym whome thou knowest to be as wel in worde as in dede substancial and stedfast But now almightee god talketh with the in his scripture and thou as false and disloial doest flitter in a minde mistrustfull and wauering God hath promissed to the whan thou shalte departe from this worlde immortalitee and life euerlastynge And yet not withstandyng thou doubteste that is as muche to saie as thou knoweste not god And also thou willingly offendest Christ the master of al them that beleue with the sinne of incredulitee or lacke of beleue and that thou being constitute and admitted into the churche of god haste not faith in the house of faithe Howe muche the departing frome this worlde shall bee to thy profite Christe him selfe maister of our profite and helthe dothe declare where he saith to his disciples whiche sorowed because he tolde theim that he woulde depart If ye loued me ye woulde reioyce for as muche as I go to my father Therby teaching and declarynge vnto vs that whan they whom we do moste fauour or loue do depart out of this worlde we shoulde rather bee gladde than sorie Whiche thynge the blessed apostle remembryng saithe in his Epistole My lyuing is Christe and
Adueniat regnum tuum O lorde god lette thy kyngdome be here amongest vs. Where the kyngdome of god is there god reygneth ouer suche subiectes as bee woorthy to haue suche a kynge and plainely there is heauen where so euer is the kyngdome of god So that of this worlde there might bee made an heauen Againe our maister and sauiour taught vs to praie Fiat uoluntas tua sicut in caelo et in terra Oh good lorde graunt that thy will maie be fulfylled in this worlde as it is in heauen that we men maie in euery thoughte and acte agre with thy will as aungelles do that we in this lyfe make noo more resystence againste thy pleasure then the blessed company of heuen doth This peticion can not take effecte onles man be made lyke an angel all pure and clene from the dreggy appetites of this lyfe that is to saie vtterly ridde frome all passions the whiche euer striue against the wyll of god Now than in as muche as I beleue that Christe byddeth vs aske nothynge but the same maie bee I thinke it possible to make of this worlde the kyngdome of god and to make men the kepers of goddis will The whiche two thynges to lyue in the kyngdome of god and to obserue and kepe goddes will I recken to be a perfection of aungels lyfe in heauen But syster remembre Christ byddethe vs not to attempte to performe this perfection by our owne power for that were playnely impossible but it is our maisters instruction that we shulde turne vs in praier to god and of his infinite goodnes craue and aske his grace wherby we shall be comforted susteyned and coraged to saie at the laste with saincte Paule We be able to do all in hym that helpeth vs Iesus Christe This were to haue our spirite holly gyuen to serue god to knowe god to loue god and nothyng elles And if you wolde saie that sainct● Paule came not to this perfection nor none of the sainctes but the beste men were synners lette it soo be yet be assured if man duely applye his will to be without synne so that in his wyll be noo lacke nor faynyng this man before god is an aungell And syster as he shoteth nerer the marke then he dothe that seeth none and shoteth at all aduentures so you seyng now and knowyng the veraie perfection of charitie you shal the better enforce towarde it than if you were beset with blynde ingnoraunce Of all this matter sister with you I will not reason out of your Pater noster the whiche I thinke is inough for your requestes at this tyme. SIS I holde me contented brother and praye I will fyrste that I maie thinke possible to be thus perfecte Next that I maie haue grace to enforce thytherwarde the vertuous power of my herte BRO. There is noo more required of you but this appliyng of your wyll to get grace but grace shall you neuer gette but if you aske it without any doubt or mistruste in the goodnes of god who is euer redye to gyue when he hereth one that accordyngly asketh And to shewe you what praier is shaped accordyngly to goddis eares it were a mattier for no lyttell boke Therfore syster bee contented to leaue your digressions and retorne to your purpose SIS I haue no purpose but to learne and learne I shulde if you taughte me to praie Ye lest I trouble you to to muche I wylle go forth to require of you what was the thyrde poynte in my lesson of charitie BRO. It was to shewe that charitie is not lyke one vertue but it is suche a thynge that by manye degres of diuers vertues it muste bee goten as a fynalle conclusion of all labour and trauaile in vertue As fyrste we muste be endued with a vndoubted Faithe to beleue perfectely the historie of our sauiour whose doctrine brought firste into this worlde this charitie for an absolute conclusion of al lawes After this faithe we must entre into a feare of god not the feare of vile bondmen the whiche haue no mind to kepe their masters pleasure but only loke vpon the punishment our feare must be a reuerence to god lyke as louynge children feare to displease theyr fathers By this reuerent and louing feare we must procede to Abstinence that is to saie we must beare such feare and reuerence to God as shall cause vs for the honour of god to refraine the sensuall inticementes of synne the whiche bespottethe deformethe and defeatethe the ymage of god in vs the greattest euyll that man hath To kepe this abstinence we muste gather Pacyence a vertue that maketh strong our soule to suffre the violence of all resistence to vertue by the whiche pacience we shall take an hope to be parte takers of goddes mercifulnesse and to inioy a rewarde that passeth all the powers of men to shewe it Out of this spryngeth a feruente loue to god whiche is called charitie through whiche the mynde shall bee seteled in suche a quietnes that all the chaungeable and sondry blastes of this worlde shall nothyng moue as frome our desire to rest in god And this mindes reste and perfecte quietnesse is the pryncypall effecte of charitie the conclusion and finall perfection of all vertue I will nowe ende these mattiers with a wonderfull prayse that the chosen vessell of god sainct Paule wryteth of charitie of the whiche praise I woulde haue you syster note and marke diligently what a dignitie is in charitie to be aboue all thinges pondred and regarded of all Christen men This apostle saieth in effecte thus If almyghty god the father woulde gyue to me all giftes of his grace as to endue me with the holy spirite of prophecie to make me a priuie counsailor of all the secrete misteries in heuen to cause by the power and strength of faithe to worke wonders to do miracles in quicknynge the deed in gyuinge sight to the blynde yet all this not withstandynge I am not in the waie of saluacion if I wante charitie Howe muche then shoulde man bestowe endeuour enforce and exercise all his wittes to gette and kepe the possession of this high vertue the whiche 〈◊〉 the soule of lyfe the grace 〈◊〉 ●aces the one thynge that ●●nethe man in fauour with god and that god onely requireth of man for all his goodnes towarde man It is suche a thyng th●s charitie that by the auctoritee of holy writ I wyll not onely call this vertue a godly thyng but I sai it is god him selfe that who so euer kepeth him in charitie he hath god with hym and he in god dwelleth that dwellethe in charitie For bothe god is charitie and charitie is god to whom nowe and euermore be all glorie praise and honour Amen FINIS ¶ Thus endeth this tre●tyse of Charitie An exhortacion to younge men IT HAPPENETH at this time my herty beloued Edmond that I am in suche place where I haue noo